1 00:00:39,789 --> 00:00:41,291 Whoa. Whoa. 2 00:00:45,462 --> 00:00:48,173 -I just think it's important… No, no, no. 3 00:00:48,256 --> 00:00:50,383 -Gregory, you… 4 00:00:50,467 --> 00:00:53,261 Shh! Let her come out on her own. 5 00:00:53,344 --> 00:00:55,472 -Is this the plan? -Thank goodness you're here. 6 00:00:55,555 --> 00:00:58,183 -She's requested time. -We do not have time. Stand back. 7 00:00:58,266 --> 00:01:00,977 No offense, Sister, but you are the last person she'd like to see. 8 00:01:01,061 --> 00:01:03,063 -What does that mean? -Are we sure she's in there? 9 00:01:03,146 --> 00:01:05,190 -Of course she is. -Where else would she be? 10 00:01:05,273 --> 00:01:07,901 -Climbed through the window, the chimney-- -Quiet! She may hear you. 11 00:01:07,984 --> 00:01:09,944 I left my husband and child at home for this. 12 00:01:10,028 --> 00:01:12,530 I told everyone this would happen, now we're late for the queen. 13 00:01:12,614 --> 00:01:13,531 I hear something. 14 00:01:16,367 --> 00:01:18,078 -Anthony. 15 00:01:32,509 --> 00:01:35,095 If one of you utters a single word… 16 00:01:37,430 --> 00:01:38,973 Let us get this over with. 17 00:01:45,480 --> 00:01:49,067 I yearn for someone fresh, someone unexpected, 18 00:01:49,150 --> 00:01:51,194 to turn this season on its head. 19 00:01:51,277 --> 00:01:55,031 That is what we need. There is no room for indifference. 20 00:01:55,115 --> 00:01:57,867 Apathy is a blight the monarchy simply cannot endure. 21 00:01:57,951 --> 00:01:59,869 Of course, Your Majesty. But remember, 22 00:01:59,953 --> 00:02:02,080 a young lady cannot be a diamond 23 00:02:02,163 --> 00:02:04,666 until you anoint her as such. 24 00:02:04,749 --> 00:02:08,753 So if for any reason you do not find one among the candidates today-- 25 00:02:08,837 --> 00:02:10,296 Do you think she will return? 26 00:02:10,380 --> 00:02:12,924 We have heard nary a peep from Lady Whistledown 27 00:02:13,007 --> 00:02:14,676 since last season ended. 28 00:02:15,718 --> 00:02:17,971 Perhaps the writer came to her senses. 29 00:02:18,054 --> 00:02:21,641 Perhaps she realized taking on her queen was a bad idea, 30 00:02:21,724 --> 00:02:23,393 and she will never publish again. 31 00:02:23,476 --> 00:02:25,770 It is a convincing theory, ma'am. 32 00:02:25,854 --> 00:02:26,729 Or 33 00:02:27,355 --> 00:02:31,276 she simply left for the country, as the rest of us did in the off-season, 34 00:02:31,359 --> 00:02:33,820 bored by the lack of any real gossip. 35 00:02:33,903 --> 00:02:34,904 Hmm. 36 00:02:37,198 --> 00:02:39,325 You do know what that would make her, then? 37 00:02:42,495 --> 00:02:43,788 One of us. 38 00:02:43,872 --> 00:02:44,914 Hmm. 39 00:02:46,457 --> 00:02:48,960 Could we not have appealed to the queen, Mama? 40 00:02:49,043 --> 00:02:51,504 After having mourned dear Papa for so very long, 41 00:02:51,588 --> 00:02:53,423 perhaps Her Majesty might extend a kindness 42 00:02:53,506 --> 00:02:55,216 and allow us to be presented again. 43 00:02:55,300 --> 00:02:57,135 I see no need to go through all of that again 44 00:02:57,218 --> 00:02:59,637 when I myself am already betrothed to Mr. Finch. 45 00:02:59,721 --> 00:03:01,848 Mr. Finch may very well still change his mind. 46 00:03:01,931 --> 00:03:04,767 Particularly when he notices there is still no dowry. 47 00:03:04,851 --> 00:03:07,645 Hush! The new Lord Featherington shall see to that, 48 00:03:07,729 --> 00:03:10,231 when he finally decides to show his miserly face. 49 00:03:15,111 --> 00:03:16,863 Just remember to remain composed. 50 00:03:16,946 --> 00:03:19,199 And control your emotions. 51 00:03:19,699 --> 00:03:22,827 Her Majesty does not take kindly to any hint of hysterics. 52 00:03:23,411 --> 00:03:27,207 I found a small smile worked best to appear open and approachable, 53 00:03:27,290 --> 00:03:29,042 but not too eager. 54 00:03:29,667 --> 00:03:30,919 Now, let us see it. 55 00:03:32,253 --> 00:03:33,129 No. 56 00:03:33,213 --> 00:03:34,547 She's practically melting. 57 00:03:34,631 --> 00:03:37,217 -Here. Allow me. -And your curtsy, dearest. 58 00:03:37,300 --> 00:03:39,552 Tell your sister how you managed such balance. 59 00:03:39,636 --> 00:03:42,972 Simply locate a stationary object and keep your eyes set. 60 00:03:43,473 --> 00:03:45,683 I used a painting nearby. We practiced it. 61 00:03:45,767 --> 00:03:47,894 -Several times. 62 00:03:49,562 --> 00:03:51,940 -You have natural gifts-- -Do not patronize me. 63 00:03:52,023 --> 00:03:53,733 -And give me that! -Oh! 64 00:03:55,902 --> 00:03:58,321 My task this season cannot be exceptionally difficult. 65 00:03:58,404 --> 00:04:00,490 Hastings did it after all. How hard can it be? 66 00:04:00,573 --> 00:04:03,576 -Ah. Spoken with such feeling too. -I do not need feeling. 67 00:04:03,660 --> 00:04:06,120 What I need is what I have, and that is a list. 68 00:04:06,204 --> 00:04:09,624 Tolerable, dutiful, suitable enough hips for childbearing, 69 00:04:09,707 --> 00:04:11,042 and at least half a brain. 70 00:04:11,542 --> 00:04:14,963 And that last part is not so much a requirement but a preference, in fact. 71 00:04:16,673 --> 00:04:19,259 Miss Cordelia Patridge. 72 00:04:20,385 --> 00:04:23,304 The Lady Abigail Evans. 73 00:04:23,388 --> 00:04:26,557 Miss Mary Ann Hallewell. 74 00:04:26,641 --> 00:04:28,893 Miss Margaret Goring. 75 00:04:33,731 --> 00:04:35,108 It is not too late. 76 00:04:35,191 --> 00:04:36,901 -You could say I collapsed. 77 00:04:36,985 --> 00:04:39,112 That I got something unmentionable on my gown. 78 00:04:39,195 --> 00:04:40,905 All the feathers affected my senses. 79 00:04:40,989 --> 00:04:42,949 Anything, Mama, to get me out of doing this. 80 00:04:43,032 --> 00:04:44,575 -My darling girl. 81 00:04:44,659 --> 00:04:47,704 No matter what, you will always be a diamond to me. 82 00:04:49,497 --> 00:04:50,957 If Penelope were here… 83 00:04:52,041 --> 00:04:56,379 Penelope? How many times must I warn you to be wary of that window? 84 00:04:56,462 --> 00:04:58,423 Do you wish to appear like a befreckled beggar 85 00:04:58,506 --> 00:05:00,091 spending all day in the sun? 86 00:05:00,174 --> 00:05:01,926 -Of course not, Mama. 87 00:05:02,010 --> 00:05:03,386 My apologies. 88 00:05:08,850 --> 00:05:11,978 The Dowager Viscountess Bridgerton 89 00:05:12,061 --> 00:05:14,772 and Miss Eloise Bridgerton. 90 00:05:23,990 --> 00:05:24,907 It is here. 91 00:05:29,746 --> 00:05:31,039 Smile. 92 00:05:40,590 --> 00:05:42,050 What is the meaning of this? 93 00:05:49,223 --> 00:05:50,099 I've seen enough. 94 00:05:50,683 --> 00:05:53,353 -But Your Majesty, there are still-- -I have seen enough! 95 00:05:55,313 --> 00:05:56,647 Does this mean I can go? 96 00:05:56,731 --> 00:05:58,483 I don't know what this means. 97 00:06:00,360 --> 00:06:01,319 Eloise. 98 00:06:17,168 --> 00:06:19,879 Truly, I cannot say I will long for any of this. 99 00:06:21,130 --> 00:06:22,924 Best of luck to you, Brother. 100 00:06:23,633 --> 00:06:25,927 You shall certainly need it this season. 101 00:06:29,263 --> 00:06:32,225 Dearest gentle reader. 102 00:06:33,393 --> 00:06:34,894 Did you miss me? 103 00:07:42,378 --> 00:07:46,299 As the members of our esteemed ton lazily sojourned 104 00:07:46,382 --> 00:07:48,176 in their rustic retreats, 105 00:07:48,259 --> 00:07:51,429 this author was doing but one thing. 106 00:07:52,263 --> 00:07:53,973 I knew she would return! 107 00:07:54,056 --> 00:07:56,017 Honing my skills. 108 00:07:56,100 --> 00:07:57,560 Increased her price too, I see. 109 00:07:57,643 --> 00:08:00,855 Or should I say, hatching my plans? 110 00:08:01,814 --> 00:08:04,108 Is she truly that good a writer? 111 00:08:05,276 --> 00:08:07,653 No, even better. 112 00:08:08,446 --> 00:08:11,491 I was sharpening my knives… 113 00:08:12,783 --> 00:08:14,577 -"For all of you." -…for all of you. 114 00:08:16,579 --> 00:08:18,080 How do you think she does it? 115 00:08:18,664 --> 00:08:21,250 Certainly not by herself. How could she? 116 00:08:21,334 --> 00:08:22,168 Oh. 117 00:08:41,062 --> 00:08:43,523 Eighteen? We agreed on 20. 118 00:08:43,606 --> 00:08:45,399 My mistress changed her mind. 119 00:08:46,567 --> 00:08:49,612 You're new to this arrangement, so I'll say this only once. 120 00:08:50,446 --> 00:08:53,199 What my mistress wants, she gets. 121 00:08:53,282 --> 00:08:55,660 For whatever reason, that would be you at the moment. 122 00:08:56,285 --> 00:08:58,663 That doesn't make you special, Mr. Harris. 123 00:08:58,746 --> 00:09:00,915 Printers in this town are ten-a-penny. 124 00:09:00,998 --> 00:09:02,583 But there's only one Lady Whistledown, 125 00:09:02,667 --> 00:09:05,002 and she could just as easily take her business elsewhere. 126 00:09:05,503 --> 00:09:06,796 So it's 18, 127 00:09:06,879 --> 00:09:07,922 not a penny more. 128 00:09:08,631 --> 00:09:11,133 And the delivery boys need a wage increase. 129 00:09:11,217 --> 00:09:14,220 They're running around town while you get to sit on your lazy arse. 130 00:09:14,303 --> 00:09:16,013 Yes, ma'am. 131 00:09:16,097 --> 00:09:18,057 Then my mistress thanks you for your services. 132 00:09:19,058 --> 00:09:24,313 Questions abound as to this author's identity and means. 133 00:09:24,397 --> 00:09:29,068 Seeking those answers shall prove fruitless, indeed. 134 00:09:31,320 --> 00:09:33,322 I am off to the market with my maid, Mama. 135 00:09:33,406 --> 00:09:35,616 I have just a tiny bit of pin money left, and I-- 136 00:09:36,826 --> 00:09:40,997 There is, of course, another unknown identity at present. 137 00:09:41,080 --> 00:09:44,208 Though, this one you will be able to unearth. 138 00:09:44,292 --> 00:09:48,879 I speak of the season's diamond, wherever she may be. 139 00:09:48,963 --> 00:09:51,882 Your move, Your Majesty. 140 00:10:05,187 --> 00:10:07,189 One and two. One and two. 141 00:10:09,775 --> 00:10:10,985 I do not think she's very good. 142 00:10:11,068 --> 00:10:13,070 -I believe she can hear you. -I can hear you. 143 00:10:14,614 --> 00:10:16,866 -Ow! Watch my feet! -Might we be done? 144 00:10:16,949 --> 00:10:20,995 If you are to catch the queen's eye after that interruption, you must be perfection. 145 00:10:21,078 --> 00:10:23,372 I believe it was the interruption that was perfection. 146 00:10:23,456 --> 00:10:27,084 Shocking that Eloise Bridgerton was not named the season diamond, was it not? 147 00:10:27,168 --> 00:10:29,837 Was anyone else aware that dear Colin has decided to add Albania 148 00:10:29,920 --> 00:10:32,673 or some such place to his itinerary as he gads about the world? 149 00:10:32,757 --> 00:10:35,468 No. But how happy for him that he can simply decide to do that. 150 00:10:35,551 --> 00:10:36,844 Joining us for tea, Anthony? 151 00:10:36,927 --> 00:10:40,264 Uh, I'm afraid I must pass. Too many calls on my funds today. 152 00:10:41,349 --> 00:10:42,767 Now that the season has started, 153 00:10:42,850 --> 00:10:46,896 I need to fill your coffers at the modiste and oversee the hiring of extra staff. 154 00:10:46,979 --> 00:10:48,856 Your ring. When you get the chance, I need it. 155 00:10:48,939 --> 00:10:51,567 The fields by Ferryhallow. I was thinking we might hold off 156 00:10:51,651 --> 00:10:53,319 on leasing them due to the hard frost. 157 00:10:53,402 --> 00:10:54,737 I beg your pardon? 158 00:10:54,820 --> 00:10:56,864 The frost hardens the soil, saps it of nutrients. 159 00:10:56,947 --> 00:10:59,450 That is very well. But you requested my ring? 160 00:10:59,533 --> 00:11:00,826 Father's betrothal ring. 161 00:11:00,910 --> 00:11:03,954 Did someone catch your eye at the presentation, Brother? 162 00:11:04,038 --> 00:11:05,915 I thought all the young ladies looked beautiful. 163 00:11:05,998 --> 00:11:08,751 Not particularly. And all the young ladies looked the same. Like ladies. 164 00:11:08,834 --> 00:11:11,712 I'd simply like to be prepared for when the opportunity presents itself. 165 00:11:11,796 --> 00:11:12,630 The opportunity? 166 00:11:12,713 --> 00:11:15,966 I've compiled an index of the season's eligible misses and arranged interviews. 167 00:11:16,050 --> 00:11:18,302 Interviews! 168 00:11:19,553 --> 00:11:23,224 Dearest, I shall be more than happy to give you my ring when you find someone 169 00:11:23,307 --> 00:11:25,142 with whom you are very much in love. 170 00:11:25,226 --> 00:11:27,728 Besides, it is in safekeeping at Aubrey Hall. 171 00:11:27,812 --> 00:11:30,064 -Very well. -See that he is quite well. 172 00:11:30,147 --> 00:11:30,981 Me? 173 00:11:31,065 --> 00:11:32,483 I'm not in need of coddling. 174 00:11:33,192 --> 00:11:35,736 I assure you all, everything is in order. 175 00:11:49,709 --> 00:11:51,460 Are you looking forward to being a mother? 176 00:11:51,544 --> 00:11:54,839 Oh, very much. I am quite close with my brothers and sisters. 177 00:11:54,922 --> 00:11:56,132 I love children. 178 00:11:56,215 --> 00:11:57,800 What number do you have in mind? 179 00:11:58,384 --> 00:11:59,385 Of children? 180 00:11:59,927 --> 00:12:03,514 Four. Or five. No. Perhaps six. 181 00:12:03,597 --> 00:12:05,975 Three children is what I have always wanted, my lord. 182 00:12:06,058 --> 00:12:08,102 If your daughter had a penchant for overspending, 183 00:12:08,185 --> 00:12:09,395 how would you deal with that? 184 00:12:14,859 --> 00:12:17,862 We must secure a new lady's maid for Eloise, now that she is out. 185 00:12:18,362 --> 00:12:20,865 Ensure she is even more strong-willed than the last. 186 00:12:21,365 --> 00:12:23,033 -What are those? 187 00:12:23,117 --> 00:12:26,245 Uh, accounts requiring your signature, my lord. 188 00:12:27,621 --> 00:12:29,832 The harp is a wonderful instrument, my lord, 189 00:12:29,915 --> 00:12:32,710 teaching one patience, strength, 190 00:12:32,793 --> 00:12:36,297 and an appreciation for beauty, of course. 191 00:12:37,256 --> 00:12:38,257 But do you read? 192 00:12:38,924 --> 00:12:40,092 Books? 193 00:12:59,820 --> 00:13:02,948 I am fluent in French, Italian, Latin. 194 00:13:03,908 --> 00:13:05,075 And your Greek? 195 00:13:08,037 --> 00:13:11,123 Apologies, my lord. I much prefer a quadrille. 196 00:13:12,541 --> 00:13:14,084 I ride. I paint. 197 00:13:14,168 --> 00:13:16,378 I sing. I dance. 198 00:13:16,462 --> 00:13:18,839 I can divide and multiply. 199 00:13:18,923 --> 00:13:20,966 I even construct my own hats. 200 00:13:43,364 --> 00:13:44,865 Five and twenty more, my lord. 201 00:14:15,229 --> 00:14:16,063 Whoa, there! 202 00:14:16,146 --> 00:14:18,315 Miss, are you in trouble? 203 00:14:18,399 --> 00:14:20,109 -Come on. 204 00:14:41,755 --> 00:14:42,631 Come on. 205 00:14:57,980 --> 00:14:59,273 Careful, now! 206 00:15:00,900 --> 00:15:02,026 Whoa, there! 207 00:15:28,677 --> 00:15:29,720 Enjoying your victory lap? 208 00:15:31,430 --> 00:15:34,391 You'll not be afforded such an ample head-start this time. 209 00:15:34,892 --> 00:15:36,143 Apologies, sir. 210 00:15:36,727 --> 00:15:39,063 I did not mean to cause anyone concern. 211 00:15:39,146 --> 00:15:41,315 Does your maid know you are riding astride? 212 00:15:41,398 --> 00:15:42,733 I have no maid. 213 00:15:42,816 --> 00:15:44,026 Then you're married. 214 00:15:46,028 --> 00:15:47,029 Forgive me. 215 00:15:48,072 --> 00:15:49,031 Then you are lost. 216 00:15:49,114 --> 00:15:51,325 I am not lost either. I'm on my way back to Mayfair. 217 00:15:51,408 --> 00:15:53,202 -It is just ahead. -Mayfair? 218 00:15:54,745 --> 00:15:55,579 Well, then-- 219 00:15:55,663 --> 00:15:58,374 I appreciate your attention, sir, but I assure you I am perfectly safe. 220 00:15:58,457 --> 00:16:00,751 Perhaps we pretend this encounter never took place? 221 00:16:00,834 --> 00:16:02,878 You allow me to go my way, and you go yours. 222 00:16:04,004 --> 00:16:05,422 You worry about being seen. 223 00:16:05,506 --> 00:16:07,967 I worry about meeting strange men in parks at dawn 224 00:16:08,050 --> 00:16:10,219 who fail to leave me alone with their questions. 225 00:16:10,302 --> 00:16:12,137 Your secret is safe. I shall not tell a soul. 226 00:16:12,221 --> 00:16:13,263 How grateful I am. 227 00:16:13,764 --> 00:16:16,892 Losing races to strange women in such parks at dawn. 228 00:16:18,143 --> 00:16:20,479 I can only imagine the questions I would be asked. 229 00:16:22,314 --> 00:16:23,732 Is that what that was? 230 00:16:24,733 --> 00:16:26,527 -A race? -Was it not? 231 00:16:26,610 --> 00:16:28,946 Does one not need actual competition for a race? 232 00:16:29,029 --> 00:16:31,156 If we had decided on a finish line together, 233 00:16:31,240 --> 00:16:33,117 but alas, we made no such agreement. 234 00:16:33,200 --> 00:16:34,827 I see you are not one for losing. 235 00:16:35,411 --> 00:16:36,620 I shall have you-- 236 00:16:39,248 --> 00:16:42,292 In the rare instances it occurs, 237 00:16:42,376 --> 00:16:44,628 I'd admit that I have either lost or am in the wrong. 238 00:16:44,712 --> 00:16:46,505 But I'm afraid the same cannot be said for you. 239 00:16:46,588 --> 00:16:48,799 -I beg your pardon? -Mayfair is not right ahead. 240 00:16:48,882 --> 00:16:50,175 It's the other way entirely. 241 00:16:51,969 --> 00:16:53,637 Not lost, you said? 242 00:16:57,099 --> 00:16:58,892 -Good day, sir. 243 00:16:58,976 --> 00:16:59,977 Let's go. 244 00:17:01,729 --> 00:17:03,188 We have not yet been introduced. 245 00:17:03,272 --> 00:17:06,608 I am afraid that is not possible. Not when I have a victory lap to enjoy. 246 00:17:19,663 --> 00:17:22,166 Well, what do you mean she was not in her room? 247 00:17:22,249 --> 00:17:25,127 I went to find her after awakening, but she was not there. 248 00:17:28,255 --> 00:17:30,007 Lady Mary. 249 00:17:31,633 --> 00:17:32,676 Lady Danbury. 250 00:17:33,761 --> 00:17:35,721 Oh, how delightful it is to see you. 251 00:17:35,804 --> 00:17:36,930 And you. 252 00:17:37,514 --> 00:17:40,059 -After all these years. 253 00:17:41,060 --> 00:17:42,436 You look well. 254 00:17:43,145 --> 00:17:46,065 Allow me to introduce to you my youngest, 255 00:17:46,148 --> 00:17:48,067 -Miss Edwina Sharma. -Ah. 256 00:17:48,150 --> 00:17:50,319 A true pleasure, Lady Danbury. 257 00:17:50,402 --> 00:17:52,946 I am so grateful for your hospitality. 258 00:17:53,030 --> 00:17:55,991 Your home, it is magnificent. 259 00:17:56,075 --> 00:17:58,410 Consider it yours for the season. 260 00:17:58,494 --> 00:18:01,538 Though, I was expecting another? 261 00:18:01,622 --> 00:18:03,665 Yes. My eldest. 262 00:18:03,749 --> 00:18:04,708 Kate. 263 00:18:04,792 --> 00:18:06,251 Kate. Yes. 264 00:18:07,503 --> 00:18:10,672 Well, she did get off the ship with you last night, did she not? 265 00:18:11,256 --> 00:18:12,841 -Apologies. -Kate! 266 00:18:12,925 --> 00:18:15,677 -There you are, dearest. -I hope I did not keep you waiting long. 267 00:18:15,761 --> 00:18:18,097 The gardens here are so lovely. 268 00:18:18,180 --> 00:18:19,973 After such a lengthy journey, 269 00:18:20,057 --> 00:18:23,185 I found that I wanted some freshness and morning air. 270 00:18:23,268 --> 00:18:25,395 But, uh… I am here now. 271 00:18:25,479 --> 00:18:28,732 My eldest, Lady Danbury. Miss Kate Sharma. 272 00:18:28,816 --> 00:18:30,109 Hmm. 273 00:18:30,192 --> 00:18:32,277 Well, now that we are all arrived-- 274 00:18:32,361 --> 00:18:33,362 Almost. 275 00:18:33,445 --> 00:18:34,696 I beg your pardon? 276 00:18:34,780 --> 00:18:37,783 We have almost all arrived. There is also Newton. 277 00:18:37,866 --> 00:18:39,701 Is he still upstairs? 278 00:18:45,332 --> 00:18:49,211 Mama tells us you host the first ball of every season, Lady Danbury. 279 00:18:49,294 --> 00:18:52,506 Yes. I have appropriated a conservatory 280 00:18:52,589 --> 00:18:54,550 for this year's festivities. 281 00:18:54,633 --> 00:18:55,968 Did you hear that, Edwina? 282 00:18:56,802 --> 00:18:58,512 Well, that sounds delightful. 283 00:18:58,595 --> 00:19:02,474 It will make for a most spectacular entrance to society, indeed. 284 00:19:02,558 --> 00:19:04,935 I cannot tell you how eager the young ladies are 285 00:19:05,018 --> 00:19:06,228 for the upcoming season. 286 00:19:06,311 --> 00:19:07,479 As am I. 287 00:19:07,563 --> 00:19:11,191 I would've ensured their presentation to Her Majesty the Queen, 288 00:19:11,275 --> 00:19:14,736 but I thought it wise for me to examine their deportment 289 00:19:14,820 --> 00:19:16,738 prior to their first engagement. 290 00:19:16,822 --> 00:19:20,200 Her Majesty is most discerning, you understand. 291 00:19:20,784 --> 00:19:24,204 So Her Majesty will be in attendance, then, at the ball? 292 00:19:24,288 --> 00:19:26,915 Well, there is no reason for concern, Lady Mary. 293 00:19:26,999 --> 00:19:29,293 You will be with me, after all. 294 00:19:30,127 --> 00:19:31,044 Of course. 295 00:19:31,128 --> 00:19:33,463 Now, I have made all the arrangements. 296 00:19:33,547 --> 00:19:36,175 The pianoforte is tuned, the instructors hired. 297 00:19:36,258 --> 00:19:37,843 Dance lessons begin at noon, 298 00:19:37,926 --> 00:19:39,970 followed by a short but comprehensive visit 299 00:19:40,053 --> 00:19:42,389 from a lovely French tutor I have secured. 300 00:19:43,182 --> 00:19:44,933 Well, stand up. 301 00:19:45,851 --> 00:19:48,478 Both of you. Could you, uh-- 302 00:19:56,236 --> 00:19:58,614 Exceptional posture. 303 00:19:59,114 --> 00:20:00,824 Beautiful smiles. 304 00:20:00,908 --> 00:20:02,492 Yes, they are, quite. 305 00:20:02,576 --> 00:20:05,579 The age of the elder miss may raise concern. 306 00:20:05,662 --> 00:20:08,874 Any suitable gentleman will require some persuading, 307 00:20:08,957 --> 00:20:10,792 whether we like it or not, 308 00:20:10,876 --> 00:20:15,130 as she will already be regarded as an old maid at the mature age of… 309 00:20:15,214 --> 00:20:16,673 Six and twenty, ma'am. 310 00:20:16,757 --> 00:20:19,551 But it should truly be of no concern, as I assure you 311 00:20:19,635 --> 00:20:21,970 I am not here to find a husband for myself, 312 00:20:22,054 --> 00:20:24,848 only for my sister, who, indeed, stands quite tall 313 00:20:24,932 --> 00:20:26,975 and smiles rather exquisitely. 314 00:20:27,059 --> 00:20:29,770 Even more so when she speaks French, I rather think. 315 00:20:36,318 --> 00:20:38,612 She is accomplished in both Latin and Greek, 316 00:20:38,695 --> 00:20:40,948 in addition to Marathi and Hindustani, of course. 317 00:20:41,031 --> 00:20:44,576 She not only plays sitar and maruli, but pianoforte too. 318 00:20:45,160 --> 00:20:47,120 And as for her dancing, well, 319 00:20:47,204 --> 00:20:49,873 it is quite remarkable, if I do say so myself. 320 00:20:49,957 --> 00:20:50,999 And I do say so, 321 00:20:51,083 --> 00:20:55,879 considering it was I who taught my sister the cotillion, the quadrille, the waltz. 322 00:20:55,963 --> 00:20:59,132 Self-taught, naturally, but still quite remarkable nonetheless. 323 00:20:59,216 --> 00:21:00,300 Hmm! Well-- 324 00:21:00,384 --> 00:21:04,221 Kate feels quite passionately about her sister's prospects this season. 325 00:21:04,304 --> 00:21:07,849 I hope you did not go to too much trouble, finding all of those instructors? 326 00:21:07,933 --> 00:21:09,101 Not at all. 327 00:21:09,184 --> 00:21:11,603 My mama did not err in her description of you, 328 00:21:11,687 --> 00:21:14,481 a woman of such grace and kindness. 329 00:21:14,564 --> 00:21:16,775 I am sure we have much to learn from you, 330 00:21:16,858 --> 00:21:20,946 such as the preparation of this most excellent tea. 331 00:21:23,407 --> 00:21:24,700 -Kate, dear? -Mm-hmm? 332 00:21:24,783 --> 00:21:26,326 Might Newton require a walk 333 00:21:26,410 --> 00:21:30,247 before he makes his mess all over these fine carpets? 334 00:21:30,330 --> 00:21:33,834 Indeed. Delighted to make your acquaintance, Lady Danbury. 335 00:21:33,917 --> 00:21:37,087 My sister and I do look forward to your sponsorship this season. 336 00:21:40,716 --> 00:21:43,719 Daphne provided me a list of recommendations 337 00:21:43,802 --> 00:21:45,304 for a successful season. 338 00:21:45,387 --> 00:21:48,807 Private advice regarding the top ten ways in which to entrap a man. 339 00:21:48,890 --> 00:21:49,766 I'm telling you, Pen, 340 00:21:49,850 --> 00:21:52,769 the season has barely begun and already I feel touched in the head. 341 00:21:54,021 --> 00:21:57,649 Another quill? You do get through them at an extraordinary rate. 342 00:21:57,733 --> 00:22:01,153 I have been busy with my correspondence. 343 00:22:01,236 --> 00:22:03,363 -To the new heir? Is he here yet? -No. 344 00:22:03,447 --> 00:22:04,364 Oh. 345 00:22:04,448 --> 00:22:08,368 I only mean, Colin has been keeping me informed of his adventures in Greece. 346 00:22:08,452 --> 00:22:11,079 In fairness, I have stopped reading his letters. He rambles. 347 00:22:11,163 --> 00:22:13,165 -He's certainly no Lady Whistledown. -No. 348 00:22:14,124 --> 00:22:17,210 But, then again, Colin has, in fact, been somewhere, unlike her. 349 00:22:17,711 --> 00:22:19,671 Well, I thought you revered Whistledown. 350 00:22:19,755 --> 00:22:22,299 Did her arrival not save you from your presentation to the queen? 351 00:22:22,382 --> 00:22:24,843 I was delighted by the diversion, to be sure. But, 352 00:22:25,344 --> 00:22:26,803 I sat with her paper all morning, 353 00:22:26,887 --> 00:22:29,348 and in truth, all she does is repeat what she hears. 354 00:22:29,431 --> 00:22:32,184 Someone must report the gossip. Does she not have a way with words? 355 00:22:32,267 --> 00:22:33,810 But what is she saying with those words? 356 00:22:34,770 --> 00:22:37,272 Truly, I did not mind Whistledown's silence the last ten months, 357 00:22:37,356 --> 00:22:40,233 as it finally gave me some time to read a few articles of substance. 358 00:22:41,401 --> 00:22:45,530 "My own sex, I hope, will excuse me if I treat them like rational creatures, 359 00:22:45,614 --> 00:22:48,116 instead of flattering their fascinating graces." 360 00:22:48,200 --> 00:22:49,201 Wollstonecraft. 361 00:22:49,701 --> 00:22:51,703 Rather haughty. 362 00:22:51,787 --> 00:22:53,705 Imagine if Whistledown wrote like this, 363 00:22:53,789 --> 00:22:57,876 instead of simply turning our eye to every newly-minted debutante. 364 00:22:57,959 --> 00:22:59,586 Perhaps then we might find our respite 365 00:22:59,669 --> 00:23:01,838 from the tedious sequence of tea parties and balls. 366 00:23:01,922 --> 00:23:05,008 I rather think the only reason Whistledown writes about such things 367 00:23:05,092 --> 00:23:07,511 is because she is not an active participant in them. 368 00:23:07,594 --> 00:23:09,971 Oh. Everyone has their theory, I suppose. 369 00:23:10,055 --> 00:23:11,014 Mmm. 370 00:23:13,058 --> 00:23:17,020 Would you like me to prepare some potatoes for the ladies downstairs, ma'am? 371 00:23:17,104 --> 00:23:18,563 Potatoes? Again? 372 00:23:18,647 --> 00:23:20,732 Why are we always eating potatoes? 373 00:23:20,816 --> 00:23:25,404 Because these days, I am the housekeeper, lady's maid, scullery maid, and cook. 374 00:23:25,487 --> 00:23:27,155 Have all the staff truly departed? 375 00:23:27,239 --> 00:23:29,616 Though I am quite good at boiling the veg. 376 00:23:29,699 --> 00:23:32,119 Thank you, Mrs. Varley. Potatoes would be lovely. 377 00:23:32,202 --> 00:23:35,247 A season with no new dresses, nor servants. 378 00:23:35,330 --> 00:23:37,707 Are we to empty our own chamber pots too? 379 00:23:37,791 --> 00:23:39,668 -Mama, I cannot do that. -Calm yourselves. 380 00:23:40,168 --> 00:23:43,338 As I have told you, once the new Lord Featherington arrives, 381 00:23:43,422 --> 00:23:44,798 we will be provided for. 382 00:23:44,881 --> 00:23:48,218 Well, where is he? Why is he taking so long? 383 00:23:48,301 --> 00:23:51,346 Because he wishes to make us suffer. 384 00:23:53,640 --> 00:23:55,809 The new Lord Featherington is off somewhere, 385 00:23:55,892 --> 00:23:57,561 delighting in our misfortune, 386 00:23:57,644 --> 00:23:59,521 because the man is as cruel as can be. 387 00:23:59,604 --> 00:24:02,065 I hear he cast his only son out to the Americas 388 00:24:02,149 --> 00:24:03,859 for daring to question his word. 389 00:24:03,942 --> 00:24:07,362 I tremble to think where he will send the rest of us if he has a mind. 390 00:24:07,446 --> 00:24:08,613 Cornwall, perhaps. 391 00:24:08,697 --> 00:24:10,282 Cornwall? 392 00:24:10,365 --> 00:24:13,743 Well, I suppose you may visit Mr. Finch and me. 393 00:24:13,827 --> 00:24:15,745 If there is nary a penny for new dresses or staff, 394 00:24:15,829 --> 00:24:16,997 there is none for her dowry. 395 00:24:17,080 --> 00:24:19,207 He shall prevent me from marrying? 396 00:24:19,291 --> 00:24:20,417 Of course not. 397 00:24:20,500 --> 00:24:23,628 The man may be an old, bitter curmudgeon, but he is a gentleman 398 00:24:23,712 --> 00:24:25,797 and he will keep a gentleman's agreement. 399 00:24:25,881 --> 00:24:30,427 Which is why we must waste no time in finding matches for the lot of you. 400 00:24:30,510 --> 00:24:32,846 Unless you are all betrothed by the time our cousin arrives 401 00:24:32,929 --> 00:24:36,266 to claim the Featherington estate, we shall be at his mercy. 402 00:24:36,349 --> 00:24:38,768 And then… heaven help us all. 403 00:24:42,105 --> 00:24:44,024 You could always sell the silverware. 404 00:24:44,524 --> 00:24:47,068 The dinner service should fetch a handsome price. 405 00:25:01,917 --> 00:25:03,919 Are you thinking of wearing that one? 406 00:25:04,419 --> 00:25:06,421 -It is quite beautiful. 407 00:25:06,505 --> 00:25:08,298 No. These are for you, Bon. 408 00:25:08,381 --> 00:25:11,051 We have come to London to find your husband, not mine. 409 00:25:11,134 --> 00:25:13,261 Yes. You are but a dear old maid. 410 00:25:13,345 --> 00:25:18,058 Ah. Who shall be perfectly happy doting on my many nieces and nephews one day soon. 411 00:25:18,141 --> 00:25:21,728 I shall spoil them exceedingly. You do know that, yes? 412 00:25:24,147 --> 00:25:25,106 What is it? 413 00:25:26,900 --> 00:25:27,734 I… 414 00:25:29,736 --> 00:25:32,030 only hope they like me tonight. 415 00:25:33,281 --> 00:25:34,574 How could they not? 416 00:25:37,619 --> 00:25:41,039 Mama is doing that thing she always does when she is worried. 417 00:25:41,581 --> 00:25:43,375 The gossip she endured after marrying Appa 418 00:25:43,458 --> 00:25:45,377 had to have been unbearable, do you not think? 419 00:25:45,460 --> 00:25:48,713 Is this what troubles you? That was many years ago. 420 00:25:48,797 --> 00:25:50,799 Everyone will still have questions. 421 00:25:50,882 --> 00:25:53,593 About our family. About how you and I are related. 422 00:25:54,344 --> 00:25:55,554 We are sisters. 423 00:25:56,221 --> 00:25:57,889 This place may feel different, 424 00:25:57,973 --> 00:26:01,017 but it will never change the way you and I see each other. 425 00:26:01,977 --> 00:26:06,273 Besides, you heard Lady Danbury. She will smooth everything over. 426 00:26:06,356 --> 00:26:07,899 She is on our side. 427 00:26:08,858 --> 00:26:11,945 The dowager is more formidable than I imagined. 428 00:26:12,737 --> 00:26:16,408 She will have your head when she learns of your secret morning ride. 429 00:26:16,992 --> 00:26:18,743 Are you certain no one saw you? 430 00:26:18,827 --> 00:26:20,245 Yes. Now, never mind her. 431 00:26:20,328 --> 00:26:22,872 The dowager is not half as frightening as she thinks she is. 432 00:26:24,666 --> 00:26:26,793 You must be excited. 433 00:26:26,876 --> 00:26:29,921 This is the first chapter of a happy story. 434 00:26:30,005 --> 00:26:31,631 All you have to do this evening 435 00:26:31,715 --> 00:26:33,842 is remember what it is you are looking for. 436 00:26:34,384 --> 00:26:35,468 Hmm. 437 00:26:35,552 --> 00:26:37,178 -Someone charming. -Mm-hmm. 438 00:26:38,471 --> 00:26:40,473 And handsome, of course. 439 00:26:40,557 --> 00:26:42,350 A prince or a duke, perhaps. 440 00:26:42,434 --> 00:26:45,312 It is not a man's appearance or title that will woo you. 441 00:26:45,395 --> 00:26:48,231 It is his mind and spirit that will court yours. 442 00:26:49,316 --> 00:26:51,943 He will speak in a manner that only your heart can hear. 443 00:26:54,154 --> 00:26:56,031 That is what you are looking for. 444 00:26:56,615 --> 00:26:58,658 That is the true love you deserve. 445 00:27:07,250 --> 00:27:08,168 This one? 446 00:27:08,710 --> 00:27:10,837 -They will not be ready. 447 00:27:40,825 --> 00:27:43,161 Just remember to breathe, Bon. 448 00:27:43,244 --> 00:27:44,329 Ah. 449 00:27:47,123 --> 00:27:49,709 The Marquis of Ashdown. 450 00:27:49,793 --> 00:27:53,546 A little young, to be sure, but he has 10,000 a year. 451 00:27:54,130 --> 00:27:58,093 The Earl of Gloucester. His wife recently died of influenza. 452 00:27:58,677 --> 00:28:01,012 He might make a particularly estimable addition 453 00:28:01,096 --> 00:28:02,889 to your dance card this evening, Miss Sharma. 454 00:28:02,972 --> 00:28:05,850 I will not be taking to the floor tonight, Lady Danbury. 455 00:28:05,934 --> 00:28:08,603 Is there someone back home you've yet to tell me about? 456 00:28:08,687 --> 00:28:10,522 Come now. I am long past all of that. 457 00:28:10,605 --> 00:28:13,650 The only match I am interested in is for my sister. 458 00:28:13,733 --> 00:28:17,445 She trusts me implicitly. Now, what about the Duke of Suffolk? 459 00:28:17,529 --> 00:28:20,240 According to Debrett's, he should be quite the catch this year. 460 00:28:20,323 --> 00:28:22,242 The duke flaunts his mistresses. 461 00:28:22,325 --> 00:28:25,954 I assure you, Miss Sharma, I have our prospects well in hand. 462 00:28:26,037 --> 00:28:26,996 Ah. 463 00:28:27,080 --> 00:28:28,873 There she is. 464 00:28:32,794 --> 00:28:34,337 So many flowers, 465 00:28:35,213 --> 00:28:37,632 when what I really seek is a gem. 466 00:28:38,425 --> 00:28:39,426 Oh. 467 00:28:40,051 --> 00:28:41,594 So soon, Lady Danbury? 468 00:28:44,514 --> 00:28:48,059 Lady Danbury. A delightful soiree, as expected. 469 00:28:48,143 --> 00:28:51,479 Though my own later this week will be much more exclusive. 470 00:28:51,563 --> 00:28:54,733 Your Majesty, I would not think to compare. 471 00:28:54,816 --> 00:28:56,234 And rightly so. 472 00:28:56,317 --> 00:28:59,612 Your Majesty, may I present Lady Mary Sharma, 473 00:28:59,696 --> 00:29:01,448 whom you must remember. 474 00:29:01,531 --> 00:29:03,742 And may I present her daughters, 475 00:29:03,825 --> 00:29:07,036 Miss Sharma and Miss Edwina Sharma, 476 00:29:07,120 --> 00:29:09,914 my personal special guests for the season. 477 00:29:09,998 --> 00:29:11,750 A high honor, indeed. 478 00:29:11,833 --> 00:29:14,043 I hear you have made quite a journey 479 00:29:14,127 --> 00:29:16,796 to join us again after all these years, Lady Mary. 480 00:29:16,880 --> 00:29:18,757 If only you had extended the courtesy 481 00:29:18,840 --> 00:29:21,718 of offering your queen a final farewell before you left. 482 00:29:25,889 --> 00:29:29,976 Oh, I do relish a challenge. 483 00:29:43,198 --> 00:29:45,241 Stop fussing with your dress. 484 00:29:45,325 --> 00:29:46,326 You look lovely, dear. 485 00:29:46,409 --> 00:29:48,453 I look like a prize calf, trussed up for auction. 486 00:29:49,829 --> 00:29:51,456 Even Daphne felt most apprehensive 487 00:29:51,539 --> 00:29:54,292 at her first official ball, and look how well her season turned out. 488 00:29:54,375 --> 00:29:55,210 Oh, right. 489 00:29:55,293 --> 00:29:56,586 Oh. 490 00:29:56,669 --> 00:29:59,672 Come, Sister. The cakes at these occasions are surprisingly good. 491 00:29:59,756 --> 00:30:01,466 Uh… Uh… 492 00:30:04,552 --> 00:30:06,596 It truly is a sparse crop. 493 00:30:06,679 --> 00:30:09,682 Oh, I am sure there is someone here who will charm you. 494 00:30:10,475 --> 00:30:14,896 After all, this is the season the viscount intends to find a wife. 495 00:30:16,481 --> 00:30:18,983 -You honestly just did that? -I believe I did. 496 00:30:19,067 --> 00:30:20,819 -Lady Bridgerton. 497 00:30:20,902 --> 00:30:22,237 Lord Bridgerton. 498 00:30:22,320 --> 00:30:24,614 -Dance, please, Lord Bridgerton? -Good evening. 499 00:30:29,619 --> 00:30:32,413 Is that Lady Mary Sheffield Sharma? 500 00:30:32,497 --> 00:30:34,916 I can't believe she would show her face here again. 501 00:30:34,999 --> 00:30:36,626 A scandal, Mama? 502 00:30:36,709 --> 00:30:39,087 Lady Mary was the incomparable of our season, 503 00:30:39,170 --> 00:30:42,841 until she fell in love with and married some kind of clerk, I hear. 504 00:30:42,924 --> 00:30:45,385 The two of them absconded to India thereafter. 505 00:30:45,468 --> 00:30:48,638 A maharajah I would have understood, 506 00:30:48,721 --> 00:30:52,684 but the man was no more than a common worker who already had a child. 507 00:30:52,767 --> 00:30:54,060 That must be her. 508 00:30:54,143 --> 00:30:55,478 The older one. 509 00:30:55,562 --> 00:30:59,148 Lady Mary's parents, the Sheffields, never lived down the shame, did they? 510 00:30:59,232 --> 00:31:01,526 Too ashamed to show their faces in London. 511 00:31:01,609 --> 00:31:04,320 If only every family could be as respectable as ours. 512 00:31:04,404 --> 00:31:06,614 Yes, Lady Featherington? 513 00:31:09,826 --> 00:31:11,286 Dearest! 514 00:31:11,369 --> 00:31:12,328 My love. 515 00:31:19,419 --> 00:31:20,253 Hmm. 516 00:31:20,753 --> 00:31:22,297 Mr. and Mrs. Finch. 517 00:31:22,380 --> 00:31:24,632 Lady Featherington. 518 00:31:24,716 --> 00:31:27,760 It is a delightful surprise to see you in attendance. 519 00:31:27,844 --> 00:31:30,430 After such a long mourning period. 520 00:31:30,513 --> 00:31:33,224 Almost as long as our son has been courting Philippa, 521 00:31:33,308 --> 00:31:34,851 if you can imagine. 522 00:31:34,934 --> 00:31:36,019 Yes. 523 00:31:36,603 --> 00:31:39,731 It has been a difficult time, indeed. 524 00:31:39,814 --> 00:31:42,400 Darkness has been our candle in recent months. 525 00:31:42,483 --> 00:31:44,402 Mmm. Have you come unaccompanied? 526 00:31:44,485 --> 00:31:46,613 Or has the new heir finally come to manage 527 00:31:46,696 --> 00:31:48,948 this unsettled business of your daughter's dowry? 528 00:31:51,868 --> 00:31:54,746 "Unsettled." That is the precise word, Mr. Finch, 529 00:31:54,829 --> 00:31:57,081 because I, too, have been… 530 00:31:57,165 --> 00:31:59,125 …very unsettled, indeed. 531 00:31:59,709 --> 00:32:02,795 Shaken to the bone, in fact, by… 532 00:32:02,879 --> 00:32:04,505 …by grief. 533 00:32:04,589 --> 00:32:07,800 Missing my dear, dear, very dead husband. 534 00:32:07,884 --> 00:32:10,094 -I told you it was too soon! 535 00:32:10,178 --> 00:32:12,597 You told me you wished for the boy to be out of the house! 536 00:32:14,223 --> 00:32:17,101 Our apologies, Lady Featherington. 537 00:32:17,602 --> 00:32:20,855 Do let us know when you are more… settled. 538 00:32:20,939 --> 00:32:22,357 -Yes? 539 00:32:35,620 --> 00:32:36,955 -Number eight? -Yes. 540 00:32:37,038 --> 00:32:38,498 I know that gentleman. 541 00:32:38,998 --> 00:32:41,250 -Who? -The viscount? 542 00:32:41,834 --> 00:32:44,963 I do not believe I have yet made an introduction. 543 00:32:45,046 --> 00:32:46,089 Of course. 544 00:32:46,965 --> 00:32:48,549 It must be my mistake. 545 00:32:48,633 --> 00:32:50,677 Though you have quite the eye. 546 00:32:50,760 --> 00:32:54,055 Viscount Bridgerton is wealthy, well-connected, 547 00:32:54,138 --> 00:32:57,433 and from one of the ton's most illustrious families. 548 00:32:57,517 --> 00:32:59,560 Apparently hoping to marry this season, 549 00:32:59,644 --> 00:33:03,773 he may very well be our most eligible bachelor, indeed. 550 00:33:03,856 --> 00:33:05,149 He is very handsome. 551 00:33:05,233 --> 00:33:06,109 Yes. 552 00:33:07,402 --> 00:33:08,695 I suppose he is. 553 00:33:09,445 --> 00:33:13,658 Lord Corning. I was hoping to see you this evening. 554 00:33:13,741 --> 00:33:17,203 Allow me to introduce Miss Sharma 555 00:33:17,745 --> 00:33:20,164 and Miss Edwina Sharma. 556 00:33:20,790 --> 00:33:24,293 It is a pleasure. Miss Edwina, would you honor me with a dance? 557 00:33:24,377 --> 00:33:25,670 Corning, you said? 558 00:33:25,753 --> 00:33:27,380 The Baron Corning. 559 00:33:31,259 --> 00:33:33,011 I would be delighted, my lord. 560 00:33:38,641 --> 00:33:41,853 I do not recall reading of Corning's family in my research. 561 00:33:41,936 --> 00:33:45,273 It does not matter what you have and have not read. 562 00:33:45,356 --> 00:33:47,400 It is unacceptable here 563 00:33:47,483 --> 00:33:49,777 for a lady to decline a dance with a gentleman 564 00:33:49,861 --> 00:33:52,655 unless she's already reserved by another. 565 00:33:53,156 --> 00:33:55,992 I see we have much to learn. 566 00:34:04,625 --> 00:34:05,752 Spanish dance? 567 00:34:11,674 --> 00:34:14,469 And they say Millerson has a whelp in the country. 568 00:34:14,552 --> 00:34:16,304 Spitting image of his father. 569 00:34:18,806 --> 00:34:19,807 There you are. 570 00:34:19,891 --> 00:34:22,977 Oh, Pen, I'm so glad to see you. Mama is already being insufferable. 571 00:34:23,061 --> 00:34:25,521 At least she did not see fit to dress you as a sunflower. 572 00:34:25,605 --> 00:34:27,732 I declare a bee might mistake me for the real thing. 573 00:34:27,815 --> 00:34:30,735 Miss Bridgerton. May I request your next dance? 574 00:34:30,818 --> 00:34:32,737 Or I might accompany you to fetch some lemonade? 575 00:34:32,820 --> 00:34:34,864 -You seem parched. -How can you tell? Is she wilting? 576 00:34:34,947 --> 00:34:36,074 Or punch, if you prefer? 577 00:34:36,157 --> 00:34:38,367 -A plant pun, if you're wondering. -Apologies, gentlemen. 578 00:34:38,451 --> 00:34:40,912 I regret to inform you that my dance card is already full. 579 00:34:45,875 --> 00:34:48,961 Lord Byron? Wellington? Eloise, these names are false! 580 00:34:49,045 --> 00:34:51,339 I am merely following my sister's valuable advice. 581 00:34:51,422 --> 00:34:53,341 She told me that it is of the utmost importance 582 00:34:53,424 --> 00:34:55,968 for a lady's dance card to be filled with all of the right names. 583 00:34:56,052 --> 00:34:57,428 -Eloise? 584 00:34:57,512 --> 00:34:59,430 There you are, dear. 585 00:34:59,514 --> 00:35:02,100 Come. There is someone I would like you to meet. 586 00:36:03,744 --> 00:36:05,538 -Bridgerton! 587 00:36:11,043 --> 00:36:12,378 I owe you a drink. 588 00:36:12,461 --> 00:36:13,337 Whatever for? 589 00:36:13,421 --> 00:36:16,799 With you as the prize catch of the season, the rest of us shall receive a respite 590 00:36:16,883 --> 00:36:19,218 from the marriage-minded mamas this season, indeed. 591 00:36:19,302 --> 00:36:21,345 Enjoy your freedom while it lasts. 592 00:36:21,429 --> 00:36:24,599 You, too, will soon submit to this ridiculous rigmarole of courtship. 593 00:36:25,183 --> 00:36:28,978 Squiring every eligible miss around town until you're barely able to see straight. 594 00:36:29,061 --> 00:36:31,147 Is one lady unlike any other? 595 00:36:31,230 --> 00:36:34,442 Simply pick the least objectionable and get her wed, bed, and bred. 596 00:36:34,525 --> 00:36:36,903 Then you can return to more pleasurable pursuits. 597 00:36:36,986 --> 00:36:39,322 And more pleasurable partners. 598 00:36:39,405 --> 00:36:42,241 You may be cavalier, but if I must leg-shackle myself in marriage, 599 00:36:42,700 --> 00:36:44,994 the lady in question should have more to recommend her. 600 00:36:45,077 --> 00:36:46,871 Do not tell us you are hoping for a love match? 601 00:36:46,954 --> 00:36:48,581 Love is the last thing I desire. 602 00:36:49,123 --> 00:36:50,958 But if my children are to be of good stock, 603 00:36:51,042 --> 00:36:53,419 then their mother must be of impeccable quality. 604 00:36:53,502 --> 00:36:55,671 A pleasing face, an acceptable wit, 605 00:36:56,422 --> 00:36:58,633 genteel manners enough to credit a viscountess. 606 00:36:58,716 --> 00:36:59,884 It should not be hard to find. 607 00:37:00,468 --> 00:37:03,346 And yet, the debutantes of London fall short at every turn. 608 00:37:03,429 --> 00:37:06,891 You want the best. Perhaps the queen will finally name a diamond. 609 00:37:06,974 --> 00:37:09,602 Save you some trouble. At least, of choosing her. 610 00:37:09,685 --> 00:37:11,771 Wooing the piece will be a different story, indeed. 611 00:37:11,854 --> 00:37:13,272 I shall have no problem there. 612 00:37:16,150 --> 00:37:18,402 -Smoking room, gentlemen? -I shall be there anon. 613 00:37:31,290 --> 00:37:32,500 Is someone there? 614 00:37:38,005 --> 00:37:39,048 I can hear y… 615 00:37:42,468 --> 00:37:43,302 you. 616 00:37:44,262 --> 00:37:45,513 Pardon me, my lord. 617 00:37:46,055 --> 00:37:47,598 I never got your name. 618 00:37:48,766 --> 00:37:50,434 I was wondering if we'd meet again. 619 00:37:50,518 --> 00:37:52,603 So you might discern if my wit is acceptable, 620 00:37:52,687 --> 00:37:53,729 my manners genteel? 621 00:37:54,605 --> 00:37:55,690 You were eavesdropping? 622 00:37:55,773 --> 00:37:56,983 It was hardly an effort, 623 00:37:57,066 --> 00:37:59,860 seeing as you were proclaiming your many requirements for a wife 624 00:37:59,944 --> 00:38:01,654 loud enough for the entire party to hear. 625 00:38:01,737 --> 00:38:02,822 You take issue with them? 626 00:38:02,905 --> 00:38:06,117 I take issue with any man who views women merely as chattels and breeding stock. 627 00:38:06,200 --> 00:38:07,159 None of that was meant-- 628 00:38:07,243 --> 00:38:08,661 Viscount Bridgerton, yes? 629 00:38:08,744 --> 00:38:11,080 When you manage to find this paragon of virtue, 630 00:38:11,163 --> 00:38:14,000 whatever makes you think she will accept your suit? 631 00:38:14,083 --> 00:38:17,169 Are the young ladies of London truly so easily won 632 00:38:17,253 --> 00:38:19,672 by a pleasing smile and absolutely nothing more? 633 00:38:19,755 --> 00:38:21,215 So, you find my smile pleasing. 634 00:38:21,299 --> 00:38:23,259 I find your opinion of yourself entirely too high. 635 00:38:23,843 --> 00:38:27,054 Your character is as deficient as your horsemanship. 636 00:38:27,138 --> 00:38:28,597 I shall bid you good night. 637 00:38:47,325 --> 00:38:48,409 Ah. Pen! 638 00:38:48,993 --> 00:38:50,995 Pen. Are you going somewhere? 639 00:38:51,078 --> 00:38:55,374 I was… just getting some air. It is so very stifling in the ballroom. 640 00:38:56,500 --> 00:38:59,045 -The air or the dreary conversation? 641 00:38:59,670 --> 00:39:01,964 I do suppose this is the one benefit of being out. 642 00:39:02,048 --> 00:39:04,967 I have you to run off with. We shall never have to be alone. 643 00:39:06,635 --> 00:39:08,220 My thoughts exactly. 644 00:39:13,017 --> 00:39:15,353 Have you seen your brother or your sister? 645 00:39:15,436 --> 00:39:17,646 They managed to escape you? Good for them. 646 00:39:20,566 --> 00:39:23,736 Lady Danbury. Splendid evening. 647 00:39:23,819 --> 00:39:25,404 For the most part. 648 00:39:25,488 --> 00:39:28,532 There are a few guests whose absence I might not have regretted. 649 00:39:28,616 --> 00:39:30,618 I do hope I am not one of them. 650 00:39:30,701 --> 00:39:33,371 You and I have common interests this season, it seems. 651 00:39:33,454 --> 00:39:36,040 I heard. Your wards, I look forward to meeting them. 652 00:39:36,123 --> 00:39:38,376 And I look forward to showing these other mamas 653 00:39:38,459 --> 00:39:40,336 how the game ought to be played. 654 00:39:40,419 --> 00:39:43,923 Though, it appears you have already stoked the fire by informing them 655 00:39:44,006 --> 00:39:46,384 of the viscount's intentions for this season. 656 00:39:46,467 --> 00:39:48,886 My son said he was ready. Who am I to question it? 657 00:39:48,969 --> 00:39:51,097 They all must come around eventually, I suppose. 658 00:39:51,180 --> 00:39:52,640 Lady Danbury, we wish to leave. 659 00:39:52,723 --> 00:39:54,433 Miss Sharma, allow me to introduce you-- 660 00:39:54,517 --> 00:39:56,894 Charmed. My mama is already in our carriage. 661 00:39:56,977 --> 00:39:58,312 We will see you at home. 662 00:39:59,021 --> 00:40:02,358 People are watching, my dear. You are clearly upset-- 663 00:40:02,441 --> 00:40:04,860 What is clear is we are woefully unprepared 664 00:40:04,944 --> 00:40:07,822 to navigate this lion's den. I am sure Edwina's absence 665 00:40:07,905 --> 00:40:10,074 will only make her that much more desirable. 666 00:40:10,908 --> 00:40:13,702 It truly was a magnificent soiree, Lady Danbury. 667 00:40:13,786 --> 00:40:15,371 We are most grateful. 668 00:40:18,749 --> 00:40:19,667 Well, 669 00:40:20,251 --> 00:40:23,295 it would seem both of us may have our hands full this year. 670 00:40:23,379 --> 00:40:25,423 Not if I have something to say about it. 671 00:40:25,506 --> 00:40:30,177 And as you very well know, I always have something to say. 672 00:40:33,347 --> 00:40:35,057 Delightful evening, Mama! 673 00:40:35,141 --> 00:40:36,225 Night, Sisters! 674 00:40:36,308 --> 00:40:38,060 Good night, young ladies! 675 00:41:30,404 --> 00:41:32,448 -Can you go any faster? -Yes, miss! 676 00:41:41,999 --> 00:41:44,251 Lawks, I thought you weren't coming. 677 00:41:44,335 --> 00:41:46,629 My mistress apologizes for the delay. 678 00:41:46,712 --> 00:41:48,589 This is for today. It must print before noon. 679 00:41:51,675 --> 00:41:53,260 Last edition's takings, yes? 680 00:41:54,011 --> 00:41:57,097 800 copies at five pence apiece, sold for eight pence each, 681 00:41:57,181 --> 00:42:00,392 minus the delivery boys' wages, there should be eleven pounds, 682 00:42:00,476 --> 00:42:01,936 two shillings here altogether. 683 00:42:02,019 --> 00:42:04,230 My mistress is willing to take an even ten. 684 00:42:04,313 --> 00:42:06,815 You get to keep the surplus for your rapid service. 685 00:42:06,899 --> 00:42:11,445 These delays will be more frequent now due to an… unforeseen circumstance, 686 00:42:11,529 --> 00:42:13,239 so, it's really a bargain. 687 00:42:18,744 --> 00:42:20,871 There is nothing quite like 688 00:42:20,955 --> 00:42:24,291 the sweet-scented smell of success. 689 00:42:24,375 --> 00:42:27,753 But after taking in the scene from last night's festivities, 690 00:42:27,836 --> 00:42:32,174 it is clear the season won't be quite so fragrant for everyone. 691 00:42:35,678 --> 00:42:38,347 The Viscount Bridgerton's own mama 692 00:42:38,430 --> 00:42:41,183 may have loudly declared her eldest son's 693 00:42:41,267 --> 00:42:43,185 lofty intentions to marry, 694 00:42:43,811 --> 00:42:46,397 yet I cannot be the only one wondering 695 00:42:46,480 --> 00:42:49,692 if this former Capital-R-Rake 696 00:42:49,775 --> 00:42:52,444 is, indeed, ready to flourish. 697 00:42:55,489 --> 00:42:58,492 Perhaps the viscount, like the rest of us, 698 00:42:58,576 --> 00:43:03,372 is simply waiting for the queen to finally name her diamond. 699 00:43:03,455 --> 00:43:05,708 Or perhaps this author 700 00:43:05,791 --> 00:43:08,669 should take matters into her own hands. 701 00:43:08,752 --> 00:43:11,213 I shall not be hustled into making my selection. 702 00:43:11,297 --> 00:43:12,339 Not by anyone. 703 00:43:12,423 --> 00:43:13,716 Of course, Your Majesty. 704 00:43:13,799 --> 00:43:14,967 Take this away. 705 00:43:15,050 --> 00:43:17,428 And bring me a list of the peerage. 706 00:43:26,020 --> 00:43:27,813 Some tea, my lord? 707 00:43:27,896 --> 00:43:29,898 Perhaps some warm milk may be better. 708 00:43:30,482 --> 00:43:31,984 Oh! Are those marbles? 709 00:43:32,651 --> 00:43:33,736 What fun! 710 00:43:35,029 --> 00:43:36,447 Might I go and read now? 711 00:43:37,531 --> 00:43:40,826 Though, of the many purportedly well-trained 712 00:43:40,909 --> 00:43:44,288 and bred hothouse flowers on display this year, 713 00:43:44,913 --> 00:43:47,416 this author must wonder 714 00:43:47,499 --> 00:43:51,712 if a more surprising choice might still be in store. 715 00:43:53,422 --> 00:43:56,133 The younger one would do, if the eldest just got out of the way. 716 00:43:56,216 --> 00:43:57,843 The sister is dreadful. 717 00:44:03,974 --> 00:44:05,643 Not on my chair! 718 00:44:12,232 --> 00:44:16,487 Whichever darling miss receives such high esteem, 719 00:44:16,570 --> 00:44:21,784 let us hope there is a suitor available of only the sharpest wit, 720 00:44:21,867 --> 00:44:27,373 lest his dry musings leave a young lady wilting like a parched rose. 721 00:44:28,499 --> 00:44:31,543 It is rather clever the way she uses plant puns to belittle. 722 00:44:32,795 --> 00:44:34,129 Clever indeed! 723 00:44:35,047 --> 00:44:37,132 The candlesticks, see what they're worth. 724 00:44:38,008 --> 00:44:39,176 Yes, ma'am. 725 00:44:43,430 --> 00:44:46,475 -There. You see? 726 00:44:48,602 --> 00:44:49,978 Lady Goring was quite taken 727 00:44:50,062 --> 00:44:52,481 with Eloise's dress last night, Madame Delacroix. 728 00:44:52,564 --> 00:44:56,193 She would keep saying how well it complemented her complexion. 729 00:44:56,985 --> 00:44:59,029 She said you reminded her of Daphne, dearest. 730 00:44:59,113 --> 00:45:01,115 I am not Daphne. 731 00:45:02,074 --> 00:45:03,742 -This is the one. -Ah. 732 00:45:03,826 --> 00:45:05,786 With pleasure, Lady Bridgerton. 733 00:45:10,124 --> 00:45:13,210 You do know, Eloise, that you might enjoy the next ball 734 00:45:13,293 --> 00:45:14,962 if you, in fact, danced with someone. 735 00:45:15,838 --> 00:45:18,298 Meeting new people, it can be thrilling. 736 00:45:18,382 --> 00:45:21,468 Yes, it certainly seemed as though Anthony had a thrilling time. 737 00:45:21,552 --> 00:45:24,054 Swept away by many a nimble-footed young lady, Brother? 738 00:45:24,138 --> 00:45:26,223 I can still barely feel my toes. 739 00:45:26,306 --> 00:45:28,392 I thought you ladies were taught to dance. 740 00:45:28,475 --> 00:45:31,186 I thought you gentlemen capable of worthwhile conversation. 741 00:45:31,270 --> 00:45:33,188 How sad both of our hopes were dashed. 742 00:45:35,941 --> 00:45:38,402 I think Eloise would make a brilliant diamond. 743 00:45:38,485 --> 00:45:40,529 I could not agree more, Hyacinth. 744 00:45:40,612 --> 00:45:43,574 Perhaps Her Majesty will take note at her ball tomorrow night. 745 00:45:44,074 --> 00:45:46,034 -I despise you. 746 00:45:49,246 --> 00:45:50,247 Madame Delacroix. 747 00:45:50,914 --> 00:45:52,624 I didn't know you were back in town. 748 00:45:52,708 --> 00:45:53,834 Bien sûr! 749 00:45:53,917 --> 00:45:56,962 Who else could dress these delicate debutantes for the season? 750 00:45:59,047 --> 00:46:01,300 Does that mean I shall see you later on tonight? 751 00:46:02,050 --> 00:46:03,802 I hear there's a party. 752 00:46:05,262 --> 00:46:08,432 I have much work to do, Mr. Bridgerton, 753 00:46:09,057 --> 00:46:12,269 and my art must come before all else. 754 00:46:13,437 --> 00:46:14,938 Enjoy your time. 755 00:46:19,693 --> 00:46:20,527 Brother. 756 00:46:26,074 --> 00:46:29,870 Are you and the modiste still, uh, making a stitch? 757 00:46:29,953 --> 00:46:31,830 Apparently not. Have you found a wife yet? 758 00:46:31,914 --> 00:46:34,666 Or are you planning to offend every girl until there are none left? 759 00:46:34,750 --> 00:46:35,626 Is Mother aware? 760 00:46:35,709 --> 00:46:38,295 -Aware of what? -I'm off to deal with our solicitor. 761 00:46:39,254 --> 00:46:41,131 Have fun with your pretty pictures, Brother. 762 00:46:45,135 --> 00:46:46,804 -Anthony? 763 00:46:48,722 --> 00:46:53,018 There were some lovely young ladies in attendance last night, were there not? 764 00:46:53,602 --> 00:46:55,771 Lady Delilah has beautiful manners, 765 00:46:55,854 --> 00:46:59,566 and I hear Miss Goodrum is very accomplished in her needlework. 766 00:46:59,650 --> 00:47:01,485 Perhaps you shall get to know them better soon. 767 00:47:01,568 --> 00:47:03,737 Lady Delilah can barely string a sentence together, 768 00:47:03,821 --> 00:47:07,115 and Miss Goodrum thought that Napoleon fights for the Spanish. 769 00:47:07,616 --> 00:47:09,785 As for every other eager chit you pushed in my direction, 770 00:47:09,868 --> 00:47:11,453 I'd happily never lay eyes on them again. 771 00:47:11,537 --> 00:47:13,372 -Anthony-- -I am looking for perfection, Mother. 772 00:47:13,455 --> 00:47:14,623 And you should be too. 773 00:47:14,706 --> 00:47:17,709 The woman I marry shall be the Viscountess Bridgerton. 774 00:47:17,793 --> 00:47:20,504 The lady of this household, responsible for launching my sisters 775 00:47:20,587 --> 00:47:21,797 and bearing my children. 776 00:47:22,464 --> 00:47:24,174 Do you desire them to be raised by a woman 777 00:47:24,258 --> 00:47:27,010 who does not know how to so much as hold a map right side up? 778 00:47:28,470 --> 00:47:30,347 This is the duty I must fulfill. 779 00:47:33,684 --> 00:47:35,310 You will end up alone 780 00:47:36,228 --> 00:47:38,063 with such expectations. 781 00:47:43,402 --> 00:47:44,403 Good day, Mother. 782 00:48:07,801 --> 00:48:09,803 Why is it so quiet in here? 783 00:48:10,345 --> 00:48:11,638 Because I am alone? 784 00:48:12,264 --> 00:48:13,724 Reading, as I always do. 785 00:48:14,224 --> 00:48:16,935 You are so boring. 786 00:48:17,561 --> 00:48:22,649 I will be perfectly putrefied if Philippa does manage to marry Finch. 787 00:48:22,733 --> 00:48:26,153 "Petrified." The word is "petrified." 788 00:48:29,239 --> 00:48:30,115 What is that? 789 00:48:30,198 --> 00:48:31,283 What is what? 790 00:48:31,783 --> 00:48:33,702 -What you are writing. -I am not writing. 791 00:48:33,785 --> 00:48:34,661 But you were. 792 00:48:34,745 --> 00:48:36,788 Prudence. Do not-- Hand it back! 793 00:48:36,872 --> 00:48:39,207 Why, you little devil-doll! 794 00:48:39,291 --> 00:48:41,710 This is what occupies your "quiet" time? 795 00:48:41,793 --> 00:48:44,254 What are you ladies doing, still up? 796 00:48:45,005 --> 00:48:46,048 Penelope was writing… 797 00:48:47,758 --> 00:48:49,301 to Colin Bridgerton. 798 00:48:50,218 --> 00:48:52,638 Well, that would explain the ink all over her fingers. 799 00:48:52,721 --> 00:48:54,139 I declare, Penelope. 800 00:48:54,222 --> 00:48:55,891 -Colin is my friend! 801 00:48:55,974 --> 00:48:59,227 As if he would ever waste his ink on someone like you. 802 00:48:59,311 --> 00:49:01,063 -Are these worth anything? -What? 803 00:49:01,688 --> 00:49:04,691 Your books. Books can be worth something, can they not? 804 00:49:04,775 --> 00:49:06,068 I do not think so, Mama. 805 00:49:06,151 --> 00:49:07,444 Oh, pity. 806 00:49:09,655 --> 00:49:11,365 You must stop wasting your precious time 807 00:49:11,448 --> 00:49:14,284 on such pointless pursuits as writing silly letters. 808 00:49:15,077 --> 00:49:19,873 Colin Bridgerton is no more your friend than I am the next Catherine the Great. 809 00:49:21,083 --> 00:49:24,378 Now, wipe your hands, lest someone should think you a commoner. 810 00:49:43,480 --> 00:49:44,481 Ma'am. 811 00:49:45,232 --> 00:49:46,316 A letter for you. 812 00:49:58,787 --> 00:50:01,164 Your tea grows cold. 813 00:50:01,748 --> 00:50:03,917 My horses do not. 814 00:50:04,418 --> 00:50:07,587 Did you plan to ride again tomorrow morning? 815 00:50:10,966 --> 00:50:13,635 I know all that goes on in my home. 816 00:50:14,344 --> 00:50:17,097 And since you insist on sneaking around, 817 00:50:17,639 --> 00:50:19,933 I may as well save us both the trouble. 818 00:50:20,434 --> 00:50:23,812 Correspondence from your grandparents, the Sheffields. 819 00:50:23,895 --> 00:50:25,397 I wrote to them before you arrived. 820 00:50:25,480 --> 00:50:28,150 Those people are not my grandparents, Lady Danbury. 821 00:50:28,233 --> 00:50:30,485 I have no relation to them whatsoever, in fact. 822 00:50:31,528 --> 00:50:35,741 It seems you have not been straightforward with me. 823 00:50:35,824 --> 00:50:39,369 I realize I should not have gone out for a morning ride without a chaperone. 824 00:50:39,453 --> 00:50:41,455 And what about failing to tell me 825 00:50:41,538 --> 00:50:44,374 why you have truly come to London with your sister? 826 00:50:45,042 --> 00:50:47,127 I'm rather more concerned about that. 827 00:50:49,421 --> 00:50:51,465 We have come to find Edwina a husband. 828 00:50:52,382 --> 00:50:53,884 And is that all? 829 00:50:54,551 --> 00:50:56,595 You would be wise to reconsider 830 00:50:56,678 --> 00:50:59,639 resorting to more forgeries and half-truths, Miss Sharma. 831 00:51:00,557 --> 00:51:05,145 Very few attempt to outwit me, and even fewer succeed. 832 00:51:05,896 --> 00:51:09,775 You are living under my roof, under my care, 833 00:51:09,858 --> 00:51:13,195 relying on my good name, my connections, my money. 834 00:51:13,695 --> 00:51:17,657 I vouched for you and your sister in front of Her Majesty the Queen, 835 00:51:17,741 --> 00:51:18,950 all because 836 00:51:20,035 --> 00:51:24,372 I thought I was paying a kindness to an old friend-- 837 00:51:24,456 --> 00:51:27,501 And we are truly grateful for everything. 838 00:51:28,627 --> 00:51:32,297 Your mama misses your father, naturally. 839 00:51:32,798 --> 00:51:35,842 But she never really wanted to come back here, did she? 840 00:51:35,926 --> 00:51:36,968 You did! 841 00:51:38,512 --> 00:51:41,723 I have no interest in being used as a pawn in someone else's game. 842 00:51:41,807 --> 00:51:43,266 That is not what we are doing. 843 00:51:43,350 --> 00:51:46,978 Then tell me what stipulations the Sheffields have apparently set down 844 00:51:47,062 --> 00:51:49,022 with regard to Edwina's match. 845 00:51:49,106 --> 00:51:51,817 Stipulations which, if met, will, I am guessing, 846 00:51:51,900 --> 00:51:55,529 guarantee great fortune for you and your family. 847 00:51:58,907 --> 00:52:01,701 Edwina must marry an Englishman of nobility. 848 00:52:07,415 --> 00:52:10,961 They could not control your mama's marriage, 849 00:52:11,044 --> 00:52:13,964 so they mean to interfere with your sister's. 850 00:52:14,047 --> 00:52:14,923 Yes. 851 00:52:15,006 --> 00:52:18,552 They never recovered from my father's lack of rank and title. 852 00:52:19,261 --> 00:52:23,140 Though let me assure you, Lady Danbury, I am not here for selfish reasons. 853 00:52:24,224 --> 00:52:27,894 After my father died, Mama and I did the best we could 854 00:52:27,978 --> 00:52:31,731 to raise Edwina, all so she would never know of our struggles. 855 00:52:32,899 --> 00:52:36,153 But our money ran low. We used the last for this very journey. 856 00:52:36,236 --> 00:52:39,823 The Sheffields have agreed to bestow a sizable dowry on my sister, 857 00:52:39,906 --> 00:52:41,575 and to look after my mama. 858 00:52:42,325 --> 00:52:44,536 But only if Edwina marries properly. 859 00:52:52,085 --> 00:52:53,503 And what about you? 860 00:52:54,629 --> 00:52:57,674 If I could marry for the sake of my family, I would. 861 00:52:57,757 --> 00:53:01,261 But I am not my mama's daughter by birth. Edwina is. 862 00:53:01,344 --> 00:53:02,304 Oh. 863 00:53:03,555 --> 00:53:05,682 I've spent the last eight years 864 00:53:05,765 --> 00:53:08,351 raising my sister to walk in the right way, 865 00:53:08,435 --> 00:53:11,479 to talk in the right way, to play the pianoforte just so. 866 00:53:15,525 --> 00:53:19,446 Teaching her twice as much and watching her work twice as hard as anyone else. 867 00:53:19,529 --> 00:53:22,949 I even taught her how to make this pitiful excuse for tea the English so adore. 868 00:53:23,033 --> 00:53:24,576 I despise English tea. 869 00:53:26,328 --> 00:53:29,581 But if it means my sister will not be left destitute, 870 00:53:30,707 --> 00:53:32,876 then I will smile, and I will nod politely 871 00:53:32,959 --> 00:53:35,337 after each and every sip, to be sure. 872 00:53:38,506 --> 00:53:40,884 Your sister has a right to know. 873 00:53:40,967 --> 00:53:43,929 As you said, it is her future. 874 00:53:45,680 --> 00:53:49,476 That is precisely why I shield her. Because I know her. 875 00:53:49,559 --> 00:53:51,686 If she was made aware of the circumstances, 876 00:53:51,770 --> 00:53:54,022 she would marry quickly only to please us. 877 00:53:54,105 --> 00:53:56,650 She would say yes to any man kind enough to ask. 878 00:53:57,734 --> 00:54:01,988 Edwina deserves a chance to find love without such a burden. 879 00:54:03,865 --> 00:54:05,784 Please, you must not tell a soul. 880 00:54:07,410 --> 00:54:08,453 Mmm. 881 00:54:11,873 --> 00:54:15,877 Formed under pressure, desired by many, 882 00:54:15,961 --> 00:54:19,297 yet possessed only by a fortunate few, 883 00:54:19,381 --> 00:54:23,218 there is nothing on earth quite so envied 884 00:54:23,301 --> 00:54:24,928 as a diamond. 885 00:54:34,562 --> 00:54:36,773 Might our queen finally 886 00:54:36,856 --> 00:54:39,025 extinguish the fevered speculation 887 00:54:39,109 --> 00:54:41,861 and bestow the highest of honors 888 00:54:41,945 --> 00:54:44,864 to a most fortunate young lady tonight? 889 00:54:48,827 --> 00:54:52,205 With so many futures at risk, 890 00:54:52,289 --> 00:54:55,667 I do suspect this author is not the only one 891 00:54:55,750 --> 00:54:58,086 waiting with bated breath. 892 00:55:00,255 --> 00:55:04,509 I do hope you are finding everything in town to your satisfaction, 893 00:55:05,218 --> 00:55:06,219 Lady Mary. 894 00:55:06,303 --> 00:55:08,013 Indeed I am, Your Majesty. 895 00:55:08,096 --> 00:55:10,223 This time around, that is. 896 00:55:10,807 --> 00:55:15,603 Perhaps your mother would enjoy some refreshment, Miss Sharma. 897 00:55:23,570 --> 00:55:27,615 I might think Lady Mary deserves some recognition, ma'am. 898 00:55:27,699 --> 00:55:29,993 It's certainly a sign of true devotion on her part, 899 00:55:30,076 --> 00:55:32,037 having sought to introduce her daughters 900 00:55:32,120 --> 00:55:34,956 under the discerning eye of Your Majesty, after all. 901 00:55:35,457 --> 00:55:38,084 The youngest one, in particular, I think, 902 00:55:38,168 --> 00:55:42,255 will certainly make a match that will be the envy of the ton. 903 00:55:42,839 --> 00:55:46,593 Why do I sense my strings being pulled, Lady Danbury? 904 00:55:46,676 --> 00:55:49,220 You said you wanted to shake up the season. 905 00:55:50,305 --> 00:55:51,931 Now is your chance. 906 00:55:59,356 --> 00:56:01,691 Anyone here you've not yet rejected? 907 00:56:01,775 --> 00:56:04,736 You're the artist. Do you see anyone remotely inspiring? 908 00:56:05,737 --> 00:56:08,490 We shall have our diamond tonight, and I shall have a wife. 909 00:56:11,242 --> 00:56:13,495 Lady Bridgerton. Miss Bridgerton. 910 00:56:13,995 --> 00:56:17,624 Such a shame your presentation at court was so rudely interrupted. 911 00:56:17,707 --> 00:56:18,708 Shame, indeed. 912 00:56:18,792 --> 00:56:22,170 I nearly forgot you were making your debut this season. 913 00:56:22,253 --> 00:56:24,714 After your elder sister's triumph, 914 00:56:25,298 --> 00:56:28,134 perhaps good fortune might run in the family. 915 00:56:31,971 --> 00:56:34,891 Uh, it is a delightful ball, Your Majesty. 916 00:56:34,974 --> 00:56:36,726 Very diamond-y. 917 00:56:36,810 --> 00:56:39,771 Though, I must admit, I am more of an emerald person myself. 918 00:56:46,778 --> 00:56:47,612 Oh, dear! 919 00:56:49,447 --> 00:56:51,658 My favorite necklace is one of emeralds. 920 00:56:51,741 --> 00:56:54,160 -How thoughtful of you to know that. -Oh. 921 00:56:54,244 --> 00:56:55,662 It seems you have indeed 922 00:56:55,745 --> 00:56:59,082 come a long way since last year, Miss Bridgerton. 923 00:57:05,922 --> 00:57:07,132 Excuse me. 924 00:57:10,802 --> 00:57:14,264 If the queen, in fact, names Eloise the diamond, 925 00:57:14,347 --> 00:57:16,057 whom will you marry then, Brother? 926 00:57:16,141 --> 00:57:17,267 Hush, you. 927 00:57:32,449 --> 00:57:33,283 Pen! 928 00:57:33,366 --> 00:57:34,659 Pen! Pen, Pen. Pen. 929 00:57:34,742 --> 00:57:35,827 We must leave. 930 00:57:35,910 --> 00:57:38,997 The queen, she-- I somehow managed to charm her. 931 00:57:39,831 --> 00:57:43,126 -She seems to, in fact, like me. I don't-- -Eloise, you must calm down. 932 00:57:43,209 --> 00:57:44,377 Eloise Bridgerton. 933 00:57:44,461 --> 00:57:46,379 The diamond. 934 00:57:47,088 --> 00:57:50,550 Perhaps now you might stop spending time with insipid wallflowers all evening 935 00:57:51,134 --> 00:57:52,802 and refine your circle of friends. 936 00:57:52,886 --> 00:57:54,762 -I may have an opening-- 937 00:57:54,846 --> 00:57:56,347 -I would rather die. 938 00:58:05,023 --> 00:58:07,817 How you managed an entire season of these absurd events 939 00:58:07,901 --> 00:58:10,612 alongside people like Cressida Cowper is beyond me. 940 00:58:10,695 --> 00:58:12,447 And it's not just her. It is all of them. 941 00:58:12,530 --> 00:58:15,492 Staring at me as if I were some fine china teapot. 942 00:58:15,575 --> 00:58:17,285 How did you do it on your own, Pen? 943 00:58:17,368 --> 00:58:19,204 I do not share your difficulties, El. 944 00:58:19,287 --> 00:58:21,873 -"Insipid wallflower," remember? -Ugh. That is not-- 945 00:58:21,956 --> 00:58:23,666 Cressida is incensed that even her new dress 946 00:58:23,750 --> 00:58:24,751 cannot hide her character. 947 00:58:31,841 --> 00:58:33,218 It's not that bad, you know. 948 00:58:33,843 --> 00:58:35,595 -The wallflower thing. -Mmm. 949 00:58:36,262 --> 00:58:38,640 I always get the first glass of lemonade. 950 00:58:38,723 --> 00:58:41,017 I know who all the best dancers are just from watching. 951 00:58:41,684 --> 00:58:43,436 I can always tell when a suitor is serious 952 00:58:43,520 --> 00:58:46,773 about courtship just by how he looks when a young lady dances with another. 953 00:58:46,856 --> 00:58:50,568 The wall even affords me the chance to hear what the footmen say in secret. 954 00:58:51,861 --> 00:58:53,863 You've been keeping it from me. 955 00:58:56,449 --> 00:58:59,118 You do not have to pretend any longer, Pen. 956 00:59:00,828 --> 00:59:02,956 -You like all of this. 957 00:59:04,999 --> 00:59:07,043 -Well, it can be amusing. 958 00:59:09,087 --> 00:59:10,922 I know you have begun to think little of her, 959 00:59:11,005 --> 00:59:13,299 but is Lady Whistledown still not a source of amusement? 960 00:59:13,383 --> 00:59:15,134 It's not that I think little of her. 961 00:59:16,094 --> 00:59:17,845 When she was gone, I thought I would miss her. 962 00:59:17,929 --> 00:59:20,557 I thought I needed her to make sense of this world. But… 963 00:59:21,057 --> 00:59:24,602 now she is back, reporting on the same old things. 964 00:59:24,686 --> 00:59:26,688 Just another reminder of how trapped I am. 965 00:59:30,316 --> 00:59:31,985 I can feel people's eyes on me. 966 00:59:32,068 --> 00:59:35,405 Every time I walk into a ballroom, I know they are comparing me to Daphne. 967 00:59:35,488 --> 00:59:40,076 She was so good at being the diamond and it made my mother so happy. 968 00:59:41,327 --> 00:59:42,745 I can never live up to that. 969 00:59:43,329 --> 00:59:46,291 I do not want to live up to that, but it does not make it any easier to know 970 00:59:46,374 --> 00:59:49,752 you are constantly disappointing people just by walking into a room. 971 00:59:51,337 --> 00:59:52,922 I never thought of it that way. 972 00:59:54,632 --> 00:59:57,176 No one truly notices me. 973 00:59:58,970 --> 01:00:00,346 I suppose that is what I like. 974 01:00:01,848 --> 01:00:04,100 When you're invisible, you have all the amusement you want 975 01:00:04,183 --> 01:00:07,061 without any of the expectations popularity brings. 976 01:00:07,145 --> 01:00:08,688 It frees you. 977 01:00:10,815 --> 01:00:13,401 Do you think that is why Whistledown remains anonymous? 978 01:00:14,485 --> 01:00:15,403 Perhaps. 979 01:00:17,030 --> 01:00:19,157 Do you think that is why Cressida is so cruel? 980 01:00:19,866 --> 01:00:20,700 No. 981 01:00:21,492 --> 01:00:23,911 I think she just wears her hair too tight. 982 01:00:30,960 --> 01:00:32,128 Oh. 983 01:00:40,053 --> 01:00:42,472 Your presence is noted, 984 01:00:42,555 --> 01:00:44,932 and your queen most appreciative. 985 01:00:46,225 --> 01:00:51,648 Allow it to now be my honor to present to you the season's diamond. 986 01:01:02,909 --> 01:01:04,577 Miss Edwina Sharma. 987 01:01:21,135 --> 01:01:24,013 You look at her the way I look at a finished painting, Brother. 988 01:01:24,097 --> 01:01:25,932 Every man needs a muse, does he not? 989 01:01:40,738 --> 01:01:42,281 Viscount Bridgerton. 990 01:01:43,032 --> 01:01:45,618 Have you yet met my new incomparable? 991 01:01:46,703 --> 01:01:49,414 I am most grateful for the introduction, Your Majesty. 992 01:01:49,497 --> 01:01:52,250 I only hope I shall be afforded the pleasure of a dance. 993 01:02:02,885 --> 01:02:04,762 I suppose I should thank you. 994 01:02:05,805 --> 01:02:09,100 Oh, child. It is much too soon for that. 995 01:02:10,143 --> 01:02:13,229 You must know the real work begins now. 996 01:02:13,312 --> 01:02:15,606 Indeed. There will be a mire to wade through 997 01:02:15,690 --> 01:02:17,442 on behalf of my sister, to be sure. 998 01:02:17,525 --> 01:02:19,402 Speaking of, where is my sister? 999 01:02:21,821 --> 01:02:24,949 Forgive my directness. Do you have any thoughts about children? 1000 01:02:25,450 --> 01:02:27,577 Other than the fact that I desire them so? 1001 01:02:28,453 --> 01:02:31,748 However many I have, my lord, I shall feel most fortunate. 1002 01:02:31,831 --> 01:02:34,667 Together with my husband, we will chart the best course. 1003 01:02:35,251 --> 01:02:36,419 How very sensible. 1004 01:02:37,587 --> 01:02:39,964 Do you play any musical instruments, by chance? 1005 01:02:41,382 --> 01:02:42,967 Many, in fact. 1006 01:02:43,050 --> 01:02:47,388 But, for the most part, my education was taken up by more serious pursuits. 1007 01:02:49,056 --> 01:02:51,893 Modern languages, classical literature. 1008 01:02:51,976 --> 01:02:53,436 I do love to read. 1009 01:02:55,980 --> 01:02:59,484 You do not seem discomposed by my line of questioning. 1010 01:03:00,318 --> 01:03:01,527 Why ever would I be? 1011 01:03:01,611 --> 01:03:05,239 A man who knows what he wants is most admirable. 1012 01:03:06,866 --> 01:03:09,452 Is your father in attendance? I should like to speak with him. 1013 01:03:10,578 --> 01:03:12,872 Sadly, my father died years ago. 1014 01:03:13,748 --> 01:03:14,707 Ah. 1015 01:03:15,792 --> 01:03:16,876 I'm so sorry. 1016 01:03:19,128 --> 01:03:20,004 As did mine. 1017 01:03:27,512 --> 01:03:29,889 Though, perhaps you could speak with my sister. 1018 01:03:30,473 --> 01:03:32,850 It is her blessing you shall need if we are… 1019 01:03:32,934 --> 01:03:34,143 Oh! Here she is now. 1020 01:03:34,227 --> 01:03:35,978 -Kate! -Ah, Lord Bridgerton. 1021 01:03:36,062 --> 01:03:38,731 I see you've met Miss Edwina. This is-- 1022 01:03:38,815 --> 01:03:39,774 Her sister. 1023 01:03:39,857 --> 01:03:41,317 -Miss Sharma, my lord. -Oh. 1024 01:03:43,778 --> 01:03:46,364 The Viscount Bridgerton is a most excellent dancer. 1025 01:03:46,447 --> 01:03:48,991 Perhaps I may learn a thing or two from you, my lord. 1026 01:03:49,075 --> 01:03:51,494 Would you join me in the retiring room, Sister? 1027 01:03:53,913 --> 01:03:55,206 Is something wrong, Didi? 1028 01:03:55,289 --> 01:03:58,042 You are not to go near that man. Do you understand? 1029 01:04:00,253 --> 01:04:02,547 She is a lovely diamond, dearest. 1030 01:04:02,630 --> 01:04:03,589 Indeed. 1031 01:04:05,091 --> 01:04:06,592 She is who I shall marry. 1032 01:04:07,593 --> 01:04:10,304 There are a few things I must make you aware of. 1033 01:04:10,388 --> 01:04:14,308 Color, clarity, carat, cut. 1034 01:04:14,392 --> 01:04:18,896 At long last, the queen has named her most precious stone. 1035 01:04:22,358 --> 01:04:24,235 What is all this? 1036 01:04:26,821 --> 01:04:27,655 Ma'am. 1037 01:04:28,281 --> 01:04:29,448 He is here. 1038 01:04:30,032 --> 01:04:31,826 The new Lord Featherington. 1039 01:04:35,162 --> 01:04:36,789 Lady Featherington. 1040 01:04:37,957 --> 01:04:40,251 That still work if we are not married? 1041 01:04:40,334 --> 01:04:41,627 It's rather strange. 1042 01:04:42,545 --> 01:04:44,755 I thought the heir was old. 1043 01:04:44,839 --> 01:04:46,924 -I thought the heir was ugly. -Ladies. 1044 01:04:47,008 --> 01:04:49,510 It is quite all right. You must mean my father. 1045 01:04:49,594 --> 01:04:51,512 And no offense taken. He was ugly. 1046 01:04:51,596 --> 01:04:52,805 And very old. 1047 01:04:52,889 --> 01:04:55,975 So old that, well, he died. 1048 01:04:56,976 --> 01:05:00,646 I'm terribly sorry for my late arrival. I made the trip from America. 1049 01:05:00,730 --> 01:05:02,899 But don't worry, I've started taking care of things. 1050 01:05:02,982 --> 01:05:05,276 Philippa. That must be you. 1051 01:05:05,359 --> 01:05:07,361 Your dowry to that fine Finch fellow is paid. 1052 01:05:07,445 --> 01:05:09,322 The late Lord's books are on their way to me now. 1053 01:05:09,405 --> 01:05:11,866 And I even took the liberty of having your possessions 1054 01:05:11,949 --> 01:05:13,868 moved from your bedchamber, Lady Featherington. 1055 01:05:13,951 --> 01:05:15,703 Yes, it's still strange. 1056 01:05:15,786 --> 01:05:17,705 You had my possessions moved? 1057 01:05:17,788 --> 01:05:21,083 Well, I shall be taking over those rooms, now that the home is mine. 1058 01:05:21,167 --> 01:05:22,376 You understand, yes? 1059 01:05:23,878 --> 01:05:25,379 It is like you said, Mama. 1060 01:05:25,463 --> 01:05:27,590 The new Lord Featherington is here to provide. 1061 01:05:31,302 --> 01:05:34,430 While this author finds Miss Edwina Sharma 1062 01:05:34,513 --> 01:05:37,016 to be an exceptional young lady, 1063 01:05:37,099 --> 01:05:40,269 it is about time I used these pages 1064 01:05:40,353 --> 01:05:42,355 of record for something else. 1065 01:05:42,438 --> 01:05:43,898 A shift. 1066 01:05:44,440 --> 01:05:48,235 Is the entire practice of naming a diamond not… 1067 01:05:48,319 --> 01:05:50,738 well, rather ridiculous? 1068 01:05:50,821 --> 01:05:55,451 Should a woman not be valued for so much more than her dancing skills 1069 01:05:55,534 --> 01:05:57,119 or her comportment? 1070 01:05:57,203 --> 01:05:59,914 Should we not value a woman instead 1071 01:05:59,997 --> 01:06:02,458 for her candor, her character, 1072 01:06:02,541 --> 01:06:04,377 her true accomplishments? 1073 01:06:04,460 --> 01:06:05,878 What do you think, Eloise? 1074 01:06:06,545 --> 01:06:08,339 -I love it. 1075 01:06:09,799 --> 01:06:15,262 Perhaps if the queen abandoned this absurdity that is the diamond, 1076 01:06:15,346 --> 01:06:19,225 we would all see that a woman can be so much more. 1077 01:06:20,935 --> 01:06:22,603 What is it, Your Majesty? 1078 01:06:22,687 --> 01:06:24,021 Edwina Sharma. 1079 01:06:24,730 --> 01:06:25,940 My diamond. 1080 01:06:26,565 --> 01:06:31,195 It seems she will need to do more for me this season than simply sparkle.