1 00:00:01,752 --> 00:00:05,923 ♪♪ 2 00:00:05,923 --> 00:00:08,800 Hold it right there! [ Sighs ] 3 00:00:08,800 --> 00:00:10,385 Well, Sheriff, I hear you're pretty fast 4 00:00:10,385 --> 00:00:13,013 with that there thermometer gun. 5 00:00:13,013 --> 00:00:14,890 But someday, somebody's gonna come along 6 00:00:14,890 --> 00:00:16,892 what's gonna be faster. 7 00:00:16,892 --> 00:00:18,352 You say that every day, 8 00:00:18,352 --> 00:00:19,978 and I still don't know what it means. 9 00:00:21,605 --> 00:00:23,398 Don't move! 10 00:00:23,398 --> 00:00:26,109 [ Thermometer beeping ] 11 00:00:26,109 --> 00:00:28,695 Okay, it's normal. You passed the first test. 12 00:00:28,695 --> 00:00:31,365 Are you coughing, sneezing, or experiencing diarrhea? 13 00:00:31,365 --> 00:00:33,825 Exactly in that order? No. 14 00:00:33,825 --> 00:00:35,744 Move it or lose it. 15 00:00:39,665 --> 00:00:41,291 Harris. 16 00:00:41,291 --> 00:00:43,043 You're in my easy‐to‐reach‐a‐beer spot. 17 00:00:43,043 --> 00:00:45,003 Sorry. Last chair. 18 00:00:45,003 --> 00:00:47,839 Tell little psycho boy to stop making us eat six feet apart, 19 00:00:47,839 --> 00:00:49,883 and you could sit on the beer if you want. 20 00:00:52,469 --> 00:00:54,930 [ Thermometer beeping ] 21 00:00:54,930 --> 00:00:56,598 Uh‐oh. Mom, you're 99. 22 00:00:57,808 --> 00:00:59,101 Can you smell this? 23 00:00:59,101 --> 00:01:00,310 I‐I don't want to smell it. 24 00:01:00,310 --> 00:01:01,895 It's bad enough I have to eat it. 25 00:01:03,021 --> 00:01:04,606 Excuse me! 26 00:01:04,606 --> 00:01:07,276 Does anyone want to socially distance their asses 27 00:01:07,276 --> 00:01:09,778 so I can come back in the room? 28 00:01:09,778 --> 00:01:11,321 If not, can I please have 29 00:01:11,321 --> 00:01:13,740 another serving of mashed potatoes? 30 00:01:16,493 --> 00:01:17,661 Thank you! 31 00:01:17,661 --> 00:01:19,663 Oh! Damn it! 32 00:01:19,663 --> 00:01:21,540 Oh, don't worry! I'll eat it! 33 00:01:21,540 --> 00:01:23,625 Too good to go to waste. 34 00:01:23,625 --> 00:01:26,962 You know, the best part about this damn pandemic 35 00:01:26,962 --> 00:01:29,965 is having you in our bubble cooking for us. 36 00:01:29,965 --> 00:01:31,675 That's the best thing? 37 00:01:33,302 --> 00:01:34,469 You know what I mean. 38 00:01:36,513 --> 00:01:38,056 Becky, take my spot. 39 00:01:38,056 --> 00:01:39,266 I can't eat and watch that. 40 00:01:40,684 --> 00:01:41,935 Dibs! 41 00:01:46,023 --> 00:01:48,775 So, Dad, have you heard anything from the bank? 42 00:01:48,775 --> 00:01:51,403 I mean, they can't take our house during COVID, can they? 43 00:01:51,403 --> 00:01:53,530 They're so busy repossessing other houses, 44 00:01:53,530 --> 00:01:54,948 maybe they'll forget about us. 45 00:01:54,948 --> 00:01:57,492 [ Chuckling ] Yeah! They have their pick. 46 00:01:57,492 --> 00:02:00,120 Hey, should we grab that four‐bedroom Cape Cod 47 00:02:00,120 --> 00:02:03,915 or Tobacco Road over there with the chicken coop out back? 48 00:02:05,375 --> 00:02:06,626 Is Mark here? 49 00:02:06,626 --> 00:02:08,628 I saw you ride up on your bike. Show me your test. 50 00:02:08,628 --> 00:02:10,589 Here. See? Negative! 51 00:02:10,589 --> 00:02:11,673 That's last week's test. 52 00:02:11,673 --> 00:02:13,550 Oh, for pity's sake. 53 00:02:13,550 --> 00:02:15,260 I'll just leave. 54 00:02:18,513 --> 00:02:19,681 I'm in! 55 00:02:19,681 --> 00:02:21,767 You delivered food to dozens of people. 56 00:02:21,767 --> 00:02:23,101 You have to go! 57 00:02:23,101 --> 00:02:26,396 I eat disinfectant, and I crap sanitizer. 58 00:02:26,396 --> 00:02:29,274 Do your worst or get out of my way, junior. 59 00:02:31,902 --> 00:02:33,278 What's that? 60 00:02:33,278 --> 00:02:35,280 Tony's Falafels closed, 61 00:02:35,280 --> 00:02:38,158 so he had an inventory sale in his parking lot. 62 00:02:38,158 --> 00:02:42,287 Hummus, olives, chickpeas, grape leaves. 63 00:02:42,287 --> 00:02:45,082 Sounds like what animals eat to become food. 64 00:02:45,082 --> 00:02:47,793 Man, restaurants are dropping like flies. 65 00:02:47,793 --> 00:02:50,295 I'm not letting anything happen to The Lunch Box. 66 00:02:50,295 --> 00:02:52,089 I've bailed on too many careers. 67 00:02:52,089 --> 00:02:53,840 I was a cop, I was a trucker. 68 00:02:53,840 --> 00:02:55,717 I got shot, I quit. 69 00:02:55,717 --> 00:02:57,678 Fell asleep at the wheel, I quit. 70 00:02:57,678 --> 00:02:59,596 And by the way, I fell asleep at the wheel as a cop, 71 00:02:59,596 --> 00:03:02,224 and I got shot as a trucker. 72 00:03:02,224 --> 00:03:06,645 Oh, my stars and garters! 73 00:03:06,645 --> 00:03:11,316 Wellman Plastics is reopening, hiring 200 people! 74 00:03:11,316 --> 00:03:13,860 Hmm. Isn't that where you and Roseanne used to work, Jackie? 75 00:03:13,860 --> 00:03:15,195 Yep. 76 00:03:15,195 --> 00:03:17,239 Look, it says they're making up for 77 00:03:17,239 --> 00:03:20,325 the plastics slowdown out of China. 78 00:03:20,325 --> 00:03:21,618 [ Laughs ] 79 00:03:21,618 --> 00:03:23,954 Game over, China! 80 00:03:25,539 --> 00:03:27,624 I remember visiting you guys at work 81 00:03:27,624 --> 00:03:30,752 and watching you robotically doing the same job over and over 82 00:03:30,752 --> 00:03:33,213 and thinking, "Wow. 83 00:03:33,213 --> 00:03:35,924 It must really suck to be an adult." 84 00:03:35,924 --> 00:03:37,592 And it does. 85 00:03:39,010 --> 00:03:40,929 It's gonna be a hell of a place to work, 86 00:03:40,929 --> 00:03:43,473 with people shoulder to shoulder on that assembly line. 87 00:03:43,473 --> 00:03:45,350 It's gonna be way too easy to catch something. 88 00:03:45,350 --> 00:03:48,311 Yeah. I was too easy. I caught something once. 89 00:03:50,105 --> 00:03:52,274 From the supervisor, Booker. 90 00:03:52,274 --> 00:03:53,525 But it was worth it. 91 00:03:53,525 --> 00:03:55,569 He looked just like George Clooney. 92 00:03:57,737 --> 00:04:00,240 So, you, uh ‐‐ you care to make a friendly wager? 93 00:04:00,240 --> 00:04:01,700 Yeah. 94 00:04:01,700 --> 00:04:06,455 If I win, then you have to spend the night at my place. 95 00:04:06,455 --> 00:04:08,373 I've got a 160 average, Booker. 96 00:04:08,373 --> 00:04:09,791 There's no way you're gonna beat me. 97 00:04:09,791 --> 00:04:12,002 Alright, alright, what if you win? 98 00:04:12,002 --> 00:04:14,004 Then you spend the night at my place. 99 00:04:15,255 --> 00:04:16,423 Sounds good. 100 00:04:16,423 --> 00:04:18,341 Scrubbing my bathroom. 101 00:04:20,385 --> 00:04:22,012 [ Sighing ] Ohh, man. 102 00:04:22,012 --> 00:04:24,097 I shoulda hit that till I broke it. 103 00:04:25,515 --> 00:04:27,559 [ Knocking on door ] 104 00:04:27,559 --> 00:04:30,020 Let the old guy get it. 105 00:04:30,020 --> 00:04:32,564 If it's Death, I'm kissing him right on the mouth. 106 00:04:37,569 --> 00:04:38,862 Ha! 107 00:04:38,862 --> 00:04:40,655 [ Chuckling ] Tito! 108 00:04:40,655 --> 00:04:42,407 Hey, neighbor. How you doing? 109 00:04:42,407 --> 00:04:44,618 Man, I haven't seen you in a dog's age. 110 00:04:44,618 --> 00:04:46,453 I've been in the house, you know. 111 00:04:46,453 --> 00:04:48,163 I got a guy working on my roof. 112 00:04:48,163 --> 00:04:50,165 I think he's trying to screw me. 113 00:04:50,165 --> 00:04:51,708 So, could you look over this contract? 114 00:04:51,708 --> 00:04:52,793 Just help me out. 115 00:04:52,793 --> 00:04:54,961 Sure thing. Be happy to. 116 00:05:00,675 --> 00:05:02,928 This is an eviction notice. 117 00:05:02,928 --> 00:05:04,596 Yeah, you've been served. 118 00:05:06,181 --> 00:05:08,058 You son of a bitch. 119 00:05:08,058 --> 00:05:09,851 Hey, I'm... 120 00:05:09,851 --> 00:05:11,144 I'm sorry. 121 00:05:11,144 --> 00:05:12,938 I've been out of work. 122 00:05:12,938 --> 00:05:15,148 I need money for hospital bills. 123 00:05:15,148 --> 00:05:17,859 My ‐‐ My son tried to do one of those, uh, videos 124 00:05:17,859 --> 00:05:21,154 where he dances alongside a moving car. 125 00:05:21,154 --> 00:05:23,156 Uh, he's progressing well. 126 00:05:23,156 --> 00:05:25,242 Yesterday, he said "cat." 127 00:05:26,910 --> 00:05:31,498 W‐Would this be the wrong time to ask for my mower back? 128 00:05:31,498 --> 00:05:32,707 Hold on. 129 00:05:32,707 --> 00:05:34,000 It's right behind the door. 130 00:06:14,624 --> 00:06:17,586 ♪♪ 131 00:06:17,586 --> 00:06:21,089 Uh, do you know what happened to the rest of my wine? 132 00:06:21,089 --> 00:06:23,091 I had like half a bottle. 133 00:06:26,469 --> 00:06:28,889 Oh. Sorry, you're new. 134 00:06:28,889 --> 00:06:33,685 Um, house rules ‐‐ "If it's red, keep it under the bed. 135 00:06:33,685 --> 00:06:37,022 If it's white, who drinks half a bottle anyway?" 136 00:06:37,022 --> 00:06:39,816 [ Refrigerator door closes ] 137 00:06:39,816 --> 00:06:42,652 It's like living with bears. 138 00:06:42,652 --> 00:06:46,281 Yesterday I put my plate down, went to get a napkin. 139 00:06:46,281 --> 00:06:49,618 Someone ate the meat out of my sandwich. 140 00:06:49,618 --> 00:06:52,746 That's Harris. She's cutting back on carbs. 141 00:06:52,746 --> 00:06:53,788 Are you working? 142 00:06:53,788 --> 00:06:55,457 Mm‐hmm. 143 00:06:55,457 --> 00:06:58,084 How do you do that with all this craziness in the house? 144 00:06:58,084 --> 00:06:59,502 Well, we're starting a magazine 145 00:06:59,502 --> 00:07:01,338 about criminals and shady people. 146 00:07:01,338 --> 00:07:03,423 I use the family for inspiration. 147 00:07:03,423 --> 00:07:05,091 And I started drinking a lot. 148 00:07:09,179 --> 00:07:12,140 Your family stole my Merlot. 149 00:07:12,140 --> 00:07:14,434 I want you to go out there and beat 'em up. 150 00:07:14,434 --> 00:07:16,603 Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention. 151 00:07:16,603 --> 00:07:17,812 If it's red ‐‐ 152 00:07:17,812 --> 00:07:19,272 I know! 153 00:07:20,649 --> 00:07:21,816 [ Sighs ] 154 00:07:22,901 --> 00:07:24,110 What's that? 155 00:07:26,112 --> 00:07:28,448 An eviction notice. 156 00:07:28,448 --> 00:07:30,825 I got five days till the sheriff locks us out. 157 00:07:32,243 --> 00:07:33,912 Well... 158 00:07:33,912 --> 00:07:37,332 worse comes to worse, you can come stay with me. 159 00:07:37,332 --> 00:07:40,752 What about the rest of the baseball team that lives here? 160 00:07:40,752 --> 00:07:42,671 Yeah, well... 161 00:07:42,671 --> 00:07:45,215 I can't go anywhere. 162 00:07:45,215 --> 00:07:47,008 But you know what? 163 00:07:47,008 --> 00:07:49,719 You're good‐looking enough to get yourself a rich guy. 164 00:07:49,719 --> 00:07:52,347 I am not leaving you. 165 00:07:52,347 --> 00:07:54,432 No. 166 00:07:54,432 --> 00:07:56,935 I meant lure him back here so we could rob him. 167 00:07:56,935 --> 00:07:58,186 [ Laughs ] 168 00:07:58,186 --> 00:08:00,063 ♪♪ 169 00:08:03,858 --> 00:08:05,443 Hey. 170 00:08:05,443 --> 00:08:07,696 Uh, I bought some vegan cheese to go with Louise's wine. 171 00:08:07,696 --> 00:08:09,447 Where is it? 172 00:08:09,447 --> 00:08:11,366 Oh, um, well, if you give me some cheese, 173 00:08:11,366 --> 00:08:13,284 I'll make sure it spends some time with the wine. 174 00:08:14,994 --> 00:08:16,413 I'm just glad you're liquored up, 175 00:08:16,413 --> 00:08:19,791 'cause the premiere issue of Lanford Exposed 176 00:08:19,791 --> 00:08:22,335 just lost its last big advertiser. 177 00:08:22,335 --> 00:08:24,129 You gotta be kidding me. 178 00:08:24,129 --> 00:08:25,672 There's gotta be somebody else. 179 00:08:25,672 --> 00:08:27,340 [ Chuckling ] No. 180 00:08:27,340 --> 00:08:30,009 Businesses aren't advertising 'cause people aren't spending. 181 00:08:30,009 --> 00:08:31,386 Everybody's just staying home 182 00:08:31,386 --> 00:08:33,221 and watching reruns of "The Nanny" 183 00:08:33,221 --> 00:08:36,141 and scarfing antidepressants. 184 00:08:36,141 --> 00:08:38,560 I think that's just you. 185 00:08:38,560 --> 00:08:40,311 I just finished that article 186 00:08:40,311 --> 00:08:42,272 about how banks are screwing people over 187 00:08:42,272 --> 00:08:43,440 just when they need help the most. 188 00:08:43,440 --> 00:08:45,400 It's, like, the best thing I've ever written. 189 00:08:45,400 --> 00:08:49,154 I guess we could hit up the smaller businesses, 190 00:08:49,154 --> 00:08:51,281 sell smaller ads, and make it up in volume. 191 00:08:51,281 --> 00:08:53,283 That is such a great idea. 192 00:08:53,283 --> 00:08:54,784 Yeah, and we'll double team 'em. 193 00:08:54,784 --> 00:08:56,953 I'll go out there with you and knock on some doors, too. 194 00:08:56,953 --> 00:08:58,413 Okay, well, that could work. 195 00:08:58,413 --> 00:08:59,831 Yeah, and the mask will hide 196 00:08:59,831 --> 00:09:01,875 your general contempt for humanity. 197 00:09:02,834 --> 00:09:04,711 ♪♪ 198 00:09:04,711 --> 00:09:06,004 Okay! 199 00:09:06,004 --> 00:09:07,881 Ready for more deliveries. 200 00:09:07,881 --> 00:09:10,258 You can't make all those deliveries by yourself. 201 00:09:10,258 --> 00:09:11,593 Well, who else is gonna do it? 202 00:09:11,593 --> 00:09:13,595 We can't afford a delivery service. 203 00:09:13,595 --> 00:09:16,931 And besides, my calves are getting to be like steel cables. 204 00:09:18,641 --> 00:09:19,851 Thanks, Emilio. 205 00:09:19,851 --> 00:09:22,062 How come the bags are all stapled closed? 206 00:09:22,062 --> 00:09:25,690 Oh, because the delivery person keeps eating the fries. 207 00:09:25,690 --> 00:09:27,025 Customers describe her as 208 00:09:27,025 --> 00:09:29,694 "a greasy‐mouthed woman with giant calves." 209 00:09:29,694 --> 00:09:31,863 Well, that's the problem with this country. 210 00:09:31,863 --> 00:09:33,239 We're in the middle of a pandemic, 211 00:09:33,239 --> 00:09:34,949 and people are counting their fries. 212 00:09:36,534 --> 00:09:38,536 Emilio, you shouldn't be out here. 213 00:09:38,536 --> 00:09:40,622 Somebody from ICE might see you. 214 00:09:40,622 --> 00:09:43,708 Do you know how long it's been since I felt the sun on my face? 215 00:09:43,708 --> 00:09:45,251 I'm starting to look like a white guy. 216 00:09:46,711 --> 00:09:49,089 I could probably get a loan for a house right now. 217 00:09:49,089 --> 00:09:50,632 We're officially married, 218 00:09:50,632 --> 00:09:52,467 so they're gonna have to look at my credit, too. 219 00:09:52,467 --> 00:09:53,551 Ain't gonna happen. 220 00:09:56,513 --> 00:09:58,431 That's okay. 221 00:09:58,431 --> 00:10:02,560 Beverly Rose, you will be my sunshine. 222 00:10:02,560 --> 00:10:04,479 Pick‐up for Steve Weisman? 223 00:10:09,692 --> 00:10:12,654 Uh, it's those bags right there. Can you grab them for me? 224 00:10:12,654 --> 00:10:15,490 Uh...sure thing... 225 00:10:15,490 --> 00:10:16,783 dude! 226 00:10:16,783 --> 00:10:18,827 I'll get it. 227 00:10:18,827 --> 00:10:20,537 Uh, here you go, Officer. 228 00:10:20,537 --> 00:10:22,122 Have a great day. Thanks. 229 00:10:22,122 --> 00:10:23,706 Oh, and by the way, the food here 230 00:10:23,706 --> 00:10:25,500 has gotten way better in the last few weeks. 231 00:10:25,500 --> 00:10:27,293 Oh! Ah, yes. That would be me. 232 00:10:27,293 --> 00:10:29,420 I am the new chef. 233 00:10:29,420 --> 00:10:31,548 Chaz...Johnson. 234 00:10:31,548 --> 00:10:33,299 Chaz Johnson. 235 00:10:35,593 --> 00:10:37,178 Chaz Johnson? 236 00:10:37,178 --> 00:10:39,097 Why would you take a chance like that? 237 00:10:39,097 --> 00:10:41,224 You made me nervous. 238 00:10:41,224 --> 00:10:43,309 And you're being paranoid. 239 00:10:43,309 --> 00:10:44,769 I lived here for years before I met you, 240 00:10:44,769 --> 00:10:46,396 and I did not have a problem. 241 00:10:46,396 --> 00:10:48,815 What are you talking about? You got deported! 242 00:10:48,815 --> 00:10:50,066 I only married you 243 00:10:50,066 --> 00:10:53,361 so you could come here legally in a couple years. 244 00:10:53,361 --> 00:10:55,947 If they catch you here now, you'll be banned forever. 245 00:10:57,282 --> 00:11:00,577 But what if I go back and they do not let me back in? 246 00:11:00,577 --> 00:11:02,787 They keep changing the rules. 247 00:11:02,787 --> 00:11:05,081 Do you really trust this government not to do it again? 248 00:11:06,040 --> 00:11:08,543 No. I guess I don't. 249 00:11:10,670 --> 00:11:14,632 And you have that nice, cozy basement 250 00:11:14,632 --> 00:11:16,301 with my child in it. 251 00:11:16,301 --> 00:11:18,386 I'm not ready to tell my family yet, 252 00:11:18,386 --> 00:11:19,804 and we don't need to live together. 253 00:11:19,804 --> 00:11:21,222 We're not a couple! 254 00:11:23,016 --> 00:11:25,101 What ever happened to that nice little drunk girl 255 00:11:25,101 --> 00:11:28,062 I made love to in a freezer? 256 00:11:28,062 --> 00:11:29,772 Oh, don't romanticize it. 257 00:11:29,772 --> 00:11:32,358 I had to hold on to a side of beef to keep my balance. 258 00:11:33,735 --> 00:11:36,196 ♪♪ 259 00:11:36,196 --> 00:11:39,115 Dan, what the hell are you doing?! 260 00:11:39,115 --> 00:11:40,408 I'm working. 261 00:11:40,408 --> 00:11:42,160 Well, you shouldn't be doing that alone. 262 00:11:42,160 --> 00:11:43,286 Where's your crew? 263 00:11:44,662 --> 00:11:46,372 They went to get coffee. 264 00:11:46,372 --> 00:11:47,999 All of them? 265 00:11:47,999 --> 00:11:51,211 Right when you need to unload drywall from the truck? 266 00:11:51,211 --> 00:11:53,755 They promised to bring me a Frappuccino. 267 00:11:55,506 --> 00:11:58,676 Okay. Alright. I can wait. 268 00:11:58,676 --> 00:12:02,138 I gotta stretch these big boys out anyway, so... 269 00:12:03,389 --> 00:12:06,476 1,000... 270 00:12:06,476 --> 00:12:09,187 999... 271 00:12:09,187 --> 00:12:10,396 998 ‐‐ 272 00:12:10,396 --> 00:12:11,731 Jackie, just go! 273 00:12:11,731 --> 00:12:13,483 No. Not until you tell me the truth. 274 00:12:14,817 --> 00:12:18,363 I laid off my crew because I need to make all the money. 275 00:12:18,363 --> 00:12:19,864 I got the eviction notice. 276 00:12:20,823 --> 00:12:22,533 Oh, Dan. 277 00:12:22,533 --> 00:12:24,285 I don't have time to chitchat. 278 00:12:24,285 --> 00:12:26,204 I‐I got‐‐ I gotta work. 279 00:12:26,204 --> 00:12:27,664 But you can't be doing this by yourself. 280 00:12:27,664 --> 00:12:28,748 You're gonna have a heart attack! 281 00:12:28,748 --> 00:12:29,624 Just go! 282 00:12:29,624 --> 00:12:31,459 Alright, fine! 283 00:12:31,459 --> 00:12:32,794 Fine. 284 00:12:32,794 --> 00:12:34,379 Here's your lunch. 285 00:12:34,379 --> 00:12:36,047 Where do you think you'll fall? 286 00:12:36,047 --> 00:12:37,840 Well, probably straight back, 287 00:12:37,840 --> 00:12:39,842 hand clutches the heart, the other one goes out, 288 00:12:39,842 --> 00:12:41,302 so I guess right about there. 289 00:12:44,764 --> 00:12:46,557 Ohh. 290 00:12:46,557 --> 00:12:48,559 ♪♪ 291 00:12:48,559 --> 00:12:51,229 Hey, Dad. I picked up the kind of beer you like. 292 00:12:51,229 --> 00:12:53,022 The big kind. 293 00:12:55,024 --> 00:12:56,776 Hey, I just now got comfortable. 294 00:12:56,776 --> 00:12:58,444 How about one of my wonderful daughters 295 00:12:58,444 --> 00:12:59,904 sliding that over to me? 296 00:13:01,447 --> 00:13:02,949 There you go. 297 00:13:04,617 --> 00:13:06,244 Just give me the damn beer. I'm hurt. 298 00:13:06,244 --> 00:13:08,162 [ Gasps ] Are you?! 299 00:13:08,162 --> 00:13:10,999 Oh, my God, Darlene! Dad's hurt? 300 00:13:10,999 --> 00:13:14,085 Well, what happened, Father? 301 00:13:14,085 --> 00:13:16,004 I hope you weren't drywalling by yourself, 302 00:13:16,004 --> 00:13:17,380 like a complete idiot. 303 00:13:18,798 --> 00:13:20,675 Jackie should've never told you. 304 00:13:20,675 --> 00:13:22,385 It's none of your business! 305 00:13:22,385 --> 00:13:24,053 [ Scoffs ] Yes, it is! 306 00:13:24,053 --> 00:13:26,431 Because if you get thrown out, we get thrown out. 307 00:13:26,431 --> 00:13:27,932 Now, we are wasting time. 308 00:13:27,932 --> 00:13:30,226 Right now Becky could be selling her body out on the street. 309 00:13:30,226 --> 00:13:33,229 Aw, you really think so? Thanks! 310 00:13:33,229 --> 00:13:35,523 It's tough to keep in hooker shape. 311 00:13:35,523 --> 00:13:37,483 This conversation's over. 312 00:13:37,483 --> 00:13:39,861 Come on, Dad. Let us help you with the mortgage. 313 00:13:39,861 --> 00:13:41,571 You're out of options. 314 00:13:41,571 --> 00:13:43,614 You're like the captain of the Titanic. 315 00:13:43,614 --> 00:13:46,242 It's time to throw on a dress and sneak into the lifeboat. 316 00:13:46,242 --> 00:13:47,577 Please. 317 00:13:47,577 --> 00:13:49,746 Let's not wait until the sheriff is knocking at the door. 318 00:13:49,746 --> 00:13:51,080 Let us pay rent. 319 00:13:51,080 --> 00:13:53,124 It's me, Ben, Becky, Harris. 320 00:13:53,124 --> 00:13:54,292 We'll make it work. 321 00:13:54,292 --> 00:13:55,752 Hey! 322 00:13:55,752 --> 00:13:57,545 Lay off your dad. 323 00:13:57,545 --> 00:14:00,923 He works his ass off, and now he's hurting. 324 00:14:00,923 --> 00:14:05,178 And you know what a stupid, stubborn, prideful man he is. 325 00:14:05,178 --> 00:14:07,638 He'd rather put you all out on the street 326 00:14:07,638 --> 00:14:09,640 than let you help him in any way. 327 00:14:11,184 --> 00:14:13,436 That started out so good. 328 00:14:13,436 --> 00:14:15,396 Alright, I got no choice. 329 00:14:15,396 --> 00:14:16,689 I'll take your rent. 330 00:14:16,689 --> 00:14:18,691 [ Sighs ] Finally. 331 00:14:18,691 --> 00:14:20,401 By the way, I'm gonna be a couple weeks late. 332 00:14:20,401 --> 00:14:21,611 [ Sighs ] 333 00:14:21,611 --> 00:14:22,945 Uh, me too. 334 00:14:22,945 --> 00:14:24,739 And when you decide who pays what, 335 00:14:24,739 --> 00:14:27,909 just remember my baby and I live down there in steerage. 336 00:14:29,494 --> 00:14:31,579 Oh, and I'm gonna drink this because you lied to us. 337 00:14:31,579 --> 00:14:32,580 [ Groans ] 338 00:14:32,580 --> 00:14:34,332 ♪♪ 339 00:14:34,332 --> 00:14:36,709 Hey. How'd you do? You sell any ads? 340 00:14:36,709 --> 00:14:39,629 I did run into the Whelan family in the parking lot, 341 00:14:39,629 --> 00:14:42,507 and they are gonna buy an ad. 342 00:14:42,507 --> 00:14:46,761 "Joyous congratulations to Jacob on his streaming bar mitzvah, 343 00:14:46,761 --> 00:14:51,057 and rest in peace to Menachem, the best poodle ever." 344 00:14:51,057 --> 00:14:54,268 Boy. Been a real roller coaster for that family. 345 00:14:54,268 --> 00:14:56,270 Please tell me you did better than I did. 346 00:14:57,563 --> 00:14:59,190 Well, in fact, I did. 347 00:14:59,190 --> 00:15:01,776 I got ‐‐ drum roll, please ‐‐ 348 00:15:01,776 --> 00:15:03,736 Bill's Lawn Mower Repair. 349 00:15:03,736 --> 00:15:04,779 Hey! Yes. 350 00:15:04,779 --> 00:15:06,197 And the best part is 351 00:15:06,197 --> 00:15:08,908 he wants to pay us in lawn mower repair. 352 00:15:10,159 --> 00:15:11,744 Well, that's great, 353 00:15:11,744 --> 00:15:14,205 because we may need to start mowing lawns. 354 00:15:18,292 --> 00:15:19,252 [ Sighs ] 355 00:15:20,920 --> 00:15:22,421 I'm so sorry, baby, 356 00:15:22,421 --> 00:15:24,090 but I don't think there's any saving this thing. 357 00:15:25,842 --> 00:15:27,009 We're almost broke. 358 00:15:29,679 --> 00:15:31,097 You ready to call it? 359 00:15:32,515 --> 00:15:34,851 [ Groans ] 360 00:15:34,851 --> 00:15:36,894 I can't believe this. 361 00:15:38,437 --> 00:15:40,773 Every time I thought about my future, 362 00:15:40,773 --> 00:15:42,233 the magazine was part of it. 363 00:15:42,233 --> 00:15:43,526 [ Scoffs ] 364 00:15:43,526 --> 00:15:45,695 This is like my future's over. 365 00:15:45,695 --> 00:15:48,781 Well, you can still find something else 366 00:15:48,781 --> 00:15:50,366 that you can use your writing for and ‐‐ 367 00:15:50,366 --> 00:15:52,535 No. Sto‐‐ No more writing. 368 00:15:52,535 --> 00:15:54,036 It's, like, ruining my life. 369 00:15:54,036 --> 00:15:56,038 I'm staring down a stack of overdue bills. 370 00:15:56,038 --> 00:15:57,915 I just told my dad we'd start paying rent. 371 00:15:57,915 --> 00:15:59,041 Say what, now? 372 00:16:01,252 --> 00:16:03,379 It's time to get a real job. 373 00:16:03,379 --> 00:16:05,965 I should have known this magazine thing was gonna fall apart. 374 00:16:05,965 --> 00:16:08,509 By the way, thanks for the false hope. 375 00:16:08,509 --> 00:16:09,969 Oh, I'm sorry. 376 00:16:09,969 --> 00:16:11,554 I know this has been hard on you, 377 00:16:11,554 --> 00:16:13,598 but it's been a great ride for me. 378 00:16:13,598 --> 00:16:16,225 I lost my business, I've gone through my savings, 379 00:16:16,225 --> 00:16:19,562 and I'm sleeping in your childhood bed. 380 00:16:19,562 --> 00:16:22,690 But, hey, at least I have your sour face to look at. 381 00:16:22,690 --> 00:16:23,983 [ Chuckles ] 382 00:16:26,402 --> 00:16:28,321 I'm just scared, you know? 383 00:16:28,321 --> 00:16:30,573 There's, like, not a lot of jobs out there. 384 00:16:30,573 --> 00:16:33,451 Well, you could be a bouncer at one of those big box stores. 385 00:16:33,451 --> 00:16:34,744 They're looking for greeters 386 00:16:34,744 --> 00:16:36,954 who'll take down the customers who won't wear masks. 387 00:16:36,954 --> 00:16:39,123 That's not a job. I'd do that for free. 388 00:16:44,378 --> 00:16:46,130 Hey. 389 00:16:46,130 --> 00:16:49,050 Is this the line to apply for jobs for Wellman Plastics? 390 00:16:49,050 --> 00:16:51,260 No, it's a soup kitchen line 391 00:16:51,260 --> 00:16:52,929 that started during the Great Depression. 392 00:16:52,929 --> 00:16:54,472 Service is just slow. 393 00:16:54,472 --> 00:16:55,681 Thanks. 394 00:16:55,681 --> 00:16:57,266 I hope I end up next to you on line. 395 00:16:57,266 --> 00:16:58,184 You seem fun. 396 00:16:59,393 --> 00:17:01,395 Hey. 397 00:17:01,395 --> 00:17:02,813 What are you doing here? 398 00:17:02,813 --> 00:17:04,106 What are you doing here? 399 00:17:05,691 --> 00:17:07,652 Jackie told me she can't afford to give me a salary 400 00:17:07,652 --> 00:17:11,280 for The Lunch Box right now, so I'm applying for a job. 401 00:17:12,490 --> 00:17:13,658 Go ahead. 402 00:17:13,658 --> 00:17:14,909 Call me a loser. 403 00:17:14,909 --> 00:17:17,161 Okay, you're a loser. 404 00:17:17,161 --> 00:17:20,081 I'm actually here to get a job, too. The magazine folded. 405 00:17:20,081 --> 00:17:21,749 Then why did you call me a loser? 406 00:17:21,749 --> 00:17:23,042 'Cause it was free. 407 00:17:24,335 --> 00:17:26,379 Uh...wait. 408 00:17:26,379 --> 00:17:29,382 If you're working here, who's gonna watch the baby? 409 00:17:29,382 --> 00:17:30,383 Not a clue. 410 00:17:32,385 --> 00:17:34,971 Man, wouldn't it be perfect timing if Emilio were here? 411 00:17:34,971 --> 00:17:36,389 [ Chuckles nervously ] 412 00:17:36,389 --> 00:17:39,559 No. Emilio being here would be a total disaster. 413 00:17:40,893 --> 00:17:43,312 Oh, no. Emilio's here. 414 00:17:43,312 --> 00:17:44,689 It's okay. 415 00:17:44,689 --> 00:17:46,607 He's gonna watch Beverly Rose at the restaurant 416 00:17:46,607 --> 00:17:48,859 while he hides out from the authorities. 417 00:17:48,859 --> 00:17:50,486 But don't tell Dad. 418 00:17:50,486 --> 00:17:51,946 He won't understand. [ Door opens ] 419 00:17:51,946 --> 00:17:53,656 We're gonna hold the line up a bit 420 00:17:53,656 --> 00:17:55,908 until we get the folks inside taken care of. 421 00:17:55,908 --> 00:17:57,368 And then we'll start it up again. 422 00:18:00,413 --> 00:18:01,581 Ugh. 423 00:18:01,581 --> 00:18:03,791 Alright. 424 00:18:03,791 --> 00:18:06,085 I won't tell Dad about Emilio 425 00:18:06,085 --> 00:18:08,129 if you let me wear Mom's old Wellman shirt. 426 00:18:08,129 --> 00:18:10,506 That is a brilliant suck‐up idea for the interview. 427 00:18:10,506 --> 00:18:11,757 No way! 428 00:18:13,217 --> 00:18:15,052 Why aren't you trying to get another writing job? 429 00:18:18,681 --> 00:18:21,434 Because I've got 25 years of failure 430 00:18:21,434 --> 00:18:24,186 telling me that that's the wrong direction. 431 00:18:24,186 --> 00:18:26,230 When I moved back in with Mom and Dad, 432 00:18:26,230 --> 00:18:28,691 I didn't think I could go any lower. 433 00:18:28,691 --> 00:18:32,320 And then I chased this stupid magazine into the ground. 434 00:18:32,320 --> 00:18:35,281 I mean, like, what is wrong with me? 435 00:18:35,281 --> 00:18:37,199 No one wants me to be a writer. Take a hint. 436 00:18:38,701 --> 00:18:40,161 You know? It's like... 437 00:18:42,538 --> 00:18:45,207 [Voice breaking] If I'd done anything else, you know, 438 00:18:45,207 --> 00:18:48,711 I wouldn't be standing on this line, starting over. 439 00:18:53,633 --> 00:18:55,134 As the older sister, 440 00:18:55,134 --> 00:18:58,262 I guess I could have been a better role model. 441 00:18:58,262 --> 00:19:01,140 Uh, at least I'm ahead of you in line. 442 00:19:05,561 --> 00:19:08,648 Mom worked here. Maybe it'll be okay. 443 00:19:08,648 --> 00:19:11,275 No, we're supposed to do better than our parents. 444 00:19:11,275 --> 00:19:13,694 We're not supposed to be going backwards. 445 00:19:13,694 --> 00:19:16,030 We're ‐‐ We're gonna end up as immigrants 446 00:19:16,030 --> 00:19:17,531 on a ship back to Ireland. 447 00:19:19,283 --> 00:19:20,993 Oh, my God, what if they don't hire us? 448 00:19:20,993 --> 00:19:22,620 They have to take us. 449 00:19:22,620 --> 00:19:24,664 We're legacies. 450 00:19:24,664 --> 00:19:27,249 We have Wellman Plastics in our blood. 451 00:19:27,249 --> 00:19:29,043 Well, that's probably just from the tap water. 452 00:19:30,795 --> 00:19:33,089 Let's look at this positively. 453 00:19:33,089 --> 00:19:35,508 Um, it's a new beginning. 454 00:19:35,508 --> 00:19:38,678 Aunt Jackie started here, and she owns a restaurant. 455 00:19:38,678 --> 00:19:41,055 That's something to be proud of. 456 00:19:41,055 --> 00:19:42,390 Sandwiches! 457 00:19:42,390 --> 00:19:44,350 Who wants an olive hummus sandwich heah?! 458 00:19:44,350 --> 00:19:46,185 Opa! 459 00:19:48,062 --> 00:19:50,314 Well, maybe our kids'll do something. 460 00:19:50,314 --> 00:19:53,234 ♪♪ 461 00:19:53,234 --> 00:19:54,735 Well, here we go, Laverne. 462 00:19:54,735 --> 00:19:55,569 Schlemiel. 463 00:19:55,569 --> 00:19:56,904 Schlimazel. 464 00:19:56,904 --> 00:19:58,989 Both: Hasenpfeffer Incorporated! 465 00:19:58,989 --> 00:20:00,324 ♪ Doo‐doo‐doo, doo‐doo‐doo ♪ 466 00:20:00,324 --> 00:20:02,076 ♪ We're not gonna make it ♪ 467 00:20:04,578 --> 00:20:06,330 At least Laverne and Shirley worked in a brewery 468 00:20:06,330 --> 00:20:08,541 and could chug a beer once in a while. 469 00:20:08,541 --> 00:20:10,918 Well, we get free travel‐sized bottles, 470 00:20:10,918 --> 00:20:12,211 which will come in handy 471 00:20:12,211 --> 00:20:14,422 if any other country ever lets Americans in again. 472 00:20:15,631 --> 00:20:18,008 Alright, come on. Let's just be happy we're working. 473 00:20:18,008 --> 00:20:19,468 Wait. 474 00:20:19,468 --> 00:20:21,220 How old were Laverne and Shirley supposed to be 475 00:20:21,220 --> 00:20:23,264 when they had these jobs? 476 00:20:23,264 --> 00:20:24,473 Around 22. 477 00:20:26,642 --> 00:20:27,685 Oh, crap! 478 00:20:27,685 --> 00:20:30,020 ♪♪ 479 00:20:32,940 --> 00:20:35,192 We've been stuck in this house for months. 480 00:20:35,192 --> 00:20:36,360 We needed something to celebrate. 481 00:20:36,360 --> 00:20:39,363 So I found something special about today. 482 00:20:39,363 --> 00:20:41,991 Go ahead and guess. Okay. 483 00:20:41,991 --> 00:20:45,619 Thomas Edison applied for a patent for the light bulb. 484 00:20:45,619 --> 00:20:46,370 No! 485 00:20:46,370 --> 00:20:47,621 Becky: Uh... 486 00:20:47,621 --> 00:20:50,583 there was a giant earthquake in Uzbekistan. 487 00:20:50,583 --> 00:20:52,668 Good, but no! 488 00:20:52,668 --> 00:20:55,796 It's National Reptile Awareness Day! 489 00:20:55,796 --> 00:20:57,923 It's also my birthday. 490 00:21:00,926 --> 00:21:02,261 We knew that, honey. 491 00:21:03,471 --> 00:21:04,889 Happy birthday! Happy birthday, man! Happy birthday, Mark! Happy birthday! 492 00:21:04,889 --> 00:21:07,391 [ Laughter ] 493 00:21:07,391 --> 00:21:08,726 Is that my cake? 494 00:21:08,726 --> 00:21:11,020 [ Laughs sadly ] 495 00:21:11,020 --> 00:21:14,064 Well, it sure is, birthday boy! 496 00:21:15,608 --> 00:21:17,401 Why is there a lizard on it? 497 00:21:17,401 --> 00:21:19,361 That's because of your nickname. 498 00:21:19,361 --> 00:21:21,071 When you were a baby, we called you ‐‐ 499 00:21:21,071 --> 00:21:22,698 Iguana! 500 00:21:22,698 --> 00:21:24,658 [I want to] Iguana tell you happy birthday. 501 00:21:24,658 --> 00:21:26,494 Hooray!