1 00:00:03,669 --> 00:00:06,359 David just parked. 2 00:00:06,360 --> 00:00:08,608 You know, I don't think I've ever met Mark's dad. 3 00:00:08,609 --> 00:00:11,277 Well, we've actually been separated for years, 4 00:00:11,278 --> 00:00:14,247 so he's never been to a parent-teacher conference before. 5 00:00:14,248 --> 00:00:16,105 - He was working overseas. - Oh. 6 00:00:16,106 --> 00:00:18,774 Not for money, but, um... 7 00:00:18,775 --> 00:00:19,909 But he's a good dad... yeah. 8 00:00:19,910 --> 00:00:22,411 Not a great dad, or he would've been on time. 9 00:00:23,747 --> 00:00:24,947 I'm just... I'm just kidding. 10 00:00:24,948 --> 00:00:25,781 I'm just kidding. 11 00:00:25,782 --> 00:00:27,717 We have that kind of relationship, 12 00:00:27,718 --> 00:00:29,451 you know, when he's not around. 13 00:00:31,521 --> 00:00:33,789 Oh, so, so sorry we're late. 14 00:00:33,790 --> 00:00:34,523 Who's this? 15 00:00:34,524 --> 00:00:35,925 This is my girlfriend, Blue. 16 00:00:35,926 --> 00:00:37,359 Blue, this is Darlene, 17 00:00:37,360 --> 00:00:40,629 and... and Mark's teacher, Mrs... um, Reynolds. 18 00:00:40,630 --> 00:00:42,398 Thank you for having me, 19 00:00:42,399 --> 00:00:45,134 member of the noblest profession. 20 00:00:46,636 --> 00:00:50,439 Ah, and it's so nice to finally meet you, Darlene. 21 00:00:50,440 --> 00:00:52,975 Yes, it's... nice to meet you, too. 22 00:00:52,976 --> 00:00:55,978 And what a delightful surprise that it's happening here! 23 00:00:58,115 --> 00:00:59,982 I should've told you that Blue was coming, 24 00:00:59,983 --> 00:01:01,617 but at the last minute, 25 00:01:01,618 --> 00:01:02,651 she felt that... 26 00:01:02,652 --> 00:01:05,321 I-I mean we felt that if she was here, 27 00:01:05,322 --> 00:01:07,256 she could be a more profound part 28 00:01:07,257 --> 00:01:09,225 of Mark's life journey. 29 00:01:09,226 --> 00:01:11,427 Yeah, I've only met Mark twice, 30 00:01:11,428 --> 00:01:13,963 but I've known him forever. 31 00:01:15,132 --> 00:01:18,500 And, you know, like they say, the more parents, the better! 32 00:01:19,836 --> 00:01:22,805 Um... who says that? No one says that. 33 00:01:22,806 --> 00:01:24,406 So, why don't we get started. 34 00:01:24,407 --> 00:01:26,008 Uh, yeah, sorry. 35 00:01:26,009 --> 00:01:28,477 I'm... I'm anxious to hear how Mark's doing in his new class. 36 00:01:28,478 --> 00:01:31,113 First, Mark is an absolute pleasure, 37 00:01:31,114 --> 00:01:33,349 although he can be... a little too talkative at times. 38 00:01:33,350 --> 00:01:35,150 That is so Mark. 39 00:01:37,187 --> 00:01:41,590 I'm always saying that. He's so highly verbal. 40 00:01:41,591 --> 00:01:44,293 Totally. You would know, 'cause you've met him twice, so... 41 00:01:45,128 --> 00:01:48,164 So, uh... Mark's a big talker? 42 00:01:48,165 --> 00:01:50,132 Is that... Is that affecting his schoolwork? 43 00:01:50,133 --> 00:01:53,169 No. Honestly, it's a struggle to keep him challenged. 44 00:01:53,170 --> 00:01:54,103 W-W-Well, you know, if you think 45 00:01:54,104 --> 00:01:56,005 he needs some extra work to challenge him, 46 00:01:56,006 --> 00:01:58,541 we can help him when the kids stay over this weekend. 47 00:01:58,542 --> 00:02:00,709 H-Hold up. What... The kids are staying over? 48 00:02:00,710 --> 00:02:01,877 I never agreed to that. 49 00:02:04,447 --> 00:02:06,982 Huh. My smart watch is telling me to get up and move, 50 00:02:06,983 --> 00:02:09,018 and, I don't know, now seems like a good time. 51 00:02:11,221 --> 00:02:13,656 You said the kids could sleep over sometimes. 52 00:02:13,657 --> 00:02:15,991 That's just something you say, like, 53 00:02:15,992 --> 00:02:17,660 "They're your kids, too." 54 00:02:19,062 --> 00:02:20,029 Come on. 55 00:02:20,030 --> 00:02:22,197 I'm trying to make up for lost time here. 56 00:02:25,035 --> 00:02:27,136 Fine. They can sleep over. 57 00:02:27,137 --> 00:02:30,039 And you do not have to worry. 58 00:02:30,040 --> 00:02:32,441 I lived on a weed commune... 59 00:02:34,544 --> 00:02:37,680 ...where we all shared in the raising of the children. 60 00:02:38,815 --> 00:02:40,683 Oh, yeah, sure. Well, it's easier that way 61 00:02:40,684 --> 00:02:42,952 when you're too stoned to know whose kid is whose. 62 00:03:22,959 --> 00:03:24,126 "The Conners" is recorded 63 00:03:24,127 --> 00:03:26,228 in front of a live studio audience. 64 00:03:26,229 --> 00:03:27,863 Ah, damn. 65 00:03:27,864 --> 00:03:29,031 You okay? 66 00:03:29,032 --> 00:03:30,532 Ah, I'm short a guy at work. 67 00:03:30,533 --> 00:03:33,202 My back's acting up from hangin' drywall. 68 00:03:33,203 --> 00:03:34,370 Turns out... 69 00:03:34,371 --> 00:03:36,305 I forgot to eat right and exercise 70 00:03:36,306 --> 00:03:37,906 for the last 50 years. 71 00:03:39,209 --> 00:03:40,276 It's never too late. 72 00:03:40,277 --> 00:03:42,144 That's what they say, but... 73 00:03:42,145 --> 00:03:43,345 it is. 74 00:03:44,581 --> 00:03:46,248 Hey, Beck. 75 00:03:46,249 --> 00:03:47,549 What do you need? 76 00:03:47,550 --> 00:03:49,451 Willpower or a beer. 77 00:03:50,787 --> 00:03:53,188 Once again, we have a winner! 78 00:03:54,391 --> 00:03:56,325 Hey, you know what, Deej? 79 00:03:56,326 --> 00:03:57,893 If you want to pick up a couple extra bucks, 80 00:03:57,894 --> 00:03:59,295 you could help out on my crew. 81 00:03:59,296 --> 00:04:00,829 I am slammed at work. 82 00:04:00,830 --> 00:04:02,464 You know the servicing of vending machines, 83 00:04:02,465 --> 00:04:04,433 it's not just collecting coins. 84 00:04:04,434 --> 00:04:07,836 Vandals scratch curse words into the glass. 85 00:04:07,837 --> 00:04:10,205 And they say firemen are heroes. 86 00:04:12,676 --> 00:04:13,642 Hey, Dad? 87 00:04:13,643 --> 00:04:14,610 Mm-hmm? 88 00:04:14,611 --> 00:04:17,613 How come you didn't ask me to do drywall? 89 00:04:17,614 --> 00:04:18,981 'Cause I'm a girl? 90 00:04:18,982 --> 00:04:21,183 Wait, you're not gonna get me with that one. 91 00:04:21,184 --> 00:04:23,786 No, I didn't ask you because you're a woman. 92 00:04:26,089 --> 00:04:28,524 Come on. I could really use the extra money. 93 00:04:28,525 --> 00:04:30,826 I'm saving to put a down payment on a mobile home 94 00:04:30,827 --> 00:04:34,363 with a patio and a tree that you can tie yourself to 95 00:04:34,364 --> 00:04:35,798 when the tornado comes. 96 00:04:37,467 --> 00:04:40,436 I'd love to, Beck, but it's construction. 97 00:04:40,437 --> 00:04:42,171 I'm not comfortable having you around 98 00:04:42,172 --> 00:04:44,606 all that rough language and dirty jokes, 99 00:04:44,607 --> 00:04:46,308 and I don't think I can cut back. 100 00:04:48,044 --> 00:04:50,245 Women built the pyramids, Dad. 101 00:04:52,148 --> 00:04:53,082 I don't know if that's true, 102 00:04:53,083 --> 00:04:55,551 but I like how quick you came up with it. 103 00:04:55,552 --> 00:04:57,386 So, is that a yes? 104 00:04:57,387 --> 00:04:59,188 All right, Butch. We'll give it a shot. 105 00:04:59,189 --> 00:05:00,355 Oh! 106 00:05:01,157 --> 00:05:02,491 And, Mom, we'll be fine. 107 00:05:02,492 --> 00:05:04,827 Don't text me every five minutes when I'm with Dad and Blue. 108 00:05:04,828 --> 00:05:06,061 I won't. 109 00:05:06,062 --> 00:05:08,664 Just remember, any nice feelings you have about her... 110 00:05:08,665 --> 00:05:09,765 hurt me. 111 00:05:11,501 --> 00:05:14,303 Are you jealous because new mommy is so pretty? 112 00:05:14,304 --> 00:05:16,538 Ohh. That was rough. 113 00:05:16,539 --> 00:05:18,907 I'm a little wounded... and kinda proud. 114 00:05:20,410 --> 00:05:23,545 Harris, you come from a long line of sharp-tongued women 115 00:05:23,546 --> 00:05:25,414 who have found that this particular gift 116 00:05:25,415 --> 00:05:29,418 keeps them from having any truly successful relationships 117 00:05:29,419 --> 00:05:31,353 outside the family. 118 00:05:34,891 --> 00:05:36,692 Hey. You got everything? 119 00:05:36,693 --> 00:05:38,093 Everything but happiness. 120 00:05:39,529 --> 00:05:41,563 I mean I'm working on it with a new boyfriend. 121 00:05:41,564 --> 00:05:43,399 Sorry, I-I-I meant bags. 122 00:05:43,400 --> 00:05:45,167 Oh, yeah, we got baggage... 123 00:05:45,168 --> 00:05:46,602 but... 124 00:05:46,603 --> 00:05:48,437 We're aware of it, and as a life coach, 125 00:05:48,438 --> 00:05:50,105 I know that once you're aware of the problem, 126 00:05:50,106 --> 00:05:52,608 then you can begin that long, long process. 127 00:05:52,609 --> 00:05:53,842 Uh, yeah... 128 00:05:53,843 --> 00:05:56,078 sensing that you're still living alone? 129 00:05:56,079 --> 00:05:59,014 Uh, no, no, I've got Bev with me now. 130 00:05:59,015 --> 00:06:00,382 Talking to her is a challenge. 131 00:06:00,383 --> 00:06:03,752 Did you know that she was beautiful in her day 132 00:06:03,753 --> 00:06:05,621 but neither of her daughters inherited that? 133 00:06:16,533 --> 00:06:19,001 So strange being in - this house without your mom. 134 00:06:19,636 --> 00:06:21,136 When you and I were having problems, 135 00:06:21,137 --> 00:06:23,272 she'd always take me aside and say, 136 00:06:23,273 --> 00:06:25,807 "David, I can't understand you when you're crying." 137 00:06:27,577 --> 00:06:29,590 Well, you were the daughter she always wanted. 138 00:06:32,382 --> 00:06:33,382 How you doing? 139 00:06:33,383 --> 00:06:34,817 Mm. 140 00:06:34,818 --> 00:06:35,918 Up and down. 141 00:06:37,187 --> 00:06:39,555 Well, things look like they're going really well with you and Blue. 142 00:06:39,556 --> 00:06:42,324 Yeah. Thank you for being so accepting of it. 143 00:06:42,325 --> 00:06:43,959 Oh, yeah, no problem. 144 00:06:43,960 --> 00:06:45,294 Um... did you tell her 145 00:06:45,295 --> 00:06:47,162 that we slept together like three months ago? 146 00:06:47,163 --> 00:06:49,498 I just need to know in case I mention it in passing. 147 00:06:53,136 --> 00:06:54,469 Please do not do that. 148 00:06:56,005 --> 00:06:57,806 Okay, but let's be brutally honest. 149 00:06:57,807 --> 00:07:01,143 After we had sex, you were totally ready to ditch Blue. 150 00:07:01,144 --> 00:07:02,244 Well... 151 00:07:03,480 --> 00:07:04,780 It was great sex. 152 00:07:06,483 --> 00:07:08,951 Yeah. It was. 153 00:07:10,420 --> 00:07:13,422 Don't... Don't... confuse me. 154 00:07:13,423 --> 00:07:16,291 I-I really think I found something that works. 155 00:07:16,292 --> 00:07:18,494 Really? With her? 156 00:07:18,495 --> 00:07:19,823 Yeah. 157 00:07:20,930 --> 00:07:22,831 Yes, I think I found my soulmate. 158 00:07:26,503 --> 00:07:28,937 That's great. 159 00:07:28,938 --> 00:07:30,506 I mean, I just wanted clarity. 160 00:07:30,507 --> 00:07:32,307 As long as we're clear, it's great. 161 00:07:32,308 --> 00:07:33,475 Hi, Dad. 162 00:07:34,477 --> 00:07:36,411 Oh, me. Yeah. Hi. Hi, son. 163 00:07:38,448 --> 00:07:40,549 What happened to your socks and shoes? 164 00:07:40,550 --> 00:07:41,717 We're grounding. 165 00:07:41,718 --> 00:07:44,119 Harris and I are gonna do it this weekend with Blue. 166 00:07:44,120 --> 00:07:46,955 She says it's a way to be more connected to Mother Earth. 167 00:07:46,956 --> 00:07:49,758 Uncle David's girlfriend, Blue, says God is in the dirt. 168 00:07:51,561 --> 00:07:53,962 You replaced this wonderful woman 169 00:07:53,963 --> 00:07:56,265 with "God is in the dirt" woman? 170 00:08:01,471 --> 00:08:02,738 Great to see you, Geena. 171 00:08:02,739 --> 00:08:04,773 I see the war has softened you. 172 00:08:09,463 --> 00:08:12,298 Hello, everyone. Name's Becky. 173 00:08:12,299 --> 00:08:15,368 Not gonna lie, I'm also the boss's daughter. 174 00:08:15,369 --> 00:08:18,100 Just because I may own this business one day 175 00:08:18,101 --> 00:08:19,868 should not affect how you treat me. 176 00:08:25,141 --> 00:08:26,541 Good morning, Miss Healy. 177 00:08:26,542 --> 00:08:29,177 Nice to see you on time for your first day. 178 00:08:30,880 --> 00:08:31,880 What's in here? 179 00:08:31,881 --> 00:08:33,148 Water. Duh! 180 00:08:34,017 --> 00:08:36,885 Water has bubbles when you shake it. 181 00:08:36,886 --> 00:08:38,654 There's no bubbles when I shake this. 182 00:08:38,655 --> 00:08:40,722 This vodka? 183 00:08:40,723 --> 00:08:42,391 Oh, my God. 184 00:08:42,392 --> 00:08:43,725 Okay... 185 00:08:43,726 --> 00:08:45,894 Who put vodka in my water bottle? 186 00:08:46,796 --> 00:08:48,230 Dwight? 187 00:08:48,231 --> 00:08:49,898 So not cool, man. 188 00:08:51,300 --> 00:08:54,002 Guys, would you go out and unload my truck? 189 00:08:54,003 --> 00:08:55,103 Thanks. 190 00:08:57,740 --> 00:08:59,041 What the hell's going on? 191 00:08:59,042 --> 00:09:00,809 It's 6:30 in the morning. 192 00:09:00,810 --> 00:09:02,310 Sorry, Dad. 193 00:09:02,311 --> 00:09:03,345 I usually take a shot 194 00:09:03,346 --> 00:09:05,714 before I start at the restaurant. 195 00:09:05,715 --> 00:09:08,717 Sober Becky wasn't getting really good tips. 196 00:09:08,718 --> 00:09:10,052 Here's a tip... 197 00:09:10,053 --> 00:09:11,219 if somebody gets hurt on this job, 198 00:09:11,220 --> 00:09:12,754 I lose my license. 199 00:09:12,755 --> 00:09:15,023 That's why I have a zero-tolerance policy 200 00:09:15,024 --> 00:09:16,758 for alcohol! 201 00:09:16,759 --> 00:09:18,360 And the union's okay with that? 202 00:09:20,029 --> 00:09:22,030 Is this going to be a problem? 203 00:09:22,031 --> 00:09:23,732 Okay, fine. 204 00:09:23,733 --> 00:09:26,068 Sober Becky it is. 205 00:09:26,069 --> 00:09:28,136 We'll all get to know her together. 206 00:09:30,039 --> 00:09:31,773 How come those glasses are still full? 207 00:09:31,774 --> 00:09:32,741 Ha ha! 208 00:09:32,742 --> 00:09:33,909 Señoritas' night. 209 00:09:33,910 --> 00:09:35,143 I-I want to have fun. 210 00:09:35,144 --> 00:09:37,879 I just keep thinking about how David and his crazy girlfriend 211 00:09:37,880 --> 00:09:39,514 are playing house with my kids. 212 00:09:39,515 --> 00:09:41,049 Well, you're here, you're out, 213 00:09:41,050 --> 00:09:42,851 you're two shots away from losing Darlene 214 00:09:42,852 --> 00:09:44,019 and discovering... 215 00:09:44,020 --> 00:09:46,288 Dah-leenah! 216 00:09:50,259 --> 00:09:52,094 Look, I know it's hard to hear, 217 00:09:52,095 --> 00:09:55,130 but David found someone, and so should you. 218 00:09:55,131 --> 00:09:57,299 There is a room full of guys here. 219 00:09:57,300 --> 00:09:58,567 And you're a catch. 220 00:09:58,568 --> 00:09:59,801 You're an educated, 221 00:09:59,802 --> 00:10:02,170 diabetes-free woman in Lanford? 222 00:10:03,940 --> 00:10:05,440 There's only two of us. 223 00:10:06,709 --> 00:10:08,143 All right, let's make this a drinking game. 224 00:10:08,144 --> 00:10:09,578 Every time we spot a guy who looks like 225 00:10:09,579 --> 00:10:11,146 he doesn't have a job, we take a drink, 226 00:10:11,147 --> 00:10:12,814 and then you'll have the courage 227 00:10:12,815 --> 00:10:14,349 to approach the ones who do. 228 00:10:15,651 --> 00:10:16,794 I'm in. 229 00:10:17,754 --> 00:10:20,756 Plaid shirt at two o'clock. Check it out. 230 00:10:20,757 --> 00:10:23,425 He's wearing a watch with a leather band. 231 00:10:23,426 --> 00:10:25,594 Yeah, but nobody wears a watch anymore. 232 00:10:25,595 --> 00:10:27,095 That means he can't afford a phone. 233 00:10:27,096 --> 00:10:28,864 No job! 234 00:10:30,967 --> 00:10:32,067 Hey. 235 00:10:32,068 --> 00:10:34,269 That guy's stitches are even. 236 00:10:34,270 --> 00:10:36,171 Them there's doctor stitches. 237 00:10:36,172 --> 00:10:38,340 Healthcare... job! 238 00:10:40,109 --> 00:10:42,778 If you're not gonna hit that, I will. 239 00:10:42,779 --> 00:10:44,980 Okay, this is pathetic. 240 00:10:44,981 --> 00:10:47,082 Hunting for men or our lives aren't complete? 241 00:10:47,083 --> 00:10:48,784 We're better than that. 242 00:10:48,785 --> 00:10:49,785 Excuse me. 243 00:10:49,786 --> 00:10:50,819 Sorry. 244 00:10:50,820 --> 00:10:51,853 Can I buy you a drink? 245 00:10:51,854 --> 00:10:53,088 Oh, hi. Yeah, sure. 246 00:10:53,089 --> 00:10:54,956 Gin and tonic? 247 00:10:54,957 --> 00:10:56,024 Yes. 248 00:10:56,025 --> 00:10:56,958 While you're doing that, 249 00:10:56,959 --> 00:10:59,661 I'm gonna get the 411 on Stitches for ya. 250 00:11:01,264 --> 00:11:02,798 Uh, two gin and tonics, please. 251 00:11:02,799 --> 00:11:04,599 I'm sorry. W-What kind of gin do you prefer? 252 00:11:04,600 --> 00:11:05,834 Oh, you choose. 253 00:11:05,835 --> 00:11:06,935 Sure, yeah, yeah. 254 00:11:06,936 --> 00:11:09,271 Sometimes the man chooses. 255 00:11:09,272 --> 00:11:11,006 Uh, well... 256 00:11:11,007 --> 00:11:14,209 Let's see, they got the one with the fancy English guard guy. 257 00:11:14,210 --> 00:11:16,111 But, you know, once you put the tonic in, 258 00:11:16,112 --> 00:11:17,712 it most likely is gonna taste the same anyway. 259 00:11:17,713 --> 00:11:18,647 You know what? 260 00:11:18,648 --> 00:11:20,148 We should probably be looking at tonics. 261 00:11:20,149 --> 00:11:22,884 Uh, d-do you have a list of tonics? 262 00:11:22,885 --> 00:11:23,819 Um... 263 00:11:23,820 --> 00:11:26,388 Two English guard guys and your best tonic. 264 00:11:27,490 --> 00:11:29,224 Y-You're not with somebody, right? 265 00:11:29,225 --> 00:11:32,194 Oh, no, I was, but that was, like, 266 00:11:32,195 --> 00:11:33,628 20 years ago, so I think I'm free. 267 00:11:35,298 --> 00:11:36,965 Uh, I'm Darlene. 268 00:11:36,966 --> 00:11:38,200 I-I got to tell you, I... 269 00:11:38,201 --> 00:11:39,568 I love your curly hair. 270 00:11:39,569 --> 00:11:40,502 But you probably hate it, right? 271 00:11:40,503 --> 00:11:42,704 Everybody always wants what they don't have. 272 00:11:42,705 --> 00:11:43,605 I'm sorry. 273 00:11:43,606 --> 00:11:46,074 I'm sorry. I'm kind of a direct person. 274 00:11:46,075 --> 00:11:47,909 I assume you're talking to me because, 275 00:11:47,910 --> 00:11:51,146 at some point, you want all this small talk to lead to sex? 276 00:11:51,147 --> 00:11:52,347 It doesn't have to. 277 00:11:52,348 --> 00:11:53,381 No, no, no, it's okay. 278 00:11:53,382 --> 00:11:55,016 I'm seriously considering it. 279 00:11:58,020 --> 00:11:59,154 Stitches was a bust. 280 00:12:00,857 --> 00:12:02,424 Horse kicked him in the head. 281 00:12:02,425 --> 00:12:03,525 He's not all there. 282 00:12:09,198 --> 00:12:10,198 Hey. 283 00:12:10,199 --> 00:12:11,499 Oh, hey. Hi, you. 284 00:12:11,500 --> 00:12:13,068 Uh, I was just on my way out. 285 00:12:13,069 --> 00:12:14,169 Let me get my shoes on. 286 00:12:16,272 --> 00:12:18,273 Do you mind if we go inside and talk for a minute? 287 00:12:18,274 --> 00:12:19,941 Oh, yeah, just... just a minute. 288 00:12:19,942 --> 00:12:22,444 I'm late to the place I was clearly on my way to. 289 00:12:26,182 --> 00:12:28,283 I just thought I'd stop by and give you an update 290 00:12:28,284 --> 00:12:30,852 on how things are going. 291 00:12:30,853 --> 00:12:32,053 Uh... 292 00:12:32,054 --> 00:12:33,788 Mark's fine and... 293 00:12:33,789 --> 00:12:35,123 Harris is fine, too. 294 00:12:36,359 --> 00:12:37,692 Why would you come over here 295 00:12:37,693 --> 00:12:39,227 to tell me everything's fine? 296 00:12:39,228 --> 00:12:40,896 All right, uh... 297 00:12:40,897 --> 00:12:43,164 Something happened but nothing's wrong. 298 00:12:44,133 --> 00:12:46,334 Does it look like I'm enjoying this game? 299 00:12:48,871 --> 00:12:51,573 Harris had a friend over, um... 300 00:12:51,574 --> 00:12:54,342 a boy... and they had sex. 301 00:12:55,311 --> 00:12:57,646 What?! 302 00:12:57,647 --> 00:12:58,914 Wha... How... What do you... 303 00:12:58,915 --> 00:13:00,282 How could you let this happen?! 304 00:13:00,283 --> 00:13:02,717 I was at work and I-I know that's no excuse 305 00:13:02,718 --> 00:13:04,319 and I-I feel horrible. 306 00:13:04,320 --> 00:13:05,320 Wait, w-why were you at work 307 00:13:05,321 --> 00:13:07,222 when you were supposed to be watching our kids?! 308 00:13:07,223 --> 00:13:08,023 I couldn't help it. 309 00:13:08,024 --> 00:13:09,591 I started my job at Trader Joe's, 310 00:13:09,592 --> 00:13:10,759 and they made me work overtime 311 00:13:10,760 --> 00:13:12,660 to do all the stupid chalkboards. 312 00:13:15,298 --> 00:13:16,364 They really like my drawings, 313 00:13:16,365 --> 00:13:18,667 which makes me feel good, but on the other hand... 314 00:13:18,668 --> 00:13:19,668 David! 315 00:13:19,669 --> 00:13:20,802 Sorry, sorry, sorry. 316 00:13:20,803 --> 00:13:24,139 Look, I-I-I was just as upset as you are right now, 317 00:13:24,140 --> 00:13:25,740 but... 318 00:13:25,741 --> 00:13:27,809 here's the good news. 319 00:13:27,810 --> 00:13:29,244 Blue was there 320 00:13:29,245 --> 00:13:31,179 and Harris ended up telling her what happened 321 00:13:31,180 --> 00:13:33,748 and they really bonded over it. 322 00:13:33,749 --> 00:13:34,683 Oh, good. 323 00:13:34,684 --> 00:13:36,818 That's the first thing I was worried about... 324 00:13:36,819 --> 00:13:38,953 how will this affect Blue?! 325 00:13:39,855 --> 00:13:41,423 I know that there's a lot to talk about, 326 00:13:41,424 --> 00:13:45,160 and we will, but I have to go to work now. 327 00:13:45,161 --> 00:13:47,128 I n... I need this job. 328 00:13:47,129 --> 00:13:49,264 They want me to open early to stock the stone fruit. 329 00:13:49,265 --> 00:13:51,266 It... It's actually a pretty big vote of confidence. 330 00:13:51,267 --> 00:13:52,300 Where are you going? 331 00:13:52,301 --> 00:13:55,503 To your house to get my kids. 332 00:13:55,504 --> 00:13:56,738 Stop! 333 00:13:58,941 --> 00:14:00,175 What?! 334 00:14:01,344 --> 00:14:04,179 I don't know. I didn't expect the "stop" to work, so... 335 00:14:08,737 --> 00:14:10,037 Where are they? 336 00:14:10,038 --> 00:14:12,640 David told me you would probably be upset. 337 00:14:12,641 --> 00:14:13,407 Come here. 338 00:14:13,408 --> 00:14:14,541 Don't touch me! 339 00:14:15,543 --> 00:14:16,810 I want my kids. 340 00:14:16,811 --> 00:14:19,346 Well, they're upstairs getting ready to go. 341 00:14:19,347 --> 00:14:20,881 Harris! 342 00:14:20,882 --> 00:14:21,882 You know what? 343 00:14:21,883 --> 00:14:23,884 I... As soon as you found out this happened, 344 00:14:23,885 --> 00:14:25,486 you should have called me. 345 00:14:25,487 --> 00:14:27,254 I don't have a cellphone. 346 00:14:29,257 --> 00:14:31,492 They kill bees. 347 00:14:31,493 --> 00:14:32,893 Oh, okay, I'm sorry. 348 00:14:32,894 --> 00:14:35,562 See, I didn't realize you're out of your mind. 349 00:14:36,765 --> 00:14:38,732 That explains how you got suckered into 350 00:14:38,733 --> 00:14:41,035 letting a 16-year-old be alone with a boy. 351 00:14:41,036 --> 00:14:43,337 Harris did not trick me, okay? 352 00:14:43,338 --> 00:14:46,840 We had a very powerful discussion about sex 353 00:14:46,841 --> 00:14:47,841 and the female body 354 00:14:47,842 --> 00:14:49,877 and getting our needs met 355 00:14:49,878 --> 00:14:51,445 before anything even happened. 356 00:14:51,446 --> 00:14:53,781 Do not move! 357 00:14:53,782 --> 00:14:56,917 You're saying you knew about this before it happened? 358 00:14:56,918 --> 00:15:00,954 You crystal-licking, patchouli-smelling hippie bitch! 359 00:15:02,924 --> 00:15:04,925 Hey. I, uh... 360 00:15:04,926 --> 00:15:06,393 forgot my chalk. 361 00:15:07,228 --> 00:15:08,328 So... 362 00:15:09,964 --> 00:15:11,398 ...how's everything going? 363 00:15:11,399 --> 00:15:14,702 Um, Darlene is working through her anger 364 00:15:14,703 --> 00:15:16,937 to get to a more mature place. 365 00:15:16,938 --> 00:15:18,672 I will kill you! O-Okay, okay, all right. 366 00:15:19,774 --> 00:15:22,042 That's... That's... That's a good... starting point. 367 00:15:22,043 --> 00:15:24,945 Uh, Blue, how do you feel about Darlene wanting to... 368 00:15:24,946 --> 00:15:26,046 kill you? 369 00:15:26,881 --> 00:15:29,083 I think you should get her out of our house. 370 00:15:29,084 --> 00:15:31,051 Oh, my pleasure, Blue. 371 00:15:31,052 --> 00:15:32,986 Harris, why don't you go upstairs and get your stuff 372 00:15:32,987 --> 00:15:35,422 and find your brother and knock the crack pipe out of his hand 373 00:15:35,423 --> 00:15:37,024 and meet me in the car! 374 00:15:42,764 --> 00:15:45,566 Hey, Mark, I'm about to talk to your sister about sex. 375 00:15:45,567 --> 00:15:46,934 You want to listen in? 376 00:15:47,969 --> 00:15:49,303 Okay, he can't hear anything. 377 00:15:50,772 --> 00:15:52,473 Okay, first of all... 378 00:15:53,508 --> 00:15:54,842 ...are you okay? 379 00:15:54,843 --> 00:15:55,709 Yes. 380 00:15:55,710 --> 00:15:58,245 Well, how well do you know this boy? 381 00:15:58,246 --> 00:15:59,480 Pretty well. 382 00:15:59,481 --> 00:16:00,581 Better now. 383 00:16:02,350 --> 00:16:05,085 Look, I know you're mad at me, but I'm not stupid. 384 00:16:05,086 --> 00:16:08,122 I've heard everything you've said to me about sex since I was 11. 385 00:16:08,123 --> 00:16:10,090 Well, then, why didn't you come to me? 386 00:16:10,091 --> 00:16:12,826 Did you tell your mom you were going to have sex? 387 00:16:12,827 --> 00:16:15,629 No. My mom relentlessly grilled me. 388 00:16:15,630 --> 00:16:17,264 That's why I didn't push you. 389 00:16:17,265 --> 00:16:20,133 I was waiting for you to talk to me when you were ready. 390 00:16:25,673 --> 00:16:27,141 What's up? 391 00:16:27,142 --> 00:16:28,976 Just checking my texts. 392 00:16:30,145 --> 00:16:32,513 Oh, nothing from him? 393 00:16:32,514 --> 00:16:34,681 Not yet. 394 00:16:34,682 --> 00:16:36,984 I'm sorry. Boys can be really stupid. 395 00:16:36,985 --> 00:16:39,086 They're training for being men. 396 00:16:42,657 --> 00:16:44,858 He'll call. 397 00:16:44,859 --> 00:16:47,594 You know, or he won't, and you'll be fine either way. 398 00:16:49,531 --> 00:16:51,565 So, your big thing is that... 399 00:16:51,566 --> 00:16:54,501 you want me to come to you with all my personal problems and stuff, 400 00:16:54,502 --> 00:16:56,069 and you won't judge me? 401 00:16:56,070 --> 00:16:58,372 Yeah, that's exactly what I want. 402 00:16:58,373 --> 00:17:01,975 Okay, then we need to stop at a drug store for a morning-after pill, 403 00:17:01,976 --> 00:17:04,645 because I'm worried - that we used the condom wrong. 404 00:17:04,646 --> 00:17:06,647 I know I'm old enough to get the pill by myself, 405 00:17:06,648 --> 00:17:08,749 but I'd feel better if you came with me. 406 00:17:09,984 --> 00:17:12,686 Who talks to their mom about that kind of stuff? 407 00:17:15,857 --> 00:17:18,358 Hey, Deej. I bought the "Mamma Mia!" soundtrack. 408 00:17:18,359 --> 00:17:19,359 You want to listen? 409 00:17:19,360 --> 00:17:20,894 Score! Yes! 410 00:17:23,998 --> 00:17:26,233 Okay, great. I wanted to talk to you in private. 411 00:17:28,102 --> 00:17:29,837 What's up? 412 00:17:29,838 --> 00:17:31,905 I've been thinking about what you said... 413 00:17:31,906 --> 00:17:34,041 and you're right. 414 00:17:34,042 --> 00:17:36,777 I don't actually think I can go a whole day... 415 00:17:38,012 --> 00:17:39,413 ...without drinking. 416 00:17:39,414 --> 00:17:42,015 Okay. I want to hear a plan. 417 00:17:42,016 --> 00:17:44,184 I believe I can give you 418 00:17:44,185 --> 00:17:46,086 a good half-day's work for now... 419 00:17:47,255 --> 00:17:49,923 ...and then work on getting the other half together. 420 00:17:49,924 --> 00:17:53,594 W-What are we talkin' about? A month? A year? 421 00:17:53,595 --> 00:17:55,596 Until after Oktoberfest? 422 00:17:55,597 --> 00:17:59,066 I forgot about Oktoberfest. I love Oktoberfest. 423 00:18:00,735 --> 00:18:02,970 I'm gonna give you six weeks, 424 00:18:02,971 --> 00:18:05,372 and if you still don't have it under control, 425 00:18:05,373 --> 00:18:06,807 I'm gonna have to pull the job. 426 00:18:06,808 --> 00:18:08,208 I know I can stop. 427 00:18:08,209 --> 00:18:09,309 I hope so. 428 00:18:11,112 --> 00:18:13,146 Pierce Brosnan is a much better singer 429 00:18:13,147 --> 00:18:14,748 than he gets credit for! 430 00:18:23,157 --> 00:18:25,158 Hey. What do you want? 431 00:18:25,159 --> 00:18:27,227 I'd like to say goodnight to the kids. 432 00:18:27,228 --> 00:18:29,096 Okay, Mark is already asleep, 433 00:18:29,097 --> 00:18:31,597 but if you want, you can go tuck Harris and her boyfriend in. 434 00:18:33,334 --> 00:18:34,901 I deserve that. 435 00:18:37,805 --> 00:18:40,007 Oh, before you go up, we should talk. 436 00:18:40,008 --> 00:18:41,842 Look, I-I know I screwed up. 437 00:18:41,843 --> 00:18:43,977 The only thing I can say is that, in the future, 438 00:18:43,978 --> 00:18:45,579 I will watch her like a hawk. 439 00:18:45,580 --> 00:18:47,147 Yeah, you better, because from now on, 440 00:18:47,148 --> 00:18:49,583 they're not coming over unless you're gonna be home. 441 00:18:49,584 --> 00:18:51,985 And Blue can't be part of parenting decisions. 442 00:18:51,986 --> 00:18:55,822 Fine. But she's going to be a part of the kids' lives. 443 00:18:55,823 --> 00:18:58,091 She's gonna be at all the major life events, 444 00:18:58,092 --> 00:19:01,128 like high-school graduations and college drop-offs. 445 00:19:01,129 --> 00:19:02,162 Okay, great. 446 00:19:02,163 --> 00:19:04,264 If... If any of our kids graduate from high school 447 00:19:04,265 --> 00:19:05,966 or go to college, 448 00:19:05,967 --> 00:19:08,348 you can bring Blue and all the rest of the primary colors. 449 00:19:10,204 --> 00:19:12,940 Will you quit making fun of her name? 450 00:19:12,941 --> 00:19:13,941 They named her Blue 451 00:19:13,942 --> 00:19:16,243 because she wasn't breathing when she was born. 452 00:19:18,613 --> 00:19:20,580 Wow. That explains a lot. 453 00:19:24,452 --> 00:19:26,053 Um... there's one last thing. 454 00:19:26,054 --> 00:19:27,154 Yeah. 455 00:19:31,025 --> 00:19:33,026 It's clear that things are serious 456 00:19:33,027 --> 00:19:35,162 with you and Blue, so... 457 00:19:37,298 --> 00:19:40,167 ...um, I think it's time we get a divorce. 458 00:19:40,168 --> 00:19:42,202 Yeah, sure, no, I'm... 459 00:19:42,203 --> 00:19:43,370 It makes sense. 460 00:19:46,908 --> 00:19:49,543 It's gonna be weird not being married to you. 461 00:19:49,544 --> 00:19:51,144 Yeah, I would've thought it got weird 462 00:19:51,145 --> 00:19:53,105 when you started living with another woman, but... 463 00:19:56,150 --> 00:19:57,184 Yeah. 464 00:19:57,185 --> 00:19:58,819 Yeah. 465 00:20:01,756 --> 00:20:05,192 I-It'll be weird not being married to you, too. 466 00:20:07,528 --> 00:20:09,229 What's up? 467 00:20:09,230 --> 00:20:11,231 Oh, um, nothing. 468 00:20:12,600 --> 00:20:14,434 I don't know, actually, um... 469 00:20:14,435 --> 00:20:16,336 I don't know why I'm hiding this. 470 00:20:16,337 --> 00:20:17,771 Uh... 471 00:20:17,772 --> 00:20:20,507 I-I met a guy at the bar the other night, 472 00:20:20,508 --> 00:20:24,044 and, uh, he wants to go out on Friday. 473 00:20:24,045 --> 00:20:25,145 With me. 474 00:20:26,581 --> 00:20:27,781 Cool. 475 00:20:29,417 --> 00:20:31,084 So you like him? 476 00:20:31,085 --> 00:20:34,721 Oh, I don't know. I mean, we only went out once. 477 00:20:34,722 --> 00:20:37,057 But, you know, I think he could be my soulmate. 478 00:20:49,910 --> 00:20:51,797 They're old enough to behave like adults, 479 00:20:51,798 --> 00:20:53,632 but they don't think like adults. 480 00:20:53,633 --> 00:20:55,033 You just got to hang in there. 481 00:20:55,969 --> 00:20:58,259 I don't know how you handled it, 482 00:20:58,260 --> 00:21:01,695 with me sneaking in and out of Darlene's bedroom all the time. 483 00:21:01,696 --> 00:21:03,798 You guys were right downstairs when we were going at it. 484 00:21:03,799 --> 00:21:05,466 We weren't exactly quiet. 485 00:21:13,475 --> 00:21:15,042 You know, David... 486 00:21:15,043 --> 00:21:16,444 If you disappeared, 487 00:21:16,445 --> 00:21:19,179 everybody would think you just ran off again. 488 00:21:20,715 --> 00:21:23,317 I pushed too hard. I felt it. 489 00:21:25,417 --> 00:21:31,098 Subtitle sync and corrections by awaqeded for www.addic7ed.com.