1 00:00:02,233 --> 00:00:04,297 CROWS CAW 2 00:00:04,298 --> 00:00:05,699 WIND BLOWS 3 00:00:07,432 --> 00:00:09,297 WIND WHISTLES 4 00:00:09,298 --> 00:00:10,298 WATER DRIPS 5 00:00:16,298 --> 00:00:18,298 DOOR CREAKS 6 00:00:21,298 --> 00:00:23,298 LABOURED BREATHING 7 00:00:29,737 --> 00:00:32,750 It won't be long now. 8 00:00:32,752 --> 00:00:35,152 She had a tremendous innings. 9 00:00:35,153 --> 00:00:37,285 At least she's comfortable. 10 00:00:37,286 --> 00:00:39,350 Yeah, there are worse ways to go. 11 00:00:39,351 --> 00:00:41,885 Well, this is it. You're telling me! You can say that again. 12 00:00:41,886 --> 00:00:44,350 Quiet. Shh. 13 00:00:44,351 --> 00:00:46,350 I think it's happening. 14 00:00:46,351 --> 00:00:47,751 Stand by. 15 00:00:47,752 --> 00:00:49,351 Shh. 16 00:00:52,752 --> 00:00:54,351 THEY GASP 17 00:00:56,351 --> 00:00:58,350 I think she's going. 18 00:00:58,351 --> 00:01:00,350 Oh, I do hope she stays. 19 00:01:00,351 --> 00:01:01,351 Tenner says she stays. 20 00:01:02,351 --> 00:01:03,351 Deal. 21 00:01:03,352 --> 00:01:06,350 I can't see anything. Can you lift me up a bit? 22 00:01:06,351 --> 00:01:07,351 Argh! 23 00:01:07,352 --> 00:01:09,350 Oh, not this again. 24 00:01:09,351 --> 00:01:11,285 Who are you? 25 00:01:11,286 --> 00:01:14,350 I am the ghost of your great-grandmother. 26 00:01:14,351 --> 00:01:19,350 We are those poor spirits who dwell on, compelled for reasons unknown... 27 00:01:19,351 --> 00:01:20,752 Ah, she's gone. 28 00:01:22,351 --> 00:01:24,350 Lucky cow. Good on her, actually. 29 00:01:24,351 --> 00:01:26,350 What's going on? All I can see is shoes. 30 00:01:26,351 --> 00:01:27,751 You owe me ten. Oh, no, no. 31 00:01:27,752 --> 00:01:29,350 If you listened to what I actually said... 32 00:01:29,351 --> 00:01:31,350 Oh, don't start. 33 00:01:31,351 --> 00:01:32,351 Guys, if you please! 34 00:01:32,352 --> 00:01:35,350 Perhaps one of us should say a few words. 35 00:01:35,351 --> 00:01:37,152 Yes, I'll do it. 36 00:01:37,153 --> 00:01:38,351 HE CLEARS HIS THROAT 37 00:01:39,351 --> 00:01:41,885 Bagsie her room. 38 00:01:41,886 --> 00:01:44,285 Oh, she's only just died. Honestly. 39 00:01:44,286 --> 00:01:47,350 Well, I'll wait until they've taken her away, of course. 40 00:01:47,351 --> 00:01:50,350 She was the last Button of Button House. 41 00:01:50,351 --> 00:01:52,352 The final Button died today. 42 00:01:53,619 --> 00:01:56,350 Though, where she goes, we cannot say. 43 00:01:56,351 --> 00:01:58,350 Oh, he's off again. 44 00:01:58,351 --> 00:02:00,350 It seems but only yesterday... 45 00:02:00,351 --> 00:02:03,350 Hey, come on. Don't go without me. Oh, stupid body. 46 00:02:03,351 --> 00:02:06,350 Her life, twas like... 47 00:02:06,351 --> 00:02:08,350 ..a play. 48 00:02:08,351 --> 00:02:14,152 But with no children of her own, who then will come to call 49 00:02:14,153 --> 00:02:15,351 this home? 50 00:02:18,351 --> 00:02:21,618 Well, it's bigger than the place we're renting. And slightly over budget... 51 00:02:21,619 --> 00:02:23,350 Does it have a garden? 52 00:02:23,351 --> 00:02:25,485 No, but the downstairs flat's got one you can look at. 53 00:02:26,619 --> 00:02:28,350 Yeah? Oh. 54 00:02:28,351 --> 00:02:30,350 PHONE RINGS Sorry, one second. 55 00:02:30,351 --> 00:02:32,153 Hello, Clasey Hughes Estate. 56 00:02:34,019 --> 00:02:35,350 Nice view of the street. 57 00:02:35,351 --> 00:02:37,350 Yeah. 58 00:02:37,351 --> 00:02:40,484 BOTH: "Buddy's Fish 'n' Pizza." 59 00:02:40,485 --> 00:02:43,152 Well, we do like both those things. 60 00:02:43,153 --> 00:02:44,286 Hmm. 61 00:02:46,351 --> 00:02:48,885 It's rubbish, isn't it? Yep. It's awful. It's so bad. 62 00:02:48,886 --> 00:02:50,350 And I hate it. 63 00:02:50,351 --> 00:02:52,618 Sorry. Nah, fair enough. 64 00:02:52,619 --> 00:02:55,350 I wouldn't want to live here either. 65 00:02:55,351 --> 00:02:57,350 PHONE RINGS 66 00:02:57,351 --> 00:02:58,351 Hello? 67 00:02:58,352 --> 00:03:00,350 Hello, is that Alison Cooper? 68 00:03:00,351 --> 00:03:02,751 Speaking. I'm calling about a house. 69 00:03:02,752 --> 00:03:05,350 We're only looking at flats. We can't afford to buy a house. 70 00:03:05,351 --> 00:03:06,751 This one's not for sale. 71 00:03:06,752 --> 00:03:08,350 Then why are you calling? 72 00:03:08,351 --> 00:03:10,885 God, I hate estate agents. 73 00:03:10,886 --> 00:03:13,285 Apart from the good ones like you. 74 00:03:13,286 --> 00:03:14,350 PHONE RINGS 75 00:03:14,351 --> 00:03:16,350 Yep? 76 00:03:16,351 --> 00:03:19,350 Sorry, I think we've got off on the wrong foot. 77 00:03:19,351 --> 00:03:23,350 I'm a solicitor at Worthing, Cole and Simons, and I'm calling 78 00:03:23,351 --> 00:03:27,351 to inform you that you have in fact inherited a house. 79 00:03:28,351 --> 00:03:30,350 Hello? 80 00:03:30,351 --> 00:03:31,886 Hello? 81 00:03:51,019 --> 00:03:54,350 That's you in the corner there. 82 00:03:54,351 --> 00:03:58,350 So, she was like my step-great auntie? 83 00:03:58,351 --> 00:04:01,350 There's no real term for what you are, but she sadly 84 00:04:01,351 --> 00:04:05,350 had no direct relatives and so you're the only one. 85 00:04:05,351 --> 00:04:08,350 I feel like I'm in the head master's office. 86 00:04:08,351 --> 00:04:10,350 I put a pussy willow in Daniel Bellingham's ear, 87 00:04:10,351 --> 00:04:12,350 and he tried to get it out and just pushed it further in. 88 00:04:12,351 --> 00:04:14,350 He had to go to the doctors. 89 00:04:14,351 --> 00:04:16,350 It wasn't A&E or anything, it was just... 90 00:04:16,351 --> 00:04:18,351 He's fine now. He's a pastry chef. 91 00:04:20,351 --> 00:04:21,484 These look nice. 92 00:04:21,485 --> 00:04:23,351 That's potpourri. 93 00:04:27,351 --> 00:04:28,351 Was she old? 94 00:04:28,351 --> 00:04:29,351 She was 99. 95 00:04:29,352 --> 00:04:31,350 Oh, so close. 96 00:04:31,351 --> 00:04:33,285 And there she is. 97 00:04:33,286 --> 00:04:35,350 Lady Heather Button. 98 00:04:35,351 --> 00:04:36,751 The Buttons go back a long way. 99 00:04:36,752 --> 00:04:37,886 Lady? 100 00:04:39,286 --> 00:04:40,350 Does that mean I'm a lady? 101 00:04:40,351 --> 00:04:44,350 OK, I know I'm a lady, but, like, a lady lady? 102 00:04:44,351 --> 00:04:46,350 Like, Lady Gaga. No, no... 103 00:04:46,351 --> 00:04:48,350 It's not this house, is it? 104 00:04:48,351 --> 00:04:50,350 As a matter of fact, it is. 105 00:04:50,351 --> 00:04:51,885 Button House. 106 00:04:51,886 --> 00:04:53,350 No. 107 00:04:53,351 --> 00:04:57,152 Now, obviously, it can take several years to find a buyer 108 00:04:57,153 --> 00:04:58,351 and close the sale... 109 00:05:00,351 --> 00:05:03,350 ..luxury hotel chains, that sort of thing. 110 00:05:03,351 --> 00:05:06,351 I mean, she lived on her own... 111 00:05:09,351 --> 00:05:12,350 What if we keep it? Yes. That is a great idea. 112 00:05:12,351 --> 00:05:15,018 The house is in a state of some disrepair. 113 00:05:15,019 --> 00:05:17,350 We were looking for a bit of a project anyway 114 00:05:17,351 --> 00:05:19,350 and I retiled the bit behind the sink in our 115 00:05:19,351 --> 00:05:20,351 last flat, so... 116 00:05:20,352 --> 00:05:22,350 The splashback? Is it? 117 00:05:22,351 --> 00:05:26,350 I'm not sure this falls into the category of DIY. 118 00:05:26,351 --> 00:05:28,350 You should at least have a survey done before... 119 00:05:28,351 --> 00:05:31,350 I just feel like it would be better to keep it in the family. 120 00:05:31,351 --> 00:05:34,350 I think, actually, that's what she would have wanted. 121 00:05:34,351 --> 00:05:36,018 Aunt Helen. Heather. Heather. 122 00:05:36,019 --> 00:05:39,350 And if it can make money for some hotel chain, then why not make it work for us? 123 00:05:39,351 --> 00:05:41,351 We could give up our jobs. Yes. We could do this full time. 124 00:05:41,352 --> 00:05:42,484 OK, yes. 125 00:05:42,485 --> 00:05:45,350 Can we keep it? If we want to? 126 00:05:45,351 --> 00:05:47,351 Well, it is your house. 127 00:05:48,485 --> 00:05:50,351 Sorry. 128 00:05:57,619 --> 00:05:59,350 Look what the cat's dragged in. 129 00:05:59,351 --> 00:06:01,285 Down here. 130 00:06:01,286 --> 00:06:02,350 You're warm. 131 00:06:02,351 --> 00:06:03,351 Getting warmer. 132 00:06:03,352 --> 00:06:04,751 You're boiling. 133 00:06:04,752 --> 00:06:07,350 No. Cold... Getting cold. 134 00:06:07,351 --> 00:06:09,350 Down here! You deaf... 135 00:06:09,351 --> 00:06:12,350 Well, I've got the ears, haven't I? 136 00:06:12,351 --> 00:06:14,350 Er... 137 00:06:14,351 --> 00:06:16,152 Little guy... 138 00:06:16,153 --> 00:06:17,350 Pawn. Prawn... 139 00:06:17,351 --> 00:06:20,350 ..go dooka, dooka. 140 00:06:20,351 --> 00:06:22,350 But that's... Checkmate. 141 00:06:22,351 --> 00:06:23,351 HE SIGHS Fine. 142 00:06:23,352 --> 00:06:24,751 Best of 20. 143 00:06:24,752 --> 00:06:26,351 Come on. 144 00:06:26,352 --> 00:06:32,350 Ideally, you want it about five potatoes high. 145 00:06:32,351 --> 00:06:36,350 This one's going to have mud on it, but you don't have mud on it. 146 00:06:36,351 --> 00:06:38,152 This is the tip. 147 00:06:38,153 --> 00:06:41,484 We insert the tip into the split. 148 00:06:41,485 --> 00:06:45,350 THEY TALK OVER EACH OTHER 149 00:06:45,351 --> 00:06:48,351 Then repeat the process until you be done. 150 00:06:51,351 --> 00:06:55,018 Right, lovely talk of the day from Mary today. 151 00:06:55,019 --> 00:06:57,484 I think I can safely say if we had any wicker, or indeed 152 00:06:57,485 --> 00:06:59,350 we could touch anything, we could all make a pretty 153 00:06:59,351 --> 00:07:01,018 rad-looking basket. 154 00:07:01,019 --> 00:07:04,350 Maybe next week, please, we'd all be very interested to hear about the trial. 155 00:07:04,351 --> 00:07:05,752 The witch trial... 156 00:07:08,351 --> 00:07:09,351 Too soon? 157 00:07:09,351 --> 00:07:10,351 When you're ready. 158 00:07:10,352 --> 00:07:13,350 So, tomorrow is food club! 159 00:07:13,351 --> 00:07:16,350 When Kitty will be telling us all about the first time 160 00:07:16,351 --> 00:07:18,350 she ate an egg. I actually didn't like it. 161 00:07:18,351 --> 00:07:20,484 All right, Kitty. Well, save it for tomorrow, please. 162 00:07:20,485 --> 00:07:22,618 Give us something look forward to. 163 00:07:22,619 --> 00:07:27,350 And then on Wednesday, Julian has volunteered to make a speech. 164 00:07:27,351 --> 00:07:30,350 Yes, my by-election victory speech. '91. 165 00:07:30,351 --> 00:07:33,350 Very inspiring, very long and a few smutty jokes 166 00:07:33,351 --> 00:07:34,351 to keep it light. 167 00:07:34,352 --> 00:07:36,350 Oh, God. Spare me. 168 00:07:36,351 --> 00:07:37,484 Right, that's it. 169 00:07:37,485 --> 00:07:39,350 Pat, sit down. 170 00:07:39,351 --> 00:07:41,751 Right, AOB? Any other business? 171 00:07:41,752 --> 00:07:43,484 Well, I have got something, actually. 172 00:07:43,485 --> 00:07:48,350 Now, ever since I moved rooms, I've been woken every night by you, 173 00:07:48,351 --> 00:07:50,350 Fanny, screaming like a mad person. 174 00:07:50,351 --> 00:07:52,152 Well, I don't think I do! 175 00:07:52,153 --> 00:07:54,351 FANNY SCREAMS 176 00:07:57,351 --> 00:07:59,152 I always thought that was an owl. 177 00:07:59,153 --> 00:08:00,285 An owl? 178 00:08:00,286 --> 00:08:01,350 Do you know what an owl sounds like? 179 00:08:01,351 --> 00:08:03,350 Well, now, I don't think so. 180 00:08:03,351 --> 00:08:04,351 It has got to stop! 181 00:08:04,352 --> 00:08:08,350 Look, this is my house and I shall do what I like. 182 00:08:08,351 --> 00:08:09,351 It was mine first. 183 00:08:09,352 --> 00:08:11,152 No, that's the land, not the house. 184 00:08:11,153 --> 00:08:12,350 HE MIMICS HER 185 00:08:12,351 --> 00:08:14,350 Well, I wish you would all hush. 186 00:08:14,351 --> 00:08:17,350 I cannot do my work with all this agitation. 187 00:08:17,351 --> 00:08:20,350 Work? You haven't done a day's work in your life, or death. 188 00:08:20,351 --> 00:08:23,350 Oh! He's an artist. Pfft! He's ahead of his time. 189 00:08:23,351 --> 00:08:26,350 Oh, he can't still be ahead of his time, Kitty. 190 00:08:26,351 --> 00:08:28,350 Guys, please! 191 00:08:28,351 --> 00:08:30,618 Why don't you just go back to your old room in the east wing? 192 00:08:30,619 --> 00:08:32,350 I don't see why I should. 193 00:08:32,351 --> 00:08:34,350 I wanted the garden view. Now, as ranking officer... 194 00:08:34,351 --> 00:08:37,350 The garden view comes with the screaming woman. 195 00:08:37,351 --> 00:08:39,350 You get used to it after 100 years. 196 00:08:39,351 --> 00:08:42,285 THEY TALK OVER EACH OTHER 197 00:08:42,286 --> 00:08:43,350 Let's be serious here. 198 00:08:43,351 --> 00:08:45,350 Don't you get involved. 199 00:08:45,351 --> 00:08:47,351 Argh! 200 00:08:48,351 --> 00:08:49,351 It's simple. 201 00:08:49,352 --> 00:08:51,350 You swap rooms. 202 00:08:51,351 --> 00:08:56,286 You go up top, you come ground floor and no jumpy. 203 00:08:57,351 --> 00:09:00,350 Right. Well, that would suit me, I think. 204 00:09:00,351 --> 00:09:01,351 Yeah, that could work. 205 00:09:01,352 --> 00:09:03,350 Not just a pretty face. 206 00:09:03,351 --> 00:09:04,351 Well, quite. 207 00:09:10,485 --> 00:09:11,619 Hmm. 208 00:09:15,351 --> 00:09:16,351 HE CLEARS HIS THROAT 209 00:09:18,351 --> 00:09:19,351 Ah. 210 00:09:20,351 --> 00:09:21,351 Splendid. 211 00:09:28,351 --> 00:09:30,351 CLOCK CHIMES 212 00:09:39,351 --> 00:09:40,752 Fanny? 213 00:09:47,019 --> 00:09:48,286 What is it, Fanny? 214 00:09:51,351 --> 00:09:52,351 George? 215 00:09:52,352 --> 00:09:54,350 SHE SCREAMS 216 00:09:54,351 --> 00:09:56,351 Oh, for heaven's sake. 217 00:09:57,752 --> 00:10:01,485 Throw yourself out of your own damned window. 218 00:10:05,351 --> 00:10:07,351 # I'm bringing sexy back... # 219 00:10:12,485 --> 00:10:14,350 # O-o-o-h 220 00:10:14,351 --> 00:10:15,352 # O-o-o-h. # 221 00:10:19,351 --> 00:10:23,350 # My life has been so overprotected. # 222 00:10:23,351 --> 00:10:25,350 I always get the timing wrong on that. 223 00:10:25,351 --> 00:10:26,351 Hang on, hang on. 224 00:10:28,351 --> 00:10:30,351 I think this is it. 225 00:10:32,619 --> 00:10:33,752 Oh, my God. 226 00:10:35,351 --> 00:10:37,751 My heart. 227 00:10:37,752 --> 00:10:39,152 It's so strange. 228 00:10:39,153 --> 00:10:41,351 I feel like I know the place already. 229 00:10:43,351 --> 00:10:47,350 This track, every tree. 230 00:10:47,351 --> 00:10:50,885 It's like I've been here my whole life. 231 00:10:50,886 --> 00:10:52,350 Like it's... 232 00:10:52,351 --> 00:10:54,351 ..home. 233 00:10:54,352 --> 00:10:56,351 This is the wrong one. Yeah. 234 00:11:00,351 --> 00:11:01,351 This really is beyond the pale. 235 00:11:01,352 --> 00:11:03,152 Oh, has it happened again? 236 00:11:03,153 --> 00:11:06,350 You went in my room, you said, "George", and then threw yourself 237 00:11:06,351 --> 00:11:09,350 out of the window. Well, look, I don't even realise I'm doing it. 238 00:11:09,351 --> 00:11:12,350 Perhaps there's something deeply buried reason why you feel 239 00:11:12,351 --> 00:11:14,350 like you have to re-enact... 240 00:11:14,351 --> 00:11:16,350 Maybe try jumping out of the window before bed, 241 00:11:16,351 --> 00:11:17,351 get it out of the way. 242 00:11:17,352 --> 00:11:21,350 No, it's not so much the jumping, it's the screaming that's annoying. 243 00:11:21,351 --> 00:11:22,351 Yes, that's a compromise. 244 00:11:22,352 --> 00:11:25,350 Keep the jumping, but do it silently. 245 00:11:25,351 --> 00:11:27,350 Staying hush whilst falling from a height? 246 00:11:27,351 --> 00:11:28,351 Tush and flops. 247 00:11:28,352 --> 00:11:32,285 Look, perhaps I scream because... 248 00:11:32,286 --> 00:11:34,285 ..and I've never told anyone this, but... 249 00:11:34,286 --> 00:11:35,350 It's quite all right. We shan't pry. 250 00:11:35,351 --> 00:11:37,350 It's just that the night that I actually... 251 00:11:37,351 --> 00:11:39,350 No, look, no screaming. 252 00:11:39,351 --> 00:11:41,484 That's all I ask. Is that reasonable? Good. 253 00:11:41,485 --> 00:11:44,618 Oh! Argh! Eeh! 254 00:11:44,619 --> 00:11:46,351 Box. Move. 255 00:11:46,352 --> 00:11:47,485 Wheel. 256 00:11:48,485 --> 00:11:51,350 Motor car. Car! 257 00:11:51,351 --> 00:11:54,350 Wow. It's like a blooming spaceship. 258 00:11:54,351 --> 00:11:56,350 Poor creatures must be lost. 259 00:11:56,351 --> 00:12:00,350 MUSIC: Kids In America by Kim Wilde 260 00:12:00,351 --> 00:12:01,351 It's Kim Wilde. 261 00:12:03,286 --> 00:12:06,350 Let me pluck out my eyes for never will I see 262 00:12:06,351 --> 00:12:08,350 such beauty again. 263 00:12:08,351 --> 00:12:10,351 Yes, he'd make a very fine soldier. 264 00:12:12,752 --> 00:12:14,019 HE CLEARS HIS THROAT 265 00:12:21,351 --> 00:12:22,351 Wow. 266 00:12:22,352 --> 00:12:24,351 Shall we, Lady Alison? 267 00:12:33,886 --> 00:12:35,153 ALISON GASPS 268 00:12:36,351 --> 00:12:37,619 Oh, my... 269 00:12:39,351 --> 00:12:43,350 This is 100% the most incredible moment of my life, 270 00:12:43,351 --> 00:12:46,285 apart from my wedding. 271 00:12:46,286 --> 00:12:48,018 And it's all ours. 272 00:12:48,019 --> 00:12:49,618 What did that girl just say? 273 00:12:49,619 --> 00:12:51,751 She must be related to you. 274 00:12:51,752 --> 00:12:56,350 Like a niece, a great, great, great... 275 00:12:56,351 --> 00:12:58,350 No, no, no, no. She's no niece of mine. 276 00:12:58,351 --> 00:13:02,350 Look at her. She's exposing her knees and she's got a tattoo. 277 00:13:02,351 --> 00:13:03,618 So, this is the library. 278 00:13:03,619 --> 00:13:05,350 Does that mean we have to start reading books? 279 00:13:05,351 --> 00:13:06,351 Philistine. 280 00:13:06,352 --> 00:13:08,484 It'll be nice to have some new faces around. 281 00:13:08,485 --> 00:13:10,350 There's enough faces already. 282 00:13:10,351 --> 00:13:12,350 We have to fix up all the plasterwork. 283 00:13:12,351 --> 00:13:15,350 But need fix architrave. 284 00:13:15,351 --> 00:13:16,351 Oh, yeah. 285 00:13:16,352 --> 00:13:18,351 We could do every room in a different style. Great idea. 286 00:13:18,352 --> 00:13:19,751 Over my dead body! 287 00:13:19,752 --> 00:13:21,351 Wait... I know. 288 00:13:22,351 --> 00:13:25,152 Ye olde worlde. 289 00:13:25,153 --> 00:13:26,350 1950s. 290 00:13:26,351 --> 00:13:27,351 THEY GROAN 291 00:13:28,351 --> 00:13:30,350 Club Tropicana. 292 00:13:30,351 --> 00:13:31,351 That's fun. 293 00:13:31,352 --> 00:13:33,484 Wow. Unbelievable. 294 00:13:33,485 --> 00:13:36,350 Well, they seem really nice. Let's give them a chance. 295 00:13:36,351 --> 00:13:38,350 Look at that. 296 00:13:38,351 --> 00:13:39,351 What is that? Is that a lake? 297 00:13:39,352 --> 00:13:42,350 I hate it when that happens. 298 00:13:42,351 --> 00:13:43,351 It's a lake. 299 00:13:43,352 --> 00:13:46,350 Well, there's only two of them. Still plenty of room for us. 300 00:13:46,351 --> 00:13:48,350 This is going to make one incredible hotel. 301 00:13:48,351 --> 00:13:49,352 THEY GASP 302 00:13:52,019 --> 00:13:53,350 What is hotel? 303 00:13:53,351 --> 00:13:56,152 Well, a hotel is... 304 00:13:56,153 --> 00:13:57,285 Kill them. 305 00:13:57,286 --> 00:13:58,350 I quite agree. 306 00:13:58,351 --> 00:14:01,350 If we all approve the use of force to enable them to, 307 00:14:01,351 --> 00:14:03,350 you know, not live any more. 308 00:14:03,351 --> 00:14:06,152 Out of the question. That's completely immoral. And it's wrong. 309 00:14:06,153 --> 00:14:08,350 And if we do kill them, we could be stuck with them forever. 310 00:14:08,351 --> 00:14:09,885 Would that so bad? 311 00:14:09,886 --> 00:14:11,885 She's married, Thomas. Look at them. 312 00:14:11,886 --> 00:14:14,350 Why must I always be spurned? 313 00:14:14,351 --> 00:14:16,350 Couldn't we all just live in the gatehouse? 314 00:14:16,351 --> 00:14:17,484 I'd rather kill them. 315 00:14:17,485 --> 00:14:19,350 Kill them. Here, here. 316 00:14:19,351 --> 00:14:21,018 But that's a crime. 317 00:14:21,019 --> 00:14:22,350 CLOCK CHIMES We'll hang. 318 00:14:22,351 --> 00:14:24,350 FANNY SCREAMS 319 00:14:24,351 --> 00:14:26,350 Dammit, Fanny! 320 00:14:26,351 --> 00:14:28,019 We could always try... 321 00:14:29,351 --> 00:14:30,351 ..haunting? 322 00:14:31,485 --> 00:14:33,350 We're ghosts. 323 00:14:33,351 --> 00:14:34,351 THEY MURMUR 324 00:14:39,351 --> 00:14:41,350 Your tea, m'lady. 325 00:14:41,351 --> 00:14:42,351 Thank you, Jeeves. 326 00:14:44,886 --> 00:14:46,618 Taste all right? Why? 327 00:14:46,619 --> 00:14:49,350 I couldn't get any water in the kitchen and I couldn't find 328 00:14:49,351 --> 00:14:51,350 the other kitchen, so I ended up using the garden tap, 329 00:14:51,351 --> 00:14:53,350 and then there's no electric in the kitchen, so I found a plug 330 00:14:53,351 --> 00:14:54,885 that works in the library. 331 00:14:54,886 --> 00:14:58,350 I don't know if the water's drinkable, but I boiled it twice. 332 00:14:58,351 --> 00:15:01,350 PIGEONS COO I love the sound of the country. 333 00:15:01,351 --> 00:15:02,351 It's in the room. 334 00:15:02,352 --> 00:15:04,350 Oh, yeah. 335 00:15:04,351 --> 00:15:06,285 It must be nesting somewhere. 336 00:15:06,286 --> 00:15:07,350 Right, what's first? 337 00:15:07,351 --> 00:15:09,618 The pipes? Electrics? 338 00:15:09,619 --> 00:15:11,350 Probably get the bird out the room. 339 00:15:11,351 --> 00:15:13,350 Yeah. 340 00:15:13,351 --> 00:15:14,351 Come on, then, pigeon. 341 00:15:14,352 --> 00:15:16,350 Gah! 342 00:15:16,351 --> 00:15:17,351 Now, then. 343 00:15:17,352 --> 00:15:20,350 Let's have a look at some of the skills at our disposal, shall we? 344 00:15:20,351 --> 00:15:22,350 Now, we all know that Robin can do that thing with the lights. 345 00:15:22,351 --> 00:15:23,351 Will you please, Robin? 346 00:15:23,352 --> 00:15:25,350 Oh, yeah. 347 00:15:25,351 --> 00:15:26,752 Heugh! 348 00:15:30,351 --> 00:15:32,350 THEY CHUCKLE Very good. 349 00:15:32,351 --> 00:15:33,351 Yes, Mary. 350 00:15:33,352 --> 00:15:36,350 When I pass through the livings, they smells burnings. 351 00:15:36,351 --> 00:15:38,350 Excellent. None of those are plural, but... 352 00:15:38,351 --> 00:15:40,618 Tis a most noxious stink. 353 00:15:40,619 --> 00:15:43,350 When I was alive... 354 00:15:43,351 --> 00:15:44,351 Oh, here he goes. 355 00:15:44,352 --> 00:15:49,350 It was rumoured a little plague girl could often be heard singing 356 00:15:49,351 --> 00:15:51,350 in the pantry. 357 00:15:51,351 --> 00:15:54,484 # Ring a ring o' roses 358 00:15:54,485 --> 00:15:59,285 # A pocketful of posies 359 00:15:59,286 --> 00:16:00,350 # A-tishoo 360 00:16:00,351 --> 00:16:02,350 # A-tishoo 361 00:16:02,351 --> 00:16:04,351 # We all fall down. # 362 00:16:06,351 --> 00:16:08,351 People find it scary apparently. 363 00:16:10,351 --> 00:16:11,351 I can't think why. 364 00:16:13,351 --> 00:16:16,350 Finally, we're all aware of Julian's extraordinary powers. 365 00:16:16,351 --> 00:16:17,351 Oh, please. 366 00:16:17,352 --> 00:16:19,350 THEY TALK OVER EACH OTHER 367 00:16:19,351 --> 00:16:20,351 No, no. 368 00:16:20,352 --> 00:16:22,350 All right, all right, all right. 369 00:16:22,351 --> 00:16:23,351 Just I need a little bit... 370 00:16:23,352 --> 00:16:24,751 OK, here we go. 371 00:16:24,752 --> 00:16:26,351 Right. Shh, shh. 372 00:16:29,351 --> 00:16:30,351 Hold on. 373 00:16:31,351 --> 00:16:32,352 Ah! 374 00:16:35,351 --> 00:16:37,152 Argh! 375 00:16:37,153 --> 00:16:38,351 Here we go. 376 00:16:47,351 --> 00:16:51,152 Extraordinary! I've only tried it on cups, but, you know. 377 00:16:51,153 --> 00:16:54,350 Excellent. Well, with my leadership and your skills... 378 00:16:54,351 --> 00:16:55,351 Ah. 379 00:16:55,352 --> 00:16:57,351 ..I believe we have everything we need to scare them 380 00:16:57,352 --> 00:16:59,350 out of their wits. 381 00:16:59,351 --> 00:17:01,018 ALISON SCREAMS 382 00:17:01,019 --> 00:17:02,350 The water's gone cold. 383 00:17:02,351 --> 00:17:03,885 It's so cold. 384 00:17:03,886 --> 00:17:07,350 Mike. 385 00:17:07,351 --> 00:17:08,351 Thomas? What? 386 00:17:08,352 --> 00:17:11,350 I wasn't looking, and anyway, I couldn't see anything. 387 00:17:11,351 --> 00:17:13,018 All right, mate. 388 00:17:13,019 --> 00:17:14,351 Is she coming out? 389 00:17:15,351 --> 00:17:16,351 Yes, I think she is. 390 00:17:16,352 --> 00:17:17,352 She's coming out! 391 00:17:18,752 --> 00:17:20,350 Stand to, everybody. 392 00:17:20,351 --> 00:17:21,351 Prepare for action. 393 00:17:21,351 --> 00:17:22,351 Good luck, everyone. 394 00:17:22,352 --> 00:17:25,352 And remember, as long as you do your best... 395 00:17:29,351 --> 00:17:31,350 Finished? Yes. 396 00:17:31,351 --> 00:17:32,485 Hot water's stopped. 397 00:17:34,019 --> 00:17:35,153 Go for Robin. 398 00:17:41,619 --> 00:17:43,618 ROBIN CRIES OUT 399 00:17:43,619 --> 00:17:45,351 Man down. Right, cue Jemima. 400 00:17:46,886 --> 00:17:48,350 # Ring a ring o' roses... # 401 00:17:48,351 --> 00:17:49,618 LOUD MUSIC BLASTS 402 00:17:49,619 --> 00:17:52,350 Yes! Got the speakers hooked up. 403 00:17:52,351 --> 00:17:54,350 Well, that's the main thing. 404 00:17:54,351 --> 00:17:56,350 Yes, please, Mary. 405 00:17:56,351 --> 00:17:57,751 I think your toast is burning. 406 00:17:57,752 --> 00:17:59,350 Dammit! 407 00:17:59,351 --> 00:18:01,350 All on you now, Julian. Come on, Julian! Go for it! 408 00:18:01,351 --> 00:18:04,351 Push it! Come on! 409 00:18:06,352 --> 00:18:08,352 Come on, Julian! Push it! 410 00:18:10,019 --> 00:18:12,351 Come on, Julian! Come on, push it! 411 00:18:13,351 --> 00:18:15,350 Come on! Push it! 412 00:18:15,351 --> 00:18:17,285 VASE SCRAPES AGAINST TABLE 413 00:18:17,286 --> 00:18:19,350 Dammit! 414 00:18:19,351 --> 00:18:21,350 It's much bigger than a cup, so... 415 00:18:21,351 --> 00:18:22,351 Ah! 416 00:18:22,352 --> 00:18:24,350 Haunting's hard, isn't it? 417 00:18:24,351 --> 00:18:25,352 So, how did it go? 418 00:18:27,351 --> 00:18:28,351 Guys? 419 00:18:30,351 --> 00:18:33,286 Right, well, I think the boiler is in... 420 00:18:36,351 --> 00:18:37,351 ..there? 421 00:18:41,351 --> 00:18:43,351 LIGHT SWITCH CLICKS 422 00:18:45,351 --> 00:18:46,352 After you. 423 00:18:51,619 --> 00:18:52,752 Oh. 424 00:19:12,351 --> 00:19:15,350 Sing something, make this less scary. 425 00:19:15,351 --> 00:19:18,350 # Don't be scared 426 00:19:18,351 --> 00:19:20,350 # Don't be scared 427 00:19:20,351 --> 00:19:22,285 # I'm not scared... # 428 00:19:22,286 --> 00:19:24,350 OK, you're making it worse. 429 00:19:24,351 --> 00:19:26,286 There's another switch here. 430 00:19:31,351 --> 00:19:33,018 I can fix this. 431 00:19:33,019 --> 00:19:34,285 What? 432 00:19:34,286 --> 00:19:35,350 Are you joking? 433 00:19:35,351 --> 00:19:37,350 Who are they? I don't know. 434 00:19:37,351 --> 00:19:38,885 I'll look it up on YouTube. 435 00:19:38,886 --> 00:19:41,350 Mike, not everything can be learned from a YouTube tutorial. 436 00:19:41,351 --> 00:19:43,350 You'd be surprised. I found a guide on how to tame an eagle. 437 00:19:43,351 --> 00:19:46,350 Yeah, but that's not... What, an actual eagle? Mm-hm. 438 00:19:46,351 --> 00:19:48,885 Why would you need to know that? I don't know. 439 00:19:48,886 --> 00:19:51,018 Cool, though. So cool. 440 00:19:51,019 --> 00:19:52,350 Um... 441 00:19:52,351 --> 00:19:54,351 Oi, don't fiddle with that. Do you even know what that does? 442 00:19:54,352 --> 00:19:56,751 Yeah, it's a thing for the thingy bob. 443 00:19:56,752 --> 00:19:58,351 It's the valve for the filling loop. 444 00:20:00,619 --> 00:20:02,484 GHOSTS: Hey! Woo! 445 00:20:02,485 --> 00:20:04,350 Fixed it. No, you haven't. 446 00:20:04,351 --> 00:20:05,351 It's just the pilot light. 447 00:20:05,351 --> 00:20:06,351 Do you think we need a new one? 448 00:20:06,351 --> 00:20:07,351 What? Get rid of old Betsy? 449 00:20:07,352 --> 00:20:08,618 No, no. 450 00:20:08,619 --> 00:20:11,350 Let's see what the surveyor says next week. 451 00:20:11,351 --> 00:20:12,351 OK. 452 00:20:14,752 --> 00:20:16,751 Ready? What for? I'm ready. 453 00:20:16,752 --> 00:20:18,350 Ready. 454 00:20:18,351 --> 00:20:20,350 GHOSTS: Aw. 455 00:20:20,351 --> 00:20:23,350 I wasn't ready. Well, that was nice, anyway. 456 00:20:23,351 --> 00:20:25,350 Yeah, come back soo... 457 00:20:25,351 --> 00:20:27,351 Oh, they can't hear me, can they? 458 00:20:33,351 --> 00:20:34,351 They're not warming up down here. 459 00:20:34,352 --> 00:20:35,751 How's yours? 460 00:20:35,752 --> 00:20:37,351 Give me a sec. 461 00:20:41,351 --> 00:20:43,351 PIGEON COOS 462 00:20:50,351 --> 00:20:51,351 There you are. 463 00:20:54,351 --> 00:20:55,886 Hello. 464 00:20:57,351 --> 00:21:02,286 We'll be overrun with people taunting us with their life. 465 00:21:04,351 --> 00:21:06,350 No, we'll just try again. 466 00:21:06,351 --> 00:21:08,885 If at first you don't succeed... 467 00:21:08,886 --> 00:21:10,018 Precisely. 468 00:21:10,019 --> 00:21:11,285 That's right. 469 00:21:11,286 --> 00:21:13,350 We must prepare another charge. 470 00:21:13,351 --> 00:21:15,018 Hit them when they're vulnerable. 471 00:21:15,019 --> 00:21:17,352 We may have lost the battle, but the war is far from over. 472 00:21:28,351 --> 00:21:30,350 SOMEONE SCREAMS 473 00:21:30,351 --> 00:21:32,350 Fanny's early. I'm right here. 474 00:21:32,351 --> 00:21:34,350 What? 475 00:21:34,351 --> 00:21:36,350 It's Kim Wilde! 476 00:21:36,351 --> 00:21:38,350 Alison! 477 00:21:38,351 --> 00:21:39,351 Alison! 478 00:21:39,352 --> 00:21:41,350 Alison. 479 00:21:41,351 --> 00:21:43,152 Alison. 480 00:21:43,153 --> 00:21:44,350 Look at me. Look at me. 481 00:21:44,351 --> 00:21:46,484 Alison, can you hear me? 482 00:21:46,485 --> 00:21:48,350 Alison, I'm here. 483 00:21:48,351 --> 00:21:50,285 Can you hear me? Yeah? 484 00:21:50,286 --> 00:21:51,350 Stay with me. 485 00:21:51,351 --> 00:21:52,351 Keep your eyes open. 486 00:21:52,351 --> 00:21:53,351 Alison, I'm here. 487 00:22:04,351 --> 00:22:06,350 B-b-b-b... L-l-l-l... 488 00:22:06,351 --> 00:22:09,152 Let me be absolutely clear. 489 00:22:09,153 --> 00:22:11,350 Did you push her? Well, now, the thing you have to understand is this... 490 00:22:11,351 --> 00:22:13,751 I'm sorry, but it's rather a yes or no question. 491 00:22:13,752 --> 00:22:15,350 THEY TALK OVER EACH OTHER 492 00:22:15,351 --> 00:22:16,618 I took a decision to... 493 00:22:16,619 --> 00:22:19,350 Pushy or no pushy? 494 00:22:19,351 --> 00:22:21,350 Robin, let me ask you this. You know, what was the context? 495 00:22:21,351 --> 00:22:25,152 Answer the question, damn you! 496 00:22:25,153 --> 00:22:26,350 Thomas, I'm trying to answer the question, 497 00:22:26,351 --> 00:22:27,351 if you'll let me finish. 498 00:22:27,352 --> 00:22:30,350 Now, look here. A sacrifice was made for the greater good. 499 00:22:30,351 --> 00:22:32,350 We wanted her out of the house, didn't we? 500 00:22:32,351 --> 00:22:34,350 This has either killed her or scared her off. 501 00:22:34,351 --> 00:22:36,351 You don't just do that to someone. 502 00:22:38,351 --> 00:22:42,152 What kind of coward would push a lady out of the window? 503 00:22:42,153 --> 00:22:44,350 Now, steady on, Fanny. 504 00:22:44,351 --> 00:22:46,484 No, I won't, because I was pushed. 505 00:22:46,485 --> 00:22:49,350 You hear me? I was pushed. 506 00:22:49,351 --> 00:22:51,351 And I have never told a soul. 507 00:22:51,352 --> 00:22:54,350 It was my husband, George. 508 00:22:54,351 --> 00:22:58,885 I caught him upon the groundskeeper... Good lord. 509 00:22:58,886 --> 00:23:01,350 ..with the butler on him. 510 00:23:01,351 --> 00:23:03,350 Like a sandwich? A man-wich. 511 00:23:03,351 --> 00:23:06,350 It's actually known as a Moroccan tea party. Guys! 512 00:23:06,351 --> 00:23:09,885 Clearly, he didn't trust me with his sordid little secret, 513 00:23:09,886 --> 00:23:12,350 so he just did away with me. 514 00:23:12,351 --> 00:23:14,350 But he was wrong, wasn't he? He was very wrong. 515 00:23:14,351 --> 00:23:16,350 Because I have kept it, haven't I? 516 00:23:16,351 --> 00:23:17,618 THEY MURMUR 517 00:23:17,619 --> 00:23:19,350 Until now. 518 00:23:19,351 --> 00:23:21,350 Until now. 519 00:23:21,351 --> 00:23:22,351 I mean, I did know that. 520 00:23:22,352 --> 00:23:25,018 I watched all of that. So did I. Yeah, yeah. 521 00:23:25,019 --> 00:23:26,350 I wish I had watched it. 522 00:23:26,351 --> 00:23:27,619 Well, Fanny. 523 00:23:29,352 --> 00:23:33,350 That must have been a terrible burden to bear for all those years. 524 00:23:33,351 --> 00:23:37,350 Perhaps now that you've shared it, 525 00:23:37,351 --> 00:23:39,350 you'll be free of your nightly terrors. 526 00:23:39,351 --> 00:23:42,350 Oh, do you suppose so? 527 00:23:42,351 --> 00:23:43,351 I'm sure of it. 528 00:23:46,351 --> 00:23:49,350 FANNY SCREAMS 529 00:23:49,351 --> 00:23:51,351 Fanny! 530 00:23:52,351 --> 00:23:55,350 You see, Pat, what did I tell you? That's where talking gets you. 531 00:23:55,351 --> 00:23:58,350 Nowhere! It was silly of me to suggest it really. 532 00:23:58,351 --> 00:24:01,018 Lesson learnt. What shall we do? 533 00:24:01,019 --> 00:24:05,886 I don't know. I'm not going to spend eternity listening to that racket at the same time every night. 534 00:24:11,351 --> 00:24:13,350 It's worth a try. Ah. 535 00:24:13,351 --> 00:24:14,351 Hah! 536 00:24:19,351 --> 00:24:20,886 JULIAN GRUNTS 537 00:24:22,351 --> 00:24:24,618 CLOCK CHIMES 538 00:24:24,619 --> 00:24:26,886 FANNY SCREAMS 539 00:24:29,351 --> 00:24:30,351 Much better. 540 00:24:30,352 --> 00:24:32,350 Morning. Morning. Good morning. 541 00:24:32,351 --> 00:24:33,618 Good day. 542 00:24:33,619 --> 00:24:35,285 Finally. 543 00:24:35,286 --> 00:24:37,351 Things can get back to normal around here. 544 00:24:49,153 --> 00:24:50,351 TOILET FLUSHES 545 00:24:52,351 --> 00:24:54,350 Shift over. 546 00:24:54,351 --> 00:24:55,351 Can't I lie down? 547 00:24:55,352 --> 00:24:57,350 I'm so tired. 548 00:24:57,351 --> 00:24:58,351 Poor you. 549 00:24:58,351 --> 00:24:59,351 It's all right for you. 550 00:24:59,352 --> 00:25:01,484 You've been asleep for two weeks. 551 00:25:01,485 --> 00:25:03,152 It's called a coma. 552 00:25:03,153 --> 00:25:04,350 Induced coma. 553 00:25:04,351 --> 00:25:05,351 Oh. 554 00:25:06,351 --> 00:25:07,351 You all right? 555 00:25:07,352 --> 00:25:08,352 Yeah. 556 00:25:09,619 --> 00:25:11,351 I'm glad you didn't die. 557 00:25:12,351 --> 00:25:14,886 Well, technically, I did for a bit. 558 00:25:17,752 --> 00:25:19,351 Did I dream that house? 559 00:25:20,485 --> 00:25:22,619 I feel like I dreamt it all. 560 00:25:24,351 --> 00:25:26,018 Oh. 561 00:25:26,019 --> 00:25:28,350 Have you had the survey back? 562 00:25:28,351 --> 00:25:29,352 No. No, not yet. 563 00:25:30,351 --> 00:25:31,352 Hmm. 564 00:25:35,351 --> 00:25:39,484 Now, have her face the right way, you want the end with the milk 565 00:25:39,485 --> 00:25:43,350 there, not the end for looking and chewing out of. 566 00:25:43,351 --> 00:25:47,018 You want to take this finger and this finger, 567 00:25:47,019 --> 00:25:51,350 gently but quickly, and that releases a big squirt of the stuff. 568 00:25:51,351 --> 00:25:53,350 Good Lord. Chuck some of the muck out. 569 00:25:53,351 --> 00:25:55,484 So, you can check then if the milk be smooth and white, 570 00:25:55,485 --> 00:25:57,351 not beige and lumpy. 571 00:25:59,019 --> 00:26:01,285 Oh, my goodness. They're coming back! 572 00:26:01,286 --> 00:26:03,350 What? 573 00:26:03,351 --> 00:26:07,350 Right, so you know how I said the survey hadn't come back? 574 00:26:07,351 --> 00:26:08,751 Oh, God. 575 00:26:08,752 --> 00:26:10,350 What did it say? 576 00:26:10,351 --> 00:26:12,350 How does she seem? Is it she OK? 577 00:26:12,351 --> 00:26:15,350 I don't know, they're not getting out of the carriage. 578 00:26:15,351 --> 00:26:17,285 Well, there's good news and bad news. 579 00:26:17,286 --> 00:26:18,350 OK, OK, OK. 580 00:26:18,351 --> 00:26:19,351 Well... 581 00:26:19,351 --> 00:26:20,351 Give me the good news... 582 00:26:20,352 --> 00:26:22,350 The bad news is that the repairs are extensive, 583 00:26:22,351 --> 00:26:23,351 like, big structural stuff, 584 00:26:23,352 --> 00:26:26,350 plumbing, electrics, can't even begin to renovate 585 00:26:26,351 --> 00:26:31,152 this place without a huge amount of cash to do those things. 586 00:26:31,153 --> 00:26:33,751 OK. Yeah... So, the good news is I took out a loan! 587 00:26:33,752 --> 00:26:35,350 What? Yeah. I took out a loan. 588 00:26:35,351 --> 00:26:37,350 Some loans. Paid some deposits. 589 00:26:37,351 --> 00:26:39,285 Why didn't you tell me? 590 00:26:39,286 --> 00:26:41,350 Because I didn't want you to worry. 591 00:26:41,351 --> 00:26:43,350 This is your dream, right? 592 00:26:43,351 --> 00:26:45,484 I'm going to do everything I can to make it come true. 593 00:26:45,485 --> 00:26:47,350 CAR HORN BEEPS 594 00:26:47,351 --> 00:26:49,350 Oh, they're already here. 595 00:26:49,351 --> 00:26:50,351 Come on, then. 596 00:26:53,351 --> 00:26:55,350 Hey. All right, mate. 597 00:26:55,351 --> 00:26:57,153 How you doing? Terry. 598 00:27:01,153 --> 00:27:03,350 So, we're going to inspect the site, make it safe. 599 00:27:03,351 --> 00:27:05,350 Everyone has to wear one of these for now. 600 00:27:05,351 --> 00:27:10,350 Insurance reasons mainly, but, well, you just should. 601 00:27:10,351 --> 00:27:12,351 Cool. Cracking on, then. 602 00:27:13,619 --> 00:27:15,350 Exciting, isn't it? 603 00:27:15,351 --> 00:27:18,286 Why don't you go and have a lie down and I'll grab your bags, yeah? 604 00:27:24,351 --> 00:27:25,352 You should be wearing a hard hat. 605 00:27:30,351 --> 00:27:34,350 Button House reduced to a tawdry boarding house. 606 00:27:34,351 --> 00:27:36,350 What will become of us? 607 00:27:36,351 --> 00:27:39,350 Oh, she spoke to me, she spoke to me, she saw me, 608 00:27:39,351 --> 00:27:42,351 she spoke to me. What? What the devil are you talking about? 609 00:27:46,153 --> 00:27:47,618 Oh, there you are. 610 00:27:47,619 --> 00:27:50,350 I thought you were getting some rest. 611 00:27:50,351 --> 00:27:52,484 No turning back now. 612 00:27:52,485 --> 00:27:54,350 What if we made a mistake? What? 613 00:27:54,351 --> 00:27:57,285 What if this was a bad idea and we should have just sold it? 614 00:27:57,286 --> 00:27:59,350 Don't say that. This is a great idea. 615 00:27:59,351 --> 00:28:01,351 It's going to take a lot of work, but we can do it. 616 00:28:03,351 --> 00:28:04,351 Mike. 617 00:28:04,352 --> 00:28:06,618 You're terrified, and I get it. 618 00:28:06,619 --> 00:28:08,350 Mike. 619 00:28:08,351 --> 00:28:11,350 I get it. I'm scared too. 620 00:28:11,351 --> 00:28:14,350 This house and what we're doing, it's a huge challenge and who knows 621 00:28:14,351 --> 00:28:16,350 what we're going to have to deal with on the way? 622 00:28:16,351 --> 00:28:19,285 But, in the end, we've got each other. 623 00:28:19,286 --> 00:28:20,751 It's just us in this big old house. 624 00:28:20,752 --> 00:28:23,153 There's nothing to be scared of, is there? 625 00:28:25,351 --> 00:28:26,351 ALISON GASPS