1 00:00:12,922 --> 00:00:14,424 [theme music playing] 2 00:00:48,257 --> 00:00:49,559 [screeching] 3 00:00:53,429 --> 00:00:56,399 Hmm. I should really learn to play this game. 4 00:01:05,141 --> 00:01:06,943 Fascinating. 5 00:01:07,009 --> 00:01:09,245 Hey, eight ball, what's the big idea, 6 00:01:09,312 --> 00:01:11,681 parking your flying tin cigar on me? 7 00:01:11,781 --> 00:01:16,185 Say, you wouldn't happen to be an Earth creature, by chance, would you? 8 00:01:16,285 --> 00:01:17,420 Of course I am. 9 00:01:17,487 --> 00:01:19,522 I was born and bred on Earth. 10 00:01:19,622 --> 00:01:21,157 Oh, what luck. 11 00:01:21,257 --> 00:01:22,758 Quite impressive, too. 12 00:01:22,825 --> 00:01:25,695 You're an absolute perfect specimen. 13 00:01:25,795 --> 00:01:27,363 Oh, cut it out. 14 00:01:27,463 --> 00:01:29,031 You're going to make me blush. 15 00:01:29,132 --> 00:01:31,534 Would you allow me to perform a few tests on you, 16 00:01:31,634 --> 00:01:33,936 Mr. Earth Creature, please? 17 00:01:34,003 --> 00:01:36,839 Test? Gosh, I didn't even study. 18 00:01:37,773 --> 00:01:40,209 Hey! What the heck is this? 19 00:01:40,309 --> 00:01:41,611 What are you doing? 20 00:01:49,285 --> 00:01:52,555 First, the molecular conductivity test. 21 00:01:54,657 --> 00:01:56,659 -[device whirs] -Moleculiar what? 22 00:01:58,828 --> 00:01:59,896 Oh, my. 23 00:01:59,996 --> 00:02:02,231 Very interesting reaction. 24 00:02:10,373 --> 00:02:11,741 Very good, earthling. 25 00:02:11,841 --> 00:02:15,044 Now we'll perform the elasticity sufferance test. 26 00:02:23,186 --> 00:02:26,022 Now the vibrato ravagization test. 27 00:02:26,088 --> 00:02:27,390 [device whirs] 28 00:02:31,661 --> 00:02:32,828 [gasps] 29 00:02:32,895 --> 00:02:34,864 If you could please insert this in-- 30 00:02:34,931 --> 00:02:36,432 Not on your life, pal. 31 00:02:36,532 --> 00:02:39,502 Find yourself another rube to test on, 'cause I'm out. 32 00:02:40,436 --> 00:02:41,704 Oh, dear. 33 00:02:41,771 --> 00:02:44,173 We haven't even gotten to the best test yet. 34 00:02:50,413 --> 00:02:53,716 Oh, where did that Earth creature go? 35 00:02:53,783 --> 00:02:54,951 Psst. 36 00:02:56,886 --> 00:02:59,288 [Bugs] Over here, Mac. 37 00:02:59,388 --> 00:03:01,357 You're looking for Earth creatures, are you? 38 00:03:01,424 --> 00:03:02,959 Oh, yes, indeed, I-- 39 00:03:03,059 --> 00:03:06,128 -[muffled] -Shh! Not so loud, Mac. 40 00:03:06,229 --> 00:03:08,064 I got some nice, premium 41 00:03:08,130 --> 00:03:10,199 Earth creature out back for you. 42 00:03:10,266 --> 00:03:11,534 What do you say? 43 00:03:11,601 --> 00:03:14,804 I would very much like that. 44 00:03:14,904 --> 00:03:16,105 Here you are, kid. 45 00:03:16,872 --> 00:03:18,074 First one's free. 46 00:03:20,943 --> 00:03:22,411 Oh, goody, goody. 47 00:03:22,478 --> 00:03:25,448 A new Earth creature to experiment on. 48 00:03:26,916 --> 00:03:30,319 Hmm. I don't see anything in here. 49 00:03:30,419 --> 00:03:31,387 [grunts] 50 00:03:34,257 --> 00:03:35,791 -[whistles] -[tires screech] 51 00:03:42,798 --> 00:03:46,168 Oh, this makes me very furioso. 52 00:03:48,137 --> 00:03:51,674 I wonder if that little bowling ball phoned home yet. 53 00:03:51,774 --> 00:03:54,010 All right, you stubborn Earth creature, 54 00:03:54,110 --> 00:03:56,245 it's time to resume testing. 55 00:03:58,814 --> 00:04:00,182 Hold up there, broomface. 56 00:04:00,283 --> 00:04:02,251 You can't be doing this to people. 57 00:04:02,318 --> 00:04:04,620 Us earthlings, we got laws. 58 00:04:04,687 --> 00:04:06,522 But I'm not from Earth. 59 00:04:06,622 --> 00:04:09,292 -I'm from Mars. -From Mars? 60 00:04:09,358 --> 00:04:11,294 How do I know you're from Mars? 61 00:04:11,360 --> 00:04:12,762 You got any credentials? 62 00:04:12,828 --> 00:04:14,530 Yes, I do. 63 00:04:14,630 --> 00:04:18,334 Behold, my official Martian license. 64 00:04:18,434 --> 00:04:20,336 Let me see that. 65 00:04:20,436 --> 00:04:22,538 Why, this license is expired, Doc. 66 00:04:22,638 --> 00:04:24,507 What? Expired? 67 00:04:24,607 --> 00:04:27,176 Yeah. See the date? It's no good. 68 00:04:27,276 --> 00:04:31,213 But... but I need that to do my Martian stuff. 69 00:04:31,314 --> 00:04:32,982 Listen, Doc, you're in luck. 70 00:04:33,049 --> 00:04:36,118 We can just renew your license right here. 71 00:04:36,185 --> 00:04:38,154 I can give you your Martian test. 72 00:04:38,220 --> 00:04:40,890 I happen to be an official test giver. 73 00:04:40,990 --> 00:04:42,558 Oh, goody. 74 00:04:42,658 --> 00:04:45,895 All right. First, you got to do the written portion of the exam. 75 00:04:45,995 --> 00:04:49,131 Can a Martian withstand a ten-ton weight? 76 00:04:49,198 --> 00:04:50,299 Hmm. 77 00:04:52,568 --> 00:04:54,337 -[Marvin] No. -[Bugs] Great. 78 00:04:54,403 --> 00:04:55,738 That's one right. 79 00:04:55,838 --> 00:04:58,474 You're on a roll, Doc. Now for the physical test. 80 00:04:58,541 --> 00:04:59,575 [machine buzzes] 81 00:05:00,843 --> 00:05:02,912 [gasping] 82 00:05:03,012 --> 00:05:05,481 How long must I do this for? 83 00:05:06,349 --> 00:05:08,250 Eh, just keep going, Doc. 84 00:05:08,351 --> 00:05:09,652 I'm collecting data. 85 00:05:11,987 --> 00:05:13,889 [gasping] 86 00:05:20,863 --> 00:05:23,065 [gasping loudly] 87 00:05:26,369 --> 00:05:27,269 [wheezes] 88 00:05:27,370 --> 00:05:29,071 All right. Breathe into this. 89 00:05:35,010 --> 00:05:36,512 [Marvin in high-pitched voice] Did I pass yet? 90 00:05:41,183 --> 00:05:43,619 Now onto the final portion of the exam. 91 00:05:43,719 --> 00:05:45,087 The driving test. 92 00:05:46,255 --> 00:05:47,623 And begin. 93 00:05:55,197 --> 00:05:57,433 Oh, this is easy. 94 00:05:59,969 --> 00:06:01,637 [groans] 95 00:06:02,405 --> 00:06:03,439 [screams] 96 00:06:14,283 --> 00:06:15,451 Pencils down. 97 00:06:16,452 --> 00:06:17,787 Let's see how you did. 98 00:06:19,121 --> 00:06:21,791 [whirs and beeps] 99 00:06:21,891 --> 00:06:23,292 [machine] Pt-ooie. 100 00:06:23,392 --> 00:06:25,628 Hey, congrats, laughing boy. 101 00:06:25,728 --> 00:06:27,129 You passed the test. 102 00:06:27,229 --> 00:06:28,898 Here's your new license. 103 00:06:28,964 --> 00:06:31,834 [gasps] Oh, goody, goody. 104 00:06:31,934 --> 00:06:33,402 I'm a Martian again. 105 00:06:33,469 --> 00:06:35,171 I'm a Martian agai-- 106 00:06:36,439 --> 00:06:37,339 Wait. 107 00:06:37,440 --> 00:06:40,176 This is an Earth license. 108 00:06:40,276 --> 00:06:43,512 Huh. Guess that means you're an earthling now. 109 00:06:43,612 --> 00:06:45,181 A what? 110 00:06:45,281 --> 00:06:46,415 [gasps] 111 00:06:49,518 --> 00:06:51,020 [alien] Bring this Earth creature 112 00:06:51,120 --> 00:06:53,088 back to the lab for testing. 113 00:06:53,155 --> 00:06:56,759 What? No! Unhand me at once! 114 00:06:59,829 --> 00:07:01,430 Well, I guess that's what happens 115 00:07:01,497 --> 00:07:03,933 when you space out during class. 116 00:07:03,999 --> 00:07:05,968 [chuckles] 117 00:07:06,035 --> 00:07:08,137 [theme music playing] 118 00:07:16,212 --> 00:07:18,981 Uh, hello. I would like a ba... [stuttering] 119 00:07:19,048 --> 00:07:22,318 I would like a ba... Yes, I'd like a... [stuttering] 120 00:07:24,520 --> 00:07:25,988 [screams] Baboon! 121 00:07:26,055 --> 00:07:27,156 [screaming] 122 00:07:27,223 --> 00:07:29,825 He's lucky. That was my last baboon. 123 00:07:46,976 --> 00:07:48,010 Beep, beep. 124 00:07:49,845 --> 00:07:51,180 [coughs] 125 00:07:53,516 --> 00:07:54,550 [gasps] 126 00:07:59,088 --> 00:08:00,422 [panting] 127 00:08:07,029 --> 00:08:08,063 Beep, beep. 128 00:08:09,932 --> 00:08:11,000 Beep, beep. 129 00:08:16,872 --> 00:08:17,873 Beep, beep. 130 00:08:32,721 --> 00:08:33,756 Beep, beep. 131 00:09:05,588 --> 00:09:06,622 Beep, beep. 132 00:09:28,410 --> 00:09:29,445 Phew! 133 00:09:34,450 --> 00:09:35,484 Phew! 134 00:09:47,596 --> 00:09:48,631 Beep, beep. 135 00:10:22,331 --> 00:10:23,399 [blows raspberry] 136 00:10:41,550 --> 00:10:42,584 Beep, beep. 137 00:10:45,020 --> 00:10:46,055 [loud crash] 138 00:10:50,392 --> 00:10:51,427 Beep, beep. 139 00:11:07,543 --> 00:11:08,911 [theme music playing]