1 00:00:07,076 --> 00:00:10,265 How long do these things usually last? I have appalling cramp! 2 00:00:10,265 --> 00:00:13,596 As long as it takes, son. The trick is to stretch out every half hour. 3 00:00:13,596 --> 00:00:15,366 If you get too cold... Yes? 4 00:00:15,366 --> 00:00:18,036 ..piss yourself! 5 00:00:18,036 --> 00:00:20,445 So much they didn't teach at college! 6 00:00:20,445 --> 00:00:21,906 Budge up. What's happening? 7 00:00:21,906 --> 00:00:26,086 You're not police. Your dad said, on no account, am I to tell you about this stakeout. 8 00:00:26,086 --> 00:00:33,961 Ooh, a stakeout! Nor am I giving you these binoculars. 9 00:00:35,315 --> 00:00:37,606 She's stashing something. Let's nick her. 10 00:00:37,606 --> 00:00:40,166 Check the bag for diamonds first. Then nick her? 11 00:00:40,166 --> 00:00:43,395 Nicking's the bets bit. GO! 12 00:00:43,395 --> 00:00:45,676 Bad luck, Rabbit. 13 00:00:45,676 --> 00:00:47,876 This is Inspector Tanner's case. 14 00:00:47,876 --> 00:00:51,806 What a dolly plonker you are! That's my bleeding tipoff. You're not having it, old bean. 15 00:00:51,806 --> 00:00:54,236 It's more my sort of thing, really. 16 00:00:54,236 --> 00:00:59,315 "Tanner of the Yard Catches the Beauty Behind Jewel-Smuggling Ring." 17 00:00:59,315 --> 00:01:04,166 They'll be kissing my arse from Tower Hill to Buck's Row. Chin-chin! 18 00:01:04,166 --> 00:01:06,036 Was something ticking? Yeah. 19 00:01:06,036 --> 00:01:09,546 Tanner! If I was you, I...I'd put that bag down. 20 00:01:09,546 --> 00:01:13,036 If I was you, Rabbit, I'd shut my cock holster! 21 00:01:13,036 --> 00:01:17,086 It's every man for himself these days! 22 00:01:17,086 --> 00:01:19,336 Holy fu... 23 00:01:20,486 --> 00:01:24,986 There he goes. 24 00:01:32,395 --> 00:01:34,166 ♪ Step it away, Brick Man Step it up and down 25 00:01:34,166 --> 00:01:35,816 ♪ Step it away, Brick Man London Town 26 00:01:35,816 --> 00:01:37,525 ♪ Step it away, brick man Step it up and down 27 00:01:37,525 --> 00:01:39,996 ♪ Step it away, Brick Man, All fall down... ♪ 28 00:01:39,996 --> 00:01:42,986 How's Tanner? What news from the hospital? 29 00:01:42,986 --> 00:01:45,525 Well, he's alive but he's lost some bits. 30 00:01:45,525 --> 00:01:47,036 Which bits? 31 00:01:47,036 --> 00:01:51,275 Er, a straight bit, a round bit, a curly bit. 32 00:01:51,275 --> 00:01:53,556 I'm not really a doctor. 33 00:01:53,556 --> 00:01:55,996 I've seen those all over the place. 34 00:01:55,996 --> 00:01:57,646 It's nearly Brick Night. 35 00:01:57,646 --> 00:01:59,916 You can't have Brick Night without... Brick Man. 36 00:01:59,916 --> 00:02:01,726 Naturally. What are you talking about? 37 00:02:01,726 --> 00:02:05,086 It's an East End thing. Don't they have bricks in Incest-Upon-Avon? 38 00:02:05,086 --> 00:02:07,986 And every Brick Night, Brick Man steps out of Brick World. 39 00:02:07,986 --> 00:02:10,195 He wears brick clothes and has a brick face 40 00:02:10,195 --> 00:02:14,445 and if you don't believe in him, he stabs you in the neck repeatedly with his brick knife. 41 00:02:14,445 --> 00:02:16,236 It's just a bit of fun for the kids. 42 00:02:16,236 --> 00:02:19,916 No, Brick Man, no! Where did you get this ridiculous talisman? 43 00:02:19,916 --> 00:02:21,315 This is blasphemy! 44 00:02:21,315 --> 00:02:24,195 There is no such thing as Brick Man. 45 00:02:24,195 --> 00:02:26,395 Oi, Bible Boy! 46 00:02:26,395 --> 00:02:29,246 If you want a fight with someone, you fight me. 47 00:02:29,246 --> 00:02:32,606 No, actually, fight him. He's fitter and I can't be arsed. 48 00:02:32,606 --> 00:02:34,731 Heathens! 49 00:02:35,916 --> 00:02:39,525 There you go, girl, have a penny. Buy yourself a new doll. 50 00:02:39,525 --> 00:02:45,195 They're sixpence. Yeah, well, you can fuck that. 51 00:02:45,195 --> 00:02:47,455 In your name, My Lord, 52 00:02:47,455 --> 00:02:49,896 I cleanse this city 53 00:02:49,896 --> 00:02:52,771 of false idols! 54 00:03:03,966 --> 00:03:06,126 Now do you believe? 55 00:03:06,126 --> 00:03:08,476 Please! I beg you! 56 00:03:13,836 --> 00:03:17,461 ♪ It all falls down ♪ 57 00:03:17,806 --> 00:03:20,906 There's been a murder. Fucking brilliant! Shut it! 58 00:03:20,906 --> 00:03:23,385 Duck Pond Lane. A stabbing in the neck. 59 00:03:23,385 --> 00:03:26,445 And in the wound, a quantity of red dust. 60 00:03:26,445 --> 00:03:29,305 Looks like your mum's cooking, John! 61 00:03:29,305 --> 00:03:31,315 A Brick Man imitator. 62 00:03:31,315 --> 00:03:33,065 A du...brick-ate, if you will! 63 00:03:33,065 --> 00:03:35,886 I want this cracked like a witch's mirror. 64 00:03:35,886 --> 00:03:40,676 You should use psychology. It don't exist, Guv. We need to get out there and break some fingers. 65 00:03:40,676 --> 00:03:42,756 Find some leads and break their fingers. 66 00:03:42,756 --> 00:03:45,166 Find the culprits and break their fingers. 67 00:03:45,166 --> 00:03:47,476 Find the lead's culprits and break their fingers. 68 00:03:47,476 --> 00:03:49,886 Get right up inside the fingers. Finger the fingerers. 69 00:03:49,886 --> 00:03:51,796 It's all about the fingers. 70 00:03:51,796 --> 00:03:55,116 Do it. We are dealing with one sick individual. 71 00:03:55,116 --> 00:04:01,046 Sounds to me like someone needs to shit or get off the pot. 72 00:04:01,046 --> 00:04:04,275 Rabbit, Strauss, go solve this. 73 00:04:04,275 --> 00:04:07,775 Not now! When I say! 74 00:04:08,405 --> 00:04:10,655 I now say. 75 00:04:11,676 --> 00:04:14,176 Er, not you! 76 00:04:18,556 --> 00:04:20,181 Come. 77 00:04:21,546 --> 00:04:23,916 My weekly report, ma'am. 78 00:04:23,916 --> 00:04:26,416 Mm! Proceed. 79 00:04:29,556 --> 00:04:32,676 Erm, the attempt to end the lives 80 00:04:32,676 --> 00:04:34,676 of Rabbit and his associates... 81 00:04:34,676 --> 00:04:36,636 Let me stop you there, Maud. 82 00:04:36,636 --> 00:04:38,466 We don't attempt, 83 00:04:38,466 --> 00:04:40,596 we do. Indeed, ma'am! 84 00:04:40,596 --> 00:04:42,876 And a second operation 85 00:04:42,876 --> 00:04:44,751 will... 86 00:04:46,416 --> 00:04:50,416 What's that? 87 00:04:51,806 --> 00:04:53,181 Mm. 88 00:04:53,986 --> 00:04:57,036 Could someone bring me my street shoes? 89 00:04:57,036 --> 00:04:59,346 I've got work to do. 90 00:04:59,346 --> 00:05:01,426 You can't be police, 91 00:05:01,426 --> 00:05:04,346 even if I wanted you to, which I don't! 92 00:05:04,346 --> 00:05:07,826 I'm as good as any bloke in there. I'm a fist with legs. 93 00:05:07,826 --> 00:05:10,956 Why can't you think about the things women are meant to think about? 94 00:05:10,956 --> 00:05:15,426 Spaniels wearing ribbons! Kittens in moonlight! 95 00:05:15,426 --> 00:05:17,836 Come on, Dad, give me anything, 96 00:05:17,836 --> 00:05:20,195 no matter how small. 97 00:05:20,195 --> 00:05:23,395 Well, there is a new crime wave we need to stop. 98 00:05:23,395 --> 00:05:26,265 I'm your man! Who isn't a man! 99 00:05:26,265 --> 00:05:31,140 Stop bicycle theft. 100 00:05:35,236 --> 00:05:39,626 Come and join our Whitechapel Historical Fellowship. 101 00:05:39,626 --> 00:05:40,906 Hello. 102 00:05:40,906 --> 00:05:44,265 Hello. Would you like to join our Historical Fellowship? 103 00:05:44,265 --> 00:05:46,636 Fascinating lectures with no distractions. 104 00:05:46,636 --> 00:05:49,156 We pride ourselves on our lack of refreshments. 105 00:05:49,156 --> 00:05:52,786 No. I think he only stopped because your daughter was giving him the salmon. 106 00:05:52,786 --> 00:05:57,395 We've got stuff to do. Come on. 107 00:05:57,395 --> 00:06:00,770 Good bye. Good bye! 108 00:06:02,836 --> 00:06:05,676 I can't breathe. My legs are like jelly. 109 00:06:05,676 --> 00:06:07,916 My mind's racing. Is this love? 110 00:06:07,916 --> 00:06:10,265 No. We just passed the hat factory. 111 00:06:10,265 --> 00:06:12,876 You're off your tits on airborne mercury. 112 00:06:12,876 --> 00:06:15,786 It's that bell-end from yesterday. May God rest your soul. 113 00:06:15,786 --> 00:06:19,275 It doesn't make sense. The night-watchman was right nearby but nobody saw the killer. 114 00:06:19,275 --> 00:06:24,400 No trace. There's always a trace! 115 00:06:25,285 --> 00:06:27,660 Brick dust. 116 00:06:29,836 --> 00:06:31,461 Look. 117 00:06:34,886 --> 00:06:39,916 This is the way to do it, Strauss. None of your psycho-rology twallocks. 118 00:06:39,916 --> 00:06:43,886 Psychologists say one's father greatly influences a chap's character. 119 00:06:43,886 --> 00:06:46,716 My father certainly did the three times a year I met him. 120 00:06:46,716 --> 00:06:51,075 I never knew my dad. I know he named us after animals. 121 00:06:51,075 --> 00:06:53,926 There's Leopard, me brother, me sister Weasel. 122 00:06:53,926 --> 00:06:57,195 He wrote the names on our heads before dumping us outside a church. 123 00:06:57,195 --> 00:06:58,606 Good grief! 124 00:06:58,606 --> 00:07:00,436 A brick wall. 125 00:07:00,436 --> 00:07:02,836 Just as the street ends on a brick wall 126 00:07:02,836 --> 00:07:05,716 does cold science too have its limits. 127 00:07:05,716 --> 00:07:12,636 Is Brick Man real? Could this be the door to the Brick World? 128 00:07:14,706 --> 00:07:20,126 Or that's the way in. The jury's still out, really. 129 00:07:20,126 --> 00:07:24,606 Hello. The police are giving free advice on how to secure your bicycle. 130 00:07:24,606 --> 00:07:26,075 And what's that? 131 00:07:26,075 --> 00:07:29,145 The chain. You shouldn't just secure the front wheels 132 00:07:29,145 --> 00:07:31,756 because the little shits willjust nick the rest. 133 00:07:31,756 --> 00:07:35,036 Move. How come they let one of you lot in the police? 134 00:07:35,036 --> 00:07:36,926 Women do a lot of things now. 135 00:07:36,926 --> 00:07:40,796 That's not what I meant. 136 00:07:40,796 --> 00:07:42,686 I'm gonna count to two 137 00:07:42,686 --> 00:07:47,476 and you're gonna fuck right off or I'll show you just how police I can be. 138 00:07:47,476 --> 00:07:49,226 One... 139 00:07:49,606 --> 00:07:51,116 Oh! 140 00:07:54,246 --> 00:07:57,636 Not so chatty now, you racist shit! 141 00:08:04,636 --> 00:08:08,766 Thank you. Don't mention it. Us girls, we've got to look out for each other. 142 00:08:08,766 --> 00:08:11,516 So, where were we? Don't worry. 143 00:08:11,516 --> 00:08:16,266 There's been a change of plan. 144 00:08:21,636 --> 00:08:25,716 "Other dimensions" my puckered arse! This is how Brick Man gets about. 145 00:08:25,716 --> 00:08:28,646 London sewers, best in the world they say. 146 00:08:28,646 --> 00:08:32,205 I'm not sure "they" spent a lot of time down here. Ssh! What was that noise? 147 00:08:32,205 --> 00:08:34,405 CLANG! Inspector, I think I saw something! 148 00:08:34,405 --> 00:08:37,205 Ugh! That felt like a brick! 149 00:08:37,205 --> 00:08:38,705 Run! 150 00:08:40,566 --> 00:08:46,941 Bravo, Tanner! Welcome back, sir! 151 00:08:47,926 --> 00:08:50,246 Welcome back, sir. 152 00:08:50,246 --> 00:08:53,226 Who was she, the bomber? 153 00:08:53,226 --> 00:08:57,155 The trail's gone cold, sir. We think maybe there was no jewel-smuggling ring. 154 00:08:57,155 --> 00:09:00,646 The bomb was rigged for Rabbit. 155 00:09:00,646 --> 00:09:03,415 Quite a nice job they've done on your bonce, sir. 156 00:09:03,415 --> 00:09:08,926 It'll take more than a bang to stop brave Tanner of the Yard. I'll tell you about bravery, son! 157 00:09:08,926 --> 00:09:13,646 In the Sudan, I watched blokes getting their ears blown off. 158 00:09:13,646 --> 00:09:17,596 Young fellas ripped in two by frightened horses. 159 00:09:17,596 --> 00:09:21,405 One poor Welsh lad smacked his turkey purse on a barbed-wire fence 160 00:09:21,405 --> 00:09:25,366 and watched his little peanuts fall into the grateful mouth of a desert shrew. 161 00:09:25,366 --> 00:09:28,155 The look on his face... 162 00:09:28,155 --> 00:09:30,280 Horrific! 163 00:09:30,636 --> 00:09:34,275 This was meant for Rabbit. 164 00:09:34,275 --> 00:09:37,405 And while there's puff in my gruff and wind in my whistle, 165 00:09:37,405 --> 00:09:39,226 I will make sure 166 00:09:39,226 --> 00:09:43,851 he gets what's coming to him. 167 00:09:45,275 --> 00:09:46,866 Stop! 168 00:09:46,866 --> 00:09:50,126 Or at least slow down by 25 percent! 169 00:09:50,126 --> 00:09:53,295 'Allo, Brick Man! I'm Police Man. 170 00:09:53,295 --> 00:09:57,415 I've come to arrest the living shit out of you. 171 00:09:57,415 --> 00:10:00,526 Oh, Lord, it's you! I didn't see it was you, Mr Rabbit! 172 00:10:00,526 --> 00:10:04,136 I thought you were some new lads working my patch! 173 00:10:04,136 --> 00:10:06,776 Who is this sewer dweller? This is Murky John. 174 00:10:06,776 --> 00:10:08,876 He's a tosher. Ooh, what's that? 175 00:10:08,876 --> 00:10:11,366 I'm compiling a list of appalling East End occupations. 176 00:10:11,366 --> 00:10:14,726 We scavenge the sewers for anything worth a few bob. 177 00:10:14,726 --> 00:10:18,165 Is that legal? What you might call a grey area. 178 00:10:18,165 --> 00:10:23,285 Rabbit, how about this for the lady in your life? 179 00:10:23,285 --> 00:10:26,726 Don't think you can bribe me, Murket. Actually, that's quite nice. 180 00:10:26,726 --> 00:10:29,205 You have the worst job I've encountered. 181 00:10:29,205 --> 00:10:31,356 There's a few downsides. 182 00:10:31,356 --> 00:10:34,996 Crowding, cholera, tetanus. 183 00:10:34,996 --> 00:10:39,366 The build-up of flammable gases exploding into a huge fireball. 184 00:10:39,366 --> 00:10:44,215 The rats dragging you off to feed to the rat king. 185 00:10:44,215 --> 00:10:47,415 Have you seen anything weird lately, Murky John? Last night, 186 00:10:47,415 --> 00:10:50,766 a gentleman walking the pipes! 187 00:10:50,766 --> 00:10:53,866 Brick coat, brick hat, 188 00:10:53,866 --> 00:10:55,335 brick face! 189 00:10:55,335 --> 00:10:57,656 The toshers are scared, Rabbit! 190 00:10:57,656 --> 00:11:02,016 Catch him, before he comes for us all! 191 00:11:02,016 --> 00:11:03,516 Oof! 192 00:11:09,255 --> 00:11:11,086 Morning, Rabbit. 193 00:11:11,086 --> 00:11:13,336 Breakfast? 194 00:11:16,096 --> 00:11:19,086 Is that banging inside my head or is that for real? 195 00:11:19,086 --> 00:11:21,606 Bastards are putting electric lights down the streets. 196 00:11:21,606 --> 00:11:24,496 Bad for business running a pub under electric light. 197 00:11:24,496 --> 00:11:27,846 Why is that? Makes me look older. 198 00:11:27,846 --> 00:11:30,856 I'm what you call a smog beauty. 199 00:11:30,856 --> 00:11:32,456 Course you are, girl. 200 00:11:32,456 --> 00:11:34,456 Hang on. 201 00:11:36,616 --> 00:11:39,286 Oi! What's your game, soppy nuts? 202 00:11:39,286 --> 00:11:43,125 Brick Man struck again last night! But he can't come through no walls if we knock 'em down first! 203 00:11:43,125 --> 00:11:44,636 Oh, gawd! Where was it? 204 00:11:44,636 --> 00:11:46,966 Oakwood Row. 205 00:11:46,966 --> 00:11:50,816 You do that again, dick boy, and I'll lop 'em off with a spoon! 206 00:11:50,816 --> 00:11:54,096 Brick Man. It's the Brick Man. 207 00:11:54,096 --> 00:11:55,856 Let me guess. No witnesses. 208 00:11:55,856 --> 00:11:58,906 Why won't you coppers catch Brick Man? 209 00:11:58,906 --> 00:12:03,286 You don't give a monkeys about the likes of us! Too right, mate! Shut your mouth, you old bastard. 210 00:12:03,286 --> 00:12:07,366 We should break every brick wall in London Town! 211 00:12:07,366 --> 00:12:10,086 Smash that bleeding wall! 212 00:12:10,086 --> 00:12:12,496 Smash the bleeding wall! 213 00:12:12,496 --> 00:12:14,935 Smash the bleeding wall! 214 00:12:14,935 --> 00:12:18,135 Listen, Mr Larkham ... No. You listen! 215 00:12:18,135 --> 00:12:20,966 People are scared of bricks, for Christ's sake! 216 00:12:20,966 --> 00:12:25,055 I've got 200 workers in my brick works. If we close today, they don't eat tomorrow. 217 00:12:25,055 --> 00:12:27,416 Why not? Because I don't pay them enough! 218 00:12:27,416 --> 00:12:30,286 Find the killer! I've got me best people on it! 219 00:12:30,286 --> 00:12:32,726 What have you got? 220 00:12:32,726 --> 00:12:37,055 He moves through the sewers, so I was thinking we should form a shit squad. 221 00:12:37,055 --> 00:12:40,416 A shit squad? A shit squad. I think you already have. 222 00:12:40,416 --> 00:12:42,986 A squad made up of men who don't mind getting their hands dirty, 223 00:12:42,986 --> 00:12:44,805 men who'll wade in shit, 224 00:12:44,805 --> 00:12:47,935 toss shit, eat shit, juggle shit, 225 00:12:47,935 --> 00:12:49,805 swim in shit. 226 00:12:49,805 --> 00:12:51,206 Shitty men. 227 00:12:51,206 --> 00:12:53,135 Shitty coppers. 228 00:12:53,135 --> 00:12:55,686 I'd be proud to stand alongside Inspector Rabbit. 229 00:12:55,686 --> 00:13:00,135 You're not going to put that clown Rabbit on it, are you? Rabbit's one of my best wrong-'un banger-uppers! 230 00:13:00,135 --> 00:13:03,776 Who's that girl who took down that bag-snatcher? She's showing your lot right up. 231 00:13:03,776 --> 00:13:05,856 Mabel? Get her on it! But... 232 00:13:05,856 --> 00:13:09,496 Wisbech, I am a friend of the Home Secretary, we play petanque together. 233 00:13:09,496 --> 00:13:13,856 If you can't find this murderer, he will get in someone who can! 234 00:13:13,856 --> 00:13:15,981 Good day. 235 00:13:16,496 --> 00:13:20,496 Mr Larkham, you're a very rich and powerful man, two qualities I admire greatly. 236 00:13:20,496 --> 00:13:23,776 Mm. Never mind that. Tell me, what happened to Rabbit's eyebrow? 237 00:13:23,776 --> 00:13:26,925 His dog bit it off or something at Christmastime. 238 00:13:26,925 --> 00:13:30,896 Oh. But everyone needs a friend in the station. 239 00:13:30,896 --> 00:13:32,846 I could be such a friend for you, sir. 240 00:13:32,846 --> 00:13:37,546 What's left of my left eye just winked at you. 241 00:13:37,546 --> 00:13:38,856 Mabel? Hm? 242 00:13:38,856 --> 00:13:41,255 You're on Brick Man with these two. Yes! 243 00:13:41,255 --> 00:13:45,096 You won't regret it. But if you do, it'll be too late so who cares? 244 00:13:45,096 --> 00:13:47,786 Well done, girl. But don't bollock on about - Psychology! 245 00:13:47,786 --> 00:13:49,815 We need to get inside the killer's head. 246 00:13:49,815 --> 00:13:52,426 So, what's his history with Brick Man? 247 00:13:52,426 --> 00:13:54,586 The Historical Fellowship! 248 00:13:54,586 --> 00:13:56,446 She's the one I want to see! 249 00:13:56,446 --> 00:14:00,776 I mean, she's the one we want to see. Sorry, they're the ones we want to see. 250 00:14:00,776 --> 00:14:02,935 About Brick Man? Yeah. 251 00:14:02,935 --> 00:14:06,310 Come on, horny boy. 252 00:14:06,906 --> 00:14:08,255 Police. 253 00:14:08,255 --> 00:14:09,896 Police. 254 00:14:09,896 --> 00:14:12,446 As good as police. Everyone say I'm police for now. 255 00:14:12,446 --> 00:14:14,015 Tell us about Brick Man. 256 00:14:14,015 --> 00:14:16,576 The whole lot. And look sharp because I get bored real easy. 257 00:14:16,576 --> 00:14:19,446 Er, please, take a seat. 258 00:14:19,446 --> 00:14:22,416 How old do you think the legend of the Brick Man is? 259 00:14:22,416 --> 00:14:24,586 I ain't got a bleeding clue, mate. 260 00:14:24,586 --> 00:14:27,065 What if I were to tell you 261 00:14:27,065 --> 00:14:31,005 that he was a mere 50 years old this year? 262 00:14:31,005 --> 00:14:33,296 Well, then, I would tell you, "Fancy that!" 263 00:14:33,296 --> 00:14:36,696 His first appearance in an advertisement for Larkham Bricks, 264 00:14:36,696 --> 00:14:39,935 founded by SirJohn Larkham. We met his son. He's a bell-end. 265 00:14:39,935 --> 00:14:43,786 He's actually a patron of ours and he's a wonderful man. He's a wonderful bell-end. 266 00:14:43,786 --> 00:14:46,736 We've not been properly introduced. Sergeant Strauss. Harriet. 267 00:14:46,736 --> 00:14:50,456 You're awfully young for a policeman. You're very young for an historian! 268 00:14:50,456 --> 00:14:52,856 Once, this was all countryside, 269 00:14:52,856 --> 00:14:57,576 and then the East End was built from Larkham bricks, with Brick Man the star! 270 00:14:57,576 --> 00:14:59,616 But this Brick Man's got this smiling gob. 271 00:14:59,616 --> 00:15:01,376 He don't look much like the stabbing type. 272 00:15:01,376 --> 00:15:03,986 Well, once the East End was built 273 00:15:03,986 --> 00:15:05,576 demand for bricks dropped, 274 00:15:05,576 --> 00:15:08,135 so they gave Brick Man an edgy rebrand. 275 00:15:08,135 --> 00:15:09,536 Bugger me! 276 00:15:09,536 --> 00:15:12,656 A public relations disaster. The adverts were withdrawn. 277 00:15:12,656 --> 00:15:15,526 But the myth had begun. 278 00:15:15,526 --> 00:15:20,055 Maybe somebody wants to close down the brick factory. They're going the wrong way about it. Scares pass! 279 00:15:20,055 --> 00:15:23,296 You can knock down every wall in London but then you have to rebuild, 280 00:15:23,296 --> 00:15:26,346 and what do you use? 281 00:15:26,346 --> 00:15:29,896 Bricks! And Mr Larkham will make a fortune. 282 00:15:29,896 --> 00:15:32,626 Did Larkham ever dress up as Brick Man? 283 00:15:32,626 --> 00:15:35,176 Hang on! Yes! 284 00:15:35,176 --> 00:15:37,426 For the Lord Mayor's Parade. 285 00:15:37,426 --> 00:15:39,051 Look. 286 00:15:39,426 --> 00:15:42,226 I was thinking, erm, do you like dancing? 287 00:15:42,226 --> 00:15:45,106 I don't know! No-one's ever requested a dance. 288 00:15:45,106 --> 00:15:47,506 That's funny because I've never had anyone to ask! 289 00:15:47,506 --> 00:15:49,815 Would you like to? Yes. 290 00:15:51,656 --> 00:15:55,096 Are you two gonna fuck or what? 291 00:15:55,096 --> 00:16:00,065 I call it like I see it. It's just me being me. 292 00:16:00,065 --> 00:16:01,690 Move. 293 00:16:03,706 --> 00:16:06,376 Did you find the murderer yet? Let's hope so. 294 00:16:06,376 --> 00:16:08,166 Cuff him! 295 00:16:08,166 --> 00:16:10,291 What? Oh! 296 00:16:10,426 --> 00:16:14,856 Thank you for ruining my only chance of happiness. Relax. England's chock-a-block with mousey girls. 297 00:16:14,856 --> 00:16:17,106 You're making a big mistake, Rabbit. 298 00:16:17,106 --> 00:16:19,706 Am I now? You do not have to say anything because it might... 299 00:16:22,145 --> 00:16:26,176 Get rid of the prick. Unbelievable! Knobhead. 300 00:16:26,176 --> 00:16:30,096 Brick Man strikes again! Police fucking useless! 301 00:16:30,096 --> 00:16:33,696 Our kids ain't safe! Lazy bleedin' coppers, 302 00:16:33,696 --> 00:16:37,246 can't even chase our monster into its own dimension! 303 00:16:39,096 --> 00:16:40,776 Are you mad? 304 00:16:40,776 --> 00:16:43,656 Where's your evidence? We know your big mistake. 305 00:16:43,656 --> 00:16:46,096 You killed wearing a Brick Man company costume. 306 00:16:46,096 --> 00:16:51,106 The thing is, it wasn't waterproof. 307 00:16:51,106 --> 00:16:54,216 You still had sewer water in your shoes. 308 00:16:54,216 --> 00:16:58,135 That's a nice pipe. We use water to make bricks, you fucking idiot! 309 00:16:58,135 --> 00:17:00,736 Release me now or you'll regret it. 310 00:17:00,736 --> 00:17:03,776 All right. You're free to go. Thank you. 311 00:17:03,776 --> 00:17:07,456 Oh, no, hang on. I found this in your coat pocket. 312 00:17:07,456 --> 00:17:09,376 I've never seen that before. 313 00:17:09,376 --> 00:17:11,706 It matches the other half found at the crime scene. 314 00:17:11,706 --> 00:17:13,666 Please! You planted it! 315 00:17:13,666 --> 00:17:15,746 Why would I kill anyone? Hm? 316 00:17:15,746 --> 00:17:19,466 Father issues. Your dad built the brick factory but now it's in trouble. 317 00:17:19,466 --> 00:17:23,586 You're killing to show the world you're just as good as he is. 318 00:17:23,586 --> 00:17:26,106 SHE COUGHS You all right, girl? 319 00:17:26,106 --> 00:17:30,426 She's right. Though I still think this psycho-horror-tree is total bullshit. 320 00:17:30,426 --> 00:17:34,736 My father was worth a dozen of yours, Rabbit. No, make that a hundred! 321 00:17:34,736 --> 00:17:37,226 Oh, yes! I knew your papa all right! 322 00:17:37,226 --> 00:17:42,306 A rotten ball of meat and whisky in the shape of a man. And your mother wasn't much better. 323 00:17:44,416 --> 00:17:52,416 I laughed like a drain when they pulled her out of the Thames. 324 00:17:53,065 --> 00:17:59,440 Sergeant Strauss, would you lock the door? 325 00:17:59,616 --> 00:18:04,745 Sergeant Strauss, would you unlock the door? Agh! 326 00:18:04,745 --> 00:18:06,984 Well, well... 327 00:18:06,984 --> 00:18:09,695 What the bloody hell's been going on here? 328 00:18:09,695 --> 00:18:11,475 He's the killer! No, Rabbit! 329 00:18:11,475 --> 00:18:14,575 The killer just struck again at Meadow Hill! 330 00:18:14,575 --> 00:18:16,575 You're free to go. 331 00:18:16,575 --> 00:18:18,465 You're a dead man. 332 00:18:18,465 --> 00:18:20,090 Dead! 333 00:18:22,415 --> 00:18:23,495 Shit. 334 00:18:25,305 --> 00:18:28,894 This is the work of your local police! 335 00:18:28,894 --> 00:18:31,305 They will not protect people like you! 336 00:18:31,305 --> 00:18:35,774 Nor me, the common factory owner in the street! 337 00:18:35,774 --> 00:18:40,994 It's about time the police get what's coming to them! 338 00:18:40,994 --> 00:18:45,625 Larkham's behind this and he's got accomplices. That ain't guesswork, I bloody know it! 339 00:18:45,625 --> 00:18:48,545 Erm, chaps, it's looking pretty dicey out there! 340 00:18:50,575 --> 00:18:53,425 Hold on a blinking, bleeding, fucking second! 341 00:18:53,425 --> 00:18:56,825 Meadow Hill, Oakwood Row, Duck Pond Lane, 342 00:18:56,825 --> 00:18:59,615 they're rural countryside-y names, and Larkham hates that! 343 00:18:59,615 --> 00:19:02,825 He wants the whole world bricked over. That's why he kills! 344 00:19:02,825 --> 00:19:06,255 And because he's got the taste. He's got the taste! The killer's got a pattern! 345 00:19:06,255 --> 00:19:09,345 It's the shape of a brick. It's three dots! That could be any pattern. 346 00:19:09,345 --> 00:19:11,345 Hold up. 347 00:19:12,265 --> 00:19:15,345 Barley Lane. The shape of a brick! OK, fair enough. 348 00:19:15,345 --> 00:19:16,974 That's where he's going to strike next. 349 00:19:16,974 --> 00:19:20,034 How do we get through the riot? We blend in. 350 00:19:20,034 --> 00:19:22,034 Perfect! 351 00:19:27,335 --> 00:19:29,345 What do we do now? We wait. 352 00:19:29,345 --> 00:19:32,705 Can I just say what wonderful people you are? Shut up. 353 00:19:32,705 --> 00:19:36,495 If anything happens, it's been a privilege to serve with a fine officer 354 00:19:36,495 --> 00:19:38,345 and someone pretending to be an officer. 355 00:19:38,345 --> 00:19:39,825 Ssh! 356 00:19:39,825 --> 00:19:43,265 I think this might be a waste of time. 357 00:19:43,265 --> 00:19:47,515 Inspector! 358 00:19:48,904 --> 00:19:51,104 ♪ Walls... 359 00:19:51,104 --> 00:19:53,979 ♪ ..fall down ♪ 360 00:19:54,904 --> 00:19:59,024 It's the brick world! It's all true! 361 00:19:59,024 --> 00:20:02,385 This is the sewers. Smell the gases. And shit. 362 00:20:02,385 --> 00:20:04,695 Mainly shit. 363 00:20:04,695 --> 00:20:06,024 Where are you, Larkham? 364 00:20:06,024 --> 00:20:09,649 None of you believed. 365 00:20:10,475 --> 00:20:14,155 You couldn't have dragged the three of us down here on your own, you'd have needed help. 366 00:20:14,155 --> 00:20:15,664 Murky John, I bet. 367 00:20:15,664 --> 00:20:17,664 Those toshers, they know the sewers. 368 00:20:17,664 --> 00:20:19,835 Those how do not believe... 369 00:20:19,835 --> 00:20:21,585 ..die. 370 00:20:21,994 --> 00:20:25,034 The funny thing is, Larkham, I left you with a limp, 371 00:20:25,034 --> 00:20:29,475 and now you ain't got one, Larkham. So I reckon, Larkham, you ain't Larkham. 372 00:20:29,475 --> 00:20:31,395 Who is it? 373 00:20:31,395 --> 00:20:35,034 Who else knew about Brick Man and what we was up to? 374 00:20:35,034 --> 00:20:37,385 History! 375 00:20:37,385 --> 00:20:40,104 The history twats! 376 00:20:40,104 --> 00:20:43,854 Too late. I'm going to cut you from arsehole... 377 00:20:43,854 --> 00:20:45,904 ..to breakfast time. 378 00:20:45,904 --> 00:20:48,935 Harriet, why are you pretending to be in league with this villain? 379 00:20:48,935 --> 00:20:50,784 Don't bother, son. 380 00:20:50,784 --> 00:20:54,015 She hates us as much as she hates bricks. Shut yer funnel! 381 00:20:54,015 --> 00:20:56,755 She wishes England was green again. You want the Lost World. 382 00:20:56,755 --> 00:21:01,155 The Larkhams bricked over Paradise! Did I say that you could fucking speak? 383 00:21:01,155 --> 00:21:03,835 So you wanna make people scared of bricks so they flee the city. 384 00:21:03,835 --> 00:21:05,904 But why plant the doll on Larkham? 385 00:21:05,904 --> 00:21:08,185 So you would arrest him. 386 00:21:08,185 --> 00:21:10,015 And then he would be at the station 387 00:21:10,015 --> 00:21:11,864 and, bang!, we strike! 388 00:21:11,864 --> 00:21:14,475 Can I just check, what we had between us, 389 00:21:14,475 --> 00:21:16,145 was that real? 390 00:21:16,145 --> 00:21:19,114 What do you think, you chinless bucket? 391 00:21:19,114 --> 00:21:20,755 Is it a yes? 392 00:21:20,755 --> 00:21:24,825 When your mangled bodies are found, the city will empty. 393 00:21:24,825 --> 00:21:27,705 And then nature can take back what is hers! 394 00:21:27,705 --> 00:21:29,575 All this for some nettles? 395 00:21:29,575 --> 00:21:30,935 I say, Dad, 396 00:21:30,935 --> 00:21:35,215 you couldn't light a fag for us, could you, before you do us in? They're in me top pocket. 397 00:21:35,215 --> 00:21:37,835 Did I say that you could move? No, clear. 398 00:21:37,835 --> 00:21:39,794 Then, stay where you were. 399 00:21:39,794 --> 00:21:41,505 It's a trap. Sorry, dear. 400 00:21:41,505 --> 00:21:45,945 You know what? My dad was a wanker, but you're worse, mate. 401 00:21:45,945 --> 00:21:48,945 She's clearly needed boundaries her entire life! 402 00:21:48,945 --> 00:21:51,225 You've given her fuck all! 403 00:21:51,225 --> 00:21:52,744 You know what? 404 00:21:52,744 --> 00:21:54,994 You can have a cigarette. 405 00:21:54,994 --> 00:21:58,065 No, he can't, you gaping dick! 406 00:21:58,065 --> 00:22:02,075 Young lady, I have spent countless hours in this uncomfortable costume 407 00:22:02,075 --> 00:22:05,275 helping you with your killing and mutilating. 408 00:22:05,275 --> 00:22:08,145 A thank-you wouldn't hurt. Come on, Chief, I'm gasping here. 409 00:22:08,145 --> 00:22:10,945 I won't fucking tell you again, Dad! 410 00:22:10,945 --> 00:22:12,784 Do not do it! 411 00:22:16,425 --> 00:22:19,425 Sorry, fellas, 412 00:22:19,425 --> 00:22:23,195 I forgot to warn you about the build-up of highly flammable gases. 413 00:22:23,195 --> 00:22:25,305 Strauss, cuff 'em. Righto. 414 00:22:25,305 --> 00:22:27,874 There's plenty of bricks where you're going! 415 00:22:27,874 --> 00:22:32,835 That's nice. Did you think of that just now or hours ago? 416 00:22:32,835 --> 00:22:34,425 Just now. Ha! 417 00:22:34,425 --> 00:22:36,050 Liar! 418 00:22:39,945 --> 00:22:42,984 When a policeman meets someone and falls in love, 419 00:22:42,984 --> 00:22:45,664 does she always turn out to be a killer? No. 420 00:22:45,664 --> 00:22:49,145 Sometimes she gets killed. On the morning of your wedding day. 421 00:22:49,145 --> 00:22:52,864 Rabbit, the doctor's report on Larkham's injuries. 422 00:22:52,864 --> 00:22:56,355 Pfft! I'lljust buy him a cocktail. 423 00:22:56,355 --> 00:22:58,984 Size of that, I'll have to buy him the pub! 424 00:22:58,984 --> 00:23:01,425 The Home Secretary's involved! 425 00:23:01,425 --> 00:23:04,505 There's gonna be an enquiry. Police brutality! 426 00:23:04,505 --> 00:23:07,305 You what? Well, you could vouch for me. 427 00:23:07,305 --> 00:23:09,734 He hit me first! That might even be true! 428 00:23:09,734 --> 00:23:12,385 Come back - Guess who's in charge of the enquiry. 429 00:23:12,385 --> 00:23:13,864 You're joking? 430 00:23:13,864 --> 00:23:16,114 C'est moi. 431 00:23:16,744 --> 00:23:21,075 Does that mean it's you? Don't worry, darling, I'll be completely impartial. 432 00:23:21,075 --> 00:23:25,065 And then I'm gonna melt you down, my old china. 433 00:23:25,065 --> 00:23:27,565 Run, Rabbit, 434 00:23:27,585 --> 00:23:29,085 run! 435 00:23:36,495 --> 00:23:38,505 Hello? Oh, er, Lydia? 436 00:23:38,505 --> 00:23:41,630 Ah! Miss Wisbech! 437 00:23:41,835 --> 00:23:45,475 I am so glad you accepted my invitation. Do come in. 438 00:23:45,475 --> 00:23:46,845 Thank you. 439 00:23:46,845 --> 00:23:49,505 I have a little club for women. 440 00:23:49,505 --> 00:23:52,235 We believe that women are the future. 441 00:23:52,235 --> 00:23:54,794 I've been looking for something like that my whole life. 442 00:23:54,794 --> 00:24:00,914 That, and a corset that doesn't make my kidneys pop out my ears. 443 00:24:00,914 --> 00:24:03,515 I think you and I are going to become great friends. 444 00:24:03,515 --> 00:24:06,105 Tea? Yes, please. 445 00:24:06,105 --> 00:24:07,924 That's nice. 446 00:24:07,924 --> 00:24:09,914 Do you take lemon? Lemon? 447 00:24:09,914 --> 00:24:12,414 Is that new? 448 00:24:13,004 --> 00:24:14,004 Subtitles by Red Bee Media