1 00:00:11,068 --> 00:00:14,034 [various animal sounds] 2 00:00:18,379 --> 00:00:20,896 [elephant trumpeting] 3 00:00:22,758 --> 00:00:25,827 [narrator] Many tales have been told of Africa. 4 00:00:28,586 --> 00:00:31,517 But this is our story, 5 00:00:31,551 --> 00:00:35,758 -[elephant trumpeting] -a drama set in the heart of our world. 6 00:00:36,793 --> 00:00:40,034 Experienced as we live and breathe it. 7 00:00:43,413 --> 00:00:47,310 -[thunder rumbling] -Our land faced devastation. 8 00:00:47,344 --> 00:00:50,206 [traditional music playing] 9 00:00:50,241 --> 00:00:52,241 All our lives were at risk. 10 00:00:55,275 --> 00:00:57,482 Each of us faced tragedy. 11 00:01:01,413 --> 00:01:04,000 Now, we're fighting for those who survive. 12 00:01:06,172 --> 00:01:09,206 This is the next chapter in our story 13 00:01:09,241 --> 00:01:12,620 in a place they call Serengeti. 14 00:01:12,655 --> 00:01:16,793 ♪ Serengeti ♪ 15 00:01:17,551 --> 00:01:22,172 ♪ Serengeti ♪ 16 00:01:27,172 --> 00:01:29,344 [elephant trumpeting] 17 00:01:55,000 --> 00:02:00,517 It's an inescapable truth that all we love must one day be lost. 18 00:02:05,482 --> 00:02:10,137 The great elephant herds have gathered to mourn the death of Nalla's sister. 19 00:02:13,275 --> 00:02:17,034 But her sister's baby Kadogo is missing. 20 00:02:20,000 --> 00:02:24,241 If he survived, Nalla will find him. 21 00:02:40,034 --> 00:02:43,931 The wind carries clues for those who can read them. 22 00:02:54,206 --> 00:02:55,965 [trumpets] 23 00:03:06,965 --> 00:03:08,896 [trumpets] 24 00:03:09,586 --> 00:03:11,655 [trumpets] 25 00:03:13,586 --> 00:03:18,034 Little Kadogo stayed with his mother, even to the end. 26 00:03:22,793 --> 00:03:26,172 Nalla comforts him as best she can. 27 00:03:31,793 --> 00:03:33,896 As will her family. 28 00:03:49,689 --> 00:03:52,275 [trumpeting] 29 00:04:10,000 --> 00:04:15,000 Nalla couldn't save her sister, but she will save Kadogo 30 00:04:16,965 --> 00:04:20,137 and raise him as her own. 31 00:04:28,965 --> 00:04:32,344 For now, relief brings rest. 32 00:04:52,379 --> 00:04:58,000 He will sleep easy secure in his family's comforting embrace. 33 00:05:12,586 --> 00:05:14,655 [caws] 34 00:05:16,379 --> 00:05:21,724 Our land once lost to the floods is showing signs of renewal. 35 00:05:25,241 --> 00:05:28,034 The jackals Shavu and Shaba 36 00:05:28,068 --> 00:05:30,689 are among the new arrivals. 37 00:05:38,758 --> 00:05:43,586 For them, what was a tragedy is now an opportunity. 38 00:05:46,206 --> 00:05:50,379 Here, survival means no life ever goes to waste. 39 00:05:51,965 --> 00:05:54,379 But they have competition... 40 00:05:57,862 --> 00:06:00,931 and vultures aren't shy of confrontation. 41 00:06:00,965 --> 00:06:02,827 [squawks] 42 00:06:03,793 --> 00:06:05,689 Neither are jackals. 43 00:06:08,793 --> 00:06:11,206 There's more than enough to go around. 44 00:06:11,241 --> 00:06:13,241 But that's not the point. 45 00:06:13,275 --> 00:06:14,965 [caws] 46 00:06:39,689 --> 00:06:43,172 Quarrelling is a jackal's favorite pastime. 47 00:06:52,275 --> 00:06:53,655 [squawks] 48 00:07:03,551 --> 00:07:05,241 When you're preoccupied, 49 00:07:05,275 --> 00:07:07,758 it's easy to forget what you came for. 50 00:07:13,827 --> 00:07:16,965 And here, it's wise to eat quickly. 51 00:07:21,000 --> 00:07:24,310 Hyenas, too, will never miss a feast. 52 00:07:28,034 --> 00:07:31,172 On her own, she's little threat. 53 00:07:38,344 --> 00:07:41,724 But she's no longer on her own. 54 00:07:44,517 --> 00:07:47,068 [hyenas chittering] 55 00:07:47,103 --> 00:07:50,310 The floods brought Zalika's clan back together. 56 00:07:52,344 --> 00:07:55,310 Together, they're a formidable enemy. 57 00:07:57,172 --> 00:08:01,000 -[all chittering] -[squeals] 58 00:08:03,862 --> 00:08:05,241 [barks] 59 00:08:09,965 --> 00:08:12,103 When the battle can't be won. 60 00:08:14,517 --> 00:08:16,448 There's no shame in retreat. 61 00:08:24,206 --> 00:08:28,310 Anyway, they have more than themselves to worry about. 62 00:08:36,931 --> 00:08:40,000 Shavu and Shaba are new parents 63 00:08:40,034 --> 00:08:42,034 with all that entails. 64 00:08:44,586 --> 00:08:46,241 [squeaks] 65 00:08:47,172 --> 00:08:48,689 [sniffs] 66 00:08:52,965 --> 00:08:56,758 Like all parents before, they must somehow turn 67 00:08:56,793 --> 00:08:59,655 the innocent into the independent. 68 00:09:04,586 --> 00:09:08,482 For now, Shavu devotes herself to their care. 69 00:09:10,379 --> 00:09:13,586 While Shaba stands guard. 70 00:09:17,724 --> 00:09:21,517 It's a partnership that will last a lifetime. 71 00:09:33,517 --> 00:09:38,034 The bond between the land and the living moves ever onwards. 72 00:09:42,000 --> 00:09:45,517 After the deluge, rebirth brings renewal. 73 00:09:48,689 --> 00:09:50,862 And with it, hope. 74 00:09:56,931 --> 00:09:58,793 [monkeys chattering] 75 00:10:05,448 --> 00:10:08,758 But hope can seed ambition. 76 00:10:13,517 --> 00:10:17,103 Bakari is at the center of a growing feud. 77 00:10:21,275 --> 00:10:26,103 Cheka, his favorite female has been very affectionate lately. 78 00:10:29,689 --> 00:10:34,000 Ever since Bakari enjoyed the attentions of her rival. 79 00:10:47,068 --> 00:10:50,034 Bibi is no ordinary rival. 80 00:10:56,965 --> 00:10:59,206 She was once the lead female... 81 00:11:03,931 --> 00:11:06,034 and was deposed by Cheka 82 00:11:06,068 --> 00:11:08,172 when Bakari took over the troop. 83 00:11:16,551 --> 00:11:18,241 [squeaks] 84 00:11:20,758 --> 00:11:23,586 Cheka mustn't overreact. 85 00:11:23,620 --> 00:11:25,655 But she can give a warning. 86 00:11:38,103 --> 00:11:41,068 While Bakari basks in the attention, 87 00:11:41,103 --> 00:11:45,448 the rivalry between the females can only grow. 88 00:11:56,827 --> 00:12:00,724 Kali, survivor of grief and exile is now back 89 00:12:00,758 --> 00:12:02,586 in the safety of the pride. 90 00:12:03,620 --> 00:12:06,379 But Sephu is still bothering her. 91 00:12:06,413 --> 00:12:09,310 [roaring] 92 00:12:09,344 --> 00:12:11,793 [snarling] 93 00:12:13,344 --> 00:12:15,724 There's only two ways to appease Sephu. 94 00:12:17,068 --> 00:12:19,448 The other is with a meal. 95 00:12:24,379 --> 00:12:27,758 [monkeys squeaking] 96 00:12:30,517 --> 00:12:33,206 Bakari's duty is to face the threat. 97 00:12:43,793 --> 00:12:47,034 Being leader means being last to safety. 98 00:12:50,827 --> 00:12:52,620 Facing the unthinkable... 99 00:13:00,965 --> 00:13:05,000 and seeming brave when scared. 100 00:13:13,827 --> 00:13:15,517 [snarls] 101 00:13:16,275 --> 00:13:18,068 [roars] 102 00:13:20,931 --> 00:13:24,310 For the young and afraid, there's just one place to be. 103 00:13:45,689 --> 00:13:48,241 Bakari has led his troop out of reach. 104 00:13:48,275 --> 00:13:50,344 [grunts] 105 00:13:50,758 --> 00:13:52,965 [snarls] 106 00:13:55,827 --> 00:13:58,034 And Kali into danger. 107 00:14:04,413 --> 00:14:07,137 Now, it's Kali who's on the back foot. 108 00:14:19,241 --> 00:14:20,965 [grunts] 109 00:14:27,517 --> 00:14:30,034 Today, effort wasn't rewarded. 110 00:14:32,931 --> 00:14:34,655 Courage was. 111 00:14:38,137 --> 00:14:41,000 Although Bakari has seen off one problem, 112 00:14:43,965 --> 00:14:46,689 he has a far bigger one brewing. 113 00:14:52,482 --> 00:14:56,551 Meanwhile, our land's renewal continues. 114 00:15:19,275 --> 00:15:21,689 [roars] 115 00:15:36,655 --> 00:15:40,000 The leopard cubs are growing and learning fast. 116 00:15:43,344 --> 00:15:46,103 It's time to be weaned off mother's milk. 117 00:15:48,724 --> 00:15:51,103 [roars] 118 00:15:53,206 --> 00:15:56,896 She just has to find something to tempt them. 119 00:16:07,344 --> 00:16:09,137 [cub roars] 120 00:16:29,586 --> 00:16:31,931 A hare would be perfect. 121 00:16:38,241 --> 00:16:41,379 And a chance to show them how to catch one too. 122 00:17:13,172 --> 00:17:15,000 Or perhaps not. 123 00:17:20,206 --> 00:17:21,931 How hard can it be? 124 00:17:21,965 --> 00:17:23,931 [whimpers] 125 00:17:42,379 --> 00:17:44,758 [cub roars] 126 00:17:54,344 --> 00:17:56,206 [whimpers] 127 00:18:04,551 --> 00:18:06,137 [mongoose chirping] 128 00:18:28,862 --> 00:18:31,689 It's not just mongoose that hide in termite mounds, 129 00:18:32,344 --> 00:18:34,034 so do hares. 130 00:18:35,827 --> 00:18:39,241 -A second chance for mother. -[roars] 131 00:18:41,275 --> 00:18:43,931 For once, the cubs did something right. 132 00:18:50,827 --> 00:18:52,793 [snarls] 133 00:18:52,827 --> 00:18:55,758 For Nzui, it's her first taste of meat. 134 00:18:59,724 --> 00:19:02,172 [snarls] 135 00:19:02,206 --> 00:19:04,724 But Dada isn't so sure. 136 00:19:07,068 --> 00:19:10,000 Their mother lets them go at their own pace. 137 00:19:14,172 --> 00:19:16,517 But there'll be some catching up to do. 138 00:19:18,793 --> 00:19:21,758 [squawks] 139 00:19:45,137 --> 00:19:47,655 All mothers face the same dilemma. 140 00:19:47,689 --> 00:19:50,793 When to indulge and when to be tough. 141 00:19:52,551 --> 00:19:54,724 Aisha favors discipline, 142 00:19:56,241 --> 00:19:57,793 she needs to with Duma. 143 00:20:02,310 --> 00:20:03,827 [whimpers] 144 00:20:06,689 --> 00:20:09,206 He's ready to take on anything. 145 00:20:18,517 --> 00:20:20,517 Well, almost anything. 146 00:20:23,758 --> 00:20:26,827 And he's always ready to lead his sisters astray. 147 00:20:27,655 --> 00:20:30,275 [all whimpering] 148 00:20:41,344 --> 00:20:45,000 Quiet concentration is what's needed. 149 00:20:48,310 --> 00:20:50,896 [whimpers] 150 00:21:20,551 --> 00:21:22,586 They aren't learning fast enough. 151 00:21:23,586 --> 00:21:27,000 By now they should be a help, not a hindrance. 152 00:21:34,137 --> 00:21:37,379 But maybe there's a second chance. 153 00:22:17,068 --> 00:22:18,827 They've learned stealth. 154 00:22:19,482 --> 00:22:21,551 Now, speed. 155 00:22:49,206 --> 00:22:51,103 Today's lesson is complete. 156 00:22:52,482 --> 00:22:56,068 And for cheetahs, tough love pays. 157 00:23:07,655 --> 00:23:10,344 Shaba is standing guard. 158 00:23:10,379 --> 00:23:14,172 While Shavu enjoys the early days of innocence. 159 00:23:20,413 --> 00:23:22,482 Jackals work as a team. 160 00:23:26,758 --> 00:23:28,413 [pants] 161 00:23:31,448 --> 00:23:33,034 Something's up. 162 00:23:41,448 --> 00:23:44,034 Or so their senses tell them. 163 00:23:49,758 --> 00:23:52,344 While they follow their nose and ears, 164 00:23:55,517 --> 00:23:58,793 their pups hole up from prying eyes. 165 00:24:01,724 --> 00:24:03,172 [whimpers] 166 00:24:11,758 --> 00:24:14,551 Their senses rarely fail them. 167 00:24:18,000 --> 00:24:19,620 [roaring] 168 00:24:21,862 --> 00:24:24,827 Pilfering requires different skills. 169 00:24:29,344 --> 00:24:32,068 Aisha knows the ways of jackals. 170 00:24:34,965 --> 00:24:37,206 Her cubs have yet to learn. 171 00:24:45,551 --> 00:24:48,310 -Give them a warning. -[snarls] 172 00:24:49,413 --> 00:24:51,103 -Show you mean it. -[snarls] 173 00:24:51,137 --> 00:24:52,379 [barks] 174 00:25:03,931 --> 00:25:05,827 Then head for cover. 175 00:25:13,827 --> 00:25:16,551 For Duma, another chance to be brave. 176 00:25:25,413 --> 00:25:27,586 It's a promising start, 177 00:25:27,620 --> 00:25:30,724 -[whimpers] -but that was just the first round. 178 00:25:49,241 --> 00:25:51,724 Jackals play the long game. 179 00:26:01,586 --> 00:26:04,137 She'll let him learn the hard way. 180 00:26:19,724 --> 00:26:22,344 While Dumo was busy being brave, 181 00:26:22,379 --> 00:26:24,586 the rest have had his share. 182 00:26:27,793 --> 00:26:30,000 Another hard-earned lesson. 183 00:26:40,000 --> 00:26:42,758 One last stand for Duma. 184 00:26:44,896 --> 00:26:47,689 And just a scrap for all his troubles. 185 00:26:50,551 --> 00:26:53,586 Shaba and Shavu get what they came for. 186 00:26:56,137 --> 00:26:58,137 Jackals usually do. 187 00:27:12,172 --> 00:27:14,310 Life is blossoming 188 00:27:15,862 --> 00:27:18,965 as our land repairs what the floods destroyed. 189 00:27:38,931 --> 00:27:42,344 For Kali, a brief moment of calm. 190 00:27:44,965 --> 00:27:46,827 Sephu is sleeping. 191 00:27:50,620 --> 00:27:53,724 A chance to reconnect with those she's closest to. 192 00:27:54,551 --> 00:27:56,103 [roars] 193 00:28:01,068 --> 00:28:04,896 But feeding the family is a never ending task. 194 00:28:22,586 --> 00:28:26,103 It's only a morsel, hardly enough even for her cubs. 195 00:28:30,862 --> 00:28:33,517 Everyone wants a share. 196 00:28:33,551 --> 00:28:36,172 But there are too many mouths to feed. 197 00:28:41,379 --> 00:28:43,137 Now it's a free for all. 198 00:28:44,379 --> 00:28:46,413 [roaring] 199 00:28:50,413 --> 00:28:52,517 One Kali will rise above. 200 00:29:00,724 --> 00:29:03,620 Sephu's awake and demanding his share. 201 00:29:03,655 --> 00:29:06,448 [all roaring] 202 00:29:06,482 --> 00:29:08,862 [Sephu roars] 203 00:29:14,931 --> 00:29:16,379 And not just settle. 204 00:29:21,793 --> 00:29:23,896 Enough is enough. 205 00:29:26,724 --> 00:29:29,517 The pride is breaking itself apart. 206 00:29:32,379 --> 00:29:35,068 Let them fight amongst themselves. 207 00:29:35,103 --> 00:29:38,724 Kali and her closest companions won't be coming back. 208 00:29:50,137 --> 00:29:53,000 Only the bold embrace change. 209 00:29:56,931 --> 00:30:00,000 And our land is changing faster than ever. 210 00:30:05,379 --> 00:30:08,586 But repair and renewal take time. 211 00:30:13,344 --> 00:30:16,620 [hyenas chittering] 212 00:30:19,896 --> 00:30:23,413 Like all of us, hyenas have their part to play. 213 00:30:25,413 --> 00:30:28,724 Theirs is to return what's died to the land. 214 00:30:36,413 --> 00:30:38,206 It may be their calling. 215 00:30:38,241 --> 00:30:40,793 But for the elephants, it's sacrilege. 216 00:30:44,310 --> 00:30:46,206 [elephants trumpeting] 217 00:31:05,689 --> 00:31:08,482 -[elephants trumpeting] -[hyenas chittering] 218 00:31:15,620 --> 00:31:20,068 Nalla has brought her family back to pay their last respects. 219 00:31:23,344 --> 00:31:25,137 [squeaking] 220 00:31:40,000 --> 00:31:43,206 Among them is little Kadogo. 221 00:31:51,275 --> 00:31:54,827 To Nalla, his mother was her closest companion. 222 00:32:07,620 --> 00:32:10,827 To Kadogo, she was everything. 223 00:32:57,724 --> 00:33:00,517 Kadogo's life has changed forever. 224 00:33:05,000 --> 00:33:08,655 But he'll have a whole extended family to care for him. 225 00:33:17,275 --> 00:33:21,206 Being an elephant means never walking alone. 226 00:33:46,275 --> 00:33:49,103 [squeaks] 227 00:33:49,896 --> 00:33:51,551 For the hyenas, 228 00:33:51,586 --> 00:33:53,413 there's always another meal. 229 00:33:57,310 --> 00:34:00,310 And Zalika knows just where to find it. 230 00:34:14,862 --> 00:34:17,034 [chittering] 231 00:34:20,137 --> 00:34:21,965 [snarls] 232 00:34:25,448 --> 00:34:27,758 [cub roars] 233 00:34:33,206 --> 00:34:37,000 Where hyenas have cunning, leopards have strength. 234 00:34:37,413 --> 00:34:39,241 [roars] 235 00:34:40,758 --> 00:34:42,862 [chittering] 236 00:34:55,275 --> 00:34:58,137 Some meals challenge even the strongest. 237 00:35:01,896 --> 00:35:04,551 [chittering] 238 00:35:05,689 --> 00:35:07,931 Not quite what she was after. 239 00:35:08,827 --> 00:35:11,034 But where that came from, 240 00:35:11,068 --> 00:35:12,620 there may be more. 241 00:35:37,068 --> 00:35:39,137 [roars] 242 00:35:55,379 --> 00:35:57,241 [roars] 243 00:36:08,896 --> 00:36:11,103 She'll let her cubs feed first, 244 00:36:11,379 --> 00:36:14,241 [snarls] 245 00:36:16,000 --> 00:36:20,206 -[chitters] -which is just what Zalika was waiting for. 246 00:36:32,310 --> 00:36:34,931 -A scrap lost... -[snarls] 247 00:36:34,965 --> 00:36:36,896 is a lesson learned. 248 00:37:04,241 --> 00:37:07,793 As our land heals, new life emerges. 249 00:37:14,344 --> 00:37:16,517 The termites are swarming. 250 00:37:24,586 --> 00:37:27,275 A rare treat for the baboons. 251 00:37:33,241 --> 00:37:34,931 A feast for Bakari... 252 00:37:37,965 --> 00:37:39,655 and Cheka too. 253 00:37:49,482 --> 00:37:51,275 While their parents indulge, 254 00:37:51,310 --> 00:37:53,827 the youngsters entertain themselves. 255 00:38:01,172 --> 00:38:05,689 But Cheka's rival, Bibi, has her sights on a bigger prize. 256 00:38:09,310 --> 00:38:12,413 To restore the position she previously held. 257 00:38:16,586 --> 00:38:19,862 Now even Cheka's baby ranks higher than she does. 258 00:38:26,482 --> 00:38:28,896 [squeaks] 259 00:38:44,724 --> 00:38:48,448 Bibi continues to ingratiate herself to Bakari. 260 00:39:05,655 --> 00:39:08,620 She won't let anyone get in the way. 261 00:39:19,068 --> 00:39:20,724 It's brazen, 262 00:39:20,758 --> 00:39:22,586 but what can Cheka do. 263 00:39:28,896 --> 00:39:31,758 Is she about to lose Bakari? 264 00:39:39,896 --> 00:39:43,551 For Aisha and her cubs, lessons continue. 265 00:39:44,758 --> 00:39:47,413 Duma is as keen as ever. 266 00:40:01,689 --> 00:40:04,241 But has something changed? 267 00:40:26,275 --> 00:40:28,862 [grunts] 268 00:40:40,896 --> 00:40:43,172 It's what Duma was waiting for. 269 00:40:44,344 --> 00:40:46,724 A chance to get involved. 270 00:40:47,241 --> 00:40:49,310 [grunts] 271 00:40:58,620 --> 00:41:00,827 Team work at its best. 272 00:41:05,793 --> 00:41:09,931 From being a liability. The cubs are now an asset. 273 00:41:15,793 --> 00:41:19,068 Aisha's training is finally yielding results. 274 00:41:20,827 --> 00:41:24,103 As her cubs grow along with their appetites, 275 00:41:24,137 --> 00:41:26,724 she'll need all the help they can give. 276 00:41:43,965 --> 00:41:48,689 Among the elephants, there's one who's made the journey to independence. 277 00:41:53,034 --> 00:41:56,000 But family ties have brought him back. 278 00:41:58,000 --> 00:41:59,931 [trumpets] 279 00:42:06,034 --> 00:42:10,551 Tembo, Nalla's son left the family when he came of age. 280 00:42:14,000 --> 00:42:17,517 Alone, he contemplates his aunt's remains. 281 00:42:23,862 --> 00:42:26,965 He finds his own way to accept her passing. 282 00:42:58,724 --> 00:43:00,310 [trumpets] 283 00:43:31,862 --> 00:43:34,000 It's another part of his past 284 00:43:34,034 --> 00:43:35,896 he can now let go. 285 00:43:53,827 --> 00:43:57,034 We can't always choose what we leave behind. 286 00:44:01,724 --> 00:44:04,793 The past has a way of returning to haunt us. 287 00:44:06,793 --> 00:44:10,137 The feared black maned males are back. 288 00:44:12,586 --> 00:44:14,827 The flood took away their land. 289 00:44:18,689 --> 00:44:21,137 Now they're after the Pridelands. 290 00:44:31,862 --> 00:44:34,793 First, they face the treacherous river. 291 00:44:44,103 --> 00:44:46,137 And those who lurk within. 292 00:44:46,551 --> 00:44:49,000 [growls] 293 00:45:16,586 --> 00:45:18,344 [grunts] 294 00:45:56,689 --> 00:46:00,034 Even the fiercest fear the black maned males. 295 00:46:07,482 --> 00:46:10,689 And there are plenty more who should be afraid. 296 00:46:57,137 --> 00:46:59,862 [squeaking] 297 00:47:09,137 --> 00:47:13,379 Despite appearances, Cheka's family is in crisis. 298 00:47:15,862 --> 00:47:19,793 Her rival Bibi appears to have been accepted by Bakari. 299 00:47:29,310 --> 00:47:33,517 So when she offers to babysit, Cheka can't object. 300 00:47:40,413 --> 00:47:42,448 Her son can. 301 00:47:43,000 --> 00:47:44,724 [growls] 302 00:47:54,034 --> 00:47:56,827 Innocent eyes see what others can't. 303 00:48:02,000 --> 00:48:04,862 Her show of motherly care is an act. 304 00:48:07,862 --> 00:48:10,068 [chittering] 305 00:48:17,896 --> 00:48:20,275 But truth will out. 306 00:48:29,689 --> 00:48:32,172 No one likes being exposed. 307 00:48:36,931 --> 00:48:39,000 Especially by an upstart. 308 00:48:46,862 --> 00:48:50,862 For Bakari, attacking his son is the ultimate violation. 309 00:48:50,896 --> 00:48:54,344 [all clamoring] 310 00:48:56,862 --> 00:48:59,344 A mistake that can't be undone. 311 00:49:10,793 --> 00:49:14,758 Cheka's position now seems secure. 312 00:49:14,793 --> 00:49:19,655 But forced out, Bibi may be more dangerous than ever. 313 00:49:31,724 --> 00:49:35,655 After the rains, army ants are on the march. 314 00:49:48,310 --> 00:49:49,724 [squeaks, chitters] 315 00:49:49,758 --> 00:49:52,068 Everyone gets out of their way. 316 00:50:13,965 --> 00:50:16,103 It's not the time for a nap. 317 00:50:20,551 --> 00:50:23,620 [grunts] 318 00:50:26,620 --> 00:50:30,931 When their way is blocked. All they have to do is bite. 319 00:50:34,241 --> 00:50:36,172 [snarls] 320 00:50:46,517 --> 00:50:48,965 And keep biting. 321 00:50:49,793 --> 00:50:53,448 [snarls] 322 00:51:23,206 --> 00:51:25,724 This army stops for no one. 323 00:51:26,793 --> 00:51:30,241 They'll march on until they find a home. 324 00:51:44,413 --> 00:51:46,689 With their own young to care for. 325 00:51:46,724 --> 00:51:49,310 They'll need somewhere safe and secure. 326 00:51:57,655 --> 00:52:00,379 The jackals' burrow is perfect. 327 00:52:03,344 --> 00:52:05,620 [whimpers] 328 00:52:07,586 --> 00:52:11,344 But first, they must evict the residents. 329 00:52:12,896 --> 00:52:15,000 [whimpers] 330 00:52:21,931 --> 00:52:26,551 They just have to make life as uncomfortable as they can. 331 00:52:27,655 --> 00:52:32,862 And an army can make life very uncomfortable indeed. 332 00:52:48,689 --> 00:52:53,137 When acquiring a home, ants always win. 333 00:53:03,896 --> 00:53:06,448 Shavu and Shaba have returned. 334 00:53:09,827 --> 00:53:11,655 Instead of a greeting, 335 00:53:11,689 --> 00:53:13,862 there's a deathly silence. 336 00:53:16,689 --> 00:53:19,862 A dreadful sound for any parent. 337 00:53:32,655 --> 00:53:36,275 The pups must be out there somewhere. 338 00:53:37,793 --> 00:53:38,931 [whimpers] 339 00:53:39,931 --> 00:53:42,965 Vulnerable and alone. 340 00:53:44,655 --> 00:53:46,655 [whimpers] 341 00:53:50,517 --> 00:53:55,482 In this vast wilderness, how will they ever find them? 342 00:54:00,827 --> 00:54:03,724 We all have our own battles to fight. 343 00:54:05,758 --> 00:54:09,344 When Kali led her loyal band to find a new life, 344 00:54:09,379 --> 00:54:11,827 they left on empty stomachs. 345 00:54:24,793 --> 00:54:27,172 With a hungry family to feed, 346 00:54:27,206 --> 00:54:30,379 Kali is never too proud to scavenge. 347 00:54:35,448 --> 00:54:37,793 Kali must make sure it's safe. 348 00:54:45,862 --> 00:54:49,000 There's no such thing as a free meal. 349 00:54:51,551 --> 00:54:53,517 [growls] 350 00:55:07,344 --> 00:55:09,034 Her cubs stay back. 351 00:55:09,068 --> 00:55:12,896 Whoever felled this giant may still be out there. 352 00:55:26,620 --> 00:55:28,862 Kali keeps watch. 353 00:55:39,000 --> 00:55:41,413 She's also being watched.