1 00:00:01,061 --> 00:00:03,121 ♪ Magic is real here ♪ 2 00:00:03,141 --> 00:00:06,021 ♪ Far away from home ♪ 3 00:00:06,040 --> 00:00:08,120 ♪ Anything can happen ♪ 4 00:00:08,140 --> 00:00:11,110 ♪ When witches make the rules ♪ 5 00:00:11,130 --> 00:00:13,190 ♪ Monsters are cool ♪ 6 00:00:13,210 --> 00:00:16,211 ♪ The moon is our friend ♪ 7 00:00:16,231 --> 00:00:19,040 ♪ I wanna stay with you ♪ 8 00:00:19,060 --> 00:00:23,040 ♪ On Summer Camp Island ♪ 9 00:00:25,141 --> 00:00:28,150 ♪♪ 10 00:00:28,170 --> 00:00:32,100 Just then, Amateur Sleuth 11 00:00:28,170 --> 00:00:32,100 heard a bloodcurdling scream 12 00:00:32,121 --> 00:00:36,121 coming from inside the stables, 13 00:00:32,121 --> 00:00:36,121 and lo and behold, 14 00:00:36,140 --> 00:00:38,240 Boof Macaroni 15 00:00:36,140 --> 00:00:38,240 was on the ground! 16 00:00:39,021 --> 00:00:42,021 This is pretty dark. 17 00:00:39,021 --> 00:00:42,021 It's okay. 18 00:00:42,041 --> 00:00:44,161 M-my security blanket 19 00:00:42,041 --> 00:00:44,161 will protect me. 20 00:00:44,180 --> 00:00:47,021 Then Amateur Sleuth said, 21 00:00:47,041 --> 00:00:49,240 "Someone in this room 22 00:00:47,041 --> 00:00:49,240 hurt Boof Macaroni, 23 00:00:50,021 --> 00:00:52,180 but just know that 24 00:00:50,021 --> 00:00:52,180 the ghost of Boof Macaroni 25 00:00:52,200 --> 00:00:54,100 will haunt the guilty party 26 00:00:54,121 --> 00:00:57,111 until they are 27 00:00:54,121 --> 00:00:57,111 brought to justice. 28 00:00:57,130 --> 00:00:59,051 Guilt? Parties? 29 00:00:59,070 --> 00:01:03,250 Suddenly, there was a bang, 30 00:00:59,070 --> 00:01:03,250 bang, bangon the stable door, 31 00:01:04,031 --> 00:01:06,161 and then the lights went out. 32 00:01:06,180 --> 00:01:07,240 [ Screams ] 33 00:01:08,021 --> 00:01:10,040 My blanket is missing! 34 00:01:10,060 --> 00:01:11,060 [ Gasps ] 35 00:01:11,081 --> 00:01:12,120 I was wrapped 36 00:01:11,081 --> 00:01:12,120 in his comfort 37 00:01:12,141 --> 00:01:14,201 when someone grabbed him 38 00:01:12,141 --> 00:01:14,201 from my hands. 39 00:01:14,221 --> 00:01:16,111 [ Whimpers ] 40 00:01:16,130 --> 00:01:17,191 -Aw. 41 00:01:16,130 --> 00:01:17,191 -It'll be okay. 42 00:01:17,210 --> 00:01:19,100 Who would steal 43 00:01:17,210 --> 00:01:19,100 Pepper's blanket? 44 00:01:19,120 --> 00:01:21,040 It has to be someone 45 00:01:19,120 --> 00:01:21,040 in this room. 46 00:01:21,060 --> 00:01:23,201 -Huh? 47 00:01:21,060 --> 00:01:23,201 -The camp guide, it's glowing. 48 00:01:23,221 --> 00:01:25,180 It's writing something. 49 00:01:25,201 --> 00:01:29,051 "A crime of thievery 50 00:01:25,201 --> 00:01:29,051 has transpired. 51 00:01:29,070 --> 00:01:32,120 Stolen object -- 52 00:01:29,070 --> 00:01:32,120 Pepper's blanket. 53 00:01:32,141 --> 00:01:36,021 Suspects -- occupants 54 00:01:32,141 --> 00:01:36,021 of Oscar's cabin. 55 00:01:36,041 --> 00:01:38,191 Punishment is... 56 00:01:36,041 --> 00:01:38,191 [ All gasp ] 57 00:01:38,210 --> 00:01:41,191 ...one night 58 00:01:38,210 --> 00:01:41,191 in the haunted cabin." 59 00:01:41,210 --> 00:01:43,060 [ All scream ] 60 00:01:43,081 --> 00:01:44,120 Wait. There's more. 61 00:01:44,141 --> 00:01:46,210 "If the perpetrator 62 00:01:44,141 --> 00:01:46,210 cannot be found, 63 00:01:46,231 --> 00:01:50,210 then all suspects 64 00:01:46,231 --> 00:01:50,210 will suffer a month of haunting 65 00:01:50,231 --> 00:01:54,051 in their 66 00:01:50,231 --> 00:01:54,051 individual cabins." 67 00:01:54,070 --> 00:01:57,030 Glad I invited the only people 68 00:01:54,070 --> 00:01:57,030 I like to this tree party. 69 00:01:57,051 --> 00:01:59,210 Cheese poofies. 70 00:01:57,051 --> 00:01:59,210 Susie to cheese poofies. 71 00:01:59,231 --> 00:02:01,141 Come in, cheese poofies. 72 00:02:01,161 --> 00:02:03,251 Huh? 73 00:02:04,031 --> 00:02:07,090 Oh-ooh, 74 00:02:04,031 --> 00:02:07,090 someone's in trouble. 75 00:02:07,111 --> 00:02:11,111 We'll all get haunted? 76 00:02:07,111 --> 00:02:11,111 That's not justice! 77 00:02:11,131 --> 00:02:12,180 No need to worry. 78 00:02:12,201 --> 00:02:15,021 Amateur Sleuth Hedgehog 79 00:02:12,201 --> 00:02:15,021 is on the case. 80 00:02:15,041 --> 00:02:17,081 Hey, can I be 81 00:02:15,041 --> 00:02:17,081 the detective's sidekick? 82 00:02:17,100 --> 00:02:19,131 Of course, and I trust you 83 00:02:17,100 --> 00:02:19,131 implicitly. 84 00:02:19,150 --> 00:02:22,051 And I already have this handy 85 00:02:19,150 --> 00:02:22,051 magnet board of suspects. 86 00:02:22,071 --> 00:02:25,021 My mom gave it to me in case one 87 00:02:22,071 --> 00:02:25,021 of you guys committed a crime. 88 00:02:25,041 --> 00:02:26,111 Okay, Pepper, 89 00:02:26,131 --> 00:02:27,210 we're going to walk you 90 00:02:26,131 --> 00:02:27,210 through your day 91 00:02:27,231 --> 00:02:29,081 and figure out who 92 00:02:27,231 --> 00:02:29,081 would have the motive 93 00:02:29,100 --> 00:02:31,250 to steal your blanket. 94 00:02:29,100 --> 00:02:31,250 -[ Gasps ] 95 00:02:32,030 --> 00:02:33,250 The book's turning into 96 00:02:32,030 --> 00:02:33,250 a glass of sand, 97 00:02:34,030 --> 00:02:37,021 a metaphor for the dry mouth 98 00:02:34,030 --> 00:02:37,021 of the guilty party. 99 00:02:37,041 --> 00:02:40,090 Uh, no, Oscar. 100 00:02:37,041 --> 00:02:40,090 I'm an hourglass. 101 00:02:40,111 --> 00:02:41,150 We better hurry. 102 00:02:41,171 --> 00:02:43,231 Pepper, did your blanket 103 00:02:41,171 --> 00:02:43,231 have any enemies? 104 00:02:43,250 --> 00:02:46,191 Hmm. 105 00:02:46,210 --> 00:02:49,250 Ah, yes, 106 00:02:46,210 --> 00:02:49,250 Oliver's music garden. 107 00:02:50,030 --> 00:02:51,120 What's this? 108 00:02:51,141 --> 00:02:53,201 Looks like there was a struggle. 109 00:02:51,141 --> 00:02:53,201 What happened here, Pepper? 110 00:02:53,220 --> 00:02:56,180 Oh, actually, I'm still 111 00:02:53,220 --> 00:02:56,180 a little emotional. 112 00:02:56,201 --> 00:02:58,160 May I have a glass 113 00:02:56,201 --> 00:02:58,160 of milk first? 114 00:02:58,180 --> 00:03:00,081 -Sure. 115 00:02:58,180 --> 00:03:00,081 -Anything for Pepper. 116 00:03:00,101 --> 00:03:01,171 -Okay. 117 00:03:00,101 --> 00:03:01,171 -Here, Pepper. 118 00:03:01,190 --> 00:03:03,041 Try this warm milk. 119 00:03:03,060 --> 00:03:05,071 -This one has rosemary in it. 120 00:03:03,060 --> 00:03:05,071 -This is horchata. 121 00:03:05,090 --> 00:03:07,201 [ Slurping, smacks lips ] 122 00:03:07,220 --> 00:03:09,201 Thank you. 123 00:03:07,220 --> 00:03:09,201 Now, let's see. 124 00:03:09,220 --> 00:03:13,071 It was a morning 125 00:03:09,220 --> 00:03:13,071 like any other. 126 00:03:13,090 --> 00:03:16,131 I'd just woken up from a nap 127 00:03:13,090 --> 00:03:16,131 in Oliver's piano patch. 128 00:03:16,150 --> 00:03:17,201 ♪♪ 129 00:03:17,220 --> 00:03:20,141 Aw, come on, Pepper. 130 00:03:17,220 --> 00:03:20,141 You're crushing all my notes! 131 00:03:20,160 --> 00:03:22,111 My high "C" was almost 132 00:03:20,160 --> 00:03:22,111 at full height. 133 00:03:22,131 --> 00:03:25,021 Sorry, Oliver, but blanket 134 00:03:22,131 --> 00:03:25,021 goes where it pleases. 135 00:03:25,041 --> 00:03:27,201 Aha! Looks like 136 00:03:25,041 --> 00:03:27,201 we have our first suspect -- 137 00:03:27,220 --> 00:03:30,131 Oliver, revenge 138 00:03:27,220 --> 00:03:30,131 for his piano patch. 139 00:03:30,150 --> 00:03:32,131 Time to face the music, 140 00:03:30,150 --> 00:03:32,131 Oliver. 141 00:03:32,150 --> 00:03:34,180 [ Chuckles ] Oh, that's good. 142 00:03:32,150 --> 00:03:34,180 I should write that down. 143 00:03:34,201 --> 00:03:37,201 Congratulations, Oliver. 144 00:03:34,201 --> 00:03:37,201 You're now a person of interest. 145 00:03:37,220 --> 00:03:41,051 Hey, I wasn't the only one 146 00:03:37,220 --> 00:03:41,051 in that piano patch. 147 00:03:41,071 --> 00:03:42,171 Oscar surprise! 148 00:03:42,191 --> 00:03:45,141 Looks like you're having 149 00:03:42,191 --> 00:03:45,141 a blanketproblem, Oliver. 150 00:03:45,160 --> 00:03:47,030 Don't worry. 151 00:03:45,160 --> 00:03:47,030 Come tomorrow, 152 00:03:47,051 --> 00:03:51,191 you will neverhave 153 00:03:47,051 --> 00:03:51,191 this problem everagain. 154 00:03:51,210 --> 00:03:53,120 A-wink! 155 00:03:53,141 --> 00:03:54,250 -Oscar. 156 00:03:53,141 --> 00:03:54,250 -What? 157 00:03:55,030 --> 00:03:56,201 I was going to help him 158 00:03:55,030 --> 00:03:56,201 build a fence. 159 00:03:56,220 --> 00:03:59,051 Sorry, Oscar, but my 160 00:03:56,220 --> 00:03:59,051 investigative integrity 161 00:03:59,071 --> 00:04:01,201 compels me to consider 162 00:03:59,071 --> 00:04:01,201 all of the facts. 163 00:04:01,220 --> 00:04:05,021 -Oh, hey, we're tied. 164 00:04:01,220 --> 00:04:05,021 -[ Grunts ] 165 00:04:05,041 --> 00:04:07,120 Onto the next clue. 166 00:04:07,141 --> 00:04:09,041 So, Pepper, after you woke up, 167 00:04:09,060 --> 00:04:12,071 you and your blanket went to the 168 00:04:09,060 --> 00:04:12,071 mess hall for breakfast, right? 169 00:04:12,090 --> 00:04:15,111 Yes. I never knew 170 00:04:12,090 --> 00:04:15,111 it'd be his last meal. 171 00:04:15,131 --> 00:04:16,241 Come back, 172 00:04:15,131 --> 00:04:16,241 security blanket. 173 00:04:17,021 --> 00:04:19,071 All I have left 174 00:04:17,021 --> 00:04:19,071 is my insecurity. 175 00:04:19,090 --> 00:04:22,100 Pepper, you poor thing. 176 00:04:19,090 --> 00:04:22,100 Guys, help me relax pepper. 177 00:04:22,121 --> 00:04:25,061 Oliver: Here's a stress-buster 178 00:04:22,121 --> 00:04:25,061 meditation I recorded for you. 179 00:04:25,081 --> 00:04:27,141 Max: And here's a gel pack 180 00:04:25,081 --> 00:04:27,141 to relax you. 181 00:04:27,160 --> 00:04:30,220 Thanks, guys. This is really 182 00:04:27,160 --> 00:04:30,220 soothing my aching heart. 183 00:04:30,241 --> 00:04:32,141 So I was at breakfast. 184 00:04:32,160 --> 00:04:35,021 I was about to tuck into 185 00:04:32,160 --> 00:04:35,021 some delicious pancakes 186 00:04:35,040 --> 00:04:37,050 with my trusted blanket 187 00:04:35,040 --> 00:04:37,050 at my side. 188 00:04:37,071 --> 00:04:40,220 Hey, Pepper. Whoa, a bib 189 00:04:37,071 --> 00:04:40,220 anda comforting friend? 190 00:04:40,241 --> 00:04:43,030 Where do I get a sweet 191 00:04:40,241 --> 00:04:43,030 blanket like that? 192 00:04:43,050 --> 00:04:45,141 Max, I'm sorry, but my blanket's 193 00:04:43,050 --> 00:04:45,141 one of a kind, 194 00:04:45,160 --> 00:04:48,201 and nobody could ever pry it out 195 00:04:45,160 --> 00:04:48,201 from my iron grip of love. 196 00:04:48,220 --> 00:04:50,241 If this blanket was 197 00:04:48,220 --> 00:04:50,241 taken away from me, 198 00:04:51,021 --> 00:04:55,090 I would be inconsolable, 199 00:04:51,021 --> 00:04:55,090 inconsolable. 200 00:04:55,111 --> 00:04:57,061 Go on. 201 00:04:57,081 --> 00:04:59,081 Hey, Max, 202 00:04:57,081 --> 00:04:59,081 when's your birthday? 203 00:04:59,100 --> 00:05:02,191 I have an idea 204 00:04:59,100 --> 00:05:02,191 for a perfect gift. 205 00:05:02,210 --> 00:05:04,071 Oscar, 206 00:05:02,210 --> 00:05:04,071 you're killing me. 207 00:05:04,090 --> 00:05:05,241 I wasn't talking 208 00:05:04,090 --> 00:05:05,241 about the blanket. 209 00:05:06,021 --> 00:05:08,090 I was going to give him 210 00:05:06,021 --> 00:05:08,090 a personalized calendar -- 211 00:05:08,110 --> 00:05:09,201 12 months of Max. 212 00:05:09,220 --> 00:05:11,100 Hmm, that is 213 00:05:09,220 --> 00:05:11,100 a really good gift. 214 00:05:11,121 --> 00:05:14,071 Sorry, Oscar, but I got 215 00:05:11,121 --> 00:05:14,071 to consider the facts, 216 00:05:14,090 --> 00:05:16,141 and this makes you 217 00:05:14,090 --> 00:05:16,141 suspect number one. 218 00:05:16,160 --> 00:05:19,110 I'm winning now. 219 00:05:19,131 --> 00:05:21,160 Oscar, you're at the top 220 00:05:19,131 --> 00:05:21,160 of the suspect list. 221 00:05:21,181 --> 00:05:22,230 Why aren't you panicking? 222 00:05:22,251 --> 00:05:25,160 Well, I know 223 00:05:22,251 --> 00:05:25,160 I didn't steal that blanket, 224 00:05:25,181 --> 00:05:26,251 and I trust your 225 00:05:25,181 --> 00:05:26,251 detective skills 226 00:05:27,030 --> 00:05:28,241 to find the person 227 00:05:27,030 --> 00:05:28,241 that did steal it. 228 00:05:29,021 --> 00:05:30,191 Hmm. 229 00:05:29,021 --> 00:05:30,191 I promise you, Oscar, 230 00:05:30,210 --> 00:05:33,191 I am not going to rest until 231 00:05:30,210 --> 00:05:33,191 I get to the bottom of this, 232 00:05:33,210 --> 00:05:35,201 and my gut tells me 233 00:05:33,210 --> 00:05:35,201 you're innocent. 234 00:05:35,220 --> 00:05:38,030 [ Rumbling ] 235 00:05:35,220 --> 00:05:38,030 Was that your gut? 236 00:05:38,050 --> 00:05:40,220 It's the haunted cabin! 237 00:05:40,241 --> 00:05:42,121 -Ooooh! 238 00:05:40,241 --> 00:05:42,121 -Ooooh! 239 00:05:42,141 --> 00:05:44,071 I'm running out. 240 00:05:44,090 --> 00:05:45,090 Oh, no. 241 00:05:45,111 --> 00:05:47,111 Pepper, hit me 242 00:05:45,111 --> 00:05:47,111 with more details. 243 00:05:47,131 --> 00:05:50,061 So after breakfast, you went 244 00:05:47,131 --> 00:05:50,061 to the witches' cabins. 245 00:05:50,081 --> 00:05:52,081 There must be 246 00:05:50,081 --> 00:05:52,081 another clue here. 247 00:05:52,100 --> 00:05:53,210 Ah! 248 00:05:53,230 --> 00:05:55,170 Remains of a crystal ball. 249 00:05:55,191 --> 00:05:57,170 Oh, yeah. 250 00:05:55,191 --> 00:05:57,170 I was watching Lucy 251 00:05:57,191 --> 00:06:00,050 watch her future self 252 00:05:57,191 --> 00:06:00,050 in Betsy's crystal ball. 253 00:06:00,071 --> 00:06:02,251 Let's see what 254 00:06:00,071 --> 00:06:02,251 my future holds. 255 00:06:03,030 --> 00:06:04,210 I want the blueprints 256 00:06:03,030 --> 00:06:04,210 for the roller coaster 257 00:06:04,230 --> 00:06:06,110 on my desk Monday, Bob. 258 00:06:06,131 --> 00:06:07,220 [ Chuckles ] Cool. 259 00:06:07,241 --> 00:06:10,181 I want to see your future, too. 260 00:06:07,241 --> 00:06:10,181 Throw it to me. 261 00:06:10,201 --> 00:06:13,081 Okay, but it's 262 00:06:10,201 --> 00:06:13,081 kind of fragile. Catch! 263 00:06:13,100 --> 00:06:15,121 I'll obviously catch it. 264 00:06:16,251 --> 00:06:17,220 Oops. 265 00:06:17,241 --> 00:06:20,090 No, my future! 266 00:06:20,110 --> 00:06:22,191 -Sorry, Lucy. 267 00:06:20,110 --> 00:06:22,191 -[ Grunts ] 268 00:06:22,210 --> 00:06:25,081 You're too old to carry 269 00:06:22,210 --> 00:06:25,081 around a blanket. 270 00:06:25,100 --> 00:06:26,230 -Give it! 271 00:06:25,100 --> 00:06:26,230 -No way! 272 00:06:26,251 --> 00:06:30,061 [ Grunts ] Let megive you 273 00:06:26,251 --> 00:06:30,061 a peek into yourfuture. 274 00:06:30,081 --> 00:06:32,131 Someday soon when 275 00:06:30,081 --> 00:06:32,131 you least expect it, 276 00:06:32,150 --> 00:06:34,220 I'm going to take 277 00:06:32,150 --> 00:06:34,220 that blanket from you. 278 00:06:34,241 --> 00:06:36,220 I knew it couldn't 279 00:06:34,241 --> 00:06:36,220 be you, Oscar. 280 00:06:36,241 --> 00:06:38,050 I'm innocent. 281 00:06:38,071 --> 00:06:40,160 You were mad at Pepper 282 00:06:38,071 --> 00:06:40,160 for destroying your future. 283 00:06:40,180 --> 00:06:43,150 You knew, if he wasn't paying so 284 00:06:40,180 --> 00:06:43,150 much attention to his blanket, 285 00:06:43,170 --> 00:06:45,180 he wouldn't have beefed 286 00:06:43,170 --> 00:06:45,180 the catch so hard. 287 00:06:45,201 --> 00:06:48,150 You needed revenge. 288 00:06:45,201 --> 00:06:48,150 -All right, I admit it. 289 00:06:48,170 --> 00:06:51,050 But someone else got to it 290 00:06:48,170 --> 00:06:51,050 before me. I swear. 291 00:06:51,071 --> 00:06:53,090 Top of the list, Oscar. 292 00:06:53,111 --> 00:06:54,230 Oscar: 293 00:06:53,111 --> 00:06:54,230 Mm-hmm, mm-hmm, mm-hmm. 294 00:06:54,251 --> 00:06:58,121 Amateur Hedgesleuth 295 00:06:54,251 --> 00:06:58,121 leaves no stone unturned, 296 00:06:58,141 --> 00:07:01,251 which means I also have to ask, 297 00:06:58,141 --> 00:07:01,251 was Oscar there? 298 00:07:02,030 --> 00:07:03,241 Yeah, he was totally there. 299 00:07:04,021 --> 00:07:07,071 I swear I'm going to take 300 00:07:04,021 --> 00:07:07,071 that blanket from you some day. 301 00:07:07,090 --> 00:07:08,160 You know 302 00:07:07,090 --> 00:07:08,160 what I would do? 303 00:07:08,181 --> 00:07:10,160 I would steal that blanket 304 00:07:08,181 --> 00:07:10,160 away from Pepper 305 00:07:10,181 --> 00:07:11,251 during the sleepover tonight 306 00:07:12,030 --> 00:07:13,191 right when Hedgehog says 307 00:07:12,030 --> 00:07:13,191 the part in the story 308 00:07:13,210 --> 00:07:15,160 about the lights going out. 309 00:07:15,181 --> 00:07:16,191 Wink. 310 00:07:16,210 --> 00:07:19,071 Ooh, I am not 311 00:07:16,210 --> 00:07:19,071 helping my case. 312 00:07:19,090 --> 00:07:21,181 -Oscar. 313 00:07:19,090 --> 00:07:21,181 -Book him, Hedgehog! 314 00:07:21,201 --> 00:07:24,210 Book him a room 315 00:07:21,201 --> 00:07:24,210 in the haunted cabin. 316 00:07:24,230 --> 00:07:28,081 -Wow. That is really guilty. 317 00:07:24,230 --> 00:07:28,081 -I'm not worried. 318 00:07:28,100 --> 00:07:30,150 We still have time 319 00:07:28,100 --> 00:07:30,150 and Hedgehog's guts. 320 00:07:30,170 --> 00:07:33,131 You're right. The evidence 321 00:07:30,170 --> 00:07:33,131 is not complete. 322 00:07:33,150 --> 00:07:36,061 [ Rumbling ] 323 00:07:33,150 --> 00:07:36,061 Okay. Bye. 324 00:07:36,081 --> 00:07:38,050 I got a page from 325 00:07:36,081 --> 00:07:38,050 the Magic Hourglass. 326 00:07:38,071 --> 00:07:40,150 So who's the thief? 327 00:07:38,071 --> 00:07:40,150 Who's getting the punishment? 328 00:07:40,170 --> 00:07:42,100 A night in the 329 00:07:40,170 --> 00:07:42,100 haunted cabin? 330 00:07:42,121 --> 00:07:45,081 Huh? No. You guys have an old 331 00:07:42,121 --> 00:07:45,081 edition of the book. 332 00:07:45,100 --> 00:07:46,241 Ooh, so no ghosts? 333 00:07:47,021 --> 00:07:48,150 [ Chuckling ] 334 00:07:47,021 --> 00:07:48,150 Oh, no, much worse. 335 00:07:48,170 --> 00:07:50,251 Thieves get leaves, 336 00:07:51,030 --> 00:07:53,141 as in you have to go on sailor 337 00:07:51,030 --> 00:07:53,141 leave with me for a whole month. 338 00:07:53,160 --> 00:07:54,141 What? What? 339 00:07:54,160 --> 00:07:56,050 The punishment 340 00:07:54,160 --> 00:07:56,050 is so weird. 341 00:07:56,071 --> 00:07:58,090 Let me see 342 00:07:56,071 --> 00:07:58,090 your suspect list. 343 00:07:59,100 --> 00:08:01,030 Oscar's the top suspect? 344 00:08:01,050 --> 00:08:03,121 Ooh, are you in for a treat. 345 00:08:03,141 --> 00:08:04,201 Here's an artist 346 00:08:03,141 --> 00:08:04,201 interpretation of us 347 00:08:04,220 --> 00:08:06,141 in our cute sailor outfits. 348 00:08:06,160 --> 00:08:08,110 Swab the decks. 349 00:08:06,160 --> 00:08:08,110 [ Chuckles ] 350 00:08:08,131 --> 00:08:09,241 Do you snore? I snore. 351 00:08:10,021 --> 00:08:12,050 [ Gasps ] 352 00:08:10,021 --> 00:08:12,050 I didn't do it, Susie. 353 00:08:12,071 --> 00:08:14,030 Tell her about 354 00:08:12,071 --> 00:08:14,030 your gut, Hedgehog. 355 00:08:14,050 --> 00:08:16,030 He's right. 356 00:08:14,050 --> 00:08:16,030 He didn't do it. 357 00:08:16,050 --> 00:08:17,141 If this beautifully 358 00:08:16,050 --> 00:08:17,141 made clipboard 359 00:08:17,160 --> 00:08:20,040 has anything to say about it, 360 00:08:17,160 --> 00:08:20,040 Oscar's a sailor. 361 00:08:20,061 --> 00:08:22,110 Now, go to your crime cabana 362 00:08:20,061 --> 00:08:22,110 and pack your bags. 363 00:08:22,131 --> 00:08:24,040 I'm going to go get 364 00:08:22,131 --> 00:08:24,040 some sunscreen. 365 00:08:24,061 --> 00:08:25,071 No! No! 366 00:08:25,090 --> 00:08:26,230 Put me in the 367 00:08:25,090 --> 00:08:26,230 haunted cabin instead. 368 00:08:26,251 --> 00:08:30,160 Ah! [ Grunts ] 369 00:08:26,251 --> 00:08:30,160 -Make me into a ghost, anything. 370 00:08:30,181 --> 00:08:33,150 Guys, I'm as annoyed as you, 371 00:08:30,181 --> 00:08:33,150 but rules are rules. 372 00:08:33,170 --> 00:08:35,141 [ Chuckles ] 373 00:08:33,170 --> 00:08:35,141 I'm not annoyed. 374 00:08:35,160 --> 00:08:38,221 I get to wear 375 00:08:35,160 --> 00:08:38,221 a cute outfit. 376 00:08:38,241 --> 00:08:42,160 Oscar, I'm so sorry. 377 00:08:38,241 --> 00:08:42,160 I'm no detective. 378 00:08:42,180 --> 00:08:46,150 It's okay, Hedgehog. 379 00:08:42,180 --> 00:08:46,150 I know you did your best. 380 00:08:46,170 --> 00:08:49,030 -[ Sighs ] 381 00:08:46,170 --> 00:08:49,030 -Poor Oscar. 382 00:08:49,050 --> 00:08:52,141 Hey, Max, you, uh, going to eat 383 00:08:49,050 --> 00:08:52,141 that ice-cream sandwich? 384 00:08:52,160 --> 00:08:55,251 Ah, nah, man. 385 00:08:52,160 --> 00:08:55,251 You need it more than me. 386 00:08:56,030 --> 00:08:57,060 Yes! 387 00:08:57,080 --> 00:08:59,190 This is the best day 388 00:08:57,080 --> 00:08:59,190 of my life. 389 00:08:59,211 --> 00:09:01,231 Hmm. [ Gasps ] 390 00:09:01,251 --> 00:09:04,251 Hey, I'm going to finish 391 00:09:01,251 --> 00:09:04,251 telling that story from earlier. 392 00:09:05,030 --> 00:09:07,121 We can at least do that 393 00:09:05,030 --> 00:09:07,121 for Oscar, right? 394 00:09:07,141 --> 00:09:09,231 Oh, no, 395 00:09:07,141 --> 00:09:09,231 the scary story? 396 00:09:09,251 --> 00:09:14,050 Hedgehog: Lo and behold, 397 00:09:09,251 --> 00:09:14,050 Boof Macaroni was on the ground. 398 00:09:14,070 --> 00:09:16,221 "Someone in this room 399 00:09:14,070 --> 00:09:16,221 hurt Boof Macaroni. 400 00:09:16,241 --> 00:09:19,211 But just know the ghost 401 00:09:16,241 --> 00:09:19,211 of Boof Macaroni 402 00:09:19,231 --> 00:09:22,101 will hauntthe guilty party." 403 00:09:22,121 --> 00:09:24,251 He'll get inside your bones. 404 00:09:25,030 --> 00:09:27,131 Whoa. This is way scarier 405 00:09:25,030 --> 00:09:27,131 than before. 406 00:09:27,150 --> 00:09:28,211 Bang, bang, bang! 407 00:09:28,231 --> 00:09:33,101 The ghost of Boof Macaroni 408 00:09:28,231 --> 00:09:33,101 stood at the door, 409 00:09:33,121 --> 00:09:35,070 and then the lights went out. 410 00:09:35,091 --> 00:09:38,241 [ Screams ] 411 00:09:35,091 --> 00:09:38,241 Secure me, security blanket! 412 00:09:39,021 --> 00:09:42,231 Just as I suspected, 413 00:09:39,021 --> 00:09:42,231 the blanket thief is Pepper! 414 00:09:43,141 --> 00:09:45,030 Lucy: Pepper? 415 00:09:45,050 --> 00:09:48,030 I never saw this coming because 416 00:09:45,050 --> 00:09:48,030 he broke the crystal ball. 417 00:09:48,050 --> 00:09:50,080 -Betrayed us. 418 00:09:48,050 --> 00:09:50,080 -How -- how did you know? 419 00:09:50,101 --> 00:09:51,190 I knew it was you 420 00:09:50,101 --> 00:09:51,190 as soon as you said 421 00:09:51,211 --> 00:09:53,080 it was the greatest night 422 00:09:51,211 --> 00:09:53,080 of your life. 423 00:09:53,101 --> 00:09:55,030 Pepper kept saying 424 00:09:53,101 --> 00:09:55,030 he would be inconsolable 425 00:09:55,050 --> 00:09:56,211 if he was ever 426 00:09:55,050 --> 00:09:56,211 without his blanket. 427 00:09:56,231 --> 00:10:00,180 If this blanket was taken away 428 00:09:56,231 --> 00:10:00,180 from me, I'd be inconsolable. 429 00:10:00,200 --> 00:10:02,190 And yet the evidence 430 00:10:00,200 --> 00:10:02,190 suggests that, 431 00:10:02,211 --> 00:10:05,150 not only were you 432 00:10:02,211 --> 00:10:05,150 notinconsolable, 433 00:10:05,170 --> 00:10:07,241 you were consolable! 434 00:10:08,021 --> 00:10:10,111 It's delicious, guys. 435 00:10:08,021 --> 00:10:10,111 Thank you. 436 00:10:10,131 --> 00:10:13,021 This is really 437 00:10:10,131 --> 00:10:13,021 soothing my heartache. 438 00:10:13,040 --> 00:10:14,190 So relaxing. 439 00:10:14,211 --> 00:10:16,170 [ Indistinct talking ] 440 00:10:16,190 --> 00:10:19,040 Pepper, why did you 441 00:10:16,190 --> 00:10:19,040 frame me like that? 442 00:10:19,060 --> 00:10:21,111 I know, Oscar. 443 00:10:19,060 --> 00:10:21,111 I'm sorry. 444 00:10:21,131 --> 00:10:24,030 [ Crying ] 445 00:10:25,111 --> 00:10:27,221 Everyone was so down 446 00:10:25,111 --> 00:10:27,221 on my blanket all day. 447 00:10:27,241 --> 00:10:30,050 I just wanted 448 00:10:27,241 --> 00:10:30,050 some nice attention. 449 00:10:30,070 --> 00:10:33,121 I would've come clean before 450 00:10:30,070 --> 00:10:33,121 Oscar went on sailor leave. 451 00:10:33,141 --> 00:10:35,111 Nice attention 452 00:10:33,141 --> 00:10:35,111 is the best but... 453 00:10:35,131 --> 00:10:37,060 This isn't a good way 454 00:10:35,131 --> 00:10:37,060 to get it. 455 00:10:37,080 --> 00:10:39,190 Please don't send me 456 00:10:37,080 --> 00:10:39,190 on sailor leave with Susie. 457 00:10:39,211 --> 00:10:41,221 Well, technically, 458 00:10:39,211 --> 00:10:41,221 you didn't steal it. 459 00:10:41,241 --> 00:10:45,190 It's your blanket, and I have 460 00:10:41,241 --> 00:10:45,190 to admit, this was kind of fun. 461 00:10:45,211 --> 00:10:47,141 Oh, so we're just 462 00:10:45,211 --> 00:10:47,141 forgiving him now? 463 00:10:47,160 --> 00:10:49,030 Is that what we're doing? 464 00:10:49,050 --> 00:10:52,070 Pepper, if you need nice 465 00:10:49,050 --> 00:10:52,070 attention, just ask for it. 466 00:10:52,091 --> 00:10:55,101 -I need nice attention. 467 00:10:52,091 --> 00:10:55,101 -Oh, get in here. 468 00:10:55,121 --> 00:10:58,060 -Aw, Pepper. 469 00:10:55,121 --> 00:10:58,060 -Come here, dude. 470 00:10:58,080 --> 00:11:01,101 [ Sighs ] I really like wearing 471 00:10:58,080 --> 00:11:01,101 my sailor outfit. 472 00:11:02,050 --> 00:11:12,160 ♪♪ 473 00:11:13,231 --> 00:11:16,141 My future!