1 00:00:11,021 --> 00:00:14,021 make the rules 2 00:00:12,021 --> 00:00:15,021 make the rules 3 00:00:32,021 --> 00:00:35,021 Yay! We're graduating! 4 00:00:32,021 --> 00:00:34,021 Oscar: No, Mom, it was Tom Brown 5 00:00:34,021 --> 00:00:36,021 Ava: Hey, Pepper. 6 00:00:34,021 --> 00:00:35,021 Your turn, Oscar! 7 00:00:34,021 --> 00:00:36,021 who gave me that spork, not Tom Minzk. 8 00:00:35,021 --> 00:00:39,021 Oh, Mortimer, you're growing up so fast. 9 00:00:36,021 --> 00:00:39,021 Hedgehog! Where are we running to? 10 00:00:36,021 --> 00:00:39,021 That's a nicely eyebrowed piece of pottery you've got there. 11 00:00:37,021 --> 00:00:38,021 Hey, Grandma, don't you want a pic 12 00:00:37,021 --> 00:00:39,021 No, not me! 13 00:00:38,021 --> 00:00:41,021 with the smartest 'corn in the class? 14 00:00:39,021 --> 00:00:42,021 To Susie's, to get my wand back! 15 00:00:39,021 --> 00:00:42,021 Where does the time go? 16 00:00:39,021 --> 00:00:41,021 Max, what are you working on today? 17 00:00:39,021 --> 00:00:40,021 I can't take it anymore! 18 00:00:40,021 --> 00:00:41,021 Good one, Hedgehog. 19 00:00:41,021 --> 00:00:44,021 It's a tornado-style pot. 20 00:00:41,021 --> 00:00:42,021 Wh-Whoa! 21 00:00:41,021 --> 00:00:44,021 Oh, you mean the one with the pretty curly hair? 22 00:00:42,021 --> 00:00:46,021 Is...time... of the essence? 23 00:00:42,021 --> 00:00:44,021 Oh, thanks, Grandfather clock. 24 00:00:42,021 --> 00:00:43,021 Hmm, yeah. 25 00:00:42,021 --> 00:00:44,021 Aah! Ugh! 26 00:00:44,021 --> 00:00:47,021 Hey, Ava, why are you getting rid of this stuff, again? 27 00:00:44,021 --> 00:00:46,021 Hedgehog, this is beautiful. 28 00:00:44,021 --> 00:00:47,021 You would've died to look like him. 29 00:00:46,021 --> 00:00:47,021 What? 30 00:00:46,021 --> 00:00:48,021 Thanks, Ava. 31 00:00:46,021 --> 00:00:47,021 Okay! What'd I say? 32 00:00:46,021 --> 00:00:48,021 Hey, Hedgehog, you done signing our yearbooks? 33 00:00:47,021 --> 00:00:48,021 I'm spring cleaning! 34 00:00:47,021 --> 00:00:50,021 -A grub made of sleeves! -A mutt full of fleas! 35 00:00:47,021 --> 00:00:48,021 Do you remember? I took you out to buy 36 00:00:48,021 --> 00:00:49,021 Guys, I've got to say, 37 00:00:48,021 --> 00:00:50,021 Almost. It's just hard coming up with a different 38 00:00:49,021 --> 00:00:53,021 I guess what I'm asking is, uh, must we run? 39 00:00:49,021 --> 00:00:50,021 It's summer, Ava. 40 00:00:49,021 --> 00:00:51,021 your pottery skills are impro... 41 00:00:49,021 --> 00:00:51,021 Together: ...a rainbow clown wig?! 42 00:00:50,021 --> 00:00:52,021 I procrastinated. 43 00:00:50,021 --> 00:00:51,021 A gut ball of grease! 44 00:00:50,021 --> 00:00:52,021 heartfelt message for every student. 45 00:00:51,021 --> 00:00:53,021 Nope! I said... 46 00:00:51,021 --> 00:00:53,021 Your turn, Oscar. 47 00:00:52,021 --> 00:00:54,021 Hey, Ava. How's the yard sale going? 48 00:00:52,021 --> 00:00:55,021 Am I going to see you guys at graduation later? 49 00:00:53,021 --> 00:00:57,021 Thanks. I just ate a huge breakfast and -- 50 00:00:53,021 --> 00:00:55,021 What kind of pot is that, Oscar? 51 00:00:53,021 --> 00:00:56,021 My butt's made of cheese! 52 00:00:53,021 --> 00:00:55,021 Anyway, you don't have any sentimental attachment 53 00:00:54,021 --> 00:00:57,021 -Pretty peachy. -Oh, look -- a violin! 54 00:00:55,021 --> 00:00:56,021 It's a lint pot. 55 00:00:55,021 --> 00:00:58,021 My boy here is the "key-nut" speaker. 56 00:00:55,021 --> 00:00:57,021 to the spork, right? 57 00:00:56,021 --> 00:00:58,021 It's, uh, for bits of lint and stuff. 58 00:00:56,021 --> 00:00:57,021 Yep! Game over, kids. 59 00:00:57,021 --> 00:00:59,021 Whoa. Whoa! 60 00:00:57,021 --> 00:01:01,021 Neat! Ooh, there's something else in here. 61 00:00:57,021 --> 00:01:01,021 I gotta go do my calisthenics or I'll get depressed. 62 00:00:57,021 --> 00:01:00,021 I'm gonna put you on with your dad. 63 00:00:58,021 --> 00:01:01,021 I don't think my pottery skills are improving. 64 00:00:58,021 --> 00:01:00,021 We wouldn't miss it. Well, make sure 65 00:00:58,021 --> 00:01:00,021 you get there early 66 00:01:00,021 --> 00:01:01,021 Oof! 67 00:01:00,021 --> 00:01:03,021 because there is a limited amount of seats. 68 00:01:00,021 --> 00:01:02,021 What's wrong? 69 00:01:01,021 --> 00:01:05,021 She must've stepped out. I'll just run in and grab it. 70 00:01:01,021 --> 00:01:03,021 Whoa, baby Ava. 71 00:01:01,021 --> 00:01:02,021 Everyone else is so good. 72 00:01:01,021 --> 00:01:04,021 Check it out -- I'm a lemon slice! Squeeze. 73 00:01:02,021 --> 00:01:05,021 I don't know how to have a conversation with my dad. 74 00:01:03,021 --> 00:01:04,021 I like your lint pot, Oscar. 75 00:01:04,021 --> 00:01:07,021 I didn't know she played the violin. 76 00:01:04,021 --> 00:01:06,021 It has feeling. 77 00:01:04,021 --> 00:01:06,021 Hey! Don't zest on my tasty buns! 78 00:01:05,021 --> 00:01:07,021 Mail for Hedgehog! 79 00:01:05,021 --> 00:01:07,021 Ugh, tell me about it. 80 00:01:06,021 --> 00:01:09,021 Sorry I'm late, everyone, but check it. 81 00:01:06,021 --> 00:01:11,021 Make way for a large pepperoni with extra Hedgehog. 82 00:01:07,021 --> 00:01:10,021 Come on, Oscar, help me look. 83 00:01:07,021 --> 00:01:08,021 Aww, she looks so happy. 84 00:01:07,021 --> 00:01:11,021 It's from Ramona! What does that powerful 85 00:01:07,021 --> 00:01:11,021 sorceress want? 86 00:01:07,021 --> 00:01:08,021 Maybe just talk about the weather? 87 00:01:08,021 --> 00:01:10,021 My violin! 88 00:01:09,021 --> 00:01:10,021 Andy: Hello? Son? 89 00:01:10,021 --> 00:01:13,021 Hurry up and find it so that we can get out of here. 90 00:01:10,021 --> 00:01:11,021 Oh, sorry. Is this not for sale? 91 00:01:10,021 --> 00:01:11,021 Lost it first thing this morning. 92 00:01:10,021 --> 00:01:13,021 Oh, hi, Dad. Uh, how's weather? 93 00:01:12,021 --> 00:01:14,021 You can have that for free. 94 00:01:12,021 --> 00:01:13,021 -Wow! -That's so cool. 95 00:01:12,021 --> 00:01:13,021 Great towels, everybody. 96 00:01:12,021 --> 00:01:14,021 Dear Hedgehog, 97 00:01:13,021 --> 00:01:15,021 Where is it? 98 00:01:13,021 --> 00:01:15,021 Lucy, that's a huge deal. 99 00:01:13,021 --> 00:01:17,021 Oh, um, the weather. Uh, the weather's fine. 100 00:01:14,021 --> 00:01:15,021 Oscar, let's see yours. 101 00:01:14,021 --> 00:01:16,021 your first magic lesson is scheduled for today. 102 00:01:15,021 --> 00:01:18,021 Come on, it's gotta be here. 103 00:01:15,021 --> 00:01:18,021 -Is it broken? -No. The violin sounds great. 104 00:01:15,021 --> 00:01:18,021 You can have this grown-up cookie covered with toffees 105 00:01:15,021 --> 00:01:19,021 My towel is... blue. 106 00:01:16,021 --> 00:01:19,021 Ah, bup-bup-bup-bup-bup! Don't make that face! 107 00:01:17,021 --> 00:01:19,021 Honey, try bringing up his interests. 108 00:01:18,021 --> 00:01:20,021 Aw, come on, come on. 109 00:01:18,021 --> 00:01:21,021 I used to love playing it, but then I got stage fright, 110 00:01:18,021 --> 00:01:22,021 because you don't have anything to lose. 111 00:01:19,021 --> 00:01:21,021 I know you're worried about starting from scratch 112 00:01:19,021 --> 00:01:21,021 We both like "Dungeon Doug." 113 00:01:21,021 --> 00:01:24,021 and now, I can't play it without screaming. 114 00:01:21,021 --> 00:01:24,021 Well, if I could, I'd make a towel 115 00:01:21,021 --> 00:01:23,021 with Susie as your teacher. 116 00:01:21,021 --> 00:01:22,021 Yeah, that's a good start. 117 00:01:23,021 --> 00:01:24,021 Ooh, thanks! 118 00:01:23,021 --> 00:01:25,021 I am. It'll be okay. 119 00:01:23,021 --> 00:01:25,021 The weather here in New Jersey is as disappointing 120 00:01:24,021 --> 00:01:25,021 Geez. What happened? 121 00:01:24,021 --> 00:01:27,021 Lucy, were you the last one of us to lose -- 122 00:01:24,021 --> 00:01:26,021 that looked like a tortilla and wrap me up like a burrito. 123 00:01:25,021 --> 00:01:28,021 I was playing at my recital, and it was going well. 124 00:01:25,021 --> 00:01:26,021 Take this card and punch it 125 00:01:25,021 --> 00:01:28,021 as the end of "Dungeon Doug, Book 3 -- 126 00:01:26,021 --> 00:01:27,021 Hello, Susie. 127 00:01:26,021 --> 00:01:28,021 Oscar! That's a great idea! 128 00:01:27,021 --> 00:01:29,021 You have one reminder. 129 00:01:27,021 --> 00:01:28,021 to -- to still have a baby tooth? 130 00:01:27,021 --> 00:01:29,021 every time she gives you too much gruff. 131 00:01:28,021 --> 00:01:30,021 But then, I started thinking about the audience, 132 00:01:28,021 --> 00:01:31,021 Well, I think Oscar still has a baby molar. 133 00:01:28,021 --> 00:01:31,021 -It is? -We should make those towels! 134 00:01:28,021 --> 00:01:30,021 The Plight of the Soggy Guard." 135 00:01:29,021 --> 00:01:33,021 I'll hear all about it. 136 00:01:30,021 --> 00:01:32,021 Play reminders? 137 00:01:30,021 --> 00:01:33,021 who was staring at me with those cold eyes. 138 00:01:30,021 --> 00:01:32,021 He's just bringing up "Dungeon Doug" again. 139 00:01:31,021 --> 00:01:33,021 Right, Oscar? 140 00:01:31,021 --> 00:01:33,021 Whoops! Spilled my beans! 141 00:01:32,021 --> 00:01:34,021 Hey, uh, Hedgehog? 142 00:01:32,021 --> 00:01:34,021 It's the only thing we have in common. 143 00:01:33,021 --> 00:01:37,021 Then, suddenly, those cold eyes were turning into cold notes. 144 00:01:33,021 --> 00:01:35,021 Am I right? 145 00:01:33,021 --> 00:01:34,021 This is going to be so cool. 146 00:01:33,021 --> 00:01:35,021 What happens after the 10th punch? 147 00:01:34,021 --> 00:01:37,021 Yeah, it would be cool. Too bad it's impossible. 148 00:01:34,021 --> 00:01:36,021 It's fine. Just go with it. 149 00:01:35,021 --> 00:01:37,021 What? Come look. 150 00:01:35,021 --> 00:01:36,021 Did he say "yes"? 151 00:01:35,021 --> 00:01:37,021 Maybe you get a free Susie -- 152 00:01:36,021 --> 00:01:38,021 He did? 153 00:01:36,021 --> 00:01:38,021 You love "Dungeon Doug." 154 00:01:37,021 --> 00:01:38,021 Hello, Susie. 155 00:01:37,021 --> 00:01:40,021 Then, I couldn't play the notes because I was too cold. 156 00:01:37,021 --> 00:01:40,021 -Why? -Make something on your own? 157 00:01:37,021 --> 00:01:40,021 the worst prize in the history of "camp-kind." 158 00:01:38,021 --> 00:01:40,021 You have one reminder. 159 00:01:38,021 --> 00:01:40,021 I advise you to stop those vain judgments, 160 00:01:38,021 --> 00:01:39,021 You're right. 161 00:01:40,021 --> 00:01:41,021 Play reminders? 162 00:01:40,021 --> 00:01:43,021 Then, the audience started booing. 163 00:01:40,021 --> 00:01:42,021 as a fellow citizen of permanent teeth. 164 00:01:40,021 --> 00:01:42,021 You can't. Towels come from stores. 165 00:01:40,021 --> 00:01:42,021 Ugh! I don't want to start from the beginning. 166 00:01:40,021 --> 00:01:41,021 That's too bad about the weather. 167 00:01:41,021 --> 00:01:43,021 Susie's intimate deets. 168 00:01:41,021 --> 00:01:43,021 Book 3 had so much potential, 169 00:01:42,021 --> 00:01:45,021 A citizen of what? 170 00:01:42,021 --> 00:01:44,021 But the world doesn't have to be like that. 171 00:01:42,021 --> 00:01:46,021 I had a wand. I can levitate, for grape's sake! 172 00:01:43,021 --> 00:01:45,021 Maybe we shouldn't -- Play reminder. 173 00:01:43,021 --> 00:01:44,021 All the notes started booing, 174 00:01:43,021 --> 00:01:46,021 but the ending was so unsatisfying. 175 00:01:44,021 --> 00:01:48,021 so I couldn't do anything else but scream. 176 00:01:44,021 --> 00:01:47,021 Let me tell you a story about my uncle. 177 00:01:45,021 --> 00:01:47,021 I actually lost mine, too. 178 00:01:46,021 --> 00:01:48,021 Good morning, Susie. 179 00:01:46,021 --> 00:01:48,021 Wait. You're doing the lesson today? 180 00:01:46,021 --> 00:01:47,021 Man, that guard! 181 00:01:47,021 --> 00:01:49,021 -Awesome! -Oscar, my bro! 182 00:01:47,021 --> 00:01:49,021 One time, he had a vision of making socks 183 00:01:47,021 --> 00:01:49,021 Andy: I know! Wait. Wait. 184 00:01:48,021 --> 00:01:50,021 Susie here with an important reminder from me to you. 185 00:01:48,021 --> 00:01:50,021 Ugh. Real nightmare. 186 00:01:48,021 --> 00:01:51,021 But we have to get to the graduation early to get seats! 187 00:01:49,021 --> 00:01:52,021 Shushabee! Yeah, right. When? 188 00:01:49,021 --> 00:01:51,021 that looked like asparagus. 189 00:01:49,021 --> 00:01:51,021 Uh, w-what was his name again? 190 00:01:50,021 --> 00:01:53,021 Remember, no matter what anyone says, 191 00:01:50,021 --> 00:01:51,021 Haven't played since. 192 00:01:51,021 --> 00:01:54,021 Here, Let me show you. 193 00:01:51,021 --> 00:01:54,021 Well, he tried his best, and he failed! 194 00:01:51,021 --> 00:01:53,021 I'll get there in time for the ceremony. 195 00:01:51,021 --> 00:01:53,021 I-I can't remember. 196 00:01:52,021 --> 00:01:54,021 This -- Last night. 197 00:01:53,021 --> 00:01:55,021 you are a perfect, delicate princess. 198 00:01:53,021 --> 00:01:55,021 Just save me a seat, okay? 199 00:01:53,021 --> 00:01:55,021 Ugh, it's driving me crazy. 200 00:01:54,021 --> 00:01:55,021 Prove it. 201 00:01:54,021 --> 00:01:56,021 And that was the end of my uncle. 202 00:01:55,021 --> 00:01:56,021 You're beautiful and strong 203 00:01:55,021 --> 00:01:56,021 Uh... 204 00:01:55,021 --> 00:01:57,021 Save seats? 205 00:01:55,021 --> 00:01:56,021 Ask him if he had breakfast. 206 00:01:56,021 --> 00:01:59,021 and the architect of your own awesomeness. 207 00:01:56,021 --> 00:01:57,021 I wasn't finished! 208 00:01:57,021 --> 00:01:58,021 Yeah. Show us. 209 00:01:57,021 --> 00:02:00,021 You know this is the one thing I can't do for you, Hedgehog. 210 00:01:57,021 --> 00:01:59,021 I'm talking, Sue. Geez. 211 00:01:58,021 --> 00:01:59,021 Anyway, it's cool. 212 00:01:58,021 --> 00:02:00,021 Mm, yes, prove it. 213 00:01:58,021 --> 00:02:00,021 That was the end of my uncle's story. 214 00:01:59,021 --> 00:02:00,021 Also, you're late for Meeting of the Minds 215 00:01:59,021 --> 00:02:03,021 Um, well, kiddo, uhh, ooh, I'm stumped. 216 00:02:00,021 --> 00:02:02,021 at the Bank of Heartforde at 9:00. 217 00:02:00,021 --> 00:02:01,021 I mean, I do miss playing the violin, 218 00:02:00,021 --> 00:02:03,021 Of course. That's a very logical request. 219 00:02:00,021 --> 00:02:02,021 Wow. So he lived. 220 00:02:00,021 --> 00:02:02,021 Is this seat taken? 221 00:02:01,021 --> 00:02:03,021 but what are you gonna do? 222 00:02:02,021 --> 00:02:03,021 Get a move on. 223 00:02:02,021 --> 00:02:04,021 It's not an inspirational story, Oscar. 224 00:02:02,021 --> 00:02:04,021 Nope! It's all yours. 225 00:02:03,021 --> 00:02:05,021 Did you hear that, Oscar? 226 00:02:03,021 --> 00:02:05,021 Well, I'll take good care of it, Ava. 227 00:02:03,021 --> 00:02:05,021 I can respect that. It should be easy to prove. 228 00:02:03,021 --> 00:02:06,021 I wish I could remember. If you think of it, let me know. 229 00:02:04,021 --> 00:02:06,021 Not with that attitude, it's not! 230 00:02:04,021 --> 00:02:06,021 My seat! 231 00:02:05,021 --> 00:02:06,021 That must be where she took my wand. 232 00:02:05,021 --> 00:02:07,021 We'll see you later. 233 00:02:05,021 --> 00:02:09,021 I guess the easiest way to prove it would be to, uh... 234 00:02:06,021 --> 00:02:09,021 But 9:00 was over an hour ago. 235 00:02:06,021 --> 00:02:08,021 Look, I would love for you to make your own towels. 236 00:02:06,021 --> 00:02:08,021 Is this seat taken? 237 00:02:06,021 --> 00:02:07,021 Hey, y-you, too, Dad. 238 00:02:07,021 --> 00:02:10,021 -I feel bad for Ava. -Me, too. 239 00:02:08,021 --> 00:02:11,021 But if my uncle couldn't do it, no one can. 240 00:02:08,021 --> 00:02:10,021 It's all yours. 241 00:02:08,021 --> 00:02:10,021 Well, that was sort of okay. 242 00:02:09,021 --> 00:02:11,021 Yeah, but don't worry. I bet it's one of those meetings 243 00:02:09,021 --> 00:02:10,021 Oh! 244 00:02:10,021 --> 00:02:11,021 We have to figure out a way 245 00:02:10,021 --> 00:02:11,021 Ohhh. 246 00:02:10,021 --> 00:02:11,021 My seat! 247 00:02:10,021 --> 00:02:12,021 Why are dads so hard to talk to, Hedgehog? 248 00:02:11,021 --> 00:02:13,021 where the first hour is them just gabbing 249 00:02:11,021 --> 00:02:13,021 to get Ava to play the violin again. 250 00:02:11,021 --> 00:02:13,021 Alexa, I think you'll be pleasantly destroyed 251 00:02:11,021 --> 00:02:13,021 Ah buh buh buh buh? 252 00:02:12,021 --> 00:02:14,021 You know what? I'm so dumb. 253 00:02:12,021 --> 00:02:14,021 Why so awkward. 254 00:02:13,021 --> 00:02:15,021 and talking about their weekend and stuff. 255 00:02:13,021 --> 00:02:15,021 Without screaming. 256 00:02:13,021 --> 00:02:15,021 when we prove you wrong. 257 00:02:13,021 --> 00:02:15,021 The one I'm sitting in? 258 00:02:14,021 --> 00:02:16,021 I completely forgot that I've been carrying 259 00:02:14,021 --> 00:02:16,021 Ugh, I hear you, buddy. 260 00:02:15,021 --> 00:02:17,021 You know, you're right. 261 00:02:15,021 --> 00:02:16,021 -I have a plan! -I have a plan! 262 00:02:15,021 --> 00:02:18,021 I doubt it, but good luck! 263 00:02:15,021 --> 00:02:18,021 No. It's all yours. 264 00:02:16,021 --> 00:02:18,021 Ooh, do you think it's the same plan? 265 00:02:16,021 --> 00:02:18,021 my baby tooth around with me in my pocket 266 00:02:16,021 --> 00:02:18,021 Maybe we don't know them that well? 267 00:02:17,021 --> 00:02:19,021 Come on, let's go find that meeting. 268 00:02:18,021 --> 00:02:21,021 My plan is, Ava got stage fright for the first time 269 00:02:18,021 --> 00:02:20,021 since 9:00 last night. What? 270 00:02:18,021 --> 00:02:21,021 Oscar: Tortilla, towel. 271 00:02:18,021 --> 00:02:20,021 Your seat! 272 00:02:18,021 --> 00:02:20,021 He's my dad. Of course I know him! 273 00:02:19,021 --> 00:02:21,021 But what are you gonna do 274 00:02:20,021 --> 00:02:25,021 I guess half this cookie belongs to you, Oscar. 275 00:02:20,021 --> 00:02:21,021 Bah bah bah! 276 00:02:20,021 --> 00:02:22,021 He has a job, likes to read chapter books, 277 00:02:21,021 --> 00:02:23,021 if she won't give you your wand back? 278 00:02:21,021 --> 00:02:22,021 during a recital. Right? 279 00:02:21,021 --> 00:02:24,021 Tortilla, towel. 280 00:02:21,021 --> 00:02:23,021 Goo goo ga ga? 281 00:02:22,021 --> 00:02:25,021 So, I got to get her to return to the scene of the crime, 282 00:02:22,021 --> 00:02:24,021 and has to drink coffee every morning. 283 00:02:23,021 --> 00:02:25,021 If you take it from her, she'll just take it back again. 284 00:02:24,021 --> 00:02:25,021 Psshew! 285 00:02:24,021 --> 00:02:26,021 Cool. What else? 286 00:02:25,021 --> 00:02:27,021 Yeah, well, we'll see about that. 287 00:02:25,021 --> 00:02:28,021 get her back on the horse, and help her do a new recital. 288 00:02:25,021 --> 00:02:27,021 -Yay! -Yeah! 289 00:02:26,021 --> 00:02:29,021 How many tortillas do you think it takes to make a towel? 290 00:02:27,021 --> 00:02:29,021 I'm a lot stronger than she thinks, you know? 291 00:02:27,021 --> 00:02:30,021 Thanks for helping me out, Hedgehog. 292 00:02:27,021 --> 00:02:30,021 No problem. 293 00:02:28,021 --> 00:02:30,021 We do not have the same plan. 294 00:02:28,021 --> 00:02:31,021 I can't say no to them! I feel like I'm letting them down! 295 00:02:28,021 --> 00:02:29,021 I mean, something personal. 296 00:02:29,021 --> 00:02:31,021 Um, yeah, for sure. 297 00:02:29,021 --> 00:02:30,021 What? 298 00:02:29,021 --> 00:02:31,021 Like, what was his dream when he was growing up? 299 00:02:30,021 --> 00:02:33,021 I was gonna say we should get everyone in their underpants, 300 00:02:30,021 --> 00:02:33,021 It's not like we're gonna be thrown in jail, or something. 301 00:02:30,021 --> 00:02:33,021 Like if we layer them and smash! And smash! 302 00:02:31,021 --> 00:02:33,021 Stronger than anybody thinks. 303 00:02:31,021 --> 00:02:33,021 They always look so tired of standing! 304 00:02:31,021 --> 00:02:33,021 He wasn't born to be just Oscar's dad, right? 305 00:02:33,021 --> 00:02:35,021 'cause it's hard to have stage fright 306 00:02:33,021 --> 00:02:36,021 I don't think that's gonna work. But look at this ad. 307 00:02:33,021 --> 00:02:34,021 I have to go to Susie's. 308 00:02:33,021 --> 00:02:36,021 Maybe ask him questions. Do a little digging. 309 00:02:34,021 --> 00:02:36,021 The sooner I get these lessons over with, 310 00:02:35,021 --> 00:02:37,021 when the audience is all in their underpants. 311 00:02:35,021 --> 00:02:36,021 Dirt. 312 00:02:36,021 --> 00:02:37,021 Are you Oscar? 313 00:02:36,021 --> 00:02:37,021 Heartforde Towel Company. 314 00:02:36,021 --> 00:02:38,021 the sooner I can get my wand back. 315 00:02:36,021 --> 00:02:38,021 Or what might be easier 316 00:02:37,021 --> 00:02:40,021 You work on that, and I'll do my thing. 317 00:02:37,021 --> 00:02:38,021 Yeah. 318 00:02:38,021 --> 00:02:39,021 We make custom towels? 319 00:02:38,021 --> 00:02:39,021 Just use something to save my seat. 320 00:02:38,021 --> 00:02:39,021 would be to figure out that guard's name 321 00:02:39,021 --> 00:02:40,021 Molar Mole. 322 00:02:39,021 --> 00:02:43,021 All we have to do it send pics and tell them how many we want. 323 00:02:39,021 --> 00:02:41,021 You got this. 324 00:02:39,021 --> 00:02:42,021 so we have something to talk about the next time he calls. 325 00:02:40,021 --> 00:02:43,021 I've got a report of one newly dislodged baby tooth 326 00:02:41,021 --> 00:02:44,021 "Closed for meeting." 327 00:02:41,021 --> 00:02:44,021 Well, if Hedgehog's gonna become a celebrated witch, 328 00:02:42,021 --> 00:02:43,021 I'm gonna go to the library. 329 00:02:43,021 --> 00:02:45,021 of the molar variety. 330 00:02:43,021 --> 00:02:45,021 You're a genius, my Hedgehog. 331 00:02:44,021 --> 00:02:47,021 I think it's closed, Hedgehog. 332 00:02:44,021 --> 00:02:47,021 I'm gonna become a seat-saving wizard. 333 00:02:45,021 --> 00:02:47,021 Huh? Ava? 334 00:02:45,021 --> 00:02:46,021 Hand it here, please. 335 00:02:45,021 --> 00:02:47,021 Cool! Don't listen to me! 336 00:02:46,021 --> 00:02:48,021 Uh... 337 00:02:47,021 --> 00:02:49,021 Something's moving in there. 338 00:02:47,021 --> 00:02:50,021 -Hi. -What are you doing up there? 339 00:02:47,021 --> 00:02:49,021 Oscar! Time to wake up! 340 00:02:47,021 --> 00:02:49,021 Courage, Hedgehog. 341 00:02:48,021 --> 00:02:51,021 Oh, Margot, do you have "Dungeon Doug, Book 3" 342 00:02:49,021 --> 00:02:52,021 Look, it's unlocked. 343 00:02:49,021 --> 00:02:51,021 Aah! I thought you were asleep! 344 00:02:49,021 --> 00:02:51,021 Courage. 345 00:02:50,021 --> 00:02:53,021 Spring cleaning. I'm repainting the place. 346 00:02:50,021 --> 00:02:51,021 Why not? 347 00:02:51,021 --> 00:02:53,021 No way! I'm just on low power mode 348 00:02:51,021 --> 00:02:54,021 Hey, Susie! I'm here for my magic lesson. 349 00:02:51,021 --> 00:02:53,021 in the immersive books section? 350 00:02:52,021 --> 00:02:54,021 Come on. 351 00:02:53,021 --> 00:02:56,021 Ugh. I hate painting! 352 00:02:53,021 --> 00:02:55,021 while we wait for our towel delivery. 353 00:02:53,021 --> 00:02:56,021 Yes, we do. But why do you want to read that one? 354 00:02:54,021 --> 00:02:55,021 It's a fake. 355 00:02:55,021 --> 00:02:57,021 For your sake, I hope you have a good lawyer, 356 00:02:55,021 --> 00:02:57,021 I share in your excitement. 357 00:02:56,021 --> 00:02:58,021 Well, can you come here for a sec? 358 00:02:56,021 --> 00:02:57,021 Yeah, looks like it's gonna rain. 359 00:02:56,021 --> 00:02:57,021 The ending is terrible. 360 00:02:57,021 --> 00:03:00,021 Um, excuse me. Excuse me? 361 00:02:57,021 --> 00:02:59,021 you molar-faking swine! 362 00:02:57,021 --> 00:02:59,021 But don't you think it's time to change out of your swim trunks? 363 00:02:57,021 --> 00:02:59,021 Come back in an hour, after it clears up. 364 00:02:57,021 --> 00:02:59,021 Can't have flowers without rain, Margot. 365 00:02:59,021 --> 00:03:02,021 What? There's not a single cloud in the sky. 366 00:02:59,021 --> 00:03:02,021 As you wish. It's on the top shelf upstairs. 367 00:03:00,021 --> 00:03:01,021 What?! 368 00:03:00,021 --> 00:03:02,021 Can't do that. Low power mode. 369 00:03:01,021 --> 00:03:04,021 Oh, I thought I smelled something. 370 00:03:01,021 --> 00:03:03,021 You're under arrest by the Molar Mole Fraud Squad. 371 00:03:02,021 --> 00:03:04,021 I think you should do a recital. 372 00:03:02,021 --> 00:03:04,021 What about that? 373 00:03:02,021 --> 00:03:04,021 Top shelf, top shelf... 374 00:03:03,021 --> 00:03:04,021 Anything you say above ground 375 00:03:04,021 --> 00:03:07,021 may be used against you underground. 376 00:03:04,021 --> 00:03:06,021 That's a used tissue. 377 00:03:04,021 --> 00:03:06,021 A-ha! 378 00:03:05,021 --> 00:03:08,021 The solution isn't just selling your violin, 379 00:03:05,021 --> 00:03:06,021 Special Delivery! 380 00:03:06,021 --> 00:03:08,021 Baby powder. 381 00:03:06,021 --> 00:03:09,021 Enjoy! 382 00:03:07,021 --> 00:03:09,021 Aren't you taking this way too seriously? 383 00:03:08,021 --> 00:03:10,021 and squashing out something you love! 384 00:03:09,021 --> 00:03:13,021 It's Stuart, your nemesis from the library. 385 00:03:09,021 --> 00:03:10,021 It's just a fake tooth. 386 00:03:09,021 --> 00:03:11,021 Big box for just 2 towels... 387 00:03:10,021 --> 00:03:12,021 Yes, it is. The best way to get over your fear 388 00:03:10,021 --> 00:03:11,021 Okay, let's go. 389 00:03:10,021 --> 00:03:12,021 Who is it? 390 00:03:11,021 --> 00:03:12,021 Hedgehog, call my lawyer! 391 00:03:11,021 --> 00:03:14,021 Oh! I changed the order to 4. 392 00:03:12,021 --> 00:03:15,021 Hedgehog. It's been an hour. I'm here for my lesson. 393 00:03:13,021 --> 00:03:15,021 I know who Stuart is. 394 00:03:13,021 --> 00:03:15,021 is to sell your violin, and not let the buyer 395 00:03:13,021 --> 00:03:14,021 You don't have one. You're a child. 396 00:03:13,021 --> 00:03:15,021 Hmm... where is that guard? 397 00:03:14,021 --> 00:03:15,021 Then call my mom! 398 00:03:14,021 --> 00:03:16,021 Did you forget to cross out my 2? 399 00:03:15,021 --> 00:03:19,021 Excuse me, the bank is closed today. 400 00:03:15,021 --> 00:03:18,021 come into your house and noodle around in your past. 401 00:03:15,021 --> 00:03:18,021 Your hands are freezing! You can't do magic 402 00:03:15,021 --> 00:03:18,021 with cold hands. 403 00:03:15,021 --> 00:03:17,021 Oh, maybe that's the guard. 404 00:03:16,021 --> 00:03:18,021 Oscar! 405 00:03:16,021 --> 00:03:19,021 Or did you just write a 4 next to it? 406 00:03:17,021 --> 00:03:19,021 Excuse me... 407 00:03:18,021 --> 00:03:21,021 Well, call me "spaghetti," because I'm noodling. 408 00:03:18,021 --> 00:03:21,021 Hup, hup, hup, hup, hup, hup, hup, hup, hup. 409 00:03:18,021 --> 00:03:19,021 You could blow a knuckle. 410 00:03:19,021 --> 00:03:21,021 If you'd like to return tomorrow, 411 00:03:19,021 --> 00:03:22,021 Hedgehog, I would never cross out your 2. 412 00:03:19,021 --> 00:03:22,021 Do some hand warm-ups and come back in an hour. 413 00:03:19,021 --> 00:03:21,021 Dad? What are you doing here?! 414 00:03:21,021 --> 00:03:23,021 after you've had your nap, 415 00:03:21,021 --> 00:03:24,021 Look at this picture of you. You're so happy. 416 00:03:21,021 --> 00:03:24,021 Son? I don't know. 417 00:03:22,021 --> 00:03:23,021 This way. 418 00:03:22,021 --> 00:03:25,021 -Whoops. -Well, let's see what we got. 419 00:03:22,021 --> 00:03:25,021 No one told me I need hot hands. 420 00:03:23,021 --> 00:03:26,021 I'm sure someone will be available to assist you. 421 00:03:23,021 --> 00:03:25,021 That way, tough guy! 422 00:03:24,021 --> 00:03:26,021 You should at least give it one last try. 423 00:03:24,021 --> 00:03:26,021 Is this "Dungeon Doug, Book 3"? 424 00:03:25,021 --> 00:03:27,021 Alright. Alright. Hup, hup. 425 00:03:25,021 --> 00:03:26,021 Kind of small. 426 00:03:26,021 --> 00:03:29,021 What are you even doing here, Stuart? 427 00:03:26,021 --> 00:03:28,021 Forget it! I'm cleaning. 428 00:03:26,021 --> 00:03:29,021 I asked for regular size. 429 00:03:26,021 --> 00:03:29,021 Okay, I got hot hands. I'm ready. 430 00:03:26,021 --> 00:03:29,021 Yeah, unh-unh! Not so fast. 431 00:03:26,021 --> 00:03:27,021 It is! 432 00:03:27,021 --> 00:03:29,021 Inside! 433 00:03:27,021 --> 00:03:29,021 Cool. 434 00:03:28,021 --> 00:03:30,021 Well, I already booked the hall. 435 00:03:29,021 --> 00:03:30,021 Oh, no. 436 00:03:29,021 --> 00:03:32,021 This fabric doesn't breathe. Wear something more comfortable. 437 00:03:29,021 --> 00:03:31,021 Should we...hug? 438 00:03:30,021 --> 00:03:33,021 If you're not into it, can you teach me how to play? 439 00:03:30,021 --> 00:03:32,021 "Regular" means "small" in towel sizing. 440 00:03:31,021 --> 00:03:35,021 I'm just here to keep any goober-fingered little rug rats 441 00:03:31,021 --> 00:03:33,021 Dad! Osc! 442 00:03:32,021 --> 00:03:35,021 If you want a regular towel, you have to order a "biggo." 443 00:03:32,021 --> 00:03:35,021 Too comfortable! 444 00:03:34,021 --> 00:03:37,021 Did you already put down a non-refundable deposit? 445 00:03:34,021 --> 00:03:37,021 Ugh, gotta say something. Anything. 446 00:03:35,021 --> 00:03:36,021 from snotting all over 447 00:03:35,021 --> 00:03:37,021 Can we return them and start over? 448 00:03:35,021 --> 00:03:39,021 You're too cheerful. Go read a sad book. 449 00:03:36,021 --> 00:03:38,021 Hedgehog! Oscar! 450 00:03:37,021 --> 00:03:40,021 this serious, grownup -- oh -- meeting. 451 00:03:37,021 --> 00:03:38,021 Mm-hmm. 452 00:03:37,021 --> 00:03:39,021 The receipt says no returns on custom orders. 453 00:03:38,021 --> 00:03:39,021 Hello. Who's this? 454 00:03:38,021 --> 00:03:39,021 Dad, what was your dream when you were growing up?! 455 00:03:39,021 --> 00:03:40,021 Oh, man. 456 00:03:39,021 --> 00:03:41,021 Bartholomole Hildebrandt Esquire, 457 00:03:39,021 --> 00:03:42,021 And now all our chocolate money's gone. 458 00:03:39,021 --> 00:03:41,021 Oh, dear. You look thirsty. 459 00:03:39,021 --> 00:03:42,021 I mean, you weren't born just to be my dad, right? 460 00:03:40,021 --> 00:03:42,021 Oh, really? Well, I'll have you know 461 00:03:40,021 --> 00:03:42,021 I'll tell you what -- you paint my house, 462 00:03:41,021 --> 00:03:43,021 finest lawyer in all Metropmolis! 463 00:03:41,021 --> 00:03:43,021 Go get yourself hydrated. 464 00:03:42,021 --> 00:03:45,021 that we're not here for a meeting, Mr. Know-it-all. 465 00:03:42,021 --> 00:03:44,021 and I'll teach you the violin. 466 00:03:42,021 --> 00:03:43,021 Maybe Alexa was right -- 467 00:03:42,021 --> 00:03:44,021 Of course not. 468 00:03:43,021 --> 00:03:45,021 Are you here to represent me? 469 00:03:43,021 --> 00:03:45,021 you can't make your dreams come true. 470 00:03:43,021 --> 00:03:46,021 You look tired. Go take a nap. 471 00:03:44,021 --> 00:03:46,021 Deal! 472 00:03:44,021 --> 00:03:47,021 I always wanted to be a paleontologist, 473 00:03:45,021 --> 00:03:47,021 We're here to open checking accounts! 474 00:03:45,021 --> 00:03:48,021 Well, normally, yes, but it's Tuesday 475 00:03:46,021 --> 00:03:49,021 Aah! Aah! Aah! 476 00:03:46,021 --> 00:03:49,021 You can only hope to buy them in stores. 477 00:03:47,021 --> 00:03:49,021 'Cause we're grownups, Stuart! 478 00:03:47,021 --> 00:03:49,021 traveling around the world, finding bones. 479 00:03:48,021 --> 00:03:51,021 and my name starts with a "B," so no can do. 480 00:03:48,021 --> 00:03:50,021 Okay, I did everything you asked. 481 00:03:49,021 --> 00:03:51,021 And we need checks to pay our bills! 482 00:03:49,021 --> 00:03:53,021 Oh, Hedgehog, we do not have the same plan. 483 00:03:49,021 --> 00:03:50,021 -Ah! -This is just a hiccup! 484 00:03:49,021 --> 00:03:51,021 Whoa. Cool. What happened? 485 00:03:50,021 --> 00:03:52,021 We can sell these little towels 486 00:03:50,021 --> 00:03:51,021 Can we start? 487 00:03:51,021 --> 00:03:53,021 Because we're responsible! Bah! 488 00:03:51,021 --> 00:03:53,021 Oh. But you can 489 00:03:51,021 --> 00:03:53,021 borrow my law book. 490 00:03:51,021 --> 00:03:54,021 Ha ha ha! Kid, what's wrong with you? 491 00:03:51,021 --> 00:03:53,021 I met your mother. 492 00:03:52,021 --> 00:03:54,021 and use the money to make big ones! 493 00:03:53,021 --> 00:03:55,021 You could never handle a checking account. 494 00:03:53,021 --> 00:03:56,021 I never use it 'cause I'm so good. 495 00:03:53,021 --> 00:03:55,021 And soon after that, you were born. 496 00:03:54,021 --> 00:03:56,021 We just gotta hustle! Hust-le! 497 00:03:54,021 --> 00:03:55,021 You look absolutely ridiculous. 498 00:03:55,021 --> 00:03:58,021 Those are for serious non-babies. 499 00:03:55,021 --> 00:03:57,021 Go change, and I'll pick you up from your cabin. 500 00:03:56,021 --> 00:03:58,021 Hi, Oscar. What's up? 501 00:03:56,021 --> 00:03:58,021 I'm so sorry I got you into this mess, Oscar. 502 00:03:56,021 --> 00:03:57,021 Together: Hust-le! Hust-le! 503 00:03:56,021 --> 00:03:57,021 Ohh. 504 00:03:57,021 --> 00:04:01,021 Click! Click! Click! Click! 505 00:03:57,021 --> 00:03:59,021 "You look ridiculous, Hedgehog. 506 00:03:57,021 --> 00:03:58,021 Is that Dungeon Doug? 507 00:03:58,021 --> 00:03:59,021 You'll be hearing from my lawyer. 508 00:03:58,021 --> 00:04:01,021 So, you were at the scene of the stage fright? 509 00:03:58,021 --> 00:04:00,021 I'm gonna get this straightened out as soon as I can. 510 00:03:58,021 --> 00:04:00,021 I'm the hero! 511 00:03:59,021 --> 00:04:01,021 Thanks, Stuart. That's right, 512 00:03:59,021 --> 00:04:01,021 Your hands are too cold, Hedgehog." 513 00:04:00,021 --> 00:04:02,021 Thanks, buddy. I know you will. 514 00:04:00,021 --> 00:04:01,021 Wow. Wow. 515 00:04:01,021 --> 00:04:03,021 I have a lawyer because I'm a grownup! 516 00:04:01,021 --> 00:04:02,021 Oh, wow. 517 00:04:01,021 --> 00:04:03,021 Click! Click! Click! 518 00:04:02,021 --> 00:04:04,021 Where did you even get that picture? 519 00:04:02,021 --> 00:04:05,021 The book of Mole Law, complete and unabridged. 520 00:04:02,021 --> 00:04:03,021 Who does she think she is? 521 00:04:02,021 --> 00:04:03,021 Let's follow him to find that guard's name! 522 00:04:03,021 --> 00:04:06,021 That's right, 523 00:04:03,021 --> 00:04:06,021 I'm a grownup! 524 00:04:03,021 --> 00:04:06,021 Click! 525 00:04:03,021 --> 00:04:06,021 You have crossed a line, Susie. 526 00:04:03,021 --> 00:04:05,021 Yes! Gimme five! Yeah! 527 00:04:04,021 --> 00:04:06,021 That happened a long time ago. 528 00:04:05,021 --> 00:04:07,021 Just revised this morning, as a matter of fact. 529 00:04:05,021 --> 00:04:06,021 Ouch! Ow! 530 00:04:06,021 --> 00:04:09,021 Man, that Stuart really cheeses me off. 531 00:04:06,021 --> 00:04:09,021 Tortilla Towels! Tortilla Towels! 532 00:04:06,021 --> 00:04:09,021 Get ready to be punched. 533 00:04:06,021 --> 00:04:07,021 We need more practice. 534 00:04:07,021 --> 00:04:08,021 -Tea? -Nah, I'm good. 535 00:04:07,021 --> 00:04:09,021 Wait. I'll take that, Mr. Esquire. 536 00:04:08,021 --> 00:04:10,021 So, about Ava's stage fright... 537 00:04:08,021 --> 00:04:10,021 T-There he is. 538 00:04:09,021 --> 00:04:12,021 I'd like to go right back in there and give him 539 00:04:09,021 --> 00:04:12,021 another piece of my -- 540 00:04:09,021 --> 00:04:11,021 I'm gonna be Oscar's lawyer. 541 00:04:09,021 --> 00:04:11,021 Well, sure. 542 00:04:09,021 --> 00:04:13,021 Wrap the meats you are in our incredible Tortilla Towels. 543 00:04:09,021 --> 00:04:11,021 Hole Punch Number 1 reporting for duty. 544 00:04:10,021 --> 00:04:13,021 Ava and I had nice tea together before that rehearsal. 545 00:04:10,021 --> 00:04:11,021 You! Guard! 546 00:04:11,021 --> 00:04:14,021 Oh, hey, Hole Punch. Are you here to punish Susie? 547 00:04:11,021 --> 00:04:13,021 Hello, guard! 548 00:04:12,021 --> 00:04:15,021 Up-bup-bup. Maybe let's try a different way? 549 00:04:12,021 --> 00:04:14,021 You can be his astronaut, as long as the judge doesn't mind. 550 00:04:13,021 --> 00:04:17,021 Ava played so beautifully, until she got stage fright that night. 551 00:04:13,021 --> 00:04:16,021 How many towels would you like to buy today? 552 00:04:13,021 --> 00:04:14,021 Sir! Hey! Hey! 553 00:04:13,021 --> 00:04:14,021 'Scuse me! 554 00:04:14,021 --> 00:04:16,021 Huh? 555 00:04:14,021 --> 00:04:16,021 Nah, I'm just gonna tell on her to Ramona. 556 00:04:15,021 --> 00:04:17,021 I think I know just the thing. 557 00:04:15,021 --> 00:04:16,021 'Scuse me! Excuse me! 558 00:04:15,021 --> 00:04:16,021 Excuse me! 559 00:04:16,021 --> 00:04:18,021 Law number one, the judge is always right. 560 00:04:16,021 --> 00:04:18,021 It looks just like a burrito! 561 00:04:16,021 --> 00:04:18,021 She is being pretty mean to you. 562 00:04:16,021 --> 00:04:17,021 Huh? You! Guard! 563 00:04:17,021 --> 00:04:18,021 Come on! 564 00:04:17,021 --> 00:04:20,021 She used to be so happy just from hearing 565 00:04:17,021 --> 00:04:18,021 What's your -- Whoa! 566 00:04:18,021 --> 00:04:21,021 Well, good luck, and don't mess up my book. 567 00:04:18,021 --> 00:04:20,021 But it smells just like not a burrito! 568 00:04:18,021 --> 00:04:22,021 Thank you! Finally, someone who understands. 569 00:04:20,021 --> 00:04:21,021 the violin being tuned. 570 00:04:20,021 --> 00:04:22,021 Um... 571 00:04:21,021 --> 00:04:25,021 And now, all that's left are screams. 572 00:04:21,021 --> 00:04:23,021 Thanks. Thank you. 573 00:04:21,021 --> 00:04:23,021 Guard! 574 00:04:22,021 --> 00:04:25,021 Did y'all go anywhere in your flying saucer? 575 00:04:22,021 --> 00:04:24,021 Tastes just not like a burrito, too. 576 00:04:22,021 --> 00:04:23,021 Okay, bye! 577 00:04:23,021 --> 00:04:25,021 Well, this is a lot to learn. 578 00:04:23,021 --> 00:04:24,021 What? 579 00:04:24,021 --> 00:04:25,021 They're not for eating. 580 00:04:24,021 --> 00:04:26,021 I'm saving this seat. My friend owns this seat. 581 00:04:24,021 --> 00:04:25,021 What's your name? 582 00:04:25,021 --> 00:04:27,021 No, we mostly stayed in. 583 00:04:25,021 --> 00:04:27,021 We'd better -- Trial's starting. 584 00:04:25,021 --> 00:04:27,021 This is super cute, 585 00:04:25,021 --> 00:04:28,021 My name is ! 586 00:04:26,021 --> 00:04:29,021 It's actually illegal for you to sit down. 587 00:04:27,021 --> 00:04:30,021 Finally got up early enough to go to the farmers market. 588 00:04:27,021 --> 00:04:30,021 Ooh ooh. 589 00:04:27,021 --> 00:04:29,021 Do you think it's because of that tea we drank? 590 00:04:27,021 --> 00:04:29,021 and if it was bigger, I'd totally buy one. 591 00:04:28,021 --> 00:04:30,021 Well, well, 592 00:04:29,021 --> 00:04:30,021 Hmm. 593 00:04:29,021 --> 00:04:33,021 But there's no room in my life for hand towels right now. 594 00:04:29,021 --> 00:04:31,021 I'm saving this seat. My friend owns this seat. 595 00:04:29,021 --> 00:04:31,021 Did we just do a bad thing? 596 00:04:30,021 --> 00:04:34,021 He was cute, but I just can't take Tauruses seriously. 597 00:04:30,021 --> 00:04:34,021 if it isn't the shameless counterfeiter. 598 00:04:31,021 --> 00:04:33,021 I heard tea makes you sort of relaxed. 599 00:04:31,021 --> 00:04:32,021 Mortimer: Hey, Oscar! 600 00:04:31,021 --> 00:04:34,021 No. No, he's got a very nice backstroke. 601 00:04:32,021 --> 00:04:34,021 My friend owns this seat! 602 00:04:33,021 --> 00:04:35,021 Right? That's what I heard, too! 603 00:04:34,021 --> 00:04:35,021 You know what I mean, Betsy? 604 00:04:34,021 --> 00:04:35,021 Hello. 605 00:04:34,021 --> 00:04:37,021 I like to eat tortillas. But I don't think they're cute. 606 00:04:34,021 --> 00:04:37,021 What? No, I just wanted to let you know that graduation 607 00:04:34,021 --> 00:04:36,021 Probably best if we guard his post for him till he gets back. 608 00:04:35,021 --> 00:04:37,021 Okay, okay, that's enough chitchat. 609 00:04:35,021 --> 00:04:39,021 What if I told you we could fix Ava's stage fright? 610 00:04:35,021 --> 00:04:36,021 Oscar, don't respond to that. 611 00:04:36,021 --> 00:04:37,021 Excuse me, elephants. 612 00:04:37,021 --> 00:04:38,021 Glad everyone had a nice weekend. 613 00:04:37,021 --> 00:04:39,021 Sorry. 614 00:04:37,021 --> 00:04:39,021 isn't starting for like three hours. 615 00:04:37,021 --> 00:04:40,021 Have you seen the guard from this post? 616 00:04:38,021 --> 00:04:41,021 I've assembled you all here today to talk about... 617 00:04:38,021 --> 00:04:41,021 You must be a fool to have pulled this clumsy caper. 618 00:04:39,021 --> 00:04:40,021 I already tried everything. 619 00:04:39,021 --> 00:04:42,021 Oh. Okay. Thanks. 620 00:04:40,021 --> 00:04:43,021 I tried acupuncture, a psychic reading, couple's massage. 621 00:04:40,021 --> 00:04:42,021 What do we do now, Hedgehog? 622 00:04:40,021 --> 00:04:41,021 Uh... 623 00:04:41,021 --> 00:04:42,021 this! 624 00:04:41,021 --> 00:04:43,021 Here in Metropmolis, 625 00:04:42,021 --> 00:04:45,021 Well, the peaches were just gigantic. 626 00:04:42,021 --> 00:04:44,021 Nobody wants our towels. 627 00:04:42,021 --> 00:04:44,021 We did it, Hedgehog. 628 00:04:42,021 --> 00:04:45,021 His family's gonna get docked pay if he's gone again. 629 00:04:43,021 --> 00:04:46,021 I even bought her a viola, trying to trick her mind. 630 00:04:43,021 --> 00:04:46,021 we don't play by your silly above-ground ways. 631 00:04:44,021 --> 00:04:46,021 Everybody does want them, Oscar. 632 00:04:44,021 --> 00:04:45,021 Hedgehog! 633 00:04:45,021 --> 00:04:46,021 I mean, these... 634 00:04:45,021 --> 00:04:48,021 Tall man. Tall man. 635 00:04:46,021 --> 00:04:47,021 Leaders, hello? 636 00:04:46,021 --> 00:04:49,021 She screamed twice as loud. 637 00:04:46,021 --> 00:04:48,021 Oscar, these laws are all nutso. 638 00:04:46,021 --> 00:04:48,021 They just don't know it yet. 639 00:04:48,021 --> 00:04:49,021 This is a wand? 640 00:04:48,021 --> 00:04:49,021 Honey is a vegetable? 641 00:04:48,021 --> 00:04:50,021 But how do we make them know? 642 00:04:48,021 --> 00:04:49,021 For your first lesson, you'll organize 643 00:04:48,021 --> 00:04:50,021 Ahem. Here I am. 644 00:04:49,021 --> 00:04:51,021 A wand I saw Hedgehog using? 645 00:04:49,021 --> 00:04:51,021 Did you try... 646 00:04:49,021 --> 00:04:52,021 Last week was all Tuesdays? 647 00:04:49,021 --> 00:04:51,021 every pine needle on the floor into height order, 648 00:04:50,021 --> 00:04:52,021 First, you gotta put your clothes back on, Osk. 649 00:04:50,021 --> 00:04:52,021 Mm. Alright. 650 00:04:51,021 --> 00:04:54,021 Eeny, meeny, miney, chocolate. 651 00:04:51,021 --> 00:04:54,021 Yeah, we had a candy slide and, uh... 652 00:04:51,021 --> 00:04:52,021 underpants? 653 00:04:51,021 --> 00:04:54,021 clean out the sap from the tree's air holes, 654 00:04:52,021 --> 00:04:54,021 I did not. 655 00:04:52,021 --> 00:04:53,021 No salad for Dave? 656 00:04:52,021 --> 00:04:53,021 It's time. 657 00:04:52,021 --> 00:04:54,021 Wait. What's my name? 658 00:04:53,021 --> 00:04:55,021 Second, we need to get to them in the place 659 00:04:54,021 --> 00:04:57,021 Okay, well, what if I told you that unbeknownst to all of us, 660 00:04:54,021 --> 00:04:55,021 I read in a book that picturing the audience 661 00:04:54,021 --> 00:04:55,021 What are we gonna do? 662 00:04:54,021 --> 00:04:55,021 and wash every leaf. 663 00:04:54,021 --> 00:04:58,021 What? You think I don't know my own guards' names? 664 00:04:55,021 --> 00:04:58,021 in their underpants fixes stage fright. 665 00:04:55,021 --> 00:04:57,021 No, Oscar, these moles are imbeciles. 666 00:04:55,021 --> 00:04:57,021 where hand towels matter the most. 667 00:04:55,021 --> 00:04:56,021 Ah-choo! 668 00:04:56,021 --> 00:04:59,021 Uh, you can start now. 669 00:04:57,021 --> 00:05:01,021 Betsy has been teaching Hedgehog magic behind my back! 670 00:04:57,021 --> 00:04:58,021 I'll run circles around them. 671 00:04:57,021 --> 00:05:00,021 -Their hearts? -Their homes. 672 00:04:58,021 --> 00:05:01,021 So, I want put all the monsters in underpants. 673 00:04:58,021 --> 00:05:00,021 Opening remarks. 674 00:04:58,021 --> 00:04:59,021 That's really insulting. 675 00:04:59,021 --> 00:05:01,021 When am I gonna learn magic? 676 00:04:59,021 --> 00:05:01,021 Nice try, son. 677 00:05:00,021 --> 00:05:02,021 Counselor, if you please. 678 00:05:01,021 --> 00:05:02,021 What?! Oh! 679 00:05:01,021 --> 00:05:02,021 But we don't wear underpants. 680 00:05:01,021 --> 00:05:03,021 Kids! What do you want? 681 00:05:01,021 --> 00:05:04,021 Kid, this is learning magic. Now, out of my way! 682 00:05:01,021 --> 00:05:03,021 'Scuse me. 683 00:05:02,021 --> 00:05:04,021 Oooooo-oo-oo. 684 00:05:02,021 --> 00:05:04,021 Watch this. 685 00:05:03,021 --> 00:05:04,021 We don't even wear overpants. 686 00:05:03,021 --> 00:05:06,021 Good day! We'd like to speak to the monster of the house. 687 00:05:03,021 --> 00:05:05,021 Where can I find Dungeon Doug. 688 00:05:04,021 --> 00:05:07,021 I love this juicy drama. 689 00:05:04,021 --> 00:05:09,021 Who says you need overpants to wear underpants? 690 00:05:04,021 --> 00:05:08,021 Ladies and gentlemoles of the jury, I ask you this. 691 00:05:04,021 --> 00:05:07,021 These nails aren't going to paint themselves. 692 00:05:05,021 --> 00:05:07,021 Uh, he's in here. I saw him not even five minutes ago. 693 00:05:06,021 --> 00:05:09,021 -Are you selling something? -Why, yes! 694 00:05:07,021 --> 00:05:09,021 Ugh! I need your keys so we can lock this 695 00:05:08,021 --> 00:05:10,021 What is free will, really? 696 00:05:09,021 --> 00:05:11,021 in the safe until further notice. 697 00:05:09,021 --> 00:05:10,021 Hmm? 698 00:05:09,021 --> 00:05:11,021 In fact, the most marvelous and -- 699 00:05:09,021 --> 00:05:11,021 Ahh! Gross. 700 00:05:09,021 --> 00:05:11,021 Andy: He wrote something in here. 701 00:05:10,021 --> 00:05:12,021 Hmm. 702 00:05:10,021 --> 00:05:13,021 During this trial, I intend to demonstrate 703 00:05:11,021 --> 00:05:14,021 Alright, let me just stop you right there. 704 00:05:11,021 --> 00:05:13,021 Hey! It's natural. 705 00:05:11,021 --> 00:05:12,021 What is it? 706 00:05:12,021 --> 00:05:15,021 Come on. 707 00:05:12,021 --> 00:05:17,021 It says, "If found, please return to 619 Old Road." 708 00:05:13,021 --> 00:05:16,021 Seriously, just pass your keys up here so we 709 00:05:13,021 --> 00:05:16,021 can get on with it. 710 00:05:13,021 --> 00:05:14,021 that Oscar's sheltered upbringing 711 00:05:14,021 --> 00:05:16,021 has left him so impressionable 712 00:05:14,021 --> 00:05:16,021 But you don't even know what we're selling! 713 00:05:15,021 --> 00:05:17,021 Okay. 714 00:05:16,021 --> 00:05:18,021 that he effectively lacks any agency at all. 715 00:05:16,021 --> 00:05:18,021 I don't want any! 716 00:05:17,021 --> 00:05:20,021 Georgina: These oil pastels should do the trick. 717 00:05:17,021 --> 00:05:19,021 I'd do anything to see Ava that happy again. 718 00:05:17,021 --> 00:05:18,021 Oh, the guard's address. 719 00:05:18,021 --> 00:05:21,021 I call this condition "impressionablitis." 720 00:05:18,021 --> 00:05:19,021 Mortimer, please! 721 00:05:18,021 --> 00:05:20,021 The head guard said he has a family. 722 00:05:19,021 --> 00:05:21,021 Great! Let's make some underpants! 723 00:05:19,021 --> 00:05:21,021 We are trying to make our dreams come true. 724 00:05:20,021 --> 00:05:24,021 Voilà! A magnificently perfect Pointillist mustache. 725 00:05:20,021 --> 00:05:21,021 They'll know his name. 726 00:05:21,021 --> 00:05:23,021 Hedgehog: Aah! 727 00:05:21,021 --> 00:05:23,021 Stop! I know you're new here, Counselor, 728 00:05:21,021 --> 00:05:23,021 Ugh. Oh, alright. 729 00:05:21,021 --> 00:05:24,021 Now, Oscar, we can't just leave our post... 730 00:05:22,021 --> 00:05:25,021 Hey, make sure those curlers are tight. 731 00:05:23,021 --> 00:05:28,021 Oh, Hedgehog, we do not have the same plan. 732 00:05:23,021 --> 00:05:26,021 but all opening statements must be delivered 733 00:05:23,021 --> 00:05:26,021 Just this once, because it's you. 734 00:05:24,021 --> 00:05:27,021 Thanks, Georgina. This is gonna be great. 735 00:05:24,021 --> 00:05:26,021 without leaving a note! 736 00:05:25,021 --> 00:05:27,021 Uh! That's it! 737 00:05:26,021 --> 00:05:28,021 "If you're nice, go on in, 738 00:05:27,021 --> 00:05:28,021 I'll do yours, Hedgehog. 739 00:05:27,021 --> 00:05:29,021 while standing on one leg. 740 00:05:27,021 --> 00:05:30,021 Oh, hey, Hedgehog. 741 00:05:28,021 --> 00:05:30,021 Uh, Hedgehog? 742 00:05:28,021 --> 00:05:31,021 If you're not, please go somewhere else." 743 00:05:29,021 --> 00:05:30,021 Well, a deal's a deal. 744 00:05:29,021 --> 00:05:31,021 Law 751. 745 00:05:30,021 --> 00:05:33,021 Let's start with a simple classic. 746 00:05:30,021 --> 00:05:32,021 I didn't think I'd be punched again so soon. 747 00:05:31,021 --> 00:05:33,021 Oh. Sorry. 748 00:05:31,021 --> 00:05:34,021 Nice job on the legible penmanship, son. 749 00:05:32,021 --> 00:05:34,021 Hedgehog, what's this? 750 00:05:32,021 --> 00:05:34,021 What's up? I'm so glad you're here. 751 00:05:33,021 --> 00:05:34,021 As I was saying -- 752 00:05:34,021 --> 00:05:38,021 I'm designing a rudimentary siege engine, a tank of sorts. 753 00:05:34,021 --> 00:05:36,021 Stop! Law 87. 754 00:05:34,021 --> 00:05:36,021 Take it away, Hedgehog! 755 00:05:34,021 --> 00:05:38,021 Susie's the worst, right? Tell Ramona everything. 756 00:05:36,021 --> 00:05:40,021 Anyone standing on one leg must also be touching her nose. 757 00:05:36,021 --> 00:05:38,021 Life, it's messy. 758 00:05:36,021 --> 00:05:40,021 We're here, and we need to be...here. 759 00:05:37,021 --> 00:05:39,021 Hmm. 760 00:05:38,021 --> 00:05:42,021 Stuart's gonna rue the day he stood between me and my wand. 761 00:05:38,021 --> 00:05:40,021 Every day, we get our hands dirty. 762 00:05:38,021 --> 00:05:40,021 Uh, sure. 763 00:05:39,021 --> 00:05:40,021 Aah! 764 00:05:40,021 --> 00:05:42,021 Aah! 765 00:05:40,021 --> 00:05:41,021 Okay. 766 00:05:40,021 --> 00:05:44,021 Every day, we wash those dirty, dirty hands. 767 00:05:40,021 --> 00:05:42,021 I-I'll go tell her right now. 768 00:05:40,021 --> 00:05:41,021 That's all the way across town. 769 00:05:41,021 --> 00:05:45,021 Uh, so, as I was -- Stop! 770 00:05:41,021 --> 00:05:44,021 Well, lucky for us, I ran track in college. 771 00:05:42,021 --> 00:05:44,021 But that's crazy. 772 00:05:42,021 --> 00:05:44,021 Aah! 773 00:05:44,021 --> 00:05:46,021 But you're not crazy. 774 00:05:44,021 --> 00:05:45,021 It seems you can't be too close 775 00:05:44,021 --> 00:05:49,021 We wash, rinse, and repeat, only to get our hands dirty again. 776 00:05:44,021 --> 00:05:47,021 Buckle up, son. Whoa! 777 00:05:45,021 --> 00:05:47,021 to the violin without screaming. 778 00:05:45,021 --> 00:05:48,021 So, when the trial is through, you will see then, 779 00:05:46,021 --> 00:05:48,021 Wait! Don't you see? 780 00:05:46,021 --> 00:05:48,021 What? 781 00:05:47,021 --> 00:05:49,021 I think you just need a bit of distance 782 00:05:47,021 --> 00:05:49,021 Whoa. You're really fast. 783 00:05:48,021 --> 00:05:51,021 he can't help but do what it takes to fit in. 784 00:05:49,021 --> 00:05:51,021 Susie put Stuart there to throw you off your game 785 00:05:49,021 --> 00:05:51,021 from the violin in order to teach me. 786 00:05:49,021 --> 00:05:52,021 And sometimes we wonder -- what is it all for? 787 00:05:49,021 --> 00:05:50,021 Thank you, son. 788 00:05:50,021 --> 00:05:53,021 Phew! Done. 789 00:05:51,021 --> 00:05:52,021 so you'd make mistakes! 790 00:05:51,021 --> 00:05:53,021 Atrocious. 791 00:05:51,021 --> 00:05:52,021 You know, this is how I met your mother. 792 00:05:52,021 --> 00:05:55,021 Is this endless routine all we have? 793 00:05:52,021 --> 00:05:53,021 You ran into her? 794 00:05:53,021 --> 00:05:55,021 And it's working! 795 00:05:53,021 --> 00:05:57,021 I suggest you brush up on your mole law, Counselor. 796 00:05:53,021 --> 00:05:57,021 Leaves washed, holes cleaned, pine needles and cones sorted. 797 00:05:53,021 --> 00:05:55,021 What? No! 798 00:05:55,021 --> 00:05:56,021 You may have a point. 799 00:05:55,021 --> 00:05:56,021 Hmm. 800 00:05:55,021 --> 00:05:57,021 And then, you look at your hand towel. 801 00:05:55,021 --> 00:05:57,021 No, she was a sports writer for the university press. 802 00:05:57,021 --> 00:05:59,021 Don't worry, though, 'cause my plan is foolproof. 803 00:05:57,021 --> 00:05:59,021 You found anything useful yet? 804 00:05:57,021 --> 00:06:02,021 Your sad, grimy, faded old towel, hanging by a thread. 805 00:05:57,021 --> 00:05:58,021 Done! 806 00:05:57,021 --> 00:06:00,021 Cool. I mean, that's actually cool. 807 00:05:58,021 --> 00:06:00,021 Wow. You're fast. 808 00:05:59,021 --> 00:06:01,021 Your plan? 809 00:05:59,021 --> 00:06:00,021 Mm, maybe this one? 810 00:06:00,021 --> 00:06:03,021 Ava says you need to play a little faster. 811 00:06:00,021 --> 00:06:03,021 It's about courtrooms being hippopotamuses on holidays 812 00:06:00,021 --> 00:06:02,021 Too fast. What? 813 00:06:00,021 --> 00:06:01,021 Tell me everything. 814 00:06:01,021 --> 00:06:03,021 Props. Props? 815 00:06:01,021 --> 00:06:02,021 Well, it's a long, sappy story, 816 00:06:02,021 --> 00:06:04,021 And you think to yourself... 817 00:06:02,021 --> 00:06:04,021 You forgot to dry the leaves. See? 818 00:06:02,021 --> 00:06:04,021 but once upon a time, 819 00:06:03,021 --> 00:06:05,021 Elaborate props. 820 00:06:03,021 --> 00:06:06,021 How did she seem? Like, a little calmer? 821 00:06:03,021 --> 00:06:06,021 if the defendant is over 10 years of age. 822 00:06:04,021 --> 00:06:06,021 ...gosh I love tortillas! 823 00:06:04,021 --> 00:06:06,021 They're all crusty. 824 00:06:04,021 --> 00:06:06,021 your old man was quite the hot pepper. 825 00:06:05,021 --> 00:06:07,021 Ooh-boo-boo. Thank you, 826 00:06:05,021 --> 00:06:07,021 Saxophone. 827 00:06:06,021 --> 00:06:08,021 Ugh! I'm not getting paid for this. 828 00:06:06,021 --> 00:06:08,021 Well, that leaves you out, you big baby. 829 00:06:06,021 --> 00:06:08,021 What?! What?! 830 00:06:06,021 --> 00:06:08,021 You better do it over. 831 00:06:06,021 --> 00:06:07,021 Dad, stop. 832 00:06:07,021 --> 00:06:09,021 Now, who's next? 833 00:06:07,021 --> 00:06:09,021 What? Too spicy for you? 834 00:06:08,021 --> 00:06:11,021 Fine. Tell her "okay." 835 00:06:08,021 --> 00:06:09,021 Lucy?! 836 00:06:08,021 --> 00:06:10,021 Well, now, you can reach for one of these! 837 00:06:08,021 --> 00:06:10,021 Yes! Are you kidding me? 838 00:06:09,021 --> 00:06:11,021 Gosh, I don't know what to do. 839 00:06:09,021 --> 00:06:11,021 You said you'd go first. 840 00:06:09,021 --> 00:06:11,021 Will the witness please take the stand? 841 00:06:09,021 --> 00:06:11,021 No, we're in front of the house. 842 00:06:10,021 --> 00:06:12,021 This doesn't make any sense. 843 00:06:10,021 --> 00:06:13,021 I'm trying to be a witch, not a forest janitor. 844 00:06:11,021 --> 00:06:14,021 Hedgehog's smart, responsible, and conscientious. 845 00:06:11,021 --> 00:06:14,021 You're next, Howard. Hold out your leg, please! 846 00:06:12,021 --> 00:06:13,021 Oops. Got to run. 847 00:06:12,021 --> 00:06:14,021 I mean, maybe if the towel was bigger... 848 00:06:12,021 --> 00:06:14,021 Hi, Dad. Oh, hi, Dad. 849 00:06:13,021 --> 00:06:17,021 Now, Lucy, the defense would have us believe 850 00:06:13,021 --> 00:06:15,021 Hedgehog, the best witches are forest janitors. 851 00:06:14,021 --> 00:06:16,021 I don't see why she can't learn magic. 852 00:06:14,021 --> 00:06:17,021 10 inches. Arms, please. 853 00:06:14,021 --> 00:06:16,021 then I could wrap up my body like a burrito 854 00:06:14,021 --> 00:06:16,021 Correct. I am your parent. 855 00:06:16,021 --> 00:06:18,021 Hedgehog has a lot of potential. 856 00:06:16,021 --> 00:06:18,021 and forget my troubles. 857 00:06:16,021 --> 00:06:17,021 Wha? 858 00:06:16,021 --> 00:06:18,021 Now tell me, uh, what's my name. 859 00:06:17,021 --> 00:06:19,021 100 inches. 860 00:06:17,021 --> 00:06:20,021 that you teased Oscar, and excluded him from the group, 861 00:06:17,021 --> 00:06:20,021 Now, clean it again, but this time with some TLC. 862 00:06:18,021 --> 00:06:21,021 Yeah, Susie, Hedgehog would be a great witch. 863 00:06:18,021 --> 00:06:19,021 Daddy. 864 00:06:19,021 --> 00:06:20,021 80 inches. 865 00:06:19,021 --> 00:06:21,021 You could wrap up your hands 866 00:06:19,021 --> 00:06:21,021 No, my real name. 867 00:06:20,021 --> 00:06:21,021 Listen up, monsters! 868 00:06:20,021 --> 00:06:23,021 making him desperate to fit in. 869 00:06:20,021 --> 00:06:23,021 That's "tree leaves cleaned." Mleh! 870 00:06:21,021 --> 00:06:23,021 You know that. So, why are we here? 871 00:06:21,021 --> 00:06:23,021 We didn't just measure for fun. 872 00:06:21,021 --> 00:06:23,021 and use them as hand burrito mitts! 873 00:06:21,021 --> 00:06:24,021 Father. That's...not my name. 874 00:06:23,021 --> 00:06:25,021 'Cause some of us have plans. 875 00:06:23,021 --> 00:06:25,021 This is a pair of underpants. 876 00:06:23,021 --> 00:06:24,021 Is this true? 877 00:06:23,021 --> 00:06:26,021 Well, are they towels? Or mitts? 878 00:06:24,021 --> 00:06:28,021 No, Your Honor. In fact, he teased and excluded me. 879 00:06:24,021 --> 00:06:25,021 Papa! 880 00:06:25,021 --> 00:06:27,021 Study them closely. 881 00:06:25,021 --> 00:06:27,021 No. What's Mama call me? 882 00:06:26,021 --> 00:06:27,021 Sure they are! 883 00:06:27,021 --> 00:06:29,021 Mortimer: And then just go take a look around, you know? 884 00:06:27,021 --> 00:06:29,021 This seems really half-baked. 885 00:06:27,021 --> 00:06:28,021 Together: A mistake! 886 00:06:28,021 --> 00:06:32,021 And just this morning, he -- he stole half my cookie! 887 00:06:29,021 --> 00:06:32,021 There's so much great -- Need I remind you 888 00:06:29,021 --> 00:06:32,021 all of Mildred? 889 00:06:29,021 --> 00:06:33,021 Both: Whoa. Two at once? That's a little harsh, no? 890 00:06:29,021 --> 00:06:30,021 Ugh, dang it! What do we do? 891 00:06:30,021 --> 00:06:32,021 And this is yeti yarn! 892 00:06:30,021 --> 00:06:31,021 But... 893 00:06:32,021 --> 00:06:34,021 Let's knit some underpants! 894 00:06:32,021 --> 00:06:33,021 -Where's Daddy's head?! -Hey there! 895 00:06:33,021 --> 00:06:37,021 Everyone said she's so smart, so much potential, 896 00:06:33,021 --> 00:06:36,021 She's just trying to teach you -- Oh! 897 00:06:33,021 --> 00:06:35,021 Everything is okay. 898 00:06:34,021 --> 00:06:36,021 -Underpants! -Yay! 899 00:06:35,021 --> 00:06:36,021 Lucy, what are you doing?! 900 00:06:35,021 --> 00:06:36,021 A two-headed monster! A two-headed monster! 901 00:06:36,021 --> 00:06:37,021 They're gonna put me in jail! 902 00:06:36,021 --> 00:06:38,021 We can't even sell one hand towel. 903 00:06:36,021 --> 00:06:37,021 Dumb Susie. 904 00:06:37,021 --> 00:06:40,021 a real preteen prodigy. 905 00:06:37,021 --> 00:06:40,021 Pfft. Chill out, Oscar. It's only for six months. 906 00:06:37,021 --> 00:06:40,021 Oh, no. There's no monster. See? 907 00:06:38,021 --> 00:06:40,021 Oscar, I think I'm done! 908 00:06:38,021 --> 00:06:41,021 Maybe Alexa was right, we're not entrepreneurs. 909 00:06:38,021 --> 00:06:41,021 Sorry. This seat's taken. 910 00:06:40,021 --> 00:06:42,021 Those are great underpants, Blanche. 911 00:06:40,021 --> 00:06:42,021 Six months?! You got to tell them the truth. 912 00:06:40,021 --> 00:06:46,021 as scary as they seem 913 00:06:41,021 --> 00:06:42,021 We're entreprenothings. 914 00:06:42,021 --> 00:06:44,021 Put them on. -Okay. 915 00:06:42,021 --> 00:06:44,021 I don't even know what that word means. 916 00:06:42,021 --> 00:06:44,021 Excuse me, is -- Sorry! 917 00:06:42,021 --> 00:06:44,021 This seat's taken. 918 00:06:43,021 --> 00:06:44,021 Ha! 919 00:06:43,021 --> 00:06:45,021 Oh, we're all about truth, now, huh, cookie boy? 920 00:06:44,021 --> 00:06:46,021 Oh, no. 921 00:06:44,021 --> 00:06:46,021 -Whoops! -Oof! 922 00:06:44,021 --> 00:06:46,021 Whatever. I don't care anyway. 923 00:06:45,021 --> 00:06:49,021 Stop! Bailiff, get her out of here! 924 00:06:46,021 --> 00:06:48,021 Hmm! 925 00:06:46,021 --> 00:06:47,021 See those holes, there? 926 00:06:46,021 --> 00:06:48,021 Uhh. Aah! 927 00:06:46,021 --> 00:06:50,021 working as a team 928 00:06:47,021 --> 00:06:50,021 Oh, right. 929 00:06:47,021 --> 00:06:49,021 -Puddle, are you okay? -Puddle, are you okay? 930 00:06:48,021 --> 00:06:50,021 Susie: But she never learned to use her powers responsibly. 931 00:06:48,021 --> 00:06:50,021 I'm so sorry, you guys, but this seat is so taken! 932 00:06:49,021 --> 00:06:51,021 I'm fine! And I didn't spill my bubble water 933 00:06:50,021 --> 00:06:52,021 And when confronted about it, 934 00:06:50,021 --> 00:06:51,021 No. 935 00:06:50,021 --> 00:06:53,021 I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry! 936 00:06:50,021 --> 00:06:53,021 we upset you 937 00:06:51,021 --> 00:06:54,021 Eh. I don't know about this, Oscar. 938 00:06:51,021 --> 00:06:54,021 But Judge, what about my cross-examination? 939 00:06:51,021 --> 00:06:54,021 that I've been looking forward to all day. 940 00:06:52,021 --> 00:06:55,021 she threw a tantrum and left home. 941 00:06:53,021 --> 00:06:57,021 Ah! I'm getting kind of good at this. 942 00:06:53,021 --> 00:06:56,021 we met you 943 00:06:54,021 --> 00:06:58,021 Monsters, I realized I've neglected to give you all 944 00:06:55,021 --> 00:06:56,021 Ugh! 945 00:06:55,021 --> 00:06:57,021 Uh...new law. 946 00:06:56,021 --> 00:06:58,021 Ah, refreshing! 947 00:06:56,021 --> 00:07:00,021 your daddy's given name? 948 00:06:57,021 --> 00:06:59,021 All Lucys shall not be cross-examined, 949 00:06:58,021 --> 00:06:59,021 some crucial information. 950 00:06:58,021 --> 00:07:00,021 -Towel? -Thank you! 951 00:06:58,021 --> 00:07:00,021 Excuse me. 952 00:06:59,021 --> 00:07:02,021 Allow me to demonstrate how to step into underpants! 953 00:06:59,021 --> 00:07:04,021 but rather, there'll be, um, lunch break instead. 954 00:07:00,021 --> 00:07:03,021 This is a superb body towel. 955 00:07:00,021 --> 00:07:01,021 Muh hoo? 956 00:07:00,021 --> 00:07:02,021 Together: 957 00:07:01,021 --> 00:07:03,021 I'm sorry. This seat's taken. 958 00:07:02,021 --> 00:07:04,021 I don't think they get it. 959 00:07:03,021 --> 00:07:05,021 Oh, goodness! My hat! 960 00:07:03,021 --> 00:07:04,021 Whoa, whoa, whoa. 961 00:07:03,021 --> 00:07:04,021 Very absorbent. 962 00:07:04,021 --> 00:07:05,021 Aah! 963 00:07:04,021 --> 00:07:05,021 Actually it's a hand -- 964 00:07:04,021 --> 00:07:07,021 Please! I promised Hedgehog I'd save her seat. 965 00:07:05,021 --> 00:07:08,021 Aah! Aah! 966 00:07:05,021 --> 00:07:07,021 Oscar: Mm, I think that went okay. 967 00:07:05,021 --> 00:07:08,021 It's a hand-designed full-body towel! 968 00:07:07,021 --> 00:07:10,021 Yeah, maybe. But what are we gonna do? 969 00:07:07,021 --> 00:07:10,021 Take my tater tots. They're all I gots. 970 00:07:08,021 --> 00:07:09,021 Ha! Aah! 971 00:07:08,021 --> 00:07:10,021 Aah! Aah! 972 00:07:08,021 --> 00:07:10,021 Aah! Aah! 973 00:07:09,021 --> 00:07:12,021 I do love bespoke bath products. 974 00:07:09,021 --> 00:07:13,021 to achieve now, and we must 975 00:07:10,021 --> 00:07:11,021 Oh! 976 00:07:10,021 --> 00:07:12,021 Yay! Whee! Yay! Whee! 977 00:07:10,021 --> 00:07:12,021 Yay! Whee! Yay! Whee! 978 00:07:10,021 --> 00:07:12,021 I can't learn all these laws. 979 00:07:12,021 --> 00:07:15,021 All: Underpants! Underpants! 980 00:07:12,021 --> 00:07:14,021 And even if I could, the judge will just add more. 981 00:07:12,021 --> 00:07:14,021 Check it out, I'm a burrito! 982 00:07:13,021 --> 00:07:16,021 let's try it 983 00:07:14,021 --> 00:07:17,021 She's a witch! She's a witch, she's a witch! 984 00:07:14,021 --> 00:07:15,021 One for The King, please! 985 00:07:15,021 --> 00:07:17,021 Well, maybe instead of all the laws, 986 00:07:15,021 --> 00:07:16,021 Here! 987 00:07:16,021 --> 00:07:18,021 Just be sure to tell all your friends 988 00:07:17,021 --> 00:07:21,021 you could just focus on one, like a one-pronged attack. 989 00:07:18,021 --> 00:07:19,021 about our tortilla towels! 990 00:07:18,021 --> 00:07:24,021 tall man out 991 00:07:19,021 --> 00:07:22,021 Of course I will. I'm a tastemaker. 992 00:07:20,021 --> 00:07:23,021 Susie: She walked into the woods that night and disappeared. 993 00:07:20,021 --> 00:07:23,021 Okay, it's all cleaned 994 00:07:20,021 --> 00:07:23,021 and dried. 995 00:07:21,021 --> 00:07:23,021 One law. One law. 996 00:07:22,021 --> 00:07:24,021 Bye! 997 00:07:23,021 --> 00:07:25,021 Hedgehog? 998 00:07:23,021 --> 00:07:26,021 What? All-you-can-eat pies?! Oh. 999 00:07:24,021 --> 00:07:27,021 Wow, so you really don't have stage fright? 1000 00:07:24,021 --> 00:07:25,021 -Our first two customers! -Our first two customers! 1001 00:07:24,021 --> 00:07:26,021 That was amazing. Where'd you learn to sing? 1002 00:07:25,021 --> 00:07:28,021 If Hedgehog goes bad, we don't know what she'll do. 1003 00:07:25,021 --> 00:07:26,021 Hedgehog? Oscar, shh! 1004 00:07:25,021 --> 00:07:28,021 If Puddle wears our towel to the alien beach, 1005 00:07:26,021 --> 00:07:28,021 I'm scheming. 1006 00:07:26,021 --> 00:07:28,021 Hmm. 1007 00:07:26,021 --> 00:07:29,021 10 years of glee club. 1008 00:07:27,021 --> 00:07:29,021 You're not thinking about the audience? 1009 00:07:28,021 --> 00:07:31,021 She could end up blowing all our covers. 1010 00:07:28,021 --> 00:07:31,021 Judge: Now, Oscar, you must answer every question 1011 00:07:28,021 --> 00:07:31,021 we could sell the rest of our stock in a few weeks! 1012 00:07:28,021 --> 00:07:30,021 Not bad, not bad. 1013 00:07:29,021 --> 00:07:31,021 Nope. I don't get stage fright. 1014 00:07:29,021 --> 00:07:30,021 Guess it paid off. 1015 00:07:30,021 --> 00:07:32,021 Oh, wait. Hold up. 1016 00:07:30,021 --> 00:07:32,021 Guard! Guard! 1017 00:07:31,021 --> 00:07:34,021 As Prime Monister, I speak for the monisters -- 1018 00:07:31,021 --> 00:07:33,021 I'm not thinking about anything. 1019 00:07:31,021 --> 00:07:33,021 and must follow all instructions, 1020 00:07:32,021 --> 00:07:35,021 Dungeon Doug is under attack! You must help him! 1021 00:07:33,021 --> 00:07:35,021 See, Ava, getting over stage fright 1022 00:07:33,021 --> 00:07:35,021 and that's all there is to it. 1023 00:07:33,021 --> 00:07:35,021 You forgot the pits. 1024 00:07:34,021 --> 00:07:37,021 I mean, monsters. And you have our support. 1025 00:07:34,021 --> 00:07:38,021 First one awake gets to pick the TV channel! 1026 00:07:35,021 --> 00:07:37,021 is just about turning your thoughts off. 1027 00:07:35,021 --> 00:07:37,021 Counselor, you may proceed. 1028 00:07:35,021 --> 00:07:39,021 Looks like you'll have to do it over one more time. 1029 00:07:35,021 --> 00:07:38,021 He was across town by the main entrance to the city! 1030 00:07:37,021 --> 00:07:39,021 Yeah, it's not necessary to talk. Just give me your key. 1031 00:07:37,021 --> 00:07:38,021 I think, if you just tried to play -- 1032 00:07:37,021 --> 00:07:39,021 Counselor? 1033 00:07:38,021 --> 00:07:40,021 Man, not me. 1034 00:07:38,021 --> 00:07:40,021 There was supposed to be a guard on duty, 1035 00:07:39,021 --> 00:07:42,021 Thank you. I accept your apologies. 1036 00:07:39,021 --> 00:07:42,021 Yeah, that's what I thought. 1037 00:07:39,021 --> 00:07:40,021 That's it! What's it? 1038 00:07:39,021 --> 00:07:42,021 You know what they say, though -- third time 1039 00:07:39,021 --> 00:07:42,021 you fail stinks the most. 1040 00:07:40,021 --> 00:07:41,021 I just think about everyone watching me, 1041 00:07:40,021 --> 00:07:42,021 Hedgehog: Judge, if I may. 1042 00:07:40,021 --> 00:07:43,021 I don't make the rules, but I live by them! 1043 00:07:40,021 --> 00:07:42,021 but there was a just a note instead! 1044 00:07:42,021 --> 00:07:44,021 Am I the only one here who thinks Hedgehog 1045 00:07:42,021 --> 00:07:44,021 and absolutely messing up, and everyone booing me, 1046 00:07:42,021 --> 00:07:44,021 Whoops. 1047 00:07:43,021 --> 00:07:45,021 Breaking news! 1048 00:07:44,021 --> 00:07:49,021 and then feeling dumb for the rest of my life. 1049 00:07:44,021 --> 00:07:46,021 Now, then, Oscar, will you please let the court know 1050 00:07:44,021 --> 00:07:47,021 Darn you, Susie! 1051 00:07:45,021 --> 00:07:47,021 is mature enough to handle it? 1052 00:07:45,021 --> 00:07:47,021 Our beloved king has made a commercial for a towel! 1053 00:07:46,021 --> 00:07:48,021 where you were at 10:00 this morning? 1054 00:07:47,021 --> 00:07:50,021 Georgina: Ooh! There we go. 1055 00:07:47,021 --> 00:07:50,021 And in a shocking twist, this towel looks... 1056 00:07:47,021 --> 00:07:49,021 Hey! Don't talk to your teacher like that. 1057 00:07:48,021 --> 00:07:51,021 No can do. I don't know how to tell time. 1058 00:07:49,021 --> 00:07:51,021 But it's cool you don't have stage fright. 1059 00:07:49,021 --> 00:07:51,021 You're no teacher. 1060 00:07:50,021 --> 00:07:53,021 Oscar: Very nice. Now, hold still. 1061 00:07:50,021 --> 00:07:51,021 like a tortilla! 1062 00:07:50,021 --> 00:07:54,021 I can feel you leaking power, Doug! 1063 00:07:51,021 --> 00:07:53,021 See you tomorrow. 1064 00:07:51,021 --> 00:07:54,021 Also, I don't know what "court" means, or who Oscar is. 1065 00:07:51,021 --> 00:07:53,021 Let's take a look at the sensation 1066 00:07:51,021 --> 00:07:53,021 You're just messing with me because you don't actually 1067 00:07:53,021 --> 00:07:55,021 Exquisite. 1068 00:07:53,021 --> 00:07:55,021 Huh. 1069 00:07:53,021 --> 00:07:55,021 that's taken the palace by storm. 1070 00:07:53,021 --> 00:07:54,021 want me to learn magic. 1071 00:07:54,021 --> 00:07:58,021 Stop! Why is Oscar putting on this foolish act? 1072 00:07:54,021 --> 00:07:55,021 That's why you took my wand. 1073 00:07:54,021 --> 00:07:56,021 -Dad, look. -Huh? 1074 00:07:55,021 --> 00:07:57,021 I'll admit, it's not bad. 1075 00:07:55,021 --> 00:07:57,021 The King: Hey, friends. 1076 00:07:55,021 --> 00:07:58,021 That's why you're making me do fake work. 1077 00:07:57,021 --> 00:07:59,021 What are we doing, again? 1078 00:07:57,021 --> 00:08:00,021 Are you on the beach crying because you're not a burrito? 1079 00:07:57,021 --> 00:07:59,021 Holy bowl. I can see him! 1080 00:07:58,021 --> 00:07:59,021 'Cause Hedgehog told me to. 1081 00:07:58,021 --> 00:08:00,021 You want me to give up so there's not another witch. 1082 00:07:59,021 --> 00:08:02,021 Morning, Hedgehog! How's your day going? 1083 00:07:59,021 --> 00:08:01,021 Counselor? 1084 00:07:59,021 --> 00:08:00,021 Both: Onward! 1085 00:08:00,021 --> 00:08:05,021 Well, stop and get yourself a tortilla towel! 1086 00:08:00,021 --> 00:08:02,021 You're going the wrong way! Turn around! 1087 00:08:01,021 --> 00:08:04,021 Where are you going, Mister, with... 1088 00:08:01,021 --> 00:08:04,021 Judge, you just said Oscar is acting foolish, 1089 00:08:02,021 --> 00:08:05,021 Great! I'm pretty much ready for the recital. 1090 00:08:02,021 --> 00:08:04,021 I am? That's crazy. 1091 00:08:03,021 --> 00:08:06,021 That's adorable. You think I'm threatened by you? 1092 00:08:04,021 --> 00:08:07,021 It's soup and salad. I'm delivering this to grownups. 1093 00:08:04,021 --> 00:08:06,021 which means he can't be a fool, 1094 00:08:04,021 --> 00:08:06,021 I swear I saw the guard go downstream. 1095 00:08:05,021 --> 00:08:07,021 -We are, too. -I'm gonna keep practicing. 1096 00:08:05,021 --> 00:08:07,021 Oh, you want to be a taco? 1097 00:08:06,021 --> 00:08:08,021 since he must act to seem like one. 1098 00:08:06,021 --> 00:08:08,021 This is how witches have trained for thousands of years, 1099 00:08:06,021 --> 00:08:09,021 Y-You saw the guard? Never mind. Turn around. 1100 00:08:07,021 --> 00:08:09,021 Tss -- I mean, to the meeting. 1101 00:08:07,021 --> 00:08:10,021 Wait, why are you practicing? 1102 00:08:07,021 --> 00:08:09,021 -Easy! -Tortilla towel! 1103 00:08:08,021 --> 00:08:10,021 Correct? 1104 00:08:08,021 --> 00:08:10,021 Hodgepodge. 1105 00:08:09,021 --> 00:08:11,021 I am French. 1106 00:08:09,021 --> 00:08:11,021 An enchilada? Nothing simpler. 1107 00:08:09,021 --> 00:08:12,021 What? Okay. There he goes! 1108 00:08:10,021 --> 00:08:13,021 Oh, my plan changed. I'm doing the recital. 1109 00:08:10,021 --> 00:08:12,021 Yes. And...? 1110 00:08:10,021 --> 00:08:11,021 It requires patience, 1111 00:08:11,021 --> 00:08:13,021 I don't speak French. 1112 00:08:11,021 --> 00:08:13,021 Tortilla towel! 1113 00:08:11,021 --> 00:08:14,021 and patience is key to being a good witch. 1114 00:08:12,021 --> 00:08:14,021 And so, I rest my case. 1115 00:08:12,021 --> 00:08:14,021 He must've paddled the whole river loop. 1116 00:08:13,021 --> 00:08:15,021 Go that way. 1117 00:08:13,021 --> 00:08:14,021 What? 1118 00:08:13,021 --> 00:08:16,021 Or maybe you just wanna chill quesadilla style! 1119 00:08:14,021 --> 00:08:17,021 Hedgehog, I have so many underpants in motion right now! 1120 00:08:14,021 --> 00:08:16,021 -What? What? -What do you mean? 1121 00:08:14,021 --> 00:08:15,021 When do you ever have to be patient? 1122 00:08:15,021 --> 00:08:16,021 Gosh, I didn't know. 1123 00:08:16,021 --> 00:08:17,021 Explain yourself. 1124 00:08:16,021 --> 00:08:19,021 -Tortilla towel! -Whee! 1125 00:08:16,021 --> 00:08:18,021 You just magic your way out of everything. 1126 00:08:16,021 --> 00:08:17,021 Hang on tight, kiddo. 1127 00:08:17,021 --> 00:08:19,021 -Well... -Okay, look. It's fine. 1128 00:08:17,021 --> 00:08:20,021 Well, as a rotten little show-off, I'm glad you asked. 1129 00:08:17,021 --> 00:08:19,021 Hup! 1130 00:08:18,021 --> 00:08:21,021 I know Hedgehog. She's no Mildred. 1131 00:08:18,021 --> 00:08:20,021 Duh! Because I can. 1132 00:08:19,021 --> 00:08:23,021 Can you just bring Ava on stage when you're done? 1133 00:08:19,021 --> 00:08:21,021 The King: Buy Oscar and Hedgehog's tortilla towel. 1134 00:08:20,021 --> 00:08:22,021 That's the difference between you and me -- 1135 00:08:21,021 --> 00:08:23,021 We can't afford to be afraid of things 1136 00:08:21,021 --> 00:08:23,021 As you know, the first law of Metropmolis is 1137 00:08:22,021 --> 00:08:23,021 By royal decree. 1138 00:08:22,021 --> 00:08:23,021 I actually have skill. 1139 00:08:23,021 --> 00:08:24,021 that haven't happened yet. 1140 00:08:23,021 --> 00:08:24,021 Great! 1141 00:08:23,021 --> 00:08:25,021 the judge is always right. 1142 00:08:23,021 --> 00:08:24,021 -Wow. 1143 00:08:24,021 --> 00:08:27,021 Do you really want to start a beef with the witches? 1144 00:08:24,021 --> 00:08:26,021 Oscar! Are you watching this? 1145 00:08:24,021 --> 00:08:26,021 I have skill! 1146 00:08:25,021 --> 00:08:28,021 So, you were right when you said that Oscar is not a fool. 1147 00:08:26,021 --> 00:08:27,021 Huh? 1148 00:08:26,021 --> 00:08:28,021 Oh, yeah? Let's see it. 1149 00:08:27,021 --> 00:08:29,021 Allô, mon chéris. 1150 00:08:27,021 --> 00:08:29,021 Look, Puddle told the entire alien world about our towels. 1151 00:08:27,021 --> 00:08:29,021 What's so funny? 1152 00:08:28,021 --> 00:08:31,021 But, and I'm sure the stenographer will concur, 1153 00:08:28,021 --> 00:08:30,021 Zebras bubble gum pants for goats, 1154 00:08:29,021 --> 00:08:32,021 I, 'ow you say, thought you might be 'ungry 1155 00:08:29,021 --> 00:08:30,021 Uh... sounds good! 1156 00:08:29,021 --> 00:08:30,021 Nothing. It's just... 1157 00:08:30,021 --> 00:08:32,021 We sold 15,000 of them! 1158 00:08:30,021 --> 00:08:32,021 it's time for us to float! 1159 00:08:30,021 --> 00:08:34,021 you know what's more fun than being a paleontologist? 1160 00:08:31,021 --> 00:08:34,021 the second thing you said when we entered the courtroom was... 1161 00:08:32,021 --> 00:08:34,021 for a petite sa-lad. 1162 00:08:32,021 --> 00:08:33,021 Alien News here. 1163 00:08:32,021 --> 00:08:34,021 Look! A shooting star! 1164 00:08:33,021 --> 00:08:36,021 Oh, yeah. This plan is gonna work. 1165 00:08:34,021 --> 00:08:38,021 You must be a fool to have pulled this clumsy caper. 1166 00:08:34,021 --> 00:08:37,021 How do you feel about having 15,000 unfilled preorders? 1167 00:08:34,021 --> 00:08:35,021 Being your dad. 1168 00:08:35,021 --> 00:08:37,021 I am French. 1169 00:08:36,021 --> 00:08:39,021 Ah, it's a long time since just the two of us did something. 1170 00:08:37,021 --> 00:08:39,021 Oscar, I don't know how you got in here, but get out. 1171 00:08:37,021 --> 00:08:38,021 15,000! 1172 00:08:38,021 --> 00:08:41,021 Therefore, if one must be a fool to have committed this crime, 1173 00:08:38,021 --> 00:08:40,021 But we we're just trying to make 2 regular sized ones! 1174 00:08:39,021 --> 00:08:41,021 I'm about to lock up a wand. 1175 00:08:39,021 --> 00:08:42,021 Dear shooting star, please bring Hedgehog back soon. Love, Oscar. 1176 00:08:39,021 --> 00:08:40,021 Yeah. 1177 00:08:40,021 --> 00:08:41,021 Welcome, monsters! 1178 00:08:40,021 --> 00:08:42,021 This reminds me of when you used to take me 1179 00:08:41,021 --> 00:08:43,021 No! 1180 00:08:41,021 --> 00:08:44,021 Allow me to introduce you all to our friend, Hedgehog! 1181 00:08:41,021 --> 00:08:44,021 and Oscar is no fool, then Oscar is free to go. 1182 00:08:41,021 --> 00:08:43,021 Don't worry, we'll just have to make 15,000 towels, 1183 00:08:42,021 --> 00:08:44,021 Aah! 1184 00:08:42,021 --> 00:08:43,021 to the boats at the park. 1185 00:08:43,021 --> 00:08:45,021 It's Hedgehog dressed as a sa-lad. 1186 00:08:43,021 --> 00:08:45,021 and then we can make 2 towels for us! 1187 00:08:43,021 --> 00:08:46,021 And afterwards, you always wanted banana splits. 1188 00:08:44,021 --> 00:08:47,021 -Yeah! Hedgehog! -Hedgehog! 1189 00:08:44,021 --> 00:08:46,021 Ta-da. 1190 00:08:44,021 --> 00:08:45,021 Uh... 1191 00:08:45,021 --> 00:08:47,021 Wait! I've worked so hard for that wand! 1192 00:08:45,021 --> 00:08:46,021 That's how business works. 1193 00:08:45,021 --> 00:08:47,021 Aah! 1194 00:08:46,021 --> 00:08:49,021 Can you tell our viewers why you haven't shipped my order 1195 00:08:46,021 --> 00:08:48,021 Yeah, 'cause the boats were yellow like bananas. 1196 00:08:47,021 --> 00:08:49,021 Why is it so bad if I have it? 1197 00:08:47,021 --> 00:08:49,021 Well, I know when I'm beat. 1198 00:08:48,021 --> 00:08:50,021 What happened? 1199 00:08:48,021 --> 00:08:51,021 Remember that time at the Chocolate Iguana? 1200 00:08:49,021 --> 00:08:51,021 See? What'd I tell you? Angry salad. 1201 00:08:49,021 --> 00:08:53,021 That was a truly fine display of Mole Lawyering. 1202 00:08:49,021 --> 00:08:52,021 that I placed 2 minutes ago? 1203 00:08:50,021 --> 00:08:52,021 You went too fast to have proper form, and you lost control. 1204 00:08:51,021 --> 00:08:52,021 They ran out of bananas. 1205 00:08:52,021 --> 00:08:54,021 This is exactly the type of stuff Mildred would do. 1206 00:08:52,021 --> 00:08:54,021 Doing great, sweetie. 1207 00:08:52,021 --> 00:08:54,021 I want my towel! 1208 00:08:52,021 --> 00:08:54,021 Para...solis! 1209 00:08:52,021 --> 00:08:54,021 And I started crying. 1210 00:08:53,021 --> 00:08:56,021 Yeah, I'll say. That's the smartest thing you've done 1211 00:08:54,021 --> 00:08:56,021 Mildred couldn't wait. 1212 00:08:54,021 --> 00:08:56,021 Pajamas: Customer service. 1213 00:08:54,021 --> 00:08:56,021 Aah! 1214 00:08:54,021 --> 00:08:55,021 And that made me start crying, 1215 00:08:55,021 --> 00:08:58,021 and then everyone in the shop started crying! 1216 00:08:56,021 --> 00:08:57,021 Mildred tried to take everything she wanted. 1217 00:08:56,021 --> 00:08:58,021 Uh...uh... 1218 00:08:56,021 --> 00:08:57,021 since you made me that fake tooth this morning. 1219 00:08:56,021 --> 00:08:59,021 Yes, we're working as fast as we can. 1220 00:08:58,021 --> 00:09:00,021 Everybody thought she was so special. 1221 00:08:58,021 --> 00:09:00,021 Oh, no. She's panicking. 1222 00:08:58,021 --> 00:08:59,021 What else you got, genius? 1223 00:08:59,021 --> 00:09:02,021 Sir! That's a very rude thing to say. 1224 00:08:59,021 --> 00:09:01,021 Halt! Hey. 1225 00:09:00,021 --> 00:09:02,021 Monsters, put on your underpants! 1226 00:09:00,021 --> 00:09:02,021 Are you mad at me? 1227 00:09:00,021 --> 00:09:02,021 Uh... 1228 00:09:01,021 --> 00:09:04,021 But you have to learn like everybody else! 1229 00:09:01,021 --> 00:09:03,021 You're the guys who knocked me into this river. 1230 00:09:02,021 --> 00:09:04,021 Hedgehog? Um, okay. 1231 00:09:02,021 --> 00:09:03,021 This! 1232 00:09:03,021 --> 00:09:04,021 Speak to the management? 1233 00:09:03,021 --> 00:09:05,021 Wait. Don't! 1234 00:09:03,021 --> 00:09:05,021 Yeah, sorry about that. 1235 00:09:04,021 --> 00:09:06,021 Thank you. 1236 00:09:04,021 --> 00:09:06,021 Well, I'm gonna go poke around out there. 1237 00:09:05,021 --> 00:09:08,021 Maybe you should speak to anger management! 1238 00:09:05,021 --> 00:09:08,021 All: Uh-oh. Susie's gonna get it. 1239 00:09:05,021 --> 00:09:08,021 We were just trying to find out what your name is. 1240 00:09:06,021 --> 00:09:08,021 Maybe I can find the first mole? 1241 00:09:08,021 --> 00:09:10,021 Actually, forget it. I'm not gonna lock this up 1242 00:09:08,021 --> 00:09:10,021 for safekeeping. 1243 00:09:08,021 --> 00:09:11,021 The lawyer? 1244 00:09:08,021 --> 00:09:11,021 Hello. Customer service. 1245 00:09:08,021 --> 00:09:09,021 Guard. 1246 00:09:09,021 --> 00:09:11,021 I know, but don't you have a real name? 1247 00:09:10,021 --> 00:09:11,021 Yes! 1248 00:09:10,021 --> 00:09:13,021 She knows this part. This is the easy part. 1249 00:09:11,021 --> 00:09:13,021 I'm tossing it in the middle of the ocean. 1250 00:09:11,021 --> 00:09:13,021 Hedgehog, great news! 1251 00:09:11,021 --> 00:09:12,021 How many does that make? 1252 00:09:11,021 --> 00:09:12,021 Susie! 1253 00:09:11,021 --> 00:09:15,021 I don't...huh. Yeah, I guess not. 1254 00:09:12,021 --> 00:09:14,021 Uh, 14. 1255 00:09:12,021 --> 00:09:14,021 See? I told you, Ramona. 1256 00:09:13,021 --> 00:09:15,021 No! Reconsider, Susie! 1257 00:09:13,021 --> 00:09:14,021 Why is she getting stuck here? 1258 00:09:13,021 --> 00:09:14,021 What? 1259 00:09:14,021 --> 00:09:16,021 I found this dental mirror, 1260 00:09:14,021 --> 00:09:15,021 Nice! Gonna grab some snackberries 1261 00:09:14,021 --> 00:09:15,021 Hedgehog's too impatient to learn magic. 1262 00:09:15,021 --> 00:09:18,021 You don't know how conscientious and reliable I can be. 1263 00:09:15,021 --> 00:09:17,021 She's getting in her head about it. 1264 00:09:15,021 --> 00:09:19,021 and hop right on the next 14,986. 1265 00:09:15,021 --> 00:09:18,021 I tried. I did the tree cleaning thing. 1266 00:09:15,021 --> 00:09:18,021 Of course! That's why we couldn't remember. 1267 00:09:16,021 --> 00:09:17,021 so we can look around corners when we escape! 1268 00:09:17,021 --> 00:09:19,021 Wow. Good job, Oscar. 1269 00:09:18,021 --> 00:09:22,021 Sorry, Susie, I can't let you through this door. 1270 00:09:18,021 --> 00:09:21,021 Boo! Boo! This is an assault on my little ears! 1271 00:09:18,021 --> 00:09:21,021 Yes, but you didn't explain why it's so important. 1272 00:09:18,021 --> 00:09:19,021 He never had a name! 1273 00:09:19,021 --> 00:09:21,021 Plus, I got the key to your cell. 1274 00:09:19,021 --> 00:09:22,021 If we don't go to the bathroom, sleep, or eat, 1275 00:09:19,021 --> 00:09:23,021 This calls for some mulled jelly juice. 1276 00:09:21,021 --> 00:09:22,021 Wha-- How?! 1277 00:09:21,021 --> 00:09:24,021 You're just punishing her for having potential. 1278 00:09:22,021 --> 00:09:23,021 Aah! 1279 00:09:22,021 --> 00:09:24,021 Terrible! 1280 00:09:22,021 --> 00:09:24,021 I found one of the guards, and pushed him over. 1281 00:09:22,021 --> 00:09:25,021 we should be done in... 1282 00:09:23,021 --> 00:09:25,021 Oh, yeah, you're stronger than me. 1283 00:09:23,021 --> 00:09:25,021 Do you have my cape? 1284 00:09:24,021 --> 00:09:26,021 Boo this! 1285 00:09:24,021 --> 00:09:28,021 Now, you know what happens after 10 punches. 1286 00:09:25,021 --> 00:09:27,021 Ramona: Enough! 1287 00:09:25,021 --> 00:09:26,021 Oscar, I love you! 1288 00:09:25,021 --> 00:09:27,021 4 years! 1289 00:09:26,021 --> 00:09:29,021 Now, let's get the heck out of this crazy place! 1290 00:09:27,021 --> 00:09:29,021 Ramona? How long have you been here? 1291 00:09:27,021 --> 00:09:28,021 I'll just work and snack at the same time. 1292 00:09:28,021 --> 00:09:30,021 But... 1293 00:09:29,021 --> 00:09:31,021 Long enough. 1294 00:09:29,021 --> 00:09:32,021 No guards around. They must all be pushed over, or something. 1295 00:09:29,021 --> 00:09:33,021 That shouldn't create any easily avoidable problems. 1296 00:09:29,021 --> 00:09:31,021 Here's to you, no-name guard. 1297 00:09:31,021 --> 00:09:34,021 Butter Goth, can you turn the camera toward Susie? 1298 00:09:31,021 --> 00:09:32,021 Ugh! 1299 00:09:31,021 --> 00:09:34,021 Actually, from now on, I'd like to be called Diana. 1300 00:09:32,021 --> 00:09:33,021 Let's go. 1301 00:09:32,021 --> 00:09:34,021 Earnesto encouragemento. 1302 00:09:33,021 --> 00:09:35,021 Order 15 here I come. 1303 00:09:34,021 --> 00:09:35,021 Um, Waiter? 1304 00:09:34,021 --> 00:09:36,021 -Ooh! -Ooh! 1305 00:09:34,021 --> 00:09:35,021 Look! There's a special door! 1306 00:09:34,021 --> 00:09:36,021 Diana! 1307 00:09:35,021 --> 00:09:37,021 Oui, oui. 1308 00:09:35,021 --> 00:09:38,021 Maybe it leads to the surface! 1309 00:09:35,021 --> 00:09:39,021 Stop! You're going to stain the towels! 1310 00:09:36,021 --> 00:09:37,021 Huh? 1311 00:09:36,021 --> 00:09:37,021 Hedgehog, I want you to know 1312 00:09:36,021 --> 00:09:37,021 Together: Diana! 1313 00:09:37,021 --> 00:09:39,021 Ava, you played something without screaming. 1314 00:09:37,021 --> 00:09:39,021 Dungeon Doug is dueling the applesauce 1315 00:09:38,021 --> 00:09:39,021 that I think you're an amazing talent. 1316 00:09:39,021 --> 00:09:42,021 Lovely. Thank you, Butter Goth. 1317 00:09:39,021 --> 00:09:41,021 I did? I did! 1318 00:09:39,021 --> 00:09:41,021 Root beer time at last. 1319 00:09:39,021 --> 00:09:43,021 Hedgehog, having a job is making me sad. 1320 00:09:39,021 --> 00:09:42,021 In fact, you're better than I was at your age. 1321 00:09:39,021 --> 00:09:41,021 out of some foe on the riverbanks! 1322 00:09:41,021 --> 00:09:43,021 I was so worried about you 1323 00:09:41,021 --> 00:09:43,021 Pointed-hat lady! 1324 00:09:41,021 --> 00:09:44,021 Together: All hail Dungeon Doug! 1325 00:09:42,021 --> 00:09:44,021 Susie, can you see me? A-Am I coming through? 1326 00:09:42,021 --> 00:09:43,021 So, if you keep working hard, 1327 00:09:43,021 --> 00:09:46,021 I didn't even think about my stage fright. 1328 00:09:43,021 --> 00:09:46,021 Now you're attempting a criminal escape?! 1329 00:09:43,021 --> 00:09:46,021 The customer is always mean. 1330 00:09:43,021 --> 00:09:45,021 I think you're gonna be a great witch. 1331 00:09:44,021 --> 00:09:46,021 Nope, can't see you. You're in frozen time, 1332 00:09:44,021 --> 00:09:46,021 Tell us the story of besting your enemy! 1333 00:09:45,021 --> 00:09:47,021 And I really mean that. 1334 00:09:46,021 --> 00:09:48,021 and we're in a bank basement, so... 1335 00:09:46,021 --> 00:09:47,021 Guards! 1336 00:09:46,021 --> 00:09:48,021 Maybe Alexa was right. 1337 00:09:46,021 --> 00:09:49,021 Actually, I don't know how to say this, 1338 00:09:47,021 --> 00:09:48,021 Oh, come on, Your Honor. 1339 00:09:48,021 --> 00:09:51,021 Ah, Ramona, you beautiful sorceress. 1340 00:09:48,021 --> 00:09:50,021 She was just trying to help me. 1341 00:09:48,021 --> 00:09:51,021 Creating something on your own is impossible. 1342 00:09:50,021 --> 00:09:53,021 Because I was obsessed. 1343 00:09:50,021 --> 00:09:52,021 but he, uh, got away. 1344 00:09:51,021 --> 00:09:53,021 This is Mortimer. We see and hear you perfectly. 1345 00:09:51,021 --> 00:09:55,021 No! I was wrong! You guys worked so hard! 1346 00:09:51,021 --> 00:09:54,021 Oh, I feel sick. 1347 00:09:52,021 --> 00:09:53,021 All: Boo! 1348 00:09:53,021 --> 00:09:55,021 Coming out of retirement, MoMo? 1349 00:09:53,021 --> 00:09:54,021 Obsessed with being embarrassed 1350 00:09:53,021 --> 00:09:55,021 You stink, Dungeon Doug! 1351 00:09:54,021 --> 00:09:56,021 because I was the late baby in my pottery group. 1352 00:09:54,021 --> 00:09:57,021 Aah! Uh, what now? 1353 00:09:55,021 --> 00:09:58,021 Not quite. Oh, it's good to see you all. 1354 00:09:55,021 --> 00:09:57,021 In a day, you got so much further than my uncle 1355 00:09:55,021 --> 00:09:58,021 I-I had him just where I wanted him, 1356 00:09:56,021 --> 00:09:58,021 Yes, pottery group. 1357 00:09:57,021 --> 00:09:59,021 ever did in his whole life. 1358 00:09:57,021 --> 00:09:59,021 Figure it out. Remember what you did all day? 1359 00:09:58,021 --> 00:10:02,021 I was even embarrassed because I still have a baby molar. 1360 00:09:58,021 --> 00:09:59,021 and then, o-out of nowhere, 1361 00:09:59,021 --> 00:10:00,021 -You're amazing! -You're amazing! 1362 00:09:59,021 --> 00:10:02,021 And you've got something that he didn't have. 1363 00:09:59,021 --> 00:10:02,021 Yeah, I cleaned the tree a thousand times and 1364 00:10:00,021 --> 00:10:04,021 Susie, it was I who told Betsy to train Hedgehog. 1365 00:10:00,021 --> 00:10:03,021 It worked! She saw the underpants. 1366 00:10:00,021 --> 00:10:01,021 there was a boat parked right here -- 1367 00:10:01,021 --> 00:10:03,021 right here, in the No Boat Parking zone. 1368 00:10:02,021 --> 00:10:03,021 But so what? 1369 00:10:02,021 --> 00:10:04,021 Your friends! We're here to help! 1370 00:10:02,021 --> 00:10:05,021 collected raw materials for building a rescue device! 1371 00:10:03,021 --> 00:10:06,021 Yes, I have a baby molar. I can live with that. 1372 00:10:04,021 --> 00:10:05,021 Seriously? Oh, my gosh. 1373 00:10:04,021 --> 00:10:06,021 I mean, what kind of a person does that? 1374 00:10:05,021 --> 00:10:08,021 Betsy was just a pawn? 1375 00:10:06,021 --> 00:10:09,021 What I can't live with is Hedgehog getting thrown in jail. 1376 00:10:06,021 --> 00:10:09,021 Well, look who's learning. Treeweavis lifenetticus. 1377 00:10:06,021 --> 00:10:08,021 Yeah, I thought I was gonna catch him. 1378 00:10:07,021 --> 00:10:09,021 Ava! Brava, Ava! Magnificent! 1379 00:10:08,021 --> 00:10:10,021 Susie, I've been trying to tell you, 1380 00:10:08,021 --> 00:10:11,021 But then I didn't. 1381 00:10:09,021 --> 00:10:11,021 Oh, you did great! One of your best. 1382 00:10:09,021 --> 00:10:12,021 Take me! I'll go for twice her time. 1383 00:10:09,021 --> 00:10:11,021 How many does that make? 1384 00:10:10,021 --> 00:10:12,021 but you refuse to listen. 1385 00:10:11,021 --> 00:10:13,021 Thanks, Blanche. 1386 00:10:11,021 --> 00:10:12,021 With this one... 1387 00:10:11,021 --> 00:10:12,021 The end. 1388 00:10:12,021 --> 00:10:14,021 I had Betsy begin Hedgehog's training 1389 00:10:12,021 --> 00:10:15,021 Hmm? Hmm. Hmm. 1390 00:10:13,021 --> 00:10:15,021 Why are you all wearing shorts? 1391 00:10:13,021 --> 00:10:14,021 37! 1392 00:10:13,021 --> 00:10:15,021 I-I should've remembered. 1393 00:10:13,021 --> 00:10:14,021 Aah! 1394 00:10:14,021 --> 00:10:16,021 No! No! 1395 00:10:14,021 --> 00:10:16,021 No! No! 1396 00:10:14,021 --> 00:10:17,021 Margot! Margot! 1397 00:10:15,021 --> 00:10:17,021 since you've been otherwise occupied 1398 00:10:15,021 --> 00:10:18,021 They're not shorts. They're underpants. 1399 00:10:15,021 --> 00:10:18,021 These certain tree parts are the base ingredients 1400 00:10:16,021 --> 00:10:17,021 How did it finally come out now? 1401 00:10:16,021 --> 00:10:17,021 I quit! 1402 00:10:17,021 --> 00:10:19,021 and neglecting to do it yourself. 1403 00:10:17,021 --> 00:10:21,021 Address my unemployment checks to the dresser! 1404 00:10:17,021 --> 00:10:18,021 So, how was it this time? 1405 00:10:18,021 --> 00:10:20,021 What are underpants? 1406 00:10:18,021 --> 00:10:19,021 Your baby teeth fall out when you're mature, 1407 00:10:18,021 --> 00:10:19,021 in this area of magic. 1408 00:10:18,021 --> 00:10:20,021 Terrible! But guess what. 1409 00:10:19,021 --> 00:10:22,021 and that was a very mature speech you just gave. 1410 00:10:20,021 --> 00:10:24,021 Now, Susie, you will not destroy Hedgehog's wand. 1411 00:10:20,021 --> 00:10:23,021 Wait. You don't know. 1412 00:10:20,021 --> 00:10:23,021 My dad was in there, too. Isn't that bonkers? 1413 00:10:21,021 --> 00:10:25,021 Hey, lazy kids! Where's our towels?! 1414 00:10:22,021 --> 00:10:24,021 It was? Oh, yeah. 1415 00:10:23,021 --> 00:10:24,021 So, why did I... 1416 00:10:23,021 --> 00:10:25,021 That's pretty rare, 1417 00:10:24,021 --> 00:10:25,021 Yes! 1418 00:10:24,021 --> 00:10:28,021 Oh. This was a waste of everyone's time. 1419 00:10:24,021 --> 00:10:29,021 I planned it out that way, quite maturely. 1420 00:10:25,021 --> 00:10:27,021 But you will lock it up. 1421 00:10:25,021 --> 00:10:26,021 That only happens if two people who know each other 1422 00:10:26,021 --> 00:10:27,021 Babies! 1423 00:10:26,021 --> 00:10:30,021 are reading the exact word at the exact same time. 1424 00:10:27,021 --> 00:10:28,021 No. 1425 00:10:27,021 --> 00:10:29,021 The whole camp is overrun with cranky aliens! 1426 00:10:27,021 --> 00:10:28,021 See, the first step is knowing your tools. 1427 00:10:28,021 --> 00:10:31,021 Rose water soda, my treat! 1428 00:10:28,021 --> 00:10:30,021 Then, when you're good like me, 1429 00:10:29,021 --> 00:10:31,021 But Hedgehog will continue to learn magic. 1430 00:10:29,021 --> 00:10:30,021 Hand it here, please. 1431 00:10:29,021 --> 00:10:31,021 Ship these towels faster! -Help us, then. 1432 00:10:30,021 --> 00:10:32,021 you get to improvise fancy spells with them. 1433 00:10:30,021 --> 00:10:31,021 I can't wait to tell my dad. 1434 00:10:31,021 --> 00:10:33,021 What? Okay. 1435 00:10:31,021 --> 00:10:33,021 It's been fun, Oscar. I'll see you later. 1436 00:10:31,021 --> 00:10:33,021 The sooner we're done, the sooner they're gone. 1437 00:10:31,021 --> 00:10:33,021 Thanks, Margot. 1438 00:10:32,021 --> 00:10:35,021 But why did the leaves have to be washed? 1439 00:10:33,021 --> 00:10:35,021 But she has to be taught by you, Susie. 1440 00:10:33,021 --> 00:10:35,021 -Yeah, later. -Bye. 1441 00:10:33,021 --> 00:10:35,021 Baby tooth certificate. 1442 00:10:33,021 --> 00:10:35,021 -Ugh, fine. -Really? 1443 00:10:33,021 --> 00:10:34,021 Oscar, wait. 1444 00:10:34,021 --> 00:10:35,021 Your dad isn't on the island, 1445 00:10:35,021 --> 00:10:37,021 No! No! 1446 00:10:35,021 --> 00:10:39,021 But if all these underpants didn't work... 1447 00:10:35,021 --> 00:10:36,021 That's bail. 1448 00:10:35,021 --> 00:10:36,021 To boost their confidence. 1449 00:10:35,021 --> 00:10:37,021 so the rules of magic work differently for him. 1450 00:10:36,021 --> 00:10:38,021 You two are free to go. 1451 00:10:36,021 --> 00:10:37,021 Yep, I'm now your new CEO. 1452 00:10:36,021 --> 00:10:38,021 The self-esteem makes them strong. 1453 00:10:37,021 --> 00:10:40,021 And you still stop hammering on about Mildred! 1454 00:10:37,021 --> 00:10:39,021 Hostile takeover, baby. 1455 00:10:37,021 --> 00:10:40,021 You mean he won't remember any of it? 1456 00:10:38,021 --> 00:10:40,021 I guess you really are teaching me magic. 1457 00:10:39,021 --> 00:10:41,021 You wanted them to boo? 1458 00:10:39,021 --> 00:10:41,021 Taco. Enchilada. 1459 00:10:40,021 --> 00:10:42,021 Ooh! Ooh! 1460 00:10:40,021 --> 00:10:42,021 Not the way you do. Sorry. 1461 00:10:41,021 --> 00:10:43,021 You planned the stage fright all along. 1462 00:10:41,021 --> 00:10:42,021 Burrito. Taco. 1463 00:10:41,021 --> 00:10:42,021 Duh. 1464 00:10:42,021 --> 00:10:44,021 Enchilada. Wand change. 1465 00:10:43,021 --> 00:10:45,021 I did plan for Ava to come on stage, 1466 00:10:43,021 --> 00:10:46,021 I'm sorry! This seat is taken! It belongs to Hedgehog. 1467 00:10:43,021 --> 00:10:44,021 Ohh. 1468 00:10:44,021 --> 00:10:47,021 Burrito. Taco. Enchilada. 1469 00:10:44,021 --> 00:10:48,021 Ring, ring! Ring, ring! Ring, ring! Ring, ring! 1470 00:10:45,021 --> 00:10:46,021 and rescue me from being booed. 1471 00:10:46,021 --> 00:10:49,021 But to be honest, the stage fright was real. 1472 00:10:46,021 --> 00:10:48,021 Sorry. I'm sorry! I'm sorry! 1473 00:10:46,021 --> 00:10:48,021 Thanks. 1474 00:10:47,021 --> 00:10:48,021 Oscar: That was the last one! 1475 00:10:48,021 --> 00:10:50,021 -Thanks, Susie! -Thanks, Susie! 1476 00:10:48,021 --> 00:10:49,021 Ring, ring! 1477 00:10:49,021 --> 00:10:50,021 What a meeting. 1478 00:10:49,021 --> 00:10:51,021 Oscar, Hedgehog, where you have you been? 1479 00:10:49,021 --> 00:10:51,021 Hedgehog, you made it! Of course. 1480 00:10:49,021 --> 00:10:50,021 Hello? 1481 00:10:50,021 --> 00:10:52,021 Oscar! Is that you? 1482 00:10:50,021 --> 00:10:52,021 It's scary out there, Oscar. 1483 00:10:50,021 --> 00:10:52,021 Whatever, I'll see you guys at the next board meeting. 1484 00:10:50,021 --> 00:10:51,021 Andy: Hey, Oscar. It's me. 1485 00:10:51,021 --> 00:10:52,021 You both look so much older. 1486 00:10:51,021 --> 00:10:52,021 I would never miss acorn graduation. 1487 00:10:51,021 --> 00:10:54,021 I was skimming "Dungeon Doug" to find that guard's name, 1488 00:10:52,021 --> 00:10:56,021 I didn't recognize you! You're a natural waiter. 1489 00:10:52,021 --> 00:10:53,021 But you can't let that stop you. 1490 00:10:52,021 --> 00:10:54,021 Wow, you can really tell? 1491 00:10:52,021 --> 00:10:54,021 I'll be announcing layoffs. 1492 00:10:52,021 --> 00:10:54,021 It's the biggest day of their lives. 1493 00:10:54,021 --> 00:10:55,021 Ava just needed to get out of her head. 1494 00:10:54,021 --> 00:10:57,021 I lost my baby tooth. And I'm a lawyer. 1495 00:10:54,021 --> 00:10:57,021 Oscar: We did it! Full-sized crew towels. 1496 00:10:54,021 --> 00:10:55,021 and I zonked out mid-sentence, 1497 00:10:55,021 --> 00:10:59,021 And I need to get out of this huge pile of underpants! 1498 00:10:55,021 --> 00:10:57,021 and I had the craziest dream. 1499 00:10:56,021 --> 00:10:58,021 Aww, merci beaucoup. 1500 00:10:57,021 --> 00:11:00,021 Oh. I meant because you both look so horrible. 1501 00:10:57,021 --> 00:10:58,021 That was fun. 1502 00:10:57,021 --> 00:10:59,021 All: Whoo-hoo! We did it! 1503 00:10:57,021 --> 00:10:59,021 You and I were in the book together. 1504 00:10:58,021 --> 00:10:59,021 See you later. 1505 00:10:58,021 --> 00:11:01,021 We should make earmuffs shaped like avocados next. 1506 00:10:59,021 --> 00:11:02,021 Here, just take it. 1507 00:10:59,021 --> 00:11:02,021 And then, well -- I-I don't want to bore you. 1508 00:11:01,021 --> 00:11:05,021 Yay! Chase your dreams, little acorns. 1509 00:11:02,021 --> 00:11:03,021 Hmph. 1510 00:11:02,021 --> 00:11:03,021 Seriously, please help me. 1511 00:11:02,021 --> 00:11:05,021 No way, Dad. Tell me everything. 1512 00:11:03,021 --> 00:11:05,021 Who's Mildred? 1513 00:11:03,021 --> 00:11:05,021 What? What'd I say? What? 1514 00:11:18,021 --> 00:11:21,021 Eeny, meeny, miney, chocolate. 1515 00:11:18,021 --> 00:11:21,021 Uh...new law. 1516 00:11:18,021 --> 00:11:21,021 Hedgehog, I would never cross out your 2. 1517 00:11:18,021 --> 00:11:21,021 Take my tater tots. They're all I gots. 1518 00:11:18,021 --> 00:11:21,021 My name is !