1 00:00:05,019 --> 00:00:06,061 He didn't just leave his phone behind, 2 00:00:06,144 --> 00:00:08,144 he arranged to be unreachable, Dad. 3 00:00:08,436 --> 00:00:10,395 This doesn't make any sense. 4 00:00:10,770 --> 00:00:12,895 ♪ (TENSE MUSIC PLAYS) ♪ 5 00:00:13,269 --> 00:00:15,061 Dr. Fraser, where is your husband? 6 00:00:15,144 --> 00:00:16,520 He is at a medical conference. 7 00:00:16,603 --> 00:00:20,186 Dr. Jonathan Fraser's employment was terminated three months ago. 8 00:00:20,603 --> 00:00:24,603 A full disciplinary hearing alleged inappropriate contact 9 00:00:24,937 --> 00:00:26,103 with Elena Alves. 10 00:00:26,436 --> 00:00:28,603 -(INDISTINCT CHATTER) -GRACE FRASER: Excuse me, I live here. 11 00:00:30,395 --> 00:00:32,353 Why are you taking his hairbrush? 12 00:00:32,937 --> 00:00:34,395 /We need the hairbrush for DNA, 13 00:00:34,478 --> 00:00:35,770 for paternity. 14 00:00:36,770 --> 00:00:38,687 You need to get protection for yourself. 15 00:00:39,186 --> 00:00:41,561 SYLVIA STEINEITZ: (WHISPERS) Grace, you need to get out of here. You and Henry. 16 00:00:41,645 --> 00:00:44,019 This story will explode. 17 00:00:44,103 --> 00:00:45,228 (GRACE WHIMPERS) 18 00:00:46,478 --> 00:00:48,144 (GRUNTS) 19 00:00:48,728 --> 00:00:52,103 ♪ (MUSIC INTENSIFIES, CONCLUDES) ♪ 20 00:00:58,770 --> 00:01:02,061 ("Dream a Little Dream of Me" playing) 21 00:01:02,144 --> 00:01:04,186 ♪ 22 00:01:05,812 --> 00:01:10,853 ♪ STARS SHINING BRIGHT ABOVE YOU ♪ 23 00:01:12,186 --> 00:01:18,436 ♪ NIGHT BREEZES SEEM TO WHISPER I LOVE YOU ♪ 24 00:01:18,520 --> 00:01:23,770 ♪ BIRDS SINGING IN THE SYCAMORE TREE ♪ 25 00:01:24,353 --> 00:01:29,311 ♪ DREAM A LITTLE DREAM OF ME ♪ 26 00:01:31,228 --> 00:01:36,853 ♪ SAY NIGHTY-NIGHT AND KISS ME ♪ 27 00:01:37,645 --> 00:01:43,311 ♪ JUST HOLD ME TIGHT AND TELL ME YOU'LL MISS ME ♪ 28 00:01:44,186 --> 00:01:49,436 ♪ WHILE I'M ALONE AND BLUE AS CAN BE ♪ 29 00:01:49,812 --> 00:01:55,311 ♪ DREAM A LITTLE DREAM OF ME ♪ 30 00:01:56,561 --> 00:02:02,603 ♪ SWEET DREAMS TILL SUNBEAMS FIND YOU ♪ 31 00:02:02,978 --> 00:02:08,937 ♪ SWEET DREAMS THAT LEAVE ALL WORRIES BEHIND YOU ♪ 32 00:02:09,395 --> 00:02:15,103 ♪ BUT IN YOUR DREAMS WHATEVER THEY BE ♪ 33 00:02:15,186 --> 00:02:19,228 ♪ DREAM A LITTLE ♪ 34 00:02:19,311 --> 00:02:26,353 ♪ DREAM OF ME ♪ 35 00:02:34,812 --> 00:02:37,478 (water lapping) 36 00:02:37,561 --> 00:02:39,895 (slow, shaky breathing) 37 00:02:41,144 --> 00:02:42,978 Grace: MY NAME IS GRACE FRASER. 38 00:02:43,061 --> 00:02:45,812 My husband has just broken in. 39 00:02:45,895 --> 00:02:47,937 He's a fugitive. He's wanted for murder. 40 00:02:48,019 --> 00:02:50,311 -I didn't do it. I didn't do it. -Grace: His name is Jonathan Fraser. 41 00:02:50,395 --> 00:02:52,311 I'm at 361 Beachway, 42 00:02:52,395 --> 00:02:54,728 Beachway Drive, and I'm fucking terrified. 43 00:02:54,812 --> 00:02:57,687 I need you to... get here quickly. 44 00:02:57,770 --> 00:02:59,144 (gasps) Please. 45 00:02:59,228 --> 00:03:02,687 (chatter over police radio) 46 00:03:04,269 --> 00:03:08,353 ♪ 47 00:03:08,436 --> 00:03:10,937 (helicopter whirring) 48 00:03:34,603 --> 00:03:38,269 -(helicopter whirring) -(indistinct conversations) 49 00:04:07,770 --> 00:04:09,144 (groans) 50 00:04:11,812 --> 00:04:13,937 (birds cawing) 51 00:04:19,937 --> 00:04:22,603 (playing sprightly tune) 52 00:04:25,812 --> 00:04:28,436 Joe Mendoza: SO HE DIDN'T CALL FIRST. HE JUST SHOWED UP. 53 00:04:28,520 --> 00:04:30,603 (exhales) That's right. 54 00:04:30,687 --> 00:04:34,687 And you called 911 approximately five minutes after he arrived. 55 00:04:34,770 --> 00:04:36,770 -Yes. -Correct? 56 00:04:36,853 --> 00:04:38,603 More or less. 57 00:04:38,687 --> 00:04:41,269 Is there a reason you're not believing me? 58 00:04:41,353 --> 00:04:43,436 'Cause that's what it feels like right now. 59 00:04:43,520 --> 00:04:45,019 You don't believe me. 60 00:04:45,978 --> 00:04:48,812 You said he, uh, he, he grabbed you by the throat? 61 00:04:48,895 --> 00:04:51,144 He put his left hand over my mouth. 62 00:04:51,228 --> 00:04:54,770 He put his right hand behind... back of my neck. 63 00:04:54,853 --> 00:04:56,269 -Paul O'Rourke: Okay. -And-- 64 00:04:56,353 --> 00:04:58,895 -It's okay. I'll take it from here. Go. -All right. Yeah. 65 00:04:58,978 --> 00:05:00,395 Yep. Yep. 66 00:05:01,478 --> 00:05:03,228 (exhales) 67 00:05:06,186 --> 00:05:08,311 (Grace groans) 68 00:05:10,937 --> 00:05:12,353 Were you afraid? 69 00:05:18,228 --> 00:05:19,520 I was terrified. 70 00:05:19,603 --> 00:05:21,895 Because you thought that he might harm you? 71 00:05:21,978 --> 00:05:24,603 I don't-- I mean, I wouldn't rule it out. 72 00:05:24,687 --> 00:05:25,853 Kill you? 73 00:05:25,937 --> 00:05:28,186 God, why would you be asking me these questions? 74 00:05:28,269 --> 00:05:29,520 Why are you asking me this? 75 00:05:29,603 --> 00:05:31,228 Mendoza: We're investigating a crime. 76 00:05:32,728 --> 00:05:33,978 He assaulted you. 77 00:05:34,061 --> 00:05:36,853 I'm just trying to assess the severity of the assault. 78 00:05:37,561 --> 00:05:39,186 I'm sorry. 79 00:05:40,436 --> 00:05:42,520 The DNA results came back. 80 00:05:44,978 --> 00:05:46,103 And? 81 00:05:46,186 --> 00:05:47,937 The daughter is his. 82 00:05:52,395 --> 00:05:54,812 (baby cooing) 83 00:05:58,645 --> 00:06:00,144 (pained sigh) 84 00:06:04,103 --> 00:06:05,603 (whispers): Okay. 85 00:06:16,561 --> 00:06:19,520 (tense music playing) 86 00:06:29,478 --> 00:06:34,311 ♪ 87 00:06:46,478 --> 00:06:48,353 (horn honks) 88 00:07:19,520 --> 00:07:21,520 -Last name? -Fraser. 89 00:07:21,853 --> 00:07:24,520 -Go on. Last name? -Lopez. 90 00:07:25,478 --> 00:07:27,520 -Last name? -Hernandez. 91 00:07:28,311 --> 00:07:30,353 -Last name? -(door clangs) 92 00:07:30,436 --> 00:07:32,395 Newscaster (over TV): THINGS ARE VERY FLUID, 93 00:07:32,478 --> 00:07:34,603 BUT WHAT WE CAN CONFIRM IS THAT DR. FRASER 94 00:07:34,687 --> 00:07:38,061 IS SCHEDULED TO BE ARRAIGNED AT THE NEW YORK COUNTY SUPREME COURT. 95 00:07:38,144 --> 00:07:41,103 WE ARE ALSO NOW LEARNING THAT THE VICTIM WAS AN ARTIST, 96 00:07:41,186 --> 00:07:43,269 AND THAT HER SCULPTING HAMMER WAS DISCOVERED 97 00:07:43,353 --> 00:07:44,895 TO BE MISSING FROM HER STUDIO. 98 00:07:44,978 --> 00:07:48,269 POLICE ARE NOW CONSIDERING THIS AS THE POSSIBLE MURDER WEAPON. 99 00:07:48,353 --> 00:07:50,603 -(Grace sighs) -YOU'LL REMEMBER THAT ELENA ALVES 100 00:07:50,687 --> 00:07:52,061 WAS FOUND BLUDGEONED TO DEATH. 101 00:07:52,144 --> 00:07:55,436 Henry, can you turn that off, please? 102 00:07:55,520 --> 00:07:59,269 (newscast continues) 103 00:07:59,353 --> 00:08:01,436 -Henry, turn it off. -What? 104 00:08:01,520 --> 00:08:02,812 Turn it off! 105 00:08:02,895 --> 00:08:04,395 Please. 106 00:08:05,687 --> 00:08:07,978 (footsteps departing) 107 00:08:08,061 --> 00:08:09,645 (Grace scoffs) 108 00:08:09,728 --> 00:08:11,228 Does he have a lawyer? 109 00:08:14,687 --> 00:08:17,019 I'm hearing he has a public defender. 110 00:08:18,561 --> 00:08:21,353 Probably hasn't got much money. He hasn't been working. 111 00:08:24,895 --> 00:08:27,520 -What about you, money-wise? -I'm fine. 112 00:08:29,228 --> 00:08:32,353 (sighs) He did drain our bank account some, but... 113 00:08:36,186 --> 00:08:38,436 (distant footsteps thudding) 114 00:08:41,103 --> 00:08:43,937 (panting) 115 00:08:45,603 --> 00:08:46,937 (grunts) 116 00:08:49,228 --> 00:08:50,603 (clattering) 117 00:09:07,520 --> 00:09:10,144 -(camera shutters clicking) -(commotion, chattering) 118 00:09:11,436 --> 00:09:13,269 Grace (over phone): HEY. SO, WHAT'S HAPPENING? 119 00:09:13,353 --> 00:09:15,770 He'll be charged, they'll enter a plea, 120 00:09:15,853 --> 00:09:17,645 and it'll be over. It'll all go pretty quickly. 121 00:09:17,728 --> 00:09:19,603 Do you know who his attorney is? 122 00:09:19,687 --> 00:09:22,228 No, I do not. My grapevine is a bit limited 123 00:09:22,311 --> 00:09:24,186 on the criminal side. But Grace, 124 00:09:24,269 --> 00:09:25,728 I don't know. I don't know what you've been reading. 125 00:09:25,812 --> 00:09:28,603 I don't know what you've seen, but I am telling you, 126 00:09:28,687 --> 00:09:31,144 you need to hire your own attorney. 127 00:09:31,228 --> 00:09:33,186 The prospect of you knowing, 128 00:09:33,269 --> 00:09:34,895 possibly aiding and abetting-- 129 00:09:34,978 --> 00:09:36,937 -Grace: WHAT? -Harboring a fugitive! 130 00:09:37,019 --> 00:09:39,269 I didn't do that. I'm not-- 131 00:09:39,353 --> 00:09:40,937 Sylvia (over phone): WELL, EVEN SO, THIS IS WHAT THEY DO. 132 00:09:41,019 --> 00:09:43,436 THE POLICE WILL WANT TO SECURE YOUR COOPERATION. 133 00:09:43,520 --> 00:09:45,978 LEVERAGE IS LEVERAGE. I'M TELLING YOU. 134 00:09:46,520 --> 00:09:49,269 I'm here. I will call you on the other side, okay? 135 00:09:49,353 --> 00:09:50,645 Okay. 136 00:09:54,436 --> 00:09:57,019 (indistinct conversations) 137 00:10:01,978 --> 00:10:04,186 (sighs) Jesus. 138 00:10:08,687 --> 00:10:10,103 (indistinct) 139 00:10:10,186 --> 00:10:11,436 (phone jingling) 140 00:10:11,520 --> 00:10:14,395 -Hey. -Sylvia (over phone): HI. IT'S A MADHOUSE. 141 00:10:14,478 --> 00:10:17,728 I can't see over there. It's too-- Oh. 142 00:10:17,812 --> 00:10:20,186 Oh. He's got "The Badger." 143 00:10:20,269 --> 00:10:22,269 -Grace (over phone): WHO? -For his attorney. 144 00:10:22,353 --> 00:10:24,103 Robert Adelman. He's a public defender. 145 00:10:24,186 --> 00:10:27,561 He's good, but he's not great. He just chews and gnaws. 146 00:10:27,645 --> 00:10:29,436 They call him "The Badger." 147 00:10:29,520 --> 00:10:31,770 Catherine Stamper's prosecuting. We actually-- We-- 148 00:10:31,853 --> 00:10:33,937 We interned together for a hot minute. 149 00:10:34,019 --> 00:10:35,603 -Yes. -Sylvia: She's a heavy hitter. 150 00:10:35,687 --> 00:10:37,436 She's here in person for the arraignment. 151 00:10:37,520 --> 00:10:39,687 It means they're not messing around. 152 00:10:39,770 --> 00:10:41,061 Oh, Jesus. 153 00:10:41,144 --> 00:10:43,144 Husband is death-glaring me. 154 00:10:43,228 --> 00:10:44,687 You'd think I killed her. 155 00:10:44,770 --> 00:10:46,436 -Grace: WHO'S HE WITH? -Sylvia: I don't know. 156 00:10:46,520 --> 00:10:48,520 With his mother, or something. 157 00:10:48,603 --> 00:10:50,103 What? Okay. 158 00:10:50,186 --> 00:10:51,687 No, I have to get off the phone. 159 00:10:51,770 --> 00:10:53,061 Okay. 160 00:10:56,395 --> 00:10:57,812 Bailiff: ALL RISE. 161 00:10:58,228 --> 00:11:01,603 The criminal court of the city of New York is now in session. 162 00:11:01,687 --> 00:11:04,645 The Honorable Layla Scott presiding. 163 00:11:04,728 --> 00:11:06,645 Please be seated. 164 00:11:06,728 --> 00:11:10,144 I have allowed television cameras into this room 165 00:11:10,228 --> 00:11:11,561 for today only. 166 00:11:11,645 --> 00:11:14,019 I am making a public interest exception, 167 00:11:14,103 --> 00:11:17,436 pursuant to my authority under local civil rule 1.8. 168 00:11:17,520 --> 00:11:21,311 However, however, this courtroom will not become a circus. 169 00:11:21,395 --> 00:11:24,311 I don't want to see anybody talking on phones, 170 00:11:24,395 --> 00:11:26,770 Snapchatting, Instagramming, 171 00:11:26,853 --> 00:11:29,770 or any of the other social media nonsense. 172 00:11:29,853 --> 00:11:32,269 We're going to call the case, bring in the defendant, 173 00:11:32,353 --> 00:11:34,353 arraign him in accordance with the duly-promulgated 174 00:11:34,436 --> 00:11:36,311 rules of procedure of this courtroom. 175 00:11:36,395 --> 00:11:38,603 I hope I have made myself abundantly clear. 176 00:11:38,687 --> 00:11:40,728 -Go ahead. -(camera shutters clicking, spectators chattering) 177 00:11:40,812 --> 00:11:44,687 Bailiff: (clears throat) Docket number 62333. 178 00:11:44,770 --> 00:11:48,186 The People of the State of New York versus Jonathan Fraser. 179 00:11:48,269 --> 00:11:50,853 Count one: murder in the first degree. 180 00:11:50,937 --> 00:11:52,603 Count two: aggravated rape. 181 00:11:52,687 --> 00:11:54,853 Robert Adelman: Robert Adelman for the defendant, your honor. 182 00:11:54,937 --> 00:11:57,895 At this time, we'll waive reading of the charges, 183 00:11:57,978 --> 00:12:01,228 and enter a plea of not guilty for all charges. 184 00:12:01,311 --> 00:12:04,395 -We also ask-- -Catherine Stamper for the people, your honor. 185 00:12:04,478 --> 00:12:06,019 We oppose bail. 186 00:12:06,103 --> 00:12:08,353 This was a heinous and violent crime-- 187 00:12:08,436 --> 00:12:11,228 Adelman: My client has long-standing roots in the community-- 188 00:12:11,311 --> 00:12:13,520 Catherine Stamper: The defendant has already demonstrated himself 189 00:12:13,603 --> 00:12:15,895 -to be a flight risk. He fled the jurisdiction. -Cures cancer, no record. 190 00:12:15,978 --> 00:12:17,895 Not so much as a parking ticket. 191 00:12:17,978 --> 00:12:20,645 Well, murder and rape. He hit the ground running. 192 00:12:20,728 --> 00:12:23,395 Objection. Ask for sanctions. 193 00:12:23,478 --> 00:12:26,061 (camera shutters clicking) 194 00:12:26,144 --> 00:12:28,228 Ten million bond, two million cash. 195 00:12:28,311 --> 00:12:29,645 (spectators exclaiming) 196 00:12:29,728 --> 00:12:31,728 Judge Scott: Take the defendant back into custody. 197 00:12:31,812 --> 00:12:33,478 -Thank you, Your Honor. -Thank you, Your Honor. 198 00:12:33,561 --> 00:12:34,853 Next case. 199 00:12:34,937 --> 00:12:36,687 -Bailiff: Docket number 62432. -(commotion, chattering) 200 00:12:36,770 --> 00:12:40,520 People of the State of New York versus Matthew Tinker. 201 00:12:40,603 --> 00:12:43,770 (spectators clamoring) 202 00:12:45,144 --> 00:12:46,478 (sighs heavily) 203 00:12:49,311 --> 00:12:50,687 (door closes) 204 00:12:56,728 --> 00:12:58,186 Henry: He looks scared. 205 00:12:59,353 --> 00:13:00,478 Dad. 206 00:13:10,061 --> 00:13:12,269 -(metal rattling) -(door slams) 207 00:13:12,353 --> 00:13:13,728 (lock clicks) 208 00:13:48,561 --> 00:13:51,228 (commotion, yelling) 209 00:13:52,228 --> 00:13:54,603 Guard: Straight ahead. Let's go! 210 00:13:59,812 --> 00:14:02,019 Inmate: Yeah, hey. I'm gonna fuck you up! 211 00:14:05,395 --> 00:14:06,895 (door slams) 212 00:14:08,478 --> 00:14:11,228 (inmates yelling) 213 00:14:13,311 --> 00:14:14,687 How are we doing? 214 00:14:14,770 --> 00:14:17,311 -(door slams) -It's been nearly a week, so... 215 00:14:17,395 --> 00:14:19,311 Adelman: Yeah, I'm sorry about that. 216 00:14:19,395 --> 00:14:21,395 -(pen clicking) -First things first. 217 00:14:22,561 --> 00:14:24,520 Don't be talking to nobody in here. 218 00:14:24,603 --> 00:14:28,353 The franchise is populated with reprobates looking to improve their plight. 219 00:14:28,436 --> 00:14:30,561 Any information they can glean from you, 220 00:14:30,645 --> 00:14:32,853 might reap dividends. And not to you. 221 00:14:32,937 --> 00:14:34,728 Well, I would only tell them that I'm innocent. 222 00:14:34,812 --> 00:14:38,103 Innocent is good. Saying nothing is better. 223 00:14:41,770 --> 00:14:43,186 So, can you get me out of here? 224 00:14:43,269 --> 00:14:45,436 With money for bail, yes. 225 00:14:45,520 --> 00:14:48,978 With, with my persuasive skills... 226 00:14:49,311 --> 00:14:50,395 More of a challenge. 227 00:14:50,478 --> 00:14:52,019 Now, you own your own home? 228 00:14:52,103 --> 00:14:54,937 The one in the fancy building I seen on the news? 229 00:14:55,019 --> 00:14:56,978 I own it jointly with my wife. 230 00:14:57,978 --> 00:14:59,103 Ah. 231 00:15:02,728 --> 00:15:04,687 I am innocent. 232 00:15:08,520 --> 00:15:10,353 -(bangs fist) -Do you care? 233 00:15:11,311 --> 00:15:12,603 Not really. 234 00:15:13,353 --> 00:15:14,395 Truth be told, 235 00:15:14,478 --> 00:15:16,728 I prefer my clients guilty. 236 00:15:16,812 --> 00:15:18,311 Takes the pressure off. 237 00:15:20,144 --> 00:15:23,061 I should say, having read the police report, 238 00:15:23,144 --> 00:15:25,812 I would be very surprised if you were innocent. 239 00:15:25,895 --> 00:15:29,520 In fact, it'd be difficult for an innocent man to present more guilty. 240 00:15:29,603 --> 00:15:32,061 Unless, of course, he was stupid, which... 241 00:15:32,144 --> 00:15:35,019 I'm figuring you're not since you cure cancer and all. 242 00:15:37,436 --> 00:15:39,353 Back to me, please. 243 00:15:43,520 --> 00:15:45,895 You know, I should say up front that in my experience, 244 00:15:45,978 --> 00:15:48,103 doctors tend to be assholes. 245 00:15:48,186 --> 00:15:50,395 The reason they tend to be assholes 246 00:15:50,478 --> 00:15:53,228 is because they get to be. They're doctors. 247 00:15:54,269 --> 00:15:55,895 My point is, 248 00:15:57,269 --> 00:15:59,353 you don't get to be one anymore. 249 00:16:08,561 --> 00:16:11,603 I would be very grateful if you could arrange 250 00:16:11,687 --> 00:16:13,520 for me to see my wife. 251 00:16:20,061 --> 00:16:22,395 -(horn honks) -(dog barks) 252 00:16:31,561 --> 00:16:34,728 ♪ 253 00:16:47,728 --> 00:16:49,103 Dr. Fraser. 254 00:16:49,186 --> 00:16:52,144 Thanks for coming. I'm, uh, Robert. Robert Adelman. 255 00:16:52,228 --> 00:16:54,645 -Nice to meet you. -Please. 256 00:16:54,728 --> 00:16:58,269 This all must be a terrible hardship for you and all, so... 257 00:16:58,353 --> 00:17:00,561 My, uh, my sympathies on that. 258 00:17:00,645 --> 00:17:02,436 Server: Hi. Can I get you anything? 259 00:17:02,520 --> 00:17:05,103 Um, no. I'm fine. Thank you. 260 00:17:07,061 --> 00:17:09,103 Your husband seems 261 00:17:09,186 --> 00:17:11,728 pretty convinced that you would 262 00:17:11,812 --> 00:17:13,812 vouch for his innocence. 263 00:17:14,853 --> 00:17:16,269 I won't. 264 00:17:18,728 --> 00:17:19,937 I can't. 265 00:17:21,478 --> 00:17:23,228 Uh, okay, then. 266 00:17:26,937 --> 00:17:30,978 You strike me as a wife suffering from PTB. 267 00:17:31,895 --> 00:17:33,353 Excuse me? 268 00:17:33,436 --> 00:17:36,061 -Post-Traumatic Betrayal. -Oh. 269 00:17:36,144 --> 00:17:38,520 -I kind of, I kind of coined it myself. -Yes. 270 00:17:38,603 --> 00:17:40,186 -So, it's not a real disorder. -No. 271 00:17:40,269 --> 00:17:42,687 It means a fucked-over person, 272 00:17:42,770 --> 00:17:45,019 in the immediate aftermath of being fucked over, 273 00:17:45,103 --> 00:17:46,978 often believes the fucker-overer 274 00:17:47,061 --> 00:17:48,687 to be capable of anything. 275 00:17:48,770 --> 00:17:50,937 Including murder. 276 00:17:51,019 --> 00:17:52,770 So, my question to you, 277 00:17:52,853 --> 00:17:55,853 um, before you got wind of the fact that he was unfaithful, 278 00:17:55,937 --> 00:17:58,353 your pre-fucked-over impression of him. 279 00:17:59,853 --> 00:18:03,228 Did he strike you as a person capable of committing 280 00:18:03,311 --> 00:18:05,186 this kind of mayhem? 281 00:18:05,269 --> 00:18:07,728 If he did, do you think I'd be married to him? 282 00:18:07,812 --> 00:18:10,561 My, uh, my specialty is reading people. 283 00:18:10,645 --> 00:18:13,645 It's the best tool in my kit. I just... 284 00:18:15,853 --> 00:18:17,770 Getting a feel for a person. 285 00:18:21,269 --> 00:18:23,937 I'm thinking your husband is a bit of a dick. 286 00:18:24,770 --> 00:18:26,395 But not a killer. 287 00:18:29,019 --> 00:18:30,561 And what do you think? 288 00:18:32,520 --> 00:18:34,186 I don't know what I think. 289 00:18:40,436 --> 00:18:41,895 (dish clinks) 290 00:18:46,186 --> 00:18:49,478 (train chugging) 291 00:18:55,645 --> 00:18:58,311 Franklin: I WOULDN'T GO ANYWHERE NEAR THE SON OF A BITCH. 292 00:18:59,853 --> 00:19:01,770 Don't tell me you're considering it. 293 00:19:01,853 --> 00:19:04,186 I feel like I owe it to Henry. 294 00:19:05,561 --> 00:19:08,478 To allow for his father to be innocent. Don't I? 295 00:19:08,561 --> 00:19:10,061 No, you do not. 296 00:19:10,728 --> 00:19:12,812 I just need to get a semblance of the truth. 297 00:19:12,895 --> 00:19:16,019 What makes you think you will get the truth from him? 298 00:19:20,687 --> 00:19:22,603 (vehicle approaching) 299 00:19:30,812 --> 00:19:32,019 (distant clunk) 300 00:19:40,395 --> 00:19:41,687 (whispers): Hey. 301 00:19:42,144 --> 00:19:43,561 (sobs) 302 00:19:49,311 --> 00:19:51,728 You think he did it, don't you? 303 00:19:59,061 --> 00:20:00,937 (whispers): No, baby. 304 00:20:02,228 --> 00:20:04,103 No, no. 305 00:20:04,937 --> 00:20:06,478 No. 306 00:20:06,895 --> 00:20:08,812 (sobbing) 307 00:20:09,228 --> 00:20:12,812 No. Henry, Henry. 308 00:20:15,269 --> 00:20:17,770 (whispers): It'll be all right, Henry. 309 00:20:20,436 --> 00:20:22,478 -(commotion, chattering) -Oh. 310 00:20:23,395 --> 00:20:24,687 Reporter: She's coming out. 311 00:20:24,770 --> 00:20:26,895 -Did you know, did you know... -(all clamoring) 312 00:20:31,144 --> 00:20:32,478 Reporter 2: Is he guilty? 313 00:20:33,103 --> 00:20:35,478 Reporter 3: How do you feel about the betrayal? 314 00:20:36,436 --> 00:20:37,937 Reporter 4: Did he do it? 315 00:20:38,019 --> 00:20:40,645 (loud clamoring) 316 00:20:51,144 --> 00:20:53,520 (inhales slowly, exhales) 317 00:21:01,311 --> 00:21:03,812 (sobbing softly) 318 00:21:11,687 --> 00:21:13,186 (exhales sharply) 319 00:21:22,019 --> 00:21:23,353 (exhales) 320 00:21:33,269 --> 00:21:36,353 ♪ 321 00:21:39,853 --> 00:21:42,561 Guard: MOVE IT! LET'S GO! 322 00:21:42,645 --> 00:21:44,687 -(gate buzzes) -Move it! 323 00:21:45,269 --> 00:21:46,520 Let's go! 324 00:21:47,728 --> 00:21:49,019 Move it! 325 00:21:51,353 --> 00:21:56,186 ♪ 326 00:21:57,186 --> 00:21:59,728 (indistinct chatter) 327 00:22:32,812 --> 00:22:34,561 Thanks for coming. 328 00:22:37,603 --> 00:22:38,978 How's Henry? 329 00:22:41,645 --> 00:22:43,061 Um... 330 00:22:45,269 --> 00:22:47,603 How do you think he might be? 331 00:22:50,103 --> 00:22:51,395 (sighs) 332 00:22:52,561 --> 00:22:55,436 Look, I don't know what the purpose of this conversation is, 333 00:22:55,520 --> 00:22:57,144 but you wanted me to come and I'm here. 334 00:22:57,228 --> 00:22:59,937 Well, it's, it's not to convince you that I'm a good husband. 335 00:23:00,937 --> 00:23:02,770 Or a good father. 336 00:23:05,186 --> 00:23:08,311 You didn't just do this to me. You did this to your son. 337 00:23:15,103 --> 00:23:16,812 You have a daughter. 338 00:23:18,520 --> 00:23:20,645 You have a fucking daughter. 339 00:23:25,478 --> 00:23:26,645 Fuck. 340 00:23:34,436 --> 00:23:35,978 Look, I... 341 00:23:37,311 --> 00:23:39,395 I spoke about Elena, 342 00:23:39,478 --> 00:23:41,770 uh, being obsessed with me. Yeah? 343 00:23:41,853 --> 00:23:43,269 She was. 344 00:23:43,353 --> 00:23:44,770 She was not a well person. 345 00:23:44,853 --> 00:23:47,353 Grace, you have to help me. 346 00:23:48,103 --> 00:23:51,436 The whole world thinks I did this. 347 00:23:51,520 --> 00:23:55,645 My only chance is for people who know me to come forward. 348 00:23:56,478 --> 00:23:59,228 To help you? You actually think I'm gonna help you? 349 00:23:59,311 --> 00:24:00,895 You know my heart. You know my heart. 350 00:24:00,978 --> 00:24:04,770 I, I understand that you can no longer trust me to be 351 00:24:04,853 --> 00:24:06,561 the man you thought I was. I get that. 352 00:24:06,645 --> 00:24:09,603 But you certainly know that I would never take a human life. 353 00:24:09,687 --> 00:24:11,186 You know that. 354 00:24:15,853 --> 00:24:17,186 I don't know anything. 355 00:24:17,269 --> 00:24:19,103 My heart wouldn't allow it. 356 00:24:19,186 --> 00:24:21,353 Nor would my ego. You know-- 357 00:24:24,186 --> 00:24:25,520 I didn't... 358 00:24:26,395 --> 00:24:28,019 I didn't do it. 359 00:24:29,728 --> 00:24:32,812 Whatever my faults and my transgressions... 360 00:24:33,269 --> 00:24:35,061 My love for you... 361 00:24:36,687 --> 00:24:38,353 For Henry... 362 00:24:40,561 --> 00:24:43,561 Can you bring him? Please, bring him. 363 00:24:45,853 --> 00:24:48,269 (whispers): Please, Grace. 364 00:24:48,353 --> 00:24:50,353 He's gotta hear from me. 365 00:24:51,436 --> 00:24:53,019 He needs that. 366 00:24:58,311 --> 00:25:00,520 (water running) 367 00:25:06,353 --> 00:25:08,228 Jonathan: TRY IT. 368 00:25:08,311 --> 00:25:10,228 PERFECT. AND BACK AGAIN. 369 00:25:10,311 --> 00:25:11,770 VERY GOOD. 370 00:25:11,853 --> 00:25:13,395 Um, which other animals have funny walks? 371 00:25:13,478 --> 00:25:16,353 The batfish, uh, body like a tennis racket. 372 00:25:16,436 --> 00:25:18,895 THEY USE THEIR FLAP-LIKE FINS FOR WALKING SLOWLY ON THE SEA BED. 373 00:25:18,978 --> 00:25:22,436 So, it's this. (makes flapping noise) 374 00:25:22,520 --> 00:25:23,937 Yeah. Perfect. 375 00:25:28,853 --> 00:25:30,770 (exhales slowly) 376 00:25:39,478 --> 00:25:41,311 (ambulance siren beeping) 377 00:25:43,436 --> 00:25:46,269 Thank you. Thank you. 378 00:25:47,311 --> 00:25:48,645 I appreciate it. 379 00:25:48,728 --> 00:25:50,186 I appreciate you taking the time. 380 00:25:50,269 --> 00:25:51,812 I'm really not comfortable with this. 381 00:25:51,895 --> 00:25:53,269 -No, I understand-- -I, I signed a, 382 00:25:53,353 --> 00:25:55,353 a confidentiality agreement, 383 00:25:55,436 --> 00:25:58,353 and, uh, I'm risking my job even talking to you. 384 00:25:58,436 --> 00:25:59,895 You're... 385 00:25:59,978 --> 00:26:03,311 You're a good friend to him. You are. You were. 386 00:26:03,395 --> 00:26:06,103 If you're expecting me to actually help him at this point, 387 00:26:06,186 --> 00:26:07,687 -that after everything that just-- -No. 388 00:26:07,770 --> 00:26:09,061 I would never expect that. 389 00:26:09,144 --> 00:26:11,311 If, if he were guilty. 390 00:26:11,395 --> 00:26:13,186 -Which he is. -And if he's not? 391 00:26:13,269 --> 00:26:15,228 (scoffs) Come on, Grace. 392 00:26:15,311 --> 00:26:16,728 He's not who we thought he was. 393 00:26:16,812 --> 00:26:18,228 I think we can at least acknowledge that. 394 00:26:18,311 --> 00:26:22,144 What do you know about the victim? Elena Alves? 395 00:26:24,228 --> 00:26:26,978 (indistinct chatter) 396 00:26:27,061 --> 00:26:28,895 I know she had a son. 397 00:26:28,978 --> 00:26:31,812 A seven-year-old boy with a Wilms' tumor. 398 00:26:32,478 --> 00:26:34,311 Jonathan was his doctor. 399 00:26:36,478 --> 00:26:38,186 They weren't discreet. 400 00:26:38,269 --> 00:26:39,561 They weren't even trying to be. 401 00:26:39,645 --> 00:26:41,687 He got warnings. Didn't seem to matter. 402 00:26:41,770 --> 00:26:45,728 He wanted her, and he was willing to risk everything. 403 00:26:45,812 --> 00:26:47,353 Which he clearly did. 404 00:26:47,770 --> 00:26:49,812 Well, he says that she wasn't well. 405 00:26:49,895 --> 00:26:52,937 -He says that she was obsessed with him and that she was-- -(scoffs) 406 00:26:53,019 --> 00:26:55,770 -I wouldn't know. -If she was the obsessive- compulsive type... 407 00:26:55,853 --> 00:26:57,228 -Yeah, then, then what? -...and I, I admit, 408 00:26:57,311 --> 00:26:59,311 -I'm, I'm clutching at straws here. -Grace, 409 00:26:59,395 --> 00:27:01,436 -Jonathan cultivated it. -I-- Plea-- 410 00:27:01,520 --> 00:27:03,687 People becoming obsessed with him? He-- 411 00:27:03,770 --> 00:27:05,478 He fed off that. 412 00:27:05,561 --> 00:27:06,770 His patients loved him. 413 00:27:06,853 --> 00:27:08,436 The parents, of course, the parents worshiped him. 414 00:27:08,520 --> 00:27:10,144 He was saving their children. 415 00:27:10,228 --> 00:27:14,186 -He thrived on being the center of intense emotion... -That's-- 416 00:27:14,269 --> 00:27:17,978 in a very narcissistic and unhealthy way. 417 00:27:18,061 --> 00:27:20,436 It's like he never got the God complex memo. 418 00:27:20,520 --> 00:27:22,061 -In fact, actually, sometimes I think -I-- 419 00:27:22,144 --> 00:27:24,061 it wasn't even about the, the patient. 420 00:27:24,144 --> 00:27:25,687 It was about the emotion coming at him. 421 00:27:25,770 --> 00:27:28,478 He cared about his patients. He did. 422 00:27:28,561 --> 00:27:30,269 -I saw it. -Yeah. Maybe. 423 00:27:30,353 --> 00:27:33,269 -I did. He cried for them. He would-- -Yeah. Maybe. 424 00:27:33,353 --> 00:27:35,436 -Yes! -They say psychopaths can't work in a hospital. 425 00:27:35,520 --> 00:27:38,186 Psychopaths? He's not a psychopath. 426 00:27:40,812 --> 00:27:43,561 (children playing) 427 00:28:02,353 --> 00:28:04,603 (indistinct chatter) 428 00:28:10,103 --> 00:28:11,228 Hey. 429 00:28:14,687 --> 00:28:16,353 Did you see Jonathan? 430 00:28:16,436 --> 00:28:18,311 -Yeah. -How was it? 431 00:28:18,603 --> 00:28:21,311 -I'll tell you later. -Yeah, of course. Sorry. 432 00:28:40,520 --> 00:28:42,103 It's called hero worship. 433 00:28:42,853 --> 00:28:44,269 Excuse me? 434 00:28:46,186 --> 00:28:48,853 People falling in love with their saviors. 435 00:28:48,937 --> 00:28:51,770 It's mostly a woman who is affected and... 436 00:28:51,853 --> 00:28:55,186 the objects of the delusion are doctors. 437 00:28:55,269 --> 00:28:57,103 Firefighters. Policemen. 438 00:28:57,186 --> 00:28:59,269 (fire crackling) 439 00:28:59,353 --> 00:29:02,687 -It's also called rescue romance syndrome. -(chuckles) 440 00:29:02,770 --> 00:29:05,436 -Sounds like a load of crap. -Well, it isn't. 441 00:29:05,520 --> 00:29:07,520 What has it got to do with anything? 442 00:29:07,603 --> 00:29:11,144 She fell in love with the doctor who saved her kid's life. 443 00:29:11,228 --> 00:29:13,269 What has that got to do with him killing her? 444 00:29:13,353 --> 00:29:16,103 According to Jonathan, she took it to extremes. 445 00:29:16,186 --> 00:29:17,436 And? 446 00:29:19,812 --> 00:29:22,186 Crazy people do crazy things. 447 00:29:23,228 --> 00:29:25,144 Are you serious? 448 00:29:26,311 --> 00:29:30,311 Are you now believing that Jonathan is innocent? 449 00:29:31,311 --> 00:29:33,687 I'm just open to the idea. 450 00:29:34,978 --> 00:29:36,144 (scoffs) 451 00:29:36,228 --> 00:29:38,520 And are you open to the idea 452 00:29:38,603 --> 00:29:41,311 of you and Jonathan getting back together? 453 00:29:43,144 --> 00:29:46,978 No. Of course not. Don't be ridiculous. It's your move. 454 00:29:47,687 --> 00:29:48,853 Mm. 455 00:29:57,478 --> 00:29:59,228 He came to me for money. 456 00:30:02,186 --> 00:30:03,561 (softy): Excuse me? 457 00:30:04,353 --> 00:30:07,103 He said you were worried about paying for Reardon this year. 458 00:30:07,186 --> 00:30:09,436 That you thought you might have to take Henry out. 459 00:30:09,520 --> 00:30:12,186 -That's not true. -Yeah, I know. 460 00:30:12,269 --> 00:30:14,603 I told him it would not be in Reardon's best 461 00:30:14,687 --> 00:30:16,937 economic interest to lose Henry. 462 00:30:17,019 --> 00:30:19,812 And he said, yeah, but you were worried about finances overall 463 00:30:19,895 --> 00:30:22,395 and that you would never come to speak to me about it. 464 00:30:22,478 --> 00:30:23,853 And I knew that to be true, 465 00:30:23,937 --> 00:30:26,853 so that when he asked me not to say anything to you... 466 00:30:29,228 --> 00:30:30,937 (Grace sighs) 467 00:30:32,019 --> 00:30:33,019 (exhales) 468 00:30:36,978 --> 00:30:38,895 How much did you give him? 469 00:30:44,311 --> 00:30:46,561 $500,000. 470 00:30:48,436 --> 00:30:51,812 But I, I, I thought I was helping you and Henry. 471 00:30:51,895 --> 00:30:54,978 (stammers) I mean, I know how private you are, Grace. 472 00:30:55,061 --> 00:30:57,770 I knew that you would not come to me. 473 00:30:57,853 --> 00:31:00,561 I mean, I was actually grateful to that son of a bitch. 474 00:31:00,645 --> 00:31:04,269 I even thanked him for giving me the opportunity to... 475 00:31:07,978 --> 00:31:10,144 (stammers) I'm-- 476 00:31:12,603 --> 00:31:14,895 I am so sorry. 477 00:31:16,645 --> 00:31:18,520 I... (sobbing) 478 00:31:18,603 --> 00:31:20,436 I should have told you. 479 00:31:22,603 --> 00:31:25,687 I mean, if I had, 480 00:31:25,770 --> 00:31:28,603 maybe that woman would be alive today. 481 00:31:30,228 --> 00:31:31,603 (sobs) 482 00:31:37,853 --> 00:31:40,311 (breathes quietly) God. 483 00:31:47,395 --> 00:31:49,812 Oh, dear. (sniffles) 484 00:32:03,853 --> 00:32:06,937 -(indistinct chatter) -(horns honking) 485 00:32:07,478 --> 00:32:09,645 (train horn blares) 486 00:32:13,061 --> 00:32:14,520 (car door closes) 487 00:32:23,853 --> 00:32:27,228 ♪ 488 00:32:30,645 --> 00:32:33,019 -(baby fussing) -Shh, shh, shh. 489 00:32:34,436 --> 00:32:35,645 Shh. 490 00:32:35,728 --> 00:32:39,561 ♪ 491 00:32:49,978 --> 00:32:52,019 (game beeping) 492 00:32:56,853 --> 00:32:58,853 This isn't gonna be easy. 493 00:32:59,478 --> 00:33:01,144 You keep saying that. 494 00:33:01,228 --> 00:33:02,978 -Hey. Come on-- -Mom. 495 00:33:03,061 --> 00:33:05,186 -Hey, put that down. -Mom. Mom! 496 00:33:06,561 --> 00:33:08,144 Mom. 497 00:33:08,228 --> 00:33:09,561 I'll be fine. 498 00:33:10,728 --> 00:33:11,770 Okay? 499 00:33:17,228 --> 00:33:19,395 (gate buzzing) 500 00:33:32,061 --> 00:33:34,228 -Guard 1: Name? -Henry: Henry Fraser. 501 00:33:34,603 --> 00:33:36,812 -Guard 1: Name? -Grace: Grace Fraser. 502 00:33:36,895 --> 00:33:38,228 Over there. 503 00:33:39,395 --> 00:33:40,728 Name? 504 00:33:40,812 --> 00:33:42,770 Out around the corner. 505 00:33:50,395 --> 00:33:51,561 Name? 506 00:33:52,311 --> 00:33:54,228 Guard 2: Hey. Hey, hey. 507 00:33:54,311 --> 00:33:56,770 No touching. Let's go. 508 00:33:57,687 --> 00:33:59,103 Woman: Bye, baby. 509 00:34:01,269 --> 00:34:02,937 Grace: Henry, you alright? 510 00:34:04,186 --> 00:34:05,603 Yeah. 511 00:34:11,436 --> 00:34:13,478 (sobbing) 512 00:34:44,269 --> 00:34:48,978 Well, another fine mess I've gotten you into. 513 00:34:52,269 --> 00:34:53,978 Yeah. 514 00:34:57,144 --> 00:35:00,019 -How are you? How's school? -Henry: Fine. 515 00:35:00,770 --> 00:35:02,812 Violin? Rosenbaum? 516 00:35:02,895 --> 00:35:04,687 What's the latest on him? 517 00:35:08,228 --> 00:35:09,603 Did you kill her? 518 00:35:09,687 --> 00:35:11,019 No. 519 00:35:13,853 --> 00:35:15,395 You were fucking her. 520 00:35:16,395 --> 00:35:17,937 (exhales) Okay. 521 00:35:18,019 --> 00:35:21,228 -Well, it's straight to the net with that one. -Henry: Were you? 522 00:35:21,311 --> 00:35:23,019 Jonathan: Uh... 523 00:35:23,978 --> 00:35:26,978 Yeah. We were romantically involved. Yeah. 524 00:35:27,061 --> 00:35:29,561 So you don't love Mom anymore. 525 00:35:29,645 --> 00:35:31,311 Yeah, of course I do. 526 00:35:32,228 --> 00:35:35,728 I love her and you more than anything. 527 00:35:35,812 --> 00:35:37,645 And I always will. 528 00:35:38,186 --> 00:35:39,436 I fucked up. 529 00:35:39,520 --> 00:35:42,853 I made a terrible, terrible mistake. 530 00:35:43,478 --> 00:35:47,144 I, um, allowed myself to be, uh, persuaded 531 00:35:47,228 --> 00:35:49,520 that a person desperately needed me 532 00:35:49,603 --> 00:35:51,895 because her child was very sick, 533 00:35:51,978 --> 00:35:53,603 and I could help him recover. 534 00:35:53,978 --> 00:35:59,019 And I let that be a reason to lose my strength of character. 535 00:36:00,728 --> 00:36:04,478 I was very sorry for her, and I think that, uh, 536 00:36:04,561 --> 00:36:09,228 my wanting to help overwhelmed me, so... 537 00:36:09,853 --> 00:36:12,144 And then, after everything, 538 00:36:12,228 --> 00:36:16,103 instead of being grateful for everything I'd done 539 00:36:16,186 --> 00:36:18,311 for her and for her son, 540 00:36:18,395 --> 00:36:20,770 she became unsound. 541 00:36:20,853 --> 00:36:22,395 Threatening. 542 00:36:23,478 --> 00:36:26,478 It got to the point where I felt she wanted to destroy us, 543 00:36:26,561 --> 00:36:30,311 as a family, so I went to confront her about that. 544 00:36:31,770 --> 00:36:33,269 And that's it. 545 00:36:34,353 --> 00:36:35,770 That's all I did. 546 00:36:39,770 --> 00:36:41,228 Why did you run, 547 00:36:41,311 --> 00:36:43,019 if you're innocent? 548 00:36:43,103 --> 00:36:45,061 Well, I ran because I-- 549 00:36:46,186 --> 00:36:49,103 I was scared. I, I knew how it looked. 550 00:36:49,186 --> 00:36:51,103 And I was selfish. 551 00:36:51,186 --> 00:36:52,978 In that moment, I was completely selfish. 552 00:36:53,061 --> 00:36:56,103 I thought only about myself and what might happen to me. 553 00:36:58,186 --> 00:36:59,728 And then, uh... 554 00:37:01,687 --> 00:37:04,353 I thought about you. Mom. 555 00:37:04,436 --> 00:37:05,853 So I came back, 556 00:37:05,937 --> 00:37:07,478 uh, which may have been selfish again. 557 00:37:07,561 --> 00:37:10,103 But, you see, I wanted my family back. 558 00:37:11,645 --> 00:37:14,186 (quietly): We're never gonna be a family again. 559 00:37:15,645 --> 00:37:18,353 Well, I, I desperately hope we will be. 560 00:37:18,436 --> 00:37:20,603 Come here. Come here. 561 00:37:22,311 --> 00:37:24,478 Guard 2: Hey. No touching. 562 00:37:24,561 --> 00:37:25,853 Let's go. 563 00:37:25,937 --> 00:37:28,144 -(guard pats back) -Jonathan (whispers): It's okay. 564 00:37:30,311 --> 00:37:31,561 All right. 565 00:37:31,645 --> 00:37:33,103 Grace (whispers): Come on, Henry. 566 00:37:37,436 --> 00:37:38,728 (sobbing) 567 00:37:38,812 --> 00:37:42,019 -Mom. Please. -It's alright. 568 00:37:45,561 --> 00:37:46,853 (whispers): Hey. Hey. 569 00:37:46,937 --> 00:37:48,770 -(door slams) -(sobbing) 570 00:37:54,436 --> 00:37:56,853 (indistinct chatter) 571 00:37:57,812 --> 00:37:59,561 (distant siren blaring) 572 00:37:59,645 --> 00:38:03,520 (soft classical piano music playing) 573 00:38:08,144 --> 00:38:10,311 (footsteps approaching) 574 00:38:28,395 --> 00:38:29,645 Hi. 575 00:38:32,269 --> 00:38:34,853 You mentioned Haley Fitzgerald. 576 00:38:34,937 --> 00:38:36,269 (music stops) 577 00:38:37,395 --> 00:38:38,520 (Grace sighs) 578 00:38:40,061 --> 00:38:42,228 -Franklin: For you? -For him. 579 00:38:42,770 --> 00:38:44,520 (both exhale sharply) 580 00:38:45,061 --> 00:38:48,061 There is a certain stigma attached to a public defender. 581 00:38:48,144 --> 00:38:53,436 (chuckles) You have always had an unlimited capacity 582 00:38:53,520 --> 00:38:57,520 to see the humanity in a person. 583 00:38:57,603 --> 00:38:59,687 To have an affair... 584 00:38:59,770 --> 00:39:01,269 that's human. 585 00:39:01,353 --> 00:39:07,186 To strike at someone in an act of passion, or anger, 586 00:39:07,269 --> 00:39:09,144 that's human. 587 00:39:09,228 --> 00:39:11,144 But to bludgeon someone to death 588 00:39:11,228 --> 00:39:14,978 and keep on bludgeoning them long after they are dead, 589 00:39:15,061 --> 00:39:17,520 that is a monster, Grace. 590 00:39:17,603 --> 00:39:19,478 That is a monster. 591 00:39:19,561 --> 00:39:21,269 He's not that monster. 592 00:39:21,728 --> 00:39:23,728 -Franklin: Mm. -He's... 593 00:39:26,144 --> 00:39:27,770 He can't be. 594 00:39:28,853 --> 00:39:30,311 He-- (exhales) 595 00:39:32,937 --> 00:39:35,436 He's not that monster. 596 00:39:36,687 --> 00:39:39,061 Dad, he's not. 597 00:39:40,603 --> 00:39:42,395 (sighs) 598 00:39:53,687 --> 00:39:56,770 I'll arrange for you to meet with Haley Fitzgerald. 599 00:39:58,561 --> 00:40:01,478 (playing soft piano music) 600 00:40:07,019 --> 00:40:08,937 Take the right hand. 601 00:40:10,353 --> 00:40:11,812 Come on. 602 00:40:12,895 --> 00:40:15,144 It makes me miss Mom. 603 00:40:16,812 --> 00:40:18,186 Please. 604 00:40:20,353 --> 00:40:22,770 (playing notes) 605 00:40:24,520 --> 00:40:26,103 (whispers): Stop. 606 00:40:27,144 --> 00:40:29,853 (men chattering, yelling) 607 00:40:46,770 --> 00:40:48,853 Lots of shit on you on the Google. 608 00:40:49,353 --> 00:40:51,687 You got the guards, everybody talkin'. 609 00:40:51,770 --> 00:40:54,687 Hey, what's it like to be so famous? 610 00:40:59,019 --> 00:41:00,186 Come on. 611 00:41:00,269 --> 00:41:02,687 You probably got book deals and shit, right? 612 00:41:02,770 --> 00:41:06,144 Hey, if I can get my hands on a pen, 613 00:41:06,228 --> 00:41:08,770 you, you think you could sign some shit for me? 614 00:41:08,853 --> 00:41:10,520 Take your fucking hand off my-- 615 00:41:10,603 --> 00:41:12,103 Take my fucking hand off you? 616 00:41:12,186 --> 00:41:13,978 You gonna be an asshole about things now? 617 00:41:14,061 --> 00:41:15,770 Take your fucking hands off me. 618 00:41:15,853 --> 00:41:17,561 -(thwacks) -(prisoners yelling) 619 00:41:17,645 --> 00:41:18,937 (punches) 620 00:41:19,019 --> 00:41:20,895 (prisoners yelling) 621 00:41:23,478 --> 00:41:26,228 (alarm blaring) 622 00:41:28,228 --> 00:41:30,186 (yelling) 623 00:41:31,728 --> 00:41:33,561 (crunching) 624 00:41:39,853 --> 00:41:42,728 -(alarm blaring) -(commotion, yelling) 625 00:41:51,311 --> 00:41:53,895 (horns honking) 626 00:42:10,603 --> 00:42:13,395 ♪ 627 00:42:36,395 --> 00:42:37,937 Haley Fitzgerald. 628 00:42:38,436 --> 00:42:39,853 Grace Fraser. 629 00:42:39,937 --> 00:42:42,937 -Thank you for seeing me. -It's my pleasure. 630 00:42:53,144 --> 00:42:54,770 Please take a seat. 631 00:42:55,478 --> 00:42:57,561 I've read the police reports. 632 00:42:57,645 --> 00:43:00,603 I'm curious as to why you'd want to help this man. 633 00:43:01,978 --> 00:43:03,561 Well, for my son, 634 00:43:03,645 --> 00:43:05,228 should his father be innocent. 635 00:43:05,311 --> 00:43:08,561 And should he be guilty, 636 00:43:08,645 --> 00:43:10,812 thinking of your son, 637 00:43:10,895 --> 00:43:13,353 which side do you want to err on? 638 00:43:15,645 --> 00:43:19,144 -If you would just take a look at the case-- -I have. 639 00:43:20,478 --> 00:43:22,395 The evidence isn't good. 640 00:43:22,478 --> 00:43:24,853 Add to that, he's got a truth problem. 641 00:43:25,520 --> 00:43:28,728 Are you saying that, um, the case can't be won? 642 00:43:28,812 --> 00:43:30,436 I'm not saying that at all. 643 00:43:30,520 --> 00:43:34,478 I never underestimate the state's ability to fuck things up. 644 00:43:35,269 --> 00:43:37,603 I can win almost any case, Grace. 645 00:43:37,687 --> 00:43:41,895 What I cannot do is wave a wand and make everything better. 646 00:43:43,436 --> 00:43:46,853 If he killed her, I can't make him innocent. 647 00:43:48,311 --> 00:43:50,937 -I can't make him faithful. -I know that. 648 00:43:51,019 --> 00:43:52,770 -Do you? -Yes. 649 00:43:52,853 --> 00:43:56,103 Many clients think I can undo everything. 650 00:43:56,186 --> 00:43:57,603 Wipe the slate clean. 651 00:43:57,687 --> 00:44:00,436 You sound like me talking to my patients. (chuckles softly) 652 00:44:00,520 --> 00:44:02,978 Haley: I understand that you're a very good therapist. 653 00:44:03,061 --> 00:44:05,395 You've probably fixed more than a few marriages. 654 00:44:05,478 --> 00:44:06,937 That's not my skill set. 655 00:44:07,019 --> 00:44:10,770 People hire me to create muck. 656 00:44:13,269 --> 00:44:15,103 Muck up the state's case, 657 00:44:15,186 --> 00:44:16,937 so they can't meet their burden. 658 00:44:18,687 --> 00:44:21,561 That's what I can give you, and your husband. 659 00:44:23,603 --> 00:44:25,061 Muck. 660 00:44:34,186 --> 00:44:35,603 Mendoza: Mr. Reinhart? 661 00:44:38,853 --> 00:44:41,687 Detective Joe Mendoza. NYPD. 662 00:44:44,603 --> 00:44:46,853 I'm sure you are, dear boy. 663 00:44:48,895 --> 00:44:51,478 I got a feeling your daughter is hiding something. 664 00:44:55,019 --> 00:44:56,895 Whether she's withholding, 665 00:44:56,978 --> 00:44:59,061 tampering with, 666 00:44:59,144 --> 00:45:01,228 or falsifying evidence. 667 00:45:02,436 --> 00:45:05,019 For all we know, 668 00:45:05,103 --> 00:45:06,645 she's an accomplice. 669 00:45:09,603 --> 00:45:11,103 You're her father. 670 00:45:11,937 --> 00:45:13,728 She could use some good advice. 671 00:45:14,520 --> 00:45:15,687 Voice of reason. 672 00:45:15,770 --> 00:45:17,687 Or better, I think, 673 00:45:17,770 --> 00:45:21,186 that I be the voice of reason for you, detective. 674 00:45:21,269 --> 00:45:24,019 My daughter has neither committed a crime, 675 00:45:24,103 --> 00:45:25,853 nor obstructed justice. 676 00:45:25,937 --> 00:45:28,228 I recognize that in the particular, 677 00:45:28,311 --> 00:45:31,895 justice is open to subjective interpretation, 678 00:45:31,978 --> 00:45:34,645 and I would not deem to presume 679 00:45:34,728 --> 00:45:37,061 what your version of it is. 680 00:45:37,144 --> 00:45:40,687 Mine is very specific. 681 00:45:40,770 --> 00:45:44,144 And if you'd like to know what it is, 682 00:45:44,228 --> 00:45:46,311 get a warrant. 683 00:46:00,311 --> 00:46:02,436 (distant siren blaring) 684 00:46:02,520 --> 00:46:04,645 ♪ 685 00:46:14,520 --> 00:46:17,520 (crosswalk dinging) 686 00:46:30,728 --> 00:46:33,520 Shit. Fuck. Watch out. 687 00:46:34,186 --> 00:46:35,436 (sighs) 688 00:46:35,520 --> 00:46:37,645 -Ms. Fraser. -Oh! 689 00:46:37,728 --> 00:46:39,186 My name's Fernando Alves. 690 00:46:39,269 --> 00:46:41,520 And I'm sorry to intrude. 691 00:46:42,687 --> 00:46:44,061 Can we talk? 692 00:46:47,853 --> 00:46:49,228 Grace: No. 693 00:46:49,978 --> 00:46:52,353 No, that's-- That's not a good idea. 694 00:46:52,770 --> 00:46:54,019 Why not? 695 00:46:55,228 --> 00:46:56,728 (baby coos) 696 00:46:57,061 --> 00:46:58,812 Grace: Because it's not a good time, 697 00:46:58,895 --> 00:47:01,478 -Mr. Alves. -Your husband killed my wife. 698 00:47:01,561 --> 00:47:03,561 When would be a good time? 699 00:47:09,269 --> 00:47:11,728 I've been informed you've been asking about her. 700 00:47:12,812 --> 00:47:14,603 I was told she wasn't well. 701 00:47:15,561 --> 00:47:16,853 If you have any questions, 702 00:47:16,937 --> 00:47:19,395 who better to answer them than her husband? 703 00:47:22,019 --> 00:47:23,603 Unless maybe yours. 704 00:47:25,228 --> 00:47:28,061 Are you trying to intimidate me, Mr. Alves? 705 00:47:31,353 --> 00:47:32,895 My wife has been murdered. 706 00:47:32,978 --> 00:47:34,603 -Yes. -And the idea 707 00:47:34,687 --> 00:47:36,561 of her character being attacked-- 708 00:47:36,645 --> 00:47:38,561 I'm very sorry for your loss, sir. 709 00:47:38,645 --> 00:47:40,645 I cannot fathom your grief. 710 00:47:40,728 --> 00:47:42,144 But I also find it very hard to believe 711 00:47:42,228 --> 00:47:44,770 that my husband could have taken her life. 712 00:47:47,103 --> 00:47:49,353 Because he was such a fine person. 713 00:47:49,436 --> 00:47:50,895 (baby fusses) 714 00:47:51,353 --> 00:47:53,812 -Huh? -(baby cries) 715 00:47:53,895 --> 00:47:55,561 My son had cancer. 716 00:47:55,645 --> 00:47:58,019 I put him into your husband's care. 717 00:47:58,103 --> 00:47:59,812 He fucked my wife. 718 00:48:01,687 --> 00:48:03,103 What kind of doctor does that? 719 00:48:03,186 --> 00:48:05,937 What kind of mother ends up fucking her child's oncologist? 720 00:48:06,019 --> 00:48:08,561 I'm under a lot of pressure right now. 721 00:48:08,645 --> 00:48:12,103 And I've reached the point where I'm not taking shit from anyone. 722 00:48:14,478 --> 00:48:17,103 Mr. Alves, were there other men? 723 00:48:19,937 --> 00:48:22,186 (whispers): Were there other men? 724 00:48:22,269 --> 00:48:23,812 -Were there? -No. 725 00:48:24,853 --> 00:48:26,978 No, there were no other men. 726 00:48:27,728 --> 00:48:30,228 Was your wife being treated for psychological disorders? 727 00:48:30,311 --> 00:48:31,728 None of your fucking business. 728 00:48:31,812 --> 00:48:34,311 My son's father has been charged with murder. 729 00:48:34,395 --> 00:48:35,978 So whatever secrets your wife had, 730 00:48:36,061 --> 00:48:37,812 whatever secrets you have... 731 00:48:39,144 --> 00:48:42,019 Whatever secrets you continue to harbor for her, 732 00:48:42,103 --> 00:48:43,728 it's my business. 733 00:48:43,812 --> 00:48:45,311 I will make it my business. 734 00:48:45,395 --> 00:48:49,103 Be very careful, Dr. Fraser. 735 00:48:51,603 --> 00:48:53,019 (door opens) 736 00:48:57,645 --> 00:49:00,436 (dramatic music playing) 737 00:49:00,520 --> 00:49:02,645 ♪ 738 00:49:04,478 --> 00:49:06,853 (distant siren blaring) 739 00:49:17,853 --> 00:49:19,478 (moaning) 740 00:49:21,353 --> 00:49:23,144 (Jonathan groans) 741 00:49:28,269 --> 00:49:29,645 (sniffles) 742 00:49:40,520 --> 00:49:44,269 ♪ 743 00:49:54,687 --> 00:49:56,353 Mendoza: DID HE THREATEN YOU? 744 00:49:57,937 --> 00:50:01,853 Grace: Not directly, but he has been following me. 745 00:50:03,561 --> 00:50:05,144 Following you? 746 00:50:05,228 --> 00:50:07,061 St-stalking me. 747 00:50:08,812 --> 00:50:11,061 All right, so you're here to file a complaint. 748 00:50:13,520 --> 00:50:16,853 I'm here to ascertain exactly what was Fernando Alves' alibi. 749 00:50:16,937 --> 00:50:20,144 -It's not something we can disclose. -And why is that? 750 00:50:20,228 --> 00:50:21,520 Dr. Fraser-- 751 00:50:21,603 --> 00:50:24,770 Have you categorically ruled this man out as a suspect? 752 00:50:27,269 --> 00:50:29,978 Have you? I mean, he suffers from anger issues. 753 00:50:30,061 --> 00:50:33,061 -I could detect that in the first meet. -Yeah, he's in shock. 754 00:50:33,144 --> 00:50:35,019 It would be understandable if he was angry, 755 00:50:35,103 --> 00:50:36,436 don't you think? 756 00:50:37,436 --> 00:50:39,186 His wife cheated on him, 757 00:50:39,269 --> 00:50:40,937 then she was murdered. 758 00:50:41,603 --> 00:50:44,311 Those are the kind of things that piss husbands off. 759 00:50:45,269 --> 00:50:46,520 He had motive. 760 00:50:46,603 --> 00:50:47,853 He had opportunity. 761 00:50:47,937 --> 00:50:49,186 He had access. 762 00:50:49,269 --> 00:50:51,061 He's hiding something. 763 00:50:52,603 --> 00:50:54,144 Mm-hmm. 764 00:50:54,228 --> 00:50:55,728 What tells you that? 765 00:50:58,853 --> 00:51:01,687 Twenty-plus years of psychological training. 766 00:51:01,770 --> 00:51:03,228 (chuckles) 767 00:51:03,311 --> 00:51:04,895 You read his mind. 768 00:51:07,311 --> 00:51:09,311 O'Rourke: Mrs. Fraser, we have no reason to believe 769 00:51:09,395 --> 00:51:11,061 that Fernando Alves is a suspect. 770 00:51:11,144 --> 00:51:13,186 Are there security cameras from inside the building? 771 00:51:13,269 --> 00:51:15,353 Do you have video footage of people coming and going that night? 772 00:51:15,436 --> 00:51:18,061 Again, we are not at liberty to disclose that. 773 00:51:18,144 --> 00:51:20,228 But you're at liberty to interrogate me? 774 00:51:20,311 --> 00:51:23,561 Disclosing and weaponizing every last informational nugget 775 00:51:23,645 --> 00:51:25,269 to, to emotionally terrorize me? 776 00:51:25,353 --> 00:51:27,853 You're at liberty to approach my father? 777 00:51:28,395 --> 00:51:30,353 I mean... (exhales) 778 00:51:30,436 --> 00:51:32,478 There must be video surveillance. 779 00:51:32,561 --> 00:51:35,478 Are you telling me that my husband was the only person 780 00:51:35,561 --> 00:51:37,728 to enter that apartment that night? 781 00:51:37,812 --> 00:51:40,728 Because if that's the case, I want to know, 782 00:51:40,812 --> 00:51:43,395 because it will better enable me to walk away from him 783 00:51:43,478 --> 00:51:45,228 and never, ever look back. 784 00:51:45,311 --> 00:51:48,019 Just... Just fucking tell me. 785 00:51:49,853 --> 00:51:52,144 All right. There were no security cameras in the building. 786 00:51:52,228 --> 00:51:53,770 -It's an old building. -Grace: But on the street. 787 00:51:53,853 --> 00:51:56,395 You have cameras everywhere in this city. 788 00:51:57,645 --> 00:51:59,645 Yeah, there was a... 789 00:52:00,853 --> 00:52:02,103 There was an active camera 790 00:52:02,186 --> 00:52:04,311 -a block away from the scene. -Grace: And? 791 00:52:06,019 --> 00:52:07,228 And? 792 00:52:11,311 --> 00:52:13,853 What is it? What? 793 00:52:18,311 --> 00:52:19,520 (scoffs) 794 00:52:26,228 --> 00:52:28,561 Mendoza: There was only one image captured 795 00:52:28,645 --> 00:52:30,561 that we deemed to be relevant. 796 00:52:35,186 --> 00:52:36,728 Grace: What is it? 797 00:52:38,478 --> 00:52:39,561 What? 798 00:52:40,561 --> 00:52:41,937 What is this? 799 00:52:42,395 --> 00:52:43,603 (taps keyboard) 800 00:52:50,728 --> 00:52:52,144 Grace: What is this? 801 00:52:52,228 --> 00:52:54,019 This is you. 802 00:52:54,603 --> 00:52:56,311 Near the scene of the crime, 803 00:52:56,395 --> 00:52:59,269 and around the time Elena Alves was murdered. 804 00:52:59,728 --> 00:53:02,186 I was walking. I mean, I-- 805 00:53:02,269 --> 00:53:03,895 -Mm. -Grace: This isn't-- 806 00:53:03,978 --> 00:53:05,728 I was walking. I take walks. I didn't-- 807 00:53:05,812 --> 00:53:07,978 I, I didn't even know where she lived. What-- 808 00:53:08,061 --> 00:53:11,019 Are, are you suggesting that I'm a suspect? I-- 809 00:53:11,645 --> 00:53:14,228 Fernando Alves was not near the scene that night. 810 00:53:14,311 --> 00:53:16,978 The only people of relevance that we can place 811 00:53:17,061 --> 00:53:19,353 in the area, around the time, 812 00:53:19,436 --> 00:53:22,186 are you, and your husband. 813 00:53:22,269 --> 00:53:24,353 (distorted music playing) 814 00:53:24,436 --> 00:53:26,353 ♪ 815 00:53:26,436 --> 00:53:28,103 Mendoza: Exactly how well 816 00:53:28,603 --> 00:53:31,269 did you know Elena Alves? 817 00:53:41,770 --> 00:53:45,269 ♪ 818 00:54:45,853 --> 00:54:48,895 Should you do anything to further harm my daughter, 819 00:54:49,228 --> 00:54:53,937 I will track you down, and I will kill you myself. 820 00:54:54,353 --> 00:54:56,103 ♪ (TENSE MUSIC PLAYS) ♪ 821 00:54:56,186 --> 00:54:58,186 HALEY FITZGERALD: You cast a spell. 822 00:54:58,269 --> 00:54:59,353 Daddy's home. 823 00:55:00,395 --> 00:55:02,603 I look forward to clearing my name in court 824 00:55:02,687 --> 00:55:03,812 and proving that I'm innocent. 825 00:55:04,353 --> 00:55:06,853 FRANKLIN REINHARDT: Are you all planning to live like a family again? 826 00:55:07,186 --> 00:55:08,269 Put up a fight. 827 00:55:08,353 --> 00:55:10,853 How weak do you think I am? 828 00:55:12,520 --> 00:55:15,728 (HIGH-PITCHED SOUND WAVE) 829 00:55:16,186 --> 00:55:18,853 ♪ (MUSIC FADES) ♪