1 00:00:15,581 --> 00:00:16,661 (dramatic music) 2 00:00:16,741 --> 00:00:17,901 - [Officer] Police, stay where you are! 3 00:00:17,981 --> 00:00:18,901 Go, go, go! 4 00:00:18,981 --> 00:00:20,781 (officers yelling) 5 00:00:20,861 --> 00:00:22,421 Don't move! 6 00:00:22,501 --> 00:00:23,781 Stand against the wall! 7 00:00:23,861 --> 00:00:25,261 Show me your hands! 8 00:00:25,341 --> 00:00:27,981 (people shrieking) 9 00:00:31,781 --> 00:00:34,781 - Oh tits! 10 00:00:34,861 --> 00:00:38,661 Tits, tits, tits, tits, tits, tits, tits, 11 00:00:38,741 --> 00:00:42,061 titting tits! 12 00:00:42,141 --> 00:00:43,621 - Oi, they're mine! 13 00:00:43,701 --> 00:00:45,781 - Cocking cocksticks! 14 00:00:45,861 --> 00:00:47,101 They can't find me here. 15 00:00:47,221 --> 00:00:48,301 My wife, you've got to hide me! 16 00:00:48,381 --> 00:00:49,901 - Hide you? 17 00:00:49,981 --> 00:00:51,741 - This is serious, Cheryl, this could end my career. 18 00:00:51,781 --> 00:00:53,421 - I could go to prison! 19 00:00:53,461 --> 00:00:54,781 - Oh, well, it's all relative isn't it? 20 00:00:54,861 --> 00:00:57,141 I mean, let's not fall out over semantics. 21 00:00:57,221 --> 00:00:59,021 I'm going out the window. - We're on the third floor. 22 00:00:59,101 --> 00:01:01,821 - [Marcus] Son of a dirty barmaid, that's high. 23 00:01:01,901 --> 00:01:04,581 - [Officer] Police, open up! 24 00:01:04,661 --> 00:01:05,741 - [Marcus] What about the wardrobe? 25 00:01:05,821 --> 00:01:07,061 - Why don't you close your eyes, 26 00:01:07,141 --> 00:01:08,741 try hidin' behind your fingers, see if that works? 27 00:01:08,821 --> 00:01:11,381 - Oh God, your sarcasm is entirely uncalled for. 28 00:01:11,461 --> 00:01:13,421 - [Officer] Open the door or we'll knock it down. 29 00:01:13,501 --> 00:01:14,541 - [Marcus] Phone. 30 00:01:14,621 --> 00:01:16,941 - They're coming through. 31 00:01:17,021 --> 00:01:19,301 - Pick up, pick up, pick up. 32 00:01:20,461 --> 00:01:22,461 Pick up! 33 00:01:22,541 --> 00:01:25,421 (phone buzzes) 34 00:01:30,061 --> 00:01:31,501 - Hey, what? 35 00:01:31,581 --> 00:01:32,941 - [Marcus] Oh my God, you've gotta help me. 36 00:01:33,021 --> 00:01:34,221 I've been caught in the police raid and- 37 00:01:34,301 --> 00:01:35,661 - Marcus, calm down. 38 00:01:35,741 --> 00:01:36,781 - [Marcus] My career is on the line. 39 00:01:36,861 --> 00:01:37,821 My wife's gonna find out. 40 00:01:37,901 --> 00:01:39,381 - Okay, you have to listen to me. 41 00:01:39,461 --> 00:01:41,501 You need to find a hoodie or a jumper or something 42 00:01:41,581 --> 00:01:43,061 and cover your face. - [Marcus] What? 43 00:01:43,141 --> 00:01:46,301 - [Robyn] And do not say anything to anyone, okay? 44 00:01:46,381 --> 00:01:49,141 I'm calling your lawyer. 45 00:01:49,221 --> 00:01:52,541 (suspenseful music) 46 00:01:59,261 --> 00:02:01,741 (intense music) 47 00:02:29,101 --> 00:02:31,901 (toilet flushes) 48 00:02:35,781 --> 00:02:37,181 - Why do you bother staying if you're gonna come in 49 00:02:37,261 --> 00:02:38,581 at that hour? 50 00:02:38,621 --> 00:02:40,381 - Because I get to see you in the morning. 51 00:02:40,461 --> 00:02:41,621 - Breathe. 52 00:02:41,701 --> 00:02:42,621 - Really? 53 00:02:42,741 --> 00:02:43,621 - Yeah, breathe. 54 00:02:47,101 --> 00:02:48,741 - Nothing but toothpaste and coffee. 55 00:02:48,821 --> 00:02:50,181 What's this? - Oh, it's nothing. 56 00:02:50,301 --> 00:02:51,901 - Are you getting a job? 57 00:02:51,981 --> 00:02:53,341 Data analyst, that's actually perfect. 58 00:02:53,421 --> 00:02:54,621 You're great at analyzing things. 59 00:02:54,701 --> 00:02:56,061 - Okay, please don't make fun of me. 60 00:02:56,141 --> 00:02:57,341 I know that you think that I can't do anything 61 00:02:57,421 --> 00:02:58,461 for myself and- - No, I'm being serious. 62 00:02:58,581 --> 00:03:00,381 I think it's great. 63 00:03:00,461 --> 00:03:02,781 I'm really proud of you. - Well that's not patronizing. 64 00:03:02,861 --> 00:03:04,621 - You know how I mean it. - You owe me money for groceries 65 00:03:04,701 --> 00:03:05,861 and if you're gonna drink all the good coffee, 66 00:03:05,941 --> 00:03:07,501 would you please get some more? 67 00:03:07,581 --> 00:03:08,541 - I will, I'm sorry. 68 00:03:08,621 --> 00:03:10,381 - [Kelly] Mommy, I'm ready! 69 00:03:10,461 --> 00:03:13,661 - Did you get ready for school all by yourself, my big girl? 70 00:03:13,741 --> 00:03:16,061 Did you put underwear on? 71 00:03:16,141 --> 00:03:17,541 Good, ladies always wear panties. 72 00:03:17,621 --> 00:03:19,301 - Don't tell her stuff like that. 73 00:03:19,381 --> 00:03:20,581 - She's my child, I will tell her 74 00:03:20,661 --> 00:03:21,981 whatever I fucking want to. - Mummy! 75 00:03:22,061 --> 00:03:24,141 - I didn't say that. You did not hear me say that. 76 00:03:24,221 --> 00:03:26,741 Please don't tell about that I said that. 77 00:03:26,821 --> 00:03:29,421 Breakfast. 78 00:03:34,261 --> 00:03:35,261 (baby cries) 79 00:03:35,341 --> 00:03:37,301 What? - Nothing. 80 00:03:37,381 --> 00:03:39,341 - Teddy was up all night, I just, I need some sugar. 81 00:03:43,501 --> 00:03:44,661 What is that? 82 00:03:44,741 --> 00:03:46,781 - Adderall, I have a prescription. 83 00:03:46,861 --> 00:03:47,941 - For what? 84 00:03:48,021 --> 00:03:49,861 - ADHD, helps me focus. 85 00:03:49,941 --> 00:03:51,301 - Oh, do you have ADHD now? 86 00:03:51,381 --> 00:03:52,861 - A doctor gave it to me. 87 00:03:52,941 --> 00:03:54,381 - Okay, Robyn, you know the deal, 88 00:03:54,461 --> 00:03:56,021 you cannot stay here if you are not sober. 89 00:03:56,101 --> 00:03:57,861 - I know the deal. 90 00:03:57,941 --> 00:03:59,981 (bell rings) 91 00:04:00,061 --> 00:04:01,821 - Balls, he's early. - Mummy! 92 00:04:01,901 --> 00:04:03,821 - What, nothing, okay, I need you to get ready 93 00:04:03,901 --> 00:04:05,181 for school and please don't tell your father 94 00:04:05,261 --> 00:04:07,061 any of the things that you did not hear me say. 95 00:04:11,181 --> 00:04:12,501 Hi. - Hey. 96 00:04:12,581 --> 00:04:13,621 - [Ruth] You're early. 97 00:04:13,701 --> 00:04:17,141 - Am I? Sorry. Just a keen bean. 98 00:04:17,221 --> 00:04:19,581 - She's still having breakfast. 99 00:04:19,661 --> 00:04:20,781 - Can I come in? 100 00:04:20,861 --> 00:04:23,021 - I don't think that's a good idea. 101 00:04:23,101 --> 00:04:24,661 - Why not? - Rob's here. 102 00:04:24,741 --> 00:04:26,381 - Still? Well, as long as my mortgage payments 103 00:04:26,461 --> 00:04:28,821 aren't going to waste. - Mark, don't be a prick. 104 00:04:28,901 --> 00:04:30,461 - You've forgiven her then? 105 00:04:30,541 --> 00:04:31,461 - No, but she's my sister so I don't have to. 106 00:04:31,541 --> 00:04:33,141 - And your husband? 107 00:04:33,221 --> 00:04:36,141 - I can choose you, I can't choose her. 108 00:04:36,221 --> 00:04:38,101 - [Kelly] Daddy! - Hello darling! 109 00:04:38,181 --> 00:04:39,581 Are you excited about school? 110 00:04:39,661 --> 00:04:41,341 - Nope. - That's the spirit. 111 00:04:41,381 --> 00:04:43,101 - See you later, baby, have a good day. 112 00:04:43,181 --> 00:04:44,381 - Okay. 113 00:04:46,381 --> 00:04:48,221 Right. - [Ruth] Right. 114 00:04:51,341 --> 00:04:51,941 (melancholy music) 115 00:04:52,021 --> 00:04:53,221 - You okay? 116 00:04:55,941 --> 00:04:57,021 - It's hard. 117 00:05:01,181 --> 00:05:03,901 Oh no, no thank you. 118 00:05:07,221 --> 00:05:09,341 (upbeat rock music) 119 00:05:26,701 --> 00:05:27,941 - You're late. 120 00:05:28,061 --> 00:05:30,621 - [Elevator] Door closing. - So are you. 121 00:05:30,701 --> 00:05:32,941 - I'm the boss, I can't be late. 122 00:05:33,021 --> 00:05:35,261 Other people can only be early. 123 00:05:35,341 --> 00:05:36,901 - Then I'm on time. 124 00:05:38,821 --> 00:05:41,021 - So... how's- 125 00:05:41,101 --> 00:05:43,861 - Caroline, I appreciate the concern, I really do 126 00:05:43,941 --> 00:05:46,221 but just to reassure you, everything's fine. 127 00:05:46,301 --> 00:05:47,901 - Good, good. 128 00:05:47,981 --> 00:05:50,701 I hear you and Eve are carving up your list. 129 00:05:50,781 --> 00:05:52,501 - We're just finding that splitting up 130 00:05:52,581 --> 00:05:54,101 some of the clients helps with the workload, 131 00:05:54,181 --> 00:05:56,261 that's all it is. 132 00:05:56,341 --> 00:05:58,781 - Look, I don't give a toddler's tear 133 00:05:58,861 --> 00:06:01,421 whose boyfriend you decide to put inside you 134 00:06:01,501 --> 00:06:04,661 but if you choose to take a dump on the family dinner table, 135 00:06:04,741 --> 00:06:05,901 you must at least clean it up 136 00:06:05,981 --> 00:06:08,341 before the next course comes out. 137 00:06:08,421 --> 00:06:11,461 Check yourself before you wreck yourself, dear. 138 00:06:11,541 --> 00:06:15,181 Remember, a spiral looks the same from both ends. 139 00:06:15,261 --> 00:06:17,781 (upbeat music) 140 00:06:20,541 --> 00:06:23,821 - Caroline, there's someone in your office. 141 00:06:23,901 --> 00:06:26,021 - Yes, I can see that. 142 00:06:26,101 --> 00:06:28,741 Thank you Belle, that'll be all. 143 00:06:32,661 --> 00:06:34,221 - Ms. Mills. 144 00:06:34,301 --> 00:06:36,741 - Mr. Paulson. 145 00:06:38,181 --> 00:06:42,181 To what do I owe this rare pleasure? 146 00:06:42,261 --> 00:06:44,221 - Well I was in town for 24 hours, 147 00:06:44,301 --> 00:06:47,861 I thought I would pop in and see my favorite ex-wife. 148 00:06:47,941 --> 00:06:49,301 It's not a crime, is it? 149 00:06:49,381 --> 00:06:51,821 (sensual music) 150 00:06:59,461 --> 00:07:01,221 Oh my God. 151 00:07:01,301 --> 00:07:03,421 What are they feeding you? 152 00:07:03,501 --> 00:07:04,581 You know I look like an old testicle 153 00:07:04,661 --> 00:07:06,181 with a face drawn on it 154 00:07:06,261 --> 00:07:09,461 and you look better than the day we married. 155 00:07:09,541 --> 00:07:11,861 - So, where are you taking me? 156 00:07:11,941 --> 00:07:14,781 - Well, I thought initially perhaps here on the desk 157 00:07:14,861 --> 00:07:16,581 and then after a quick nap to recover, 158 00:07:16,661 --> 00:07:17,861 perhaps over there on the sofa. 159 00:07:17,941 --> 00:07:19,581 What do you think? - For lunch. 160 00:07:19,661 --> 00:07:22,501 - Oh, of course. Where do you wanna go? 161 00:07:22,581 --> 00:07:25,261 - I'm not doing all the work. 162 00:07:25,341 --> 00:07:29,301 - Oh God, it's good to see you, Dimples. 163 00:07:29,381 --> 00:07:31,221 - What? 164 00:07:31,301 --> 00:07:32,941 - There's a man. 165 00:07:33,021 --> 00:07:35,941 - Oh yes, this is the other little thing. 166 00:07:36,021 --> 00:07:37,061 Gabriel Cole. 167 00:07:40,261 --> 00:07:41,821 - Pleasure to meet you, Caroline. 168 00:07:41,901 --> 00:07:43,261 I've heard so much about you. 169 00:07:43,341 --> 00:07:45,301 - None of it good, I hope. 170 00:07:45,381 --> 00:07:47,781 - We were wondering if you'd do us a wee favor. 171 00:07:47,861 --> 00:07:50,021 (peaceful music) 172 00:08:01,061 --> 00:08:03,381 (suspenseful music) 173 00:08:09,181 --> 00:08:10,621 - [Intern] Who are you stalking? 174 00:08:10,701 --> 00:08:13,021 - Christ, sneak up on me like that again, 175 00:08:13,101 --> 00:08:14,661 I'll kick you so hard 176 00:08:14,741 --> 00:08:16,381 in the chick dick you'll never ride a horse again. 177 00:08:16,461 --> 00:08:18,221 - I'm sorry. 178 00:08:18,301 --> 00:08:19,421 - I'm not interested in sorry, Gemma. 179 00:08:19,501 --> 00:08:21,181 - That's not my name. 180 00:08:21,261 --> 00:08:25,381 - Emma, Gemma, Nelson Mandela, Captain Cock-In-Mouth. 181 00:08:25,461 --> 00:08:27,261 Your name is what I say it is. 182 00:08:27,341 --> 00:08:29,181 Now I have been at my desk for 13 minutes 183 00:08:29,261 --> 00:08:30,741 and there's still no coffee in my mouth. 184 00:08:30,821 --> 00:08:32,061 That, for a start, is not good enough. 185 00:08:32,141 --> 00:08:33,821 Second, we were done with animal print 186 00:08:33,901 --> 00:08:34,581 about nine months ago. 187 00:08:34,661 --> 00:08:36,341 Did you not get the memo? 188 00:08:36,421 --> 00:08:38,101 You look like you're going to a Lion King audition. 189 00:08:38,181 --> 00:08:39,541 It's not a compliment 190 00:08:39,621 --> 00:08:41,221 and finally you might want to consider 191 00:08:41,301 --> 00:08:42,901 a mattifying foundation before America invades your face 192 00:08:42,981 --> 00:08:44,581 and starts drilling. 193 00:08:45,581 --> 00:08:47,301 - Here we go. 194 00:08:47,381 --> 00:08:49,301 (woman crying) 195 00:08:49,381 --> 00:08:50,541 That might be a new record. 196 00:08:50,661 --> 00:08:52,741 - Where do they find these fucking snowflakes? 197 00:08:52,781 --> 00:08:54,221 - Next time can you at least wait 198 00:08:54,301 --> 00:08:55,661 until she's brought me my coffee? 199 00:09:02,381 --> 00:09:04,661 - Any idea who the deep dish in Caroline's office is? 200 00:09:04,781 --> 00:09:05,541 - What does he look like? 201 00:09:05,621 --> 00:09:07,061 - Kind of grizzled, 202 00:09:07,141 --> 00:09:09,621 like if Ted Danson got trapped on a desert island 203 00:09:09,661 --> 00:09:11,861 for eight weeks and had to kill a man. 204 00:09:11,901 --> 00:09:13,541 - Sounds like Duncan Paulson. 205 00:09:13,621 --> 00:09:16,261 - Paulson, as in the Paulson? 206 00:09:16,341 --> 00:09:17,741 I was starting to think he didn't exist. 207 00:09:17,781 --> 00:09:19,341 - Oh, he exists. 208 00:09:19,421 --> 00:09:21,621 They used to be married. - Oh fuck off. 209 00:09:21,661 --> 00:09:22,781 How do I not know this? 210 00:09:22,861 --> 00:09:24,301 - They set up the New York office together. 211 00:09:24,381 --> 00:09:25,661 He left his wife and kid for her. 212 00:09:25,741 --> 00:09:28,541 Apparently, she only agreed to marry him 213 00:09:28,661 --> 00:09:31,301 if he made her a partner and she got to put her name first. 214 00:09:31,381 --> 00:09:32,541 - Of course she did. 215 00:09:32,661 --> 00:09:34,661 I'm wet just thinking about it. 216 00:09:34,741 --> 00:09:38,781 - Sofi Adjani on line one. She sounds a little frantic. 217 00:09:38,861 --> 00:09:40,461 - Aren't they supposed to be announcing today? 218 00:09:42,661 --> 00:09:46,421 (shouting in French) 219 00:09:46,501 --> 00:09:48,061 What's she saying? 220 00:09:48,141 --> 00:09:50,781 - I think canard means duck. 221 00:09:50,901 --> 00:09:52,781 Duolingo. 222 00:09:52,901 --> 00:09:54,981 - Sofi, it's Robyn, slow down, what's up? 223 00:09:55,061 --> 00:09:56,381 - [Sofi] You have to come and get me. 224 00:09:56,461 --> 00:09:57,741 - What? 225 00:09:57,781 --> 00:09:59,661 - [Sofi] You have to come and get me out. 226 00:09:59,781 --> 00:10:01,861 - Out of where? - [Sofi] I'm in fucking jail! 227 00:10:01,901 --> 00:10:03,861 - Oh Christ. - [Sofi] Who's that? 228 00:10:03,901 --> 00:10:05,741 - Eve babe, ciao, ciao, you're on speaker. 229 00:10:05,781 --> 00:10:07,461 - Sofi, why are you in jail? 230 00:10:07,541 --> 00:10:10,741 - [Sofi] I got into an argument with a (speaking in French). 231 00:10:10,781 --> 00:10:12,141 - [Eve] Are you sure canard means duck? 232 00:10:12,221 --> 00:10:13,661 - [Sofi] These assholes. 233 00:10:13,781 --> 00:10:16,421 I have a show this afternoon so I need to get out. 234 00:10:16,501 --> 00:10:18,221 - Okay, we're on it. 235 00:10:18,301 --> 00:10:20,501 - Will you figure out where she is and sort out bail? 236 00:10:20,541 --> 00:10:21,621 You coming? 237 00:10:26,541 --> 00:10:29,661 - Caroline would like to see you both in the boardroom now. 238 00:10:35,661 --> 00:10:37,461 - [Caroline] I know, cheap price. 239 00:10:37,541 --> 00:10:39,221 - Robyn, how are you? 240 00:10:39,301 --> 00:10:40,461 How are you still employed? 241 00:10:40,541 --> 00:10:42,501 - How are you still alive? 242 00:10:42,541 --> 00:10:43,541 You look good. 243 00:10:43,621 --> 00:10:45,221 You've got this whole professor 244 00:10:45,301 --> 00:10:46,621 who's survived the zombie apocalypse thing going on. 245 00:10:46,661 --> 00:10:48,061 - Well, thank you, I was actually aiming 246 00:10:48,141 --> 00:10:52,261 for more retired assassin turned lighthouse keeper, 247 00:10:52,341 --> 00:10:54,061 called out for one last job. 248 00:10:54,141 --> 00:10:56,661 - Well, now that you say that... - Okay you two, enough flirting. 249 00:10:56,741 --> 00:10:58,741 Duncan, Gabriel, this is Eve. 250 00:10:58,781 --> 00:11:01,661 She's a double barrel but don't hold that against her. 251 00:11:01,781 --> 00:11:03,061 - Pleasure. 252 00:11:03,141 --> 00:11:04,541 - Eve, I've heard so much about you. 253 00:11:04,661 --> 00:11:06,381 Aren't you the one that pretended 254 00:11:06,461 --> 00:11:09,861 to be a champion show jumper at Caroline's birthday party? 255 00:11:09,901 --> 00:11:11,901 - I'll admit that does sound like me. 256 00:11:11,981 --> 00:11:14,821 - I once got so drunk I had a 30 minute conversation 257 00:11:14,901 --> 00:11:16,341 with Ellen DeGeneres. 258 00:11:16,421 --> 00:11:18,341 Could've sworn she was William H. Macy. 259 00:11:18,421 --> 00:11:22,261 I told her that "Fargo" is my favorite film 12 times. 260 00:11:22,341 --> 00:11:24,381 Oh forgive my rudeness, this is Gabriel Cole. 261 00:11:24,461 --> 00:11:26,101 - I know who Gabriel Cole is. 262 00:11:26,181 --> 00:11:27,941 Pegasus Eco Air. - That's me. 263 00:11:28,021 --> 00:11:29,501 - We have a mutual friend. - Really, who's that? 264 00:11:29,581 --> 00:11:31,541 - Melissa Young. 265 00:11:31,621 --> 00:11:33,941 - Sorry, meet a lotta people. 266 00:11:34,021 --> 00:11:36,341 - Oh, yeah, I'm sure. 267 00:11:36,421 --> 00:11:39,861 - Pegasus is the U.S.'s biggest aviation startup. 268 00:11:39,941 --> 00:11:41,981 - In 15 years, Pegasus plan 269 00:11:42,061 --> 00:11:43,581 to have electric aircraft running 270 00:11:43,661 --> 00:11:45,581 on all the major routes in Europe. 271 00:11:45,661 --> 00:11:47,141 - Actually, I could get it done sooner 272 00:11:47,221 --> 00:11:48,981 but the aviation authorities can be real sticklers 273 00:11:49,061 --> 00:11:51,781 when it comes to things like health and safety regulations. 274 00:11:51,861 --> 00:11:53,461 - Boo. - Right? 275 00:11:53,541 --> 00:11:54,781 - You can't make an omelet 276 00:11:54,861 --> 00:11:57,461 with downing a few 747s worth of plebs. 277 00:11:57,541 --> 00:11:59,581 - You're speakin' my language. 278 00:11:59,661 --> 00:12:03,501 - Look, I would love to stay but I have to go. 279 00:12:03,581 --> 00:12:05,621 Sofi Adjani has been arrested. - What for? 280 00:12:05,701 --> 00:12:07,541 - She was in a fight. - Or somebody with a duck. 281 00:12:07,621 --> 00:12:10,221 - Oh, the French. Fine, go. 282 00:12:10,301 --> 00:12:12,061 - More important than me, I'm humbled. 283 00:12:12,141 --> 00:12:15,261 - Well, I'll just have to leave you in Eve's capable hands. 284 00:12:15,341 --> 00:12:16,821 - Lucky me. 285 00:12:17,701 --> 00:12:19,181 - So, how can we help? 286 00:12:19,261 --> 00:12:21,781 - Okay, so I made a couple of innocent little jokes 287 00:12:21,861 --> 00:12:23,941 on Twitter and my shareholders 288 00:12:24,021 --> 00:12:26,821 who clearly have no sense of humor got a little bit spooked. 289 00:12:26,901 --> 00:12:28,021 - What did the tweets say? 290 00:12:28,101 --> 00:12:29,661 - Well, I might've said something 291 00:12:29,741 --> 00:12:32,381 about a certain competitor of mine not having a penis. 292 00:12:32,461 --> 00:12:35,261 I always understood it wasn't libel if it was true. 293 00:12:35,341 --> 00:12:37,661 Look, we all know the dance. 294 00:12:37,741 --> 00:12:39,381 I say daddy, daddy I've been a naughty little girl 295 00:12:39,461 --> 00:12:40,661 and I deserve a punishment. 296 00:12:40,741 --> 00:12:42,221 Then they give me a spank on the ass 297 00:12:42,301 --> 00:12:44,261 and a filthy wink and we can all just get onto work 298 00:12:44,341 --> 00:12:45,621 like nothing ever happened. 299 00:12:45,701 --> 00:12:49,421 So if you can just show me the slideshow, 300 00:12:49,501 --> 00:12:52,381 gimme the badge or certificate, you'd be doing me a huge favor. 301 00:12:54,981 --> 00:12:56,541 What? 302 00:12:57,901 --> 00:12:59,741 - Duncan and I have a lot to catch upon 303 00:12:59,821 --> 00:13:01,781 so we'll leave you to it. 304 00:13:01,861 --> 00:13:03,101 Come on. 305 00:13:04,461 --> 00:13:05,981 - Don't let him give you any shit. 306 00:13:06,061 --> 00:13:07,861 - Do I look like a lady who'll take any shit? 307 00:13:07,941 --> 00:13:10,061 - You most certainly do not. 308 00:13:11,061 --> 00:13:12,061 I like her. 309 00:13:13,541 --> 00:13:14,941 - Okay. 310 00:13:15,021 --> 00:13:16,021 Excellent. 311 00:13:16,101 --> 00:13:17,661 Well, why don't we start- 312 00:13:17,741 --> 00:13:19,981 - Why don't we start with a drink? 313 00:13:20,061 --> 00:13:21,701 Wow, you have a lotta flavored waters. 314 00:13:21,781 --> 00:13:23,181 Is there gonna be a presentation? 315 00:13:23,261 --> 00:13:24,061 - [Eve] No. 316 00:13:24,141 --> 00:13:25,941 - Okay great. 317 00:13:26,021 --> 00:13:28,061 Would you mind if we got outta here? 318 00:13:28,141 --> 00:13:30,021 I could really use a proper coffee or a bloody Mary 319 00:13:30,101 --> 00:13:32,181 or, oh, one of those bubble teas. 320 00:13:32,261 --> 00:13:33,421 - I- 321 00:13:33,501 --> 00:13:35,261 - Come on, please. 322 00:13:35,341 --> 00:13:38,021 I spend my life in fucking boardrooms, please. 323 00:13:38,101 --> 00:13:39,501 Just take me for a cup of coffee. 324 00:13:39,581 --> 00:13:41,661 I will do whatever you ask. 325 00:13:41,741 --> 00:13:43,061 I promise. 326 00:13:47,821 --> 00:13:49,661 - [Woman On Phone] This is a message for Melody Bellway. 327 00:13:49,741 --> 00:13:51,141 Just confirming your job interview 328 00:13:51,221 --> 00:13:53,021 with Gwen at Pendall PR at 2:00 p.m. today. 329 00:13:53,101 --> 00:13:54,221 We'll see ya then. 330 00:13:54,301 --> 00:13:55,581 (upbeat music) 331 00:13:55,661 --> 00:13:56,741 - Melody! 332 00:13:58,741 --> 00:13:59,981 Melody! 333 00:14:02,221 --> 00:14:04,301 One cap and an oat latte. 334 00:14:06,381 --> 00:14:08,221 - One black Americano and a flat white. 335 00:14:08,301 --> 00:14:09,901 But do you have cashew milk 336 00:14:09,981 --> 00:14:12,141 'cause I don't want any of that dusty oat crap. 337 00:14:26,341 --> 00:14:27,701 Excuse me? - Mm-hmm? 338 00:14:27,781 --> 00:14:30,181 - This is froth. It should be microfoam. 339 00:14:30,261 --> 00:14:31,341 It's not 1985. 340 00:14:34,861 --> 00:14:37,181 Well, look who it is. 341 00:14:37,261 --> 00:14:38,341 No, no, don't tell me, don't tell me, 342 00:14:38,421 --> 00:14:39,501 I'll get it in a minute. 343 00:14:39,581 --> 00:14:40,781 - What are you doing here? 344 00:14:40,861 --> 00:14:42,581 - Oh, you know, work. 345 00:14:43,621 --> 00:14:45,261 You? - Work. 346 00:14:45,341 --> 00:14:46,941 - Right, yes, of course. 347 00:14:47,021 --> 00:14:48,301 It's ironic really considering coffee 348 00:14:48,381 --> 00:14:49,381 was never your strong point. 349 00:14:50,381 --> 00:14:51,821 So how are you? - Sorry. 350 00:14:51,901 --> 00:14:53,101 - No, you, you go. 351 00:14:53,181 --> 00:14:54,821 - Just how's Robyn? 352 00:14:54,901 --> 00:15:00,221 - She's Robyn, you know, good old dead-eyed, tight-lipped, 353 00:15:00,301 --> 00:15:01,941 drown everyone around you in a black sea 354 00:15:02,021 --> 00:15:04,621 of self-involved self-destructive self-pity Robyn. 355 00:15:05,821 --> 00:15:07,781 Jokes. We're fine. 356 00:15:07,861 --> 00:15:09,461 Make it last. 357 00:15:09,541 --> 00:15:11,781 Not one to fall out over a smelly old boy, of all things. 358 00:15:11,861 --> 00:15:13,221 - And Tom? - Fuck knows. 359 00:15:13,301 --> 00:15:14,861 Last I heard he's off the wagon again 360 00:15:14,941 --> 00:15:18,061 so he's probably up to his guts in gack and 22 year olds. 361 00:15:18,141 --> 00:15:19,101 Good times. 362 00:15:19,181 --> 00:15:20,581 - Oh, I've got a job interview. 363 00:15:20,661 --> 00:15:22,301 Pendall PR. 364 00:15:22,381 --> 00:15:23,861 They're looking for a new assistant. 365 00:15:23,941 --> 00:15:25,141 It's paid and everything. 366 00:15:25,221 --> 00:15:26,781 - Good for you. 367 00:15:26,861 --> 00:15:29,061 - And someone won't be going to that interview 368 00:15:29,141 --> 00:15:32,221 unless she gets her little Scottish ass into gear 369 00:15:32,301 --> 00:15:33,941 and makes me some coffee. 370 00:15:34,021 --> 00:15:36,181 - Sorry. I better- 371 00:15:36,261 --> 00:15:38,981 - Yeah, of course, you do you. 372 00:15:39,061 --> 00:15:40,621 Nice to see you. 373 00:15:40,701 --> 00:15:41,901 - Yeah. 374 00:15:45,061 --> 00:15:46,301 - You made a friend. 375 00:15:46,381 --> 00:15:49,901 - Yes, no, she used to work for me. 376 00:15:49,981 --> 00:15:52,741 Okay, let's get on with this, shall we? 377 00:15:52,821 --> 00:15:54,661 You need to think of yourself as a brand 378 00:15:54,741 --> 00:15:56,581 and your social media is your shop window 379 00:15:56,661 --> 00:15:58,301 so if you want me in your shop, 380 00:15:58,381 --> 00:16:00,981 don't post a picture of your dick or dinner, okay? 381 00:16:01,061 --> 00:16:02,421 Second- 382 00:16:02,501 --> 00:16:03,941 - Okay, I'm gonna stop you right there. 383 00:16:04,021 --> 00:16:06,181 Look, you are clearly exceptional at what you do 384 00:16:06,261 --> 00:16:09,141 but I don't need any training. 385 00:16:09,221 --> 00:16:11,221 I said what I said intentionally 386 00:16:11,301 --> 00:16:13,221 to draw attention away from the fact that I was supposed 387 00:16:13,301 --> 00:16:16,221 to test fly a brand-new prototype two weeks ago 388 00:16:16,301 --> 00:16:18,901 and I can't get the damn thing's weight down enough 389 00:16:18,981 --> 00:16:21,381 to get it off the ground, let alone across the Channel. 390 00:16:21,461 --> 00:16:23,981 And yes, I know the stock drops a couple of points 391 00:16:24,061 --> 00:16:26,341 every time the press calls me a loose cannon, you know, 392 00:16:26,421 --> 00:16:29,141 but that is nothing compared to how far it would drop 393 00:16:29,221 --> 00:16:30,781 if they started saying I can't deliver 394 00:16:30,861 --> 00:16:32,101 what I said I would. 395 00:16:32,181 --> 00:16:34,541 So I am here as a gesture of goodwill 396 00:16:34,621 --> 00:16:36,421 to the board, no offense. 397 00:16:37,541 --> 00:16:39,661 - None taken. - Okay, great. 398 00:16:39,741 --> 00:16:41,221 Then how 'bout I take you out to lunch? 399 00:16:41,301 --> 00:16:42,821 I find you incredibly attractive. 400 00:16:42,901 --> 00:16:44,661 - You're not short on confidence, are you? 401 00:16:44,741 --> 00:16:46,981 - Well, I do have a net worth of over 3,000,000,000. 402 00:16:47,061 --> 00:16:48,941 - Dollars or pounds? - Pounds. 403 00:16:49,021 --> 00:16:50,701 - So with the current exchange rate that's what, 404 00:16:50,781 --> 00:16:52,901 like, 300 euros? 405 00:16:54,421 --> 00:16:56,141 - Come on, live a little. 406 00:16:56,221 --> 00:16:58,981 I say we cut class, smoke a joint. 407 00:16:59,061 --> 00:17:00,581 Make out in the janitor's office. 408 00:17:00,661 --> 00:17:01,781 - You seem to have confused a conversation 409 00:17:01,861 --> 00:17:03,421 with an industry professional 410 00:17:03,501 --> 00:17:05,901 with a romantic comedy from the early 90s 411 00:17:05,981 --> 00:17:08,981 so why don't we just, just leave things there? 412 00:17:09,061 --> 00:17:11,021 Don't worry about the coffees, they're on me. 413 00:17:11,101 --> 00:17:12,901 - Wait, I'm sorry. 414 00:17:12,981 --> 00:17:14,621 I know I'm being a douche. 415 00:17:14,701 --> 00:17:15,581 - Oh, well, as long as you know. 416 00:17:15,661 --> 00:17:17,381 - Real talk, I work really hard. 417 00:17:17,461 --> 00:17:20,541 I spend my entire life swinging golf clubs and dicks 418 00:17:20,581 --> 00:17:22,101 with investors and board members. 419 00:17:22,221 --> 00:17:24,421 And actually what I'd really like... 420 00:17:25,941 --> 00:17:28,101 is just to have lunch with someone 421 00:17:28,181 --> 00:17:29,661 who doesn't give a crap about what I do 422 00:17:29,741 --> 00:17:32,501 or what car I drive or what watch I wear. 423 00:17:33,981 --> 00:17:35,941 Billionaire tech entrepreneur, philanthropist, 424 00:17:36,021 --> 00:17:39,661 Bugatti Chiron, and F.P. Journe, FYI. 425 00:17:40,661 --> 00:17:43,061 (upbeat music) 426 00:17:52,061 --> 00:17:53,701 - [Marcus] Robyn. - Oh. 427 00:17:53,781 --> 00:17:55,261 - God, thank God you're here. - Hey, Marcus. 428 00:17:55,341 --> 00:17:57,741 - They are making me share a toilet 429 00:17:57,821 --> 00:18:01,541 and there's a man with a tattoo of Cher on his neck 430 00:18:01,581 --> 00:18:03,421 who keeps asking me to play bridge with him. 431 00:18:03,501 --> 00:18:04,821 You've gotta get me out of here. 432 00:18:04,901 --> 00:18:06,221 My wife still thinks that I'm in Hull 433 00:18:06,301 --> 00:18:08,101 reporting on the party conference. 434 00:18:08,181 --> 00:18:10,661 - Okay, technically I'm not here for you but don't worry. 435 00:18:10,741 --> 00:18:12,221 I've called your lawyer and you should be out 436 00:18:12,301 --> 00:18:16,101 by end of play so just be polite and avoid the showers. 437 00:18:16,221 --> 00:18:17,421 Do you want me to call your wife to come get you? 438 00:18:17,501 --> 00:18:20,581 - No, no, no, no. I'll manage. 439 00:18:20,701 --> 00:18:23,821 (woman shouting in French) 440 00:18:25,101 --> 00:18:26,181 - Hey, do you wanna stop swearing at everyone 441 00:18:26,261 --> 00:18:27,741 before they arrest you again? 442 00:18:27,821 --> 00:18:29,701 - They don't understand what I'm fucking saying. 443 00:18:29,781 --> 00:18:31,301 You're all ignorant, you fucking English. 444 00:18:31,341 --> 00:18:32,581 - I'm not English. 445 00:18:35,541 --> 00:18:38,301 - God, I feel like I was a special guest at a piss party. 446 00:18:38,341 --> 00:18:40,181 - So are you gonna tell me what happened? 447 00:18:40,261 --> 00:18:41,421 - Look, I was a at a bar 448 00:18:41,501 --> 00:18:43,701 and some guy got fresh so I decided 449 00:18:43,781 --> 00:18:45,101 to give him a little smack. 450 00:18:45,181 --> 00:18:47,061 - You fractured his mandible. 451 00:18:47,101 --> 00:18:47,981 - Really? 452 00:18:51,501 --> 00:18:54,261 - [Officer] You can't smoke here. 453 00:18:54,341 --> 00:18:55,101 - Sorry. 454 00:18:57,101 --> 00:18:59,341 - What did he actually do? 455 00:18:59,421 --> 00:19:01,261 - He touched me. - He touched you? 456 00:19:01,341 --> 00:19:03,701 - Sure, or he said something. 457 00:19:03,781 --> 00:19:05,341 Look, I forget, what does it matter? 458 00:19:05,421 --> 00:19:07,581 Men are assholes, we need an excuse now? 459 00:19:07,701 --> 00:19:08,741 - We do when we fracture their mandibles. 460 00:19:08,821 --> 00:19:09,821 - What is this mandible? 461 00:19:09,901 --> 00:19:12,181 - It's the lower jawbone. 462 00:19:12,261 --> 00:19:13,301 - Mandible? - Mm-hm. 463 00:19:13,341 --> 00:19:15,101 - I like it. 464 00:19:15,181 --> 00:19:15,901 Wow! 465 00:19:15,981 --> 00:19:17,341 - Oh, Sofi! 466 00:19:18,701 --> 00:19:19,981 This way. 467 00:19:20,061 --> 00:19:22,261 Thank you. 468 00:19:22,341 --> 00:19:24,981 (upbeat music) (siren wailing) 469 00:19:29,021 --> 00:19:30,301 Sofi. 470 00:19:30,341 --> 00:19:32,021 - [Sofi] I don't wanna talk about. 471 00:19:32,101 --> 00:19:33,021 - [Robyn] It's aggravated assault. 472 00:19:33,101 --> 00:19:33,781 - [Security Guard] Pass? 473 00:19:33,821 --> 00:19:35,301 - This is my pass. 474 00:19:35,341 --> 00:19:36,901 - Sorry. 475 00:19:36,981 --> 00:19:39,101 Look, nothing's appeared in the press yet 476 00:19:39,181 --> 00:19:40,661 but the real problem is Kendrick. 477 00:19:40,741 --> 00:19:42,061 He's supposed to be announcing you as the face 478 00:19:42,101 --> 00:19:44,581 of the new campaign and broken jawbones 479 00:19:44,701 --> 00:19:46,021 don't exactly scream elegance. 480 00:19:46,101 --> 00:19:47,341 - I hate that fucking name anyway. 481 00:19:47,421 --> 00:19:49,021 It's so fucking pink. 482 00:19:49,101 --> 00:19:51,021 - Look, I'm gonna try and make the charges go away, 483 00:19:51,101 --> 00:19:55,261 but you have got to keep your head down. 484 00:19:55,341 --> 00:19:59,181 - Sofi, where in Christ's tits have you been? 485 00:19:59,261 --> 00:20:01,261 Shelly, I found her, come on, let's get her done now please. 486 00:20:01,341 --> 00:20:02,821 - I am so sorry, my darling. 487 00:20:02,901 --> 00:20:04,421 My puppy was sick. 488 00:20:04,501 --> 00:20:06,221 - Oh Franco, baby girl, is he all right? 489 00:20:06,301 --> 00:20:07,581 - I mean, he ate a tampon 490 00:20:07,661 --> 00:20:09,341 and it blew up in him like a pufferfish. 491 00:20:09,421 --> 00:20:10,821 He nearly suffocated but he's fine now. 492 00:20:10,901 --> 00:20:12,181 - OMFG, well, you're here now. 493 00:20:12,261 --> 00:20:14,021 Come on, let's get you done anyway. 494 00:20:14,101 --> 00:20:14,941 Robyn, I am loving those line, they're great for you. 495 00:20:15,021 --> 00:20:16,101 - Oh, thanks Rick. 496 00:20:16,181 --> 00:20:20,181 Good luck with the show. (phone dings) 497 00:20:20,261 --> 00:20:21,301 Sofi! 498 00:20:21,341 --> 00:20:22,301 - [Sofi] What? 499 00:20:22,341 --> 00:20:23,901 - Could I have one more word with Sofi please? 500 00:20:23,981 --> 00:20:24,941 It's about the dog. 501 00:20:25,021 --> 00:20:26,661 - You have 30 seconds. 502 00:20:29,221 --> 00:20:30,461 - Security camera. 503 00:20:30,541 --> 00:20:31,501 - What? 504 00:20:31,581 --> 00:20:34,701 - There was a security camera. 505 00:20:34,781 --> 00:20:36,221 - Oh, I look terrible. 506 00:20:37,661 --> 00:20:38,701 See, he touched me! 507 00:20:38,781 --> 00:20:42,821 - You bumped into him and he still apologized. 508 00:20:42,901 --> 00:20:45,341 (Robyn gasps) 509 00:20:45,421 --> 00:20:47,061 - That's a hell of a punch. 510 00:20:47,101 --> 00:20:49,661 - A hell of a punch that's now breaking the internet. 511 00:20:49,741 --> 00:20:51,581 (speaking in French) 512 00:20:51,701 --> 00:20:53,181 (upbeat music) 513 00:20:56,261 --> 00:20:58,341 - My God, I have missed this place. 514 00:20:58,421 --> 00:20:59,941 - Best falafel. 515 00:21:02,581 --> 00:21:04,221 - Damien sends his love. 516 00:21:04,301 --> 00:21:05,501 (Caroline laughs) Well, he does. 517 00:21:05,581 --> 00:21:06,501 You're still obsessed by the idea 518 00:21:06,581 --> 00:21:07,501 that he doesn't like you. 519 00:21:07,581 --> 00:21:09,061 - He doesn't like me. 520 00:21:09,101 --> 00:21:11,901 But that's okay, I don't like him either. 521 00:21:11,981 --> 00:21:12,781 Kidding. 522 00:21:12,821 --> 00:21:15,301 - How's Bessie? - Spectacular. 523 00:21:15,341 --> 00:21:16,301 - And the little one? 524 00:21:16,341 --> 00:21:20,101 - Not so little but majestic. 525 00:21:20,181 --> 00:21:22,901 (phones buzzing) 526 00:21:24,461 --> 00:21:25,541 Seeing anyone? 527 00:21:25,581 --> 00:21:28,781 - I have a few friends. 528 00:21:31,101 --> 00:21:32,101 What about you? 529 00:21:32,221 --> 00:21:35,101 - I don't go hungry, put it that way. 530 00:21:35,221 --> 00:21:37,461 (phone buzzing) 531 00:21:37,541 --> 00:21:38,701 - Do you want to take that? 532 00:21:38,781 --> 00:21:41,821 - No, she's a big girl. 533 00:21:41,941 --> 00:21:44,421 She can figure it out herself. 534 00:21:44,501 --> 00:21:47,341 Now, have we accumulated the socially acceptable amount 535 00:21:47,461 --> 00:21:50,661 of small talk to go and have sex yet? 536 00:21:50,741 --> 00:21:53,821 Or do you want to chat about the fucking weather? 537 00:21:53,901 --> 00:21:55,741 - Check please. 538 00:21:55,821 --> 00:21:57,461 - So where'd you go to school, Downton Abbey? 539 00:21:57,541 --> 00:21:59,341 - Ah, very good. 540 00:21:59,421 --> 00:22:01,261 Are you intimidated because I speak proper? 541 00:22:01,341 --> 00:22:02,581 - Not at all. 542 00:22:02,701 --> 00:22:04,541 Us Americans, we don't care about class. 543 00:22:04,581 --> 00:22:05,541 - No, you care about money. 544 00:22:05,581 --> 00:22:07,541 - Ah, right, the American dream. 545 00:22:07,621 --> 00:22:09,541 The more money you make, the better you are. 546 00:22:09,621 --> 00:22:11,661 - Delightful simplification. 547 00:22:11,741 --> 00:22:13,501 - Well, is it any worse 548 00:22:13,581 --> 00:22:15,181 than the more money your mummy and daddy inherited 549 00:22:15,261 --> 00:22:17,141 or the more money their mummies and daddies inherited, 550 00:22:17,221 --> 00:22:18,421 the better you are? 551 00:22:18,501 --> 00:22:20,901 That is system that literally promotes inbreeding. 552 00:22:20,981 --> 00:22:22,581 No wonder you all have such terrible teeth. 553 00:22:22,661 --> 00:22:25,341 - Oh, so capitalism is the key to the all-American smile. 554 00:22:25,421 --> 00:22:27,461 - Hey, in America, as long as you get shit done 555 00:22:27,541 --> 00:22:29,061 and you work hard enough, 556 00:22:29,141 --> 00:22:30,781 it doesn't matter who you are, you can make it. 557 00:22:30,861 --> 00:22:33,101 - Unless you're Black or Mexican or a woman. 558 00:22:33,181 --> 00:22:34,461 - Touche. 559 00:22:34,541 --> 00:22:35,901 Let's play. 560 00:22:35,981 --> 00:22:39,181 Father, engineer, mother, Eastern European, 561 00:22:39,261 --> 00:22:42,461 I'm thinking Balkan, activist slash life model. 562 00:22:42,541 --> 00:22:45,261 - Father, lawyer, mother, Northern European, 563 00:22:45,341 --> 00:22:48,381 well kept, resentful alcoholic. 564 00:22:48,461 --> 00:22:49,661 - So close! - Actually that's not fair. 565 00:22:49,741 --> 00:22:51,341 She had a law degree 566 00:22:51,421 --> 00:22:53,181 but she sacrificed her glittering career 567 00:22:53,261 --> 00:22:56,141 for her grubby little children as she so often reminds us. 568 00:22:56,221 --> 00:22:58,101 Poor mummy, forgoing those 50-hour weeks 569 00:22:58,181 --> 00:23:00,221 and having to settle for private Pilates lessons 570 00:23:00,301 --> 00:23:02,981 and racially abusing the au pair. 571 00:23:03,061 --> 00:23:04,581 Too much? 572 00:23:04,661 --> 00:23:06,941 - God, I never get to meet girls like you. 573 00:23:07,021 --> 00:23:09,621 It's always actresses and models and... 574 00:23:09,701 --> 00:23:11,861 You know, they look great but they also have 575 00:23:11,941 --> 00:23:14,701 this Melania Trump dead-behind-the-eyes thing 576 00:23:14,781 --> 00:23:16,781 going on, you know? 577 00:23:16,861 --> 00:23:19,541 But you, you're mean. 578 00:23:21,861 --> 00:23:23,661 I love it. - I'm very charming. 579 00:23:23,741 --> 00:23:25,061 (phone rings) 580 00:23:27,861 --> 00:23:29,901 - I'm sorry, am I keeping you from something? 581 00:23:29,981 --> 00:23:31,781 - Two secs. 582 00:23:31,861 --> 00:23:32,821 - [Robyn] I've been calling you. 583 00:23:32,901 --> 00:23:34,661 - [Eve] I'm with Mr. Cole. 584 00:23:34,741 --> 00:23:36,501 - [Robyn] Someone leaked footage of Sofi's attack. 585 00:23:36,581 --> 00:23:37,781 - Well what do you want me to do about it? 586 00:23:40,421 --> 00:23:41,221 What does it show? 587 00:23:41,301 --> 00:23:43,061 - I've sent it to you, it's bad. 588 00:23:43,141 --> 00:23:44,501 - Britney with an umbrella bad? 589 00:23:44,581 --> 00:23:47,341 - Solange in a lift bad, it's not pretty. 590 00:23:47,421 --> 00:23:48,701 - Okay, hold on. 591 00:23:50,701 --> 00:23:51,701 (Eve gasps) 592 00:23:51,781 --> 00:23:53,781 Christ, hell of a punch. 593 00:23:53,861 --> 00:23:55,341 - I need something fast. 594 00:23:55,421 --> 00:23:57,461 Violence only plays well when it's for a noble cause. 595 00:23:57,541 --> 00:23:59,461 Can we feminize it? 596 00:24:00,981 --> 00:24:02,541 #notouching? 597 00:24:02,621 --> 00:24:04,221 - The guy looks like he brews ethical craft ales 598 00:24:04,301 --> 00:24:07,381 for a living, he hardly screams toxic masculinity. 599 00:24:07,461 --> 00:24:08,981 - Okay, well if it's not sexism, 600 00:24:09,061 --> 00:24:11,021 we need another ism. 601 00:24:11,101 --> 00:24:12,101 Race? 602 00:24:12,181 --> 00:24:13,581 Sofi's not a Muslim, is she? 603 00:24:13,661 --> 00:24:15,461 - There. - [Eve] What? 604 00:24:15,541 --> 00:24:17,261 - [Melody] A witness. 605 00:24:18,261 --> 00:24:19,301 - [Eve] Must be those guys. 606 00:24:19,381 --> 00:24:20,621 - Who are you talking to? 607 00:24:20,701 --> 00:24:21,741 - No one. 608 00:24:21,821 --> 00:24:24,021 1:48, the two men watching on. 609 00:24:24,101 --> 00:24:25,421 Can we use them? 610 00:24:27,021 --> 00:24:28,381 - Okay, we can use this. 611 00:24:28,461 --> 00:24:30,581 I'm gonna pay Dorothy96 a visit. 612 00:24:30,661 --> 00:24:32,981 - Text me the address and I'll meet you there. 613 00:24:33,061 --> 00:24:34,021 - Okay. 614 00:24:35,981 --> 00:24:37,701 - Where you going? - Business. 615 00:24:37,781 --> 00:24:40,101 - I'm business. - No, you're not. 616 00:24:40,181 --> 00:24:41,741 - Oh, does that mean I'm pleasure? 617 00:24:41,821 --> 00:24:42,781 - You wish. 618 00:24:44,221 --> 00:24:46,621 - Can I see you again? 619 00:24:46,701 --> 00:24:48,861 - I'll think about it. 620 00:24:48,941 --> 00:24:50,261 It was good to see you. 621 00:24:50,341 --> 00:24:51,781 Thank you. 622 00:24:51,861 --> 00:24:53,581 Make sure you give her a good tip. 623 00:25:01,181 --> 00:25:02,181 - I'll tip you what you earn in a week 624 00:25:02,261 --> 00:25:04,021 if you give me her number. 625 00:25:04,101 --> 00:25:06,141 - Oh my God. 626 00:25:06,221 --> 00:25:07,501 (upbeat music) 627 00:25:07,581 --> 00:25:08,741 - Melody. 628 00:25:13,341 --> 00:25:15,621 - You were utterly incredible, Mills. 629 00:25:15,701 --> 00:25:18,341 Having said that, there was a moment there 630 00:25:18,421 --> 00:25:21,421 when I thought I might be having a heart attack. 631 00:25:21,501 --> 00:25:22,821 - There are worse ways to go. 632 00:25:22,901 --> 00:25:25,461 - Could be an inconvenience, though, couldn't it? 633 00:25:25,541 --> 00:25:27,301 Especially for you. 634 00:25:27,381 --> 00:25:30,701 - So, what do you really want to talk to me about? 635 00:25:30,781 --> 00:25:33,981 - Oh God, am I really that transparent? 636 00:25:34,061 --> 00:25:35,981 - Babysitting brat boy billionaires 637 00:25:36,061 --> 00:25:38,701 isn't usually your bag, baby, so... 638 00:25:39,701 --> 00:25:40,861 What's going on? 639 00:25:40,941 --> 00:25:43,341 You want to sell up, don't you? 640 00:25:43,421 --> 00:25:45,701 What's wrong? Knocked up some Russian? 641 00:25:45,781 --> 00:25:48,661 - No, it's not about the company, it's not that. 642 00:25:58,261 --> 00:25:59,901 - What was that for? 643 00:26:01,701 --> 00:26:06,861 - I just wanted one last one that wasn't clouded with pity. 644 00:26:06,941 --> 00:26:08,701 - What are you talking about? 645 00:26:13,341 --> 00:26:15,301 - I have blood cancer. 646 00:26:16,901 --> 00:26:19,901 I have about six weeks, if that. 647 00:26:23,181 --> 00:26:24,301 - You look fine. 648 00:26:24,381 --> 00:26:25,821 - I'm not fine. 649 00:26:27,741 --> 00:26:29,501 - I don't-- - It's done. 650 00:26:29,581 --> 00:26:33,221 There's no treatment, there's no options. 651 00:26:33,301 --> 00:26:35,181 It is what it is 652 00:26:35,261 --> 00:26:39,101 and to be honest 653 00:26:39,181 --> 00:26:41,581 I'd prefer not to talk it to death. 654 00:26:41,661 --> 00:26:43,021 - Oh. 655 00:26:43,101 --> 00:26:47,141 - Just need to tidy up a few things and do it 656 00:26:47,221 --> 00:26:49,861 with a modicum of dignity, best I can. 657 00:26:51,701 --> 00:26:53,541 I'm sorry, I didn't know how to tell you. 658 00:26:53,621 --> 00:26:55,741 - So you fucked me. 659 00:26:55,821 --> 00:26:57,981 - The last thing I wanted was a charity shag, 660 00:26:58,061 --> 00:26:59,621 nothing sadder than that. 661 00:27:00,781 --> 00:27:02,181 - At least you'll die handsome. 662 00:27:03,861 --> 00:27:05,941 - The lawyers'll tie up all the business stuff, 663 00:27:06,021 --> 00:27:07,541 it's not complicated. 664 00:27:07,621 --> 00:27:08,861 - Have you told Elizabeth? 665 00:27:08,941 --> 00:27:11,581 - No, I'm seeing her next. 666 00:27:11,661 --> 00:27:13,061 Don't imagine that meeting 667 00:27:13,141 --> 00:27:16,581 will be quite as good as this one. 668 00:27:16,661 --> 00:27:19,421 - Not all ex-wives are created equal. 669 00:27:19,501 --> 00:27:21,781 - Never was a truer word said. 670 00:27:23,661 --> 00:27:25,461 And I really should shower. 671 00:27:25,541 --> 00:27:27,621 Flying to New York tonight and I should catch her 672 00:27:27,701 --> 00:27:28,621 before I go. 673 00:27:28,701 --> 00:27:30,381 - You can't stay? 674 00:27:33,221 --> 00:27:37,581 - I can't think of a better way to leave you. 675 00:27:37,661 --> 00:27:40,581 In fact, um... 676 00:27:40,661 --> 00:27:44,301 I will always remember you like this. 677 00:27:44,381 --> 00:27:48,261 - Naked in a hastily booked hotel room. 678 00:27:48,341 --> 00:27:50,621 - Scene of some of our greatest adventures. 679 00:27:50,701 --> 00:27:52,141 - I can't argue with that. 680 00:27:52,221 --> 00:27:54,421 - You are a classy bitch, Mills. 681 00:27:59,661 --> 00:28:01,661 (water running) 682 00:28:01,741 --> 00:28:03,661 (melancholy music) 683 00:28:06,661 --> 00:28:09,101 (upbeat music) 684 00:28:11,461 --> 00:28:13,901 (glass taps) 685 00:28:15,901 --> 00:28:17,381 - Dorothy96? 686 00:28:17,461 --> 00:28:18,621 - Sorry, who are you? 687 00:28:18,701 --> 00:28:20,661 - My name's Robyn, I work MP/PR. 688 00:28:20,741 --> 00:28:22,301 I'd like to talk to you about the video 689 00:28:22,381 --> 00:28:24,421 of you watching Sofi Adjani breaking a man's jaw. 690 00:28:24,501 --> 00:28:26,301 - Well how did you- 691 00:28:26,381 --> 00:28:27,341 - Here's a tip, don't use the same handle 692 00:28:27,421 --> 00:28:29,221 across all internet platforms. 693 00:28:29,301 --> 00:28:32,181 - Also, do not buy that vintage 70s sideboard 694 00:28:32,261 --> 00:28:34,741 you're currently watching on eBay, it's not real vintage. 695 00:28:34,821 --> 00:28:36,781 You need to be looking for teak or rosewood 696 00:28:36,861 --> 00:28:41,541 and if you ask me, I'd pay the extra money and go Danish. 697 00:28:44,981 --> 00:28:46,541 - We did see it. 698 00:28:46,621 --> 00:28:48,821 It was bloody vicious, it was. She really went for him. 699 00:28:48,901 --> 00:28:50,741 - The bitch is fierce. 700 00:28:50,821 --> 00:28:52,901 - Stu loves her, nearly pissed his knickers when he saw her. 701 00:28:52,981 --> 00:28:54,981 - I did not. 702 00:28:55,061 --> 00:28:56,781 - I had to stand in front of her like a muppet 703 00:28:56,861 --> 00:28:58,661 just so you could get a sneaky pic. 704 00:28:58,741 --> 00:28:59,661 - You wanted that picture for your Instagram, thank you. 705 00:28:59,741 --> 00:29:01,261 - Did I, really? 706 00:29:01,341 --> 00:29:02,421 - [Stu] You did, you had a filter on and everything. 707 00:29:02,501 --> 00:29:03,421 - Boys. 708 00:29:03,501 --> 00:29:06,421 We need... Sofi needs a favor. 709 00:29:06,501 --> 00:29:07,701 - From us? 710 00:29:07,781 --> 00:29:09,501 - How would you like front row seats 711 00:29:09,581 --> 00:29:12,181 at Kenrick's London show? 712 00:29:12,261 --> 00:29:16,621 ♪ Come on, yeah, oh, come on, yeah ♪ 713 00:29:16,701 --> 00:29:18,581 (phone rings) 714 00:29:20,261 --> 00:29:21,461 - Hello? 715 00:29:21,541 --> 00:29:23,061 - [Gwen] Hi, is that Melody Bellway? 716 00:29:23,141 --> 00:29:24,861 - Speaking. 717 00:29:24,941 --> 00:29:26,861 - [Gwen] Hi Melody, it's Gwen from Pendall's PR Firm, 718 00:29:26,941 --> 00:29:28,901 you're scheduled for an interview with us this afternoon. 719 00:29:28,981 --> 00:29:30,221 - [Melody] Yeah, that's right. 720 00:29:30,301 --> 00:29:31,941 - [Gwen] I just wanted to let you know 721 00:29:32,021 --> 00:29:34,501 that unfortunately we're going to have to cancel the interview. 722 00:29:34,581 --> 00:29:35,741 - Okay. 723 00:29:36,941 --> 00:29:39,221 Can I ask why? 724 00:29:39,301 --> 00:29:41,101 - [Gwen] Look, Melody, strictly between us, 725 00:29:41,181 --> 00:29:43,621 I contacted MP/PR for a reference. 726 00:29:43,701 --> 00:29:45,261 - Right. 727 00:29:45,341 --> 00:29:49,341 - [Gwen] And I have to be honest, it wasn't good. 728 00:29:49,421 --> 00:29:53,901 - Was that Robyn? 'Cause there's a-- 729 00:29:53,981 --> 00:29:57,021 - [Gwen] We had 900 applications for this job. 730 00:29:57,101 --> 00:29:59,901 Maybe you're better taking MP/PR off your CV? 731 00:30:01,981 --> 00:30:03,261 - Okay, thank you. 732 00:30:04,261 --> 00:30:05,261 Bye. 733 00:30:06,261 --> 00:30:08,621 (melancholy music) 734 00:30:18,981 --> 00:30:20,461 (door taps) 735 00:30:20,541 --> 00:30:21,581 - [Ruth] Hi! 736 00:30:21,661 --> 00:30:23,221 - [Kelly] I'm hungry! 737 00:30:23,301 --> 00:30:24,141 - Bye, darling. 738 00:30:24,221 --> 00:30:25,781 Love you. 739 00:30:25,861 --> 00:30:27,541 Okay, bit of homework. 740 00:30:27,621 --> 00:30:29,261 Apparently she has to draw an animal 741 00:30:29,341 --> 00:30:31,301 that would've been on Noah's Ark. 742 00:30:31,381 --> 00:30:34,101 Obviously, I told her that Noah's Ark didn't really exist 743 00:30:34,181 --> 00:30:36,221 and she said she knew that 744 00:30:36,301 --> 00:30:39,061 but that her teacher would bust her balls 745 00:30:39,141 --> 00:30:41,501 if she didn't do it, so... 746 00:30:41,581 --> 00:30:42,581 - Okay, got it. 747 00:30:44,341 --> 00:30:47,461 Look, Mark, can I ask you a question? 748 00:30:48,501 --> 00:30:50,341 - Of course. 749 00:30:50,421 --> 00:30:53,701 - Okay, in Microsoft Office, how do you put in those columns 750 00:30:53,781 --> 00:30:56,421 without making the writing all weird? 751 00:30:56,501 --> 00:30:57,901 - Okay, what, you're just doing a bit 752 00:30:57,981 --> 00:30:59,821 of casual spreadsheeting are you? 753 00:30:59,901 --> 00:31:01,781 - I'm actually trying to make a CV 754 00:31:01,861 --> 00:31:03,101 but I feel like I haven't used a computer 755 00:31:03,181 --> 00:31:04,821 for anything other than online shopping 756 00:31:04,901 --> 00:31:07,941 since grade school, so... - You're looking for a job? 757 00:31:08,021 --> 00:31:11,101 - Is that a problem? - No, no, no, no, I just didn't. 758 00:31:11,181 --> 00:31:12,341 Doing what? 759 00:31:12,421 --> 00:31:13,981 - Why is it so hard for everyone 760 00:31:14,061 --> 00:31:16,261 to imagine me doing something for myself? 761 00:31:16,341 --> 00:31:17,941 - It's not, it's not, I'm sorry. 762 00:31:18,021 --> 00:31:19,181 I think it's a great idea. 763 00:31:19,261 --> 00:31:20,461 I mean, actually, I was talking to one 764 00:31:20,541 --> 00:31:21,941 of the other mums at school 765 00:31:22,021 --> 00:31:24,301 and she's doing a few days a week as a TA. 766 00:31:24,381 --> 00:31:26,901 I mean, that's decent hours. You'd be amazing at that. 767 00:31:26,981 --> 00:31:28,581 - So as a way of getting a break 768 00:31:28,661 --> 00:31:31,701 from spending every waking hour looking after our children, 769 00:31:31,781 --> 00:31:33,621 you think that I should get a job looking after 770 00:31:33,701 --> 00:31:34,621 other people's children? 771 00:31:34,701 --> 00:31:36,021 - No, I didn't. 772 00:31:36,101 --> 00:31:37,541 - 'Cause obviously the only thing 773 00:31:37,621 --> 00:31:39,141 that dummy mummy Ruth can do is look after children, is that? 774 00:31:39,221 --> 00:31:41,461 - Okay, Ruth, you know what- - It is always a pleasure, Mark. 775 00:31:41,541 --> 00:31:42,621 - Yeah, you- 776 00:31:45,061 --> 00:31:46,341 Cocks! 777 00:31:46,421 --> 00:31:48,101 (melancholy music) 778 00:31:55,701 --> 00:31:58,861 - [Kelly] Mummy, when's daddy coming home? 779 00:32:05,181 --> 00:32:07,781 - I don't know babe, he might not be. 780 00:32:07,861 --> 00:32:10,781 - Why? 781 00:32:10,861 --> 00:32:14,741 - Well, because daddies don't always live at home 782 00:32:14,821 --> 00:32:16,901 but we still love you just as much 783 00:32:16,981 --> 00:32:19,901 and you're gonna see him all the time, I promise. 784 00:32:19,981 --> 00:32:21,581 - Do you have a daddy? 785 00:32:23,701 --> 00:32:26,981 - Yeah, his name is Jared 786 00:32:27,061 --> 00:32:30,501 and he lives in America in a place called Philadelphia 787 00:32:30,581 --> 00:32:34,261 and he stopped living in my home when I was a teenager 788 00:32:34,341 --> 00:32:37,061 because he and Granny Clara had a big falling out. 789 00:32:37,141 --> 00:32:38,661 - Can we go see him? 790 00:32:40,021 --> 00:32:42,181 - Babe, mummy has some work to do. 791 00:32:42,261 --> 00:32:45,381 Why don't you go upstairs and check your fairy door, huh? 792 00:32:49,861 --> 00:32:53,181 (melancholy music) 793 00:33:21,141 --> 00:33:22,701 (bell rings) 794 00:33:22,781 --> 00:33:24,421 - She can't go out there. Sorry Sof, you know I love you, 795 00:33:24,501 --> 00:33:25,821 but she's supposed to be the face of the new campaign. 796 00:33:25,901 --> 00:33:28,661 - Rick. - Elegance, elegance. 797 00:33:28,741 --> 00:33:30,381 What's elegant about this? 798 00:33:30,461 --> 00:33:32,661 She looks like Tyson fucking Fury! 799 00:33:32,741 --> 00:33:33,901 - It's a stupid name anyway. 800 00:33:33,981 --> 00:33:35,781 Why elegance? You're not even French. 801 00:33:35,861 --> 00:33:37,381 - It's French Algerian on my mother's side. 802 00:33:37,461 --> 00:33:39,181 (speaking in French) - Sof, not helping. 803 00:33:39,261 --> 00:33:40,621 - I can't deal with this right now. 804 00:33:40,701 --> 00:33:41,861 I've got a show starting in less than 30 minutes. 805 00:33:41,941 --> 00:33:43,501 - Sorry we're late. 806 00:33:43,581 --> 00:33:46,581 I had to sell a tit to get these two through security. 807 00:33:46,661 --> 00:33:47,981 - Who the fuck are they? 808 00:33:48,061 --> 00:33:49,141 - Okay, Ricky, you need to chill your boots 809 00:33:49,221 --> 00:33:50,621 and listen to me. 810 00:33:50,701 --> 00:33:52,901 With the greatest of respect, Sofi's right. 811 00:33:52,981 --> 00:33:54,621 Elegance is a shitty name. 812 00:33:54,701 --> 00:33:56,861 - It's 2020, bae, women don't want to be elegant, 813 00:33:56,941 --> 00:33:59,781 they want to be strong, they want to be badass. 814 00:33:59,861 --> 00:34:00,941 - They want to be warriors. 815 00:34:01,021 --> 00:34:02,181 - Fuck yes, we do. 816 00:34:02,261 --> 00:34:04,221 - Rick, this is Simon and Stu. 817 00:34:04,301 --> 00:34:06,021 They're the innocent gay couple from the video. 818 00:34:06,101 --> 00:34:07,341 Now what you can't hear is 819 00:34:07,421 --> 00:34:08,861 that they're being verbally abused. 820 00:34:08,941 --> 00:34:10,781 - They were? 821 00:34:10,861 --> 00:34:13,141 - We were. - It was awful, honestly. 822 00:34:13,221 --> 00:34:14,661 - Do you know what your Sofi, 823 00:34:14,741 --> 00:34:18,301 our little elegant Sofi did? 824 00:34:18,381 --> 00:34:21,341 She stood up for them because no one else would. 825 00:34:21,421 --> 00:34:22,981 - I did? 826 00:34:23,061 --> 00:34:25,461 - She stood up to a bully, a man twice her size, 827 00:34:25,541 --> 00:34:27,061 and she knocked him the fuck out. 828 00:34:27,141 --> 00:34:28,181 Do you know why? 829 00:34:30,821 --> 00:34:32,381 - She's a warrior. 830 00:34:32,461 --> 00:34:34,581 - Guerriere. That I like. 831 00:34:34,661 --> 00:34:35,821 - Now tell me that's not the sort 832 00:34:35,901 --> 00:34:37,701 of woman you want representing your brand. 833 00:34:40,421 --> 00:34:42,621 (upbeat electronic music) 834 00:35:02,861 --> 00:35:04,461 - All sorted? 835 00:35:04,541 --> 00:35:06,821 - [Robyn] Guerriere is live. 836 00:35:09,301 --> 00:35:12,301 (people cheering) 837 00:35:17,061 --> 00:35:18,821 - Sofi, hi, hi! 838 00:35:23,461 --> 00:35:25,501 (people clapping) 839 00:35:42,861 --> 00:35:44,301 (upbeat music) 840 00:35:53,181 --> 00:35:55,661 - Hey Mike, how are you? 841 00:35:55,781 --> 00:35:58,661 - Well, I'm just about as happy as a pig in shit. 842 00:36:00,101 --> 00:36:01,461 What can I get for you babber? 843 00:36:01,541 --> 00:36:03,501 - Just the usual please. 844 00:36:03,581 --> 00:36:04,941 Was that last lot the same? 845 00:36:05,021 --> 00:36:06,381 It doesn't seem to be working as well. 846 00:36:06,461 --> 00:36:08,581 - Well, you're probably building up a tolerance. 847 00:36:08,661 --> 00:36:11,141 Get it all from the same place, Dr. Dick. 848 00:36:11,181 --> 00:36:13,381 Writes me prescriptions in return for favors. 849 00:36:13,461 --> 00:36:15,581 Man has a terrible opium habit. 850 00:36:15,661 --> 00:36:17,021 It's actually admired 851 00:36:17,101 --> 00:36:18,541 because you don't really see it much these days. 852 00:36:18,621 --> 00:36:20,101 Yeah, he functions at 11 all week 853 00:36:20,181 --> 00:36:22,021 and then just disappears off the face of the Earth 854 00:36:22,101 --> 00:36:23,341 for two days straight. 855 00:36:23,421 --> 00:36:25,461 It's incredible really. 856 00:36:25,541 --> 00:36:26,861 Oh, word of advice, mind. 857 00:36:26,941 --> 00:36:28,341 If you do have any cataract surgery, 858 00:36:28,421 --> 00:36:31,141 you might wanna avoid West London Hospital. 859 00:36:31,181 --> 00:36:32,541 Here you go. 860 00:36:32,621 --> 00:36:33,821 All there, count 'em if you like. 861 00:36:33,901 --> 00:36:35,381 - No, I trust you. 862 00:36:36,461 --> 00:36:38,141 Have you got any Ambien? 863 00:36:38,181 --> 00:36:39,901 - Got some benzos. They'll knock you right out. 864 00:36:39,981 --> 00:36:41,581 - No. 865 00:36:41,661 --> 00:36:43,781 - Oh, I can't tempt with a little bit of chari can I? 866 00:36:43,861 --> 00:36:45,981 Just got this killer shipment in from Columbia. 867 00:36:46,061 --> 00:36:50,821 Still got the cartel stamp on it, it is proper mint. 868 00:36:50,901 --> 00:36:52,021 - No, I'm good. 869 00:36:52,941 --> 00:36:54,661 Well, thanks for comin'. 870 00:36:54,701 --> 00:36:56,181 - Always a pleasure, never a chore. 871 00:36:58,301 --> 00:37:00,501 (chill electronic music) 872 00:37:06,501 --> 00:37:07,661 - Melody. 873 00:37:13,781 --> 00:37:15,541 You'll be fine. 874 00:37:15,621 --> 00:37:18,021 See you tomorrow. - See you tomorrow. 875 00:37:22,181 --> 00:37:25,181 - [Eve] I just wanted to say thank you for today. 876 00:37:25,301 --> 00:37:26,501 - Oh God, don't be silly. 877 00:37:26,581 --> 00:37:27,621 Hardly did anything. 878 00:37:27,661 --> 00:37:29,101 - How'd the interview go? 879 00:37:29,181 --> 00:37:30,021 - It didn't. 880 00:37:30,101 --> 00:37:33,021 Robyn told them not to hire me. 881 00:37:33,101 --> 00:37:34,341 Why would she do that? 882 00:37:34,421 --> 00:37:35,781 - There's no point trying to figure out why 883 00:37:35,861 --> 00:37:37,221 that girl does what she does. 884 00:37:37,341 --> 00:37:38,941 It's a losing battle. 885 00:37:39,021 --> 00:37:42,061 You choose to have her in your life or you don't. 886 00:37:42,141 --> 00:37:44,621 Look, how do you feel about working for MP/PR? 887 00:37:46,181 --> 00:37:48,461 - I don't understand, I was fired. 888 00:37:48,541 --> 00:37:50,061 - That was as an intern. 889 00:37:50,141 --> 00:37:54,181 I'm talking about as an assistant, my assistant in fact. 890 00:37:54,221 --> 00:37:55,941 - You're getting an assistant? 891 00:37:58,101 --> 00:38:00,061 I mean, yes. 892 00:38:00,141 --> 00:38:02,941 I would love to, so much. 893 00:38:03,021 --> 00:38:04,781 When's the interview? - That was it. 894 00:38:06,061 --> 00:38:06,981 So do you want it or not? 895 00:38:07,061 --> 00:38:09,501 - Well, but Robyn, Caroline. 896 00:38:09,581 --> 00:38:10,861 - I cleared it with Caroline earlier. 897 00:38:10,941 --> 00:38:12,181 Told her it was you who saved our bacon 898 00:38:12,221 --> 00:38:13,781 on the Sofi thing, she said it was fine 899 00:38:13,861 --> 00:38:15,141 as long as you stop dressing like Dora the Explorer. 900 00:38:15,181 --> 00:38:16,501 - Oh my God, thank you so much. 901 00:38:16,581 --> 00:38:18,941 I promise I will not let you down. 902 00:38:19,021 --> 00:38:20,661 We should go for a drink, we should celebrate. 903 00:38:20,701 --> 00:38:23,021 - Right, sounds excellent, however, 904 00:38:23,101 --> 00:38:25,981 I have a billionaire taking me up The Shard tonight. 905 00:38:26,061 --> 00:38:27,661 Might even go for dinner, too. 906 00:38:27,701 --> 00:38:29,541 Someone must have slipped him my number. 907 00:38:32,061 --> 00:38:33,461 This needs doing. 908 00:38:33,541 --> 00:38:37,661 Dry clean only, you shrink it, you buy it. 909 00:38:37,781 --> 00:38:38,661 There's a peach. 910 00:38:38,701 --> 00:38:39,701 - Okay. 911 00:38:46,541 --> 00:38:50,021 (upbeat electronic music) 912 00:38:51,861 --> 00:38:53,381 - [Gwen] Hey babe, it's Gwen. 913 00:38:53,461 --> 00:38:55,181 Thanks for sending over that reference about Melody. 914 00:38:55,221 --> 00:38:56,661 Sounds like we dodged a bullet. 915 00:38:56,701 --> 00:38:59,501 Thanks for the heads up, see you soon, bye. 916 00:39:07,021 --> 00:39:08,901 (siren wails) 917 00:39:14,821 --> 00:39:15,981 - [Robyn] Hey. 918 00:39:18,021 --> 00:39:19,021 - Hey. 919 00:39:20,301 --> 00:39:21,501 What are you doin' here? 920 00:39:21,581 --> 00:39:24,221 - I just happened to be in the neighborhood. 921 00:39:26,101 --> 00:39:27,181 How you doin'? 922 00:39:29,021 --> 00:39:30,941 - I'm good. - Yeah? 923 00:39:31,021 --> 00:39:32,661 - Yeah. - Good. 924 00:39:34,821 --> 00:39:36,781 I saw on Instagram that you and Robbie took a trip. 925 00:39:36,861 --> 00:39:37,941 - What are you doin' on my Instagram? 926 00:39:38,021 --> 00:39:39,981 - Nothing, I was just, 927 00:39:40,061 --> 00:39:41,181 I just never got around to unfollowing you, 928 00:39:41,301 --> 00:39:43,021 is that a problem? 929 00:39:43,101 --> 00:39:44,941 - No, I just don't know how helpful it is, that's all. 930 00:39:45,021 --> 00:39:46,461 - For you or for me? 931 00:39:50,501 --> 00:39:51,421 - What do you want, Rob? 932 00:39:54,301 --> 00:39:55,541 - I'm pregnant. 933 00:39:59,821 --> 00:40:00,981 - Are you sure? 934 00:40:03,701 --> 00:40:06,181 Oh my days! 935 00:40:06,221 --> 00:40:07,181 I don't- 936 00:40:07,221 --> 00:40:10,141 (melancholy music) 937 00:40:12,901 --> 00:40:14,181 Is it even mine? 938 00:40:16,301 --> 00:40:17,861 - I don't know. 939 00:40:17,941 --> 00:40:18,781 - Does Tom know? 940 00:40:18,861 --> 00:40:20,101 - I haven't- 941 00:40:21,221 --> 00:40:22,541 - Just go home, Rob. - Sam. 942 00:40:22,621 --> 00:40:23,941 - Look, what do you want from me? 943 00:40:24,021 --> 00:40:26,101 - I'm sober. - I don't believe you. 944 00:40:26,181 --> 00:40:28,101 I don't believe anything that comes out of your mouth. 945 00:40:28,181 --> 00:40:29,421 Look, I'm at work okay? 946 00:40:29,501 --> 00:40:30,701 This is my work, please, can you leave, please? 947 00:40:30,821 --> 00:40:33,061 - Look, I've- - Rob, leave, now, please. 948 00:40:42,501 --> 00:40:46,141 ♪ I've been everywhere I wanna go ♪ 949 00:40:46,181 --> 00:40:49,221 ♪ Seen everything I wanna see ♪ 950 00:40:52,061 --> 00:40:55,101 ♪ But baby I am tired ♪ 951 00:40:55,181 --> 00:40:58,581 ♪ Maybe I'm just tired of me ♪ 952 00:41:04,141 --> 00:41:07,141 ♪ I'm tired of cocaine, I'm tired of pills ♪ 953 00:41:07,181 --> 00:41:10,861 ♪ I'm tired of tryin' to soothe my ills ♪ 954 00:41:13,341 --> 00:41:16,221 ♪ Baby, I can't lie ♪ 955 00:41:16,341 --> 00:41:20,021 ♪ Maybe I'm just tired of me ♪ 956 00:41:25,461 --> 00:41:28,661 ♪ Maybe I'm just tired of me ♪ 957 00:41:31,461 --> 00:41:38,621 ♪ Baby, I'm so tired of me ♪ 958 00:41:43,661 --> 00:41:46,181 (pen scratching)