1 00:00:53,360 --> 00:00:54,361 Okay. 2 00:02:05,265 --> 00:02:07,809 I know. I know. Okay. 3 00:02:09,728 --> 00:02:10,729 Hey. 4 00:02:12,231 --> 00:02:13,649 Fuck you! 5 00:02:14,399 --> 00:02:17,194 What do you have to do? What do you do? 6 00:02:23,158 --> 00:02:25,577 Reverse spherification. 7 00:02:25,661 --> 00:02:29,665 When the calcium lactate meets the alginate, 8 00:02:30,207 --> 00:02:34,670 it forms an instant membrane, which encapsulates the liquid. 9 00:02:38,048 --> 00:02:39,049 Go fish. 10 00:02:48,475 --> 00:02:50,310 You just can't help some people. 11 00:02:52,563 --> 00:02:54,439 The fuck are you doing here, Gollum? 12 00:02:56,400 --> 00:02:59,319 Tobe is here to take Leanne on a date. 13 00:02:59,403 --> 00:03:01,530 It's not really a date, so... 14 00:03:02,030 --> 00:03:08,078 That is why Uncle Julian is on babysitting duty. 15 00:03:08,954 --> 00:03:12,249 Take him upstairs to the girls, and tell Dorothy we need to go. 16 00:03:12,332 --> 00:03:13,333 Sure. 17 00:03:17,254 --> 00:03:20,257 - You've been avoiding me all week. - I know. I've been busy. 18 00:03:21,466 --> 00:03:22,509 How's Natalie? 19 00:03:22,593 --> 00:03:24,720 She hasn't left my apartment in three days. 20 00:03:25,137 --> 00:03:26,722 She's taken me off dairy. 21 00:03:27,514 --> 00:03:30,309 Apparently, these headaches are par for the course. 22 00:03:30,726 --> 00:03:33,228 - What did you tell her? - Nothing incriminating. 23 00:03:33,812 --> 00:03:35,606 Sold her on the whole adoption line. 24 00:03:36,023 --> 00:03:39,193 How you and Dorothy can offer him a life he can never blah, blah, blah. 25 00:03:39,276 --> 00:03:41,028 - Well, you know. - What did she say? 26 00:03:41,528 --> 00:03:42,946 She thinks it's a terrible idea 27 00:03:43,030 --> 00:03:45,657 that will ultimately end in long-term psychological damage. 28 00:03:45,741 --> 00:03:47,993 I can't say I entirely disagree with her. 29 00:03:48,577 --> 00:03:50,370 I wouldn't eat those if I were you. 30 00:03:50,787 --> 00:03:52,247 Fuck it. Well, I'm starving. 31 00:03:53,332 --> 00:03:56,001 Dorothy's upset that she's stopped... feeding. 32 00:03:57,336 --> 00:04:00,505 So I wanted her to know that the excess milk is appreciated. 33 00:04:04,218 --> 00:04:06,053 - Jeez. - Need a drink? 34 00:04:06,470 --> 00:04:07,471 Yeah. 35 00:04:10,474 --> 00:04:12,851 Sean gave them to me for our first anniversary. 36 00:04:14,144 --> 00:04:15,312 Vintage. 37 00:04:16,647 --> 00:04:20,692 But has the tiniest little clasp. You need the most delicate little fingers. 38 00:04:21,902 --> 00:04:23,654 You must be going somewhere nice. 39 00:04:23,737 --> 00:04:26,573 Annual Television Journalism Awards. 40 00:04:27,282 --> 00:04:28,617 Sean's my plus one. 41 00:04:30,702 --> 00:04:33,038 - Have you been... - Invited. Yes. 42 00:04:37,084 --> 00:04:39,461 So where's Tobe taking you? 43 00:04:40,546 --> 00:04:41,547 Bowling. 44 00:04:42,297 --> 00:04:45,676 His cousin works there, so we can get a lane for free. 45 00:04:47,219 --> 00:04:49,596 Well, I think Tobe's very fond of you. 46 00:04:50,681 --> 00:04:51,974 In that way. 47 00:04:57,479 --> 00:04:59,565 He's such a nice boy, really. 48 00:05:01,191 --> 00:05:02,985 You could do a whole lot worse. 49 00:05:08,365 --> 00:05:10,200 Sean asked me to give him to you. 50 00:05:10,617 --> 00:05:14,413 Some lucky boy has a date with his uncle Julian. 51 00:05:25,424 --> 00:05:27,050 Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. 52 00:05:30,012 --> 00:05:31,388 Wait, wait, wait. 53 00:05:31,471 --> 00:05:32,556 Guys. 54 00:05:33,390 --> 00:05:34,641 Hang on. 55 00:05:34,725 --> 00:05:36,310 We need to get a picture. 56 00:05:37,895 --> 00:05:40,105 There. Get together. 57 00:05:41,273 --> 00:05:43,942 Put your arm around her, Tobe. She's not gonna break. 58 00:05:44,026 --> 00:05:45,903 That's it. Cute. 59 00:05:46,320 --> 00:05:48,447 - That's our car. - Okay. 60 00:05:49,656 --> 00:05:52,534 - Julian, make sure you check on him. - I got it. 61 00:06:08,133 --> 00:06:10,552 Roscoe. What are you doing tonight? 62 00:06:11,929 --> 00:06:14,348 Well, get off your fat ass and go bowling. 63 00:06:14,431 --> 00:06:16,183 She's headed there with her boyfriend. 64 00:06:16,725 --> 00:06:18,268 See if she makes contact with anyone. 65 00:06:18,352 --> 00:06:20,395 ...tackle those hard to reach corners. 66 00:06:20,479 --> 00:06:23,482 The secret OxiClean stain-fighting bubbles that power... 67 00:06:23,857 --> 00:06:25,817 How safe is your family? 68 00:06:25,901 --> 00:06:28,278 How would you cope if you woke up tomorrow 69 00:06:28,362 --> 00:06:32,282 and they were all gone without leaving so much as a note? 70 00:07:47,357 --> 00:07:48,442 Hey! 71 00:07:52,654 --> 00:07:53,655 Hey! 72 00:07:55,449 --> 00:07:56,658 Are you awake? 73 00:07:57,659 --> 00:07:58,827 Little fuck. 74 00:08:02,331 --> 00:08:03,332 Hey! 75 00:08:34,571 --> 00:08:35,572 Fuck. 76 00:09:18,907 --> 00:09:21,034 Fuck! 77 00:09:26,456 --> 00:09:29,835 Hi, this is Sean Turner. Leave a message, and make it brief. 78 00:09:30,294 --> 00:09:33,380 Call me. Seriously, dude, wash down the fucking foie gras. 79 00:09:33,463 --> 00:09:34,673 Fucking call me. 80 00:09:46,059 --> 00:09:48,061 Hey. It was all good. I found her. 81 00:09:48,145 --> 00:09:49,980 - Does she have a baby with her? - What? 82 00:09:50,063 --> 00:09:51,064 Are you with her? 83 00:09:51,148 --> 00:09:52,691 Show me her. Fucking show me her! 84 00:09:52,774 --> 00:09:53,775 Hold on. 85 00:09:57,362 --> 00:09:59,656 Hang on, I got another call. Stay with her. 86 00:10:00,324 --> 00:10:01,325 Hey, you called me? 87 00:10:01,909 --> 00:10:03,202 It's not here. 88 00:10:03,285 --> 00:10:05,245 - What's not here? - What do you fucking think? 89 00:10:05,746 --> 00:10:10,000 - Hey, Julian. - Hey, Dottie. Are you having fun? 90 00:10:10,083 --> 00:10:13,253 It's a riot. How's Jericho? 91 00:10:14,630 --> 00:10:16,048 Quiet as a mouse. 92 00:10:16,465 --> 00:10:19,843 Yeah, I was just asking Sean where he left the Châteauneuf-du-Pape. 93 00:10:20,385 --> 00:10:21,386 Don't you drink that. 94 00:10:22,554 --> 00:10:24,556 Oh, Sean, we should probably take our seats. 95 00:10:24,640 --> 00:10:26,892 But kiss him from Mama, please. 96 00:10:26,975 --> 00:10:28,310 Okay. Call me when you... 97 00:10:29,019 --> 00:10:30,020 Fuck! 98 00:10:44,326 --> 00:10:46,495 Juju. What are you doing here? 99 00:10:51,875 --> 00:10:53,794 Dottie. You decent? 100 00:10:55,337 --> 00:10:57,047 There he is. 101 00:10:57,130 --> 00:11:01,552 How 'bout a big smile for Grandpa, little fella? 102 00:11:02,636 --> 00:11:03,845 They're out. 103 00:11:05,097 --> 00:11:06,598 You could've said something. 104 00:11:08,934 --> 00:11:10,936 I was rather caught up in your performance. 105 00:11:11,645 --> 00:11:13,105 What do they got open? 106 00:11:16,608 --> 00:11:17,651 Where are they? 107 00:11:18,068 --> 00:11:21,488 Some TV backslapping event. 108 00:11:21,572 --> 00:11:24,408 So, she's well enough to swill free champagne then? 109 00:11:25,993 --> 00:11:27,744 Listen, Pa, it's great to see you, 110 00:11:27,828 --> 00:11:30,330 but I'm kinda in the middle of something right now. 111 00:11:30,414 --> 00:11:32,291 You know she texted me this afternoon. 112 00:11:32,374 --> 00:11:35,627 Wanted to know if it was appropriate to invite Aunt Jenna to the baptism. 113 00:11:35,711 --> 00:11:37,337 She was always fond of Aunt Jenna. 114 00:11:37,754 --> 00:11:39,256 A baptism? 115 00:11:41,717 --> 00:11:45,429 I've ridden out some pretty embarrassing moments in this family's history, 116 00:11:45,512 --> 00:11:49,349 but she will not be parading that sack of cloth in a church. 117 00:11:49,433 --> 00:11:52,186 Sean and I are gently talking her out of the idea. 118 00:11:52,728 --> 00:11:55,689 What is this? I need something with body. 119 00:12:00,319 --> 00:12:02,070 They gotta get rid of this place. 120 00:12:02,487 --> 00:12:05,240 Sooner the better. Too many ghosts. 121 00:12:05,324 --> 00:12:07,409 Yeah, I don't think the market's right. 122 00:12:07,492 --> 00:12:10,704 Maybe in the spring. When it's apple blossom time. 123 00:12:14,499 --> 00:12:16,251 What's the matter? You drying out? 124 00:12:16,835 --> 00:12:17,836 Nah. 125 00:12:19,463 --> 00:12:20,756 Ish. 126 00:12:25,135 --> 00:12:29,389 If I were to show you something, Juju, would you swear to secrecy? 127 00:12:31,016 --> 00:12:32,226 I can try. 128 00:12:32,309 --> 00:12:33,894 I want you to look at this. 129 00:12:35,562 --> 00:12:38,023 Why don't you tell me what you see? 130 00:12:41,443 --> 00:12:42,569 What do you see? 131 00:12:43,070 --> 00:12:44,154 You know what. 132 00:12:44,738 --> 00:12:45,739 Say it. 133 00:12:47,991 --> 00:12:49,159 It's a baby. 134 00:12:49,576 --> 00:12:50,661 What baby? 135 00:12:55,040 --> 00:12:57,709 Jericho. There. It's Jericho. 136 00:12:59,336 --> 00:13:01,755 What if I told you it wasn't? 137 00:13:01,838 --> 00:13:06,134 What if I told you this is Anders and his mother is Swedish. 138 00:13:06,218 --> 00:13:09,137 And for a small contribution, he's looking for a home. 139 00:13:11,348 --> 00:13:12,808 What... I'm sorry. What? 140 00:13:12,891 --> 00:13:14,017 Hear me out. 141 00:13:14,101 --> 00:13:16,103 We want rid of that doll. 142 00:13:16,603 --> 00:13:18,063 We all agree on that. 143 00:13:18,689 --> 00:13:22,776 What if we put this boy in its place? 144 00:13:22,860 --> 00:13:25,988 We don't say a word. We let her find him. 145 00:13:26,405 --> 00:13:28,365 We see how she reacts. 146 00:13:28,448 --> 00:13:30,450 If she freaks, we take it straightaway. 147 00:13:30,534 --> 00:13:31,952 But if she doesn't... 148 00:13:33,662 --> 00:13:35,497 If she can't tell the difference... 149 00:13:37,833 --> 00:13:39,918 in all but genetics, 150 00:13:40,002 --> 00:13:43,463 this boy can be Jericho Turner. 151 00:13:44,047 --> 00:13:47,384 - And I will take that secret to... - Sorry. 152 00:13:49,344 --> 00:13:52,055 - What? - I'm sorry. It's not you. 153 00:13:52,139 --> 00:13:55,559 Well, at least I'm looking for a solution. 154 00:14:01,023 --> 00:14:02,649 What time are they due back? 155 00:14:03,859 --> 00:14:05,152 12:00. 156 00:14:05,235 --> 00:14:08,363 I can't wait that long. The dogs will need to shit. 157 00:14:08,780 --> 00:14:12,868 I am pressing accept on the car. Two minutes. 158 00:14:15,204 --> 00:14:16,955 It isn't the worst idea. 159 00:14:18,498 --> 00:14:20,792 Anders, whatever his name is. 160 00:14:21,919 --> 00:14:25,172 It's not like we haven't considered something similar. 161 00:14:25,672 --> 00:14:29,801 I will do anything to get that fucking doll outta this house. 162 00:14:29,885 --> 00:14:33,305 And if we do it my way, it'll be like it never happened. 163 00:14:33,972 --> 00:14:34,973 For Dorothy. 164 00:14:36,600 --> 00:14:39,478 The rest of us will always know. 165 00:14:40,604 --> 00:14:43,106 I don't know how you're coping, Juju, after what you found. 166 00:14:43,190 --> 00:14:44,483 I didn't do anything. 167 00:14:44,566 --> 00:14:47,694 You were always the strong one. A fighter. 168 00:14:48,946 --> 00:14:51,782 - Unlike Dottie. - Don't start on her. Not now. 169 00:14:53,200 --> 00:14:55,410 I'm just glad we gave her a brother. 170 00:14:57,829 --> 00:15:00,207 He's raced his way here. 171 00:15:00,791 --> 00:15:03,168 I never know if that bodes well for the journey. 172 00:15:04,419 --> 00:15:06,129 You'll talk to Sean, sound him out? 173 00:15:06,630 --> 00:15:08,715 I'm sure he'll be intrigued by the idea. 174 00:15:09,633 --> 00:15:10,634 Kiss from Grandpa? 175 00:15:10,717 --> 00:15:13,303 Yeah. Humor. That's the spirit. 176 00:15:26,900 --> 00:15:27,901 Roscoe, where are you? 177 00:15:28,360 --> 00:15:30,779 20th, coming up on Cypress. 178 00:15:30,863 --> 00:15:32,281 Okay, I can take it from here. 179 00:15:32,948 --> 00:15:34,491 Punch the clock and go home. 180 00:15:48,505 --> 00:15:49,506 Here we are. 181 00:15:52,718 --> 00:15:54,303 Thanks for walking me home. 182 00:15:54,928 --> 00:15:56,597 Course. Any time. 183 00:15:58,307 --> 00:15:59,892 I had a great time tonight. 184 00:16:00,934 --> 00:16:02,853 - Me too. - Good. 185 00:16:10,360 --> 00:16:13,655 No, no, no. I'm sorry, it's just... 186 00:16:14,198 --> 00:16:16,283 It's not you. I... 187 00:16:58,700 --> 00:17:01,620 Hilarious. Now, where's the real one? 188 00:17:08,627 --> 00:17:10,295 Do you really wanna play this game? 189 00:17:27,020 --> 00:17:28,939 You really go all out, don't you? 190 00:17:29,690 --> 00:17:31,108 I'm impressed. 191 00:17:34,069 --> 00:17:37,030 She'll be back in an hour and ten. Should we get on with this? 192 00:17:39,199 --> 00:17:41,743 Will you get me some more diapers please, Julian? 193 00:17:54,172 --> 00:17:56,425 Yeah. There we go. 194 00:17:58,927 --> 00:18:00,137 How much? 195 00:18:02,973 --> 00:18:05,517 I'll give you 50K, cash. 196 00:18:07,060 --> 00:18:08,979 But here's what I want for it. 197 00:18:09,855 --> 00:18:14,193 When Dorothy gets back home tonight, the baby's gonna be in that crib. 198 00:18:14,610 --> 00:18:17,446 The breathing, kicking, pissing one. Agreed? 199 00:18:27,664 --> 00:18:29,124 Is he on his way? 200 00:18:29,208 --> 00:18:31,335 The old fuck... Is that who we're waiting for? 201 00:18:32,085 --> 00:18:33,212 Uncle George? 202 00:18:34,171 --> 00:18:35,631 He'll be at home by now. 203 00:18:36,673 --> 00:18:38,008 With my aunt. 204 00:18:40,052 --> 00:18:41,678 I went to Wisconsin. 205 00:18:42,346 --> 00:18:44,723 I found Leanne Grayson's house. 206 00:18:45,140 --> 00:18:48,894 I saw her school, her local store, her gravestone. 207 00:18:49,811 --> 00:18:51,813 You took a dead girl's identity, big deal. 208 00:18:51,897 --> 00:18:54,483 I don't actually give a fuck who you are anymore. 209 00:18:54,566 --> 00:18:57,194 I wanna talk to whoever's in charge. 210 00:19:11,917 --> 00:19:13,794 Does my breath smell, Julian? 211 00:19:19,216 --> 00:19:21,426 You're a real-life whack job, aren't you? 212 00:19:27,516 --> 00:19:29,768 I wonder how they make cotton candy. 213 00:19:32,020 --> 00:19:35,357 I mean, I know it's just color and sugar... 214 00:19:35,440 --> 00:19:38,277 but what does the machine do? 215 00:19:39,486 --> 00:19:41,280 Why does it need to spin? 216 00:19:42,573 --> 00:19:44,157 I bet Sean would know. 217 00:19:47,286 --> 00:19:50,789 In under an hour, Dorothy is going to get here. 218 00:19:50,873 --> 00:19:54,084 She's gonna kick off her shoes and scurry up the stairs and check the crib. 219 00:19:54,167 --> 00:19:55,252 What will she find? 220 00:19:56,670 --> 00:19:57,880 That's a funny question. 221 00:19:57,963 --> 00:20:00,507 Well, I'm in a funny mood. What does she find? 222 00:20:01,216 --> 00:20:02,217 Jericho. 223 00:20:03,385 --> 00:20:05,387 The baby she thinks is Jericho. Good. 224 00:20:05,470 --> 00:20:07,347 Let's work with that. Where is it? 225 00:20:08,891 --> 00:20:10,309 He's in his crib. 226 00:20:11,185 --> 00:20:14,188 Am I negotiating with someone with a reduced mental capacity? 227 00:20:14,271 --> 00:20:15,480 What do you want? 228 00:20:21,945 --> 00:20:23,655 What did you find, Julian? 229 00:20:27,284 --> 00:20:28,577 Seventy-five thousand. 230 00:20:29,119 --> 00:20:32,331 When you came to check on them, what did you see? 231 00:20:34,750 --> 00:20:37,794 One hundred. But we're on the fucking ceiling here! 232 00:20:46,970 --> 00:20:49,681 Thank you for sitting with Jericho tonight. 233 00:20:51,225 --> 00:20:53,977 I'm really glad you guys got to spend some time together. 234 00:20:56,522 --> 00:20:58,357 But I can take it from here. 235 00:21:14,665 --> 00:21:15,749 Dare me! 236 00:21:16,792 --> 00:21:18,502 Do you fucking dare me? 237 00:21:18,919 --> 00:21:22,381 If you think this is real, what happens if I let go? 238 00:21:23,006 --> 00:21:25,676 - You're not gonna drop him, Julian. - Won't I? 239 00:21:25,759 --> 00:21:28,178 You would never intentionally hurt anyone. 240 00:21:28,262 --> 00:21:33,058 Well, you might wanna get down there, because in five, four, three... 241 00:21:33,141 --> 00:21:34,893 I'm gonna fucking do it! 242 00:21:34,977 --> 00:21:37,479 Two, one! 243 00:21:48,240 --> 00:21:49,741 It's in the house. 244 00:21:50,158 --> 00:21:51,410 It's downstairs. 245 00:22:41,793 --> 00:22:43,170 Baby! 246 00:22:44,046 --> 00:22:45,756 Baby! 247 00:22:47,925 --> 00:22:49,593 Baby! 248 00:22:49,676 --> 00:22:51,720 Wake up, little baby! 249 00:22:53,555 --> 00:22:55,974 Baby. Baby! 250 00:23:15,869 --> 00:23:16,995 Dorothy? 251 00:23:54,575 --> 00:23:56,368 Baby! 252 00:23:58,328 --> 00:23:59,621 Baby! 253 00:24:46,293 --> 00:24:48,045 I was the first one in here. 254 00:24:55,469 --> 00:24:56,595 Julian? 255 00:24:57,804 --> 00:25:00,057 He opened the Neuf-du-Pape. I can smell it. 256 00:25:02,017 --> 00:25:03,644 I'm gonna check on him. 257 00:25:09,858 --> 00:25:11,068 Hey. 258 00:25:28,669 --> 00:25:30,379 There you are. 259 00:25:32,381 --> 00:25:33,924 How was he for you? 260 00:25:35,092 --> 00:25:37,094 Didn't hear a peep out of him all night. 261 00:25:39,721 --> 00:25:41,765 Isn't he the best? 262 00:25:47,062 --> 00:25:48,355 May I hold him? 263 00:25:50,190 --> 00:25:51,692 Of course. 264 00:26:30,230 --> 00:26:31,773 Hey, Wanda? 265 00:26:43,368 --> 00:26:44,369 Hey. 266 00:26:48,999 --> 00:26:50,626 Why did you call earlier? 267 00:26:53,045 --> 00:26:54,546 It's not important now. 268 00:26:55,589 --> 00:26:57,007 They sat us at a guest table. 269 00:26:57,090 --> 00:26:59,426 I thought Dorothy was gonna lose her fucking shit. 270 00:26:59,509 --> 00:27:00,677 But she was totally cool. 271 00:27:00,761 --> 00:27:03,513 I mean, like a different person, better than before. 272 00:27:03,597 --> 00:27:06,099 I don't know if it's the baby or having Leanne in the house. 273 00:27:06,183 --> 00:27:07,392 She knows. 274 00:27:08,435 --> 00:27:10,062 - She what? - Leanne. 275 00:27:11,563 --> 00:27:13,190 She knows everything now. 276 00:27:18,904 --> 00:27:20,906 Julian, what the fuck? 277 00:27:37,923 --> 00:27:40,842 I'm glad you're still awake. Can you help me? 278 00:27:52,020 --> 00:27:53,438 So, how was your night? 279 00:27:55,732 --> 00:27:56,733 Good. 280 00:28:00,028 --> 00:28:01,613 You know what I'm asking. 281 00:28:02,114 --> 00:28:03,949 Did you get a good night kiss? 282 00:28:07,703 --> 00:28:09,454 He doesn't like me in that way. 283 00:28:12,499 --> 00:28:13,709 Are you sure? 284 00:28:17,713 --> 00:28:19,423 You were wrong, Mrs. Turner. 285 00:28:25,012 --> 00:28:26,513 Can you not get it? 286 00:28:27,055 --> 00:28:28,181 It's stiff. 287 00:28:28,265 --> 00:28:30,809 Well, just use your nails. 288 00:28:31,226 --> 00:28:32,603 If I didn't bite them so much. 289 00:28:33,979 --> 00:28:35,230 Here, let me try it. 290 00:28:36,106 --> 00:28:37,316 Leanne! 291 00:28:38,442 --> 00:28:41,570 Oh, God. You're so clumsy. Help me find them! 292 00:28:49,745 --> 00:28:50,996 Do you see any more? 293 00:28:51,997 --> 00:28:54,041 I think I saw some go under the bed.