1 00:00:04,630 --> 00:00:06,423 [horns honking] 2 00:00:42,376 --> 00:00:44,836 [jingle bells tinkling] 3 00:00:46,088 --> 00:00:48,090 [frogs croaking] 4 00:01:01,478 --> 00:01:02,854 [meows] 5 00:01:09,152 --> 00:01:10,153 [toy frog croaks] 6 00:01:14,741 --> 00:01:16,910 Anne, what's happening? 7 00:01:16,910 --> 00:01:18,579 Are we under attack? 8 00:01:18,662 --> 00:01:21,790 Are these fortifications, booby traps, weapons? 9 00:01:21,790 --> 00:01:24,501 Dude, calm down. It's just Christmas. 10 00:01:24,501 --> 00:01:26,837 [all] It's what? 11 00:01:26,962 --> 00:01:29,006 Oh, shoot. I never explained this? 12 00:01:29,131 --> 00:01:31,633 Christmas is one of the biggest Earth holidays. 13 00:01:31,633 --> 00:01:34,636 And us Boonchuys go big! 14 00:01:34,636 --> 00:01:36,471 Ah. A holiday. Neato. 15 00:01:36,597 --> 00:01:37,973 So what's it about? [inhales deeply] 16 00:01:38,098 --> 00:01:40,684 [phone ringing] 17 00:01:40,684 --> 00:01:42,644 Happy holidays from the Boonchuys. 18 00:01:42,644 --> 00:01:44,146 Yes, this is she. 19 00:01:44,271 --> 00:01:45,897 [gasps] Really? 20 00:01:45,897 --> 00:01:48,442 It's the Downtown LA Christmapalooza Parade. 21 00:01:48,525 --> 00:01:50,235 There was a last‐minute opening. 22 00:01:50,235 --> 00:01:51,403 [both gasp] 23 00:01:51,528 --> 00:01:53,613 The what? [both groan] 24 00:01:53,613 --> 00:01:54,781 [all gasp] 25 00:01:54,865 --> 00:01:56,783 It's the annual holiday parade. 26 00:01:56,783 --> 00:02:00,329 Local businesses and schools and sports teams all make floats. 27 00:02:00,329 --> 00:02:02,581 It's almost been my mom's dream to have one for the restaurant. 28 00:02:02,706 --> 00:02:04,124 The heck is a float? 29 00:02:04,124 --> 00:02:06,877 [sighs] Every answer brings more and more questions. 30 00:02:06,877 --> 00:02:08,879 Could this finally be the year? 31 00:02:08,879 --> 00:02:10,422 [both chuckling] 32 00:02:10,422 --> 00:02:13,717 Thank you so much. I just can't believe it. [both] Yes, yes, yes. 33 00:02:13,842 --> 00:02:16,219 But I'm gonna have to say no. 34 00:02:16,345 --> 00:02:17,304 [both groan] 35 00:02:17,387 --> 00:02:19,973 Mom, why did you say no? 36 00:02:19,973 --> 00:02:22,976 Honey, as much as I would love a Thai Go float, 37 00:02:22,976 --> 00:02:25,479 and I love Christmas more than anything, 38 00:02:25,562 --> 00:02:28,023 it would draw way too much attention to us. 39 00:02:28,023 --> 00:02:29,650 Yeah, but‐‐ [Mrs. Boonchuy] I mean, 40 00:02:29,650 --> 00:02:33,403 three frogs from another dimension parading in front of all of LA? 41 00:02:33,403 --> 00:02:36,406 Even in disguises, that's hardly keeping a low profile. 42 00:02:36,406 --> 00:02:39,618 True. Especially not with that evil king coming after you. 43 00:02:39,618 --> 00:02:43,455 Honestly, we're just happy you're home to spend the holiday with us. 44 00:02:43,580 --> 00:02:45,082 That's more than enough for me. 45 00:02:45,874 --> 00:02:48,126 But this is your dream. 46 00:02:48,210 --> 00:02:52,130 Yeah, well, we can still do all the normal traditions. 47 00:02:52,214 --> 00:02:55,300 Carols, cookies, decorating the tree, gifts, 48 00:02:55,384 --> 00:02:57,302 the family Christmas card. 49 00:02:57,386 --> 00:03:00,681 Oh, that reminds me. I picked the theme for this year's card. 50 00:03:00,764 --> 00:03:03,642 "Candid." It's gonna be groundbreaking. 51 00:03:03,642 --> 00:03:05,936 Huh. What was last year's theme? Ungulates. 52 00:03:05,936 --> 00:03:07,604 ‐[cow moos] ‐[horse whinnies] 53 00:03:07,604 --> 00:03:08,647 What the heck? 54 00:03:08,772 --> 00:03:11,149 See? We can still have a great holiday 55 00:03:11,274 --> 00:03:12,651 without a float at the parade. 56 00:03:14,486 --> 00:03:15,654 [all scream] 57 00:03:15,654 --> 00:03:16,655 My eyes. 58 00:03:16,780 --> 00:03:18,490 I'm gonna need to be quick on the draw 59 00:03:18,490 --> 00:03:20,409 if I wanna capture us in our‐‐ Oh, my goodness! 60 00:03:22,244 --> 00:03:24,538 Okay, next time no flash. [all groan] 61 00:03:24,538 --> 00:03:27,749 Right, so, uh, the Plantars and I have something else to do. 62 00:03:27,833 --> 00:03:29,960 Okay, bye. [shutter clicks] 63 00:03:32,671 --> 00:03:36,800 Hi, yes this is Anne Boonchuy. You just called about a parade float for Thai Go. 64 00:03:36,925 --> 00:03:39,636 Well, we'd like to change that no to a yes. 65 00:03:39,761 --> 00:03:40,762 Great! Thanks, bye! 66 00:03:40,887 --> 00:03:42,764 Whoa! Plot twist! 67 00:03:42,889 --> 00:03:44,599 Anne, what're you doin'? 68 00:03:44,599 --> 00:03:48,270 Did you see my mom? She was clearly devastated and trying to hide it. 69 00:03:48,395 --> 00:03:50,730 I did sense a subtle melancholy. 70 00:03:50,730 --> 00:03:53,692 My parents have already made too many sacrifices for me. 71 00:03:53,692 --> 00:03:54,901 Well, no more. 72 00:03:54,985 --> 00:03:58,905 This year, I'm gonna give them the greatest present ever. 73 00:03:58,989 --> 00:04:01,158 The parade float of their dreams. 74 00:04:01,241 --> 00:04:02,659 Are you with me? 75 00:04:02,659 --> 00:04:03,493 Yeah! Let's do it! 76 00:04:03,577 --> 00:04:05,120 Sounds good to me! 77 00:04:05,120 --> 00:04:07,456 Before we go, could you explain this holiday to me? 78 00:04:07,456 --> 00:04:10,417 No time! We only have a few days, so let's motor, people! 79 00:04:10,417 --> 00:04:11,668 [all] Yeah! 80 00:04:11,793 --> 00:04:13,170 [Anne] Whoo! [Polly] Yeah! 81 00:04:13,295 --> 00:04:14,463 [Hop Pop] All right! 82 00:04:25,015 --> 00:04:28,101 King Andrias, the robot army is nearly complete. 83 00:04:28,185 --> 00:04:30,604 Ahead of schedule and under budget. 84 00:04:30,604 --> 00:04:32,731 Excellent, Triple B. 85 00:04:33,523 --> 00:04:34,816 But what are you wearing? 86 00:04:34,900 --> 00:04:37,736 ‐[fast Christmas jingle plays] ‐Pretty cute, right? 87 00:04:37,861 --> 00:04:41,239 It's late winter, which means it's almost time for the human holiday, 88 00:04:41,239 --> 00:04:42,282 Christmas! 89 00:04:42,365 --> 00:04:44,868 ‐Marcy told us about it, remember? ‐No. 90 00:04:44,993 --> 00:04:48,872 It's fun! We even got you a Christmas gift. 91 00:04:48,872 --> 00:04:50,874 Stay right there. [smacking] 92 00:04:50,999 --> 00:04:53,418 [panting] 93 00:04:55,253 --> 00:04:58,256 [panting, grunting] 94 00:05:00,342 --> 00:05:03,303 [grunting, straining] 95 00:05:09,309 --> 00:05:11,770 [panting, straining] 96 00:05:11,770 --> 00:05:13,188 [sighs] 97 00:05:13,271 --> 00:05:15,941 Okay, stairs. [grunting] 98 00:05:16,650 --> 00:05:20,779 [straining, grunting] 99 00:05:20,779 --> 00:05:21,780 [sighs] 100 00:05:21,905 --> 00:05:24,324 Ooh! Is that for me? 101 00:05:25,367 --> 00:05:27,118 [giggles] 102 00:05:27,702 --> 00:05:29,538 [gasps] 103 00:05:29,538 --> 00:05:32,707 Wow! What is it exactly? 104 00:05:32,707 --> 00:05:36,336 Oh, this is our newest drone soldier prototype, sir. 105 00:05:36,419 --> 00:05:39,256 If you sign off, we can start mass producing them tomorrow. 106 00:05:39,381 --> 00:05:40,632 Goody! 107 00:05:40,632 --> 00:05:43,802 Oh, and look at this. Nifty. 108 00:05:43,885 --> 00:05:47,055 ‐[clang] ‐Pfft. Crown. [chuckles] 109 00:05:48,723 --> 00:05:50,725 Let's see what this baby can do. 110 00:05:50,725 --> 00:05:52,352 [beeping] 111 00:05:53,395 --> 00:05:54,813 Steering's kinda tricky. 112 00:05:54,813 --> 00:05:56,356 [all gasp] 113 00:05:56,439 --> 00:05:58,608 Hmm, what's this for? [beeps] 114 00:05:59,276 --> 00:06:00,944 [electric crackling] 115 00:06:01,027 --> 00:06:03,780 Ooh! Now, this I like! 116 00:06:03,864 --> 00:06:05,240 Glad to hear it, sire! 117 00:06:05,240 --> 00:06:07,284 It just needs a little testing and it'll be‐‐ 118 00:06:07,284 --> 00:06:09,119 Whoa! Good to go. 119 00:06:09,202 --> 00:06:12,914 Testing, eh? I just had a grand idea. 120 00:06:12,914 --> 00:06:17,043 I can send this drone to Earth and destroy Anne virtually. 121 00:06:17,043 --> 00:06:19,671 I never should've sent a robot to do a newt's job. 122 00:06:19,754 --> 00:06:22,173 But technically you're still sending a robot to do‐‐ 123 00:06:22,173 --> 00:06:23,174 [both] Shut up, Blair. 124 00:06:23,258 --> 00:06:25,176 Get ready, Anne. 125 00:06:25,176 --> 00:06:28,221 Once I figure out how to control this thing, you're finished. 126 00:06:28,805 --> 00:06:31,016 [whirring] 127 00:06:31,016 --> 00:06:32,559 [screaming] 128 00:06:32,642 --> 00:06:34,561 [screaming continues] 129 00:06:34,644 --> 00:06:37,272 For such tiny legs, you three sure move fast. 130 00:06:37,355 --> 00:06:39,357 [laughs] 131 00:06:40,358 --> 00:06:42,485 [cackles] 132 00:06:43,778 --> 00:06:46,364 [guitar strumming] 133 00:06:49,075 --> 00:06:51,870 ♪ I'm sure you feel it coming ♪ 134 00:06:51,870 --> 00:06:54,748 ♪ There's something On the breeze ♪ 135 00:06:54,748 --> 00:06:57,542 ♪ It might be slightly snowing ♪ 136 00:06:57,667 --> 00:06:59,836 ♪ Or 70 degrees ♪ 137 00:07:00,003 --> 00:07:01,254 Wow! 138 00:07:01,254 --> 00:07:03,965 ♪ Regardless Of your hemisphere ♪ 139 00:07:03,965 --> 00:07:06,968 ♪ The holidays are here ♪ 140 00:07:07,052 --> 00:07:11,806 ♪ And with them come the tidings Of this special time of year ♪ 141 00:07:11,806 --> 00:07:12,891 Oh! 142 00:07:12,974 --> 00:07:15,727 So what's the plan, Anne? How we making this boat? 143 00:07:15,727 --> 00:07:19,105 Float. And don't worry, I've got a great idea for this bad boy. 144 00:07:19,105 --> 00:07:21,107 [Polly] Ooh! 145 00:07:21,107 --> 00:07:23,151 The first thing we'll need is some technical help. 146 00:07:23,151 --> 00:07:24,444 Anyone know any tech experts? 147 00:07:24,444 --> 00:07:25,779 Do I? 148 00:07:28,365 --> 00:07:31,409 [electronic Christmas music playing] 149 00:07:33,787 --> 00:07:35,622 [electronic barking] 150 00:07:35,622 --> 00:07:37,415 [all gasp] 151 00:07:38,750 --> 00:07:40,794 Thank you so much for helping me with this float. 152 00:07:40,794 --> 00:07:44,422 No problem! We'll do anything electronic, animatronic. 153 00:07:44,422 --> 00:07:46,424 Technotronic, really any other tronic. 154 00:07:46,508 --> 00:07:49,260 Thanks you two. You're absolute lifesavers. 155 00:07:49,344 --> 00:07:50,428 Hey, don't mention it. 156 00:07:50,512 --> 00:07:52,389 Now go grab some eggnog and enjoy the party! 157 00:07:52,389 --> 00:07:53,390 [clicks tongue] 158 00:07:53,515 --> 00:07:54,599 [electronic music continues] 159 00:07:54,599 --> 00:07:57,560 So, come here often? [buzzes, dings] 160 00:07:57,560 --> 00:07:58,895 [gasps] Cookie! 161 00:07:59,020 --> 00:08:02,065 This holiday makin' any more sense to you kids? 162 00:08:02,065 --> 00:08:03,400 Nope. Less, actually. 163 00:08:03,400 --> 00:08:05,026 [slurps] Come on. Let's just ask. 164 00:08:05,110 --> 00:08:08,196 ‐[both] Chug! Chug! Chug! ‐[electric zapping] 165 00:08:08,279 --> 00:08:11,199 'Scuse me, could you explain Christmas to us? 166 00:08:11,282 --> 00:08:13,368 Y'all never heard of Christmas? 167 00:08:13,451 --> 00:08:15,036 Eh, no. 168 00:08:15,036 --> 00:08:17,997 It's a holiday! You celebrate, get a tree, decorate. 169 00:08:18,081 --> 00:08:19,999 You make cookies, party hard. 170 00:08:19,999 --> 00:08:22,293 ‐"Get" a tree? ‐Cookies? 171 00:08:22,293 --> 00:08:23,461 I'm still confused. 172 00:08:23,545 --> 00:08:26,005 Just be careful when you're tying lights to the tree. 173 00:08:26,005 --> 00:08:29,134 If you get the voltage wrong‐‐ [imitates explosion] 174 00:08:29,134 --> 00:08:31,219 Nothing ruins Christmas like a tree on fire. 175 00:08:31,302 --> 00:08:34,222 Flaming trees, bad. Got it. 176 00:08:34,222 --> 00:08:36,224 Oh! Forgot to mention that on Christmas, 177 00:08:36,307 --> 00:08:39,310 you have to get a gift for the person who means the most to you. 178 00:08:39,310 --> 00:08:43,481 It better be good too. A bad gift can pretty much spoil the whole thing. 179 00:08:44,065 --> 00:08:46,735 [laughing] 180 00:08:46,735 --> 00:08:48,236 So what you're saying is 181 00:08:48,236 --> 00:08:49,863 I have to get Anne the perfect gift... 182 00:08:49,946 --> 00:08:51,906 [in deep voice] or I'll ruin Christmas. 183 00:08:51,906 --> 00:08:54,409 [creaking, thuds] 184 00:08:54,492 --> 00:08:57,162 This is one of those stressful holidays, isn't it? 185 00:08:58,246 --> 00:08:59,914 All right! Techies secured! 186 00:09:00,081 --> 00:09:02,584 Next up, we'll need some decorations to populate the float. 187 00:09:02,584 --> 00:09:05,462 And I think I know just who'll have some. 188 00:09:12,969 --> 00:09:16,139 ‐[Spring] Wow. ‐[Hop Pop] I didn't think this place could get any crazier. 189 00:09:17,640 --> 00:09:19,225 Hello, sir! [screams] 190 00:09:19,225 --> 00:09:21,394 Interested in learning the history of mistletoe? 191 00:09:21,478 --> 00:09:23,354 It's a not‐so‐jolly tale of monarchic betrayals 192 00:09:23,354 --> 00:09:27,901 and bloodshed originating in the early 13th century‐‐ Anne. 193 00:09:27,901 --> 00:09:31,279 You're just in time for a festive lecture. Strap in. 194 00:09:31,279 --> 00:09:34,616 Hey, Dr. Jan. Actually, I'm building my parents a parade float, 195 00:09:34,699 --> 00:09:36,618 and I need all the help I can get. 196 00:09:36,618 --> 00:09:38,286 Decorations, props... 197 00:09:38,369 --> 00:09:41,456 Ooh, I love the Christmapalooza parade! 198 00:09:41,456 --> 00:09:44,918 You could use some mannequins and wintry flora from our dioramas. 199 00:09:45,001 --> 00:09:46,086 Take your pick. 200 00:09:46,086 --> 00:09:49,380 Thanks, Dr. Jan! My mom is gonna love this 201 00:09:49,464 --> 00:09:52,383 [clears throat] Dr. Jan? You're an educator. 202 00:09:52,467 --> 00:09:54,385 We need a clear answer here. 203 00:09:54,469 --> 00:09:57,430 What in the flying frog is Christmas about? 204 00:09:57,430 --> 00:10:01,726 Interest? In history? My time has come. 205 00:10:02,769 --> 00:10:04,562 Aha! [gasps, screams] 206 00:10:04,562 --> 00:10:08,441 [giggles] This bone structure is perfect for Santa! 207 00:10:08,525 --> 00:10:10,777 It started with the recognition of the winter solstice 208 00:10:10,860 --> 00:10:12,737 and the burning of the yule log in the 4th century. 209 00:10:12,862 --> 00:10:14,072 Okay, four centuries. 210 00:10:15,698 --> 00:10:17,909 Well, hello, Rudolph. 211 00:10:17,909 --> 00:10:19,410 [groaning] But many of our modern traditions 212 00:10:19,410 --> 00:10:21,079 come from the ancient Roman Feast of Saturnalia. 213 00:10:21,204 --> 00:10:23,915 Whoa! Of course, there's also the Dutch Sinterklaas. 214 00:10:24,040 --> 00:10:25,583 So many options. 215 00:10:25,583 --> 00:10:27,168 Woolly mammoths are wintry! 216 00:10:27,293 --> 00:10:29,337 Nah, it'd never fit. 217 00:10:29,337 --> 00:10:31,381 But maybe... 218 00:10:31,506 --> 00:10:33,550 Others would argue it has less to do with history 219 00:10:33,675 --> 00:10:36,553 and more to do with the interests of major soda conglomerates. 220 00:10:36,678 --> 00:10:38,721 Make it stop! 221 00:10:38,721 --> 00:10:42,559 My head hurts. It has too much knowledge! 222 00:10:42,559 --> 00:10:44,936 And all of this resulting in a celebratory period 223 00:10:44,936 --> 00:10:47,939 of feasting and gift‐giving with family and friends! 224 00:10:48,064 --> 00:10:49,107 [child cackles] Yahoo! Huh? 225 00:10:49,232 --> 00:10:51,276 [shouts] I'm a dino dentist! 226 00:10:51,276 --> 00:10:52,402 [screaming] 227 00:10:52,402 --> 00:10:55,446 Oh no, not again. Please excuse me. 228 00:10:55,572 --> 00:10:56,948 [groans] 229 00:10:56,948 --> 00:10:58,783 I give up. 230 00:10:58,783 --> 00:11:01,703 [grunts] We'll never understand this stuff! 231 00:11:01,786 --> 00:11:03,705 I think I'm starting to get it. 232 00:11:03,788 --> 00:11:05,832 It sounds like Swamphollow's Eve. 233 00:11:05,832 --> 00:11:07,792 But without the ritual sacrifices. 234 00:11:07,792 --> 00:11:10,086 I still think it's all about giving presents. 235 00:11:10,086 --> 00:11:13,631 Whatever I get Anne, it has to be really good. Perfect, even. 236 00:11:13,631 --> 00:11:14,632 Or else! 237 00:11:14,716 --> 00:11:16,759 [Anne] Okay, guys. Ready for our next stop? 238 00:11:16,759 --> 00:11:17,927 [screaming] 239 00:11:19,637 --> 00:11:20,763 What? 240 00:11:20,889 --> 00:11:23,850 I think I spoke too soon about the ritual sacrifices. 241 00:11:26,769 --> 00:11:32,942 ♪ A bucket of fried chicken A costume for your dad ♪ 242 00:11:32,942 --> 00:11:38,489 ♪ A demon who will stuff you In a sack if you've been bad ♪ 243 00:11:38,489 --> 00:11:39,490 [all] Ah! 244 00:11:39,616 --> 00:11:41,659 ♪ A reindeer gets promoted ♪ 245 00:11:41,784 --> 00:11:47,665 ♪ An old man confronts his fear Of karma and mortality ♪ 246 00:11:47,790 --> 00:11:50,752 ♪ This special time of year ♪ 247 00:11:55,757 --> 00:11:57,425 [whirring] 248 00:12:00,261 --> 00:12:02,347 Hello, Earth! 249 00:12:02,347 --> 00:12:05,016 Wow. Lotta people down there. 250 00:12:05,016 --> 00:12:09,020 Now, where is that Anne Boonchuy? 251 00:12:09,103 --> 00:12:11,856 Wait, what? [groaning] 252 00:12:11,856 --> 00:12:14,359 Oh, no! 253 00:12:14,484 --> 00:12:15,860 [grunts] 254 00:12:15,860 --> 00:12:19,489 [groans] Man, I've got to get better at these controls. 255 00:12:23,493 --> 00:12:27,205 [rock Christmas music playing] 256 00:12:27,330 --> 00:12:28,539 Thanks for your help, everyone! 257 00:12:33,127 --> 00:12:34,462 Hmm. Nuh‐uh. 258 00:12:34,462 --> 00:12:35,797 [panting] Nope. 259 00:12:35,797 --> 00:12:38,341 Garbage! It's all garbage! 260 00:12:38,341 --> 00:12:40,176 [sighs] He's right. 261 00:12:42,220 --> 00:12:43,388 Cookies? 262 00:12:43,471 --> 00:12:44,514 Cookies! 263 00:12:50,186 --> 00:12:51,646 Ah! Ah! [sneezes] 264 00:12:54,691 --> 00:12:56,693 [music continues] 265 00:13:01,614 --> 00:13:04,158 Garbage! It's all garbage! 266 00:13:04,242 --> 00:13:05,410 [meows, coughs] 267 00:13:09,038 --> 00:13:10,623 We did it! Whoo! 268 00:13:10,707 --> 00:13:13,376 Thanks, guys. Mom and Dad are gonna love it. 269 00:13:13,376 --> 00:13:15,712 This is gonna be the best Christmas ever! 270 00:13:17,171 --> 00:13:18,172 We can fix that. 271 00:13:21,718 --> 00:13:24,887 Okay, so I really wanted to do something special for you guys 272 00:13:24,887 --> 00:13:26,597 since you've done so much for me. 273 00:13:26,681 --> 00:13:28,391 And, well, open your eyes. 274 00:13:28,391 --> 00:13:29,392 [gasps] 275 00:13:29,392 --> 00:13:32,061 [jingle bells tinkling] 276 00:13:34,731 --> 00:13:35,898 [electric humming] 277 00:13:37,233 --> 00:13:38,901 Surprise! [horn honks] 278 00:13:39,027 --> 00:13:41,946 Wow! This is amazing! [giggles] 279 00:13:41,946 --> 00:13:43,781 But what about keeping a low profile? 280 00:13:44,657 --> 00:13:48,161 Ho, ho... Uh, line? Ho! 281 00:13:48,161 --> 00:13:50,121 Are you sure? Doesn't sound right. 282 00:13:50,246 --> 00:13:52,290 See? No one will suspect anything. 283 00:13:52,290 --> 00:13:54,834 I wasn't gonna let you give up on your dream 'cause of me. 284 00:13:54,834 --> 00:13:57,587 You wanted this for so long, and you deserve it. 285 00:13:57,712 --> 00:14:00,339 It's perfect. Thank you so much. 286 00:14:00,423 --> 00:14:02,008 Merry Christmas, Mom. 287 00:14:02,008 --> 00:14:03,009 [chuckles] 288 00:14:03,092 --> 00:14:05,344 [shutter clicks] 289 00:14:05,344 --> 00:14:11,517 Gosh dang it! I will get the perfect holiday photo or I will die trying! 290 00:14:11,601 --> 00:14:13,352 Ah! I'm sorry, Santa! 291 00:14:16,606 --> 00:14:20,318 [announcer] Welcome, everyone, to the annual holiday parade! 292 00:14:20,318 --> 00:14:23,488 And introducing newcomers, Thai Go! 293 00:14:23,488 --> 00:14:26,657 Ho, ho... um, line! 294 00:14:26,657 --> 00:14:29,660 Ugh, you gotta be kidding me. You're an actor! 295 00:14:29,786 --> 00:14:31,704 Whoo! Mom? [sniffles] 296 00:14:31,704 --> 00:14:33,873 What's wrong? If it's not perfect I'll fix it! 297 00:14:33,873 --> 00:14:38,294 No, no. It's just really nice to be part of the community like this. 298 00:14:38,419 --> 00:14:42,799 Ever since your father and I came here from Bangkok, it's been a challenge fitting in. 299 00:14:42,799 --> 00:14:48,012 I've always thought making it into this parade would mean we had finally done it. 300 00:14:48,012 --> 00:14:50,640 Wow. I never knew you and Dad felt that way. 301 00:14:50,640 --> 00:14:52,183 And after months in Wartwood, 302 00:14:52,266 --> 00:14:54,310 I know what it's like feeling out of place. 303 00:14:54,852 --> 00:14:56,104 [cheering] 304 00:14:57,647 --> 00:15:00,483 I can't wait to squash this stupid world. 305 00:15:00,483 --> 00:15:02,819 At this rate, it'll take a miracle to find Anne! 306 00:15:07,323 --> 00:15:10,785 Whoo! I'm Anne Boonchuy! I'm Anne Boonchuy! 307 00:15:10,868 --> 00:15:12,829 She's Anne Boonchuy! 308 00:15:12,912 --> 00:15:14,789 Well, that was easy. 309 00:15:14,872 --> 00:15:17,166 Oh, yeah. I remember this holiday! 310 00:15:18,167 --> 00:15:20,878 Glowing trees, nut smashers, 311 00:15:20,962 --> 00:15:22,880 red‐suited jolly man with a beard. 312 00:15:22,964 --> 00:15:25,216 Oh, that gives me an idea. 313 00:15:25,216 --> 00:15:28,803 Let's get festive with this! [chuckles] 314 00:15:35,059 --> 00:15:38,229 [dark Christmas music playing] 315 00:15:38,312 --> 00:15:39,605 [shrieking] 316 00:15:39,689 --> 00:15:40,773 [beeping] 317 00:15:40,857 --> 00:15:42,775 [electronic voice] Robotification complete. 318 00:15:42,775 --> 00:15:45,444 Equipped for battle and ready to rock! 319 00:15:45,528 --> 00:15:49,615 Well, Merry Christmas to me. 320 00:15:50,700 --> 00:15:52,577 You were right, Anne. 321 00:15:52,577 --> 00:15:55,246 I shouldn't have been so worried about everything. 322 00:15:55,371 --> 00:15:57,915 I can't believe I almost missed out on this! 323 00:15:57,915 --> 00:15:59,917 I love Christmas so much! 324 00:15:59,917 --> 00:16:00,960 [cheering] 325 00:16:01,043 --> 00:16:05,298 [chuckles] This is gonna be so candid. 326 00:16:05,381 --> 00:16:08,801 Ho, ho, ho. Hello, Anne Boonchuy! 327 00:16:10,845 --> 00:16:13,639 Aw, man. Well that's definitely ruined. 328 00:16:13,639 --> 00:16:16,475 That voice! It can't be! King Andrias? 329 00:16:16,559 --> 00:16:18,936 Santa? King Andrias is Santa? 330 00:16:18,936 --> 00:16:21,355 This holiday just keeps getting weirder! 331 00:16:31,407 --> 00:16:33,826 Wow! This is a big step up from last year! 332 00:16:38,956 --> 00:16:41,000 ‐[screams] ‐[gasping] 333 00:16:41,918 --> 00:16:43,794 We gotta get outta here now! 334 00:16:43,878 --> 00:16:45,963 [both] B‐But, giant robot! 335 00:16:45,963 --> 00:16:47,882 Ally, Jess, punch it! 336 00:16:48,466 --> 00:16:49,467 [both] Right! 337 00:16:49,550 --> 00:16:50,551 [tires squealing] 338 00:16:52,428 --> 00:16:54,472 [cackling] 339 00:16:54,555 --> 00:16:57,475 Wait! You didn't even get to open your presents! 340 00:16:57,558 --> 00:17:00,186 Hold up. Presents? Maybe we should hear this guy out. 341 00:17:04,357 --> 00:17:05,942 [screaming] 342 00:17:06,025 --> 00:17:07,902 Andrias, you dog! 343 00:17:08,903 --> 00:17:10,404 [tires squealing] [laughing] 344 00:17:10,404 --> 00:17:12,573 I mean, ho, ho, ho! 345 00:17:12,657 --> 00:17:15,243 Come on, guys! Grab anything you can and fight back! 346 00:17:15,243 --> 00:17:17,453 [groans] Really? 347 00:17:17,453 --> 00:17:18,913 Now you're unbreakable? 348 00:17:18,996 --> 00:17:21,999 [both grunting] 349 00:17:24,710 --> 00:17:26,879 [cackles] 350 00:17:26,963 --> 00:17:28,214 [screams] 351 00:17:28,297 --> 00:17:30,508 Oh! I am so sick of robots! 352 00:17:30,508 --> 00:17:31,676 He's too powerful! 353 00:17:31,759 --> 00:17:33,636 Anne, does Santa have a weakness? 354 00:17:33,761 --> 00:17:35,179 Should we throw milk and cookies? 355 00:17:35,179 --> 00:17:37,098 I don't think that's going to work, you guys! 356 00:17:37,932 --> 00:17:39,684 [grunting] 357 00:17:39,684 --> 00:17:41,686 Ho, ho‐‐ Oh! 358 00:17:41,769 --> 00:17:42,853 Well, I'll be danged. 359 00:17:42,853 --> 00:17:45,064 Hey, now! That's not jolly! 360 00:17:45,147 --> 00:17:46,315 [both scream] 361 00:17:47,400 --> 00:17:49,235 [tires screeching] 362 00:17:50,528 --> 00:17:52,655 ‐[whirs] ‐[car alarm beeps] 363 00:17:56,576 --> 00:17:58,786 We're all out of... everything! 364 00:17:58,786 --> 00:18:02,665 Looks like this is the end of the road, Anne... literally! 365 00:18:02,748 --> 00:18:06,752 And you've been a very bad girl this year. 366 00:18:06,752 --> 00:18:09,422 What do we have left to throw? Something! Anything! 367 00:18:09,422 --> 00:18:10,756 The tree! We've gotta‐‐ 368 00:18:10,756 --> 00:18:12,925 Light it on fire? Finally! 369 00:18:12,925 --> 00:18:14,927 [groans] 370 00:18:15,511 --> 00:18:16,429 [grunts] 371 00:18:17,847 --> 00:18:20,433 Hey, Andrias! Merry Christmas! 372 00:18:20,516 --> 00:18:21,809 Hey, thanks. You too. 373 00:18:21,892 --> 00:18:22,768 Wait, no! 374 00:18:23,519 --> 00:18:27,732 ["Ode To Joy" playing] 375 00:18:33,321 --> 00:18:37,325 [fireworks whistling, exploding] 376 00:18:37,325 --> 00:18:39,452 Daddy, is Santa gonna be okay? 377 00:18:39,452 --> 00:18:42,204 [chuckles] No, Timmy. I don't think so. 378 00:18:46,208 --> 00:18:48,544 I don't believe this. Look! 379 00:18:48,669 --> 00:18:49,712 It's snowing. 380 00:18:49,712 --> 00:18:50,921 Bleh. 381 00:18:51,005 --> 00:18:52,715 Nope, ash. It's ash. 382 00:18:52,715 --> 00:18:54,216 Ah! That makes more sense. 383 00:18:56,385 --> 00:18:58,804 Dang it! It's the stupid controller's fault! 384 00:18:58,888 --> 00:19:01,807 I was so close too! 385 00:19:07,730 --> 00:19:10,399 [person] That was pathetic. 386 00:19:10,399 --> 00:19:12,818 And you call yourself a king. 387 00:19:13,903 --> 00:19:14,904 [King Andrias] It doesn't matter. 388 00:19:14,987 --> 00:19:17,073 Against the full force of our army, 389 00:19:17,073 --> 00:19:18,532 none shall stand. 390 00:19:18,532 --> 00:19:22,703 Not Anne, not Earth, not anyone. 391 00:19:26,791 --> 00:19:29,293 [newsperson on radio] Police are still cleaning up the debris well into the night. 392 00:19:30,753 --> 00:19:33,839 ‐[groaning, giggling] ‐Mom! What's wrong? Are you okay? 393 00:19:33,839 --> 00:19:37,468 [laughs] That was so dangerous! 394 00:19:37,468 --> 00:19:40,471 [all laugh] 395 00:19:42,973 --> 00:19:44,183 [all sigh] 396 00:19:44,266 --> 00:19:47,978 A murderous Santa robot. Never thought I'd see that! 397 00:19:47,978 --> 00:19:49,188 Scary stuff. 398 00:19:49,271 --> 00:19:51,524 It was the combo of jolly and murderous 399 00:19:51,607 --> 00:19:54,151 that really made it feel special. 400 00:19:54,151 --> 00:19:56,862 Mom, sorry my gift almost got us killed. 401 00:19:56,862 --> 00:20:00,074 Anne, stop. Your heart was in the right place. 402 00:20:00,074 --> 00:20:02,201 And that's what Christmas is all about. 403 00:20:02,201 --> 00:20:03,369 Is it? 404 00:20:03,452 --> 00:20:04,370 Thanks, Mom 405 00:20:05,287 --> 00:20:07,581 I am so confused. 406 00:20:07,581 --> 00:20:11,168 Can someone finally explain what this holiday actually means? 407 00:20:11,252 --> 00:20:14,213 I guess it's about spending time with the people you love. 408 00:20:14,213 --> 00:20:17,675 And all the presents and traditions are just a way to express that love. 409 00:20:17,758 --> 00:20:21,345 But at the end of the day, all that matters is that you're together. 410 00:20:21,345 --> 00:20:22,805 Like your father. 411 00:20:22,805 --> 00:20:25,641 He's still happy even though he didn't get his perfect photo. 412 00:20:25,766 --> 00:20:27,476 Oh, didn't I? 413 00:20:28,477 --> 00:20:30,146 What? When? How? 414 00:20:30,146 --> 00:20:31,856 Candid, baby. 415 00:20:32,523 --> 00:20:34,525 [Sprig] Oh! 416 00:20:34,650 --> 00:20:36,694 So it's not about the gifts at all? 417 00:20:36,694 --> 00:20:38,195 ‐Nope! ‐Phew. 418 00:20:38,320 --> 00:20:41,365 'Cause I tried to get you the perfect present, but it's not that good. 419 00:20:41,365 --> 00:20:43,701 I'd much rather spend time together instead of giving‐‐ 420 00:20:43,826 --> 00:20:45,327 Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! [chuckles] 421 00:20:45,453 --> 00:20:46,787 No, really, it's dumb! 422 00:20:48,831 --> 00:20:51,333 It's you. 'Cause, you know? 423 00:20:51,333 --> 00:20:53,461 [clears throat] You're my hero. 424 00:20:53,544 --> 00:20:54,462 Thanks, dude. 425 00:20:55,796 --> 00:20:57,631 Okay, even I think that's sweet. 426 00:20:57,631 --> 00:21:00,259 Now let's go inside and eat cookies! 427 00:21:00,259 --> 00:21:01,761 [cheers] Cookies! 428 00:21:01,761 --> 00:21:03,721 Well, I guess that's the end of Christmas. 429 00:21:03,804 --> 00:21:05,055 I'll probably never understand it. 430 00:21:05,139 --> 00:21:07,767 But you know what? I liked it. 431 00:21:07,850 --> 00:21:10,770 ♪ Whatever makes you happy ♪ 432 00:21:10,770 --> 00:21:13,647 ♪ Whatever gets you through ♪ 433 00:21:13,647 --> 00:21:19,820 ♪ Whatever lets you know That I am feeling this With you ♪ 434 00:21:19,904 --> 00:21:23,282 ♪ If you believe it's special ♪ 435 00:21:23,365 --> 00:21:27,286 ♪ Then that's What makes it special ♪ 436 00:21:27,369 --> 00:21:31,707 ♪ It's a special It's a special ♪ 437 00:21:31,707 --> 00:21:38,506 ♪ It's our special Time of year ♪ 438 00:21:41,842 --> 00:21:44,678 [thinking] I can't imagine spending the holidays without your family. 439 00:21:44,804 --> 00:21:46,388 I know how hard it is to be apart 440 00:21:46,388 --> 00:21:48,557 and not know if you'll ever see each other again. 441 00:21:48,682 --> 00:21:51,727 So I'm writing to let you know that your daughter is alive. 442 00:21:51,852 --> 00:21:54,396 She's trapped in another world, but I promise, 443 00:21:54,522 --> 00:21:56,899 I'm going to bring her back home safe. 444 00:21:57,024 --> 00:21:58,984 Signed, a friend.