1 00:00:07,382 --> 00:00:08,383 [car honks] 2 00:00:43,001 --> 00:00:45,045 [frogs croaking] 3 00:00:54,179 --> 00:00:55,138 [yawns] 4 00:00:57,015 --> 00:00:58,684 [all] Where you going, Anne? 5 00:00:58,684 --> 00:01:00,686 Uh, the mailbox. 6 00:01:00,686 --> 00:01:01,979 Sounds exciting. 7 00:01:01,979 --> 00:01:03,814 Can we come? Please? [grunting] 8 00:01:03,814 --> 00:01:05,816 Uh... yeah. I guess. 9 00:01:05,816 --> 00:01:06,692 [both] Yay! Whoo‐hoo! 10 00:01:10,612 --> 00:01:12,531 [squeaks] 11 00:01:12,531 --> 00:01:15,617 You know, I used to only get the mail to intercept my report card. 12 00:01:15,617 --> 00:01:16,952 But these days‐‐ Huh? 13 00:01:18,370 --> 00:01:19,997 Hey, smallish humans. 14 00:01:21,039 --> 00:01:23,542 [screams] Hey! Watch it! 15 00:01:23,542 --> 00:01:25,168 You overgrown stinkbugs! 16 00:01:26,253 --> 00:01:27,921 What did you call us? 17 00:01:27,921 --> 00:01:30,007 Sorry, sorry. She's just a baby. 18 00:01:30,007 --> 00:01:32,134 [chuckles] Weirdest baby I've ever seen. 19 00:01:32,134 --> 00:01:33,010 [growls] 20 00:01:36,013 --> 00:01:37,889 Ooh! That looks fun. 21 00:01:37,889 --> 00:01:39,349 [Anne] Sprig, no! [grunts] 22 00:01:39,349 --> 00:01:40,475 [pants] 23 00:01:40,475 --> 00:01:42,060 [Hop Pop] A free vacation? [gasps] 24 00:01:42,060 --> 00:01:43,895 Just for listening to your talk? 25 00:01:43,895 --> 00:01:45,439 Well, sign me up. 26 00:01:45,439 --> 00:01:46,732 [grunts] 27 00:01:49,359 --> 00:01:51,403 [sighs] 28 00:01:51,403 --> 00:01:52,571 [gulping] 29 00:01:52,571 --> 00:01:53,947 Ah! 30 00:01:53,947 --> 00:01:54,781 Something wrong, kiddo? 31 00:01:54,781 --> 00:01:56,074 Where do I start? 32 00:01:56,074 --> 00:01:57,701 Polly nearly got in a fight. 33 00:01:57,701 --> 00:01:59,870 Hop Pop was seconds away from getting scammed. 34 00:01:59,870 --> 00:02:02,372 And Sprig almost got turned into wood chips. 35 00:02:02,372 --> 00:02:03,957 Wait. Sprig is made out of wood? 36 00:02:03,957 --> 00:02:05,625 [groans] 37 00:02:05,625 --> 00:02:07,919 I'm exhausted just trying to keep them all alive. 38 00:02:09,212 --> 00:02:11,423 [laughs] Sounds like being a parent. 39 00:02:11,423 --> 00:02:13,342 The trick is to ease them into the world. 40 00:02:13,342 --> 00:02:16,720 Slow and steady like how I'm easing this egg into‐‐ 41 00:02:16,720 --> 00:02:18,221 Dang it! 42 00:02:18,221 --> 00:02:21,808 Just be patient. This is a lot of new for them. 43 00:02:21,808 --> 00:02:24,394 Yeah, you're right. Slow and steady. 44 00:02:24,394 --> 00:02:26,104 [vocalizes, gasps] 45 00:02:26,104 --> 00:02:27,105 Bleh! 46 00:02:27,105 --> 00:02:28,357 Think you're tough? 47 00:02:28,357 --> 00:02:30,108 Bring it on, humans. 48 00:02:30,108 --> 00:02:33,612 Free money? And all I have to do is give you my bank account numbers? 49 00:02:33,612 --> 00:02:37,157 [inhales, screaming] 50 00:02:37,157 --> 00:02:39,451 [grunting] Nope. 51 00:02:39,451 --> 00:02:41,953 Slow and steady ain't gonna cut it. 52 00:02:41,953 --> 00:02:43,580 You three will be dead in two days. 53 00:02:43,580 --> 00:02:45,332 Is that a threat? You okay, Anne? 54 00:02:45,332 --> 00:02:49,169 Here. Take this free stress test I got from that guy. 55 00:02:49,169 --> 00:02:52,839 No. The responsible thing to do is to train you all at once 56 00:02:52,839 --> 00:02:55,967 at the most chaotic and dangerous place I know. 57 00:03:00,514 --> 00:03:05,686 The mall... where I learned life's most important skills. 58 00:03:05,686 --> 00:03:09,523 And where you're gonna learn the lessons you need to survive in my world. 59 00:03:09,523 --> 00:03:13,235 [scoffs] Survive? Your world is soft, Anne. 60 00:03:13,235 --> 00:03:16,113 Yeah. I mean, the animals don't even try to disembowel you. 61 00:03:16,113 --> 00:03:17,572 Yeah, we don't need no stinking‐‐ 62 00:03:17,572 --> 00:03:19,491 [all scream] 63 00:03:19,491 --> 00:03:20,575 Ow! 64 00:03:20,575 --> 00:03:22,494 [clears throat] Proceed. 65 00:03:22,494 --> 00:03:25,580 I've come up with a specific task for each of you. 66 00:03:25,580 --> 00:03:28,125 First up, Polly. You need to control your temper. 67 00:03:28,125 --> 00:03:29,876 It's drawing too much attention, 68 00:03:29,876 --> 00:03:31,670 and we're trying to keep a low profile. 69 00:03:31,670 --> 00:03:33,755 I say what I want when I want! 70 00:03:33,755 --> 00:03:35,966 Maybe in Wartwood, but not here. 71 00:03:35,966 --> 00:03:37,843 Your mission is to go into that store 72 00:03:37,843 --> 00:03:40,679 and build a custom plushy without fighting anyone. 73 00:03:40,679 --> 00:03:42,889 Huh. Child's play. 74 00:03:42,889 --> 00:03:46,351 Sprig, you can't touch everything or you're gonna lose a limb. 75 00:03:46,351 --> 00:03:49,688 But there's so many new surfaces and textures. 76 00:03:49,688 --> 00:03:52,399 Your mission is to walk through that gallery of art installations 77 00:03:52,399 --> 00:03:54,276 without touching any of them. 78 00:03:54,276 --> 00:03:55,735 Eh, looks simple enough. 79 00:03:55,735 --> 00:03:57,320 Finally, Hop Pop. 80 00:03:57,320 --> 00:03:59,489 You need to stop taking free stuff. 81 00:03:59,489 --> 00:04:02,242 In my world, everything has a price. 82 00:04:02,242 --> 00:04:04,911 Then why did they call it "free," Anne? 83 00:04:04,911 --> 00:04:09,249 Hmm? Because they think I'm gullible and easily scammed? 84 00:04:09,249 --> 00:04:12,169 Yep. Oh, well, that's actually pretty clever. 85 00:04:12,169 --> 00:04:14,629 Your mission is to make it through Kiosk Alley 86 00:04:14,629 --> 00:04:16,923 without falling for any free scams. 87 00:04:16,923 --> 00:04:18,842 [laughs] 88 00:04:18,842 --> 00:04:20,969 I'll be watching all of you from up here. 89 00:04:20,969 --> 00:04:22,971 You got 20 minutes to complete your missions. 90 00:04:22,971 --> 00:04:25,390 And if one of us screws up? 91 00:04:25,390 --> 00:04:30,395 Then you can't be trusted to leave the house... ever. 92 00:04:30,395 --> 00:04:32,856 No way! Scatter! Since when do you set the stakes? 93 00:04:32,856 --> 00:04:33,982 [all scream, grunt] 94 00:04:33,982 --> 00:04:34,983 Oh, boy. 95 00:04:37,277 --> 00:04:39,404 Piece of cake! [blows raspberry] 96 00:04:39,404 --> 00:04:41,531 Hmm. This will do. 97 00:04:41,531 --> 00:04:42,991 Yoink, yoink. 98 00:04:44,743 --> 00:04:45,494 Hmm. No, thanks. 99 00:04:47,037 --> 00:04:49,247 Don't know why Anne thought this would be difficult. 100 00:04:50,123 --> 00:04:51,750 Huh? [babbles] 101 00:04:51,750 --> 00:04:54,753 [Anne] Build a custom plushy without fighting anyone. 102 00:04:54,753 --> 00:04:56,505 Oh, hello there. 103 00:04:56,505 --> 00:04:58,340 I think there's been a misunderstanding. 104 00:04:58,340 --> 00:04:59,883 But that's‐‐ [spits] 105 00:04:59,883 --> 00:05:02,010 What the‐‐ Hey, lady! 106 00:05:02,010 --> 00:05:03,887 Your chubby spawn is ruining my work. 107 00:05:03,887 --> 00:05:06,097 Did you just call my kid a spawn? 108 00:05:06,097 --> 00:05:09,059 [thinking] Focus, Polly. Don't make a scene. 109 00:05:09,059 --> 00:05:11,311 [sighs] Know what? It's fine. 110 00:05:11,311 --> 00:05:12,938 I'll just get more‐‐ Hey! [babbles] 111 00:05:12,938 --> 00:05:14,773 ‐Hey! ‐[giggling] 112 00:05:16,817 --> 00:05:21,071 Must contain fury! 113 00:05:23,406 --> 00:05:25,659 Whoa! 114 00:05:25,659 --> 00:05:28,119 Such textures to explore. 115 00:05:28,912 --> 00:05:31,289 [gasps] Whoa! 116 00:05:31,289 --> 00:05:33,375 [grunts, giggles] 117 00:05:33,375 --> 00:05:37,170 [Anne] Then you can't be trusted to leave the house ever. 118 00:05:38,505 --> 00:05:41,132 Whoa. It's fine. Totally fine. 119 00:05:41,132 --> 00:05:43,677 I can just look and appreciate from afar. 120 00:05:43,677 --> 00:05:46,221 [humming] 121 00:05:46,221 --> 00:05:47,180 [groans] 122 00:05:48,223 --> 00:05:50,559 [pants, groans] 123 00:05:58,275 --> 00:06:02,028 [grunts] Come on, Sprig. Fight it. 124 00:06:02,028 --> 00:06:03,029 [groans] 125 00:06:06,366 --> 00:06:08,159 Must be some kind of performance piece. 126 00:06:09,619 --> 00:06:12,289 Sir, how would you like a free gift card? 127 00:06:12,289 --> 00:06:14,457 [groans] You there, do you wanna regrow that hair? 128 00:06:14,457 --> 00:06:16,209 I know you do. 129 00:06:16,209 --> 00:06:19,588 Hey there, handsome. Wanna start your modeling career with some headshots? 130 00:06:19,588 --> 00:06:21,006 Just need your ID. 131 00:06:21,006 --> 00:06:24,843 It's 100%, no strings attached, free. 132 00:06:24,843 --> 00:06:27,679 [groaning] 133 00:06:27,679 --> 00:06:29,723 [gasps, grunts] 134 00:06:29,723 --> 00:06:31,808 [stomach rumbling] Oof. 135 00:06:31,808 --> 00:06:34,477 It's the last time I get sushi out of the vending machine. Hmm? 136 00:06:39,232 --> 00:06:41,192 [gasps] Mark here. 137 00:06:41,192 --> 00:06:44,988 Got a suspicious looking COD, Creepy Old Dude, on radar. 138 00:06:44,988 --> 00:06:46,031 I'm in pursuit. 139 00:06:46,698 --> 00:06:49,576 [hums] So far, so good. 140 00:06:49,576 --> 00:06:52,996 The Anne Boonchuy trial by fire is really paying off. 141 00:06:52,996 --> 00:06:54,789 OMG. Anne! Is it really you? 142 00:06:56,207 --> 00:06:57,792 Where have you been? 143 00:06:57,792 --> 00:07:00,587 Is it true you went missing or ran away or died or something? 144 00:07:00,587 --> 00:07:03,465 Don't be ridiculous, Gabby. I was just on my family's farm. 145 00:07:03,465 --> 00:07:06,676 In Alaska. For five months. 146 00:07:06,676 --> 00:07:09,888 Well, now that you're back I got to catch you up on all the hot goss. 147 00:07:09,888 --> 00:07:11,973 Listen, I'm sorta‐‐ So... 148 00:07:11,973 --> 00:07:14,643 Bridget got mad at Carlos 'cause she thought Carlos went to the movies with Johanna. 149 00:07:14,643 --> 00:07:16,519 But it was actually Yoko. 150 00:07:16,519 --> 00:07:18,730 So then Yoko and Bridget stopped being BFFs until they both got mad at Tommy, 151 00:07:18,730 --> 00:07:21,524 because Tommy said, "We've only been dating since second grade. 152 00:07:21,524 --> 00:07:22,901 We're not soul mates." 153 00:07:22,901 --> 00:07:24,694 [groaning] 154 00:07:24,694 --> 00:07:26,363 I can't do this. 155 00:07:26,363 --> 00:07:29,449 These things are just so cool. 156 00:07:29,449 --> 00:07:32,035 Yeah. And then I said, "Dude, you're gonna get caught." 157 00:07:32,035 --> 00:07:33,078 Right? So obvious. 158 00:07:34,204 --> 00:07:35,205 Chance. 159 00:07:39,793 --> 00:07:41,169 Touch. 160 00:07:42,420 --> 00:07:44,923 Feeling. 161 00:07:46,508 --> 00:07:48,176 [chuckles] 162 00:07:55,433 --> 00:07:56,351 Uh‐oh. 163 00:07:57,435 --> 00:07:59,562 Whoa! 164 00:07:59,562 --> 00:08:01,147 [screams, grunts] 165 00:08:02,440 --> 00:08:05,860 [babies babbling] Almost done. Ha! 166 00:08:05,860 --> 00:08:07,946 [grunts, laughs] 167 00:08:07,946 --> 00:08:09,447 Whoa! 168 00:08:11,241 --> 00:08:12,450 [babbles] 169 00:08:12,450 --> 00:08:14,327 No! Please! 170 00:08:14,327 --> 00:08:18,373 I'm so tired! This madness needs to stop! 171 00:08:18,373 --> 00:08:19,332 [babbles] 172 00:08:22,544 --> 00:08:24,504 That's it! 173 00:08:24,504 --> 00:08:26,756 [screams] 174 00:08:26,756 --> 00:08:28,466 ‐[Polly grunts] ‐[cries] 175 00:08:28,466 --> 00:08:30,135 ‐[grunts] ‐[babbling] 176 00:08:31,928 --> 00:08:33,888 Can someone get the manager? 177 00:08:35,390 --> 00:08:37,392 [chuckles] Take that, Anne. 178 00:08:37,392 --> 00:08:39,894 Told you your world was easy‐pea‐‐ [gasps] 179 00:08:41,646 --> 00:08:44,524 It can't be. Thousands of coppers just there for the taking. 180 00:08:44,524 --> 00:08:46,026 For free! 181 00:08:47,235 --> 00:08:48,445 They didn't know it, 182 00:08:48,445 --> 00:08:50,238 but they ended up going to the same restaurant. 183 00:08:50,238 --> 00:08:51,614 Chance. 184 00:08:53,700 --> 00:08:55,368 [gasps] 185 00:08:55,368 --> 00:08:58,538 We got a disrober stealing wishes in progress. Over. 186 00:08:58,538 --> 00:09:00,373 So what started out as a love triangle 187 00:09:00,373 --> 00:09:02,876 is now some kind of disgusting love rhombus. 188 00:09:02,876 --> 00:09:04,252 ‐[Sprig screams] ‐[gasps] 189 00:09:04,252 --> 00:09:05,462 [all screaming] 190 00:09:05,462 --> 00:09:06,755 [grunting] 191 00:09:06,755 --> 00:09:08,882 I may have touched something! 192 00:09:08,882 --> 00:09:11,092 Oh, shoot! Good to see you, Gabs. Got to go. 193 00:09:11,092 --> 00:09:13,011 Later, Anne. Glad you made it back from Alaska. 194 00:09:14,679 --> 00:09:17,098 [Sprig, Polly screaming] 195 00:09:17,098 --> 00:09:19,851 Gangway! Angry moms coming through! 196 00:09:19,851 --> 00:09:21,227 [all crying] 197 00:09:21,227 --> 00:09:22,937 Oh. At least it can't get any worse. 198 00:09:22,937 --> 00:09:24,481 [Hop Pop] Help me, Anne! Help me! 199 00:09:24,481 --> 00:09:25,815 [screams] 200 00:09:25,815 --> 00:09:28,735 Hop Pop, why are you green? 201 00:09:28,735 --> 00:09:31,029 The cursed fountain did this to me. 202 00:09:31,029 --> 00:09:35,241 You were right, Anne! Everything has its price. 203 00:09:35,241 --> 00:09:38,286 Okay, first things first. Gotta clean up this mess. 204 00:09:38,286 --> 00:09:39,913 You're doing great, sweetie. 205 00:09:39,913 --> 00:09:41,706 [grunts] [child screams] 206 00:09:41,706 --> 00:09:42,457 [shutter clicks] 207 00:09:44,042 --> 00:09:45,794 ‐[gasps] ‐[grunts] 208 00:09:48,588 --> 00:09:50,340 Honestly, I can't tell the difference. 209 00:09:50,340 --> 00:09:52,175 Oh, hey. Bada‐bing. 210 00:09:53,343 --> 00:09:56,304 ‐Ooh. ‐[babies crying] 211 00:09:57,680 --> 00:09:59,265 Can I help you, ladies? 212 00:09:59,265 --> 00:10:01,392 Why, yes. We're looking for a ruffian 213 00:10:01,392 --> 00:10:03,686 who was making trouble for our little angels. 214 00:10:03,686 --> 00:10:04,938 I've got just the guy. 215 00:10:04,938 --> 00:10:06,648 Excuse me, sir. 216 00:10:06,648 --> 00:10:08,191 I have a number of ladies here who would like to complain. 217 00:10:09,651 --> 00:10:11,528 You listen here... [all chattering] 218 00:10:11,528 --> 00:10:15,240 Headquarters, I've got a pack of MIDs. That is Moms In Distress. 219 00:10:15,240 --> 00:10:17,117 Send backup! Send backup! 220 00:10:17,117 --> 00:10:18,660 [woman] ...the manager. 221 00:10:18,660 --> 00:10:20,286 [all panting] 222 00:10:22,622 --> 00:10:25,166 [all panting] 223 00:10:25,166 --> 00:10:27,127 Well, guess we failed our trials. 224 00:10:27,127 --> 00:10:28,253 Oh, you think? 225 00:10:28,253 --> 00:10:30,839 No, no. I'm the one who failed. 226 00:10:30,839 --> 00:10:32,882 I shouldn't have put you guys through all of this in the first place. 227 00:10:32,882 --> 00:10:34,926 It was too much, too soon. 228 00:10:34,926 --> 00:10:36,845 Don't feel too bad. 229 00:10:36,845 --> 00:10:40,765 Turns out we could stand to learn a few things about your world. 230 00:10:40,765 --> 00:10:43,601 I just really thought throwing you into the deep end would work. 231 00:10:43,601 --> 00:10:45,645 I mean, it worked for me in Amphibia. 232 00:10:45,645 --> 00:10:46,855 [all] Uh... 233 00:10:46,855 --> 00:10:49,065 ‐[scoffing, laughing] ‐Whoa! 234 00:10:49,065 --> 00:10:52,068 You barely survived. 235 00:10:52,068 --> 00:10:54,362 Yeah. Remember when she was looking at her phone 236 00:10:54,362 --> 00:10:56,447 and walked right into that pool of quicksand? 237 00:10:56,447 --> 00:10:57,949 [screams] 238 00:10:57,949 --> 00:10:59,534 Or when she was napping outside 239 00:10:59,534 --> 00:11:02,078 and a swarm of skullsuckers tried to carry her away? 240 00:11:03,538 --> 00:11:05,707 [all laughing] 241 00:11:05,707 --> 00:11:07,750 Hey, I don't remember that last part. 242 00:11:07,750 --> 00:11:10,503 Anne, we were always looking out for you. 243 00:11:10,503 --> 00:11:12,714 Even if you didn't always notice. 244 00:11:12,714 --> 00:11:15,049 Thanks, guys. I had no idea. 245 00:11:15,049 --> 00:11:17,343 And I'll try to do better about easing you into this place. 246 00:11:19,596 --> 00:11:21,431 I think we need to get Hop Pop to a shower. 247 00:11:21,431 --> 00:11:23,725 Oh, yes, please. My skin is burning. 248 00:11:24,934 --> 00:11:27,103 [frogs croaking] 249 00:11:37,530 --> 00:11:39,616 ‐[grunts] ‐[King Andrias] The box! 250 00:11:42,577 --> 00:11:43,703 Marcy! 251 00:11:50,501 --> 00:11:53,546 No! She managed to open the portal. 252 00:11:53,546 --> 00:11:55,215 Well, no matter. 253 00:11:57,759 --> 00:12:00,762 I still have the box. 254 00:12:00,762 --> 00:12:04,140 So, what about you two? Are you with me? 255 00:12:04,140 --> 00:12:06,059 We're with you. Definitely with you. 256 00:12:06,059 --> 00:12:08,561 Good. Get her to a rejuvenation tank. And make it snappy. 257 00:12:08,561 --> 00:12:11,147 She's fading fast. 258 00:12:11,147 --> 00:12:12,607 There's nothing we can do for her. 259 00:12:12,607 --> 00:12:14,359 Now let's move before someone‐‐ 260 00:12:18,655 --> 00:12:20,240 So what's the plan, Captain? 261 00:12:20,240 --> 00:12:22,575 I'm gonna have to toss you out the window. 262 00:12:22,575 --> 00:12:23,534 The window? 263 00:12:23,534 --> 00:12:25,203 No, Grime! 264 00:12:25,203 --> 00:12:26,537 [screaming] 265 00:12:26,537 --> 00:12:27,872 [screams, grunts] 266 00:12:27,872 --> 00:12:30,375 Ha! Ha! A flawless escape. 267 00:12:30,375 --> 00:12:33,294 And did you have a plan for after you threw us out a window? 268 00:12:33,294 --> 00:12:35,255 [shrieks] 269 00:12:36,589 --> 00:12:38,508 [shrieks] 270 00:12:38,508 --> 00:12:39,926 Well, that's lucky. 271 00:12:39,926 --> 00:12:41,886 Excellent work, George Sparrow. 272 00:12:41,886 --> 00:12:42,971 [squawks] 273 00:12:42,971 --> 00:12:46,474 Anne, Marcy, please be all right. 274 00:12:48,685 --> 00:12:51,145 So many loose ends. 275 00:12:51,145 --> 00:12:52,730 So little time. 276 00:12:53,731 --> 00:12:54,941 Follow them. 277 00:12:59,195 --> 00:13:01,364 [Grime] Our army has been captured. 278 00:13:01,364 --> 00:13:04,659 Looks like we'll have to take shelter somewhere and come up with a new strategy. 279 00:13:04,659 --> 00:13:06,369 Okay, but where do we even go? 280 00:13:06,369 --> 00:13:09,122 Your tower? Andrias will be expecting that. 281 00:13:09,122 --> 00:13:11,666 Then we'll have to go somewhere he doesn't expect. 282 00:13:14,836 --> 00:13:16,629 Look up there in the sky. 283 00:13:16,629 --> 00:13:18,131 [chirping] 284 00:13:20,049 --> 00:13:21,926 What in the frog is going on? 285 00:13:21,926 --> 00:13:23,136 Why are you two here? 286 00:13:23,136 --> 00:13:25,179 Is it just me or is the palace flying? 287 00:13:25,179 --> 00:13:26,681 Where are the Plantars? Where's Anne? 288 00:13:26,681 --> 00:13:27,807 Where's Sprig? 289 00:13:27,807 --> 00:13:29,058 What do we tell them? 290 00:13:29,058 --> 00:13:30,685 Not the truth. That's for sure. 291 00:13:30,685 --> 00:13:35,481 [clears throat] People of Wartwood, we have terrible news. 292 00:13:35,481 --> 00:13:39,569 The king has turned out to be a ruthless tyrant of unspeakable power. 293 00:13:39,569 --> 00:13:40,903 [all gasp] 294 00:13:40,903 --> 00:13:42,447 Well, I never voted for him. 295 00:13:42,447 --> 00:13:45,074 Anne and the Plantars had to go on a daring mission. 296 00:13:45,074 --> 00:13:49,037 But they send us to protect you fine frogs in the meantime. 297 00:13:49,037 --> 00:13:50,830 Right, Sasha? 298 00:13:50,830 --> 00:13:54,834 There's no way they're gonna trust us just because we name‐dropped Anne. 299 00:13:54,834 --> 00:13:56,377 Not with that attitude. 300 00:13:56,377 --> 00:13:58,254 [Mrs. Croaker] Oh, what a relief. 301 00:13:58,254 --> 00:14:01,215 Classic Anne. Always looking out for us. 302 00:14:01,215 --> 00:14:03,176 Why, that's wonderful. 303 00:14:03,176 --> 00:14:07,597 Rest easy tonight, folks, because Anne's best friend is here to watch over us. 304 00:14:07,597 --> 00:14:10,558 [all cheering] 305 00:14:12,977 --> 00:14:17,648 Okay. We'll lay low here and then in a day or two, we'll ditch this crummy town. 306 00:14:17,648 --> 00:14:19,150 Dibs on Hop Pop's bed. 307 00:14:21,527 --> 00:14:24,489 You gonna come in or just stand there and be weird? 308 00:14:24,489 --> 00:14:26,282 I‐‐ I think I'll sleep in the barn. 309 00:14:27,366 --> 00:14:28,409 [grunts] 310 00:14:30,328 --> 00:14:31,621 [snores] 311 00:14:33,372 --> 00:14:35,666 Now that is a big potato. 312 00:14:37,335 --> 00:14:38,628 [chirps] 313 00:14:38,628 --> 00:14:40,713 [gasps] Oh, a tiny snail. 314 00:14:40,713 --> 00:14:43,716 [chirps] And a bigger snail. 315 00:14:43,716 --> 00:14:47,095 Well, don't mind me. I'm gonna go sleep in the corner with the rest of the trash. 316 00:14:48,846 --> 00:14:50,515 It's all someone like me deserves. 317 00:14:52,433 --> 00:14:54,852 [rooster crows] 318 00:14:54,852 --> 00:14:56,145 [snorts] Who is it? Where am I? 319 00:14:56,145 --> 00:14:57,688 Of course this is my natural hair color. 320 00:14:57,688 --> 00:15:00,733 Rise and shine. I made worm waffles. 321 00:15:00,733 --> 00:15:02,110 [worms squeaking] 322 00:15:02,110 --> 00:15:04,070 I'm not hungry. 323 00:15:04,070 --> 00:15:07,490 Look, I get you feel guilty about tricking your friends 324 00:15:07,490 --> 00:15:10,284 and inadvertently helping the king get the music box. 325 00:15:10,284 --> 00:15:11,786 But you've got to get ahold of yourself. 326 00:15:11,786 --> 00:15:13,913 [grunts] 327 00:15:13,913 --> 00:15:16,874 We need to be in fighting shape if we're going to take down Andrias and‐‐ 328 00:15:16,874 --> 00:15:18,209 [horn honks] What's that sound? 329 00:15:18,209 --> 00:15:19,585 [both scream] 330 00:15:21,045 --> 00:15:23,840 Ooh! I love an enthusiastic welcome. 331 00:15:23,840 --> 00:15:27,718 I just wanted to thank you again for watching over the town. 332 00:15:27,718 --> 00:15:29,512 Ooh! Boysenbug! 333 00:15:29,512 --> 00:15:32,557 Gonna go inside and heat this bad boy up. 334 00:15:32,557 --> 00:15:35,059 I wasn't sure about those two, Archie, 335 00:15:35,059 --> 00:15:36,727 but they turned out to be good eggs. 336 00:15:36,727 --> 00:15:38,187 [sighs] 337 00:15:38,187 --> 00:15:39,438 [Wally] Hello! 338 00:15:39,438 --> 00:15:40,857 Oh, no. 339 00:15:40,857 --> 00:15:42,859 [concertina playing] 340 00:15:42,859 --> 00:15:45,987 [laughs] Any friend of Anne's is a friend of mine. 341 00:15:45,987 --> 00:15:47,947 That's touching. Look, I got to go. 342 00:15:47,947 --> 00:15:50,032 Yes, she's taught me many lessons. 343 00:15:50,032 --> 00:15:51,993 Showing me the importance of honesty, 344 00:15:51,993 --> 00:15:54,662 [grunts] being true to yourself, the meaning of friendship. 345 00:15:54,662 --> 00:15:56,581 I've been working on a song about it. 346 00:15:56,581 --> 00:15:58,583 [vocalizes] No! Can't right now. 347 00:15:58,583 --> 00:16:01,335 Very busy protecting the town for Anne and stuff. 348 00:16:01,335 --> 00:16:04,380 [groans] I swear if one more country bumpkin‐‐ 349 00:16:04,380 --> 00:16:06,174 [screams] Free bread, anyone? 350 00:16:06,174 --> 00:16:07,466 [grunts] Get away from me! 351 00:16:09,260 --> 00:16:11,679 Don't want the extra carbs, eh? I get it. 352 00:16:13,055 --> 00:16:15,391 [chomping] [sighs] 353 00:16:15,391 --> 00:16:18,644 Great news. I got a message from Beatrix. 354 00:16:18,644 --> 00:16:21,480 She's hiding underground with the toads that avoided capture. 355 00:16:21,480 --> 00:16:23,691 They've got weapons, soldiers and fortification. 356 00:16:23,691 --> 00:16:25,359 We've got to join her. 357 00:16:25,359 --> 00:16:28,654 Why? So we can come up with another cruddy plan that fails 358 00:16:28,654 --> 00:16:30,448 and ends up hurting the people we love? 359 00:16:30,448 --> 00:16:32,658 [groans] No need to be a downer. 360 00:16:32,658 --> 00:16:34,285 You want another strawberry, little guy? 361 00:16:34,285 --> 00:16:35,703 Yes, you do. 362 00:16:35,703 --> 00:16:38,247 Look, I don't know. Maybe we're doing this all wrong. 363 00:16:38,247 --> 00:16:40,958 [crash] [grunts] What is it this time? 364 00:16:40,958 --> 00:16:43,211 Look, just take the muffins or cake or whatever else you‐‐ 365 00:16:43,211 --> 00:16:44,170 Oh. 366 00:16:48,925 --> 00:16:51,010 They must have tracked us here. Go for the legs. 367 00:17:00,186 --> 00:17:01,938 [screaming] 368 00:17:02,939 --> 00:17:04,357 Signal reinforcements. 369 00:17:06,108 --> 00:17:08,152 Dang thing was calling for help. 370 00:17:08,152 --> 00:17:10,947 There's probably a whole army of them on their way now. 371 00:17:10,947 --> 00:17:13,032 Let's pack up. We're getting out of here. 372 00:17:13,032 --> 00:17:15,701 What? We can't leave these frogs to face them on their own. 373 00:17:15,701 --> 00:17:17,870 What about that old lady who gave us a pie? 374 00:17:17,870 --> 00:17:20,581 Lieutenant, these bumpkins will only slow us down. 375 00:17:20,581 --> 00:17:23,167 And if I'm being honest, that piecrust was soggy. 376 00:17:23,167 --> 00:17:25,419 I know it's harsh, but Wartwood is done for. 377 00:17:25,419 --> 00:17:27,046 We need to rejoin our forces 378 00:17:27,046 --> 00:17:29,006 and make plans for the coming war. 379 00:17:30,716 --> 00:17:33,261 No, enough with the plans and the schemes. 380 00:17:33,261 --> 00:17:34,762 ‐I'm done. ‐What? 381 00:17:34,762 --> 00:17:36,472 But you love schemes. 382 00:17:36,472 --> 00:17:39,892 Lies, manipulation, backstabbing, it's, like, your thing. 383 00:17:39,892 --> 00:17:41,394 Since when have you cared? 384 00:17:41,394 --> 00:17:44,063 Since I saw the consequences. 385 00:17:44,063 --> 00:17:46,649 [sighs] Listen, Lieutenant, 386 00:17:46,649 --> 00:17:49,443 whatever you're dealing with, you need to confront it. 387 00:17:49,443 --> 00:17:52,488 Go into that house, face what burdens you. 388 00:17:52,488 --> 00:17:55,950 Then when you've got your head back on straight, come join me. 389 00:17:55,950 --> 00:17:57,034 Please. 390 00:18:11,424 --> 00:18:13,926 [Anne] Sasha, Marcy and I are finally together. 391 00:18:13,926 --> 00:18:15,886 And you know what? It's awesome. 392 00:18:15,886 --> 00:18:18,180 Tomorrow we head to Newtopia. 393 00:18:18,180 --> 00:18:20,766 And after that I think we're actually going home. 394 00:18:20,766 --> 00:18:22,935 I'm so happy I trusted Sasha again. 395 00:18:22,935 --> 00:18:27,189 I always knew, even after everything that happened, we'd work it out. 396 00:18:27,189 --> 00:18:30,401 [sobbing] Oh, Anne. I'm so sorry. 397 00:18:30,401 --> 00:18:33,070 I shouldn't have tried so hard to be in control again. 398 00:18:33,070 --> 00:18:36,741 In the end, where did it get me? 399 00:18:37,658 --> 00:18:40,036 Well, that ends now. 400 00:18:40,036 --> 00:18:43,080 I wanna be someone better. Someone that deserves you. 401 00:18:43,080 --> 00:18:45,708 I know what I have to do. 402 00:18:45,708 --> 00:18:47,251 Listen up, everyone. 403 00:18:47,251 --> 00:18:49,587 I called you all here to tell you that... 404 00:18:49,587 --> 00:18:52,381 [inhales] ...a robot army is on its way to destroy Wartwood. 405 00:18:52,381 --> 00:18:53,466 [all gasp] 406 00:18:53,466 --> 00:18:55,468 What? An army? How many are we talking? 407 00:18:55,468 --> 00:18:57,428 What's a robot? [Sasha] And that's not all... 408 00:18:57,428 --> 00:19:00,640 I lied to you about Anne sending us to protect the town. 409 00:19:00,640 --> 00:19:04,560 She's been zapped to another world that has no idea I'm even here. 410 00:19:04,560 --> 00:19:07,021 I'm no guardian. I'm a fraud. 411 00:19:07,021 --> 00:19:08,105 [all gasp] 412 00:19:08,105 --> 00:19:10,066 Fraud or not, though, 413 00:19:10,066 --> 00:19:12,401 I'm gonna do the right thing for once in my life. 414 00:19:12,401 --> 00:19:17,073 With my last breath I'm gonna defend this town. 415 00:19:17,073 --> 00:19:18,407 [all scream] 416 00:19:18,407 --> 00:19:20,493 Whoa, Nellie! 417 00:19:20,493 --> 00:19:22,203 Present. Shut up, Nellie. 418 00:19:24,914 --> 00:19:27,792 [engines whirring] 419 00:19:27,792 --> 00:19:30,711 Only one? Honestly, that doesn't seem that bad. 420 00:19:38,928 --> 00:19:40,054 Of course. 421 00:19:40,054 --> 00:19:44,100 [shouts, grunting] 422 00:19:44,100 --> 00:19:45,643 [screams] 423 00:19:45,643 --> 00:19:47,478 [straining] 424 00:19:51,190 --> 00:19:52,191 Oh, no. 425 00:19:54,360 --> 00:19:55,361 [grunts] 426 00:19:59,115 --> 00:20:00,533 Sorry I'm late. 427 00:20:00,533 --> 00:20:01,701 Grime‐sy! 428 00:20:01,701 --> 00:20:03,160 I got to thinking, 429 00:20:03,160 --> 00:20:05,037 Beatrix may have weapons and soldiers, 430 00:20:05,037 --> 00:20:06,789 but you know what she doesn't have? 431 00:20:08,124 --> 00:20:09,458 You, Lieutenant. 432 00:20:09,458 --> 00:20:10,876 Grime‐sy! 433 00:20:10,876 --> 00:20:12,753 No. Get off me. You big softy. 434 00:20:12,753 --> 00:20:14,964 Increasing deployment. 435 00:20:19,719 --> 00:20:21,637 Thirty against two, eh? 436 00:20:21,637 --> 00:20:22,930 Hardly a fair fight. 437 00:20:22,930 --> 00:20:24,390 [screaming] 438 00:20:26,934 --> 00:20:28,686 Die, robot scum! [burps] 439 00:20:29,895 --> 00:20:31,063 Good boy. 440 00:20:31,063 --> 00:20:32,732 What the‐‐ 441 00:20:32,732 --> 00:20:34,066 Oi! Bugger off. 442 00:20:34,066 --> 00:20:36,277 [clanking] 443 00:20:36,277 --> 00:20:37,486 [grunting] 444 00:20:38,529 --> 00:20:40,239 Hi‐yah! 445 00:20:40,239 --> 00:20:41,866 [grunts] [squeaking] 446 00:20:41,866 --> 00:20:43,909 [grunting] [ringing] 447 00:20:43,909 --> 00:20:45,244 [screams] 448 00:20:45,619 --> 00:20:46,996 [screams] 449 00:20:46,996 --> 00:20:49,331 No way. The townspeople? 450 00:20:49,331 --> 00:20:52,710 By barrel's belly. They're deadlier than any soldier. 451 00:21:00,092 --> 00:21:01,761 Grime! Way ahead of you! 452 00:21:02,845 --> 00:21:04,430 Locking on. 453 00:21:08,476 --> 00:21:10,394 Those blasted things are following us. 454 00:21:10,394 --> 00:21:11,854 Then let's lead them in the right direction. 455 00:21:28,204 --> 00:21:29,747 [screams] 456 00:21:29,747 --> 00:21:31,707 I think you're enjoying this too much. 457 00:21:33,167 --> 00:21:35,920 Wow. I don't‐‐ I don't know what to say. 458 00:21:35,920 --> 00:21:38,130 You said enough, deary. 459 00:21:38,130 --> 00:21:40,132 You may have been a terrible person, Sasha, 460 00:21:40,132 --> 00:21:42,551 but you were honest with us when you didn't have to be. 461 00:21:42,551 --> 00:21:45,471 And taking those robots on alone to protect us frogs... 462 00:21:45,471 --> 00:21:48,265 It really is something I would've done. 463 00:21:48,265 --> 00:21:51,268 Thanks, you guys. You can count on me. 464 00:21:51,268 --> 00:21:53,270 For real this time. [all cheer] 465 00:21:53,270 --> 00:21:55,523 So what happens now? 466 00:21:55,523 --> 00:21:58,150 [all cheering] 467 00:21:58,984 --> 00:22:00,820 We start fighting back. 468 00:22:03,113 --> 00:22:05,115 [theme song playing] 469 00:22:08,702 --> 00:22:09,453 [Anne laughs] 470 00:22:21,966 --> 00:22:23,634 [Hop Pop] ♪ Whoo‐hoo! Baby ♪ 471 00:22:23,634 --> 00:22:25,511 [Sprig vocalizes] [Hop Pop] Whoa! 472 00:22:25,511 --> 00:22:26,595 [Polly screams] [Anne] ♪ Baby ♪ 473 00:22:26,595 --> 00:22:28,264 [Sprig vocalizes] 474 00:22:28,264 --> 00:22:29,640 [Anne vocalizes] ♪ Ba‐ba‐ba‐baby ♪ 475 00:22:29,640 --> 00:22:31,267 [song ends]