1 00:01:16,563 --> 00:01:25,363 Dinossaurs in our world and every competition in reality 2 00:01:26,063 --> 00:01:31,523 how did you get here? It's been pretty decades and definitely 3 00:01:31,523 --> 00:01:35,003 events of draft. And you get to find away from his animals 4 00:01:35,003 --> 00:01:38,543 let's see for your moms. After the device singing of wrapption 5 00:01:38,543 --> 00:01:42,323 is the new bars long dorm and those who survived for 6 00:01:42,323 --> 00:01:46,103 transported the main life. Manny of the large of college 7 00:01:46,103 --> 00:01:49,983 captured but the remaining creatures scattered here in Big 8 00:01:49,983 --> 00:01:54,303 Rock National Park. While most remained in the wild, those who 9 00:01:54,303 --> 00:01:57,543 made their way to civilization struggle to adapt to unfamiliar 10 00:01:57,543 --> 00:02:01,283 conditions. Local stories of warmth, the animals are 11 00:02:01,283 --> 00:02:06,303 unpredictable and when hungry, extremely. As the dinosaurs 12 00:02:06,303 --> 00:02:11,303 spread across borders, a global black market has risen. 13 00:02:12,923 --> 00:02:16,583 To combat the growing threat of illegal poachers, the US 14 00:02:16,583 --> 00:02:19,903 Commerce awards Soul Collection Rights to the global giant 15 00:02:19,903 --> 00:02:24,503 Biosin genetics. At Biosin, we're dedicated to the idea 16 00:02:24,503 --> 00:02:30,143 that dinosaurs can teach us more about ourselves. CEO Louis 17 00:02:30,143 --> 00:02:33,983 Dodson has created a sanctuary in Italy's Dominion Mountains 18 00:02:33,983 --> 00:02:36,743 where he hopes to study the dinosaur's ancient immune 19 00:02:36,743 --> 00:02:39,703 systems for unique pharmaceutical properties. 20 00:02:39,703 --> 00:02:42,183 While Biosin believes we can handle genetic power 21 00:02:42,183 --> 00:02:46,463 responsibly, the public remain skeptical. Some note that these 22 00:02:46,463 --> 00:02:49,943 government contracts have led to massive spice in Biosin's 23 00:02:49,943 --> 00:02:54,623 profits and rumors persist of a human clone who mysteriously 24 00:02:54,623 --> 00:02:58,343 disappeared leading to a worldwide search. Some believe 25 00:02:58,343 --> 00:03:01,383 she's genetically identical to Charlotte Lockwood, deceased 26 00:03:01,383 --> 00:03:04,903 daughter of Jurassic Park co-founder Benjamin Lockwood. 27 00:03:04,903 --> 00:03:07,983 Now that we brought these animals back from extinction, 28 00:03:07,983 --> 00:03:12,303 can we face the consequences? Are we responsible for them or 29 00:03:12,303 --> 00:03:16,443 should they be left to fend for themselves? As adapt to an 30 00:03:16,443 --> 00:03:20,443 ever-changing world, we must find answers to these questions 31 00:03:20,443 --> 00:03:23,523 for their safety and 32 00:04:04,843 --> 00:04:10,063 inside the illegal breeding facility. The juveniles were 33 00:04:10,063 --> 00:04:14,343 kept in cages to keep cost out. 34 00:04:24,223 --> 00:04:28,283 You think he's separated from the rest? 35 00:04:35,743 --> 00:04:44,423 Help. The DFW takes days to investigate. We can 36 00:06:19,603 --> 00:06:22,663 Okay, so I think we get this one to the DFW and then we hit 37 00:06:22,663 --> 00:06:27,183 them again. Yeah. Yeah, you saw that breeding ground, right? 38 00:06:27,183 --> 00:06:33,083 We're done. I got a call last week. It's a real job so that I 39 00:06:33,083 --> 00:06:36,803 could do to effectively change things. I gotta take it. They 40 00:06:36,803 --> 00:06:40,163 need us. Are you saving these dinosaurs because they need us 41 00:06:40,163 --> 00:06:44,243 or are you saving them to absolve yourself? I mean, this 42 00:06:44,243 --> 00:06:50,443 is crazy. Blair, you're doing the right thing but this, this 43 00:06:50,443 --> 00:06:54,783 isn't the way to go about it anymore. Honestly, you need 44 00:06:54,783 --> 00:06:57,543 someone who's good at being shot at. Aren't aren't you 45 00:06:57,543 --> 00:07:01,503 Owens to like a weird thing? It's not that weird. You need 46 00:07:01,503 --> 00:07:08,083 to be weird. Ooh. No. Uh he meant like surprise. 47 00:08:36,203 --> 00:08:38,863 Oh, 48 00:08:46,143 --> 00:08:49,043 Thank you. 49 00:08:57,563 --> 00:09:00,183 You. 50 00:09:10,563 --> 00:09:14,383 Going to get you some place safe. 51 00:12:28,103 --> 00:12:34,643 Where you been? Noah, what are you burning? Oh, nothing. Just 52 00:12:34,643 --> 00:12:41,223 some old blankets. You sure you didn't go pass the bridge? I 53 00:12:41,223 --> 00:12:44,263 said it could give you anything I'm lying. What are you? No. 54 00:12:44,263 --> 00:12:47,223 Maisie, you're literally looking everywhere but I said I 55 00:12:47,223 --> 00:12:51,503 didn't go pass the bridge. Okay, 56 00:12:54,423 --> 00:12:57,523 Kill mister Oliver. I know, Claire. There are people out 57 00:12:57,523 --> 00:13:00,963 there who do anything to find me. I'm not angry. So that 58 00:13:00,963 --> 00:13:04,883 means you don't have to be angry. I'm not angry. I can 59 00:13:04,883 --> 00:13:09,523 take care of myself. Hey, it's okay for us to depend on each 60 00:13:09,523 --> 00:13:12,803 other. That's what people do. How would I know what people 61 00:13:12,803 --> 00:13:16,683 do? The only people I've spoken to in the past four years are 62 00:13:16,683 --> 00:13:22,963 you both? I'm sorry it's not even a rude person anyway. 63 00:13:22,963 --> 00:13:28,163 Who's made from someone else. I'm not me. 64 00:13:33,843 --> 00:13:38,783 You're the only you who ever was. 65 00:13:43,703 --> 00:13:47,683 Can we keep that between us? 66 00:13:59,403 --> 00:14:02,143 Oh. 67 00:14:02,723 --> 00:14:06,343 Oh, you like that, do you? 68 00:14:07,963 --> 00:14:10,983 I'm going to 69 00:14:13,383 --> 00:14:17,323 She went into town again. 70 00:14:46,403 --> 00:14:49,183 Yeah. 71 00:16:07,623 --> 00:16:11,243 Away from yourself. 72 00:16:13,783 --> 00:16:22,923 Whoa. It's not cold. I would not mess with her. Either way. 73 00:16:26,763 --> 00:16:29,223 Listen kiddo, we should probably talk about you going 74 00:16:29,223 --> 00:16:33,183 into town. I I don't think you understand how bad it is being 75 00:16:33,183 --> 00:16:36,463 trapped. You're not trapped here. We just don't trust 76 00:16:36,463 --> 00:16:39,983 people. No, you just don't trust me and then you expect me 77 00:16:39,983 --> 00:16:44,863 to trust you. Why can't I have any freedom? Because you can't. 78 00:16:50,083 --> 00:16:55,943 What is happening? She's 14. 79 00:17:00,563 --> 00:17:04,583 We can't keep her here forever. If we don't figure this out, 80 00:17:04,583 --> 00:17:07,023 she's going to go a lot farther from the bridge. If they find 81 00:17:07,023 --> 00:17:09,023 her, we're never going to see her again. We gotta protect 82 00:17:09,023 --> 00:17:11,423 her. That's our job. That's what we're going to do. Protect 83 00:17:11,423 --> 00:17:19,443 her how? By locking her inside? She's got questions. You know, 84 00:17:19,443 --> 00:17:26,363 questions we can't answer. She wants to know who she is. 85 00:17:28,103 --> 00:17:31,483 Lockwood was. 86 00:17:35,223 --> 00:17:39,363 Direct grading to his house. 87 00:17:40,143 --> 00:17:49,643 Now. Listen to something else. I found a girl coming after. 88 00:18:02,483 --> 00:18:07,223 One expert cyber sport one 89 00:18:08,883 --> 00:18:14,823 expert bonus 90 00:19:16,583 --> 00:19:22,523 Thanks for coming. Which is your word to go didn't want to 91 00:19:22,523 --> 00:19:27,263 say that they was here to get all the attention you guys one 92 00:19:27,263 --> 00:19:32,383 of very the sampling platform this is student Yeah, we've 93 00:19:32,383 --> 00:19:34,863 been looking into the impact of industrial farming on the 94 00:19:34,863 --> 00:19:39,063 environment. So, this is right up our alley. They hit 60 95 00:19:39,063 --> 00:19:44,063 fields in the county. You see anything like this before? No, 96 00:19:44,063 --> 00:19:47,443 not like this. They've been leaving degraded all across the 97 00:19:47,443 --> 00:19:51,123 Midwest. First these big companies try to kill off all 98 00:19:51,123 --> 00:19:54,883 the insects. Now this. 99 00:20:03,163 --> 00:20:07,263 Is that your land? That's the Bennett's core. The locust 100 00:20:07,263 --> 00:20:12,163 didn't need that. You plant the same seed as the Bennetts? No. 101 00:20:12,163 --> 00:20:20,383 We are independent. They use biosin seed. Yeah, I bet they 102 00:20:20,383 --> 00:20:25,743 do. You say you caught a live one? 103 00:20:27,043 --> 00:20:29,823 Bye. 104 00:20:54,223 --> 00:20:58,443 And there is truth in these rocks. 105 00:20:59,763 --> 00:21:03,583 You're going to want to see this. 106 00:21:14,083 --> 00:21:22,643 Mary Settler. Alan Brandt, you look the same. 107 00:21:30,463 --> 00:21:36,123 I'm sorry. I didn't know you were coming over there. 108 00:21:40,343 --> 00:21:47,763 Can I get you some and a beer? I Maybe not at 10 AM. Iced tea 109 00:21:47,763 --> 00:21:56,283 or. Tea, yeah. Tea, I can do that. Solo. Well, the funding's 110 00:21:56,283 --> 00:22:01,523 dried up so somebody's gotta pay for all this. 111 00:22:03,043 --> 00:22:06,943 I read your articles about soil science and regenerative 112 00:22:06,943 --> 00:22:13,163 farming. Scary grounds for some hope for a change. How are you 113 00:22:13,163 --> 00:22:19,143 kids? Hmm. Amazing, grown. It's shocking. They're both in 114 00:22:19,143 --> 00:22:22,543 college. Can you believe that? 115 00:22:28,923 --> 00:22:37,323 Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. I'm back to be I know it's. That's 116 00:22:37,323 --> 00:22:42,603 great. That's good. It is. I'm alone at last. Exciting times. 117 00:22:42,603 --> 00:22:49,763 Yeah, I'm living the Alan Grant life. Gonna be lonely. So free. 118 00:22:50,703 --> 00:22:57,683 Ally. You didn't come out all its way just to catch up now, 119 00:22:57,683 --> 00:22:59,963 did you? 120 00:23:03,343 --> 00:23:10,963 Mandibles, wings, door expert. God, the size of it is massive. 121 00:23:10,963 --> 00:23:14,303 He has genes that have been extinct since the cretaceous 122 00:23:14,303 --> 00:23:17,263 and swarms of them are decimating crops from Iowa to 123 00:23:17,263 --> 00:23:19,743 Texas. 124 00:23:20,423 --> 00:23:23,963 Started as a few hundred, there could be millions by the end of 125 00:23:23,963 --> 00:23:28,043 the summer. If they keep going, there will be no grain to feed 126 00:23:28,043 --> 00:23:31,363 chickens, cattle, the entire food chain would collapse. I 127 00:23:31,363 --> 00:23:36,723 was clearly designed but why would anyone do that? None of 128 00:23:36,723 --> 00:23:43,803 the crops they're eating. Our bias and seed. Saint Bias had 129 00:23:43,803 --> 00:23:46,603 made this. I mean, it would not shock me that they want to 130 00:23:46,603 --> 00:23:50,383 control the world's food supply. Not for a few and 131 00:23:50,383 --> 00:23:55,183 starve. What is that saying? Uh three meals away from anarchy. 132 00:23:55,183 --> 00:24:00,843 If we don't stop them, you can pick your last three meals. So 133 00:24:00,843 --> 00:24:04,523 why are you bringing it to me? I need concrete evidence. 134 00:24:04,523 --> 00:24:07,403 Biosin's responsible for all this. I need to go to their 135 00:24:07,403 --> 00:24:12,423 sanctuary and get DNA from another locust there. But I 136 00:24:12,423 --> 00:24:15,263 need a witness. 137 00:24:16,383 --> 00:24:22,323 You command respect. People believe you. No, I am here. 138 00:24:22,323 --> 00:24:27,323 It's quiet. I'm done with all that. Are you okay? Well, I'm 139 00:24:27,323 --> 00:24:32,003 sorry, Allen. Nobody gets that luxury anymore. Not even you 140 00:24:32,003 --> 00:24:37,523 and you know what? You're the one I trust. 141 00:24:39,543 --> 00:24:43,523 This bias and sanctuary, it's what? 1 hundred miles from 142 00:24:43,523 --> 00:24:47,603 anywhere? How do you even get in there? I got an input from 143 00:24:47,603 --> 00:24:51,683 their in-house philosopher. Seems there's a lot of money in 144 00:24:51,683 --> 00:24:55,683 being a chaotician these days. And he just happened to invite 145 00:24:55,683 --> 00:24:59,403 you out of the blue He said there were things I'd want to 146 00:24:59,403 --> 00:25:02,083 see. Oh. 147 00:25:23,303 --> 00:25:26,163 Captured on the main net comes through here before shipping 148 00:25:26,163 --> 00:25:29,123 out to Bison Sanctuary in the Doloments. We give them medical 149 00:25:29,123 --> 00:25:34,703 attention and make sure they live healthy. So the ones you 150 00:25:34,703 --> 00:25:39,023 see. A lot of shady types out there want the 151 00:25:39,563 --> 00:25:44,763 Your plane's just filling up. Is a tough invite. You guys 152 00:25:44,763 --> 00:25:47,523 must know somebody. 153 00:25:52,423 --> 00:25:58,623 Follow me. We rescued these guys from an illegal Shut the 154 00:25:58,623 --> 00:26:01,343 whole place down. 155 00:26:45,223 --> 00:26:48,043 Yeah. 156 00:26:52,763 --> 00:26:58,943 You look just like Blue. Is she your mother? 157 00:27:00,223 --> 00:27:05,163 You want to try it? Okay. 158 00:27:07,703 --> 00:27:10,523 Yeah. 159 00:27:18,303 --> 00:27:28,503 Maisie, don't move. Come on. Staying out of trouble. Had 160 00:27:28,503 --> 00:27:31,583 baby. That's impossible. 161 00:27:34,763 --> 00:27:39,123 Well, you damn right she will. Just breathe. Know, she'll 162 00:27:39,123 --> 00:27:42,843 think you're scared. I am scared. 163 00:27:51,383 --> 00:27:55,443 Vanessa's gotta be nearby. Maisie, get inside. I'm coming 164 00:27:55,443 --> 00:27:58,763 with you. What did I just say? 165 00:28:08,083 --> 00:28:14,863 Not yet. We need the girl. Hey, what's up? 166 00:28:16,923 --> 00:28:22,023 Maisie. Maisie. 167 00:28:26,263 --> 00:28:29,723 Where are you going? You can't keep me here, you're not my 168 00:28:29,723 --> 00:28:32,043 mother. 169 00:29:05,223 --> 00:29:08,683 Down. Hold on. Let's go. 170 00:29:57,083 --> 00:30:01,663 They found her. What? Who are they? Poachers. I've seen them 171 00:30:01,663 --> 00:30:04,463 around. Leaders are real **** yield. They must have 172 00:30:04,463 --> 00:30:08,063 recognized and followed me here. Where is she? Go get the 173 00:30:08,063 --> 00:30:10,303 truck. 174 00:30:23,843 --> 00:30:27,503 They took her kid too. 175 00:30:29,223 --> 00:30:35,523 I'm going to get her back. Progressive man. 176 00:30:44,883 --> 00:30:48,383 I know who to call. 177 00:31:05,683 --> 00:31:10,383 This year, man. What's next? Historically, darkness, blood, 178 00:31:10,383 --> 00:31:13,663 rain of fire, I think frogs. We're not going to be around 179 00:31:13,663 --> 00:31:15,903 for much longer anyway. These locusts in Nebraska are about 180 00:31:15,903 --> 00:31:19,783 to wrap it up. We basically all of our food and our food's food 181 00:31:19,783 --> 00:31:23,023 so we can say goodbye to this. 182 00:31:26,083 --> 00:31:29,903 It's me, your wife. Okay, you're kind of a subject of 183 00:31:29,903 --> 00:31:32,583 interest around yours. I can't even be talking to you. Come 184 00:31:32,583 --> 00:31:35,383 on, I'm in trouble. I really need your help. Please. Yeah 185 00:31:35,383 --> 00:31:37,783 and I could lose my job but you know I'm not qualified to do 186 00:31:37,783 --> 00:31:40,903 anything else. Rabbi, 187 00:31:41,503 --> 00:31:44,683 Let me talk to him. 188 00:31:48,923 --> 00:31:56,303 Name's Ray Delacore. What do you take? Something we care 189 00:31:56,303 --> 00:31:58,983 about very much. 190 00:31:59,563 --> 00:32:02,063 Told you somebody would come looking for her. You can't just 191 00:32:02,063 --> 00:32:04,823 take a person, Claire. I have no choice. Not in the eyes of 192 00:32:04,823 --> 00:32:09,603 the law. This guy is not the law. Tell us how to find him. 193 00:32:09,603 --> 00:32:14,783 Where'd you guys call me from? We have a man on the inside of 194 00:32:14,783 --> 00:32:17,503 Dela Court's operation. There's an exchange in Malta sometime 195 00:32:17,503 --> 00:32:21,303 tomorrow, cash for cargo. Is she with him? There's no 196 00:32:21,303 --> 00:32:24,983 mention but we have people on the ground already. One of them 197 00:32:24,983 --> 00:32:29,583 you know. A lot of us got recruited by the CIA after 198 00:32:30,003 --> 00:32:33,543 French intelligence stone. 199 00:32:34,303 --> 00:32:38,043 You can't just call him. He's deep covered. Look, once we 200 00:32:38,043 --> 00:32:40,763 make the bus to Malta, our guys received Dela Cord knows where 201 00:32:40,763 --> 00:32:46,463 she is. Our not you. Promise me you will go in there with your 202 00:32:46,463 --> 00:32:50,743 best and mess everything up. 203 00:32:52,883 --> 00:32:58,103 You guys are both crazy but you seem like you're good parents. 204 00:32:58,103 --> 00:33:02,583 Ever you're trying to be. Just lucky to have you. 205 00:33:39,423 --> 00:33:44,383 Doctor Sattler, Doctor Grant, Ramsey Cole Communication. I 206 00:33:44,383 --> 00:33:47,223 have to warn you, everyone's so excited to have you. You guys 207 00:33:47,223 --> 00:33:50,263 are absolute legends around here. Hmm, you must be 208 00:33:50,263 --> 00:33:53,383 confusing us with somebody else. You know, it's great that 209 00:33:53,383 --> 00:33:55,863 you guys are still so close with Doctor Malcolm. I mean, 210 00:33:55,863 --> 00:33:58,383 sometimes you meet your heroes and they disappoint you but 211 00:33:58,383 --> 00:34:00,903 he's exactly the way you'd want him to be. I mean, such 212 00:34:00,903 --> 00:34:03,463 mortality of thought, it's incredible. Let's try and be a 213 00:34:03,463 --> 00:34:08,743 fan with it. Well I know that was sarcastic but honestly not 214 00:34:08,743 --> 00:34:12,503 enough. Oh please after you wash your 215 00:34:17,803 --> 00:34:20,943 So Bison bought this land for the amp deposits back in the 216 00:34:20,943 --> 00:34:24,023 90s, but we've managed to turn into a safe haven for about 20 217 00:34:24,023 --> 00:34:26,903 displaced species. First generation came from Sorna. 218 00:34:26,903 --> 00:34:29,743 Most of Newbar dinosaurs are here too. Took fish and 219 00:34:29,743 --> 00:34:37,903 wildlife three years to T-rex was here. Yeah. 220 00:34:59,043 --> 00:35:02,983 Restricted aerospace. Protects the airborne land. Keeps the 221 00:35:02,983 --> 00:35:06,503 terror source below 5 million feet. 222 00:35:20,543 --> 00:35:26,543 Her name means fear nothing. What did they graze on? 223 00:35:26,543 --> 00:35:29,183 Hawthorn and Firm. All indigenous. Nothing stocked 224 00:35:29,183 --> 00:35:32,623 except for the dear populations of great lisning species for 225 00:35:32,623 --> 00:35:39,463 the apex predator. Picking out source. 226 00:35:50,503 --> 00:35:56,363 People in there, right? Uh no, our our research, our research 227 00:35:56,363 --> 00:35:59,963 office are connected completely underground. If we had to, we 228 00:35:59,963 --> 00:36:03,603 could just bird the animals remotely using a neuro implant 229 00:36:03,603 --> 00:36:07,583 that sends electrical signals directly to the like shocked. 230 00:36:07,583 --> 00:36:15,363 Uh no like like signals. Strike you as a little bit Do you know 231 00:36:15,363 --> 00:36:18,003 how much voltage was in the electric fences of Jurassic 232 00:36:18,003 --> 00:36:20,243 Park? 233 00:36:29,063 --> 00:36:35,123 The ethics and genetic problem. Oh well, it is part of our 234 00:36:35,123 --> 00:36:39,043 ethos to attract the best and brightest. 235 00:36:39,583 --> 00:36:47,403 Renowned Doctor Sattler. Doctor Grant. Um wow this is big. I'm 236 00:37:32,723 --> 00:37:39,923 of wish I could take you around myself but it's so you're in 237 00:37:39,923 --> 00:37:44,363 more than capable hands with Ramsey. He's basically a young 238 00:37:44,363 --> 00:37:47,363 me. Only 239 00:37:49,183 --> 00:37:55,243 Do you have food? Like while my bars hardened? 240 00:37:56,463 --> 00:38:01,843 I want to do more of this later on if we oh we booked you a 241 00:38:01,843 --> 00:38:05,563 private pod for a trip out so it's beautiful. You love it 242 00:38:05,563 --> 00:38:07,763 through the cabins and everything. Uh you better 243 00:38:07,763 --> 00:38:10,963 hurry. Malcolm's on. He's a bit of a contrarian but I like him. 244 00:38:10,963 --> 00:38:14,283 He keeps us on our toes. Anyway, thank you for being 245 00:38:14,283 --> 00:38:16,803 here. It's 246 00:38:18,623 --> 00:38:21,923 follow me please. 247 00:38:23,263 --> 00:38:30,023 Human beings have no more to safety or liberty than any 248 00:38:30,023 --> 00:38:37,303 other creature on this planet. We not only lack dominion over 249 00:38:37,303 --> 00:38:39,703 nature 250 00:38:42,923 --> 00:38:47,183 with the opportunity to rewrite life at our fingertips and just 251 00:38:47,183 --> 00:38:51,063 like nuclear power, nobody knew what to expect with genetic 252 00:38:51,063 --> 00:38:54,823 engineering but they pressed the button and hoped for the 253 00:38:54,823 --> 00:39:00,783 best just like you are doing now. 254 00:39:04,383 --> 00:39:09,523 Control the future of our survival on planet Earth. 255 00:39:09,523 --> 00:39:15,123 According to you, the solution is genetic power. Devastate the 256 00:39:15,123 --> 00:39:19,483 food supply, create new diseases, alter the climate 257 00:39:19,483 --> 00:39:27,023 even further, and consequences occur. And every time, every 258 00:39:27,023 --> 00:39:29,503 single 259 00:39:30,843 --> 00:39:36,003 We all act surprised. Because deep down, I don't think that 260 00:39:36,003 --> 00:39:41,283 any of us actually believe that these dangers are real. 261 00:39:46,383 --> 00:39:51,563 In order to instigate revolutionary change. 262 00:39:53,583 --> 00:39:58,283 Human consciousness. 263 00:40:03,663 --> 00:40:09,243 Laura? Very good. There there you go. Hey, I don't want to be 264 00:40:09,243 --> 00:40:11,883 with my friends. Thank you. Catch me on my way out. Thanks 265 00:40:11,883 --> 00:40:21,403 everybody. Look at you. And look at me. I'm God is a 266 00:40:43,723 --> 00:40:48,643 minute. Uh the doomsday clock might be about out of time but 267 00:40:48,643 --> 00:40:52,403 as they say, it's always darkest just before eternal 268 00:40:52,403 --> 00:41:00,083 nothingness. What? Locusts altered with cretaceous errand 269 00:41:00,083 --> 00:41:02,963 DNA. Yeah, that's not my meals. Yeah, but these things continue 270 00:41:02,963 --> 00:41:05,363 to multiply. We're talking about the gas leaking system 271 00:41:05,363 --> 00:41:08,163 wide effects in. 272 00:41:10,563 --> 00:41:14,343 Something special you wanted to do? Give it too much not to 273 00:41:14,343 --> 00:41:19,503 care. Hey, I I gave my opinion robustly for years as expected. 274 00:41:19,503 --> 00:41:22,583 The sum of argument endeavors led to our annihilation and the 275 00:41:22,583 --> 00:41:27,883 only play now is to take the time we have left and like we 276 00:41:27,883 --> 00:41:32,243 always do is squander it. Honestly, Ian, that's **** Can 277 00:41:32,243 --> 00:41:38,643 I offer you guys some Joe Uh Tyler, please, two cappuccinos? 278 00:41:38,643 --> 00:41:41,363 I don't want a cappuccino. Uh but I can do like a like 279 00:41:41,363 --> 00:41:44,003 macchiato. Trust me, it's real tough that jed leg. It's 280 00:41:44,003 --> 00:41:46,923 going to break you right up. 281 00:41:52,183 --> 00:41:57,283 Has your right I started here over six weeks ago. I read you 282 00:41:57,283 --> 00:42:01,983 by I was not crazy and my boys are getting tickets for some 283 00:42:01,983 --> 00:42:04,183 very 284 00:42:11,543 --> 00:42:15,483 That's where they keep the locusts. 285 00:42:17,463 --> 00:42:23,643 Hey, this looks so silky. May I touch this fast? No, it is. 286 00:42:23,643 --> 00:42:31,043 This is sustainable bamboo. It is sustainable bamboo. I've got 287 00:42:31,043 --> 00:42:34,083 cumin. It's very cinnamon. I've got bald spice which is not 288 00:42:34,083 --> 00:42:38,563 very popular. I've got five spice. Doctor. Um for instance, 289 00:42:39,803 --> 00:42:43,663 Okay. Soy milk. 290 00:42:44,203 --> 00:42:49,023 It just happened. We're in. 291 00:43:01,463 --> 00:43:04,923 Seven up to 6. 292 00:43:10,543 --> 00:43:14,803 Louis, you're not listening to me. The Lucas prehistoric DNA 293 00:43:14,803 --> 00:43:17,123 has made them stronger than they should be. They're 294 00:43:17,123 --> 00:43:20,483 multiplying like crazy and they're not dying. What part of 295 00:43:20,483 --> 00:43:23,043 this, don't you understand? Oh, I do understand. This is 296 00:43:23,043 --> 00:43:26,363 going to be a global famine. Hey, hey, we can't anticipate 297 00:43:26,363 --> 00:43:29,043 everything. We need to eradicate the ones we release 298 00:43:29,043 --> 00:43:37,163 but and like yesterday don't want to cause a panic. There is 299 00:43:37,163 --> 00:43:40,003 no such thing. 300 00:43:50,343 --> 00:43:53,723 And were afraid. 301 00:44:08,123 --> 00:44:15,743 We found a girl. She's on roof. Cost me a fortune. What? Yeah, 302 00:44:15,743 --> 00:44:20,423 I found them both. Her and the little raptor. Blue reproduced 303 00:44:20,423 --> 00:44:26,383 all in Rome. Just like you said, you're so smart, Eric. 304 00:44:26,723 --> 00:44:30,223 That's why this works. 305 00:44:40,063 --> 00:44:44,603 Locusts back to us. They come from the dinosaurs. All your 306 00:44:44,603 --> 00:44:52,283 work, gone. Billions of dollars in assets, gone. Diamonds with 307 00:44:52,283 --> 00:44:58,563 noone to mind them. You really think she's the solution? 308 00:45:02,603 --> 00:45:07,983 Everything involving the girl goes through me, right? Is she 309 00:45:07,983 --> 00:45:13,503 alright? She better be. The most valuable intellectual 310 00:45:13,503 --> 00:45:16,543 property on the planet. 311 00:45:24,383 --> 00:45:29,483 I said I'd call you. Clean land yet? Second place incoming. You 312 00:45:29,483 --> 00:45:34,443 said anything about a second taking any chances. And we'll 313 00:45:34,443 --> 00:45:37,883 need payment before delivery. I didn't like what happened last 314 00:45:37,883 --> 00:45:43,623 time. Call me Moonstone. 315 00:45:50,963 --> 00:45:55,063 You said I was going somewhere safe. 316 00:46:05,963 --> 00:46:09,263 It's not a choice. 317 00:46:20,043 --> 00:46:26,183 50 grand to fly Not bad. 318 00:46:30,543 --> 00:46:33,963 What's with the girl? 319 00:47:06,063 --> 00:47:11,783 You would have chosen a quieter line of work. I last you 3 320 00:47:11,783 --> 00:47:14,063 weeks. 321 00:47:15,923 --> 00:47:19,503 Teleport was hired by Serena Santos, a broker in the 322 00:47:19,503 --> 00:47:23,023 underground dinosaur trade. We don't have intel on his cargo 323 00:47:23,023 --> 00:47:25,703 but once they make the exchange, we'll see what they 324 00:47:25,703 --> 00:47:28,943 know about you girl. You can listen in. I promise you, you 325 00:47:28,943 --> 00:47:32,423 will not make contact. No. 326 00:47:34,803 --> 00:47:38,063 There's a big underground market for dinosaurs now. 327 00:47:38,063 --> 00:47:41,143 Europe, Middle East, Northern Africa, it all comes through 328 00:47:41,143 --> 00:47:43,303 here. 329 00:47:52,103 --> 00:47:58,123 Look at anyone, don't talk to anyone. Just try to blend in. 330 00:48:48,043 --> 00:48:54,623 You must leave money. What's the TV a thousand kilos of 331 00:48:54,623 --> 00:48:56,943 dynasty 332 00:49:23,343 --> 00:49:28,003 Souvenir. Go back to the hotel. 333 00:49:37,343 --> 00:49:41,083 Exotic but if you mess with the wrong person down here, you 334 00:49:41,083 --> 00:49:43,803 disappear. 335 00:49:49,603 --> 00:49:53,543 Is this? I need your help. I don't know you. I'm looking for 336 00:49:53,543 --> 00:49:58,703 someone. Don't do that. She is all alone, please. 337 00:50:07,343 --> 00:50:10,923 Sorry, I can't get involved. 338 00:50:31,463 --> 00:50:38,063 That's our window cover agent with him. Underground. 339 00:50:51,843 --> 00:50:54,983 Bravo one. 340 00:51:07,803 --> 00:51:12,263 My people say the Raptor arrived in good condition. Only 341 00:51:12,263 --> 00:51:18,023 boys didn't accomplish I do have another job for you. Short 342 00:51:18,023 --> 00:51:25,303 hot money is double. What's the cargo? A draw Serrafters. 343 00:51:25,303 --> 00:51:27,783 Fervent. 344 00:51:30,003 --> 00:51:32,823 Laser marks the target they attached to the scent don't 345 00:51:32,823 --> 00:51:38,043 stop inescapable. Those idiots making hybrids out all wrong. 346 00:51:38,043 --> 00:51:45,363 You can't engineer loyalty. 50, 000 to fly them to Rayad. In or 347 00:51:45,363 --> 00:51:47,483 out? 348 00:51:52,003 --> 00:51:57,343 Where are we going? Almost there. 349 00:54:12,963 --> 00:54:15,903 Where he's 350 00:54:17,303 --> 00:54:22,643 editor off to Santos. I don't know where they do **** 351 00:54:34,623 --> 00:54:39,403 It's Santos. She's a woman in white. I'll find her. 352 00:55:02,343 --> 00:55:05,163 Let's go. 353 00:55:49,603 --> 00:55:57,183 We had some trouble. What kind? The parents. They're here. 354 00:56:34,923 --> 00:56:39,903 You don't use it on people. Where's my daughter? She wasn't 355 00:56:39,903 --> 00:56:49,103 yours to begin with. Tell me. Biasing. They're taking her to 356 00:56:49,103 --> 00:56:51,423 bias. 357 00:57:57,823 --> 00:58:00,723 Alright. 358 00:58:13,623 --> 00:58:16,403 Hey. 359 00:58:37,103 --> 00:58:40,003 Do you remember how we used to get the Raptors in the truck? 360 00:58:40,003 --> 00:58:46,003 Yeah. You're up. No. 361 00:58:47,503 --> 00:58:51,563 I do die for all. You'll be fine. 362 00:59:28,163 --> 00:59:32,543 You're under arrest. Stay away from 363 01:01:43,003 --> 01:01:47,543 We made a lot of enemies here. We are good. 364 01:03:25,583 --> 01:03:31,663 Kayla Watts. You're welcome. You look like you fly for 365 01:03:31,663 --> 01:03:34,583 biasing. Imma take that the way you meant it and not the way it 366 01:03:34,583 --> 01:03:38,023 sounded. I fly from whoever got a bag but we'll call this one a 367 01:03:38,023 --> 01:03:43,543 favor. Those don't work. They bro. I'll take y'all to bison 368 01:03:43,543 --> 01:03:46,983 but I can't promise it won't be dangerous. Willing to risk your 369 01:03:46,983 --> 01:03:51,443 life from people you never met? You want to ask questions or 370 01:03:51,443 --> 01:03:54,083 you want to ride? 371 01:03:56,043 --> 01:03:59,383 We'll take the ride. 372 01:04:04,543 --> 01:04:07,683 So this is our habitat development lineup. Part of 373 01:04:07,683 --> 01:04:10,963 exciting discoveries as of late. It brought back numerous 374 01:04:10,963 --> 01:04:14,403 species in their purest form and I mean complete untouched 375 01:04:14,403 --> 01:04:18,323 genomes like Morris and Trepitus. 376 01:04:24,603 --> 01:04:28,543 Splicing DNA, you know, creating new species. No, 377 01:04:28,543 --> 01:04:31,583 Doctor Sattler, we don't do that here. We like to think 378 01:04:31,583 --> 01:04:34,463 they're more involved. 379 01:04:36,723 --> 01:04:40,303 Okay, looks like we still have some time left before you ride. 380 01:04:40,303 --> 01:04:45,923 Uh would you guys like to try the facilities yourselves? Oh, 381 01:04:45,923 --> 01:04:49,843 Oh, you can be good. Yeah, why not? Great. I'll meet you guys 382 01:04:49,843 --> 01:04:54,243 at the Hyperloop station three in about 30 minutes. Elevators 383 01:04:54,243 --> 01:04:57,603 are down this hall, not not those. Those lead you down to 384 01:04:57,603 --> 01:05:00,763 the sub levels. Need special clearance to get down there. 385 01:05:00,763 --> 01:05:04,003 Okay. 30 minutes. 386 01:05:27,103 --> 01:05:31,563 I'm really sorry that it hadn't happened this way. Yep, that's 387 01:05:31,563 --> 01:05:35,483 what good numbers say. Claire should never have hidden you 388 01:05:35,483 --> 01:05:40,443 away. You're way too important, Maisie. 389 01:05:43,083 --> 01:05:46,383 You took her too. 390 01:05:47,003 --> 01:05:51,783 We needed her to help us understand you. 391 01:05:54,603 --> 01:06:05,583 Hey, Beta. You okay? Did you say beta? I gave it to him. Age 392 01:06:05,583 --> 01:06:08,783 is pretty special. You know, when we made blue, we used 393 01:06:08,783 --> 01:06:13,063 monitor lizard DNA to fill in the gaps in our genome. Monitor 394 01:06:13,063 --> 01:06:19,283 lizards can reproduce without a mate. So, genetically identical 395 01:06:19,283 --> 01:06:24,523 and that's what they have in common with you and. Charlotte. 396 01:06:25,463 --> 01:06:30,683 What do you know about Charlotte? She died. 397 01:07:15,563 --> 01:07:23,623 And eventually She became one herself. A butterfly food They 398 01:07:23,623 --> 01:07:31,783 say tiny things are huge in She was brilliant. In ways that 399 01:07:31,783 --> 01:07:34,663 I'll never be. And the metaphysics of identity can 400 01:07:34,663 --> 01:07:36,983 erect me 401 01:07:50,003 --> 01:07:53,223 Is that me? 402 01:07:54,083 --> 01:07:57,383 Just like Blue, Charlotte was able to help a child default by 403 01:07:57,383 --> 01:08:04,023 herself. She created you with her own DNA 404 01:08:40,003 --> 01:08:48,283 is a part of human your DNA could change the world. 405 01:08:49,263 --> 01:08:53,563 But I just can't replicate her work if I could just study you 406 01:08:53,563 --> 01:08:58,523 and Beta whose DNA was never changed. I could 407 01:08:59,563 --> 01:09:05,583 terrible mistake that I've made. What kind of mistake? 408 01:09:13,123 --> 01:09:16,263 Restricted. 409 01:09:18,723 --> 01:09:22,183 Thanks for coming. 410 01:09:24,843 --> 01:09:28,823 Which Larry and Malcolm say, 411 01:09:53,963 --> 01:09:58,983 Get in, get the sample, and get out and move slow. They can 412 01:09:58,983 --> 01:10:01,463 swarm at the 413 01:11:00,103 --> 01:11:04,683 careful. We need concrete evidence. This is it. 414 01:11:05,963 --> 01:11:09,623 Of course, I can hear it. 415 01:11:23,903 --> 01:11:29,323 You. How 416 01:11:39,603 --> 01:11:45,823 Having filled the gaps and meet his of pathogens to deliver the 417 01:11:45,823 --> 01:11:51,803 appearance sequence to every cell. Could change the locust 418 01:11:51,803 --> 01:11:56,043 DNA. Eradicating them in a single generous 419 01:12:06,063 --> 01:12:10,243 Do you want to get out of here? 420 01:12:39,763 --> 01:12:42,903 Amazing. 421 01:12:54,803 --> 01:12:58,623 Please remain at your stations. 422 01:13:32,543 --> 01:13:35,203 And 423 01:13:36,963 --> 01:13:39,503 I 424 01:13:41,603 --> 01:13:47,143 Doctor Elise Atler and Helen Grant. You were at Chelsea 425 01:13:47,143 --> 01:13:51,003 Park. But 426 01:14:34,563 --> 01:14:39,123 we find your girl at home. Tower, this is N one four one. 427 01:14:39,123 --> 01:14:41,883 Request to land for free delivery over. Uh N one four 428 01:14:41,883 --> 01:14:43,723 one negative. We've been advised you're carrying 429 01:14:43,723 --> 01:14:49,343 unauthorized passengers over. Hi, shipment is perishable. We 430 01:14:49,343 --> 01:14:55,343 need needy over, is it? No. Uh negative. Return to point of 431 01:14:55,343 --> 01:14:58,663 origin. Uh you see me breaking up? Are are you hearing me on 432 01:14:58,663 --> 01:15:04,363 your side? Nice try Caleb. They will down your bird. Who is 433 01:15:04,363 --> 01:15:08,203 this? Is this Denise? You do not want me to start spelling 434 01:15:08,203 --> 01:15:12,123 secrets Denise. You remember Debrov name. 435 01:15:13,883 --> 01:15:18,423 Denise, in accounts. 436 01:15:23,883 --> 01:15:29,343 Talk to Santos. It's the girl's parents. 437 01:15:30,383 --> 01:15:35,163 Shut up the ADS for sure. 438 01:15:45,063 --> 01:15:50,743 That's the that's the aerial deterrence Why is it blinking? 439 01:15:50,743 --> 01:15:52,943 Because dead **** Denise retired just turn it off. We 440 01:15:52,943 --> 01:15:55,943 gotta get out of this airspace. 441 01:16:00,543 --> 01:16:03,923 Not exactly. 442 01:16:06,343 --> 01:16:09,883 Head to coopers. Lake Cretacious should've stayed 443 01:16:09,883 --> 01:16:12,083 there. 444 01:16:18,083 --> 01:16:23,223 Okay. It's cool. We're good. It's gone. 445 01:17:13,583 --> 01:17:17,043 Give her only shot. 446 01:17:17,703 --> 01:17:21,043 I'll see you again. 447 01:18:29,963 --> 01:18:36,663 Three. We need the code. Try this. 448 01:18:43,583 --> 01:18:48,803 Thank God. It's you. This place is such a maze. We were so 449 01:18:48,803 --> 01:18:50,883 confused, right? I thought you were straight up lost and you 450 01:18:50,883 --> 01:18:52,723 said station three and I was like here, we tell you 451 01:18:52,723 --> 01:18:55,643 something. Do you have a sample? What? What are you 452 01:18:55,643 --> 01:18:59,003 talking about? The DNA sample. Do you have it? Bias is 453 01:18:59,003 --> 01:19:01,603 responsible for the locust epidemic. Dodgin's covering it 454 01:19:01,603 --> 01:19:05,123 up. You were right. I'm I'm here to help you. Do you have 455 01:19:05,123 --> 01:19:07,283 it? 456 01:19:08,883 --> 01:19:11,823 This pod will take you straight to the airfield. We have a 457 01:19:11,823 --> 01:19:15,703 plane ready to fly. Ian told you about X pod allies? No, I 458 01:19:15,703 --> 01:19:22,343 told him. What? You guys gotta go. Awake. 459 01:20:31,443 --> 01:20:34,023 He 460 01:23:49,303 --> 01:23:52,723 That was my baby. 461 01:23:59,223 --> 01:24:02,723 Where'd you learn to fly? 462 01:24:03,263 --> 01:24:08,963 Legacy on my mama's side. I'm Navy. So how'd you end up doing 463 01:24:08,963 --> 01:24:14,043 this? I was a legit contract pilot for prevent but not to be 464 01:24:14,043 --> 01:24:16,163 out here sending money home so I had a few contacts for the 465 01:24:16,163 --> 01:24:20,883 more liquid and shady **** Honestly, I might be done with 466 01:24:20,883 --> 01:24:25,323 this line for it. Is that why you're helping us? 467 01:24:39,923 --> 01:24:42,503 It. 468 01:25:13,623 --> 01:25:16,243 You 469 01:25:30,923 --> 01:25:33,583 Nope. 470 01:26:04,563 --> 01:26:08,223 What an **** 471 01:27:00,423 --> 01:27:04,163 Yeah yeah I'm not **** at all you. 472 01:27:06,163 --> 01:27:09,863 And George should seem vegan. 473 01:27:10,763 --> 01:27:14,143 Really love her, huh? 474 01:27:18,103 --> 01:27:24,423 I like redheads too. What? Come on. 475 01:27:28,103 --> 01:27:33,203 It's live 12 minutes ago. We were tracking the escaped 476 01:27:33,203 --> 01:27:39,023 asset. My guys missed it. They stole the DNA sample. He's an 477 01:27:39,023 --> 01:27:43,483 access key. Yankee white clearance. One of our cameras 478 01:27:43,483 --> 01:27:48,003 saw Ian Malcom fit something in Sat's pocket. 479 01:27:48,623 --> 01:27:53,623 I want to see him and get Ramsey up here too, babe. Where 480 01:27:53,623 --> 01:27:56,783 are they now? On the way to the airfield. They called the 481 01:27:56,783 --> 01:28:00,023 Hyperloop product schedule. 482 01:28:03,843 --> 01:28:06,903 How are you? 483 01:28:09,043 --> 01:28:15,203 Not really nice. Hey. 484 01:28:20,623 --> 01:28:27,103 You did. Yeah. 485 01:28:28,003 --> 01:28:38,403 She came to my university to we became good oxe like bly yours 486 01:28:38,403 --> 01:28:41,443 hair play para elas. 487 01:28:45,943 --> 01:28:53,763 O que era não é basicamente bem 488 01:28:55,463 --> 01:28:58,163 que 489 01:29:40,263 --> 01:29:45,283 much. They musterate access doors when they built these 490 01:29:45,283 --> 01:29:47,643 tunnels. 491 01:30:12,063 --> 01:30:14,763 I've heard the alarm. Everything alright? Yeah. No. 492 01:30:14,763 --> 01:30:20,163 No. Nothing we can't handle. Listen. You're right? Doctor 493 01:30:20,163 --> 01:30:23,083 Malcolm, you are 494 01:30:27,583 --> 01:30:32,283 You can give your access key to security if you still have it. 495 01:30:32,283 --> 01:30:36,363 The hypolete pods are shut down at the amber minds. 496 01:30:37,343 --> 01:30:44,463 This day. Uh which which pod are we are there? Um dinosaurs 497 01:30:44,463 --> 01:30:46,863 in your minds? Merit dinosaurs everywhere. I mean, you know, 498 01:30:46,863 --> 01:30:49,743 technically birds of dinosaurs genetically speaking. Okay, 499 01:30:49,743 --> 01:30:52,663 Louis. Brandon Saddler on this pod, we need to send a security 500 01:30:52,663 --> 01:30:55,143 team out there. Absolutely, Ramsey, thank you. Uh let's all 501 01:30:55,143 --> 01:30:58,063 just stay in our lanes though. We can take care of it. Thank 502 01:30:58,063 --> 01:31:02,823 you, doctor. That's it, huh? Nothing else to see here. I'm 503 01:31:02,823 --> 01:31:06,423 not sure I admire your tone right now. You need to leave. 504 01:31:06,423 --> 01:31:10,903 Yeah, I do. But first, I owe all these folks an apology. I 505 01:31:10,903 --> 01:31:14,183 think that by lending my cachet this joint. I might have made 506 01:31:14,183 --> 01:31:16,703 it seem as if by a wasn't rotten to the core. That's 507 01:31:16,703 --> 01:31:19,583 enough Ian. See here's how they get it. They give you so many 508 01:31:19,583 --> 01:31:22,463 promotions in a short period of time that bludgeons your 509 01:31:22,463 --> 01:31:25,223 capacity for critical thinking. Oh my god. So then there are 510 01:31:25,223 --> 01:31:28,183 doors that you don't open. Things that you ignore. But 511 01:31:28,183 --> 01:31:33,423 mainly he's exploiting your enchantment with these. Is 512 01:31:33,423 --> 01:31:36,703 there an actual concern here or you just. You're racing toward 513 01:31:36,703 --> 01:31:40,183 the extinction of our species and you don't care. You know 514 01:31:40,183 --> 01:31:44,803 exactly what you're doing but you won't stop. You can You 515 01:31:44,803 --> 01:31:50,043 know, I thought you might be different but you just you. 516 01:31:50,043 --> 01:31:54,443 Imagine unchecked Everest. Oh, that's what you find. You 517 01:31:54,443 --> 01:31:58,483 envision what? An evil unbound Prometheus so that's what I am 518 01:31:58,483 --> 01:32:03,323 to you, Prometheus. So will you. You rapacious rat bastard. 519 01:32:03,323 --> 01:32:08,563 Ramsey, you help Doctor Malcolm gather his things? His room and 520 01:32:08,563 --> 01:32:11,883 then to the airfield. That's it. 521 01:33:34,143 --> 01:33:36,763 You. 522 01:33:57,163 --> 01:34:03,203 Get Ganatosaurus. Largest no terrestrial carnivore. Two apex 523 01:34:03,203 --> 01:34:05,843 predators in one valley. Pretty soon there's something like 524 01:34:05,843 --> 01:34:08,003 that. 525 01:34:16,503 --> 01:34:19,283 Yeah. 526 01:34:41,303 --> 01:34:44,683 With an aircraft. 527 01:34:46,063 --> 01:34:52,323 How old is this mine, Epic? Just breathe. Switch out for 528 01:34:52,323 --> 01:34:58,123 gas. Well, there's probably no bats, no falling rocks, 529 01:34:58,123 --> 01:35:01,243 dispossibility of toxic gas, dehydration, hypothermia, 530 01:35:01,243 --> 01:35:06,023 dispossibilities, nothing for certain. Why did I bring him 531 01:35:06,023 --> 01:35:14,223 into this? You were happy in your element. What? It was bad. 532 01:35:14,543 --> 01:35:18,203 Do you guys have kids? 533 01:35:18,923 --> 01:35:27,283 No, I I do too but not with him. Uh 534 01:35:28,243 --> 01:35:34,923 No? Got just over 535 01:35:40,203 --> 01:35:44,623 Won't be long before security knows you're gone. It looks 536 01:35:44,623 --> 01:35:47,503 like an old map. You want a new map? There's an access gate at 537 01:35:47,503 --> 01:35:49,943 the northeast corner of the mine. If your friends make it 538 01:35:49,943 --> 01:35:53,223 out, if one day make it out. Yes, sir. That's where they'll 539 01:35:53,223 --> 01:36:00,063 be. These roads are protected, right? Uh yeah, I drive fast. 540 01:36:09,423 --> 01:36:13,243 You did good. Um yeah. Well, actually it's a complete 541 01:36:13,243 --> 01:36:16,443 disaster but thanks 542 01:36:48,663 --> 01:36:51,403 Yeah. 543 01:38:21,343 --> 01:38:25,163 10, 000 possibilities. 544 01:38:31,783 --> 01:38:34,563 Please 545 01:38:42,743 --> 01:38:45,483 please. 546 01:39:14,063 --> 01:39:17,643 You know, it actually works. 547 01:39:23,043 --> 01:39:29,283 I'm Maisie. We got the DNA. You need to go to Alice Valley. 548 01:39:29,283 --> 01:39:31,923 Yeah. Come on. 549 01:41:23,343 --> 01:41:26,923 How do they eat the meat? 550 01:43:11,003 --> 01:43:14,143 It's locked. Gonna need something heavy, something 551 01:43:14,143 --> 01:43:16,863 sharp, or both. 552 01:43:46,583 --> 01:43:50,403 She's burning me out of this. 553 01:44:11,883 --> 01:44:21,383 I know this may seem precarious but No, we're we're teetering. 554 01:44:23,143 --> 01:44:28,323 That's a very constructive. Thank you, Maisie. 555 01:44:38,303 --> 01:44:43,643 See this? Mm hmm. This is fine. 556 01:44:59,843 --> 01:45:03,023 How's it work? 557 01:45:43,383 --> 01:45:46,763 Remember you tell. 558 01:45:55,503 --> 01:45:58,923 We hope you escape. 559 01:46:06,383 --> 01:46:09,363 Thank you. 560 01:46:10,383 --> 01:46:14,543 We gotta go. Going to have to break a window to get inside 561 01:46:14,543 --> 01:46:19,863 that thing. Hope nobody's afraid of heights. 562 01:46:30,803 --> 01:46:33,783 Dominion 563 01:46:50,963 --> 01:46:58,383 What is that? You know the source. Biggest carnivore the 564 01:46:58,383 --> 01:47:01,303 world has ever seen. 565 01:47:24,983 --> 01:47:27,523 I 566 01:48:15,883 --> 01:48:18,543 one. 567 01:49:49,243 --> 01:49:51,983 See? 568 01:50:44,623 --> 01:50:48,603 Call an evacuation. We need to bring the animals inside. The 569 01:50:48,603 --> 01:50:52,883 regulations are clear that in the event of a level. 570 01:51:15,303 --> 01:51:21,803 Now active all living assets on route to emergency containment. 571 01:51:42,103 --> 01:51:47,123 Can't get hold of anybody since everything is on fire. Hm. 572 01:51:47,123 --> 01:51:54,143 Doctor Doctor Grant. You are. I'm I'm Owen Grady. Big fan. I 573 01:51:54,143 --> 01:51:59,543 read your book. Well, book on tape. Owen Grady. Owen Grady, I 574 01:51:59,543 --> 01:52:06,863 know who you are. You trained Raptor. I tried. Yeah. How you 575 01:52:06,863 --> 01:52:15,983 doing? You you're a Jurassic World. Jurassic World? Not a 576 01:52:16,163 --> 01:52:22,143 Okay. So, we good to find a way out of here? Yep. Let's get it. 577 01:52:22,143 --> 01:52:26,583 There's a helicopter out in the main complex. We turn the ADS 578 01:52:26,583 --> 01:52:32,583 back on, we go home. What's an ADS? Aerial deterrent system. 579 01:52:32,583 --> 01:52:35,943 You know, with the pterodactyls and **** Keeps them away from 580 01:52:35,943 --> 01:52:39,383 the helicopters. Well, how do I turn it back on? Okay, it looks 581 01:52:39,383 --> 01:52:41,783 like all the systems run through to the control room 582 01:52:41,783 --> 01:52:45,463 which is on the third floor. These outposts are all 583 01:52:45,463 --> 01:52:48,343 connected on the ground. 584 01:52:51,923 --> 01:52:55,543 Alright, easy rainbow. 585 01:53:09,103 --> 01:53:13,003 Just tell them what to do and they 586 01:53:14,503 --> 01:53:19,323 human animal bond based on mutual respect. 587 01:53:22,263 --> 01:53:25,963 Helped my legs so much. 588 01:53:26,963 --> 01:53:30,343 It's a true story. 589 01:53:41,763 --> 01:53:45,223 Oh god. Hey. 590 01:53:46,063 --> 01:53:50,483 Here's what I'm thinking. We get started again. You and me. 591 01:53:50,483 --> 01:53:56,123 I can get money. At least cheap these days. What what's the 592 01:53:56,123 --> 01:54:00,203 matter? Don't look so worried. There's opportunity in 593 01:54:00,203 --> 01:54:05,503 everything. Even this, you'll learn that. I've been thinking 594 01:54:05,503 --> 01:54:09,423 Maybe you take more of a leap now, okay? 595 01:54:11,223 --> 01:54:15,163 What the hell is the matter with you? 596 01:54:22,383 --> 01:54:28,623 It was you. You told nothing about the program. You you You 597 01:54:28,623 --> 01:54:32,663 set this whole thing up. You set me up. I gave you every 598 01:54:32,663 --> 01:54:37,443 opportunity I did not have. I We have an understanding, 599 01:54:37,443 --> 01:54:41,923 Ramsey and you do not break that. 600 01:54:42,683 --> 01:54:46,623 I would not break this. 601 01:54:47,663 --> 01:54:50,763 I love you. 602 01:55:07,563 --> 01:55:13,343 This is the same system we used at the park. Great, so we can 603 01:55:13,343 --> 01:55:16,923 thing and then we all get out of here? 604 01:55:17,983 --> 01:55:22,843 What's error 99? Malcolm of Power. In a breakdown, all 605 01:55:22,843 --> 01:55:25,243 available power is seized by the primary system to keep 606 01:55:25,243 --> 01:55:28,323 running. We need all that power to reactivate the EDS. So the 607 01:55:28,323 --> 01:55:31,083 system's safety feature is what's going to kill us? Hmm, 608 01:55:31,083 --> 01:55:34,023 of course. How do we get more power? Uh what we have but we 609 01:55:34,023 --> 01:55:36,743 can't redistribute what we have but we just just need to. Shut 610 01:55:36,743 --> 01:55:39,663 down the primary system. Yes, exactly. Where is it? Uh next 611 01:55:39,663 --> 01:55:44,283 floor up. I'm coming with you. We escaped down here. Where is 612 01:55:44,283 --> 01:55:46,963 that? Water shooting center. Hydroelectric System Subic. 613 01:55:46,963 --> 01:55:50,363 Give me eight minutes I can find her. Hey, who's this now? 614 01:55:50,363 --> 01:55:55,163 Beta. Beneath baby. Velociraptor. What? A baby 615 01:55:55,163 --> 01:55:58,363 Raptor? And you gave her a name. How about that? I made a 616 01:55:58,363 --> 01:56:02,903 promise we would bear home. You made a promise to her to You're 617 01:56:02,903 --> 01:56:05,663 probably this, right? 618 01:56:09,803 --> 01:56:17,563 Be on channel five, okay? We're on three. Come back. 619 01:56:18,843 --> 01:56:22,823 I'll have that chopper hot in ten. 620 01:56:24,103 --> 01:56:27,843 Replace four complete 621 01:56:50,463 --> 01:56:55,763 Still get nightmares all the time. 622 01:57:03,263 --> 01:57:08,723 We hold on to regret and we stay in the past. 623 01:57:13,383 --> 01:57:17,003 It's what we do now. 624 01:57:39,123 --> 01:57:48,463 B 4. She's in here. What always come from the sides. You know 625 01:57:48,463 --> 01:57:55,023 at first we thought they disembow their prayer 626 01:58:00,963 --> 01:58:05,103 Sometimes both the same time. 627 01:58:13,423 --> 01:58:18,823 You can sprint right for it. **** Okay so it'll it'll be a 628 01:58:18,823 --> 01:58:21,223 yellow button and a grid of six. There's a green button. 629 01:58:21,223 --> 01:58:25,283 Give she a green It's not that green button. It's four. Four 630 01:58:25,283 --> 01:58:29,523 from the bottom. Fourth one up. Third one down or fourth one 631 01:58:29,523 --> 01:58:33,363 up. Same thing. Ian be specific. 632 01:58:36,203 --> 01:58:41,023 She was here. Lights off. 633 01:58:45,723 --> 01:58:48,863 I don't know how I could possibly be more specific other 634 01:58:48,863 --> 01:58:52,543 than to say that the one you want is marked with E one. E 635 01:58:52,543 --> 01:58:57,443 one. You won. 636 01:59:03,603 --> 01:59:06,863 No, no, no. 637 01:59:11,083 --> 01:59:14,423 Damn it, she's fast. 638 01:59:18,083 --> 01:59:21,343 Eyes on me. 639 01:59:24,563 --> 01:59:30,183 The side of your neck. Amazing you're going to hold him focus. 640 02:00:09,683 --> 02:00:16,223 I promise your mom might get you home. Primary system. 641 02:00:17,663 --> 02:00:22,323 It's rebooting. I shouldn't be doing that. 642 02:00:51,063 --> 02:00:53,883 We're going to figure this out. It's very complex. You don't 643 02:00:53,883 --> 02:00:56,523 have time for me. 644 02:01:00,283 --> 02:01:06,363 Primary System Compromiser. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. 645 02:01:06,363 --> 02:01:11,603 Aerial deterrent system active. Victory. Victory. 646 02:02:35,583 --> 02:02:40,303 You. What's your story? 647 02:02:57,723 --> 02:03:01,903 Can teach us more about 648 02:03:04,763 --> 02:03:08,983 Alright, Kia. We're 649 02:03:41,963 --> 02:03:45,663 you have to listen to me. You created an ecological disaster. 650 02:03:45,663 --> 02:03:49,783 And I can fix it. Charlotte Lockwood changed every cell in 651 02:03:49,783 --> 02:03:55,103 Macy's body. It saved her life. If I can understand how 652 02:03:55,103 --> 02:03:58,343 Charlotte rewrote Macy's DNA, I can spread change from one 653 02:03:58,343 --> 02:04:04,123 locust to the entire swarm before it's too late. It's 654 02:04:04,123 --> 02:04:06,483 okay. 655 02:04:09,643 --> 02:04:13,303 It's what she would've wanted. 656 02:04:17,883 --> 02:04:21,703 No, no, no, no, no. 657 02:04:22,723 --> 02:04:28,863 Not him. It's always him. Every is that a dinosaur on your 658 02:04:28,863 --> 02:04:33,363 shoulder? One. 659 02:04:36,343 --> 02:04:41,623 Hey Anthony, do not let the valley is the same. They're not 660 02:04:41,623 --> 02:04:44,783 in the valley anymore. 661 02:06:14,563 --> 02:06:18,103 This isn't about us. 662 02:07:51,623 --> 02:07:54,243 Up. 663 02:09:25,763 --> 02:09:30,343 Some of corruption in in the executive lines of 664 02:09:36,243 --> 02:09:42,523 right I mean they literally owe me a plate I need before I take 665 02:09:42,523 --> 02:09:45,923 into my contact at the times. 666 02:09:47,383 --> 02:09:54,543 Come with me. Unless you need to get back to your dig. 667 02:10:13,103 --> 02:10:17,723 Want one minute then we'll send you home with your folks. 668 02:10:55,263 --> 02:10:58,603 Today marks the first day of testimony from Bios and 669 02:10:58,603 --> 02:11:01,883 whistleblower Ramsey Cole. The Senate will also hear from 670 02:11:01,883 --> 02:11:05,203 doctors Grant, Satler, and Malcolm who have been vocal on 671 02:11:05,203 --> 02:11:09,643 this debate since the incident at Jurassic Park. 672 02:11:19,763 --> 02:11:23,423 Not getting used to Twitter. 673 02:11:30,303 --> 02:11:34,003 Doctor Henry Boo has found an emergency solution to the 674 02:11:34,003 --> 02:11:38,323 ecological crisis. His use of a pathogen to alter the locust 675 02:11:38,323 --> 02:11:42,923 DNA has revolutionized modern genetics. He attributed the 676 02:11:42,923 --> 02:11:46,563 discovery to another scientist, Charlotte Lockwood, who died 677 02:11:46,563 --> 02:11:49,923 nearly 15 years ago. 678 02:11:54,083 --> 02:11:56,663 I 679 02:12:15,703 --> 02:12:20,003 By UN decree, Iosen Valley has been designated a global 680 02:12:20,003 --> 02:12:24,003 sanctuary. The animals will live there free, saved from the 681 02:12:24,003 --> 02:12:26,403 outside 682 02:13:26,123 --> 02:13:28,983 Okay. 683 02:14:35,583 --> 02:14:41,083 Life on earth has existed for hundreds of millions of years 684 02:14:41,083 --> 02:14:44,803 and dinosaurs were only a part of that and we're an even 685 02:14:44,803 --> 02:14:51,603 smaller part of they really put us in perspective The idea that 686 02:14:51,603 --> 02:14:56,083 life on earth existed 65 million years ago. It's 687 02:14:56,083 --> 02:15:01,963 humbling. We act like we're alone here but we're not. We're 688 02:15:01,963 --> 02:15:05,803 part of a fragile system made up of all living things. If 689 02:15:05,803 --> 02:15:09,923 we're going to survive, we'll have to trust each other, 690 02:15:09,923 --> 02:15:12,923 depend on each other,