1 00:00:14,458 --> 00:00:16,666 It just goes to show how much OTM is selling. 2 00:00:16,750 --> 00:00:18,916 It's the price of fame. 3 00:00:19,333 --> 00:00:20,791 With fans come haters. 4 00:00:20,875 --> 00:00:24,250 I still have hundreds of fans cheering me on. 5 00:00:24,833 --> 00:00:26,625 I need to push on for their sake. 6 00:00:31,166 --> 00:00:32,500 I'm off to the restroom. 7 00:00:35,000 --> 00:00:36,833 She's taking this surprisingly well. 8 00:00:36,916 --> 00:00:38,041 She's a tough one. 9 00:00:40,291 --> 00:00:44,000 She held hands with that creep for five minutes while he roasted her. 10 00:00:45,750 --> 00:00:46,875 There's no way she's okay. 11 00:00:50,416 --> 00:00:53,166 Debt collectors will come knocking. 12 00:00:53,875 --> 00:00:56,666 In the end, you have nowhere to run. 13 00:01:02,416 --> 00:01:03,458 RAGE 14 00:01:45,916 --> 00:01:49,541 Heads is Retsuko. Tails is... 15 00:01:53,958 --> 00:01:55,041 Inui. 16 00:01:59,375 --> 00:02:00,708 Inui. 17 00:02:00,791 --> 00:02:05,916 Retsuko, Inui, Retsuko, Inui, Retsuko, Inui, Retsuko... 18 00:02:07,541 --> 00:02:08,500 Inui. 19 00:02:09,291 --> 00:02:11,541 Hey, leave the flower be. 20 00:02:13,250 --> 00:02:14,625 What, are you still stuck? 21 00:02:15,583 --> 00:02:19,000 Sorry I can't be as coolheaded as you and make decisions like a robot. 22 00:02:20,708 --> 00:02:22,166 But you've got to pick. 23 00:02:22,500 --> 00:02:24,291 I know. 24 00:02:24,916 --> 00:02:28,166 Care to hear an opinion from a coolheaded person like me? 25 00:02:29,916 --> 00:02:31,625 What do you think? 26 00:02:32,375 --> 00:02:35,375 You want to be happy, right? 27 00:02:36,208 --> 00:02:37,208 Yeah. 28 00:02:38,166 --> 00:02:39,833 Then pick Inui. 29 00:02:45,666 --> 00:02:47,291 I knew it. 30 00:02:48,083 --> 00:02:51,291 The heart-shaped emblem sewn onto that man's shoulder 31 00:02:51,375 --> 00:02:53,416 is from February 2018. 32 00:02:53,500 --> 00:02:58,250 It was a limited edition, live show item that sold out immediately. 33 00:02:58,791 --> 00:03:00,333 I made that kind of thing? 34 00:03:00,416 --> 00:03:01,291 Yeah. 35 00:03:01,375 --> 00:03:04,458 Please try to appreciate your own products a little more. 36 00:03:04,541 --> 00:03:07,583 Mr. Hyodo only sees fans as bags of money. 37 00:03:08,500 --> 00:03:13,958 So this emblem pervert is most likely an avid fan from their early days. 38 00:03:14,041 --> 00:03:18,125 Quite a few old fans disagree with the death voice approach. 39 00:03:18,208 --> 00:03:21,833 It stands to reason that some would come to resent the accounting manager. 40 00:03:46,125 --> 00:03:49,541 The emblem man and the fake site manager are the same person? 41 00:03:50,458 --> 00:03:52,000 Have you looked into it? 42 00:03:52,083 --> 00:03:54,208 No, it's just a hunch. 43 00:03:54,875 --> 00:03:58,208 A worst-case scenario. Think about it. 44 00:03:58,750 --> 00:04:02,375 What if that emblem pervert knows where you live? 45 00:04:07,250 --> 00:04:10,166 It will be fine. Don't worry. 46 00:04:10,666 --> 00:04:12,708 We'll protect you. 47 00:04:16,333 --> 00:04:18,583 What time will you leave work tomorrow? 48 00:04:18,666 --> 00:04:22,166 I punch out at six so, if all goes well, I should be home around seven. 49 00:04:22,250 --> 00:04:25,125 Got it. I'll pick you up from work. 50 00:04:25,208 --> 00:04:28,208 It's fine, really! I wouldn't want to trouble you. 51 00:04:28,291 --> 00:04:33,125 Don't worry, Mr. Hyodo seems to work near your office anyway. 52 00:04:33,208 --> 00:04:34,708 Hey, that's unnecessary! 53 00:04:34,791 --> 00:04:37,666 You do? That's a surprise. 54 00:04:38,916 --> 00:04:42,416 Where do you work, Mr. Hyodo? 55 00:04:42,708 --> 00:04:45,250 One word about his job and he clams right up. 56 00:04:45,333 --> 00:04:46,666 Mr. Hyodo? 57 00:05:13,125 --> 00:05:14,000 Huh? 58 00:05:15,541 --> 00:05:16,708 Wait a second. 59 00:05:18,666 --> 00:05:19,500 What the heck? 60 00:05:30,791 --> 00:05:33,625 Manaka? Hey, what's wrong? 61 00:05:33,708 --> 00:05:36,458 Where are you right now? At work? 62 00:05:36,541 --> 00:05:39,750 Yeah, I'm about to head home now. 63 00:05:39,833 --> 00:05:42,750 Okay, don't leave your office. Just wait inside. 64 00:05:43,250 --> 00:05:47,791 Why? I already have Mr. Hyodo coming to pick me up. 65 00:05:47,875 --> 00:05:49,583 I know that, but still! 66 00:05:49,666 --> 00:05:52,625 Things have changed. Look online. 67 00:05:52,708 --> 00:05:55,208 He's already pinpointed your office. 68 00:05:55,958 --> 00:05:58,500 I don't think this is just a prank. 69 00:05:59,041 --> 00:06:00,375 It's a warning. 70 00:06:00,875 --> 00:06:03,708 A warning? For what? 71 00:06:03,791 --> 00:06:05,375 I don't know, but... 72 00:06:05,833 --> 00:06:08,750 Are you okay? There's no one suspicious near you? 73 00:06:08,833 --> 00:06:11,000 I'm being careful. It's fine. 74 00:06:11,083 --> 00:06:14,708 Besides, it's all office buildings here and there's people everywhere. 75 00:06:14,791 --> 00:06:17,416 There aren't any suspicious people arou... 76 00:06:29,875 --> 00:06:32,666 Retsuko? What happened? Retsuko! 77 00:06:40,208 --> 00:06:41,750 What the hell are you up to? 78 00:06:42,791 --> 00:06:44,125 I said, what are you up to? 79 00:06:44,208 --> 00:06:47,333 None of your business. Let go of me! 80 00:06:47,416 --> 00:06:50,416 -Get out of my way! Let me go! -Don't just watch. Help me. 81 00:06:57,333 --> 00:06:58,166 Retsuko? 82 00:06:59,791 --> 00:07:02,291 Retsuko? Retsuko! 83 00:07:02,375 --> 00:07:05,791 You get ahead of yourself, bitch. 84 00:07:05,875 --> 00:07:06,708 You imbecile! 85 00:07:06,791 --> 00:07:08,833 Someone call the police. 86 00:07:12,166 --> 00:07:13,083 Retsuko? 87 00:07:15,125 --> 00:07:16,041 Retsuko? 88 00:07:17,208 --> 00:07:18,375 Retsuko! 89 00:07:19,333 --> 00:07:20,375 Don't move her. 90 00:07:22,083 --> 00:07:24,125 She may have hit her head when she fell. 91 00:07:25,250 --> 00:07:27,416 But she's bleeding! 92 00:07:28,000 --> 00:07:31,333 Calm down. It's probably your own blood. 93 00:07:32,291 --> 00:07:34,250 I'm calling the ambulance right now. 94 00:07:37,041 --> 00:07:38,625 Hello, is this emergency services? 95 00:07:38,708 --> 00:07:40,833 Please come quick. 96 00:07:46,125 --> 00:07:48,083 The ambulance will arrive shortly. 97 00:07:49,666 --> 00:07:50,750 Thank you. 98 00:07:53,458 --> 00:07:56,250 It was an emergency and you took action. 99 00:07:57,375 --> 00:08:01,208 I could interpret that some way that makes me feel better, 100 00:08:02,250 --> 00:08:05,125 but I feel that's not all there was to it. 101 00:08:07,750 --> 00:08:09,541 Sorry, now's not the time for this. 102 00:08:13,000 --> 00:08:13,833 No. 103 00:08:16,000 --> 00:08:17,000 It's okay. 104 00:08:19,291 --> 00:08:22,166 This is the result of you thinking on it so carefully. 105 00:08:24,666 --> 00:08:27,208 I wasn't thinking. 106 00:08:30,625 --> 00:08:31,875 I mean, I did... 107 00:08:34,458 --> 00:08:36,083 And if I really thought about it, 108 00:08:36,166 --> 00:08:39,708 I think I would have chosen you. 109 00:08:43,291 --> 00:08:44,291 I'm sorry. 110 00:09:09,541 --> 00:09:10,625 Huh? 111 00:09:22,416 --> 00:09:24,000 -Just quit already. -What an eyesore. 112 00:09:24,083 --> 00:09:25,375 She's got it all wrong. 113 00:09:25,458 --> 00:09:26,458 ...hurts to watch. 114 00:09:26,541 --> 00:09:27,541 Wish she'd disappear. 115 00:09:27,625 --> 00:09:28,583 Slut. 116 00:09:28,666 --> 00:09:30,333 -YOU'RE JUST TRASH -YOU'RE FAKE ANYWAY 117 00:09:30,416 --> 00:09:31,708 -SUBCULTURE BITCH LOL -OTM IS DONE 118 00:09:31,791 --> 00:09:33,375 -POPULAR WITH WHO? -BORING POSER BITCH LOL 119 00:09:35,666 --> 00:09:37,166 Thank you very much. 120 00:09:37,250 --> 00:09:38,541 Thank you very much. 121 00:09:38,625 --> 00:09:40,041 Thank you very much. 122 00:09:50,000 --> 00:09:51,125 Where's your "thank you"? 123 00:09:52,625 --> 00:09:53,458 What? 124 00:09:54,041 --> 00:09:57,083 You sustain yourself by sucking up our money. 125 00:09:58,791 --> 00:10:00,166 Where's your "thank you"? 126 00:10:00,666 --> 00:10:01,791 No. 127 00:10:08,375 --> 00:10:09,375 No. 128 00:10:12,750 --> 00:10:14,250 There's nowhere to run. 129 00:10:15,791 --> 00:10:17,916 There is no place I belong. 130 00:10:19,833 --> 00:10:21,041 This kind of world... 131 00:10:22,958 --> 00:10:23,958 I can't take it. 132 00:10:30,541 --> 00:10:31,708 Retsuko. 133 00:10:33,041 --> 00:10:34,125 Retsuko. 134 00:10:35,416 --> 00:10:37,041 Retsuko! 135 00:10:38,541 --> 00:10:41,333 You're such a good girl, Retsuko. 136 00:10:43,916 --> 00:10:47,416 Retsuko is a very hard-working and responsible girl. 137 00:10:47,500 --> 00:10:49,625 You're very diligent and cooperative, 138 00:10:49,708 --> 00:10:52,291 but I've noticed a tendency for passiveness. 139 00:10:52,791 --> 00:10:54,125 Are you enjoying life? 140 00:10:54,625 --> 00:10:56,125 You're a good, serious girl. 141 00:10:56,208 --> 00:11:00,666 A painfully diligent airhead who does things exactly as instructed. 142 00:11:01,250 --> 00:11:06,375 It's okay, the company will go on without you. 143 00:11:14,916 --> 00:11:16,708 ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 144 00:11:32,458 --> 00:11:33,708 Her parents' house? 145 00:11:33,791 --> 00:11:36,375 Yes, she's been holing up back home. 146 00:11:36,833 --> 00:11:39,666 She may end up leaving the apartment too. 147 00:11:40,166 --> 00:11:44,291 Her attacker was caught, but her address and office were exposed. 148 00:11:45,125 --> 00:11:49,125 She believes there isn't a single place where she's safe. 149 00:11:51,458 --> 00:11:55,916 She's on temporary leave for now, but it's not good for her to stay like this. 150 00:11:56,458 --> 00:11:58,875 She'll probably resign or be let go. 151 00:11:58,958 --> 00:12:00,833 It really is a shame. 152 00:12:07,000 --> 00:12:08,083 Haida? 153 00:12:12,250 --> 00:12:13,666 No way! You chose Retsuko? 154 00:12:14,791 --> 00:12:15,625 Yes. 155 00:12:15,708 --> 00:12:17,083 You turned Inui down? 156 00:12:18,000 --> 00:12:19,208 Yes. 157 00:12:19,291 --> 00:12:20,541 Haida, are you stupid? 158 00:12:20,625 --> 00:12:22,208 Oh yeah, this one here's an idiot. 159 00:12:22,291 --> 00:12:25,250 Gah! And after everything I told you! 160 00:12:25,333 --> 00:12:28,958 So, you're the indecisive type. 161 00:12:30,000 --> 00:12:31,041 Haida, 162 00:12:31,541 --> 00:12:35,375 we also want Retsuko to come back. 163 00:12:36,250 --> 00:12:40,500 But it's not possible. There's nothing we can do right now. 164 00:12:40,583 --> 00:12:43,791 Retsuko needs time to heal from this emotional trauma. 165 00:12:45,250 --> 00:12:48,750 I don't think Retsuko is that weak. 166 00:12:48,833 --> 00:12:50,708 Enough with the stupid remarks! 167 00:12:50,791 --> 00:12:52,583 What do you even know about her? 168 00:12:53,291 --> 00:12:56,958 Retsuko needs someplace safe where she doesn't have to worry. 169 00:12:57,041 --> 00:12:58,916 Can you give her that? 170 00:13:00,166 --> 00:13:01,625 You can't, can you? 171 00:13:02,333 --> 00:13:04,333 That's why... 172 00:13:04,625 --> 00:13:07,500 GORI'S MARRIAGE COUNSELING 173 00:13:07,583 --> 00:13:09,375 Let's find you a new love. 174 00:13:09,458 --> 00:13:11,791 What? Now, of all times? 175 00:13:11,875 --> 00:13:14,291 My app is finally ready! 176 00:13:14,375 --> 00:13:16,125 Haida, give me your phone. 177 00:13:17,333 --> 00:13:19,333 The closer you get, the farther she is. 178 00:13:19,416 --> 00:13:22,083 Retsuko may as well be a mirage in the desert to Haida. 179 00:13:22,166 --> 00:13:24,375 You've got no chance as is. 180 00:13:24,458 --> 00:13:28,416 Feel free to get your hopes up. This app is not like the others. 181 00:13:28,500 --> 00:13:32,958 5It's a super app that finds the person your soul resonates with! 182 00:13:33,041 --> 00:13:37,458 Okay then, Haida, your destined lover is... 183 00:13:37,541 --> 00:13:39,333 MATCH RESULT 100% COMPATABILITY 184 00:13:41,250 --> 00:13:42,625 Haida is 185 00:13:42,708 --> 00:13:44,541 Retsuko's 186 00:13:45,333 --> 00:13:47,583 destined lover? 187 00:14:03,958 --> 00:14:05,041 Coming. 188 00:14:09,458 --> 00:14:11,541 What do you want? Who are you? 189 00:14:12,791 --> 00:14:13,791 A match. 190 00:14:16,000 --> 00:14:17,208 Oh my. 191 00:14:26,166 --> 00:14:27,291 Haida? 192 00:14:34,500 --> 00:14:35,875 KARAOKE 193 00:14:44,250 --> 00:14:45,666 What's all this about? 194 00:14:48,333 --> 00:14:51,458 Did Gori and Washimi say something to you? 195 00:14:53,250 --> 00:14:55,291 They said, "It's up to you." 196 00:14:57,708 --> 00:14:59,583 What's up to him? 197 00:14:59,666 --> 00:15:01,625 Getting Retsuko to come back. 198 00:15:02,166 --> 00:15:03,833 But why karaoke? 199 00:15:04,500 --> 00:15:05,375 Karaoke 200 00:15:05,875 --> 00:15:09,750 is a place where you can let out everything you've kept bottled up. 201 00:15:12,833 --> 00:15:14,000 Come back. 202 00:15:14,458 --> 00:15:16,125 I'm sorry. I can't. 203 00:15:16,208 --> 00:15:17,541 You can. 204 00:15:17,625 --> 00:15:19,125 I'm still scared. 205 00:15:19,208 --> 00:15:20,958 But the cops have already got him. 206 00:15:21,041 --> 00:15:23,083 It's not just that guy. 207 00:15:23,833 --> 00:15:25,958 It's so many different things. 208 00:15:28,666 --> 00:15:31,583 -You're strong, so it will be-- -I'm not strong! 209 00:15:33,000 --> 00:15:35,833 You just want to think I am. 210 00:15:39,041 --> 00:15:40,000 You're right. 211 00:15:40,750 --> 00:15:42,541 Stop pushing what you want on me. 212 00:15:42,625 --> 00:15:44,708 Isn't that just another form of abuse? 213 00:15:46,083 --> 00:15:50,250 You don't know me and yet you act as if you do, 214 00:15:50,333 --> 00:15:52,625 forcing your feelings on me. 215 00:15:52,708 --> 00:15:55,041 Honestly, it's putting me in a tough spot. 216 00:16:00,708 --> 00:16:01,875 Feelings... 217 00:16:01,958 --> 00:16:05,916 What use are they if you can't force them onto others? 218 00:16:10,250 --> 00:16:13,625 Are you telling me to keep them to myself my whole life? 219 00:16:19,250 --> 00:16:22,291 Squash your feelings - what the hell Playing the doormat is so neat 220 00:16:22,375 --> 00:16:25,458 You too scared to meet the gaze of strangers you meet on the street? 221 00:16:25,541 --> 00:16:27,208 Walking on eggshells, that's your plan? 222 00:16:27,291 --> 00:16:28,625 All on account of some messed-up man 223 00:16:28,708 --> 00:16:30,083 Who gave you a scare And yeah, we all care 224 00:16:30,166 --> 00:16:31,958 But now you're a shut-in And letting him win 225 00:16:32,041 --> 00:16:35,000 Sounds chicken to me 226 00:16:35,083 --> 00:16:38,166 Sounds chicken to me 227 00:16:38,250 --> 00:16:41,000 Sounds chicken to me 228 00:16:41,083 --> 00:16:44,458 Sounds chicken to me 229 00:16:45,083 --> 00:16:46,666 So what the hell do you wanna do? 230 00:16:47,250 --> 00:16:50,375 Figure that out 231 00:16:50,458 --> 00:16:51,833 And crawl outta your cave already 232 00:16:52,458 --> 00:16:54,708 I don't know what I want. 233 00:16:54,791 --> 00:16:57,041 Some people just don't know. 234 00:16:57,125 --> 00:16:59,333 What about you, Haida? 235 00:16:59,416 --> 00:17:01,208 What do you want? 236 00:17:01,291 --> 00:17:03,250 MATCH RESULT 237 00:17:05,958 --> 00:17:07,041 I want... 238 00:17:08,458 --> 00:17:10,083 to be your safe harbor. 239 00:17:19,041 --> 00:17:21,666 It's impossible to restore your faith in the world. 240 00:17:22,375 --> 00:17:25,541 So for now, just put your faith in me. 241 00:17:27,041 --> 00:17:30,458 Safe harbor? Faith? 242 00:17:33,125 --> 00:17:35,750 Did you discover your feelings after seeing those results? 243 00:17:37,166 --> 00:17:40,750 Your feelings have nothing to do with me. 244 00:17:41,333 --> 00:17:44,375 It feels like someone suddenly barged into my house. 245 00:17:44,916 --> 00:17:46,791 How I choose to live is none of your business. 246 00:17:46,875 --> 00:17:48,166 Leave me alone! 247 00:17:48,666 --> 00:17:53,666 It doesn't matter what path I choose. We all end up in the same place anyway. 248 00:17:54,250 --> 00:17:55,500 RAGE 249 00:18:00,875 --> 00:18:02,291 KARAOKE 250 00:18:07,458 --> 00:18:09,583 Crisis averted 251 00:18:09,666 --> 00:18:11,958 Haida's here to save the day Trust in you, huh? 252 00:18:12,041 --> 00:18:14,333 It doesn't work that way 253 00:18:14,416 --> 00:18:16,750 You think that crap is helpful But you couldn't be more... 254 00:18:16,833 --> 00:18:19,208 Wrong! 255 00:18:19,291 --> 00:18:21,708 Idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot, idiot! 256 00:18:21,791 --> 00:18:24,000 Stop! 257 00:18:24,083 --> 00:18:27,041 Leave me, leave me, leave me Leave me alone 258 00:18:27,125 --> 00:18:30,458 I didn't ask for any of this 259 00:18:32,458 --> 00:18:35,583 It's me against the whole damn world And they punched first 260 00:18:39,833 --> 00:18:41,708 Then let's punch back! 261 00:18:43,833 --> 00:18:45,666 A patched-together portrait of a good girl 262 00:18:45,750 --> 00:18:48,208 Take this peeling collage And burn it all down 263 00:18:48,291 --> 00:18:53,125 You can bark all you want But you know it’ll never reach anyone 264 00:18:53,208 --> 00:18:55,416 In a dark underground Cut off from all light 265 00:18:55,500 --> 00:18:58,000 Covering up the wound That’s been gouged at 266 00:18:58,083 --> 00:19:02,416 Everyone must go on a lonely path Of being different 267 00:19:03,000 --> 00:19:05,250 Go where that voice reaches someone 268 00:19:05,333 --> 00:19:08,250 Even if the light Is just a little blinding 269 00:19:08,333 --> 00:19:12,625 I’ll show you a word that is different From all that you know 270 00:19:12,708 --> 00:19:15,208 OTM is the best! 271 00:19:15,291 --> 00:19:17,791 Retsy is the best! 272 00:19:17,875 --> 00:19:22,250 Let me be that one speck of a miracle 273 00:19:22,333 --> 00:19:26,375 Who knew that her first festival would also be her last performance? 274 00:19:26,458 --> 00:19:28,625 Why would she quit the idol life 275 00:19:28,708 --> 00:19:31,708 and choose to return to the company? 276 00:19:32,500 --> 00:19:33,500 Who knows? 277 00:19:34,250 --> 00:19:39,458 Maybe something as simple as water quenches her thirst. 278 00:19:40,958 --> 00:19:42,750 -What? -Nothing. 279 00:19:45,375 --> 00:19:48,041 I'll give this straight back to you, Mr. Hyodo. 280 00:19:48,625 --> 00:19:52,750 Paid off perfectly by your last event. Now that's a strong finish. 281 00:19:52,833 --> 00:19:56,250 -Are you quitting for real, manager? -We're gonna miss you! 282 00:19:57,208 --> 00:20:00,416 In the end, she wasn't cut out to be an idol. 283 00:20:01,375 --> 00:20:04,083 You won't make it if you don't have a couple of screws loose. 284 00:20:07,583 --> 00:20:10,583 Without you, we might need part-time jobs for a while. 285 00:20:11,958 --> 00:20:13,791 But we'll climb our way up again. 286 00:20:14,791 --> 00:20:16,666 Just you watch, Retsuko. 287 00:20:16,750 --> 00:20:20,291 I will. Good luck, Manaka. 288 00:20:23,208 --> 00:20:25,166 I watched the stream. 289 00:20:25,791 --> 00:20:28,708 Did Retsy really play that guitar? 290 00:20:28,791 --> 00:20:30,875 Let's say it's a trade secret. 291 00:20:34,083 --> 00:20:38,250 Hey, Tadano, I've been wanting to ask you this for a while now. 292 00:20:38,333 --> 00:20:40,625 Did you tamper with the app? 293 00:20:42,750 --> 00:20:44,750 What do you mean? 294 00:20:44,833 --> 00:20:46,666 I mean that thing with Retsuko and Haida. 295 00:20:46,750 --> 00:20:48,041 I don't know a thing about it. 296 00:20:50,333 --> 00:20:54,750 It's impossible to predict the future, in any case. 297 00:20:55,500 --> 00:20:59,416 What's important is believing in the path you choose and pressing on. 298 00:21:00,083 --> 00:21:00,916 Don't you think? 299 00:21:04,708 --> 00:21:08,708 Just count to ten, and I'll be a diligent little girl. 300 00:21:09,208 --> 00:21:12,916 Just count to ten, and I'll be a diligent office worker. 301 00:21:13,500 --> 00:21:16,791 Just count to ten, and I'll be everyone's idol. 302 00:21:19,833 --> 00:21:21,000 Just count to ten, 303 00:21:24,291 --> 00:21:26,333 and I'll be a mysterious idol producer. 304 00:21:28,375 --> 00:21:29,875 Just count to ten, 305 00:21:30,708 --> 00:21:33,000 and we can be anything we want. 306 00:21:34,250 --> 00:21:37,250 Just count to ten, and I... 307 00:21:42,708 --> 00:21:44,000 Hiya. 308 00:21:46,625 --> 00:21:47,625 Say, Retsuko. 309 00:21:47,708 --> 00:21:48,791 Hm? 310 00:21:48,875 --> 00:21:50,250 Have you eaten yet? 311 00:21:50,333 --> 00:21:51,500 No. 312 00:21:52,541 --> 00:21:53,791 But I'm about to. 313 00:22:09,541 --> 00:22:15,083 As I’m heading out of class And I look up to the sky 314 00:22:15,166 --> 00:22:21,125 I hear so many voices just echoing by 315 00:22:21,541 --> 00:22:26,958 I run through the schoolyard And I’m feeling something new 316 00:22:27,041 --> 00:22:33,708 The scent of a flower That’s about to bloom 317 00:22:34,125 --> 00:22:40,041 A secret flower garden On my uniform 318 00:22:40,208 --> 00:22:47,208 My tail is softly swaying slowly but surely feelings have formed 319 00:22:48,833 --> 00:22:54,583 My little heart just skips a beat Each time I look at you 320 00:22:54,875 --> 00:23:00,375 Colorful as a gummy And sweet as chocolate cake 321 00:23:00,916 --> 00:23:06,458 My dreams are candy-coated I’m not sure what I should do... 322 00:23:06,833 --> 00:23:12,666 Can you mix it together And make my wishes come true? 323 00:23:13,125 --> 00:23:15,875 Fuwari Fuwari Fuwari Fuwari 324 00:23:16,083 --> 00:23:18,916 I really want you to know I really want you to know 325 00:23:19,125 --> 00:23:22,000 I just wish that you knew… I just wish that you knew… 326 00:23:22,083 --> 00:23:24,125 What I wanted to say 327 00:23:24,208 --> 00:23:25,875 Subtitle translation by Rachel Momber