1 00:00:11,000 --> 00:00:14,166 OUTSKIRTS 2 00:00:14,250 --> 00:00:16,541 Even if the light Is just a little blinding 3 00:00:16,625 --> 00:00:21,458 I’ll show you a word that is different From all that you know 4 00:00:21,541 --> 00:00:26,166 Hear my prayers, grant my desires I promise I won’t be a spoiled brat 5 00:00:26,250 --> 00:00:32,958 Let me be that one speck of a miracle 6 00:00:33,541 --> 00:00:35,500 Oh, sorry. 7 00:00:51,541 --> 00:00:54,458 OUTSKIRTS 8 00:01:04,958 --> 00:01:06,000 RAGE 9 00:01:46,791 --> 00:01:50,250 Account manager, have you mastered the F chord yet? 10 00:01:50,333 --> 00:01:56,000 Yeah... only if I have two more of me to help out. 11 00:01:57,875 --> 00:01:59,291 -How's bass? -It's stupid heavy. 12 00:01:59,375 --> 00:02:00,833 -And drums? -So bulky. 13 00:02:01,333 --> 00:02:04,125 Hey, are you girls even trying? 14 00:02:04,208 --> 00:02:05,833 Well... 15 00:02:05,916 --> 00:02:09,666 I've already found an instructor and have begun lessons. 16 00:02:10,041 --> 00:02:11,916 -No way. -That's amazing, Manaka! 17 00:02:12,708 --> 00:02:17,916 Mr. Hyodo seems to be going all out too. He ordered 5,000 more CDs for the fest. 18 00:02:18,000 --> 00:02:20,041 -This is serious. -It really is do-or-die. 19 00:02:21,125 --> 00:02:22,208 This might be 20 00:02:23,083 --> 00:02:26,041 our last chance to make it to the top. 21 00:02:27,916 --> 00:02:30,375 That's why I'm giving it everything I've got. 22 00:02:30,458 --> 00:02:34,875 My teacher laughed at me and said it would take ten years, but I don't care. 23 00:02:38,875 --> 00:02:40,416 If Manaka's doing it, so will I. 24 00:02:40,500 --> 00:02:41,541 Me too. 25 00:02:42,791 --> 00:02:46,166 You get it? You're on the giving end now. 26 00:02:48,291 --> 00:02:50,708 If you can't tackle one seemingly impossible obstacle, 27 00:02:51,041 --> 00:02:54,791 you won't be able to inspire anyone now, will you? 28 00:03:06,583 --> 00:03:08,666 Sorry, are we supposed to shout something? 29 00:03:08,750 --> 00:03:10,375 -I'm not sure. -I think we are. 30 00:03:10,458 --> 00:03:12,125 Let's decide beforehand next time. 31 00:03:21,875 --> 00:03:22,708 Hey. 32 00:03:23,333 --> 00:03:24,166 Hey. 33 00:03:26,458 --> 00:03:29,791 It's decided, then. Saturday at five. 34 00:03:29,875 --> 00:03:32,291 Okay, I'll make sure I'm home then. 35 00:03:32,375 --> 00:03:34,833 Great! I can't wait. 36 00:03:38,125 --> 00:03:39,500 Actually, 37 00:03:40,375 --> 00:03:42,208 what should we do for dinner? 38 00:03:43,500 --> 00:03:46,458 Oh, I know a real good place near my house-- 39 00:03:46,541 --> 00:03:48,708 And that sounds lovely. 40 00:03:50,041 --> 00:03:52,666 But would you mind if I cooked instead? 41 00:03:53,625 --> 00:03:55,958 Whoa! What's going on there? 42 00:03:56,041 --> 00:03:58,333 Oh man, Inui is gunning for you hard. 43 00:03:58,416 --> 00:04:00,208 Quit being so loud. 44 00:04:00,291 --> 00:04:02,000 But it makes me want to scream! 45 00:04:02,458 --> 00:04:03,708 So does this mean... 46 00:04:05,000 --> 00:04:07,500 you're giving up on Retsuko? 47 00:04:09,833 --> 00:04:12,750 You're cutting off your feelings for her once and for all? 48 00:04:14,041 --> 00:04:18,041 Inui is nice and I really enjoy her company. 49 00:04:18,750 --> 00:04:22,166 What's more, she might actually feel... 50 00:04:26,666 --> 00:04:28,166 What's with the look? 51 00:04:28,791 --> 00:04:30,750 What do you like about Retsuko, anyway? 52 00:04:31,208 --> 00:04:34,208 You're asking me that now when it doesn't matter anymore? 53 00:04:34,583 --> 00:04:35,708 It does matter. 54 00:04:36,291 --> 00:04:39,583 I've been listening to your one-sided love story for five years now. 55 00:04:40,250 --> 00:04:41,958 At least help me understand. 56 00:04:50,500 --> 00:04:52,708 At the office, Retsuko has a reputation 57 00:04:53,125 --> 00:04:55,250 for being super hard-working and kind, right? 58 00:04:55,833 --> 00:04:57,000 Yeah. 59 00:04:57,375 --> 00:05:01,041 I thought she was too hard-working, at first. 60 00:05:01,125 --> 00:05:03,708 But about half a year after she joined the company, 61 00:05:04,333 --> 00:05:07,333 I glimpsed her being sneaky before she went home. 62 00:05:08,875 --> 00:05:10,500 She was acting real suspicious. 63 00:05:10,583 --> 00:05:13,500 I was curious what she was up to and she was just... 64 00:05:15,833 --> 00:05:19,208 She filled her bottle with water from the office's water dispenser 65 00:05:19,291 --> 00:05:21,708 and took it home with her! 66 00:05:21,791 --> 00:05:23,416 Wait, what kind of story is that? 67 00:05:23,708 --> 00:05:26,333 And it was just two 500ml bottles, you know? 68 00:05:26,416 --> 00:05:28,333 What are you on about? 69 00:05:32,625 --> 00:05:34,166 Maybe that's when I fell for her. 70 00:05:34,583 --> 00:05:36,916 Huh? You still haven't told me why you like her. 71 00:05:37,000 --> 00:05:39,750 You could say my love was built up from simple things like that. 72 00:05:40,416 --> 00:05:42,750 I immediately empathized with Retsuko. 73 00:05:43,375 --> 00:05:45,625 I can also be stingy and dishonest. 74 00:05:45,708 --> 00:05:47,708 Yeah, you are pretty dumb, lame, and stingy. 75 00:05:47,791 --> 00:05:49,041 That's harsh. 76 00:05:54,375 --> 00:05:56,458 But I don't think you're dishonest. 77 00:05:59,416 --> 00:06:01,125 I am, though. 78 00:06:01,208 --> 00:06:02,625 Even with Inui-- 79 00:06:03,208 --> 00:06:05,958 But you actually came forward with Retsuko. 80 00:06:08,500 --> 00:06:11,333 Hey, why are you crying? 81 00:06:12,541 --> 00:06:13,750 I'm not crying! 82 00:06:14,875 --> 00:06:16,875 Maybe I never had a chance in the first place. 83 00:06:17,916 --> 00:06:20,583 I've always just been a co-worker to her. 84 00:06:20,666 --> 00:06:23,833 Even after five years, she still doesn't see me as a friend. 85 00:06:34,583 --> 00:06:36,125 GOOD EVENING 86 00:06:38,541 --> 00:06:40,375 HAIDA, DON'T YOU PLAY THE GUITAR? 87 00:06:40,458 --> 00:06:42,000 IF YOU DON'T MIND, CAN YOU TEACH ME? 88 00:06:42,083 --> 00:06:43,708 Huh? It's Retsuko? 89 00:06:44,166 --> 00:06:45,458 Why is she messaging you? 90 00:06:46,166 --> 00:06:48,166 Not to mention, I play bass... 91 00:06:48,958 --> 00:06:50,666 -You're turning her down, right? -What? 92 00:06:51,833 --> 00:06:54,041 Quit being so wishy-washy. Draw the line. 93 00:06:54,125 --> 00:06:55,583 Um, yeah... 94 00:06:56,458 --> 00:06:58,791 Okay, tell me three things you hate about Retsuko. 95 00:06:58,875 --> 00:07:00,833 -She mistook bass for guitar. -Good! 96 00:07:00,916 --> 00:07:02,416 -She never comes out drinking. -Nice! 97 00:07:02,500 --> 00:07:05,625 -Her mom has horrid fashion sense. -Yes! 98 00:07:05,708 --> 00:07:06,625 Then turn her down! 99 00:07:09,083 --> 00:07:11,291 SURE THING. 100 00:07:12,416 --> 00:07:13,583 SURE THING. 101 00:07:16,750 --> 00:07:20,000 -Huh? -Don't "huh" me, you chump! 102 00:07:27,250 --> 00:07:28,625 SURE THING. 103 00:07:32,750 --> 00:07:35,125 She replied again. 104 00:07:35,208 --> 00:07:37,291 Then just tell her "no" now. 105 00:07:37,375 --> 00:07:39,541 But I already said okay. 106 00:07:40,208 --> 00:07:42,375 You're not even trying to cut ties with her. 107 00:07:42,458 --> 00:07:44,583 Don't come crying to me when the going gets tough. 108 00:07:47,375 --> 00:07:48,333 Hm? 109 00:07:51,000 --> 00:07:51,958 What's wrong? 110 00:07:52,041 --> 00:07:53,916 I'M FREE ON SATURDAY. 111 00:08:42,000 --> 00:08:44,375 Oh, hey. Welcome. 112 00:08:44,458 --> 00:08:45,958 Were you able to find it okay? 113 00:08:46,041 --> 00:08:48,166 Yeah, no hitches at all. 114 00:08:50,083 --> 00:08:53,000 Sorry for springing such a strange request on you. 115 00:08:53,083 --> 00:08:55,250 No, it's totally fine. 116 00:08:55,333 --> 00:08:58,250 Why do you want to play guitar all of a sudden, anyway? 117 00:08:58,333 --> 00:08:59,250 Um... 118 00:08:59,333 --> 00:09:03,375 Well, a friend asked me to play at her wedding... 119 00:09:03,791 --> 00:09:05,750 I see. Sounds tough. 120 00:09:06,250 --> 00:09:07,708 It is. 121 00:09:14,541 --> 00:09:16,833 It made an actual sound! And it sounded good! 122 00:09:16,916 --> 00:09:20,750 It wasn't that great. Besides, I don't really play the guitar. 123 00:09:21,041 --> 00:09:22,500 Wait, really? 124 00:09:22,791 --> 00:09:25,500 I started off on the acoustic guitar I had at home, 125 00:09:25,583 --> 00:09:27,708 but then my friends and I started a band 126 00:09:28,041 --> 00:09:30,458 and we needed someone on bass. 127 00:09:30,541 --> 00:09:32,416 From then on, I always played bass. 128 00:09:32,500 --> 00:09:37,041 Oh, wow. Sorry, I can't actually tell guitar from bass. 129 00:09:37,125 --> 00:09:38,208 I figured. 130 00:09:40,875 --> 00:09:42,125 Something like this? 131 00:09:42,875 --> 00:09:44,583 Try to lay your index finger across it. 132 00:09:44,666 --> 00:09:46,291 Like this? 133 00:09:46,375 --> 00:09:51,166 Instead of the pad of your finger, try using its... um, edge? 134 00:09:51,250 --> 00:09:53,291 Do fingers even have edges? 135 00:09:53,625 --> 00:09:58,083 What is this? It's impossible! My fingers hurt. 136 00:10:10,000 --> 00:10:11,000 -There! -Yeah! 137 00:10:11,625 --> 00:10:13,291 And there. And again. 138 00:10:13,958 --> 00:10:15,291 That's it! 139 00:10:19,875 --> 00:10:22,083 You'll get even better if you keep at it. 140 00:10:22,166 --> 00:10:26,541 I'll do my best, but it only gets harder from here on, doesn't it? 141 00:10:26,625 --> 00:10:28,500 You're finally an amateur guitarist. 142 00:10:28,583 --> 00:10:31,500 Aw, come on, don't put any more pressure on me! 143 00:10:31,583 --> 00:10:33,416 But it's the truth. 144 00:10:34,916 --> 00:10:37,166 Thanks for today. It was fun. 145 00:10:37,250 --> 00:10:38,291 Yeah. 146 00:10:38,750 --> 00:10:41,791 Sorry, I had actually planned to take lessons at first. 147 00:10:43,708 --> 00:10:45,916 But I just ended up imposing on a friend. 148 00:10:48,250 --> 00:10:50,250 Well, see you. 149 00:11:50,291 --> 00:11:51,375 Welcome. 150 00:11:51,791 --> 00:11:53,041 Thanks for having me. 151 00:11:53,958 --> 00:11:55,083 I bought the ingredients. 152 00:11:58,916 --> 00:12:00,458 I'm borrowing some fridge space. 153 00:12:00,541 --> 00:12:01,791 Okay. 154 00:12:01,916 --> 00:12:04,916 I bought some pudding too, so let's have that for dessert. 155 00:12:05,333 --> 00:12:06,250 Thank you. 156 00:12:13,791 --> 00:12:15,541 What's wrong? 157 00:12:18,708 --> 00:12:21,083 I was just thinking your place is cleaner than I expected. 158 00:12:21,666 --> 00:12:23,208 I'll prepare the food now. 159 00:12:23,791 --> 00:12:25,916 Um, okay. 160 00:12:40,541 --> 00:12:42,125 You're amazing. 161 00:12:44,708 --> 00:12:45,708 What's wrong? 162 00:12:45,791 --> 00:12:47,625 Nothing, there's just not enough air in here. 163 00:12:48,125 --> 00:12:49,375 I'm sorry, though. 164 00:12:49,458 --> 00:12:52,375 Bass isn't very interesting on its own, is it? 165 00:12:52,458 --> 00:12:53,833 Really? 166 00:12:53,916 --> 00:12:54,916 But I like it. 167 00:13:02,458 --> 00:13:03,375 Huh? What is it? 168 00:13:03,666 --> 00:13:07,041 Something smells real good. Oh yeah, we have curry, don't we? 169 00:13:07,125 --> 00:13:09,750 Wow, I'm super hungry now, Inui. 170 00:13:09,833 --> 00:13:11,833 Wanna go ahead and eat? 171 00:13:14,833 --> 00:13:16,833 You're right. Let's eat. 172 00:13:18,958 --> 00:13:22,583 I'm Team Curry on Rice. What about you? 173 00:13:22,666 --> 00:13:24,791 Hm... Team Curry and Rice. 174 00:13:24,875 --> 00:13:27,166 You don't say? Roger that. 175 00:13:28,791 --> 00:13:30,958 Can I use your bathroom? 176 00:13:31,208 --> 00:13:32,333 Of course. 177 00:13:32,416 --> 00:13:33,625 Thank you. 178 00:13:59,875 --> 00:14:01,416 Inui, I'm sorry. 179 00:14:01,500 --> 00:14:04,500 I accidentally poured the curry on top of both. 180 00:14:05,458 --> 00:14:06,291 Hm? 181 00:14:07,375 --> 00:14:08,916 Inui? 182 00:14:15,541 --> 00:14:17,416 -I'm going home. -What? 183 00:14:19,125 --> 00:14:20,375 What about the curry? 184 00:14:20,458 --> 00:14:22,250 You can have it, Haida. 185 00:14:22,333 --> 00:14:25,791 Once it's cold, you can put it in the fridge and have it tomorrow. 186 00:14:26,166 --> 00:14:28,833 Wait, Inui. 187 00:14:32,583 --> 00:14:33,541 I'm sorry. 188 00:14:36,208 --> 00:14:38,583 You haven't done anything to warrant an apology. 189 00:14:38,916 --> 00:14:41,041 It's fine for now. 190 00:14:45,833 --> 00:14:48,250 Please just tell me one thing. 191 00:14:51,750 --> 00:14:54,708 Do you like me? 192 00:15:24,833 --> 00:15:27,833 Subtitle translation by Rachel Momber