1 00:00:11,000 --> 00:00:12,916 OUTSKIRTS 2 00:00:13,000 --> 00:00:15,916 Mr. Hyodo really knows nothing, it seems. 3 00:00:16,375 --> 00:00:18,916 What a cheap way to express music! 4 00:00:19,000 --> 00:00:21,958 Creating something just to be different isn't always a good thing. 5 00:00:23,041 --> 00:00:25,958 Did you see everyone's expressions when she started singing? 6 00:00:26,041 --> 00:00:28,500 They were all horrified! 7 00:00:29,041 --> 00:00:31,083 I totally knew it would end up like this. 8 00:00:33,041 --> 00:00:36,333 I bet the seats will be practically empty today. 9 00:00:37,333 --> 00:00:38,375 Oh? 10 00:00:39,208 --> 00:00:40,333 Accounting manager? 11 00:00:41,125 --> 00:00:43,458 Why, I had no idea you were there! 12 00:00:44,833 --> 00:00:46,041 Why don't you sit here? 13 00:00:46,416 --> 00:00:48,083 No, I'll just stand here. 14 00:00:49,916 --> 00:00:53,125 Ah, sorry to be a nuisance, accounting manager, but... 15 00:00:55,375 --> 00:00:56,750 Buy me some oolong tea. 16 00:00:56,833 --> 00:00:57,666 Right. 17 00:01:04,583 --> 00:01:06,458 It's almost time. 18 00:01:12,375 --> 00:01:13,500 No way! 19 00:01:20,250 --> 00:01:21,166 What is going on? 20 00:01:21,250 --> 00:01:22,416 RAGE 21 00:02:08,625 --> 00:02:09,666 10,000-yen bills! 22 00:02:09,750 --> 00:02:11,083 We've hit a new level! 23 00:02:12,166 --> 00:02:13,666 How is this even possible? 24 00:02:13,750 --> 00:02:15,583 It was a full house back there. 25 00:02:16,208 --> 00:02:18,666 Have you heard of The Idol Chief? 26 00:02:18,958 --> 00:02:20,500 "The Idol Chief"? 27 00:02:20,583 --> 00:02:24,958 I have. It's a geeky blogger who writes articles about underground idols. 28 00:02:25,041 --> 00:02:26,166 He's really famous! 29 00:02:26,250 --> 00:02:28,000 See? 30 00:02:28,416 --> 00:02:31,666 This blog's owner happened to come to our concert. 31 00:02:31,916 --> 00:02:34,833 He heard our new song and spoke highly of it in his blog. 32 00:02:35,166 --> 00:02:38,000 The tickets sold out thanks to him. 33 00:02:39,625 --> 00:02:41,875 They're just making a fuss because of the article. 34 00:02:42,333 --> 00:02:45,250 I bet they'll already be bored by the next concert. 35 00:02:47,166 --> 00:02:48,791 Maybe so. 36 00:02:56,250 --> 00:02:57,541 See... See what I mean? 37 00:02:58,375 --> 00:02:59,916 There are a lot less this time! 38 00:03:00,000 --> 00:03:01,333 Nuh-uh, there's more. 39 00:03:12,500 --> 00:03:14,041 Onto the next challenge! 40 00:03:14,125 --> 00:03:17,458 After recruiting a fourth member, the OTM Girls have been reborn. 41 00:03:17,541 --> 00:03:19,250 We will release our first CD. 42 00:03:19,541 --> 00:03:22,500 We will start out with 3,000 copies. 43 00:03:22,583 --> 00:03:24,000 3,000 copies? 44 00:03:24,416 --> 00:03:26,333 Do you want to put us in the red again? 45 00:03:26,416 --> 00:03:29,833 You realize selling 3,000 copies won't be easy, right? 46 00:03:29,916 --> 00:03:32,708 Most people don't even own a CD player. 47 00:03:32,791 --> 00:03:35,208 We're not selling our customers music, 48 00:03:35,291 --> 00:03:37,791 but an experience from the past. 49 00:03:38,708 --> 00:03:39,791 An experience? 50 00:03:40,291 --> 00:03:44,833 We'll provide a reason for even those without CD players to buy our CD. 51 00:03:44,916 --> 00:03:46,375 What do you mean by that? 52 00:03:47,291 --> 00:03:49,916 Handshake tickets will be included in the packaging. 53 00:03:50,166 --> 00:03:51,416 Handshake tickets? 54 00:03:51,916 --> 00:03:55,333 We'll put tickets with serial numbers inside the CD cases. 55 00:03:55,625 --> 00:03:58,833 Each of these tickets will award fans with three seconds, 56 00:03:58,916 --> 00:04:01,083 the amount of time they get to shake your hands! 57 00:04:01,333 --> 00:04:04,833 Two tickets for six seconds, three tickets for nine... 58 00:04:04,916 --> 00:04:09,625 Fans get a chance to come into contact with the very idols they adore. 59 00:04:09,875 --> 00:04:11,333 The song you sing 60 00:04:11,416 --> 00:04:15,708 will become a tool to enhance this three-second experience. 61 00:04:15,791 --> 00:04:21,083 Be professional. Be expressive. Be captivating! 62 00:04:21,666 --> 00:04:26,125 Turn yourself into their goddess, their girlfriend, their sister, even! 63 00:04:26,208 --> 00:04:30,208 Needless to say, the most crucial way to build your fans' trust 64 00:04:30,291 --> 00:04:32,666 is through face-to-face communication! 65 00:04:32,750 --> 00:04:36,583 If you're afraid of being found out, then you're not fit to be an idol! 66 00:04:37,416 --> 00:04:38,625 Prepare yourself. 67 00:04:39,125 --> 00:04:40,291 Okay... 68 00:04:50,208 --> 00:04:53,625 Ms. Gori, on second thought, maybe this is a bad idea. 69 00:04:53,708 --> 00:04:55,208 Let's just call it a day, okay? 70 00:04:55,291 --> 00:04:56,750 Why are you backing down now? 71 00:04:56,833 --> 00:04:59,750 Don't you want to know what she's doing behind closed doors? 72 00:04:59,833 --> 00:05:01,541 Well, yeah, but... 73 00:05:01,625 --> 00:05:05,791 We're acting like stalkers. What if someone reports us to the cops? 74 00:05:08,416 --> 00:05:09,958 She's on the move. 75 00:05:19,833 --> 00:05:21,500 What's with that minivan? 76 00:05:23,750 --> 00:05:24,750 She got in it! 77 00:05:24,833 --> 00:05:26,791 What do we do? 78 00:05:28,083 --> 00:05:29,583 Hey, taxi! 79 00:05:36,458 --> 00:05:38,416 Now this is suspicious. 80 00:05:38,500 --> 00:05:40,750 Just where are they headed? 81 00:05:44,625 --> 00:05:45,541 Ms. Gori! 82 00:05:48,791 --> 00:05:50,083 The airport? 83 00:06:03,125 --> 00:06:05,208 What's wrong? You don't look good. 84 00:06:06,125 --> 00:06:09,666 This CD's already been released, hasn't it? 85 00:06:10,083 --> 00:06:14,375 Yes, it's been well received online and at various stores nationwide. 86 00:06:17,125 --> 00:06:20,166 Would you just get over it already? Quit resisting! 87 00:06:20,875 --> 00:06:22,041 Did you get anything? 88 00:06:22,125 --> 00:06:24,041 "Get over it already! Quit resisting!" 89 00:06:24,875 --> 00:06:26,416 That doesn't sound good. 90 00:06:26,958 --> 00:06:30,958 What if that shady guy is planning to sell Retsuko off somewhere? 91 00:06:32,500 --> 00:06:34,750 We have a while before we need to board. 92 00:06:35,458 --> 00:06:37,791 Shall we go ahead and get something to eat? 93 00:06:37,875 --> 00:06:39,583 What? That's so boring. 94 00:06:39,916 --> 00:06:42,666 If we're going through with this, we should eat there. 95 00:06:42,750 --> 00:06:44,000 I want salted salmon roe! 96 00:06:44,083 --> 00:06:45,208 All sorts of crab! 97 00:06:45,291 --> 00:06:48,333 There's no budget for that. Be happy with street-stall soba noodles. 98 00:06:48,416 --> 00:06:49,500 -No way! -No way! 99 00:06:49,583 --> 00:06:50,750 That's so cheap. 100 00:06:50,833 --> 00:06:52,708 -Salted salmon roe! -Assorted crab! 101 00:06:54,416 --> 00:06:55,833 What did they say? 102 00:06:56,250 --> 00:06:58,333 "Salted salmon roe!" "Assorted crab!" 103 00:06:59,625 --> 00:07:01,666 Could it be that they're headed for... 104 00:07:02,166 --> 00:07:03,791 Hokkaido? 105 00:07:07,041 --> 00:07:10,875 It'll be difficult to follow them beyond here. 106 00:07:11,541 --> 00:07:13,333 It's a shame, but... 107 00:07:13,666 --> 00:07:14,583 Hmm? 108 00:07:15,708 --> 00:07:16,958 Haida? 109 00:07:17,125 --> 00:07:19,083 I'll check if they have any available seats. 110 00:07:19,166 --> 00:07:22,416 But aren't last-minute tickets expensive? 111 00:07:23,000 --> 00:07:24,666 Haida! 112 00:07:34,500 --> 00:07:35,583 Haida... 113 00:07:35,666 --> 00:07:37,458 I'll leave the rest to you. 114 00:08:00,791 --> 00:08:03,000 PERFORMING TODAY 115 00:08:07,458 --> 00:08:09,875 Hurry up. The rehearsal will start soon. 116 00:08:10,458 --> 00:08:11,750 Right! 117 00:08:36,083 --> 00:08:38,291 What's the point of trying To be a good girl?! 118 00:08:38,375 --> 00:08:40,750 I still get stepped on By the foot of this crap world 119 00:08:40,833 --> 00:08:43,750 If you're hearing this And you wanna gaslight me 120 00:08:43,833 --> 00:08:47,208 Sapporo! 121 00:08:48,375 --> 00:08:51,500 RAMEN TAIGA 122 00:08:51,583 --> 00:08:53,125 One miso ramen! 123 00:08:53,750 --> 00:08:54,875 Thank you. 124 00:08:57,583 --> 00:08:59,166 MANAKA, MIGGY, HIDARIN. A TOKYO-BASED TRIO! 125 00:08:59,250 --> 00:09:01,000 MADE IT TO SAPPORO! IT'S SO COLD! 126 00:09:01,083 --> 00:09:02,375 PERFORMING TODAY 127 00:09:10,750 --> 00:09:12,500 WHAT ARE YOU DOING RIGHT NOW? 128 00:09:14,458 --> 00:09:15,958 EATING... 129 00:09:16,541 --> 00:09:18,166 EATING RAMEN! 130 00:09:18,250 --> 00:09:19,916 SOUNDS GOOD! WHAT FLAVOR? 131 00:09:22,333 --> 00:09:23,833 One miso ramen, please. 132 00:09:23,916 --> 00:09:25,708 Got it! 133 00:09:25,791 --> 00:09:27,875 Man, it's so chilly today. 134 00:09:32,291 --> 00:09:33,291 Huh? 135 00:09:35,458 --> 00:09:36,916 Long time no see. 136 00:09:38,166 --> 00:09:39,541 What are you doing here? 137 00:09:48,916 --> 00:09:52,166 What a surprise. It really is Retsy. 138 00:09:56,041 --> 00:09:57,833 Did you know before this? 139 00:09:58,458 --> 00:10:01,041 No, she didn't tell me anything. 140 00:10:01,375 --> 00:10:03,291 I just happened to find out today. 141 00:10:06,583 --> 00:10:08,166 Haida... 142 00:10:08,833 --> 00:10:10,708 you're in love with Retsy, aren't you? 143 00:10:10,791 --> 00:10:15,625 Huh? It's not like that! What are you on about? 144 00:10:16,083 --> 00:10:19,250 Despite hearing nothing from Retsy, 145 00:10:19,333 --> 00:10:22,625 you happened to come to Hokkaido, to their live performance, even. 146 00:10:22,958 --> 00:10:26,208 The only possible explanation is that you followed Retsy. 147 00:10:26,291 --> 00:10:29,166 That's not what happened! 148 00:10:29,250 --> 00:10:31,416 As her friend... 149 00:10:31,833 --> 00:10:34,875 No, as her coworker, I was just a bit worried. 150 00:10:35,625 --> 00:10:38,208 I've asked her a million times already! 151 00:10:38,291 --> 00:10:40,916 But she always says that she's fine. 152 00:10:41,208 --> 00:10:43,833 No matter how much I want to help, I can't do anything. 153 00:10:44,625 --> 00:10:47,375 I don't even know what she's thinking. 154 00:10:47,791 --> 00:10:50,333 Well, you're an outsider, after all. 155 00:10:52,833 --> 00:10:55,750 You're right. I'm just an outsider. 156 00:10:57,041 --> 00:11:00,458 I don't actually know anything about Retsuko. 157 00:11:03,333 --> 00:11:04,958 But that's not a big deal. 158 00:11:05,041 --> 00:11:06,083 Sorry? 159 00:11:06,791 --> 00:11:09,166 Knowing nothing about her isn't that big of a deal. 160 00:11:10,166 --> 00:11:14,250 It's wishful thinking to believe you can understand someone completely. 161 00:11:15,083 --> 00:11:18,125 You'll end up parting ways if you actually think that. 162 00:11:20,041 --> 00:11:23,583 Ah, don't mind me. It's just a lesson from my past failures. 163 00:11:32,291 --> 00:11:34,083 Thank you for coming today! 164 00:11:34,375 --> 00:11:36,333 Thank you for your support. 165 00:11:36,833 --> 00:11:38,916 My dear Manaka! 166 00:11:39,000 --> 00:11:42,250 No way! You came all the way to Sapporo? 167 00:11:42,333 --> 00:11:44,416 I'm so happy! 168 00:11:44,500 --> 00:11:45,333 One, two! 169 00:11:45,416 --> 00:11:46,791 Manaka! 170 00:11:46,875 --> 00:11:50,916 Our national treasure! You're always in our hearts! 171 00:11:52,500 --> 00:11:55,500 Regulars are an important source of revenue. Don't let them go. 172 00:11:55,583 --> 00:11:56,750 I know that. 173 00:11:58,625 --> 00:12:00,958 Please do your best. I'm rooting for you. 174 00:12:01,041 --> 00:12:02,958 I'm a huge fan! 175 00:12:03,041 --> 00:12:05,416 Um, thank you. 176 00:12:05,500 --> 00:12:07,208 Next! 177 00:12:08,125 --> 00:12:10,750 Face-to-face. Don't forget that. 178 00:12:13,958 --> 00:12:15,750 It's an honor to meet you. 179 00:12:16,291 --> 00:12:17,375 Thank you very much. 180 00:12:17,458 --> 00:12:21,958 The first time I saw you, it was like lightning had struck me! 181 00:12:22,041 --> 00:12:24,166 Oh, you're too kind. 182 00:12:24,500 --> 00:12:29,125 I actually have a blog called "The Idol Chief." 183 00:12:30,958 --> 00:12:32,583 "The Idol Chief"? 184 00:12:37,458 --> 00:12:39,916 So it really is you, Retsuko. 185 00:12:44,708 --> 00:12:46,125 Hey! Where are you-- 186 00:12:46,208 --> 00:12:47,666 Bathroom break! 187 00:12:56,750 --> 00:12:59,000 Retsuko... 188 00:13:06,166 --> 00:13:11,125 Don't worry, I won't tell anyone at work about this. 189 00:13:30,208 --> 00:13:33,625 Komiya, would you cut that out, please? 190 00:13:38,000 --> 00:13:40,000 I haven't told anyone! 191 00:13:45,625 --> 00:13:49,416 A coworker found out that I'm an idol. 192 00:13:50,291 --> 00:13:52,416 That maniac is the only one who knows for now, 193 00:13:52,500 --> 00:13:56,708 but if OTM Girls become famous, the others will eventually find out, too. 194 00:13:57,208 --> 00:13:59,958 Honestly, I think it's about time... 195 00:14:01,166 --> 00:14:03,333 What's so bad about them finding out? 196 00:14:06,833 --> 00:14:08,708 As a responsible member of society, 197 00:14:09,000 --> 00:14:13,333 it's not good to let anything interfere with my main job. 198 00:14:14,750 --> 00:14:18,916 You're being too vague. Who, specifically, says that's bad? 199 00:14:19,416 --> 00:14:20,375 Who...? 200 00:14:21,166 --> 00:14:23,958 Why are you an idol? 201 00:14:24,041 --> 00:14:26,500 Uh, what do you mean? 202 00:14:26,583 --> 00:14:28,708 You forced me to be one. 203 00:14:28,791 --> 00:14:30,250 That's not what I asked! 204 00:14:30,333 --> 00:14:32,708 Why are you an idol? 205 00:14:42,208 --> 00:14:43,541 I... 206 00:14:45,500 --> 00:14:50,250 Retsuko! 207 00:15:21,500 --> 00:15:22,958 Just count to ten, 208 00:15:23,625 --> 00:15:25,333 and I'll be everyone's idol. 209 00:15:54,625 --> 00:15:57,625 Subtitle translation by Rachael Momber