1 00:00:11,250 --> 00:00:13,875 What the heck is this? It's so confusing. 2 00:00:14,291 --> 00:00:16,458 There are so many useless cords here. 3 00:00:17,166 --> 00:00:20,750 I know nothing about VR, but could it really be that good? 4 00:00:21,375 --> 00:00:24,041 What's next? I have to wear this toy? 5 00:00:25,750 --> 00:00:27,541 Ha! This is so silly! 6 00:00:27,875 --> 00:00:29,208 I'll play for one hour, 7 00:00:29,291 --> 00:00:33,708 do a thorough, negative review, and sell this secondhand. 8 00:00:35,958 --> 00:00:37,416 Oh, it's starting! 9 00:00:38,666 --> 00:00:40,500 Huh? What's this? 10 00:00:41,166 --> 00:00:42,000 No way! 11 00:00:42,333 --> 00:00:43,541 No way! 12 00:00:44,958 --> 00:00:46,958 What? I have to ride this train? 13 00:00:56,291 --> 00:00:57,333 He's coming! 14 00:00:58,500 --> 00:00:59,500 He's coming! 15 00:01:00,041 --> 00:01:02,625 We're always riding the same train, aren't we? 16 00:01:03,541 --> 00:01:04,875 It's true! 17 00:01:05,291 --> 00:01:07,208 Everything that Retsuko said... 18 00:01:07,625 --> 00:01:10,791 is really true! 19 00:01:11,000 --> 00:01:12,041 RAGE 20 00:01:50,500 --> 00:01:52,125 DRIVER'S LICENSE 21 00:01:55,250 --> 00:01:56,291 Your business card. 22 00:01:56,583 --> 00:02:00,791 Ah, yes! I also wrote my phone number on the back. 23 00:02:02,875 --> 00:02:04,208 ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT RETSUKO 24 00:02:04,458 --> 00:02:06,750 So this is all your fault, right? 25 00:02:06,833 --> 00:02:09,791 Um, yes, I guess so. 26 00:02:10,416 --> 00:02:13,666 Not "I guess so." Your answer is, "That's right." 27 00:02:15,583 --> 00:02:16,916 I'm sorry. 28 00:02:21,125 --> 00:02:21,958 Huh? 29 00:02:22,041 --> 00:02:23,916 Wait! Where are you going? 30 00:02:24,000 --> 00:02:25,000 I'm going to work. 31 00:02:25,166 --> 00:02:27,916 But we have to be here for the police investigation. 32 00:02:28,583 --> 00:02:31,375 I have to be at work to get things done! 33 00:02:31,958 --> 00:02:33,250 What? 34 00:02:41,541 --> 00:02:43,375 Seriously? 35 00:02:46,958 --> 00:02:50,000 Didn't you ask for the other party's number? 36 00:02:50,458 --> 00:02:51,541 No... 37 00:02:51,625 --> 00:02:53,000 Have you called your insurer? 38 00:02:53,083 --> 00:02:54,083 I have. 39 00:02:56,083 --> 00:02:59,458 Well, if he's gone, then he's gone. There's nothing we can do about that. 40 00:02:59,958 --> 00:03:04,666 If he contacts you at all, please tell him to get in touch. 41 00:03:04,750 --> 00:03:06,333 My future... 42 00:03:06,666 --> 00:03:07,958 is so grim. 43 00:03:21,125 --> 00:03:23,875 Here are some gifts from my family trip! 44 00:03:24,333 --> 00:03:26,541 Wow, sounds nice. Where did you go? 45 00:03:26,625 --> 00:03:28,875 Karuizawa! One per person, okay? 46 00:03:29,875 --> 00:03:31,000 Thanks. 47 00:03:31,958 --> 00:03:33,458 Take yours, Retsuko! 48 00:03:33,916 --> 00:03:35,166 One per person, okay? 49 00:03:41,083 --> 00:03:43,416 One per person, please... 50 00:03:43,750 --> 00:03:45,583 What's with that expression? 51 00:03:46,041 --> 00:03:51,000 You look like that idiot acquaintance of mine who lost his stocks. 52 00:03:51,625 --> 00:03:54,916 Don't bring personal issues to work. 53 00:03:57,000 --> 00:03:58,750 Redo this. 54 00:04:04,250 --> 00:04:06,625 Today, she's surviving off gifts from Karuizawa. 55 00:04:06,916 --> 00:04:09,333 She needs to improve her diet. 56 00:04:14,458 --> 00:04:15,916 One week has passed, 57 00:04:16,375 --> 00:04:18,791 with no call from that minivan guy. 58 00:04:22,416 --> 00:04:25,416 You haven't reached your insurance deductible yet. 59 00:04:25,958 --> 00:04:28,583 So it'll be 50,000 in damages for each party 60 00:04:28,875 --> 00:04:30,375 and 20,000 for damage compensation. 61 00:04:30,708 --> 00:04:34,333 You must pay a total of 120,000 yen. 62 00:04:34,541 --> 00:04:39,750 However, in this case, you can't contact the other party... 63 00:04:39,833 --> 00:04:41,125 So what will happen next? 64 00:04:41,208 --> 00:04:42,958 No idea! 65 00:04:44,541 --> 00:04:46,916 What is he scheming? 66 00:04:47,291 --> 00:04:49,750 Maybe he'll claim later on that his neck hurts. 67 00:04:49,833 --> 00:04:52,000 Maybe he'll ask for outrageous compensation. 68 00:04:52,416 --> 00:04:54,958 No way, no way! That's so scary! 69 00:04:55,583 --> 00:04:57,291 Anyhow, I don't have enough money! 70 00:04:57,875 --> 00:04:59,250 I don't have enough money... 71 00:05:00,000 --> 00:05:01,666 I don't have enough money! 72 00:05:02,833 --> 00:05:04,333 Hey, Retsuko! 73 00:05:07,750 --> 00:05:08,958 Wanna get drinks today? 74 00:05:09,333 --> 00:05:12,958 Or even just something to eat? Something nourishing or... 75 00:05:14,125 --> 00:05:15,541 I don't have enough money. 76 00:05:15,875 --> 00:05:16,708 What? 77 00:05:18,791 --> 00:05:22,041 Hey... it's my treat, okay? 78 00:05:25,250 --> 00:05:26,583 It's my treat... 79 00:05:31,041 --> 00:05:33,333 Borrowing money is my only option at this point! 80 00:05:33,666 --> 00:05:36,958 Ms. Gori is easily swayed by emotions, so maybe... 81 00:05:37,041 --> 00:05:39,291 CAN WE MEET TODAY? THERE'S SOMETHING I WANT TO ASK... 82 00:05:40,958 --> 00:05:43,833 SURE! WANNA COME OVER? 83 00:05:46,625 --> 00:05:50,250 I bought it! 84 00:05:50,458 --> 00:05:52,208 What is this place? It's huge! 85 00:05:53,833 --> 00:05:56,166 I've finally bought a house! 86 00:05:56,250 --> 00:05:59,375 As expected of Director Gori and her fat bank account! 87 00:05:59,458 --> 00:06:01,250 I can count on her, for sure! 88 00:06:02,250 --> 00:06:05,750 It's almost like a celebrity's house! It's so elegant. 89 00:06:05,833 --> 00:06:07,833 -Oh? You really think so? -Hmm? 90 00:06:07,916 --> 00:06:09,458 In that case, I'll show you 91 00:06:09,750 --> 00:06:13,416 the true face of this hellish 30-year loan plan! 92 00:06:14,333 --> 00:06:16,583 -This is from a 100-yen shop! -What? I had no idea! 93 00:06:16,666 --> 00:06:19,291 This one, too! And this! All from 100-yen shops! 94 00:06:20,333 --> 00:06:22,541 I made a large down payment, 95 00:06:22,625 --> 00:06:24,750 so I'm actually penniless now. 96 00:06:25,666 --> 00:06:27,625 Why did you do that? 97 00:06:27,791 --> 00:06:29,666 To back myself into a corner. 98 00:06:29,750 --> 00:06:31,916 Pressure makes us work harder, don't you think? 99 00:06:32,416 --> 00:06:34,541 By "working hard," you mean... 100 00:06:34,625 --> 00:06:36,541 Yes! My matchmaking app! 101 00:06:36,625 --> 00:06:37,666 GORI'S MARRIAGE COUNSELING 102 00:06:37,750 --> 00:06:39,541 I'll work hard at my main job, too, of course. 103 00:06:39,625 --> 00:06:42,125 Just you see. I'll work hard to make this a hit. 104 00:06:42,208 --> 00:06:45,375 And then, someday, I'll become worthy of this house. 105 00:06:47,541 --> 00:06:49,708 -So what did you want to talk about? -Huh? 106 00:06:49,791 --> 00:06:51,541 Didn't you have a request or something? 107 00:06:51,625 --> 00:06:55,208 Ah... well, actually... 108 00:06:55,750 --> 00:06:59,291 I don't think this is the right time to ask for money. 109 00:07:01,208 --> 00:07:03,708 Oh, right! Your matchmaking app! 110 00:07:03,916 --> 00:07:06,250 Can I be a tester? 111 00:07:07,000 --> 00:07:10,500 That's what I wanted... to request... 112 00:07:10,583 --> 00:07:12,166 What do you mean? 113 00:07:12,500 --> 00:07:15,208 Life's been a bit dull, so I figure why not spice it up? 114 00:07:17,708 --> 00:07:21,625 Wait, are you saying you want to start looking for a boyfriend again? 115 00:07:21,750 --> 00:07:24,208 Why not? Of course you can! 116 00:07:24,291 --> 00:07:26,791 Wait a sec. I'll send the link to the test server. 117 00:07:26,875 --> 00:07:28,333 Thank you so much! 118 00:07:28,583 --> 00:07:31,458 ADD A NEW PHOTO PROFILE 119 00:07:34,250 --> 00:07:37,208 Why do I have to drink with you? 120 00:07:37,291 --> 00:07:39,458 You're the one who invited me! 121 00:07:39,916 --> 00:07:41,333 Heh. That's true. 122 00:07:41,416 --> 00:07:44,125 Can I go home now? I'm making my girlfriend wait. 123 00:07:44,416 --> 00:07:47,958 Girlfriend? Ha! Don't lie to me. 124 00:07:48,041 --> 00:07:51,125 She's really a virtual girlfriend from some VR, isn't she? 125 00:07:51,208 --> 00:07:53,916 From a virtual reality? No, she's not... 126 00:07:54,000 --> 00:07:57,833 Then call her over! Call her right now! 127 00:07:58,125 --> 00:07:59,791 Ah, geez! You're such a handful! 128 00:08:04,625 --> 00:08:07,166 Washimi is the last person I can count on. 129 00:08:08,166 --> 00:08:12,750 But unlike Director Gori, she can be pretty cold... 130 00:08:23,791 --> 00:08:25,125 Huh? Who's this? 131 00:08:28,333 --> 00:08:29,208 Hello? 132 00:08:29,291 --> 00:08:30,750 Hey, Missy? 133 00:08:33,083 --> 00:08:35,750 I'm near your house right now. 134 00:08:35,833 --> 00:08:38,708 CAFÉ 135 00:08:42,083 --> 00:08:43,916 Man, my neck hurts... 136 00:08:47,625 --> 00:08:48,458 Um... 137 00:08:48,916 --> 00:08:52,791 After the accident, the police said they wanted you... 138 00:08:53,625 --> 00:08:56,708 to contact... them... 139 00:08:58,166 --> 00:08:59,916 What did you tell the police? 140 00:09:00,291 --> 00:09:01,250 Huh? 141 00:09:01,958 --> 00:09:06,791 Your car crashed into my parked car due to your bad driving. 142 00:09:07,166 --> 00:09:08,375 Am I wrong? 143 00:09:08,916 --> 00:09:11,541 Yes, that's the gist of it. 144 00:09:12,041 --> 00:09:14,333 In which case, I am not at fault. 145 00:09:14,708 --> 00:09:16,375 I won't contact the police. 146 00:09:16,458 --> 00:09:18,416 What? That's a bit problematic! 147 00:09:20,041 --> 00:09:23,666 Shut up. I'm the one who gets to say that. 148 00:09:24,750 --> 00:09:26,250 If I am not at fault, 149 00:09:26,333 --> 00:09:29,625 then my insurer is unable to negotiate with you. 150 00:09:29,708 --> 00:09:31,125 That is the law. 151 00:09:31,375 --> 00:09:35,333 In other words, I have to talk with your insurer myself. 152 00:09:35,416 --> 00:09:37,625 Depending on the situation, a lawyer may be needed. 153 00:09:38,041 --> 00:09:41,208 Why do I, as the victim, have to handle such a troublesome... Ouch! 154 00:09:45,875 --> 00:09:48,458 He's really forcing my attention to his neck! 155 00:09:48,791 --> 00:09:53,083 He'll definitely make me cover outrageous medical expenses! 156 00:09:56,166 --> 00:09:57,291 A settlement agreement. 157 00:09:57,666 --> 00:10:00,125 Once you sign that, we can process our agreement. 158 00:10:00,208 --> 00:10:01,083 SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT 159 00:10:01,166 --> 00:10:03,125 This has to be some shady agreement. 160 00:10:03,333 --> 00:10:05,833 I will definitely be in trouble if I sign this! 161 00:10:08,000 --> 00:10:08,958 Um... 162 00:10:09,125 --> 00:10:12,916 I know I caused you a lot of trouble, and I am really sorry, 163 00:10:13,500 --> 00:10:15,375 but please have a doctor detail your injury, 164 00:10:15,458 --> 00:10:18,125 and report it to your insurance company! 165 00:10:18,458 --> 00:10:19,666 My injury? 166 00:10:20,333 --> 00:10:22,291 Where does it say anything about that? 167 00:10:22,375 --> 00:10:23,250 Huh? 168 00:10:24,750 --> 00:10:25,916 SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT 169 00:10:26,000 --> 00:10:27,500 TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND YEN PAYMENT 170 00:10:27,583 --> 00:10:30,833 ALL SETTLEMENTS WILL THEREBY BE CLOSED, WITH NO ADDITIONAL PAYMENTS REQUIRED 171 00:10:30,916 --> 00:10:33,791 It's actually... pretty fair? 172 00:10:38,000 --> 00:10:40,291 Hey, Anai. 173 00:10:41,458 --> 00:10:45,833 Actually, I wanna try out a VR. Let me try yours. 174 00:10:45,916 --> 00:10:47,500 I told you, I don't have one! 175 00:10:47,583 --> 00:10:48,791 Don't hide it from me! 176 00:10:48,875 --> 00:10:52,041 Come on, it's not even 8:00 p.m. yet! How can you be so wasted? 177 00:10:54,250 --> 00:10:56,250 Anai? Welcome home! 178 00:10:57,166 --> 00:10:59,750 I'm home. Sorry! Were you working? 179 00:10:59,833 --> 00:11:02,291 Yeah, I added a bit to the draft. 180 00:11:02,625 --> 00:11:04,708 Really? Thanks. 181 00:11:04,791 --> 00:11:06,833 Wait a second. I'll open the door. 182 00:11:09,875 --> 00:11:11,666 Oh... Hello. 183 00:11:13,458 --> 00:11:16,125 -What a realistic VR. -This is reality! 184 00:11:16,583 --> 00:11:19,291 Nice to meet you. I'm Hakumi. 185 00:11:19,750 --> 00:11:21,750 Ah, hello. 186 00:11:25,250 --> 00:11:27,750 RETSUKO PERSONAL STAMP 187 00:11:30,666 --> 00:11:31,500 Here you go. 188 00:11:31,708 --> 00:11:32,666 Thanks. 189 00:11:35,041 --> 00:11:36,166 20,000 yen? 190 00:11:36,583 --> 00:11:39,500 I'm sorry! That's all I can pay right now! 191 00:11:39,708 --> 00:11:42,916 I left in the middle of work for this, you know. 192 00:11:45,500 --> 00:11:46,791 What the heck is this? 193 00:11:51,416 --> 00:11:54,041 KEEP IT TOGETHER! - MOM 194 00:11:57,875 --> 00:12:00,375 I don't have the money right now, 195 00:12:00,500 --> 00:12:02,750 but I promise I'll pay you later. 196 00:12:02,833 --> 00:12:05,583 And I swear I will handle this properly. 197 00:12:05,791 --> 00:12:08,125 I'll take side jobs or something to make money! 198 00:12:10,916 --> 00:12:12,000 Side jobs? 199 00:12:12,333 --> 00:12:13,958 Do you have anything in mind? 200 00:12:14,041 --> 00:12:16,875 No, but I'll start looking. 201 00:12:20,125 --> 00:12:22,208 You do accounting, right? 202 00:12:22,708 --> 00:12:23,750 Yes. 203 00:12:24,958 --> 00:12:26,291 I'll give you a job. 204 00:12:27,208 --> 00:12:28,583 Come with me. 205 00:12:37,625 --> 00:12:40,458 Where is he taking me? 206 00:12:43,375 --> 00:12:48,416 Excuse me, what line of work are you in? 207 00:12:48,750 --> 00:12:49,958 You'll see for yourself. 208 00:12:50,041 --> 00:12:51,625 I'd rather not! 209 00:12:54,125 --> 00:12:55,250 -Get out. -Okay. 210 00:12:56,125 --> 00:12:57,625 -Hurry up. -Okay. 211 00:13:04,166 --> 00:13:05,750 Oh, no... 212 00:13:06,208 --> 00:13:08,125 What are you doing? Come quick. 213 00:13:20,833 --> 00:13:23,041 O! T! M! 214 00:13:23,791 --> 00:13:26,166 O! T! M! 215 00:13:44,625 --> 00:13:47,625 I want to be a viral star 216 00:13:47,708 --> 00:13:50,833 On a shiny stage somewhere 217 00:13:50,916 --> 00:13:53,791 It may be sad but I still dream 218 00:13:53,875 --> 00:13:55,333 In the darkness of my mind 219 00:13:55,416 --> 00:13:58,250 Hey! Don't just stare mindlessly. Give it more hype! 220 00:13:58,541 --> 00:14:02,041 You too! Get closer. Come on. You too! 221 00:14:04,625 --> 00:14:05,458 Good. 222 00:14:05,875 --> 00:14:10,208 You, you, and you, in this moment, 223 00:14:10,291 --> 00:14:13,083 the three of you are the greatest girls in the world! 224 00:14:13,166 --> 00:14:15,875 Guys! Cheer more! 225 00:14:18,625 --> 00:14:22,250 One, two! O.T.M. 226 00:14:26,916 --> 00:14:28,458 What is going on here? 227 00:14:54,541 --> 00:14:57,541 Subtitle translation by: Rachael Momber