1 00:00:11,000 --> 00:00:14,166 KARAOKE 2 00:00:17,958 --> 00:00:21,208 The Hakone Mountains are the steepest 3 00:00:21,291 --> 00:00:24,083 Even Hangu Pass can't compare 4 00:00:24,166 --> 00:00:26,750 They're ancient and tall With a bottomless... 5 00:00:26,833 --> 00:00:27,958 Let's stop. 6 00:00:29,958 --> 00:00:31,333 Oh, don't stop! 7 00:00:31,416 --> 00:00:35,291 Now that Retsuko is not around, we have no choice but to sing. 8 00:00:35,375 --> 00:00:39,083 We don't have to sing. I don't even know this song. 9 00:00:39,750 --> 00:00:42,083 But 'Hakone Mountains' is a classic! 10 00:00:42,166 --> 00:00:44,083 Didn't you learn it at school? 11 00:00:44,166 --> 00:00:47,166 Back in my day, we didn't need to. 12 00:00:48,541 --> 00:00:50,958 Let's go grab some food. 13 00:00:57,625 --> 00:00:58,875 You are right. 14 00:00:59,291 --> 00:01:02,041 How about the place with the quiche? 15 00:01:02,125 --> 00:01:04,500 You really like it there, don't you? 16 00:01:04,583 --> 00:01:07,208 Well, it's so yummy! 17 00:01:13,041 --> 00:01:16,166 REQUEST RECEIVED 18 00:01:16,250 --> 00:01:17,333 RAGE 19 00:01:59,958 --> 00:02:03,166 I'm happy now. 20 00:02:04,166 --> 00:02:06,166 The way he eats is messy... 21 00:02:07,000 --> 00:02:09,625 but it's cute and childlike, so I'm happy. 22 00:02:10,875 --> 00:02:13,375 Even the way he sniffs his fingernails in public... 23 00:02:15,750 --> 00:02:17,708 is quirky, so I'm happy! 24 00:02:19,375 --> 00:02:21,958 Just walking together with my nice boyfriend... 25 00:02:22,916 --> 00:02:24,916 I feel truly blessed. 26 00:02:33,250 --> 00:02:37,500 Here! 27 00:02:38,458 --> 00:02:42,125 And here! And here! What do we have here? 28 00:02:43,083 --> 00:02:44,833 It's all wrong! 29 00:02:45,333 --> 00:02:47,041 Way too many mistakes! 30 00:02:47,583 --> 00:02:49,750 How can I trust you to do it right? 31 00:02:50,125 --> 00:02:51,791 I'm so sorry... I'll fix it. 32 00:02:54,000 --> 00:02:56,250 You've been acting strange lately. 33 00:02:56,500 --> 00:02:58,375 You used to be better at this. 34 00:02:59,750 --> 00:03:01,208 Did something happen? 35 00:03:02,625 --> 00:03:03,875 I'll fix it. 36 00:03:17,208 --> 00:03:18,708 TEA ROOM 37 00:03:22,958 --> 00:03:25,416 -Hey, Fenneko. -What? 38 00:03:27,916 --> 00:03:29,375 Is Retsuko seeing someone? 39 00:03:31,500 --> 00:03:33,291 What are you talking about? 40 00:03:33,750 --> 00:03:37,416 Don't play dumb... It's obvious. 41 00:03:37,750 --> 00:03:39,833 You must know something, right? 42 00:03:42,291 --> 00:03:45,458 I think... It's probably Resasuke from Sales. 43 00:03:46,000 --> 00:03:47,875 I didn't see it coming. 44 00:03:48,791 --> 00:03:49,916 Sorry... 45 00:03:50,500 --> 00:03:52,750 Why are you apologizing? 46 00:03:59,625 --> 00:04:01,750 I want to punch him. 47 00:04:21,333 --> 00:04:24,583 Look at this! I've lost three kilos already! 48 00:04:24,666 --> 00:04:28,875 I didn't even know. It means that yoga is working. 49 00:04:30,708 --> 00:04:32,375 You're not losing weight. 50 00:04:32,750 --> 00:04:34,583 You're being worn out. 51 00:04:37,375 --> 00:04:39,083 Here's what I think. 52 00:04:39,333 --> 00:04:42,416 You're only pretending to be a happy girlfriend. 53 00:04:42,500 --> 00:04:46,166 It's the same thing at work - pretending to be a good employee. 54 00:04:46,250 --> 00:04:49,416 That's not the real you. 55 00:04:50,791 --> 00:04:52,458 Maybe it is. 56 00:04:54,375 --> 00:04:56,958 There's nothing wrong with pretending. 57 00:04:57,041 --> 00:04:58,708 Come on, Washimi! 58 00:04:59,125 --> 00:05:01,791 Sometimes you have to act in a relationship. 59 00:05:01,875 --> 00:05:04,375 That's how you can make each other happy. 60 00:05:05,291 --> 00:05:06,458 But... 61 00:05:06,958 --> 00:05:09,291 only if you and your boyfriend 62 00:05:09,791 --> 00:05:12,833 have the capacity to keep up the act. 63 00:05:13,541 --> 00:05:14,666 Do you? 64 00:05:23,791 --> 00:05:25,375 Welcome. 65 00:05:25,916 --> 00:05:28,500 Please take your time and look around! 66 00:05:29,875 --> 00:05:31,250 That's cute! 67 00:05:32,125 --> 00:05:34,000 Do you like it? 68 00:05:36,791 --> 00:05:39,166 -It's quite cute, isn't it? -Yeah. 69 00:05:40,708 --> 00:05:41,875 How about this one? 70 00:05:43,958 --> 00:05:46,333 -Is this one cuter? -Yeah. 71 00:05:48,458 --> 00:05:51,875 -I wonder if the first one is better. -Yeah. 72 00:05:52,458 --> 00:05:55,708 Actually, both are pretty bland. 73 00:05:57,166 --> 00:05:58,000 Yeah. 74 00:06:01,208 --> 00:06:02,125 Are we leaving? 75 00:06:02,375 --> 00:06:04,041 Just going to the restroom. 76 00:06:05,375 --> 00:06:06,208 OK. 77 00:06:12,875 --> 00:06:14,291 It hurts... 78 00:06:21,208 --> 00:06:22,291 RAGE 79 00:06:26,416 --> 00:06:28,625 After I count to ten, I'll be a happy girlfriend. 80 00:06:28,708 --> 00:06:30,875 After I count to ten, I'll be a happy girlfriend. 81 00:06:30,958 --> 00:06:36,416 After I count to ten, I'll be a happy girlfriend. 82 00:06:38,458 --> 00:06:40,666 BAR 83 00:06:57,791 --> 00:06:59,625 Damn it! 84 00:07:10,208 --> 00:07:12,208 I'm pathetic. 85 00:07:19,750 --> 00:07:24,166 Damn! Why now, of all times? 86 00:07:24,250 --> 00:07:28,750 Director Ton! What should we do? You have golf tomorrow... 87 00:07:28,833 --> 00:07:30,958 Idiot! Cancel it! 88 00:07:31,333 --> 00:07:34,333 The end of the quarter is fast approaching, 89 00:07:34,416 --> 00:07:37,125 but we have staff shortages. 90 00:07:37,541 --> 00:07:38,791 Haida is out! 91 00:07:39,333 --> 00:07:42,416 He has developed pneumonia and has been admitted to hospital. 92 00:07:42,500 --> 00:07:43,875 What a slacker! 93 00:07:43,958 --> 00:07:45,333 Then there's Tsubone. 94 00:07:45,750 --> 00:07:47,833 She tried to open one of her jars at home. 95 00:07:47,916 --> 00:07:50,041 She fractured her wrist and is out of action! 96 00:07:50,125 --> 00:07:51,208 We should ban her jars. 97 00:07:51,625 --> 00:07:55,916 And Kabae - she was accused of spying and was detained by the authorities! 98 00:07:56,000 --> 00:07:57,958 Who would have thought? 99 00:07:58,625 --> 00:08:04,208 To make up for their absence, knuckle down and work as a team. 100 00:08:04,625 --> 00:08:07,291 Actually... We're four workers down. 101 00:08:12,625 --> 00:08:18,208 You're no good to us in this state. Make tea and keep out of the way! 102 00:08:29,541 --> 00:08:30,375 Next! 103 00:08:32,500 --> 00:08:36,750 Next! Next! Keep them coming! 104 00:08:37,375 --> 00:08:39,083 That's some crazy speed. 105 00:08:39,833 --> 00:08:43,041 We've got computers, but he's still faster than us. 106 00:08:43,458 --> 00:08:44,541 Hey, Fenneko! 107 00:08:44,625 --> 00:08:48,625 Check these invoices again! I can't approve them! 108 00:08:48,916 --> 00:08:50,291 Yes! 109 00:08:51,500 --> 00:08:57,375 -The analog generation sure is something! -Go back to square one! 110 00:08:57,833 --> 00:09:00,166 I'll make some tea. 111 00:09:00,958 --> 00:09:03,250 TEA ROOM 112 00:09:15,541 --> 00:09:17,416 I want a cup of coffee. 113 00:09:17,916 --> 00:09:19,583 Of course, I'll make you some. 114 00:09:20,041 --> 00:09:22,791 No, I'll make it myself. 115 00:09:28,541 --> 00:09:34,500 I'm sorry that I can't help out during this busy time. 116 00:09:41,916 --> 00:09:44,333 No mistakes, down to the last yen. 117 00:09:45,791 --> 00:09:49,500 Accurately counting the money that comes in and goes out - 118 00:09:50,041 --> 00:09:51,958 that's what accounting is. 119 00:09:52,875 --> 00:09:56,000 Once someone messes up, they keep doing it. 120 00:09:56,625 --> 00:10:01,291 The more mistakes they make, the more the company and its people suffer. 121 00:10:02,958 --> 00:10:05,833 How long will you keep messing up? 122 00:10:06,458 --> 00:10:09,750 If you keep giving out more than you get back in return, 123 00:10:09,833 --> 00:10:12,000 there won't be anything left in the end. 124 00:10:12,625 --> 00:10:13,791 Do you understand? 125 00:10:15,916 --> 00:10:16,916 I think so... 126 00:10:17,958 --> 00:10:20,125 He's not a bad person... 127 00:10:22,833 --> 00:10:24,375 I wouldn't know. 128 00:10:27,041 --> 00:10:31,416 I know you hate long lectures from your shitty boss. 129 00:10:41,333 --> 00:10:42,333 Please... 130 00:10:43,333 --> 00:10:45,041 give me something to do! 131 00:10:47,916 --> 00:10:49,458 Come on, then. 132 00:10:50,041 --> 00:10:55,958 Companies exist to make possible what we can't do on our own. 133 00:11:31,333 --> 00:11:33,166 KARAOKE 134 00:11:34,250 --> 00:11:37,000 Welcome... Party of three? 135 00:11:39,291 --> 00:11:40,791 Party of two. 136 00:11:44,208 --> 00:11:46,166 I come here all the time. 137 00:11:46,916 --> 00:11:48,666 I didn't know you liked karaoke. 138 00:11:50,416 --> 00:11:51,250 I'm sorry. 139 00:11:53,041 --> 00:11:54,583 I've been lying to you. 140 00:11:56,458 --> 00:12:00,166 I haven't shown you the real Retsuko. 141 00:12:00,250 --> 00:12:02,125 SEND 142 00:12:38,416 --> 00:12:41,208 Time for the truth about Retsuko! 143 00:12:41,291 --> 00:12:44,166 Twenty-five years old, OK! 144 00:12:44,250 --> 00:12:47,291 I'm a Scorpio, and my blood type is A! 145 00:12:47,375 --> 00:12:50,375 I come to karaoke all the time And bring my mic and then I... 146 00:12:50,458 --> 00:12:51,750 Slay! 147 00:12:51,833 --> 00:12:56,375 Heal the pain, in my secret place! 148 00:12:56,458 --> 00:12:59,541 Underneath the smile I'm metal till I die! 149 00:12:59,625 --> 00:13:02,666 Underneath the smile I'm metal till I die! 150 00:13:02,750 --> 00:13:05,375 Underneath the smile I'm metal to the bottom of my soul 151 00:13:05,458 --> 00:13:11,500 And that's a place that would destroy you 'Cause you're bland! 152 00:13:18,416 --> 00:13:22,833 You're really good. Don't mind me. Keep singing. 153 00:13:24,708 --> 00:13:26,916 What should I put next? 154 00:13:30,625 --> 00:13:32,000 It's over. 155 00:13:38,208 --> 00:13:40,416 You really are an awkward girl. 156 00:13:40,500 --> 00:13:42,375 Welcome back, Retsuko. 157 00:13:43,958 --> 00:13:45,083 I'm back. 158 00:14:04,125 --> 00:14:05,083 I'm home. 159 00:14:11,083 --> 00:14:13,750 I told you not to bother coming here. 160 00:14:14,166 --> 00:14:16,791 -You look fine. -I was worried over nothing. 161 00:14:18,166 --> 00:14:20,333 It must have been tough in Accounting. 162 00:14:20,708 --> 00:14:23,125 -It was hell. -You owe us one. 163 00:14:25,583 --> 00:14:27,333 I'll change the water. 164 00:14:28,166 --> 00:14:31,458 See you. Take your time. 165 00:14:34,875 --> 00:14:37,916 Retsuko, how are you doing? 166 00:14:38,791 --> 00:14:41,708 What do you mean? I should be asking you that. 167 00:14:42,291 --> 00:14:44,416 I've heard some things... 168 00:14:44,958 --> 00:14:47,083 about the guy from Sales. 169 00:14:52,208 --> 00:14:56,041 I think I know you better than he does. 170 00:14:57,000 --> 00:14:58,625 I've known you for five years. 171 00:14:58,958 --> 00:15:01,000 I'm sure I understand you. 172 00:15:03,041 --> 00:15:07,583 But the truth is that I probably don't know anything. 173 00:15:08,291 --> 00:15:12,541 The Retsuko that I know is the one in my head. 174 00:15:14,166 --> 00:15:17,250 That's why I would like to know you better. 175 00:15:19,541 --> 00:15:21,250 Do you catch my drift? 176 00:15:21,541 --> 00:15:22,541 Yes, I do. 177 00:15:23,625 --> 00:15:27,916 But if you don't ask properly, I can't give you a proper answer. 178 00:15:28,916 --> 00:15:31,541 I see... Of course... 179 00:15:35,833 --> 00:15:37,000 You know what? 180 00:15:42,750 --> 00:15:47,208 Life doesn't always go the way you expect. 181 00:15:49,083 --> 00:15:53,291 It's a series of disappointments and misunderstandings... 182 00:15:53,375 --> 00:15:54,291 KARAOKE 183 00:15:54,875 --> 00:15:59,125 ...but we must work through our discontent and move forward. 184 00:16:01,250 --> 00:16:06,458 When we keep moving, we become a little stronger every single day. 185 00:16:21,375 --> 00:16:24,791 Hey, short-timer! I told you to prepare the documents for the meeting. 186 00:16:24,875 --> 00:16:27,083 -Bring them here now. -Coming! 187 00:16:27,458 --> 00:16:29,833 -Open this jar, Retsuko. -OK! 188 00:16:29,916 --> 00:16:31,500 -Now feed me. -Sure! 189 00:16:31,583 --> 00:16:34,750 -Retsuko, pick up the phone already! -Alright! 190 00:16:35,083 --> 00:16:37,958 This is only between us, OK? I did this and that became... 191 00:16:38,041 --> 00:16:39,958 Retsuko, could you do this? 192 00:16:41,750 --> 00:16:43,666 Your documents are ready. 193 00:16:45,416 --> 00:16:46,833 Excuse me! 194 00:16:51,000 --> 00:16:52,541 What is this? 195 00:16:55,083 --> 00:16:56,666 You think that's done? 196 00:16:57,250 --> 00:17:01,000 Always distracted! You are the "pressure-free" generation. 197 00:17:02,791 --> 00:17:05,500 I apologize. What should I fix? 198 00:17:05,791 --> 00:17:08,583 Seriously, you don't even know...? 199 00:17:08,666 --> 00:17:10,750 You, slow-witted woman. 200 00:17:11,291 --> 00:17:13,500 It's common knowledge, isn't it? 201 00:17:15,333 --> 00:17:18,791 Listen, when you staple documents... 202 00:17:21,791 --> 00:17:25,500 you have to staple them at a 45-degree angle! 203 00:17:58,541 --> 00:18:00,541 Subtitle translation: John Haguewood