1 00:00:14,666 --> 00:00:18,583 Look at this welcome board! Their caricature is perfect! 2 00:00:18,666 --> 00:00:20,458 You're right! It's funny. 3 00:00:20,958 --> 00:00:23,666 I still can't believe those two are tying the knot. 4 00:00:23,750 --> 00:00:26,916 Yeah. It's a bizarre match, isn't it? 5 00:00:27,791 --> 00:00:29,958 Well, then, shall we finish checking in? 6 00:00:30,041 --> 00:00:31,000 OK. 7 00:00:35,875 --> 00:00:38,000 My congratulations to the bride and groom. 8 00:00:38,250 --> 00:00:39,291 Thank you very much. 9 00:00:41,625 --> 00:00:43,083 CONGRATULATIONS 10 00:00:51,916 --> 00:00:54,208 How do you know the happy couple? 11 00:00:54,291 --> 00:00:57,625 I'm the bride's friend... 12 00:00:58,708 --> 00:01:01,791 The expected amount for a wedding gift is 30,000 yen! 13 00:01:02,291 --> 00:01:06,041 My blood and tears have taken form as 30,000 yen! 14 00:01:07,041 --> 00:01:09,625 Honestly, I don't want to give it away. 15 00:01:11,125 --> 00:01:12,666 I don't want to give it away! 16 00:01:13,750 --> 00:01:16,458 Get your dirty paws off my money! 17 00:01:16,541 --> 00:01:17,625 RAGE 18 00:01:58,666 --> 00:02:01,375 Isn't 30,000 yen a bit much for a wedding gift? 19 00:02:01,875 --> 00:02:04,958 I'll have to tighten my food budget this month. 20 00:02:05,958 --> 00:02:10,750 It's tough at our age. I just give a flat 20,000 regardless. 21 00:02:10,833 --> 00:02:13,458 Maybe I should do that, too. 22 00:02:14,041 --> 00:02:15,041 That's no good! 23 00:02:15,125 --> 00:02:17,500 Two is an even number that's easy to split! 24 00:02:17,583 --> 00:02:21,833 It is said that even though a couple have just got hitched, they will split up! 25 00:02:21,916 --> 00:02:24,166 So the old wives' tale goes... 26 00:02:24,375 --> 00:02:27,041 Even if you pay 30,000, some couples separate anyway. 27 00:02:27,125 --> 00:02:30,958 But ceremonies cost a lot of money and work, you know! 28 00:02:31,041 --> 00:02:33,750 That's what the bridal industry wants you to think. 29 00:02:36,791 --> 00:02:39,791 Another day in the accounting department has begun. 30 00:02:40,250 --> 00:02:41,250 As of now, 31 00:02:42,125 --> 00:02:44,291 I've got a new name for you. 32 00:02:44,833 --> 00:02:46,541 ACCOUNTING DEPARTMENT 33 00:02:46,875 --> 00:02:51,625 Short-timer! 34 00:02:55,916 --> 00:02:58,250 You called, Director Ton? 35 00:03:00,791 --> 00:03:03,166 Sort out these expense forms by this afternoon. 36 00:03:03,541 --> 00:03:04,541 Then these! 37 00:03:04,625 --> 00:03:05,583 And these! 38 00:03:05,666 --> 00:03:07,125 And input these! 39 00:03:07,458 --> 00:03:09,041 Yes. As you wish. 40 00:03:10,041 --> 00:03:12,083 Miss Retsuko? 41 00:03:12,166 --> 00:03:13,583 Yes, ma'am? 42 00:03:15,333 --> 00:03:18,083 What a splendid change in attitude! 43 00:03:18,166 --> 00:03:21,666 You're like a different person to the one who talked back to me. 44 00:03:22,791 --> 00:03:23,916 Shake! 45 00:03:25,791 --> 00:03:27,125 House! 46 00:03:29,750 --> 00:03:30,958 Good girl! 47 00:03:31,041 --> 00:03:34,250 That's what happens when you turn the screws a little. 48 00:03:34,333 --> 00:03:38,541 Look! Look at that face. It's brimming with delight for work. 49 00:03:39,625 --> 00:03:41,750 It's worth pushing her to work harder. 50 00:03:44,083 --> 00:03:44,916 Retsuko. 51 00:03:45,875 --> 00:03:48,875 What happened when Director Ton called you out? 52 00:03:49,708 --> 00:03:51,791 Private chats during work are prohibited. 53 00:03:54,125 --> 00:03:55,125 This is bad. 54 00:03:57,458 --> 00:04:00,500 WATER 55 00:04:06,583 --> 00:04:08,208 I wanna go home! 56 00:04:08,291 --> 00:04:09,875 Oh, she's snapped out of it. 57 00:04:09,958 --> 00:04:12,041 She's like a shriveled-up mushroom. 58 00:04:12,541 --> 00:04:14,250 What's up with you? 59 00:04:14,333 --> 00:04:16,666 You've gone past serious to acting like a robot. 60 00:04:17,708 --> 00:04:20,750 Hey, Short-timer! Stick this durian up your nose! 61 00:04:20,833 --> 00:04:22,083 Certainly, sir. 62 00:04:23,166 --> 00:04:25,041 Well... I guess... 63 00:04:25,125 --> 00:04:26,541 A lot has happened. 64 00:04:27,416 --> 00:04:31,000 What happened to the Retsuko that let Miss Tsubone have it last week? 65 00:04:40,833 --> 00:04:41,666 Huh? 66 00:04:42,625 --> 00:04:43,791 Where are you going? 67 00:04:45,208 --> 00:04:46,541 Somewhere to calm down. 68 00:04:52,250 --> 00:04:54,166 ARCHIVE ROOM 69 00:04:55,916 --> 00:04:57,250 A girl with dreams, 70 00:04:57,958 --> 00:05:00,791 reduced to eating bread crusts dipped in mayo... 71 00:05:05,875 --> 00:05:09,583 I can't let Fenneko or Haida see me like this. 72 00:05:18,166 --> 00:05:20,375 It's quite relaxing here. 73 00:05:28,916 --> 00:05:29,750 Hello? 74 00:05:29,833 --> 00:05:31,666 I can't believe those guys! 75 00:05:31,750 --> 00:05:34,750 I'm devastated! Not that I didn't see it coming! 76 00:05:34,833 --> 00:05:36,458 Wait, what are you talking about? 77 00:05:36,541 --> 00:05:39,958 I'm sorry for calling like this! I'm really worked up right now! 78 00:05:40,041 --> 00:05:41,791 I just don't get it! 79 00:05:41,875 --> 00:05:43,541 Calm down. 80 00:05:44,125 --> 00:05:45,541 What happened? 81 00:05:45,625 --> 00:05:47,000 They got divorced! 82 00:05:47,250 --> 00:05:48,291 Divorced? 83 00:05:50,041 --> 00:05:52,166 Why? They only just got married! 84 00:05:52,250 --> 00:05:54,333 I heard they had a huge fight at the airport! 85 00:05:54,416 --> 00:05:56,583 They didn't even make it to their honeymoon! 86 00:05:56,666 --> 00:05:58,833 I knew love wouldn't be enough for those two! 87 00:05:58,916 --> 00:06:01,416 They're from different worlds! 88 00:06:01,875 --> 00:06:03,875 They were an odd couple... 89 00:06:05,791 --> 00:06:06,833 But wait... 30,000! 90 00:06:06,916 --> 00:06:07,833 Yes! 30,000! 91 00:06:07,916 --> 00:06:09,666 -30,000! - 30,000! 92 00:06:10,041 --> 00:06:11,541 Why didn't I give 20,000 yen? 93 00:06:11,625 --> 00:06:14,291 For their marriage? It wasn't even worth 200 yen! 94 00:06:14,375 --> 00:06:16,875 I just had to share my sadness with someone! 95 00:06:16,958 --> 00:06:19,000 Oh, I'm calling Inoko next, so bye. 96 00:06:26,125 --> 00:06:27,083 Huh? 97 00:06:27,666 --> 00:06:29,458 Oh, Mr. Haida. 98 00:06:29,958 --> 00:06:31,583 Have you seen Miss Retsuko? 99 00:06:32,166 --> 00:06:34,333 Oh... No... 100 00:06:35,208 --> 00:06:36,625 I haven't seen her... 101 00:06:38,250 --> 00:06:41,041 I was going to make her open this jar. 102 00:06:41,375 --> 00:06:44,166 I can't... open it at all! 103 00:06:45,166 --> 00:06:46,500 Shall I open it? 104 00:06:46,833 --> 00:06:47,833 That's OK! 105 00:06:48,541 --> 00:06:51,208 Because I'm going to make that girl open it. 106 00:06:57,500 --> 00:06:59,958 I wonder if Retsuko ate a proper lunch. 107 00:07:04,666 --> 00:07:05,500 What? 108 00:07:06,458 --> 00:07:07,833 You're worried about her. 109 00:07:08,333 --> 00:07:10,458 Hey, wait a minute. 110 00:07:10,541 --> 00:07:13,000 You're wrong. It doesn't mean that! 111 00:07:13,625 --> 00:07:17,666 Enduring power harassment from superiors every day... 112 00:07:18,166 --> 00:07:20,375 Having been chased into a corner, 113 00:07:20,458 --> 00:07:22,000 she heads for the roof... 114 00:07:22,416 --> 00:07:24,333 Wait! Hey! 115 00:07:24,416 --> 00:07:26,916 Don't be stupid! You can't just say that! 116 00:07:27,208 --> 00:07:28,625 Go look for her, then. 117 00:07:30,166 --> 00:07:31,083 Yeah... 118 00:07:31,750 --> 00:07:33,166 ARCHIVE ROOM 119 00:07:36,875 --> 00:07:38,166 Divorce? 120 00:07:39,166 --> 00:07:43,083 For whom did I tighten my food budget? 121 00:07:45,708 --> 00:07:47,833 My 30,000 yen, all wasted. 122 00:07:49,750 --> 00:07:50,666 No... 123 00:07:50,750 --> 00:07:52,958 When my time comes to get married... 124 00:07:53,958 --> 00:07:57,791 I'll have them both attend the ceremony. I'll get 30,000 yen from each of them. 125 00:07:58,083 --> 00:08:01,375 I'll double my money to 60,000! 126 00:08:06,875 --> 00:08:08,125 Marriage? 127 00:08:10,791 --> 00:08:11,791 Marriage... 128 00:08:12,166 --> 00:08:13,416 A family... 129 00:08:13,916 --> 00:08:15,250 Quitting work... 130 00:08:16,000 --> 00:08:17,958 A full-time house wife? 131 00:08:31,208 --> 00:08:37,125 Matrimonial freedom! 132 00:08:48,916 --> 00:08:53,416 Matrimonial freedom! 133 00:08:55,125 --> 00:08:57,625 ARCHIVE ROOM 134 00:09:01,541 --> 00:09:02,583 I forgot. 135 00:09:03,125 --> 00:09:05,833 I could always get married and quit the company! 136 00:09:06,083 --> 00:09:07,750 What I need 137 00:09:08,083 --> 00:09:10,625 is a boyfriend that I can then marry! 138 00:09:11,875 --> 00:09:12,708 Retsuko, 139 00:09:13,000 --> 00:09:14,833 what were you doing? 140 00:09:15,416 --> 00:09:16,458 What do you mean? 141 00:09:16,875 --> 00:09:18,625 I was just eating lunch. 142 00:09:20,833 --> 00:09:25,583 I was really worried! Fenneko went to a morbid place... 143 00:09:27,541 --> 00:09:28,833 Hey, Haida... 144 00:09:29,583 --> 00:09:33,458 would you want your wife to work, or would you want her to stay at home? 145 00:09:33,958 --> 00:09:34,791 Huh? 146 00:09:35,250 --> 00:09:37,875 That's quite a question... 147 00:09:40,458 --> 00:09:44,250 Let's see... I guess I'd want her to have a job. 148 00:09:44,791 --> 00:09:47,500 My salary's not the biggest, you see. 149 00:09:48,000 --> 00:09:50,375 Rather than having her at home all day, 150 00:09:50,458 --> 00:09:53,541 if she continued working, we'd be a good influence on... 151 00:09:54,833 --> 00:09:55,833 Huh? 152 00:09:57,458 --> 00:09:58,375 Retsuko? 153 00:09:59,875 --> 00:10:01,250 I see, I see. 154 00:10:01,333 --> 00:10:04,250 In other words, if I got a partner with a good salary, 155 00:10:04,333 --> 00:10:07,583 I could probably become a full-time house wife! 156 00:10:09,166 --> 00:10:10,833 My life... 157 00:10:11,541 --> 00:10:13,125 is not over yet! 158 00:10:28,208 --> 00:10:29,750 GET A DESIRABLE BODY! 159 00:10:29,833 --> 00:10:31,541 "Get a desirable body 160 00:10:31,916 --> 00:10:33,083 and reel them in." 161 00:10:34,208 --> 00:10:39,250 What? But I think you're cute enough just the way you are. 162 00:10:40,375 --> 00:10:44,000 I just thought it would be nice to get a little bit slimmer. 163 00:10:44,375 --> 00:10:46,875 Oh, so you're on the prowl! 164 00:10:47,958 --> 00:10:49,375 Oh, well, you know... 165 00:10:50,666 --> 00:10:52,958 I mean, I just want to be pretty in a regular way. 166 00:10:53,041 --> 00:10:56,083 Oh! You mean you want to be "regular hot"! 167 00:10:57,083 --> 00:10:57,958 Oh... 168 00:10:58,500 --> 00:11:00,333 Well, just in an average way. 169 00:11:00,416 --> 00:11:03,250 But, that slight chubbiness of yours 170 00:11:03,333 --> 00:11:05,458 is what puts people at ease, 171 00:11:05,541 --> 00:11:08,291 like those squishy, baby-like arms! 172 00:11:08,375 --> 00:11:11,875 So you could get a boyfriend if you tried! 173 00:11:12,416 --> 00:11:15,500 That... obviously means "lose weight", doesn't it? 174 00:11:22,125 --> 00:11:23,625 I don't feel like it today... 175 00:11:26,458 --> 00:11:27,916 Excuse me! 176 00:11:30,000 --> 00:11:30,958 Does this floor 177 00:11:31,416 --> 00:11:33,541 have a body-building class, too? 178 00:11:35,666 --> 00:11:36,958 Protein? 179 00:11:37,041 --> 00:11:38,041 What? 180 00:11:38,541 --> 00:11:39,583 Protein? 181 00:11:40,333 --> 00:11:43,458 I... I was only interested in the yoga class. 182 00:11:44,000 --> 00:11:45,375 ...tein... 183 00:11:45,958 --> 00:11:47,916 Protein! 184 00:11:48,000 --> 00:11:51,375 Oh, I'm sorry! Bodybuilding is not my thing! 185 00:11:51,458 --> 00:11:55,333 I was just wondering if losing some weight would make me desirable, that's all! 186 00:11:58,791 --> 00:12:00,291 Teacher, namaste ! 187 00:12:00,375 --> 00:12:01,791 Namaste ! 188 00:12:02,541 --> 00:12:04,166 Protein! 189 00:12:04,250 --> 00:12:06,166 This guy teaches yoga? 190 00:12:18,125 --> 00:12:18,958 Protein! 191 00:12:19,041 --> 00:12:21,541 I'm guessing that means "sign here." 192 00:12:36,166 --> 00:12:37,541 Hey, Retsuko. 193 00:12:37,625 --> 00:12:39,375 I was talking to Fenneko a while ago. 194 00:12:40,166 --> 00:12:41,708 Are you free tonight? 195 00:12:41,791 --> 00:12:43,916 How about the three of us go for drinks? 196 00:12:44,291 --> 00:12:45,166 Sorry! 197 00:12:45,250 --> 00:12:46,375 I have plans! 198 00:12:52,166 --> 00:12:53,375 It's not funny! 199 00:12:55,458 --> 00:12:58,791 -Protein! Protein! -OK, that's the pigeon pose! 200 00:12:58,875 --> 00:13:01,000 If you're not used to it yet, don't force it. 201 00:13:07,083 --> 00:13:09,500 Why are those two here? 202 00:13:11,791 --> 00:13:14,291 Maybe they haven't noticed me... 203 00:13:16,750 --> 00:13:17,875 Good work today! 204 00:13:17,958 --> 00:13:19,333 I'm heading out now. 205 00:13:21,958 --> 00:13:24,833 They're really looking... They definitely noticed. 206 00:13:25,791 --> 00:13:28,666 I completely missed my chance to say hi. 207 00:13:28,750 --> 00:13:29,916 This is awkward. 208 00:13:30,250 --> 00:13:33,416 But since I'm less important, I have to greet them first. 209 00:13:34,750 --> 00:13:35,958 Alright! 210 00:13:38,083 --> 00:13:39,166 She's already here! 211 00:13:45,416 --> 00:13:46,250 -Um... -Um... 212 00:13:46,333 --> 00:13:48,500 We see each other at work a lot, don't we? 213 00:13:49,000 --> 00:13:50,000 Oh... 214 00:13:50,083 --> 00:13:51,458 -Oh... -Oh, dear... 215 00:13:52,958 --> 00:13:53,791 -Um... -Um... 216 00:13:53,875 --> 00:13:55,541 I'm Retsuko, from Accounting. 217 00:14:02,791 --> 00:14:04,375 I'm Washimi, from Secretarial. 218 00:14:04,791 --> 00:14:06,541 She's Gori, from Marketing. 219 00:14:06,625 --> 00:14:08,541 You're the girl we see a lot at work. 220 00:14:08,875 --> 00:14:09,958 It's nice to see you. 221 00:14:12,041 --> 00:14:13,416 It's nice to see you! 222 00:14:22,833 --> 00:14:25,208 Oh, Retsuko? Did you hear? 223 00:14:25,666 --> 00:14:26,666 What? 224 00:14:26,750 --> 00:14:30,375 Those two got back together and are super in love now! 225 00:14:30,958 --> 00:14:32,750 Huh? That's crazy. 226 00:14:33,916 --> 00:14:37,375 I guess it was worth it to give them 30,000 yen after all. 227 00:14:38,208 --> 00:14:39,625 You could be right! 228 00:14:41,041 --> 00:14:43,041 Subtitle translation: John Haguewood