1 00:00:06,006 --> 00:00:07,549 [upbeat music playing] 2 00:00:10,802 --> 00:00:14,640 [narrator] There's a reason skin care commercials don't zoom in that close. 3 00:00:14,723 --> 00:00:18,268 And if they do, it's this pristine, animated landscape. 4 00:00:19,269 --> 00:00:22,689 A real close-up of skin can be a little unsettling. 5 00:00:22,773 --> 00:00:24,358 Ew! 6 00:00:24,441 --> 00:00:26,902 Ew. What is that? 7 00:00:26,985 --> 00:00:28,028 [gasps] 8 00:00:28,820 --> 00:00:32,491 [narrator] Even the most perfect skin is a rough and broken terrain, 9 00:00:33,075 --> 00:00:36,245 crisscrossed with oily gullies and studded with hairs. 10 00:00:37,162 --> 00:00:38,914 And in this strange land, 11 00:00:39,414 --> 00:00:40,791 there be dragons. 12 00:00:42,000 --> 00:00:46,421 Scientists believe these Demodex mites are on the face of every adult human. 13 00:00:47,256 --> 00:00:50,968 There are almost certainly some burrowed into your face follicles right now. 14 00:00:51,760 --> 00:00:53,428 And they are far from alone. 15 00:00:53,971 --> 00:00:58,100 Our skin hosts vast herds of bacteria, fungi, 16 00:00:58,642 --> 00:01:00,727 and even miniscule viruses. 17 00:01:01,436 --> 00:01:03,397 This isn't a harmful infestation. 18 00:01:03,897 --> 00:01:07,025 In fact, we need many of these microscopic passengers 19 00:01:07,109 --> 00:01:08,777 to keep our skin healthy. 20 00:01:09,778 --> 00:01:13,156 But skin care companies tell a very different story. 21 00:01:13,240 --> 00:01:15,450 Mainly, that what you need 22 00:01:15,534 --> 00:01:17,869 is an overwhelming array of products. 23 00:01:17,953 --> 00:01:20,122 [announcers] The first acne-proofing gel cleanser. 24 00:01:20,205 --> 00:01:22,416 -Hyaluronic acid serum. -Micro-sculpting cream. 25 00:01:22,499 --> 00:01:23,750 It's a cleanser and a mask. 26 00:01:23,834 --> 00:01:26,211 Hydration is the foundation of healthy skin. 27 00:01:26,295 --> 00:01:28,589 Wake up to younger-looking skin in just five… 28 00:01:28,672 --> 00:01:31,216 -[voices overlapping] -[silence] 29 00:01:31,300 --> 00:01:34,636 [narrator] Can we trust all these products to do what they promise? 30 00:01:35,178 --> 00:01:38,473 And is there some secret to healthy, beautiful skin? 31 00:01:38,557 --> 00:01:40,559 [man 1] Let's begin with the skin, 32 00:01:40,642 --> 00:01:43,312 by taking a look at it from the doctor's point of view. 33 00:01:43,395 --> 00:01:46,940 She has lovely skin. That's what I was most impressed by. 34 00:01:47,024 --> 00:01:49,568 [man 2] If you keep your skin clean, there's less chance 35 00:01:49,651 --> 00:01:51,403 that a disease will be able to get started. 36 00:01:51,486 --> 00:01:53,780 If my skin's fresh and healthy-looking, 37 00:01:53,864 --> 00:01:55,991 I guess it's 'cause I've gotten down to basics. 38 00:01:56,074 --> 00:01:57,784 From your chin to your ears. 39 00:01:57,868 --> 00:02:00,203 From your nostrils to the temples. 40 00:02:00,287 --> 00:02:02,706 [man 3] The healthy skin is a beautiful skin. 41 00:02:08,920 --> 00:02:12,716 [Okonedo] If there's one thing the experts want you to know about skin, it's that… 42 00:02:12,799 --> 00:02:14,134 It is our largest organ. 43 00:02:14,217 --> 00:02:15,886 Our largest organ. 44 00:02:15,969 --> 00:02:17,012 Our largest organ. 45 00:02:17,095 --> 00:02:21,350 [Okonedo] Skin is your immune system's first and best line of defense. 46 00:02:21,892 --> 00:02:24,519 I like to use the analogy of a brick wall. 47 00:02:24,603 --> 00:02:26,855 So, the bricks are the cells, 48 00:02:26,938 --> 00:02:29,608 and the mortar is our natural oils. 49 00:02:29,691 --> 00:02:31,443 [Okonedo] This wall, the epidermis, 50 00:02:31,526 --> 00:02:34,154 is completely rebuilt about once a month. 51 00:02:34,237 --> 00:02:35,989 New cells are born down here 52 00:02:36,073 --> 00:02:39,326 and make their way to the surface, where they flake off. 53 00:02:39,409 --> 00:02:43,246 The pores you can see are actually the openings of hair follicles. 54 00:02:43,330 --> 00:02:47,250 They're nearly everywhere on your body, not just the places that look hairy. 55 00:02:47,334 --> 00:02:52,172 Glands attached to the follicles put out an oily, waxy substance called sebum. 56 00:02:52,255 --> 00:02:55,384 [Skotnicki] That helps lubricate our skin and acidify our skin. 57 00:02:56,134 --> 00:02:59,221 [Okonedo] Your skin's pH isn't neutral. It's closer to five. 58 00:02:59,304 --> 00:03:02,099 And that makes it harder for harmful bacteria to grow. 59 00:03:02,182 --> 00:03:04,476 If your protective brick wall breaks down, 60 00:03:04,559 --> 00:03:07,646 it's easier for foreign particles or germs to get in. 61 00:03:08,146 --> 00:03:10,399 Your immune system will leap into action, 62 00:03:10,482 --> 00:03:12,442 your skin will get red and itchy. 63 00:03:12,526 --> 00:03:16,738 And this whole army of immune cells will detect and attack the intruders. 64 00:03:16,822 --> 00:03:20,409 And then, of course, there's the most remarkable feature of your skin. 65 00:03:21,493 --> 00:03:24,204 The host of creatures who call it home. 66 00:03:26,665 --> 00:03:28,792 Billions of years before we evolved, 67 00:03:28,875 --> 00:03:31,712 microbes colonized every corner of the globe. 68 00:03:31,795 --> 00:03:33,213 From Arctic glaciers, 69 00:03:33,296 --> 00:03:34,923 to sulfurous pools, 70 00:03:35,006 --> 00:03:37,467 to volcanic vents in the ocean floor. 71 00:03:38,635 --> 00:03:40,429 When skin finally showed up, 72 00:03:40,512 --> 00:03:43,140 that was just one more habitat to colonize. 73 00:03:43,223 --> 00:03:46,977 You actually have trillions of different bacteria, fungi, 74 00:03:47,060 --> 00:03:49,438 viruses, protozoa, 75 00:03:49,521 --> 00:03:51,273 even small insects. 76 00:03:51,356 --> 00:03:55,360 The skin has a very striking diversity of different environments. 77 00:03:56,361 --> 00:03:58,447 [Okonedo] Your face is an oily marshland. 78 00:03:59,322 --> 00:04:01,908 Your armpits are dark, wet jungles. 79 00:04:02,701 --> 00:04:05,328 Your forearms are dry savannas. 80 00:04:06,455 --> 00:04:11,251 Your microbiome is first formed when you are born into the world. 81 00:04:16,923 --> 00:04:20,635 You're suddenly populated by your mother's biome, 82 00:04:20,719 --> 00:04:23,180 and that forms the sort of concrete foundation 83 00:04:23,263 --> 00:04:26,099 that's going to stick with you for the rest of your life. 84 00:04:27,350 --> 00:04:30,228 [Okonedo] And as you grow, it continues to develop, 85 00:04:30,312 --> 00:04:31,980 shaped by your experiences. 86 00:04:32,731 --> 00:04:33,982 [Oh] So, that can be 87 00:04:34,065 --> 00:04:35,233 where you live, 88 00:04:35,317 --> 00:04:36,693 if you have pets, 89 00:04:37,569 --> 00:04:38,779 who you live with, 90 00:04:38,862 --> 00:04:41,072 and who you encounter on a regular basis. 91 00:04:41,782 --> 00:04:44,493 Each of us have kind of a unique signature. 92 00:04:45,494 --> 00:04:47,996 [Okonedo] Scientists spent the last couple of decades 93 00:04:48,079 --> 00:04:50,332 learning which species live where. 94 00:04:50,415 --> 00:04:54,336 Now they're trying to figure out what all those critters are up to. 95 00:04:55,378 --> 00:04:58,298 There's a bacillus bacteria living in between our toes 96 00:04:58,381 --> 00:05:01,301 that eats a compound in our sweat called leucine, 97 00:05:01,384 --> 00:05:04,262 and it contributes to that rank and sweaty foot smell. 98 00:05:04,346 --> 00:05:07,557 Why on earth would we want to coevolve with this microbe 99 00:05:07,641 --> 00:05:09,601 that produces bad odors? 100 00:05:09,684 --> 00:05:11,645 It turns out that this bacillus 101 00:05:11,728 --> 00:05:15,106 is a very potent inhibitor of fungal infections. 102 00:05:15,732 --> 00:05:18,318 [Okonedo] Our feet produce a weird amount of leucine. 103 00:05:18,401 --> 00:05:22,072 It's almost as if our bodies are laying out a feast for these bacteria 104 00:05:22,155 --> 00:05:24,658 so they'll keep us from getting athlete's foot. 105 00:05:24,741 --> 00:05:27,035 Then there's Staphylococcus epidermidis, 106 00:05:27,118 --> 00:05:29,871 which is found at different sites all over the body. 107 00:05:29,955 --> 00:05:31,832 Yeah, we love staph epidermidis. 108 00:05:32,499 --> 00:05:34,417 It can recruit immune cell types 109 00:05:34,501 --> 00:05:37,629 that allow us to heal wounds and combat infection. 110 00:05:37,712 --> 00:05:40,507 -They can kill pathogenic bacteria. -[bacteria shouts] 111 00:05:40,590 --> 00:05:42,592 [Okonedo] Antibiotics can do that too. 112 00:05:42,676 --> 00:05:44,386 [bacteria scream] 113 00:05:44,469 --> 00:05:47,472 Though helpful bacteria are often collateral damage, 114 00:05:47,556 --> 00:05:50,308 and some pathogens are evolving resistance to these drugs. 115 00:05:50,892 --> 00:05:53,103 It's a terrifying trend around the world, 116 00:05:53,186 --> 00:05:54,771 especially in hospitals. 117 00:05:55,480 --> 00:05:59,276 Julia Oh's lab is genetically engineering a strain of epidermidis 118 00:05:59,359 --> 00:06:02,863 to attack one of the most common antibiotic-resistant bacteria. 119 00:06:02,946 --> 00:06:04,865 Basically like a search and destroy bot. 120 00:06:04,948 --> 00:06:07,534 [Okonedo] This souped-up epidermidis only attacks 121 00:06:07,617 --> 00:06:09,995 when it senses this one particular pathogen. 122 00:06:10,078 --> 00:06:13,206 [Oh] And then produces a kind of napalm in response. 123 00:06:15,876 --> 00:06:18,712 [Okonedo] And finally, scientists think that microbes 124 00:06:18,795 --> 00:06:22,215 train our immune systems to tell friend from foe, 125 00:06:22,299 --> 00:06:25,427 so we only react to things that are actually harmful. 126 00:06:25,969 --> 00:06:29,347 We don't know exactly what would happen without our microbiomes. 127 00:06:29,431 --> 00:06:31,474 We've never made germ-free people. 128 00:06:33,059 --> 00:06:34,644 But we have made germ-free 129 00:06:35,228 --> 00:06:36,313 mice. 130 00:06:36,897 --> 00:06:39,858 They grow up not having been exposed to any live microbes. 131 00:06:39,941 --> 00:06:41,568 They live their lives in a bubble. 132 00:06:41,651 --> 00:06:45,488 And these mice have all sorts of different defects. 133 00:06:46,072 --> 00:06:49,826 [Okonedo] Without that microbial boot camp in early life, their immune systems are 134 00:06:49,910 --> 00:06:51,077 confused. 135 00:06:51,161 --> 00:06:52,913 They might ignore real threats, 136 00:06:52,996 --> 00:06:55,373 while overreacting to harmless substances, 137 00:06:55,457 --> 00:06:57,542 even attacking their own cells. 138 00:06:57,626 --> 00:07:00,337 Children are growing up in more sterile environments, 139 00:07:00,420 --> 00:07:02,964 and more and more of them are coming down with the disorders 140 00:07:03,048 --> 00:07:05,216 of an overactive immune system. 141 00:07:05,300 --> 00:07:07,052 Eczema, allergy, 142 00:07:07,135 --> 00:07:08,720 asthma, hay fever. 143 00:07:08,803 --> 00:07:10,388 I mean, it's skyrocketed. 144 00:07:10,472 --> 00:07:12,641 [Okonedo] But not in Amish country. 145 00:07:12,724 --> 00:07:14,559 Scientists report that Amish kids 146 00:07:14,643 --> 00:07:17,520 have surprisingly low rates of asthma and allergies. 147 00:07:17,604 --> 00:07:19,940 [Hamblin] Amish children grow up with lots of siblings, 148 00:07:20,023 --> 00:07:21,733 spend lots of time outdoors, 149 00:07:21,816 --> 00:07:23,568 and tend to have stables 150 00:07:23,652 --> 00:07:26,780 of lots of different animals, right up against the house. 151 00:07:26,863 --> 00:07:29,783 [Okonedo] They're exposed to lots of different microbes, 152 00:07:29,866 --> 00:07:33,328 and that seems to help them develop a well-trained immune system. 153 00:07:33,411 --> 00:07:35,205 The secret to healthy skin 154 00:07:35,288 --> 00:07:38,625 is partly just not messing up your microbiome. 155 00:07:38,708 --> 00:07:43,421 And for hundreds of thousands of years, humans pretty much left theirs alone. 156 00:07:43,505 --> 00:07:46,299 Until they created civilization. 157 00:07:47,050 --> 00:07:50,261 All over the world, humans started to wash their skin with water, 158 00:07:50,345 --> 00:07:52,555 often as part of religious rituals. 159 00:07:53,264 --> 00:07:56,142 Then more and more of them packed into cities, 160 00:07:56,226 --> 00:07:59,479 and communicable diseases flourished as they never had before. 161 00:08:00,397 --> 00:08:01,982 In the mid-19th century, 162 00:08:02,065 --> 00:08:04,067 scientists discovered the culprit. 163 00:08:04,693 --> 00:08:05,902 Germs. 164 00:08:07,112 --> 00:08:10,907 Some of the first microbes we discovered were the ones that do us harm. 165 00:08:10,991 --> 00:08:14,369 Cholera pandemics had killed millions around the globe. 166 00:08:14,953 --> 00:08:18,039 The plague had wiped out nearly a third of Europe. 167 00:08:18,123 --> 00:08:19,624 And in the US, 168 00:08:19,708 --> 00:08:23,211 tuberculosis was responsible for a quarter of all deaths. 169 00:08:23,294 --> 00:08:27,549 The idea came to be that maybe we should wash these things off. 170 00:08:27,632 --> 00:08:30,885 [Okonedo] We'd been using different forms of soap for centuries, 171 00:08:30,969 --> 00:08:32,387 mostly to clean laundry. 172 00:08:32,470 --> 00:08:36,975 But now, public health officials started pushing for its regular use on skin. 173 00:08:39,310 --> 00:08:40,645 [man 1] The aim of this technique 174 00:08:40,729 --> 00:08:43,940 is to reduce the number of pathogenic organisms. 175 00:08:44,024 --> 00:08:47,277 [man 2] And that's the special reason why people wash with soap. 176 00:08:47,777 --> 00:08:50,780 In the early 20th century, you had the soap boom. 177 00:08:52,866 --> 00:08:54,284 There were beauty soaps 178 00:08:54,367 --> 00:08:55,702 bath soaps, 179 00:08:55,785 --> 00:08:57,120 health soaps, 180 00:08:57,203 --> 00:09:00,290 all of them fundamentally the same product. 181 00:09:00,373 --> 00:09:02,125 [Okonedo] Luxury soaps for the wealthy 182 00:09:02,208 --> 00:09:05,336 were more expensive, but functionally identical. 183 00:09:05,420 --> 00:09:09,382 It became a branded product, and with that came advertising. 184 00:09:09,966 --> 00:09:12,635 [Okonedo] Soap makers pioneered  the marketing tricks 185 00:09:12,719 --> 00:09:14,220 that are still used today. 186 00:09:14,304 --> 00:09:16,723 Like celebrity endorsements. 187 00:09:16,806 --> 00:09:20,643 This one features women's rights luminary Elizabeth Cady Stanton. 188 00:09:21,644 --> 00:09:22,937 This ad, 189 00:09:23,021 --> 00:09:24,564 with its sensual embrace 190 00:09:24,647 --> 00:09:26,441 and risqué slogan, 191 00:09:26,524 --> 00:09:28,860 was one of the first ever to prove 192 00:09:28,943 --> 00:09:30,528 that sex sells. 193 00:09:31,404 --> 00:09:35,033 What these products were selling was actually a sense of superiority, 194 00:09:35,116 --> 00:09:37,619 whether that be to another race, 195 00:09:37,702 --> 00:09:38,995 to another class. 196 00:09:40,622 --> 00:09:43,625 [Okonedo] Soap ads often deployed racist caricatures, 197 00:09:43,708 --> 00:09:46,294 depicting people with darker skin as dirty. 198 00:09:47,212 --> 00:09:50,757 Or as savages, who needed the civilizing influence of soap. 199 00:09:51,508 --> 00:09:53,301 Soap was about beauty, 200 00:09:53,384 --> 00:09:56,304 and beautiful skin was white skin. 201 00:09:56,387 --> 00:10:00,517 [Hamblin] Basically, if there was an insecurity that was really deeply held, 202 00:10:00,600 --> 00:10:03,937 the soap industry found a way to prey upon it and promise a solution. 203 00:10:04,020 --> 00:10:06,773 [Skotnicki] Soap would transform your life. 204 00:10:06,856 --> 00:10:08,983 You would be more socially acceptable. 205 00:10:09,067 --> 00:10:12,195 Saying it's going to make you glow and make you find a husband. 206 00:10:12,779 --> 00:10:15,031 [Okonedo] And soap companies used science-y language 207 00:10:15,115 --> 00:10:16,741 to bolster their claims. 208 00:10:17,367 --> 00:10:19,452 They made their pitch to housewives 209 00:10:19,536 --> 00:10:22,205 by funding and producing daytime radio dramas. 210 00:10:23,206 --> 00:10:25,917 And these "soap operas" soon moved to TV. 211 00:10:26,918 --> 00:10:29,754 The makers of Ivory soap owned The Guiding Light, 212 00:10:29,838 --> 00:10:31,798 until it ended in 2009. 213 00:10:32,298 --> 00:10:35,802 [man on TV] Presented by Ivory soap, the most famous soap in the world. 214 00:10:35,885 --> 00:10:37,345 By the mid-20th century, 215 00:10:37,428 --> 00:10:41,182 at least in wealthy countries, every person was using soap regularly. 216 00:10:41,266 --> 00:10:45,019 [Okonedo] And they were using it all over their bodies every day. 217 00:10:46,187 --> 00:10:48,189 Soap is a simple enough chemical, 218 00:10:48,273 --> 00:10:51,693 one that can clear away the accumulated grime of civilization, 219 00:10:51,776 --> 00:10:55,363 the chemicals that irritate your skin, like pollution and makeup, 220 00:10:55,446 --> 00:10:58,241 and disease-causing germs. 221 00:10:58,324 --> 00:11:01,369 Washing with soap has saved so many lives, 222 00:11:01,452 --> 00:11:04,706 but soap also erodes the mortar in that brick wall, 223 00:11:04,789 --> 00:11:06,499 disrupting your defenses. 224 00:11:06,583 --> 00:11:08,293 And, because it's pretty basic, 225 00:11:08,376 --> 00:11:11,045 soap can change the pH of your skin. 226 00:11:11,129 --> 00:11:14,966 When we overclean and over-wash, you're preventing it from doing its job. 227 00:11:15,049 --> 00:11:18,553 You've messed with the chemistry of your skin. You've changed the oils. 228 00:11:18,636 --> 00:11:22,807 If the oil are sort of the soil in which your microbial ecosystem grows, 229 00:11:22,891 --> 00:11:25,435 you've messed with it enough that what comes back 230 00:11:25,518 --> 00:11:27,061 is a little imbalanced. 231 00:11:28,646 --> 00:11:29,647 [Okonedo] Decades ago, 232 00:11:29,731 --> 00:11:32,775 people didn't know about these potential problems with overusing soap. 233 00:11:32,859 --> 00:11:36,070 They just noticed it could make you feel dry and itchy. 234 00:11:36,613 --> 00:11:39,240 The industry found a solution for that too. 235 00:11:39,324 --> 00:11:41,242 [woman on TV] Soap dries your skin, 236 00:11:41,326 --> 00:11:44,078 but Dove creams your skin while you wash. 237 00:11:44,704 --> 00:11:47,332 [Okonedo] Dove contained a moisturizer. 238 00:11:47,415 --> 00:11:52,587 That introduced this whole new idea that you might need other products, 239 00:11:52,670 --> 00:11:55,548 products to actually counteract the soaps you've been using. 240 00:11:55,632 --> 00:11:57,258 You need a second thing, 241 00:11:57,342 --> 00:12:00,970 which opened the door for a whole flood of other products, 242 00:12:01,054 --> 00:12:02,805 besides just soap. 243 00:12:02,889 --> 00:12:04,140 [Okonedo] In 1968, 244 00:12:04,224 --> 00:12:07,018 Clinique debuted with a three-step routine, 245 00:12:07,101 --> 00:12:10,313 which they suggested was as essential as brushing your teeth. 246 00:12:10,396 --> 00:12:13,066 Some of those old soap makers diversified 247 00:12:13,149 --> 00:12:15,235 and grew into international giants. 248 00:12:16,069 --> 00:12:18,404 And new players entered the scene. 249 00:12:18,488 --> 00:12:20,615 You had a huge explosion 250 00:12:20,698 --> 00:12:23,826 of K-beauty brands coming into the Western world, 251 00:12:23,910 --> 00:12:26,204 and everyone went completely mad for it. 252 00:12:26,287 --> 00:12:29,666 ["Gidalyuh" by A-Dream, Sara Lynn Choi & HYON D playing] 253 00:12:34,003 --> 00:12:38,091 The Korean ten-step skin-care routine was something I coined many years ago. 254 00:12:38,174 --> 00:12:40,551 Around 2015 255 00:12:40,635 --> 00:12:42,428 is when I started to see 256 00:12:42,512 --> 00:12:45,682 more and more people talking about the trend. 257 00:12:45,765 --> 00:12:47,392 [Okonedo] For a few decades now, 258 00:12:47,475 --> 00:12:51,437 South Korea has been trying to increase exports of its cultural goods. 259 00:12:51,521 --> 00:12:52,689 K-dramas, 260 00:12:53,356 --> 00:12:54,482 K-pop, 261 00:12:55,233 --> 00:12:57,110 and K-beauty. 262 00:12:57,819 --> 00:13:00,697 [Cho] In Korea, skin is always first. 263 00:13:00,780 --> 00:13:04,617 They really value skin as being more important 264 00:13:04,701 --> 00:13:07,161 than makeup or fashion. 265 00:13:07,245 --> 00:13:10,248 They are quite brilliant. They're using ingredients 266 00:13:10,331 --> 00:13:13,626 that a lot of brands hadn't really considered using in the past. 267 00:13:22,510 --> 00:13:24,304 [Okonedo] Scientists are still figuring out 268 00:13:24,387 --> 00:13:26,764 if and how all these ingredients work, 269 00:13:26,848 --> 00:13:30,351 but K-beauty products in general have gotten enthusiastic reviews. 270 00:13:30,435 --> 00:13:32,228 They were really well-made, 271 00:13:32,312 --> 00:13:34,314 and also they were inexpensive. 272 00:13:35,565 --> 00:13:39,694 If you're completely new to skin care, and you wanna get started, 273 00:13:39,777 --> 00:13:42,864 I would just recommend going with a few basics. 274 00:13:42,947 --> 00:13:46,367 If you're putting on sunscreen, makeup, aftershave, 275 00:13:46,451 --> 00:13:49,037 you wanna wash that stuff off at the end of the day. 276 00:13:49,120 --> 00:13:51,581 [Okonedo] There are now a bunch of alternatives to soap, 277 00:13:51,664 --> 00:13:54,042 like synthetic detergents and oil-based cleansers, 278 00:13:54,125 --> 00:13:57,545 that can be gentler on the mortar of our walls. Still… 279 00:13:57,628 --> 00:14:01,174 You'd be amazed at the number of cleansers that strip your skin. 280 00:14:01,257 --> 00:14:04,844 After you cleanse, usually your pH is all out of whack. 281 00:14:04,927 --> 00:14:07,430 [Okonedo] And that's where toners come in. 282 00:14:07,513 --> 00:14:10,975 Generally, they move your skin towards a healthy acidity, 283 00:14:11,059 --> 00:14:13,186 just like your sebum does naturally. 284 00:14:14,520 --> 00:14:17,648 Moisturizers can also help repair the damage of cleansing. 285 00:14:17,732 --> 00:14:20,526 We have moisturizers because you have to put back what you've removed. 286 00:14:20,610 --> 00:14:24,155 [Okonedo] Some moisturizers actually mimic our natural mortar. 287 00:14:25,073 --> 00:14:27,784 You probably don't need to exfoliate when you're young. 288 00:14:27,867 --> 00:14:30,787 Your skin does a good job replacing itself naturally. 289 00:14:30,870 --> 00:14:32,163 [Fetto] As you get older, 290 00:14:32,246 --> 00:14:35,666 your skin cell turnover slows down. 291 00:14:35,750 --> 00:14:38,002 Your skin starts to look really dull. 292 00:14:38,086 --> 00:14:40,588 So you may want to exfoliate once a week 293 00:14:40,671 --> 00:14:42,632 as you get older, 40 plus. 294 00:14:44,342 --> 00:14:46,302 [Okonedo] Then there are all the acne products. 295 00:14:46,386 --> 00:14:49,680 Remember, your skin is covered in hair follicles, 296 00:14:49,764 --> 00:14:52,558 and they can get blocked by sebum and dead cells. 297 00:14:53,309 --> 00:14:56,396 If this blockage stays buried, it's a whitehead. 298 00:14:56,479 --> 00:14:59,399 Expose it to air, and it oxidizes, darkening. 299 00:15:00,441 --> 00:15:02,735 Bacteria can grow in these blockages. 300 00:15:02,819 --> 00:15:05,363 Immune cells can rush in to fight infection, 301 00:15:05,446 --> 00:15:07,448 and dead cells start to pile up. 302 00:15:07,532 --> 00:15:09,867 That's the white stuff inside of a zit. 303 00:15:10,535 --> 00:15:13,538 We still don't fully understand all the factors leading to acne, 304 00:15:13,621 --> 00:15:15,873 genetics, hormones, bacteria, 305 00:15:15,957 --> 00:15:19,377 all the stuff we put on our skin, or how they interact. 306 00:15:19,460 --> 00:15:22,088 Dermatologists argue about the role of diet. 307 00:15:22,171 --> 00:15:24,757 It seems like greasy foods aren't a problem, 308 00:15:24,841 --> 00:15:26,926 but sugary foods might be. 309 00:15:27,009 --> 00:15:30,888 But we do know one thing. Acne isn't caused by dirty skin. 310 00:15:30,972 --> 00:15:34,350 I had pretty bad acne as a teenager. 311 00:15:34,434 --> 00:15:36,227 I was under the idea 312 00:15:36,310 --> 00:15:39,355 that if I used soap and washed three times a day, 313 00:15:39,439 --> 00:15:41,357 I could get off whatever these microbes were 314 00:15:41,441 --> 00:15:43,901 that was causing me to break out. 315 00:15:43,985 --> 00:15:48,030 And it seems pretty clear that I was probably making things worse. 316 00:15:48,698 --> 00:15:51,325 [Okonedo] Some scientists think the best way to treat acne 317 00:15:51,409 --> 00:15:53,828 might be to add bacteria to our skin 318 00:15:53,911 --> 00:15:57,206 to establish a balanced, healthy microbiome. 319 00:15:59,917 --> 00:16:02,628 [Fetto] So, the word anti-aging… 320 00:16:05,089 --> 00:16:06,215 It's a problem. 321 00:16:06,299 --> 00:16:09,218 It makes it automatically feel like 322 00:16:09,302 --> 00:16:10,970 there is something wrong 323 00:16:11,053 --> 00:16:13,514 with you having wrinkles. 324 00:16:13,598 --> 00:16:17,101 You want to age. That is a natural process of life. 325 00:16:17,768 --> 00:16:20,563 [Okonedo] Below your epidermis is a thicker dermis layer 326 00:16:20,646 --> 00:16:24,317 that's woven through with proteins called elastin and collagen. 327 00:16:24,400 --> 00:16:27,570 When your skin is stretched, this matrix helps it bounce back. 328 00:16:28,196 --> 00:16:30,907 And as we age, we produce less and less, 329 00:16:30,990 --> 00:16:33,367 which allows the skin to fold and wrinkle. 330 00:16:33,951 --> 00:16:36,579 Certain things speed up this process. 331 00:16:36,662 --> 00:16:38,706 Toxins, pollution, 332 00:16:38,789 --> 00:16:41,918 and the sun's UV rays, which can also cause cancer. 333 00:16:42,001 --> 00:16:45,171 A pigment called melanin produced in these cells 334 00:16:45,254 --> 00:16:47,173 can block some of these rays. 335 00:16:47,256 --> 00:16:49,634 The more melanin you have, the darker your skin is. 336 00:16:49,717 --> 00:16:53,429 And that extra protection means darker skin seems to age slower. 337 00:16:53,513 --> 00:16:55,056 But we still need SPF, 338 00:16:55,139 --> 00:16:59,101 because we are still susceptible to the UV rays of the sun. 339 00:16:59,185 --> 00:17:01,270 [Okonedo] Most other anti-aging ingredients 340 00:17:01,354 --> 00:17:03,773 aren't backed up by a lot of evidence. 341 00:17:03,856 --> 00:17:07,193 The only thing that's really been proven scientifically 342 00:17:07,276 --> 00:17:08,986 with good studies 343 00:17:09,070 --> 00:17:11,155 is retinoic acid and retinol. 344 00:17:11,906 --> 00:17:14,242 [Okonedo] These spur the production of collagen, 345 00:17:14,325 --> 00:17:18,287 but can irritate your skin and shouldn't be used by pregnant women. 346 00:17:20,248 --> 00:17:23,834 To recap, your skin is doing a lot naturally, 347 00:17:23,918 --> 00:17:27,463 so try to avoid using, or overusing, products that mess that up. 348 00:17:28,047 --> 00:17:31,467 A lot of exfoliating scrubs and harsher, foamy soaps 349 00:17:31,551 --> 00:17:33,469 can damage your brick wall. 350 00:17:33,553 --> 00:17:35,930 Look for cleansers with a low pH. 351 00:17:36,013 --> 00:17:38,391 And if you're concerned about a skin condition, 352 00:17:38,474 --> 00:17:41,519 talk to a dermatologist. There might be treatments that can help. 353 00:17:42,019 --> 00:17:44,689 But don't worry too much about a few zits. 354 00:17:44,772 --> 00:17:48,276 The idea that we all need to be completely rid of these things all the time 355 00:17:48,359 --> 00:17:49,819 is artificial. 356 00:17:49,902 --> 00:17:53,739 The industry has a way of pathologizing irregularities 357 00:17:53,823 --> 00:17:55,908 that are not actual medical issues. 358 00:17:55,992 --> 00:17:57,994 Having pimples 359 00:17:58,077 --> 00:18:00,621 is not necessarily a problem. 360 00:18:01,539 --> 00:18:03,541 [Okonedo] Just like a century ago, 361 00:18:03,624 --> 00:18:07,128 skin care ads today play up science-y images and language. 362 00:18:07,211 --> 00:18:10,548 The latest buzzwords are pre and probiotic. 363 00:18:10,631 --> 00:18:14,010 These products are supposed to enhance your skin microbiome. 364 00:18:14,093 --> 00:18:17,179 We don't have evidence that any of these products 365 00:18:17,263 --> 00:18:19,098 are helpful in themselves. 366 00:18:19,682 --> 00:18:22,143 [Okonedo] But in one respect,  the industry appears 367 00:18:22,226 --> 00:18:23,811 to have radically changed. 368 00:18:23,894 --> 00:18:26,272 [Fetto] We may look at advertising right now 369 00:18:26,355 --> 00:18:28,190 and believe that 370 00:18:28,274 --> 00:18:32,194 the skin care industry is incredibly inclusive. 371 00:18:32,820 --> 00:18:34,822 But that's just forward facing. 372 00:18:35,448 --> 00:18:38,367 So many brands that I speak to, 373 00:18:38,451 --> 00:18:40,828 the journey their product has taken 374 00:18:40,911 --> 00:18:42,747 from conception 375 00:18:42,830 --> 00:18:45,124 to when it actually hits the shelves, 376 00:18:45,207 --> 00:18:47,418 in no part of that journey 377 00:18:47,501 --> 00:18:51,380 has there been anyone that is not Caucasian. 378 00:18:52,882 --> 00:18:55,718 [Okonedo] When Dove released  this ad in 2017, 379 00:18:56,385 --> 00:18:59,305 some saw ugly echoes of an earlier time. 380 00:18:59,388 --> 00:19:02,224 Dove apologized, and took down the ad, 381 00:19:02,308 --> 00:19:05,144 but Dove's parent company Unilever sells products 382 00:19:05,227 --> 00:19:08,189 that are designed to whiten your skin. 383 00:19:08,272 --> 00:19:10,274 [Fetto] Quite a few brands, huge brands, 384 00:19:10,358 --> 00:19:13,152 have developed skin-lightening creams, 385 00:19:13,235 --> 00:19:15,237 and they've been selling those for years. 386 00:19:15,988 --> 00:19:18,407 Following the death of George Floyd 387 00:19:18,491 --> 00:19:22,536 and all the protests that happened all over the world, 388 00:19:22,620 --> 00:19:25,331 rather than taking these products off the market, 389 00:19:25,414 --> 00:19:27,541 they just changed their names. 390 00:19:27,625 --> 00:19:29,460 It's solved nothing. 391 00:19:29,543 --> 00:19:31,003 What is the messaging? 392 00:19:31,087 --> 00:19:33,172 Whiter is better. 393 00:19:33,255 --> 00:19:35,091 [echoing] Whiter is better. 394 00:19:35,174 --> 00:19:38,761 [Okonedo] We're told we need to have lighter skin, cleaner skin, dewy, 395 00:19:38,844 --> 00:19:40,554 glowing, poreless skin. 396 00:19:40,638 --> 00:19:43,516 And we need more products to get us there. 397 00:19:44,266 --> 00:19:48,354 We are using way too many products on our skin. 398 00:19:48,437 --> 00:19:50,523 If we're healthy doing less, 399 00:19:50,606 --> 00:19:52,566 why don't we do less? 400 00:19:52,650 --> 00:19:54,735 I use water only. 401 00:19:55,403 --> 00:19:56,737 I always wash my hands. 402 00:19:56,821 --> 00:19:59,281 I'm very good about washing my hands with soap, 403 00:19:59,365 --> 00:20:02,618 but the rest of my body is just water. 404 00:20:02,702 --> 00:20:07,498 You both get used to the feeling, and your body seems to adapt a little bit. 405 00:20:08,207 --> 00:20:09,959 Oh my God. I mean, 406 00:20:10,042 --> 00:20:12,962 that would not work for me. It just wouldn't. 407 00:20:13,045 --> 00:20:15,172 I think my skin would freak out. 408 00:20:15,256 --> 00:20:19,218 So I don't think any skin needs 15 products, 409 00:20:19,301 --> 00:20:22,805 but I don't think every skin only needs three products. 410 00:20:23,597 --> 00:20:27,518 [Okonedo] And remember, products aren't the only way we influence our skin. 411 00:20:27,601 --> 00:20:30,896 Skin is actually a beacon for our overall health. 412 00:20:30,980 --> 00:20:33,023 [Hamblin] How we're sleeping, how we're eating, 413 00:20:33,107 --> 00:20:34,650 how much stress we're under. 414 00:20:34,734 --> 00:20:38,571 [Okonedo] Staying hydrated, exercising, spending time outdoors. 415 00:20:38,654 --> 00:20:42,366 All of those factors really have an impact on what your skin looks like. 416 00:20:42,450 --> 00:20:46,287 There are so many different ways to take care of your skin correctly. 417 00:20:46,370 --> 00:20:48,956 There are so many different ways to do it right. 418 00:20:49,039 --> 00:20:52,626 You are a unique individual. You have co-evolved with your microbes. 419 00:20:52,710 --> 00:20:54,336 Skin care can be a fun place 420 00:20:54,420 --> 00:20:57,631 to discover that unique part about yourself. 421 00:20:57,715 --> 00:20:59,175 And… 422 00:21:01,844 --> 00:21:04,263 there are lots of ways to be normal. 423 00:21:05,181 --> 00:21:08,976 [closing theme music playing]