1 00:00:10,555 --> 00:00:11,794 Come on, Mosley! 2 00:00:37,433 --> 00:00:41,712 Blackshirts, Blackshirts, Blackshirts, Blackshirts. 3 00:00:41,713 --> 00:00:44,952 Blackshirts, Blackshirts, Blackshirts, Blackshirts. 4 00:00:44,953 --> 00:00:50,472 ♪ Pack up all my cares and woe, here I go, singing low. ♪ 5 00:00:50,473 --> 00:00:52,160 - Shut up! - Shh! 6 00:00:52,513 --> 00:00:53,552 That's enough. 7 00:00:53,553 --> 00:00:56,512 ♪ Bye, bye, Blackshirt. ♪ 8 00:01:02,793 --> 00:01:06,233 ♪ Bye, bye, Blackshirt. ♪ 9 00:01:07,433 --> 00:01:08,473 Harry! 10 00:01:11,193 --> 00:01:12,992 - Harry! - Stop! 11 00:01:12,993 --> 00:01:16,032 This is all we have to fear. 12 00:01:16,033 --> 00:01:19,872 Take a good look. The Jews, the Communists. 13 00:01:19,873 --> 00:01:22,272 Get back to the sewers, you fascist rats! 14 00:01:35,513 --> 00:01:36,752 You know why I'm here! 15 00:01:36,753 --> 00:01:38,232 And you know who I'm here for! 16 00:01:38,233 --> 00:01:40,712 You've got a daughter going bad ways, just like your son then. 17 00:01:40,713 --> 00:01:41,992 Where the hell is she? 18 00:01:41,993 --> 00:01:43,192 Now, now... 19 00:01:43,193 --> 00:01:44,992 That's no attitude for a peace pledge man, 20 00:01:44,993 --> 00:01:46,072 is it, Mr Bennett? 21 00:01:46,073 --> 00:01:48,312 Just giving her a couple of hours, so that she can learn 22 00:01:48,313 --> 00:01:50,392 her lesson, you know? We'll not be charging her. 23 00:01:50,393 --> 00:01:51,712 What lesson's that, then? 24 00:01:51,713 --> 00:01:54,552 That you'd rather lock up a girl than a bunch of bloody fascists? 25 00:01:54,553 --> 00:01:55,912 Is that it? That the lesson? 26 00:01:55,913 --> 00:01:58,552 So that's where she gets her manners from, is it? 27 00:01:58,553 --> 00:02:00,813 Out! 28 00:02:00,814 --> 00:02:03,072 How many Blackshirts have you arrested, eh? 29 00:02:03,073 --> 00:02:04,820 How many! 30 00:02:05,233 --> 00:02:07,272 - Hello, Dad. I'm sorry. - You, too! 31 00:02:07,273 --> 00:02:08,912 No need to apologise, love! 32 00:02:08,913 --> 00:02:11,592 It's this lot! They should be apologising! 33 00:02:11,593 --> 00:02:13,152 Told you. 34 00:02:13,153 --> 00:02:14,193 Thanks, Dad. 35 00:02:16,833 --> 00:02:18,031 Well, my... 36 00:02:18,913 --> 00:02:20,952 What a touching vignette. 37 00:02:20,953 --> 00:02:23,912 If only Hogarth was still alive to capture it. 38 00:02:23,913 --> 00:02:25,380 Hello, Mother. 39 00:02:25,833 --> 00:02:27,112 Hey. 40 00:02:27,113 --> 00:02:29,352 You should be really proud of your son! 41 00:02:29,353 --> 00:02:31,152 You're the father, are you? 42 00:02:31,153 --> 00:02:32,272 Aye, I am. 43 00:02:32,273 --> 00:02:33,993 I see, that explains it. 44 00:02:35,233 --> 00:02:37,140 My daughter's her own woman. 45 00:02:37,553 --> 00:02:39,112 Indeed. 46 00:02:39,113 --> 00:02:41,352 Thank you, Sergeant, for being so understanding. 47 00:02:41,353 --> 00:02:43,220 Harry, we have guests waiting! 48 00:02:43,713 --> 00:02:44,792 Go on. 49 00:02:44,793 --> 00:02:46,712 You always were a sentimental boy. 50 00:02:46,713 --> 00:02:50,780 Always looking for something, or someone, to fill the void. 51 00:02:51,193 --> 00:02:54,312 Hardly surprising a factory girl would turn your head... 52 00:02:54,313 --> 00:02:55,672 Lois! 53 00:02:55,673 --> 00:02:58,020 - Her name is Lois. - Well, well. 54 00:02:58,313 --> 00:03:00,272 My son, the diplomat. 55 00:03:00,273 --> 00:03:01,632 I'm not a diplomat. 56 00:03:01,633 --> 00:03:02,952 Just a translator. 57 00:03:02,953 --> 00:03:05,872 Modesty is an ugly trait in those with the ability to shine. 58 00:03:05,873 --> 00:03:07,273 Do you want to shine, Harry? 59 00:03:11,033 --> 00:03:12,113 Of course you do. 60 00:03:27,793 --> 00:03:28,833 I love you. 61 00:03:31,753 --> 00:03:34,580 You say that, and it's lovely... 62 00:03:35,393 --> 00:03:38,020 ...but it doesn't really make any difference, does it? 63 00:03:38,913 --> 00:03:40,393 It makes all the difference! 64 00:03:41,473 --> 00:03:43,232 You're going away. 65 00:03:43,233 --> 00:03:44,273 I'm not. 66 00:03:45,473 --> 00:03:47,420 Your world, mine... 67 00:03:50,673 --> 00:03:51,912 This was good. 68 00:03:51,913 --> 00:03:53,420 What we did, tonight. 69 00:03:55,313 --> 00:03:57,432 But I think we both know, don't we? 70 00:03:57,433 --> 00:03:58,473 Deep down. 71 00:04:02,993 --> 00:04:04,033 I'll write. 72 00:04:10,113 --> 00:04:11,633 Goodbye, Harry. 73 00:04:33,912 --> 00:04:36,978 _ 74 00:06:09,096 --> 00:06:13,439 Synced & corrected by -robtor- www.addic7ed.com 75 00:06:16,513 --> 00:06:21,400 _ 76 00:06:21,833 --> 00:06:23,220 What am I doing here? 77 00:06:24,113 --> 00:06:26,500 I'm an American journalist, I have every right! 78 00:06:28,353 --> 00:06:30,912 What are you doing here, young man? 79 00:06:30,913 --> 00:06:33,740 A German soldier on Polish soil? 80 00:06:34,313 --> 00:06:36,880 _ 81 00:06:38,833 --> 00:06:40,300 I don't think so. 82 00:06:44,883 --> 00:06:47,540 _ 83 00:06:49,353 --> 00:06:52,552 The world has averted its eyes to the build-up of German troops 84 00:06:52,553 --> 00:06:55,992 along the German-Polish border, and Hitler's threat to take 85 00:06:55,993 --> 00:06:57,700 Danzig by force. 86 00:06:58,113 --> 00:07:01,552 The Poles have bicycles, the Germans have tanks. 87 00:07:01,553 --> 00:07:05,872 Make no mistake, the Nazi party is a master of illusion 88 00:07:05,873 --> 00:07:08,672 and the greatest illusion of all is that they are seriously 89 00:07:08,673 --> 00:07:10,792 negotiating for peace. 90 00:07:10,793 --> 00:07:14,112 This is Nancy Campbell, American Radio International, 91 00:07:14,113 --> 00:07:15,300 from Warsaw. 92 00:07:16,793 --> 00:07:18,512 Look at the state of this! 93 00:07:18,513 --> 00:07:20,432 You said you only needed it for shopping! 94 00:07:20,433 --> 00:07:22,432 - Shopping was in Germany! - Bloody hell, Nancy... 95 00:07:22,433 --> 00:07:24,112 This is what I've been trying to tell you! 96 00:07:24,113 --> 00:07:26,912 The Nazis are so close to the border, they shot at me. 97 00:07:26,913 --> 00:07:28,992 Well, you do rub people up the wrong way. 98 00:07:28,993 --> 00:07:32,192 They are shooting some poor bastards, putting them in Polish 99 00:07:32,193 --> 00:07:35,072 uniforms, to make it look like the Poles invaded! 100 00:07:35,073 --> 00:07:37,300 Does that sound like a diplomatic solution? 101 00:07:39,193 --> 00:07:41,872 You know what the Poles have got? Bicycles. 102 00:07:41,873 --> 00:07:43,512 You know what the Germans have got? 103 00:07:43,513 --> 00:07:44,752 Tanks! 104 00:07:44,753 --> 00:07:46,032 Panzers. 105 00:07:46,033 --> 00:07:48,712 I reported on David versus Goliath in Spain, 106 00:07:48,713 --> 00:07:50,472 it didn't turn out like it did in the Bible. 107 00:07:50,473 --> 00:07:52,172 I'll talk to my boss first thing tomorrow. 108 00:07:52,197 --> 00:07:53,572 But I don't know if he'll listen to me! 109 00:07:53,597 --> 00:07:55,192 Well, we know he won't listen to me! 110 00:07:55,193 --> 00:07:56,432 God knows I've tried. 111 00:07:56,433 --> 00:07:58,592 In the meantime, warn your waitress friend, 112 00:07:58,593 --> 00:07:59,792 so she can get out. 113 00:07:59,793 --> 00:08:02,752 I have a nephew in Paris, I'm telling him the same. 114 00:08:02,753 --> 00:08:05,272 Thin walls in that hotel, I know more than I need 115 00:08:05,273 --> 00:08:06,352 to about you two. 116 00:08:06,353 --> 00:08:08,352 Kasia, the waitress. 117 00:08:08,353 --> 00:08:12,260 Jesus, yes, Kasia. Why, is your girl at home waitress too? 118 00:08:15,113 --> 00:08:18,100 No... No, she's not. 119 00:08:24,153 --> 00:08:25,312 We're going to be late! 120 00:08:25,313 --> 00:08:26,352 We said half past! 121 00:08:26,353 --> 00:08:27,712 Connie, we're the glamour. 122 00:08:27,713 --> 00:08:30,272 - They expect us to be late. - The glamour need to run for the bus, 123 00:08:30,273 --> 00:08:31,833 so, in your own time! 124 00:08:36,473 --> 00:08:37,513 Dad! 125 00:08:40,113 --> 00:08:42,232 Come on! You'll be getting me sacked! 126 00:08:42,233 --> 00:08:43,712 Thanks, Douglas, you're a saint! 127 00:08:43,713 --> 00:08:45,032 Not what they're calling me... 128 00:08:45,033 --> 00:08:48,032 Thanks, Dad! Pay you back when I'm famous. 129 00:08:48,033 --> 00:08:51,272 ♪ Love me or leave me and let me be lonely ♪ 130 00:08:51,273 --> 00:08:54,032 ♪ You won't believe me and I love you only ♪ 131 00:08:54,033 --> 00:08:59,072 ♪ I'd rather be lonely than happy with somebody else. ♪ 132 00:08:59,073 --> 00:09:02,210 I need the German offer of terms translated from German 133 00:09:02,235 --> 00:09:03,232 to Polish and English. 134 00:09:03,233 --> 00:09:05,552 The Polish response from Polish to English. 135 00:09:05,553 --> 00:09:08,272 English War Office draft telegrams, into Polish and German. 136 00:09:08,273 --> 00:09:10,472 My desk, one hour. You are the golden boy, Chase. 137 00:09:10,473 --> 00:09:11,927 It's about time you started proving it! 138 00:09:11,928 --> 00:09:17,232 ♪ There'll be no-one unless that someone is you ♪ 139 00:09:17,233 --> 00:09:22,832 ♪ I intend to be independently blue ♪ 140 00:09:22,833 --> 00:09:25,712 ♪ I want your love but don't want to borrow ♪ 141 00:09:25,713 --> 00:09:28,512 ♪ Have it today to give back tomorrow ♪ 142 00:09:28,513 --> 00:09:33,393 ♪ For my love is your love, there's no love for nobody else. ♪ 143 00:09:40,433 --> 00:09:41,753 Ahh! 144 00:09:57,713 --> 00:10:03,152 ♪ There'll be no-one unless that someone is you ♪ 145 00:10:03,153 --> 00:10:09,392 ♪ I intend to be independently blue ♪ 146 00:10:09,393 --> 00:10:12,192 ♪ I want your love but don't want to borrow ♪ 147 00:10:12,193 --> 00:10:14,712 ♪ Have it today to give back tomorrow ♪ 148 00:10:14,713 --> 00:10:20,420 ♪ For my love is your love, there's no love for nobody else. ♪ 149 00:10:21,920 --> 00:10:24,220 _ 150 00:10:25,073 --> 00:10:26,792 What? What did he say? 151 00:10:26,793 --> 00:10:29,072 Stop teasing him! 152 00:10:29,073 --> 00:10:30,752 What sort of camera is that? 153 00:10:30,753 --> 00:10:32,072 It's a Leica. 154 00:10:32,073 --> 00:10:33,712 Oh, German-made. 155 00:10:33,713 --> 00:10:36,940 When Harry clicks the shutter, perhaps we should all duck! 156 00:10:39,353 --> 00:10:40,470 _ 157 00:10:40,470 --> 00:10:42,953 _ 158 00:10:42,954 --> 00:10:47,260 _ 159 00:10:47,873 --> 00:10:51,432 My friends died in 1918, freeing Danzig from Germany. 160 00:10:51,433 --> 00:10:54,032 I'm not going to let a German have it back. 161 00:10:54,033 --> 00:10:55,512 And what an adventure, boy! 162 00:10:55,513 --> 00:10:56,553 Yes. 163 00:10:57,560 --> 00:11:00,060 _ 164 00:11:00,913 --> 00:11:02,192 OK! Oh, wait, wait! 165 00:11:02,193 --> 00:11:03,540 No, no, no, Stefan! 166 00:11:04,513 --> 00:11:05,793 You are missing something! 167 00:11:08,953 --> 00:11:11,232 I'll look after my father, even when he thinks 168 00:11:11,233 --> 00:11:12,833 that he's looking after me. 169 00:11:14,935 --> 00:11:17,592 What do you call these again? 170 00:11:17,593 --> 00:11:19,672 - Gold Flake. - Gold Flake? 171 00:11:19,673 --> 00:11:21,060 Gold Flake. OK. 172 00:11:22,480 --> 00:11:23,684 _ 173 00:11:23,684 --> 00:11:25,465 _ 174 00:11:25,466 --> 00:11:26,660 _ 175 00:11:26,891 --> 00:11:29,793 - Thanks. - Weapons for two brave sons of Poland. 176 00:11:29,798 --> 00:11:32,620 _ 177 00:11:32,993 --> 00:11:35,552 That is very much the intention. 178 00:11:35,553 --> 00:11:36,953 Right, this time! 179 00:11:39,033 --> 00:11:40,180 Ready? 180 00:11:41,193 --> 00:11:42,233 Smile. 181 00:11:48,400 --> 00:11:50,400 _ 182 00:11:52,553 --> 00:11:53,633 Is it working? 183 00:12:05,513 --> 00:12:07,273 - Hello, Dad. - Hello, love. 184 00:12:19,873 --> 00:12:21,752 I'm looking for your brother. 185 00:12:21,753 --> 00:12:22,952 Me too! 186 00:12:22,953 --> 00:12:25,553 If you find him before I do, will you tell him he's in trouble? 187 00:12:33,713 --> 00:12:34,832 They like you. 188 00:12:34,833 --> 00:12:36,179 Good. 189 00:12:36,180 --> 00:12:37,832 I like them. 190 00:12:37,833 --> 00:12:39,073 That is good to know. 191 00:12:41,983 --> 00:12:43,983 _ 192 00:12:53,553 --> 00:12:55,593 Is there something you want to tell me, Harry? 193 00:12:56,633 --> 00:12:57,673 Well... 194 00:12:59,473 --> 00:13:01,353 Well, I'm very fond of your daughter. 195 00:13:04,833 --> 00:13:06,620 I was asking about the war. 196 00:13:08,393 --> 00:13:10,620 Are the British Army going to help us? 197 00:13:15,233 --> 00:13:17,152 Are the Polish Army going to help you? 198 00:13:17,153 --> 00:13:18,233 In Danzig? 199 00:13:21,513 --> 00:13:23,432 We've got enemies at every border. 200 00:13:23,433 --> 00:13:25,752 Our people in Danzig need help. 201 00:13:25,753 --> 00:13:27,352 We all need to our bit. 202 00:13:27,353 --> 00:13:28,393 And Grzegorz? 203 00:13:29,993 --> 00:13:31,472 Grzegorz is with me. 204 00:13:31,473 --> 00:13:32,753 Grzegorz will be fine. 205 00:13:36,473 --> 00:13:38,500 This is the way life is, Harry. 206 00:13:39,993 --> 00:13:41,073 That is all. 207 00:13:45,993 --> 00:13:47,992 Keep Kasia safe. 208 00:13:47,993 --> 00:13:49,153 Promise me. 209 00:14:22,833 --> 00:14:24,152 Sir, I need to talk to you. 210 00:14:24,153 --> 00:14:25,712 Good God, Chase! What time is it? 211 00:14:25,713 --> 00:14:27,912 I've just had supper with a Polish family, 212 00:14:27,913 --> 00:14:30,632 sir, and I can't stand idly by as the Polish people are invaded! 213 00:14:30,633 --> 00:14:32,032 Well, that's very noble of you. 214 00:14:32,033 --> 00:14:33,992 I'll lend you my revolver. Good luck. 215 00:14:33,993 --> 00:14:35,552 We have to do something! 216 00:14:35,553 --> 00:14:38,593 Yes! We do! I have to go back to bed and you need to sober up! 217 00:14:48,033 --> 00:14:50,032 Can you connect me immediately, please? 218 00:14:50,033 --> 00:14:53,072 To Paris. By immediately, I mean right now! 219 00:14:53,073 --> 00:14:54,153 Right this minute. 220 00:15:12,557 --> 00:15:16,543 _ 221 00:15:56,033 --> 00:15:58,152 The police have been round. 222 00:15:58,153 --> 00:16:00,033 Dad's waiting for you downstairs. 223 00:16:06,593 --> 00:16:07,793 I need some fresh air. 224 00:16:17,633 --> 00:16:18,952 I'm telling you, Webster. 225 00:16:18,953 --> 00:16:21,232 You need to get out of Europe. 226 00:16:21,233 --> 00:16:23,552 I can't see what's so hard to understand! 227 00:16:23,553 --> 00:16:24,632 Webster! 228 00:16:24,633 --> 00:16:27,832 I can hear you, Auntie Nancy, and I love that you bothered 229 00:16:27,833 --> 00:16:30,600 to call, but, please, Paris is safe! 230 00:16:30,601 --> 00:16:32,493 I love my work! 231 00:16:32,494 --> 00:16:33,921 I bet you're not leaving Europe. 232 00:16:33,922 --> 00:16:36,072 I'm based in Berlin. 233 00:16:36,073 --> 00:16:38,592 That's my job, you can work anywhere! 234 00:16:38,593 --> 00:16:39,952 Just go home! 235 00:16:39,953 --> 00:16:43,432 You know that's not gonna happen, Auntie Nancy, we'll always be alike, 236 00:16:43,433 --> 00:16:44,592 you and me. 237 00:16:44,593 --> 00:16:45,792 Webster? 238 00:18:25,433 --> 00:18:27,312 Lot going on in Poland, right now. 239 00:18:27,313 --> 00:18:29,472 What are you bringing Poland up for? 240 00:18:29,473 --> 00:18:32,832 Well, there's no letters, from Harry and that. 241 00:18:32,833 --> 00:18:34,153 Why would he write to me? 242 00:18:37,393 --> 00:18:38,953 Where have you been? 243 00:18:39,993 --> 00:18:41,873 Slept on a couch in the back of the pub. 244 00:18:44,993 --> 00:18:47,152 Has that copper caught up with you yet? 245 00:18:47,153 --> 00:18:48,632 Been nicking scrap metal again? 246 00:18:48,633 --> 00:18:50,512 Are you building your own tin man? 247 00:18:50,513 --> 00:18:52,233 Am I too soft on him, do you think? 248 00:18:53,833 --> 00:18:55,032 What am I supposed to do? 249 00:18:55,033 --> 00:18:57,032 Your mam could handle him, you can handle him. 250 00:18:57,033 --> 00:18:59,112 - That's pacifism for you, Dad. - Aye. 251 00:18:59,113 --> 00:19:01,192 Thought you would be a pacifist, too. 252 00:19:01,193 --> 00:19:03,237 What with your sweetheart in the firing line. 253 00:19:03,913 --> 00:19:06,192 He's not my sweetheart. And he's not in the firing line. 254 00:19:06,193 --> 00:19:08,352 He's a translator. Not a soldier. 255 00:19:08,353 --> 00:19:10,713 What, you think the bombs can tell the difference, do you? 256 00:19:12,553 --> 00:19:14,512 I'll be late tonight. 257 00:19:14,513 --> 00:19:16,112 We're playing the Three Horseshoes. 258 00:19:16,113 --> 00:19:17,780 Oh, you must be good. 259 00:19:18,273 --> 00:19:20,672 If you can get a tune out of three horseshoes... 260 00:19:20,673 --> 00:19:21,913 Ha-ha. 261 00:19:29,064 --> 00:19:31,940 _ 262 00:19:48,273 --> 00:19:49,593 Grzegorz. 263 00:20:03,973 --> 00:20:05,973 _ 264 00:20:06,700 --> 00:20:08,521 _ 265 00:20:08,522 --> 00:20:10,522 _ 266 00:20:10,668 --> 00:20:12,668 _ 267 00:20:14,380 --> 00:20:17,660 _ 268 00:20:18,093 --> 00:20:19,420 _ 269 00:20:21,158 --> 00:20:22,420 _ 270 00:20:22,906 --> 00:20:29,080 _ 271 00:20:30,073 --> 00:20:32,073 _ 272 00:20:32,500 --> 00:20:35,020 _ 273 00:20:38,124 --> 00:20:40,124 _ 274 00:20:41,003 --> 00:20:45,304 _ 275 00:20:45,305 --> 00:20:47,660 _ 276 00:20:48,500 --> 00:20:50,079 _ 277 00:20:50,080 --> 00:20:52,080 _ 278 00:21:02,876 --> 00:21:07,480 _ 279 00:21:08,095 --> 00:21:10,860 _ 280 00:21:11,980 --> 00:21:13,980 _ 281 00:21:14,860 --> 00:21:17,140 _ 282 00:21:21,400 --> 00:21:23,400 _ 283 00:21:26,900 --> 00:21:29,020 _ 284 00:21:36,633 --> 00:21:37,752 Peace News? 285 00:21:37,753 --> 00:21:39,313 Peace News, lads? 286 00:21:40,753 --> 00:21:42,272 Peace News. 287 00:21:42,273 --> 00:21:43,620 Peace News, sir. 288 00:21:49,473 --> 00:21:52,143 It is being reported that the central post office building 289 00:21:52,144 --> 00:21:55,832 in the so-called free city of Danzig has come under siege 290 00:21:55,833 --> 00:21:58,032 from German military forces. 291 00:21:58,033 --> 00:22:01,072 When the territory was placed under League of Nations protection, 292 00:22:01,073 --> 00:22:02,512 following the Great War, 293 00:22:02,513 --> 00:22:04,792 Danzig's Communications and Post Office 294 00:22:04,793 --> 00:22:06,952 was deemed to be Polish property. 295 00:22:06,953 --> 00:22:10,792 And the building itself had become emblematic of a Polish presence 296 00:22:10,793 --> 00:22:12,352 in the state. 297 00:22:12,353 --> 00:22:16,323 The dramatic rise in tensions has resulted in thousands of refugees 298 00:22:16,324 --> 00:22:18,180 fleeing the conflict. 299 00:22:20,073 --> 00:22:24,232 Everyone wants a fake passport, the whole city is trying to leave. 300 00:22:24,233 --> 00:22:26,152 So how are you gonna get this girl out? 301 00:22:26,153 --> 00:22:29,152 Are you gonna leave her here to be raped by Nazis every night? 302 00:22:29,153 --> 00:22:30,552 What? 303 00:22:30,553 --> 00:22:32,472 You're gonna have to marry her, aren't you? 304 00:22:32,473 --> 00:22:33,752 That way, she gets papers! 305 00:22:33,753 --> 00:22:35,512 To travel with you. 306 00:22:35,513 --> 00:22:38,552 I know you've got a girl back home, but you know what? 307 00:22:38,553 --> 00:22:41,912 Being in love with two girls at the same time? That happens. 308 00:22:41,913 --> 00:22:45,321 But you're not choosing which girl you love the most right now, Harry, 309 00:22:45,322 --> 00:22:49,140 you're choosing whether to save this girl's life or not. 310 00:22:52,713 --> 00:22:54,712 The game just got bigger. 311 00:22:54,713 --> 00:22:55,753 Did you? 312 00:23:02,273 --> 00:23:04,272 Just make sure you do what's right. 313 00:23:04,273 --> 00:23:05,593 Not what's British. 314 00:23:32,601 --> 00:23:34,062 _ 315 00:23:34,087 --> 00:23:35,527 _ 316 00:23:56,182 --> 00:23:58,182 _ 317 00:25:01,870 --> 00:25:03,870 _ 318 00:25:11,153 --> 00:25:12,793 HIGH-PITCHED RINGING 319 00:25:23,302 --> 00:25:25,302 _ 320 00:25:26,700 --> 00:25:28,340 _ 321 00:25:30,900 --> 00:25:32,540 _ 322 00:25:37,719 --> 00:25:38,820 _ 323 00:25:40,500 --> 00:25:42,180 _ 324 00:25:49,900 --> 00:25:52,620 _ 325 00:25:53,500 --> 00:25:54,953 _ 326 00:25:54,953 --> 00:25:56,953 _ 327 00:25:57,680 --> 00:26:00,420 _ 328 00:26:00,625 --> 00:26:01,700 _ 329 00:26:02,200 --> 00:26:05,620 _ 330 00:26:06,094 --> 00:26:09,368 _ 331 00:26:09,369 --> 00:26:11,369 _ 332 00:26:11,403 --> 00:26:14,060 _ 333 00:26:28,660 --> 00:26:30,660 _ 334 00:26:33,140 --> 00:26:34,999 _ 335 00:26:35,000 --> 00:26:37,000 _ 336 00:26:51,532 --> 00:26:53,220 _ 337 00:26:56,163 --> 00:26:58,163 _ 338 00:27:09,233 --> 00:27:12,272 - No word from Danzig so far today sir? - You tell me. 339 00:27:12,273 --> 00:27:14,523 Why don't you ask that American journalist friend of yours? 340 00:27:14,524 --> 00:27:16,832 - The woman. - She's worth listening to. 341 00:27:16,833 --> 00:27:18,152 As I said to you last night... 342 00:27:18,153 --> 00:27:20,632 Hysteria has no place in diplomacy, Chase. 343 00:27:20,633 --> 00:27:22,869 Shouldn't we be moving troops over right now, sir? 344 00:27:22,870 --> 00:27:26,032 No. We should be encouraging the Poles to carry on negotiating. 345 00:27:26,033 --> 00:27:28,272 With a gun to their head! 346 00:27:28,273 --> 00:27:30,232 You're a translator. 347 00:27:30,233 --> 00:27:31,380 So translate. 348 00:27:35,793 --> 00:27:38,124 Have you heard anything from Danzig already? 349 00:27:38,149 --> 00:27:39,140 No. 350 00:27:40,353 --> 00:27:41,873 No, I haven't heard anything. 351 00:27:43,673 --> 00:27:45,753 But I know that this is only going one way. 352 00:27:47,840 --> 00:27:49,940 Even if Danzig holds on 353 00:27:50,353 --> 00:27:52,513 the Germans will try and attack Warsaw. 354 00:27:54,380 --> 00:27:55,700 You need to leave. 355 00:27:57,106 --> 00:28:00,500 You need to get Jan and Maria and get on the road. 356 00:28:01,553 --> 00:28:02,752 I can help you. 357 00:28:02,753 --> 00:28:04,192 What about Father? 358 00:28:04,193 --> 00:28:05,552 What about Grzegorz? 359 00:28:05,553 --> 00:28:06,632 I need to wait. 360 00:28:06,633 --> 00:28:08,153 Your father and Grzegorz, they... 361 00:28:11,233 --> 00:28:14,260 You waiting for them isn't going to make them any safer. 362 00:28:15,633 --> 00:28:16,913 They want you to live. 363 00:28:19,833 --> 00:28:20,873 And so do I. 364 00:28:25,233 --> 00:28:27,432 I am not going anywhere. 365 00:28:27,433 --> 00:28:29,712 Besides, where would I go? 366 00:28:29,713 --> 00:28:31,233 Where would I be running to? 367 00:28:42,193 --> 00:28:44,152 I'm sorry to call on you like this. 368 00:28:44,153 --> 00:28:46,220 I just wondered if you'd had any news from Harry? 369 00:28:47,473 --> 00:28:49,152 About Harry? 370 00:28:49,153 --> 00:28:52,940 No, but he's my son, so I'm not as surprised as you are. 371 00:28:54,593 --> 00:28:55,633 Come in! 372 00:29:06,219 --> 00:29:10,179 The thing I know about men, Lois, is they do not write. 373 00:29:13,473 --> 00:29:16,592 They don't understand passion on the page! 374 00:29:16,593 --> 00:29:20,592 They have no desire, or inclination, to express their feelings. 375 00:29:20,593 --> 00:29:22,340 He writes beautiful letters. 376 00:29:23,553 --> 00:29:26,112 At least, he wrote beautiful letters. 377 00:29:26,113 --> 00:29:27,193 Romantic letters. 378 00:29:28,393 --> 00:29:30,313 They were in his handwriting, were they, dear? 379 00:29:32,193 --> 00:29:35,232 Well, he wouldn't be the first man to have his secretary add the kind 380 00:29:35,233 --> 00:29:38,672 of florid affectations every young girl likes to hear! 381 00:29:38,673 --> 00:29:40,152 I know Harry. 382 00:29:40,153 --> 00:29:42,912 Perhaps not like you do, but I do. 383 00:29:42,913 --> 00:29:43,992 He's not like that. 384 00:29:43,993 --> 00:29:45,460 No man is ever like that. 385 00:29:46,273 --> 00:29:47,473 Until they are. 386 00:29:49,033 --> 00:29:50,672 He told me he loved me. 387 00:29:50,673 --> 00:29:51,940 Did he really? 388 00:29:52,393 --> 00:29:54,260 How very Harry of him. 389 00:29:55,953 --> 00:29:57,673 I just need to know he's all right. 390 00:29:59,153 --> 00:30:01,592 Harry must have come to his senses! 391 00:30:01,593 --> 00:30:03,420 And I advise you to do the same. 392 00:30:05,473 --> 00:30:07,792 So why hasn't Harry written any of this to me? 393 00:30:07,793 --> 00:30:12,152 I'm afraid men are terrible cowards, when it comes to this kind of thing. 394 00:30:12,153 --> 00:30:15,712 They'd rather face a hillside of Zulu warriors than a woman in tears. 395 00:30:15,713 --> 00:30:17,312 I don't cry. 396 00:30:17,313 --> 00:30:18,753 Not since my mum died. 397 00:30:21,033 --> 00:30:22,700 You're a pretty little thing, Lois. 398 00:30:23,993 --> 00:30:27,512 You won't have any problem finding someone who suits you better. 399 00:30:27,513 --> 00:30:31,406 Who knows? If you managed to conceal that rather masculine spirit 400 00:30:31,407 --> 00:30:35,792 of yours, you may bag yourself a bank clerk or a junior manager! 401 00:30:35,793 --> 00:30:39,312 I hate to speak ill of anyone, but you're a bloody snob! 402 00:30:39,313 --> 00:30:41,832 I think so, and your son thinks so, too. 403 00:30:41,833 --> 00:30:44,260 I'm in elitist, certainly. 404 00:30:52,833 --> 00:30:54,792 March against the Blackshirts. 405 00:30:54,793 --> 00:30:56,272 Saturday afternoon. 406 00:30:56,273 --> 00:30:57,792 Everyone welcome. 407 00:30:57,793 --> 00:31:01,020 As a matter of fact, I have rather a soft spot for Mr Mosley. 408 00:31:02,153 --> 00:31:03,860 It's his clarity I admire. 409 00:31:04,913 --> 00:31:06,320 And it's a rare man indeed 410 00:31:06,345 --> 00:31:08,433 who can look that handsome in a polo neck. 411 00:31:12,673 --> 00:31:14,912 I went to see Harry's mother. 412 00:31:14,913 --> 00:31:16,832 Just to ask about him. 413 00:31:16,833 --> 00:31:17,913 And what did she say? 414 00:31:19,673 --> 00:31:20,820 Hey! 415 00:31:21,433 --> 00:31:23,593 You're worth ten of them, in that family. 416 00:31:25,393 --> 00:31:27,112 I've a good mind to go round there myself, 417 00:31:27,113 --> 00:31:28,712 - tell you that. - And what? 418 00:31:28,713 --> 00:31:29,953 Sell her a paper? 419 00:31:33,266 --> 00:31:34,306 Thanks, anyway. 420 00:31:35,913 --> 00:31:38,192 I just, I wanted to know he was safe. 421 00:31:38,193 --> 00:31:40,272 I don't even care if I see him again or not. 422 00:31:40,273 --> 00:31:41,432 Oh, yeah? 423 00:31:41,433 --> 00:31:43,512 Well, I'll take your word for that. 424 00:31:43,513 --> 00:31:45,260 I've got no choice, have I? 425 00:31:46,153 --> 00:31:48,100 I was the one who kept knocking him back. 426 00:31:50,913 --> 00:31:53,032 You're just like your mam, you know. 427 00:31:53,033 --> 00:31:54,513 And I don't mean singing. 428 00:31:55,753 --> 00:31:57,393 The way you are, the fight in you. 429 00:31:59,633 --> 00:32:03,140 And looking after our Tom, running round after him and me. 430 00:32:03,553 --> 00:32:05,712 - With me nerves. - Shellshocked. 431 00:32:05,713 --> 00:32:07,192 Dad? 432 00:32:07,193 --> 00:32:08,660 You can say it. 433 00:32:09,353 --> 00:32:10,833 It's nowt to be ashamed of. 434 00:32:27,494 --> 00:32:29,280 _ 435 00:32:29,600 --> 00:32:32,840 _ 436 00:32:33,320 --> 00:32:35,100 _ 437 00:32:38,026 --> 00:32:40,180 _ 438 00:32:41,650 --> 00:32:42,840 _ 439 00:32:43,280 --> 00:32:45,280 _ 440 00:32:51,719 --> 00:32:53,199 _ 441 00:32:53,200 --> 00:32:54,860 _ 442 00:32:55,469 --> 00:32:58,020 _ 443 00:32:58,499 --> 00:33:01,400 _ 444 00:33:02,633 --> 00:33:04,260 _ 445 00:33:04,293 --> 00:33:07,100 _ 446 00:33:09,875 --> 00:33:11,715 _ 447 00:33:17,556 --> 00:33:18,580 _ 448 00:33:19,056 --> 00:33:21,056 _ 449 00:33:52,713 --> 00:33:54,952 Tata! 450 00:34:46,376 --> 00:34:48,376 _ 451 00:34:57,233 --> 00:34:59,952 Henderson has sent a telegram from Berlin! 452 00:34:59,953 --> 00:35:02,112 Danzig has fallen, the Germans are sweeping 453 00:35:02,113 --> 00:35:04,953 across the country and they're heading here, to Warsaw! 454 00:35:18,313 --> 00:35:19,633 Kasia! 455 00:35:27,473 --> 00:35:28,513 Harry! 456 00:35:29,673 --> 00:35:31,712 Hey, Harry. 457 00:35:31,713 --> 00:35:32,886 Are you hurt? 458 00:35:40,073 --> 00:35:41,220 Will you marry me? 459 00:35:45,553 --> 00:35:47,232 Why would you say such a thing? 460 00:35:47,233 --> 00:35:49,072 Did you bang your head? 461 00:35:49,073 --> 00:35:51,072 Because if you marry me, you can leave. 462 00:35:51,073 --> 00:35:54,020 With me, as my wife, and nobody can stop you! 463 00:35:55,353 --> 00:35:56,512 This is my home. 464 00:35:56,513 --> 00:35:57,992 My family are here. 465 00:35:57,993 --> 00:36:01,312 Maybe once we get to England, we can find a way to get them out too. 466 00:36:01,313 --> 00:36:03,953 But, for now, you have once chance, and I'm begging you to take it! 467 00:36:05,553 --> 00:36:08,700 Before he left, your father made me promise that I would keep you safe. 468 00:36:09,633 --> 00:36:11,072 Is this an English joke? 469 00:36:11,073 --> 00:36:12,192 No, no. 470 00:36:12,193 --> 00:36:13,513 It's an English solution. 471 00:36:18,153 --> 00:36:19,592 I don't know! 472 00:36:19,593 --> 00:36:21,352 I can't think, I need time to think and... 473 00:36:21,353 --> 00:36:23,673 That's just the problem, you don't have time to think! 474 00:36:26,673 --> 00:36:27,885 You really don't. 475 00:36:32,193 --> 00:36:33,473 Kasia... 476 00:36:47,713 --> 00:36:53,592 ♪ Living for you is easy living ♪ 477 00:36:53,593 --> 00:36:59,552 ♪ It's easy to live when you're in love ♪ 478 00:36:59,553 --> 00:37:07,553 ♪ I'm happy to do whatever I do for you ♪ 479 00:37:11,113 --> 00:37:16,992 ♪ For you maybe I'm a fool ♪ 480 00:37:16,993 --> 00:37:18,433 ♪ But it's fun ♪ 481 00:37:21,273 --> 00:37:28,112 ♪ People say you rule me with one wave of your hand ♪ 482 00:37:28,113 --> 00:37:32,472 ♪ Darling, it's grand ♪ 483 00:37:32,473 --> 00:37:36,392 ♪ They just don't understand ♪ 484 00:37:36,393 --> 00:37:41,512 ♪ Living for you is easy living ♪ 485 00:37:41,513 --> 00:37:47,752 ♪ It's easy to live when you're in love ♪ 486 00:37:47,753 --> 00:37:50,553 ♪ And I'm so in love ♪ 487 00:37:51,833 --> 00:37:59,833 ♪ There is nothing in life but you. ♪ 488 00:38:12,646 --> 00:38:13,728 _ 489 00:38:16,093 --> 00:38:17,420 _ 490 00:38:20,680 --> 00:38:23,620 _ 491 00:38:25,500 --> 00:38:27,500 _ 492 00:38:28,060 --> 00:38:30,060 _ 493 00:38:30,260 --> 00:38:32,800 _ 494 00:38:32,944 --> 00:38:35,420 _ 495 00:38:37,260 --> 00:38:40,442 _ 496 00:38:41,639 --> 00:38:43,220 _ 497 00:40:44,433 --> 00:40:46,312 Good morning, Dr O'Connor. 498 00:40:46,313 --> 00:40:47,353 Thank you. 499 00:40:49,713 --> 00:40:50,793 One moment. 500 00:40:58,833 --> 00:40:59,993 Thank you. 501 00:41:11,873 --> 00:41:13,340 Good morning. 502 00:41:16,859 --> 00:41:19,540 So, is making love any different as a married woman? 503 00:41:21,540 --> 00:41:22,700 Better? 504 00:41:24,740 --> 00:41:25,860 Worse? 505 00:41:26,633 --> 00:41:27,912 Oh, God... 506 00:41:27,913 --> 00:41:29,473 We shouldn't have got married. 507 00:41:31,753 --> 00:41:33,980 Stop, you're making fun of me. 508 00:41:35,633 --> 00:41:37,792 I know we didn't marry for the right reasons, 509 00:41:37,793 --> 00:41:39,420 Harry, and so do you. 510 00:41:40,666 --> 00:41:41,706 But I do love you. 511 00:41:43,313 --> 00:41:44,473 So that helps! 512 00:41:47,313 --> 00:41:48,513 And I love you. 513 00:41:50,793 --> 00:41:52,020 And I'm scared. 514 00:42:01,273 --> 00:42:02,940 Well, England will love you. 515 00:42:04,713 --> 00:42:06,073 And you will love England. 516 00:42:09,053 --> 00:42:10,093 And your mother? 517 00:42:11,473 --> 00:42:12,820 She'll be fine! 518 00:42:15,793 --> 00:42:16,873 She'll be fine. 519 00:42:35,784 --> 00:42:36,980 _ 520 00:42:37,780 --> 00:42:39,780 _ 521 00:42:41,060 --> 00:42:42,900 _ 522 00:42:43,900 --> 00:42:46,700 _ 523 00:42:49,140 --> 00:42:51,140 _ 524 00:42:52,085 --> 00:42:53,340 _ 525 00:43:31,563 --> 00:43:33,563 _ 526 00:43:58,017 --> 00:44:00,260 _ 527 00:44:09,408 --> 00:44:10,640 _ 528 00:44:10,641 --> 00:44:11,860 _ 529 00:44:31,700 --> 00:44:33,700 _ 530 00:44:35,860 --> 00:44:38,260 _ 531 00:44:54,360 --> 00:44:56,360 _ 532 00:44:56,385 --> 00:44:59,285 _ 533 00:44:59,286 --> 00:45:01,286 _ 534 00:45:05,251 --> 00:45:07,060 _ 535 00:45:17,743 --> 00:45:18,980 _ 536 00:45:45,745 --> 00:45:47,745 _ 537 00:45:50,740 --> 00:45:52,740 _ 538 00:46:02,393 --> 00:46:03,952 Mother, they're getting us out. 539 00:46:03,953 --> 00:46:05,832 I'm coming home, and... 540 00:46:05,833 --> 00:46:06,872 Well, the thing is... 541 00:46:06,873 --> 00:46:08,592 Will you be back for Saturday evening? 542 00:46:08,593 --> 00:46:10,672 We've got the Walshes coming, and the Hallworths. 543 00:46:10,673 --> 00:46:13,072 If you are going to be there, I'll have to think of someone 544 00:46:13,073 --> 00:46:14,313 to even up the numbers! 545 00:46:16,113 --> 00:46:18,712 I don't know, I don't know when I'll be back, but, Mother, can... 546 00:46:18,713 --> 00:46:20,392 Perhaps you can just call me when you do? 547 00:46:20,393 --> 00:46:21,593 Mother, can you just listen? 548 00:46:25,153 --> 00:46:26,352 I'm coming home. 549 00:46:26,353 --> 00:46:27,393 Let's leave it at that. 550 00:46:29,433 --> 00:46:30,632 Oh... 551 00:46:30,633 --> 00:46:32,072 Well... 552 00:46:32,073 --> 00:46:33,472 I look forward to seeing you. 553 00:46:43,633 --> 00:46:45,060 This is London. 554 00:46:45,673 --> 00:46:48,753 You will now hear a statement by the Prime Minister. 555 00:46:51,433 --> 00:46:52,872 How was it last night? 556 00:46:52,873 --> 00:46:54,272 Good crowd. 557 00:46:54,273 --> 00:46:56,992 So why have you got a face like a two-bob funeral? 558 00:46:56,993 --> 00:46:58,352 Fretting about posh boy? 559 00:46:58,353 --> 00:46:59,712 He's in bloody Poland. 560 00:46:59,713 --> 00:47:02,312 Only you wouldn't know, cos that's quite a dangerous place to be 561 00:47:02,313 --> 00:47:04,632 right now. So forgive me for fretting about Harry. 562 00:47:04,633 --> 00:47:06,592 It's not like he's gonna marry you, is it? 563 00:47:06,593 --> 00:47:08,632 So, why waste your time worrying about him? 564 00:47:08,633 --> 00:47:10,392 - Tom... - Eh? 565 00:47:10,393 --> 00:47:11,952 All right, that's enough, lad. 566 00:47:11,953 --> 00:47:13,992 I spend most of my time worrying about you. 567 00:47:13,993 --> 00:47:15,392 And him. 568 00:47:15,393 --> 00:47:17,192 That's all right, I suppose? 569 00:47:17,193 --> 00:47:18,312 Well, yeah. 570 00:47:18,313 --> 00:47:19,592 We're family. 571 00:47:19,593 --> 00:47:22,072 Thank you for reminding me what's important. 572 00:47:22,073 --> 00:47:23,552 Look, I know it's not fair. 573 00:47:23,553 --> 00:47:26,832 But you've got responsibilities that other girls haven't got. 574 00:47:26,833 --> 00:47:28,632 So that's my life, is it? 575 00:47:28,633 --> 00:47:31,232 That you two take it and share it out between the both of you, 576 00:47:31,233 --> 00:47:32,952 and what's left over, I give to two jobs? 577 00:47:32,953 --> 00:47:34,712 No, no, no. Course not. 578 00:47:34,713 --> 00:47:36,192 Just until you get married, like. 579 00:47:36,193 --> 00:47:37,833 Wouldn't want to upset your husband. 580 00:47:39,993 --> 00:47:44,312 What a bitter blow it is to me, that all my long struggle 581 00:47:44,313 --> 00:47:45,753 to win peace has failed. 582 00:47:48,153 --> 00:47:51,072 Yet I cannot believe that there is anything more... 583 00:47:51,073 --> 00:47:52,232 War's on, then? 584 00:47:52,233 --> 00:47:54,672 Or anything different that I could have done 585 00:47:54,673 --> 00:47:56,473 that would have been more successful. 586 00:47:58,393 --> 00:47:59,592 Up to the very last... 587 00:48:00,633 --> 00:48:02,833 It would have been quite possible to have arranged... 588 00:48:06,913 --> 00:48:09,592 If that's the recruiting Sergeant, tell him I'm out. 589 00:48:09,593 --> 00:48:11,112 But Hitler would not have it. 590 00:48:11,113 --> 00:48:12,193 What? 591 00:48:13,193 --> 00:48:14,953 It's not the recruiting Sergeant. 592 00:48:18,673 --> 00:48:23,232 Although, he now says he put forward reasonable proposals 593 00:48:23,233 --> 00:48:26,112 - which were rejected... - Tea, ladies? 594 00:48:26,113 --> 00:48:29,912 Along with tens of thousands of Poles, I have fled Warsaw. 595 00:48:29,913 --> 00:48:33,432 As I arrived back in Berlin, the loudspeakers announced Britain 596 00:48:33,433 --> 00:48:34,792 had declared war. 597 00:48:34,793 --> 00:48:37,872 People listened, then went about their business as before. 598 00:48:37,873 --> 00:48:40,592 Poland feels very far away to these people. 599 00:48:40,593 --> 00:48:44,632 In his proclamation, Herr Hitler, who we know dismisses all reports 600 00:48:44,633 --> 00:48:49,272 of aggression as propaganda, said, "Poland has refused my offer 601 00:48:49,273 --> 00:48:52,752 "of a friendly settlement of our relations, as neighbours." 602 00:48:52,753 --> 00:48:55,432 Danzig might not see it that way. 603 00:48:55,433 --> 00:48:57,552 And the wartime broadcasting conditions here 604 00:48:57,553 --> 00:49:00,152 mean that I have to be careful what I say. 605 00:49:00,153 --> 00:49:03,672 This was Nancy Campbell, American Radio International, 606 00:49:03,673 --> 00:49:04,753 from Berlin. 607 00:49:14,953 --> 00:49:16,992 There is a man here. 608 00:49:16,993 --> 00:49:18,953 Says he was attacked by Action Francaise. 609 00:49:20,393 --> 00:49:21,553 He says he knows you. 610 00:49:35,033 --> 00:49:37,512 And my mother's hysterical about me even being out of Texas, 611 00:49:37,513 --> 00:49:40,072 and the only reason my dad writes is because he's a military man 612 00:49:40,073 --> 00:49:42,832 and he think France is gonna fall, and says it won't be safe for me 613 00:49:42,833 --> 00:49:44,752 here, and I'm an American, and... 614 00:49:44,753 --> 00:49:47,512 We aren't even in the war, and I'm a white guy! 615 00:49:47,513 --> 00:49:48,553 So... 616 00:49:52,513 --> 00:49:54,552 I'm sorry, you don't need to hear this. 617 00:49:54,553 --> 00:49:55,992 You don't know any of these people. 618 00:49:55,993 --> 00:50:00,032 Apart from the distracted white guy, stitching my head right now, no. 619 00:50:00,033 --> 00:50:01,072 I'm sorry. 620 00:50:01,073 --> 00:50:03,232 Maybe your daddy has a point. 621 00:50:03,233 --> 00:50:06,352 France might fall and Paris, well... 622 00:50:06,353 --> 00:50:07,860 It won't be Paris any more. 623 00:50:08,833 --> 00:50:10,112 Are you planning on leaving? 624 00:50:10,113 --> 00:50:11,752 This is my city. 625 00:50:11,753 --> 00:50:13,300 Whatever the Nazis think. 626 00:50:15,233 --> 00:50:18,352 And no German in fancy dress is going to drag me away. 627 00:50:18,353 --> 00:50:20,473 Ay! You have done this before, right? 628 00:50:22,833 --> 00:50:24,353 Only about 1,000 times. 629 00:50:25,993 --> 00:50:27,272 Sorry, I... 630 00:50:27,273 --> 00:50:29,912 I get nervous around my good looks. 631 00:50:29,913 --> 00:50:31,712 It's all I have. 632 00:50:31,713 --> 00:50:36,072 That and the fact that you play sax like nobody I've ever heard. 633 00:50:36,073 --> 00:50:37,792 That could be good or bad, Webster. 634 00:50:37,793 --> 00:50:39,473 It's good, definitely good. 635 00:50:41,433 --> 00:50:42,673 You're wonderful. 636 00:50:46,773 --> 00:50:48,093 That's why you are... 637 00:50:49,113 --> 00:50:50,552 ...at the club 638 00:50:50,553 --> 00:50:51,593 every night? 639 00:50:52,833 --> 00:50:53,873 For the music? 640 00:50:56,153 --> 00:50:57,233 Yes. 641 00:50:58,513 --> 00:50:59,872 Of course, yes. 642 00:50:59,873 --> 00:51:01,512 Because... 643 00:51:01,513 --> 00:51:02,860 ...the way you look at me... 644 00:51:04,713 --> 00:51:06,393 ...the way you talk to me... 645 00:51:07,513 --> 00:51:09,152 ...the way you are so nice to me right now, 646 00:51:09,153 --> 00:51:10,473 when you hardly know me... 647 00:51:11,713 --> 00:51:14,100 ...it kinda feels like you might have a bit of a, 648 00:51:14,593 --> 00:51:15,633 I don't know... 649 00:51:17,353 --> 00:51:18,393 ...a passion. 650 00:51:20,433 --> 00:51:21,847 A passion? 651 00:51:21,848 --> 00:51:23,180 Oui. 652 00:51:23,913 --> 00:51:25,153 Not just the music. 653 00:51:27,193 --> 00:51:28,393 Would that... 654 00:51:30,233 --> 00:51:32,460 Would that, would that be such a bad thing? 655 00:51:33,153 --> 00:51:34,353 You tell me. 656 00:51:39,473 --> 00:51:41,300 I know what I am, Webster. 657 00:51:43,313 --> 00:51:44,473 Do you know what you are? 658 00:52:02,753 --> 00:52:05,352 It's time to pack up your fountain pen, Chase. We are moving out. 659 00:52:05,353 --> 00:52:08,032 Shall I pack my white flag so I can wave it on the way to the station? 660 00:52:08,033 --> 00:52:09,952 That's quite enough of that, Chase! 661 00:52:09,953 --> 00:52:11,192 The embassy is closing. 662 00:52:11,193 --> 00:52:14,712 Declaration of war tends to make that a straightforward decision! 663 00:52:14,713 --> 00:52:17,392 So, hop to it, unless of course you've defected to the Poles, 664 00:52:17,393 --> 00:52:18,753 I wouldn't put it past you. 665 00:53:13,473 --> 00:53:15,112 Hello, Nancy. 666 00:53:15,113 --> 00:53:17,352 Hello, Frau Rossler! 667 00:53:17,353 --> 00:53:19,580 Perhaps it will be over quickly, huh? 668 00:53:20,393 --> 00:53:22,100 Did you listen to my broadcast? 669 00:53:23,033 --> 00:53:25,672 It's illegal to listen to your broadcast, Nancy. 670 00:53:25,673 --> 00:53:27,460 I know, but did you listen to it? 671 00:53:28,593 --> 00:53:30,192 Of course. 672 00:53:30,193 --> 00:53:31,900 War is never good, huh? 673 00:53:34,593 --> 00:53:35,713 Welcome back. 674 00:53:58,433 --> 00:53:59,792 German? 675 00:54:01,273 --> 00:54:02,313 German? 676 00:54:03,873 --> 00:54:05,153 I have cigarettes. 677 00:54:06,713 --> 00:54:08,180 English cigarettes. 678 00:54:09,993 --> 00:54:11,232 Look. 679 00:54:11,233 --> 00:54:12,700 Very good cigarettes. 680 00:54:14,633 --> 00:54:16,552 Two packets, two prisoners. 681 00:54:25,643 --> 00:54:27,643 _ 682 00:55:41,793 --> 00:55:43,673 Harry, face facts, mate. She's not coming. 683 00:55:57,833 --> 00:55:59,420 Kasia, Kasia, Kasia! 684 00:56:01,953 --> 00:56:03,660 Jan came to say goodbye. 685 00:56:08,873 --> 00:56:11,152 Thank God, I thought you weren't coming. 686 00:56:11,153 --> 00:56:12,792 I love you. 687 00:56:12,793 --> 00:56:14,140 I love you, too. 688 00:56:16,433 --> 00:56:18,300 You're travelling light? 689 00:56:18,753 --> 00:56:20,073 I thought it was best. 690 00:56:21,153 --> 00:56:22,580 Harry, Harry? 691 00:56:23,393 --> 00:56:24,752 We need to get on. 692 00:56:24,753 --> 00:56:26,975 Take my case, I'll just say goodbye to Jan. 693 00:56:27,000 --> 00:56:27,980 All right. 694 00:56:44,793 --> 00:56:47,352 - I'm sorry! Take care of him, OK? - Kasia! 695 00:56:47,353 --> 00:56:50,380 Take care of Jan, if you love me, you will take care of Jan! 696 00:56:53,033 --> 00:56:54,153 It's all right, come on. 697 00:56:55,513 --> 00:56:56,793 It's all right! 698 00:57:50,953 --> 00:57:53,953 But there is the unmistakable scent of a lie. 699 00:57:57,353 --> 00:57:58,592 I don't know who I am. 700 00:57:58,593 --> 00:58:00,793 Everything that matters to me is here, in this city. 701 00:58:04,713 --> 00:58:06,152 I want to do something. 702 00:58:06,153 --> 00:58:07,792 I want to feel like I matter. 703 00:58:07,793 --> 00:58:08,833 You do matter. 704 00:58:15,553 --> 00:58:17,272 Every war's different! 705 00:58:17,273 --> 00:58:18,832 Until it's the same! 706 00:58:18,833 --> 00:58:20,513 You haven't seen death. 707 00:58:24,073 --> 00:58:27,832 Stop being foolish and indulgent, it will get you absolutely nowhere! 708 00:58:27,833 --> 00:58:30,313 I am already absolutely nowhere! 709 00:58:33,233 --> 00:58:34,713 We abandoned all of Poland! 710 00:58:36,393 --> 00:58:39,153 We have done nothing for the Polish people. Nothing!