1 00:00:51,426 --> 00:00:52,427 Chet-chet! 2 00:00:59,518 --> 00:01:00,602 Chet-chet-chet! 3 00:02:48,544 --> 00:02:50,170 Calm, calm. 4 00:02:50,254 --> 00:02:53,215 -Paris. -I'm here. The God Flame is rising. 5 00:02:53,298 --> 00:02:55,843 A birth blessed by morning. 6 00:02:55,926 --> 00:02:57,719 I feel water. Come. 7 00:02:59,805 --> 00:03:01,306 Where have you been? 8 00:03:02,850 --> 00:03:04,518 I was delayed. 9 00:03:05,936 --> 00:03:07,229 My water broke. 10 00:03:16,113 --> 00:03:20,075 Now I will sing your baby into the world. 11 00:03:21,201 --> 00:03:24,621 Find the way, child Way, child, way, child 12 00:03:24,705 --> 00:03:28,041 Find the way, child Way to me 13 00:03:28,125 --> 00:03:31,253 Prayer of the mother hand Prayer of the father hand 14 00:03:31,336 --> 00:03:34,590 Find the way, child Way to me 15 00:03:34,673 --> 00:03:35,674 Rise up 16 00:03:35,757 --> 00:03:37,759 The head is coming first. 17 00:03:38,177 --> 00:03:39,261 That's good news. 18 00:03:40,762 --> 00:03:43,849 Rise up, child Rising up 19 00:03:43,932 --> 00:03:49,062 Maghra, I feel a little ear. It's like a slippery bud. 20 00:03:50,689 --> 00:03:53,025 -Okay, okay. Yeah. -Strong now. 21 00:03:54,735 --> 00:03:58,113 -Just get it out. Mother of-- -Yeah. Yeah. 22 00:04:00,282 --> 00:04:01,783 Where's Baba Voss? 23 00:04:01,867 --> 00:04:03,452 Baba Voss is busy. 24 00:04:03,994 --> 00:04:06,538 Come. Sip. Sip. 25 00:04:08,123 --> 00:04:10,042 We don't need the big lug. 26 00:04:10,626 --> 00:04:12,586 This is women's work. 27 00:04:13,587 --> 00:04:16,130 I want my husband to be the first to feel the baby. 28 00:04:16,214 --> 00:04:17,841 He'll be here soon enough. 29 00:04:20,219 --> 00:04:21,512 What's that sound? 30 00:04:21,928 --> 00:04:26,892 Soon you will have a little one, a little life in your arms. Think of that. 31 00:04:26,975 --> 00:04:29,478 Paris, I can hear killing ropes. 32 00:04:29,561 --> 00:04:31,021 Why have they brought out the killing ropes? 33 00:04:31,104 --> 00:04:32,481 Is the village under attack? 34 00:04:32,564 --> 00:04:36,568 Our Scentiers reported a raiding party coming down the valley. 35 00:04:37,027 --> 00:04:41,365 Men with horses and dogs. They're at the foot of the mountain. 36 00:04:41,949 --> 00:04:43,158 Where is my husband? 37 00:04:43,659 --> 00:04:47,287 Baba? Baba Voss is commanding the defense. 38 00:04:59,758 --> 00:05:03,262 Take up arms! Follow me! 39 00:05:21,572 --> 00:05:22,823 -Chet! -Chet! 40 00:05:23,657 --> 00:05:24,783 -Chet! -Chet! 41 00:05:25,200 --> 00:05:26,201 -Chet! -Chet! 42 00:05:55,439 --> 00:05:56,440 To the wall. 43 00:06:40,859 --> 00:06:43,111 Scentiers, dream the wind. 44 00:06:45,864 --> 00:06:50,869 Dogs, horses and men. Cutting up mud and reeds. 45 00:06:51,745 --> 00:06:53,038 They're crossing the river. 46 00:06:53,121 --> 00:06:56,625 They burn beechwood smoke of Queen Kane's Witchfinders. 47 00:06:59,086 --> 00:07:01,839 Maybe they're just following the river to another valley. 48 00:07:01,922 --> 00:07:05,384 Matal, presage. What is their intention? 49 00:07:06,426 --> 00:07:11,473 I feel savage intent in the air. Savage and soon. 50 00:07:12,432 --> 00:07:14,935 Ayuras, how many? 51 00:07:18,105 --> 00:07:21,400 Horses by the dozens and many men marching. 52 00:07:21,817 --> 00:07:23,026 Two hundred, maybe more. 53 00:07:23,735 --> 00:07:26,738 This isn't a raiding party. It's a whole army. 54 00:07:33,662 --> 00:07:36,999 Alkenny. This is our home. 55 00:07:38,000 --> 00:07:40,752 We are one and we fight as one. 56 00:07:42,546 --> 00:07:43,797 Prepare for battle. 57 00:08:20,584 --> 00:08:27,090 I, Baba Voss, vow to defend against... the Great Flame of the Alkenny! 58 00:08:27,174 --> 00:08:28,217 Glorious Flame! 59 00:08:28,300 --> 00:08:30,135 Back to Queen Kane in the belly of their dogs. 60 00:08:30,219 --> 00:08:32,261 Follow, brothers, into battle... 61 00:08:34,181 --> 00:08:36,140 Follow me! 62 00:08:38,769 --> 00:08:40,145 Up. Up we go. 63 00:08:40,229 --> 00:08:42,438 -God. -Up. Come. 64 00:08:46,360 --> 00:08:47,819 Who is attacking us? 65 00:08:49,279 --> 00:08:53,742 It's probably just some nomads, hunting for slaves. Yeah? 66 00:08:53,825 --> 00:08:54,993 Paris... 67 00:08:57,120 --> 00:08:59,081 If you're lying, I will hear it. 68 00:08:59,706 --> 00:09:01,542 Nothing escapes my ears. 69 00:09:02,125 --> 00:09:04,586 I can hear doors closing in your voice. 70 00:09:04,670 --> 00:09:07,214 Your job right now is to breathe. 71 00:09:07,297 --> 00:09:08,841 Breathe and push. 72 00:09:09,675 --> 00:09:12,845 I can hear secrets. What are you not telling me? 73 00:09:13,512 --> 00:09:15,264 How would I know anything? I'm an old woman. 74 00:09:15,347 --> 00:09:19,142 Yeah, who talks to birds and hears the future in her sleep. 75 00:09:21,436 --> 00:09:24,147 For three nights, an owl has been calling out in the night. 76 00:09:25,023 --> 00:09:26,108 Saying what? 77 00:09:29,695 --> 00:09:32,364 Saying, "The Witchfinders are coming." 78 00:09:33,699 --> 00:09:36,785 Witchfinders? Why would they come here? 79 00:09:37,286 --> 00:09:40,789 Something tells me they come for you. 80 00:10:19,328 --> 00:10:20,996 I said untie this fucking rope. 81 00:10:22,414 --> 00:10:25,667 Hey! I said untie this fucking rope right now! 82 00:10:27,544 --> 00:10:29,004 Untie this fucking rope! 83 00:10:29,087 --> 00:10:31,632 A boy in need of education. 84 00:10:34,510 --> 00:10:35,552 Who's there? 85 00:10:37,346 --> 00:10:38,555 I said who's there? 86 00:10:40,432 --> 00:10:41,433 Hey! 87 00:10:45,145 --> 00:10:46,271 Who is it? 88 00:10:49,066 --> 00:10:50,150 Who's there? 89 00:10:50,943 --> 00:10:54,780 I said untie this fucking rope right now! 90 00:11:03,622 --> 00:11:08,293 I am Tamacti Jun, the Witchfinder general. 91 00:11:09,586 --> 00:11:14,591 In my presence, it is customary to kneel. 92 00:11:17,386 --> 00:11:20,138 Forgive me, sir, but I'm Gether Bax. 93 00:11:20,222 --> 00:11:23,225 It is me who sent you the message to come here. 94 00:11:24,434 --> 00:11:26,520 Then it is I who should apologize. 95 00:11:29,314 --> 00:11:34,653 A boy who would betray his own tribe to do God's work. 96 00:11:38,740 --> 00:11:40,200 That I am, indeed. 97 00:11:42,035 --> 00:11:43,412 Your message says that you have information 98 00:11:43,495 --> 00:11:45,747 regarding the man we've been searching for. 99 00:11:45,831 --> 00:11:50,544 A heretic who Queen Kane herself has condemned to death. 100 00:11:50,961 --> 00:11:53,213 A devil who murdered the queen's own sister. 101 00:11:55,507 --> 00:11:58,468 Just tell me what you know about him. 102 00:12:03,724 --> 00:12:05,517 I know from your heralds 103 00:12:06,143 --> 00:12:09,771 that there is a reward for information leading to his capture. 104 00:12:10,939 --> 00:12:16,445 Your reward will be your next breath if I find your information useful. 105 00:12:17,446 --> 00:12:20,115 To speak, I need my throat. 106 00:12:21,742 --> 00:12:25,746 My Ayuras will hear any lie like a foot through ice. 107 00:12:25,829 --> 00:12:29,291 I promise, sir. No ice will I break. 108 00:12:30,334 --> 00:12:31,418 Speak. 109 00:12:40,469 --> 00:12:45,140 At the end of winter, a woman wandered into our village. 110 00:12:46,433 --> 00:12:48,435 -A stranger to us. -Easy. 111 00:12:49,019 --> 00:12:51,772 She was found among our berry bushes. 112 00:12:55,859 --> 00:12:58,320 She said she got lost in a blizzard. 113 00:13:02,783 --> 00:13:07,329 She asked to be taken in because she was three months pregnant. 114 00:13:08,080 --> 00:13:10,707 The head of our village said he would take care of her. 115 00:13:11,500 --> 00:13:16,213 He has not been able to have children of his own, so he married her. 116 00:13:16,839 --> 00:13:18,549 She has been with him ever since. 117 00:13:18,632 --> 00:13:21,510 Tell me something that I can use. And quickly. 118 00:13:24,429 --> 00:13:27,724 She never said who the father of her baby was. 119 00:13:27,808 --> 00:13:29,893 But when she came to the village... 120 00:13:31,562 --> 00:13:34,648 she was wearing this necklace. 121 00:13:35,315 --> 00:13:39,403 It's a love token. It has a name written in it. 122 00:13:40,320 --> 00:13:41,321 Read. 123 00:13:43,782 --> 00:13:47,244 Jer, la, ma, rel. 124 00:13:49,705 --> 00:13:50,831 Jerlamarel. 125 00:13:54,001 --> 00:13:58,463 That is the name of the heretic that you've been seeking, yes? 126 00:14:00,507 --> 00:14:04,219 Well, even now, in the village on the mountain, 127 00:14:04,845 --> 00:14:07,890 a woman is giving birth to that devil's child. 128 00:14:08,891 --> 00:14:10,976 If you charge up to the village now, 129 00:14:11,059 --> 00:14:14,146 the woman and Jerlamarel's child can be yours. 130 00:14:14,229 --> 00:14:15,314 Gether Bax... 131 00:14:16,940 --> 00:14:18,942 tell me how your village is defended. 132 00:14:20,402 --> 00:14:23,655 If I find a woman giving birth to the devil, 133 00:14:24,364 --> 00:14:25,699 I may let you live. 134 00:14:26,742 --> 00:14:30,537 If not, you will burn too. 135 00:14:35,167 --> 00:14:36,418 A boy or a girl? 136 00:14:37,211 --> 00:14:39,838 It's a boy. A boy. 137 00:14:40,964 --> 00:14:44,801 Ten toes. Ten fingers. 138 00:14:44,885 --> 00:14:46,428 Two strong lungs. 139 00:14:48,138 --> 00:14:50,557 Sinjay. Sinjay. Mama. 140 00:15:00,484 --> 00:15:02,694 Hello. Hi. 141 00:15:03,820 --> 00:15:05,197 Hello, baby. 142 00:15:09,535 --> 00:15:11,620 Yeah. Hello. 143 00:15:12,412 --> 00:15:14,081 Good girl, Maghra. 144 00:15:18,085 --> 00:15:19,294 Good girl. 145 00:15:24,758 --> 00:15:25,926 A little foot! 146 00:15:26,885 --> 00:15:28,220 -A foot? -There's two. 147 00:15:28,762 --> 00:15:31,223 The second one's the wrong way. Sinjay, sharp knife. 148 00:15:31,765 --> 00:15:34,393 -Maghra, I must bring him out quickly. -All right. 149 00:15:35,227 --> 00:15:37,646 Breathe in. Breathe out. 150 00:15:38,438 --> 00:15:40,399 Breathe in. Breathe out. 151 00:15:40,899 --> 00:15:42,609 Breathe in. Now! 152 00:19:06,939 --> 00:19:09,066 -Chet-chet! -Chet-chet-chet! 153 00:20:06,164 --> 00:20:08,000 -Chet-chet! -Chet-chet-chet! 154 00:20:41,658 --> 00:20:43,035 Baba! 155 00:20:55,672 --> 00:20:56,673 Ilun! 156 00:21:07,100 --> 00:21:08,477 Clear the wall! 157 00:21:09,228 --> 00:21:10,771 Clear the wall! 158 00:21:11,480 --> 00:21:13,190 -Clear the wall! -Clear the wall! 159 00:21:13,273 --> 00:21:14,900 Clear the wall! 160 00:21:18,737 --> 00:21:19,780 Clear the wall! 161 00:21:46,306 --> 00:21:47,307 Presage. 162 00:21:49,226 --> 00:21:52,354 I feel strong hate. 163 00:21:53,438 --> 00:21:54,648 But silent. 164 00:22:00,988 --> 00:22:01,989 Ayura? 165 00:22:02,823 --> 00:22:06,159 Horses snorting, pawing at pebbles. 166 00:22:06,243 --> 00:22:10,080 Many horses. They were hiding behind the river noise. 167 00:22:10,622 --> 00:22:12,249 Their cavalry barely reduced. 168 00:22:12,666 --> 00:22:14,918 They only sacrificed a few. 169 00:22:16,086 --> 00:22:17,629 They knew to hold back. 170 00:22:18,964 --> 00:22:20,299 To the village! 171 00:22:21,633 --> 00:22:24,511 This slope is the only way off this mountain, yes? 172 00:22:24,595 --> 00:22:27,723 Ravines and sheer cliffs on all sides except this. 173 00:22:28,640 --> 00:22:31,351 That's why this place was chosen by the ancestors. 174 00:22:33,437 --> 00:22:35,522 We are the only Alkenny left. 175 00:22:36,690 --> 00:22:38,317 And I will be the last. 176 00:22:43,697 --> 00:22:47,159 Yes, yes. Oh, my God. 177 00:22:47,242 --> 00:22:48,869 It's a girl this time. 178 00:22:50,871 --> 00:22:51,914 Sinjay, Mama. 179 00:22:55,250 --> 00:22:57,503 God, no more. 180 00:23:15,854 --> 00:23:17,731 I heard the earth shaking. 181 00:23:20,025 --> 00:23:21,318 Did I imagine it? 182 00:23:21,401 --> 00:23:24,071 No, you did not imagine it. 183 00:23:25,030 --> 00:23:26,740 Sinjay, fresh water. 184 00:23:37,251 --> 00:23:41,839 Alkenny law says the first name they hear you speak 185 00:23:42,297 --> 00:23:44,383 should be the name of their father. 186 00:23:45,884 --> 00:23:49,388 That way they will know it in the soft parts of their soul. 187 00:23:51,723 --> 00:23:53,433 Do not say Baba Voss. 188 00:23:54,268 --> 00:23:58,313 It must be their true father, or harm will come. 189 00:24:06,947 --> 00:24:09,449 Jerlamarel. Your father. 190 00:24:14,621 --> 00:24:17,416 Jerlamarel. Your father. 191 00:24:20,210 --> 00:24:22,379 Are you ready yet to tell me about him? 192 00:24:23,046 --> 00:24:24,506 About who he was? 193 00:24:25,382 --> 00:24:26,592 I've told you. 194 00:24:28,594 --> 00:24:29,970 He was a stranger. 195 00:24:32,264 --> 00:24:35,225 I wandered from my village. I was lost in a blizzard. 196 00:24:35,309 --> 00:24:38,103 That's not what the owls tell me. 197 00:24:39,479 --> 00:24:40,939 So what do they tell you? 198 00:24:46,236 --> 00:24:47,696 The warriors are back. 199 00:24:59,917 --> 00:25:02,503 Baba Voss, you sacrificed the rocks? 200 00:25:02,586 --> 00:25:03,795 We had no choice. 201 00:25:04,296 --> 00:25:06,882 The Witchfinders and half of Queen Kane's army's in the valley. 202 00:25:08,592 --> 00:25:09,760 Witchfinders? 203 00:25:11,345 --> 00:25:13,180 -There are no witches here. -Arca. 204 00:25:21,438 --> 00:25:23,607 I declare the Alkenny parliament in session. 205 00:25:24,775 --> 00:25:27,152 Hear this. Our wall is gone. 206 00:25:28,820 --> 00:25:31,615 We had no choice. But the enemy remain in the valley. 207 00:25:33,492 --> 00:25:37,204 God Flame has raised rain, so they won't attempt the slope in this weather. 208 00:25:37,287 --> 00:25:38,372 So we have time. 209 00:25:38,455 --> 00:25:40,916 Time for what? We're trapped. 210 00:25:41,792 --> 00:25:44,378 We have men and bear traps on the perimeter. 211 00:25:44,795 --> 00:25:46,839 We'll string ropes to stop their horses. 212 00:25:48,173 --> 00:25:50,259 We must do it before the storm passes. 213 00:25:55,514 --> 00:25:56,723 Time is short. 214 00:25:59,309 --> 00:26:00,310 Prepare. 215 00:26:15,826 --> 00:26:16,827 Baba Voss? 216 00:26:17,494 --> 00:26:18,704 No, a bear. 217 00:26:19,580 --> 00:26:21,415 Maghra, are we three? 218 00:26:21,832 --> 00:26:23,458 You are four, Baba Voss. 219 00:26:25,377 --> 00:26:28,839 Go on, you big lump. Do not break them. 220 00:26:35,095 --> 00:26:36,930 A boy and a girl. 221 00:26:37,764 --> 00:26:39,057 I will leave you. 222 00:26:39,141 --> 00:26:41,185 No, no. Paris, stay. 223 00:26:42,436 --> 00:26:43,645 Be with us. 224 00:26:45,147 --> 00:26:46,982 Did the rocks take them all? 225 00:26:50,319 --> 00:26:52,321 Double blessings. God Flame. 226 00:26:54,364 --> 00:26:57,242 Baba, did the rocks kill them all? 227 00:26:59,536 --> 00:27:00,537 No. 228 00:27:04,374 --> 00:27:06,210 Then how will we survive the day? 229 00:27:09,296 --> 00:27:10,422 I don't know. 230 00:27:11,757 --> 00:27:13,842 They have horses and dogs. 231 00:27:14,968 --> 00:27:17,971 And when the storm is over, they will come for us. 232 00:27:29,107 --> 00:27:32,694 All my life I wanted to find peace... 233 00:27:33,987 --> 00:27:38,575 to build a home, take a woman and make babies. 234 00:27:40,285 --> 00:27:44,957 And now, at this last moment, I have two. 235 00:27:46,250 --> 00:27:49,503 One, two. 236 00:27:53,382 --> 00:27:57,719 And I would have loved them so much... 237 00:28:00,848 --> 00:28:02,683 as I've come to love you, Maghra. 238 00:28:03,308 --> 00:28:05,769 Yes. From the first moment... 239 00:28:05,853 --> 00:28:08,939 Baba Voss, you must come. They have voted without you. 240 00:28:58,405 --> 00:29:00,032 Did you string the ropes? 241 00:29:01,658 --> 00:29:02,910 No, Baba Voss. 242 00:29:03,327 --> 00:29:05,913 We continued the parliamentary session that you called. 243 00:29:06,580 --> 00:29:10,292 It was pointed out that the Witchfinders don't come 244 00:29:10,375 --> 00:29:12,336 unless they believe there are witches. 245 00:29:13,337 --> 00:29:15,339 We've never been visited before-- 246 00:29:15,422 --> 00:29:19,218 Until that bitch in there came and dropped her litter among us. 247 00:29:21,762 --> 00:29:23,931 Paris, we have to do something. 248 00:29:24,014 --> 00:29:26,850 Stay. Stay. It is in hand. 249 00:29:29,728 --> 00:29:31,271 The moment has come. 250 00:29:32,314 --> 00:29:33,398 What moment? 251 00:29:33,482 --> 00:29:35,984 The night the stranger delivered you to us... 252 00:29:36,985 --> 00:29:38,987 he left this message on my altar. 253 00:29:43,617 --> 00:29:44,868 From Jerlamarel. 254 00:29:47,454 --> 00:29:50,123 Prepare the babies for a long journey. 255 00:29:51,375 --> 00:29:53,293 A motion was passed that, 256 00:29:54,253 --> 00:29:58,549 perhaps, if we give the woman and the babies to the Witchfinders, 257 00:29:58,632 --> 00:30:00,092 they might leave us alone. 258 00:30:01,218 --> 00:30:03,428 Baba Voss, we have no time. 259 00:30:04,221 --> 00:30:06,473 Those babies are not even yours. 260 00:30:08,725 --> 00:30:09,852 Very well. 261 00:30:11,019 --> 00:30:12,938 You must obey the vote. 262 00:30:13,397 --> 00:30:18,652 But it will be very difficult for anyone to take a woman and two newborns 263 00:30:18,735 --> 00:30:21,196 down a mountain without his arms or his legs. 264 00:30:22,072 --> 00:30:25,117 Now, Baba Voss, you're a big man, but we are many. 265 00:30:25,742 --> 00:30:26,785 You can't kill us all. 266 00:30:27,619 --> 00:30:29,913 No, but I can kill the first six or seven. 267 00:30:30,706 --> 00:30:33,208 So those of you who wish to be among that number, 268 00:30:34,042 --> 00:30:35,335 step forward. 269 00:30:36,086 --> 00:30:38,088 I have my blade ready to count you to heaven. 270 00:30:38,380 --> 00:30:39,381 Arca. 271 00:30:40,716 --> 00:30:42,134 Quartermaster. 272 00:30:43,719 --> 00:30:45,637 I stand with Baba Voss! 273 00:30:45,721 --> 00:30:48,724 Ilun. Ayura. 274 00:30:50,809 --> 00:30:53,770 Killing rope. I stand with Baba Voss. 275 00:30:54,938 --> 00:30:56,648 Bow Lion. Kill Dancer. 276 00:30:58,817 --> 00:31:00,319 I stand with Baba. 277 00:31:00,986 --> 00:31:03,405 Belu. Kill Dancer. 278 00:31:05,782 --> 00:31:09,369 I say, Baba Voss... stand aside. 279 00:31:09,453 --> 00:31:13,624 Put down your weapons! Put down your weapons! 280 00:31:14,791 --> 00:31:16,376 We are all Alkenny. 281 00:31:17,878 --> 00:31:19,087 Listen. 282 00:31:20,047 --> 00:31:22,674 Feel. The rain is stopping. 283 00:31:23,217 --> 00:31:25,385 The Witchfinders are halfway up the mountain. 284 00:31:25,844 --> 00:31:28,430 Once a village has been identified with witchcraft, 285 00:31:28,514 --> 00:31:30,974 the whole village must burn. 286 00:31:31,058 --> 00:31:32,809 That is their creed. 287 00:31:33,227 --> 00:31:36,104 Those babies will not buy your lives. 288 00:31:36,522 --> 00:31:38,273 And what would you suggest? 289 00:31:38,357 --> 00:31:42,152 You believe we are trapped here. We are not. 290 00:31:42,778 --> 00:31:44,655 There is another way off this mountain. 291 00:31:44,738 --> 00:31:47,950 -If you're a bird, yes. -No! There is a bridge. 292 00:31:48,033 --> 00:31:51,286 -What? -Over the ravine. Beyond the chimes. 293 00:31:51,370 --> 00:31:53,830 The Alkenny have been on this mountain for generations. 294 00:31:53,914 --> 00:31:55,082 There's never been a bridge. 295 00:31:55,165 --> 00:31:56,834 There is now, Dreamer. 296 00:31:56,917 --> 00:31:58,168 Built by who? 297 00:31:58,669 --> 00:32:00,295 Built by a man. 298 00:32:00,379 --> 00:32:01,797 No man could build a bridge that wide. 299 00:32:01,880 --> 00:32:04,550 Then, since time is short, think of him as a god. 300 00:32:04,633 --> 00:32:07,094 -How do you know so much? -No time for how. 301 00:32:07,177 --> 00:32:09,179 She knows because she's a witch, too. 302 00:32:09,263 --> 00:32:12,266 If I am a witch, I am also your only hope. 303 00:32:12,349 --> 00:32:13,934 Four hundred heartbeats away. 304 00:32:14,017 --> 00:32:15,477 Those who stay will burn. 305 00:32:16,228 --> 00:32:18,772 Women and children will be raped. 306 00:32:19,231 --> 00:32:21,316 Even if there is no bridge, 307 00:32:21,984 --> 00:32:24,528 the ravine is a kinder death. 308 00:32:25,737 --> 00:32:27,197 Gather your belongings. 309 00:32:29,575 --> 00:32:31,326 Do you know the way to this bridge? 310 00:32:31,410 --> 00:32:33,704 Yes. Have faith. 311 00:32:38,125 --> 00:32:40,711 Maghra. Do you think you can walk? 312 00:32:42,087 --> 00:32:43,630 -Yes. -Yes? 313 00:32:44,214 --> 00:32:46,300 -Yes. -Come, my love. 314 00:32:46,383 --> 00:32:49,803 Gather your things. Bring only what you can carry or run with. 315 00:32:51,013 --> 00:32:52,014 Paris. 316 00:32:53,140 --> 00:32:55,976 Tell me, how will you find this bridge? 317 00:32:56,059 --> 00:32:57,769 He left me instructions. 318 00:32:58,353 --> 00:33:00,856 -Who's "he"? -The babies' true father. 319 00:33:01,982 --> 00:33:06,361 Baba Voss, be the giant I know you are and step over the pain of that. 320 00:33:23,921 --> 00:33:25,339 Come! This way! 321 00:33:28,050 --> 00:33:30,219 We should go no further than this. 322 00:33:30,636 --> 00:33:31,887 Have faith, Mama. 323 00:33:34,556 --> 00:33:37,267 Keep moving. Don't be afraid. 324 00:33:44,566 --> 00:33:48,237 Path here. The path to the bridge. 325 00:33:48,904 --> 00:33:50,155 This is madness. 326 00:33:50,906 --> 00:33:53,325 No man can build a bridge that can span this divide. 327 00:33:53,909 --> 00:33:55,953 Horses 100 heartbeats away. 328 00:33:57,663 --> 00:33:58,914 Hurry! 329 00:34:25,315 --> 00:34:28,777 Salvation! Solid in the void! 330 00:34:29,945 --> 00:34:31,237 Form up to cross. 331 00:34:55,012 --> 00:34:56,388 Bring me Gether Bax. 332 00:35:01,143 --> 00:35:04,062 I am in the air. Miracle. 333 00:35:04,146 --> 00:35:05,981 I'm in the air! 334 00:35:12,946 --> 00:35:13,947 Hurry! 335 00:35:14,448 --> 00:35:15,449 I'll go. 336 00:35:15,866 --> 00:35:17,743 Staffs across the ropes. 337 00:35:24,666 --> 00:35:26,001 I'll be right behind you. 338 00:35:28,921 --> 00:35:30,422 I will stay and hold them off. 339 00:35:35,385 --> 00:35:38,847 You said there's no escape towards the Sun Grave. 340 00:35:38,931 --> 00:35:39,973 There isn't. 341 00:35:40,390 --> 00:35:44,311 Only into the abyss, which we know is certain death. 342 00:35:44,394 --> 00:35:46,063 I hear babies crying. 343 00:35:46,688 --> 00:35:49,983 Two newborns. Toward the Sun Grave. 344 00:36:07,000 --> 00:36:08,126 Oh, my God! 345 00:36:10,379 --> 00:36:11,630 Maghra! 346 00:36:11,713 --> 00:36:13,048 I'm safe! 347 00:36:13,799 --> 00:36:15,133 The bridge still holds! 348 00:36:17,928 --> 00:36:20,264 Go. Hurry. Be safe. Hurry. 349 00:36:26,353 --> 00:36:27,396 Ayuras! 350 00:36:28,480 --> 00:36:31,692 Only the sound of fast water. And close. 351 00:36:31,775 --> 00:36:33,277 Release the dogs! 352 00:36:35,904 --> 00:36:36,905 Go. 353 00:36:40,951 --> 00:36:43,662 Solid. Solid. Firm ground! 354 00:36:43,745 --> 00:36:45,289 Firm ground. Come. Come. 355 00:37:01,722 --> 00:37:04,183 Stand sharp. Come. 356 00:37:04,850 --> 00:37:06,602 Hurry. Hurry. 357 00:37:25,913 --> 00:37:27,247 Silence. 358 00:37:32,878 --> 00:37:33,921 Okay. 359 00:37:38,842 --> 00:37:40,969 Quiet, quiet, quiet. 360 00:37:44,765 --> 00:37:45,807 No. 361 00:37:52,648 --> 00:37:54,066 It's a bridge. 362 00:37:55,734 --> 00:37:57,027 Gether Bax! 363 00:37:59,488 --> 00:38:00,531 Cut him loose! 364 00:38:04,910 --> 00:38:07,788 We have been on this mountain for years. There is no bridge. 365 00:38:07,871 --> 00:38:08,997 Feel! 366 00:38:12,376 --> 00:38:13,752 You first. 367 00:38:15,963 --> 00:38:18,674 No. The ravine is death. 368 00:38:18,757 --> 00:38:22,094 Staying is death. Walk! 369 00:38:43,991 --> 00:38:45,826 Men, follow. 370 00:38:54,543 --> 00:38:55,544 Clear the way! 371 00:39:01,842 --> 00:39:02,843 Wait! 372 00:39:04,469 --> 00:39:05,721 Help me! 373 00:39:07,097 --> 00:39:08,098 Who's there? 374 00:39:08,849 --> 00:39:10,767 It's me, Gether Bax! 375 00:39:13,270 --> 00:39:15,647 You bastards left me behind! 376 00:39:16,356 --> 00:39:17,524 Gether. 377 00:39:22,404 --> 00:39:23,488 Grab my hand. 378 00:39:44,510 --> 00:39:45,511 Herald. 379 00:39:53,644 --> 00:39:55,229 Message for the queen. 380 00:41:44,254 --> 00:41:46,381 Go. I wish to pray. 381 00:42:31,760 --> 00:42:32,886 Father... 382 00:42:34,471 --> 00:42:35,931 hidden from us... 383 00:42:37,808 --> 00:42:40,477 whose power we feel but cannot touch. 384 00:42:42,604 --> 00:42:44,731 Your will resides in this holy place. 385 00:42:47,985 --> 00:42:50,863 Give us this day your power given by God Flame 386 00:42:51,572 --> 00:42:54,283 and taken from inside the holy river water. 387 00:42:56,201 --> 00:42:58,412 Give guidance and clear paths. 388 00:43:00,038 --> 00:43:02,541 Condemn those that trespass against us. 389 00:43:05,252 --> 00:43:07,462 Give to us flame and smoke. 390 00:43:09,006 --> 00:43:13,051 For thine is the darkness, the power... 391 00:43:14,052 --> 00:43:15,596 and the glory. 392 00:43:21,101 --> 00:43:23,687 Forever and ever. 393 00:43:33,405 --> 00:43:34,656 Amen. 394 00:43:41,538 --> 00:43:42,539 Yes? 395 00:43:43,498 --> 00:43:46,168 News from the Sun Grave, Your Majesty. 396 00:43:48,837 --> 00:43:49,963 Come. 397 00:45:44,703 --> 00:45:45,913 He has planted his seed. 398 00:45:45,996 --> 00:45:50,417 Hush. Feel. I will talk. 399 00:45:56,131 --> 00:45:58,175 The devil who killed my sister... 400 00:45:59,468 --> 00:46:01,678 who preaches the Vision heresy, 401 00:46:01,762 --> 00:46:05,557 who was given the power of light, Jerlamarel, 402 00:46:06,058 --> 00:46:07,392 not only lives. 403 00:46:09,186 --> 00:46:10,979 He has passed on his life. 404 00:46:12,898 --> 00:46:15,234 -Physician. -Yes, Your Majesty? 405 00:46:15,317 --> 00:46:17,486 We've had this conversation in the abstract. 406 00:46:18,862 --> 00:46:22,282 Keep still. It is no secret that we spoke. 407 00:46:22,366 --> 00:46:24,117 And once I asked you the question... 408 00:46:25,118 --> 00:46:29,498 "Do you believe the evil power of light can be passed into a child?" 409 00:46:31,375 --> 00:46:35,462 No. I don't believe it can be passed into a child. 410 00:46:35,546 --> 00:46:36,713 Don't lie to me. 411 00:46:38,131 --> 00:46:39,216 I hear it. 412 00:46:43,345 --> 00:46:45,931 It wastes so much time. 413 00:46:46,932 --> 00:46:50,018 Caution, fear. 414 00:46:51,395 --> 00:46:52,938 Fucking be honest! 415 00:46:54,565 --> 00:46:56,775 I honestly do not know. 416 00:46:58,443 --> 00:47:02,739 Your Majesty, Jerlamarel is one man. 417 00:47:02,823 --> 00:47:05,158 He served us food in this very room. 418 00:47:06,076 --> 00:47:10,539 He was born to a slave, and this power he told you he had... 419 00:47:11,540 --> 00:47:15,794 perhaps he was a footman attempting to impress his queen 420 00:47:15,878 --> 00:47:18,297 with stories he'd heard in the cradle. 421 00:47:20,174 --> 00:47:22,384 We have trouble here in our capital. 422 00:47:24,178 --> 00:47:26,430 The holy power from the river is failing. 423 00:47:27,306 --> 00:47:30,142 The people say we are losing God's favor. 424 00:47:31,268 --> 00:47:34,855 Perhaps it's time to bring our best soldiers home. 425 00:47:37,941 --> 00:47:38,942 Kneel. 426 00:47:48,619 --> 00:47:49,870 You are forgetting... 427 00:47:51,705 --> 00:47:55,042 the evil of light once almost destroyed the world. 428 00:47:56,627 --> 00:48:01,423 Men used it to control and twist and alter God's intentions. 429 00:48:01,882 --> 00:48:05,302 Forests burned. The air filled with poison. 430 00:48:08,972 --> 00:48:13,435 Lady Zee, send word to the land of the Sun Grave. 431 00:48:14,895 --> 00:48:17,856 Their charge is no longer to just find Jerlamarel. 432 00:48:19,566 --> 00:48:22,402 Their charge is to find his children... 433 00:48:24,238 --> 00:48:25,864 and bring them to me. 434 00:48:45,676 --> 00:48:46,844 This day... 435 00:48:48,387 --> 00:48:51,181 we have crossed into a new world. 436 00:48:54,309 --> 00:48:57,521 The man who built the bridge to deliver us into it 437 00:48:58,146 --> 00:48:59,982 will show us the way forward. 438 00:49:01,525 --> 00:49:03,110 Paris, who is this man? 439 00:49:05,112 --> 00:49:06,864 His name is Jerlamarel. 440 00:49:13,203 --> 00:49:15,122 I knew him well, once. 441 00:49:19,751 --> 00:49:21,253 He's a heretic. 442 00:49:22,171 --> 00:49:27,926 The Witchfinders came in search of him because he preaches a particular heresy. 443 00:49:29,261 --> 00:49:34,766 He told me he has a power that we would call magical or evil... 444 00:49:35,851 --> 00:49:40,814 but which he says almost every human being on earth once had. 445 00:49:41,398 --> 00:49:44,943 He preaches that the God bone we use for weapons and tools 446 00:49:45,027 --> 00:49:47,738 was not made by the gods, as we've been told. 447 00:49:49,531 --> 00:49:52,242 Nor the eternal smooth that never rots. 448 00:49:53,952 --> 00:49:56,371 Or the flat, straight mountains of Payan. 449 00:49:56,955 --> 00:49:58,957 They were all made by humans. 450 00:49:59,708 --> 00:50:05,130 Human beings like us, who all had the same lost ability as he has. 451 00:50:06,507 --> 00:50:09,092 Jerlamarel said he could not explain it to me. 452 00:50:10,594 --> 00:50:13,680 He only said he has the power to see. 453 00:50:14,848 --> 00:50:19,144 And if we follow his instruction, we will find sanctuary. 454 00:50:32,699 --> 00:50:34,535 There is nothing behind us. 455 00:50:37,246 --> 00:50:40,791 If any object, argue now for a better way forward. 456 00:50:44,294 --> 00:50:45,546 Then it is settled. 457 00:50:52,094 --> 00:50:54,137 There is a river beyond. 458 00:50:57,182 --> 00:50:59,893 Our Scentiers will dream its willows. 459 00:51:00,310 --> 00:51:05,315 And for 30 days and 30 nights, we will follow its path. 460 00:51:08,986 --> 00:51:12,239 When the path beside the river disappears, 461 00:51:12,656 --> 00:51:17,244 we will walk in the water, so no dogs can follow. 462 00:51:18,370 --> 00:51:22,624 Led by the music that Jerlamarel has left behind. 463 00:51:34,553 --> 00:51:36,263 Soon thereafter, 464 00:51:36,680 --> 00:51:42,436 we will hear the rush of a waterfall 20 men high. 465 00:51:45,564 --> 00:51:50,027 And through that waterfall, a sanctuary. 466 00:51:51,069 --> 00:51:54,072 A place no one would dare wander. 467 00:51:55,365 --> 00:51:58,285 A place where we can rebuild again 468 00:51:59,077 --> 00:52:02,539 in peace and safety. 469 00:52:28,941 --> 00:52:30,359 Says there's a ladder here. 470 00:52:31,443 --> 00:52:32,486 Arca. 471 00:52:36,490 --> 00:52:37,783 I will go first. 472 00:52:38,200 --> 00:52:40,744 If it can hold my weight, it can hold anything. 473 00:52:40,827 --> 00:52:41,912 Baba, please. 474 00:53:45,684 --> 00:53:46,852 It's safe! 475 00:53:58,113 --> 00:54:01,283 -Ice, ice, ice... -Ice... 476 00:54:05,913 --> 00:54:08,582 Scentier, what's ahead? 477 00:54:09,708 --> 00:54:11,168 What has he left for us? 478 00:54:13,295 --> 00:54:14,546 Everything. 479 00:54:39,279 --> 00:54:41,240 This is where we build our new home. 480 00:55:18,527 --> 00:55:20,237 It feels like paradise. 481 00:55:24,074 --> 00:55:25,284 But, Baba... 482 00:55:26,493 --> 00:55:27,828 you must know... 483 00:55:29,538 --> 00:55:32,416 you will be chief of a tribe 484 00:55:32,499 --> 00:55:37,004 that must hide from the world and the Witchfinders forever. 485 00:55:38,338 --> 00:55:39,506 Know this. 486 00:55:40,299 --> 00:55:42,926 One day we could be found. 487 00:55:43,927 --> 00:55:46,305 We must be vigilant.