1 00:00:11,345 --> 00:00:12,346 Ellen? 2 00:00:17,726 --> 00:00:18,810 Ellen? 3 00:00:29,863 --> 00:00:31,114 Ellen? 4 00:00:32,658 --> 00:00:33,659 Deke? 5 00:00:33,742 --> 00:00:35,661 Ellen, you're alive. Thank God. 6 00:00:35,744 --> 00:00:37,663 You've been out for almost six minutes. 7 00:00:37,746 --> 00:00:40,123 I'm... I'm here. 8 00:00:40,541 --> 00:00:42,501 You need to abort the burn. 9 00:00:43,335 --> 00:00:45,170 I don't have much left in my OPS. 10 00:00:45,963 --> 00:00:47,548 There's a puncture in my suit. 11 00:00:53,720 --> 00:00:54,721 Shit. 12 00:01:00,811 --> 00:01:03,647 Houston, our abort handle is non-responsive. 13 00:01:06,149 --> 00:01:07,317 Houston, do you read? 14 00:01:07,401 --> 00:01:10,112 I've been trying. I can't raise them. 15 00:01:11,321 --> 00:01:12,364 Shit. 16 00:01:19,413 --> 00:01:20,455 Harry! 17 00:02:32,110 --> 00:02:33,320 Keep pressure on it. 18 00:03:00,138 --> 00:03:04,518 Houston, our S-IVB's fuel is depleted. Do you copy? 19 00:03:09,398 --> 00:03:12,985 Houston. Do you read, Houston? 20 00:03:16,530 --> 00:03:17,823 Houston, do you read? 21 00:03:19,616 --> 00:03:21,118 Do you read, Houston? 22 00:04:31,813 --> 00:04:34,191 Is there hope for any sort of, uh, rescue? 23 00:04:34,691 --> 00:04:37,027 That is... unclear at the moment, Mr. President. 24 00:04:37,110 --> 00:04:38,487 What happened up there, Harold? 25 00:04:38,570 --> 00:04:39,696 Well, sir, it's, uh... 26 00:04:39,780 --> 00:04:44,034 We're going over everything leading up to Apollo 24's booster ignition 27 00:04:44,117 --> 00:04:46,036 and it seems like the replacement computer 28 00:04:46,119 --> 00:04:49,206 may have mistakenly thought the ship was still in its first... 29 00:04:49,289 --> 00:04:52,251 Rather, uh, initial orbit and booted up for the... 30 00:04:52,334 --> 00:04:53,770 Could this be connected to the Soviets? 31 00:04:53,794 --> 00:04:54,837 Sabotage, or... 32 00:04:54,920 --> 00:04:57,631 I... I'm not saying that necessarily, sir, I... 33 00:04:57,714 --> 00:04:59,594 What in the goddamn hell are you saying, Harold? 34 00:04:59,633 --> 00:05:01,635 I-It's complicated, sir. 35 00:05:01,718 --> 00:05:04,805 No, it isn't! You've had three goddamn accidents in as many months! 36 00:05:04,888 --> 00:05:07,474 What kind of chickenshit operation are you running down there? 37 00:05:07,558 --> 00:05:08,892 I do not need this right now. 38 00:05:08,976 --> 00:05:10,477 Already got Ronnie Reagan up my ass. 39 00:05:10,811 --> 00:05:13,211 Him and his whole "America was better way back when" thing... 40 00:05:13,730 --> 00:05:15,482 What does he even remember way back when? 41 00:05:15,566 --> 00:05:16,608 Jim Crow? 42 00:05:16,692 --> 00:05:18,694 The Depression? Vietnam? 43 00:05:18,986 --> 00:05:20,506 It wasn't that great, let me tell you. 44 00:05:20,821 --> 00:05:22,281 I don't care what you have to do. 45 00:05:22,364 --> 00:05:25,200 You get those astronauts back home. You hear me, Harold? 46 00:05:44,720 --> 00:05:46,889 English. I know you learn it. 47 00:05:47,973 --> 00:05:49,016 You all do. 48 00:05:49,600 --> 00:05:51,852 See, I know a lot about you guys. I was in Korea. 49 00:05:54,897 --> 00:05:58,192 You cut off my oxygen. Really? 50 00:06:01,862 --> 00:06:03,864 What were you doing in our mine, Ivan? 51 00:06:04,865 --> 00:06:06,575 What were you looking for? 52 00:06:07,659 --> 00:06:08,785 Nothing. 53 00:06:20,506 --> 00:06:21,840 What's this for then? 54 00:06:27,554 --> 00:06:30,974 What was it for, that device you left in our mine? 55 00:06:31,850 --> 00:06:32,976 The one you destroyed. 56 00:06:33,060 --> 00:06:34,478 Yeah, you put it in our territory. 57 00:06:34,561 --> 00:06:36,021 - Your territory? - Yeah. 58 00:06:36,104 --> 00:06:39,149 That's funny. Your territory, your mine. 59 00:06:39,233 --> 00:06:42,361 This is the moon, mister. Belongs to everyone. 60 00:06:43,278 --> 00:06:46,448 Molly Cobb and I discovered ice there over three years ago. 61 00:06:46,532 --> 00:06:48,283 Yeah, if it's about who was here first, 62 00:06:48,367 --> 00:06:52,246 Alexei Leonov was here before you, Edward... Baldwin. 63 00:06:57,084 --> 00:06:59,711 And he said moon belonged to the whole world. 64 00:07:00,128 --> 00:07:03,465 I seem to remember him saying something about "the Marxist-Leninist way of life." 65 00:07:04,383 --> 00:07:05,592 Look... 66 00:07:08,428 --> 00:07:09,680 you want ice. 67 00:07:10,556 --> 00:07:11,723 So do we. 68 00:07:12,558 --> 00:07:15,435 There is enough ice for everyone. 69 00:07:18,063 --> 00:07:20,607 Why don't you tell me what you're building over there at Zvezda? 70 00:07:20,691 --> 00:07:22,568 I've seen all the regolith you're kicking up. 71 00:07:23,735 --> 00:07:25,362 What are you building over there? 72 00:07:25,445 --> 00:07:26,738 I can't tell you. 73 00:07:27,406 --> 00:07:28,949 Didn't think so. 74 00:07:29,032 --> 00:07:32,911 You need to let me go. My compatriots will be looking for me soon. 75 00:07:33,662 --> 00:07:36,915 Yeah, well, see, I'm not that concerned about your compatriots 'cause... 76 00:07:40,085 --> 00:07:42,713 I know you've got one rover, just like us. 77 00:07:42,796 --> 00:07:44,006 And it's over here. 78 00:07:44,089 --> 00:07:48,802 So... if your compatriots wanted to come looking for you, 79 00:07:48,886 --> 00:07:51,180 they wouldn't get very far, now, would they, Ivan? 80 00:07:52,306 --> 00:07:53,557 Guess not. 81 00:07:54,558 --> 00:07:55,559 Guess not. 82 00:08:06,111 --> 00:08:07,154 500 feet. 83 00:08:09,865 --> 00:08:11,074 300 feet. 84 00:08:14,119 --> 00:08:16,288 Apollo 25 splashdown. 85 00:08:20,125 --> 00:08:21,710 Roger that, 25. 86 00:08:23,045 --> 00:08:24,338 Condition of the crew? 87 00:08:24,421 --> 00:08:27,966 I'm good, the astro wife is smiling, and Dennis is seasick. 88 00:08:28,050 --> 00:08:31,261 GUIDO, give me a situation report on Apollo 24. 89 00:08:31,929 --> 00:08:33,847 Still got no communication, Flight. 90 00:08:33,931 --> 00:08:37,433 No telemetry, no bio-readings. Only able to track 'em on radar. 91 00:08:37,518 --> 00:08:39,937 Jesus, we don't even know if they're alive, do we? 92 00:08:40,020 --> 00:08:44,191 All we know is that they're headed toward... deep space. 93 00:08:52,574 --> 00:08:55,953 Wish we could talk to Houston, find out what the hell happened. 94 00:08:56,036 --> 00:08:58,622 The long-range S-band must've been damaged during the burn. 95 00:08:58,997 --> 00:09:01,959 We're way past short-range VHF. 96 00:09:02,042 --> 00:09:06,046 I sure am glad they upgraded these goddamn comm systems last year. 97 00:09:06,129 --> 00:09:08,423 Guarantee you, we were still using the old output buffer, 98 00:09:08,507 --> 00:09:11,093 none of this happens, and we're back on our way to Ed. 99 00:09:11,593 --> 00:09:14,263 Maybe so, but you need to calm down. 100 00:09:14,930 --> 00:09:16,932 It's not good for you to get so worked up. 101 00:09:17,933 --> 00:09:21,061 And I need you focused if we're gonna pull this off. 102 00:09:21,812 --> 00:09:23,063 Pull what off? 103 00:09:23,146 --> 00:09:25,691 With that overburn, we're miles off course 104 00:09:25,774 --> 00:09:28,402 and going way too fast to enter lunar orbit. 105 00:09:29,820 --> 00:09:31,300 You think you're up for another burn? 106 00:09:40,664 --> 00:09:41,790 You saw. 107 00:09:45,210 --> 00:09:46,336 I mean, Harry. 108 00:09:49,298 --> 00:09:52,593 He got dragged into the plume. Swallowed him whole. 109 00:09:58,891 --> 00:10:00,893 We'll have to ditch the cargo. 110 00:10:00,976 --> 00:10:02,936 Gonna need just about all the fuel we've got left 111 00:10:03,020 --> 00:10:05,606 to get our velocity down to 35,650 feet per second. 112 00:10:06,315 --> 00:10:08,275 The margin's gonna be... 113 00:10:10,235 --> 00:10:13,197 Well... there won't be a margin. 114 00:10:14,573 --> 00:10:15,782 Well, it's either that... 115 00:10:16,617 --> 00:10:19,369 or we're on our way to Jupiter and Ed stays stranded. 116 00:10:19,453 --> 00:10:23,332 So what are we waiting for? You want me on the computer or the sextant? 117 00:10:25,459 --> 00:10:27,294 Let's dump the dead weight first. 118 00:10:27,377 --> 00:10:29,963 Be my pleasure to get rid of that fucking thing. 119 00:10:31,840 --> 00:10:34,176 SMRCS-iso valves are all gray. 120 00:10:34,968 --> 00:10:36,470 CSM separating. 121 00:10:37,471 --> 00:10:38,680 Sayonara. 122 00:10:40,807 --> 00:10:43,060 Prolonged communication failure, 123 00:10:43,143 --> 00:10:48,273 likely caused by physical damage to the command-service module's antennae. 124 00:10:48,357 --> 00:10:51,485 His hope is that whatever event damaged the antennae 125 00:10:51,568 --> 00:10:55,155 did not also damage the fuel tanks or guidance systems. 126 00:10:55,239 --> 00:10:56,740 Aleida! 127 00:10:56,823 --> 00:10:58,492 Ended on an optimistic note, 128 00:10:58,575 --> 00:11:01,662 saying that astronauts are "a different breed." 129 00:11:01,745 --> 00:11:03,205 They train together tirelessly..." 130 00:11:03,288 --> 00:11:05,749 - ¿Papá? - Aleida, are you okay? 131 00:11:06,375 --> 00:11:08,585 Yeah, I'm fine. Where are you? 132 00:11:08,669 --> 00:11:10,170 My hearing was this morning. 133 00:11:12,214 --> 00:11:14,132 They say they're gonna send me back to Mexico. 134 00:11:14,216 --> 00:11:16,218 What do you mean? They can't. 135 00:11:16,301 --> 00:11:19,346 I'm sorry, Aleida, I... I should have been more careful. 136 00:11:20,347 --> 00:11:21,707 But don't worry, I talked to Cata, 137 00:11:21,765 --> 00:11:25,060 and she said you can still stay there and keep going to school. 138 00:11:25,143 --> 00:11:26,520 I will send her money. 139 00:11:27,145 --> 00:11:28,730 I don't wanna stay with her. 140 00:11:28,814 --> 00:11:29,982 When will you be back? 141 00:11:30,065 --> 00:11:31,441 I don't know, mija. 142 00:11:32,484 --> 00:11:35,654 They say if they catch me again, they can send me to prison. 143 00:11:36,947 --> 00:11:38,824 But you don't worry, mija, hey. 144 00:11:38,907 --> 00:11:41,535 Everything is going to be okay. I promise you. 145 00:11:41,618 --> 00:11:42,870 Te quiero, mija. 146 00:11:43,829 --> 00:11:44,872 Te quiero, papá. 147 00:11:49,585 --> 00:11:51,628 And now, we bring you live to the press conference 148 00:11:51,712 --> 00:11:53,547 at Houston's Johnson Space Center, 149 00:11:53,630 --> 00:11:56,091 where head of the astronaut office, Buzz Aldrin, 150 00:11:56,175 --> 00:11:57,593 and administrator Harold Weisner 151 00:11:57,676 --> 00:11:59,887 are discussing the crisis in space. 152 00:12:01,430 --> 00:12:04,308 Astronaut Liu is survived by his wife, Cecilia, 153 00:12:04,391 --> 00:12:05,684 and their two daughters. 154 00:12:05,767 --> 00:12:07,769 He was a good man. And a good father. 155 00:12:07,853 --> 00:12:09,563 - Gentlemen, hey, hey! - Front row. 156 00:12:09,646 --> 00:12:13,567 Mr. Aldrin, what about the status of Commander Wilson and Deke Slayton? 157 00:12:13,984 --> 00:12:15,194 What we know right now 158 00:12:15,277 --> 00:12:19,573 is that an unexpected firing of Apollo 24's stage-IVB engine 159 00:12:19,656 --> 00:12:23,285 performed the translunar injection burn earlier than planned. 160 00:12:23,368 --> 00:12:24,369 Gentlemen, gentlemen! 161 00:12:24,453 --> 00:12:26,038 Mr. Weisner, Mr. Weisner! 162 00:12:26,121 --> 00:12:29,499 Sources are saying there's been talk of possible Soviet sabotage in the... 163 00:12:29,583 --> 00:12:32,419 Okay, no, no, no, no. Those are unfounded rumors. 164 00:12:32,503 --> 00:12:34,213 Then what caused the engine to fire? 165 00:12:34,546 --> 00:12:36,131 We're looking into that. 166 00:12:36,215 --> 00:12:37,758 Are they headed for the moon? 167 00:12:39,092 --> 00:12:41,470 We cannot comment on that at this time. 168 00:12:49,603 --> 00:12:53,315 Attitude looking good. Trajectory converging. 169 00:12:53,941 --> 00:12:55,400 Helium pressure holding. 170 00:12:55,692 --> 00:12:56,693 Okay. 171 00:12:57,152 --> 00:12:59,571 Good on trajectory, now let's put on the brakes. 172 00:12:59,655 --> 00:13:01,949 Configuring DAP for braking burn. 173 00:13:06,328 --> 00:13:08,789 We're a long way from 35,650. 174 00:13:11,917 --> 00:13:14,628 Still over 36,000 feet per second. 175 00:13:15,504 --> 00:13:17,840 We're not gonna have enough gas in the SPS to make it. 176 00:13:17,923 --> 00:13:20,425 Goddamn it. We need to use the RCS. 177 00:13:21,593 --> 00:13:22,845 Switching to manual. 178 00:13:23,262 --> 00:13:26,265 We burn through that, we won't be able to control the vehicle. 179 00:13:26,348 --> 00:13:29,351 - We'll be dead in the water. - It's better than missing the moon. 180 00:13:29,434 --> 00:13:32,563 All right, firing all four RCS thrusters plus-X. 181 00:13:41,822 --> 00:13:42,948 Five seconds. 182 00:13:43,031 --> 00:13:45,492 Come on. Come on. 183 00:13:46,076 --> 00:13:48,912 Shit. RCS depleted. 184 00:13:48,996 --> 00:13:51,874 SPS at three, two, one. 185 00:13:59,131 --> 00:14:00,257 We didn't make it. 186 00:14:01,216 --> 00:14:03,093 By 30 fucking feet. 187 00:14:09,099 --> 00:14:10,684 Yes, and thank you, sir. 188 00:14:10,767 --> 00:14:12,936 Yeah, it certainly is a Christmas miracle. 189 00:14:14,188 --> 00:14:16,773 We're all very happy over here. 190 00:14:21,111 --> 00:14:23,405 - What's happening? - They're alive. 191 00:14:23,488 --> 00:14:25,866 They've corrected their trajectory towards the moon. 192 00:14:33,999 --> 00:14:37,002 Okay, I will keep you updated as the situation progresses. 193 00:14:37,085 --> 00:14:38,504 All right. Thanks again. 194 00:15:01,527 --> 00:15:05,489 To enter orbit, you not only have to be going exactly the right direction, 195 00:15:05,572 --> 00:15:08,867 you have to be moving at exactly the right speed. 196 00:15:09,368 --> 00:15:12,037 If you're even one mile per hour over, 197 00:15:12,120 --> 00:15:14,706 lunar gravity won't hold onto the craft. 198 00:15:20,504 --> 00:15:22,881 It's like a marble going past a drain. 199 00:15:22,965 --> 00:15:25,342 It's going too fast, it'll just shoot right by. 200 00:15:25,801 --> 00:15:28,095 Okay, so they just need to slow themselves down, right? 201 00:15:28,595 --> 00:15:32,474 By our calculations, they've used all their fuel just to get to this point. 202 00:15:34,977 --> 00:15:37,813 Well, then, I guess I'll just call the president back 203 00:15:37,896 --> 00:15:39,481 in the middle of his Christmas dinner 204 00:15:39,565 --> 00:15:43,443 and let him know that, once again, our good news has turned into shit. 205 00:15:43,861 --> 00:15:46,738 I might hold off on that call, sir. 206 00:15:47,573 --> 00:15:49,616 Why? Is there some way to slow them down? 207 00:15:49,700 --> 00:15:53,287 No. But there may be something Ed Baldwin can do. 208 00:16:00,919 --> 00:16:04,882 I've been sending a message every 30 minutes for the last three days, sir. 209 00:16:04,965 --> 00:16:06,175 He's just refusing to answer. 210 00:16:07,968 --> 00:16:10,637 Well, then send one every ten. Understood? 211 00:16:13,807 --> 00:16:16,185 There's got to be another way to reach him. 212 00:16:35,204 --> 00:16:37,414 Can I have some water, please? 213 00:16:38,874 --> 00:16:43,128 Sure. Soon as you tell me what you're building over there at Zvezda. 214 00:16:50,427 --> 00:16:54,097 Edward, what is your plan? 215 00:16:56,099 --> 00:16:57,100 My what? 216 00:16:57,893 --> 00:17:01,230 Your plan. What is your strategy? 217 00:17:04,483 --> 00:17:06,608 You didn't tell Houston about me. Why? 218 00:17:07,444 --> 00:17:08,987 I'm commander of this base. 219 00:17:09,069 --> 00:17:13,116 It's within my discretion to withhold information when I deem necessary. 220 00:17:13,200 --> 00:17:16,993 You haven't communicated with them in days before I came here. 221 00:17:20,374 --> 00:17:23,377 - So, you're monitoring my communications? - Of course. 222 00:17:23,877 --> 00:17:26,046 Same way you are monitoring ours. 223 00:17:29,466 --> 00:17:34,805 I've been away from my station for, what, 37 hours? 224 00:17:36,598 --> 00:17:39,226 My oxygen would have depleted by now. 225 00:17:40,561 --> 00:17:43,188 My crew thinks I'm dead. 226 00:17:44,022 --> 00:17:46,817 They will call my wife, tell her I'm dead. 227 00:17:47,860 --> 00:17:50,362 She will tell my daughter I'm dead. 228 00:17:52,614 --> 00:17:54,116 This part of your plan? 229 00:17:56,660 --> 00:17:58,078 I know you hear me. 230 00:17:58,161 --> 00:17:59,746 You're a father too. 231 00:18:03,584 --> 00:18:06,920 Look, I know it's not the same, 232 00:18:07,004 --> 00:18:11,300 but... when my Sveta was born, 233 00:18:12,134 --> 00:18:13,552 she was sick. 234 00:18:13,635 --> 00:18:15,095 She was very ill. 235 00:18:15,929 --> 00:18:17,931 Seven days she was in hospital. 236 00:18:18,932 --> 00:18:24,897 Poked with needles and put into machines over and over and over again. 237 00:18:24,980 --> 00:18:27,941 Such a tiny body. So helpless. 238 00:18:28,692 --> 00:18:30,110 And you are helpless. 239 00:18:31,904 --> 00:18:33,363 She's ten now. 240 00:18:34,948 --> 00:18:37,075 Still goes to hospital every month. 241 00:18:38,160 --> 00:18:41,747 Now, they will tell her her father is dead. 242 00:18:45,709 --> 00:18:48,378 Yeah, well, that's a really touching story, Ivan. 243 00:18:49,713 --> 00:18:52,799 So you have a sick kid, and now you and me can become pals. 244 00:18:53,842 --> 00:18:55,010 That's really good. 245 00:18:56,136 --> 00:18:57,638 KGB cook up that whole story, 246 00:18:57,721 --> 00:19:00,307 or did you sprinkle in some details of your own? 247 00:19:00,390 --> 00:19:02,392 I would never lie about my family. 248 00:19:03,477 --> 00:19:09,316 Well, I wouldn't fault you. You got to follow orders, right? 249 00:19:09,399 --> 00:19:11,610 Is that what you do? Follow orders? 250 00:19:13,570 --> 00:19:14,738 I don't think so. 251 00:19:14,821 --> 00:19:18,033 Edward Baldwin doesn't follow orders. 252 00:19:18,116 --> 00:19:22,204 No, he's a real American cowboy, right? 253 00:19:22,287 --> 00:19:24,581 White hat and loyal horse. Good guy. 254 00:19:24,665 --> 00:19:26,750 I'd stop talking if I were you, Ivan. 255 00:19:27,292 --> 00:19:32,130 My name is Mikhail. Mikhail Mikhailovich Vasiliev. 256 00:19:32,214 --> 00:19:35,551 And I ask you again... what is your plan? 257 00:19:35,634 --> 00:19:37,302 Or maybe you don't have a plan. 258 00:19:37,386 --> 00:19:40,889 Maybe you charge into this without thinking it through. 259 00:19:41,723 --> 00:19:42,724 Okay. 260 00:19:44,685 --> 00:19:47,104 Let's see what your options are. 261 00:19:47,980 --> 00:19:52,359 If you let me go back to Zvezda, I will have to say where I was. 262 00:19:52,442 --> 00:19:55,153 That's not very good for United States. 263 00:19:57,030 --> 00:19:59,283 But you also cannot keep me here, right? 264 00:19:59,366 --> 00:20:01,785 You have that resupply mission en route. 265 00:20:02,327 --> 00:20:06,164 What will they think if they see cosmonaut tied to a chair? 266 00:20:06,248 --> 00:20:07,666 No, that's not... 267 00:20:08,584 --> 00:20:10,961 There is one way out of this. 268 00:20:11,837 --> 00:20:16,967 Poor cosmonaut... died on the surface all by himself. 269 00:20:18,468 --> 00:20:20,387 Who knows what happened? 270 00:20:20,470 --> 00:20:22,347 Maybe tore his suit on rover. 271 00:20:22,431 --> 00:20:24,516 Maybe fell into crater. 272 00:20:25,309 --> 00:20:28,770 Discovered by great American hero. 273 00:20:30,105 --> 00:20:31,398 But it was too late. 274 00:20:32,733 --> 00:20:34,568 What a tragedy. 275 00:20:35,736 --> 00:20:37,738 Maybe you already thought about this? 276 00:20:39,656 --> 00:20:41,158 I'm not gonna kill you, Ivan. 277 00:20:41,533 --> 00:20:43,952 Of course not. You are America. 278 00:20:44,411 --> 00:20:46,580 And America is good. 279 00:20:47,831 --> 00:20:49,541 America is kind. 280 00:20:50,667 --> 00:20:54,129 America saves the world from evil Soviet empire. 281 00:20:54,213 --> 00:20:56,089 - Shut up. - But you know what, Edward? 282 00:20:56,590 --> 00:21:00,010 I've seen real America. Oh, yes. 283 00:21:00,886 --> 00:21:05,182 I have seen bodies of babies and women and children 284 00:21:05,265 --> 00:21:08,018 ripped apart by good American bombs. 285 00:21:08,101 --> 00:21:11,897 - Shut up. - In Cambodia, Dresden. 286 00:21:11,980 --> 00:21:13,273 - I said shut up. - Hiroshima. 287 00:21:13,357 --> 00:21:15,025 - I said shut up! - Korea. 288 00:21:17,152 --> 00:21:18,320 This is you. 289 00:21:18,403 --> 00:21:20,656 - This is America! - I said shut up! 290 00:21:23,575 --> 00:21:24,660 Goddamn it! 291 00:21:33,168 --> 00:21:34,169 Shit. 292 00:21:41,844 --> 00:21:44,680 Oh, I'm sorry. I... 293 00:21:45,556 --> 00:21:47,307 God, Aleida, I'm... 294 00:21:48,475 --> 00:21:51,395 I heard about your father. Is he okay? 295 00:21:52,479 --> 00:21:53,772 Have you heard from him? 296 00:21:55,607 --> 00:21:58,861 What did he say? Is there gonna be a hearing or... 297 00:21:59,945 --> 00:22:01,780 They're sending him back to Mexico. 298 00:22:15,169 --> 00:22:16,378 It's... 299 00:22:23,510 --> 00:22:25,012 It's gonna be okay. 300 00:22:26,972 --> 00:22:28,849 Your father is a smart man. 301 00:22:29,766 --> 00:22:31,143 He'll figure something out. 302 00:22:32,895 --> 00:22:37,482 He... talked to the woman we live with. 303 00:22:38,609 --> 00:22:40,944 Said I could stay there, 304 00:22:41,695 --> 00:22:42,988 keep going to school. 305 00:22:43,614 --> 00:22:47,868 Okay. Good. I think that's good. 306 00:22:50,621 --> 00:22:52,456 I don't wanna live with her. 307 00:22:53,957 --> 00:22:55,125 Well... 308 00:22:59,338 --> 00:23:02,549 it's only temporary. 309 00:23:03,717 --> 00:23:07,638 I'm sure you'll figure something else out at some point. 310 00:23:10,766 --> 00:23:11,808 Maybe... 311 00:23:13,143 --> 00:23:16,146 Maybe I... could stay with you. 312 00:23:20,234 --> 00:23:21,235 I don't know. 313 00:23:23,070 --> 00:23:24,112 I... 314 00:23:25,572 --> 00:23:29,576 I promise I won't be a bother. You won't even notice I'm there. 315 00:23:29,910 --> 00:23:31,537 Aleida, it... 316 00:23:32,162 --> 00:23:33,956 My father, he trusts you. 317 00:23:34,039 --> 00:23:36,208 He says I should listen to you. 318 00:23:37,960 --> 00:23:39,044 Please. 319 00:23:41,630 --> 00:23:43,340 I'm sorry. I just... 320 00:23:44,716 --> 00:23:47,010 It's a lot to ask, Aleida. 321 00:23:48,053 --> 00:23:49,555 My life's not... 322 00:23:50,472 --> 00:23:53,809 Well, this job, it's all-consuming. 323 00:23:54,560 --> 00:23:57,271 You have to understand, I can't just... 324 00:23:57,354 --> 00:24:00,732 I know. I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked. 325 00:24:00,816 --> 00:24:05,279 Well, we can still do our sessions, but I... 326 00:24:36,977 --> 00:24:39,813 Cata? Gabriel? 327 00:24:41,356 --> 00:24:42,357 Livi? 328 00:25:14,723 --> 00:25:16,642 - Hello? - Aleida, where were you? 329 00:25:17,100 --> 00:25:18,602 I've been calling all day. 330 00:25:18,685 --> 00:25:20,521 The apartment... They're all gone. 331 00:25:20,604 --> 00:25:22,689 Gone? What do you mean, gone? 332 00:25:22,773 --> 00:25:24,399 I think the police were here. 333 00:25:25,192 --> 00:25:26,318 Aleida. 334 00:25:26,652 --> 00:25:27,653 Listen to me. 335 00:25:27,736 --> 00:25:30,531 Grab everything you can take with you 336 00:25:30,781 --> 00:25:31,949 and get out of there. 337 00:25:32,032 --> 00:25:34,326 - Never go back. - But, papá... 338 00:25:34,409 --> 00:25:36,370 You'll have to come to Mexico. 339 00:25:36,453 --> 00:25:40,040 I'm going to figure out a way to send you money... 340 00:25:40,999 --> 00:25:43,919 so you can buy a bus ticket. 341 00:25:44,002 --> 00:25:45,963 No. I'm not going to leave. 342 00:25:46,046 --> 00:25:48,423 What? Aleida, this better not be about that boy. 343 00:25:48,507 --> 00:25:50,968 It's not. I talked to Ms. Madison. 344 00:25:52,302 --> 00:25:55,389 She said I could stay with her. 345 00:25:56,139 --> 00:25:57,558 What, she said that? 346 00:25:59,601 --> 00:26:00,602 Yes. 347 00:26:05,649 --> 00:26:06,775 ¿Papá? 348 00:26:06,859 --> 00:26:09,111 I'm sorry. 349 00:26:09,194 --> 00:26:11,989 That's... great news! 350 00:26:13,490 --> 00:26:14,491 It's just that... 351 00:26:16,285 --> 00:26:18,287 the idea of being separated from you... 352 00:26:18,370 --> 00:26:19,371 I'll be fine. 353 00:26:19,997 --> 00:26:21,081 I know. 354 00:26:21,164 --> 00:26:22,791 Please be careful. 355 00:26:22,875 --> 00:26:25,586 And don't bother Ms. Madison too much. 356 00:26:26,837 --> 00:26:28,255 She's a very good person. 357 00:26:28,589 --> 00:26:30,716 I will call you when I make it to Parras. 358 00:26:31,341 --> 00:26:33,051 - I have to go, papá. - Check upstairs! 359 00:26:33,135 --> 00:26:34,553 I love you, Aleida. 360 00:26:34,636 --> 00:26:35,888 Love you too. 361 00:27:04,791 --> 00:27:07,878 You know, it's not the worst way to go. 362 00:27:13,800 --> 00:27:14,927 Which? 363 00:27:15,636 --> 00:27:21,266 Because right now we can pick from suffocation, starvation... 364 00:27:22,309 --> 00:27:23,727 Cannibalism. 365 00:27:31,902 --> 00:27:35,072 Or we could just... open the hatch. 366 00:27:36,949 --> 00:27:38,283 I don't know. 367 00:27:40,369 --> 00:27:42,287 I kinda wanna see how far we'll get. 368 00:27:47,960 --> 00:27:51,421 Go farther in the universe than anyone's ever gone. 369 00:27:51,505 --> 00:27:54,800 That's something, at least. 370 00:27:57,928 --> 00:27:59,054 I've alway... 371 00:28:13,318 --> 00:28:16,405 The staples are holding. Looks like there's internal bleeding. 372 00:28:18,574 --> 00:28:19,575 Shit. 373 00:28:21,159 --> 00:28:23,704 Looks like you might get farther in the universe than me. 374 00:28:24,079 --> 00:28:25,622 That's not funny, Deke. 375 00:28:27,666 --> 00:28:29,126 It makes sense. 376 00:28:29,960 --> 00:28:32,504 I always knew you had a bit of John Glenn in you. 377 00:28:33,213 --> 00:28:36,049 I mean, yeah, you were quiet, 378 00:28:36,466 --> 00:28:38,093 a little hard on yourself, 379 00:28:38,802 --> 00:28:42,306 but when you walk into a room, people pay attention. 380 00:28:43,849 --> 00:28:48,228 When you speak... people listen. 381 00:28:51,273 --> 00:28:52,858 A lot of good that'll do me now. 382 00:29:00,324 --> 00:29:04,703 You know those letters we're supposed to write before we... you know? 383 00:29:05,871 --> 00:29:07,581 The "in case of my death" letter. 384 00:29:09,499 --> 00:29:10,626 I was... 385 00:29:11,877 --> 00:29:17,007 so distracted by mission prep, Ed... 386 00:29:18,926 --> 00:29:20,135 Suddenly it's launch day, 387 00:29:20,219 --> 00:29:25,557 and I got 'bout two and a half minutes to think of something to write to Marge. 388 00:29:30,979 --> 00:29:32,272 I'm sure she'll understand. 389 00:29:38,153 --> 00:29:39,780 She deserved better. 390 00:29:42,199 --> 00:29:45,953 You know, for three months, I lived on tomato soup. 391 00:29:47,496 --> 00:29:48,997 Breakfast, lunch and dinner. 392 00:29:50,707 --> 00:29:52,751 So I could save up enough for a ring. 393 00:29:54,002 --> 00:29:55,921 Almost 20 years later, 394 00:29:56,880 --> 00:30:01,552 and I can't believe that woman said yes. 395 00:30:04,555 --> 00:30:05,848 How about you? 396 00:30:07,683 --> 00:30:09,226 How'd Larry propose? 397 00:30:14,773 --> 00:30:17,776 It was very... really nice, actually. 398 00:30:19,695 --> 00:30:21,738 He took me to Memorial Park. 399 00:30:22,990 --> 00:30:25,075 I thought we were just going for a picnic and... 400 00:30:26,368 --> 00:30:29,913 then I turned around and there Larry was... 401 00:30:30,956 --> 00:30:32,165 down on one knee. 402 00:30:32,249 --> 00:30:33,250 And... 403 00:30:36,503 --> 00:30:37,504 he... 404 00:30:42,426 --> 00:30:43,844 You okay? 405 00:30:46,096 --> 00:30:47,097 Yeah. 406 00:30:50,267 --> 00:30:51,935 I just don't know what I'm doing. 407 00:30:52,394 --> 00:30:56,565 I mean, here we are, headed to God-knows-where, and... 408 00:30:58,692 --> 00:30:59,818 I'm still... 409 00:31:09,494 --> 00:31:13,040 It's just, Larry, he... 410 00:31:18,378 --> 00:31:22,466 Our marriage, it... 411 00:31:27,346 --> 00:31:30,933 I knew... if I wanted to be an astronaut... 412 00:31:32,142 --> 00:31:37,022 I couldn't let people see certain parts of myself. 413 00:31:38,065 --> 00:31:39,608 Been that way my whole life. 414 00:31:41,443 --> 00:31:43,487 What are you talking about? 415 00:31:47,616 --> 00:31:49,326 I'm in love with someone. 416 00:31:49,993 --> 00:31:51,411 But it's not Larry. 417 00:31:55,123 --> 00:31:57,084 Her name is Pam. 418 00:32:00,128 --> 00:32:01,296 Pam. 419 00:32:04,091 --> 00:32:05,217 The bartender? 420 00:32:06,802 --> 00:32:09,179 - No. - Yeah. 421 00:32:24,611 --> 00:32:25,821 Are you saying... 422 00:32:30,075 --> 00:32:31,201 Jesus. 423 00:32:32,369 --> 00:32:33,954 You got to be kidding me. 424 00:32:35,664 --> 00:32:36,957 I mean, that's... 425 00:32:44,882 --> 00:32:46,442 I guess I shouldn't have said anything. 426 00:32:48,844 --> 00:32:50,345 I'm sorry I brought it up. 427 00:32:51,722 --> 00:32:52,723 So am I. 428 00:35:03,228 --> 00:35:04,313 You do something? 429 00:35:06,190 --> 00:35:07,608 I am not Houdini. 430 00:35:23,790 --> 00:35:25,334 Will you stop singing, please? 431 00:35:28,837 --> 00:35:30,339 You prefer Elvis? 432 00:35:30,422 --> 00:35:31,965 I prefer silence. 433 00:35:34,426 --> 00:35:38,472 When I was young, we were not allowed to listen to Elvis. 434 00:35:38,555 --> 00:35:41,183 Yeah. He was banned in the USSR. 435 00:35:41,808 --> 00:35:45,479 Danger of moral corruption to Soviet youth. 436 00:35:46,021 --> 00:35:48,023 But for one ruble, 437 00:35:48,106 --> 00:35:51,151 bootleggers would copy song onto X-ray film 438 00:35:51,235 --> 00:35:52,945 and play it on record player. 439 00:36:09,545 --> 00:36:11,213 He's fantastic. 440 00:36:16,260 --> 00:36:17,594 You like him? 441 00:36:18,929 --> 00:36:23,183 My wife, she wanted the first dance at our wedding to be "Love Me Tender." 442 00:36:23,725 --> 00:36:24,852 I wanted Sinatra. 443 00:36:27,229 --> 00:36:28,480 What did you play? 444 00:36:29,481 --> 00:36:30,774 "Love Me Tender." 445 00:36:34,361 --> 00:36:35,487 Is she, your wife... 446 00:36:35,571 --> 00:36:38,657 She... formidable? 447 00:36:39,783 --> 00:36:41,618 That's definitely one way to put it. 448 00:36:45,205 --> 00:36:47,624 - We went to go see him last year. - No. 449 00:36:48,876 --> 00:36:52,588 I don't know. It was... kinda sad. 450 00:36:52,671 --> 00:36:55,048 - Why? - He was like a clown up there. 451 00:36:55,591 --> 00:37:00,220 The hair, costumes, big fat belly... That's not Elvis. 452 00:37:02,014 --> 00:37:04,766 You Americans, you throw away so quickly. 453 00:37:04,850 --> 00:37:06,810 Everything needs to be new. 454 00:37:06,894 --> 00:37:10,272 New car, new dishwasher, new Elvis Presley. 455 00:37:10,731 --> 00:37:13,734 Sorry, mister, Elvis will always be king. 456 00:37:14,568 --> 00:37:17,154 Yeah. But Ol' Blue Eyes on the other hand... 457 00:37:18,906 --> 00:37:20,532 he just gets better with time. 458 00:37:25,037 --> 00:37:26,121 What? 459 00:37:27,289 --> 00:37:30,000 The light, it's a pattern. Look. 460 00:37:31,543 --> 00:37:32,836 Three short... 461 00:37:34,296 --> 00:37:35,547 three long. 462 00:37:36,840 --> 00:37:38,926 - Three short. - SOS. 463 00:37:46,058 --> 00:37:47,142 Shit. 464 00:37:53,315 --> 00:37:54,733 Houston, this is Jamestown. 465 00:37:55,567 --> 00:37:58,237 Ed, thank God. You okay? 466 00:37:58,695 --> 00:38:01,448 I'm fine. I got your message. Nice touch with the lights. 467 00:38:02,074 --> 00:38:03,742 Hell you been doing up there, buddy? 468 00:38:03,825 --> 00:38:06,620 Just needed a little alone time. 469 00:38:07,246 --> 00:38:09,373 Well, we sure are glad you came up for air. 470 00:38:09,456 --> 00:38:11,333 We got some new problems here. 471 00:38:11,416 --> 00:38:14,419 For translunar injection, or TLI, 472 00:38:14,503 --> 00:38:16,797 stating that if the engine fired too early, 473 00:38:17,130 --> 00:38:20,133 it could significantly alter Apollo 24's trajectory, 474 00:38:20,217 --> 00:38:24,012 and fuel needed to correct course is very limited in the Apollo spacecraft. 475 00:38:24,429 --> 00:38:27,099 Furthermore, he addressed NASA's cryptic press conference, 476 00:38:27,182 --> 00:38:30,936 saying he suspected this was due to a prolonged communication failure 477 00:38:31,019 --> 00:38:35,232 likely caused by physical damage to the command-service module's antennas. 478 00:38:35,315 --> 00:38:38,110 His hope is that whatever event damaged the antennas 479 00:38:38,193 --> 00:38:41,363 did not also damage the fuel tanks or guidance systems. 480 00:38:42,114 --> 00:38:46,034 Today, as families across America celebrate the Christmas holiday, 481 00:38:46,118 --> 00:38:49,037 a NASA spokesman confirmed that there has still been no contact 482 00:38:49,121 --> 00:38:50,849 - with Commander Ellen Wilson... - Excuse me. 483 00:38:50,873 --> 00:38:52,113 - And Deke Slayton. - Sweetie. 484 00:38:52,165 --> 00:38:54,725 - No further information was given. - Hey, Pam, can I get a beer? 485 00:38:54,835 --> 00:38:55,878 All right. 486 00:38:56,753 --> 00:39:00,007 Still, the prayers of the nation are with these brave astronauts... 487 00:39:00,090 --> 00:39:01,341 Hello? 488 00:39:01,425 --> 00:39:02,759 She's alive. 489 00:39:04,511 --> 00:39:05,762 Thank God. 490 00:39:07,222 --> 00:39:11,852 They're not saying anything on the news, and I was starting to think that... 491 00:39:14,897 --> 00:39:16,773 Anyway, thank you, Larry. 492 00:39:16,857 --> 00:39:18,650 We're trying to figure out a rescue. 493 00:39:18,734 --> 00:39:23,113 Nobody knows about this outside of NASA, but I thought you should know. 494 00:39:23,197 --> 00:39:25,908 What, is she okay? Where is she? Is she in... 495 00:39:25,991 --> 00:39:27,743 I can't talk about that right now. 496 00:39:27,826 --> 00:39:30,037 I'm already taking a big risk even telling you this. 497 00:39:30,120 --> 00:39:31,538 I appreciate that, 498 00:39:31,622 --> 00:39:35,792 but I'm in the dark here, Larry, with everybody else. 499 00:39:36,126 --> 00:39:37,503 I know, and I'm sorry. 500 00:39:37,586 --> 00:39:39,796 But that's how it has to be right now. 501 00:39:39,880 --> 00:39:42,508 With security so high and this media blackout... 502 00:39:43,634 --> 00:39:45,427 we just have to be careful. 503 00:39:46,094 --> 00:39:47,530 You have every right to know, but... 504 00:39:47,554 --> 00:39:50,265 - But you don't wanna take the risk. - That's not what I said. 505 00:39:50,349 --> 00:39:53,352 Listen, we're doing everything we can. Okay? 506 00:39:53,435 --> 00:39:55,562 I promise I'll do my best to keep you informed. 507 00:39:56,063 --> 00:39:57,272 I have to go right now. 508 00:40:00,817 --> 00:40:03,987 America's space program has become dangerously inept 509 00:40:04,071 --> 00:40:06,573 under President Kennedy's leadership. 510 00:40:06,657 --> 00:40:08,992 They say it's just a run of bad luck. 511 00:40:10,077 --> 00:40:12,579 Well, friends, that dog won't hunt. 512 00:40:13,038 --> 00:40:14,790 That was Governor Reagan of California 513 00:40:14,873 --> 00:40:17,251 continuing to criticize the Kennedy administration 514 00:40:17,334 --> 00:40:20,212 in the run-up to the inaugural Conservative Political Action Conference. 515 00:40:20,838 --> 00:40:24,258 The Kennedy administration and representatives at NASA have not responded 516 00:40:24,341 --> 00:40:26,969 other than to call for unity in this time of national emergency. 517 00:40:27,052 --> 00:40:28,053 Excuse me. 518 00:40:29,930 --> 00:40:31,265 Are you Pam? 519 00:40:31,849 --> 00:40:32,850 One and only. 520 00:40:36,186 --> 00:40:38,063 I'm sorry, I just... 521 00:40:38,856 --> 00:40:41,191 I've heard a lot about you. My husband comes here a lot. 522 00:40:41,567 --> 00:40:43,485 Well, a lot of husbands come here a lot. 523 00:40:44,695 --> 00:40:45,904 What can I get you? 524 00:40:49,074 --> 00:40:50,617 Surprise me. 525 00:41:00,377 --> 00:41:03,463 The way he talks about this place, 526 00:41:03,547 --> 00:41:07,134 like it's... hallowed ground or something. 527 00:41:08,010 --> 00:41:09,178 I mean, it's... 528 00:41:10,012 --> 00:41:11,013 It's a shithole. 529 00:41:12,681 --> 00:41:14,141 Yes. It is. 530 00:41:21,481 --> 00:41:25,611 I would never have dared step foot in here before. 531 00:41:28,697 --> 00:41:31,825 No. It was always, you know, understood, 532 00:41:31,909 --> 00:41:35,621 one of the unspoken rules, that wives don't go to the Outpost. 533 00:41:37,164 --> 00:41:39,041 Sure have a lot of rules, don't they? 534 00:41:43,128 --> 00:41:44,755 Yes, they do. 535 00:41:47,257 --> 00:41:50,344 And you know what? They're all... Excuse my language, they're... 536 00:41:52,554 --> 00:41:53,722 Actually, no. 537 00:41:54,723 --> 00:41:57,809 Don't... excuse my language. They're bullshit. 538 00:41:59,353 --> 00:42:00,521 All of them. 539 00:42:01,188 --> 00:42:06,777 They way we're supposed to dress and speak and think, it... 540 00:42:11,073 --> 00:42:12,282 I mean... 541 00:42:13,450 --> 00:42:16,370 Forgive me, but from the outside looking in, 542 00:42:16,453 --> 00:42:17,955 you have it pretty good. 543 00:42:19,081 --> 00:42:20,749 You're married to an astronaut. 544 00:42:21,333 --> 00:42:23,168 The whole country worships you. 545 00:42:24,127 --> 00:42:27,548 Sitting there in your big, beautiful living rooms. 546 00:42:28,131 --> 00:42:32,845 Listening to your husbands in space on your squawk boxes. 547 00:42:33,762 --> 00:42:36,473 So, if you're looking for someone to feel sorry for you, just... 548 00:42:37,432 --> 00:42:38,684 don't look here. 549 00:42:39,309 --> 00:42:42,396 There are a lot of people out there who don't have... 550 00:42:48,110 --> 00:42:49,319 I'm sorry. 551 00:42:49,778 --> 00:42:51,822 With everything going on the past couple days, I... 552 00:42:52,906 --> 00:42:56,994 It's okay. Did you know any of the astronauts in the accident? 553 00:42:59,746 --> 00:43:00,747 I knew them all. 554 00:43:02,082 --> 00:43:04,835 Some better than others. 555 00:43:06,837 --> 00:43:08,755 You know Ellen? Wilson? 556 00:43:08,839 --> 00:43:09,882 Yeah. 557 00:43:10,299 --> 00:43:14,052 We've become good friends over the past couple of years. 558 00:43:14,761 --> 00:43:16,180 Since she was in training. 559 00:43:17,806 --> 00:43:21,226 And then something happens and... 560 00:43:21,727 --> 00:43:23,727 you're just another person watching it on the news. 561 00:43:28,942 --> 00:43:31,195 What about you? You know anyone up there? 562 00:43:35,782 --> 00:43:37,993 Yes. My husband. He's at Jamestown. 563 00:43:40,412 --> 00:43:43,290 - You're Karen Baldwin? - I am. 564 00:43:43,373 --> 00:43:45,709 - My God, I'm so sorry... - No, don't. Don't. 565 00:43:48,295 --> 00:43:49,922 I didn't come here looking for pity. 566 00:43:57,137 --> 00:43:58,138 Hey. 567 00:44:00,098 --> 00:44:01,266 You should come with me. 568 00:44:02,476 --> 00:44:03,602 Come with you where? 569 00:44:03,685 --> 00:44:05,062 To JSC. 570 00:44:05,145 --> 00:44:07,523 They have a private viewing room for families 571 00:44:07,606 --> 00:44:09,942 where we can watch the missions during a media blackout. 572 00:44:10,025 --> 00:44:12,611 I don't think that's a very good idea. 573 00:44:12,694 --> 00:44:14,947 Well, it's better than watching it on the news, right? 574 00:44:15,030 --> 00:44:16,573 Well, is it even allowed? 575 00:44:17,908 --> 00:44:19,660 You mean, is it against the rules? 576 00:44:23,580 --> 00:44:25,624 We've got a 33-minute window 577 00:44:25,707 --> 00:44:30,212 during which Apollo 24 will be within lunar orbit range. 578 00:44:31,880 --> 00:44:35,425 Ed, you'll launch the LSAM up from the lunar surface 579 00:44:35,509 --> 00:44:38,804 at exactly eight hours, 50 minutes from now. 580 00:44:38,887 --> 00:44:44,685 That will put you right alongside them at the exact moment they enter the window. 581 00:44:45,018 --> 00:44:46,562 You'll dock the two craft 582 00:44:46,645 --> 00:44:52,776 and use the LSAM's engine to slow 24 into lunar orbit. 583 00:44:52,860 --> 00:44:53,944 Copy that. 584 00:44:54,862 --> 00:44:57,364 If this doesn't happen within the window, 585 00:44:58,156 --> 00:45:02,369 Ellen and Deke will just keep drifting off into deep space. 586 00:45:02,828 --> 00:45:05,581 And if Ed is still alongside them at that point, 587 00:45:05,664 --> 00:45:08,375 he won't have enough fuel to get back either. 588 00:45:08,667 --> 00:45:11,170 Flight, we might have another problem. 589 00:45:15,215 --> 00:45:16,466 What is it, Gordo? 590 00:45:16,884 --> 00:45:19,052 The distance you're asking Ed to fly. 591 00:45:19,553 --> 00:45:21,889 You're really pushing the range of the LSAM. 592 00:45:23,765 --> 00:45:26,768 Gordo's right. He'd barely have enough fuel to get up and back, 593 00:45:26,852 --> 00:45:28,937 let alone pulling twice his weight with 24. 594 00:45:30,105 --> 00:45:31,732 What about Apollo 15? 595 00:45:32,357 --> 00:45:34,985 The descent stage has fuel left in it after we touched down. 596 00:45:35,819 --> 00:45:37,547 It's just been sitting there for three years. 597 00:45:37,571 --> 00:45:39,656 Just take the rover out there and go get it. 598 00:45:40,157 --> 00:45:41,325 That could work, Flight. 599 00:45:41,408 --> 00:45:43,911 But the LEM wasn't designed to be a fuel pump. 600 00:45:44,578 --> 00:45:48,665 We'll need to work up a procedure on how to get access to the fill-drain valves. 601 00:45:50,209 --> 00:45:51,376 Tim... 602 00:45:52,294 --> 00:45:55,255 Take LMSYS and Control to the SSR, work up a procedure. 603 00:45:55,339 --> 00:45:58,091 Make sure to loop in Grumman and North American. 604 00:45:59,134 --> 00:46:01,428 All right. Let's go. 605 00:46:01,512 --> 00:46:03,972 We don't have a lot of time, people. 606 00:46:04,056 --> 00:46:05,265 Minutes count. 607 00:46:05,974 --> 00:46:07,976 Ed, we'll get you those procedures soon. 608 00:46:09,269 --> 00:46:10,479 Roger that, Flight. 609 00:46:53,605 --> 00:46:55,482 All right, get a room already. 610 00:46:55,941 --> 00:46:57,109 Come on. 611 00:46:58,151 --> 00:47:01,029 All right. Okay. Okay. 612 00:47:02,239 --> 00:47:04,074 Flight, I need to talk to you for a moment. 613 00:47:04,157 --> 00:47:05,450 Molly, I... 614 00:47:06,702 --> 00:47:10,205 I had to consider the safety of two astronauts over one. 615 00:47:10,289 --> 00:47:12,749 - And if the same thing happened again... - Margo. 616 00:47:12,833 --> 00:47:15,878 You made the right call. I'd have done the same thing. 617 00:47:17,087 --> 00:47:18,755 That's not what I wanna talk about. 618 00:47:21,592 --> 00:47:24,386 I got a pretty good look at 24 when the J-2 fired. 619 00:47:24,469 --> 00:47:26,471 Think when our ship slammed into the side, 620 00:47:26,555 --> 00:47:28,599 it may have knocked the S-band antenna loose. 621 00:47:28,682 --> 00:47:30,058 Could explain the comm issues. 622 00:47:30,142 --> 00:47:33,854 But I think their short-range radio might still be working. 623 00:47:36,648 --> 00:47:39,276 Thanks, Molly. We'll have INCO look at that. 624 00:47:40,068 --> 00:47:41,153 Okay. 625 00:47:43,447 --> 00:47:45,407 All right, everyone. Let's get back to work. 626 00:47:53,957 --> 00:47:56,585 Okay. Oh, one second. 627 00:47:58,587 --> 00:47:59,880 You're not in uniform. 628 00:48:01,256 --> 00:48:02,591 What are you talking about? 629 00:48:03,258 --> 00:48:05,260 An astronaut that's been up there... 630 00:48:06,595 --> 00:48:07,804 wears gold, 631 00:48:08,430 --> 00:48:09,723 not silver. 632 00:48:10,390 --> 00:48:11,642 Your pin? You don't... No. 633 00:48:11,725 --> 00:48:14,061 Hey. You remember what you told me? 634 00:48:14,603 --> 00:48:18,357 One day they were gonna pin one of these to your collar. 635 00:48:41,463 --> 00:48:44,299 Do you have any idea of the security risk? 636 00:48:44,842 --> 00:48:48,637 I mean, you open yourself up to all kinds of... 637 00:48:48,720 --> 00:48:52,641 Who knows? Blackmail, manipulation, for what? 638 00:48:53,058 --> 00:48:54,142 That's not fair. 639 00:48:54,226 --> 00:48:57,145 "Fair"? Don't you get it? 640 00:48:58,939 --> 00:49:02,317 You put all of us at risk. 641 00:49:02,776 --> 00:49:05,571 The whole goddamn program. 642 00:49:07,072 --> 00:49:08,991 I guess I thought you would've understood. 643 00:49:11,994 --> 00:49:14,246 You pushed for us when no one else did. 644 00:49:15,789 --> 00:49:18,292 Because you were good pilots. 645 00:49:20,878 --> 00:49:24,590 You being women... was beside the point. 646 00:49:25,174 --> 00:49:27,134 It's the whole point, Deke. 647 00:49:29,052 --> 00:49:30,304 The world's changing. 648 00:49:30,721 --> 00:49:31,930 And you helped change it. 649 00:49:32,014 --> 00:49:33,640 Well, I'll take the... 650 00:49:35,934 --> 00:49:36,977 I'll take the... 651 00:49:52,576 --> 00:49:53,744 Breathe. 652 00:50:03,170 --> 00:50:07,591 Focus, people. We've got just over five hours until LSAM launch. 653 00:50:10,886 --> 00:50:11,970 Is it ready? 654 00:50:12,054 --> 00:50:13,138 Good to go. 655 00:50:23,732 --> 00:50:24,733 Okay. 656 00:50:25,150 --> 00:50:27,694 Raise Ed. Tell him we're sending over the fuel procedure. 657 00:50:34,201 --> 00:50:37,746 You will need my help, Edward. You don't have enough time. And you know this. 658 00:50:38,580 --> 00:50:40,123 I've got this under control. 659 00:50:40,207 --> 00:50:44,920 When a ship is in distress, international law gives obligation to assist rescue. 660 00:50:47,464 --> 00:50:50,384 - I said I got it under control. - Edward, you're not in Korea anymore. 661 00:50:50,467 --> 00:50:53,762 We are on the dark ocean together. 662 00:50:53,846 --> 00:50:55,973 We have no choice but to trust each other. 663 00:50:56,056 --> 00:50:57,182 Let me help you. 664 00:52:09,213 --> 00:52:10,547 - Hi. - Hey! 665 00:52:15,969 --> 00:52:16,970 Where they at? 666 00:52:17,930 --> 00:52:19,348 He'll be launching soon. 667 00:52:20,057 --> 00:52:21,808 - Yeah. - All right. 668 00:52:24,728 --> 00:52:25,771 Proud of you. 669 00:52:27,231 --> 00:52:28,232 Hey, Pam. 670 00:52:28,732 --> 00:52:29,775 Come and sit. 671 00:52:54,258 --> 00:52:55,801 Ten minutes to launch, Ed. 672 00:52:55,884 --> 00:52:58,720 Roger that. Going off VOX while I button up here. 673 00:53:00,138 --> 00:53:01,765 Thank you, Mikhail. 674 00:53:06,562 --> 00:53:08,313 Oh, I almost forgot. 675 00:53:13,110 --> 00:53:17,197 Yeah, you may need that for your drive back to Zvezda. 676 00:53:27,666 --> 00:53:28,709 Edward. 677 00:53:31,962 --> 00:53:33,172 Good luck. 678 00:53:47,269 --> 00:53:48,729 All right, Houston. 679 00:53:49,396 --> 00:53:50,689 LSAM hatch closed. 680 00:53:50,772 --> 00:53:52,274 Cabin pressurized. 681 00:53:52,357 --> 00:53:56,028 Master Arm on. Running P12 ascent. 682 00:54:00,073 --> 00:54:02,367 - How we looking, Control? - Good to go, Flight. 683 00:54:02,451 --> 00:54:03,452 LMSYS? 684 00:54:03,535 --> 00:54:04,661 All good here. 685 00:54:05,329 --> 00:54:08,665 Okay. Initiate LSAM launch sequence. 686 00:54:09,374 --> 00:54:11,001 Five seconds, proceed. 687 00:54:11,919 --> 00:54:14,630 LSAM launch sequence initiated. 688 00:54:15,297 --> 00:54:21,011 Fire engine in three, two, one. 689 00:54:21,803 --> 00:54:22,888 Ignition. 690 00:54:42,741 --> 00:54:44,034 Commencing pitch-over. 691 00:54:59,550 --> 00:55:01,885 Ed, 24 will be coming at you soon. 692 00:55:02,302 --> 00:55:06,390 Once they're in range, you should be able to raise them on your short-range VHF. 693 00:55:06,807 --> 00:55:07,808 Copy that. 694 00:55:29,663 --> 00:55:32,541 Apollo 24, this is Jamestown LSAM. 695 00:55:37,171 --> 00:55:39,506 24, this is Jamestown LSAM. 696 00:55:40,340 --> 00:55:42,050 24, Jamestown... 697 00:55:42,134 --> 00:55:43,218 Is that you, Ed? 698 00:55:43,302 --> 00:55:46,805 Roger that. Funny running into you guys up here. 699 00:55:48,765 --> 00:55:52,227 We're here to rescue you. 700 00:55:53,520 --> 00:55:55,147 It's good to hear your voice, Ellen. 701 00:55:55,230 --> 00:55:56,398 How you doing, Deke? 702 00:56:01,403 --> 00:56:02,905 Hate to break it to you, Ed, 703 00:56:03,739 --> 00:56:07,409 but space has made him even more soft and cuddly than usual. 704 00:56:08,160 --> 00:56:09,661 I'm sorry to hear that. 705 00:56:09,745 --> 00:56:12,206 All right, let's get you two down to the deck. 706 00:56:12,289 --> 00:56:14,209 We don't have much time before the window closes, 707 00:56:14,291 --> 00:56:17,294 so the plan is to dock you with the LSAM and then slow both of... 708 00:56:17,377 --> 00:56:19,421 Ed, do you have a visual on us yet? 709 00:56:20,005 --> 00:56:21,256 Negative. 710 00:56:24,843 --> 00:56:26,595 What does he mean, "they're tumbling"? 711 00:56:27,638 --> 00:56:31,683 24 burned all the RCS prop recovering from the overburn. 712 00:56:31,767 --> 00:56:33,185 Even the CM thrusters. 713 00:56:33,268 --> 00:56:36,104 They're bone-dry. Can't correct the rotation. 714 00:56:37,439 --> 00:56:39,775 I matched their speed, but I haven't been able to dock. 715 00:56:39,858 --> 00:56:41,360 They're wobbly. 716 00:56:41,985 --> 00:56:44,321 Too damn much for the docking probe to latch on. 717 00:56:44,404 --> 00:56:45,447 Goddamn it. 718 00:56:45,531 --> 00:56:48,075 How much time do we have left in the window, GUIDO? 719 00:56:48,742 --> 00:56:49,862 Twenty-four minutes, Flight. 720 00:56:56,041 --> 00:56:57,668 You really shouldn't be here. 721 00:56:57,751 --> 00:57:00,254 She invited me. Don't worry. I didn't say anything that... 722 00:57:00,337 --> 00:57:02,923 What do you think people are going to think? 723 00:57:03,006 --> 00:57:04,758 I don't care what they think. 724 00:57:05,342 --> 00:57:06,969 - You can't stay. It's no... - No. 725 00:57:16,520 --> 00:57:17,521 Ellen? 726 00:57:20,440 --> 00:57:21,441 Ellen? 727 00:57:21,817 --> 00:57:22,901 You okay? 728 00:57:24,486 --> 00:57:25,821 About before... 729 00:57:28,115 --> 00:57:29,533 Deke, you don't have to. 730 00:57:29,616 --> 00:57:30,617 No, I do. 731 00:57:31,577 --> 00:57:32,703 It's important. 732 00:57:34,746 --> 00:57:36,039 Like I said... 733 00:57:39,918 --> 00:57:41,962 you got great things ahead. 734 00:57:45,591 --> 00:57:47,259 If we make it through this... 735 00:57:50,179 --> 00:57:52,764 don't tell anyone else what you told me. 736 00:57:53,390 --> 00:57:54,433 You hear me? 737 00:57:56,476 --> 00:57:57,728 What you told me... 738 00:57:59,021 --> 00:58:00,480 keep it to yourself. 739 00:58:04,067 --> 00:58:06,528 There's too many people in the world like me. 740 00:58:09,114 --> 00:58:10,782 And it's all they'll see. 741 00:58:14,786 --> 00:58:15,996 24, come in. 742 00:58:26,507 --> 00:58:27,674 This is 24. 743 00:58:27,758 --> 00:58:30,636 So, Houston's still working on a fix for the docking situation. 744 00:58:30,719 --> 00:58:32,137 They got the sims running nonstop, 745 00:58:32,221 --> 00:58:34,348 so they should be coming up with a procedure shortly. 746 00:58:34,431 --> 00:58:35,432 So stand by. 747 00:58:35,516 --> 00:58:37,309 He's not gonna be able to dock. 748 00:58:38,018 --> 00:58:40,020 There's no way. Not in time. 749 00:58:51,990 --> 00:58:53,617 What if he doesn't need to dock? 750 00:58:54,826 --> 00:58:56,245 I may have an idea. 751 00:58:57,246 --> 00:58:58,747 I'm all ears. 752 00:58:58,830 --> 00:59:01,542 Gene Cernan once told me that in space, 753 00:59:01,625 --> 00:59:04,336 even a girl can toss a football like Joe Namath. 754 00:59:04,419 --> 00:59:07,422 Joe Namath? What the hell you talkin' about? 755 00:59:07,506 --> 00:59:09,967 Oh, I used to play wideout with my brothers. 756 00:59:12,427 --> 00:59:13,428 You can't be serious. 757 00:59:14,179 --> 00:59:15,722 You got any better ideas? 758 00:59:17,933 --> 00:59:21,103 This is insane. He's gonna throw it to her? 759 00:59:21,186 --> 00:59:23,814 It's risky, I know, but we've got 20 minutes left, sir. 760 00:59:23,897 --> 00:59:26,817 If we don't do something, we're gonna lose 24 and maybe Ed too. 761 00:59:26,900 --> 00:59:29,403 This cannot be our best option. 762 00:59:29,486 --> 00:59:32,865 - I'm not gonna stand here and let you... - This is my call. I'm in command here. 763 00:59:32,948 --> 00:59:35,385 So you can either stay out of my way, or you can fuck right off. 764 00:59:35,409 --> 00:59:36,410 Those are your options. 765 00:59:36,493 --> 00:59:37,744 CAPCOM, let's go. 766 00:59:39,037 --> 00:59:40,122 Yes, ma'am. 767 00:59:44,710 --> 00:59:47,880 Okay, Ed. We are go for EVA. 768 00:59:48,714 --> 00:59:49,965 Roger that, Houston. 769 00:59:50,465 --> 00:59:52,551 180-degree yaw maneuver completed. 770 00:59:52,634 --> 00:59:54,094 Moving to open hatch. 771 00:59:54,178 --> 00:59:58,015 Copy. You have 19 minutes until you're outside the window. 772 01:00:21,705 --> 01:00:23,916 Proceeding to remove the tank from the QD. 773 01:01:24,560 --> 01:01:27,187 Okay. We got one shot at this. 774 01:01:28,730 --> 01:01:30,148 I'm gonna try to judge the throw 775 01:01:30,232 --> 01:01:33,986 so it hits you right in the numbers when you crest the top of the ship's rotation. 776 01:01:34,069 --> 01:01:35,612 - Copy? - Copy. 777 01:01:35,696 --> 01:01:37,573 Okay, this might not weigh anything right now, 778 01:01:37,656 --> 01:01:39,092 but this sucker's got a lot of mass. 779 01:01:39,116 --> 01:01:41,076 So make sure you latch that tether on tight. 780 01:01:41,159 --> 01:01:43,829 Okay, Ed, coming up on 15 minutes left in the window. 781 01:01:43,912 --> 01:01:45,789 And Ellen's gonna need at least ten minutes 782 01:01:45,873 --> 01:01:49,126 to hook up to the fill-drain valves and refuel Osprey. 783 01:01:49,209 --> 01:01:52,045 So... now or never. 784 01:02:14,735 --> 01:02:15,819 It's too high! 785 01:02:16,236 --> 01:02:17,821 It went high. I missed. 786 01:02:22,618 --> 01:02:24,161 Ellen, don't! 787 01:02:50,145 --> 01:02:51,438 I got it. 788 01:02:52,439 --> 01:02:53,774 I got it! 789 01:02:56,485 --> 01:02:58,237 Houston... we have capture. 790 01:03:22,094 --> 01:03:23,512 Congratulations. 791 01:03:50,330 --> 01:03:51,540 You see that, Deke? 792 01:05:04,154 --> 01:05:05,322 Marge. 793 01:05:06,198 --> 01:05:10,160 I regret to inform you that... 794 01:05:10,244 --> 01:05:12,955 we lost Deke. 795 01:05:22,089 --> 01:05:23,173 Marge, come here. 796 01:05:32,224 --> 01:05:34,268 I know. I know, I know. 797 01:07:01,396 --> 01:07:03,565 Listen, you should probably get some rest. 798 01:07:06,401 --> 01:07:09,071 In the next few days, when you've got settled, 799 01:07:09,488 --> 01:07:11,240 we'll start divvying up all the... 800 01:07:11,323 --> 01:07:12,658 "Next few days"? 801 01:07:14,409 --> 01:07:15,661 Ed, you're... 802 01:07:16,411 --> 01:07:18,539 you're going back home on Osprey. 803 01:07:20,541 --> 01:07:25,921 No, you can't expect to hold to the mission now. 804 01:07:27,548 --> 01:07:29,258 You'd be alone. 805 01:07:30,342 --> 01:07:31,385 You were. 806 01:07:33,554 --> 01:07:35,013 Yeah, well, that's... 807 01:07:36,682 --> 01:07:38,892 I can't. No. 808 01:07:40,811 --> 01:07:42,563 I can't leave the base. 809 01:07:43,063 --> 01:07:44,273 Not after... 810 01:07:46,567 --> 01:07:47,943 everything that's... 811 01:07:51,738 --> 01:07:53,424 There'll be another relief mission in a few weeks. 812 01:07:53,448 --> 01:07:54,950 We'll both go back with that one. 813 01:08:01,456 --> 01:08:03,542 With all due respect, sir... 814 01:08:04,585 --> 01:08:07,629 we came here to send you back home, and that's what I'm going to do. 815 01:08:12,759 --> 01:08:14,469 I'm not gonna abandon the base. 816 01:08:14,928 --> 01:08:16,470 This is not a discussion. 817 01:08:25,147 --> 01:08:27,649 I relieve you as commander of Jamestown. 818 01:08:47,920 --> 01:08:48,962 I stand relieved. 819 01:09:36,176 --> 01:09:40,220 We now take you to a live press conference with Commander Ellen Wilson, 820 01:09:40,305 --> 01:09:44,518 who has replaced Captain Edward Baldwin as the lone American on the moon. 821 01:09:45,227 --> 01:09:48,397 Commander Wilson, would you like to say anything about Deke Slayton? 822 01:09:48,479 --> 01:09:50,439 I'm sure you two were very close. 823 01:09:53,318 --> 01:09:55,487 He was one of the first of us. 824 01:09:56,822 --> 01:10:00,325 Started at all this before anybody, American or Russian, 825 01:10:00,409 --> 01:10:02,661 had even gone up into space. 826 01:10:03,579 --> 01:10:05,080 He was from a different era. 827 01:10:05,873 --> 01:10:09,751 Definitely a stubborn man. 828 01:10:10,502 --> 01:10:13,005 When they told him he couldn't fly because of his heart, 829 01:10:13,463 --> 01:10:15,299 he helped others get there. 830 01:10:15,966 --> 01:10:18,218 When they told him he was too old to fly, 831 01:10:18,760 --> 01:10:22,514 he told them to go to hell, and he put on a space suit... 832 01:10:24,099 --> 01:10:26,018 and he made it all the way to the moon. 833 01:10:26,101 --> 01:10:29,438 Commander, with the loss of Deke Slayton and Harrison Liu, 834 01:10:29,521 --> 01:10:32,316 space travel is seeming like a very dangerous endeavor. 835 01:10:32,983 --> 01:10:35,944 With what you've been through, do you feel that it's still worth it? 836 01:10:37,196 --> 01:10:38,322 Worth it? 837 01:10:42,409 --> 01:10:44,077 I mean, it's dangerous. 838 01:10:45,913 --> 01:10:52,127 Lives have been lost, and, honestly, probably more will be lost. 839 01:10:53,420 --> 01:10:56,048 But every one of us knew the risks before we joined, 840 01:10:57,090 --> 01:10:58,800 the toll it takes on us 841 01:10:58,884 --> 01:11:01,428 - and on the ones we love. - Straight to bed. Thank you. 842 01:11:01,512 --> 01:11:03,764 But we all signed up just the same. 843 01:11:05,057 --> 01:11:07,434 It's the price we pay to push forward... 844 01:11:09,061 --> 01:11:11,188 to explore the universe... 845 01:11:11,271 --> 01:11:12,898 and wander into the unknown. 846 01:11:13,607 --> 01:11:16,693 Pushing ourselves to the limits of what's possible. 847 01:11:19,530 --> 01:11:21,740 Are there sacrifices that have to be made? 848 01:11:22,824 --> 01:11:23,867 Of course. 849 01:11:24,993 --> 01:11:27,496 But sacrifice is a part of any journey. 850 01:11:29,706 --> 01:11:31,750 It's like those caravans, 851 01:11:31,834 --> 01:11:34,628 the wagon trains that crossed our country a hundred years ago 852 01:11:34,711 --> 01:11:36,046 in search of a new home. 853 01:11:37,214 --> 01:11:41,093 Or the ships that sailed across the Atlantic in search of a new world. 854 01:11:42,970 --> 01:11:46,890 Taking on these great challenges against great odds... 855 01:11:49,810 --> 01:11:51,603 that's what makes us human. 856 01:12:01,530 --> 01:12:04,575 Remember, we chose to go to the moon 857 01:12:04,658 --> 01:12:06,368 not because it was easy... 858 01:12:08,954 --> 01:12:10,372 but because it was hard. 859 01:12:11,832 --> 01:12:12,958 So, yes. 860 01:12:14,710 --> 01:12:16,795 Yes, I think it's worth it. 861 01:12:17,212 --> 01:12:21,258 Because no matter how hard it is now, when we look to the future, 862 01:12:21,884 --> 01:12:23,635 we can see that things can... 863 01:12:24,511 --> 01:12:26,180 they can get better. 864 01:12:27,097 --> 01:12:28,307 I do believe that. 865 01:12:28,891 --> 01:12:32,311 Mrs. Wilson, is there anything you'd like to say to anyone back home? 866 01:12:36,523 --> 01:12:37,566 I... 867 01:12:38,317 --> 01:12:41,987 I just wanna say I know I don't say it enough, 868 01:12:42,446 --> 01:12:46,575 but I miss you and I love you with all of my heart, Larry. 869 01:12:47,951 --> 01:12:49,369 I'll be back home soon. 870 01:12:56,835 --> 01:12:59,963 Thank you, everyone. That was the last question. Thank you for coming. 871 01:14:54,244 --> 01:14:55,746 Security's really high. 872 01:14:55,829 --> 01:14:59,082 Look at that. There's a whole carrier task force out there. 873 01:14:59,625 --> 01:15:03,253 It just doesn't seem very safe. What if it explodes in the atmosphere? 874 01:15:03,795 --> 01:15:06,632 That's why we're launching it from the middle of nowhere, Karen. 875 01:15:06,715 --> 01:15:09,635 Look, it's risky, Ed. This isn't just another payload. 876 01:15:10,052 --> 01:15:11,428 That thing's carrying plutonium. 877 01:15:11,512 --> 01:15:14,264 Expansion of the Jamestown colony. 878 01:15:14,765 --> 01:15:17,017 Ignition sequence... start. 879 01:15:17,559 --> 01:15:22,898 Five, four, three, two, one. 880 01:15:23,482 --> 01:15:24,483 Ignition.