1 00:00:10,427 --> 00:00:11,803 All right, Wubbo. 2 00:00:13,388 --> 00:00:14,848 Let's take a look here, buddy. 3 00:00:14,932 --> 00:00:17,893 -Okay, follow the light for me. -You're good. 4 00:00:19,603 --> 00:00:23,774 I took shelter in the lava tube right next to base camp. 5 00:00:32,448 --> 00:00:34,618 Okay, Wubbo. Let's take a look. 6 00:00:35,327 --> 00:00:37,204 Muller, take care of Molly for me, okay? 7 00:00:37,287 --> 00:00:39,289 I tried to reach Wubbo over the comm, 8 00:00:39,373 --> 00:00:40,999 but there was no response. 9 00:00:41,959 --> 00:00:43,460 And that was when the storm hit. 10 00:00:43,544 --> 00:00:45,170 Molly, you okay? 11 00:00:45,254 --> 00:00:46,338 Step up. Step up. 12 00:00:47,089 --> 00:00:48,423 Right. 13 00:00:49,466 --> 00:00:51,134 Do me a favor. Put some... 14 00:00:51,927 --> 00:00:53,387 Molly, okay? 15 00:00:54,263 --> 00:00:57,599 I've never seen anything like it. 16 00:00:58,600 --> 00:01:02,563 It was like... the regolith was boiling. 17 00:01:02,646 --> 00:01:05,732 All right, Wubbo. Let's see what we can do here, huh? 18 00:01:06,900 --> 00:01:08,235 All right. Come on. 19 00:01:14,241 --> 00:01:16,243 I knew Wubbo was in trouble, 20 00:01:16,326 --> 00:01:22,165 but it wasn't safe to proceed with the rescue until the storm was over. 21 00:01:24,251 --> 00:01:25,252 So I waited. 22 00:01:27,754 --> 00:01:30,632 Two hours, 45 minutes. I waited. 23 00:01:33,010 --> 00:01:34,386 You made the right call, Molly. 24 00:01:37,139 --> 00:01:38,182 Will he be okay? 25 00:01:39,516 --> 00:01:40,809 There aren't really any tests 26 00:01:40,893 --> 00:01:44,646 that can tell us how much radiation passed through his body during that time. 27 00:01:44,730 --> 00:01:47,524 But his dosimeter badge measured 200 rems. 28 00:01:47,608 --> 00:01:48,692 What does that mean? 29 00:01:48,775 --> 00:01:51,695 It's more than the maximum dose any person should get in a lifetime. 30 00:01:52,362 --> 00:01:55,073 He will almost certainly develop cancer in the next few years. 31 00:01:55,866 --> 00:01:59,369 I'm moving my return trip up to tomorrow so I can get him back to Houston. 32 00:01:59,995 --> 00:02:00,996 Understood. 33 00:02:01,663 --> 00:02:03,790 And I'm taking you back with me as well. 34 00:02:04,458 --> 00:02:06,960 What? The hell you are. 35 00:02:07,044 --> 00:02:09,545 My badge was green. I have two more months up here. 36 00:02:09,630 --> 00:02:12,841 That lava tube gave some protection, but it wasn't ideal cover. 37 00:02:12,925 --> 00:02:15,886 The approved amount of radiation for a six-month tour is 20 rems. 38 00:02:15,969 --> 00:02:17,054 Your dosimeter's at 90. 39 00:02:17,137 --> 00:02:20,307 Come on. I'm almost finished mapping the southern ridge of Stafford. 40 00:02:20,390 --> 00:02:21,934 I know there's lithium there. 41 00:02:23,310 --> 00:02:26,939 I'm sorry. My decision is final. We leave at 0900. 42 00:02:27,689 --> 00:02:29,483 That's so easy for you to say. 43 00:02:30,692 --> 00:02:35,072 You can't wait to get off this rock and start your cushy new desk job. 44 00:02:35,155 --> 00:02:37,407 Nothing about this is easy, Molly. 45 00:02:39,451 --> 00:02:43,038 Once you're recovered, you'll come back up. Six months, a year tops. 46 00:02:44,540 --> 00:02:45,541 And Wubbo? 47 00:02:47,251 --> 00:02:48,710 He's never coming back. 48 00:04:05,078 --> 00:04:09,833 The Reagan administration continues to defend its decision to go to DEFCON 3 49 00:04:09,917 --> 00:04:11,752 during yesterday's solar storm. 50 00:04:11,835 --> 00:04:16,005 The escalation led to the 4th Bomber Wing's deployment near Soviet airspace. 51 00:04:16,089 --> 00:04:20,135 Soviet premier Andropov criticized the actions as provocative 52 00:04:20,219 --> 00:04:22,596 in a speech to the Duma earlier today. 53 00:04:22,679 --> 00:04:26,475 Administration officials claim it was simply a cautionary measure. 54 00:04:26,558 --> 00:04:30,604 But a growing number of critics here at home are questioning that rationale. 55 00:04:30,687 --> 00:04:35,943 If that's true, why'd they rush the president onto Air Force One? 56 00:04:36,026 --> 00:04:39,446 A solar flare brought us to the brink of war, 57 00:04:39,530 --> 00:04:42,741 thanks to the saber-rattling policies of this administration. 58 00:04:47,037 --> 00:04:48,997 And how's the power situation holding up? 59 00:04:49,081 --> 00:04:50,666 Solar's picking up most of the slack 60 00:04:50,749 --> 00:04:53,210 while we're getting the nuclear reactor back online. 61 00:04:53,293 --> 00:04:56,046 What about life support systems? Got a lot of people up there. 62 00:04:56,129 --> 00:05:00,384 Life support should be fine, but ice mining output's been affected. 63 00:05:00,467 --> 00:05:02,636 And the advanced development operations for the Mars program 64 00:05:02,719 --> 00:05:05,597 will have to be put on hold. Again. 65 00:05:06,473 --> 00:05:10,352 And that's not all. During the scram, the fuel rods were damaged. 66 00:05:10,435 --> 00:05:13,313 We're not gonna get more than another couple of months out of the reactor, 67 00:05:13,397 --> 00:05:14,606 if we're lucky. 68 00:05:18,151 --> 00:05:21,321 Okay. We'll have to send up more plutonium. 69 00:05:21,947 --> 00:05:22,990 It'll be tight, 70 00:05:23,073 --> 00:05:25,951 but I think the next Sea Dragon launch should get it there in time. 71 00:05:26,034 --> 00:05:27,786 Certainly safer with an unmanned flight. 72 00:05:27,870 --> 00:05:30,914 I'll alert Guam to implement nuclear transportation guidelines. 73 00:05:30,998 --> 00:05:33,458 That'll have to be approved by the Pentagon first. 74 00:05:34,376 --> 00:05:36,545 That'll take weeks. We'll miss the launch date. 75 00:05:36,628 --> 00:05:39,256 I don't want Jamestown stuck in the dark because of red tape. 76 00:05:39,339 --> 00:05:42,259 I don't want that either, Margo, but it is protocol. 77 00:05:42,342 --> 00:05:46,346 And we may be back to DEFCON 5, but we still need to remain vigilant. 78 00:05:47,514 --> 00:05:50,434 Good morning. I come bearing good news. 79 00:05:50,517 --> 00:05:52,102 We could certainly use some. 80 00:05:52,186 --> 00:05:54,897 So, after this storm fiasco, 81 00:05:54,980 --> 00:05:58,984 the president thinks it's prudent to ease tensions with the Soviets, 82 00:05:59,067 --> 00:06:00,903 show Americans he's a man of peace. 83 00:06:02,070 --> 00:06:05,866 Sticking missiles on Pathfinder is probably not the best way to do that. 84 00:06:05,949 --> 00:06:10,162 I know. I know. That's on hold. For now. 85 00:06:10,245 --> 00:06:13,749 But I do want you to put together a proposal for a new mission. 86 00:06:13,832 --> 00:06:17,211 An American astronaut and a Soviet cosmonaut 87 00:06:17,294 --> 00:06:20,172 coming together to show our common purpose 88 00:06:20,255 --> 00:06:22,841 with a handshake in space. 89 00:06:26,970 --> 00:06:28,639 I'm sorry. 90 00:06:28,722 --> 00:06:29,932 A handshake? 91 00:06:30,015 --> 00:06:33,810 You dock the two ships, open the hatch, they shake hands on live TV, 92 00:06:33,894 --> 00:06:35,145 Bob's your uncle. 93 00:06:35,229 --> 00:06:37,064 Ed, I'll need some ideas on the crew, 94 00:06:37,147 --> 00:06:40,067 people that best reflect what our country is all about. 95 00:06:40,150 --> 00:06:44,488 Strength, freedom, maybe a young face in there for the MTV crowd. 96 00:06:44,571 --> 00:06:47,533 Yeah. I'll see if Madonna's available. 97 00:06:48,116 --> 00:06:52,079 There is no way I'm allowing our shuttle to dock with a Soviet craft. 98 00:06:52,162 --> 00:06:55,541 They'll have access to our most classified technologies. We can't-- 99 00:06:55,624 --> 00:06:58,502 Margo, relax. It won't ever get to that. 100 00:07:01,004 --> 00:07:02,798 We reach our hand out in peace, 101 00:07:02,881 --> 00:07:06,593 and when the Soviets smack it away, we come out smelling like roses. 102 00:07:06,677 --> 00:07:08,595 And they look like the aggressors. 103 00:07:08,679 --> 00:07:09,888 It's a win-win. 104 00:07:11,014 --> 00:07:12,933 Tom, I'm not sure if you've noticed, 105 00:07:13,016 --> 00:07:15,018 but we've got a lot on our plate right now. 106 00:07:15,102 --> 00:07:17,813 So planning a PR stunt that's never gonna happen 107 00:07:17,896 --> 00:07:20,774 isn't exactly high on my priority list. 108 00:07:20,858 --> 00:07:22,192 You'll figure out something. 109 00:07:23,735 --> 00:07:25,070 It's what you do. 110 00:07:31,201 --> 00:07:32,202 It's what you do. 111 00:07:35,289 --> 00:07:38,584 Bet you're pretty excited to get down here and join all the fun, huh, Ellen? 112 00:07:39,001 --> 00:07:40,085 Yeah, can't wait. 113 00:07:40,169 --> 00:07:41,336 Signing off. 114 00:07:58,187 --> 00:07:59,188 How we looking? 115 00:08:00,856 --> 00:08:02,649 LSAM's prepped for launch. 116 00:08:03,650 --> 00:08:05,110 Guess it's about that time then. 117 00:08:08,447 --> 00:08:10,574 This is gonna be your last time up here, right? 118 00:08:14,161 --> 00:08:15,704 Gonna miss it? 119 00:08:15,787 --> 00:08:19,875 Four tours, 723 days. 120 00:08:20,626 --> 00:08:21,877 I've had my fill. 121 00:08:21,960 --> 00:08:25,714 Anyway, I think I can have more of an impact on the program down there. 122 00:08:26,965 --> 00:08:29,468 Maybe start with getting us a working dishwasher. 123 00:08:29,551 --> 00:08:30,928 I can't do the impossible, Al. 124 00:08:31,011 --> 00:08:32,011 Right. 125 00:08:35,432 --> 00:08:37,683 -Well, should we... -Yeah. 126 00:08:43,106 --> 00:08:45,817 I hereby relieve you as commander of Jamestown. 127 00:08:46,818 --> 00:08:48,237 I stand relieved. 128 00:08:50,447 --> 00:08:51,615 Good luck down there. 129 00:08:52,824 --> 00:08:53,825 Thanks. 130 00:08:57,579 --> 00:08:59,122 Foster. Thank you. 131 00:08:59,206 --> 00:09:00,249 Take care. 132 00:09:00,958 --> 00:09:03,043 Price. Keep up the good work. 133 00:09:03,877 --> 00:09:04,920 Fassi. Thank you. 134 00:09:05,003 --> 00:09:06,547 -Geller. -Thank you. 135 00:09:07,506 --> 00:09:09,508 Good. Don't be too good to him. 136 00:09:10,676 --> 00:09:12,052 -Jonway. -Thanks. 137 00:09:12,135 --> 00:09:15,347 And almost forgot the most important thing. 138 00:09:17,391 --> 00:09:18,433 What are these for? 139 00:09:19,518 --> 00:09:20,727 The liquor cabinet. 140 00:09:25,899 --> 00:09:27,359 All right, ADI is to inertial. 141 00:09:29,486 --> 00:09:30,487 Yep. 142 00:09:30,571 --> 00:09:32,823 Check your errors and rates and medium. 143 00:09:33,490 --> 00:09:38,287 I'm gonna kick off the maneuver. Item 27. Execute. All right. 144 00:09:38,871 --> 00:09:41,206 Cobb, time to strap in. 145 00:09:41,707 --> 00:09:42,708 All right. 146 00:09:48,005 --> 00:09:50,924 -Engine mode 202. -202. 147 00:10:15,073 --> 00:10:21,121 Come on, you little alien bastards. Yes. Yes. 148 00:10:23,832 --> 00:10:26,210 You might as well give up. You're never gonna get it. 149 00:10:26,293 --> 00:10:28,962 Bullshit. I'm almost there. 150 00:10:29,713 --> 00:10:30,714 You're cheating. 151 00:10:30,797 --> 00:10:33,675 No, I'm not. It's called hunting. 152 00:10:34,676 --> 00:10:37,054 -Jimmy showed me. -Proud of you, Gordo. 153 00:10:37,137 --> 00:10:38,639 Yeah. 154 00:10:41,141 --> 00:10:42,434 I was right there. 155 00:10:43,143 --> 00:10:44,853 -Right there. -One day. 156 00:10:44,937 --> 00:10:46,980 One day you'll get it, buddy boy. 157 00:10:50,108 --> 00:10:51,109 Shit. 158 00:10:56,406 --> 00:10:57,407 Thanks. 159 00:10:59,535 --> 00:11:01,245 You think she'll show up? 160 00:11:02,955 --> 00:11:04,289 We'll see. 161 00:11:49,793 --> 00:11:53,046 "And when he came to it, he found nothing but leaves, 162 00:11:53,130 --> 00:11:55,549 for the time of figs was not yet." 163 00:12:11,648 --> 00:12:13,609 I didn't really know him that well. 164 00:12:15,444 --> 00:12:17,070 Certainly had his demons. 165 00:12:17,154 --> 00:12:20,490 Some guys just never get free of it, you know? 166 00:12:20,574 --> 00:12:22,534 It's like they're still over there. 167 00:12:23,452 --> 00:12:27,414 Poor Dani. Can't imagine what she's going through. 168 00:12:27,497 --> 00:12:29,875 It's gonna take time, but she'll get through it. 169 00:12:29,958 --> 00:12:34,129 Yeah. Just seeing her at the funeral, that was like... 170 00:12:34,213 --> 00:12:35,214 Hey. 171 00:12:35,297 --> 00:12:36,590 -Hey, there she is. -Hi, Bob. 172 00:12:36,673 --> 00:12:37,758 -Hi, Bob. -Hi, Bob. 173 00:12:37,841 --> 00:12:41,011 Sorry I'm late. The I-45 was jammed. 174 00:12:43,889 --> 00:12:45,140 What the hell is that? 175 00:12:45,224 --> 00:12:48,185 -Plants in a bar. What's next, huh? -I tried telling her. 176 00:12:48,727 --> 00:12:51,146 -What'd she say? -She said it freshens up the place. 177 00:12:51,230 --> 00:12:54,066 Oh, please. The place was fine the way it was before. 178 00:12:54,149 --> 00:12:55,275 Come on, it was a dump. 179 00:12:55,359 --> 00:12:59,238 Sure, it was a little rough around the edges, but it was ours. 180 00:13:00,030 --> 00:13:02,199 -It had character. -It had roaches. 181 00:13:02,282 --> 00:13:03,659 Roaches have character. 182 00:13:03,742 --> 00:13:06,662 -I miss the pool table. -You never played the pool table. 183 00:13:06,745 --> 00:13:08,330 I loved the pool table and the old chairs. 184 00:13:08,413 --> 00:13:11,625 I loved those old chairs. The way they would wobble ever so slightly. 185 00:13:11,708 --> 00:13:14,795 Yeah, you sure wobbled out of plenty of 'em. 186 00:13:23,303 --> 00:13:24,930 How you holding up? 187 00:13:27,432 --> 00:13:28,433 I'm okay. 188 00:13:30,644 --> 00:13:32,855 -I just miss him. -Yeah. 189 00:13:34,648 --> 00:13:35,941 Day by day. You know? 190 00:13:36,567 --> 00:13:37,568 Day by day. 191 00:13:41,238 --> 00:13:45,158 These last nine years, they were just so hard. 192 00:13:46,618 --> 00:13:48,745 And Clayton, seeing him struggle like that, 193 00:13:48,829 --> 00:13:51,415 and he was in so much pain. 194 00:13:53,125 --> 00:13:54,126 I just... 195 00:13:57,087 --> 00:13:58,422 You okay? 196 00:13:59,173 --> 00:14:00,174 I'm fine. 197 00:14:00,841 --> 00:14:04,303 Really, I'm just... I'm trying to get back to my old self. 198 00:14:04,970 --> 00:14:06,013 Honestly. 199 00:14:08,599 --> 00:14:13,270 Which is... why I... 200 00:14:14,730 --> 00:14:15,731 What? 201 00:14:18,108 --> 00:14:19,193 I wanna go back. 202 00:14:20,194 --> 00:14:22,321 -Back where? -Jamestown. 203 00:14:23,989 --> 00:14:25,741 It has been nine years since I've-- 204 00:14:26,366 --> 00:14:30,037 since any of us have been up there, and... 205 00:14:30,871 --> 00:14:31,872 it's time. 206 00:14:33,415 --> 00:14:34,958 I wanna see how it's changed. 207 00:14:35,042 --> 00:14:37,044 I wanna see what it's become. 208 00:14:37,127 --> 00:14:40,714 You know what it's become. You helped design the damn thing. 209 00:14:41,465 --> 00:14:42,799 That's not the same thing. 210 00:14:43,634 --> 00:14:45,969 I wanna see it. With my own eyes. 211 00:14:47,179 --> 00:14:48,931 I wanna suit up in the morning. 212 00:14:50,057 --> 00:14:51,683 Put my boots in the moondust. 213 00:14:52,351 --> 00:14:55,062 See the sun rise over Shackleton again. 214 00:14:57,064 --> 00:14:58,524 Don't y'all miss it? 215 00:15:00,150 --> 00:15:01,443 Come on, Ed. 216 00:15:01,527 --> 00:15:03,946 You're telling me you don't ever think about going back? 217 00:15:04,029 --> 00:15:07,157 We were there before there was a "there." 218 00:15:08,116 --> 00:15:09,785 Don't y'all wanna see what we started? 219 00:15:10,202 --> 00:15:11,578 -Not really. -No. 220 00:15:14,498 --> 00:15:15,499 Well, I do. 221 00:15:17,334 --> 00:15:19,044 Don't get me wrong. 222 00:15:20,087 --> 00:15:23,632 I love sitting here in this formerly shitty bar with y'all every few weeks 223 00:15:23,715 --> 00:15:25,509 having a few laughs, 224 00:15:25,592 --> 00:15:28,929 but I'm tired of talking about the good old days when we were astronauts. 225 00:15:29,012 --> 00:15:30,430 We're still astronauts. 226 00:15:31,932 --> 00:15:32,975 No, we're not. 227 00:15:33,600 --> 00:15:36,812 There's more to being an astronaut than going up in space, Dani. 228 00:15:36,895 --> 00:15:38,021 Look... 229 00:15:39,064 --> 00:15:42,693 I don't regret a minute of the time I spent here with Clayton these last years. 230 00:15:43,402 --> 00:15:47,114 But I will not spend the rest of my life just sitting around saying, 231 00:15:47,614 --> 00:15:50,868 "You remember this? You remember that?" 232 00:15:51,869 --> 00:15:52,953 Okay. 233 00:15:54,746 --> 00:15:56,290 I'll put in the paperwork tomorrow. 234 00:16:00,919 --> 00:16:01,920 Really? 235 00:16:05,507 --> 00:16:06,633 Thank you, Ed. 236 00:16:12,556 --> 00:16:14,057 -To Dani. -To Dani. 237 00:16:24,651 --> 00:16:28,322 Now raise your visor. Yeah, there we go. 238 00:16:29,907 --> 00:16:32,618 All right. Can you raise your arm now? 239 00:16:33,702 --> 00:16:35,704 Yeah, just show us that watch. 240 00:16:35,787 --> 00:16:38,498 Okay, okay. Now give me that million-dollar smile. 241 00:16:39,249 --> 00:16:40,751 Little bigger. 242 00:16:41,335 --> 00:16:42,336 Nice. 243 00:16:43,420 --> 00:16:44,463 Okay. 244 00:16:45,047 --> 00:16:46,340 Guess that's good enough. 245 00:16:46,423 --> 00:16:48,467 Okay. We're done here. 246 00:16:49,635 --> 00:16:51,094 Thanks for rolling with me, babe. 247 00:16:51,178 --> 00:16:53,722 I know that took a while, but those last few are really gonna pop. 248 00:16:53,805 --> 00:16:56,016 Your pretty face is gonna be all over Times Square. 249 00:16:56,099 --> 00:16:58,519 I think you mean that pretty watch. 250 00:17:01,897 --> 00:17:04,816 Thank you, Angie. I'm fucking boiling in this suit. 251 00:17:18,247 --> 00:17:19,248 Hey, baby. 252 00:17:20,457 --> 00:17:23,252 Jamestown was just a single room back then. 253 00:17:23,752 --> 00:17:27,256 Barely enough space for the three of us to live and work together. 254 00:17:27,964 --> 00:17:30,634 Not like the Taj Mahal that they've got up there today. 255 00:17:33,303 --> 00:17:35,222 Don't even get me started on the food. 256 00:17:35,806 --> 00:17:38,058 Might as well have been eating cardboard. 257 00:17:43,772 --> 00:17:46,567 Yeah. It was the pioneer days. 258 00:17:48,110 --> 00:17:51,738 Frontier. The Wild West. 259 00:17:51,822 --> 00:17:55,158 We were the settlers, and the Russians... 260 00:17:55,784 --> 00:17:57,578 well, they were the Indians. 261 00:18:18,724 --> 00:18:20,350 Gordon. 262 00:19:22,871 --> 00:19:24,081 Welcome home. 263 00:19:49,356 --> 00:19:51,942 Thank you, everyone, for all the work you've done 264 00:19:52,025 --> 00:19:53,986 to bring us back to Earth safely. 265 00:19:54,069 --> 00:19:58,532 There is no such thing as a small part to play in this program. 266 00:19:58,615 --> 00:20:03,078 The work of every person here is valuable to the greater mission of NASA, 267 00:20:03,161 --> 00:20:06,248 and we are very grateful. 268 00:20:06,331 --> 00:20:07,332 Thank you. 269 00:20:14,590 --> 00:20:15,591 Babe! 270 00:20:15,674 --> 00:20:17,843 Babe. Babe. 271 00:20:19,761 --> 00:20:20,762 Hey. 272 00:20:28,395 --> 00:20:30,606 -You okay? -Yeah. Fine. 273 00:20:32,858 --> 00:20:34,610 -Let's get you outta here. -Yeah. 274 00:20:35,485 --> 00:20:36,945 Yeah. Come on. 275 00:20:37,029 --> 00:20:38,614 -They won't even notice. -Yeah. 276 00:20:46,330 --> 00:20:47,789 Kelly, breakfast! 277 00:20:54,213 --> 00:20:55,214 Kelly, come on! 278 00:21:05,057 --> 00:21:07,893 -Kelly! Breakfast. -Coming. 279 00:21:29,790 --> 00:21:33,377 Protests continue to grow out of hand near the Panama Canal Zone 280 00:21:33,460 --> 00:21:35,254 after the Reagan administration declared 281 00:21:35,337 --> 00:21:39,174 the reelection of Panamanian president Omar Torrijos invalid, 282 00:21:39,258 --> 00:21:41,385 alleging widespread voter fraud. 283 00:21:41,468 --> 00:21:44,555 Torrijos, who has recently embraced socialist policies, 284 00:21:44,638 --> 00:21:46,306 vowed to stay in office, 285 00:21:46,390 --> 00:21:48,267 while peace activists here in the US 286 00:21:48,350 --> 00:21:52,020 are voicing opposition to the administration's policies. 287 00:21:52,104 --> 00:21:55,941 If Ronnie Reagan thinks peace is a cliché from the '60s, 288 00:21:56,024 --> 00:21:57,025 that's his problem. 289 00:21:57,109 --> 00:21:58,944 Peace is forever. 290 00:21:59,027 --> 00:22:02,906 Come on, Nancy. Tell your husband to come back to bed and grow his hair. 291 00:22:04,616 --> 00:22:06,034 6:20. 292 00:22:06,118 --> 00:22:08,662 -Time for me to go. Bye. -Bye. 293 00:22:08,745 --> 00:22:11,582 Ellen, it was very nice to meet you. 294 00:22:11,665 --> 00:22:14,585 You too. Sure I'll see you around. 295 00:22:14,668 --> 00:22:15,878 Yeah. See you around. 296 00:22:15,961 --> 00:22:17,504 ...in the United States, 297 00:22:17,588 --> 00:22:19,798 it is estimated that more than three million people 298 00:22:19,882 --> 00:22:22,551 have openly demonstrated against the Reagan administration... 299 00:22:23,010 --> 00:22:24,720 Wow, you've trained him well. 300 00:22:24,803 --> 00:22:27,222 Yeah, he's great. Always on time. 301 00:22:28,348 --> 00:22:31,018 Goes through the back so Mrs. Williams won't see. 302 00:22:31,101 --> 00:22:33,312 He even parks his car two blocks away. 303 00:22:34,188 --> 00:22:35,272 Impressive. 304 00:22:38,066 --> 00:22:41,236 Larry Wilson, is this serious? 305 00:22:43,280 --> 00:22:44,281 It's... 306 00:22:46,283 --> 00:22:48,827 I mean... not really. 307 00:22:48,911 --> 00:22:51,622 I like him, but I don't know. 308 00:22:52,122 --> 00:22:53,832 Anyway, what about you? 309 00:22:54,333 --> 00:22:56,710 Now you're back down here for good, you gonna make up for lost time? 310 00:22:56,793 --> 00:22:59,379 I have too much on my plate right now with the new job and everything. 311 00:22:59,922 --> 00:23:01,757 Right, right. 312 00:23:03,592 --> 00:23:05,427 I better get to the office. 313 00:23:06,178 --> 00:23:08,180 Hey, did they agree to your raise yet? 314 00:23:08,263 --> 00:23:10,307 "While you are a valuable member of our team, 315 00:23:10,390 --> 00:23:12,976 Boeing only considers additional compensation 316 00:23:13,060 --> 00:23:16,813 during our annual employment reviews in December." 317 00:23:17,606 --> 00:23:19,316 And I thought NASA was bureaucratic. 318 00:23:20,484 --> 00:23:23,028 Maybe I should just go back to bed like John and Yoko. 319 00:23:26,281 --> 00:23:27,991 I should get going too. 320 00:23:29,826 --> 00:23:31,245 I almost forgot! 321 00:23:36,750 --> 00:23:40,462 For your first day, Deputy Administrator. 322 00:23:40,546 --> 00:23:41,588 Larry. 323 00:23:45,926 --> 00:23:47,094 You don't like it. 324 00:23:47,177 --> 00:23:49,972 No, it's beautiful. I just... 325 00:23:52,140 --> 00:23:53,267 I don't know. 326 00:23:54,351 --> 00:23:55,435 Is it me? 327 00:23:57,396 --> 00:24:00,524 You're gonna be hobnobbing with congressmen and cabinet secretaries. 328 00:24:00,607 --> 00:24:01,900 You gotta look the part. 329 00:24:04,611 --> 00:24:06,822 Just remember why you took this job to begin with. 330 00:24:07,698 --> 00:24:12,035 -The way to Mars isn't through Houston-- -Right. It's through Washington. 331 00:24:13,120 --> 00:24:14,204 That's my girl. 332 00:24:14,997 --> 00:24:17,207 -Have a great day. -Thank you. 333 00:24:31,972 --> 00:24:33,056 Morning. 334 00:24:51,992 --> 00:24:53,744 -Welcome. -Thank you. 335 00:24:54,328 --> 00:24:57,164 Very excited to have you over on the administrative side, Ellen. 336 00:24:57,247 --> 00:25:00,167 Looking forward to it. Hear you got the good coffee over here. 337 00:25:00,250 --> 00:25:02,878 Just don't go following in his footsteps too closely. 338 00:25:02,961 --> 00:25:05,380 She could do worse, believe me. 339 00:25:06,215 --> 00:25:09,301 I'm sorry your first meeting as deputy administrator 340 00:25:09,384 --> 00:25:11,970 is about something as exciting as budgets, but... 341 00:25:12,054 --> 00:25:13,347 shall we get started? 342 00:25:27,945 --> 00:25:29,613 Now that things are calming down, 343 00:25:29,696 --> 00:25:32,074 we're gonna need to implement a retrofit of Jamestown 344 00:25:32,157 --> 00:25:34,201 to better protect against future solar events. 345 00:25:34,284 --> 00:25:35,994 That doesn't sound cheap. 346 00:25:36,620 --> 00:25:41,542 No, and unfortunately the only place I can see to draw funds from, yet again, 347 00:25:41,625 --> 00:25:43,043 is the Mars program. 348 00:25:43,126 --> 00:25:45,254 We could kill the new Mars EMU. 349 00:25:45,337 --> 00:25:50,467 It's still early in its development, so... I guess that makes sense. 350 00:25:50,551 --> 00:25:52,135 -Great. -But-- I'm sorry-- 351 00:25:52,803 --> 00:25:53,804 Isn't there... 352 00:25:53,887 --> 00:25:56,974 We're five years into the Mars program, 353 00:25:57,057 --> 00:25:59,101 and it's already ten years behind schedule. 354 00:26:02,145 --> 00:26:06,149 I know I'm new to this part of it, but there's gotta be another way. 355 00:26:06,733 --> 00:26:09,820 Mars is what this program is all about. Pushing forward-- 356 00:26:09,903 --> 00:26:11,655 We have to pick our battles here, Ellen. 357 00:26:11,738 --> 00:26:14,449 We can't just run to Congress every time we need cash. 358 00:26:14,533 --> 00:26:16,618 But I appreciate your passion. 359 00:26:17,369 --> 00:26:18,996 We're gonna need it in the fights ahead. 360 00:26:19,872 --> 00:26:23,333 Okay, now that we're agreed on cutting the EMU... 361 00:26:24,501 --> 00:26:28,255 Now can we push ahead to this overage in the Geology Department? 362 00:26:28,338 --> 00:26:31,133 Do we really need all this money for spectrometers? 363 00:26:31,216 --> 00:26:32,843 We... 364 00:26:34,261 --> 00:26:36,805 Would you just excuse me for one second. 365 00:26:42,186 --> 00:26:43,520 What's this about? 366 00:26:45,689 --> 00:26:49,693 Sorry, he was just saying it was regarding... Aleida Rosales? 367 00:26:50,736 --> 00:26:52,321 Should I have known who that is? 368 00:26:52,404 --> 00:26:57,826 No, it's just someone I knew from a long time ago. Thank you. 369 00:26:58,410 --> 00:27:01,997 ...the Soviets are not cutting their reconnaissance budget at Zvezda. 370 00:27:02,080 --> 00:27:05,501 I get it. But even with all the new revenue from these patents, 371 00:27:05,584 --> 00:27:07,085 we're still stretched thin. 372 00:27:07,753 --> 00:27:10,380 Look, I'm open to anything. 373 00:27:10,464 --> 00:27:12,674 I just think we have to be smart about this. 374 00:27:13,342 --> 00:27:14,676 Right, Margo? 375 00:27:15,969 --> 00:27:17,221 Margo? 376 00:27:31,276 --> 00:27:34,404 That's right. There's a new class starting today. 377 00:27:35,906 --> 00:27:37,658 They don't know what they're in for. 378 00:27:38,450 --> 00:27:39,451 Nope. 379 00:27:41,286 --> 00:27:42,704 What can I do for you, Trace? 380 00:27:43,413 --> 00:27:46,041 I got you something in LA. 381 00:27:50,879 --> 00:27:51,880 Is that... 382 00:27:52,798 --> 00:27:54,049 His mug. 383 00:27:55,592 --> 00:27:57,052 You stole Ed McMahon's mug? 384 00:27:57,636 --> 00:27:58,929 I sure did. 385 00:27:59,012 --> 00:28:00,597 Wow, that's... 386 00:28:01,557 --> 00:28:02,558 that's really... 387 00:28:07,688 --> 00:28:10,315 Mr. de Cordova-- that's Johnny's producer-- 388 00:28:10,399 --> 00:28:14,278 he had a great idea about maybe shooting a few segments 389 00:28:14,361 --> 00:28:15,779 while I'm up at Jamestown. 390 00:28:15,863 --> 00:28:18,448 Yeah. I need you to be less concerned with Johnny 391 00:28:18,532 --> 00:28:20,742 and more focused on the program right now. 392 00:28:20,826 --> 00:28:22,619 It'd be great for the program, Ed. 393 00:28:22,703 --> 00:28:25,706 It'd give kids a close-up look at the moon 394 00:28:25,789 --> 00:28:27,875 and all the amazing things we're doing up there. 395 00:28:27,958 --> 00:28:29,918 Yeah, that's all well and good, Trace, 396 00:28:30,002 --> 00:28:33,422 but you launch in less than a month, and you just missed your third SIM, so... 397 00:28:33,505 --> 00:28:35,924 I know. I'm sorry, Ed. 398 00:28:37,509 --> 00:28:39,219 I just got the schedule mixed up. 399 00:28:39,303 --> 00:28:43,223 With all the celebrating that Sam and I have been doing, 400 00:28:43,307 --> 00:28:44,933 I've just been a little distracted. 401 00:28:45,017 --> 00:28:46,977 Yeah. Saw that. That was... 402 00:28:48,937 --> 00:28:49,938 really something. 403 00:28:52,441 --> 00:28:54,693 Well, guess I'll head over to SIM. 404 00:28:55,485 --> 00:28:56,486 Yeah. 405 00:29:00,824 --> 00:29:02,284 -Is there a problem, Ed? -Nope. 406 00:29:05,787 --> 00:29:06,788 Hey. 407 00:29:07,581 --> 00:29:09,583 You can't just be happy for me? 408 00:29:11,376 --> 00:29:12,878 -Happy for you? -Yeah. 409 00:29:14,129 --> 00:29:16,548 You didn't have to announce it on national TV, Trace. 410 00:29:16,632 --> 00:29:19,176 All right, so this is about Gordo, 'cause it always is. 411 00:29:19,259 --> 00:29:20,260 He deserved to know. 412 00:29:21,386 --> 00:29:25,307 I don't remember you being concerned about what I deserved to know 413 00:29:25,390 --> 00:29:28,227 when Gordo was fucking all those Cape cookies in Florida. 414 00:29:28,810 --> 00:29:29,811 Come on. 415 00:29:31,522 --> 00:29:33,398 Yeah, you're right. You're right, Ed. 416 00:29:33,482 --> 00:29:37,110 Yeah, tell all those new recruits about them good old days. 417 00:29:37,194 --> 00:29:38,862 -Yeah. -Thanks a lot. 418 00:29:54,002 --> 00:29:55,087 Take a seat. 419 00:30:00,634 --> 00:30:01,635 Welcome to NASA. 420 00:30:02,845 --> 00:30:06,223 You are, as of this moment, officially astronaut candidates. 421 00:30:06,306 --> 00:30:10,435 Affectionately referred to from this point on as "ASCANs." 422 00:30:11,979 --> 00:30:15,732 Now, this is a rigorous 24-7 training program 423 00:30:15,816 --> 00:30:17,359 preparing you for space travel. 424 00:30:18,777 --> 00:30:22,614 I'll be grading you as we go, and everything you do will be graded. 425 00:30:24,241 --> 00:30:28,620 Academics, pilot performance, your character and motivation. 426 00:30:28,704 --> 00:30:32,249 I'll be posting results from time to time in the hall outside. 427 00:30:32,332 --> 00:30:33,959 If your name's not on that list, 428 00:30:34,042 --> 00:30:35,878 -well, you're cut. -...you're cut. 429 00:30:39,089 --> 00:30:40,090 Kill the lights. 430 00:30:55,147 --> 00:30:56,398 Shit. 431 00:30:56,481 --> 00:30:59,860 All that practice in your office really been paying off. 432 00:30:59,943 --> 00:31:01,862 Yeah, it's my knee acting up. 433 00:31:01,945 --> 00:31:03,280 It's your knee? 434 00:31:04,489 --> 00:31:07,201 Try coming back from one-sixth gravity to play 18 holes. 435 00:31:14,541 --> 00:31:16,460 Drive gets a lot less distance down here. 436 00:31:18,712 --> 00:31:19,922 That's a nice swing. 437 00:31:30,682 --> 00:31:31,683 Wow. 438 00:31:32,976 --> 00:31:34,269 Every time. 439 00:31:35,437 --> 00:31:36,980 That's a really nice shot, Wayne. 440 00:31:37,523 --> 00:31:38,524 Thanks, Ed. 441 00:32:30,200 --> 00:32:31,451 All this for little old me? 442 00:32:32,995 --> 00:32:33,996 Captain Stevens. 443 00:32:37,583 --> 00:32:38,667 Get out of here. 444 00:32:39,251 --> 00:32:40,586 Come here. 445 00:32:41,378 --> 00:32:43,422 So good to have you back, Danny. 446 00:32:46,884 --> 00:32:48,135 Jimmy. 447 00:32:48,719 --> 00:32:49,720 Jimmy. 448 00:32:50,637 --> 00:32:51,638 Jimmy! 449 00:32:51,722 --> 00:32:53,307 Come and say hi to your brother. 450 00:32:54,516 --> 00:32:57,728 You're lucky he made an appearance. Usually doesn't leave his room. 451 00:32:59,605 --> 00:33:00,647 Hi, shit bird. 452 00:33:00,731 --> 00:33:02,065 Hey, bird shit. 453 00:33:02,649 --> 00:33:04,860 I got steaks going. You want a beer? 454 00:33:08,488 --> 00:33:09,489 Come here. 455 00:33:10,908 --> 00:33:12,576 -How you been? -Good, you? 456 00:33:12,659 --> 00:33:16,038 Oh, my God. Has my baby boy grown that much since Christmas? 457 00:33:17,956 --> 00:33:18,957 Damn. 458 00:33:20,292 --> 00:33:21,293 Danny. 459 00:33:25,339 --> 00:33:26,673 My boy. 460 00:33:26,757 --> 00:33:27,883 Stop being weird, Mom. 461 00:33:29,218 --> 00:33:33,347 I know, I'm just... I'm just taking it in, is all. 462 00:33:37,142 --> 00:33:38,310 Hey, baby. 463 00:33:41,563 --> 00:33:42,731 Wow. 464 00:33:42,814 --> 00:33:46,360 -It's the size of your whole hand, that. -Come on, give me a break. 465 00:33:50,197 --> 00:33:51,198 Trace. 466 00:33:52,658 --> 00:33:53,659 Gordo. 467 00:33:54,743 --> 00:33:55,744 Now, 468 00:33:56,370 --> 00:33:57,412 I wanna make a toast. 469 00:33:57,496 --> 00:33:59,748 -Dad, no, you really don't have to-- -No, no. 470 00:33:59,831 --> 00:34:00,999 Just let me do this. 471 00:34:02,876 --> 00:34:06,088 It's an accomplishment, sticking it out that first year at Annapolis. 472 00:34:06,755 --> 00:34:08,465 Hell, you even made it look easy. 473 00:34:09,049 --> 00:34:10,467 So damn proud of you, Danny. 474 00:34:11,260 --> 00:34:13,094 -We all are. -Thanks, Dad. 475 00:34:13,178 --> 00:34:14,763 -Cheers. -Cheers. 476 00:34:14,847 --> 00:34:18,225 Hold on a second. There's one more thing that I wanted to say. 477 00:34:21,018 --> 00:34:22,062 Trace. 478 00:34:27,150 --> 00:34:28,235 Congratulations. 479 00:34:29,652 --> 00:34:32,322 I'm happy for you. Sam is a-- He's a good guy. 480 00:34:33,282 --> 00:34:34,283 Thanks, Gordo. 481 00:34:37,286 --> 00:34:38,286 Cheers. 482 00:34:39,663 --> 00:34:43,208 Probably could have done a lot better, but there's no accounting for taste. 483 00:34:44,543 --> 00:34:45,752 There he is. 484 00:34:45,835 --> 00:34:47,545 There he is. All right. 485 00:34:56,346 --> 00:35:00,475 Ed Baldwin wearing reading glasses? Will wonders never cease? 486 00:35:00,559 --> 00:35:02,019 It'll happen to you too, Mol. 487 00:35:02,603 --> 00:35:03,604 Never. 488 00:35:04,062 --> 00:35:07,357 Twenty-twenty till the day I die. Just like my nana. 489 00:35:08,650 --> 00:35:11,987 So, how are you adjusting to life back Earth-side? 490 00:35:12,529 --> 00:35:15,032 I don't know. It's funny. Sometimes I feel like 491 00:35:15,782 --> 00:35:18,535 when I'm down here is when I'm in outer space. 492 00:35:19,703 --> 00:35:24,541 When I'm up there, everything is just... right, you know? 493 00:35:25,667 --> 00:35:27,085 Till that fucking storm hit. 494 00:35:27,169 --> 00:35:29,129 Yeah, it was a mean son of a bitch. 495 00:35:30,380 --> 00:35:32,257 Hey, I read the incident report. 496 00:35:34,760 --> 00:35:36,470 I've known you a pretty long time, Mol. 497 00:35:36,553 --> 00:35:38,096 Spit it out, Ed. 498 00:35:38,639 --> 00:35:41,683 There's no way you waited in that lava tube for the storm to pass. 499 00:35:41,767 --> 00:35:43,310 Not while Wubbo was out there. 500 00:35:43,393 --> 00:35:46,939 So I just... wanna know that you're okay. 501 00:35:47,606 --> 00:35:48,607 I'm fine. 502 00:35:49,191 --> 00:35:52,027 Look, we say what we gotta say to the docs. I get it. 503 00:35:52,110 --> 00:35:55,614 Lie to a NASA flight surgeon? That would not be correct procedure, sir. 504 00:35:55,697 --> 00:35:59,076 No, I mean, Molly Cobb would never go against procedure. 505 00:35:59,159 --> 00:36:00,494 -Never. -Preposterous. 506 00:36:00,577 --> 00:36:01,578 No way. 507 00:36:04,289 --> 00:36:05,290 I'm fine, Ed. 508 00:36:07,626 --> 00:36:09,962 What about you? Don't you miss it, being up there? 509 00:36:10,629 --> 00:36:13,757 Yeah, I miss it. Not as much as I thought I would. 510 00:36:14,341 --> 00:36:15,717 Pathfinder's your baby. 511 00:36:15,801 --> 00:36:17,970 You're okay with someone else taking her up? 512 00:36:18,804 --> 00:36:20,806 I've had all the time up there that I need. 513 00:36:22,140 --> 00:36:24,852 When I first met the great Ed Baldwin, 514 00:36:24,935 --> 00:36:30,023 he was the last person in Houston I ever thought would be fine flying a desk. 515 00:36:31,400 --> 00:36:32,901 Yeah, you and me both. 516 00:36:35,863 --> 00:36:36,989 I don't know. 517 00:36:38,740 --> 00:36:40,576 The life you think you're gonna have... 518 00:36:41,910 --> 00:36:44,121 just sometimes doesn't end up making you happy. 519 00:36:44,204 --> 00:36:46,498 And I'm happy, you know, 520 00:36:46,582 --> 00:36:51,587 being there for Kelly and Karen and, hell, even those ASCANs. 521 00:36:52,296 --> 00:36:53,422 It means something. 522 00:36:53,964 --> 00:36:55,340 I know it-- 523 00:36:56,258 --> 00:36:58,218 it's not pushing the envelope, but 524 00:36:58,802 --> 00:37:01,597 sometimes it's just more important to be with the people you love 525 00:37:01,680 --> 00:37:03,724 than doing what you love. 526 00:37:04,391 --> 00:37:06,059 You sound like a fortune cookie. 527 00:37:07,019 --> 00:37:08,187 Yeah. 528 00:37:09,271 --> 00:37:10,731 Is that what I think it is? 529 00:37:10,814 --> 00:37:13,066 Just ignore it. They'll only deny it. 530 00:37:14,735 --> 00:37:15,736 Play. 531 00:37:17,446 --> 00:37:18,739 Jeez. 532 00:37:18,822 --> 00:37:20,824 No, I didn't want a soffit built, 533 00:37:20,908 --> 00:37:24,661 and then the contractor says to me with a straight face, 534 00:37:24,745 --> 00:37:26,288 "It's gonna be two more months." 535 00:37:26,371 --> 00:37:29,917 -Like, what? Two more months? -Right. 536 00:37:30,000 --> 00:37:31,919 Come on, I just... 537 00:37:32,836 --> 00:37:35,047 -No, wait, you... killed it. -Shit. 538 00:37:37,257 --> 00:37:42,513 Let's just say I spent a night out on the quad naked and hog-tied. 539 00:37:45,891 --> 00:37:46,975 Of course you did. 540 00:37:48,560 --> 00:37:49,811 That sounds terrible. 541 00:37:49,895 --> 00:37:51,230 Yeah. Yeah, it was. 542 00:37:51,313 --> 00:37:54,233 If you don't know your Reef Points, I mean verbatim, 543 00:37:54,316 --> 00:37:55,526 they get you. 544 00:37:55,609 --> 00:37:56,985 They do it to all the plebes. 545 00:38:14,503 --> 00:38:15,504 Okay. 546 00:38:16,380 --> 00:38:17,714 Shit. 547 00:38:17,798 --> 00:38:19,508 It's getting late, I gotta go. 548 00:38:19,591 --> 00:38:21,844 Come on, Trace. You don't have to. 549 00:38:21,927 --> 00:38:23,512 It's barely 9:00. 550 00:38:23,595 --> 00:38:25,597 I got an early SIM tomorrow, 551 00:38:25,681 --> 00:38:27,266 and I missed the last one, so... 552 00:38:27,975 --> 00:38:30,310 You don't wanna get on Ed's bad side. 553 00:38:30,394 --> 00:38:31,395 No, you don't. 554 00:38:33,647 --> 00:38:35,858 -This was really nice. -Yeah, it was. 555 00:38:36,900 --> 00:38:38,819 Do you need help with the dishes? 556 00:38:38,902 --> 00:38:42,322 No, I got it. I'm getting pretty good at it actually. 557 00:38:42,406 --> 00:38:43,407 Really? 558 00:38:44,575 --> 00:38:46,493 Let me see those dishpan hands. 559 00:38:47,911 --> 00:38:49,663 Sheila's coming over tomorrow, isn't she? 560 00:38:49,746 --> 00:38:51,456 First thing in the morning. 561 00:38:53,500 --> 00:38:55,586 -Good to see you, Trace. -Good to see you too. 562 00:38:56,086 --> 00:38:59,298 All right, boys, have a good night. It's good to have you home, baby. 563 00:38:59,381 --> 00:39:00,716 -Thanks again, Gordo. -Night. 564 00:39:01,842 --> 00:39:03,177 Night, Mom. 565 00:39:08,265 --> 00:39:09,516 All right, boys. 566 00:39:10,475 --> 00:39:12,519 Got a fridge full of beer, and Cheez Balls, 567 00:39:12,603 --> 00:39:14,104 and Sgt. Slaughter's on the tube. 568 00:39:15,230 --> 00:39:17,733 Dad, we were gonna go hang out with some friends. 569 00:39:17,816 --> 00:39:19,276 First night back and all. 570 00:39:19,860 --> 00:39:20,861 Right. 571 00:39:20,944 --> 00:39:21,945 Of course. 572 00:39:22,863 --> 00:39:24,823 No, you go on and have a good night. 573 00:39:24,907 --> 00:39:27,201 -You're sure? We could just... -No, no, really. 574 00:39:27,284 --> 00:39:28,577 You go on. 575 00:39:28,660 --> 00:39:31,955 Your old man's got a bunch of work to catch up on anyway, so... 576 00:39:32,748 --> 00:39:33,749 All right. 577 00:39:33,832 --> 00:39:35,042 All right, don't wait up. 578 00:39:35,709 --> 00:39:36,710 Come on, Jimmy. 579 00:39:43,258 --> 00:39:44,384 Look after each other. 580 00:41:14,183 --> 00:41:15,434 Negative pressure. 581 00:41:21,064 --> 00:41:22,065 Yes! 582 00:41:31,867 --> 00:41:33,160 Thank you, brother. 583 00:41:35,078 --> 00:41:38,624 So, does everyone have to get that haircut, 584 00:41:38,707 --> 00:41:41,627 or is that some kind cruel punishment just for you? 585 00:41:43,462 --> 00:41:47,174 No, no, we all get it. Except the girls, obviously. 586 00:41:47,257 --> 00:41:48,383 Any cute ones? 587 00:41:48,467 --> 00:41:49,718 Like you'd know what to do. 588 00:41:56,517 --> 00:41:58,477 Are they as hard on the plebes as they say? 589 00:41:59,228 --> 00:42:00,646 It's not so bad. 590 00:42:00,729 --> 00:42:03,565 Once you get through the first month it's easier. 591 00:42:04,274 --> 00:42:07,694 -That's not what you said to Mom and Dad. -Shut up, shit bird. 592 00:42:07,778 --> 00:42:09,988 Did you really get to ride on an aircraft carrier? 593 00:42:10,072 --> 00:42:11,114 Yeah. 594 00:42:11,698 --> 00:42:12,699 What was it like? 595 00:42:14,493 --> 00:42:16,745 You first stand out there, it's like-- 596 00:42:17,329 --> 00:42:19,581 like you're standing in the middle of the ocean, 597 00:42:19,665 --> 00:42:22,125 surrounded by nothing but water and sky. 598 00:42:23,043 --> 00:42:24,795 -That's pretty cool. -Yeah. 599 00:42:25,379 --> 00:42:27,798 The best part is 600 00:42:27,881 --> 00:42:31,051 seeing a Tomcat come in for a landing at 150 knots. 601 00:42:31,134 --> 00:42:35,055 You see this thing barreling towards you, fast as hell, 602 00:42:35,138 --> 00:42:36,348 and you're sure 603 00:42:36,431 --> 00:42:39,643 that this thing's just gonna skid right off the other side of the deck. 604 00:42:40,602 --> 00:42:42,271 But then, before you know it, 605 00:42:42,354 --> 00:42:47,234 all of a sudden that tailhook grabs on to that cable, and it just stops. Cold. 606 00:42:48,110 --> 00:42:49,444 Right there in front of you. 607 00:42:51,321 --> 00:42:52,656 Never seen anything like it. 608 00:43:24,646 --> 00:43:25,647 Hello. 609 00:43:25,731 --> 00:43:28,233 Hey, Ed. Could you come down here? 610 00:43:28,984 --> 00:43:30,235 Why? What happened? 611 00:43:30,319 --> 00:43:31,403 It's Gordo. 612 00:43:33,488 --> 00:43:39,786 The sun in your eyes Made some of the lies worth believing 613 00:43:41,705 --> 00:43:44,499 I am the eye in the sky 614 00:43:44,583 --> 00:43:50,214 Looking at you I can read your mind 615 00:43:50,297 --> 00:43:52,925 I am the maker of rules 616 00:43:56,470 --> 00:43:57,638 Oh, shit. 617 00:43:58,222 --> 00:44:00,140 Hey, can I get one more, please? 618 00:44:01,183 --> 00:44:02,851 And I'm gonna get one for my friend... 619 00:44:03,894 --> 00:44:05,854 Darlene. And... 620 00:44:10,484 --> 00:44:12,152 Hey, Eddie. 621 00:44:12,236 --> 00:44:13,529 I'll get one for Ed. Hey. 622 00:44:13,612 --> 00:44:14,613 Hey. 623 00:44:14,696 --> 00:44:16,156 -How you feeling? -Good. 624 00:44:16,240 --> 00:44:18,200 Wanna go get some fresh air? 625 00:44:18,283 --> 00:44:19,535 Go for a little walk? 626 00:44:19,618 --> 00:44:22,663 -Just having a good time. -I can tell you're having a good time. 627 00:44:25,040 --> 00:44:26,625 I need to talk to you though. 628 00:44:27,709 --> 00:44:30,170 Sorry, ladies, I'm gonna have to steal him away from you. 629 00:44:30,254 --> 00:44:31,672 My buddy. Ed. 630 00:44:34,424 --> 00:44:36,510 Yeah, you-- 631 00:44:36,593 --> 00:44:38,762 -Yeah, you've got those moves. -Dance moves. 632 00:44:38,846 --> 00:44:39,888 All right. 633 00:44:42,015 --> 00:44:46,812 Look, I get the whole thing with Tracy getting married is rough, but 634 00:44:46,895 --> 00:44:48,105 you know what? 635 00:44:49,106 --> 00:44:50,107 Fuck her. 636 00:44:51,316 --> 00:44:54,111 You've been divorced five goddamn years. 637 00:44:54,736 --> 00:44:56,196 You gotta move on. 638 00:44:57,197 --> 00:44:58,198 She has. 639 00:44:58,282 --> 00:44:59,783 Yeah. 640 00:44:59,867 --> 00:45:02,536 You got a good job, your boys are growing up strong, 641 00:45:02,619 --> 00:45:04,371 you almost got all your hair left. 642 00:45:06,123 --> 00:45:08,750 And all that stuff that happened in the past, you just-- 643 00:45:11,086 --> 00:45:12,129 Look. 644 00:45:12,671 --> 00:45:13,964 Just leave it there. 645 00:45:17,426 --> 00:45:18,552 I can't. I... 646 00:45:21,847 --> 00:45:22,848 I'm stuck. 647 00:45:24,099 --> 00:45:26,059 You know? It won't let me go. 648 00:45:29,313 --> 00:45:33,859 What are you talking about? Since when? Where is all this coming from? 649 00:45:33,942 --> 00:45:35,694 I left something up there, Ed. 650 00:45:37,905 --> 00:45:39,907 Ever since we've been back, I just... 651 00:45:42,743 --> 00:45:44,661 it's like I don't even exist anymore. 652 00:45:45,787 --> 00:45:47,289 Like I'm a shadow, or... 653 00:45:49,333 --> 00:45:50,459 a ghost maybe. 654 00:45:50,542 --> 00:45:51,835 I don't know. I just-- 655 00:45:54,129 --> 00:45:55,130 -I just-- -Gordo. 656 00:45:55,214 --> 00:45:56,215 I can't... 657 00:45:56,298 --> 00:45:58,175 Gordo. Get your ass back over here. 658 00:45:59,551 --> 00:46:00,636 Get off the damn road. 659 00:46:05,807 --> 00:46:07,267 What's going on with you, man? 660 00:46:12,356 --> 00:46:14,691 I don't know what the hell I'm doing anymore, Ed. 661 00:46:17,528 --> 00:46:21,990 We were gonna lift people's eyes up to the sky? Remember? 662 00:46:24,493 --> 00:46:25,869 Now I'm just nothing. 663 00:46:27,246 --> 00:46:31,458 I know that you had it harder than me, you know, with Shane. 664 00:46:31,959 --> 00:46:35,921 You found a way to make peace with it. In yourself. 665 00:46:38,006 --> 00:46:39,258 In your family. 666 00:46:43,303 --> 00:46:46,098 Shit, I don't want my boys to see me like this. 667 00:47:07,202 --> 00:47:08,203 Gordo. 668 00:47:11,456 --> 00:47:13,250 Your boys worship you, man. 669 00:47:16,753 --> 00:47:20,465 You should have seen him, Ed. In his summer whites. 670 00:47:20,549 --> 00:47:22,301 Midshipman Stevens. 671 00:47:24,511 --> 00:47:26,180 You remember your first year? 672 00:47:26,263 --> 00:47:29,016 Yeah, as much as I try to forget. 673 00:47:29,099 --> 00:47:33,020 Those were the best days of my life, back at Northwestern. 674 00:47:33,645 --> 00:47:36,315 And I was out on my own for the first time, 675 00:47:36,398 --> 00:47:39,109 and everything seemed possible. 676 00:47:39,651 --> 00:47:40,903 It was like... 677 00:47:42,029 --> 00:47:44,031 it was all just there for the taking. 678 00:47:44,114 --> 00:47:45,115 You know? 679 00:47:45,657 --> 00:47:46,658 Now here I am. 680 00:47:48,410 --> 00:47:49,995 Gordo Stevens. 681 00:47:50,829 --> 00:47:52,122 American hero. 682 00:47:57,336 --> 00:47:58,587 What a crock of shit. 683 00:48:01,965 --> 00:48:03,425 It's all just shit. 684 00:48:06,845 --> 00:48:08,013 It's shit. 685 00:48:09,723 --> 00:48:10,933 It's-- 686 00:48:21,401 --> 00:48:22,569 Come on. 687 00:48:23,487 --> 00:48:26,073 Hey. Come on, bud. Get up, get up. 688 00:48:39,378 --> 00:48:40,462 All right. 689 00:48:48,178 --> 00:48:49,805 Better... 690 00:48:49,888 --> 00:48:51,473 Better get some shut-eye. 691 00:48:55,477 --> 00:48:56,478 Night, Ed. 692 00:49:55,996 --> 00:49:59,291 -Take care of yourself. -Gonna miss you around here. 693 00:50:04,379 --> 00:50:05,380 Molly. 694 00:50:06,924 --> 00:50:08,300 Hey, Wubbo. 695 00:50:09,384 --> 00:50:10,719 Glad I saw you. 696 00:50:11,845 --> 00:50:14,431 I'm heading back home to the Netherlands, so 697 00:50:15,015 --> 00:50:16,600 I guess this is goodbye. 698 00:50:16,683 --> 00:50:19,895 Shit. Flight surgeons pulled your ticket, huh? 699 00:50:19,978 --> 00:50:22,189 That's not right, Wubbo. They don't get to do that. 700 00:50:22,272 --> 00:50:25,692 No. This was my choice. I'm leaving the program. 701 00:50:26,610 --> 00:50:28,028 You're leaving the program? 702 00:50:28,695 --> 00:50:29,696 Fuck that. 703 00:50:30,948 --> 00:50:32,908 I need to do what's best for me and my family. 704 00:50:32,991 --> 00:50:35,244 No, you're taking the easy way out, that's what you're doing. 705 00:50:35,327 --> 00:50:37,913 No, Molly. If I only have a couple of more years left, 706 00:50:37,996 --> 00:50:40,290 -I want to spend them down here. -That's bullshit. You don't know that. 707 00:50:40,374 --> 00:50:41,375 -Nobody does. -Molly. 708 00:50:41,458 --> 00:50:43,669 You don't give up, Wubbo. You keep fighting. 709 00:50:45,754 --> 00:50:47,464 I'm sorry you feel this way, Molly. 710 00:50:49,925 --> 00:50:51,134 Thank you. 711 00:51:16,910 --> 00:51:18,120 Yeah? 712 00:51:18,203 --> 00:51:20,581 Mr. Stevens, this is Jane Markus at JSC. 713 00:51:20,664 --> 00:51:23,250 The weekly staff meeting has been moved up to today. 714 00:51:23,333 --> 00:51:25,460 1100 at the astronaut meeting room. 715 00:51:28,839 --> 00:51:30,090 I'm sorry, what? 716 00:51:30,174 --> 00:51:31,884 1100. Thank you. 717 00:52:24,186 --> 00:52:25,687 You look like hell. 718 00:52:26,188 --> 00:52:27,856 I feel like a million bucks. 719 00:52:28,565 --> 00:52:30,442 You know why they moved up the meeting? 720 00:52:30,859 --> 00:52:31,860 No. 721 00:52:31,944 --> 00:52:33,362 Good morning, everyone. 722 00:52:34,780 --> 00:52:35,864 Let's get to it. 723 00:52:39,243 --> 00:52:43,622 Jamestown 81 crew debrief will be held at 0830 in room 6600. 724 00:52:43,705 --> 00:52:45,874 Attendance is mandatory for all you rookies. 725 00:52:45,958 --> 00:52:49,545 Also, we had a T-38 close call last week at El Paso. 726 00:52:49,628 --> 00:52:53,006 Even with our new inlets, be sure to check takeoff data carefully, 727 00:52:53,090 --> 00:52:54,967 especially while carrying a pod. 728 00:52:56,635 --> 00:53:00,347 And I have a flight assignment to announce. 729 00:53:01,598 --> 00:53:05,185 Danielle Poole will be joining the crew of STS-83 Romeo! 730 00:53:07,187 --> 00:53:08,272 Congratulations. 731 00:53:08,897 --> 00:53:10,691 She's headed back to Jamestown. 732 00:53:12,234 --> 00:53:13,819 So happy for you, Dani. 733 00:53:14,486 --> 00:53:15,654 Thank you, babe. 734 00:53:16,697 --> 00:53:18,156 One more thing. 735 00:53:18,240 --> 00:53:20,284 Captain Gordo Stevens will be joining her. 736 00:53:33,672 --> 00:53:35,757 Shit, man. Gordo's back. 737 00:53:35,841 --> 00:53:37,676 -You must be flipping out. -Yeah. 738 00:53:38,760 --> 00:53:39,928 -Yeah. -Dani. 739 00:53:44,099 --> 00:53:45,517 Great to have you back. 740 00:53:47,728 --> 00:53:48,896 Congratulations, Captain. 741 00:53:48,979 --> 00:53:50,439 I'm not going back up, Ed. 742 00:53:51,064 --> 00:53:52,649 I can't. You know I can't. 743 00:53:53,442 --> 00:53:56,862 Well... that's not up to you. 744 00:53:56,945 --> 00:53:59,990 I decide who goes up and when, remember? 745 00:54:01,450 --> 00:54:02,451 You got this. 746 00:54:04,661 --> 00:54:06,205 Son of a bitch. 747 00:54:07,497 --> 00:54:10,501 Let's give the crew of Jamestown 91 another hand. 748 00:54:37,069 --> 00:54:39,112 Mind if I bum one of those? 749 00:54:53,669 --> 00:54:54,753 Thanks.