1 00:00:12,095 --> 00:00:14,515 Good morning, Garden City. 2 00:00:14,515 --> 00:00:18,185 This is J.R. Bonner playing you all country all the time. 3 00:00:18,185 --> 00:00:22,981 And now here's a snazzy golden oldie guaranteed to get that old ticker pumping. 4 00:00:22,981 --> 00:00:25,943 "That's All It Took" by Gram Parsons. 5 00:00:31,740 --> 00:00:32,824 Morning, hon. 6 00:00:33,617 --> 00:00:34,618 Sleep all right? 7 00:00:35,285 --> 00:00:36,286 Fine. You? 8 00:00:37,829 --> 00:00:40,541 Was up all night. This damn hip again. 9 00:01:42,728 --> 00:01:44,938 - Morning, Sergei. - Morning, Cliff. 10 00:01:46,315 --> 00:01:47,316 Got brownies today. 11 00:01:48,150 --> 00:01:49,151 Good stuff. 12 00:01:50,068 --> 00:01:51,778 You're a lucky man, Cliff. 13 00:01:56,533 --> 00:02:00,871 So here we have a 3D diagram of an electrical field. 14 00:02:00,871 --> 00:02:03,290 So, who can tell me what is voltage? 15 00:02:07,628 --> 00:02:08,669 Harry? 16 00:02:17,930 --> 00:02:21,892 Voltage is the potential difference between two points in an electrical field. 17 00:02:25,270 --> 00:02:27,481 That was sweet. Look what somebody did for me. 18 00:02:28,065 --> 00:02:31,109 - It's crooked on this side though. - What do they call this flavor? 19 00:02:32,402 --> 00:02:34,029 Peanut butter swirl. 20 00:02:34,029 --> 00:02:35,113 You like it? 21 00:02:35,739 --> 00:02:36,740 Yeah. 22 00:02:37,241 --> 00:02:38,450 Very good. 23 00:02:38,450 --> 00:02:42,454 Thanks. Maybe on Overrated Photographer's Day, I'll buy you a shammy for your head. 24 00:02:51,046 --> 00:02:54,466 I made the decision to defect... 25 00:02:55,676 --> 00:02:58,929 to the Soviet Union in 1995, 26 00:03:00,138 --> 00:03:06,019 after many years of dissatisfaction and disappointment 27 00:03:06,895 --> 00:03:09,731 with both NASA and the American government. 28 00:03:11,441 --> 00:03:16,655 The space program I joined in 1966 had changed over the years 29 00:03:16,655 --> 00:03:22,995 to value profit above human life, and was more dedicated to spreading propaganda... 30 00:03:22,995 --> 00:03:25,038 Isn't this the wildest thing? 31 00:03:26,373 --> 00:03:28,917 They thought she died in that bombing years ago. 32 00:03:29,793 --> 00:03:31,545 The one in Houston. Remember? 33 00:03:32,254 --> 00:03:35,090 I have kept my silence for the past eight years... 34 00:03:35,090 --> 00:03:39,511 - Yes, yes. I do. - ...in order to not distract 35 00:03:39,511 --> 00:03:42,264 from the historic work that Roscos... 36 00:04:44,368 --> 00:04:45,410 Mr. Bezukhov? 37 00:04:48,080 --> 00:04:49,081 Mr. Bezukhov? 38 00:04:55,170 --> 00:04:59,216 So, as you can see, the current is not always constant. 39 00:04:59,716 --> 00:05:02,010 Police held back a mass of protesters 40 00:05:02,010 --> 00:05:05,097 so that Madison's car was able to enter the campus. 41 00:05:05,097 --> 00:05:07,850 Despite the cries from some to have Madison arrested, 42 00:05:07,850 --> 00:05:11,395 NASA Administrator Eli Hobson issued a statement that 43 00:05:11,395 --> 00:05:15,399 he considers Madison a key player in the M-7's efforts 44 00:05:15,399 --> 00:05:17,401 to capture the Goldilocks asteroid. 45 00:07:36,498 --> 00:07:37,833 Italian Roast. 46 00:07:44,256 --> 00:07:46,133 Hey, thanks for taking the time. 47 00:07:50,596 --> 00:07:51,889 Yeah. Yeah, look. 48 00:07:52,556 --> 00:07:57,144 Whatever this is about, Ed, I appreciate that you stood your ground. 49 00:07:57,144 --> 00:07:59,104 You didn't cross the line like the rest of them. 50 00:07:59,104 --> 00:08:02,524 But when you come to me and you say you and Dev Ayesa wanna talk, 51 00:08:02,524 --> 00:08:04,902 I start to wonder how committed you were to our cause. 52 00:08:05,485 --> 00:08:08,280 The reason doesn't matter. Mars matters. 53 00:08:08,989 --> 00:08:10,073 And this fight isn't over. 54 00:08:10,073 --> 00:08:14,161 Seems to me like the people have spoken and they told us to take a hike. 55 00:08:14,161 --> 00:08:18,790 Sometimes it's up to a few enlightened individuals that lead the many. 56 00:08:18,790 --> 00:08:20,083 Enlightened, huh? 57 00:08:20,876 --> 00:08:23,587 We can both agree on that Dev's a fucking asshole. 58 00:08:23,587 --> 00:08:24,838 There's no way around it. 59 00:08:27,841 --> 00:08:28,926 But he's brilliant. 60 00:08:30,511 --> 00:08:33,138 Just hear what we have to say. 61 00:08:34,681 --> 00:08:35,933 Can I help you? 62 00:08:35,933 --> 00:08:39,186 This establishment is hereby shut down by order of the base commander 63 00:08:39,186 --> 00:08:41,395 for contravening the M-7 charter. 64 00:08:41,395 --> 00:08:45,150 Ordinance 3.57, prohibiting the sale of contraband. 65 00:08:45,150 --> 00:08:46,401 Geez, Palmer. 66 00:08:46,401 --> 00:08:49,738 - Everyone was having such a good time. - All right, move it out. 67 00:08:50,405 --> 00:08:52,533 This is totally out of line. You're a sad little man 68 00:08:52,533 --> 00:08:54,409 trying to squeeze authority out of bullshit. 69 00:08:54,409 --> 00:08:58,747 Please submit a formal written complaint to your direct supervisor, worm. 70 00:08:58,747 --> 00:09:00,582 Jesus. I know they took the strike personal. 71 00:09:00,582 --> 00:09:03,669 But this whole security detail thing, it's-- It's overkill. 72 00:09:03,669 --> 00:09:05,337 It's bullshit is what it is. 73 00:09:06,296 --> 00:09:08,465 - Who's your reporting officer? - You can't go anywhere 74 00:09:08,465 --> 00:09:11,385 without somebody checking your ID badge, asking what you're up to. 75 00:09:11,385 --> 00:09:13,095 It's a scare tactic. Pure and simple. 76 00:09:13,929 --> 00:09:15,639 Trying to keep us in check. 77 00:09:16,139 --> 00:09:18,433 Which is why I'm telling you you've got to hear him out. 78 00:09:18,934 --> 00:09:20,060 I don't know. 79 00:09:22,479 --> 00:09:23,730 What the hell is that? 80 00:09:27,568 --> 00:09:29,570 Hey! What's going on in here? 81 00:09:32,197 --> 00:09:33,198 Hey, Sam. 82 00:09:33,699 --> 00:09:37,619 Orders from on high. They're sealing off access to sub-levels four and five. 83 00:09:38,245 --> 00:09:39,246 "Crew safety." 84 00:09:39,246 --> 00:09:43,208 Yeah. More like they're afraid us peasant folk will find another place to organize. 85 00:09:43,208 --> 00:09:44,293 You said it. 86 00:09:44,293 --> 00:09:46,753 Even got us hard-wiring lockouts on the elevators. 87 00:09:46,753 --> 00:09:49,965 Seems like our noble commander is learning from her partners 88 00:09:49,965 --> 00:09:52,718 and taking a page out of that Soviet playbook. 89 00:09:52,718 --> 00:09:54,678 When in doubt, you crack down. 90 00:09:55,721 --> 00:09:57,389 You guys can go up in this one. 91 00:09:57,389 --> 00:09:58,473 Thanks, Sparks. 92 00:10:06,565 --> 00:10:08,483 All right. I'll hear what you have to say. 93 00:10:14,281 --> 00:10:15,449 How did Massey take it? 94 00:10:17,159 --> 00:10:18,285 Skeptical. 95 00:10:18,285 --> 00:10:21,205 But wouldn't you be? 96 00:10:21,205 --> 00:10:23,165 Yeah, but she's the key to this whole thing. 97 00:10:23,165 --> 00:10:25,667 None of the others will go along with it if she says no. 98 00:10:25,667 --> 00:10:27,961 At some point, we have to get on the same page about-- 99 00:10:29,671 --> 00:10:30,672 The hell? 100 00:10:33,133 --> 00:10:35,010 - Kel. - Dev! 101 00:10:35,010 --> 00:10:37,095 I've been practicing that new magic trick. 102 00:10:37,095 --> 00:10:38,180 All right. 103 00:10:40,057 --> 00:10:41,391 Kel, what's-- 104 00:10:42,100 --> 00:10:43,936 Hey, what are you guys doing here? 105 00:10:43,936 --> 00:10:45,270 Tell me you didn't forget. 106 00:10:46,104 --> 00:10:47,564 No, of course not. 107 00:10:48,774 --> 00:10:52,319 I'm taking a hopper to Korolev Crater to get my seekers up and running. 108 00:10:52,319 --> 00:10:56,698 I told you I'll be gone for three days and you said you'd watch Alex. 109 00:10:56,698 --> 00:10:58,408 Yeah, of course. 110 00:11:01,245 --> 00:11:03,163 All right, kiddo. Give me a hug. 111 00:11:06,458 --> 00:11:08,085 - I love you. - Love you. 112 00:11:09,294 --> 00:11:12,631 You'll have all kinds of fun with your grandpa while I'm gone. 113 00:11:15,926 --> 00:11:20,722 This is his medication. And the schedule. And a list of our family rules. 114 00:11:21,849 --> 00:11:23,267 Jesus, Kel. 115 00:11:23,267 --> 00:11:24,476 No crust. 116 00:11:25,143 --> 00:11:28,063 This is crazy. I mean, no wonder the kid's afraid of his own shadow. 117 00:11:29,064 --> 00:11:33,235 Really? You're going to chime in on parenting techniques at this point? 118 00:11:33,235 --> 00:11:35,237 You've never watched Alex before. 119 00:11:35,237 --> 00:11:39,199 Hey. I raised two kids. Including you, remember? 120 00:11:39,199 --> 00:11:42,703 - Alex is different. - Yeah. Well, then maybe you should 121 00:11:42,703 --> 00:11:44,788 you know, maybe take him with you. 122 00:11:44,788 --> 00:11:47,124 A methane hunt is full of drills and dynamite. 123 00:11:47,124 --> 00:11:49,001 It's no place for a seven-year-old, okay? 124 00:11:49,001 --> 00:11:51,753 And you don't have much else going on here anyway. 125 00:11:51,753 --> 00:11:54,047 So I'm throwing you into the deep end. 126 00:11:54,047 --> 00:11:55,883 Sink or swim, remember? 127 00:11:55,883 --> 00:11:58,051 That was terrible advice. 128 00:11:59,219 --> 00:12:01,513 But okay. Let's do it. 129 00:12:02,222 --> 00:12:05,100 Dev, I will contact you when I get to Korolev Crater. 130 00:12:06,101 --> 00:12:07,102 Good hunting. 131 00:12:08,061 --> 00:12:09,271 Hey, Mom. 132 00:12:10,439 --> 00:12:12,024 You'll come back, right? 133 00:12:12,024 --> 00:12:14,026 Of course I will. 134 00:12:15,777 --> 00:12:17,863 Three days. Have fun. 135 00:12:18,530 --> 00:12:19,531 All right. 136 00:12:22,868 --> 00:12:24,161 We're gonna need a babysitter. 137 00:12:25,495 --> 00:12:26,663 Yep. 138 00:12:42,054 --> 00:12:43,055 Gentlemen. 139 00:12:45,098 --> 00:12:46,099 Come in. 140 00:12:49,937 --> 00:12:51,522 Got one of each, huh? 141 00:12:53,357 --> 00:12:54,358 Lucky me. 142 00:12:56,610 --> 00:12:58,403 I wanted to see how you're settling in. 143 00:12:59,279 --> 00:13:00,280 Fine. 144 00:13:01,448 --> 00:13:03,158 - Thank you. - Good, good. 145 00:13:03,909 --> 00:13:05,577 Well, we're gonna be getting started soon. 146 00:13:05,577 --> 00:13:09,540 I thought I might show you to the conference room. 147 00:13:32,521 --> 00:13:35,941 - ...the cat dragged in. - Moscow Margo, huh? 148 00:13:39,903 --> 00:13:41,196 Nuri! My God. 149 00:13:42,155 --> 00:13:44,116 It's good to see you. 150 00:13:45,117 --> 00:13:46,118 Hello. 151 00:13:47,035 --> 00:13:48,036 I-- 152 00:13:49,121 --> 00:13:50,831 I heard you were project manager. 153 00:13:51,373 --> 00:13:52,457 Congratulations. 154 00:13:53,667 --> 00:13:54,668 Yep. 155 00:13:56,211 --> 00:13:57,754 If you'll excuse me, I'm running late. 156 00:14:05,220 --> 00:14:06,221 She's very busy. 157 00:14:06,972 --> 00:14:07,973 Shall we? 158 00:14:12,436 --> 00:14:15,689 We're at a crossroads, people. So I won't mince words. 159 00:14:15,689 --> 00:14:18,400 This asteroid is far too vital to our countries 160 00:14:18,400 --> 00:14:21,236 to let another screw-up like that strike happen again. 161 00:14:21,737 --> 00:14:24,531 Security will be airtight from here on out. 162 00:14:24,531 --> 00:14:27,743 I have asked the Soviet Union's chief project engineer 163 00:14:27,743 --> 00:14:33,457 for the 2003LC Capture Mission, Margo Madison, to brief us on the plan. 164 00:14:34,458 --> 00:14:35,459 Miss Madison. 165 00:14:35,459 --> 00:14:39,379 I know we've had our differences but I appreciate you all for coming. 166 00:14:39,379 --> 00:14:42,257 If Sam hadn't twisted my arm, I wouldn't be here. 167 00:14:42,257 --> 00:14:45,761 Ditto. I sincerely hope this isn't for some fucked up game 168 00:14:45,761 --> 00:14:48,096 like the one you played to trash our strike. 169 00:14:48,096 --> 00:14:52,184 That was an unfortunate and difficult development for all of us. 170 00:14:52,184 --> 00:14:53,644 But a necessary one. 171 00:14:53,644 --> 00:14:55,229 That strike had to end 172 00:14:55,229 --> 00:14:58,398 if we were to keep with the required timeline to capture the asteroid. 173 00:14:58,398 --> 00:15:01,985 But the four of you showed that you have principle, 174 00:15:03,153 --> 00:15:06,532 courage and that you won't fold under pressure. 175 00:15:06,532 --> 00:15:08,909 Stop blowing smoke and speak normal, dude. 176 00:15:08,909 --> 00:15:10,661 - Come on. - All right. 177 00:15:10,661 --> 00:15:13,372 I'm gonna ask you to do something that's never been done 178 00:15:13,372 --> 00:15:15,123 by anyone in human history. 179 00:15:15,999 --> 00:15:19,086 For the benefit of Mars, for human space exploration and for yourselves, 180 00:15:19,086 --> 00:15:22,673 because it just might make those bastards on Earth finally take notice. 181 00:15:24,383 --> 00:15:25,759 What do you want us to do? 182 00:15:29,137 --> 00:15:34,059 Ranger's engines can only effect small changes to the asteroid's trajectory. 183 00:15:34,059 --> 00:15:36,395 Just enough to bring it 184 00:15:38,146 --> 00:15:39,231 near Mars. 185 00:15:40,649 --> 00:15:43,694 Once it is there, Ranger will again burn... 186 00:15:43,694 --> 00:15:45,863 ...for exactly 20 minutes. 187 00:15:45,863 --> 00:15:49,032 When the time comes, we will slow the asteroid down. 188 00:15:49,032 --> 00:15:52,119 Just enough for the gravity of Mars to bend its trajectory 189 00:15:52,119 --> 00:15:53,787 to speed it towards Earth. 190 00:15:53,787 --> 00:15:56,915 Unless Ranger burns for 25 minutes instead of 20. 191 00:15:56,915 --> 00:15:59,459 That will slow the asteroid down even more 192 00:15:59,459 --> 00:16:02,129 and allow it to be fully captured by Mars's gravity 193 00:16:02,129 --> 00:16:03,922 instead of merely changing its direction. 194 00:16:03,922 --> 00:16:06,967 And bring it into permanent orbit around the Red Planet. 195 00:16:07,718 --> 00:16:09,178 Where it belongs. 196 00:16:09,928 --> 00:16:11,513 But how the fuck does that happen? 197 00:16:12,014 --> 00:16:15,601 Happy Valley doesn't have anywhere near the computing power 198 00:16:15,601 --> 00:16:17,144 of NASA or Roscosmos. 199 00:16:17,144 --> 00:16:19,521 So we'll work out that burn command down here. 200 00:16:20,105 --> 00:16:25,611 NASA will uplink the data to Ops-Com at Happy Valley. They will then relay it... 201 00:16:25,611 --> 00:16:29,114 ...with our secure comm system using our high-gain S-band antenna. 202 00:16:29,114 --> 00:16:33,577 {\an8}Ranger will pick up the signal, confirm its validity with this discriminator box 203 00:16:33,577 --> 00:16:35,287 {\an8}to make sure that it came from us. 204 00:16:35,871 --> 00:16:38,123 We'd have to hack into the Comsat. 205 00:16:39,124 --> 00:16:42,127 Or maybe physically take control of the satellite dish array. 206 00:16:43,045 --> 00:16:44,421 Even if that were possible, 207 00:16:44,421 --> 00:16:47,674 we still need Ops-Com to let us know when Ranger reaches her burn point. 208 00:16:47,674 --> 00:16:48,884 Unless we build our own. 209 00:16:49,384 --> 00:16:50,385 Our own what? 210 00:16:50,385 --> 00:16:51,929 Our own Ops-Com. 211 00:16:51,929 --> 00:16:53,805 So we can send our own signal. 212 00:16:53,805 --> 00:16:55,390 If the discriminator gives it a go, 213 00:16:55,390 --> 00:16:57,851 it'll forward the command to the engine control system, 214 00:16:57,851 --> 00:16:59,895 and Ranger will initiate the burn for Earth. 215 00:17:01,772 --> 00:17:04,358 The only way we can extend the burn is by getting control 216 00:17:04,358 --> 00:17:06,818 of the discriminator box on the Ranger. 217 00:17:06,818 --> 00:17:07,903 She's right. 218 00:17:07,903 --> 00:17:10,739 If the incoming signal doesn't have the right authentication packet, 219 00:17:10,739 --> 00:17:12,699 Ranger's comm system won't even look at it. 220 00:17:12,699 --> 00:17:15,827 So the key to this whole thing is that discriminator box. 221 00:17:16,369 --> 00:17:18,997 Finally, when Ranger launches in two days we're gonna need someone 222 00:17:18,997 --> 00:17:21,208 on their crew to swap it out for our own. 223 00:17:22,125 --> 00:17:23,377 An inside man. 224 00:17:25,337 --> 00:17:26,338 Or woman. 225 00:17:29,132 --> 00:17:32,886 Sam, when the time comes, you swap out that discriminator for our carbon copy. 226 00:17:33,512 --> 00:17:34,930 Okay. Let me get this straight. 227 00:17:34,930 --> 00:17:38,058 You want me to just swap out a mission-critical component 228 00:17:38,058 --> 00:17:40,894 in the middle of the ship, surrounded by the crew. 229 00:17:42,187 --> 00:17:44,982 - Sure. No biggie. - If we're to pull this off, 230 00:17:44,982 --> 00:17:47,317 we're gonna have to do things we're not comfortable doing. 231 00:17:47,317 --> 00:17:51,655 Even if I could, they're not gonna let me back on that crew. Not after the strike. 232 00:17:52,155 --> 00:17:53,574 Never say never. 233 00:17:55,617 --> 00:17:56,618 She's gone. 234 00:17:57,661 --> 00:17:59,288 Hold on. I'd rethink that. 235 00:17:59,997 --> 00:18:03,458 Sir, that's Sam Massey. She's one of the leaders of the work stoppage. 236 00:18:03,458 --> 00:18:05,961 I'm aware of who she is. And I'm sure you're aware that 237 00:18:05,961 --> 00:18:09,423 if I were to discipline, demote or penalize in any way a labor organizer, 238 00:18:09,423 --> 00:18:12,509 I'd open myself up to massive lawsuits and a PR nightmare back on Earth. 239 00:18:14,553 --> 00:18:15,637 No. I still don't-- 240 00:18:15,637 --> 00:18:18,182 Ravi. What do you think? 241 00:18:18,182 --> 00:18:20,684 You're in command of Ranger, it's your crew. 242 00:18:22,686 --> 00:18:25,272 Massey was on Kronos. We could use her experience. 243 00:18:26,398 --> 00:18:28,859 If she can park her attitude. 244 00:18:32,154 --> 00:18:33,238 All right. 245 00:18:33,906 --> 00:18:35,032 Let's keep her on. 246 00:18:35,908 --> 00:18:40,537 Massey's heart was in the right place. And if anything, it'll be an olive branch. 247 00:18:43,540 --> 00:18:46,502 But I want you to go up there with them. Keep an eye on things. 248 00:18:47,586 --> 00:18:48,587 Aye, aye. 249 00:18:52,132 --> 00:18:55,052 Well, we need a crackerjack engineer to build out our control room. 250 00:18:55,052 --> 00:18:56,428 Rich might do it. 251 00:18:56,428 --> 00:19:00,098 And we're gonna need an electrician to pull power into our Ops-Com. 252 00:19:00,098 --> 00:19:03,143 - Edmondson's the best there is. - Sparks? Will she do it? 253 00:19:03,143 --> 00:19:05,812 - I can ask. - Right. First things first. 254 00:19:05,812 --> 00:19:07,439 If we're gonna build our own Ops, 255 00:19:08,482 --> 00:19:10,150 we need the right equipment. 256 00:19:10,150 --> 00:19:12,027 Consoles, processors, servers, comm relays-- 257 00:19:12,027 --> 00:19:16,198 NASA's redundant to a fault. I mean, every piece of equipment has a backup. 258 00:19:16,198 --> 00:19:18,951 But they're all stored up on Phoenix under lock and key. 259 00:19:18,951 --> 00:19:21,286 We need a way to get all that down here undetected. 260 00:19:23,247 --> 00:19:24,706 I think I know the guy. 261 00:19:25,499 --> 00:19:26,708 Okay, good. 262 00:19:27,626 --> 00:19:28,961 So are we doing this? 263 00:19:53,694 --> 00:19:54,987 That went well. 264 00:19:56,196 --> 00:19:57,197 I think so. 265 00:19:59,533 --> 00:20:02,202 Eli has an interesting sense of humor. 266 00:20:03,996 --> 00:20:04,997 He means well. 267 00:20:09,084 --> 00:20:10,586 How's your family? 268 00:20:10,586 --> 00:20:14,464 How's Javier? Is he still playing the piano? Last time I saw-- 269 00:20:14,464 --> 00:20:17,342 Let's get something straight. 270 00:20:19,928 --> 00:20:22,055 When it comes to the work, 271 00:20:22,055 --> 00:20:24,266 I will support you when I think you're right. 272 00:20:24,266 --> 00:20:26,768 And I will disagree with you when I think you're wrong. 273 00:20:28,145 --> 00:20:31,064 But you don't get to ask me about my family or my son again. 274 00:20:32,441 --> 00:20:33,442 Understand? 275 00:20:53,712 --> 00:20:55,255 Alex, it's Poppy. 276 00:20:56,298 --> 00:20:57,758 Oh, hey. How'd it go? 277 00:20:57,758 --> 00:21:01,345 Wonderful. We've been having great fun together. 278 00:21:01,345 --> 00:21:04,765 He helped me prune my blueberry plants and my kumquats. 279 00:21:04,765 --> 00:21:07,559 Well, Joanna. I can't thank you enough. 280 00:21:08,268 --> 00:21:11,438 Alex. Come on. It's time to go. 281 00:21:12,439 --> 00:21:15,234 - Where is he? - He's right back here. 282 00:21:19,154 --> 00:21:20,322 He was a moment ago. 283 00:21:22,491 --> 00:21:23,492 Alex. 284 00:21:24,993 --> 00:21:25,994 Alex. 285 00:21:28,455 --> 00:21:30,415 All right. You go that way. I'll go this way. 286 00:21:32,084 --> 00:21:33,085 Alex. 287 00:21:34,002 --> 00:21:35,295 Alex. 288 00:21:37,130 --> 00:21:38,298 Alex? 289 00:21:38,298 --> 00:21:39,383 Alex. 290 00:21:39,967 --> 00:21:40,968 Alex! 291 00:21:46,139 --> 00:21:47,850 This is Ed Baldwin. I'm looking for-- 292 00:21:47,850 --> 00:21:48,934 Got him! 293 00:21:52,062 --> 00:21:54,857 Alex! You can't-- You can't just run off like that. 294 00:21:54,857 --> 00:21:56,108 What were you thinking? 295 00:21:57,192 --> 00:21:58,235 Where'd you go? 296 00:21:58,861 --> 00:22:00,571 I was looking for you. 297 00:22:01,071 --> 00:22:02,072 You what? 298 00:22:03,532 --> 00:22:05,284 I was looking for you. 299 00:22:10,497 --> 00:22:11,498 Hey. 300 00:22:12,082 --> 00:22:13,458 Hey. Hey. 301 00:22:14,751 --> 00:22:15,752 All right. It's okay. 302 00:22:17,504 --> 00:22:18,505 It's okay. 303 00:22:20,966 --> 00:22:21,967 Hey. 304 00:22:24,970 --> 00:22:26,054 Come on. 305 00:22:28,015 --> 00:22:29,600 ...that which you've been... 306 00:22:45,240 --> 00:22:46,283 Coming. 307 00:22:49,411 --> 00:22:51,580 - Right in here. - Very good, ma'am. 308 00:23:47,845 --> 00:23:50,556 I don't know. Look, to get this stuff off of Phoenix, 309 00:23:50,556 --> 00:23:53,517 not only do I have to get in on a cargo module undetected, 310 00:23:53,517 --> 00:23:57,062 I gotta get it past Madam Mussolini's new security measures down here. 311 00:23:58,939 --> 00:24:01,233 What? Are you telling me you can't do it, or you won't? 312 00:24:01,233 --> 00:24:05,279 My guy can get it off Phoenix. But getting it out of the loading dock down here, 313 00:24:05,279 --> 00:24:08,615 there's the problem. See all this shit's flagged high-security. 314 00:24:08,615 --> 00:24:12,202 So if it turns up in the dock, they're gonna put it in secure lockup. 315 00:24:12,202 --> 00:24:14,288 Where I got no access. No one does. 316 00:24:15,706 --> 00:24:17,332 I mean, maybe there's a way around that. 317 00:24:17,332 --> 00:24:19,918 But I don't know. 318 00:24:20,419 --> 00:24:23,755 It seems dicey. What I got going on right now, you know, it's low-risk. 319 00:24:24,256 --> 00:24:26,133 I don't have that long left on my tour. 320 00:24:26,133 --> 00:24:28,552 So when I get back Earthside, I'm gonna be with my family, 321 00:24:28,552 --> 00:24:30,053 sitting on a nice little nest egg. 322 00:24:31,096 --> 00:24:34,933 You are thinking so small, Dale. You know, my former partner, he thought small. 323 00:24:34,933 --> 00:24:37,394 Was always worried we'd lose what we built up. 324 00:24:37,394 --> 00:24:40,105 So he was on the defense. Just like you're doing right now. 325 00:24:40,105 --> 00:24:43,817 And if I let him make all the decisions, we'd still be working out of our garage. 326 00:24:43,817 --> 00:24:47,654 But we went from having a few thousand dollars to our name. 327 00:24:48,864 --> 00:24:50,073 Now I'm worth billions. 328 00:24:52,826 --> 00:24:59,249 So, I ask you, Miles, do you wanna be a millionaire or a billionaire? 329 00:25:03,587 --> 00:25:06,340 - Billionaire, huh? - I had to break through to him somehow. 330 00:25:07,716 --> 00:25:09,218 Yeah, better go get Alex from Joanna. 331 00:25:10,469 --> 00:25:13,639 He is a good kid. He's so smart. 332 00:25:13,639 --> 00:25:14,723 Yeah. 333 00:25:16,558 --> 00:25:19,353 Hey, you two seem to get along pretty well. 334 00:25:20,312 --> 00:25:21,813 We haven't really clicked yet. 335 00:25:22,689 --> 00:25:25,234 It'll come. You know, my dad and I, we had our moments. 336 00:25:25,901 --> 00:25:27,319 He was an engineer, right? 337 00:25:27,319 --> 00:25:29,071 Yeah. He loved to build things. 338 00:25:29,071 --> 00:25:31,281 He had all these models. Put them all over the den. 339 00:25:31,281 --> 00:25:34,868 I'm a model freak too. It's very calming. 340 00:25:34,868 --> 00:25:39,373 You know, he had this one of a Gemini spacecraft sitting atop a Titan II rocket. 341 00:25:39,373 --> 00:25:41,124 And I knew it was his favorite. 342 00:25:41,124 --> 00:25:44,419 So when he was gone, I would take it down off the shelf, 343 00:25:44,419 --> 00:25:46,630 play with it when he wasn't around. 344 00:25:47,506 --> 00:25:48,674 But one day, 345 00:25:50,175 --> 00:25:51,718 - I broke it. - Uh-oh. 346 00:25:52,302 --> 00:25:54,972 - He peeled the bark off me for that. - I bet he did. 347 00:25:55,973 --> 00:25:58,392 But then he went out and he bought a new model kit. 348 00:25:58,892 --> 00:26:01,520 And he made me rebuild it piece by piece, 349 00:26:01,520 --> 00:26:03,647 while he looked over my shoulder and instructed me. 350 00:26:05,983 --> 00:26:07,067 And I felt 351 00:26:08,151 --> 00:26:10,112 so close to him that day. 352 00:26:11,572 --> 00:26:13,782 - That's nice. - And when we were done, 353 00:26:13,782 --> 00:26:16,869 that was the first time that he told me about the birds that fly backwards. 354 00:26:18,287 --> 00:26:19,288 The what? 355 00:26:19,288 --> 00:26:22,207 Every winter you see whole flocks of them flying north for the winter. 356 00:26:22,749 --> 00:26:25,919 - Do you know why they fly backwards? - Not a clue. 357 00:26:26,503 --> 00:26:28,255 Because they want to see where they've been, 358 00:26:28,255 --> 00:26:30,340 because that's how they know where they're going. 359 00:26:34,761 --> 00:26:35,762 I like that. 360 00:26:37,764 --> 00:26:40,350 You know, someday, young Alex is gonna look back at you 361 00:26:40,350 --> 00:26:42,269 the same way that I look back at my dad. 362 00:26:42,769 --> 00:26:43,896 So just be yourself. 363 00:26:45,355 --> 00:26:46,440 Share your passion. 364 00:26:48,192 --> 00:26:49,818 That's the greatest gift I ever got. 365 00:27:16,637 --> 00:27:17,721 Hello, Miss Rosales. 366 00:27:22,559 --> 00:27:24,269 Perhaps you don't remember me. I'm-- 367 00:27:24,269 --> 00:27:25,437 No, I remember you. 368 00:27:26,271 --> 00:27:28,315 - What the fuck are you doing here? - I'm sorry, but... 369 00:27:28,941 --> 00:27:30,609 I'm sorry for startling you, but... 370 00:27:33,362 --> 00:27:34,571 You shouldn't be here. 371 00:27:34,571 --> 00:27:35,656 Please. 372 00:27:37,699 --> 00:27:39,284 Please, just give me a minute. 373 00:27:41,245 --> 00:27:43,372 You're the only person who might understand. 374 00:27:49,461 --> 00:27:52,130 I begged her for that engine design, 375 00:27:53,674 --> 00:27:56,885 but she would not help me, no matter how much I pleaded with her. 376 00:27:58,387 --> 00:28:02,057 There was no way we were going to be able to launch at '94 without it. 377 00:28:04,101 --> 00:28:07,896 I was told by the KGB 378 00:28:07,896 --> 00:28:14,152 to go to her at the IAC conference to do whatever I had to to get the design... 379 00:28:16,864 --> 00:28:18,365 but I refused. 380 00:28:21,743 --> 00:28:24,705 So my handler sent two men into her room. 381 00:28:24,705 --> 00:28:30,586 They threatened to report Margo to the FBI unless she cooperated. 382 00:28:31,336 --> 00:28:34,298 And still, she would not give them the engine design. 383 00:28:35,757 --> 00:28:36,758 So, 384 00:28:38,427 --> 00:28:41,430 that is when they began to strangle me in front of her. 385 00:28:45,434 --> 00:28:46,435 Jesus. 386 00:28:48,937 --> 00:28:50,606 Margo didn't tell you about this? 387 00:28:56,904 --> 00:28:57,988 She-- 388 00:28:58,572 --> 00:29:02,492 She sacrificed everything along with her honor to save my life. 389 00:29:07,706 --> 00:29:09,208 For eight years... 390 00:29:12,211 --> 00:29:14,087 she let us think she was dead. 391 00:29:16,423 --> 00:29:19,510 For eight fucking years she never tried to reach out 392 00:29:19,510 --> 00:29:21,553 - to tell us that she was okay... - How-- 393 00:29:21,553 --> 00:29:23,639 - ...that she was alive. - How could she? 394 00:29:27,976 --> 00:29:32,064 A defector in the Soviet Union is a glorified prisoner. A bird in a cage. 395 00:29:32,064 --> 00:29:34,274 I know. I know... 396 00:29:37,486 --> 00:29:38,487 I just... 397 00:29:43,492 --> 00:29:46,954 I don't know how to forgive her. 398 00:29:54,503 --> 00:29:55,504 I understand. 399 00:30:00,592 --> 00:30:02,970 But where would you be today without her? 400 00:30:05,848 --> 00:30:07,015 Think about this. 401 00:30:09,309 --> 00:30:11,353 She believed in you, Aleida. 402 00:30:12,855 --> 00:30:14,398 Just as she did me. 403 00:30:16,483 --> 00:30:19,069 Please. Please. 404 00:30:19,820 --> 00:30:21,363 Help me to speak with her. 405 00:30:58,066 --> 00:31:00,819 - Poppy? - Yeah, I thought you were asleep. 406 00:31:02,404 --> 00:31:04,656 I'm scared. 407 00:31:04,656 --> 00:31:05,741 You're scared? 408 00:31:06,909 --> 00:31:09,328 There's nothing to be scared of. You're safe in here. 409 00:31:11,663 --> 00:31:13,498 Hey, what are you scared of? 410 00:31:19,171 --> 00:31:21,215 You're not afraid of me, are you? 411 00:31:26,178 --> 00:31:27,179 Hey... 412 00:31:28,931 --> 00:31:30,682 I love you, kiddo. 413 00:31:30,682 --> 00:31:33,769 But you-you look like a bear. 414 00:31:35,979 --> 00:31:38,524 I-- I look like a bear? 415 00:31:42,194 --> 00:31:43,946 Maybe I do. 416 00:32:02,422 --> 00:32:06,051 You know, when your mom was your age, she was afraid of the dark too. 417 00:32:06,802 --> 00:32:08,971 You know what I used to do for her? 418 00:32:08,971 --> 00:32:10,097 What? 419 00:32:10,722 --> 00:32:12,349 I used to read her a story. 420 00:32:14,309 --> 00:32:16,144 Would you like me to read you a story? 421 00:32:28,699 --> 00:32:31,076 So this is a story about a sailor. 422 00:32:31,952 --> 00:32:35,372 But in a strange land far, far from home. 423 00:32:36,832 --> 00:32:38,584 His name is Jake Holman. 424 00:32:44,965 --> 00:32:45,966 "Chapter one. 425 00:32:47,009 --> 00:32:49,803 'Hello, ship,' Jake Holman said under his breath. 426 00:32:50,429 --> 00:32:51,555 The ship was asleep. 427 00:32:52,347 --> 00:32:53,390 Didn't hear him. 428 00:32:54,057 --> 00:32:57,144 He lowered his big, canvas, 30-year bag to the ground 429 00:32:57,144 --> 00:33:00,689 and stood there in the moon shadow of a brick wall 430 00:33:00,689 --> 00:33:03,066 and had his first long look at her. 431 00:33:04,401 --> 00:33:07,112 She looked stubby and blocky, 432 00:33:07,112 --> 00:33:10,449 top-heavy down there at the edge of the black, rolling river, 433 00:33:10,449 --> 00:33:13,202 and she was all mountain. 434 00:33:13,202 --> 00:33:17,039 Moon-white except for her slender black smokestack, 435 00:33:17,039 --> 00:33:20,626 that rose very high, high as her two masts. 436 00:33:21,543 --> 00:33:26,840 Four guy-wires slanted down from the stack like streamers from the maypole. 437 00:33:26,840 --> 00:33:29,635 She had a stubby, shielded gun on her open bound 438 00:33:29,635 --> 00:33:33,722 and a double, man-high hand steering wheel on her open fantail aft. 439 00:33:34,681 --> 00:33:37,768 But in between, she looked more like a house than a ship. 440 00:33:37,768 --> 00:33:40,687 Her square, curtain windows and screen doors 441 00:33:40,687 --> 00:33:44,566 opened on a gallery main deck like a long, narrow veranda. 442 00:33:45,275 --> 00:33:49,530 And on the pipe rail boat deck, under taut, white awnings. 443 00:33:49,530 --> 00:33:51,240 It was after midnight. 444 00:33:51,240 --> 00:33:54,117 {\an8}They were asleep down there, all but the watch." 445 00:36:17,177 --> 00:36:19,555 You're welcome to have a seat. 446 00:36:33,318 --> 00:36:35,445 They told me you'd be up here. 447 00:36:38,657 --> 00:36:39,992 Chairs are different. 448 00:36:53,547 --> 00:36:54,673 What you got? 449 00:36:59,803 --> 00:37:00,804 It's... 450 00:37:02,514 --> 00:37:04,850 updated state vectors from our tracking stations. 451 00:37:07,186 --> 00:37:09,438 Seems there's some variation from our predicted path 452 00:37:09,438 --> 00:37:11,481 and what the network is seeing. 453 00:37:16,236 --> 00:37:17,362 Let me take a look. 454 00:37:32,002 --> 00:37:37,925 I'll go over these figures tonight and let you know what I think. 455 00:37:39,301 --> 00:37:40,302 Thanks. 456 00:37:58,570 --> 00:38:01,031 All right, let's go over this plan one more time. 457 00:38:01,031 --> 00:38:02,658 After what happened at the fuel plant, 458 00:38:02,658 --> 00:38:06,119 you all know they've got these goddamn security checkpoints all over the base, 459 00:38:06,119 --> 00:38:08,455 including the loading dock. 460 00:38:08,455 --> 00:38:12,292 And nothing or no one goes in or out of that room without a once-over. 461 00:38:12,292 --> 00:38:15,337 So we can't just waltz in and grab all this stuff off the shelves, 462 00:38:15,337 --> 00:38:18,048 we got to be a little more clever about it. 463 00:38:18,048 --> 00:38:21,468 So we're gonna forge a requisition for everything we need on our list. 464 00:38:21,468 --> 00:38:22,886 My guy on Phoenix cargo haul 465 00:38:22,886 --> 00:38:26,181 is gonna swap the package in for something a little more inconspicuous. 466 00:38:27,099 --> 00:38:28,100 All the electronics we need, 467 00:38:28,100 --> 00:38:30,602 they'll be inside the containers labeled cereal, cotton rounds 468 00:38:30,602 --> 00:38:32,104 and dehydrated milk. 469 00:38:32,104 --> 00:38:35,357 Each one of ours will have a green and yellow bar code. 470 00:38:36,900 --> 00:38:40,070 The security assholes, they're all former military. 471 00:38:40,571 --> 00:38:42,656 So stay alert and stick to the plan. 472 00:38:49,454 --> 00:38:50,455 Hold up. 473 00:38:53,083 --> 00:38:54,501 Req form, please. 474 00:39:12,227 --> 00:39:14,146 Gonna need you to open up this box. 475 00:39:39,630 --> 00:39:42,132 I don't know if I could've held my cool like that, Miles. 476 00:39:42,132 --> 00:39:44,718 - Tienes huevos, cabrĂ³n. - Thanks, man. 477 00:39:44,718 --> 00:39:47,763 Ilya always said, "Cover your bases." 478 00:40:11,495 --> 00:40:13,497 All right. Looks like Christmas in here. 479 00:40:13,497 --> 00:40:15,541 Welcome to Ops-Com 2, gentlemen. 480 00:40:15,541 --> 00:40:17,376 I prefer "Ghost Ops". 481 00:40:17,376 --> 00:40:18,836 Sounds way cooler. 482 00:40:18,836 --> 00:40:20,629 What? Where's it at? 483 00:40:23,382 --> 00:40:24,758 What the hell? 484 00:40:25,843 --> 00:40:27,678 Man, come on. 485 00:40:27,678 --> 00:40:29,972 It's supposed to be here. Wha-- 486 00:40:32,683 --> 00:40:35,310 I'm guessing it's supposed to be more than just cornflakes in there. 487 00:40:38,146 --> 00:40:39,523 What was supposed to be in there? 488 00:40:40,691 --> 00:40:41,692 Discriminator. 489 00:40:46,238 --> 00:40:47,322 - Fuck. - Okay. 490 00:40:47,322 --> 00:40:49,324 So, if it's not there, then where is it? 491 00:41:00,836 --> 00:41:03,046 It's here, but it got sent to the secure lockup. 492 00:41:04,548 --> 00:41:06,550 My guy on Phoenix must have screwed up the boxes. 493 00:41:06,550 --> 00:41:09,595 Yeah. Fortunately, it just looks like a shipping error. 494 00:41:10,429 --> 00:41:13,891 Can we get to it somehow? Maybe bust the lock or something? 495 00:41:13,891 --> 00:41:15,726 No, it's electronic. It's gnarly as hell. 496 00:41:15,726 --> 00:41:18,228 There's no way we could get through that. 497 00:41:18,228 --> 00:41:19,771 There might be one other way, but-- 498 00:41:19,771 --> 00:41:21,857 No, it's too small. 499 00:41:21,857 --> 00:41:23,025 What's too small? 500 00:41:23,025 --> 00:41:24,193 Intake vent. 501 00:41:24,193 --> 00:41:27,654 It's 12 inches across. None of us are going to fit through it. 502 00:41:46,048 --> 00:41:47,883 Listen. Hey. 503 00:41:50,385 --> 00:41:52,346 It's okay if you don't wanna do this. 504 00:41:53,472 --> 00:41:55,641 It's okay. I want to. 505 00:41:56,183 --> 00:41:57,184 You sure? 506 00:41:58,727 --> 00:41:59,728 You sure, sure? 507 00:42:04,399 --> 00:42:05,400 Okay. 508 00:42:25,587 --> 00:42:26,964 He's gonna be okay. 509 00:42:34,304 --> 00:42:35,848 You see the plate, Alex? 510 00:42:36,515 --> 00:42:38,642 It's kinda dark. 511 00:42:43,522 --> 00:42:44,731 This is stupid. 512 00:42:48,443 --> 00:42:50,112 I'm in the room! 513 00:42:50,112 --> 00:42:52,906 Okay. Okay, buddy. 514 00:42:52,906 --> 00:42:56,451 Now look around and see if you can see that box. 515 00:42:57,077 --> 00:42:58,704 Okay-- 516 00:43:00,247 --> 00:43:02,040 What is it? 517 00:43:02,040 --> 00:43:05,794 There's a shelf and the box is on the top of it. 518 00:43:06,503 --> 00:43:08,172 Okay-- Can you reach it? 519 00:43:08,172 --> 00:43:09,590 No. 520 00:43:12,593 --> 00:43:13,594 Shit. 521 00:43:14,386 --> 00:43:16,805 All right. Just come on back out here. 522 00:43:16,805 --> 00:43:18,807 We'll find another way to get it. 523 00:43:18,807 --> 00:43:21,351 I think I can reach if I climb a bit. 524 00:43:23,395 --> 00:43:25,606 Okay, but be careful now, Alex. 525 00:43:25,606 --> 00:43:26,899 That could be tricky-- 526 00:43:28,358 --> 00:43:29,359 Alex? 527 00:43:30,652 --> 00:43:32,196 Alex, you okay? 528 00:43:46,168 --> 00:43:47,753 All right. 529 00:43:47,753 --> 00:43:49,171 Look at that. 530 00:43:52,549 --> 00:43:54,927 - There he is. - Hey, little man. 531 00:43:56,553 --> 00:43:57,763 Look at you. 532 00:43:57,763 --> 00:43:58,847 Hey-- 533 00:43:59,473 --> 00:44:01,892 You are a brave boy. You know that? 534 00:44:01,892 --> 00:44:03,477 You're a brave boy. 535 00:44:04,478 --> 00:44:08,607 You scored big, little man. 536 00:44:08,607 --> 00:44:12,152 Yes, you did. 537 00:45:55,297 --> 00:45:57,299 Closing time. Gotta give you the boot. 538 00:45:58,967 --> 00:46:01,053 Okay, thanks. Thank you. 539 00:46:02,596 --> 00:46:04,431 Sorry about your friend. 540 00:46:05,557 --> 00:46:08,977 If you're in town tomorrow, stop in for our early bird special. 541 00:46:09,895 --> 00:46:11,188 Okay. 542 00:47:17,212 --> 00:47:18,380 Sergei. 543 00:47:25,220 --> 00:47:26,263 Margo. 544 00:47:37,191 --> 00:47:38,192 I'm-- 545 00:47:39,401 --> 00:47:41,278 I'm glad you came. 546 00:47:41,278 --> 00:47:43,405 - I-- - This can't happen, Sergei. 547 00:47:44,323 --> 00:47:47,117 You have a life here now, and I have a life over there. 548 00:47:47,117 --> 00:47:48,410 No, no, no, no, no. 549 00:47:48,410 --> 00:47:49,912 You don't understand. 550 00:47:49,912 --> 00:47:52,456 It was difficult for some time, but I'm finally starting to-- 551 00:47:52,456 --> 00:47:54,791 You are not safe, Margo. 552 00:47:58,128 --> 00:48:03,258 The woman you know as Irina Morozova, the head of Roscosmos, 553 00:48:04,593 --> 00:48:06,428 she was my handler with KGB. 554 00:48:07,304 --> 00:48:08,764 From the beginning. 555 00:48:08,764 --> 00:48:12,851 All those years, she was the one who sent me to United States, 556 00:48:13,685 --> 00:48:16,396 the one who destroyed both of our lives. 557 00:48:24,238 --> 00:48:26,156 You cannot go back there, Margo. 558 00:48:34,331 --> 00:48:35,624 Ranger, Happy Valley. 559 00:48:35,624 --> 00:48:37,459 We show a good departure burn. 560 00:48:37,459 --> 00:48:39,127 No significant residuals. 561 00:48:39,127 --> 00:48:41,880 Copy. Pre-valves are confirmed closed. 562 00:48:42,673 --> 00:48:44,675 Departure burn is complete. 563 00:48:44,675 --> 00:48:50,264 Trajectory for 2003LC intercept on target, people. 564 00:48:50,264 --> 00:48:53,141 Sinclair, please double-check the surface contact angles. 565 00:48:53,141 --> 00:48:55,686 Make sure we don't need to increase cable tension. 566 00:48:56,854 --> 00:49:00,065 Copy, scooter. We should be fine, but I'll take another look. 567 00:49:02,651 --> 00:49:05,237 Reading you five by on VHF. 568 00:49:06,822 --> 00:49:10,576 Actually, let me know when you have an updated state back quickly. 569 00:49:13,537 --> 00:49:16,331 Doppler shows closing rate 12 meters per second. 570 00:49:17,416 --> 00:49:20,002 Got it? Guidance has accepted. 571 00:49:24,423 --> 00:49:26,508 Yeah, sure. Control turn to auto. 572 00:49:26,508 --> 00:49:27,926 Copy, Happy Valley. 573 00:49:27,926 --> 00:49:30,345 Please confirm S-band, comm. 574 00:49:33,390 --> 00:49:36,894 Confirming RTS... 575 00:49:41,190 --> 00:49:44,109 RTS S-band at 1.53. 576 00:50:14,890 --> 00:50:16,058 Fuck me.