1 00:00:01,000 --> 00:00:02,336 Alexei Leonov, 2 00:00:02,419 --> 00:00:04,922 the first man to set foot on the moon. 3 00:00:05,005 --> 00:00:07,132 Just last month you sent Apollo 10 all the way to the moon 4 00:00:07,216 --> 00:00:09,843 for what you called a "dress rehearsal" for the landing. 5 00:00:09,927 --> 00:00:11,845 We stopped taking risks at NASA. 6 00:00:11,929 --> 00:00:13,972 And that's why we lost the moon. 7 00:00:14,056 --> 00:00:17,392 Von Braun wants you reassigned to the Apollo Applications Project 8 00:00:17,476 --> 00:00:18,852 effective immediately. 9 00:00:18,936 --> 00:00:22,189 If we succeed in putting Apollo 11 on the moon, 10 00:00:22,272 --> 00:00:23,899 we're still in this thing. 11 00:00:24,233 --> 00:00:25,359 We did it. 12 00:00:25,442 --> 00:00:26,652 We're on the moon. 13 00:00:28,529 --> 00:00:31,782 This is the elliptical path which our rocket ship will follow 14 00:00:31,865 --> 00:00:34,493 going out and coming back. 15 00:00:36,286 --> 00:00:38,205 And then you will use its primary system, 16 00:00:38,288 --> 00:00:41,208 the AGS instead of the PGNCS, for separation and ascent. 17 00:00:41,291 --> 00:00:43,460 Copy all that, Tranquility Base? 18 00:00:43,544 --> 00:00:45,629 Guidance control AGS. Roger, Houston. 19 00:00:46,171 --> 00:00:48,715 We are definitely concerned about stability 20 00:00:48,799 --> 00:00:51,677 once we fire the ascent engine from this canted position. 21 00:00:52,219 --> 00:00:54,888 In the meantime, we're losing extra weight. 22 00:00:58,600 --> 00:01:00,143 I don't like the margins, Wernher. 23 00:01:00,853 --> 00:01:03,647 Getting back to vertical's gonna cost him a lot of ascent fuel. 24 00:01:03,730 --> 00:01:06,108 I mean, they may not be able to rendezvous with Columbia. 25 00:01:06,191 --> 00:01:08,402 The plan is sound, Gene. 26 00:01:17,244 --> 00:01:19,329 Tranquility, you have go for liftoff. 27 00:01:20,914 --> 00:01:23,166 Okay, Buzz. Engine Arm on. 28 00:01:29,089 --> 00:01:31,842 Mike, we'll see you in a bit. 29 00:01:31,925 --> 00:01:33,510 Keep our beers cold for us. 30 00:01:33,760 --> 00:01:37,181 Copy that, Tranquility Base. 31 00:01:38,348 --> 00:01:39,725 Abort Stage. 32 00:01:41,101 --> 00:01:43,687 - Engine Arm, Ascent. - Engine Arm, Ascent. 33 00:01:45,230 --> 00:01:46,607 Here goes nothing. 34 00:01:46,690 --> 00:01:47,691 Ignition. 35 00:01:59,953 --> 00:02:01,705 Houston, we're definitely picking up a little shimmy. 36 00:02:21,058 --> 00:02:22,142 We're leveling out. 37 00:02:23,894 --> 00:02:25,145 The Eagle has wings. 38 00:04:36,068 --> 00:04:37,569 Excuse me... 39 00:04:41,532 --> 00:04:42,824 Good morning, sir. 40 00:04:44,034 --> 00:04:45,494 Green suits you, Emma. 41 00:04:46,078 --> 00:04:47,955 Administrator Paine just arrived, sir. 42 00:04:48,038 --> 00:04:49,748 Hope he's got good news. 43 00:04:50,499 --> 00:04:51,834 - Could use that. - Deke. 44 00:04:54,253 --> 00:04:55,504 I'll catch up. 45 00:05:04,096 --> 00:05:06,932 How much longer do I have to eat shit before you put me back on flight status? 46 00:05:07,015 --> 00:05:09,268 I've been cooling my heels for two damn months now. 47 00:05:09,351 --> 00:05:11,395 Look, it's not only up to me. 48 00:05:11,478 --> 00:05:13,021 You pissed off a lot of people. 49 00:05:16,859 --> 00:05:18,235 I'm never going back up, am I? 50 00:05:20,445 --> 00:05:22,406 Not as long as von Braun's director. 51 00:05:23,365 --> 00:05:25,617 I'm sorry. But you made your bed. 52 00:05:29,329 --> 00:05:31,874 So, what the hell am I supposed to do, just keep pushing paper? 53 00:05:31,957 --> 00:05:33,166 There are worse things. 54 00:05:33,250 --> 00:05:34,501 Yeah, I guess you'd know, wouldn't ya? 55 00:05:35,627 --> 00:05:36,628 Watch it, Ed. 56 00:06:19,213 --> 00:06:21,507 It's from a trusted source in the Kremlin. 57 00:06:21,590 --> 00:06:23,008 And if this is even close to ready... 58 00:06:23,091 --> 00:06:24,468 It's merely blueprints. 59 00:06:24,551 --> 00:06:26,762 I have hundreds of blueprints. It means nothing. 60 00:06:27,471 --> 00:06:29,765 We can't afford to be cautious now, Wernher. 61 00:06:30,307 --> 00:06:31,934 This is the new front in the Cold War. 62 00:06:32,017 --> 00:06:35,562 If the Soviets are gonna build a lunar military outpost up there, 63 00:06:35,646 --> 00:06:38,607 the president wants one too, and he wants it first. 64 00:06:38,690 --> 00:06:39,942 He can't be serious. 65 00:06:40,025 --> 00:06:41,985 Frankly, I've never seen him more serious. 66 00:06:42,486 --> 00:06:44,947 We're talking a major realignment of priorities here. 67 00:06:45,614 --> 00:06:50,369 We may have lost the moon, but we can... We can still win the race for the base. 68 00:06:50,452 --> 00:06:52,079 "Race for the base"? 69 00:06:52,538 --> 00:06:53,539 Catchy, right? 70 00:06:54,498 --> 00:06:55,791 Your testimony before the committee 71 00:06:55,874 --> 00:06:58,794 is the perfect time to unveil NASA's new strategy. 72 00:06:58,877 --> 00:07:00,254 Beginning with Apollo 12, 73 00:07:00,337 --> 00:07:02,297 we will be scouting for the location 74 00:07:02,381 --> 00:07:05,050 of a permanent military installation on the moon. 75 00:07:05,133 --> 00:07:06,343 Absolutely not. 76 00:07:06,844 --> 00:07:10,430 We're a scientific program, not a playground for G.I. Joe. 77 00:07:10,514 --> 00:07:12,975 Wernher. This is a good thing. 78 00:07:13,058 --> 00:07:15,519 Nixon's doubling down on the program. 79 00:07:15,602 --> 00:07:17,563 Our budgets will go up exponentially. 80 00:07:17,646 --> 00:07:20,274 We can bring in three, four more classes of astronauts. 81 00:07:20,899 --> 00:07:21,900 What do you think, Deke? 82 00:07:21,984 --> 00:07:23,986 Well, I could sure use the extra manpower, 83 00:07:24,069 --> 00:07:26,697 but I don't know, 12's flight is right around the corner. 84 00:07:27,656 --> 00:07:29,908 Yeah. We may need to move that up a tad. 85 00:07:32,578 --> 00:07:33,829 Thomas, listen to me. 86 00:07:34,872 --> 00:07:36,790 We cannot allow this encroachment. 87 00:07:38,125 --> 00:07:39,835 I've seen it before. 88 00:07:40,586 --> 00:07:44,339 My Aggregat 4, it was designed for low-Earth orbit. 89 00:07:44,882 --> 00:07:50,387 When the Wehrmacht saw its potential, it became the V-2, a terrible weapon. 90 00:07:51,555 --> 00:07:54,516 We cannot allow space to become another battlefield. 91 00:07:54,600 --> 00:07:55,601 It already is. 92 00:07:55,684 --> 00:07:57,978 If we don't respond in kind, we'll be sitting ducks. 93 00:07:58,061 --> 00:08:01,648 I will not watch, yet again, as my work is defiled by men with guns. 94 00:08:01,732 --> 00:08:03,901 This isn't Germany, Wernher. 95 00:08:04,860 --> 00:08:07,654 Dick Nixon's been fighting communists for 30 years, 96 00:08:08,197 --> 00:08:10,407 and a red moon isn't something our nation can accept. 97 00:08:10,490 --> 00:08:13,911 Red moon, blue moon, green moon. Enough with this nonsense. 98 00:08:13,994 --> 00:08:15,078 This is happening. 99 00:08:16,496 --> 00:08:18,832 I suggest you get on the train before it runs you over. 100 00:08:20,709 --> 00:08:21,877 Who does he think he is, 101 00:08:21,960 --> 00:08:24,129 to say "no" to the President of the United States? 102 00:08:24,838 --> 00:08:27,925 If I say put a military base on the moon, that's it. 103 00:08:28,008 --> 00:08:29,009 End of story. 104 00:08:30,010 --> 00:08:31,303 I want that Kraut bastard gone. 105 00:08:31,845 --> 00:08:34,932 I'm afraid he is quite untouchable, Mr. President. 106 00:08:35,015 --> 00:08:38,059 A beloved figure... he taught the country about space travel. 107 00:08:38,143 --> 00:08:39,144 Well, then, 108 00:08:39,227 --> 00:08:41,188 we'll have to get creative now, won't we? 109 00:08:44,483 --> 00:08:46,610 I miss the barbecue back in Huntsville. 110 00:08:48,195 --> 00:08:51,573 Maybe it's time to retire. Go back to Alabama. 111 00:08:52,658 --> 00:08:55,619 Yeah. You could sit on your porch. 112 00:08:56,286 --> 00:08:57,746 Smoke your pipe. 113 00:08:57,829 --> 00:08:59,581 Maybe take up painting? 114 00:09:00,832 --> 00:09:04,962 Besides, who would I eat lunch with? 115 00:09:05,838 --> 00:09:06,922 I don't know. 116 00:09:08,090 --> 00:09:10,759 Perhaps a handsome young suitor? 117 00:09:10,843 --> 00:09:13,595 We're doing this again? You know I don't have time. 118 00:09:13,679 --> 00:09:16,056 Yes. You're a very busy young woman. 119 00:09:18,642 --> 00:09:21,603 I heard about this interview of yours with Gene. 120 00:09:23,647 --> 00:09:25,649 I was going to tell you. I just wanted... 121 00:09:25,732 --> 00:09:27,985 Wanted to do it yourself. I know. 122 00:09:30,195 --> 00:09:33,031 You worry too much about what others might think, Margo. 123 00:09:34,449 --> 00:09:35,659 You always have. 124 00:09:40,581 --> 00:09:43,917 The boys couldn't stop talking about that Apollo 11 landing. 125 00:09:44,001 --> 00:09:46,253 Good old-fashioned controlled crash. 126 00:09:46,336 --> 00:09:47,921 Yeah, Neil's a good stick. 127 00:09:48,755 --> 00:09:51,884 Though I still think your landing on the Kearsarge, 128 00:09:51,967 --> 00:09:54,761 outta that Dutch roll, takes the cake. 129 00:09:56,972 --> 00:09:59,391 So when you going back up, Ed? 15, right? 130 00:10:00,434 --> 00:10:04,813 Well. It's unclear at the moment. 131 00:10:05,355 --> 00:10:07,441 Sort of why I asked you to come grab a beer. 132 00:10:07,524 --> 00:10:10,319 I've been thinking about maybe moving back navy side. 133 00:10:10,736 --> 00:10:11,987 Yeah, right. 134 00:10:14,448 --> 00:10:17,701 Now why on God's green earth would you wanna do something like that? 135 00:10:19,119 --> 00:10:22,623 Pilots become astronauts, Ed. Not the other way around. 136 00:10:23,457 --> 00:10:26,126 Well, the only thing I've been flying lately is a desk. 137 00:10:27,878 --> 00:10:29,087 This about that article? 138 00:10:29,880 --> 00:10:30,923 Yeah. 139 00:10:31,381 --> 00:10:35,052 You always did have a way of pissing off your superior officers. 140 00:10:36,303 --> 00:10:37,846 Present company included. 141 00:10:40,224 --> 00:10:42,601 But you're also one of the best aviators I've ever seen. 142 00:10:43,685 --> 00:10:44,728 "One of"? 143 00:10:45,521 --> 00:10:46,855 Don't be a smart-ass. 144 00:10:48,273 --> 00:10:51,193 Navy would just about shit themselves though to get a guy like you back. 145 00:10:51,276 --> 00:10:54,154 Especially now. We're making a big push in Vietnam. 146 00:10:54,613 --> 00:10:56,740 Could be the turning point in the war. 147 00:10:57,699 --> 00:10:59,701 And that means commanding a squadron or... 148 00:10:59,785 --> 00:11:00,786 Squadron? 149 00:11:01,203 --> 00:11:03,330 You'd probably get command of an entire air wing. 150 00:11:04,957 --> 00:11:07,000 And wait till you fly this new Phantom. 151 00:11:07,376 --> 00:11:10,504 Puts those Panthers we flew in Korea to shame. 152 00:11:11,547 --> 00:11:13,590 It's a fire-breathing beast, Ed. 153 00:11:20,305 --> 00:11:21,390 I'm sorry, Ed. 154 00:11:21,473 --> 00:11:22,933 It's just, I can't. 155 00:11:23,892 --> 00:11:27,688 Ed. I can't get another phone call that your plane was shot down. 156 00:11:28,730 --> 00:11:31,900 I mean, every time the phone rang, my heart just fell. 157 00:11:32,568 --> 00:11:34,945 I coulda gotten killed just as easily going up on 10. 158 00:11:36,196 --> 00:11:38,073 Yeah. Well, at least you weren't being shot at. 159 00:11:39,616 --> 00:11:41,285 It's what I signed up for, Karen. 160 00:11:43,871 --> 00:11:46,331 No, Ed. It's what we signed up for. 161 00:11:48,292 --> 00:11:49,501 Remember? 162 00:11:54,631 --> 00:11:55,799 Oh, my God, would you just... 163 00:11:56,758 --> 00:11:59,344 Cut that out. You're making a mess of things. 164 00:12:00,345 --> 00:12:04,224 While in Washington, the political fallout from the Soviet moon landing continues, 165 00:12:04,308 --> 00:12:06,059 as a joint congressional committee looks deeper 166 00:12:06,143 --> 00:12:08,353 into the alleged failures of the space program. 167 00:12:08,437 --> 00:12:12,274 Administrator Thomas Paine grilled by Senator Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts, 168 00:12:12,357 --> 00:12:15,277 who's quickly established himself as a leading voice on the committee 169 00:12:15,360 --> 00:12:17,404 questioning President Nixon's leadership. 170 00:12:17,487 --> 00:12:20,407 And how, sir, do you justify canceling production 171 00:12:20,490 --> 00:12:21,742 of the Saturn V rocket 172 00:12:21,825 --> 00:12:23,827 a full year before Apollo 11? 173 00:12:23,911 --> 00:12:25,370 It was part of a broader... 174 00:12:25,871 --> 00:12:30,417 These were drastic reductions of NASA's funding by President Nixon. 175 00:12:30,501 --> 00:12:33,295 Excuse me. That's not accurate, Senator. 176 00:12:33,378 --> 00:12:35,547 The president is fully committed to the space program. 177 00:12:51,730 --> 00:12:52,981 Yeah. 178 00:12:53,398 --> 00:12:54,399 Hey. 179 00:12:55,776 --> 00:12:59,029 Where'd you put those vacuum tubes? TV's fritzing again. 180 00:12:59,530 --> 00:13:00,531 Jesus. 181 00:13:00,614 --> 00:13:03,242 Um... I don't know. Maybe... 182 00:13:03,659 --> 00:13:04,743 What time is it? 183 00:13:06,286 --> 00:13:07,704 Tell me you're not still drunk. 184 00:13:08,455 --> 00:13:13,126 Hey, no, baby, I'm... just beat, is all. 185 00:13:14,378 --> 00:13:16,213 They're really working us down here. 186 00:13:16,296 --> 00:13:18,674 You know I hate being away from you and the kiddos. 187 00:13:18,757 --> 00:13:20,592 Yeah. I'm sure it's just torture. 188 00:13:20,676 --> 00:13:21,927 Mine, give it back! 189 00:13:22,469 --> 00:13:25,556 Hey! Daniel, Jimmy! 190 00:13:25,639 --> 00:13:29,184 Anything you put on that floor, you will pick up. Are we clear? 191 00:13:29,560 --> 00:13:32,521 Hey, you tell Danny that I said... 192 00:13:36,441 --> 00:13:37,442 Um... 193 00:13:41,530 --> 00:13:45,617 Uh, listen to his mom, yeah. Tell-Tell him I said that, hon. 194 00:13:50,038 --> 00:13:51,081 Okay. 195 00:13:52,916 --> 00:13:54,168 Guess I'll see you soon. 196 00:13:54,626 --> 00:13:56,003 Hey, Trace. 197 00:13:57,838 --> 00:13:58,922 I love you. 198 00:14:16,064 --> 00:14:18,025 Look, I know you're smart, Margo. 199 00:14:18,692 --> 00:14:20,277 But it gets intense down there. 200 00:14:21,278 --> 00:14:23,071 They call it the trench for a reason. 201 00:14:23,155 --> 00:14:24,698 I need to know you're not some pogue 202 00:14:24,781 --> 00:14:26,909 who's gonna wilt at the first sign of pressure. 203 00:14:26,992 --> 00:14:29,703 No, sir. That wouldn't be... 204 00:14:29,786 --> 00:14:32,664 I've had guys on FIDO, solid guys, 205 00:14:33,415 --> 00:14:36,043 damn near piss their pants during a rocky re-entry. 206 00:14:36,627 --> 00:14:38,462 Well, sir... 207 00:14:39,505 --> 00:14:40,964 I don't wear pants. 208 00:14:44,218 --> 00:14:45,427 That is a fact. 209 00:14:49,223 --> 00:14:51,642 Dr. von Braun sure thinks the world of you. 210 00:14:52,768 --> 00:14:54,186 How do you two know each other? 211 00:14:54,686 --> 00:14:57,105 I've known him most of my life, actually. 212 00:14:57,564 --> 00:15:00,359 My father, he taught at the university over in Huntsville. 213 00:15:01,068 --> 00:15:05,239 Dr. von Braun would come over for dinners and regale us with stories 214 00:15:05,322 --> 00:15:08,909 about rockets to outer space, journeys to the moon. 215 00:15:09,618 --> 00:15:11,078 Mars. 216 00:15:11,161 --> 00:15:13,539 I'd never even been outside of Huntsville. 217 00:15:14,164 --> 00:15:17,960 But he made me think anything was possible. 218 00:15:18,585 --> 00:15:20,295 He's the reason I became an engineer. 219 00:15:20,838 --> 00:15:21,839 Huh. 220 00:15:22,714 --> 00:15:24,883 I'm sorry. Am I rambling? 221 00:15:24,967 --> 00:15:27,094 No. It's nice. 222 00:15:28,720 --> 00:15:30,389 Tell me a bit more about yourself. 223 00:15:31,139 --> 00:15:32,391 What do you do for fun? 224 00:15:33,976 --> 00:15:35,686 Um... I... 225 00:15:35,769 --> 00:15:37,855 Relax. Margo, it's not a test. 226 00:15:38,897 --> 00:15:41,275 Astronauts aren't the only ones allowed to have fun around here. 227 00:15:41,358 --> 00:15:43,652 But you are not exactly a spring chicken. 228 00:15:45,320 --> 00:15:48,574 I give you this job, you're not gonna run off on me to start a family, are you? 229 00:15:49,283 --> 00:15:53,120 I don't think kids are in the cards, sir. 230 00:15:53,745 --> 00:15:55,831 Really? You don't want kids? 231 00:15:57,207 --> 00:15:58,792 I mean... uh... 232 00:15:58,876 --> 00:16:01,545 it's not that I don't, it's just, right now... 233 00:16:01,628 --> 00:16:02,796 It's okay. 234 00:16:02,880 --> 00:16:05,382 Not every woman is cut out to be a mother. 235 00:17:08,987 --> 00:17:10,030 Seen Aleida? 236 00:17:12,907 --> 00:17:13,992 Aleida. 237 00:17:14,992 --> 00:17:16,744 Papa is home. 238 00:17:17,162 --> 00:17:18,204 Octavio. 239 00:17:19,039 --> 00:17:20,665 I caught her doing it again. 240 00:17:21,333 --> 00:17:22,960 Livi almost burned her hand. 241 00:17:23,460 --> 00:17:25,753 You have to get her under control 242 00:17:26,171 --> 00:17:29,508 or find someplace else to live. 243 00:17:29,591 --> 00:17:31,343 No. No, Cata. Cata, wait. 244 00:17:32,427 --> 00:17:33,554 Where is she? 245 00:17:36,265 --> 00:17:37,266 Aleida! 246 00:17:52,406 --> 00:17:56,159 Aleida, you need to stop doing this. 247 00:17:56,827 --> 00:17:58,662 It's dangerous. You know that. 248 00:18:01,415 --> 00:18:03,584 Why do you do it? Talk to me. 249 00:18:05,002 --> 00:18:06,962 I don't know. I like it. 250 00:18:07,045 --> 00:18:08,714 - English. - I don't want to. 251 00:18:15,387 --> 00:18:16,430 Aleida... 252 00:18:18,140 --> 00:18:19,641 you need to talk to me. 253 00:18:20,684 --> 00:18:24,146 Do you remember how we used to talk all the time? 254 00:18:25,689 --> 00:18:28,734 Look, I know this is hard. I know. 255 00:18:29,401 --> 00:18:31,361 It's a new home, a new country, a... 256 00:18:34,114 --> 00:18:35,532 But we can help each other. 257 00:18:37,618 --> 00:18:39,161 Just leave me alone. 258 00:19:09,816 --> 00:19:11,985 Oh... Thank God. 259 00:19:12,069 --> 00:19:13,403 I'm so glad you called. 260 00:19:14,404 --> 00:19:15,614 How's she doing? 261 00:19:15,697 --> 00:19:16,823 How do you think? 262 00:19:17,241 --> 00:19:18,242 All right. Here. 263 00:19:18,325 --> 00:19:19,326 - Okay. - Give this to me. 264 00:19:19,409 --> 00:19:20,410 Are you sure? 265 00:19:20,494 --> 00:19:22,329 I will take it from here. You can go. 266 00:19:22,412 --> 00:19:23,956 - All right. - I'll get it. Thank you, Doris. 267 00:19:24,039 --> 00:19:25,040 Yeah. 268 00:19:25,123 --> 00:19:26,625 - Bye-bye. - Bye. 269 00:19:33,841 --> 00:19:34,842 Trace? 270 00:19:36,343 --> 00:19:37,594 Hon, it's Karen. I... 271 00:19:37,678 --> 00:19:39,304 Don't you dare make excuses for him. 272 00:19:40,013 --> 00:19:42,224 Gordo can stay with that Cape cookie for all I care. 273 00:19:42,307 --> 00:19:43,851 - Okay. - I'm not letting him back in this home. 274 00:19:43,934 --> 00:19:45,227 Yes, let's calm down, all right? 275 00:19:45,310 --> 00:19:46,645 I could hear her! 276 00:19:47,855 --> 00:19:49,648 She was in the room with him. 277 00:19:50,691 --> 00:19:54,027 Maybe some of you other wives can grin and bear it for the program, 278 00:19:54,111 --> 00:19:56,530 but... fuck the program! 279 00:20:00,450 --> 00:20:01,451 Trace... 280 00:20:02,995 --> 00:20:03,996 ...come here. 281 00:20:17,426 --> 00:20:18,594 You know... 282 00:20:19,928 --> 00:20:22,598 I have this fantasy I'm married to another man. 283 00:20:24,600 --> 00:20:25,642 Yeah? 284 00:20:26,143 --> 00:20:27,561 Yeah, his name's Bert. 285 00:20:30,147 --> 00:20:35,110 He's an accountant, 9:00 to 5:00, drives a Buick. 286 00:20:36,486 --> 00:20:37,946 Does Bert have a brother? 287 00:20:38,614 --> 00:20:40,490 Come on. Ed's a rock. 288 00:20:42,201 --> 00:20:44,828 Believe you me, being married to Edward Baldwin is no picnic. 289 00:20:46,330 --> 00:20:47,873 I'm not saying our problems are the same, 290 00:20:47,956 --> 00:20:50,042 but that doesn't mean we don't have problems. 291 00:21:01,303 --> 00:21:02,346 You know... 292 00:21:03,972 --> 00:21:05,432 I think I always knew. 293 00:21:08,018 --> 00:21:09,102 I was just... 294 00:21:12,147 --> 00:21:16,652 I fooled myself into... to feeling like a... 295 00:21:19,446 --> 00:21:21,490 Christ, he's not even trying to hide it anymore. 296 00:21:21,573 --> 00:21:24,701 I do everything for that man, Karen. 297 00:21:24,785 --> 00:21:25,786 I know. 298 00:21:25,869 --> 00:21:27,996 I know it's not easy, I do. 299 00:21:32,000 --> 00:21:33,126 Divorce. 300 00:21:35,045 --> 00:21:37,339 I mean, that's what we're talking about. 301 00:21:37,422 --> 00:21:39,132 That's where this leads. 302 00:21:42,636 --> 00:21:45,097 I mean, it's... it is hard enough for any woman. 303 00:21:45,180 --> 00:21:47,182 But for women like us, it's... 304 00:21:49,685 --> 00:21:51,311 Do you remember Harriet and Don? 305 00:21:51,812 --> 00:21:54,523 There were reporters camped out in their front lawn. 306 00:21:54,606 --> 00:21:56,608 Their kids' photos were in magazines. 307 00:21:56,692 --> 00:21:59,528 I mean, Trace, you gotta think about those things. 308 00:22:00,362 --> 00:22:03,866 You know, I mean, a divorced single mother of two. I... 309 00:22:03,949 --> 00:22:07,870 How do you support yourself? I mean, what do you tell your kids? 310 00:22:07,953 --> 00:22:09,079 Your-Your parents? 311 00:22:09,872 --> 00:22:13,584 I mean, you're not just leaving Gordo, you're leaving your entire life. 312 00:22:15,460 --> 00:22:16,545 I'm sorry. I... 313 00:22:18,172 --> 00:22:20,299 Trace, I want what's best for you, I do. 314 00:22:23,760 --> 00:22:27,472 Look me in the eye and tell me you don't love him. 315 00:22:39,943 --> 00:22:40,944 Well... 316 00:22:44,198 --> 00:22:45,199 shit. 317 00:22:58,337 --> 00:22:59,338 Margo. 318 00:23:00,005 --> 00:23:01,757 I thought you'd already left for DC. 319 00:23:02,466 --> 00:23:04,051 I am disappointed in you. 320 00:23:04,885 --> 00:23:06,970 Why? What happened? 321 00:23:07,387 --> 00:23:09,598 You've made me look very bad. 322 00:23:10,307 --> 00:23:11,683 I was second to the moon. 323 00:23:11,767 --> 00:23:17,397 And now you, you will be the first woman in Mission Control. 324 00:23:25,614 --> 00:23:27,491 You didn't have to convince him, did you? 325 00:23:27,574 --> 00:23:28,909 I did not say a word. 326 00:23:29,660 --> 00:23:33,121 Gene is a smart man. He could see how talented you are. 327 00:23:33,622 --> 00:23:35,624 No, this is you alone. 328 00:23:37,584 --> 00:23:39,711 No, it wasn't. 329 00:23:40,170 --> 00:23:41,463 Yes. 330 00:23:44,132 --> 00:23:45,175 Well, I... 331 00:23:46,802 --> 00:23:50,347 I've had this for over 20 years. 332 00:23:50,430 --> 00:23:54,935 And now I would like you to have it. 333 00:24:05,737 --> 00:24:07,281 I was hoping for cognac. 334 00:24:40,272 --> 00:24:41,690 Welcome to the trench, 335 00:24:41,773 --> 00:24:43,275 - Eva von Braun! - Eva von Braun! 336 00:24:46,403 --> 00:24:49,656 All right, people. Let's get those handover briefs started. 337 00:24:50,324 --> 00:24:53,035 White Team is on-console in 35 minutes. 338 00:24:59,958 --> 00:25:01,210 Don't take it personal. 339 00:25:01,752 --> 00:25:03,712 They pull this stuff with all the new guys. 340 00:25:17,059 --> 00:25:21,522 Feeling like we should, uh, make a little detour here, Freddie. 341 00:25:22,105 --> 00:25:23,690 Aw, come on, Gordo. 342 00:25:24,274 --> 00:25:26,235 Don't you remember the ass-chewing we got last time? 343 00:25:27,277 --> 00:25:30,531 Ellington Tower, NASA 963. 344 00:25:39,206 --> 00:25:42,251 Boys, Daddy's home. 345 00:26:08,110 --> 00:26:09,152 Hello. 346 00:26:10,362 --> 00:26:11,363 Hey. 347 00:26:11,446 --> 00:26:12,489 - Daddy! - Daddy! 348 00:26:12,573 --> 00:26:13,991 Yeah! 349 00:26:16,869 --> 00:26:19,788 I got you something. I got you this. 350 00:26:19,872 --> 00:26:21,790 It's the biggest because you're the biggest. 351 00:26:23,000 --> 00:26:25,294 Smelling good, Trace. What you cooking? 352 00:26:25,752 --> 00:26:28,881 It's just some casserole. Hands off. It's for the barbecue. 353 00:26:28,964 --> 00:26:30,007 - Barbecue? - Mm-hmm. 354 00:26:30,090 --> 00:26:31,258 All right! 355 00:26:36,180 --> 00:26:37,306 It's good to see you. 356 00:26:40,142 --> 00:26:41,643 - You too. - Okay. 357 00:26:43,604 --> 00:26:45,230 - That's the casserole. - Yeah. 358 00:26:57,117 --> 00:26:58,243 Guys. 359 00:26:59,828 --> 00:27:02,039 Hey, you. Glad you could make it. 360 00:27:02,122 --> 00:27:03,916 Yeah, well, wouldn't miss it. 361 00:27:07,669 --> 00:27:09,713 - Come here. Come here! - He loves those boys. 362 00:27:10,756 --> 00:27:12,841 Yeah, I know. But this would be great for the... 363 00:27:13,717 --> 00:27:15,302 Come on. Come on over here. Come on... 364 00:27:15,385 --> 00:27:19,223 That's great. Great! That's great. Up here! Big smiles. 365 00:27:19,306 --> 00:27:21,350 Uh, Buzz, take a bite of the hamburger. 366 00:27:23,393 --> 00:27:25,562 There we go! Nice. Excellent. 367 00:27:29,483 --> 00:27:32,736 I'm just saying, word is we're putting a base up there. 368 00:27:32,819 --> 00:27:34,196 We wanna be on the crew, Deke. 369 00:27:34,279 --> 00:27:37,741 Guys, drink some beer. Eat some dogs. Enjoy yourselves. 370 00:27:42,371 --> 00:27:44,081 Her niece just got back from London, 371 00:27:44,164 --> 00:27:48,460 and apparently all the kids over there were wearing hammer and sickle T-shirts. 372 00:27:49,419 --> 00:27:50,504 Can you imagine? 373 00:27:50,587 --> 00:27:53,757 Karen, I cannot believe how well you put this all together, 374 00:27:53,841 --> 00:27:55,759 what with all you and Ed are going through. 375 00:27:57,052 --> 00:27:58,595 Well, we do what we can. 376 00:28:00,514 --> 00:28:03,183 Gordo! Stop it! 377 00:28:04,935 --> 00:28:06,395 You got me all wet. 378 00:28:09,189 --> 00:28:11,608 I wish Harry and me still had that kind of passion. 379 00:28:21,910 --> 00:28:22,953 Ed. 380 00:28:29,501 --> 00:28:30,752 Plotting your escape too? 381 00:28:31,670 --> 00:28:33,130 Yeah. Something like that. 382 00:28:43,515 --> 00:28:47,269 Look, I know you came out here to get away from all the questions, 383 00:28:47,352 --> 00:28:49,479 but it's still my backyard. 384 00:28:49,563 --> 00:28:51,607 So, spit it out. 385 00:28:52,524 --> 00:28:55,068 Did they really make you go through customs when you came back? 386 00:28:58,030 --> 00:28:59,406 I got the receipt to prove it. 387 00:28:59,489 --> 00:29:01,867 Jesus. 388 00:29:03,493 --> 00:29:04,620 Ah... 389 00:29:08,457 --> 00:29:12,586 That was... a hell of a landing, Neil. 390 00:29:12,669 --> 00:29:14,213 If you can call it that. 391 00:29:16,673 --> 00:29:18,675 Maintaining attitude control was no joke. 392 00:29:18,759 --> 00:29:19,801 I bet. 393 00:29:21,762 --> 00:29:22,846 Tell you the truth? 394 00:29:24,598 --> 00:29:26,183 I can't believe I didn't abort. 395 00:29:26,975 --> 00:29:28,769 Well, you pulled it off. It was a good call. 396 00:29:29,269 --> 00:29:31,146 Easy to say that looking back. 397 00:29:31,647 --> 00:29:33,732 Couple things go different, 398 00:29:33,815 --> 00:29:36,068 we drift a little bit further into those rocks... 399 00:29:37,402 --> 00:29:38,403 we're a smoking hole 400 00:29:38,862 --> 00:29:41,698 and I got my name on the biggest disaster in NASA history. 401 00:29:44,535 --> 00:29:46,036 Then why'd you go for it? 402 00:29:46,119 --> 00:29:49,414 I don't know. You're in flight test... 403 00:29:51,875 --> 00:29:53,252 and, every once in a while, 404 00:29:53,335 --> 00:29:56,588 you get to that point where part of your brain is saying, "Eject." 405 00:29:57,756 --> 00:30:00,342 But another part of your brain is saying, "Go for it." 406 00:30:03,595 --> 00:30:05,264 And you just have to make the call... 407 00:30:07,558 --> 00:30:08,767 and hope you're not wrong. 408 00:30:16,149 --> 00:30:17,234 There he is. 409 00:30:17,317 --> 00:30:19,862 Ed, I want you to meet Congressman Charles Sandman. 410 00:30:19,945 --> 00:30:23,198 He's on the committee looking at this whole mess, and he's a big fan of yours. 411 00:30:23,282 --> 00:30:25,409 You know, before I headed back to Washington, 412 00:30:25,492 --> 00:30:28,245 I told Tom here I had to meet the man who almost won the moon for us. 413 00:30:28,328 --> 00:30:30,497 I watched Apollo 10 on TV, Commander. 414 00:30:30,581 --> 00:30:34,001 I mean, you boys, you came so damn close. Must have just about killed you. 415 00:30:34,084 --> 00:30:36,295 Eh, not exactly a secret these days, huh? 416 00:30:37,379 --> 00:30:40,215 You know, I would love for you to come talk to the committee, 417 00:30:40,299 --> 00:30:41,758 hear what you have to say about all this. 418 00:30:43,677 --> 00:30:46,930 With all due respect, sir, I think my mouth has done enough damage. 419 00:30:47,598 --> 00:30:48,682 You see? 420 00:30:49,558 --> 00:30:51,643 The fact that you were punished for speaking the truth... 421 00:30:51,727 --> 00:30:55,063 I mean, if they'd listened to you before, we wouldn't be in this mess to begin with. 422 00:30:55,147 --> 00:30:56,231 We're at war here. 423 00:30:56,732 --> 00:30:58,567 Well, you, you know what I'm saying, you're navy. 424 00:30:58,650 --> 00:31:01,111 All you astronauts, you're all military, aren't you? 425 00:31:01,195 --> 00:31:03,030 Well, technically, yes, sir. But... 426 00:31:03,113 --> 00:31:05,240 They're on loan to NASA. 427 00:31:05,991 --> 00:31:09,244 Still military, but they can't even wear their uniforms in public. 428 00:31:10,204 --> 00:31:11,705 See? What a disgrace. 429 00:31:11,788 --> 00:31:15,417 That is exactly the kinda ticky-tack crap that's undermining our fight for the moon. 430 00:31:16,460 --> 00:31:18,420 I know you're not happy, Ed. 431 00:31:19,046 --> 00:31:21,882 And I've spoken with the president. He's not happy either. 432 00:31:22,758 --> 00:31:25,969 He wants to make some big changes at the agency, and he needs your help. 433 00:31:26,053 --> 00:31:30,015 Come on up to DC and tell my colleagues exactly what you told that reporter. 434 00:31:30,557 --> 00:31:32,809 That von Braun is too cautious. That he cost us the moon. 435 00:31:36,230 --> 00:31:37,773 Uh... 436 00:31:37,856 --> 00:31:38,857 I don't know. 437 00:31:41,944 --> 00:31:46,532 Look, I don't always see eye to eye with von Braun. But I respect him. 438 00:31:47,032 --> 00:31:49,076 - You know, he built the Saturn V. - Yeah, yeah, yeah. 439 00:31:49,159 --> 00:31:53,163 No, Wernher is a great man. Don't get me wrong. 440 00:31:53,830 --> 00:31:57,417 But men like him, they don't see the tide till they're drowning in it. 441 00:31:57,501 --> 00:32:00,879 The president is clear-eyed about the threat we're facing here. 442 00:32:00,963 --> 00:32:03,423 He thinks astronauts should be running things. 443 00:32:03,507 --> 00:32:06,301 Men who actually know what it feels like to be in a dogfight. 444 00:32:06,385 --> 00:32:08,136 You astronauts, you're holding all the cards. 445 00:32:08,220 --> 00:32:11,598 I mean, hell, you're already the face of the program. Why not be the voice too? 446 00:32:13,016 --> 00:32:14,893 The president's real keen on this, Ed. 447 00:32:15,936 --> 00:32:17,604 And he remembers his friends. 448 00:32:18,438 --> 00:32:20,357 Could be your ticket back up there. 449 00:32:20,440 --> 00:32:21,525 So, what do you say? 450 00:32:35,330 --> 00:32:38,750 Maybe if you do what they want, things will go back to the way they were before. 451 00:32:40,586 --> 00:32:41,628 Yeah. 452 00:32:42,296 --> 00:32:43,922 I'd be back on 15... 453 00:32:45,048 --> 00:32:47,176 headed for the Apennine Highlands. 454 00:32:49,553 --> 00:32:51,597 Yeah. No desk duty. 455 00:32:53,682 --> 00:32:54,933 No Vietnam. 456 00:33:01,273 --> 00:33:06,612 You know, you said yourself that NASA could use a good kick in the rear. 457 00:33:07,529 --> 00:33:08,822 That's true. 458 00:33:13,243 --> 00:33:14,620 But von Braun, he... 459 00:33:16,121 --> 00:33:17,122 he would be... 460 00:33:18,749 --> 00:33:19,917 Yeah. 461 00:33:58,789 --> 00:34:02,125 Now, Commander Baldwin, if I'm not mistaken... 462 00:34:03,377 --> 00:34:06,630 both Apollo 10 and Apollo 11 lunar modules, 463 00:34:06,713 --> 00:34:09,174 they had almost the same amount of fuel, correct? 464 00:34:09,257 --> 00:34:10,509 Yes, sir. 465 00:34:10,592 --> 00:34:13,512 A little shy of 18,000 pounds in the descent stage, 466 00:34:13,594 --> 00:34:14,972 and 5,000 in the ascent. 467 00:34:15,054 --> 00:34:17,599 {\an8}Okay. Were there any other differences in the spacecraft? 468 00:34:17,683 --> 00:34:19,351 {\an8}Anything that would prevent you from landing. 469 00:34:20,393 --> 00:34:21,728 Well, Snoopy was... 470 00:34:21,812 --> 00:34:24,940 Wait. I'm sorry. Snoopy? 471 00:34:26,400 --> 00:34:28,694 Yes, sir. We named our LEM Snoopy. 472 00:34:30,112 --> 00:34:33,614 And the command module was Charlie Brown. 473 00:34:35,951 --> 00:34:37,202 Okay. 474 00:34:37,286 --> 00:34:39,161 Our LEM was heavier than Eagle, 475 00:34:39,246 --> 00:34:44,293 so the concern was whether we'd have enough thrust to re-enter lunar orbit. 476 00:34:45,543 --> 00:34:46,795 You share in that concern? 477 00:34:46,879 --> 00:34:49,547 Well, it-it wasn't within NASA's safety margins. 478 00:34:50,299 --> 00:34:51,300 Uh-huh. 479 00:34:51,382 --> 00:34:55,637 You were a naval test pilot, were you not, Commander? At Pax River. 480 00:34:56,388 --> 00:34:57,389 I was, sir. 481 00:34:57,472 --> 00:35:00,767 And when was playing it safe part of being a test pilot? 482 00:35:02,394 --> 00:35:03,395 Never, sir. 483 00:35:04,688 --> 00:35:08,775 You pushed and you pushed for Apollo 10 to land on the moon, didn't you? 484 00:35:08,859 --> 00:35:12,487 Well, during planning, yes, sir. I pushed for us to land. 485 00:35:12,571 --> 00:35:15,407 And you were overruled by Wernher von Braun. 486 00:35:15,866 --> 00:35:17,910 Well, it was ultimately his decision 487 00:35:17,993 --> 00:35:22,039 to view Apollo 10 as a trial run for 11. 488 00:35:22,456 --> 00:35:23,916 But were it not for him, 489 00:35:24,291 --> 00:35:27,252 you would've been the first man to set foot on the moon, right? 490 00:35:38,222 --> 00:35:39,264 Hmm? 491 00:35:40,182 --> 00:35:42,017 It's not that simple, sir. 492 00:35:45,938 --> 00:35:47,731 It's not... I'm sorry? 493 00:35:50,025 --> 00:35:53,654 Well, it's true von Braun made the call on the ground, but... 494 00:35:56,740 --> 00:35:58,492 when we were up in lunar orbit... 495 00:36:00,035 --> 00:36:02,955 I knew I could bring the LEM safely down to the surface. 496 00:36:12,172 --> 00:36:13,590 I mean, we were so close. 497 00:36:14,132 --> 00:36:18,178 Snoopy, Houston. We put you one minute ahead of the timeline. 498 00:36:18,554 --> 00:36:20,889 Take a minute and enjoy the view, gentlemen. 499 00:36:20,973 --> 00:36:24,226 Roger that, Houston. We got the best seat in the house. 500 00:36:26,228 --> 00:36:29,898 All I had to do was hit Engine Arm, Descent... 501 00:36:31,233 --> 00:36:33,235 let the burn run all the way to completion. 502 00:36:33,986 --> 00:36:36,321 Except that wasn't your mission, Commander. 503 00:36:36,405 --> 00:36:39,491 I mean, von Braun, you know, he made it very clear that that was not... 504 00:36:39,575 --> 00:36:42,703 After launch, it's my ship to command. 505 00:36:45,497 --> 00:36:47,749 There's boulders in every one of those little... 506 00:36:48,959 --> 00:36:50,669 little craters. You see that? 507 00:36:50,752 --> 00:36:51,962 On the ridge. 508 00:36:52,504 --> 00:36:56,550 Boulders are black, but whatever's ejected out of them is white. 509 00:36:56,633 --> 00:37:00,971 White, but... still some black around them. 510 00:37:01,471 --> 00:37:04,433 It almost looks windblown down there, right? 511 00:37:04,516 --> 00:37:05,559 Uh-huh. 512 00:37:06,852 --> 00:37:07,978 What a place. 513 00:37:10,397 --> 00:37:12,149 Snoopy, Houston. 514 00:37:12,232 --> 00:37:15,527 Hate to rain on your parade, but that's as close as you get this trip. 515 00:37:15,611 --> 00:37:16,945 Time to head for the barn. 516 00:37:17,446 --> 00:37:19,072 Roger that. 517 00:37:19,156 --> 00:37:20,490 Heading for the barn. 518 00:37:21,116 --> 00:37:25,704 I wanna just reach down there and scoop up a handful of moon dust. 519 00:37:29,041 --> 00:37:31,376 Engine Arm, Ascent. 520 00:37:31,460 --> 00:37:33,128 Engine Arm, Ascent. 521 00:37:33,754 --> 00:37:35,672 Abort Descent Stage. 522 00:37:36,798 --> 00:37:39,718 Three, two, one... 523 00:37:45,724 --> 00:37:46,850 Skipper? 524 00:37:50,562 --> 00:37:52,272 And if I would've said we can land, 525 00:37:52,356 --> 00:37:54,316 I knew Gene would've backed me. 526 00:37:54,942 --> 00:37:56,693 Just like he backed Neil on 11. 527 00:38:01,990 --> 00:38:03,617 It was maybe a few seconds... 528 00:38:07,329 --> 00:38:09,998 but I knew I could've flown her right down to the deck. 529 00:38:24,054 --> 00:38:25,806 Abort Descent Stage. 530 00:38:25,889 --> 00:38:28,934 Three, two, one... 531 00:38:42,406 --> 00:38:43,574 And I almost did. 532 00:38:49,955 --> 00:38:51,665 But I pulled back. 533 00:38:53,917 --> 00:38:55,335 And it was my call... 534 00:38:57,004 --> 00:38:58,213 no one else's. 535 00:39:10,934 --> 00:39:12,603 Hang on, now. 536 00:39:12,686 --> 00:39:14,313 You-You said... 537 00:39:14,396 --> 00:39:16,106 Just hang on a minute. 538 00:39:17,232 --> 00:39:18,525 You said... Here! Right here. 539 00:39:18,609 --> 00:39:23,530 You said, "We don't have guts at NASA anymore. That's why we lost the moon." 540 00:39:24,072 --> 00:39:25,240 Now what are you saying? 541 00:39:25,324 --> 00:39:28,118 Now you're saying, "I could've landed. I just didn't"? 542 00:39:31,288 --> 00:39:33,123 I think about it every day, sir. 543 00:39:33,957 --> 00:39:35,792 Whether it was the right call or not. 544 00:39:37,252 --> 00:39:40,297 Ten years ago when I was in flight test, 545 00:39:41,173 --> 00:39:42,716 maybe I would've said, "Hell with it." 546 00:39:44,134 --> 00:39:45,135 Brought the LEM down. 547 00:39:45,219 --> 00:39:51,183 But up there I wasn't just some test pilot trying to break another record. 548 00:39:54,394 --> 00:39:56,271 I was the commander of Apollo 10. 549 00:40:00,817 --> 00:40:03,362 So if this committee is looking for someone to blame... 550 00:40:04,571 --> 00:40:09,159 don't look to von Braun or Neil or anyone else. 551 00:40:11,078 --> 00:40:12,287 You look to me. 552 00:40:15,165 --> 00:40:16,458 I lost the moon. 553 00:40:28,053 --> 00:40:29,096 Right. 554 00:40:29,179 --> 00:40:31,598 Thank you, Commander. That'll be all for today. Thank you. 555 00:40:32,558 --> 00:40:33,767 Thank you, everyone. 556 00:40:54,162 --> 00:40:58,500 The new rocket can carry over one million pounds into Earth orbit. 557 00:40:58,584 --> 00:41:01,795 Nearly four times the payload of the Saturn V. 558 00:41:03,630 --> 00:41:04,882 This is possible... 559 00:41:04,965 --> 00:41:06,550 So you just weren't gonna tell me? 560 00:41:10,554 --> 00:41:13,390 - What do you want me to say, Gordo? - It wasn't just your decision to make, Ed. 561 00:41:13,473 --> 00:41:14,683 I was up there too. 562 00:41:17,102 --> 00:41:19,438 Did it ever even occur to you to ask me what I thought? 563 00:41:19,813 --> 00:41:21,648 Pushing the envelope. That's what all this is about. 564 00:41:21,732 --> 00:41:23,442 Or did you just forget that? 565 00:41:23,859 --> 00:41:26,778 Right now it should be you and me doing all these ticker tape parades. 566 00:41:26,862 --> 00:41:29,323 Instead I'm backing up Pete Conrad on 12. 567 00:41:30,616 --> 00:41:33,368 Hey, don't blame every bad decision you've ever made on me. 568 00:41:34,119 --> 00:41:36,038 'Cause you do enough damage yourself. 569 00:41:36,121 --> 00:41:39,583 What do you think it says when you wander into sim an hour late 570 00:41:39,666 --> 00:41:41,418 just reeking of booze and pussy? 571 00:41:41,502 --> 00:41:43,587 That the American dream is alive and well. 572 00:41:44,588 --> 00:41:46,965 Yeah. Everything's a goddamn joke to you, huh? 573 00:41:50,677 --> 00:41:52,262 At least I own what I did. 574 00:41:52,763 --> 00:41:54,431 And what the hell's that supposed to mean? 575 00:41:55,390 --> 00:41:56,475 I resigned. 576 00:41:59,061 --> 00:42:00,270 I'm going back to the navy. 577 00:42:01,188 --> 00:42:02,272 You for real? 578 00:42:06,860 --> 00:42:09,279 What are you doing drinking beer? 579 00:42:09,363 --> 00:42:11,073 - Hey, Pam. - Hmm? 580 00:42:12,115 --> 00:42:13,659 We're gonna need a couple of whiskeys. 581 00:42:22,251 --> 00:42:23,377 All right, all right, all right. 582 00:42:23,460 --> 00:42:27,965 NASA will be pressing forward. Pursuing more ambitious projects. 583 00:42:28,048 --> 00:42:29,883 Journeys to Mars, to Jupiter, 584 00:42:29,967 --> 00:42:34,096 and perhaps, even deeper into the solar system. 585 00:42:34,179 --> 00:42:37,432 Right, yeah. That's a very impressive presentation, Director. 586 00:42:37,891 --> 00:42:40,269 But while we sit here, 587 00:42:40,894 --> 00:42:42,271 the Soviets are pushing ahead 588 00:42:42,354 --> 00:42:45,649 with their plans for a lunar military foothold. 589 00:42:45,732 --> 00:42:48,735 We cannot cede the beachhead! 590 00:42:49,528 --> 00:42:51,363 I mean, it's not a time for pie in the sky ideas 591 00:42:51,446 --> 00:42:52,823 about Mars and the solar system... 592 00:42:52,906 --> 00:42:56,451 Respectfully, Congressman. Now is precisely the time. 593 00:42:56,535 --> 00:42:59,371 We cannot allow fear to drive us from our purpose. 594 00:42:59,454 --> 00:43:02,249 What we are seeking is the key to our future. 595 00:43:02,875 --> 00:43:05,002 We are expanding the mind of man. 596 00:43:05,085 --> 00:43:09,423 Extending this God-given brain and these God-given hands to their outermost limits. 597 00:43:09,506 --> 00:43:13,385 And in so doing, everyone will reap the harvest. 598 00:43:13,468 --> 00:43:14,469 He's good. 599 00:43:14,928 --> 00:43:18,015 Well, for someone who claims not be guided by fear, 600 00:43:18,098 --> 00:43:23,312 your leadership created a culture of caution after the Apollo 1 fire, right? 601 00:43:23,395 --> 00:43:26,148 Yes, of course. We were more cautious. 602 00:43:26,648 --> 00:43:28,233 Lives were lost. 603 00:43:28,317 --> 00:43:31,528 We test, we retest, and we prepare. 604 00:43:31,612 --> 00:43:32,988 Because, unlike the Soviets, 605 00:43:33,447 --> 00:43:35,824 we care about the lives of our astronauts. 606 00:43:35,908 --> 00:43:40,621 You must understand, Congressman, that this is not the end of the race. 607 00:43:41,079 --> 00:43:42,456 It's simply the first stage. 608 00:43:42,539 --> 00:43:45,334 We must keep our eyes to the future. 609 00:43:45,417 --> 00:43:48,045 As Mr. Armstrong so aptly put it, 610 00:43:48,128 --> 00:43:50,380 "We pick ourselves up and go back to work." 611 00:43:51,215 --> 00:43:53,634 Well, if you had... If you... 612 00:43:59,306 --> 00:44:00,307 Come here. 613 00:44:04,394 --> 00:44:07,064 Okay. Sorry. Just one more thing, Director. 614 00:44:07,147 --> 00:44:10,692 Now, you're such a familiar face to Americans. 615 00:44:10,776 --> 00:44:13,028 Honestly, if I didn't know any better, I'd say you were born in Alabama. 616 00:44:13,111 --> 00:44:16,031 Unfortunately my accent gives me away, Congressman. 617 00:44:20,911 --> 00:44:23,497 And most people know that during World War II, 618 00:44:23,997 --> 00:44:25,958 you built the German V-2 rocket... 619 00:44:27,167 --> 00:44:30,003 that killed thousands of innocent Londoners. 620 00:44:32,840 --> 00:44:36,093 Well... I, of course... 621 00:44:37,427 --> 00:44:39,888 have great regret that my rockets, 622 00:44:39,972 --> 00:44:45,477 which were born of idealism, much like the Saturn V, 623 00:44:46,270 --> 00:44:48,564 had joined in the business of killing. 624 00:44:48,647 --> 00:44:52,192 Then why... why didn't you stop manufacturing it? 625 00:44:54,236 --> 00:44:56,405 If I may, Mr. Chairman, 626 00:44:56,488 --> 00:44:59,491 I'm not sure how any of this is relevant to the hearing. 627 00:44:59,575 --> 00:45:00,576 There is... 628 00:45:00,659 --> 00:45:04,162 Congressman, I was not a soldier, merely an engineer. 629 00:45:04,955 --> 00:45:06,415 Well, that's interesting. 630 00:45:07,541 --> 00:45:09,960 Because what most people don't know, 631 00:45:11,003 --> 00:45:12,212 since, until very recently, 632 00:45:12,296 --> 00:45:14,298 it was classified as part of Operation Paperclip, 633 00:45:14,381 --> 00:45:16,466 is that you were also a member 634 00:45:16,550 --> 00:45:19,511 of the elite Nazi organization known as the SS. 635 00:45:24,349 --> 00:45:27,186 That was a matter in which I had no choice. 636 00:45:28,729 --> 00:45:32,274 Not everybody gets invited to a photo op with the Führer. 637 00:45:33,317 --> 00:45:36,653 Dr. von Braun, only a few minutes ago, 638 00:45:37,154 --> 00:45:40,490 you stated that, uh, 639 00:45:40,574 --> 00:45:44,536 "We care about the lives of our astronauts." 640 00:45:44,620 --> 00:45:45,704 Yes. 641 00:45:45,787 --> 00:45:48,749 And what about the lives of the workers from the Dora-Mittelbau concentration camp 642 00:45:48,832 --> 00:45:50,375 that were, in fact, building your rockets? 643 00:45:50,459 --> 00:45:52,211 Do you care about their lives? 644 00:45:52,294 --> 00:45:55,631 I saw no camp or any sort of thing like this... 645 00:45:55,714 --> 00:45:59,051 You did visit the Mittelwerk factory, yeah, quite a few times. 646 00:45:59,760 --> 00:46:01,678 I visited the factory, yes. 647 00:46:01,762 --> 00:46:04,556 Did you not wonder where all these workers came from? 648 00:46:04,640 --> 00:46:07,184 I didn't know. This was handled by others. 649 00:46:07,267 --> 00:46:10,103 You must understand that I had no real authority in... 650 00:46:10,187 --> 00:46:13,440 I'm sorry. Are you saying you had no authority over your own rocket factory? 651 00:46:14,024 --> 00:46:17,611 Well, yes. I had authority insomuch as I was chief... 652 00:46:17,694 --> 00:46:21,156 But I never worked there. I had only visited. 653 00:46:21,240 --> 00:46:24,743 The camp was less than half a mile 654 00:46:24,826 --> 00:46:27,037 from the factory where you made your rockets. 655 00:46:27,829 --> 00:46:30,374 So, how could you not know? 656 00:46:35,629 --> 00:46:40,801 You know, over 20,000 men and women died building your V-2. 657 00:46:41,927 --> 00:46:45,305 Ten times more than were killed by it as a weapon. 658 00:46:46,265 --> 00:46:48,267 They were worked to death, 659 00:46:48,350 --> 00:46:52,312 starved, hung from machinery, shot. 660 00:46:52,396 --> 00:46:53,689 That photograph? 661 00:46:54,648 --> 00:46:56,733 That was taken by American soldiers 662 00:46:57,484 --> 00:47:00,153 upon their arrival at Dora Camp. 663 00:47:00,612 --> 00:47:05,534 That's the camp that supplied your workers, Director von Braun. 664 00:47:05,617 --> 00:47:06,660 I... 665 00:47:07,703 --> 00:47:08,704 I... 666 00:47:09,830 --> 00:47:15,127 They paid for your scientific pursuits with their lives, sir. 667 00:47:17,379 --> 00:47:22,509 You knew exactly what was going on, didn't you? 668 00:47:23,760 --> 00:47:26,889 And you did nothing. 669 00:47:29,016 --> 00:47:30,017 I, uh... 670 00:47:32,436 --> 00:47:35,272 I had no authority. 671 00:47:36,815 --> 00:47:39,318 I was... limited. 672 00:47:39,401 --> 00:47:40,402 You... 673 00:47:41,278 --> 00:47:42,529 You must understand... 674 00:49:00,858 --> 00:49:02,192 Margo. 675 00:49:03,569 --> 00:49:07,155 Apparently, the Soviets have launched another N1... 676 00:49:08,740 --> 00:49:10,576 right ahead of Apollo 12. 677 00:49:11,368 --> 00:49:15,956 Imagine both of them on the moon at the same time. 678 00:49:18,417 --> 00:49:19,626 Margo. 679 00:49:22,212 --> 00:49:23,380 Did you know? 680 00:49:26,300 --> 00:49:27,926 It was an ambush. 681 00:49:28,886 --> 00:49:31,638 Nixon and his lackeys, they laid a trap for me. I... 682 00:49:31,722 --> 00:49:32,723 But... 683 00:49:34,850 --> 00:49:36,310 is it true? 684 00:49:38,061 --> 00:49:39,605 How can you ask me this? 685 00:49:43,192 --> 00:49:44,276 Sit down, Margo. 686 00:49:48,780 --> 00:49:52,075 I had to keep my work moving forward. 687 00:49:52,159 --> 00:49:54,244 You of all people must understand this... 688 00:49:54,328 --> 00:49:55,454 Your work? 689 00:49:58,790 --> 00:50:00,292 What do you expect me to say? 690 00:50:01,543 --> 00:50:02,628 "I don't know. 691 00:50:03,212 --> 00:50:05,088 Maybe I could have done more." 692 00:50:06,298 --> 00:50:09,843 But then I would probably be dead. 693 00:50:11,803 --> 00:50:14,723 And all the things I have spent my life building, 694 00:50:15,599 --> 00:50:17,851 they would never have come to pass. 695 00:50:19,811 --> 00:50:22,814 You can't know that, what might have been. 696 00:50:23,565 --> 00:50:26,443 Something is or it isn't. 697 00:50:28,612 --> 00:50:29,821 Remember? 698 00:50:31,782 --> 00:50:33,033 When the war was ending... 699 00:50:34,326 --> 00:50:35,827 we gathered everything... 700 00:50:36,912 --> 00:50:40,916 schematics, calculations, designs... 701 00:50:42,292 --> 00:50:44,711 and buried it in the hills above Peenemünde 702 00:50:44,795 --> 00:50:46,463 so the Soviets couldn't find it. 703 00:50:49,383 --> 00:50:54,263 I chose America to give my life's work. 704 00:50:54,346 --> 00:50:57,099 I gave them everything. 705 00:50:58,100 --> 00:51:02,271 And now I'm an old man and no longer indispensable. 706 00:51:03,939 --> 00:51:05,816 They throw me to the wolves. 707 00:51:08,777 --> 00:51:11,071 Did you know? 708 00:51:18,495 --> 00:51:21,373 Progress is never free, Margo. 709 00:51:25,085 --> 00:51:26,670 There's always a cost. 710 00:52:12,174 --> 00:52:13,175 Aleida? 711 00:52:14,134 --> 00:52:15,135 Aleida! 712 00:52:16,595 --> 00:52:17,721 Aleida! 713 00:52:20,974 --> 00:52:21,975 Are you okay? 714 00:52:23,644 --> 00:52:26,230 What is wrong with you?! What were you thinking?! 715 00:52:27,272 --> 00:52:28,857 I could have put it out... 716 00:52:29,399 --> 00:52:31,485 - It's fine. - No, it's not fine! 717 00:52:32,027 --> 00:52:33,987 Tell me, why do you keep setting these fires? 718 00:52:38,534 --> 00:52:39,535 Aleida... 719 00:52:41,161 --> 00:52:42,287 Tell me. 720 00:52:44,706 --> 00:52:45,707 I want... 721 00:52:47,292 --> 00:52:48,293 I want... 722 00:52:49,586 --> 00:52:51,964 I want to be inside the fire. 723 00:52:58,095 --> 00:52:59,096 But... 724 00:52:59,721 --> 00:53:01,682 Why would you want to be inside the fire? 725 00:53:01,765 --> 00:53:02,766 I don't know. 726 00:53:06,478 --> 00:53:07,479 I don't know. 727 00:53:07,563 --> 00:53:08,981 It's okay, it's okay... 728 00:53:20,325 --> 00:53:22,077 I want to show you something. 729 00:53:46,143 --> 00:53:47,394 Tu mamá... 730 00:53:49,813 --> 00:53:52,399 she had a dream of what your future could be. 731 00:53:53,233 --> 00:53:54,610 That's why we came here. 732 00:53:57,112 --> 00:53:58,238 I miss her. 733 00:53:59,198 --> 00:54:00,282 I know. 734 00:54:01,575 --> 00:54:02,951 I miss her too, mija. 735 00:54:21,386 --> 00:54:26,225 You know, maybe one day, Aleida, you'll build a fire inside one of these. 736 00:54:38,487 --> 00:54:41,490 {\an8}I have been informed by Dr. Kissinger that, 737 00:54:41,573 --> 00:54:45,202 thanks to our recent military operations, we may be within reach 738 00:54:45,285 --> 00:54:48,455 of an honorable peace with the North Vietnamese. 739 00:54:48,539 --> 00:54:51,959 I have instructed him to begin negotiations with Lê Ðuc Tho 740 00:54:52,543 --> 00:54:55,170 so that we may focus our efforts and resources 741 00:54:55,796 --> 00:54:57,840 on the new challenges facing our nation. 742 00:54:58,632 --> 00:55:03,178 And on this momentous day, as Apollo 12 readies to begin the search 743 00:55:03,262 --> 00:55:06,181 for the location of the first American lunar base, 744 00:55:06,723 --> 00:55:09,685 I commit that we will do whatever it takes. 745 00:55:09,768 --> 00:55:13,230 We will bear any burden to secure our place in the heavens, 746 00:55:13,313 --> 00:55:16,233 and bring the fight for freedom to the new frontier. 747 00:55:16,316 --> 00:55:21,280 We are on time for our planned liftoff of 32 minutes past the hour. 748 00:55:21,363 --> 00:55:24,116 Test supervisor now going through some status checks. 749 00:55:24,575 --> 00:55:25,993 Okay. Here we go. 750 00:55:26,076 --> 00:55:27,619 Give me status, people. 751 00:55:27,703 --> 00:55:29,204 - Booster? - Go. 752 00:55:29,621 --> 00:55:31,164 - Retro. - Go, Flight. 753 00:55:31,248 --> 00:55:32,249 - FIDO. - Go. 754 00:55:32,332 --> 00:55:34,042 - GUIDO. - Go, Flight. 755 00:55:34,126 --> 00:55:35,294 - EECOM. - Go. 756 00:55:36,795 --> 00:55:38,630 - GNC. - Good to go, Flight. 757 00:55:38,964 --> 00:55:42,718 Launch control, this is Houston. We are go for launch of Apollo 12. 758 00:55:43,135 --> 00:55:44,219 Go for launch. 759 00:55:45,512 --> 00:55:49,892 Ten, nine, eight, ignition sequence has started, 760 00:55:49,975 --> 00:55:55,022 six, five, four, three, two, one. 761 00:55:59,026 --> 00:56:00,611 All engines running. 762 00:56:07,075 --> 00:56:09,328 Liftoff. We have a liftoff! 763 00:56:09,411 --> 00:56:11,622 Thirty-two minutes past the hour. 764 00:56:19,755 --> 00:56:21,006 Tower cleared! 765 00:56:27,513 --> 00:56:28,931 Yeah, we got a roll program. 766 00:56:29,806 --> 00:56:33,727 Roger! I've got the pitch and roll program, and this baby's really going. 767 00:56:34,311 --> 00:56:36,730 Roger, Pete. Forty seconds. 768 00:56:36,813 --> 00:56:38,273 Mark one, bravo. 769 00:56:38,357 --> 00:56:41,068 First stage tank pressures, all nominal. 770 00:56:41,151 --> 00:56:43,278 Altitude a mile and a half. 771 00:56:48,075 --> 00:56:49,284 FIDO, how we looking? 772 00:56:49,368 --> 00:56:51,828 FIDO is good, Flight. Right down the middle. 773 00:56:53,372 --> 00:56:54,373 Good. 774 00:57:33,412 --> 00:57:35,706 - Here you go. - Thanks, Karen. 775 00:57:35,789 --> 00:57:36,790 Mm-hmm. 776 00:57:46,300 --> 00:57:47,509 How you holding up? 777 00:57:48,218 --> 00:57:51,722 Just fine. And how's everybody at MSC? 778 00:57:53,599 --> 00:57:56,101 This whole von Braun mess was a real black eye. 779 00:57:57,102 --> 00:58:01,023 And now Nixon's got us putting all hands on deck for this military lunar outpost. 780 00:58:01,857 --> 00:58:02,941 Dark days. 781 00:58:05,944 --> 00:58:07,487 What can I do for you, Deke? 782 00:58:09,072 --> 00:58:10,282 I brought you something. 783 00:58:14,494 --> 00:58:16,955 Couldn't figure out what to do with the damn thing. 784 00:58:25,297 --> 00:58:27,090 Huh. 785 00:58:27,716 --> 00:58:32,846 I almost threw it away when Leonov landed, but I couldn't quite bring myself to. 786 00:58:34,348 --> 00:58:37,809 "Here men from the planet Earth first set foot upon the moon. 787 00:58:38,685 --> 00:58:41,230 We came in peace for all mankind." 788 00:58:47,569 --> 00:58:51,698 Presidents come and go, Ed, but we're the ones carrying the fire. 789 00:58:54,701 --> 00:58:57,246 It took a lot of guts, what you did up there in DC. 790 00:58:59,414 --> 00:59:02,417 I need guys like you around for what's coming down the pike. 791 00:59:02,835 --> 00:59:04,878 I'm not coming back to sit behind a desk. 792 00:59:05,337 --> 00:59:07,005 No, you're not. 793 00:59:10,843 --> 00:59:12,177 What exactly does that mean? 794 00:59:12,761 --> 00:59:14,513 It means you're back on Apollo 15. 795 00:59:15,556 --> 00:59:16,765 Wait... Are you... 796 00:59:16,849 --> 00:59:19,601 Ed, maybe just once, shut the fuck up. 797 00:59:19,685 --> 00:59:21,937 You're going back to the moon. 798 00:59:30,404 --> 00:59:31,405 Yes, sir. 799 00:59:34,616 --> 00:59:35,826 Thank you, sir. 800 00:59:36,994 --> 00:59:39,413 I'm sorry. Hon, Deke, 801 00:59:40,205 --> 00:59:41,790 you guys should come and see this. 802 00:59:46,253 --> 00:59:49,923 And even now, while Apollo 12 is hurtling towards the moon, 803 00:59:50,007 --> 00:59:53,802 the Soviets have upped the ante in the space race once again. 804 00:59:54,511 --> 00:59:56,847 The video is coming in now. 805 00:59:58,056 --> 01:00:02,686 There's the cosmonaut now, descending the ladder. 806 01:00:04,688 --> 01:00:05,939 There we have it. 807 01:00:06,481 --> 01:00:09,776 The cosmonaut is now on the lunar surface. 808 01:00:13,864 --> 01:00:14,865 It's a woman. 809 01:00:16,491 --> 01:00:19,620 Ladies and gentlemen, it's been confirmed that it's a woman. 810 01:00:19,703 --> 01:00:23,248 Her name is Anastasia Belikova, 811 01:00:23,624 --> 01:00:27,836 a former pilot in the Soviet Air Forces. 812 01:00:28,921 --> 01:00:34,593 What a truly, truly historic moment for women watching across the world. 813 01:00:35,427 --> 01:00:37,846 The 32-year-old Soviet cosmonaut