1 00:00:06,000 --> 00:00:08,000 -Hmm. 2 00:00:18,760 --> 00:00:20,000 Quite specific. 3 00:00:33,240 --> 00:00:35,400 Come on, Eugene. Just get to the boobs. 4 00:00:45,920 --> 00:00:48,760 Wait a minute, please! Merci. 5 00:01:05,840 --> 00:01:06,960 What the fuck? 6 00:01:10,720 --> 00:01:11,920 What the fuck? 7 00:01:12,800 --> 00:01:13,880 I… I'm sorry. 8 00:01:13,960 --> 00:01:16,640 My boyfriend referred to my vagina as a "lady flower." 9 00:01:17,600 --> 00:01:18,960 Dump him immediately. 10 00:01:25,360 --> 00:01:26,520 Ah, merci. 11 00:01:29,720 --> 00:01:33,360 We are at Beaumont-Hamel, a preserved battlefield of the Somme. 12 00:01:33,880 --> 00:01:37,080 British troops suffered over 19,000 fatalities here 13 00:01:37,160 --> 00:01:40,240 on their first day, making it one of the bloodiest days 14 00:01:40,320 --> 00:01:41,800 in British Army history. 15 00:01:42,360 --> 00:01:43,440 Mr. Hendricks. 16 00:01:43,520 --> 00:01:47,320 Thank you, Miss Sands. Now, some rules. 17 00:01:47,400 --> 00:01:49,600 "Rules? But you're the fun one." 18 00:01:49,680 --> 00:01:53,680 I know, Ruby, I am, but from now on, no more Mr. Nice Guy. 19 00:01:54,200 --> 00:01:57,640 Okay, so Miss Sands will now divide you into groups. 20 00:01:57,720 --> 00:01:59,040 Did you hear about Ruby? 21 00:01:59,120 --> 00:02:01,640 I know. Can you imagine getting dumped by Otis Milburn? 22 00:02:01,720 --> 00:02:05,320 During that time, I want your full uniforms on. 23 00:02:05,840 --> 00:02:07,320 The entire time. 24 00:02:07,400 --> 00:02:11,360 I don't wanna see any loose ties. We're representing the school today, guys. 25 00:02:11,440 --> 00:02:13,560 -So that means no drama. -Otis, these guys. 26 00:02:13,640 --> 00:02:16,480 -No, miss, he can't be in our group. -He's a twat. 27 00:02:16,560 --> 00:02:18,960 It's fine, miss. It's the least I could do. 28 00:02:19,720 --> 00:02:22,320 After all, I did break his heart. 29 00:02:22,400 --> 00:02:25,320 Oh, that would make a lot more sense, actually. 30 00:02:25,400 --> 00:02:27,720 Uh, miss, will I get to hold a gun? 31 00:02:27,800 --> 00:02:31,520 No. You've already asked. You won't get to hold a bomb either. 32 00:02:37,040 --> 00:02:37,880 Eric, no. 33 00:02:38,520 --> 00:02:41,160 -You cannot wear that. -Why not? It's just my tracksuit. 34 00:02:41,240 --> 00:02:44,080 You don't want to draw attention to yourself in Nigeria. 35 00:02:44,640 --> 00:02:47,160 It's dangerous for you. It's not like here. 36 00:02:47,240 --> 00:02:48,960 What do you mean for me, Mum? 37 00:02:49,040 --> 00:02:50,600 You know what I mean. 38 00:02:50,680 --> 00:02:52,640 Go and change now. 39 00:02:55,280 --> 00:02:58,280 Come on! I want everyone packed in the next half an hour! 40 00:03:14,040 --> 00:03:16,720 I wish I was in your group. I don't know those guys. 41 00:03:16,800 --> 00:03:19,720 You'll be okay. And it's good to make new friends. 42 00:03:20,240 --> 00:03:22,040 Now, off you go, you silly sausage. 43 00:03:24,560 --> 00:03:28,360 I know this is bad, but Steve is making me feel so arachnophobic. 44 00:03:28,440 --> 00:03:30,000 Do you mean claustrophobic? 45 00:03:30,080 --> 00:03:32,080 Arachnophobic means you're scared of spiders. 46 00:03:32,160 --> 00:03:33,640 Oh! No, I love spiders. 47 00:03:33,720 --> 00:03:35,520 -I love their hairy legs. 48 00:03:36,440 --> 00:03:38,600 -How many people died here, do you think? 49 00:03:39,120 --> 00:03:40,000 A lot. 50 00:03:40,760 --> 00:03:43,680 -What were they fighting over? -That's a good question. 51 00:03:45,480 --> 00:03:47,000 How's your new best pal, Hope? 52 00:03:47,520 --> 00:03:49,840 -She's just checking in. -She's just using you. 53 00:03:49,920 --> 00:03:52,920 Well, I'm using her too. That's how you get ahead in life. 54 00:03:53,000 --> 00:03:54,920 -Okay. If you're cool with that. -I am. 55 00:03:55,000 --> 00:03:56,720 -Lt. Marchetti! -Oh! 56 00:03:56,800 --> 00:03:58,640 -Your country needs you. 57 00:03:59,320 --> 00:04:00,880 -Hey, Viv. -Hey, Cal. 58 00:04:00,960 --> 00:04:03,440 Come to the student forum and talk about the uniform thing. 59 00:04:03,520 --> 00:04:07,360 -You clearly feel strongly about it. -Oh, thank you, but no thank you. 60 00:04:07,960 --> 00:04:10,760 Other students would benefit from the issue being raised. 61 00:04:10,840 --> 00:04:12,520 Well, then they can raise it. 62 00:04:12,600 --> 00:04:14,560 Race you to the top. Three, two, one, go! 63 00:04:22,880 --> 00:04:23,880 Ruby, can we talk? 64 00:04:23,960 --> 00:04:26,080 Don't look at her. Don't speak to her. Don't breathe. 65 00:04:26,160 --> 00:04:29,480 -I'm trying to apologize. -Stop talking. It's triggering for Ruby. 66 00:05:09,480 --> 00:05:12,120 Jakob, I'll wait for you in the car. 67 00:05:12,760 --> 00:05:14,040 Yeah, yeah, coming. 68 00:05:21,400 --> 00:05:24,280 Hi, I'm Hope Haddon. I'm here to see Dr. O'Dern. 69 00:05:28,640 --> 00:05:29,480 Jean Milburn. 70 00:05:30,400 --> 00:05:31,400 Yes. 71 00:05:32,000 --> 00:05:32,960 I'm Hope. 72 00:05:33,560 --> 00:05:37,040 -New head teacher at Moordale. -Yes. I know who you are. 73 00:05:37,120 --> 00:05:39,200 You must be exhausted. 74 00:05:39,280 --> 00:05:41,240 New hit book and a baby on the way. 75 00:05:41,320 --> 00:05:44,240 Yes, it is a bit full-on at the minute, but I like to keep busy. 76 00:05:45,160 --> 00:05:48,240 How are you enjoying the transition to Moordale? 77 00:05:48,760 --> 00:05:52,120 A lot of things needed addressing, as I'm sure you're aware. 78 00:05:52,200 --> 00:05:54,160 You deal with some of it in your book. 79 00:05:54,240 --> 00:05:56,200 Oh, you've read it. 80 00:05:56,280 --> 00:05:57,320 I skimmed. 81 00:05:58,160 --> 00:05:59,320 It's an interesting take, 82 00:05:59,400 --> 00:06:02,920 but we have different perspectives when it comes to teaching children. 83 00:06:03,000 --> 00:06:06,240 Yes. I've seen your new SRE curriculum. 84 00:06:06,920 --> 00:06:10,600 It looks a lot like you're advocating abstinence to me. 85 00:06:11,120 --> 00:06:14,920 It isn't so much about abstinence as it is about restraint, 86 00:06:15,000 --> 00:06:16,840 which I think is an important attribute, 87 00:06:16,920 --> 00:06:20,040 particularly for teenagers who should be focusing on their education. 88 00:06:20,120 --> 00:06:24,120 Unfortunately, restraint doesn't mix very well with raging hormones. 89 00:06:25,480 --> 00:06:28,240 I think that's giving teenagers less credit than they're due. 90 00:06:29,000 --> 00:06:32,640 Sorry. I gave you the wrong form. This one's for the older mummies. 91 00:06:35,400 --> 00:06:37,040 -It was lovely to meet you. -Yes. 92 00:06:37,120 --> 00:06:39,600 If you're open to discussing this further, 93 00:06:39,680 --> 00:06:43,640 I'd be very interested in telling you more about my perspective. 94 00:06:43,720 --> 00:06:46,200 Okay. I'll see if I can find some time. 95 00:06:46,720 --> 00:06:48,440 Fantastic. 96 00:06:51,400 --> 00:06:52,720 A bit awkward, isn't it? 97 00:06:52,800 --> 00:06:54,720 I'm currently with your ex-girlfriend, 98 00:06:54,800 --> 00:06:57,280 and, you know, you stole Rahim's boyfriend. 99 00:06:57,800 --> 00:06:59,840 That's what I mean by awkward, you know? 100 00:07:01,320 --> 00:07:04,880 I thought if I said it out loud, it'd make it less tense, but it didn't. 101 00:07:04,960 --> 00:07:08,280 I dated Aimee as well. Should we check out these trenches? 102 00:07:13,520 --> 00:07:15,920 I, uh, I didn't steal your boyfriend. 103 00:07:17,520 --> 00:07:18,920 That's exactly what you did. 104 00:07:20,960 --> 00:07:23,240 -I really liked Aimee, you know? -Oh yeah? 105 00:07:23,320 --> 00:07:26,200 She was really nice. And a total fuck machine. 106 00:07:26,720 --> 00:07:29,040 -You're a lucky guy. -That's so inappropriate. 107 00:07:29,120 --> 00:07:30,720 -Shrooms? -No, thanks. 108 00:07:30,800 --> 00:07:33,360 Why did you say no to Viv about the uniform thing? 109 00:07:33,440 --> 00:07:35,600 What's the point? Not like it would change anything. 110 00:07:35,680 --> 00:07:38,120 -Well, you could try. Maybe Hope might-- -Dude. 111 00:07:38,200 --> 00:07:40,240 Let's just have fun. Okay? 112 00:07:41,000 --> 00:07:42,000 -Yeah? -Yeah. 113 00:07:43,400 --> 00:07:44,600 Mushrooms, anybody? 114 00:07:44,680 --> 00:07:46,120 -Oh. Ooh! -Oh. 115 00:07:46,640 --> 00:07:47,680 What do you reckon? 116 00:07:50,360 --> 00:07:53,200 -Okay. -Hey, guys! I found a bunker. 117 00:07:54,520 --> 00:07:58,080 What would you like me to bring up at the student forum? 118 00:07:58,160 --> 00:08:01,160 Well, I think we should have free pads and tampons at school. 119 00:08:01,240 --> 00:08:03,120 Mm-hmm. See, that is a great idea. 120 00:08:04,080 --> 00:08:05,880 Could you take a picture of me with this guy? 121 00:08:05,960 --> 00:08:07,000 Yeah, sure. 122 00:08:13,360 --> 00:08:17,080 Who's Eugene, and what does he wanna do with your sweet crevice? 123 00:08:17,680 --> 00:08:20,400 He's my boyfriend, and, um, we've been sexting. 124 00:08:20,920 --> 00:08:23,120 Apparently, his fantasy is medieval maidens. 125 00:08:23,720 --> 00:08:26,520 -Hm. -And he calls his dick a sheath. 126 00:08:26,600 --> 00:08:29,840 Yes, and my vagina a lady flower. Gives me the ick. 127 00:08:29,920 --> 00:08:31,840 But you like fantasy stuff. 128 00:08:31,920 --> 00:08:35,480 I love me some Dungeons and Dragons when it's a game, not when I'm DTF. 129 00:08:35,560 --> 00:08:38,560 Maybe you should try and get into it. You might be surprised. 130 00:08:38,640 --> 00:08:41,480 Ola didn't know about alien role-play. Now she fucking loves it. 131 00:08:42,000 --> 00:08:43,880 Okay. Well, I guess I can try. 132 00:08:43,960 --> 00:08:46,400 I'll help you. I'm basically an erotica genius. 133 00:08:47,440 --> 00:08:51,080 "Men slept 12 to a bunker in four-hour shifts." 134 00:08:51,160 --> 00:08:54,320 "Rats bit off chunks of their flesh while they slept." 135 00:08:54,840 --> 00:08:55,800 Brutal. 136 00:08:56,400 --> 00:08:58,120 "Meat was saved for battles." 137 00:08:58,200 --> 00:09:00,440 "So that meant getting a good meal 138 00:09:00,520 --> 00:09:02,480 meant you might be killed the next day." 139 00:09:02,560 --> 00:09:06,920 It says, "During World War I, 250,000 boys under 18 were recruited." 140 00:09:07,440 --> 00:09:08,640 Same age as us. 141 00:09:10,520 --> 00:09:12,960 Crazy to think people used to have to go to war. 142 00:09:13,040 --> 00:09:15,160 Some still do. We're just lucky. 143 00:09:29,320 --> 00:09:32,600 What are we supposed to be looking at? It's basically a fucking junkyard. 144 00:09:32,680 --> 00:09:36,360 Why couldn't we have gone to the Eiffel Tower? Better for selfies. 145 00:09:36,960 --> 00:09:40,080 I think we're supposed to imagine what it was like here back then. 146 00:09:40,160 --> 00:09:44,520 -Did you hear something, Olivia? -Must have been the wind or a war ghost. 147 00:09:46,040 --> 00:09:48,600 -What are you looking at? -Yeah. Stop it. 148 00:09:48,680 --> 00:09:49,840 She hates you. 149 00:09:49,920 --> 00:09:53,080 Thank you for the support, but I can deal with this by myself. 150 00:09:56,440 --> 00:09:57,360 Hm? 151 00:09:59,120 --> 00:10:00,880 I do feel awful, Ruby. 152 00:10:01,600 --> 00:10:02,720 I didn't want to hurt you, 153 00:10:02,800 --> 00:10:05,680 and I feel worse thinking that you hate me. 154 00:10:06,480 --> 00:10:08,400 I don't hate you, Otis. 155 00:10:08,480 --> 00:10:10,200 It'd be so much easier if I did. 156 00:10:10,720 --> 00:10:13,040 I just can't be around you at the moment, okay? 157 00:10:13,600 --> 00:10:17,440 I… I get it. I'm glad you don't hate me. 158 00:10:17,520 --> 00:10:20,480 All right. Come on, let's go. Come on! 159 00:10:20,560 --> 00:10:23,320 Is that it? We've only been here half an hour. 160 00:10:24,760 --> 00:10:26,160 France is so shit. 161 00:10:26,760 --> 00:10:28,880 What's a conscientious objector? 162 00:10:29,400 --> 00:10:32,480 It was when men refused to go to war because it went against their beliefs. 163 00:10:33,000 --> 00:10:33,960 Wow. 164 00:10:35,040 --> 00:10:37,720 I wanna stand up for what I believe in more. 165 00:10:37,800 --> 00:10:40,520 -Like you in SRE the other day. 166 00:10:40,600 --> 00:10:42,920 I'd never be brave enough to do something like that. 167 00:10:43,000 --> 00:10:44,800 You could definitely do that, Aimee. 168 00:10:48,280 --> 00:10:51,840 I, um, hooked up with Isaac the other day. 169 00:10:51,920 --> 00:10:54,040 -What? Get in! 170 00:10:54,120 --> 00:10:56,040 -What was it like? -It was good. 171 00:10:56,920 --> 00:10:58,560 Yeah. We just get each other. 172 00:11:00,200 --> 00:11:02,000 Think I'm gonna give it a proper go with him. 173 00:11:04,040 --> 00:11:06,680 You do know Otis and Ruby broke up. 174 00:11:07,640 --> 00:11:09,200 Yeah, I heard. 175 00:11:09,960 --> 00:11:10,840 What about it? 176 00:11:12,000 --> 00:11:13,960 -Oh, I just thought maybe-- -Maybe what? 177 00:11:16,480 --> 00:11:17,600 Well, I… 178 00:11:18,600 --> 00:11:21,880 -I thought you guys might-- -I said I wanna give it a go with Isaac. 179 00:11:22,760 --> 00:11:24,840 What Otis does isn't my business anymore. 180 00:11:24,920 --> 00:11:26,480 Okay. Cool. 181 00:11:26,560 --> 00:11:28,000 I'm so happy for you. 182 00:11:28,080 --> 00:11:29,400 -Thanks, mate. 183 00:11:34,080 --> 00:11:37,080 -Oh, fuck off, Anna. -What's going on with Anna? 184 00:11:37,160 --> 00:11:39,800 She paid for this trip without asking. It's pissed me off. 185 00:11:39,880 --> 00:11:41,440 She didn't pay for it. I did. 186 00:11:42,960 --> 00:11:44,360 What do you mean? 187 00:11:44,440 --> 00:11:47,000 You said you couldn't afford it, so I asked my mum to pay. 188 00:11:47,080 --> 00:11:50,440 -I knew you wouldn't take the money. -Why did you do that? 189 00:11:50,960 --> 00:11:53,280 It's no big deal. I wanted you to come. 190 00:11:53,880 --> 00:11:56,320 You don't have to pay me back. Money doesn't matter to me. 191 00:11:56,400 --> 00:11:57,360 It does to me. 192 00:12:03,840 --> 00:12:05,040 We should get on the coach. 193 00:12:06,320 --> 00:12:09,840 "I want to remove your codpiece and release your beautiful sheath, 194 00:12:09,920 --> 00:12:13,160 then let you make love to me in a glen full of bluebells 195 00:12:13,240 --> 00:12:16,960 where you will water my hidden peach with your prince's tongue." 196 00:12:17,560 --> 00:12:20,440 No, I'm not gonna send that. It's just not me. 197 00:12:20,520 --> 00:12:23,480 Thank you though. You keep thinking about the student forum. 198 00:12:24,360 --> 00:12:26,640 Some people have no imaginations, I guess. 199 00:12:27,480 --> 00:12:31,360 Lil, I wouldn't mind if we had sex without the alien stuff sometimes. 200 00:12:31,440 --> 00:12:34,080 I've been meaning to say something. I didn't know how to. 201 00:12:34,600 --> 00:12:35,600 Why? 202 00:12:35,680 --> 00:12:37,640 I didn't wanna make you feel weird. 203 00:12:37,720 --> 00:12:40,760 No. Why don't you wanna do the alien stuff? I thought you liked it. 204 00:12:40,840 --> 00:12:44,200 I do sometimes. Sometimes it's a little bit strange. 205 00:12:46,000 --> 00:12:47,720 -I'm gonna get on the bus. -Let's go! 206 00:12:47,800 --> 00:12:49,280 -Aw, Lil! -Let's go! 207 00:12:49,360 --> 00:12:52,280 We're off to another cemetery, and I am pumped. 208 00:12:52,360 --> 00:12:55,920 I mean, I'm moderately excited, and I will be monitoring your behavior. 209 00:12:56,000 --> 00:12:57,520 Shit, we're running 15 minutes late! 210 00:12:57,600 --> 00:12:58,960 -Are we? -Yeah. 211 00:12:59,040 --> 00:13:02,360 Terry, I will give you 20 euros if you can get us back on schedule. 212 00:13:02,440 --> 00:13:03,360 -Done. -Great. 213 00:13:03,880 --> 00:13:06,520 Come on, Quentin, for fuck's sake! What, do you wanna marry France? 214 00:13:07,120 --> 00:13:08,160 Jesus! 215 00:13:11,080 --> 00:13:12,000 Terry! 216 00:13:22,640 --> 00:13:23,760 Seat belt, Colin. 217 00:13:32,960 --> 00:13:35,720 You wanna get Kyle to swap seats? He can sit with Steve. 218 00:13:35,800 --> 00:13:37,080 No, thanks. I'm fine. 219 00:13:42,120 --> 00:13:44,040 They were too young to die, Maeve. 220 00:13:44,120 --> 00:13:45,920 Some of them were our age. 221 00:13:46,000 --> 00:13:46,960 Mm-hmm. 222 00:13:54,560 --> 00:13:55,600 Okay, Hope. 223 00:13:55,680 --> 00:13:59,920 So, seeing as it's only been six weeks since your last round of IVF treatment, 224 00:14:00,000 --> 00:14:03,160 I'm going to advise waiting a little longer before trying again. 225 00:14:05,160 --> 00:14:06,560 I'd rather not wait too long. 226 00:14:06,640 --> 00:14:09,640 Have you thought about other options, such as adoption? 227 00:14:09,720 --> 00:14:11,480 I've been asked this before. 228 00:14:12,000 --> 00:14:16,760 I've thought about it, and I am not ready to stop trying to have my own child yet. 229 00:14:16,840 --> 00:14:20,200 Can I ask about how this is affecting your relationship with your husband? 230 00:14:21,280 --> 00:14:24,000 -Infertility treatments can cause strain-- -We're fine. 231 00:14:24,520 --> 00:14:26,640 He couldn't make it today because of work. 232 00:14:27,480 --> 00:14:29,040 When can I book another round? 233 00:14:29,120 --> 00:14:31,360 I'm not prepared to offer you another round yet. 234 00:14:35,680 --> 00:14:37,840 I'll have to talk to another doctor, then. 235 00:14:37,920 --> 00:14:40,600 You can see Dr. Ennis when he's back from holiday next week, 236 00:14:40,680 --> 00:14:42,920 but I think he'll tell you the same thing. 237 00:14:45,720 --> 00:14:47,360 I want a second opinion. 238 00:15:41,760 --> 00:15:43,080 Jean Milburn. 239 00:15:43,160 --> 00:15:47,200 Uh, yes. I'm just waiting for my partner. 240 00:16:15,360 --> 00:16:17,040 Everything looks normal. 241 00:16:18,160 --> 00:16:20,800 You don't wanna know the sex. Have you changed your mind? 242 00:16:20,880 --> 00:16:21,880 No, thanks. 243 00:16:22,400 --> 00:16:23,400 I'd rather wait. 244 00:16:24,200 --> 00:16:26,560 Many older mothers make that choice. 245 00:16:26,640 --> 00:16:30,280 They want to focus on getting through the pregnancy safely. 246 00:16:30,840 --> 00:16:33,520 Now, you are aware there's a higher chance of miscarriage, 247 00:16:33,600 --> 00:16:35,280 genetic abnormalities, fetal growth-- 248 00:16:35,360 --> 00:16:38,800 Yes. I've been reminded of the risks many times. Thank you. 249 00:16:38,880 --> 00:16:40,400 I didn't go into this lightly. 250 00:16:40,480 --> 00:16:43,400 Yes. Modern science is allowing women like yourself 251 00:16:43,480 --> 00:16:45,480 to have babies older and older now. 252 00:16:46,680 --> 00:16:49,120 You don't sound as if you approve. 253 00:16:49,200 --> 00:16:53,320 Well, it's easy to forget that being an elderly parent 254 00:16:53,400 --> 00:16:55,960 can have a negative effect on your children's lives. 255 00:16:56,920 --> 00:16:58,480 Do you have children, Doctor? 256 00:16:58,560 --> 00:17:00,320 -Uh, yeah, two. -Hm. 257 00:17:01,040 --> 00:17:03,840 And do you think having a king-sized arsehole for a father 258 00:17:03,920 --> 00:17:06,160 had a negative impact on their lives too? 259 00:17:10,440 --> 00:17:13,160 I want to talk to your superior. 260 00:17:29,200 --> 00:17:31,560 Is it true you don't wank anymore? 261 00:17:32,920 --> 00:17:34,280 What are you talking about? 262 00:17:34,840 --> 00:17:38,080 Everyone says that Eric broke your heart, so now you can't wank anymore. 263 00:17:38,160 --> 00:17:39,640 Please stop speaking. 264 00:17:44,920 --> 00:17:47,280 If I don't wank every day, my balls go blue. 265 00:17:48,400 --> 00:17:50,040 I don't need to know that. 266 00:17:50,560 --> 00:17:51,560 Excuse me. 267 00:17:59,520 --> 00:18:00,720 You going for a wank? 268 00:18:04,760 --> 00:18:06,680 No, I'm not going for a wank. 269 00:18:10,040 --> 00:18:12,000 I don't know why you're taking it personally. 270 00:18:12,080 --> 00:18:13,600 I'm embarrassed. 271 00:18:13,680 --> 00:18:17,080 I've been dressing up as an alien, and you've been thinking it's strange. 272 00:18:17,160 --> 00:18:19,120 Not strange strange. 273 00:18:19,200 --> 00:18:22,720 Just sometimes, I wanna be in the real world when I'm having sex, 274 00:18:22,800 --> 00:18:24,880 not a silly fantasy land. 275 00:18:25,400 --> 00:18:27,360 Oh, so now having sex with me is silly? 276 00:18:50,520 --> 00:18:52,280 Cal. 277 00:18:53,880 --> 00:18:55,680 -Jackson. -What? 278 00:18:57,320 --> 00:18:59,080 Have you ever noticed how 279 00:18:59,760 --> 00:19:01,280 we're on a trip, 280 00:19:02,080 --> 00:19:03,080 but we're 281 00:19:04,400 --> 00:19:06,640 on a trip? 282 00:19:08,320 --> 00:19:10,760 -Fuck, that's so deep. -Yeah. 283 00:19:17,720 --> 00:19:18,880 Cal? 284 00:19:21,160 --> 00:19:22,880 -Do you see that? -Yeah. 285 00:19:22,960 --> 00:19:24,600 Should we go? We should. Let's go. 286 00:19:24,680 --> 00:19:26,720 -Yeah? -Yeah. 287 00:19:33,440 --> 00:19:34,560 All right, let's go. 288 00:19:40,840 --> 00:19:42,920 You'll always be head boy, Marchetti. 289 00:19:44,640 --> 00:19:45,800 What the fuck? 290 00:19:56,200 --> 00:19:59,040 This door leads to another portal. 291 00:20:08,000 --> 00:20:08,840 A minute. 292 00:20:10,880 --> 00:20:12,680 -Wait a minute! 293 00:20:12,760 --> 00:20:14,480 One minute, please. 294 00:20:15,520 --> 00:20:17,400 Oh fuck! 295 00:20:17,480 --> 00:20:20,200 No, no, no, no, no! 296 00:20:20,280 --> 00:20:21,200 Let us in! 297 00:20:21,280 --> 00:20:23,520 -Set us free! -Wait a fucking minute! 298 00:20:23,600 --> 00:20:25,400 -Ah! 299 00:20:30,200 --> 00:20:31,040 Come on! 300 00:20:38,680 --> 00:20:39,680 It's cool. 301 00:20:46,280 --> 00:20:48,120 What are you doing in there? 302 00:21:06,520 --> 00:21:07,360 Hey. 303 00:21:35,000 --> 00:21:35,960 Oh my God! 304 00:21:55,720 --> 00:21:56,560 Sir! 305 00:21:56,640 --> 00:21:58,440 Terry, get a grip on her! 306 00:22:08,000 --> 00:22:10,440 Is everyone okay? What the hell happened? 307 00:22:10,520 --> 00:22:11,880 Something hit that car. 308 00:22:11,960 --> 00:22:14,800 I think It was a bat! I hope it's not dead. 309 00:22:17,280 --> 00:22:21,840 A doctor should not be putting his opinions about my pregnancy on me. 310 00:22:21,920 --> 00:22:24,280 -It's completely inappropriate. -Oy vey. 311 00:22:24,360 --> 00:22:26,880 It's patriarchy in action, in fact. 312 00:22:26,960 --> 00:22:30,120 Dissecting a woman's choices in the cruelest manner. 313 00:22:30,200 --> 00:22:32,560 -And in a hospital! -Hey, what's happening? 314 00:22:32,640 --> 00:22:35,920 I just had the most horrible experience with a doctor, 315 00:22:36,000 --> 00:22:38,400 and I am making a formal complaint. 316 00:22:38,480 --> 00:22:40,280 Sorry. We are upset. 317 00:22:40,360 --> 00:22:42,880 No, we are not upset. 318 00:22:42,960 --> 00:22:44,800 I am upset. 319 00:22:44,880 --> 00:22:47,720 And my anger is appropriate. 320 00:22:47,800 --> 00:22:50,080 -Can you help us? Thank you. -Let me call my supervisor. 321 00:22:50,160 --> 00:22:54,320 Oh! Ha! That is fantastic. Yes, ignore the pregnant woman, 322 00:22:54,400 --> 00:22:57,160 and listen to the straight white man, for fuck's sakes. 323 00:22:57,240 --> 00:22:58,200 Jean, calm down. 324 00:22:58,280 --> 00:23:02,680 Don't you tell me to calm down, Jakob. Where were you? 325 00:23:02,760 --> 00:23:05,040 I told you, I was trying to get us some tea. 326 00:23:05,120 --> 00:23:07,080 Well, fuck the fucking tea. 327 00:23:07,600 --> 00:23:09,320 I needed you in the room. 328 00:23:09,400 --> 00:23:10,640 How can I help you? 329 00:23:10,720 --> 00:23:13,200 Oh, that's fantastic. Another one. 330 00:23:22,360 --> 00:23:24,200 I don't think that was a bat. 331 00:23:24,280 --> 00:23:25,960 -It's a poo! -It's human poo. 332 00:23:26,040 --> 00:23:27,600 I think I'm gonna vomit. 333 00:23:27,680 --> 00:23:30,720 One of your students threw poo at my car! 334 00:23:30,800 --> 00:23:33,040 Yes. Okay. 335 00:23:33,920 --> 00:23:36,600 Anyone know what he's saying? Who speaks French properly? 336 00:23:36,680 --> 00:23:38,320 Rahim, please. 337 00:23:40,320 --> 00:23:43,320 Um, he says, "At least no one was hurt." 338 00:23:43,400 --> 00:23:44,640 Yes. 339 00:23:44,720 --> 00:23:47,240 I saw an arm throw it out of the window. 340 00:23:48,440 --> 00:23:51,440 And he says that we should carry on driving now. 341 00:23:52,680 --> 00:23:57,120 It was him. It was him! He has no sock! 342 00:23:57,200 --> 00:23:59,520 It was him who threw the poo at my car! 343 00:24:00,960 --> 00:24:04,560 He thinks he knows me. I don't know you, sir. I'm sorry. 344 00:24:04,640 --> 00:24:07,480 No, you wouldn't know us. We're from Moordale, England. 345 00:24:07,560 --> 00:24:09,360 I think someone threw it from our coach. 346 00:24:09,440 --> 00:24:11,520 The toilet's blocked, and the window's open. 347 00:24:14,560 --> 00:24:15,560 Oh my God! 348 00:24:16,080 --> 00:24:19,600 Did someone throw this poo from that coach? 349 00:24:19,680 --> 00:24:21,840 -What if it was me? -Huh? 350 00:24:21,920 --> 00:24:24,000 -It's not you, Jackson. -I poo all the time. 351 00:24:24,080 --> 00:24:26,320 -Someone own up, please. -I'm just a tube. 352 00:24:26,400 --> 00:24:28,160 Did they put it in a sock? 353 00:24:28,240 --> 00:24:29,320 Don't touch it. 354 00:24:29,400 --> 00:24:32,320 It could be evidence. Jesus Christ. Oh my God! 355 00:24:32,400 --> 00:24:35,040 -Oh good. Hope's calling me. Hope. 356 00:24:35,120 --> 00:24:36,360 Ignore it, Colin. 357 00:24:38,000 --> 00:24:40,560 Jesus Christ. Do you guys think this is funny? 358 00:24:41,120 --> 00:24:42,240 Do you? 359 00:24:42,320 --> 00:24:47,000 Do you have any idea the kind of pressure Miss Sands and I are under? 360 00:24:47,080 --> 00:24:52,080 Someone is gonna take responsibility for this flying feces! 361 00:24:52,720 --> 00:24:54,360 Anyone? No? 362 00:24:54,440 --> 00:24:58,400 Okay. I didn't wanna have to do this, but, boys, trousers up. 363 00:24:58,480 --> 00:25:00,600 We're checking socks, mate. Trousers up! 364 00:25:01,280 --> 00:25:03,360 Steve. Other one. 365 00:25:04,720 --> 00:25:05,640 Great. 366 00:25:06,160 --> 00:25:07,440 -Milburn. -Really? 367 00:25:07,520 --> 00:25:08,440 Yes! 368 00:25:09,560 --> 00:25:11,040 Socks. Good. 369 00:25:13,440 --> 00:25:15,800 Excellent. Thank you. Not yours, mate. 370 00:25:17,040 --> 00:25:18,840 Jackson. Good. Excellent. 371 00:25:18,920 --> 00:25:19,920 Come on. 372 00:25:20,000 --> 00:25:21,440 -Good. -It was my poo, sir. 373 00:25:24,720 --> 00:25:26,280 -I panicked and-- -It's my poo. 374 00:25:27,640 --> 00:25:30,800 -I blocked the toilet. I was embarrassed-- -I also poo sometimes. 375 00:25:30,880 --> 00:25:33,600 Oh God, don't we all? What is this, Spartacus? 376 00:25:33,680 --> 00:25:36,640 Maybe it was my poo. Maybe it's Miss Sands' poo. 377 00:25:36,720 --> 00:25:38,160 -What? -She's more than capable. 378 00:25:38,240 --> 00:25:39,840 We don't have time for that now. 379 00:25:39,920 --> 00:25:42,360 Adam, clean this up. I don't care how. Okay? 380 00:25:45,320 --> 00:25:47,160 Thank you, Adam Groff, 381 00:25:47,960 --> 00:25:51,800 for owning up to doing this huge poo 382 00:25:51,880 --> 00:25:53,240 and undermining my authority. 383 00:25:53,320 --> 00:25:55,680 Thank you. Cheers, buddy. 384 00:25:56,240 --> 00:25:58,680 Cheers, mate. No. No. 385 00:25:59,240 --> 00:26:02,200 -No. Fuck him. Fuck him. -Okay, let's all relax. Yeah? 386 00:26:02,280 --> 00:26:05,120 If anyone needs to use the toilets, they're over here. 387 00:26:05,200 --> 00:26:07,640 Be back here in 15 minutes. 388 00:26:07,720 --> 00:26:08,680 Thank you. 389 00:26:27,240 --> 00:26:30,000 Everyone thinks I'm an idiot anyway. I wanna go home. 390 00:26:30,080 --> 00:26:31,280 I thought you hated me. 391 00:26:31,360 --> 00:26:32,200 No. 392 00:26:33,000 --> 00:26:34,040 I don't hate you. 393 00:26:35,640 --> 00:26:38,000 But I'm not touching your poo, mate. So… 394 00:26:55,800 --> 00:26:57,680 Oh, what manner of beast! 395 00:27:05,640 --> 00:27:07,640 -When I decided to be a teacher… -Mm-hmm. 396 00:27:07,720 --> 00:27:10,240 …I dreamt of helping students fulfill their potential 397 00:27:10,320 --> 00:27:12,720 by gently drawing out their inner creative gifts. 398 00:27:15,160 --> 00:27:16,840 Instead, I'm plunging their shit. 399 00:27:17,840 --> 00:27:19,120 You are majestic. 400 00:27:28,880 --> 00:27:29,800 Maeve. 401 00:27:30,560 --> 00:27:31,720 Can we talk? 402 00:27:31,800 --> 00:27:33,080 Not right now, Aimee. 403 00:27:33,640 --> 00:27:36,720 Why are you acting like this? I wanted to pay. 404 00:27:37,600 --> 00:27:39,080 You don't get it. 405 00:27:39,160 --> 00:27:40,480 What is it that I don't get? 406 00:27:41,200 --> 00:27:43,240 We live in completely different worlds. 407 00:27:44,480 --> 00:27:45,800 I'm not rich like you. 408 00:27:46,840 --> 00:27:49,600 I can't decide to be a baker just 'cause I like toast. 409 00:27:53,000 --> 00:27:54,840 That's a fucking mean thing to say. 410 00:27:54,920 --> 00:27:56,920 Yeah, well, sorry, but it's true. 411 00:27:57,960 --> 00:28:00,480 I wanted to do something nice. That's all. 412 00:28:01,040 --> 00:28:04,120 You never accept help from anyone, ever, 'cause you're too proud. 413 00:28:04,200 --> 00:28:05,600 I wanted to do a nice thing. 414 00:28:05,680 --> 00:28:09,920 -I don't need nice things. -Because you're above it all and strong? 415 00:28:10,440 --> 00:28:13,720 You act like you don't give a shit about anyone. It's to keep people out. 416 00:28:13,800 --> 00:28:15,960 You've done it to Otis, and you're doing it to me! 417 00:28:16,040 --> 00:28:17,840 -I don't keep everyone out. -You do. 418 00:28:17,920 --> 00:28:18,760 No, I don't. 419 00:28:18,840 --> 00:28:22,000 You're probably gonna do the same to Isaac and end up hurting everyone. 420 00:28:27,080 --> 00:28:29,760 You're one to talk. Look how you treat Steve. 421 00:28:30,800 --> 00:28:33,400 You act like he's got the plague every time he's around you. 422 00:28:33,480 --> 00:28:34,480 He's so confused 423 00:28:35,240 --> 00:28:37,800 because you're too much of a people pleaser to break up with him! 424 00:28:39,200 --> 00:28:40,720 You talked about being brave. 425 00:28:41,360 --> 00:28:42,720 That would be brave. 426 00:28:43,440 --> 00:28:44,840 I'll pay you back somehow. 427 00:28:45,800 --> 00:28:47,360 I don't wanna talk about this anymore. 428 00:28:54,560 --> 00:28:56,080 Have you replied to Eugene? 429 00:28:56,160 --> 00:28:59,560 No. It's… it's too awkward. I think I'm just gonna break up with him. 430 00:29:00,160 --> 00:29:01,480 My mum always used to say, 431 00:29:01,560 --> 00:29:04,600 "If you love someone, it's better to bend a bit than break." 432 00:29:04,680 --> 00:29:06,720 That's if you really like them, obviously. 433 00:29:06,800 --> 00:29:10,280 It must be hard not having her around. She sounds really smart. 434 00:29:11,120 --> 00:29:12,120 Yeah, she was. 435 00:29:12,760 --> 00:29:16,040 It's a little bit confusing at the moment because my dad's having a new baby, 436 00:29:16,120 --> 00:29:19,680 and Lilly doesn't really seem to understand why it's difficult. 437 00:29:20,200 --> 00:29:23,280 My aunt died last year, and I thought the sadness would pass, 438 00:29:23,360 --> 00:29:26,480 but it never really goes away, only gets smaller. 439 00:29:27,160 --> 00:29:29,000 Maybe Lily's never experienced that. 440 00:29:31,200 --> 00:29:34,880 Why don't you try telling Eugene what you'd like him to sext you instead? 441 00:29:34,960 --> 00:29:36,480 Let's go! What's that? 442 00:29:36,560 --> 00:29:38,160 -Really? -It might work. 443 00:29:40,360 --> 00:29:41,680 CLOSED 444 00:29:50,680 --> 00:29:52,360 Right. Good. Okay! 445 00:29:52,440 --> 00:29:55,080 Now that we're all a little bit calmer, 446 00:29:55,160 --> 00:29:57,200 should we have a sing-along? Yeah? 447 00:29:57,280 --> 00:29:58,120 Let's do it. 448 00:30:14,600 --> 00:30:15,520 You all right? 449 00:30:16,640 --> 00:30:18,880 Aimee and I just had our first fight. 450 00:30:19,880 --> 00:30:21,360 This trip is the worst. 451 00:30:22,440 --> 00:30:24,360 Can't get much worse than a rogue poo. 452 00:30:29,800 --> 00:30:30,680 Where's the coach? 453 00:30:34,200 --> 00:30:37,440 -Have you got your phone? -No. I left all my stuff on the coach. 454 00:30:37,520 --> 00:30:38,440 Me too. 455 00:30:39,040 --> 00:30:41,000 Okay. It just got a lot worse. 456 00:30:47,080 --> 00:30:49,640 Jean, haven't seen you for a while. 457 00:30:49,720 --> 00:30:52,920 Why'd you stop calling me? Holy fucking shit! Wow! 458 00:30:53,000 --> 00:30:55,480 That's… You're… 459 00:30:55,560 --> 00:30:59,440 I didn't think you could… that, like, older women could-- 460 00:30:59,520 --> 00:31:02,720 -Just say congratulations, Dan. -Congratulations! Congratulations. 461 00:31:02,800 --> 00:31:04,400 Shit. It's not mine, is it? 462 00:31:04,480 --> 00:31:06,120 No, it's mine, actually. 463 00:31:06,760 --> 00:31:09,800 Oh, that's great, dude. That's great. Well done. 464 00:31:09,880 --> 00:31:10,800 Phew! 465 00:31:12,160 --> 00:31:14,200 We need to go, actually. Goodbye. 466 00:31:14,280 --> 00:31:16,840 Right, yeah. No, I've gotta go see the doctor myself. 467 00:31:16,920 --> 00:31:19,360 I've got a weird chafing thing going on with my ball sack. 468 00:31:19,440 --> 00:31:21,840 I think it's my motorbike, but it's really… 469 00:31:22,680 --> 00:31:24,160 You didn't need to know that. Okay. 470 00:31:24,880 --> 00:31:26,000 Congratulations! 471 00:31:29,200 --> 00:31:31,280 You used to sleep with this man? 472 00:31:31,360 --> 00:31:33,080 He's so much younger than you. 473 00:31:33,160 --> 00:31:37,240 I used to sleep with a lot of men. And some of them were younger than me. 474 00:31:39,080 --> 00:31:40,400 This makes me think. 475 00:31:42,160 --> 00:31:43,720 What does it make you think? 476 00:31:46,840 --> 00:31:48,680 Is the baby even mine? 477 00:31:48,760 --> 00:31:50,480 -What? -He seemed to think it was his. 478 00:31:50,560 --> 00:31:52,960 -Don't be ridiculous. He-- -Well, he did. 479 00:31:55,400 --> 00:31:58,240 I found this at home. 480 00:32:00,160 --> 00:32:01,400 What? 481 00:32:01,960 --> 00:32:03,520 That could be anyone's. 482 00:32:03,600 --> 00:32:06,000 It's probably Remy's from years ago. 483 00:32:06,080 --> 00:32:07,840 Why didn't you talk to me about it? 484 00:32:08,440 --> 00:32:11,960 Because you're pregnant, and I didn't wanna cause any stress. 485 00:32:12,040 --> 00:32:14,720 But then I see this motorcycle man, 486 00:32:14,800 --> 00:32:17,840 and you seem to have contacted him quite recently. 487 00:32:17,920 --> 00:32:22,640 And then I remember you've been kissing your ex-husband and-- 488 00:32:22,720 --> 00:32:26,480 -Jakob! -It just makes me think, okay? 489 00:32:26,560 --> 00:32:30,080 Look, I have had a lot of casual sex in my life. 490 00:32:30,160 --> 00:32:32,880 I can't change that. In fact, I wouldn't want to. 491 00:32:34,400 --> 00:32:38,680 But if you don't trust me, then this just isn't going to work. 492 00:32:43,800 --> 00:32:45,000 I don't trust you. 493 00:32:51,320 --> 00:32:53,160 I can't believe this is happening. 494 00:32:54,520 --> 00:32:56,760 -How about a paternity test? 495 00:33:01,360 --> 00:33:03,840 Yeah. Yeah. 496 00:33:05,120 --> 00:33:06,040 Okay. 497 00:33:07,600 --> 00:33:09,040 If that's what you want. 498 00:33:12,960 --> 00:33:15,280 And what do we do in the meantime? 499 00:33:16,000 --> 00:33:17,600 Are we still even together? 500 00:33:21,200 --> 00:33:22,200 I don't know. 501 00:33:26,960 --> 00:33:28,320 Okay, party people. 502 00:33:28,400 --> 00:33:30,760 -This is for real. 503 00:33:31,280 --> 00:33:34,560 Who remembers this? Anyone? Here we go. 504 00:33:34,640 --> 00:33:36,040 Ready? Whoa. 505 00:33:39,400 --> 00:33:40,320 Come on! 506 00:33:43,160 --> 00:33:44,200 No? 507 00:33:59,520 --> 00:34:01,760 I'm sorry I made you feel embarrassed. 508 00:34:01,840 --> 00:34:05,280 I don't think the alien stuff is silly, but it's not real. 509 00:34:05,360 --> 00:34:08,280 I'd like to be a bit more grounded and in the moment with you. 510 00:34:08,960 --> 00:34:10,760 Aliens are definitely real. 511 00:34:13,320 --> 00:34:16,840 There are potentially endless galaxies and planets and universes out there, 512 00:34:16,920 --> 00:34:19,400 and you actually think we're the only life that exists? 513 00:34:19,480 --> 00:34:23,200 I think it's better to focus on the life that we have on Earth. 514 00:34:25,280 --> 00:34:27,600 I can't believe you don't think aliens are real. 515 00:34:27,680 --> 00:34:29,200 I can't believe you do. 516 00:34:34,680 --> 00:34:35,840 It's getting dark. 517 00:34:36,400 --> 00:34:38,120 It's gonna be cold once it's dark. 518 00:34:39,320 --> 00:34:41,760 I only got a B in French, so if we find someone to help, 519 00:34:41,840 --> 00:34:45,080 how do we know they're actually a kind stranger and not some psychopath? 520 00:34:47,280 --> 00:34:48,560 What are we gonna eat? 521 00:34:49,600 --> 00:34:51,240 I'm hungry all the time! 522 00:34:52,720 --> 00:34:54,720 I'm panicking. Are you panicking? 523 00:34:54,800 --> 00:34:56,960 No. We're not gonna starve to death. 524 00:34:57,040 --> 00:35:00,320 I don't think you're taking this seriously enough. We could die. 525 00:35:00,400 --> 00:35:01,480 We're not gonna die. 526 00:35:01,560 --> 00:35:03,400 Someone will drive past. We can use their phone. 527 00:35:03,480 --> 00:35:04,320 It's gonna be fine. 528 00:35:04,400 --> 00:35:07,360 We should hitchhike or just walk to a nearby town. 529 00:35:07,440 --> 00:35:09,040 I think we should stay here. 530 00:35:12,720 --> 00:35:14,720 Okay, this is bad. 531 00:35:14,800 --> 00:35:16,080 This is very bad. 532 00:35:16,960 --> 00:35:20,280 Okay. How… how do you say "help" in French? 533 00:35:20,360 --> 00:35:21,600 How do I say "help"? 534 00:35:24,040 --> 00:35:25,200 Help! 535 00:35:25,280 --> 00:35:26,960 I am help! 536 00:35:29,600 --> 00:35:31,040 Why are you laughing? 537 00:35:31,120 --> 00:35:34,800 -Sorry. You're funny when you're stressed. -Well, you're not helping. 538 00:35:38,280 --> 00:35:39,720 I am help! 539 00:35:48,440 --> 00:35:49,680 Something you wanna say? 540 00:35:52,320 --> 00:35:53,680 I think poetry's dumb. 541 00:35:54,320 --> 00:35:55,240 Why? 542 00:35:56,120 --> 00:35:59,400 It's just long words that don't make any sense. 543 00:36:01,960 --> 00:36:03,240 Maybe you're not listening. 544 00:36:08,000 --> 00:36:10,080 I have written a poem about you. 545 00:36:21,840 --> 00:36:25,200 "I shed blood over what?" 546 00:36:26,560 --> 00:36:30,560 -You fell over-- Right. -"A rectangle man so unremarkable." 547 00:36:30,640 --> 00:36:31,680 "A boring horse." 548 00:36:31,760 --> 00:36:34,600 "Its blah-blah eyes never open, never closed." 549 00:36:35,280 --> 00:36:36,520 "His head shape so average." 550 00:36:39,440 --> 00:36:41,080 That's actually quite good. 551 00:36:43,480 --> 00:36:44,880 I think I was wrong though. 552 00:36:47,120 --> 00:36:49,360 You're not as unremarkable as I thought. 553 00:37:14,040 --> 00:37:15,520 Hm. Mm-hmm. 554 00:37:23,000 --> 00:37:24,680 Even if you don't do the forum, 555 00:37:25,560 --> 00:37:28,600 maybe you should still talk to Hope about the changing room thing. 556 00:37:30,440 --> 00:37:31,480 I don't like Hope, 557 00:37:32,440 --> 00:37:35,280 but it's important to you, so I think we should make her listen. 558 00:37:36,480 --> 00:37:37,840 What do you think? 559 00:37:39,800 --> 00:37:42,000 -Okay, well, I think… 560 00:37:44,080 --> 00:37:45,640 we can make things better. 561 00:37:49,320 --> 00:37:51,320 I didn't think I cared about things, 562 00:37:52,120 --> 00:37:53,240 but I do. 563 00:37:56,160 --> 00:37:57,200 Hm. 564 00:38:00,560 --> 00:38:02,280 You made me realize that I do. 565 00:38:07,280 --> 00:38:08,240 Okay. 566 00:38:09,960 --> 00:38:11,440 -We'll make her listen. -Yes! 567 00:38:25,640 --> 00:38:27,160 You are beautiful. 568 00:38:50,120 --> 00:38:52,160 Um, I'm sorry, Jackson. I don't… 569 00:38:55,040 --> 00:38:56,280 I don't think I can do this. 570 00:38:58,800 --> 00:39:00,600 -Okay. No, that's cool. -Sorry. 571 00:39:19,360 --> 00:39:20,720 Can you pass this to Maeve? 572 00:39:23,680 --> 00:39:24,640 Babe, 573 00:39:26,320 --> 00:39:28,120 are you not attracted to me anymore? 574 00:39:28,200 --> 00:39:29,400 I won't be upset. 575 00:39:30,480 --> 00:39:33,880 Of course I'll be upset. I just need to know if you wanna be with me. 576 00:39:34,520 --> 00:39:36,200 Course I wanna be with you. 577 00:39:39,200 --> 00:39:40,120 Maeve's not here. 578 00:39:43,080 --> 00:39:45,880 Maeve? Maeve? 579 00:39:46,840 --> 00:39:47,920 Where's Maeve? 580 00:39:48,760 --> 00:39:50,080 She's definitely not here. 581 00:39:51,960 --> 00:39:53,640 Maeve Wiley's not on the coach. 582 00:39:54,560 --> 00:39:56,720 That can't be right. I did a head count. Maeve? 583 00:39:56,800 --> 00:39:59,400 -Maeve? Maeve? -Maeve! Maeve! 584 00:39:59,480 --> 00:40:00,560 Who is Maeve? 585 00:40:01,080 --> 00:40:02,280 Who are you? 586 00:40:02,360 --> 00:40:03,520 I'm Albert. 587 00:40:04,640 --> 00:40:06,360 -Oh… -Colin Ray Hendricks. 588 00:40:06,440 --> 00:40:08,920 Terry, turn the coach around! Maeve? 589 00:40:21,000 --> 00:40:22,520 Why did you and Ruby break up? 590 00:40:24,480 --> 00:40:25,440 Um, 591 00:40:26,560 --> 00:40:28,880 I didn't like her as much as she liked me. 592 00:40:30,280 --> 00:40:32,280 -It's true. I know. 593 00:40:34,160 --> 00:40:37,600 What about you? How's it going with that Isaac guy? 594 00:40:38,280 --> 00:40:39,800 "That Isaac guy." 595 00:40:41,320 --> 00:40:42,880 Yeah, things are good. 596 00:40:43,920 --> 00:40:44,920 I like him. 597 00:40:46,280 --> 00:40:47,280 Hm. 598 00:40:55,880 --> 00:40:57,520 I know you left me a voice mail. 599 00:41:01,480 --> 00:41:03,600 Can we not, uh, talk about that? 600 00:41:03,680 --> 00:41:06,920 It's embarrassing enough you've ignored me for months. 601 00:41:07,000 --> 00:41:09,160 Or pretend it didn't happen. 602 00:41:10,400 --> 00:41:11,440 I never got it. 603 00:41:14,160 --> 00:41:15,320 Isaac deleted it. 604 00:41:18,000 --> 00:41:19,320 What do you mean, "deleted"? 605 00:41:19,840 --> 00:41:22,400 He was trying to protect me, apparently. 606 00:41:23,200 --> 00:41:24,600 He fucked up. It's a whole thing. 607 00:41:26,400 --> 00:41:28,360 So you… you never heard it? 608 00:41:29,400 --> 00:41:30,360 Nope. 609 00:41:38,320 --> 00:41:39,560 How long have you known? 610 00:41:40,200 --> 00:41:41,600 I don't know. Couple weeks. 611 00:41:42,680 --> 00:41:44,120 And you didn't say anything? 612 00:41:45,360 --> 00:41:46,480 No. 613 00:41:47,920 --> 00:41:50,360 You acted like a complete dick to me last term. 614 00:41:51,640 --> 00:41:54,840 You don't get let off the hook 'cause you call up once and say I'm sorry. 615 00:41:54,920 --> 00:41:57,680 That's exactly how apologies work, Maeve. 616 00:41:59,960 --> 00:42:01,520 He shouldn't have deleted it. 617 00:42:02,160 --> 00:42:03,480 No, he shouldn't have. 618 00:42:04,000 --> 00:42:06,280 But he did, and here we are. 619 00:42:12,200 --> 00:42:13,320 What did it say? 620 00:42:15,680 --> 00:42:16,720 The voice mail? 621 00:42:18,440 --> 00:42:19,440 Doesn't matter. 622 00:42:20,080 --> 00:42:21,360 It was ages ago. 623 00:42:22,640 --> 00:42:23,760 Matters to me. 624 00:42:35,040 --> 00:42:36,360 It was something like, 625 00:42:38,520 --> 00:42:39,520 "Hi, Maeve." 626 00:42:43,360 --> 00:42:45,280 "I'm watching you on TV right now." 627 00:42:48,080 --> 00:42:51,800 "And I wanted to let you know how proud I am of you." 628 00:42:56,240 --> 00:42:59,920 "And about how you saying you had feelings for me was all I ever wanted to hear." 629 00:43:01,520 --> 00:43:03,040 "'Cause it's always been you." 630 00:43:06,120 --> 00:43:07,120 "I love you." 631 00:43:09,600 --> 00:43:11,720 Anyway, it was stupid. 632 00:43:18,160 --> 00:43:19,000 Did you mean it? 633 00:43:35,720 --> 00:43:36,800 Did you mean it? 634 00:43:39,600 --> 00:43:41,000 Of course I meant it. 635 00:43:57,760 --> 00:43:59,560 I can't… I can't do this. 636 00:43:59,640 --> 00:44:00,560 Okay. 637 00:44:01,240 --> 00:44:02,280 I understand. 638 00:44:11,600 --> 00:44:14,000 I don't… I don't wanna lose you again. 639 00:44:15,880 --> 00:44:17,960 I'm confused. This is confusing me. 640 00:44:35,520 --> 00:44:36,640 Ruby, don't look. 641 00:44:44,200 --> 00:44:45,200 Ah! 642 00:44:45,280 --> 00:44:49,400 Milburn. You're here too. We had no idea you were missing. 643 00:44:50,320 --> 00:44:51,200 So sorry. 644 00:44:51,280 --> 00:44:53,960 Come on, guys, on the coach. On the coach! 645 00:44:56,520 --> 00:44:58,440 -Oh my… 646 00:44:58,520 --> 00:45:00,240 -Woo-hoo! 647 00:45:00,320 --> 00:45:02,520 We're the worst teachers. 648 00:45:02,600 --> 00:45:04,240 -But we are good in a crisis. -Yeah. 649 00:45:04,320 --> 00:45:06,520 And we make the most incredible team. 650 00:45:06,600 --> 00:45:07,840 Don't you think? 651 00:45:13,200 --> 00:45:14,160 What are you doing? 652 00:45:15,360 --> 00:45:18,680 Emily Swati Sands… 653 00:45:20,480 --> 00:45:21,600 will you marry me? 654 00:45:22,680 --> 00:45:24,920 Of course not. We've been dating less than a year. 655 00:45:26,280 --> 00:45:27,160 But… 656 00:45:28,960 --> 00:45:32,760 I have been thinking that maybe we could move in together. 657 00:45:32,840 --> 00:45:33,680 Really? 658 00:45:33,760 --> 00:45:34,720 Yeah. 659 00:45:36,360 --> 00:45:37,800 But where will Michael live? 660 00:45:39,000 --> 00:45:40,920 He's a grown man. He'll be fine. 661 00:45:41,000 --> 00:45:43,640 Yes! Yes! Yes! 662 00:45:46,200 --> 00:45:47,680 Save your applause. 663 00:45:47,760 --> 00:45:50,640 We are not getting married, but we are moving in together! 664 00:45:52,240 --> 00:45:54,240 Can we please go home? 665 00:46:03,960 --> 00:46:06,600 Uh, miss, I'm ready for my presentation. 666 00:46:06,680 --> 00:46:10,240 Oh, we're not doing that till we get back to school, Kyle. 667 00:46:11,320 --> 00:46:14,200 All right, listen up, everyone. I've had an epiphany on this trip. 668 00:46:16,800 --> 00:46:18,040 We're all gonna die. 669 00:46:18,120 --> 00:46:20,600 -Kyle, sit down. -Life is so short. 670 00:46:21,520 --> 00:46:24,120 We might not be dead yet, like those poor, young soldiers, 671 00:46:24,200 --> 00:46:25,400 but one day we will be. 672 00:46:26,000 --> 00:46:28,160 So, my point is… 673 00:46:29,800 --> 00:46:33,040 Where'd he get that? That's a soldier's hat. Stolen property! 674 00:46:33,120 --> 00:46:34,200 Oh. 675 00:46:34,280 --> 00:46:37,560 I've forgotten what my point is, but how cool is my hat? 676 00:46:37,640 --> 00:46:38,880 It's not cool, Kyle. 677 00:46:40,440 --> 00:46:42,080 Oh yeah. Um… 678 00:46:43,240 --> 00:46:46,600 My… my point is that we should try and live in the moment 679 00:46:47,440 --> 00:46:48,800 because we don't have long. 680 00:46:49,320 --> 00:46:50,200 So, 681 00:46:51,000 --> 00:46:54,520 if you love someone, you should tell 'em that you love 'em. 682 00:46:54,600 --> 00:46:55,760 Tell 'em now. 683 00:46:57,360 --> 00:46:58,840 Because it might be too late. 684 00:47:00,600 --> 00:47:01,560 Life is 685 00:47:02,880 --> 00:47:03,760 fragile. 686 00:47:06,440 --> 00:47:08,800 So, in the spirit of spreading the love, 687 00:47:08,880 --> 00:47:10,560 I got a little gift for everyone. 688 00:47:10,640 --> 00:47:12,560 These are called magic mushrooms. 689 00:47:12,640 --> 00:47:14,480 -Whoa, whoa, whoa! -So-- 690 00:47:14,560 --> 00:47:15,720 Kyle, sit down! 691 00:47:15,800 --> 00:47:16,920 Sit down, Kyle. 692 00:47:18,160 --> 00:47:21,080 You have to spoil it. You were doing so well, Kyle. 693 00:47:21,160 --> 00:47:23,280 Let's just forget that happened, all right? 694 00:47:23,360 --> 00:47:26,400 I know this trip has been hard for some of you. 695 00:47:27,440 --> 00:47:31,200 But we're only half an hour away from the White Cliffs of Dover. 696 00:47:31,720 --> 00:47:33,160 So, let's fix up, 697 00:47:34,120 --> 00:47:35,880 tidy up our uniforms, 698 00:47:37,320 --> 00:47:39,240 and get our general shit together. 699 00:47:39,960 --> 00:47:40,800 Yeah? 700 00:47:42,400 --> 00:47:43,320 Cheers. 701 00:47:43,880 --> 00:47:45,000 Lights, please, Terry. 702 00:48:11,960 --> 00:48:12,880 Fucking love you. 703 00:48:13,960 --> 00:48:14,920 Baba ghanoush. 704 00:48:57,840 --> 00:48:59,840 Hey, hey, hey! Come on. 705 00:49:04,280 --> 00:49:06,520 -Hey, do you want a lift? -Uh, no, thanks. 706 00:49:07,320 --> 00:49:08,640 Please don't tell. 707 00:49:09,280 --> 00:49:10,880 Maeve? Maeve. 708 00:49:10,960 --> 00:49:11,960 Yeah? 709 00:49:13,120 --> 00:49:15,160 We should talk about what happened. 710 00:49:16,080 --> 00:49:18,400 Is it okay if we don't tonight? 711 00:49:19,520 --> 00:49:20,920 I need to sort my head out. 712 00:49:22,760 --> 00:49:23,600 That's okay. 713 00:49:28,600 --> 00:49:30,320 -Hm. 714 00:49:36,160 --> 00:49:37,120 Cal. 715 00:49:38,320 --> 00:49:39,280 Are we okay? 716 00:49:39,880 --> 00:49:42,920 Yeah, yeah. We're totally fine. I'll see you on Monday. 717 00:49:49,920 --> 00:49:50,760 How'd it go? 718 00:49:52,440 --> 00:49:57,280 It was… 100% peachy. Yeah. 719 00:50:32,800 --> 00:50:36,040 Oh, Grandma! Grandma! 720 00:50:36,120 --> 00:50:37,040 Come on. 721 00:50:37,120 --> 00:50:38,760 Eric! Eric! 722 00:50:38,840 --> 00:50:41,600 -Hey, Auntie! Auntie! -Eric!