1 00:00:19,270 --> 00:00:22,190 You fought with valor, brother. 2 00:00:24,317 --> 00:00:25,318 [whirring] 3 00:00:26,569 --> 00:00:27,695 [gasps] 4 00:00:30,364 --> 00:00:31,282 [beeping] 5 00:00:35,787 --> 00:00:36,621 [grunts] 6 00:00:39,290 --> 00:00:41,125 [humming] 7 00:00:50,468 --> 00:00:51,344 Ugh! 8 00:00:51,844 --> 00:00:52,678 [groaning] 9 00:00:56,307 --> 00:00:57,558 Greetings, Alpha. 10 00:00:57,642 --> 00:01:00,269 Who are you? 11 00:01:01,062 --> 00:01:06,442 Since your brotherhood failed me, I've decided to explore other options. 12 00:01:06,734 --> 00:01:08,236 This is Omen. 13 00:01:08,861 --> 00:01:11,948 He will finish the job that you three could not. 14 00:01:12,031 --> 00:01:17,078 If you wish to have your bounty, your vengeance, and your life, 15 00:01:17,161 --> 00:01:19,413 you will now answer to Omen. 16 00:01:19,497 --> 00:01:21,499 [gasps, groans] 17 00:01:23,292 --> 00:01:24,585 [gasps, groans] 18 00:01:27,547 --> 00:01:29,549 [theme music playing] 19 00:01:53,531 --> 00:01:55,741 [voices chanting] One, two, three below! 20 00:02:00,621 --> 00:02:02,915 [radio announcer] Good morning, Arcadia Oaks! 21 00:02:02,999 --> 00:02:05,543 -And to my younger Arcadians out there... -[rumbling] 22 00:02:05,626 --> 00:02:10,381 Whoa! Whoa! Did you feel that? I mean, happy last day of school! 23 00:02:10,506 --> 00:02:12,633 You've got all summer to snooze, 24 00:02:12,758 --> 00:02:15,761 but for today, it's time to wake up, sleepyheads! 25 00:02:15,845 --> 00:02:17,930 You heard the bodyless man, Krel! 26 00:02:18,014 --> 00:02:20,600 [moans] Five more mekrons. Five! 27 00:02:20,683 --> 00:02:23,186 -Come on, it's our last day on Earth! -[grunts] 28 00:02:23,269 --> 00:02:26,189 You can sleep on the flight. It's 40,000 light keltons. 29 00:02:26,272 --> 00:02:30,067 [Mother] Technically, 39,000. I've rerouted to avoid traffic. 30 00:02:30,151 --> 00:02:32,612 -You know I'm piloting, right? -[growls] 31 00:02:33,404 --> 00:02:34,739 Big day, A-fivers! 32 00:02:34,822 --> 00:02:37,825 Stuey's got a whole bucket list of Earthly pleasures we've gotta do 33 00:02:37,909 --> 00:02:39,327 -before you leave. -[sniffing] 34 00:02:39,410 --> 00:02:40,912 Somebody's famous flapjacks! 35 00:02:40,995 --> 00:02:42,663 Lively! Thank you. 36 00:02:42,747 --> 00:02:44,373 As the humans say, we must bolt. 37 00:02:44,457 --> 00:02:45,708 Here, you can borrow mine. 38 00:02:46,000 --> 00:02:47,376 Whoa! Where are you going? 39 00:02:47,460 --> 00:02:49,545 It's the last day of school. 40 00:02:49,629 --> 00:02:51,672 I have to say bye to my human friends. 41 00:02:51,756 --> 00:02:54,008 I might never see Mary or Darci 42 00:02:54,091 --> 00:02:56,219 or... Steve again. 43 00:02:56,302 --> 00:02:59,805 And the Battle of the Bands is today. I don't know why they're battling, 44 00:02:59,889 --> 00:03:02,266 but this is my big chance to leave my mark. 45 00:03:02,350 --> 00:03:07,230 Varvatos Vex cannot wait to watch you slaughter your musical foes! 46 00:03:07,313 --> 00:03:08,940 Melt faces. 47 00:03:09,023 --> 00:03:11,817 Excellent! I'm there with bells on when Krel's on. 48 00:03:11,901 --> 00:03:13,194 Okay, see you later. 49 00:03:13,277 --> 00:03:16,155 More glorious flapjacks for-- 50 00:03:16,239 --> 00:03:20,326 -Luug! This beast is a flapjack thief! -[gurgles] 51 00:03:20,409 --> 00:03:23,079 And his gratitude is most deadly. 52 00:03:23,162 --> 00:03:24,497 [bell rings] 53 00:03:28,417 --> 00:03:30,544 [children chatting] 54 00:03:30,628 --> 00:03:33,422 Okay, girlies, one more. Say, "Lively!" 55 00:03:33,506 --> 00:03:34,799 [all] "Lively!" 56 00:03:34,882 --> 00:03:38,970 Aj, I seriously cannot believe you're taking off already. 57 00:03:39,053 --> 00:03:41,097 We'd better face-call, like, every day. 58 00:03:41,180 --> 00:03:43,557 Hey, I have to go talk to my little brother. 59 00:03:43,808 --> 00:03:45,601 It's all right. Back soon! 60 00:03:45,893 --> 00:03:48,271 -[Aja] Hey. What's going on? -[groans] 61 00:03:48,354 --> 00:03:54,235 Look at all the horrible messages everyone wrote in my stupid commemorative tome. 62 00:03:54,318 --> 00:03:56,654 -You mean your yearbook? -"Have a great summer." 63 00:03:56,737 --> 00:03:59,323 "Have a great summer." "Have a great summer..." 64 00:03:59,407 --> 00:04:02,326 Lively! People want you to have a great summer. 65 00:04:02,410 --> 00:04:03,411 No, they don't! 66 00:04:03,494 --> 00:04:07,248 "Have a great summer" is what you write when you barely know the human at all. 67 00:04:07,331 --> 00:04:08,874 Oh, there's a long message. 68 00:04:08,958 --> 00:04:11,877 -That's from Steve, and it's about you! -[coos] Aw...! 69 00:04:12,420 --> 00:04:13,879 I mean, oh, no. 70 00:04:13,963 --> 00:04:16,716 See? Your pages are filled with variety. 71 00:04:17,216 --> 00:04:20,678 -[gasps] Is that a poem? -That doesn't mean anything, Krel. 72 00:04:20,761 --> 00:04:24,223 Perhaps I don't mean anything. 73 00:04:24,307 --> 00:04:26,934 What if after all this time on this mudball, 74 00:04:27,018 --> 00:04:28,602 I've failed to leave my mark? 75 00:04:29,020 --> 00:04:31,188 [Aja] Come on. You know that isn't true. 76 00:04:31,272 --> 00:04:33,941 [Krel] Look, even Pepperjack has left a mark. 77 00:04:34,025 --> 00:04:37,028 Well, who's to say I've left my mark here, either? 78 00:04:37,111 --> 00:04:39,488 Tarron! There's my star student! 79 00:04:39,572 --> 00:04:41,073 Oh, thanks, Coach. 80 00:04:41,157 --> 00:04:43,367 -You are too... -There's my star rope-climber. 81 00:04:43,451 --> 00:04:44,952 -...kind? -Oh, you! 82 00:04:45,036 --> 00:04:49,540 I'm gonna miss that inhuman physical prowess of yours, Aja! 83 00:04:49,623 --> 00:04:51,500 [sobs] Pull yourself together, Lawrence. 84 00:04:51,584 --> 00:04:54,337 Oh, yeah. Aja, Aja, Aja. Ay-yi-yi! 85 00:04:54,420 --> 00:04:55,838 [gasps] Later, Ms. Janeth! 86 00:04:55,921 --> 00:04:58,924 -Your method of factoring polynomials is-- -Not today, Clyde. 87 00:04:59,008 --> 00:05:00,885 Lenora's on vacay. 88 00:05:00,968 --> 00:05:02,261 -[rumbling] -Oh, my! 89 00:05:02,345 --> 00:05:03,220 It's Krel! 90 00:05:03,971 --> 00:05:08,601 [Vex] Nana-- ahem-- Nancy, you look ravishing! 91 00:05:08,684 --> 00:05:13,147 No, no, no. Nancy, you look glorious! 92 00:05:13,230 --> 00:05:15,608 Yes, most glorious, 93 00:05:15,691 --> 00:05:17,943 as if fresh from the battlefield 94 00:05:18,027 --> 00:05:20,946 after bathing in the blood of your enemies! 95 00:05:21,447 --> 00:05:22,656 That feels right. 96 00:05:22,740 --> 00:05:25,242 Mother, how about a little mood lighting? 97 00:05:25,326 --> 00:05:26,911 -[rumbling] -[crashes] 98 00:05:27,787 --> 00:05:29,330 I said a little. 99 00:05:29,413 --> 00:05:32,291 [Vex] Mother? Mother? 100 00:05:32,833 --> 00:05:34,168 Mother? 101 00:05:36,587 --> 00:05:37,546 [Vex] What? 102 00:05:38,464 --> 00:05:40,216 Earth has changed you, Commander. 103 00:05:40,299 --> 00:05:41,801 Zadra? How did you-- 104 00:05:41,884 --> 00:05:45,471 You were my commanding officer. I know all your security codes, 105 00:05:45,554 --> 00:05:48,182 to say nothing of your secrets, traitor! 106 00:05:50,684 --> 00:05:54,438 Varvatos Vex assumes that this is not a rescue mission. 107 00:05:54,522 --> 00:05:57,316 Not for you. Where are the children? 108 00:05:57,400 --> 00:05:58,359 They are safe! 109 00:05:58,442 --> 00:06:01,529 Safe? How can I believe a word you speak after what you did? 110 00:06:01,612 --> 00:06:04,115 [both yelling, grunting] 111 00:06:04,907 --> 00:06:08,411 The king was your friend. He loved you like a brother. 112 00:06:08,494 --> 00:06:10,913 And this is how you repay him? 113 00:06:11,163 --> 00:06:13,165 You have no loyalty! 114 00:06:13,416 --> 00:06:16,168 If you would just let Varvatos explain. 115 00:06:16,252 --> 00:06:20,756 Explain? You can explain it with your dying breath. 116 00:06:20,965 --> 00:06:21,799 [Zadra] Fight me! 117 00:06:36,188 --> 00:06:37,064 Enough! 118 00:06:37,565 --> 00:06:42,111 Even in your Akiridion form, I wouldn't recognize you, Vex. 119 00:06:42,194 --> 00:06:43,446 Look at what you've become. 120 00:06:44,155 --> 00:06:49,201 This was not what Varvatos Vex intended to happen. 121 00:06:50,286 --> 00:06:51,328 And yet it did. 122 00:06:51,412 --> 00:06:54,373 -[Aja] Zadra? -[Krel] What is she talking about? 123 00:06:59,587 --> 00:07:02,131 [Krel] Come on! Vex is many things. 124 00:07:02,214 --> 00:07:05,509 Overbearing? Yes. A cantankerous grump? Sure. 125 00:07:05,593 --> 00:07:07,887 But a traitor? 126 00:07:08,220 --> 00:07:09,972 [sighs] 127 00:07:10,306 --> 00:07:12,183 -Ask him. -[gasps] 128 00:07:12,266 --> 00:07:15,144 Zadra speaks the truth, doesn't she, Varvatos? 129 00:07:15,227 --> 00:07:16,061 No! 130 00:07:16,729 --> 00:07:19,815 Varvatos lowered the shields, 131 00:07:19,899 --> 00:07:24,528 allowing General Morando to attack Akiridion-5. 132 00:07:24,612 --> 00:07:27,573 But Morando swore no one would be hurt. 133 00:07:27,656 --> 00:07:29,241 I got hurt! 134 00:07:29,992 --> 00:07:32,411 Our parents got hurt. 135 00:07:33,746 --> 00:07:36,916 [yells] Everyone has gotten hurt by this! 136 00:07:37,374 --> 00:07:38,334 By you! 137 00:07:39,168 --> 00:07:44,048 Varvatos Vex wanted to tell you, but you had both endured so much-- 138 00:07:44,131 --> 00:07:45,716 -Silence! -Prince Krel, I-- 139 00:07:45,799 --> 00:07:48,511 I am the King-in-waiting! 140 00:07:49,011 --> 00:07:52,598 Zadra, what is the punishment for high treason? 141 00:07:54,725 --> 00:07:55,768 Death. 142 00:07:57,686 --> 00:07:59,188 [whirring] 143 00:08:00,397 --> 00:08:02,691 Krel, wait. 144 00:08:02,775 --> 00:08:04,902 Why? He destroyed our home, Aja. 145 00:08:04,985 --> 00:08:06,237 Our lives! 146 00:08:06,320 --> 00:08:08,072 And for what reason? 147 00:08:08,155 --> 00:08:09,073 [Vex] Revenge. 148 00:08:09,782 --> 00:08:13,244 The Zeron Brotherhood killed Vex's family, 149 00:08:13,327 --> 00:08:17,164 and Varvatos could not resist his thirst for vengeance. 150 00:08:17,248 --> 00:08:20,417 He was blinded by General Morando's promises. 151 00:08:20,501 --> 00:08:21,835 He was-- 152 00:08:21,919 --> 00:08:23,087 [sighs] 153 00:08:23,170 --> 00:08:25,256 I was wrong. 154 00:08:25,339 --> 00:08:26,340 [sighs] 155 00:08:27,383 --> 00:08:31,971 Do not let your desire for revenge destroy you, too. 156 00:08:33,681 --> 00:08:34,890 You heard Zadra. 157 00:08:34,974 --> 00:08:38,477 We cannot allow an attack on our throne to go unpunished. 158 00:08:38,561 --> 00:08:40,396 [grunts] 159 00:08:46,026 --> 00:08:50,406 So then why give Vex the "glorious death" he's always wanted? 160 00:08:51,073 --> 00:08:52,908 What do you suggest, my lieges? 161 00:08:53,951 --> 00:08:55,160 [sighs] Exile. 162 00:08:55,911 --> 00:09:00,541 As Queen-in-waiting, I say we banish Vex to this dump heap forever, 163 00:09:00,624 --> 00:09:03,168 never to set foot on Akiridion-5 164 00:09:03,252 --> 00:09:05,879 or any other planet again. 165 00:09:05,963 --> 00:09:11,260 I hereby strip you, Varvatos Vex, of your title and your weapon, 166 00:09:11,343 --> 00:09:14,638 and banish you to Earth for all eternity. 167 00:09:14,722 --> 00:09:16,765 But you are still in danger. 168 00:09:16,849 --> 00:09:18,892 It is my sworn duty to protect-- 169 00:09:18,976 --> 00:09:21,645 Go away! Don't you understand? 170 00:09:21,729 --> 00:09:25,566 My brother may not be able to kill you, but I will. 171 00:09:25,649 --> 00:09:28,527 Now go, before I change my mind. 172 00:09:29,695 --> 00:09:31,989 We have our ship. We have Zadra. 173 00:09:32,740 --> 00:09:35,242 We don't need you. 174 00:09:36,243 --> 00:09:37,161 [grunts] 175 00:09:37,244 --> 00:09:38,162 [Luug whines] 176 00:09:51,675 --> 00:09:53,594 The Mothership's almost ready for take-off. 177 00:09:53,677 --> 00:09:57,097 Soon, we will leave this planet and forget any of this ever happened. 178 00:09:57,181 --> 00:09:58,766 I'm not leaving. Not yet. 179 00:09:58,849 --> 00:10:02,895 You're not seriously going to the Battle of the Bands? Not after-- 180 00:10:02,978 --> 00:10:04,938 Vex has taken everything from us... 181 00:10:05,022 --> 00:10:06,607 Our home, our parents. 182 00:10:06,690 --> 00:10:09,860 The Battle of the Bands is my last chance to make my mark. 183 00:10:09,943 --> 00:10:12,696 He's not going to take that from me, too. 184 00:10:12,780 --> 00:10:16,533 [grunts] This would be so much easier with four arms. 185 00:10:16,617 --> 00:10:20,120 You have four arms. Yours and mine. 186 00:10:22,289 --> 00:10:26,043 [wailing] ♪ It started out as a crush ♪ 187 00:10:26,126 --> 00:10:29,338 ♪ When she crushed my face Crushed my face! ♪ 188 00:10:29,421 --> 00:10:31,715 ♪ Love is strange, and love ♪ 189 00:10:31,799 --> 00:10:34,927 ♪ She comes from outer space Outer space! ♪ 190 00:10:35,636 --> 00:10:37,179 Pepperjack, clarinet me. 191 00:10:38,806 --> 00:10:40,349 It's a pan flute! 192 00:10:41,684 --> 00:10:44,144 [Steve] Not too big. Bring it down a little. 193 00:10:44,228 --> 00:10:48,107 Wow! ♪ Love is a cow on a ship in the air ♪ 194 00:10:48,649 --> 00:10:50,484 [Steve wailing] 195 00:10:54,947 --> 00:10:58,867 [sighs] You think we can make it work long, long, long distance? 196 00:10:58,951 --> 00:11:00,035 -Sure. -Absolutely not. 197 00:11:00,202 --> 00:11:01,870 [rumbling, crowd yelling] 198 00:11:01,954 --> 00:11:03,288 [Señor Uhl] What is that? 199 00:11:03,831 --> 00:11:07,835 Aja Tarron, you literally rock my world! 200 00:11:07,918 --> 00:11:10,671 Never mind the tremor. Moving right along. 201 00:11:10,754 --> 00:11:14,007 [Señor Uhl] Our next act hails all the way from Cantaloupia. 202 00:11:14,091 --> 00:11:16,844 -Woo-hoo! Go, Moles! -Hooray! 203 00:11:16,927 --> 00:11:18,846 [Eli groans] Ugh! My pan flute. 204 00:11:18,929 --> 00:11:21,390 Make a racket for DJ-- 205 00:11:21,473 --> 00:11:23,183 Uh, do you have a DJ name? 206 00:11:23,267 --> 00:11:25,144 Kleb! I didn't think of one! 207 00:11:25,227 --> 00:11:29,940 D-D-D-D-D-D-DJ Kleb, everybody! Put your hands together to make a clap. 208 00:11:30,357 --> 00:11:31,692 Hooray! 209 00:11:32,401 --> 00:11:33,819 [Krel chuckles] 210 00:11:34,570 --> 00:11:36,947 [Seamus] Yeah! Tear it up, Aja. 211 00:11:37,030 --> 00:11:37,865 [sighs] 212 00:11:37,948 --> 00:11:40,451 I am DJ Kleb. Me! 213 00:11:40,534 --> 00:11:43,537 The one trying to have a "great summer." 214 00:11:44,163 --> 00:11:47,207 Okay, here we go. [exhales] 215 00:11:48,208 --> 00:11:50,627 -Two, three, four! -[thumping beats] 216 00:11:50,711 --> 00:11:54,173 -♪ Dance, dance, dance, dance... ♪ -[chirping, squeaking] 217 00:11:54,256 --> 00:11:57,885 ♪ Dance, dance, dance Dance, dance, dance ♪ 218 00:11:57,968 --> 00:12:01,346 -♪ Dance, dance, dance, dance, dance... ♪ -[chirping] 219 00:12:01,597 --> 00:12:04,641 [Aja] ♪ Dance, dance, dance Dance, dance, dance! ♪ 220 00:12:04,725 --> 00:12:06,185 [music continues] 221 00:12:06,268 --> 00:12:09,354 Little brother, I don't think they're ready for this. 222 00:12:09,438 --> 00:12:12,775 But Stuart said experimental was the new thing. 223 00:12:14,443 --> 00:12:15,903 Easy listening it is. 224 00:12:15,986 --> 00:12:17,362 [music stops] 225 00:12:17,446 --> 00:12:19,782 -[sighs] -[dance music starts] 226 00:12:25,579 --> 00:12:26,413 [chuckles] 227 00:12:29,124 --> 00:12:31,126 [crowd cheering] 228 00:12:35,464 --> 00:12:37,299 Dang, he's actually pretty good. 229 00:12:42,805 --> 00:12:44,181 [cheering continues] 230 00:12:44,264 --> 00:12:46,016 That's my girlfriend! Woo-hoo! 231 00:12:46,099 --> 00:12:48,644 ♪ Ah... ♪ 232 00:12:52,022 --> 00:12:54,608 -Woo-hoo-hoo! -Yeah! Spectacular! 233 00:12:56,026 --> 00:12:58,654 -Finally! -[music continues] 234 00:12:58,737 --> 00:13:00,697 ♪ Ah... ♪ 235 00:13:00,781 --> 00:13:03,158 [music continues] 236 00:13:03,242 --> 00:13:04,409 [rattling] 237 00:13:04,993 --> 00:13:07,412 That's what the kids call music these days. 238 00:13:07,496 --> 00:13:10,165 Aw, quit complaining and just wait for the drop, my dude! 239 00:13:11,416 --> 00:13:13,085 -[music continues] -[cheering] 240 00:13:13,168 --> 00:13:15,629 They're royalty wherever they go. 241 00:13:15,712 --> 00:13:18,298 [announcer] ...DJ Kleb spin the best beats ever. 242 00:13:18,382 --> 00:13:20,384 You show them, my prince. 243 00:13:20,467 --> 00:13:24,304 [announcer] Gene! The crowd is on its feet. Are you hearing this? 244 00:13:24,388 --> 00:13:27,850 This would be called "leaving your mark," little brother! 245 00:13:27,933 --> 00:13:30,644 [crowd chanting] Kleb! Kleb! Kleb! Kleb! 246 00:13:31,854 --> 00:13:33,188 -[music ends] -I'm DJ Kleb, 247 00:13:33,272 --> 00:13:36,316 and you've all been kleb-tastic! 248 00:13:36,400 --> 00:13:39,862 Thank you, Arcadia! Have a great summer! 249 00:13:39,945 --> 00:13:41,029 [cheering] 250 00:13:41,113 --> 00:13:44,700 DJ Kleb, thank you! Thank you! 251 00:13:45,909 --> 00:13:48,537 [Señor Uhl] Good job, whatever that was. 252 00:13:48,620 --> 00:13:51,039 Krel! You rocked, you rolled! 253 00:13:51,123 --> 00:13:52,583 Aja, I have a few notes. 254 00:13:53,500 --> 00:13:54,710 [chuckles] 255 00:13:55,836 --> 00:13:58,881 Um, hello. Can I have your attention? 256 00:14:00,591 --> 00:14:02,301 What's with the armor? 257 00:14:04,511 --> 00:14:06,847 [chuckles] I'm dating the drummer. 258 00:14:06,930 --> 00:14:10,767 Look, I've got something to say. Something about this town. 259 00:14:11,018 --> 00:14:13,937 [Claire] Listen to me. Something dangerous is coming. 260 00:14:14,021 --> 00:14:16,189 Strange things happen in our town. 261 00:14:16,273 --> 00:14:18,525 There's something alien amongst us, 262 00:14:18,609 --> 00:14:20,736 but we bury our heads in the sand and ignore it. 263 00:14:20,819 --> 00:14:22,195 Is she talking about us? 264 00:14:22,279 --> 00:14:27,284 Impossible. Steve pinkie swore. It is the most sacred of human vows. 265 00:14:27,367 --> 00:14:30,245 Tonight when night falls, you need to run! 266 00:14:30,329 --> 00:14:32,122 ♪ You need to run ♪ 267 00:14:32,205 --> 00:14:34,082 ♪ You need to run-- ♪ 268 00:14:34,166 --> 00:14:36,168 -This is not part of the show! -[rumbling] 269 00:14:42,591 --> 00:14:44,092 Officer Brennan, you seeing this? 270 00:14:47,512 --> 00:14:49,932 That's not summer weather, is it? 271 00:14:50,349 --> 00:14:52,351 This is getting creepy. 272 00:14:52,434 --> 00:14:56,146 If it's creepy, then it's time for some creep slayin'. 273 00:15:00,525 --> 00:15:02,402 Ooh! Jerry, skedaddle! 274 00:15:02,486 --> 00:15:03,320 [growling] 275 00:15:03,403 --> 00:15:05,322 -[boy] Look out! -[girl] Oh, my God! 276 00:15:05,405 --> 00:15:06,573 [roaring] 277 00:15:06,657 --> 00:15:10,619 -Do you think it's Morando? -Whatever it is, it's not Akiridion. 278 00:15:10,702 --> 00:15:12,788 Just when I thought we were done using these. 279 00:15:14,373 --> 00:15:15,707 Seklos and Gaylen! 280 00:15:15,791 --> 00:15:17,167 [grunts] 281 00:15:22,089 --> 00:15:23,548 [goblins] Waka! Chaka! 282 00:15:23,632 --> 00:15:24,508 [roaring] 283 00:15:25,300 --> 00:15:29,137 What on Earth-- and I say that literally-- are these things? 284 00:15:29,221 --> 00:15:31,473 Nastier than any Earthlings I've ever encountered, 285 00:15:31,556 --> 00:15:33,392 and I've been to Florida. Ugh! 286 00:15:33,475 --> 00:15:35,394 -[roaring] -[yells] 287 00:15:36,645 --> 00:15:37,479 [grunts] 288 00:15:39,648 --> 00:15:40,816 [Krel chuckles] 289 00:15:40,899 --> 00:15:42,192 Wait. [Stuart whimpers] 290 00:15:42,818 --> 00:15:43,819 [clanking] 291 00:15:49,533 --> 00:15:52,244 Hey, there. The name is Stuart, but you can call me Stu. 292 00:15:52,327 --> 00:15:54,663 Zadra! Thank Seklos you're here. 293 00:15:55,455 --> 00:15:56,331 [growls] 294 00:15:56,415 --> 00:15:58,625 [Troll] Excuse me! Coming through! 295 00:15:58,709 --> 00:15:59,876 [Troll laughing] 296 00:16:00,752 --> 00:16:04,297 This is not our fight. We must return to the Mothership at once. 297 00:16:04,381 --> 00:16:06,675 The citizens of Akiridion-5 need you. 298 00:16:06,758 --> 00:16:08,927 [screaming] 299 00:16:09,011 --> 00:16:10,178 [growling] 300 00:16:13,515 --> 00:16:15,726 So do the people of Arcadia. 301 00:16:15,851 --> 00:16:17,728 Yeah, um, what she said. 302 00:16:17,811 --> 00:16:19,187 [gasps] Incoming! 303 00:16:24,735 --> 00:16:26,445 [yelling] 304 00:16:31,950 --> 00:16:35,120 Is that Jim? He looks so much more blue. 305 00:16:35,203 --> 00:16:37,497 [both] Aha! Trollhunters! 306 00:16:38,165 --> 00:16:40,500 My lieges, it's a distress signal. 307 00:16:40,584 --> 00:16:41,835 -[Aja] From where? -Home. 308 00:16:41,918 --> 00:16:45,005 -We need to get back to the ship. -Mama, Papa! 309 00:16:46,089 --> 00:16:49,384 Aja! Krel! Load quicker! 310 00:16:49,468 --> 00:16:52,095 What is the purpose of a Find My Friend app 311 00:16:52,179 --> 00:16:53,388 if it cannot find-- 312 00:16:53,472 --> 00:16:54,890 [growling] 313 00:16:54,973 --> 00:16:59,061 If Varvatos Vex wasn't stuck in this wrinkled human flesh sack, 314 00:16:59,144 --> 00:17:02,647 it would give him great pleasure to rip you limb from limb. 315 00:17:02,731 --> 00:17:04,357 Now step aside! 316 00:17:04,441 --> 00:17:05,942 [growling] 317 00:17:06,443 --> 00:17:07,611 [laughing] 318 00:17:09,071 --> 00:17:10,363 [growls] 319 00:17:11,698 --> 00:17:12,741 Glorious. 320 00:17:12,824 --> 00:17:15,702 -[Gumm-Gumm howls] -[Vex laughing] 321 00:17:16,703 --> 00:17:18,288 -[growling] -[Stuart yelps] 322 00:17:21,041 --> 00:17:22,125 [yelling] 323 00:17:27,964 --> 00:17:30,509 -Yeah! -[chanting] Palchuk! Palchuk! Palchuk! 324 00:17:30,592 --> 00:17:33,512 -Palchuk! Palchuk! Palchuk! -[goblins] Waka! Chaka! 325 00:17:33,595 --> 00:17:36,014 Steve! I'll just be one secton. 326 00:17:36,098 --> 00:17:38,141 What is the hold-up? Argh! 327 00:17:38,225 --> 00:17:40,393 -Kleb! -[Stuart] You're pinching me! 328 00:17:40,477 --> 00:17:41,853 [Zadra] Okay, I'm coming. 329 00:17:41,937 --> 00:17:43,355 -Come at me! -[goblins] Waka! 330 00:17:43,897 --> 00:17:46,691 You want a piece of this, too? [grunts] 331 00:17:47,651 --> 00:17:49,069 Aja. There you are. 332 00:17:49,152 --> 00:17:51,780 [grunts] Did you like my song? 333 00:17:51,863 --> 00:17:56,409 It was lively. Are you okay? And what are you wearing? 334 00:17:56,493 --> 00:17:58,370 We all have our secrets, babe. [grunts] 335 00:17:58,453 --> 00:18:00,497 Me? I'm Arcadia's dark knight, 336 00:18:00,580 --> 00:18:03,917 protecting the city from what goes bump in the dark. Argh! [grunts] 337 00:18:04,000 --> 00:18:06,169 I am the Creepslayer. [chuckles] 338 00:18:06,253 --> 00:18:07,129 Ooh! 339 00:18:07,504 --> 00:18:12,008 -So am I! Creepslayerz! With a "z"! -[goblins growl] 340 00:18:12,092 --> 00:18:14,386 So is he. How are you? 341 00:18:14,469 --> 00:18:16,138 -Are you okay? -[Eli] Get him off me! 342 00:18:16,221 --> 00:18:17,472 Get him off! 343 00:18:17,556 --> 00:18:18,431 Please. 344 00:18:19,808 --> 00:18:22,144 -I'm a warrior princess. -[Eli grunts] No! 345 00:18:22,227 --> 00:18:25,522 Look, I'm leaving sooner than expected. 346 00:18:25,605 --> 00:18:27,482 I just wanted to say goodbye. 347 00:18:27,899 --> 00:18:31,403 Goodbye? Right now? During the end of the world? 348 00:18:31,486 --> 00:18:32,487 [growling] 349 00:18:37,742 --> 00:18:39,744 -Waka! Chaka! -Argh! 350 00:18:40,453 --> 00:18:41,788 [goblin] Argh! 351 00:18:43,081 --> 00:18:45,250 My lumbering oaf. 352 00:18:45,709 --> 00:18:48,753 My ninja-kicking angel. 353 00:18:48,837 --> 00:18:49,963 [Steve gasps] 354 00:19:01,141 --> 00:19:03,476 -Good job! -Ugh! 355 00:19:03,560 --> 00:19:04,895 Oh, come on! 356 00:19:09,316 --> 00:19:12,652 -No! Give me a break. -Don't they need to breathe? 357 00:19:15,155 --> 00:19:15,989 What-- where--? 358 00:19:16,072 --> 00:19:20,076 You're the best boyfriend in the universe. [sighs, laughs] 359 00:19:22,412 --> 00:19:23,246 [chuckles] 360 00:19:23,914 --> 00:19:25,707 -[whoops] -Come on, Aja. 361 00:19:25,790 --> 00:19:29,377 [laughs] 362 00:19:29,461 --> 00:19:31,379 -[Eli, Steve grunting] -Woo-hoo! 363 00:19:31,463 --> 00:19:32,714 [Stuart howling] 364 00:19:34,299 --> 00:19:36,384 Great Gaylen, you are good. 365 00:19:40,055 --> 00:19:42,140 -How much further? -Only a couple more blocks. 366 00:19:42,224 --> 00:19:43,225 Wha--? 367 00:19:44,726 --> 00:19:45,936 -Argh! -[Aja grunts] 368 00:19:46,728 --> 00:19:49,439 Wait. Don't rip pants. Don't rip pants! 369 00:19:50,232 --> 00:19:51,816 [grunting] Ooh! 370 00:19:51,900 --> 00:19:54,569 -[man] Get off of my lawn! -[Stuart] Sorry! 371 00:19:56,196 --> 00:19:57,072 [alarm blaring] 372 00:19:57,155 --> 00:19:59,449 Mother's defense shields have been breached! 373 00:20:00,617 --> 00:20:02,244 -Look out! -[Aja, Krel] No! 374 00:20:03,161 --> 00:20:04,829 -No! -Zadra! 375 00:20:04,913 --> 00:20:05,956 [whirring] 376 00:20:08,083 --> 00:20:09,042 [chuckling] 377 00:20:09,125 --> 00:20:11,753 -[Aja] Stuart, get Zadra out of here! -I've got you, Zadra. 378 00:20:11,962 --> 00:20:13,505 [Krel] You'll pay for that, Alpha. 379 00:20:13,588 --> 00:20:15,548 And for what you did to my brothers, 380 00:20:15,632 --> 00:20:18,343 you shall pay with your cores! 381 00:20:23,848 --> 00:20:26,434 Distract him, little brother. I'll try to flank him. 382 00:20:31,648 --> 00:20:32,524 [yells] 383 00:20:34,109 --> 00:20:36,027 I got this. I got this! 384 00:20:36,111 --> 00:20:39,614 I-- I don't got this. Any time now! 385 00:20:41,908 --> 00:20:42,909 I totally had him. 386 00:20:42,993 --> 00:20:44,494 -You're welcome. -Look out! 387 00:20:49,833 --> 00:20:52,502 So far, I am not having a great summer. 388 00:20:52,585 --> 00:20:53,503 [Krel screams] 389 00:20:57,299 --> 00:20:58,174 [Alpha growls] 390 00:21:04,514 --> 00:21:06,016 [Aja] Argh! 391 00:21:06,099 --> 00:21:10,145 You are as arrogant as you are foolish, just like your parents. 392 00:21:10,603 --> 00:21:11,438 [Alpha grunting] 393 00:21:12,981 --> 00:21:14,107 [chuckling] 394 00:21:14,190 --> 00:21:15,317 Don't kill her! 395 00:21:16,568 --> 00:21:18,528 I wasn't sent here to kill her. 396 00:21:18,611 --> 00:21:21,865 I'm just here to buy time, Princess. 397 00:21:21,948 --> 00:21:23,283 [alarm blaring] 398 00:21:23,366 --> 00:21:24,200 Oh, no! 399 00:21:24,701 --> 00:21:27,495 [Mother] Intruder. Vacate premises immediately, 400 00:21:27,579 --> 00:21:29,998 before defense protocols are weaponized. 401 00:21:30,081 --> 00:21:32,584 -[beeping] -Intruder. Intruder. 402 00:21:32,667 --> 00:21:34,669 Vacate premises immediately, 403 00:21:34,753 --> 00:21:37,255 before defense protocols-- protocols-- protocols-- 404 00:21:37,339 --> 00:21:39,341 [screaming] 405 00:21:39,424 --> 00:21:42,552 Secur-- secur-- secur-- security override complete. 406 00:21:42,635 --> 00:21:44,721 -Initiating launch sequence. -[Luug yelps] 407 00:21:46,306 --> 00:21:48,099 -[Luug barks] -[Krel gasps] 408 00:21:50,060 --> 00:21:51,144 Mama, Papa! 409 00:21:54,898 --> 00:21:56,232 [barking] 410 00:21:56,316 --> 00:21:57,484 No, no, no! 411 00:21:57,692 --> 00:21:59,110 [screams] No! 412 00:22:02,322 --> 00:22:03,573 [humming] 413 00:22:09,037 --> 00:22:10,413 Oh, Mother! 414 00:22:10,955 --> 00:22:12,374 [rumbling] 415 00:22:14,334 --> 00:22:17,337 [theme music playing]