1 00:00:03,670 --> 00:00:06,340 ♪ Ooh, ooh, alright, alright ♪ 2 00:00:06,340 --> 00:00:09,176 ♪ Come on, come on, everybody wake up ♪ 3 00:00:09,176 --> 00:00:12,095 ♪ Ooh, ooh, alright, alright... ♪ 4 00:00:12,095 --> 00:00:15,474 JULES: I finally go for a job and get professionally ghosted. 5 00:00:16,558 --> 00:00:18,560 Ring, asshole! 6 00:00:19,269 --> 00:00:20,687 Ring for me with this new job! 7 00:00:20,687 --> 00:00:22,814 ♪ Alright, alright... ♪ 8 00:00:22,814 --> 00:00:24,191 CAT LADY: Ring‐a‐ling! 9 00:00:24,858 --> 00:00:26,777 Sorry, had to. 10 00:00:26,777 --> 00:00:29,905 ‐ Well, I'm thrilled my emotional turmoil is funny to you. 11 00:00:29,905 --> 00:00:31,865 I finally decided to follow my dumb dreams. 12 00:00:31,865 --> 00:00:33,659 The least you could do is be supportive. 13 00:00:33,659 --> 00:00:35,160 ‐ I am! 14 00:00:35,160 --> 00:00:38,330 That's why I'm here to pick up the ladies. 15 00:00:38,330 --> 00:00:40,499 Their time with you has come to an end. 16 00:00:40,499 --> 00:00:42,918 The who what now? [whistling] 17 00:00:42,918 --> 00:00:45,921 ♪ 18 00:00:54,221 --> 00:00:55,639 ‐ Good to see you, Madam Secretary. 19 00:00:56,890 --> 00:00:58,475 ‐ Madame Secretary? 20 00:00:58,475 --> 00:01:01,770 ‐ Secretary of Defense Mechanisms. 21 00:01:01,770 --> 00:01:03,689 This team here has been providing you 22 00:01:03,689 --> 00:01:06,942 with round‐the‐clock emotional protection. 23 00:01:06,942 --> 00:01:08,735 ‐ They've been protecting me this whole time? 24 00:01:08,735 --> 00:01:10,070 How do I not know about that? 25 00:01:10,070 --> 00:01:12,906 ‐ That's why they call us the, uh, Secret Service, ma'am. 26 00:01:12,906 --> 00:01:14,783 We've been working 24/7 27 00:01:14,783 --> 00:01:16,618 to keep your expectations low, 28 00:01:16,618 --> 00:01:19,037 guard your heart, deflect with humor, 29 00:01:19,037 --> 00:01:21,582 and absolutely never let any hope get too high 30 00:01:21,582 --> 00:01:23,876 in a way that will result in harm to you. 31 00:01:23,876 --> 00:01:26,879 ‐ Well, that all sounds extremely useful. You're leaving? 32 00:01:26,879 --> 00:01:28,964 CAT LADY: Well, you don't need them anymore! 33 00:01:28,964 --> 00:01:32,718 You are now one of those people who puts themselves out there, 34 00:01:32,718 --> 00:01:36,221 takes risks, goes for things. ‐ I guess... 35 00:01:36,221 --> 00:01:37,890 ‐ Let's roll, ladies! 36 00:01:37,890 --> 00:01:39,433 ‐ Wait, if you all go, 37 00:01:39,433 --> 00:01:41,935 then I'm on my own! I won't make it! 38 00:01:43,520 --> 00:01:45,522 ‐ Be careful out there. 39 00:01:45,522 --> 00:01:47,357 ♪ 40 00:01:47,357 --> 00:01:48,901 [door shuts] 41 00:01:48,901 --> 00:01:51,904 ♪ theme song ♪ 42 00:01:55,532 --> 00:01:58,535 ♪ club music ♪ 43 00:01:59,578 --> 00:02:02,915 ‐ Okay. Grand opening checklist. Booze and barware. 44 00:02:02,915 --> 00:02:04,374 ‐ Check and check. ‐ Band? 45 00:02:04,374 --> 00:02:05,792 ‐ Uh, still working on that. 46 00:02:05,792 --> 00:02:07,461 ‐ Bartenders and bouncers? ‐ Both hired. 47 00:02:08,086 --> 00:02:09,546 ‐ Okay, what about stuff with me and you? 48 00:02:09,546 --> 00:02:11,006 ‐ Haven't gotten there on the list yet. 49 00:02:11,006 --> 00:02:12,925 It's alphabetical, so I'm still on B. 50 00:02:12,925 --> 00:02:14,176 [sighs] 51 00:02:14,176 --> 00:02:15,469 ‐ Listen. 52 00:02:15,469 --> 00:02:17,721 I need to know where we stand. Where you stand. 53 00:02:18,472 --> 00:02:20,766 ‐ I know. I just... 54 00:02:20,766 --> 00:02:23,185 can't think straight right now, okay? I mean, can we just 55 00:02:23,185 --> 00:02:26,063 get through the opening and then deal with us, please? 56 00:02:26,063 --> 00:02:28,690 ‐ Fine. I need to go get more toilet paper anyway. 57 00:02:28,690 --> 00:02:29,942 You know, for what it's worth, 58 00:02:29,942 --> 00:02:32,402 three ladies rooms was not the best idea. 59 00:02:32,402 --> 00:02:33,654 [nervous laugh] 60 00:02:34,821 --> 00:02:36,323 [sighs] 61 00:02:36,782 --> 00:02:39,826 ‐ Holy shit! This is incredible. 62 00:02:39,826 --> 00:02:42,454 ‐ I think I found a way to get us to Greece on our birthdays. 63 00:02:42,454 --> 00:02:44,706 ‐ Our birthdays are this weekend. 64 00:02:44,706 --> 00:02:47,084 You said there were no flights, so I said let's move on. 65 00:02:47,084 --> 00:02:49,211 ‐ And I smiled, but didn't listen. 66 00:02:49,211 --> 00:02:51,588 I reached out to an old contact from my PR days. 67 00:02:51,588 --> 00:02:53,841 She's a travel guru. She'll get us there. 68 00:02:53,841 --> 00:02:57,427 ‐ Women, get over here and get excited about this bar for women! 69 00:02:57,886 --> 00:03:01,181 ‐ Holy shit. ‐ This is gorgeous! 70 00:03:01,181 --> 00:03:03,392 JULES: I am freaking out for you! [laughs] 71 00:03:03,392 --> 00:03:04,685 ‐ Welcome to the Gi Spot. 72 00:03:04,685 --> 00:03:07,437 Hard to find, but once you do, it's a real good time. 73 00:03:07,437 --> 00:03:10,524 ‐ Are those tiny bowls of free hair ties? 74 00:03:10,524 --> 00:03:12,317 This place is the promised land. 75 00:03:12,317 --> 00:03:14,236 ‐ I hope other people like it as much as you guys do 76 00:03:14,236 --> 00:03:17,364 because I am so nervous right now. Like, how do people do this? 77 00:03:17,364 --> 00:03:20,534 ‐ Well, maybe I can help with that. Look, I feel horrible for fucking up 78 00:03:20,534 --> 00:03:22,244 your whole musical guest situation. 79 00:03:22,244 --> 00:03:25,330 So, to make it up to you, I talked to someone at the LA Reporter, 80 00:03:25,330 --> 00:03:28,292 and she's gonna interview you guys and cover the opening for their hot list. 81 00:03:28,292 --> 00:03:30,085 ‐ Oh my god, are you serious? [squeals] 82 00:03:30,085 --> 00:03:32,045 ‐ Oh my god. Oh my god. 83 00:03:32,045 --> 00:03:35,132 Delphine replied to the follow‐up email Madison insisted I write! 84 00:03:35,132 --> 00:03:37,301 ‐ I told you being proactive works! 85 00:03:37,301 --> 00:03:38,635 Wait, did it work? 86 00:03:38,635 --> 00:03:41,805 ‐ I'm seeing "thrilled" and "jump on a call to talk about start dates." 87 00:03:41,805 --> 00:03:43,557 I can't believe this! [excited squeal] 88 00:03:43,557 --> 00:03:45,225 ‐ This was for the opening, but what the hell? 89 00:03:45,225 --> 00:03:46,518 This is a big deal. ‐ Yes! 90 00:03:46,518 --> 00:03:48,312 [pop] ‐ Woo! [laughs] 91 00:03:49,021 --> 00:03:52,399 ‐ Jules, how do you feel? ‐ Good! Like, really, really good! 92 00:03:53,108 --> 00:03:55,652 Wait, what if I ask Fender and the band he's touring with 93 00:03:55,652 --> 00:03:57,154 to be your music act for the opening? 94 00:03:57,154 --> 00:03:59,364 ‐ I mean, yeah, that would be amazing. 95 00:03:59,364 --> 00:04:00,741 Do you think he'd do it? 96 00:04:00,741 --> 00:04:02,618 ‐ I think he would if he was my boyfriend. 97 00:04:02,618 --> 00:04:04,578 ‐ Uh, cheers to that. 98 00:04:04,578 --> 00:04:06,747 ‐ Wait, did you say fucking boyfriend? 99 00:04:06,747 --> 00:04:08,707 ‐ I think I did. I don't know. 100 00:04:08,707 --> 00:04:12,294 I think I've been beating around the Australian bush for too long. 101 00:04:12,294 --> 00:04:13,545 He's great, and‐and‐and... 102 00:04:13,545 --> 00:04:16,715 I actually wanna go for it. ‐ Look at you, going for stuff. 103 00:04:16,715 --> 00:04:19,009 ‐ That's what she does these days. ‐ I'm gonna text him. 104 00:04:19,009 --> 00:04:21,762 ‐ I wanna win Liam back! ‐ Okay, we need more champagne. 105 00:04:21,762 --> 00:04:24,139 ‐ The other day, I was watching the auto‐generated montage 106 00:04:24,139 --> 00:04:27,017 of all the pictures of us on my phone, and it just hit me. 107 00:04:27,017 --> 00:04:28,018 I want him back. 108 00:04:28,018 --> 00:04:29,728 ‐ What do I keep saying about pro‐activity? 109 00:04:29,728 --> 00:04:31,522 You need to reach out to him and tell him how you feel. 110 00:04:31,522 --> 00:04:33,482 ‐ With all due respect, that idea stinks. 111 00:04:33,482 --> 00:04:36,485 I need to do something big and dramatic. 112 00:04:36,485 --> 00:04:39,196 ‐ Oh fuck. Speaking of big and dramatic, 113 00:04:39,196 --> 00:04:42,032 I just realized if I quit, 114 00:04:42,032 --> 00:04:43,659 I have to tell Celeste. 115 00:04:43,659 --> 00:04:45,160 ♪ We'll be okay... ♪ 116 00:04:45,160 --> 00:04:49,289 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 117 00:04:53,335 --> 00:04:55,337 ‐ You said you wanted to talk, so... 118 00:04:56,129 --> 00:04:58,799 do you want to... talk? 119 00:04:58,799 --> 00:05:01,301 ‐ Yes. Um... 120 00:05:01,301 --> 00:05:03,387 I do. [clears throat] 121 00:05:03,387 --> 00:05:05,389 I just wanted to say... 122 00:05:06,765 --> 00:05:08,851 Thank you so much for everything‐‐ 123 00:05:08,851 --> 00:05:10,519 ‐ You're quitting? ‐ Um, 124 00:05:10,519 --> 00:05:12,312 I kinda had a whole speech planned out. 125 00:05:12,312 --> 00:05:14,314 ‐ Okay, do your speech. ‐ It's been... 126 00:05:14,314 --> 00:05:15,816 amazing working for you, Celeste‐‐ 127 00:05:15,816 --> 00:05:18,193 ‐ So much for my legacy, I guess. ‐ Okay, I'm just gonna skip 128 00:05:18,193 --> 00:05:19,945 to the main part you actually need to hear. 129 00:05:19,945 --> 00:05:20,946 ‐ Ah. 130 00:05:20,946 --> 00:05:23,073 ‐ You pushing me to take this promotion 131 00:05:23,073 --> 00:05:24,908 and to really care? 132 00:05:24,908 --> 00:05:27,452 It's what ended up helping me find something else 133 00:05:27,452 --> 00:05:29,413 I care about a lot. 134 00:05:29,413 --> 00:05:31,164 So, even though it's not your company, 135 00:05:31,164 --> 00:05:34,042 that will always have started with you. 136 00:05:34,042 --> 00:05:35,043 ‐ Okay. 137 00:05:35,043 --> 00:05:36,461 And as long as you're not leaving 138 00:05:36,461 --> 00:05:40,174 to start yet another fucking women's lifestyle brand, 139 00:05:40,174 --> 00:05:41,925 which you're not, are you? ‐ No. 140 00:05:41,925 --> 00:05:44,303 ‐ Then, I am genuinely happy for you. 141 00:05:44,761 --> 00:05:46,180 ‐ Honestly, you seem happy. 142 00:05:46,180 --> 00:05:48,265 It's almost scarier than what I was expecting. 143 00:05:48,265 --> 00:05:50,184 ‐ Well, my divorce got finalized today, 144 00:05:50,184 --> 00:05:52,728 so I guess I'm just having a moment. 145 00:05:52,728 --> 00:05:54,688 ‐ Wow, congratulations. 146 00:05:54,688 --> 00:05:55,939 ‐ I'm ready for some silence. 147 00:05:55,939 --> 00:05:59,276 I've just been screaming for the past year or so. 148 00:05:59,276 --> 00:06:01,987 I'm headed out tomorrow to a silent meditation retreat. 149 00:06:01,987 --> 00:06:03,780 No phones, no talking. 150 00:06:03,780 --> 00:06:05,407 Just the Maldives. 151 00:06:05,407 --> 00:06:07,868 And you can sneak in wine if you pay the right people. 152 00:06:07,868 --> 00:06:09,620 ‐ Well, um... 153 00:06:10,746 --> 00:06:13,457 Thanks again for everything. ‐ Okay. 154 00:06:18,545 --> 00:06:20,714 Did you... want a hug? 155 00:06:20,714 --> 00:06:23,258 ‐ Not really. ‐ Great, thank you for that. 156 00:06:23,258 --> 00:06:24,468 ♪ 157 00:06:24,468 --> 00:06:27,095 FENDER [on phone]: G'day, Jules, it's the guy you call Fender. 158 00:06:27,095 --> 00:06:29,014 Congrats on the new job. And I'm in for the opening. 159 00:06:29,014 --> 00:06:30,766 So, uh, can't wait to see you. [phone buzzing] 160 00:06:30,766 --> 00:06:33,060 ‐ Ooh. [clears throat] 161 00:06:34,269 --> 00:06:35,562 [answers phone] 162 00:06:35,562 --> 00:06:38,065 Delphine, hi! I'm so excited. 163 00:06:41,735 --> 00:06:42,986 What? 164 00:06:45,405 --> 00:06:46,907 Okay, so what does that mean? 165 00:06:49,868 --> 00:06:51,453 The budget? 166 00:06:51,453 --> 00:06:54,248 ♪ 167 00:06:54,248 --> 00:06:57,042 So, like a few months or... 168 00:07:00,045 --> 00:07:02,047 Wow, longer than. Okay. 169 00:07:05,592 --> 00:07:07,594 Yeah, I'm sorry, too. 170 00:07:10,138 --> 00:07:11,431 Yeah, thanks. 171 00:07:12,140 --> 00:07:14,643 ♪ Ooh... ♪ 172 00:07:14,643 --> 00:07:15,644 [hangs up] 173 00:07:18,730 --> 00:07:20,732 [birds chirping] [knocking on door] 174 00:07:21,400 --> 00:07:23,986 [door opens] ‐ Morning, superstar! 175 00:07:23,986 --> 00:07:26,864 I got you a congratulatory latte from that place with the long fucking line. 176 00:07:26,864 --> 00:07:28,615 ‐ [sighs] The job fell through. 177 00:07:28,615 --> 00:07:31,201 Something about budget and the higher‐ups 178 00:07:31,201 --> 00:07:33,996 in the department questioning if I have the right experience. 179 00:07:33,996 --> 00:07:36,206 I found out last night after I quit. 180 00:07:36,665 --> 00:07:39,751 ‐ Oh my god, Jules. I am so sorry. 181 00:07:40,544 --> 00:07:41,545 [sighs] 182 00:07:42,963 --> 00:07:44,006 Did you sleep in that? 183 00:07:44,798 --> 00:07:47,259 ‐ I didn't sleep. ‐ We can fix this. 184 00:07:47,259 --> 00:07:49,595 First, we create counterpoints. 185 00:07:49,595 --> 00:07:52,806 Then, we reach out to other modern art museums in LA. 186 00:07:52,806 --> 00:07:54,808 CAMLA is just one of the many options‐‐ ‐ Madison. 187 00:07:54,808 --> 00:07:57,269 Madison, stop. Okay? 188 00:07:57,269 --> 00:07:59,313 There's nothing we can do about this. 189 00:07:59,313 --> 00:08:01,273 ‐ So what, you just want to sit here and feel miserable? 190 00:08:01,273 --> 00:08:03,108 ‐ Well, that's better than trying to control things 191 00:08:03,108 --> 00:08:05,194 and making myself miserable that way. Yeah. 192 00:08:05,944 --> 00:08:06,945 ‐ And that's what I do? 193 00:08:06,945 --> 00:08:10,199 ‐ If I didn't push the museum to give me an answer, 194 00:08:10,199 --> 00:08:12,242 I would still have my old job right now. 195 00:08:12,242 --> 00:08:15,078 ‐ A job that you don't even want. That you never wanted. 196 00:08:16,163 --> 00:08:17,164 Wow. 197 00:08:17,164 --> 00:08:19,541 Okay, well, I'm not gonna sit here and feel like this is my fault. 198 00:08:19,541 --> 00:08:21,585 I have to get to my travel guru meeting. 199 00:08:22,211 --> 00:08:23,337 ‐ I didn't mean it was... 200 00:08:24,546 --> 00:08:26,507 [door slams] [screams] 201 00:08:27,424 --> 00:08:29,468 Q: I don't subscribe to the pun aesthetic, 202 00:08:29,468 --> 00:08:31,803 but I‐I do appreciate your sign. 203 00:08:31,803 --> 00:08:33,805 ‐ I appreciate your chef selection. 204 00:08:33,805 --> 00:08:36,016 ♪ 205 00:08:36,016 --> 00:08:37,684 ‐ We're texting already. [sighs] 206 00:08:38,644 --> 00:08:40,354 ‐ Jules still isn't here yet? Q: No. 207 00:08:40,354 --> 00:08:42,147 No, she's bailing on her own goodbye lunch, 208 00:08:42,147 --> 00:08:44,191 which is honestly a very me move. 209 00:08:44,191 --> 00:08:46,568 ‐ Okay, so I'm planning a grand gesture 210 00:08:46,568 --> 00:08:49,780 to try and win Liam back. Here's the choices. Ready? 211 00:08:49,780 --> 00:08:51,573 "A," float the idea of a threesome. 212 00:08:51,573 --> 00:08:53,575 "B," make him his favorite dessert. 213 00:08:53,575 --> 00:08:56,453 Or "C," send him a Cameo by Kelly Clarkson. 214 00:08:56,453 --> 00:08:58,622 ‐ Mm, this is so hard 215 00:08:58,622 --> 00:09:00,207 because they're all equally so bad. 216 00:09:00,207 --> 00:09:01,667 ‐ I don't hate the Clarkson one. 217 00:09:01,667 --> 00:09:03,168 ‐ Okay. CELESTE: Alright. 218 00:09:03,168 --> 00:09:06,129 Well, the time has come. I'm off. 219 00:09:06,129 --> 00:09:08,257 Ready for the world to shut the fuck up. 220 00:09:08,841 --> 00:09:09,883 What's the occasion? 221 00:09:09,883 --> 00:09:11,677 ‐ Oh, Jules' goodbye lunch. 222 00:09:11,677 --> 00:09:14,680 ‐ Well, there'll be some big shoes to fill around here. 223 00:09:17,432 --> 00:09:18,934 I'm not paying for that! 224 00:09:20,602 --> 00:09:22,354 SKY: So, are you gonna go out for the job? 225 00:09:22,354 --> 00:09:23,856 Campaign to be the next right hand? 226 00:09:23,856 --> 00:09:26,066 ‐ Celeste is gonna pick who Celeste wants, 227 00:09:26,066 --> 00:09:28,193 and I have to stop trying to force her 228 00:09:28,193 --> 00:09:29,736 to notice me the way that I want her to. 229 00:09:29,736 --> 00:09:32,155 Plus, I need to focus all my energy 230 00:09:32,155 --> 00:09:35,492 on the one person who's noticed me all along. Liam. 231 00:09:35,492 --> 00:09:36,869 ♪ 232 00:09:36,869 --> 00:09:38,912 Oh my god. I... 233 00:09:38,912 --> 00:09:40,539 I still have his key. 234 00:09:40,539 --> 00:09:42,624 What do you think his building's policy is 235 00:09:42,624 --> 00:09:44,293 on releasing doves inside? 236 00:09:45,460 --> 00:09:47,254 [approaching footsteps] 237 00:09:48,130 --> 00:09:49,381 ‐ Did Celeste leave yet? 238 00:09:49,381 --> 00:09:51,258 I have to tell her that I un‐quit. 239 00:09:51,258 --> 00:09:52,843 ‐ That's like trying to unhookup with someone. 240 00:09:52,843 --> 00:09:54,678 It can't really be done. I've tried it. 241 00:09:54,678 --> 00:09:56,930 ‐ She's gone, Jules. Turned her phone off, too. 242 00:09:56,930 --> 00:09:59,641 ‐ Gone? She can't be gone! 243 00:09:59,641 --> 00:10:02,811 God, what am I thinking? I can't be a go‐getter. I have to... 244 00:10:02,811 --> 00:10:04,354 to go get her! 245 00:10:04,354 --> 00:10:06,648 ‐ Run, you flaky bitch! 246 00:10:06,648 --> 00:10:09,651 ♪ 247 00:10:09,651 --> 00:10:11,695 ‐ Eleanor, you look exactly the same. 248 00:10:11,695 --> 00:10:13,655 You have not changed at all. 249 00:10:13,655 --> 00:10:15,616 ‐ Well, I bought some new earrings. 250 00:10:15,616 --> 00:10:18,118 That's pretty much it. They're jade. 251 00:10:18,118 --> 00:10:19,786 ‐ They're beautiful. 252 00:10:19,786 --> 00:10:21,747 ‐ So, what's up? [Madison laughs] 253 00:10:21,747 --> 00:10:23,373 ‐ I'm really hoping you can help me. 254 00:10:23,373 --> 00:10:26,668 I am desperate to get to Greece with my best friend for our 30th birthdays. 255 00:10:26,668 --> 00:10:29,171 ‐ Oh, Greece is magical. 256 00:10:29,171 --> 00:10:32,758 I had a one‐night stand there that lasted two years. 257 00:10:32,758 --> 00:10:34,968 Her name was Soledad. 258 00:10:34,968 --> 00:10:37,471 ‐ Wow. [nervous laugh] Uh... 259 00:10:37,471 --> 00:10:39,181 Yeah, so all the flights are sold out, 260 00:10:39,181 --> 00:10:41,850 but I knew you always had ways of getting people places. 261 00:10:41,850 --> 00:10:43,685 You know, like little inside track, 262 00:10:43,685 --> 00:10:46,980 little back‐door emergency‐type situations. 263 00:10:46,980 --> 00:10:50,317 ‐ I can't do Greece. How about Moscow? Guy chartered a plane 264 00:10:50,317 --> 00:10:53,028 for his two Komodo dragons. 265 00:10:53,737 --> 00:10:56,823 They'll be in cages! At least, I think so. 266 00:10:56,823 --> 00:10:59,159 ‐ It has to be Greece. It has to be. 267 00:10:59,159 --> 00:11:01,161 ‐ No, it doesn't. You can go anywhere you want. 268 00:11:01,161 --> 00:11:02,871 ‐ No, I can't. 269 00:11:02,871 --> 00:11:05,374 ‐ Now, I remember you. 270 00:11:05,999 --> 00:11:08,335 You're the one who hasn't changed. 271 00:11:08,335 --> 00:11:12,381 You need to let go of your itinerary, 272 00:11:12,381 --> 00:11:14,591 go somewhere else. 273 00:11:14,591 --> 00:11:16,260 ‐ I don't understand. 274 00:11:16,260 --> 00:11:18,387 I mean, you have to make things happen. 275 00:11:18,387 --> 00:11:20,889 You have to have a plan or else you're never gonna get anywhere. 276 00:11:20,889 --> 00:11:24,434 ‐ We all wind up going to the same place at the end anyway. 277 00:11:24,434 --> 00:11:25,686 ‐ Dead? 278 00:11:25,686 --> 00:11:27,187 ‐ Florida! 279 00:11:29,273 --> 00:11:32,276 ♪ 280 00:11:32,276 --> 00:11:33,569 LIV: My dad was an immigrant. 281 00:11:33,569 --> 00:11:35,028 He owned a bunch of liquor stores, 282 00:11:35,028 --> 00:11:37,155 and then from there, he ended up 283 00:11:37,155 --> 00:11:39,783 opening the bar. ‐ Wow. So, were you two close? 284 00:11:39,783 --> 00:11:42,619 ‐ [scoffs] No. He was a bit of a dick. 285 00:11:42,619 --> 00:11:45,414 Uh, maybe don't write "dick" though. My mom will give me shit. 286 00:11:45,414 --> 00:11:48,542 Fuck. Can you not write "shit" either? [laughs] 287 00:11:48,542 --> 00:11:51,044 ‐ What about you, Stella? Did you come up through hospitality? 288 00:11:51,044 --> 00:11:53,130 ‐ Uh, no, actually. 289 00:11:53,130 --> 00:11:55,257 I was in corporate finance before this, so... 290 00:11:55,257 --> 00:11:59,052 ‐ How long did you do that? ‐ Twoish... days? I mean, you know, three, 291 00:11:59,052 --> 00:12:01,722 if you count the one where you fill out all the paperwork. [laughs] 292 00:12:01,722 --> 00:12:03,390 I just decided it wasn't the right fit. 293 00:12:03,390 --> 00:12:05,684 You know, which is something I thought I wanted when I was at Wharton. 294 00:12:05,684 --> 00:12:07,686 ‐ Uh, what year did you graduate there? 295 00:12:07,686 --> 00:12:11,023 ‐ Well, you know, I technically still have a year left. 296 00:12:11,982 --> 00:12:14,443 But, um... [clears throat] just trying to figure out 297 00:12:14,443 --> 00:12:16,570 if I'm gonna finish it yet, so... 298 00:12:17,154 --> 00:12:18,780 ‐ I see. 299 00:12:18,780 --> 00:12:20,282 And before business school? 300 00:12:20,282 --> 00:12:23,702 ‐ Uh, little bit of a lot. 301 00:12:23,702 --> 00:12:26,121 Yeah. You know, I was kind of hopping, 302 00:12:26,121 --> 00:12:29,499 um, hopping from one thing to another for a while. [laughs] 303 00:12:29,499 --> 00:12:31,084 Not that I do that, but... 304 00:12:31,084 --> 00:12:32,503 ‐ Well, now that you've landed here, 305 00:12:32,503 --> 00:12:33,837 do you think this new venture 306 00:12:33,837 --> 00:12:35,172 will be the thing you stick with? 307 00:12:35,172 --> 00:12:37,382 ‐ Oh yeah. No, definitely. 308 00:12:38,008 --> 00:12:39,384 Yes. 309 00:12:39,384 --> 00:12:41,011 Definitely, I mean... 310 00:12:41,637 --> 00:12:43,639 We're in it. [laughs] 311 00:12:43,639 --> 00:12:45,432 ♪ 312 00:12:48,310 --> 00:12:51,313 ♪ 313 00:12:51,939 --> 00:12:53,524 [door shuts] IZZY: Okay. 314 00:12:54,775 --> 00:12:57,694 [murmuring] This is gonna be so romantic... 315 00:13:01,657 --> 00:13:04,159 No one can resist. 316 00:13:04,159 --> 00:13:06,703 [rummaging] [sexy purr] 317 00:13:07,287 --> 00:13:08,747 Yes, I do love you, too. Okay. 318 00:13:09,957 --> 00:13:11,542 LIAM: I'm sorry, but no. 319 00:13:11,542 --> 00:13:13,752 I refuse to watch Real Housewives with you. 320 00:13:13,752 --> 00:13:15,087 GIRL: God, you are so stubborn! 321 00:13:15,087 --> 00:13:17,798 ‐ He's with a girl? [gasps] 322 00:13:17,798 --> 00:13:20,259 LIAM: God, hold on, hold on. Something's going on. 323 00:13:20,259 --> 00:13:22,845 ‐ No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no... 324 00:13:22,845 --> 00:13:25,472 Oh... Oh! [glass clinking] 325 00:13:25,472 --> 00:13:27,599 [clinking] Ow... 326 00:13:27,599 --> 00:13:28,600 [door unlocks] 327 00:13:32,396 --> 00:13:33,772 ‐ Uh, Kelly, I gotta call you back. 328 00:13:34,690 --> 00:13:36,942 ‐ Oh my god, your cousin Kelly. ‐ Whoa... 329 00:13:38,443 --> 00:13:40,279 Tell her I said hi. 330 00:13:40,279 --> 00:13:41,947 [plane taking off] 331 00:13:41,947 --> 00:13:43,365 ♪ 332 00:13:43,365 --> 00:13:44,908 ‐ Celeste? Celeste! 333 00:13:45,367 --> 00:13:47,202 GATE ATTENDANT [on PA]: Flight PF210 to Singapore 334 00:13:47,202 --> 00:13:48,954 continuing to the Maldives is now boarding. 335 00:13:48,954 --> 00:13:50,122 ‐ Celeste, wait! 336 00:13:50,122 --> 00:13:53,083 [airport chatter] 337 00:13:53,083 --> 00:13:55,335 ♪ 338 00:14:00,924 --> 00:14:02,634 What‐what are you doing here? 339 00:14:02,634 --> 00:14:05,345 ‐ You've made so much progress. Don't do this. 340 00:14:05,345 --> 00:14:08,056 Don't un‐quit. ‐ I have to. 341 00:14:08,056 --> 00:14:10,976 This isn't some stupid vision board, okay? This is my life. 342 00:14:10,976 --> 00:14:13,604 ‐ Exactly. This is your life. 343 00:14:13,604 --> 00:14:16,481 So, don't panic and settle. Don't move backwards. 344 00:14:16,481 --> 00:14:19,484 ‐ [sighs] I don't know if I can live like this. I'm not Madison. 345 00:14:19,484 --> 00:14:22,446 ‐ You don't have to be Madison, but you can't be me either. 346 00:14:22,446 --> 00:14:25,574 I'm the old you. You have to keep moving forward. 347 00:14:25,574 --> 00:14:27,576 You have to let me go, please. 348 00:14:27,576 --> 00:14:30,579 ♪ 349 00:14:31,205 --> 00:14:34,208 ♪ vocalizing ♪ 350 00:14:44,801 --> 00:14:47,804 ♪ 351 00:14:47,804 --> 00:14:50,807 ♪ vocalizing ♪ 352 00:14:55,229 --> 00:14:57,189 ♪ Your hands, my hands ♪ 353 00:14:57,189 --> 00:15:00,317 ♪ They get us into trouble ♪ 354 00:15:00,317 --> 00:15:02,945 ♪ What we doing? You should be... ♪ 355 00:15:02,945 --> 00:15:05,739 ‐ I'm so damn proud of her. 356 00:15:05,739 --> 00:15:09,576 ♪ But it's hard to keep something so bright in the dark... ♪ 357 00:15:12,287 --> 00:15:13,705 IZZY: Um... 358 00:15:14,122 --> 00:15:16,625 So, I'm sorry about the whole 359 00:15:16,625 --> 00:15:19,336 banana‐cream‐breaking‐and‐entering thing. 360 00:15:20,254 --> 00:15:21,255 [sighs] 361 00:15:22,881 --> 00:15:24,800 What's wrong? ‐ You have a little... 362 00:15:24,800 --> 00:15:25,801 ‐ Oh... 363 00:15:26,927 --> 00:15:28,470 I should probably go. 364 00:15:29,346 --> 00:15:30,556 ‐ Izzy, wait. 365 00:15:31,890 --> 00:15:34,184 You obviously came here for a reason. 366 00:15:34,977 --> 00:15:36,478 I want to know what that is. 367 00:15:36,478 --> 00:15:39,481 ♪ 368 00:15:40,065 --> 00:15:41,066 ‐ Um... 369 00:15:42,276 --> 00:15:45,279 I'm sorry that I pushed you away. 370 00:15:45,279 --> 00:15:47,865 It was just so hard for me to believe that you loved me 371 00:15:47,865 --> 00:15:50,367 when I didn't even love me. 372 00:15:50,367 --> 00:15:54,162 But, I'm trying really hard not to be my own worst enemy anymore, 373 00:15:54,162 --> 00:15:56,540 and I would like another chance with you. 374 00:15:58,500 --> 00:16:00,794 And trust me, I know that... 375 00:16:00,794 --> 00:16:02,212 I'm a lot, 376 00:16:02,212 --> 00:16:05,215 but I also finally know that I'm enough. 377 00:16:08,594 --> 00:16:10,512 Do I still have frosting on my face? 378 00:16:11,221 --> 00:16:12,264 ‐ No. 379 00:16:13,056 --> 00:16:14,308 ‐ That's awesome. 380 00:16:15,851 --> 00:16:17,352 [laughs] 381 00:16:26,278 --> 00:16:28,822 ‐ Oh. Yeah, you still got something in your hair. 382 00:16:28,822 --> 00:16:29,907 [laughs] 383 00:16:31,325 --> 00:16:32,326 [sighs] 384 00:16:32,993 --> 00:16:33,994 [notification chime] 385 00:16:38,248 --> 00:16:39,249 [sighs] 386 00:16:42,336 --> 00:16:45,339 ♪ rock music ♪ 387 00:16:48,509 --> 00:16:50,761 ‐ [groans] Fuck you, vision board. 388 00:16:57,559 --> 00:16:59,353 ♪ We know what we want ♪ 389 00:16:59,353 --> 00:17:01,188 ♪ We know where we are ♪ 390 00:17:01,188 --> 00:17:03,690 ♪ We know what we wanna do ♪ 391 00:17:04,900 --> 00:17:06,693 ♪ We know what we need ♪ 392 00:17:06,693 --> 00:17:08,570 ♪ We know where we're from ♪ 393 00:17:08,570 --> 00:17:10,697 ♪ We know where we gonna go ♪ 394 00:17:11,823 --> 00:17:15,494 ♪ We want your attention, we want your attention ♪ 395 00:17:15,494 --> 00:17:19,206 ♪ We want more attention, hey! Hey! ♪ 396 00:17:19,206 --> 00:17:21,291 [flames roaring] [fire alarm blaring] 397 00:17:21,917 --> 00:17:23,210 ♪ Hey! Hey! You... ♪ 398 00:17:23,210 --> 00:17:25,504 Shit! Shit! Fuck! Fuck! 399 00:17:25,504 --> 00:17:26,922 ♪ Hey! Hey! ♪ 400 00:17:26,922 --> 00:17:30,300 [alarm blaring] 401 00:17:33,303 --> 00:17:35,806 [nervous laughing] 402 00:17:37,850 --> 00:17:40,269 ♪ 403 00:17:40,269 --> 00:17:43,021 ♪ I like turning heads, breaking necks ♪ 404 00:17:43,021 --> 00:17:45,524 ‐ I arrived fashionably on time for your big night. 405 00:17:45,524 --> 00:17:47,609 ‐ Ah! Jules, 406 00:17:47,609 --> 00:17:49,486 she named drinks after us. 407 00:17:49,486 --> 00:17:52,155 I'm currently drinking a Fizzy Izzy. 408 00:17:52,155 --> 00:17:53,740 A Fizzy Izzy? 409 00:17:53,740 --> 00:17:56,952 ‐ Can I recommend a Moscow Jules? [laughing] 410 00:17:56,952 --> 00:17:58,453 ‐ Oh my god! 411 00:17:59,538 --> 00:18:01,790 Mm! Ooh, she's strong. 412 00:18:01,790 --> 00:18:02,958 ‐ Hell yeah, she is. 413 00:18:02,958 --> 00:18:05,085 ‐ Ooh, um, so before Madison gets here, 414 00:18:05,085 --> 00:18:07,588 she texted me last night that she couldn't make Greece happen. 415 00:18:07,588 --> 00:18:09,006 And I know she's really upset, 416 00:18:09,006 --> 00:18:12,426 so I'm doing a little surprise birthday thing at my house for her after this. 417 00:18:12,426 --> 00:18:14,303 ‐ Ooh, I love an after‐party vibe. 418 00:18:14,303 --> 00:18:15,721 ‐ I stayed up all last night planning it, 419 00:18:15,721 --> 00:18:17,389 and I really think she's gonna love it. ‐ Oh. 420 00:18:17,890 --> 00:18:19,224 ‐ Hi! 421 00:18:19,933 --> 00:18:22,269 Stel, there is a full‐on line outside. 422 00:18:22,269 --> 00:18:25,856 People are annoyed in a way that is very, very exciting for you. 423 00:18:25,856 --> 00:18:27,274 Ooh! Is this the cocktail menu? 424 00:18:27,274 --> 00:18:29,401 ‐ Yes. MADISON: Oh my god. 425 00:18:29,401 --> 00:18:32,362 An espresso Mad‐tini? STELLA: I mean, 426 00:18:32,362 --> 00:18:34,489 would it be your signature drink if there wasn't caffeine in it? 427 00:18:34,489 --> 00:18:37,201 ‐ I'm gonna cry. [laughter] 428 00:18:37,201 --> 00:18:39,703 ‐ I'm gonna go say hi to Liv. 429 00:18:39,703 --> 00:18:41,455 ♪ club music ♪ 430 00:18:41,455 --> 00:18:43,165 ‐ Um... 431 00:18:43,165 --> 00:18:45,167 I'm sorry Greece didn't work out. 432 00:18:45,167 --> 00:18:48,128 ‐ No, I'm sorry. You know, sometimes I push too hard. 433 00:18:48,128 --> 00:18:50,255 ‐ So, your guru couldn't help you? 434 00:18:50,255 --> 00:18:52,716 ‐ She did help, actually. So did you. 435 00:18:52,716 --> 00:18:54,218 ‐ Well, you helped me, too. 436 00:18:54,218 --> 00:18:56,303 No matter what happens with this CAMLA thing, 437 00:18:56,303 --> 00:18:58,931 it was the right move to move on from all my old stuff. 438 00:18:58,931 --> 00:19:01,058 ‐ Well, not all of it. 439 00:19:01,058 --> 00:19:04,436 ‐ Alright. I have your espresso Mad‐tini. [gasps, excited squeals] 440 00:19:06,855 --> 00:19:08,398 ‐ You did good, Stella. 441 00:19:08,398 --> 00:19:11,276 ♪ 442 00:19:14,571 --> 00:19:16,865 ‐ Yeah, she's a pretty romantic lady, 443 00:19:16,865 --> 00:19:18,659 aren't you, schmoop? [laughs] 444 00:19:18,659 --> 00:19:20,786 ‐ Yes. He gets me, 445 00:19:20,786 --> 00:19:23,705 and now he's got me. MADISON: We're so happy for you guys. 446 00:19:23,705 --> 00:19:25,541 ‐ We don't even mind hearing the word schmoop. 447 00:19:25,541 --> 00:19:26,917 That's how happy we are. [laughs] 448 00:19:28,126 --> 00:19:31,046 LIAM: Ooh, Sky and Q just got here. Let's go tell them the news. 449 00:19:31,046 --> 00:19:32,464 ‐ Hi! ‐ Oh. Um, will you go tell them? 450 00:19:32,464 --> 00:19:34,383 I want you to walk away, so I can talk about you. 451 00:19:34,383 --> 00:19:36,093 ‐ Oh. Okay. [laughing] 452 00:19:38,679 --> 00:19:40,597 IZZY: Wait, actually, I wanna tell them, too. 453 00:19:46,228 --> 00:19:47,646 [gasps] 454 00:19:47,646 --> 00:19:50,315 ‐ Oh! [laughs] My god. ‐ I heard this party needs 455 00:19:50,315 --> 00:19:53,235 some musical entertainment. JULES: It's you! [laughs] 456 00:19:53,235 --> 00:19:54,820 ‐ And not just me. 457 00:19:54,820 --> 00:19:57,614 This is Josh, Sarah, Dave‐‐ Phantogram. MADISON: Oh shit. 458 00:19:57,614 --> 00:20:00,158 ‐ Wait, wait, are you guys actually going to play? 459 00:20:00,158 --> 00:20:01,910 ‐ Is that okay? ‐ We don't have to. 460 00:20:01,910 --> 00:20:05,205 ‐ No, please! Please, yes. I'll help you set up. 461 00:20:05,205 --> 00:20:07,791 So, I don't know who you are, but I'm very impressed. 462 00:20:07,791 --> 00:20:09,918 ‐ This is Fender, and, uh, me, too. 463 00:20:09,918 --> 00:20:12,504 ‐ Well, I can't take all the credit for getting them to play. 464 00:20:13,672 --> 00:20:15,549 ‐ I heard Fender was trying to help you out, 465 00:20:15,549 --> 00:20:17,384 and I knew I owed you all a favor. 466 00:20:19,303 --> 00:20:20,304 ‐ Wow. 467 00:20:20,304 --> 00:20:22,097 ‐ Hi, Jules. 468 00:20:22,097 --> 00:20:23,515 Can we talk for a minute? 469 00:20:24,099 --> 00:20:26,018 It's okay if you don't want to though. 470 00:20:26,018 --> 00:20:27,019 ‐ Sure. 471 00:20:29,688 --> 00:20:31,690 ‐ Lots of reunions happening tonight. 472 00:20:33,066 --> 00:20:35,736 Glad to be back. ‐ I'm glad you're back. 473 00:20:35,736 --> 00:20:37,237 Thank you for doing this. 474 00:20:38,071 --> 00:20:39,573 ‐ Jules, can I ask you something? 475 00:20:41,533 --> 00:20:43,744 Is that a tiny ball of complimentary hair ties? 476 00:20:43,744 --> 00:20:46,330 ‐ Yes. Yes, it is. 477 00:20:46,330 --> 00:20:49,416 ‐ I know I'm not the target demo, but I think this is my favorite bar. 478 00:20:49,416 --> 00:20:51,126 ‐ I just need to say that 479 00:20:51,126 --> 00:20:54,046 I know I haven't exactly been ready to do... 480 00:20:54,046 --> 00:20:56,298 this. Um... you? 481 00:20:56,298 --> 00:20:58,383 ‐ You haven't been ready to do me. Got it. 482 00:20:58,383 --> 00:21:00,385 ‐ But, I am now. 483 00:21:00,385 --> 00:21:02,596 Um, I put that other thing to bed. 484 00:21:02,596 --> 00:21:04,264 ‐ Now, the word "bed" is in the mix. 485 00:21:04,264 --> 00:21:05,891 ‐ I'm attempting to be serious! 486 00:21:05,891 --> 00:21:07,518 ‐ Okay, good. I'm... 487 00:21:07,518 --> 00:21:09,436 So, does this mean that we're finally gonna leave 488 00:21:09,436 --> 00:21:12,356 an evening together together? 489 00:21:13,398 --> 00:21:16,401 ‐ Um, well, no. I still have to leave without you, 490 00:21:16,401 --> 00:21:18,028 but it's Madison's birthday, 491 00:21:18,028 --> 00:21:20,906 so it's a very different situation this time. 492 00:21:20,906 --> 00:21:22,282 ‐ Oh yeah? Why is it different? 493 00:21:23,242 --> 00:21:26,245 ‐ Did you know this place has three bathrooms? 494 00:21:26,245 --> 00:21:27,329 ‐ Oh. 495 00:21:27,329 --> 00:21:30,332 ♪ club music ♪ 496 00:21:31,375 --> 00:21:34,461 ‐ Anyway, yeah. So, I decided to start my own label 497 00:21:34,461 --> 00:21:36,255 to compete with my dad, of course. [laughs] 498 00:21:36,255 --> 00:21:39,132 And, wow, do I know how you feel. It's so hard. 499 00:21:39,132 --> 00:21:42,219 ‐ Good for you. Your dad's a lot. 500 00:21:42,219 --> 00:21:44,638 ‐ Look, I don't expect you to totally forgive me, 501 00:21:44,638 --> 00:21:46,723 but I just wanted to say I was sorry. 502 00:21:46,723 --> 00:21:49,810 ‐ Well, thank you. I'm about to turn 30, 503 00:21:49,810 --> 00:21:51,228 and I just wanna have a clean slate. 504 00:21:51,228 --> 00:21:54,231 Literally. I set my vision board on fire. [laughs] 505 00:21:54,231 --> 00:21:57,234 ♪ 506 00:21:57,234 --> 00:21:59,278 [bar chatter] 507 00:21:59,278 --> 00:22:01,655 ‐ Celeste had this sent to the office 508 00:22:01,655 --> 00:22:03,407 from the Maldives for you. 509 00:22:03,407 --> 00:22:06,451 ‐ The package slip said it cost $4,700 to overnight it. 510 00:22:06,994 --> 00:22:08,036 So, open it! 511 00:22:15,460 --> 00:22:17,588 CELESTE: With silence comes clarity. 512 00:22:17,588 --> 00:22:20,591 It's always been you. Be my right hand? 513 00:22:20,591 --> 00:22:22,467 ‐ [gasps] Oh my god... 514 00:22:22,885 --> 00:22:25,053 ‐ Wow. ‐ I can't believe this! 515 00:22:25,053 --> 00:22:27,931 ‐ You deserve this, babe. ‐ Oh my god! 516 00:22:27,931 --> 00:22:30,392 [indistinct chatter] 517 00:22:31,059 --> 00:22:32,811 ‐ Hey. Can we talk? 518 00:22:32,811 --> 00:22:34,062 ‐ Yeah. 519 00:22:34,062 --> 00:22:36,064 ♪ 520 00:22:36,064 --> 00:22:38,066 [door opens] [footsteps] 521 00:22:38,066 --> 00:22:41,069 [sighs] Turns out, this idea of yours was a pretty good one. 522 00:22:41,612 --> 00:22:42,779 People love it. 523 00:22:43,530 --> 00:22:46,450 ‐ I know. We did it. [nervous laugh] 524 00:22:46,450 --> 00:22:48,285 ♪ muffled music ♪ 525 00:22:50,370 --> 00:22:52,414 So, you know 526 00:22:52,414 --> 00:22:55,792 that I'm crazy about you and Bruno, okay? 527 00:22:56,543 --> 00:22:59,004 And I was just torn before 528 00:22:59,004 --> 00:23:00,756 because I was worried about hurting him 529 00:23:00,756 --> 00:23:02,549 if things didn't work out between us. 530 00:23:04,801 --> 00:23:07,804 ‐ That's why I said from the beginning that we shouldn't involve Bruno 531 00:23:07,804 --> 00:23:09,014 if you weren't ready. 532 00:23:09,014 --> 00:23:12,309 ‐ I know, but I wanted to dive in with you because that's what I do. 533 00:23:12,893 --> 00:23:15,854 Okay? You know, and I realized in the interview today 534 00:23:15,854 --> 00:23:18,565 that I may do that a lot. 535 00:23:20,984 --> 00:23:22,778 So, I think 536 00:23:22,778 --> 00:23:24,780 I just really have to push myself... 537 00:23:24,780 --> 00:23:26,365 to commit. 538 00:23:27,699 --> 00:23:28,992 ‐ So, what does that mean? 539 00:23:28,992 --> 00:23:32,162 ‐ It means that I don't have to worry about hurting Bruno 540 00:23:32,162 --> 00:23:34,665 if I just decide I'm not going anywhere. 541 00:23:34,665 --> 00:23:36,792 ♪ 542 00:23:36,792 --> 00:23:38,460 And that's what I've decided. 543 00:23:39,711 --> 00:23:41,380 [sighs] 544 00:23:41,380 --> 00:23:43,632 ‐ I'm glad you made that decision. 545 00:23:45,717 --> 00:23:47,636 But, 546 00:23:47,636 --> 00:23:49,346 I have to make one, too. 547 00:23:49,346 --> 00:23:52,349 For me and for my son. 548 00:23:53,642 --> 00:23:55,686 Listen, I'm so proud 549 00:23:55,686 --> 00:23:57,396 of the business we've built. 550 00:23:57,396 --> 00:24:00,399 And I wanna stay partners and do it together. 551 00:24:00,399 --> 00:24:02,067 I do. But... 552 00:24:03,902 --> 00:24:05,028 I can't do... 553 00:24:06,154 --> 00:24:07,656 me and you anymore. 554 00:24:10,367 --> 00:24:11,618 ‐ Okay... 555 00:24:12,578 --> 00:24:14,580 But I want to make this work. 556 00:24:15,789 --> 00:24:16,790 [sighs] 557 00:24:19,251 --> 00:24:23,297 ‐ I don't wanna be a challenge you have to push yourself to live up to. 558 00:24:24,214 --> 00:24:25,716 That's not what I want. 559 00:24:25,716 --> 00:24:28,719 [muffled cheering] 560 00:24:30,012 --> 00:24:31,680 SARAH [on mic]: Sound check. Mic one, mic two. 561 00:24:31,680 --> 00:24:33,223 ‐ The band is starting. ‐ Hm. 562 00:24:33,223 --> 00:24:35,309 ♪ 563 00:24:35,309 --> 00:24:37,811 ‐ We shouldn't miss it. ‐ Okay. 564 00:24:37,811 --> 00:24:40,314 SARAH [on mic]: Check one, two, three. Check one, two, three. 565 00:24:41,398 --> 00:24:43,817 [muffled cheering] 566 00:24:43,817 --> 00:24:45,694 Hey, everybody, we're Phantogram! 567 00:24:45,694 --> 00:24:47,362 Welcome to the Gi Spot! 568 00:24:47,362 --> 00:24:50,490 [applause, cheering] 569 00:24:50,490 --> 00:24:53,493 ♪ 570 00:24:56,246 --> 00:24:57,497 ‐ Hi! 571 00:24:58,999 --> 00:25:01,502 ♪ 572 00:25:03,545 --> 00:25:05,631 ‐ Celeste asked me to be her new right hand. 573 00:25:05,631 --> 00:25:07,674 ‐ [gasps] Izzy, that's incredible! 574 00:25:07,674 --> 00:25:09,051 No one deserves it more than you. 575 00:25:09,051 --> 00:25:11,386 MADISON: We are so happy for you. 576 00:25:11,386 --> 00:25:12,971 ♪ Hide the sun ♪ 577 00:25:16,517 --> 00:25:19,895 ♪ I will leave your face out of my mind ♪ 578 00:25:23,649 --> 00:25:26,568 ♪ You should save your eyes ♪ 579 00:25:26,568 --> 00:25:29,238 ‐ You okay? ‐ Yeah. Yeah, it's fine. 580 00:25:29,238 --> 00:25:32,491 ♪ A thousand voices howling in my head ♪ 581 00:25:32,491 --> 00:25:35,494 ♪ 582 00:25:35,494 --> 00:25:38,497 [crowd cheering] 583 00:25:47,589 --> 00:25:51,093 ♪ Speak in tongues ♪ 584 00:25:53,303 --> 00:25:56,473 ♪ I don't even recognize your face ♪ 585 00:26:00,811 --> 00:26:05,065 ♪ Tell me all the ways to stay away ♪ 586 00:26:05,065 --> 00:26:06,650 ♪ Ey ey ey yah ♪ 587 00:26:07,693 --> 00:26:10,279 ♪ Oh, ey ey ey yah ♪ 588 00:26:10,279 --> 00:26:12,281 `♪ Oh, ey ey ey yah... ♪ 589 00:26:12,281 --> 00:26:15,868 [loud cheering] 590 00:26:15,868 --> 00:26:18,370 ♪ 591 00:26:21,039 --> 00:26:23,083 ‐ What are we doing in your garage? 592 00:26:23,083 --> 00:26:24,459 ‐ Birthday surprise. 593 00:26:24,459 --> 00:26:25,794 ‐ Oh, you got me a car? 594 00:26:25,794 --> 00:26:27,713 ‐ Just wait for it. 595 00:26:27,713 --> 00:26:29,882 ‐ Are a bunch of people about to jump out and yell "surprise" at me? 596 00:26:29,882 --> 00:26:32,467 Because I need to emotionally prepare for that. 597 00:26:32,467 --> 00:26:34,178 ‐ Not quite. [beep] 598 00:26:34,178 --> 00:26:35,679 [seagulls cawing] 599 00:26:35,679 --> 00:26:38,682 ♪ 600 00:26:41,643 --> 00:26:43,270 ‐ Oh my god. 601 00:26:43,270 --> 00:26:44,563 It's Greece. 602 00:26:45,522 --> 00:26:47,524 ‐ Whoa, Jules. 603 00:26:47,524 --> 00:26:49,026 You did this? 604 00:26:49,026 --> 00:26:50,944 Like, with a computer? ‐ Okay, 605 00:26:50,944 --> 00:26:53,864 those museum people don't know what they're talking about. 606 00:26:53,864 --> 00:26:55,908 ‐ Happy birthday, Madison. 607 00:26:55,908 --> 00:26:58,994 Figured you should get at least one thing you wanted by 30. 608 00:26:58,994 --> 00:27:00,495 ‐ I already had. 609 00:27:00,495 --> 00:27:02,956 ♪ I'll Be There by Jess Glynne ♪ 610 00:27:02,956 --> 00:27:05,209 IZZY: Holy shit, Santorini? 611 00:27:05,209 --> 00:27:07,127 STELLA: Let's party in Greece! 612 00:27:07,127 --> 00:27:08,921 ♪ I'll be there for you ♪ 613 00:27:08,921 --> 00:27:11,507 ♪ Oh, I said I got enough love ♪ 614 00:27:11,507 --> 00:27:13,383 ♪ For two ♪ 615 00:27:13,383 --> 00:27:16,887 ♪ You'll never be alone, I'll be there for you ♪ 616 00:27:17,346 --> 00:27:20,349 ♪ 617 00:27:24,895 --> 00:27:27,898 ♪ When it's Friday night and the drink don't work the same ♪ 618 00:27:28,690 --> 00:27:31,693 ♪ You're alone with yourself and there's no one else to blame ♪ 619 00:27:32,528 --> 00:27:35,906 ♪ When you still can't feel the rhythm of your heart ♪ 620 00:27:36,573 --> 00:27:39,576 ♪ And you see your spirit fading in the dark ♪ 621 00:27:40,619 --> 00:27:43,288 ♪ Oh, I'll be there ♪ 622 00:27:44,122 --> 00:27:47,125 ♪ When you need a little love, I got a little love to share ♪ 623 00:27:48,168 --> 00:27:50,921 ♪ Yeah, I'm gonna, I'm gonna, I'm gonna come through ♪ 624 00:27:52,005 --> 00:27:55,425 ♪ You'll never be alone, I'll be there for you ♪ 625 00:27:55,425 --> 00:27:58,428 ♪ I'll be there, I'll be there for you ♪ 626 00:27:59,263 --> 00:28:02,266 ♪ I'll be there, I'll be there for you ♪ 627 00:28:02,266 --> 00:28:04,726 ♪ I'll be there for you, oh, I said ♪ 628 00:28:04,726 --> 00:28:07,521 ♪ I got enough love for two ♪ 629 00:28:07,521 --> 00:28:10,357 ♪ You'll never be alone, I'll be there for you... ♪