1 00:00:22,656 --> 00:00:24,656 Nothing is evil in the beginning. 2 00:00:24,739 --> 00:00:25,739 Here! Over here! 3 00:00:29,698 --> 00:00:33,823 And there was a time when the world was so young, 4 00:00:33,864 --> 00:00:36,864 there had not yet been a sunrise. 5 00:00:36,989 --> 00:00:41,323 But even then there was light. 6 00:01:02,989 --> 00:01:05,823 Well, is it finished yet? 7 00:01:17,781 --> 00:01:21,323 Even you couldn't possibly believe that old scrap will float. 8 00:01:22,739 --> 00:01:24,281 It's not going to float. 9 00:01:25,531 --> 00:01:28,614 It's going to sail. 10 00:01:48,614 --> 00:01:49,698 -Stop! 11 00:01:50,281 --> 00:01:51,114 No, don't! 12 00:01:51,989 --> 00:01:53,989 -Stop, you'll break it! 13 00:01:54,073 --> 00:01:56,031 Stop! Don't! 14 00:01:56,114 --> 00:01:58,448 -Come on. -Stop, you're breaking it! Stop! 15 00:02:02,156 --> 00:02:03,948 I told you it wouldn't float. 16 00:02:07,656 --> 00:02:09,114 Get off me! 17 00:02:09,239 --> 00:02:11,489 Lose your footing again, Galadriel? 18 00:02:19,573 --> 00:02:21,781 It was a good ship, sister. 19 00:02:21,864 --> 00:02:23,781 I made it just as you taught me. 20 00:02:25,114 --> 00:02:30,239 Do you know why a ship floats and a stone cannot? 21 00:02:30,906 --> 00:02:35,281 Because the stone sees only downward. 22 00:02:36,406 --> 00:02:40,198 The darkness of the water is vast and irresistible. 23 00:02:41,656 --> 00:02:43,698 The ship feels the darkness as well, 24 00:02:43,781 --> 00:02:47,614 striving moment by moment to master her and pull her under. 25 00:02:49,406 --> 00:02:51,698 But the ship has a secret. 26 00:02:53,323 --> 00:02:57,239 For unlike the stone, her gaze is not downward but up. 27 00:02:58,614 --> 00:03:00,823 Fixed upon the light that guides her, 28 00:03:01,698 --> 00:03:04,781 whispering of grander things than darkness ever knew. 29 00:03:06,906 --> 00:03:10,448 But sometimes the lights shine just as brightly 30 00:03:10,531 --> 00:03:13,198 reflected in the water as they do in the sky. 31 00:03:13,281 --> 00:03:16,489 It's hard to say which way is up and which way is down. 32 00:03:18,281 --> 00:03:20,823 How am I to know which lights to follow? 33 00:03:33,323 --> 00:03:34,823 But that seems so simple. 34 00:03:34,906 --> 00:03:37,114 The most important truths often are. 35 00:03:37,989 --> 00:03:40,406 But you must learn to discern them for yourself. 36 00:03:40,489 --> 00:03:43,323 I won't always be here to speak them to you. 37 00:03:43,406 --> 00:03:44,823 You won't? 38 00:03:46,198 --> 00:03:48,698 Come along. Mother and Father are waiting. 39 00:03:59,281 --> 00:04:01,406 We had no word for death. 40 00:04:02,531 --> 00:04:05,489 For we thought our joys would be unending. 41 00:04:20,781 --> 00:04:23,781 We thought our light would never dim. 42 00:04:28,614 --> 00:04:31,739 So when the Great Foe, Morgoth, 43 00:04:31,823 --> 00:04:34,864 destroyed the very light of our home... 44 00:04:37,906 --> 00:04:39,739 We resisted. 45 00:04:43,531 --> 00:04:47,198 And a legion of Elves went to war. 46 00:04:52,948 --> 00:04:58,906 We left Valinor, our home, and journeyed to a distant realm. 47 00:04:59,448 --> 00:05:05,198 One filled with untold perils and strange creatures beyond count. 48 00:05:05,823 --> 00:05:09,323 A place known as Middle-earth. 49 00:05:32,239 --> 00:05:34,823 Valaron kalanen! 50 00:05:34,906 --> 00:05:40,281 Firuvantë! 51 00:05:44,031 --> 00:05:46,448 They said it would be over quickly, 52 00:05:47,989 --> 00:05:52,406 but the war left Middle-earth in ruin. 53 00:05:55,614 --> 00:05:59,198 And would last centuries. 54 00:06:20,031 --> 00:06:23,614 Now, we learned many words for death. 55 00:06:28,864 --> 00:06:31,823 In the end, Morgoth would be defeated. 56 00:06:32,823 --> 00:06:35,573 But not before much sorrow. 57 00:06:38,073 --> 00:06:42,698 For his Orcs had spread to every corner of Middle-earth, 58 00:06:44,073 --> 00:06:46,531 Multiplying ever greater 59 00:06:46,614 --> 00:06:50,114 under the command of his most devoted servant, 60 00:06:50,198 --> 00:06:54,031 a cruel and cunning sorcerer. 61 00:06:54,114 --> 00:06:56,948 They called him Sauron. 62 00:06:58,656 --> 00:07:02,239 My brother vowed to seek him out and destroy him. 63 00:07:04,948 --> 00:07:07,156 But Sauron found him first 64 00:07:09,239 --> 00:07:11,573 and marked his flesh with a symbol. 65 00:07:14,364 --> 00:07:17,823 One whose meaning even our wisest could not discern. 66 00:07:22,323 --> 00:07:25,156 And there, in the darkness, 67 00:07:25,823 --> 00:07:28,989 his vow became mine. 68 00:07:31,031 --> 00:07:33,573 And so, we hunted. 69 00:07:35,823 --> 00:07:38,698 To the ends of the Earth we hunted Sauron. 70 00:07:41,239 --> 00:07:43,781 But the trail grew thin. 71 00:07:46,364 --> 00:07:48,156 Year gave way to year. 72 00:07:48,906 --> 00:07:51,114 Century gave way to century. 73 00:07:51,656 --> 00:07:55,323 And for many Elves, the pain of those days 74 00:07:55,406 --> 00:07:58,406 passed out of thought and mind. 75 00:07:59,448 --> 00:08:01,948 More and more of our kind 76 00:08:02,031 --> 00:08:05,531 began to believe that Sauron was but a memory. 77 00:08:06,698 --> 00:08:10,698 And the threat, at last, was ended. 78 00:08:13,531 --> 00:08:15,864 I wish I could be one of them. 79 00:09:13,281 --> 00:09:14,781 Commander Galadriel. 80 00:09:16,864 --> 00:09:19,948 This company has followed you to the very edge of the world. 81 00:09:20,031 --> 00:09:22,823 But none who ever dared search for this last stronghold 82 00:09:22,906 --> 00:09:24,323 has ever found anything. 83 00:09:25,864 --> 00:09:28,864 It's been years since the last Orc was sighted. 84 00:09:29,698 --> 00:09:34,198 Is it not possible the other commanders are right and our enemy is no more? 85 00:09:34,281 --> 00:09:35,489 Night is closing in. 86 00:09:36,239 --> 00:09:40,239 How long can living flesh endure where even sunlight fears to tread? 87 00:09:44,864 --> 00:09:47,198 Perhaps we would be wise to camp here. 88 00:09:47,989 --> 00:09:50,198 And tomorrow, begin the journey home. 89 00:09:54,698 --> 00:09:56,114 We are losing the light. 90 00:10:10,948 --> 00:10:12,239 Commander, wait! 91 00:10:12,323 --> 00:10:14,823 No. We keep moving. 92 00:10:14,906 --> 00:10:16,739 Galadriel, stop! 93 00:10:38,948 --> 00:10:42,364 There's nothing out here. We should have been there by now. 94 00:10:50,614 --> 00:10:51,823 We are there. 95 00:11:13,281 --> 00:11:14,698 This is it. 96 00:11:14,781 --> 00:11:17,989 This is where the Orcs gathered after Morgoth's defeat. 97 00:11:19,073 --> 00:11:21,989 Far more must have escaped, than we ever imagined. 98 00:11:22,948 --> 00:11:25,364 My hand is past feeling. 99 00:11:27,406 --> 00:11:28,489 No. 100 00:11:30,031 --> 00:11:33,448 This place is so evil, our torches give off no warmth. 101 00:11:34,198 --> 00:11:35,364 This way. 102 00:11:35,948 --> 00:11:37,448 How can you be certain? 103 00:11:37,989 --> 00:11:39,614 It's colder than the rest. 104 00:12:09,239 --> 00:12:10,823 A door was filled in here. 105 00:12:12,031 --> 00:12:13,031 Bring it down. 106 00:12:48,781 --> 00:12:50,573 What devilry is this? 107 00:12:53,323 --> 00:12:56,864 These Orcs were meddling with the powers of the Unseen World. 108 00:12:57,614 --> 00:12:59,531 Some dark sorcery of old. 109 00:13:03,781 --> 00:13:05,406 But what was their purpose? 110 00:13:06,364 --> 00:13:09,198 Surely, it is lost to the ages now. 111 00:13:09,281 --> 00:13:11,448 Whatever happened here was long ago. 112 00:13:19,073 --> 00:13:20,156 Water. 113 00:13:30,239 --> 00:13:32,239 Even stone cannot hide the mark 114 00:13:32,323 --> 00:13:34,906 of one whose very hand is flame unquenched. 115 00:13:42,656 --> 00:13:43,739 He was here. 116 00:13:44,864 --> 00:13:46,614 Sauron was here. 117 00:13:47,073 --> 00:13:49,406 Tell the others to rest while they can. 118 00:13:49,489 --> 00:13:52,698 At sunrise we move on. We'll take the search further north. 119 00:13:52,781 --> 00:13:53,864 Further north? 120 00:13:53,948 --> 00:13:56,864 This mark was left as a trail for Orcs to follow. 121 00:13:57,781 --> 00:14:00,281 The last time I saw it was on my brother. 122 00:14:00,864 --> 00:14:01,989 We must follow it. 123 00:14:02,489 --> 00:14:04,531 The mark is centuries old. 124 00:14:04,614 --> 00:14:06,448 Whoever left it could be long dead. 125 00:14:06,531 --> 00:14:08,406 Or lying in wait, gathering strength, 126 00:14:08,489 --> 00:14:10,823 perfecting whatever dark art eluded him here. 127 00:14:10,906 --> 00:14:12,906 We exceeded our orders months ago. 128 00:14:12,989 --> 00:14:17,031 Surely we must first return home to take counsel with the High King. 129 00:14:17,531 --> 00:14:20,614 I promise you there is not a soul amongst our company 130 00:14:21,739 --> 00:14:23,656 who yearns for home more than I. 131 00:14:25,739 --> 00:14:28,739 I can still feel the light of the Trees on my face. 132 00:14:30,739 --> 00:14:32,156 I can still see it. 133 00:14:34,156 --> 00:14:36,323 And until we are certain 134 00:14:36,823 --> 00:14:40,406 every trace of our enemy is vanquished... 135 00:14:42,906 --> 00:14:44,406 I can never return. 136 00:15:17,531 --> 00:15:19,323 Snow-troll! 137 00:16:35,489 --> 00:16:37,323 We should never have come in here. 138 00:16:37,406 --> 00:16:38,781 We leave soon enough. 139 00:16:40,364 --> 00:16:41,781 The order is given. 140 00:16:41,906 --> 00:16:43,406 We march at first light. 141 00:16:50,698 --> 00:16:52,448 Then you shall do so alone. 142 00:17:55,614 --> 00:17:57,823 Something's wrong here. Nothing to hunt. 143 00:17:57,906 --> 00:17:59,739 Wolves in every thicket. 144 00:18:00,114 --> 00:18:02,489 Don't you think it's the least bit strange? 145 00:18:02,573 --> 00:18:04,323 World's strange. 146 00:18:04,656 --> 00:18:06,364 If I let 'em pitch-kettle me, 147 00:18:06,448 --> 00:18:08,739 I'd never get off me barstool. 148 00:18:08,864 --> 00:18:10,573 -Oi, oi! 149 00:18:13,198 --> 00:18:14,781 Keep walkin'. 150 00:18:14,864 --> 00:18:15,948 Why? 151 00:18:17,698 --> 00:18:20,281 Looked like a badger. Maybe a fox. 152 00:18:20,364 --> 00:18:21,698 More likely a Harfoot. 153 00:18:21,781 --> 00:18:23,031 A Harfoot? 154 00:18:23,114 --> 00:18:24,948 Ugh. Don't care to be seein' none, 155 00:18:25,031 --> 00:18:28,073 but if you do, watch yourself. 156 00:18:28,156 --> 00:18:30,489 Dangerous creatures they are. 157 00:18:31,906 --> 00:18:32,906 You're making it up. 158 00:18:35,198 --> 00:18:37,323 Come on. Rattle your dags! 159 00:18:38,031 --> 00:18:41,198 Let's just get to the lake before sundown. 160 00:18:58,906 --> 00:19:00,489 -Huh? Huh. 161 00:19:09,489 --> 00:19:11,156 Clear and clear. 162 00:19:25,156 --> 00:19:26,198 Nori! 163 00:19:28,239 --> 00:19:29,323 Nori! 164 00:19:30,448 --> 00:19:31,614 Nori! 165 00:19:37,114 --> 00:19:38,281 Nori! 166 00:19:57,739 --> 00:20:00,364 Travelers? At this time of year? 167 00:20:00,448 --> 00:20:02,739 -It's an omen, I warrant ya. 168 00:20:02,823 --> 00:20:05,406 -Mmm-hmm. Bad one. As bad as they come. -Easy, Malva. 169 00:20:05,489 --> 00:20:08,739 The last time we had travelers this early, it was the Great Frost. 170 00:20:08,823 --> 00:20:12,198 And there's no misremembering how bleak a season that was. 171 00:20:12,281 --> 00:20:14,281 More than likely they just got lost, that's it. 172 00:20:14,364 --> 00:20:15,781 Has to be the reason. 173 00:20:15,864 --> 00:20:17,198 You're gonna spoil dinner. 174 00:20:17,281 --> 00:20:19,156 I've looked high and low again. 175 00:20:19,239 --> 00:20:20,906 The wee ones are still out there. 176 00:20:20,989 --> 00:20:23,531 They'll be fine, Goldie. 177 00:20:23,614 --> 00:20:26,323 Nori's with them. You know Nori. 178 00:20:26,406 --> 00:20:28,239 Yes. I do. 179 00:20:30,656 --> 00:20:32,239 Can we turn back now? 180 00:20:32,323 --> 00:20:34,823 There's 110 things out here that could kill us. 181 00:20:34,906 --> 00:20:38,198 Hundred-eleven if you count you worrying to death. 182 00:20:38,281 --> 00:20:40,781 You know the rules. We're not supposed to be out this far. 183 00:20:40,864 --> 00:20:43,489 Don't be... If we didn't do everything we weren't supposed to, 184 00:20:43,573 --> 00:20:45,198 we'd hardly do anything at all. 185 00:20:45,323 --> 00:20:46,156 Me first! 186 00:20:48,323 --> 00:20:50,698 Go on, now. Watch the puddle. 187 00:20:51,823 --> 00:20:53,323 Watch your head. 188 00:20:55,239 --> 00:20:56,073 This way! 189 00:20:56,573 --> 00:20:57,698 Nori! 190 00:20:58,573 --> 00:20:59,864 -I'm stuck. -I've got you. 191 00:21:00,156 --> 00:21:01,489 -It's... 192 00:21:01,573 --> 00:21:02,989 Nori! Ow! 193 00:21:07,864 --> 00:21:08,948 Enchanting. 194 00:21:11,823 --> 00:21:13,073 Come on. 195 00:21:13,156 --> 00:21:14,906 Can we turn back now? 196 00:21:14,989 --> 00:21:17,698 -Oh, but you haven't even seen it yet. -Seen what? 197 00:21:17,781 --> 00:21:20,156 Good place for a hill-troll to hide, if you ask me. 198 00:21:21,864 --> 00:21:23,489 Oh, great glory and splendor. 199 00:21:28,948 --> 00:21:29,989 Oh! 200 00:21:33,781 --> 00:21:34,948 Nori! 201 00:21:37,489 --> 00:21:38,323 Mmm. 202 00:21:42,864 --> 00:21:43,698 Mmm. 203 00:21:54,948 --> 00:21:56,114 Nori! 204 00:21:57,323 --> 00:21:58,489 I found something. 205 00:21:59,948 --> 00:22:01,656 There's something in the mud. 206 00:22:02,531 --> 00:22:03,698 What is it? 207 00:22:05,781 --> 00:22:07,198 It looks like a footsie. 208 00:22:09,448 --> 00:22:10,489 A dog. 209 00:22:11,198 --> 00:22:14,114 Just a dog. You know how dogs love berries. 210 00:22:20,864 --> 00:22:22,948 Is he going to eat our berries? 211 00:22:23,031 --> 00:22:25,114 Not if he doesn't see us, he isn't. 212 00:22:25,864 --> 00:22:29,198 Hey. Twos and hands, everyone. Time to go. 213 00:22:29,281 --> 00:22:31,739 -What's the big rush? -Wolf. 214 00:22:34,073 --> 00:22:35,823 You heard your sister. Time to go. 215 00:22:35,906 --> 00:22:37,739 Go on, now. Come on. 216 00:22:37,823 --> 00:22:40,698 First one back to camp gets the first pie at Harvest Fest. 217 00:22:40,781 --> 00:22:41,781 Let's go. 218 00:22:43,406 --> 00:22:47,281 Remember, if anybody asks, we were just out digging for snails. 219 00:22:57,073 --> 00:23:01,031 "I Palannúmen... I Alfirimë Nóri... 220 00:23:01,114 --> 00:23:02,864 "Na metta avantë... 221 00:23:03,823 --> 00:23:05,031 "Home. 222 00:23:07,573 --> 00:23:11,406 "For centuries, they have swept across crag and crevice, 223 00:23:11,489 --> 00:23:14,114 "washing away the last remnants of our enemy. 224 00:23:14,698 --> 00:23:17,364 "Like a spring rain over the bones of a... 225 00:23:18,323 --> 00:23:19,406 "Dead animal." 226 00:23:21,531 --> 00:23:24,864 "Spring rain over the bones of a..." 227 00:23:26,656 --> 00:23:27,989 Herald Elrond. 228 00:23:30,448 --> 00:23:31,614 At last. 229 00:23:32,781 --> 00:23:35,614 Yes. It's almost as if I didn't wish to be found. 230 00:23:35,906 --> 00:23:37,198 What tidings? 231 00:23:37,281 --> 00:23:39,031 The Council regrets to inform you 232 00:23:39,114 --> 00:23:41,698 you won't be permitted to attend the next session. 233 00:23:43,948 --> 00:23:45,323 Elf-lords only. 234 00:23:48,323 --> 00:23:49,739 Is there anything else? 235 00:23:49,823 --> 00:23:51,948 Yes. Your friend has arrived. 236 00:23:52,864 --> 00:23:55,281 She's here? Why didn't you say so? 237 00:24:02,198 --> 00:24:03,406 For the ceremony. 238 00:24:21,448 --> 00:24:22,614 Galadriel. 239 00:24:24,614 --> 00:24:25,573 Elrond. 240 00:24:26,781 --> 00:24:28,989 Lindon receives you with grace. 241 00:24:29,073 --> 00:24:30,739 With grace, I am received. 242 00:24:36,239 --> 00:24:40,156 I hear it's said that when you cross over, you hear a song. 243 00:24:40,239 --> 00:24:42,364 One whose memory we all carry. 244 00:24:43,573 --> 00:24:45,031 And you are immersed in a light, 245 00:24:45,114 --> 00:24:48,823 more intoxicating than any sensation in all of Middle-earth. 246 00:24:48,906 --> 00:24:53,156 When I was a child, it was the only feeling I knew. 247 00:24:53,239 --> 00:24:54,948 And look at you now. 248 00:24:55,031 --> 00:24:58,031 Commander of the Northern Armies. Warrior of the Wastelands. 249 00:24:58,698 --> 00:25:02,989 I half expected you to arrive caked in grime and mud. 250 00:25:03,073 --> 00:25:06,114 This time, frostbite and troll blood. 251 00:25:07,114 --> 00:25:08,198 And no army. 252 00:25:09,323 --> 00:25:10,739 Tell me everything. 253 00:25:11,406 --> 00:25:14,739 This mark's very existence proves Sauron escaped. 254 00:25:14,823 --> 00:25:16,073 He's still out there. 255 00:25:16,489 --> 00:25:18,114 The question now is, where? 256 00:25:19,198 --> 00:25:22,073 I intend to ask of the King a fresh company. 257 00:25:22,156 --> 00:25:25,156 -If he supplies enough to... -You have only just arrived. 258 00:25:25,239 --> 00:25:27,448 Must you speak of leaving again so soon? 259 00:25:27,531 --> 00:25:29,364 You know very well why I must. 260 00:25:30,198 --> 00:25:33,614 There will be ample time later to discuss official matters. 261 00:25:34,656 --> 00:25:36,239 I want to hear about you. 262 00:25:37,656 --> 00:25:39,239 Your harrowing journey. 263 00:25:39,948 --> 00:25:41,031 Why, Elrond. 264 00:25:41,114 --> 00:25:43,239 You really have become a politician. 265 00:25:43,323 --> 00:25:45,073 You make it sound so grim. 266 00:25:45,156 --> 00:25:48,489 I am not some courtier to be placated by idle flattery. 267 00:25:49,823 --> 00:25:52,239 I demand to speak with the King directly. 268 00:25:54,656 --> 00:25:56,364 You have made that plain. 269 00:25:57,698 --> 00:25:59,656 So I will be equally plain. 270 00:26:02,698 --> 00:26:05,531 It was not your company who defied you out there, 271 00:26:06,031 --> 00:26:08,364 but rather you who defied the High King, 272 00:26:09,239 --> 00:26:11,989 by refusing to heed any limit placed upon you. 273 00:26:13,698 --> 00:26:15,281 In an act of magnanimity, 274 00:26:15,364 --> 00:26:18,073 he has chosen to honor your accomplishments... 275 00:26:18,906 --> 00:26:21,239 Rather than dwell upon your insolence. 276 00:26:23,698 --> 00:26:25,364 Test him again 277 00:26:25,448 --> 00:26:28,864 and you may find him less receptive than you might have hoped. 278 00:26:35,364 --> 00:26:38,406 Are you going to arrange an audience or not? 279 00:26:40,531 --> 00:26:43,489 If after the ceremony that is still your wish, 280 00:26:43,573 --> 00:26:44,989 you shall have it. 281 00:26:56,823 --> 00:26:58,781 Ah. She has returned. 282 00:26:58,864 --> 00:27:01,448 -How fare thee? -Well and well, Father. 283 00:27:01,531 --> 00:27:02,989 And look at her! 284 00:27:03,073 --> 00:27:05,114 You found all that down by the river bank, did you? 285 00:27:05,198 --> 00:27:06,073 Mm-hmm. 286 00:27:06,906 --> 00:27:08,864 Did you hear about the travelers? 287 00:27:08,948 --> 00:27:11,364 -Travelers? -Mm-hmm. Hunters. 288 00:27:11,948 --> 00:27:13,281 Two of them. 289 00:27:13,364 --> 00:27:15,448 Big as great boulders. 290 00:27:15,531 --> 00:27:16,989 Right up on that ridge. 291 00:27:17,073 --> 00:27:18,573 I can't believe I missed them. 292 00:27:18,656 --> 00:27:22,323 Maybe you ought to stick closer to home, that way you don't miss anything, hmm? 293 00:27:31,156 --> 00:27:33,364 You went to the old farm again. 294 00:27:34,073 --> 00:27:35,239 Didn't you? 295 00:27:36,364 --> 00:27:37,364 I was careful. 296 00:27:37,448 --> 00:27:39,364 But the children might not be. 297 00:27:39,448 --> 00:27:41,031 I'm sorry, I didn't know. 298 00:27:41,114 --> 00:27:43,281 We never get hunters up here before the harvest. 299 00:27:43,364 --> 00:27:45,573 -Mmm. -Or wolves. 300 00:27:48,448 --> 00:27:50,989 I wonder if there's trouble down south. 301 00:27:51,073 --> 00:27:53,531 And what concern is that of yours, Elanor Brandyfoot? 302 00:27:58,614 --> 00:28:00,323 Haven't you ever wondered... 303 00:28:01,364 --> 00:28:02,864 What else is out there? 304 00:28:03,489 --> 00:28:04,823 How far the river flows 305 00:28:04,906 --> 00:28:08,531 or where the sparrows learn the new songs they sing in spring? 306 00:28:09,114 --> 00:28:13,281 I can't help but feel there's wonders in this world. 307 00:28:13,823 --> 00:28:15,448 Beyond our wanderin'. 308 00:28:16,406 --> 00:28:17,948 I've told you. 309 00:28:18,698 --> 00:28:20,531 Countless times. 310 00:28:22,448 --> 00:28:24,864 Elves have forests to protect. 311 00:28:24,948 --> 00:28:28,198 Dwarves, their mines. Men, their fields of grain. 312 00:28:29,114 --> 00:28:32,781 Even trees have to worry about the soil beneath their roots. 313 00:28:33,406 --> 00:28:37,239 But we Harfoots are free from the worries of the wide world. 314 00:28:37,323 --> 00:28:41,073 We are but ripples in a long, long stream. 315 00:28:41,489 --> 00:28:43,906 Our paths set by the passing seasons. 316 00:28:44,781 --> 00:28:47,656 Nobody goes off trail and nobody walks alone. 317 00:28:49,656 --> 00:28:52,364 We have each other. We're safe. 318 00:28:53,823 --> 00:28:55,323 That is how we survive. 319 00:28:57,989 --> 00:29:00,823 Go on. Help your father. 320 00:29:03,531 --> 00:29:06,948 That's your problem. You see, a wheel's supposed to be round. 321 00:29:40,656 --> 00:29:44,614 These most valiant of warriors 322 00:29:44,698 --> 00:29:49,239 kneel here before us, victorious. 323 00:29:50,906 --> 00:29:53,656 For though Morgoth fell an Age ago, 324 00:29:54,364 --> 00:29:58,156 some feared a new evil might arise from his shadow. 325 00:29:58,239 --> 00:30:00,073 So for centuries now, 326 00:30:00,156 --> 00:30:04,239 these soldiers have swept across crag and crevice, 327 00:30:04,323 --> 00:30:07,573 washing away the last remnants of our enemy 328 00:30:07,656 --> 00:30:11,364 like a spring rain over the bones of a spoilt carcass. 329 00:30:14,073 --> 00:30:15,406 And now, at last, 330 00:30:16,614 --> 00:30:19,989 they return to us in triumph, 331 00:30:20,073 --> 00:30:23,198 for they have proven beyond any doubt 332 00:30:23,281 --> 00:30:27,406 that our days of war are over. 333 00:30:29,739 --> 00:30:30,823 Today... 334 00:30:32,656 --> 00:30:35,489 Our days of peace begin. 335 00:31:01,489 --> 00:31:04,906 And as a measure of our gratitude, 336 00:31:05,989 --> 00:31:08,531 these heroes shall be granted an honor 337 00:31:08,614 --> 00:31:11,364 unrivaled in all our lore. 338 00:31:11,448 --> 00:31:14,739 They will be escorted to the Grey Havens 339 00:31:14,823 --> 00:31:19,156 and granted passage across the sea to dwell for all eternity 340 00:31:20,239 --> 00:31:23,948 in the Blessed Realm, the Far West. 341 00:31:24,031 --> 00:31:27,198 The Undying Lands of Valinor. 342 00:31:28,031 --> 00:31:31,864 At last, they are going home. 343 00:32:33,989 --> 00:32:37,323 Are you just going to stand there, breathing like an Orc? 344 00:32:40,531 --> 00:32:43,948 It is said the wine of victory is sweetest 345 00:32:44,031 --> 00:32:46,614 for those in whose bitter trials it has fermented. 346 00:32:47,364 --> 00:32:49,198 I do not feel victorious. 347 00:32:49,281 --> 00:32:52,323 You deserve the honors of this day. 348 00:32:53,198 --> 00:32:54,864 Your brother would be proud. 349 00:33:01,156 --> 00:33:03,906 I remember when the first of these were carved. 350 00:33:05,239 --> 00:33:08,656 The likeness of one fallen, preserved upon a living thing. 351 00:33:08,739 --> 00:33:12,489 I suppose some part of me always believed my rest would be here, 352 00:33:12,573 --> 00:33:13,864 with them. 353 00:33:14,906 --> 00:33:16,823 But instead, I am to leave them. 354 00:33:18,406 --> 00:33:22,406 This is the gift of your king. 355 00:33:25,948 --> 00:33:27,948 A gift I have decided to refuse. 356 00:33:29,073 --> 00:33:30,073 Galadriel, you... 357 00:33:30,156 --> 00:33:32,864 My brother gave his life hunting Sauron. 358 00:33:34,364 --> 00:33:36,364 His task is now mine. 359 00:33:39,198 --> 00:33:42,406 I go to seek the enemy that escaped us in the north. 360 00:33:44,031 --> 00:33:46,073 Alone, if I must. 361 00:33:48,239 --> 00:33:51,239 Ah, yes. Your mystery sigil. 362 00:33:51,323 --> 00:33:53,156 I shared it with the High King. 363 00:33:53,239 --> 00:33:55,031 -Then why would... -Because seeing a sigil 364 00:33:55,114 --> 00:33:57,656 does not mean you're any closer to finding Sauron. 365 00:33:57,739 --> 00:34:01,114 It is over. The evil is gone. 366 00:34:01,198 --> 00:34:03,573 Then why is it not gone from in here? 367 00:34:04,989 --> 00:34:06,989 After all you have endured... 368 00:34:08,364 --> 00:34:10,614 It is only natural to feel conflicted. 369 00:34:11,614 --> 00:34:13,073 Conflicted? 370 00:34:16,698 --> 00:34:19,614 I am grateful you have not known evil as I have. 371 00:34:20,823 --> 00:34:23,073 But you have not seen what I have seen. 372 00:34:23,156 --> 00:34:24,198 I've seen my share. 373 00:34:24,281 --> 00:34:27,906 You have not seen what I have seen. 374 00:34:28,739 --> 00:34:30,864 Evil does not sleep, Elrond. 375 00:34:32,198 --> 00:34:33,406 It waits. 376 00:34:34,073 --> 00:34:36,906 And in the moment of our complacency, 377 00:34:36,989 --> 00:34:38,406 it blinds us. 378 00:34:40,364 --> 00:34:42,989 Let us say that all is as you fear, 379 00:34:43,073 --> 00:34:46,406 and this enemy is out there somewhere, lying in wait. 380 00:34:47,448 --> 00:34:50,239 Do you truly believe seeking him out will satisfy you? 381 00:34:50,698 --> 00:34:53,989 That one more Orc upon the point of your blade will bring you peace? 382 00:34:54,073 --> 00:34:55,989 -If you are wrong... -I'm not wrong. 383 00:34:56,073 --> 00:34:57,531 If you are wrong, 384 00:34:58,406 --> 00:35:01,573 will you lead more Elves to die in far-off lands? 385 00:35:03,406 --> 00:35:05,531 To convince yourself you have done enough, 386 00:35:05,614 --> 00:35:08,448 how many more statues would you add to this path? 387 00:35:09,281 --> 00:35:11,906 No one in history has ever refused the call. 388 00:35:12,739 --> 00:35:14,823 Do so now, it may never come again. 389 00:35:15,698 --> 00:35:18,698 You will linger here, an outcast, 390 00:35:18,781 --> 00:35:21,031 poisoned in dark whispers and dreams. 391 00:35:21,114 --> 00:35:23,573 And in the West, do you think my fate would be better? 392 00:35:25,406 --> 00:35:28,864 Where song would mock the cries of battle in my ears? 393 00:35:30,864 --> 00:35:34,781 You say I have won victory over all the horrors of Middle-earth. 394 00:35:36,323 --> 00:35:38,531 Yet you would leave them alive in me? 395 00:35:39,614 --> 00:35:40,948 To take with me? 396 00:35:41,948 --> 00:35:45,864 Undying, unchanging, unbreaking, 397 00:35:46,906 --> 00:35:49,281 into the land of winterless spring? 398 00:35:49,364 --> 00:35:51,781 Only in the Blessed Realm 399 00:35:51,864 --> 00:35:54,364 can that which is broken in you be healed. 400 00:35:55,198 --> 00:35:56,281 Go there. 401 00:35:56,781 --> 00:35:58,573 Go, and I promise you... 402 00:35:59,281 --> 00:36:03,198 If but a whisper of a rumor of the threat you perceive proves true, 403 00:36:03,698 --> 00:36:06,073 I will not rest until it is put right. 404 00:36:07,948 --> 00:36:10,364 You have fought long enough, Galadriel. 405 00:36:12,948 --> 00:36:14,489 Put up your sword. 406 00:36:15,239 --> 00:36:17,156 Without it, what am I to be? 407 00:36:17,239 --> 00:36:18,864 What you have always been. 408 00:36:21,823 --> 00:36:23,073 My friend. 409 00:37:20,239 --> 00:37:21,656 Evenin'. 410 00:37:21,739 --> 00:37:23,281 Caraes in three moves. 411 00:37:24,739 --> 00:37:25,781 Hmm. 412 00:37:26,864 --> 00:37:27,698 Ha! 413 00:37:28,114 --> 00:37:29,573 Poisoned more likely. 414 00:37:29,656 --> 00:37:31,573 Poisoned? By who? 415 00:37:32,114 --> 00:37:35,198 For all we know, the onion-eyed scut done it himself. 416 00:37:49,864 --> 00:37:52,198 Has it really been a fortnight already? 417 00:37:53,406 --> 00:37:54,531 It has. 418 00:37:56,364 --> 00:38:00,031 Uh, very little to report this go-round, I'm afraid. 419 00:38:00,114 --> 00:38:03,531 A couple of shabby disputes, a bit of uneven dice-handling. 420 00:38:04,114 --> 00:38:06,239 And... Oh, yes! 421 00:38:06,323 --> 00:38:08,781 Had a bit of a thrill in here, Trewsday last. 422 00:38:08,864 --> 00:38:10,781 Bit of a row over a girl. 423 00:38:11,198 --> 00:38:14,614 His eye was lazy, hers overactive, if you take my meaning. 424 00:38:16,823 --> 00:38:18,948 Do you care for a drink, soldier? 425 00:38:19,031 --> 00:38:21,239 Well, my well is yours, as ever. 426 00:38:21,323 --> 00:38:22,823 And the poisoning? 427 00:38:23,323 --> 00:38:24,364 What poisoning? 428 00:38:24,448 --> 00:38:26,239 The one you were just discussing. 429 00:38:26,323 --> 00:38:27,448 No, no, no, no... 430 00:38:27,531 --> 00:38:30,573 It was but poisoned grass he was twattlin' about. 431 00:38:32,073 --> 00:38:34,906 A fellow passed through, said his grazing's gone rotten. 432 00:38:34,989 --> 00:38:37,156 That only weeds will grow. 433 00:38:37,239 --> 00:38:39,948 This fellow, where was he from? 434 00:38:40,448 --> 00:38:41,948 Didn't say. East, I think. 435 00:38:42,698 --> 00:38:44,114 On what day was he here? 436 00:38:44,198 --> 00:38:47,239 -Oh, let it go, knife-ears. 437 00:38:48,156 --> 00:38:50,198 It's a bloody patch of grass. 438 00:38:51,281 --> 00:38:55,573 The lot you lump us in with died off a thousand years ago. 439 00:38:55,656 --> 00:38:58,489 When are you people gonna let the past go? 440 00:39:02,364 --> 00:39:05,906 The past is with us all, whether we like it or not. 441 00:39:06,781 --> 00:39:10,781 One day, our true king will return. 442 00:39:11,906 --> 00:39:16,406 And pry us right out from under your pointy boots. 443 00:39:16,489 --> 00:39:18,698 -Easy, lad. Quench the fire now. 444 00:39:31,031 --> 00:39:31,948 Come on, lad. 445 00:39:35,156 --> 00:39:37,156 Will there be anythin' else then? 446 00:40:00,739 --> 00:40:02,156 Give me your hand. 447 00:40:16,864 --> 00:40:17,739 Hmm. 448 00:40:20,781 --> 00:40:21,948 Alfirin seeds. 449 00:40:24,948 --> 00:40:27,614 I've not seen this flower since I was a child. 450 00:40:28,364 --> 00:40:29,864 Where did you find these? 451 00:40:30,531 --> 00:40:33,989 I had to trade with another healer who was passing through. 452 00:40:34,073 --> 00:40:36,198 We crush the petals to form a salve. 453 00:40:36,281 --> 00:40:37,906 You crush them? 454 00:40:37,989 --> 00:40:39,448 Gently. 455 00:40:42,906 --> 00:40:44,906 Are there healers among your kind? 456 00:40:44,989 --> 00:40:46,364 There are. 457 00:40:46,448 --> 00:40:48,281 But we call them artificers. 458 00:40:49,239 --> 00:40:53,281 Most wounds to our bodies heal of their own accord, 459 00:40:53,364 --> 00:40:57,781 so, it is their labor instead to render hidden truths as works of beauty. 460 00:40:58,739 --> 00:41:01,406 For beauty has great power to heal the soul. 461 00:41:03,698 --> 00:41:06,406 Then I hope you find alfirin flowers beautiful. 462 00:41:13,698 --> 00:41:15,364 Until next time, then. 463 00:41:15,448 --> 00:41:16,531 Soldier. 464 00:41:27,239 --> 00:41:28,864 Anything to report? 465 00:41:30,156 --> 00:41:31,823 Nothing out of the ordinary. 466 00:41:34,406 --> 00:41:35,614 And the well... 467 00:41:37,031 --> 00:41:38,281 How was it? 468 00:41:39,823 --> 00:41:41,239 Did you draw some water? 469 00:41:42,156 --> 00:41:43,906 We are awaited at Ostirith. 470 00:41:46,031 --> 00:41:48,864 Have you considered the consequences I might face 471 00:41:48,948 --> 00:41:51,864 if the Watchwarden were to discover what it is that you're doing? 472 00:41:51,948 --> 00:41:53,614 Afraid I don't take your meaning. 473 00:41:53,698 --> 00:41:55,198 It's difficult enough keeping watch over them 474 00:41:55,281 --> 00:41:57,364 without having to keep one eye squarely on you. 475 00:41:57,448 --> 00:41:58,698 Or do you think me blind? 476 00:41:58,781 --> 00:42:01,948 No. I think you talk too much. 477 00:42:02,656 --> 00:42:04,573 And you smell of rotten leaves. 478 00:42:04,656 --> 00:42:06,156 No, I don't. 479 00:42:06,239 --> 00:42:07,406 Yes, you do. 480 00:42:15,239 --> 00:42:18,239 My point is this. Only twice in known history 481 00:42:18,323 --> 00:42:21,448 has a pairing between Elves and humans even been attempted. 482 00:42:21,531 --> 00:42:24,031 And on each occasion, it ended in tragedy. 483 00:42:24,114 --> 00:42:25,198 It ended in death. 484 00:42:25,281 --> 00:42:27,198 You need not remind me. 485 00:42:28,781 --> 00:42:30,364 Then why do you persist? 486 00:42:31,156 --> 00:42:32,864 Give me one reason. One. 487 00:42:32,948 --> 00:42:34,781 Arondir! Médhor! 488 00:42:36,239 --> 00:42:39,156 The High King has declared the days of war are over. 489 00:42:40,614 --> 00:42:43,031 All the far outposts are being disbanded. 490 00:42:44,489 --> 00:42:45,573 We're leaving. 491 00:43:12,739 --> 00:43:14,323 -Taking a last look? -Mm-hmm. 492 00:43:16,448 --> 00:43:18,948 Seventy-nine years I've been stationed here. 493 00:43:21,073 --> 00:43:23,739 I suppose I've grown accustomed to it. 494 00:43:25,406 --> 00:43:28,948 Can you believe this place was once a barren scrap of rock? 495 00:43:29,031 --> 00:43:31,031 It has changed much, Watchwarden. 496 00:43:31,906 --> 00:43:33,989 But the Men who live here have not. 497 00:43:34,489 --> 00:43:38,489 The blood of those who stood with Morgoth still darkens their veins. 498 00:43:40,906 --> 00:43:42,781 That was long ago, Watchwarden. 499 00:43:47,781 --> 00:43:49,489 What were you before the war? 500 00:43:50,406 --> 00:43:51,531 A grower. 501 00:43:51,614 --> 00:43:54,198 Then you shall be returning home to far more than you left. 502 00:43:55,364 --> 00:43:58,156 Honors, title. 503 00:43:59,448 --> 00:44:01,114 Your life will begin anew. 504 00:44:02,114 --> 00:44:04,156 But mark this, Arondir, 505 00:44:04,781 --> 00:44:08,364 that for 79 years, you've kept watch over the men and women of Tirharad, 506 00:44:08,448 --> 00:44:11,364 not because of what their ancestors once did... 507 00:44:12,823 --> 00:44:14,823 But because of who they still are. 508 00:44:20,364 --> 00:44:21,573 And be grateful. 509 00:44:23,114 --> 00:44:25,281 That you need never see them again. 510 00:45:03,989 --> 00:45:07,114 Careful. That's fire-root powder. You have to do it slowly. 511 00:45:07,198 --> 00:45:09,281 Go any slower, I'll be stuck here all day. 512 00:45:09,364 --> 00:45:11,239 You're in a boil this morning. 513 00:45:11,323 --> 00:45:13,948 Hardly slept. Mice were dancing a proper jig 514 00:45:14,031 --> 00:45:16,073 -under the floorboards. -Again? 515 00:45:16,156 --> 00:45:18,864 Last three nights. Scratchin' and scrapin'. 516 00:45:22,364 --> 00:45:24,198 What's one of them doing here? 517 00:45:35,198 --> 00:45:36,698 I heard you were leaving. 518 00:45:37,739 --> 00:45:38,906 We are. 519 00:45:41,114 --> 00:45:43,114 Where's the rest of your company? 520 00:45:44,406 --> 00:45:47,948 Most likely searching for me at this very moment. 521 00:45:48,656 --> 00:45:50,323 Then why are you at my home? 522 00:46:03,698 --> 00:46:05,531 Say what you wish to say. 523 00:46:05,614 --> 00:46:07,114 I have said it already. 524 00:46:07,989 --> 00:46:11,531 A hundred times over, in every way but words. 525 00:46:13,531 --> 00:46:14,656 -Mother. 526 00:46:16,198 --> 00:46:17,864 There's a man here for you. 527 00:46:26,823 --> 00:46:27,906 Mum. 528 00:46:31,239 --> 00:46:33,073 You heal animals, too? 529 00:46:35,114 --> 00:46:37,531 -If you could just give her a look. 530 00:46:38,448 --> 00:46:41,489 She's got some sort of a sickness. 531 00:46:42,239 --> 00:46:43,656 What manner of sickness? 532 00:46:50,989 --> 00:46:52,489 It isn't a fever. 533 00:46:54,489 --> 00:46:57,114 And she doesn't appear to have any sores. 534 00:46:58,323 --> 00:46:59,948 Where has she been grazing? 535 00:47:00,031 --> 00:47:01,781 Hmm. She wandered east a few days ago. 536 00:47:02,906 --> 00:47:04,489 Think she might have ate something? 537 00:47:09,156 --> 00:47:11,989 What was that, squirted out of her? 538 00:47:13,281 --> 00:47:14,864 How far east? 539 00:47:14,948 --> 00:47:17,323 She might've made it as far as Hordern. 540 00:47:24,573 --> 00:47:25,781 Where are you going? 541 00:47:25,864 --> 00:47:29,114 Hordern's a day's journey. If I leave now, I can reach it by dusk. 542 00:47:29,198 --> 00:47:30,531 I'm going with you. 543 00:47:43,031 --> 00:47:44,781 Be quick about it. 544 00:47:44,864 --> 00:47:47,156 He finds us in here, he'll knock our teeth out. 545 00:47:50,823 --> 00:47:52,948 Only spotted it by mistake. 546 00:47:53,031 --> 00:47:54,323 Stepped on a lucky board. 547 00:47:56,864 --> 00:47:58,031 So, tell me, 548 00:47:59,031 --> 00:48:01,573 is it true? About your mum? 549 00:48:02,531 --> 00:48:03,948 Is what true? 550 00:48:04,656 --> 00:48:08,448 Heard Waldreg caught herself and one of the pointies 551 00:48:08,573 --> 00:48:11,073 mighty sweet back of his well the other day. 552 00:48:11,156 --> 00:48:12,281 Who told you that? 553 00:48:12,364 --> 00:48:13,614 Everybody. 554 00:48:14,073 --> 00:48:15,239 It's a lie. 555 00:48:15,781 --> 00:48:18,323 Maybe that's why your father run off like he done. 556 00:48:18,406 --> 00:48:19,739 My father didn't run off. 557 00:48:19,823 --> 00:48:20,989 Then what happened to him? 558 00:48:21,739 --> 00:48:23,406 You don't even know, do you? 559 00:48:26,948 --> 00:48:29,781 Salty rascal's got the King's bounty down there. 560 00:48:31,364 --> 00:48:32,864 This is the real bounty. 561 00:48:53,073 --> 00:48:54,073 Watch it! 562 00:48:56,573 --> 00:48:57,656 Go on, quick. 563 00:49:36,489 --> 00:49:38,489 She has passed beyond my sight. 564 00:49:39,698 --> 00:49:42,781 Galadriel was so certain her search should continue. 565 00:49:44,031 --> 00:49:47,031 We foresaw that if it had, 566 00:49:47,114 --> 00:49:52,489 she might have inadvertently kept alive the very evil she sought to defeat. 567 00:49:54,531 --> 00:49:57,614 For the same wind that seeks to blow out a fire 568 00:49:57,698 --> 00:50:00,114 may also cause its spread. 569 00:50:01,948 --> 00:50:03,698 Then the shadow she sought... 570 00:50:06,531 --> 00:50:08,114 You believe it does exist? 571 00:50:08,739 --> 00:50:11,364 Set your mind at peace about it. 572 00:50:12,698 --> 00:50:14,239 What you did was right. 573 00:50:14,989 --> 00:50:18,281 For Galadriel and for Middle-earth. 574 00:50:20,239 --> 00:50:21,698 It's hard to see what is right... 575 00:50:24,156 --> 00:50:26,364 When friendship and duty are mingled. 576 00:50:28,364 --> 00:50:31,031 Such is the burden of those who lead 577 00:50:31,948 --> 00:50:34,156 and those who would seek to. 578 00:50:35,906 --> 00:50:38,198 Galadriel sails to the sunset. 579 00:50:38,281 --> 00:50:43,114 You and I must look to the new sunrise. 580 00:50:45,239 --> 00:50:46,406 To that end, 581 00:50:47,989 --> 00:50:51,573 are you acquainted with the work of Lord Celebrimbor? 582 00:50:52,614 --> 00:50:54,614 The greatest of Elven-smiths, of course. 583 00:50:55,448 --> 00:50:59,114 I've admired his artistry since I was a child. Why do you ask? 584 00:50:59,198 --> 00:51:03,948 He is about to embark on a new project. One of singular importance. 585 00:51:05,031 --> 00:51:08,156 And we've decided that you will be working with him. 586 00:51:11,114 --> 00:51:14,614 But I'll allow you to explain the details, Lord Celebrimbor. 587 00:51:30,198 --> 00:51:33,239 First the big people, now the stars. 588 00:51:34,948 --> 00:51:37,281 Eyes open when they should be sleeping. 589 00:51:41,239 --> 00:51:42,531 Almost like... 590 00:51:44,156 --> 00:51:46,323 Like they're watching for something. 591 00:51:46,823 --> 00:51:47,906 Watching for what? 592 00:51:48,906 --> 00:51:51,781 A tongue-lashing, if you don't mind your own cartwheels. 593 00:51:51,864 --> 00:51:53,698 What is it? What do you see? 594 00:51:53,781 --> 00:51:55,989 Elanor Brandyfoot, with your father's nose, 595 00:51:56,073 --> 00:51:57,906 and always poking it into trouble, 596 00:51:57,989 --> 00:52:02,198 you are far too curious and meddlesome to have been born a Harfoot. 597 00:52:02,281 --> 00:52:04,989 Are you quite certain you're not part squirrel? 598 00:52:06,406 --> 00:52:09,156 Sadoc. Sadoc, please. 599 00:52:09,948 --> 00:52:11,156 Tell me. 600 00:52:13,906 --> 00:52:16,489 The skies are strange. 601 00:52:18,864 --> 00:52:20,156 Strange. 602 00:52:20,239 --> 00:52:21,323 Strange how? 603 00:52:21,406 --> 00:52:23,281 Nori! Do you have that grease? 604 00:52:23,364 --> 00:52:24,614 On my way. 605 00:52:33,364 --> 00:52:35,906 How familiar are you with the townsfolk of Hordern? 606 00:52:35,989 --> 00:52:38,823 Very, I should hope. I was born there. 607 00:52:40,823 --> 00:52:41,989 Why? 608 00:52:42,073 --> 00:52:45,531 The people of Hordern were known for having been especially strong 609 00:52:45,614 --> 00:52:47,281 in their loyalty to Morgoth. 610 00:52:48,406 --> 00:52:49,823 What did you just say? 611 00:52:53,864 --> 00:52:55,114 The truth. 612 00:52:56,364 --> 00:52:58,364 You're talking about my friends. 613 00:52:58,448 --> 00:53:01,031 Close kin, I know them. There are good people there. 614 00:53:05,198 --> 00:53:06,989 That is why I'm here with you. 615 00:53:09,448 --> 00:53:11,073 Instead of the Watchwarden. 616 00:53:12,114 --> 00:53:13,364 Bronwyn. 617 00:53:20,073 --> 00:53:23,989 You're the only kind touch I've known all my days in this land. 618 00:53:40,531 --> 00:53:41,781 Hordern. 619 00:56:11,198 --> 00:56:16,864 Do you know why a ship floats and a stone cannot? 620 00:56:51,906 --> 00:56:53,073 Galadriel. 621 00:57:08,989 --> 00:57:10,406 Give me your hand. 622 00:57:23,156 --> 00:57:26,156 But sometimes the lights shine just as brightly 623 00:57:26,239 --> 00:57:28,906 reflected in the water as they do in the sky. 624 00:57:30,614 --> 00:57:32,406 How am I to know which lights to follow? 625 00:57:34,698 --> 00:57:36,698 Sometimes we cannot know 626 00:57:38,448 --> 00:57:40,448 until we have touched the darkness. 627 00:57:52,073 --> 00:57:53,156 Galadriel!