1 00:00:53,615 --> 00:00:56,971 "Libera me Domine de morte aeterna in die illa tremanda." 2 00:00:59,734 --> 00:01:03,687 "Quando coeli movendi sunt et terra veneris iudicare saeculum." 3 00:01:04,254 --> 00:01:08,371 "Tremens factus sum ego et timeo, dum discussio venerit et ira." 4 00:01:21,755 --> 00:01:22,958 Father. 5 00:01:23,365 --> 00:01:26,318 I brought you here for one reason: to learn to fight. 6 00:01:28,129 --> 00:01:28,973 He is already left. 7 00:01:32,768 --> 00:01:33,589 Let's go. 8 00:01:58,439 --> 00:02:01,611 Having reached the end of my sinful life, 9 00:02:01,954 --> 00:02:04,086 I prepare to leave my testimony 10 00:02:04,361 --> 00:02:06,876 as to the wondrous and terrible events 11 00:02:06,947 --> 00:02:09,166 that I happened to witness in my youth. 12 00:02:10,851 --> 00:02:14,124 I was a novice in the Benedictine abbey of Melk. 13 00:02:14,655 --> 00:02:18,491 My father, a general to the Holy Roman Emperor 14 00:02:18,986 --> 00:02:23,455 coaxed me away from my studies. I had to fight with him in Italy. 15 00:02:24,499 --> 00:02:25,494 Take her. 16 00:02:26,984 --> 00:02:30,359 He said that we were fighting a right just war, 17 00:02:30,430 --> 00:02:33,273 there are no such things as right just wars. 18 00:02:33,328 --> 00:02:36,023 You can not change the world by killing. 19 00:02:52,463 --> 00:02:55,190 I was 17 years old at the time 20 00:02:55,191 --> 00:02:58,260 and my life was about to change forever. 21 00:04:39,115 --> 00:04:41,021 Remember, when you will leave this earth, 22 00:04:41,076 --> 00:04:43,026 you can take nothing you have received, 23 00:04:43,706 --> 00:04:45,284 but only what you have given. 24 00:04:50,634 --> 00:04:52,119 We are all God's children. 25 00:04:55,442 --> 00:04:56,893 Each one is our brother. 26 00:05:01,356 --> 00:05:03,652 The world is like a great book. 27 00:05:04,292 --> 00:05:06,473 You must learn to read it correctly. 28 00:05:08,546 --> 00:05:12,046 There is only one way to play fully against ignorance and hatred, 29 00:05:12,826 --> 00:05:15,124 use knowledge to better the human race 30 00:05:23,406 --> 00:05:28,702 Come, brother. Come and join us. 31 00:05:37,826 --> 00:05:39,826 Come. 32 00:05:42,266 --> 00:05:45,719 - Come. - Don't touch me. 33 00:05:49,574 --> 00:05:50,662 You are welcomed here. 34 00:06:01,989 --> 00:06:03,389 The outcast... 35 00:06:03,629 --> 00:06:06,800 I was moved by the desire of the truth 36 00:06:07,237 --> 00:06:09,870 and by the suspicion that until now 37 00:06:10,003 --> 00:06:12,212 it was not what I was told. 38 00:06:12,901 --> 00:06:13,933 So say nothing... 39 00:06:13,987 --> 00:06:16,526 The Franciscan's words instructed me 40 00:06:16,549 --> 00:06:18,440 as my father's never had. 41 00:06:20,706 --> 00:06:21,924 Why are you following me? 42 00:06:23,146 --> 00:06:24,373 Because you are interesting. 43 00:06:24,668 --> 00:06:27,106 That is not a good reason for following anyone. 44 00:06:28,746 --> 00:06:31,684 I'm afraid I must continue my journey alone, my friend. 45 00:06:53,164 --> 00:06:56,875 William of Baskerville, the emperor thanks you for your services. 46 00:06:58,204 --> 00:07:00,156 - General. - Be sitting. 47 00:07:11,532 --> 00:07:14,133 This is what he hopes will be achieved from the Debate. 48 00:07:14,594 --> 00:07:18,468 We are feating the Pope's steel. Now it's your turn with words. 49 00:07:20,397 --> 00:07:24,029 I'm making this journey to serve and protect my Order. 50 00:07:24,778 --> 00:07:27,067 I'm perfectly aware that you're backing the 51 00:07:27,068 --> 00:07:30,084 Franciscans to use us against the Pope. 52 00:07:30,490 --> 00:07:32,218 Who intends to destroy you. 53 00:07:33,990 --> 00:07:37,380 By accepting the Emperor's support you are giving us yours. 54 00:07:38,157 --> 00:07:39,009 Eat. 55 00:07:39,684 --> 00:07:42,603 Religious people think they can ignore politics. 56 00:07:43,805 --> 00:07:46,064 Nonsense. Religion is politics. 57 00:07:47,290 --> 00:07:51,364 I keep trying get that into my son's head, to no avail, of course. 58 00:07:53,040 --> 00:07:54,259 He wants to be a monk. 59 00:07:55,564 --> 00:07:58,024 I am... Surely he has his reasons. 60 00:07:58,618 --> 00:07:59,844 And I have mine. 61 00:08:00,501 --> 00:08:04,484 Bigheaded, stubborn like his late mother. 62 00:08:04,938 --> 00:08:06,828 Perhaps he is simply a coward. 63 00:08:10,492 --> 00:08:11,867 Why did you become Franciscan? 64 00:08:17,165 --> 00:08:20,962 I heard the story of Giovanni di Bernardino 65 00:08:22,016 --> 00:08:24,893 a rich, young man, and his conversion. 66 00:08:26,407 --> 00:08:29,324 How he rejected his father and mother. 67 00:08:29,488 --> 00:08:32,121 Threw off his velvet clothes, rolled them into 68 00:08:32,122 --> 00:08:34,964 bundle and placed them at his father's feet and said: 69 00:08:36,362 --> 00:08:41,370 "These belong to you. Take them. We're equals now." 70 00:08:43,324 --> 00:08:46,222 This man became Saint Francis. 71 00:08:55,004 --> 00:08:58,980 Which may I ask is your son's name? 72 00:08:59,844 --> 00:09:02,610 Adso. Why do you ask? 73 00:09:04,221 --> 00:09:05,205 Curiosity. 74 00:09:08,218 --> 00:09:08,983 Do you know him? 75 00:09:10,890 --> 00:09:12,288 No, that I know. 76 00:09:24,938 --> 00:09:27,009 Why did you come so far to meet with that bastard? 77 00:09:29,809 --> 00:09:32,832 When I was a philosopher, I doubted the world had an order. 78 00:09:33,527 --> 00:09:36,410 Now I console to discover if not an order, 79 00:09:36,411 --> 00:09:38,404 at least a series of connections, 80 00:09:38,881 --> 00:09:41,865 in small areas of the world's affairs. 81 00:09:43,185 --> 00:09:44,834 Follow me, if you want to. 82 00:09:45,684 --> 00:09:48,887 - My name is Adso. - I know. Your father told me. 83 00:09:56,135 --> 00:09:59,666 We had been walking for days, from dawn to dusk, 84 00:10:00,111 --> 00:10:01,525 often in silence. 85 00:10:02,531 --> 00:10:04,829 We were heading north to a famous Benedictine 86 00:10:04,830 --> 00:10:07,714 abbey on a mountain range in Northern Italy. 87 00:10:09,193 --> 00:10:13,388 During our journey, William's mission remained unknown to me. 88 00:10:16,300 --> 00:10:19,347 While we imagined a better world, he told me: 89 00:10:19,901 --> 00:10:23,824 "Blind leaders drive blind people towards the abyss." 90 00:10:28,564 --> 00:10:31,869 This idle figure of Christ has a purse at it's waist. 91 00:10:32,814 --> 00:10:36,284 Just to remind people that our Lord did not worship poverty 92 00:10:36,628 --> 00:10:38,465 not even when he was on the cross. 93 00:10:39,348 --> 00:10:41,824 A Church of paupers has no future. 94 00:10:42,349 --> 00:10:47,224 And that's precisely the ruin the damn Franciscans want to drag us to. 95 00:10:47,653 --> 00:10:51,844 Your Holiness, this is not the ruin, according to the Franciscans. 96 00:10:52,157 --> 00:10:55,782 On the contrary, it is just the rebirth of the Church. 97 00:10:57,244 --> 00:11:02,484 In Florence we burned a follower of Dolcino. 98 00:11:04,414 --> 00:11:05,555 The stake! 99 00:11:08,712 --> 00:11:11,195 The stake! 100 00:11:11,244 --> 00:11:13,955 The stake! 101 00:11:17,331 --> 00:11:22,764 I am Brother Bernard Gui, Dominican inquisitor, 102 00:11:22,804 --> 00:11:26,284 entrusted with authority by His Holiness, the Pope, 103 00:11:27,089 --> 00:11:28,582 sentence the prisoner, 104 00:11:29,527 --> 00:11:33,684 a follower of the forbidden sect of Fra Dolcino, 105 00:11:33,724 --> 00:11:38,529 a poisoned fruit of the Franciscan order, to death. 106 00:11:38,849 --> 00:11:41,061 You are the Anti-Christ! 107 00:11:42,339 --> 00:11:47,496 I see God everywhere, but in you, bastard son of Satan! 108 00:11:48,699 --> 00:11:52,365 Dolcino told you when you tried to destroy us! 109 00:11:53,374 --> 00:11:55,609 Saint Francis was just the beginning! 110 00:11:56,492 --> 00:12:00,295 "Penitenziagite!" 111 00:12:00,482 --> 00:12:02,831 William of Baskerville was there as well. 112 00:12:04,505 --> 00:12:06,474 I had to arrange for him to meet with the 113 00:12:06,475 --> 00:12:08,908 heretic before he passed my judgement. 114 00:12:10,164 --> 00:12:13,437 I need him to recant, and you could help me. 115 00:12:14,444 --> 00:12:17,044 Why would you imagine that I have a chance of succeeding? 116 00:12:18,992 --> 00:12:20,524 Well, you are two brothers. 117 00:12:23,805 --> 00:12:24,855 Under the skin. 118 00:12:28,839 --> 00:12:33,082 With a flash of that, grand hypocrisy of his, he said to me... 119 00:12:35,924 --> 00:12:38,830 Why should I judge my brother? 120 00:12:52,342 --> 00:12:55,163 You should know that Baskerville was chosen by the 121 00:12:55,164 --> 00:12:57,764 Emperor to lead the Debate. 122 00:13:10,044 --> 00:13:12,421 - What is this? - An astrolabe. 123 00:13:13,644 --> 00:13:15,796 For one to catch heavenly bodies. 124 00:13:16,884 --> 00:13:19,164 It gives us a picture of the sky. 125 00:13:19,914 --> 00:13:21,765 Astronomers and navigators use it to measure 126 00:13:21,812 --> 00:13:24,632 the impair position in the sky of a celestial body, 127 00:13:25,203 --> 00:13:26,364 day or night. 128 00:13:27,185 --> 00:13:30,411 To help us see the visible, and the invisible. 129 00:13:31,849 --> 00:13:32,724 Yes. 130 00:13:39,324 --> 00:13:40,348 She looks hungry. 131 00:14:00,364 --> 00:14:01,309 Here. 132 00:14:03,067 --> 00:14:04,067 Food. 133 00:14:31,529 --> 00:14:32,459 I don't... 134 00:14:41,143 --> 00:14:42,080 Take it. 135 00:14:51,414 --> 00:14:52,163 Merci. 136 00:14:57,857 --> 00:14:58,975 She's from Occitanie. 137 00:14:59,770 --> 00:15:02,075 The king of France is making war with her people 138 00:15:03,324 --> 00:15:07,144 like many others, she is fleeing from her home. 139 00:15:40,701 --> 00:15:44,981 It is useless that we wander like a flock of sheep. 140 00:15:45,124 --> 00:15:48,312 Three or four of you, you take that path 141 00:15:48,585 --> 00:15:49,554 and the others... 142 00:15:51,875 --> 00:15:54,524 May your day be blessed, brother Franciscan. 143 00:15:55,314 --> 00:15:56,908 And yours as well, young brother. 144 00:15:57,681 --> 00:16:00,364 I'm the cellarer of the abbey. We are looking for... 145 00:16:00,404 --> 00:16:02,372 Thank you for interrupting your search, brother. 146 00:16:02,608 --> 00:16:05,325 The horse came this way, took the trail to the right. 147 00:16:05,513 --> 00:16:07,872 - It will not get far. - Have you seen it? 148 00:16:08,164 --> 00:16:10,547 We haven't seen him at all. Have we, Adso? 149 00:16:10,884 --> 00:16:12,946 But if you are searching for Brunelus, 150 00:16:13,274 --> 00:16:14,821 the horse can be only be were I said. 151 00:16:15,143 --> 00:16:17,502 Brunellus. How do you know his name? 152 00:16:17,564 --> 00:16:20,306 Come, come. It's obvious. You're hunting for Brunellus, 153 00:16:20,626 --> 00:16:21,844 the abbot's favorite horse. 154 00:16:21,884 --> 00:16:26,186 15 hands, with a dark coat, full tail, small and rounded hoofs, 155 00:16:26,241 --> 00:16:30,007 and a very steady gait, a small head, choppy ears, big eyes. 156 00:16:31,061 --> 00:16:33,964 It went to the right. Now hurry, you should continue your search. 157 00:16:34,855 --> 00:16:37,975 Haven't we met somewhere before, brother? 158 00:16:38,060 --> 00:16:39,347 Not that I recall. 159 00:16:44,260 --> 00:16:46,531 There is always a sinful pleasure 160 00:16:46,564 --> 00:16:50,044 in being proved right. How I find it? 161 00:16:51,478 --> 00:16:53,955 Come on, Adso. It's not so difficult. 162 00:16:54,212 --> 00:16:56,759 You yourself must have seen the horse's footprints. 163 00:16:57,204 --> 00:17:00,914 He broke off those twigs at about five feet and I found these. 164 00:17:01,375 --> 00:17:03,594 The land on the right hand path leads to the cliffs, 165 00:17:03,595 --> 00:17:04,999 because I saw it in the way up. 166 00:17:06,952 --> 00:17:08,663 And the detailed description of the animal? 167 00:17:08,952 --> 00:17:11,244 I imagined a horse I had not yet seen. 168 00:17:11,773 --> 00:17:13,312 I'm not sure it has those features, 169 00:17:13,313 --> 00:17:15,476 but no doubt the monks really believe it does. 170 00:17:15,764 --> 00:17:17,671 They would be so concerned about the horse 171 00:17:17,672 --> 00:17:19,366 if it was important to the abbot. 172 00:17:19,811 --> 00:17:21,818 So I gave them the ideal features 173 00:17:21,904 --> 00:17:25,171 that a good Benedictine would expect on their master's animal. 174 00:17:25,204 --> 00:17:26,547 What... And wha about the name? 175 00:17:26,828 --> 00:17:29,219 May the Holy Ghost sharpen your mind, son. 176 00:17:29,831 --> 00:17:32,484 What other name could it possibly have? 177 00:17:33,049 --> 00:17:35,167 Brunellus, "brunus". 178 00:17:35,958 --> 00:17:37,403 - Latin. - For brown. 179 00:17:37,404 --> 00:17:37,924 Yes. 180 00:17:59,717 --> 00:18:01,117 Brother! 181 00:18:28,702 --> 00:18:31,764 The abbot will be forever grateful to you, brother. 182 00:18:32,123 --> 00:18:33,284 He loves this horse. 183 00:18:36,368 --> 00:18:40,509 - You're William of Baskerville. - So you do know me. 184 00:18:41,004 --> 00:18:46,355 Not exactly, is that the abbot was speaking about you, you see 185 00:18:46,543 --> 00:18:50,404 He was expecting your visit, but not so soon. 186 00:18:51,699 --> 00:18:53,520 This explains everything. 187 00:19:14,124 --> 00:19:17,804 Our brother Adelmo fell to his death last night. 188 00:19:18,804 --> 00:19:22,382 We still don't know how, nor why he died. 189 00:19:23,426 --> 00:19:26,436 I will call together the whole monastery 190 00:19:26,553 --> 00:19:29,574 after we read the psalms at Sixth. 191 00:19:33,684 --> 00:19:36,411 Brother William of Baskerville is here. 192 00:19:40,580 --> 00:19:42,572 Perhaps, Berengar, 193 00:19:43,371 --> 00:19:45,957 you could prepare the body for the burial? 194 00:19:54,844 --> 00:19:57,004 William of Baskerville. 195 00:19:59,269 --> 00:20:04,237 What an unfortunate time. God has decided to put me through the test. 196 00:20:22,859 --> 00:20:28,019 I was very pleased to know that once you acted as inquisitor 197 00:20:28,637 --> 00:20:30,239 that in numerous cases you decided decided 198 00:20:30,240 --> 00:20:31,844 that the accused were innocent. 199 00:20:33,484 --> 00:20:37,924 Inquisitors often, to demonstrate their zeal, 200 00:20:38,417 --> 00:20:42,244 will arrest a confession at all costs. 201 00:20:42,284 --> 00:20:44,269 Inquisitors can be pulled by the devil. 202 00:20:45,845 --> 00:20:48,470 So I've abandoned that noble activity and now I 203 00:20:48,471 --> 00:20:50,968 concern myself with other delicate questions. 204 00:20:51,047 --> 00:20:54,176 And I would like to deal with the one that is distressing you 205 00:20:54,364 --> 00:20:56,052 if you would speak to me, father. 206 00:20:59,875 --> 00:21:01,844 In the dark hours of last night, 207 00:21:02,195 --> 00:21:03,781 one of our finest illustrators, 208 00:21:03,782 --> 00:21:06,430 Adelmo da Otranto... Well, you have seen. 209 00:21:08,459 --> 00:21:10,843 He likely fell during the snow storm 210 00:21:11,577 --> 00:21:13,764 that blew in so furiously from the west. 211 00:21:14,233 --> 00:21:15,553 God have mercy on him. 212 00:21:17,420 --> 00:21:20,225 Given the battering that his poor body suffered, 213 00:21:20,604 --> 00:21:24,252 determining the precise point from which he had fallen was not easy. 214 00:21:24,313 --> 00:21:25,814 Certainly from one of the windows 215 00:21:25,815 --> 00:21:28,219 that open in rows on the side of the tower. 216 00:21:28,368 --> 00:21:32,204 I see. I see that your problem is the following. 217 00:21:32,775 --> 00:21:36,222 If that unhappy youth, God forbid it, committed suicide 218 00:21:36,269 --> 00:21:38,792 you'd not allowed the body into the church and I believe this 219 00:21:38,793 --> 00:21:41,444 morning you'd have found the windows open. 220 00:21:41,726 --> 00:21:43,366 Whereas you found them closed, 221 00:21:43,694 --> 00:21:46,224 with no sign of water at the foot of any of them. 222 00:21:47,604 --> 00:21:50,219 - Who told you this? - You told me. 223 00:21:50,921 --> 00:21:53,109 If the window had been opened, you'd have inmediately 224 00:21:53,110 --> 00:21:54,764 thought he throwed himself out of it. 225 00:21:55,194 --> 00:21:58,564 From what I could tell from the outside, they are large windows 226 00:21:58,807 --> 00:22:00,791 And windows of that sort, in buildings of this 227 00:22:00,792 --> 00:22:03,767 size, are not usually placed at a man?s height. 228 00:22:04,158 --> 00:22:06,244 So, even if th window had been open, 229 00:22:06,440 --> 00:22:08,354 it would?ve been impossible for the unfortunate 230 00:22:08,355 --> 00:22:10,924 man to lean out and lose his balance. Thus 231 00:22:10,964 --> 00:22:14,844 suicide would have been the only conceivable explanation. 232 00:22:15,259 --> 00:22:17,321 But since you will give him a Christian burial, 233 00:22:17,969 --> 00:22:19,571 the windows must have been closed. 234 00:22:20,149 --> 00:22:21,320 If it was closed, 235 00:22:21,883 --> 00:22:25,750 then obviously the presumed suicide was, on the contrary, pushed 236 00:22:26,590 --> 00:22:29,199 And you are wondering who was capable, I will not say of 237 00:22:29,433 --> 00:22:30,715 pushing him into the abyss, 238 00:22:31,058 --> 00:22:32,567 but of hoisting him to the sill. 239 00:22:33,456 --> 00:22:34,519 This is it. 240 00:22:35,774 --> 00:22:38,875 But how do you know there was no water at the foot of any windows? 241 00:22:39,000 --> 00:22:40,924 'Cause you told me the wind was blowing from the west, 242 00:22:41,368 --> 00:22:43,471 so the water could not be driven against windows 243 00:22:43,472 --> 00:22:44,978 that open to the east. 244 00:22:51,072 --> 00:22:53,341 I've been told about your great intelligence too, brother, 245 00:22:54,122 --> 00:22:56,112 but doesn't do you justice, I see. 246 00:22:57,524 --> 00:22:59,380 It is all just as you have said. 247 00:23:02,604 --> 00:23:06,572 And none commits a murder without a reason. 248 00:23:07,684 --> 00:23:09,684 However perverse. 249 00:23:15,607 --> 00:23:19,185 - Nothing else? - Nothing else I can say to you. 250 00:23:19,372 --> 00:23:21,762 You mean there's nothing else you have the power to say. 251 00:23:21,973 --> 00:23:23,004 Brother William. 252 00:23:26,284 --> 00:23:27,440 Brother William, 253 00:23:28,251 --> 00:23:32,363 please, help me to find Adelmo's assasins before the delegates arrive. 254 00:23:33,033 --> 00:23:36,004 Imagine if the Pope would learn that here, in God's house... 255 00:23:36,044 --> 00:23:38,333 Who has access to the tower at night? 256 00:23:39,083 --> 00:23:41,403 No one. It is absolutely forbidden to everyone. 257 00:23:41,404 --> 00:23:42,564 And who has the key? 258 00:23:42,807 --> 00:23:46,838 The librarians, Malachi of Hildesheim and his assistant Berengar. 259 00:23:47,353 --> 00:23:49,004 May I question the monks? 260 00:23:53,017 --> 00:23:53,681 You may. 261 00:23:56,924 --> 00:23:58,844 May I move freely about the abbey? 262 00:24:00,494 --> 00:24:01,994 I grant you that power. 263 00:24:02,497 --> 00:24:07,411 I must confess that I already had a great desire to visit the library 264 00:24:08,083 --> 00:24:11,598 which is spoken of with admiration at all the abbeys of Christendom. 265 00:24:11,661 --> 00:24:15,129 No. No. I cannot allow you to enter. No one may, no one can. 266 00:24:16,858 --> 00:24:21,982 Even if you manage to enter, this library can protect itself. 267 00:24:23,268 --> 00:24:26,603 It is as invulnerable as the truths it harbors. 268 00:24:27,884 --> 00:24:32,764 And it is cleverly deceptive as the falsehood it protects. It is a maze. 269 00:24:34,939 --> 00:24:38,267 You might enter and then you might never get out of it. 270 00:24:39,579 --> 00:24:41,352 No one but the librarians can enter. 271 00:24:42,777 --> 00:24:44,214 It has always been this way. 272 00:24:45,441 --> 00:24:48,044 In Crete they built a maze that hides a monster. 273 00:24:50,004 --> 00:24:54,924 No monsters in our library, books, only books, 274 00:24:56,404 --> 00:24:57,668 lots of books. 275 00:24:58,761 --> 00:25:02,164 How can I study Adelmo's death if I don't see the place 276 00:25:02,204 --> 00:25:04,805 where the story of the death may have begun? 277 00:25:08,753 --> 00:25:10,012 Brother William, 278 00:25:12,444 --> 00:25:15,210 a man who has described my horse without seeing it, 279 00:25:15,524 --> 00:25:18,344 and the death of Adelmo knowing virtually nothing of the case 280 00:25:18,555 --> 00:25:20,503 should have no difficulties studying 281 00:25:20,504 --> 00:25:22,806 places to which he does not have access. 282 00:25:23,813 --> 00:25:27,422 As you wish. You are wise and you are severe. 283 00:25:28,844 --> 00:25:33,429 If I were ever wise, it was because I know how to be severe. 284 00:25:38,689 --> 00:25:40,853 Why is the Pope sending his people here? 285 00:25:41,142 --> 00:25:43,259 You said something about protecting the Order. 286 00:25:43,260 --> 00:25:44,724 The Order of Saint Francis. 287 00:25:44,896 --> 00:25:48,326 Yes.The Pope's envoys are connected to my business here. 288 00:25:48,564 --> 00:25:50,968 and the very future of the Church. 289 00:25:53,724 --> 00:25:56,164 It's the pig. They're killing a pig. 290 00:25:57,504 --> 00:26:00,411 When I was a little boy, my father made me do it, 291 00:26:00,490 --> 00:26:01,821 I was meant to be a man. 292 00:26:03,043 --> 00:26:04,632 I had to bury a knife in its heart 293 00:26:04,633 --> 00:26:06,436 while I held it down with a knee on its neck. 294 00:26:10,737 --> 00:26:12,040 Made me deaf for days. 295 00:27:20,313 --> 00:27:22,490 There has been a landslide obviously 296 00:27:22,491 --> 00:27:24,527 during the night caused by the storm. 297 00:27:25,333 --> 00:27:27,603 The earth moved, and carried this 298 00:27:27,604 --> 00:27:30,937 poor young man body down below the east tower 299 00:27:31,015 --> 00:27:33,561 where it was found, broken. 300 00:28:03,944 --> 00:28:06,777 The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced 301 00:28:06,778 --> 00:28:09,004 that Adelmo threw himself on his own 302 00:28:09,044 --> 00:28:11,486 free will from the parapet of this walls. 303 00:28:12,075 --> 00:28:12,887 Why is that? 304 00:28:13,027 --> 00:28:18,084 If Adelmo felt from the east tower, he must have got into the library 305 00:28:18,327 --> 00:28:19,730 someone must have struck him. 306 00:28:19,957 --> 00:28:24,296 and then this person must have somehow climbed up to the window 307 00:28:24,343 --> 00:28:27,372 with a lifeless body on his back, opening it 308 00:28:27,779 --> 00:28:30,040 and pitch the helpless monk down. 309 00:28:30,581 --> 00:28:31,935 With my hypothesis, 310 00:28:32,587 --> 00:28:36,284 we need only Adelmo, his possition and some shift of land. 311 00:28:37,601 --> 00:28:40,844 Everything is explained using a fewer number of causes. 312 00:28:41,924 --> 00:28:43,507 Why would he have killed himself? 313 00:28:44,627 --> 00:28:47,387 Was Adelmo disturbed by something? 314 00:28:47,437 --> 00:28:48,679 Why do you ask? 315 00:28:49,413 --> 00:28:51,533 You were his confessor. So you could not 316 00:28:51,534 --> 00:28:54,524 discuss his sins with me, but you could discuss his state of mind. 317 00:28:57,534 --> 00:28:58,852 I am not sure I want to have this 318 00:28:58,853 --> 00:29:00,305 conversation with yuo, brother William. 319 00:29:02,507 --> 00:29:04,013 He may have taken his own life. 320 00:29:20,940 --> 00:29:24,549 Welcome. I am Malachi of Hildesheim, 321 00:29:24,738 --> 00:29:26,040 chief librarian. 322 00:29:27,524 --> 00:29:29,860 It is an honor to meet a man of your distinction. 323 00:29:30,764 --> 00:29:33,394 You have been librarian here for a long time? 324 00:29:33,748 --> 00:29:34,724 30 years. 325 00:29:36,182 --> 00:29:38,884 One is always apointed by one's predecessor 326 00:29:38,924 --> 00:29:40,121 when he becomes an abbot. 327 00:29:42,470 --> 00:29:45,230 The rule is that when an abbot dies, 328 00:29:45,231 --> 00:29:47,208 is the librarian who replaces him. 329 00:29:47,790 --> 00:29:49,395 So you'd be the next abbot. 330 00:29:51,173 --> 00:29:53,868 May God grant our abbot a long life. 331 00:29:54,430 --> 00:29:55,364 Naturally. 332 00:29:55,523 --> 00:29:59,044 The kitchens through there. And here the scriptorium. 333 00:30:06,449 --> 00:30:08,183 Here is the heart of the abbey. 334 00:30:09,370 --> 00:30:13,421 Here recreate the most precious gems of culture in the entire world. 335 00:30:14,235 --> 00:30:15,193 Our books. 336 00:30:17,350 --> 00:30:18,884 Toiling over their work, 337 00:30:18,924 --> 00:30:25,798 you can see translators, copyists, illuminators, miniaturists. 338 00:30:25,905 --> 00:30:29,447 Who instill into the smallest of paintings on a page 339 00:30:29,629 --> 00:30:32,559 the most elaborated and magnificent images. 340 00:30:37,069 --> 00:30:42,097 This is Berengar of Arundel, my assistant. 341 00:30:45,659 --> 00:30:50,797 And here we have Venantius of Salvemec, a famous Greek scholar. 342 00:30:50,935 --> 00:30:53,414 Doing a wonderful work on the great Aristotle. 343 00:30:55,795 --> 00:30:59,798 And he Aymaro, master of copyists. 344 00:31:00,353 --> 00:31:04,197 - How do the monks get to the books? - We have catalogues. 345 00:31:05,075 --> 00:31:08,668 When a monk finds a book there, he asks me or my assistant for it. 346 00:31:09,482 --> 00:31:12,621 Books are arranged by a code known only to the two of us. 347 00:31:19,233 --> 00:31:21,724 Only we are allowed to get through that door. 348 00:31:22,260 --> 00:31:24,939 It is a labyrinth. Anyone enters will be lost. 349 00:31:26,016 --> 00:31:31,398 Benno of Uppsala. He is studying Rhetoric and the Art of Calligraphy. 350 00:31:32,063 --> 00:31:35,260 - Where did Adelmo work? - Down there. 351 00:31:38,250 --> 00:31:42,825 We haven't touched a thing. His desk is just the way he left it. 352 00:31:43,720 --> 00:31:47,746 - Yesterday you saw him leave? - Absolutely. We all did. 353 00:31:48,383 --> 00:31:51,558 - We all ate together. - And in church for evening prayers? 354 00:32:05,712 --> 00:32:06,938 A new invention. 355 00:32:06,993 --> 00:32:10,613 Which can magnify images for those whose sight has grown weak. 356 00:32:11,550 --> 00:32:12,346 Poor Adelmo. 357 00:32:13,112 --> 00:32:17,225 Sometimes he lose himsfelf in his weird imaginations. 358 00:32:20,501 --> 00:32:24,718 I am glad I am blind. 359 00:32:26,620 --> 00:32:30,918 I've not had to witness such stupidity. 360 00:32:31,796 --> 00:32:33,379 Jorge of Burgos, 361 00:32:34,024 --> 00:32:37,019 one of the abbey's most erudite scholars. 362 00:32:38,344 --> 00:32:40,158 You will agree, venerable Jorge, 363 00:32:40,437 --> 00:32:43,912 that not seeing something does not make it disappear. 364 00:32:44,558 --> 00:32:46,933 You're talking to William of Baskerville. 365 00:32:47,784 --> 00:32:48,988 The Franciscan. 366 00:32:49,638 --> 00:32:54,434 So now we will be preaching to the birds, 367 00:32:55,137 --> 00:32:57,613 singing and dancing 368 00:32:57,871 --> 00:33:01,838 to show the sympathy we have for the world. 369 00:33:04,712 --> 00:33:10,318 Adelmo, he took such pleasure into the monsters he painted 370 00:33:10,358 --> 00:33:12,489 that he lost sight of the truth. 371 00:33:13,215 --> 00:33:15,699 The images though they are no true were not mere foolinesses. 372 00:33:16,299 --> 00:33:18,479 God is named for the most distorted things, 373 00:33:18,480 --> 00:33:20,424 alas that's how he shows the truth. 374 00:33:21,585 --> 00:33:24,937 With respect, Jorge, you know that Adelmo did not lost his faith. 375 00:33:25,912 --> 00:33:29,037 While we were talking about this very question, I reminded you that... 376 00:33:29,107 --> 00:33:31,380 I don't know what you're talking about, young man. 377 00:33:31,560 --> 00:33:32,357 Malachia was here too. 378 00:33:32,358 --> 00:33:35,505 Jorge does not remember. He does not remember. 379 00:33:36,497 --> 00:33:37,817 But you do, Berengar. 380 00:33:38,643 --> 00:33:40,526 After all, you pay attention to 381 00:33:40,527 --> 00:33:42,768 any discussion over your dear dear friend. 382 00:33:42,838 --> 00:33:46,705 - Venantius! - We have lost a brother. 383 00:33:47,038 --> 00:33:49,428 He was greatly loved by all of us. 384 00:33:49,678 --> 00:33:52,263 And he was here, as we all are, 385 00:33:53,478 --> 00:33:57,149 to live out his life, praising and glorifying God. 386 00:33:58,310 --> 00:34:01,758 I've always wanted to read Tertulliano's "Apologeticum", 387 00:34:02,380 --> 00:34:04,458 but I've never been able to find it. 388 00:34:05,041 --> 00:34:06,759 It is here. I have it. 389 00:34:07,739 --> 00:34:11,078 - I'd be delighted to find it for you. - I will be terribly grateful. 390 00:34:11,446 --> 00:34:12,040 Boy. 391 00:34:12,782 --> 00:34:13,641 Boy. 392 00:34:15,305 --> 00:34:16,242 Yes? 393 00:34:18,878 --> 00:34:24,838 So you are William of Baskerville's novice? 394 00:34:24,878 --> 00:34:27,644 Could you think of anyone who may had 395 00:34:27,645 --> 00:34:30,581 some kind of grudge against Adelmo? 396 00:34:30,831 --> 00:34:37,143 Not at all. He was a fine young man, with a true passion for his work. 397 00:34:42,864 --> 00:34:48,262 Do not let your master lead you on the wrong road. 398 00:34:49,038 --> 00:34:54,720 Weare living in an age far more frightening 399 00:34:55,149 --> 00:34:58,478 than a miniaturist could imagine. 400 00:35:18,758 --> 00:35:20,367 "Penitenziagite!" 401 00:35:21,672 --> 00:35:23,728 Watch out for the draco 402 00:35:23,767 --> 00:35:27,235 who cometh in the future to gnaw at your soul. 403 00:35:27,524 --> 00:35:30,118 "La muerte è supra nos!" 404 00:35:31,023 --> 00:35:32,438 Pray the Santo Pater. 405 00:35:33,601 --> 00:35:35,280 You like this negromanzia? 406 00:35:35,343 --> 00:35:39,041 "Libero nos a malo" and free us from all sins. 407 00:35:39,081 --> 00:35:39,729 Flesh. 408 00:35:41,019 --> 00:35:41,924 Flesh. 409 00:35:43,308 --> 00:35:47,659 Beautiful? But Salvatore "non stupidus". He likes to... 410 00:35:50,548 --> 00:35:53,387 Penitenziagite! Penitenziagite! 411 00:36:32,868 --> 00:36:34,446 You're student of Rhetoric? 412 00:36:37,696 --> 00:36:38,977 Yes, I am. 413 00:36:40,620 --> 00:36:42,597 I also enjoy studying poetry. 414 00:36:43,388 --> 00:36:45,372 I have read many pagan poets. 415 00:36:45,895 --> 00:36:49,355 - Maybe their words also can be truth. - Well then. 416 00:36:49,918 --> 00:36:53,394 What was said that day when you were discussing about Adelmo's illuminations 417 00:36:53,433 --> 00:36:56,058 to Berengar, Venantius, Malachia and Jorge? 418 00:36:58,224 --> 00:37:01,904 Do I remind you that I am carrying the enquiry by the abbot behest? 419 00:37:03,242 --> 00:37:07,718 Jorge was saying that it is not licit to use ridiculous images 420 00:37:07,749 --> 00:37:09,889 to decorate books that contain the truth 421 00:37:10,444 --> 00:37:12,007 Venantiusspoke about other books and 422 00:37:12,008 --> 00:37:13,428 Jorge became very angry. 423 00:37:13,507 --> 00:37:15,014 - Which books? - I don't remember. 424 00:37:16,803 --> 00:37:18,334 What does matter which books were spoken of? 425 00:37:18,388 --> 00:37:20,193 It matters a big deal because here we are 426 00:37:20,194 --> 00:37:22,239 trying to understand what happened among men 427 00:37:22,302 --> 00:37:24,647 who live among books, with books, for books. 428 00:37:24,975 --> 00:37:27,708 So their words on books are also important. 429 00:37:28,948 --> 00:37:33,865 Yes, it's true. We live for books. 430 00:37:34,909 --> 00:37:38,823 A sweet mission in this world dominated by disorder and decay. 431 00:37:41,882 --> 00:37:43,106 What did they say? 432 00:37:46,139 --> 00:37:51,334 Venantius said that when it comes to these witty riddles, 433 00:37:51,889 --> 00:37:54,154 no one surpases the African poets. 434 00:37:54,717 --> 00:37:55,702 And then? 435 00:37:58,748 --> 00:38:01,644 And then something happened that I didn't quite understand. 436 00:38:02,985 --> 00:38:04,306 Berengar began to laugh. 437 00:38:05,196 --> 00:38:08,321 He said, "If one sought carefully among the Africans, 438 00:38:08,367 --> 00:38:10,668 quite different riddles would be found". 439 00:38:12,288 --> 00:38:14,228 Jorge became very angry and said 440 00:38:14,268 --> 00:38:17,748 that it did not seem wise to take the Africans as models. 441 00:38:18,116 --> 00:38:19,311 And after that? 442 00:38:25,277 --> 00:38:27,472 Malachia came furious, 443 00:38:27,620 --> 00:38:30,035 took Berengar by the cowl, and sent him off to his tasks. 444 00:38:32,492 --> 00:38:36,068 Later I saw Adelmo aproaching Berengar asking him for something. 445 00:38:36,108 --> 00:38:37,538 In the evening the two of them were in the 446 00:38:37,539 --> 00:38:39,468 cloister confabulating. That's all I know. 447 00:38:40,131 --> 00:38:43,308 What did Berengar mean by, "seeking among the Africans"? 448 00:38:48,183 --> 00:38:49,300 I know only one thing. 449 00:38:51,348 --> 00:38:54,308 Anyone leafing through the catalogue of books will often find, 450 00:38:54,348 --> 00:38:58,933 among the classifications that unfortunately only the librarian understands, 451 00:38:59,825 --> 00:39:01,208 one that says, "Africa". 452 00:39:03,098 --> 00:39:06,082 I have even found one that says "Finis Africae" 453 00:39:06,698 --> 00:39:07,925 the end of Africa. 454 00:39:09,354 --> 00:39:10,507 That is what I know. 455 00:39:12,218 --> 00:39:14,898 This is why I say: Check on Berengar. 456 00:39:30,138 --> 00:39:34,802 Franciscano's William dangerous! "Je ne l'aime pas, mala bestia est." 457 00:39:36,098 --> 00:39:37,004 I know. 458 00:39:40,598 --> 00:39:43,614 - You must tell him nothing. - Nothing. 459 00:39:49,338 --> 00:39:52,127 We Italians are victims of foreigners in here. 460 00:39:52,500 --> 00:39:54,766 They are all led by Malachia and Berengar. 461 00:39:55,286 --> 00:39:59,965 Now they even started murdering us. Here in the snake pit. 462 00:40:03,271 --> 00:40:04,380 What did he want? 463 00:40:07,036 --> 00:40:08,419 To introduce himself. 464 00:40:10,303 --> 00:40:14,151 In much speaking, you will not escape sinning. 465 00:40:14,620 --> 00:40:18,791 Death and life are in the power of the tongue. 466 00:40:20,111 --> 00:40:22,509 I did place a restraint to my mouth 467 00:40:24,606 --> 00:40:27,044 and made myself mute. 468 00:40:29,731 --> 00:40:33,364 Why did such a famous Franciscan choose you? 469 00:40:35,351 --> 00:40:38,835 Could it be that a fresh young boy 470 00:40:38,836 --> 00:40:41,530 has something to give back in return for his knowledge? 471 00:40:43,874 --> 00:40:46,074 Shame on you only for thinking that. 472 00:40:55,871 --> 00:41:00,402 I've sent too weak a delegation to face the Franciscans in Debate. 473 00:41:00,631 --> 00:41:05,391 I've just learnt that William of Baskerville has arrived at the abbey 474 00:41:05,724 --> 00:41:08,294 even before the Franciscan General. 475 00:41:08,802 --> 00:41:11,247 - Is your delegation already there? - Not yet. 476 00:41:11,431 --> 00:41:12,391 Call it back then. 477 00:41:13,048 --> 00:41:16,031 I can't. I made an agreement with the emperor. 478 00:41:16,071 --> 00:41:19,930 - The Debate must take place. - Can we trust the abbot? 479 00:41:20,313 --> 00:41:24,813 I would hope so. They say Baskerville has his charm. 480 00:41:26,751 --> 00:41:29,271 Charm is not a virtue. 481 00:41:30,311 --> 00:41:34,088 Don't forget that like every pure bred Franciscan, 482 00:41:35,029 --> 00:41:36,490 he hates you. 483 00:41:39,419 --> 00:41:43,471 The violence of the Dispute has endangered the unity of the Church. 484 00:41:43,815 --> 00:41:46,800 On the one hand there is the emperor against the Pope, 485 00:41:46,854 --> 00:41:49,331 on the other hand, the Pope against the Franciscans 486 00:41:49,885 --> 00:41:51,986 who had espoused the Spirituals' 487 00:41:51,987 --> 00:41:53,924 theories about the poverty of Christ. 488 00:41:54,457 --> 00:41:57,192 Why does the Pope want to destroy the Order of Saint Francis? 489 00:41:57,417 --> 00:41:59,245 Because we think that the Church, 490 00:41:59,518 --> 00:42:01,591 and more importantly the Pope who governs it, 491 00:42:02,170 --> 00:42:04,271 should imitate the life of Christ. 492 00:42:05,045 --> 00:42:07,045 Isn't that what every believer should hope for? 493 00:42:07,826 --> 00:42:08,763 It should be. 494 00:42:09,302 --> 00:42:13,431 And I will do my best to make it be. 495 00:42:14,775 --> 00:42:16,939 Cause I have been entrusted to present 496 00:42:17,196 --> 00:42:19,923 imperial theologians' point of view. 497 00:42:21,471 --> 00:42:23,221 And what happens if you lose the Debate? 498 00:42:23,846 --> 00:42:25,197 I never lose a debate. 499 00:42:26,911 --> 00:42:27,708 Never? 500 00:42:34,031 --> 00:42:37,054 I cannot even think of losing this Debate. 501 00:42:38,592 --> 00:42:42,431 It would mean that I'd be the last pope in history worthy of this title. 502 00:42:45,251 --> 00:42:48,548 I may have been naive once, and underestimated my enemy. 503 00:42:49,579 --> 00:42:53,134 However, this blunder will be remedied. 504 00:42:53,789 --> 00:42:55,570 You, Bernard, will leave 505 00:42:55,571 --> 00:42:58,617 inmediately for the abbey where you'll lead my delegation. 506 00:43:00,015 --> 00:43:02,094 I am honored, Holiness. 507 00:43:02,831 --> 00:43:04,386 I'm giving you and armed escort. 508 00:43:05,338 --> 00:43:08,057 My nephew, Cardinal di Pouget, will join you there. 509 00:43:09,713 --> 00:43:11,971 He's the man who has wiped away the smiles of the 510 00:43:11,972 --> 00:43:13,611 faces from those damned Italians. 511 00:43:15,144 --> 00:43:16,886 Traitors, everyione of them. 512 00:43:20,311 --> 00:43:22,569 The purpose of this conference 513 00:43:24,111 --> 00:43:26,780 is to exterminate the Franciscan Order, 514 00:43:27,711 --> 00:43:29,504 once and for all. 515 00:44:04,871 --> 00:44:09,431 Lord, I beg You with all my heart. 516 00:44:10,712 --> 00:44:13,095 If I don't find find joy anymore in Your law, 517 00:44:15,721 --> 00:44:17,323 should die of sadness. 518 00:45:39,934 --> 00:45:43,271 Come with me! Everyone! Hurry! 519 00:45:47,951 --> 00:45:50,751 Pull him out of there! Now! Quickly! 520 00:45:58,271 --> 00:46:00,505 - Another corpse. - Who can it be? 521 00:46:02,958 --> 00:46:04,958 Drowned. 522 00:46:09,591 --> 00:46:12,911 My God! It's Venantius! 523 00:46:12,952 --> 00:46:14,352 Venantius...