1 00:01:52,612 --> 00:01:53,612 Hi. 2 00:01:56,533 --> 00:01:59,244 I was just checking in to see how you and your dad were doing. 3 00:01:59,327 --> 00:02:00,327 He's back. 4 00:02:01,496 --> 00:02:02,956 - Who's back? - Tommy. 5 00:02:04,207 --> 00:02:05,207 He survived. 6 00:02:05,333 --> 00:02:08,044 Somehow, he dug himself out of the mines. And now, he's back. 7 00:02:08,128 --> 00:02:09,963 That's amazing. 8 00:02:10,296 --> 00:02:11,296 Oh. 9 00:02:11,589 --> 00:02:12,674 Is he... 10 00:02:13,675 --> 00:02:16,553 - How is he? - Great. Doc Phibes checked him out. 11 00:02:16,636 --> 00:02:20,807 Harvey, I'm so... happy and relieved. 12 00:02:20,890 --> 00:02:21,890 Me, too. 13 00:02:22,475 --> 00:02:25,979 I mean, I'll be even more so when the shock wears off in a couple days. 14 00:02:27,814 --> 00:02:29,232 - Shock? - Yeah. 15 00:02:29,315 --> 00:02:31,943 The collapse was a trauma, and then being trapped down there, 16 00:02:32,026 --> 00:02:33,486 but it's typical, Doc Phibes says. 17 00:02:33,570 --> 00:02:36,239 He should be back to his old self, eating and talking in no time. 18 00:02:36,698 --> 00:02:38,950 He's not talking? 19 00:02:43,121 --> 00:02:44,121 Is that him? 20 00:02:44,831 --> 00:02:45,831 Can I see him? 21 00:02:52,380 --> 00:02:54,716 Maybe not tonight. Doc said he should rest for a bit. 22 00:02:55,884 --> 00:02:56,884 Yeah. 23 00:02:57,594 --> 00:03:02,015 But, Sabrina... he's back, my brother is back. 24 00:03:11,107 --> 00:03:13,443 What do you think of my new duds, Aunt Hilda? 25 00:03:13,902 --> 00:03:16,279 - Aww! - For my first day at the academy tomorrow, 26 00:03:16,362 --> 00:03:18,823 I thought I'd go for a little Carnaby Street cool. 27 00:03:20,325 --> 00:03:22,577 - Too much? - Definitely not, no. 28 00:03:23,077 --> 00:03:25,121 You never get a second shot at a first impression. 29 00:03:26,581 --> 00:03:28,249 Okay. So the stew's nearly ready. 30 00:03:28,333 --> 00:03:30,093 Will you lay the table and round everyone up? 31 00:03:30,126 --> 00:03:33,338 Yeah. Uh, Sabrina went to Harvey's, 32 00:03:33,630 --> 00:03:36,341 and... Auntie Zee's been gone for ages. 33 00:03:36,424 --> 00:03:37,759 She has? That's odd. 34 00:03:39,010 --> 00:03:40,090 Where did she go, I wonder? 35 00:03:40,803 --> 00:03:41,803 Um-mm. 36 00:03:44,015 --> 00:03:47,310 If I'd known this style of Satanic Confession was an option 37 00:03:47,393 --> 00:03:50,605 for Church of Night members, I'd have taken it up years ago. 38 00:03:52,357 --> 00:03:54,692 I feel positively reborn in fire. 39 00:03:54,776 --> 00:03:55,776 Yes. 40 00:03:56,736 --> 00:03:59,739 Penance of the Flesh is the purest form of worship. 41 00:04:00,198 --> 00:04:03,576 It offers us both punishment and pleasure. 42 00:04:03,910 --> 00:04:07,455 Though I do wish we could meet someplace less... damp. 43 00:04:07,538 --> 00:04:12,210 Unfortunately, we must keep our devotions... secret. 44 00:04:12,585 --> 00:04:16,172 Lady Blackwood is not as liberated as I would like. 45 00:04:16,297 --> 00:04:18,758 I miss the old days. 46 00:04:20,510 --> 00:04:24,681 When all witches were polyamorous, and monogamy was just for mortals. 47 00:04:24,764 --> 00:04:27,684 One of the False God's puritanical edicts. 48 00:04:27,767 --> 00:04:30,979 There is something to be said about having a single partner 49 00:04:31,271 --> 00:04:36,567 with whom you explore all the realms of agony and ecstasy. 50 00:04:37,777 --> 00:04:39,445 Zelda, as you know, 51 00:04:39,529 --> 00:04:42,991 nothing is more important to me than the birth of my twin sons. 52 00:04:43,074 --> 00:04:46,619 Yet, more and more, I worry Lady Blackwood is not the mother they'll need. 53 00:04:49,205 --> 00:04:52,500 Would you consider being an unholy godmother to them? 54 00:04:55,795 --> 00:05:00,675 Yes, I would be honored to be your boys' Night Mother. 55 00:05:02,552 --> 00:05:05,638 There is also the matter of Lady Blackwood's classes at the academy. 56 00:05:06,180 --> 00:05:07,557 Would you take them over? 57 00:05:07,640 --> 00:05:09,726 She fatigues easily these days. 58 00:05:10,101 --> 00:05:13,062 And be the Satanic Choir's interim director? 59 00:05:17,567 --> 00:05:18,567 It worked. 60 00:05:19,277 --> 00:05:22,238 Tommy's back home with Harvey, who is so happy. 61 00:05:22,322 --> 00:05:24,073 And how is Tommy feeling himself? 62 00:05:25,325 --> 00:05:26,325 Fine. 63 00:05:26,367 --> 00:05:28,244 Does he have any sense of what happened to him? 64 00:05:30,121 --> 00:05:31,581 - Unclear. - Sabrina. 65 00:05:31,664 --> 00:05:34,292 I didn't really talk to Tommy, 66 00:05:34,375 --> 00:05:37,545 but apparently he's in shock, which the doctor says is totally normal. 67 00:05:37,628 --> 00:05:40,340 Unless that doctor is a witch doctor, I'd get a second opinion. 68 00:05:40,840 --> 00:05:44,052 I knew you shouldn't have performed that resurrection. Everyone told you not to. 69 00:05:44,135 --> 00:05:46,387 Tommy will be back to himself in a couple of days, 70 00:05:46,471 --> 00:05:48,181 he'll be talking, he'll be eating. 71 00:05:48,264 --> 00:05:49,432 He's not eating? 72 00:05:50,933 --> 00:05:52,852 Oh! We have to tell the aunties. 73 00:05:52,935 --> 00:05:53,978 We can't. You can't. 74 00:05:54,062 --> 00:05:56,356 They'll find out eventually. This is a small town. 75 00:05:56,439 --> 00:05:58,733 A man coming back from the dead is big news. 76 00:05:58,816 --> 00:06:00,526 He didn't come back from the dead. 77 00:06:01,194 --> 00:06:03,738 - He dug himself out of the mines. - Hmm. 78 00:06:05,406 --> 00:06:08,493 And you're right, they will find out, but by that time, 79 00:06:08,576 --> 00:06:12,205 Tommy will be back to normal, and they'll be mad, yes, 80 00:06:12,288 --> 00:06:14,874 but they won't be able to undo anything. 81 00:06:14,957 --> 00:06:18,795 Please, Ambrose, Harvey got his brother back. 82 00:06:20,004 --> 00:06:21,506 That's all that matters. 83 00:06:23,174 --> 00:06:26,719 O Mighty Dark Lord, by whom all things are set afire, 84 00:06:26,803 --> 00:06:30,348 thy power be the path, thy will be my desire. 85 00:06:30,431 --> 00:06:32,308 In hell as it is on earth. 86 00:06:32,392 --> 00:06:34,727 Praise Satan. Amen. 87 00:06:38,356 --> 00:06:40,900 Agatha... Agatha, what's the matter? 88 00:06:59,877 --> 00:07:02,255 Salem... what's going on? 89 00:07:02,380 --> 00:07:04,090 What's wrong? 90 00:07:04,799 --> 00:07:06,279 I think I make him nervous. 91 00:07:07,760 --> 00:07:09,971 Nicholas, what are you doing here? 92 00:07:10,054 --> 00:07:11,889 And how did you get into my room? 93 00:07:11,973 --> 00:07:12,973 I didn't. 94 00:07:16,727 --> 00:07:17,979 You're astral-projecting. 95 00:07:20,314 --> 00:07:24,402 Agatha's sick. Really sick. Prudence says she's vomiting up dirt. 96 00:07:25,319 --> 00:07:26,904 What's that got to do with me? 97 00:07:26,988 --> 00:07:29,365 We killed her, buried her, and brought her back to life. 98 00:07:29,449 --> 00:07:33,911 The fact that Agatha's coughing up grave dirt can't be coincidence. 99 00:07:35,621 --> 00:07:37,373 - How's Tommy? - He's fine. 100 00:07:37,874 --> 00:07:39,000 He's up and about. 101 00:07:39,083 --> 00:07:40,084 You're a terrible liar. 102 00:07:40,168 --> 00:07:42,248 - Has anyone ever told you that? - You need to leave. 103 00:07:50,011 --> 00:07:53,973 You must really love that mortal boy, to risk everything for him. 104 00:07:54,056 --> 00:07:56,058 What's his name again? Harry? 105 00:07:56,142 --> 00:07:59,353 - Harvey. And, yes, I do. - Oh. 106 00:08:00,480 --> 00:08:03,149 I hope he was appropriately grateful for what you did. 107 00:08:05,943 --> 00:08:06,944 Oh, wow. 108 00:08:08,196 --> 00:08:09,196 He doesn't know. 109 00:08:09,780 --> 00:08:12,384 That's incredibly dangerous, if it all goes south with his brother. 110 00:08:12,408 --> 00:08:13,408 Tommy's fine. 111 00:08:14,160 --> 00:08:16,787 Whatever's going on with Agatha will pass. 112 00:08:16,871 --> 00:08:17,914 You hope. 113 00:08:23,377 --> 00:08:24,462 I'll keep you posted. 114 00:08:31,969 --> 00:08:34,138 Salem, you need to go to Harvey's tonight 115 00:08:34,222 --> 00:08:35,556 and keep watch. 116 00:08:35,640 --> 00:08:38,434 To make sure that everything's okay, to make sure Harvey's safe. 117 00:08:39,477 --> 00:08:42,939 I'm sure it's all fine, this is just a precaution, but go. 118 00:08:52,198 --> 00:08:53,198 Tommy? 119 00:09:00,456 --> 00:09:01,499 Tommy? 120 00:09:09,215 --> 00:09:10,215 Hey. 121 00:09:14,136 --> 00:09:15,221 You okay? 122 00:09:17,557 --> 00:09:18,557 Hey. 123 00:09:33,322 --> 00:09:35,616 What do you think of looking through some pictures? 124 00:09:36,284 --> 00:09:37,952 Doc Phibes said that might help. 125 00:09:39,704 --> 00:09:40,704 Look. 126 00:09:41,497 --> 00:09:42,498 Um... 127 00:09:45,459 --> 00:09:47,539 That was the day Mom and Dad took us to the carnival. 128 00:09:47,920 --> 00:09:50,756 I got lost in the Hall of Mirrors and you came to rescue me. 129 00:09:50,840 --> 00:09:52,258 Remember how pissed Dad was? 130 00:10:10,443 --> 00:10:11,443 Yeah. 131 00:10:11,569 --> 00:10:14,155 Yeah, that's you. You were an All-Star, dude. 132 00:10:14,739 --> 00:10:16,657 MVP. Three years straight. 133 00:10:17,033 --> 00:10:18,409 We'd all go to your games. 134 00:10:30,713 --> 00:10:32,882 I've never done anything like that before. 135 00:10:32,965 --> 00:10:35,885 You were born for this role. 136 00:10:35,968 --> 00:10:38,804 - I can't. What if I get... - Caught? 137 00:10:39,263 --> 00:10:40,640 Then you run. 138 00:10:42,850 --> 00:10:46,479 If my dad ever found out, I'd totally be grounded. 139 00:10:46,646 --> 00:10:48,648 Yeah? 140 00:10:49,273 --> 00:10:50,858 Susie, can I come in? 141 00:10:51,067 --> 00:10:52,067 Sure. 142 00:10:56,864 --> 00:10:58,157 Who were you talking to? 143 00:11:00,368 --> 00:11:01,369 No one, Dad. 144 00:11:10,461 --> 00:11:12,661 Spellman Sisters Mortuary, how may I assist you? 145 00:11:13,881 --> 00:11:15,174 Oh, I see. 146 00:11:16,133 --> 00:11:17,133 Yes, yes. 147 00:11:18,511 --> 00:11:21,681 No, of course. We'll take care of the poor dears. 148 00:11:23,224 --> 00:11:24,224 Thank you. 149 00:11:26,310 --> 00:11:27,395 Yes, Hilda? 150 00:11:27,770 --> 00:11:33,526 Well, it seems that most, if not all, of the miners' bodies have been recovered. 151 00:11:33,609 --> 00:11:35,444 So they'll be arriving later today. 152 00:11:35,528 --> 00:11:36,821 And Satan willing, 153 00:11:36,904 --> 00:11:39,740 they'll bring some closure to those young men's families. 154 00:11:40,991 --> 00:11:44,078 By the way, Sabrina, how is Harvey coping with it all? 155 00:11:44,912 --> 00:11:46,122 He's hanging in there. 156 00:11:46,664 --> 00:11:48,934 Aunt Hilda, what time did you say the bodies were arriving? 157 00:11:48,958 --> 00:11:53,045 Um... This afternoon. I'm going to be at the bookstore. 158 00:11:53,129 --> 00:11:54,255 I can receive them. 159 00:11:55,548 --> 00:11:59,218 Uh, but do let me handle them, Aunt Zelda, when I'm back from the academy. 160 00:11:59,301 --> 00:12:01,887 Which is where I'll be later today as well. 161 00:12:03,180 --> 00:12:07,393 The High Priest has appointed me Directrix of the Satanic Choir. 162 00:12:07,476 --> 00:12:08,811 Oh! 163 00:12:08,894 --> 00:12:10,104 When did he do that? 164 00:12:10,187 --> 00:12:11,522 Never you mind, Hilda. 165 00:12:12,481 --> 00:12:15,067 You stick to cleaning up "spills on aisle five," 166 00:12:15,151 --> 00:12:17,445 or whatever it is you do in that tawdry little shop. 167 00:12:17,987 --> 00:12:20,531 In the meantime, Ambrose, Sabrina, and I 168 00:12:20,614 --> 00:12:24,201 will be restoring the luster to the Spellman family name. 169 00:12:24,285 --> 00:12:25,870 Good things are coming. 170 00:12:27,121 --> 00:12:28,873 I can feel it in my bones. 171 00:12:48,684 --> 00:12:50,186 Did you feel it, too? 172 00:12:51,312 --> 00:12:52,646 Ms. Wardwell. 173 00:12:54,315 --> 00:12:56,317 - Feel what? - The Santa Diabla. 174 00:12:57,526 --> 00:13:00,446 The ill wind that blew through Greendale last night 175 00:13:00,529 --> 00:13:03,866 like a frisson of electricity. 176 00:13:05,242 --> 00:13:09,163 As though the curtain between worlds had been torn asunder. 177 00:13:10,664 --> 00:13:11,791 You didn't feel it? 178 00:13:13,250 --> 00:13:14,418 I don't think so. 179 00:13:15,628 --> 00:13:16,628 I... 180 00:13:17,463 --> 00:13:19,548 I pretty much stayed in last night. 181 00:13:19,632 --> 00:13:21,675 Oh, but surely you heard the dogs? 182 00:13:22,384 --> 00:13:27,097 Why, it sounded like every dog in Greendale was howling all night long. 183 00:13:27,181 --> 00:13:28,265 It was... 184 00:13:30,059 --> 00:13:31,393 exhilarating. 185 00:13:31,936 --> 00:13:34,021 Positively life-giving. 186 00:13:34,104 --> 00:13:35,856 Now you weren't thinking of... 187 00:13:36,565 --> 00:13:40,402 borrowing my Book of the Dead without permission, were you? 188 00:13:42,655 --> 00:13:44,782 Not when all you need do is ask. 189 00:13:47,034 --> 00:13:48,494 Go on. Take it. 190 00:13:55,167 --> 00:13:56,627 - Ms. Wardwell? - Yes? 191 00:14:00,089 --> 00:14:03,008 I picked up the wrong book. 192 00:14:03,717 --> 00:14:09,181 I was looking for... the Occultist's Almanac. 193 00:14:09,598 --> 00:14:12,309 For some extra credit I'm doing for Father Blackwood. 194 00:14:12,768 --> 00:14:14,103 Is it okay if I borrow it? 195 00:14:20,192 --> 00:14:23,112 Sabrina, is it true what everyone's saying? 196 00:14:23,195 --> 00:14:24,655 That Harvey's brother is alive? 197 00:14:24,738 --> 00:14:26,240 People already know? 198 00:14:26,323 --> 00:14:29,368 Mr. Baterman was delivering a UPS package across the street from Harvey's 199 00:14:29,451 --> 00:14:31,954 and said that he saw Tommy through the window. 200 00:14:32,246 --> 00:14:33,581 Yeah, it's a miracle. 201 00:14:34,248 --> 00:14:35,624 Or the exact opposite. 202 00:14:35,708 --> 00:14:37,126 Why do you say that, Roz? 203 00:14:38,502 --> 00:14:42,089 I had the most bizarre dream last night. 204 00:14:43,465 --> 00:14:44,758 It was snowing. 205 00:14:44,842 --> 00:14:46,468 I was walking through the woods, 206 00:14:46,844 --> 00:14:49,847 and I heard this horrible sound. 207 00:14:53,100 --> 00:14:56,562 And I came through, into this clearing. 208 00:14:57,438 --> 00:15:02,234 And there were these dogs fighting over... 209 00:15:04,320 --> 00:15:05,404 What, Roz? 210 00:15:05,946 --> 00:15:08,490 The dogs were tearing Tommy Kinkle apart. 211 00:15:09,617 --> 00:15:11,201 Roz, was this dream like... 212 00:15:12,995 --> 00:15:14,204 like the vision you had? 213 00:15:15,623 --> 00:15:17,166 Of the girls in the mine? 214 00:15:20,794 --> 00:15:22,546 Okay, Roz, real talk. 215 00:15:22,630 --> 00:15:23,964 I'm worried about Harvey 216 00:15:24,048 --> 00:15:27,051 and more specifically, I'm worried that something might be wrong with Tommy. 217 00:15:27,134 --> 00:15:29,011 - Like what? - I'm not sure yet. 218 00:15:29,595 --> 00:15:32,973 But maybe... you could help us figure it out. 219 00:15:33,766 --> 00:15:36,310 - How? - With your... what did you call it? 220 00:15:36,393 --> 00:15:39,855 - I can't control the cunning. - Are you sure about that? 221 00:15:40,230 --> 00:15:43,067 You saw the girls in the mine when you touched Tommy's hard hat, right? 222 00:15:43,150 --> 00:15:46,528 Maybe, if... if we could get you close enough to Tommy... 223 00:15:46,612 --> 00:15:48,697 To, like, establish contact with him? 224 00:15:48,781 --> 00:15:52,952 You could see, immediately, if something is wrong with him. 225 00:15:56,080 --> 00:15:58,082 How do you find our academy, then? 226 00:15:58,332 --> 00:15:59,416 Liberating. 227 00:15:59,500 --> 00:16:01,502 Absolutely liberating, Your Excellency. 228 00:16:01,710 --> 00:16:02,710 Mmm. 229 00:16:03,587 --> 00:16:04,838 I can well imagine. 230 00:16:06,632 --> 00:16:07,758 I have a gift for you. 231 00:16:08,384 --> 00:16:09,635 A token of brotherhood. 232 00:16:10,052 --> 00:16:13,222 You've been denied a basic warlock right for too long. 233 00:16:14,139 --> 00:16:15,808 A familiar of your own. 234 00:16:16,809 --> 00:16:19,895 A goblin of the highest pedigree. 235 00:16:22,481 --> 00:16:23,691 His name... 236 00:16:24,566 --> 00:16:25,985 is Leviathan. 237 00:16:32,157 --> 00:16:34,910 Uh, thank you, Father Blackwood. 238 00:16:34,994 --> 00:16:36,453 You... You honor me. 239 00:16:38,122 --> 00:16:41,375 These are exalted times for the Church of Night, Ambrose. 240 00:16:42,835 --> 00:16:44,044 I can feel it. 241 00:16:44,545 --> 00:16:48,424 Your friend Lucas here has been helping me with some plans to... 242 00:16:49,174 --> 00:16:51,552 reform... the coven. 243 00:16:52,302 --> 00:16:56,181 Its laws, its teachings, the very foundation it is built upon. 244 00:16:56,682 --> 00:16:59,560 Anything I can do for you, Your Excellency. 245 00:16:59,977 --> 00:17:01,729 Well, we'll see. 246 00:17:03,063 --> 00:17:05,357 In the meantime, perhaps you could start 247 00:17:05,441 --> 00:17:09,820 by helping Lucas translate a nine-volume set of the Apostate Gospels 248 00:17:09,903 --> 00:17:12,072 he's been struggling with. 249 00:17:12,740 --> 00:17:14,575 - Certainly. - I have my rounds. 250 00:17:15,034 --> 00:17:17,327 But feel free to, um... 251 00:17:17,661 --> 00:17:18,661 ...spread out. 252 00:17:20,873 --> 00:17:21,873 Certainly. 253 00:17:22,332 --> 00:17:23,584 And Brother Ambrose... 254 00:17:26,295 --> 00:17:27,295 welcome home. 255 00:17:40,934 --> 00:17:42,728 Oh, Luke, 256 00:17:42,811 --> 00:17:46,482 thank you... for making this possible. 257 00:17:46,565 --> 00:17:48,525 Don't thank me. It's Blackwood. 258 00:17:48,609 --> 00:17:50,527 He sees something inside you. 259 00:17:50,611 --> 00:17:52,863 Where is the High Priest? 260 00:17:53,947 --> 00:17:55,365 Doing his rounds. 261 00:17:55,449 --> 00:17:58,035 Maybe you can help, then. You are a Spellman, after all. 262 00:17:59,119 --> 00:18:00,370 What's the problem? 263 00:18:00,454 --> 00:18:02,581 - Our sister Agatha is sick. - Vomiting soil. 264 00:18:02,664 --> 00:18:04,875 Spellman soil from that so-called Cain Pit. 265 00:18:04,958 --> 00:18:06,238 You saw us that night, Spellman. 266 00:18:06,293 --> 00:18:09,046 We did everything to the letter, and Thomas Kinkle is back and fine. 267 00:18:09,129 --> 00:18:12,633 So why is Agatha coughing up dirt and turnips? 268 00:18:14,551 --> 00:18:16,929 Not a clue. And who told you Tommy is fine? 269 00:18:17,012 --> 00:18:18,012 Sabrina. 270 00:18:19,431 --> 00:18:21,892 - Isn't he? - I believe the jury's still out on that. 271 00:18:21,975 --> 00:18:24,728 I don't care about the mortal, I care about my sister. 272 00:18:25,145 --> 00:18:27,189 We brought her back to life on your property, 273 00:18:27,272 --> 00:18:30,859 and now something's gone terribly wrong. So you're going to help us fix it. 274 00:18:30,943 --> 00:18:34,029 When it comes to matters of the Cain Pit, I'm no expert, but... 275 00:18:34,822 --> 00:18:36,115 I do know someone who is. 276 00:18:44,206 --> 00:18:45,207 Here you go, lovey. 277 00:18:57,553 --> 00:18:59,304 Well, well, well. What do you know? 278 00:18:59,388 --> 00:19:01,098 It's the little dyke girl. 279 00:19:01,181 --> 00:19:02,432 Been a while. What's up? 280 00:19:02,516 --> 00:19:04,059 Yeah, what are you up to? 281 00:19:04,143 --> 00:19:06,854 - Nothing. Shopping. - What do you got under your shirt? 282 00:19:06,937 --> 00:19:09,648 I mean, definitely not boobs, but you got something. 283 00:19:09,731 --> 00:19:12,109 Hey, let's see. 284 00:19:12,192 --> 00:19:15,612 Excuse me? Excuse me? 285 00:19:16,405 --> 00:19:18,740 I'll thank you to keep your hands to yourself. 286 00:19:19,283 --> 00:19:20,284 She started it. 287 00:19:20,367 --> 00:19:22,744 Uh-mmm. No, she didn't, Billy Marlin. 288 00:19:24,496 --> 00:19:25,496 You know my name? 289 00:19:27,166 --> 00:19:28,167 Yeah. 290 00:19:28,625 --> 00:19:30,419 I know everything about you, Billy. 291 00:19:32,171 --> 00:19:33,714 And I know why you're a bully. 292 00:19:34,840 --> 00:19:37,217 And it's terrible, what happened to you 293 00:19:37,301 --> 00:19:39,141 at that summer camp when you were 11 years old. 294 00:19:39,178 --> 00:19:43,765 It is awful what those boys did to you, how none of your counselors believed you, 295 00:19:43,849 --> 00:19:46,327 how your dad didn't either, how your mother washed your mouth out 296 00:19:46,351 --> 00:19:48,729 with detergent until you just stopped talking. 297 00:19:49,897 --> 00:19:51,657 Doesn't give you the right to harass anybody, 298 00:19:51,940 --> 00:19:53,650 especially someone much smaller than you. 299 00:19:53,734 --> 00:19:58,030 So, why don't you and your chum, who's in lust with you, by the way... 300 00:19:59,114 --> 00:20:01,783 leave my store before I start telling everyone what happened. 301 00:20:01,867 --> 00:20:03,285 Come on. Let's go. 302 00:20:04,745 --> 00:20:05,745 Crack on. 303 00:20:06,371 --> 00:20:08,582 Don't let the door hit you on your way out. 304 00:20:10,459 --> 00:20:11,835 You okay? 305 00:20:12,336 --> 00:20:13,795 Yeah, thanks. 306 00:20:13,879 --> 00:20:16,965 You're Sabrina's friend, right? Susie Putnam? 307 00:20:18,800 --> 00:20:20,886 What have you got there? Is it a book? 308 00:20:21,094 --> 00:20:23,013 I could treat you to it, if you want. 309 00:20:23,096 --> 00:20:24,932 Don't go! I... Mmm. 310 00:20:30,896 --> 00:20:32,314 Ginnie Woolf. 311 00:20:33,106 --> 00:20:34,706 She could throw a dinner party. 312 00:20:40,739 --> 00:20:43,492 Dr. Cerberus' Books and Spirits, how may I assist you? 313 00:20:46,286 --> 00:20:47,496 It started last night. 314 00:20:48,705 --> 00:20:50,666 Oh, I see. Yeah. 315 00:20:55,545 --> 00:20:59,591 Well... the Cain Pit is a miracle, really... 316 00:21:00,175 --> 00:21:02,678 but if you come back too soon, you'll make yourself ill. 317 00:21:02,761 --> 00:21:06,890 It's a form of decompression sickness, like when divers get the bends. 318 00:21:07,474 --> 00:21:10,477 Do it too fast and you're gonna vomit up half the cemetery. 319 00:21:10,560 --> 00:21:11,895 What do we do? 320 00:21:12,729 --> 00:21:17,359 Well, I reckon she has too much earth in her system, 321 00:21:17,693 --> 00:21:20,195 so we need to rebalance her elements. 322 00:21:20,279 --> 00:21:23,991 So, I suggest a tonic of fizzy water, which will give her water and air. 323 00:21:24,366 --> 00:21:26,868 And a dash of cayenne pepper for fire. 324 00:21:26,952 --> 00:21:29,371 Three times a day, for a week. She'll be right as rain. 325 00:21:31,290 --> 00:21:32,290 That's it? 326 00:21:32,332 --> 00:21:33,625 Fizzy water? 327 00:21:33,709 --> 00:21:37,087 Oh, but you'll serve it with love, won't you, darling? 328 00:21:42,217 --> 00:21:43,552 Not to question you, auntie, 329 00:21:43,635 --> 00:21:46,406 but you just prescribed Alka-Seltzer to a girl who came back from the dead. 330 00:21:46,430 --> 00:21:48,932 There's something to be said for keeping them busy. 331 00:21:49,016 --> 00:21:52,811 Ambrose, the dirt that she's coughing up is practically gravel, 332 00:21:53,478 --> 00:21:56,598 which tells me that Agatha shouldn't have been brought back in the first place. 333 00:21:58,025 --> 00:22:01,570 The earth is owed a soul, it means to collect. 334 00:22:02,821 --> 00:22:05,449 So, nephew, pray, tell me. 335 00:22:05,532 --> 00:22:08,618 What was Agatha doing in the Cain Pit in the first place? 336 00:22:20,464 --> 00:22:22,549 Tommy? 337 00:22:24,426 --> 00:22:27,179 - He won't answer you. - How's he doing? 338 00:22:28,847 --> 00:22:29,931 I'll show you. 339 00:22:32,768 --> 00:22:33,768 Watch. 340 00:22:34,603 --> 00:22:36,146 Oh, my God! 341 00:22:38,231 --> 00:22:42,152 At first, I thought he was getting better. 342 00:22:42,569 --> 00:22:43,820 That he was remembering. 343 00:22:46,031 --> 00:22:47,157 That's all he'll do. 344 00:22:48,575 --> 00:22:51,119 React, like a robot. 345 00:22:53,955 --> 00:22:54,955 Harvey... 346 00:22:55,457 --> 00:22:56,917 uh, where's your dad? 347 00:22:57,167 --> 00:22:59,753 At the mines. He's already trying to get it back up and running, 348 00:22:59,836 --> 00:23:01,505 but he could be home at any minute. 349 00:23:02,255 --> 00:23:03,965 Has Tommy eaten anything yet? 350 00:23:04,508 --> 00:23:05,801 Not yet. Just water. 351 00:23:08,387 --> 00:23:09,930 Do you have any soup? 352 00:23:10,013 --> 00:23:12,253 - I think we do. - That might be a way to get him to eat. 353 00:23:12,432 --> 00:23:13,832 Lemme try that. I'll be right back. 354 00:23:59,104 --> 00:24:00,564 Roz, do you see anything? 355 00:24:04,401 --> 00:24:06,319 - Any sign of Tommy? - Sabrina? 356 00:24:09,990 --> 00:24:12,701 - What happened? Are you okay? - Um... 357 00:24:13,410 --> 00:24:14,244 I'm not sure. 358 00:24:14,327 --> 00:24:16,246 What did you see? Anything? 359 00:24:16,329 --> 00:24:18,248 I saw Tommy. 360 00:24:19,207 --> 00:24:24,004 Uh, he was lost in the woods and there was a fog. 361 00:24:25,046 --> 00:24:27,007 He was confused. 362 00:24:27,090 --> 00:24:28,633 Was anyone else with him? 363 00:24:29,885 --> 00:24:30,885 No. 364 00:24:31,636 --> 00:24:33,096 No, he was alone. 365 00:24:34,681 --> 00:24:38,727 But, uh... I heard a baby crying. 366 00:24:39,227 --> 00:24:40,227 A baby? 367 00:24:45,484 --> 00:24:46,860 What's going on here? 368 00:24:47,360 --> 00:24:48,445 Where's Harvey? 369 00:24:48,528 --> 00:24:51,740 The kitchen, Mr. Kinkle, we just came by to check in on Harvey and Tommy. 370 00:24:52,240 --> 00:24:53,408 Dad, they were helping. 371 00:24:53,909 --> 00:24:55,952 Like they know more than Doc Phibes? 372 00:24:58,914 --> 00:25:01,082 - We'll talk to you later, Harvey. - Yeah, okay. 373 00:25:12,469 --> 00:25:15,430 I don't understand what the crying baby means. 374 00:25:15,514 --> 00:25:17,015 Yeah, me, neither. 375 00:25:18,308 --> 00:25:19,935 Roz, are you okay? 376 00:25:20,644 --> 00:25:23,063 Did you see something that you're not telling me? 377 00:25:23,355 --> 00:25:24,355 No. 378 00:25:25,190 --> 00:25:26,316 Just what I said. 379 00:25:29,611 --> 00:25:32,405 What happened after the boys surprised you? 380 00:25:34,199 --> 00:25:36,034 Ms. Spellman surprised them. 381 00:25:37,202 --> 00:25:39,746 And started saying things. 382 00:25:39,829 --> 00:25:41,122 Secret things. 383 00:25:42,123 --> 00:25:43,500 But they were true. 384 00:25:45,335 --> 00:25:47,379 And the boys got scared and ran off. 385 00:25:48,338 --> 00:25:49,506 Spellman. 386 00:25:50,507 --> 00:25:52,759 Yeah, my... my friend Sabrina's aunt. 387 00:25:55,720 --> 00:25:58,848 Tell me, are they still witches... 388 00:25:59,891 --> 00:26:01,017 the Spellmans? 389 00:26:09,442 --> 00:26:11,069 Ambrose, I figured it out. 390 00:26:11,152 --> 00:26:13,363 It's something called "soul separation." 391 00:26:13,446 --> 00:26:16,241 We brought back Tommy's body, but not his soul. 392 00:26:16,324 --> 00:26:17,325 It's trapped in... 393 00:26:18,285 --> 00:26:19,494 Ambrose is in the basement, 394 00:26:20,161 --> 00:26:23,790 tending to the corpses, which have started to smell rather ripely. 395 00:26:23,873 --> 00:26:26,710 - Auntie Hilda, I can explain everything. - Um-mmm. 396 00:26:26,793 --> 00:26:29,462 No, your cousin already did that, in great detail. 397 00:26:30,213 --> 00:26:32,299 You lied to me. 398 00:26:33,383 --> 00:26:36,052 You did the one thing I told you not to do. 399 00:26:36,970 --> 00:26:38,346 Incorrectly to boot. 400 00:26:38,430 --> 00:26:40,849 I couldn't bear to see Harvey suffer like that, 401 00:26:40,932 --> 00:26:43,643 and I think I can fix this entire situation. 402 00:26:43,727 --> 00:26:46,646 I just have to put Tommy's soul back in his body. 403 00:26:46,730 --> 00:26:47,730 It's too late. 404 00:26:48,857 --> 00:26:50,358 No, it's not. 405 00:26:50,609 --> 00:26:54,029 Roz said she had a vision of Tommy lost in foggy woods, 406 00:26:54,112 --> 00:26:56,156 and that she heard a baby crying. 407 00:26:56,239 --> 00:26:57,616 That's limbo. 408 00:26:57,949 --> 00:26:59,159 Tommy's in limbo. 409 00:26:59,242 --> 00:27:02,412 It's where the souls of unbaptized babies go when they perish, 410 00:27:02,495 --> 00:27:05,081 or the souls of people who died before their time. 411 00:27:05,165 --> 00:27:07,584 I just need to get there... 412 00:27:08,460 --> 00:27:10,211 and retrieve Tommy's soul. 413 00:27:11,838 --> 00:27:12,839 Will you help me? 414 00:27:13,965 --> 00:27:16,968 First of all, may I say, there are two limbos, Sabrina. 415 00:27:17,052 --> 00:27:20,388 One for witches, one for mortals. Tommy Kinkle is in mortal limbo. 416 00:27:20,472 --> 00:27:23,433 And it is simply impossible for witches to cross over into mortal limbo. 417 00:27:23,516 --> 00:27:25,810 But I'm not a witch, I'm a half-witch, 418 00:27:25,894 --> 00:27:28,563 - which means I can cross over. - You're assuming? 419 00:27:29,439 --> 00:27:32,359 Because meanwhile, the witch that you killed... 420 00:27:33,526 --> 00:27:36,571 and brought back to life is getting sicker and sicker. 421 00:27:37,530 --> 00:27:40,659 That's the Grim Reaper doing it to her. He's expecting a body. 422 00:27:40,909 --> 00:27:43,370 Her suffering won't end until there's one in the ground, 423 00:27:43,453 --> 00:27:45,372 until balance is restored. 424 00:27:45,455 --> 00:27:47,123 There's no fixing it, Sabrina. 425 00:27:47,207 --> 00:27:48,500 You've opened Pandora's box. 426 00:27:48,583 --> 00:27:49,584 Guys. 427 00:27:50,752 --> 00:27:53,171 There's something you need to see. In the embalming room. 428 00:27:55,965 --> 00:27:59,344 ♪ Doe, a deer, a female deer ♪ 429 00:27:59,678 --> 00:28:03,264 ♪ Ray, a drop of golden sun ♪ 430 00:28:03,348 --> 00:28:07,185 ♪ Me, a name I call myself ♪ 431 00:28:07,268 --> 00:28:10,897 ♪ Far, a long, long way to run ♪ 432 00:28:10,980 --> 00:28:14,734 ♪ Sew, a needle pulling thread ♪ 433 00:28:14,818 --> 00:28:18,405 ♪ La, a note to follow sew ♪ 434 00:28:18,488 --> 00:28:21,408 ♪ Tea, a drink with jam and bread ♪ 435 00:28:21,491 --> 00:28:25,787 ♪ That will bring us back to ♪ 436 00:28:25,870 --> 00:28:29,749 ♪ Do-re-mi-fa-so-la-ti-do ♪ 437 00:28:33,503 --> 00:28:34,503 Help me. 438 00:28:43,638 --> 00:28:45,640 How did Agatha end up a living cadaver? 439 00:28:47,350 --> 00:28:49,561 Tell me everything, at once. 440 00:28:51,229 --> 00:28:52,814 It's all Sabrina's doing, Father. 441 00:28:54,691 --> 00:28:57,527 She wanted to resurrect a mortal that was crushed in the mine collapse. 442 00:28:58,027 --> 00:29:00,238 Sabrina performed a resurrection? 443 00:29:00,321 --> 00:29:01,698 With a Book of the Dead. 444 00:29:02,615 --> 00:29:05,201 She slit Agatha's throat as part of the ritual... 445 00:29:05,869 --> 00:29:07,537 to bring the Kinkle boy back. 446 00:29:07,996 --> 00:29:12,876 And then brought Agatha back to life in a Cain Pit in the Spellman's yard. 447 00:29:12,959 --> 00:29:16,296 But something's gone wrong. The boy is alive. 448 00:29:16,379 --> 00:29:18,006 Thomas Kinkle is alive? 449 00:29:18,214 --> 00:29:20,008 But Agatha's getting sicker and sicker. 450 00:29:20,759 --> 00:29:23,344 Your Excellency, I knew nothing of this, I swear it. 451 00:29:23,428 --> 00:29:24,804 - But I can... - You can what? 452 00:29:25,597 --> 00:29:28,057 Control Sabrina? Punish her? No. 453 00:29:28,683 --> 00:29:31,686 You've proven, time and again, that you cannot. 454 00:29:32,687 --> 00:29:35,940 Girls, take Agatha to where you should've in the first place: 455 00:29:36,024 --> 00:29:37,400 the Infernal Infirmary. 456 00:29:37,484 --> 00:29:40,278 I'll make short work of the resurrected boy, 457 00:29:40,779 --> 00:29:45,033 restore the balance, clean up this bloody mess. 458 00:29:45,116 --> 00:29:47,285 Please, Father, allow me. 459 00:29:48,328 --> 00:29:50,997 Sabrina is my niece, my responsibility. 460 00:29:51,080 --> 00:29:53,249 Her transgression is mine. 461 00:29:53,625 --> 00:29:56,377 Whatever she did, I will undo. 462 00:29:56,461 --> 00:30:00,465 Give me a chance to make things right. I will not fail you again. 463 00:30:03,134 --> 00:30:04,010 Do it, then. 464 00:30:04,093 --> 00:30:06,095 Thank you. 465 00:30:09,724 --> 00:30:10,724 That wound. 466 00:30:11,518 --> 00:30:12,685 And that one. 467 00:30:13,853 --> 00:30:14,979 Those are bite marks. 468 00:30:15,772 --> 00:30:18,983 These... teeth, they're... 469 00:30:19,067 --> 00:30:20,068 Human. 470 00:30:20,151 --> 00:30:24,489 Yep. Taking a guess, I think, that's why Tommy hasn't eaten. 471 00:30:25,114 --> 00:30:27,408 He isn't hungry. Yet. 472 00:30:30,411 --> 00:30:31,412 Harvey. 473 00:30:32,080 --> 00:30:33,957 What are you doing here? 474 00:30:34,040 --> 00:30:37,961 I've got a question for you. Why don't you tell me who you are? 475 00:30:38,461 --> 00:30:40,505 - Come on, Dad, you're drunk. - The hell I am. 476 00:30:40,588 --> 00:30:41,673 Yeah, you are! 477 00:30:42,382 --> 00:30:46,553 You've been drinking since the accident, but you can stop now. Tommy's back. 478 00:30:48,972 --> 00:30:53,226 You believe that? That this vegetable is Tommy? 479 00:30:53,810 --> 00:30:54,936 Don't call him that. 480 00:30:55,311 --> 00:30:56,813 That's what he is. 481 00:30:56,896 --> 00:30:58,439 Get out of here. 482 00:30:58,523 --> 00:30:59,732 A damn zombie. 483 00:31:03,736 --> 00:31:06,447 - Snap out of it, for pity's sake. - Dad, back off. 484 00:31:06,531 --> 00:31:09,450 - You in there? Anybody home? - Dad! Leave Tommy alone! 485 00:31:10,243 --> 00:31:12,829 I would, except this thing ain't Tommy. 486 00:31:14,205 --> 00:31:16,875 I don't know what the hell it is, but it ain't my son. 487 00:31:18,418 --> 00:31:19,669 And if you are... 488 00:31:20,920 --> 00:31:23,006 you might as well have stayed in the mines. 489 00:31:23,089 --> 00:31:24,089 Hey! 490 00:31:25,091 --> 00:31:27,302 You piece of shit. 491 00:31:30,805 --> 00:31:34,559 Tommy! Tommy! Tommy, no! Stop it! Tommy... Tommy, stop it! 492 00:31:34,642 --> 00:31:36,853 Tommy, stop! Tommy! 493 00:31:36,936 --> 00:31:38,855 Tommy! Tommy! 494 00:31:42,567 --> 00:31:43,693 Mr. Kinkle! 495 00:31:43,776 --> 00:31:46,613 Don't go in there. He's an animal! He's not my son. 496 00:31:49,324 --> 00:31:50,324 Harvey? 497 00:31:53,995 --> 00:31:55,121 What happened? 498 00:31:55,204 --> 00:31:56,998 My dad punched me 499 00:31:57,081 --> 00:31:59,375 - and then Tommy tried to kill him. - What? Are you okay? 500 00:31:59,459 --> 00:32:01,794 Yeah, I'm fine, I'm just trying to get him calmed down. 501 00:32:02,086 --> 00:32:05,423 Maybe he's thirsty. Here. Give him some of this. 502 00:32:12,680 --> 00:32:14,807 That's the only time Tommy looks normal. 503 00:32:16,601 --> 00:32:17,601 When he's asleep. 504 00:32:18,853 --> 00:32:20,480 Harvey, Tommy will get better. 505 00:32:20,563 --> 00:32:23,608 Just like the doctor said, he's... in shock. 506 00:32:23,691 --> 00:32:24,691 No. 507 00:32:25,401 --> 00:32:27,320 Something's wrong with him, 'Brina. 508 00:32:27,487 --> 00:32:29,530 And I know, all I should be is grateful. 509 00:32:30,698 --> 00:32:31,699 And I am, but... 510 00:32:32,742 --> 00:32:35,078 in the back of my mind, I keep wondering... 511 00:32:36,663 --> 00:32:38,164 how did Tommy get out? 512 00:32:39,749 --> 00:32:41,042 How did he survive? 513 00:32:41,918 --> 00:32:44,587 You saw his hard hat. It was covered in blood. 514 00:32:45,838 --> 00:32:47,590 He was under all that rock... 515 00:32:48,758 --> 00:32:50,510 and not a single broken bone? 516 00:32:52,762 --> 00:32:53,846 Hey, you'll... 517 00:32:55,473 --> 00:32:56,933 We'll get through this. 518 00:32:59,644 --> 00:33:00,644 Trust me. 519 00:33:01,312 --> 00:33:02,312 It's not over. 520 00:33:04,482 --> 00:33:05,525 Sabrina... 521 00:33:05,858 --> 00:33:07,360 But you have to be careful. 522 00:33:09,195 --> 00:33:12,657 Tommy's asleep now. I bet he'll sleep through the night. 523 00:33:13,491 --> 00:33:15,785 But if he doesn't, and he tries to hurt you, 524 00:33:16,119 --> 00:33:17,245 you have to run. 525 00:33:21,290 --> 00:33:22,375 Harvey... 526 00:33:23,710 --> 00:33:24,836 do you promise? 527 00:33:32,427 --> 00:33:34,804 Aunties? 528 00:33:35,638 --> 00:33:36,681 Are you here? I need... 529 00:33:36,764 --> 00:33:39,517 I frankly don't care what you need, Sabrina. 530 00:33:39,726 --> 00:33:42,478 But I'll tell you what I need. An explanation. 531 00:33:42,562 --> 00:33:47,442 For why a Spellman was practicing necromancy on a mortal boy in Greendale. 532 00:33:47,525 --> 00:33:48,901 She knows everything, love. 533 00:33:49,277 --> 00:33:54,490 And why, in Satan's name, she would drag other witches into her reckless, 534 00:33:54,574 --> 00:33:55,825 stupid, selfish plans? 535 00:33:55,908 --> 00:33:57,452 I did it for Harvey. 536 00:33:57,702 --> 00:34:00,872 Did you? And tell me, did he ask you to do it? 537 00:34:00,955 --> 00:34:05,334 No, because no one in their right mind would do what you did. 538 00:34:05,585 --> 00:34:08,254 How did you even know what spell to use? 539 00:34:08,629 --> 00:34:11,257 - Ambrose says he didn't give it to you. - I didn't. 540 00:34:13,092 --> 00:34:14,092 Ms. Wardwell. 541 00:34:15,553 --> 00:34:20,224 - She gave it to you? - No. No, I... took a book from her office. 542 00:34:20,433 --> 00:34:23,269 Oh, so you're a thief, as well as a murderer. 543 00:34:23,603 --> 00:34:26,147 - Murderer? - You killed a witch, didn't you? 544 00:34:26,230 --> 00:34:27,482 Just for a few minutes. 545 00:34:27,565 --> 00:34:31,903 This is not a joke, Sabrina. You've thrown off the balance. 546 00:34:31,986 --> 00:34:35,364 Not me, Agatha and Dorcas. They killed Tommy. 547 00:34:35,698 --> 00:34:38,117 This wasn't some natural disaster. 548 00:34:38,201 --> 00:34:40,495 I was undoing what witches did. 549 00:34:40,578 --> 00:34:42,955 All you did was make things worse. 550 00:34:43,039 --> 00:34:46,375 I'm going to fix this, I am going to save Tommy. 551 00:34:46,459 --> 00:34:50,338 Fix what? There's nothing to fix, and he can't be saved. 552 00:34:50,630 --> 00:34:54,550 It's done, Sabrina. He belongs in the ground and that's where he's going. 553 00:34:54,842 --> 00:34:58,096 Not if I pass over into mortal limbo and bring his soul back. 554 00:34:58,179 --> 00:35:00,473 I'm half-mortal, I can go there. 555 00:35:01,766 --> 00:35:02,892 If you what? 556 00:35:03,101 --> 00:35:05,686 I just need someone to anchor me here on the physical plane. 557 00:35:06,562 --> 00:35:12,110 Sabrina... I have just spent the very last of my credibility with the High Priest... 558 00:35:12,735 --> 00:35:13,611 begging, 559 00:35:13,694 --> 00:35:18,116 begging him to let us clean up your mess, to take care of this atrocity ourselves, 560 00:35:18,199 --> 00:35:21,202 to save our family in the eyes of the coven. 561 00:35:21,285 --> 00:35:24,831 We're standing in a grave, young lady, all of us, and you want to dig it deeper? 562 00:35:24,914 --> 00:35:27,125 I don't care about the High Priest, Aunt Zee. 563 00:35:27,208 --> 00:35:31,129 I care about what's right. And about Harvey. And his brother. 564 00:35:31,712 --> 00:35:33,005 I'm going to cross over. 565 00:35:33,089 --> 00:35:36,008 You're not capable of the magic required to cross the barrier. 566 00:35:36,092 --> 00:35:37,969 You don't know what I'm capable of. 567 00:35:38,052 --> 00:35:40,388 You're a 16-year-old child, not some grand magus! 568 00:35:40,471 --> 00:35:44,058 And you're not my mother, Zelda, so stop acting like you are! 569 00:35:44,142 --> 00:35:47,937 Oy! You do not speak to your Aunt Zelda like that. Not ever! 570 00:35:50,148 --> 00:35:52,316 It's fine, Hilda. You heard her. 571 00:35:52,692 --> 00:35:55,611 She's not a child, and I'm not her mother. 572 00:35:56,279 --> 00:35:59,907 She's a grown-up witch now, and it's time she learned how the world, 573 00:35:59,991 --> 00:36:02,952 the realms, really work. 574 00:36:03,035 --> 00:36:06,497 Everything has a price. 575 00:36:08,457 --> 00:36:10,001 Edward learned that lesson. 576 00:36:11,544 --> 00:36:12,628 I learned it. 577 00:36:13,129 --> 00:36:14,129 It's your turn now. 578 00:36:15,089 --> 00:36:19,051 Try to save this mortal, even if it rips the membrane to pieces. 579 00:36:20,261 --> 00:36:22,471 But don't pretend it's not for selfish reasons. 580 00:36:22,555 --> 00:36:27,101 And don't come crying to me when it all blows up in your face. 581 00:36:49,332 --> 00:36:52,752 No one will help you, just as Aunt Zee says. 582 00:36:52,835 --> 00:36:54,754 You're wrong, Ambrose. 583 00:36:56,005 --> 00:36:57,005 There's someone. 584 00:37:12,939 --> 00:37:15,107 I need your help, Ms. Wardwell. 585 00:37:33,209 --> 00:37:34,585 I'm sorry I lied... 586 00:37:35,503 --> 00:37:39,257 and I'm sorry I stole the Book of the Dead from your office... 587 00:37:39,966 --> 00:37:41,926 but I'm not sorry for what I did. 588 00:37:43,094 --> 00:37:44,011 I mean, 589 00:37:44,095 --> 00:37:49,809 how could I sit by and watch Harvey suffer without trying to do something? 590 00:37:50,017 --> 00:37:51,185 I understand. 591 00:37:52,937 --> 00:37:59,610 We've all done... unspeakable things to help the ones we love. 592 00:38:01,487 --> 00:38:02,530 But, Sabrina... 593 00:38:03,030 --> 00:38:07,743 limbo, mortal or witch, is a realm at the edge of death. 594 00:38:08,035 --> 00:38:13,165 The souls trapped there are lost in ways we can't understand. 595 00:38:14,417 --> 00:38:16,585 Hunted by a monstrosity, a... 596 00:38:17,753 --> 00:38:19,505 Soul-Eater that... 597 00:38:21,007 --> 00:38:23,301 devours those it catches. 598 00:38:24,468 --> 00:38:27,305 Are you certain you want to take the risk in going there? 599 00:38:32,310 --> 00:38:34,520 Harvey would do it for me in a heartbeat. 600 00:38:38,733 --> 00:38:42,611 In that case, I... I know a threshold. 601 00:38:43,112 --> 00:38:45,990 A portal, deep in the woods. 602 00:38:48,534 --> 00:38:51,329 But we'll have to tread lightly and quickly, Sabrina. 603 00:38:53,664 --> 00:38:55,875 The very slightest mistake... 604 00:38:56,876 --> 00:38:58,711 could spell disaster for you... 605 00:39:00,212 --> 00:39:02,173 and poor Mr. Kinkle's brother. 606 00:39:29,158 --> 00:39:32,453 Zelds? 607 00:39:35,581 --> 00:39:37,750 No! No, no, no, no, no! 608 00:39:37,833 --> 00:39:38,751 Stop it! 609 00:39:38,834 --> 00:39:40,669 No, no, no, no, no, no! 610 00:39:40,753 --> 00:39:43,381 Zee, why would you do that to yourself? 611 00:39:44,131 --> 00:39:45,966 There we go. 612 00:39:46,050 --> 00:39:47,385 There we go. 613 00:39:51,722 --> 00:39:53,349 - We were wrong. - What? 614 00:39:54,809 --> 00:39:56,268 All those years ago. 615 00:39:58,562 --> 00:40:01,690 We should never have taken Sabrina in. 616 00:40:02,858 --> 00:40:05,403 We should've let Diana's family have her. 617 00:40:06,946 --> 00:40:10,157 It was my arrogance. 618 00:40:10,491 --> 00:40:13,702 To think I could raise her. Guide her. 619 00:40:16,288 --> 00:40:18,874 But she looked so much like Edward. 620 00:40:19,250 --> 00:40:20,292 Remember? 621 00:40:22,753 --> 00:40:24,547 I couldn't say no. 622 00:40:25,631 --> 00:40:27,967 I could never say no to Sabrina. 623 00:40:30,261 --> 00:40:31,595 Zelda... 624 00:40:32,388 --> 00:40:35,307 ...you always say no to Sabrina. 625 00:40:36,517 --> 00:40:39,186 She just doesn't listen to you. 626 00:40:40,521 --> 00:40:41,605 Come on, now. 627 00:40:42,523 --> 00:40:43,524 Come on. 628 00:40:44,358 --> 00:40:45,734 Let's have enough of that. 629 00:40:48,070 --> 00:40:49,822 Prudence, Dorcas, heed me. 630 00:40:50,906 --> 00:40:53,367 The returned boy is a soulless husk. 631 00:40:53,451 --> 00:40:57,288 Every moment he draws air, he risks exposing the Church of Night 632 00:40:57,371 --> 00:40:58,414 and our magics. 633 00:40:58,497 --> 00:40:59,707 Despite Zelda's promise, 634 00:40:59,790 --> 00:41:02,293 the Spellmans are too recalcitrant to be trusted 635 00:41:02,376 --> 00:41:05,713 with bringing this situation to a satisfactory conclusion. 636 00:41:06,005 --> 00:41:10,801 But you, girls, had a hand in his reanimation. 637 00:41:10,885 --> 00:41:15,097 You will put an end to Thomas Kinkle. 638 00:41:17,016 --> 00:41:18,392 And be quick about it. 639 00:41:25,691 --> 00:41:28,152 Perhaps I'll tear out his heart, give it to Agatha 640 00:41:28,235 --> 00:41:31,447 after the trouble he's put her through? Or we could place his head on a spike. 641 00:41:31,530 --> 00:41:34,450 You heard what my father said, Dorcas. Let's just get this done. 642 00:41:41,582 --> 00:41:43,584 What's happening? What is happening? 643 00:41:43,667 --> 00:41:45,669 I don't know. 644 00:41:46,003 --> 00:41:47,963 My apologies, ladies. 645 00:41:48,088 --> 00:41:50,549 Nicholas! What have you done to us? 646 00:41:50,633 --> 00:41:52,092 It's an old catching spell. 647 00:41:52,176 --> 00:41:53,969 Drive a spike through a witch's footprint 648 00:41:54,053 --> 00:41:56,680 and she'll be rooted to the spot until you pull up the spike. 649 00:41:56,764 --> 00:41:59,391 Why are you doing this? My father gave us orders. 650 00:41:59,475 --> 00:42:01,936 The Spellmans are handling this, Prudence. 651 00:42:02,603 --> 00:42:06,732 And you, Dorcas, and I are staying right here until they're finished. 652 00:42:21,247 --> 00:42:22,706 Not so fast. 653 00:42:24,333 --> 00:42:25,333 Give me your wrist. 654 00:42:26,961 --> 00:42:28,462 So I don't lose track of you. 655 00:42:28,546 --> 00:42:30,839 Tug on it three times when you're heading back, 656 00:42:30,923 --> 00:42:32,883 and I'll open the portal on this side. 657 00:42:33,300 --> 00:42:34,300 Understand? 658 00:42:35,219 --> 00:42:37,429 Thank you, Ms. Wardwell. 659 00:42:37,680 --> 00:42:38,680 Well... 660 00:42:39,056 --> 00:42:40,641 Not at all, Sabrina. 661 00:42:42,393 --> 00:42:43,393 Now... 662 00:42:44,144 --> 00:42:45,396 recite the words. 663 00:42:55,739 --> 00:42:58,367 Redi ad periculum tuum. 664 00:43:25,769 --> 00:43:27,855 I'll be waiting right here for you. 665 00:44:15,694 --> 00:44:16,820 Tommy? 666 00:44:22,034 --> 00:44:23,160 Tommy? 667 00:45:00,072 --> 00:45:02,491 Mom? What are you doing here? 668 00:45:04,076 --> 00:45:05,369 Who are you? 669 00:45:06,495 --> 00:45:08,956 Mom, it's me. Sabrina. 670 00:45:09,748 --> 00:45:10,874 Sabrina? 671 00:45:11,542 --> 00:45:12,542 No. 672 00:45:13,877 --> 00:45:17,214 No, Sabrina was my baby. And she was baptized. 673 00:45:17,297 --> 00:45:20,843 Only... unbaptized babies go to limbo. 674 00:45:21,927 --> 00:45:24,179 Mom, I promise you, it's me. 675 00:45:25,973 --> 00:45:27,683 But they took her. 676 00:45:29,351 --> 00:45:31,854 They took my baby after the baptism. 677 00:45:32,271 --> 00:45:33,355 Who did? 678 00:45:34,732 --> 00:45:36,650 Are you okay? 679 00:45:36,734 --> 00:45:38,068 The witches are coming. 680 00:45:40,446 --> 00:45:42,489 - What's that? - The Soul-Eater. 681 00:45:42,573 --> 00:45:44,658 Don't let him get you. 682 00:45:44,783 --> 00:45:46,243 Save yourself! 683 00:46:07,723 --> 00:46:09,391 Sabrina? 684 00:46:09,475 --> 00:46:11,977 Tommy! Tommy, we have to go. 685 00:46:12,060 --> 00:46:13,479 Where are we? I was in the mines... 686 00:46:13,562 --> 00:46:16,482 Tommy, everything is gonna be all right, but we have to go. 687 00:46:16,565 --> 00:46:18,358 No! 688 00:46:18,442 --> 00:46:19,735 We have to run! 689 00:46:28,035 --> 00:46:29,369 Ms. Wardwell! 690 00:46:30,496 --> 00:46:31,538 I've got Tommy! 691 00:46:35,334 --> 00:46:36,668 Open the portal! 692 00:46:49,890 --> 00:46:54,686 Hear me, Spirits of the Dead, and reveal the portal! 693 00:46:54,770 --> 00:46:58,232 Help me to pass through with this brave mortal! 694 00:47:12,663 --> 00:47:13,664 Sabrina, what... 695 00:47:14,790 --> 00:47:16,458 No! No! 696 00:47:17,042 --> 00:47:19,044 No. No. No. 697 00:47:21,088 --> 00:47:23,131 Ms. Wardwell, I have to go back in there. 698 00:47:23,215 --> 00:47:25,092 I found Tommy once, I can find him again. 699 00:47:25,175 --> 00:47:26,510 Sabrina, you can't. 700 00:47:28,095 --> 00:47:32,391 From what we just saw, it seems the Soul-Eater's gotten him. 701 00:47:34,351 --> 00:47:35,686 What does that mean? 702 00:47:38,397 --> 00:47:39,815 You know what it means. 703 00:47:48,907 --> 00:47:51,493 But I promised Harvey I'd fix this. 704 00:47:57,833 --> 00:47:59,209 But you still can. 705 00:48:01,169 --> 00:48:06,008 Painful... but there's one path left for you to follow. 706 00:48:09,887 --> 00:48:11,305 But if I tell him... 707 00:48:12,973 --> 00:48:15,183 If your love is true... 708 00:48:17,019 --> 00:48:18,270 he'll understand. 709 00:48:40,918 --> 00:48:42,461 Well, Stolas. 710 00:48:44,254 --> 00:48:48,300 It took longer than I or the Dark Lord might have liked, but... 711 00:48:49,635 --> 00:48:51,887 finally it's about to happen. 712 00:48:54,056 --> 00:48:59,311 Sabrina's primary tie to the mortal world, Harvey Kinkle... 713 00:49:01,063 --> 00:49:02,648 is about to be severed. 714 00:49:04,232 --> 00:49:06,610 And Satan be praised. 715 00:49:08,528 --> 00:49:10,364 She'll have no one to blame... 716 00:49:11,823 --> 00:49:13,367 but herself. 717 00:49:15,077 --> 00:49:16,536 Yes, Stolas... 718 00:49:17,496 --> 00:49:20,248 we should go check on her chums, too. 719 00:49:22,250 --> 00:49:23,251 Susie, um... 720 00:49:23,961 --> 00:49:26,004 you remember when we went to see my Nana Ruth? 721 00:49:26,088 --> 00:49:27,172 Of course. 722 00:49:27,255 --> 00:49:30,008 She called me a handsome fellow. 723 00:49:30,092 --> 00:49:36,890 Yeah, and she said all that weird stuff about the cunning and how it's like ESP. 724 00:49:36,974 --> 00:49:40,852 How witches cursed the Walker family and that's why so many of us have gone blind. 725 00:49:40,936 --> 00:49:41,936 Yeah. 726 00:49:43,438 --> 00:49:45,357 Susie, I think it may be true. 727 00:49:46,400 --> 00:49:47,400 All of it. 728 00:49:50,612 --> 00:49:53,991 I can see things, things I shouldn't be able to. 729 00:49:54,074 --> 00:49:55,283 Like ghosts? 730 00:49:56,827 --> 00:49:59,746 More like... visions. 731 00:50:01,331 --> 00:50:02,666 And secrets. 732 00:50:03,458 --> 00:50:04,751 About people. 733 00:50:05,460 --> 00:50:08,005 What kind of secrets? Like about me? 734 00:50:08,088 --> 00:50:10,716 No. Like about Sabrina. 735 00:50:11,967 --> 00:50:14,553 She's been hiding something from us. 736 00:50:14,636 --> 00:50:17,055 Something really, really big. 737 00:50:17,931 --> 00:50:20,308 - I think I may know. - I think Sabrina might be a witch. 738 00:50:22,853 --> 00:50:26,398 And I know... I know how crazy that sounds. 739 00:50:26,481 --> 00:50:29,121 - That our best friend might be... - I think all the Spellmans are. 740 00:50:31,611 --> 00:50:33,989 My Aunt Dorothea wrote about them in her journals. 741 00:50:34,072 --> 00:50:37,492 So you believe me? You believe it could be possible? 742 00:50:37,576 --> 00:50:39,619 I think Greendale's a pretty weird town, Roz. 743 00:50:39,703 --> 00:50:41,705 I'm starting to believe anything is possible. 744 00:50:41,788 --> 00:50:42,998 Agreed. 745 00:50:45,375 --> 00:50:48,837 But what does it mean to be a witch? 746 00:50:49,296 --> 00:50:50,296 Uh... 747 00:50:50,380 --> 00:50:53,759 Like, is Sabrina evil? 748 00:50:54,092 --> 00:50:55,552 Or dangerous? 749 00:50:55,635 --> 00:50:56,845 I don't know. 750 00:51:10,901 --> 00:51:12,110 Where's your dad? 751 00:51:13,779 --> 00:51:15,864 Um... at the bar. 752 00:51:17,908 --> 00:51:18,908 How's Tommy? 753 00:51:21,119 --> 00:51:22,120 The same. 754 00:51:22,788 --> 00:51:23,872 Still sleeping. 755 00:51:28,168 --> 00:51:31,338 Harvey, I have something to tell you. 756 00:51:33,840 --> 00:51:37,260 Something I can't hide from you anymore. 757 00:51:41,723 --> 00:51:42,723 What is it? 758 00:51:44,226 --> 00:51:46,186 I'm ready for just about anything at this point. 759 00:51:47,687 --> 00:51:54,236 Tommy's asleep because I gave him a few drops of sleep potion. 760 00:51:57,072 --> 00:51:58,448 What do you mean potion? 761 00:51:59,658 --> 00:52:02,077 It was mixed in with the water I brought with me. 762 00:52:03,161 --> 00:52:07,833 And... the reason Tommy came back... 763 00:52:08,416 --> 00:52:09,709 is because... 764 00:52:11,336 --> 00:52:12,336 I... 765 00:52:13,672 --> 00:52:15,841 performed a ritual to bring him back. 766 00:52:19,010 --> 00:52:21,763 Sabrina, what are you talking about? 767 00:52:27,185 --> 00:52:29,271 I'm a witch, Harvey. 768 00:52:34,693 --> 00:52:35,693 You've... 769 00:52:36,444 --> 00:52:37,946 You've told me this before. 770 00:52:39,197 --> 00:52:41,199 Just before my 16th birthday. 771 00:52:42,492 --> 00:52:45,036 But then... I made you forget... 772 00:52:47,455 --> 00:52:48,623 with a spell. 773 00:52:50,625 --> 00:52:52,377 How can I believe you? How can I... 774 00:52:53,378 --> 00:52:54,671 How can I believe this? 775 00:52:54,754 --> 00:52:57,966 When you were eight, you saw a demon in the mines. 776 00:52:58,300 --> 00:53:01,386 You knew Jesse Putnam was possessed before anyone else did. 777 00:53:04,222 --> 00:53:07,100 You come from a family of witch hunters. 778 00:53:12,814 --> 00:53:14,399 And your brother... 779 00:53:16,067 --> 00:53:17,861 What? What about Tommy? 780 00:53:22,908 --> 00:53:24,409 That's not really him... 781 00:53:26,953 --> 00:53:30,081 in Tommy's room, in Tommy's bed. 782 00:53:30,415 --> 00:53:32,042 - Of course it is. - No. 783 00:53:32,250 --> 00:53:33,460 No, I... 784 00:53:35,712 --> 00:53:39,674 I performed a... resurrection spell... 785 00:53:41,009 --> 00:53:42,219 to help Tommy... 786 00:53:43,762 --> 00:53:44,762 and you, too. 787 00:53:45,222 --> 00:53:46,431 Because... 788 00:53:47,515 --> 00:53:50,352 Because I knew you would do the same for me. 789 00:53:52,520 --> 00:53:53,939 But it all went wrong. 790 00:53:58,526 --> 00:54:00,904 I brought back Tommy's body, 791 00:54:00,987 --> 00:54:04,908 but not his soul... not the part of him that's really Tommy. 792 00:54:05,742 --> 00:54:08,078 What are you talking about? That is Tommy. 793 00:54:08,161 --> 00:54:09,287 No, Harvey... 794 00:54:10,956 --> 00:54:11,998 it's not. 795 00:54:13,166 --> 00:54:14,292 You know it's not. 796 00:54:16,962 --> 00:54:18,672 If that's not Tommy, then who... 797 00:54:19,214 --> 00:54:20,048 what is it? 798 00:54:20,131 --> 00:54:21,383 Something else. 799 00:54:22,008 --> 00:54:25,136 Something I need... 800 00:54:26,054 --> 00:54:27,054 to put back 801 00:54:27,597 --> 00:54:28,597 in the ground... 802 00:54:28,974 --> 00:54:31,935 ...before things get worse. 803 00:54:33,478 --> 00:54:36,648 - Why, Sabrina, why did you... - I wanted to fix this for you. 804 00:54:38,441 --> 00:54:40,068 I wanted you to stop hurting. 805 00:54:40,318 --> 00:54:43,655 You shouldn't have done anything. You should've left Tommy where he was. 806 00:54:43,738 --> 00:54:45,282 That's why I need to make this right. 807 00:54:47,701 --> 00:54:52,747 That's why I need to put what's in Tommy's room... back. 808 00:54:52,831 --> 00:54:54,457 Back where? What do you... 809 00:55:00,630 --> 00:55:02,799 - Sabrina... - I have to. 810 00:55:05,677 --> 00:55:06,677 It's the only way. 811 00:55:15,687 --> 00:55:17,355 Will it... Will it hurt him? 812 00:55:18,898 --> 00:55:19,898 No. 813 00:55:22,986 --> 00:55:26,906 No, I don't think he feels things like we do. 814 00:55:29,451 --> 00:55:30,451 How? 815 00:55:30,827 --> 00:55:32,078 How are you gonna do it? 816 00:55:33,997 --> 00:55:34,997 I... 817 00:55:35,874 --> 00:55:37,959 could... 818 00:55:38,460 --> 00:55:39,753 I don't even know. 819 00:55:42,422 --> 00:55:43,548 - I'll do it. - No! 820 00:55:43,631 --> 00:55:46,134 No, Harvey, you don't... you... 821 00:55:46,217 --> 00:55:48,511 - You shouldn't... - He's my brother, Sabrina, and I... 822 00:55:50,597 --> 00:55:53,284 I don't want you to be the person that did that to any part of Tommy. 823 00:55:53,308 --> 00:55:54,893 I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. 824 00:55:54,976 --> 00:55:57,228 You... You have to go. 825 00:55:59,439 --> 00:56:01,691 Why? I don't want to. 826 00:56:01,775 --> 00:56:02,775 So I can... 827 00:56:03,068 --> 00:56:05,278 do this before my dad gets back, before I... 828 00:56:07,155 --> 00:56:09,199 before I chicken out. And I... 829 00:56:10,950 --> 00:56:11,950 And I... 830 00:56:12,786 --> 00:56:14,245 I can't talk to you again... 831 00:56:15,872 --> 00:56:16,956 for a while. 832 00:56:17,040 --> 00:56:20,585 Harvey... Harvey, please, let me stay. Let me at least help. 833 00:56:20,668 --> 00:56:22,170 No, Sabrina, you've... 834 00:56:24,464 --> 00:56:25,590 you've done enough. 835 00:58:00,477 --> 00:58:01,769 Is it done, then? 836 00:58:39,474 --> 00:58:42,227 It's over, Aunt Zelda. 837 00:58:42,894 --> 00:58:46,564 Tommy's gone... ...and Harvey and I... 838 01:00:16,696 --> 01:00:18,114 Brett, move your head.