1 00:01:54,906 --> 00:01:57,200 Your flesh is mortal, 2 00:01:57,283 --> 00:02:02,831 and in the end, all mortal flesh must die. 3 00:02:23,184 --> 00:02:24,519 Ms. Wardwell! 4 00:02:24,602 --> 00:02:27,480 I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to startle you. It's just I... 5 00:02:28,273 --> 00:02:31,609 It's just I saw you fleeing Principal Hawthorne's office, and... 6 00:02:32,235 --> 00:02:35,280 Oh, that man, that man, that man, that man. 7 00:02:36,322 --> 00:02:38,783 Did he say something just hideous to you? 8 00:02:38,867 --> 00:02:42,120 - He... He... Um... - Want me to call your aunts? 9 00:02:42,203 --> 00:02:44,330 See if they can come pick you up, take you home? 10 00:02:44,414 --> 00:02:47,500 No. No. No, no, I'm fine. I just got light-headed, is all. 11 00:02:47,584 --> 00:02:49,294 Thank you, Ms. Wardwell. 12 00:03:06,019 --> 00:03:07,687 Here's a question, Aunties. 13 00:03:07,979 --> 00:03:11,232 How can one witch get another witch's familiar to talk? 14 00:03:11,316 --> 00:03:14,569 You're not allowed a familiar, per the rules of your house arrest. 15 00:03:14,652 --> 00:03:17,697 I found it perched on the Kemper boy's casket. 16 00:03:18,281 --> 00:03:22,452 I thought if I could get it to speak, maybe I could find out how Connor died. 17 00:03:22,535 --> 00:03:26,539 You won't be able to. Familiars are bound to their witches. 18 00:03:26,623 --> 00:03:27,790 It'll be dead soon. 19 00:03:27,874 --> 00:03:31,127 The greatest agony it can know is a life without its master. 20 00:03:31,753 --> 00:03:34,672 Give it here. I'll make it quick. Hilda can fashion it into a purse. 21 00:03:34,756 --> 00:03:36,841 - No, it's mine. For now. - Yeah. 22 00:03:36,925 --> 00:03:40,303 I'll, uh, try bribing it with some food, see if that works. 23 00:03:42,347 --> 00:03:44,265 Would you like a little tomato? 24 00:03:56,486 --> 00:03:58,613 Hey, you okay? 25 00:03:59,656 --> 00:04:01,074 You're, like, a million miles away. 26 00:04:01,157 --> 00:04:06,704 Yeah. Sorry, I'm fine. I was just having an out-of-body experience, but I'm back. 27 00:04:07,872 --> 00:04:09,791 Great! There you guys are. 28 00:04:09,874 --> 00:04:13,503 You will not believe the fascism afoot at Baxter High. 29 00:04:13,586 --> 00:04:16,547 So, I go to get my book assignment approved from Mr. Garland, 30 00:04:16,631 --> 00:04:17,966 and you know what he says? 31 00:04:18,049 --> 00:04:19,884 No. Rejected. 32 00:04:19,968 --> 00:04:22,303 Because my book has been deemed problematic. 33 00:04:22,387 --> 00:04:24,889 - Wait, but The Bluest Eye is a classic. - Exactly! 34 00:04:24,973 --> 00:04:29,018 No one should get to decide what we can and can't read. 35 00:04:29,102 --> 00:04:30,102 Agreed. 36 00:04:30,144 --> 00:04:33,439 How can we help, Roz? No, how can WICCA help? 37 00:04:33,523 --> 00:04:36,442 I mean, that's why our club exists. 38 00:04:36,693 --> 00:04:39,279 We'll take the fight to Hawthorne. Right, Sabrina? 39 00:04:40,655 --> 00:04:43,992 Um... yeah. Absolutely, if that's what Roz wants. 40 00:04:46,160 --> 00:04:47,245 Yeah. 41 00:04:47,954 --> 00:04:48,954 Yeah. 42 00:04:51,874 --> 00:04:55,670 Firstly, let me say very clearly and for the record, 43 00:04:55,753 --> 00:04:58,589 we do not ban books at Baxter High. 44 00:04:59,716 --> 00:05:02,677 Miss Spellman, have I grown a second head? 45 00:05:03,761 --> 00:05:05,888 No. No, no, no, sir. 46 00:05:05,972 --> 00:05:08,975 Okay. Then why are you looking at me as if I had? 47 00:05:11,185 --> 00:05:15,398 Principal Hawthorne, why did Mr. Garland say no to The Bluest Eye, 48 00:05:15,481 --> 00:05:16,774 and call it controversial? 49 00:05:16,858 --> 00:05:21,612 The book that you proposed has very graphic passages. 50 00:05:21,696 --> 00:05:24,866 I'm certain that Mr. Garland would've raised the same objections 51 00:05:24,949 --> 00:05:28,870 had you proposed A Clockwork Orange or Lolita. 52 00:05:28,953 --> 00:05:31,039 So you're saying those books are banned as well? 53 00:05:31,122 --> 00:05:33,624 I'm saying that this is a public school, 54 00:05:34,042 --> 00:05:37,628 and certain topics and titles 55 00:05:37,837 --> 00:05:41,924 have no place in the hands of impressionable youths. 56 00:05:42,008 --> 00:05:45,261 ♪ I'm a wild, wild woman ♪ 57 00:05:46,763 --> 00:05:50,099 ♪ I'm a wild, wild woman ♪ 58 00:05:50,808 --> 00:05:54,896 Wait, Roz, what are you doing? What exactly are you expecting to find? 59 00:05:54,979 --> 00:05:58,733 I just... I don't believe Hawthorne for one second. 60 00:05:58,816 --> 00:06:02,820 He may not officially ban books, but here, Susie, look this up. 61 00:06:02,904 --> 00:06:04,447 Sabrina, see if you can find this one. 62 00:06:04,530 --> 00:06:06,699 ♪ I'm the keeper of the treasure ♪ 63 00:06:06,783 --> 00:06:09,035 ♪ Hunted by every man in sight ♪ 64 00:06:09,118 --> 00:06:11,788 ♪ I see shadows on the skeletons ♪ 65 00:06:11,996 --> 00:06:17,085 ♪ Of everything I've done ♪ 66 00:06:19,587 --> 00:06:22,215 ♪ Ooh ♪ 67 00:06:23,216 --> 00:06:24,675 Ms. Curtis, we have a problem. 68 00:06:24,759 --> 00:06:27,720 Uh, this stack of cards. None of these books are on the shelves. 69 00:06:29,222 --> 00:06:32,392 Yes, I believe these books have been checked out. 70 00:06:32,934 --> 00:06:34,143 For a while. 71 00:06:34,602 --> 00:06:35,728 What do you mean? 72 00:06:37,271 --> 00:06:40,858 Well, you didn't hear this from me, but a few years back, 73 00:06:40,942 --> 00:06:45,154 there was a... a soft purge of bad books. 74 00:06:50,410 --> 00:06:51,452 Aunt Zelda? 75 00:06:51,536 --> 00:06:55,039 Hilda? You're not gonna believe what happened at school today. 76 00:06:55,123 --> 00:06:56,707 Oh, we can imagine. 77 00:06:57,250 --> 00:06:58,501 Do you know what this is? 78 00:06:59,752 --> 00:07:03,089 I'll tell you. It's an Infernal Summons. 79 00:07:03,172 --> 00:07:04,006 A what now? 80 00:07:04,090 --> 00:07:08,845 Well, you've been charged with a rather antiquated offense, dearest. 81 00:07:09,178 --> 00:07:10,096 Breach of Promise. 82 00:07:10,179 --> 00:07:13,474 You made a promise to sign the Dark Lord's Book of the Beast and then, 83 00:07:13,558 --> 00:07:16,018 when you ran in horror from your dark baptism, 84 00:07:16,102 --> 00:07:17,186 you broke it. 85 00:07:17,645 --> 00:07:20,481 You humiliated our master in front of the entire coven, 86 00:07:20,565 --> 00:07:25,361 and now, you will be judged and tried in front of the entire coven. 87 00:07:26,237 --> 00:07:30,241 Never, in all my years, has a Spellman been summoned 88 00:07:30,324 --> 00:07:31,409 to the Court of Witches. 89 00:07:31,492 --> 00:07:34,036 I don't understand. Someone is suing me? 90 00:07:34,787 --> 00:07:35,788 The Dark Lord. 91 00:07:36,497 --> 00:07:39,625 He's determined to get you on the Path of Night. 92 00:07:39,709 --> 00:07:42,587 I saw him today, the Dark Lord. 93 00:07:42,670 --> 00:07:46,090 He took possession of Principal Hawthorne and threatened me. 94 00:07:48,384 --> 00:07:49,802 Did you hear that, sister? 95 00:07:50,386 --> 00:07:52,680 Can you imagine how enraged he must be? 96 00:07:52,763 --> 00:07:55,892 Well, it doesn't matter. I don't want to be a part of his coven, 97 00:07:55,975 --> 00:07:58,686 I don't want to step foot in the Academy of Unseen Arts, 98 00:07:58,769 --> 00:08:02,148 and I am certainly not gonna stand trial. 99 00:08:02,231 --> 00:08:05,693 Oh, you most certainly are, Sabrina. You've been summoned. 100 00:08:05,776 --> 00:08:08,237 And not only you. Hilda and I as well. 101 00:08:10,198 --> 00:08:11,574 We're on trial too. 102 00:08:13,117 --> 00:08:14,827 That doesn't make any sense. 103 00:08:14,911 --> 00:08:17,163 Well, we're your legal guardians, lamb. 104 00:08:17,246 --> 00:08:19,624 So, in the eyes of the Court of the Witches, 105 00:08:19,707 --> 00:08:21,584 your actions are our actions. 106 00:08:22,001 --> 00:08:24,545 - We're as guilty as you. - Don't you mean innocent? 107 00:08:24,629 --> 00:08:27,256 - Innocent until proven guilty? - That's mortal law. 108 00:08:27,340 --> 00:08:30,676 Witch law is the complete opposite. Guilty until proven innocent. 109 00:08:30,760 --> 00:08:32,011 Do you know what this is? 110 00:08:33,095 --> 00:08:35,306 It's your Aunt Hilda's tooth. 111 00:08:35,765 --> 00:08:37,725 We have been stripped of our powers. 112 00:08:37,808 --> 00:08:42,605 Which means that we will age and rot, rapidly, until a verdict is reached. 113 00:08:43,981 --> 00:08:46,692 Your trial begins at midnight. 114 00:08:54,659 --> 00:08:57,078 I didn't promise the Dark Lord anything. 115 00:08:57,161 --> 00:08:59,163 I didn't sign the Book of the Beast. 116 00:09:00,081 --> 00:09:02,792 And yet, I still have to go to court and be punished. 117 00:09:02,875 --> 00:09:04,544 Can't I fight this somehow? 118 00:09:04,627 --> 00:09:06,254 You can, but you'll need help. 119 00:09:06,337 --> 00:09:08,548 Have you ever heard of a man named Daniel Webster? 120 00:09:09,298 --> 00:09:10,299 I don't think so. 121 00:09:10,383 --> 00:09:13,511 He's a lawyer and occultist who specializes in witch law. 122 00:09:13,928 --> 00:09:15,471 Total legend. 123 00:09:15,888 --> 00:09:17,765 He's mortal, but, uh... 124 00:09:18,683 --> 00:09:21,686 he's rumored to have once beaten the Devil himself. 125 00:09:22,103 --> 00:09:23,479 - I'm in. - Mmm-hmm. 126 00:09:23,563 --> 00:09:25,815 - Where does he live? - That's the kismet part. 127 00:09:25,898 --> 00:09:28,568 He lives right here. In Greendale. 128 00:09:29,110 --> 00:09:30,278 Willingly? 129 00:09:30,361 --> 00:09:31,696 - Why? - Don't know. 130 00:09:32,989 --> 00:09:34,156 Bit reclusive, maybe? 131 00:09:35,741 --> 00:09:38,327 You're going to be the Dark Lord's prosecutor, I imagine. 132 00:09:38,411 --> 00:09:41,789 I don't relish it, but that is one of my duties as High Priest, yes. 133 00:09:41,872 --> 00:09:46,877 Please, Faustus, Sabrina made a foolish, impetuous mistake. 134 00:09:47,545 --> 00:09:50,673 Couldn't we settle this between ourselves? 135 00:09:50,756 --> 00:09:52,967 You, me, the Dark Lord... 136 00:09:54,010 --> 00:09:56,971 without the embarrassing spectacle of a public trial? 137 00:09:57,763 --> 00:10:00,766 The wheels of justice are already turning, Zelda. 138 00:10:06,480 --> 00:10:07,481 However... 139 00:10:08,149 --> 00:10:11,152 come tonight... with Sabrina... 140 00:10:12,361 --> 00:10:16,115 have her admit her wrongdoing and beg for forgiveness, immediately. 141 00:10:16,532 --> 00:10:18,367 The Dark Lord is not without mercy. 142 00:10:18,993 --> 00:10:21,829 But he'll require total submission from the girl. 143 00:10:21,912 --> 00:10:23,164 And he shall have it. 144 00:10:25,207 --> 00:10:26,375 I promise you. 145 00:10:28,169 --> 00:10:29,503 Poor Zelda. 146 00:10:31,589 --> 00:10:34,300 Already, I see the ravages of age upon you. 147 00:10:49,315 --> 00:10:51,734 Thank you for your time, Faustus. 148 00:10:58,074 --> 00:10:59,241 See you in court. 149 00:11:06,707 --> 00:11:08,376 I don't enjoy being watched. 150 00:11:13,798 --> 00:11:15,925 The girl is my charge. 151 00:11:20,554 --> 00:11:23,641 I can't risk leaving her fate in... 152 00:11:24,809 --> 00:11:26,727 lesser hands. 153 00:11:27,812 --> 00:11:29,980 And yet it is your own incompetence 154 00:11:30,147 --> 00:11:32,149 that has brought us to this moment. 155 00:11:35,736 --> 00:11:38,072 I eased her to the altar, 156 00:11:38,280 --> 00:11:39,657 as is my way. 157 00:11:39,740 --> 00:11:42,076 A hand on her shoulder, 158 00:11:42,159 --> 00:11:43,703 a whisper in her ear. 159 00:11:44,620 --> 00:11:48,332 But she was at the altar, Blackwood. 160 00:11:48,457 --> 00:11:50,835 You failed to get the signature. 161 00:11:51,043 --> 00:11:53,045 My dear demoness... 162 00:11:54,505 --> 00:11:56,507 your methods are weak, 163 00:11:56,882 --> 00:11:58,467 your will is womanly. 164 00:11:58,592 --> 00:12:00,594 Now I will be the hammer... 165 00:12:01,178 --> 00:12:03,180 that drives this nail home. 166 00:12:03,347 --> 00:12:06,267 As you're blunt, like a hammer, that's true. 167 00:12:06,350 --> 00:12:10,020 But don't underestimate her, warlock. 168 00:12:11,230 --> 00:12:13,983 And don't disrespect me. 169 00:12:15,443 --> 00:12:17,445 High Priest or not... 170 00:12:18,904 --> 00:12:20,030 you're still a man. 171 00:12:25,244 --> 00:12:26,704 And I feast... 172 00:12:27,997 --> 00:12:30,416 on male flesh. 173 00:12:48,142 --> 00:12:49,935 Are you Daniel Webster? 174 00:12:50,895 --> 00:12:51,895 No. 175 00:12:52,980 --> 00:12:54,148 Why? What do you want? 176 00:12:55,274 --> 00:12:57,318 My name is Sabrina Spellman. 177 00:12:58,235 --> 00:12:59,278 Spellman? 178 00:12:59,528 --> 00:13:02,281 And I need a lawyer... to fight the Devil. 179 00:13:04,325 --> 00:13:07,745 I'd offer you a seat, but that would encourage you to stay, so... 180 00:13:07,828 --> 00:13:10,790 Mr. Webster, I'm being charged with Breach of Promise. 181 00:13:11,874 --> 00:13:13,417 I ran from my Dark Baptism. 182 00:13:15,836 --> 00:13:17,296 You know what that is, right? 183 00:13:18,339 --> 00:13:19,924 Oh, yeah. I'm familiar. 184 00:13:21,175 --> 00:13:24,053 So what? You, uh, born again? 185 00:13:24,804 --> 00:13:25,888 Renounced Satan? 186 00:13:25,971 --> 00:13:28,933 No. No, I... I'm a half-witch. 187 00:13:31,268 --> 00:13:35,189 They lied and coerced me, but I didn't sign the Book of the Beast. 188 00:13:35,272 --> 00:13:37,983 And now my family is being punished. 189 00:13:38,400 --> 00:13:41,445 I have to be in court tonight, in a few hours, and... 190 00:13:42,822 --> 00:13:44,573 and I heard you might be able to help me. 191 00:13:50,704 --> 00:13:51,704 No. 192 00:13:51,872 --> 00:13:52,872 Sorry. 193 00:13:53,791 --> 00:13:55,167 I don't practice anymore. 194 00:13:58,337 --> 00:14:00,130 Breach of Promise, that's tricky. 195 00:14:07,388 --> 00:14:08,722 Well, good luck to you. 196 00:14:37,668 --> 00:14:39,587 Hell and damnation. 197 00:14:50,139 --> 00:14:51,348 Hey, these are good, Harv. 198 00:14:51,807 --> 00:14:53,684 I mean, they're messed up. 199 00:14:54,935 --> 00:14:56,520 You're a twisted little weirdo. 200 00:14:57,146 --> 00:14:58,146 Thanks, Tommy. 201 00:15:01,567 --> 00:15:03,527 I showed them to the guy that runs the bookstore. 202 00:15:03,777 --> 00:15:05,988 The vampire guy, you mean? 203 00:15:06,530 --> 00:15:08,657 Dr. Cerberus, yeah. 204 00:15:09,033 --> 00:15:11,201 He said I could do some posters for his store. 205 00:15:11,827 --> 00:15:13,871 Maybe even work there weekends, if I wanted. 206 00:15:14,079 --> 00:15:15,623 That your idea of a joke? 207 00:15:16,165 --> 00:15:18,334 You want to hang out in the back of a comic book shop 208 00:15:18,417 --> 00:15:20,294 with some pervert who plays dress-up? 209 00:15:20,502 --> 00:15:22,004 Dad, jeez, relax. 210 00:15:22,504 --> 00:15:24,131 You want a job, Harvey? 211 00:15:24,506 --> 00:15:27,134 I've got a job for you. In the mines. 212 00:15:27,426 --> 00:15:30,386 - You'll start with a shift this week. - Dad, we can manage fine without... 213 00:15:30,638 --> 00:15:31,680 You heard him, Tom. 214 00:15:32,264 --> 00:15:35,726 Your brother's ready to work, and I'm giving him work. End of story. 215 00:15:47,363 --> 00:15:48,405 Remember, ladies, 216 00:15:48,489 --> 00:15:51,617 we carry ourselves with aplomb and dignity. 217 00:15:51,700 --> 00:15:54,536 We admit our wrongs, accept our punishment, 218 00:15:54,870 --> 00:15:57,539 and try to put this whole sordid mess behind us. 219 00:15:57,623 --> 00:15:59,708 Isn't that right, Sabrina? 220 00:15:59,875 --> 00:16:01,251 Do I have a choice? 221 00:16:01,335 --> 00:16:02,586 Not really, no. 222 00:16:10,302 --> 00:16:12,554 We, the profane... 223 00:16:13,514 --> 00:16:16,016 gather here tonight in this sacrilegious Court 224 00:16:16,100 --> 00:16:17,851 to serve the Dark Lord's justice. 225 00:16:18,560 --> 00:16:21,647 A deplorable crime has been committed against our master and savior. 226 00:16:21,730 --> 00:16:24,525 - Hail Satan! Praise him! - Praise Satan. 227 00:16:24,608 --> 00:16:29,238 Sabrina Spellman stands accused before The Infernal Three, 228 00:16:29,571 --> 00:16:35,619 guilty of breaking her promise, her pledge, to the Dark Lord. 229 00:16:36,120 --> 00:16:41,250 Sabrina Spellman, stand. 230 00:16:46,547 --> 00:16:48,632 When the accused is confirmed guilty, 231 00:16:48,716 --> 00:16:53,220 not only will she abandon her mortal life immediately, 232 00:16:53,554 --> 00:16:59,393 but, upon her death, she shall burn for 333 years in the Pit, 233 00:16:59,476 --> 00:17:01,311 as his pleasure demands. 234 00:17:06,191 --> 00:17:09,403 Accused, how plead you? 235 00:17:09,820 --> 00:17:12,072 I... I... 236 00:17:16,285 --> 00:17:18,287 She pleads not guilty. 237 00:17:25,711 --> 00:17:26,795 Mr. Webster. 238 00:17:30,674 --> 00:17:35,471 You are not unknown to this court, but you are unwelcome, sir, and uninvited. 239 00:17:35,554 --> 00:17:36,764 Untrue, sir. 240 00:17:38,140 --> 00:17:42,644 - Where my client goes... I follow. - Client? 241 00:17:44,063 --> 00:17:47,733 - Sabrina? - He's my lawyer, Aunt Zelda. 242 00:17:51,737 --> 00:17:53,337 As if things weren't dire enough, 243 00:17:53,405 --> 00:17:57,493 you go and hire this mortal pettifogger behind our backs. 244 00:17:57,576 --> 00:18:01,622 With all due respect, madam, I am well-versed in witch law. 245 00:18:01,705 --> 00:18:04,291 Oh, I know exactly who you are, Mr. Webster. 246 00:18:04,958 --> 00:18:08,003 I remember you sniffing around my brother years ago. 247 00:18:08,378 --> 00:18:10,172 A hanger-on, a dilettante. 248 00:18:10,255 --> 00:18:12,466 Wait. You knew my father? 249 00:18:13,383 --> 00:18:15,219 He's the reason I came to Greendale. 250 00:18:16,178 --> 00:18:18,514 Your father taught me witch law... 251 00:18:19,556 --> 00:18:21,517 offered me comfort when there was none. 252 00:18:21,892 --> 00:18:22,976 He helped me out. 253 00:18:24,520 --> 00:18:25,979 I'd like to return the favor. 254 00:18:29,858 --> 00:18:33,862 Do you know what Breach of Promise means, Miss Spellman? 255 00:18:33,946 --> 00:18:37,157 It's when you make a promise, and then break it. 256 00:18:37,699 --> 00:18:40,661 Which I, categorically, did not do. 257 00:18:40,744 --> 00:18:41,995 It is most commonly invoked 258 00:18:42,079 --> 00:18:45,249 when a groom runs out on a bride he's promised to wed. 259 00:18:45,332 --> 00:18:47,042 I only mention that, because... 260 00:18:47,126 --> 00:18:50,337 ...well, were you and the Dark Lord not courting 261 00:18:50,420 --> 00:18:52,506 in advance of your Dark Baptism? 262 00:18:53,340 --> 00:18:55,509 "Courting"? In what way? 263 00:18:55,592 --> 00:18:58,137 Did you not willingly go into the woods that night? 264 00:18:58,720 --> 00:19:01,890 Wearing, of all things, a wedding dress? 265 00:19:03,433 --> 00:19:05,078 Fact is, you gave every indication 266 00:19:05,102 --> 00:19:07,521 that it was your intention to fulfill a promise made. 267 00:19:07,604 --> 00:19:09,982 You showed up for a ceremony you'd committed to 268 00:19:10,065 --> 00:19:13,360 and then, at the moment of consummation, you fled. 269 00:19:16,029 --> 00:19:17,322 You broke your promise. 270 00:19:20,701 --> 00:19:21,701 That's all. 271 00:19:22,411 --> 00:19:23,411 Guilty! 272 00:19:24,371 --> 00:19:26,874 Tramp! 273 00:19:30,127 --> 00:19:33,505 Sabrina, members of the court, 274 00:19:33,589 --> 00:19:35,883 where is the tangible proof? 275 00:19:36,300 --> 00:19:40,220 If this baptism is to be considered a wedding, 276 00:19:40,304 --> 00:19:42,306 where is the marriage license? 277 00:19:42,890 --> 00:19:45,517 The blood tests this great township demands? 278 00:19:46,059 --> 00:19:47,811 Show me the signatures! 279 00:19:48,604 --> 00:19:50,522 Hell, show me the groom! 280 00:19:53,567 --> 00:19:54,567 No contract. 281 00:19:55,152 --> 00:19:56,278 No promise. 282 00:19:57,738 --> 00:19:58,738 No case. 283 00:20:01,450 --> 00:20:02,576 Your Dishonors... 284 00:20:03,619 --> 00:20:07,789 I'd like to submit into evidence our most unholy grimoire, 285 00:20:08,415 --> 00:20:09,666 the Book of the Beast. 286 00:20:11,293 --> 00:20:15,130 Miss Spellman, would you be so kind as to open it to the page I've indicated? 287 00:20:20,969 --> 00:20:25,724 Would you please read the name that's been written... there? 288 00:20:26,850 --> 00:20:28,268 Nice and loud, child. 289 00:20:28,352 --> 00:20:31,355 It says, "Sabrina Spellman." 290 00:20:32,064 --> 00:20:33,607 But... 291 00:20:34,107 --> 00:20:35,567 I don't understand this. 292 00:20:35,651 --> 00:20:37,819 This is dated only a few days after I was... 293 00:20:37,903 --> 00:20:43,951 Your Dishonors, are we to believe that a baby signed the Book of the Beast 294 00:20:44,034 --> 00:20:45,702 three days after she was born? 295 00:20:45,786 --> 00:20:49,331 This is obviously a fraud, a blatant forgery. 296 00:20:49,414 --> 00:20:51,541 I call to the stand Zelda Phiona Spellman. 297 00:20:54,044 --> 00:20:55,712 What? Impossible! 298 00:20:58,382 --> 00:21:00,425 Aunt Zelda, what's happening? 299 00:21:07,224 --> 00:21:09,351 Ms. Spellman. Zelda. 300 00:21:10,936 --> 00:21:14,147 Take us back to this date written here. 301 00:21:17,567 --> 00:21:19,361 Of course, Your Excellency. 302 00:21:20,529 --> 00:21:21,529 I... 303 00:21:22,531 --> 00:21:25,951 I accompanied my brother into the Greendale Wood. 304 00:21:27,244 --> 00:21:33,000 In his arms, he carried his newborn daughter... Sabrina. 305 00:21:34,001 --> 00:21:39,256 When we reached a clearing, he placed the babe on an altar, and... 306 00:21:41,049 --> 00:21:42,718 signed her name in the Book of the Beast. 307 00:21:45,387 --> 00:21:47,264 Promising her soul to the Dark Lord. 308 00:21:49,433 --> 00:21:50,434 What? 309 00:21:53,395 --> 00:21:54,813 Now it makes sense! 310 00:21:54,896 --> 00:21:57,941 All your strong-arming trying to get me to sign. 311 00:21:58,025 --> 00:21:59,735 You were just trying to cover up the fact 312 00:21:59,818 --> 00:22:03,113 that you had already pawned me off to the Dark Lord like a used car. 313 00:22:03,196 --> 00:22:05,324 You were never meant to find out. 314 00:22:05,907 --> 00:22:08,493 You were meant to choose the Path of Night 315 00:22:08,577 --> 00:22:10,704 and sign your name willingly. That way... 316 00:22:10,787 --> 00:22:15,792 That way, I never would've found out about my father's betrayal and yours? 317 00:22:17,919 --> 00:22:19,504 Edward needed a witness. 318 00:22:20,047 --> 00:22:22,424 Why would he do that to me? 319 00:22:25,344 --> 00:22:27,387 A certain bargain had been struck, 320 00:22:27,471 --> 00:22:32,017 and the price your father paid for it was your name in that book. 321 00:22:32,267 --> 00:22:33,852 What could've been worth it? 322 00:22:36,355 --> 00:22:38,065 Permission to marry your mother. 323 00:22:38,315 --> 00:22:40,859 The Dark Lord granted it in exchange for... 324 00:22:40,942 --> 00:22:43,403 For me... his daughter. 325 00:22:44,029 --> 00:22:48,200 And you stood there, and you watched him do it, Aunt Zelda! 326 00:22:48,283 --> 00:22:50,160 You helped him do it! 327 00:23:02,255 --> 00:23:03,507 Daddy? 328 00:23:05,342 --> 00:23:07,469 Why did you let me die, Daddy? 329 00:23:08,095 --> 00:23:10,138 It hurt so much. 330 00:23:10,222 --> 00:23:11,222 Stop. 331 00:23:11,890 --> 00:23:15,602 You should be spending your time getting ready to join me down here, Daddy. 332 00:23:17,104 --> 00:23:21,108 Not defending a useless, backwoods, half-breed witch. 333 00:23:24,861 --> 00:23:28,240 Tick-tock, Daniel Webster. 334 00:23:29,449 --> 00:23:32,077 Tick-tock. 335 00:23:32,994 --> 00:23:35,372 Tick-tock. 336 00:23:36,331 --> 00:23:38,875 Tick-tock. 337 00:23:55,058 --> 00:23:56,476 Caffeine not kicking in yet? 338 00:23:57,185 --> 00:23:58,603 I didn't sleep very well. 339 00:23:59,146 --> 00:24:01,481 My Aunt Zelda and I got into a fight, and... 340 00:24:03,191 --> 00:24:06,069 Is it okay if we don't talk about it? I'm sorry. 341 00:24:06,486 --> 00:24:07,529 Of course. 342 00:24:09,531 --> 00:24:11,783 I got into it with my old man last night, too. 343 00:24:13,577 --> 00:24:17,831 He's, uh... making me start work at the mines. 344 00:24:18,331 --> 00:24:21,751 What? Why? You hate the mines. 345 00:24:21,835 --> 00:24:24,629 I don't just... ...hate them, Sabrina, I... 346 00:24:25,088 --> 00:24:26,173 What? What? 347 00:24:28,258 --> 00:24:29,258 What is it? 348 00:24:33,472 --> 00:24:36,641 Eight years ago, I was playing hide-and-seek 349 00:24:37,100 --> 00:24:39,102 with Tommy and a couple of his buddies. 350 00:24:40,020 --> 00:24:44,149 And I, like an idiot, decided to go hide in the mines. 351 00:24:45,901 --> 00:24:47,986 And I'm in there, alone. 352 00:24:49,237 --> 00:24:52,824 Half-an-hour goes by, and then an hour... 353 00:24:54,159 --> 00:24:55,577 and no one finds me. 354 00:24:56,870 --> 00:24:59,247 And I'm trying to get back to the mine entrance. 355 00:25:02,375 --> 00:25:03,418 And then I... 356 00:25:07,047 --> 00:25:08,882 And then I saw it, Sabrina. 357 00:25:10,300 --> 00:25:11,300 What? 358 00:25:11,801 --> 00:25:14,012 It's gonna sound crazy, but I swear to God it... 359 00:25:16,097 --> 00:25:17,349 It looked like a goat. 360 00:25:17,933 --> 00:25:21,394 Only bigger, and standing upright on its hind legs, and it... 361 00:25:21,978 --> 00:25:25,232 it smelled like a... a book of matches had been struck. 362 00:25:25,815 --> 00:25:26,815 Brimstone. 363 00:25:27,317 --> 00:25:28,610 And it terrified me. 364 00:25:29,236 --> 00:25:31,696 I couldn't move. I couldn't breathe. 365 00:25:32,405 --> 00:25:33,657 I started to cry. 366 00:25:36,368 --> 00:25:39,204 I was still crying when Tommy found me five hours later. 367 00:25:41,331 --> 00:25:42,457 It's been years. 368 00:25:42,749 --> 00:25:44,459 No one else has seen the goat guy. 369 00:25:46,378 --> 00:25:47,671 But I keep thinking... 370 00:25:48,630 --> 00:25:50,715 Sabrina, what if it's still down there... 371 00:25:51,591 --> 00:25:52,717 waiting for me? 372 00:25:58,515 --> 00:26:02,477 Take one. It's required reading. There you go. Here, take it. 373 00:26:03,728 --> 00:26:06,773 - You'll never guess, Sabrina. - What's happening, Ms. Wardwell? 374 00:26:06,856 --> 00:26:10,610 Well, the young ladies of W-I-C-C-A, that's WICCA to you, Mr. Kinkle, 375 00:26:11,444 --> 00:26:12,988 are making their voices heard. 376 00:26:13,613 --> 00:26:15,073 Thank you. Thank you. 377 00:26:15,156 --> 00:26:21,121 Here's a list of books Baxter High doesn't want you to read! 378 00:26:21,329 --> 00:26:24,916 And they also happen to be great works of literature. 379 00:26:25,000 --> 00:26:26,710 You guys, when did you do this? 380 00:26:26,793 --> 00:26:29,838 - Last night. - I mean, they're just books, you know. 381 00:26:29,921 --> 00:26:33,091 What are people so afraid of? That Principal Hawthorne's gonna... 382 00:26:36,261 --> 00:26:39,306 Ladies, about your claims. 383 00:26:39,389 --> 00:26:43,018 You can't punish someone for handing out flyers, Principal Hawthorne. 384 00:26:43,101 --> 00:26:45,270 On the contrary, Miss Spellman, 385 00:26:45,353 --> 00:26:50,650 I just wanted Miss Walker to know that I called the PTA and the school board 386 00:26:50,734 --> 00:26:52,777 about The Bluest Eye. 387 00:26:53,028 --> 00:26:54,779 They are reviewing the matter, 388 00:26:54,863 --> 00:26:57,574 and will come back to me tomorrow with their thoughts. 389 00:26:59,242 --> 00:27:01,661 You're welcome, Miss Walker. 390 00:27:45,580 --> 00:27:46,860 Did you know him well? 391 00:27:47,540 --> 00:27:48,540 Connor? 392 00:27:49,417 --> 00:27:50,919 We dated a few times, but... 393 00:27:51,544 --> 00:27:52,962 I'm sorry for your loss. 394 00:27:55,048 --> 00:27:57,717 - My name's Ambrose, by the way. - Luke. 395 00:27:58,426 --> 00:27:59,426 I, uh... 396 00:27:59,803 --> 00:28:01,763 I'm just gonna miss him, that's all. 397 00:28:03,056 --> 00:28:04,766 Him and that stupid lizard of his. 398 00:28:06,976 --> 00:28:08,770 - He took it everywhere. - Hmm. 399 00:28:09,104 --> 00:28:10,522 Yeah, or it followed him. 400 00:28:11,940 --> 00:28:13,817 They never stray far, do they? 401 00:28:15,568 --> 00:28:20,365 Are you saying you're familiar... with iguanas like that? 402 00:28:22,617 --> 00:28:25,120 I'm saying that I know Connor was very... 403 00:28:25,662 --> 00:28:26,662 attached to it. 404 00:28:27,539 --> 00:28:30,333 - They had a bond. - Because I have him. 405 00:28:31,126 --> 00:28:32,127 Upstairs. 406 00:28:33,336 --> 00:28:34,421 In my room. 407 00:28:36,506 --> 00:28:38,591 If you wanted to say hi. 408 00:28:46,641 --> 00:28:47,642 I should go. 409 00:28:48,226 --> 00:28:51,229 But... another time maybe. 410 00:29:01,448 --> 00:29:03,324 By the autumn of 1805, 411 00:29:03,408 --> 00:29:07,287 the men of the Lewis and Clark Expedition were starving, desperate, 412 00:29:07,370 --> 00:29:08,580 and running out of time. 413 00:29:08,663 --> 00:29:11,249 Just before them lay the Continental Divide, 414 00:29:11,332 --> 00:29:13,126 and just beyond that... 415 00:30:51,140 --> 00:30:52,517 Why are you helping me? 416 00:30:52,851 --> 00:30:57,063 What do you want out of this, Defender of the Damned? 417 00:30:57,188 --> 00:30:58,188 Oh. 418 00:30:59,148 --> 00:31:00,525 Okay. So you know. 419 00:31:00,608 --> 00:31:05,113 The people you've helped set free, murderers and monsters. 420 00:31:05,196 --> 00:31:07,156 The kinds of crimes they've committed. 421 00:31:07,240 --> 00:31:11,035 - Everyone's entitled to a defense. - Not you. You're fired. 422 00:31:11,786 --> 00:31:13,705 Wait! Sabrina, stop. 423 00:31:15,373 --> 00:31:19,210 I've been where you are right now, trapped by the Devil. 424 00:31:19,961 --> 00:31:23,298 I made a deal, a long time ago, 425 00:31:23,548 --> 00:31:26,634 to be the greatest lawyer in the world. 426 00:31:28,177 --> 00:31:29,804 I was young and ambitious. 427 00:31:30,346 --> 00:31:32,640 And I signed my name away. 428 00:31:32,807 --> 00:31:33,850 A different book... 429 00:31:34,809 --> 00:31:35,852 but the same beast. 430 00:31:37,520 --> 00:31:40,356 And what do you know? I started winning cases. 431 00:31:41,357 --> 00:31:45,737 And by the time I realized the only cases I got were the most depraved, 432 00:31:45,820 --> 00:31:49,324 the most obscene, it was too late. 433 00:31:49,782 --> 00:31:53,536 And that was his little trick, you see. And there's always a trick. 434 00:31:55,872 --> 00:31:56,915 And a price. 435 00:32:01,085 --> 00:32:02,712 I set a man free... 436 00:32:03,379 --> 00:32:07,508 who had done unspeakable things to a number of women. 437 00:32:09,218 --> 00:32:10,929 And after I freed him, 438 00:32:11,554 --> 00:32:14,140 when I wasn't home, he broke in... 439 00:32:17,018 --> 00:32:18,519 and he did those things... 440 00:32:19,687 --> 00:32:20,687 to my daughter. 441 00:32:21,564 --> 00:32:22,564 Oh, no. 442 00:32:22,690 --> 00:32:27,654 Now I know that I have done more than my share of bad in the past. 443 00:32:30,782 --> 00:32:35,328 But I think... that I might be able to save you. 444 00:32:36,996 --> 00:32:38,122 If you'll let me. 445 00:32:38,873 --> 00:32:40,041 It's a long shot... 446 00:32:41,417 --> 00:32:42,502 but maybe. 447 00:32:50,301 --> 00:32:54,681 Ms. Spellman, both you and your sister are certified midwives. 448 00:32:54,764 --> 00:32:55,932 - Yes. - Yes. 449 00:32:56,683 --> 00:33:00,186 You have delivered many babies in the witch community, 450 00:33:00,269 --> 00:33:02,522 including your own niece, Sabrina. 451 00:33:02,855 --> 00:33:03,690 - Yes. - Yes. 452 00:33:03,773 --> 00:33:05,900 Can you verify for the court, then... 453 00:33:06,859 --> 00:33:09,904 was Sabrina born of mortal woman? 454 00:33:09,988 --> 00:33:11,906 - She was, yes. - Absolutely, yes. 455 00:33:12,115 --> 00:33:16,911 Making her half-witch, half-mortal and, therefore, 456 00:33:16,995 --> 00:33:19,706 only half-subject to the laws of this court! 457 00:33:19,789 --> 00:33:21,874 This is absurd, Your Dishonors. 458 00:33:21,958 --> 00:33:24,043 No, sir, it is her right! 459 00:33:24,544 --> 00:33:27,046 I demand a jury of mortals! 460 00:33:27,130 --> 00:33:30,341 And a change of venue! 461 00:33:30,425 --> 00:33:33,469 I reject the authority of this court over my client! 462 00:33:33,803 --> 00:33:37,015 Disorder in the court! 463 00:33:54,782 --> 00:33:57,618 - "Psst! Open the window, Mark." - Judas Priest! 464 00:33:59,454 --> 00:34:00,454 Luke. 465 00:34:03,082 --> 00:34:04,208 How did you get in here? 466 00:34:04,292 --> 00:34:07,295 You invited me earlier, remember? 467 00:34:07,920 --> 00:34:10,965 - So what, you're a vampire? - No, I'm a warlock. 468 00:34:11,466 --> 00:34:13,301 Like Connor was. Like you are. 469 00:34:15,928 --> 00:34:16,928 Aren't you? 470 00:34:29,400 --> 00:34:30,735 The prosecution 471 00:34:30,818 --> 00:34:34,030 and witching community are familiar with human law, Mr. Webster. 472 00:34:34,614 --> 00:34:38,534 If Sabrina's true, dominant nature is to be determined mortal or witch, 473 00:34:38,618 --> 00:34:39,660 so be it. 474 00:34:39,744 --> 00:34:42,121 We shall invoke human laws to test her. 475 00:34:42,371 --> 00:34:43,974 - That is not what I was suggesting. - One: 476 00:34:43,998 --> 00:34:46,292 We may subject Sabrina to trial by water. 477 00:34:46,375 --> 00:34:49,212 She will be bound and dropped into the river. 478 00:34:49,295 --> 00:34:51,380 If she floats, she's a witch. 479 00:34:51,756 --> 00:34:54,842 If she drowns, she's human. And free to go. 480 00:34:54,926 --> 00:34:56,552 - Unacceptable! - Or two: 481 00:34:57,386 --> 00:35:00,098 The accused will submit to being stripped and examined, 482 00:35:00,181 --> 00:35:03,559 in full view of the coven, for a witch's mark upon her body. 483 00:35:03,643 --> 00:35:07,855 Should a mark be identified, this trial continues, uninterrupted. 484 00:35:07,939 --> 00:35:09,774 Should no mark be found, 485 00:35:10,149 --> 00:35:13,945 this court will be forced to recognize her so-called "humanity." 486 00:35:15,905 --> 00:35:16,905 Yes! 487 00:35:18,282 --> 00:35:20,159 Absolutely not, I forbid it! 488 00:35:20,243 --> 00:35:22,912 Sit down, Zelda, before you collapse. You're skin and bone. 489 00:35:22,995 --> 00:35:24,789 Sabrina, I have to ask. 490 00:35:25,164 --> 00:35:27,875 Do you even know if you have a mark? 491 00:35:27,959 --> 00:35:29,669 Let's start there. 492 00:35:30,128 --> 00:35:32,004 Perhaps there's another way. 493 00:35:35,216 --> 00:35:39,387 You'll excuse my unannounced visitation, but I come bearing felicitous tidings. 494 00:35:39,637 --> 00:35:41,931 I've pleaded on your behalf to the Dark Lord, 495 00:35:42,014 --> 00:35:45,434 and he has offered a path 496 00:35:45,935 --> 00:35:47,645 through this thicket. 497 00:35:47,979 --> 00:35:49,063 Praise Satan! 498 00:35:49,480 --> 00:35:52,108 The Dark Lord will waive your punishment in the Pit. 499 00:35:52,191 --> 00:35:55,778 He will even allow you yearly visitations with your mortal friends, 500 00:35:55,862 --> 00:36:00,199 but... you must ratify your signature in the Book of the Beast, 501 00:36:00,283 --> 00:36:02,326 and you must withdraw from Baxter High, 502 00:36:02,410 --> 00:36:06,414 and begin your studies at the Academy of Unseen Arts immediately. 503 00:36:06,914 --> 00:36:08,833 But this is perfect! Sabrina! 504 00:36:09,167 --> 00:36:12,044 We'll await your answer tomorrow night in court. 505 00:36:12,295 --> 00:36:13,295 Ladies. 506 00:36:14,130 --> 00:36:15,130 Sir. 507 00:36:24,223 --> 00:36:26,434 We will not take this deal. 508 00:36:26,517 --> 00:36:30,521 But the Dark Lord has been moved by our plight to show mercy. 509 00:36:31,189 --> 00:36:35,526 - Do you know how rare that is? - She's right. So think about that. 510 00:36:36,110 --> 00:36:39,739 Why offer a deal? It's a trick. 511 00:36:39,822 --> 00:36:41,532 Remember whom you're dealing with! 512 00:37:10,811 --> 00:37:11,811 Uh-huh. 513 00:37:15,858 --> 00:37:17,568 Still got it, Spellman. 514 00:37:30,206 --> 00:37:33,167 I guess you couldn't live without Connor, little one. 515 00:37:38,047 --> 00:37:40,549 - What are you smiling at? - What? Nothing. 516 00:37:41,050 --> 00:37:43,052 It's just... 517 00:37:43,636 --> 00:37:46,722 You get this look on your face when you're thinking stuff over... 518 00:37:47,473 --> 00:37:50,309 and I always wonder what it is, because you look so serious. 519 00:37:50,977 --> 00:37:53,229 Harvey, can I talk to you about something... 520 00:37:56,023 --> 00:37:57,608 that is serious? 521 00:37:58,651 --> 00:37:59,651 Always. 522 00:37:59,694 --> 00:38:02,405 I... have to ask you for a favor, 523 00:38:02,488 --> 00:38:04,991 and it's gonna sound crazy... 524 00:38:05,783 --> 00:38:07,201 but it's important. 525 00:38:08,411 --> 00:38:09,537 I can do crazy. 526 00:38:10,162 --> 00:38:11,162 And important. 527 00:38:20,548 --> 00:38:22,550 My aunts say every Spellman has a birthmark, 528 00:38:22,633 --> 00:38:25,469 but I can't find one and I have to be sure, 529 00:38:25,553 --> 00:38:26,721 one way or the other. 530 00:38:36,063 --> 00:38:37,063 Will you look? 531 00:38:38,316 --> 00:38:39,316 For a birthmark? 532 00:38:40,776 --> 00:38:46,282 - I'm so confused right now. - Me too. I'm super confused about, well... 533 00:38:47,950 --> 00:38:49,410 everything, except you. 534 00:38:49,994 --> 00:38:51,996 - I'm not confused about you. - Me neither. 535 00:38:52,079 --> 00:38:55,333 Because I love you, and I trust you to do the right thing, 536 00:38:55,416 --> 00:38:56,709 and to tell me the truth. 537 00:38:56,792 --> 00:38:59,670 In fact, I trust you more than I do anyone else right now. 538 00:39:26,822 --> 00:39:27,822 Fair is fair, right? 539 00:40:01,732 --> 00:40:03,150 Before you keep looking... 540 00:40:16,455 --> 00:40:17,498 Hey. 541 00:40:21,168 --> 00:40:22,168 What's wrong? 542 00:40:22,878 --> 00:40:25,214 We got called into Principal Hawthorne's office 543 00:40:25,297 --> 00:40:27,508 because he had some news about the book banning... 544 00:40:27,591 --> 00:40:29,385 The PTA said they'd hold a town hall meeting, 545 00:40:29,718 --> 00:40:33,639 where we could present our case to the school board. In three months. 546 00:40:35,766 --> 00:40:39,603 Okay, well, three weeks, three months, 547 00:40:39,687 --> 00:40:43,023 even if it takes three whole years, Roz, we're gonna make them understand. 548 00:40:43,107 --> 00:40:44,525 That's what I said. Yeah. 549 00:40:44,775 --> 00:40:47,236 Yeah. Yeah, no. 550 00:40:47,319 --> 00:40:48,696 I know. 551 00:40:49,697 --> 00:40:51,198 Three months is not that long. 552 00:40:51,782 --> 00:40:53,200 Roz, what's going on? 553 00:41:01,917 --> 00:41:03,794 I'm sorry. 554 00:41:04,170 --> 00:41:06,464 I'm always trying to do what my dad said, 555 00:41:07,298 --> 00:41:10,134 "Pray and face it bravely." 556 00:41:11,385 --> 00:41:13,179 That's his solution for everything. 557 00:41:14,930 --> 00:41:16,891 But prayer's not gonna stop it. 558 00:41:17,433 --> 00:41:18,434 Stop what? 559 00:41:25,774 --> 00:41:27,526 Myopic atrophy. 560 00:41:30,571 --> 00:41:32,823 Dr. Spector says that, uh... 561 00:41:34,116 --> 00:41:35,618 in about three months... 562 00:41:37,244 --> 00:41:38,454 maybe less, 563 00:41:38,996 --> 00:41:42,875 the ugliest, thickest glasses in the world aren't gonna stop me 564 00:41:42,958 --> 00:41:44,877 from going totally blind. 565 00:41:51,217 --> 00:41:54,637 You know, I even counted how many books... 566 00:41:55,262 --> 00:41:59,141 I could realistically read before it's too late. 567 00:42:00,434 --> 00:42:04,480 That's why every single one is important. 568 00:42:18,494 --> 00:42:21,038 It's a short shift. Couple hours' hard work, 569 00:42:21,413 --> 00:42:23,624 back up topside with some dirt on your face. 570 00:42:24,166 --> 00:42:25,417 It'll shut Dad up. 571 00:42:26,168 --> 00:42:28,754 You'll be on my crew, and I promise, 572 00:42:28,837 --> 00:42:31,006 I won't let you outta my... sight. 573 00:42:31,799 --> 00:42:32,799 Harv? 574 00:42:38,055 --> 00:42:39,181 Harvey? 575 00:42:40,266 --> 00:42:41,266 Harv? 576 00:42:42,101 --> 00:42:43,602 It's okay. 577 00:42:43,686 --> 00:42:47,231 Just... take a breath. 578 00:42:49,567 --> 00:42:52,611 Tommy... I can't. 579 00:42:53,153 --> 00:42:54,947 - It's okay. It's okay. - I can't. I just... 580 00:42:56,156 --> 00:42:57,156 I know. 581 00:42:58,617 --> 00:42:59,702 I remember. 582 00:43:00,786 --> 00:43:03,205 Look, for today, why don't you head home? 583 00:43:03,914 --> 00:43:05,082 We'll try again later. 584 00:43:06,458 --> 00:43:09,086 - But Dad said... - I'll see you at the house when I'm done. 585 00:43:11,171 --> 00:43:13,632 It's okay, Harv, I promise. 586 00:43:25,477 --> 00:43:28,731 Aunties, Mr. Webster, I've made my decision. 587 00:43:32,151 --> 00:43:36,196 I'm not taking the deal. I'll submit to Blackwood's exam. 588 00:43:37,114 --> 00:43:39,867 I don't have a witch's mark, so there's nothing to lose. 589 00:43:39,950 --> 00:43:41,035 Except your dignity. 590 00:43:42,119 --> 00:43:44,913 - Aunt Zelda. - Back into the fray, then, eh, cousin? 591 00:43:46,081 --> 00:43:49,501 When they find out I don't have a mark, Mr. Webster, what happens then? 592 00:43:49,585 --> 00:43:50,919 We demand a retrial... 593 00:43:52,630 --> 00:43:56,300 in human court, where you're innocent until proven guilty. 594 00:43:56,383 --> 00:43:59,386 And we demand that my aunties' powers and youth are restored. 595 00:43:59,470 --> 00:44:00,971 It's non-negotiable. 596 00:44:01,055 --> 00:44:05,893 Thank you for that, sweetheart, but to be stripped and pawed... 597 00:44:05,976 --> 00:44:07,561 I've had worse done to me. 598 00:44:09,229 --> 00:44:12,399 Besides, there are a lot of people facing their fears right now, 599 00:44:12,483 --> 00:44:15,069 fighting battles they know they're not gonna win. 600 00:44:15,152 --> 00:44:18,656 So, if this is mine, well, then let's get it over with. 601 00:44:20,324 --> 00:44:22,868 But no tricks, no plea bargains. 602 00:44:26,455 --> 00:44:28,123 We should go. I'll be outside. 603 00:44:35,589 --> 00:44:38,175 It keeps getting worse and worse for her. 604 00:44:39,885 --> 00:44:42,262 - Where do you think you're going? - Upstairs. 605 00:44:42,346 --> 00:44:45,349 Don't follow me. Don't wait for me. 606 00:44:45,432 --> 00:44:47,017 Just get her to the court. 607 00:44:47,851 --> 00:44:50,562 You're not the only one with secrets, Zelda Spellman. 608 00:45:24,430 --> 00:45:26,724 Harvey! 609 00:45:29,143 --> 00:45:30,143 Harvey! 610 00:45:30,853 --> 00:45:32,771 Boy, when I tell you to do something, 611 00:45:32,855 --> 00:45:34,815 - you do it! - Hey, Dad, get the hell off me! 612 00:45:34,898 --> 00:45:37,192 Dad, stop it! 613 00:45:39,069 --> 00:45:40,446 You better watch yourself. 614 00:45:40,863 --> 00:45:42,823 And you, you're gonna get in that damn mine, 615 00:45:42,906 --> 00:45:44,324 and work an honest-to-God shift. 616 00:45:45,075 --> 00:45:47,578 - He's gonna start pulling his weight. - I'll get more guys. 617 00:45:48,162 --> 00:45:51,749 Push comes to shove, I'll take his shifts, but Harvey's done, Dad. 618 00:45:52,374 --> 00:45:54,626 I'm not gonna let him waste his life like... 619 00:46:11,894 --> 00:46:15,981 Sabrina, am I to understand that you come now before this court 620 00:46:16,064 --> 00:46:18,108 to endure the test of the witch's mark, 621 00:46:18,192 --> 00:46:21,695 as described and demanded by your mortal laws? 622 00:46:23,697 --> 00:46:25,657 Yes, Father Blackwood. 623 00:46:26,241 --> 00:46:29,369 We request the examination be held in closed chambers. 624 00:46:29,453 --> 00:46:30,579 - Denied. - Stop. 625 00:46:31,538 --> 00:46:32,538 Stop! Stop! 626 00:46:38,754 --> 00:46:43,175 If this is some feeble attempt to delay the agreed-upon course of action... 627 00:46:43,258 --> 00:46:44,258 You're sure? 628 00:46:45,636 --> 00:46:48,806 Your Dishonors, I call Hildegard Antoinette Spellman to the stand! 629 00:46:48,889 --> 00:46:51,433 This is unacceptable! The test is about to begin! 630 00:46:51,517 --> 00:46:56,230 - I demand that... - Hilda Spellman, approach us. 631 00:47:01,944 --> 00:47:04,279 I have new evidence to submit to the court. 632 00:47:06,198 --> 00:47:11,161 Ms. Spellman, please read the name printed here on this document. 633 00:47:11,411 --> 00:47:14,164 Yes. It reads, um, "Sabrina Spellman." 634 00:47:14,456 --> 00:47:16,250 Witnessed by... 635 00:47:16,333 --> 00:47:19,545 Witnessed by her mother, Diana Spellman... 636 00:47:20,045 --> 00:47:23,382 and, well, me, Hilda Spellman. 637 00:47:25,759 --> 00:47:29,513 I offer in evidence a baptismal certificate... 638 00:47:30,305 --> 00:47:32,724 from the Holy Mother Church of Greendale. 639 00:47:39,731 --> 00:47:42,901 Your Dishonors, if this certificate is authentic... 640 00:47:43,694 --> 00:47:47,573 it would seem we have competing claims upon the soul of Sabrina Spellman. 641 00:47:47,656 --> 00:47:51,451 No, sir, what we have is a binding contract, 642 00:47:51,535 --> 00:47:53,328 witnessed by her mother... 643 00:47:54,204 --> 00:47:59,167 notarized and dated one day before Edward Spellman inscribed 644 00:47:59,251 --> 00:48:01,587 his daughter's name in the Book of the Beast... 645 00:48:02,212 --> 00:48:04,756 thereby rendering the aforementioned inscription... 646 00:48:05,549 --> 00:48:11,471 the agreed-upon promise, null and void, QED! 647 00:48:18,562 --> 00:48:22,065 These last-minute theatrics make a mockery of this court! 648 00:48:22,566 --> 00:48:27,195 This... is spurious, this is outrageous! 649 00:48:27,279 --> 00:48:31,116 No, I'll tell you what's outrageous, Father Blackwood. 650 00:48:31,950 --> 00:48:33,744 The Dark Lord's behavior! 651 00:48:44,379 --> 00:48:45,464 Well, now. 652 00:48:45,964 --> 00:48:49,343 I'd say you just forced the Devil to the bargaining table. 653 00:48:51,720 --> 00:48:55,891 And I've been summoned to the court's private chambers. 654 00:49:26,880 --> 00:49:28,131 How could you, Hilda? 655 00:49:28,799 --> 00:49:30,926 How's it any different to your secret with Edward? 656 00:49:31,009 --> 00:49:33,553 It's completely different! And appalling! 657 00:49:34,179 --> 00:49:35,389 A Christian church? 658 00:49:35,472 --> 00:49:37,516 Have you no shame? Have you no pride? 659 00:49:37,599 --> 00:49:41,186 So, Dad didn't know that Mom had me baptized? 660 00:49:41,269 --> 00:49:42,312 In secret? 661 00:49:43,605 --> 00:49:46,566 - Why? - She said not to tell him. 662 00:49:46,650 --> 00:49:50,070 I just assumed it was Diana being sentimental. 663 00:49:50,362 --> 00:49:52,990 Perhaps she suspected what Edward had planned. 664 00:49:54,324 --> 00:49:56,326 - So they were both deceivers. - Sabrina! 665 00:49:56,785 --> 00:49:58,328 Honor Thy Father and Mother! 666 00:50:01,540 --> 00:50:03,583 No more secrets, Aunties. 667 00:50:04,584 --> 00:50:05,711 Do you understand? 668 00:50:06,586 --> 00:50:09,256 No more lying to me about my own family... 669 00:50:10,257 --> 00:50:11,842 ever again. 670 00:50:22,811 --> 00:50:26,982 Due to conflicts of contract, baptism, and breeding, 671 00:50:27,607 --> 00:50:31,486 the Hellbound Court of Greendale decrees that Sabrina Spellman... 672 00:50:32,988 --> 00:50:34,865 shall retain her mortal life... 673 00:50:37,451 --> 00:50:42,330 ...on the condition that she also attend the Academy of Unseen Arts... 674 00:50:43,165 --> 00:50:45,333 as well as weekly Black Mass. 675 00:50:48,128 --> 00:50:50,213 Think of it as dual-citizenship. 676 00:50:54,301 --> 00:50:55,343 Your Dishonors... 677 00:50:57,220 --> 00:50:58,263 I accept. 678 00:50:59,973 --> 00:51:00,973 So be it. 679 00:51:01,641 --> 00:51:03,643 This court is adjourned to the shadows. 680 00:51:04,186 --> 00:51:07,022 Full powers are restored to the Spellman family. 681 00:51:12,235 --> 00:51:15,155 Praise Satan! I'm young again! 682 00:51:31,338 --> 00:51:32,547 Mr. Webster? 683 00:51:35,425 --> 00:51:37,677 Won't you come over to our house to celebrate? 684 00:51:39,096 --> 00:51:41,723 It's late and I'm old. 685 00:51:42,557 --> 00:51:43,558 Another time. 686 00:51:45,310 --> 00:51:48,271 Well... thank you. 687 00:51:50,315 --> 00:51:51,525 For helping me win. 688 00:52:00,659 --> 00:52:01,785 Some advice. 689 00:52:02,994 --> 00:52:06,289 Take advantage of this qualified victory. 690 00:52:06,706 --> 00:52:10,627 Learn everything you can about your adversary. 691 00:52:10,710 --> 00:52:13,588 And fight... for what's yours. 692 00:52:16,842 --> 00:52:18,593 Nobody's ever beaten the Devil... 693 00:52:20,428 --> 00:52:21,555 but you just might. 694 00:52:45,704 --> 00:52:47,414 That was Father Blackwood calling. 695 00:52:48,874 --> 00:52:54,045 It seems, Hilda, that you've been excommunicated from the Church of Night. 696 00:52:55,297 --> 00:52:57,174 What? 697 00:52:59,342 --> 00:53:02,095 - They can't do that, can they? - They most certainly can. 698 00:53:02,637 --> 00:53:03,637 And should. 699 00:53:04,848 --> 00:53:07,475 You took part in a Catholic baptism. 700 00:53:08,852 --> 00:53:11,730 You've cast doubt on our devotion to the Church of Night. 701 00:53:11,813 --> 00:53:14,608 And our Dark Lord is a vengeful lord. 702 00:53:17,861 --> 00:53:19,571 What do I do now, then? 703 00:53:20,989 --> 00:53:21,989 Sister? 704 00:53:23,867 --> 00:53:26,328 Be grateful excommunication is all that's being done to you. 705 00:53:44,221 --> 00:53:45,805 Did you come to congratulate me? 706 00:53:48,016 --> 00:53:49,016 No. 707 00:53:49,893 --> 00:53:51,561 And congratulate you on what? 708 00:53:52,562 --> 00:53:54,648 A half-victory is no victory at all. 709 00:53:54,731 --> 00:53:57,400 I delivered on my promise to get her into the academy. 710 00:53:59,903 --> 00:54:03,114 And now that she's under my watch and authority... 711 00:54:04,407 --> 00:54:05,951 I'll bend her to my will. 712 00:54:06,618 --> 00:54:08,245 - Or break her. - Hmm. 713 00:54:08,328 --> 00:54:11,456 It's always brute force with you men, isn't it? 714 00:54:15,335 --> 00:54:16,544 But real corruption... 715 00:54:17,420 --> 00:54:20,257 is a thin, subtle blade. 716 00:54:21,383 --> 00:54:22,467 Sabrina's strength, 717 00:54:22,968 --> 00:54:28,098 the bonds that must be severed, are those to the mortals around her. 718 00:54:30,558 --> 00:54:32,060 The people she loves. 719 00:54:32,811 --> 00:54:36,606 But not to worry. I'm quite good at tearing souls apart. 720 00:54:36,940 --> 00:54:39,859 One piece at a time. 721 00:54:45,573 --> 00:54:48,201 There you are! We've been looking all over for you! 722 00:54:48,535 --> 00:54:49,535 Come with me. 723 00:54:55,834 --> 00:54:57,419 What is this? 724 00:55:00,422 --> 00:55:01,548 What's going on? 725 00:55:01,631 --> 00:55:03,341 Sabrina. Rosalind. 726 00:55:03,591 --> 00:55:07,137 Welcome to Baxter High's new, secret book club. 727 00:55:07,846 --> 00:55:10,181 Sponsored by W-I-C-C-A. 728 00:55:10,432 --> 00:55:12,851 Banned titles only. 729 00:55:13,393 --> 00:55:15,312 With you leading the group, of course. 730 00:55:19,399 --> 00:55:20,692 Aw! 731 00:55:21,484 --> 00:55:23,069 I'm so proud of you girls. 732 00:55:23,653 --> 00:55:28,199 We're gonna have such great fun reading all those juicy, 733 00:55:28,283 --> 00:55:30,910 forbidden novels that they don't want us to. 734 00:55:32,037 --> 00:55:33,455 I've got quite a list. 735 00:55:34,831 --> 00:55:36,958 A little something for each of you. 736 00:56:46,569 --> 00:56:47,987 Brett, move your head.