1 00:02:17,387 --> 00:02:18,967 Oh, my God! 2 00:02:20,974 --> 00:02:22,024 Ambrose. 3 00:02:22,934 --> 00:02:25,274 Won't Luke get jealous about you and Prudence? 4 00:02:25,687 --> 00:02:28,567 Luke's out of town on a mission for Father Blackwood. 5 00:02:28,648 --> 00:02:30,568 Oh, loosen up, Sabrina. 6 00:02:30,650 --> 00:02:33,150 We're just getting warmed up for Lupercalia, 7 00:02:33,236 --> 00:02:35,356 if you even know what that is. 8 00:02:35,446 --> 00:02:38,116 It's witches' Valentine's Day, right? 9 00:02:38,199 --> 00:02:40,949 Lupercalia coincides with mortal Valentine's Day, yes. 10 00:02:41,035 --> 00:02:43,195 But in my opinion, it's just a lot of hype. 11 00:02:43,288 --> 00:02:47,078 Oh, please, Nick. Sabrina's not so naive and innocent as all that. 12 00:02:47,625 --> 00:02:50,625 No one is after signing the Dark Lord's Book of the Beast. 13 00:03:01,055 --> 00:03:03,265 Aunties, what exactly is Lupercalia? 14 00:03:04,184 --> 00:03:07,444 Oh! It's a lusty, pastoral festival 15 00:03:07,520 --> 00:03:10,860 started by the Roman witches under the reign of Caligula. 16 00:03:11,816 --> 00:03:15,946 Named after the Lupercal, the cave where the twin founders of Rome, 17 00:03:16,029 --> 00:03:19,409 Romulus and Remus, were suckled by the She-Wolf. 18 00:03:20,408 --> 00:03:23,238 It was instituted as a means to purify the city 19 00:03:23,328 --> 00:03:25,368 and increase health and fertility. 20 00:03:25,455 --> 00:03:28,455 Nowadays, it's less about fertility, and it's more about... 21 00:03:28,541 --> 00:03:29,751 blah-blah-blah. 22 00:03:29,834 --> 00:03:31,384 - Sex, Hilda. - Yes. 23 00:03:31,461 --> 00:03:34,211 - S-E-X. Sex. - I know. I know. I can spell it. 24 00:03:34,297 --> 00:03:37,587 There will be much fanfare about it at the Academy. 25 00:03:37,675 --> 00:03:41,255 Father Blackwood, of course, will be Master of the Hunt. 26 00:03:41,512 --> 00:03:42,932 So, it's a hunt? 27 00:03:43,556 --> 00:03:46,726 The festival is comprised of three events. 28 00:03:46,809 --> 00:03:51,399 The Matching, during which you are paired with a random warlock. 29 00:03:51,481 --> 00:03:54,821 The Courting, where you and said warlock 30 00:03:54,901 --> 00:03:58,401 spend the night together in unholy abstinence. 31 00:03:59,197 --> 00:04:01,697 And the Hunt, a run through the woods 32 00:04:01,783 --> 00:04:06,703 which climaxes in a frenzy of orgiastic carnality. 33 00:04:07,330 --> 00:04:10,830 Is participating in the Lupercalia voluntary or mandatory? 34 00:04:10,917 --> 00:04:12,747 - Voluntary. - But everyone does it. 35 00:04:12,835 --> 00:04:15,505 - Because, again, it's about... - Yes, Aunt Zelda, 36 00:04:15,588 --> 00:04:18,468 but if I'm not yet actively having S-E-X... 37 00:04:18,758 --> 00:04:21,138 - What better time to start? - Zelda! 38 00:04:21,386 --> 00:04:22,926 How dare you pressure her like that. 39 00:04:23,012 --> 00:04:26,642 - I'm doing nothing of the kind, Hilda. - Huh. 40 00:04:26,724 --> 00:04:33,154 Sabrina, Lupercalia is a symphony of sensuality and pleasure, 41 00:04:33,231 --> 00:04:34,321 not shame and regret, 42 00:04:34,399 --> 00:04:37,399 as the False God and your Aunt Hilda would have you believe. 43 00:04:37,485 --> 00:04:39,315 Yes, but if you are not ready yet, my love... 44 00:04:39,696 --> 00:04:42,196 She signed her name in the Book of the Beast, Hilda. 45 00:04:42,282 --> 00:04:44,872 She's a young, powerful woman now. 46 00:04:44,951 --> 00:04:48,911 Aunt Hilda's right, Aunt Zee. I don't know that I am ready. 47 00:04:49,622 --> 00:04:52,252 But I don't know that I'm not ready, either. 48 00:04:53,209 --> 00:04:55,919 I just always assumed my first time would be with Harvey. 49 00:04:56,004 --> 00:04:59,554 And I've come to terms with the fact that that’s not gonna happen, 50 00:04:59,632 --> 00:05:01,342 which is okay. 51 00:05:01,426 --> 00:05:05,256 But if it were with someone I liked and trusted... 52 00:05:05,847 --> 00:05:07,807 You've been spending quite a lot of time 53 00:05:07,890 --> 00:05:10,020 with that handsome Nicholas Scratch fellow. 54 00:05:10,101 --> 00:05:12,351 Who I trust about as much as I trust a wolf. 55 00:05:12,437 --> 00:05:14,807 And one more thing. Read this. 56 00:05:16,274 --> 00:05:20,534 It will tell you all you need to know about the Lupercalian rituals. 57 00:05:43,301 --> 00:05:44,701 A little late night reading? 58 00:05:45,386 --> 00:05:46,466 Nick! 59 00:05:46,554 --> 00:05:49,064 Ugh! What if I were doing something private? 60 00:05:49,640 --> 00:05:53,020 Uh, depending on how private, I would be really embarrassed. 61 00:05:53,102 --> 00:05:56,562 Just knock first, okay? 62 00:05:56,647 --> 00:05:58,777 I would, but I'm astral-projecting. I... 63 00:05:59,192 --> 00:06:01,152 Next time, I will, I promise. 64 00:06:02,111 --> 00:06:03,951 I just wanted to check up on you after Dorian's 65 00:06:04,030 --> 00:06:07,410 and to tell you that there's no pressure. 66 00:06:08,242 --> 00:06:10,452 You wanna participate in Lupercalia, great. 67 00:06:10,536 --> 00:06:13,656 You wanna bail on it and watch scary movies together, 68 00:06:13,748 --> 00:06:15,208 that's great, too. 69 00:06:16,459 --> 00:06:18,089 As long as I can hold your hand. 70 00:06:19,337 --> 00:06:21,167 Like I told my aunties, 71 00:06:21,255 --> 00:06:24,295 I'm on board with the spirit of Lupercalia, 72 00:06:24,384 --> 00:06:27,934 as long as I get to experience it one-on-one, 73 00:06:28,679 --> 00:06:30,469 with someone special. 74 00:06:31,557 --> 00:06:32,557 Makes sense. 75 00:06:33,768 --> 00:06:34,768 And, um... 76 00:06:36,145 --> 00:06:38,225 could I possibly be that someone special? 77 00:06:44,153 --> 00:06:47,073 Well, let's see what happens at the Matching. 78 00:06:47,490 --> 00:06:49,530 Who knows, maybe we'll get paired. 79 00:06:49,992 --> 00:06:51,412 Leave that to me, Spellman. 80 00:07:49,135 --> 00:07:51,505 Oh, what fools these mortals be. 81 00:08:00,396 --> 00:08:02,186 It's terrible, Stolas, this... 82 00:08:03,774 --> 00:08:05,784 indignity I must endure 83 00:08:06,152 --> 00:08:08,822 after losing my wager to our Dark Lord. 84 00:08:09,739 --> 00:08:12,739 Even though Sabrina no longer attends Baxter High, 85 00:08:12,825 --> 00:08:14,485 He wishes I maintain this... 86 00:08:16,704 --> 00:08:22,964 humiliating pretense that I'm some unattractive, unhappy spinster schoolmarm. 87 00:08:23,044 --> 00:08:24,094 I mean, please. 88 00:08:24,587 --> 00:08:25,667 Look at me. 89 00:08:26,547 --> 00:08:27,917 What? 90 00:08:28,758 --> 00:08:31,048 Poison the punch at the Sweethearts Dance? 91 00:08:36,682 --> 00:08:38,772 You're quite right, Stolas. 92 00:08:39,977 --> 00:08:44,817 Though the Dark Lord forbids we harm a white hair on Sabrina's head, 93 00:08:45,775 --> 00:08:48,395 He's never said boo about her ex-classmates. 94 00:08:50,613 --> 00:08:53,493 Of course, killing them won't help solve my problems, but... 95 00:08:54,534 --> 00:08:56,624 it might help me forget them. 96 00:09:00,164 --> 00:09:01,174 Harvey... 97 00:09:02,542 --> 00:09:03,752 you made me a card? 98 00:09:06,003 --> 00:09:07,383 That's so nice. 99 00:09:07,463 --> 00:09:08,803 Uh... 100 00:09:09,298 --> 00:09:10,298 Thank you. 101 00:09:11,175 --> 00:09:12,175 You're welcome. 102 00:09:12,760 --> 00:09:15,560 I, uh... was wondering... 103 00:09:16,847 --> 00:09:19,427 Are you go... Are you going to the Sweethearts Dance? 104 00:09:20,017 --> 00:09:22,517 Yeah, uh, Theo and I already got our tickets. 105 00:09:22,603 --> 00:09:24,193 But all three of us can go together. 106 00:09:27,400 --> 00:09:30,240 Wait. Unless you were asking me to go, like, on a date? 107 00:09:32,530 --> 00:09:35,200 I was, potentially, 108 00:09:37,118 --> 00:09:39,598 but I definitely don't want you to change your plans with Theo. 109 00:09:39,704 --> 00:09:43,674 So, yeah, we can go as friends, all three of us, sure. 110 00:09:48,087 --> 00:09:50,297 Ah. Lupercalia. 111 00:09:51,048 --> 00:09:53,048 It gets the blood pumping in ways our other, 112 00:09:53,134 --> 00:09:55,474 more staid traditions simply do not. 113 00:09:56,387 --> 00:09:57,597 Indeed it does. 114 00:09:58,347 --> 00:10:02,597 Why, you, yourself, look a good 70 years younger, Sister Zelda. 115 00:10:02,685 --> 00:10:04,805 Glowing. Radiant. 116 00:10:05,438 --> 00:10:06,688 Fecund. 117 00:10:07,023 --> 00:10:09,583 We should get down to business, don't you think, Your Excellency? 118 00:10:13,112 --> 00:10:17,992 Welcome, one and all, to Lupercalia, the Festival of the Wolves. 119 00:10:18,868 --> 00:10:20,078 Brother Ambrose. 120 00:10:20,161 --> 00:10:25,171 All right, fellas, take your places for the Matching! 121 00:10:26,083 --> 00:10:28,383 Don't even think about it, half-breed. 122 00:10:28,794 --> 00:10:31,674 Two years ago, Prudence was paired with Nick for Lupercalia. 123 00:10:32,340 --> 00:10:34,930 Last year, Agatha was. This year, it's my turn. 124 00:10:35,217 --> 00:10:37,927 All right, ladies, you know how this goes. 125 00:10:38,012 --> 00:10:42,312 When the music stops, take a seat on the warlock closest to you. 126 00:11:43,703 --> 00:11:45,003 Oh, sorry, Sabrina. 127 00:12:07,518 --> 00:12:09,058 Wait, then who? 128 00:12:10,104 --> 00:12:11,114 What? 129 00:12:11,480 --> 00:12:12,310 Melvin? 130 00:12:12,398 --> 00:12:14,778 Uh... Nick gave me 100 bucks to wear a glamour. 131 00:12:15,025 --> 00:12:17,185 He thought you might try something like this. 132 00:12:28,622 --> 00:12:30,903 Hilda, you're not on the schedule to work today. 133 00:12:31,459 --> 00:12:32,879 No, I'm not. 134 00:12:33,127 --> 00:12:36,797 Um... Well, because you haven't given me very many shifts 135 00:12:36,881 --> 00:12:38,261 since before the holidays. 136 00:12:38,841 --> 00:12:39,841 Um... 137 00:12:41,218 --> 00:12:42,218 So... um... 138 00:12:42,553 --> 00:12:43,723 We had a... 139 00:12:46,265 --> 00:12:48,555 Sorry... We had a moment... 140 00:12:49,393 --> 00:12:51,523 um, right after the storm... 141 00:12:51,645 --> 00:12:53,765 Um... since then... 142 00:12:54,356 --> 00:12:57,226 It was a moment, yes, Hilda. 143 00:12:57,318 --> 00:12:59,278 A moment that shouldn't have happened. 144 00:13:00,070 --> 00:13:03,200 Oh. Why not? We both felt it, didn't we? 145 00:13:04,033 --> 00:13:05,623 I'm your boss, you're my employee. 146 00:13:05,701 --> 00:13:08,161 Okay, well, then I quit. There you go, problem solved. 147 00:13:08,245 --> 00:13:09,245 Hilda. 148 00:13:09,955 --> 00:13:12,495 Okay, that's not the problem, then, is it? 149 00:13:12,958 --> 00:13:14,958 Well, I didn't think so. Um... 150 00:13:15,878 --> 00:13:20,298 Okay. Uh, well, I'm gonna leave that with you. 151 00:13:20,382 --> 00:13:22,552 Get out of your... way. 152 00:13:26,847 --> 00:13:28,717 This is fun, Roz. 153 00:13:28,808 --> 00:13:31,438 - We haven't done this in forever. - No, I know. 154 00:13:31,852 --> 00:13:32,982 Um... 155 00:13:33,604 --> 00:13:38,864 But I had to ask you something, and I wanted it to be face-to-face. 156 00:13:39,693 --> 00:13:40,693 Okay. 157 00:13:41,987 --> 00:13:45,947 Over the last few weeks, Harvey and I have been hanging out. 158 00:13:46,826 --> 00:13:51,786 And, well, he asked me to go to the Sweethearts Dance with him. 159 00:13:53,165 --> 00:13:56,035 And I haven't said yes yet, because we're still friends. 160 00:13:56,126 --> 00:13:57,126 Roz... 161 00:13:59,463 --> 00:14:00,803 Harvey and I are over. 162 00:14:02,132 --> 00:14:03,182 For real this time. 163 00:14:05,135 --> 00:14:07,425 - 'Brina, are you sure? - A hundred percent. 164 00:14:07,513 --> 00:14:08,393 I'm... 165 00:14:08,472 --> 00:14:10,892 - I'm sort of dating someone new, too. - What? 166 00:14:11,642 --> 00:14:14,812 - Tell me everything. - Well, he's a warlock. 167 00:14:14,895 --> 00:14:17,565 His name is Nicholas Scratch. 168 00:14:17,648 --> 00:14:19,438 Oh! He sounds sexy. 169 00:14:19,984 --> 00:14:22,284 - He is. - 'Brina, you're being careful, right? 170 00:14:22,903 --> 00:14:24,153 Yeah. No, uh... 171 00:14:25,030 --> 00:14:26,370 We're taking things slow. 172 00:14:28,242 --> 00:14:30,742 But I do like him, Roz. 173 00:14:32,121 --> 00:14:33,581 Aww! 174 00:14:36,208 --> 00:14:39,208 Did you, uh... get any Valentines at school today? 175 00:14:40,921 --> 00:14:43,971 We don't really do that anymore, Dad. But there is a dance. 176 00:14:44,508 --> 00:14:46,588 - I'm going with Harvey and Roz. - That's nice. 177 00:14:46,677 --> 00:14:48,597 Do you wanna get a new dress for that? 178 00:14:49,471 --> 00:14:51,061 You always look so nice in dresses. 179 00:14:51,140 --> 00:14:52,140 Uh, I, um... 180 00:14:55,477 --> 00:14:59,267 I was actually thinking I could maybe wear a suit to the dance. 181 00:14:59,899 --> 00:15:01,819 Why would you do that? 182 00:15:05,654 --> 00:15:07,364 Because I'd feel better in a suit. 183 00:15:09,867 --> 00:15:10,867 Uh... 184 00:15:11,285 --> 00:15:14,615 I feel more myself in boy's clothes. 185 00:15:16,790 --> 00:15:17,790 Actually, Dad, 186 00:15:19,835 --> 00:15:21,545 I don't think I'm a girl at all. 187 00:15:21,629 --> 00:15:23,459 - Ah, Susie... - Dad. 188 00:15:28,552 --> 00:15:29,552 Um... 189 00:15:31,096 --> 00:15:32,096 I'm not a girl. 190 00:15:34,725 --> 00:15:36,305 Even though I look like a girl, 191 00:15:37,144 --> 00:15:38,814 even though I have a girl's name, 192 00:15:39,980 --> 00:15:42,440 even though you've always thought of me as a girl. 193 00:15:43,233 --> 00:15:44,233 I'm a boy. 194 00:15:55,746 --> 00:15:57,616 But you've always been my best girl. 195 00:15:58,832 --> 00:15:59,922 I mean, look at you. 196 00:16:02,711 --> 00:16:07,421 I feel good when people call me "he" and "young fella." 197 00:16:08,634 --> 00:16:09,894 Like Roz's grandma did. 198 00:16:13,681 --> 00:16:16,561 I can't keep going on as a girl anymore. 199 00:16:18,394 --> 00:16:19,484 I just can't, Dad. 200 00:16:23,273 --> 00:16:24,653 - Susie, I don't... - Theo. 201 00:16:27,945 --> 00:16:30,195 Maybe you could start by calling me Theo. 202 00:16:31,824 --> 00:16:33,834 After Dorothea. 203 00:16:40,582 --> 00:16:41,582 Okay. 204 00:16:43,711 --> 00:16:45,131 Uh, and maybe, um... 205 00:16:49,466 --> 00:16:51,676 Maybe you could take me to get a new haircut? 206 00:16:54,930 --> 00:16:55,930 Come on. 207 00:17:07,735 --> 00:17:12,355 Witches. Warlocks. Congratulations, you have been matched. 208 00:17:13,365 --> 00:17:17,445 Tonight, you and your paramour shall go into the woods and re-enact the Courting. 209 00:17:18,078 --> 00:17:20,908 What that means is that each couple shall go into the woods 210 00:17:20,998 --> 00:17:23,248 and disrobe and anoint themselves 211 00:17:23,333 --> 00:17:26,673 and lie under this blessed Lupercalian moon, 212 00:17:27,004 --> 00:17:30,594 absorbing the potency of the Goddess Selene Herself. 213 00:17:31,175 --> 00:17:33,295 Abstinence is encouraged... 214 00:17:34,428 --> 00:17:40,178 ...in anticipation of the powerful release that concludes Lupercalia. 215 00:17:40,267 --> 00:17:45,107 However, should couples be moved to unite, 216 00:17:46,482 --> 00:17:48,732 Well, I'm sure the Dark Lord would not oppose. 217 00:17:48,817 --> 00:17:52,317 The milk and blood are for the purification. 218 00:17:53,155 --> 00:17:56,825 The oysters and figs are for fertility and virility. 219 00:17:57,534 --> 00:18:01,624 The cherries are for... popping. 220 00:18:03,457 --> 00:18:05,287 A word or two of caution. 221 00:18:05,375 --> 00:18:07,835 Each couple must stay together the entire night. 222 00:18:07,920 --> 00:18:11,220 And, above all, do not stray from the path. 223 00:18:11,673 --> 00:18:16,143 All manner of lust-filled creatures stalk the woods during the Lupercalia. 224 00:18:16,762 --> 00:18:19,682 Now, with the Dark Lord's blessing, 225 00:18:20,474 --> 00:18:22,144 let the Courting begin. 226 00:18:32,611 --> 00:18:34,531 Someone must've miscounted. 227 00:18:35,072 --> 00:18:38,082 There was an extra anointment basket prepared. 228 00:18:40,202 --> 00:18:42,162 Shame to let it go to waste. 229 00:18:50,796 --> 00:18:51,796 Nervous? 230 00:18:52,381 --> 00:18:53,381 Maybe a little bit. 231 00:18:55,551 --> 00:18:57,391 About what in particular? 232 00:18:58,262 --> 00:18:59,512 Everything. 233 00:19:00,347 --> 00:19:03,137 I mean, we're not even officially boyfriend and girlfriend, 234 00:19:03,225 --> 00:19:07,345 and yet tomorrow, we have to take part in some crazy bacchanal. 235 00:19:08,939 --> 00:19:10,899 Well, if it makes you feel any better, 236 00:19:11,984 --> 00:19:13,114 I'm terrified. 237 00:19:13,485 --> 00:19:14,565 Yeah, right. 238 00:19:14,903 --> 00:19:17,453 I caught you in the attic with my cousin having an orgy. 239 00:19:17,531 --> 00:19:19,161 Okay, that was different. 240 00:19:19,533 --> 00:19:20,373 In what way? 241 00:19:20,450 --> 00:19:21,540 Uh... 242 00:19:24,246 --> 00:19:28,916 I think it has to do with the fact that I've never been with a mortal before. 243 00:19:30,878 --> 00:19:32,208 Not even a half-mortal. 244 00:19:35,090 --> 00:19:37,050 You're pretty special, Spellman. 245 00:19:39,970 --> 00:19:41,890 I don't wanna mess things up with you. 246 00:19:53,692 --> 00:19:56,402 I'm pleased to be in these woods with you again, Zelda. 247 00:19:58,238 --> 00:20:00,698 Though it violates the terms you set. 248 00:20:01,658 --> 00:20:04,868 That we keep our relations professional. 249 00:20:05,287 --> 00:20:06,787 It is the Lupercalia. 250 00:20:07,873 --> 00:20:10,333 One night of carnality won't kill us. 251 00:20:10,834 --> 00:20:13,384 No. I shouldn't think it would. Mm. 252 00:20:15,839 --> 00:20:17,629 By Lilith's blood. 253 00:20:19,051 --> 00:20:20,591 By Lucifer's love. 254 00:20:22,512 --> 00:20:24,812 Oh, and, uh... don't forget to laugh. 255 00:20:24,890 --> 00:20:26,100 What? 256 00:20:26,183 --> 00:20:28,523 To laugh. You have to be laughing 257 00:20:29,770 --> 00:20:32,610 while you smear the blood off with the milk. 258 00:20:32,689 --> 00:20:33,689 What? 259 00:20:34,024 --> 00:20:37,194 I don't know why, by the way. It's just part of the festival. 260 00:20:39,154 --> 00:20:42,164 - Well, it's ridiculous. - Yeah, isn't it? 261 00:20:43,575 --> 00:20:44,825 Still have more. 262 00:20:45,619 --> 00:20:47,289 - There. - But, hey, when in Rome... 263 00:20:50,374 --> 00:20:51,384 Now what? 264 00:20:52,125 --> 00:20:53,955 We lay side by side, 265 00:20:54,795 --> 00:20:55,835 soaking up the moon. 266 00:20:56,546 --> 00:20:57,626 Hmm. 267 00:21:03,762 --> 00:21:05,182 How long do we do this for? 268 00:21:06,223 --> 00:21:07,393 All night long. 269 00:21:08,267 --> 00:21:09,267 Till dawn. 270 00:21:10,185 --> 00:21:12,685 That sounds amazing. 271 00:21:20,320 --> 00:21:22,200 - Is... Is that... - A wolf. 272 00:21:22,864 --> 00:21:24,954 - Was that... - A wolf? 273 00:21:25,909 --> 00:21:27,449 Definitely. 274 00:21:28,245 --> 00:21:30,655 There aren't usually wolves this close to town. 275 00:21:31,290 --> 00:21:33,000 That sounds pretty close, Nick. 276 00:21:34,251 --> 00:21:37,551 Agreed. Let's get the Heaven out of here, Sabrina. 277 00:21:52,394 --> 00:21:54,484 Hey, crazy idea. 278 00:21:55,689 --> 00:21:59,859 But what if we take a break from the woods and the rituals 279 00:21:59,943 --> 00:22:02,073 and all the, um... 280 00:22:02,738 --> 00:22:04,488 howling of Lupercalia 281 00:22:05,365 --> 00:22:08,325 and just observe mortal Valentine's Day, instead? 282 00:22:08,869 --> 00:22:11,499 I mean, won't you be disappointed 283 00:22:12,497 --> 00:22:15,457 if you don't get to do... certain things? 284 00:22:16,001 --> 00:22:17,001 No. 285 00:22:17,878 --> 00:22:19,628 There'll be another Lupercalia next year. 286 00:22:19,713 --> 00:22:22,843 Oh! So you still think we'll be together next year. 287 00:22:22,924 --> 00:22:24,014 I hope so. 288 00:22:25,969 --> 00:22:29,259 If you weren't at the Academy, what would you be doing for V-Day? 289 00:22:29,765 --> 00:22:32,385 I don't know. There's usually a dance at Baxter High. 290 00:22:32,476 --> 00:22:33,476 Perfect. 291 00:22:56,416 --> 00:23:00,496 Good grief. Hilda, what's the matter with you? 292 00:23:00,587 --> 00:23:01,917 It's... 293 00:23:04,299 --> 00:23:05,429 The... 294 00:23:05,509 --> 00:23:07,969 I gave Dr. Cee my heart. 295 00:23:09,846 --> 00:23:12,466 And I asked him if he would be my Valentine, 296 00:23:14,601 --> 00:23:16,021 but he doesn't want me. 297 00:23:17,562 --> 00:23:20,692 - Now, sister, compose yourself. - Right... 298 00:23:21,400 --> 00:23:24,650 You, Hilda Spellman, are no ordinary woman 299 00:23:24,736 --> 00:23:28,066 to be brushed aside like the ashes from yesterday's Sabbath pyre. 300 00:23:28,448 --> 00:23:31,238 You, Hilda, are a huntress. 301 00:23:32,202 --> 00:23:34,502 I don't know... If you tease me, I can't take it. 302 00:23:34,579 --> 00:23:36,789 I'm not teasing you, I'm encouraging you. 303 00:23:37,040 --> 00:23:42,300 Make this glorified carny you're sweet on feverish with lust. 304 00:23:42,712 --> 00:23:44,092 Seduce him. 305 00:23:44,381 --> 00:23:47,591 Put on the glamour of the century, march into that store 306 00:23:47,676 --> 00:23:50,796 and claim what's yours! 307 00:23:52,973 --> 00:23:53,973 Okay. 308 00:23:57,144 --> 00:23:58,904 Why are our beds so high? 309 00:23:59,896 --> 00:24:03,316 Principal Wardwell, you have a special visitor. 310 00:24:04,943 --> 00:24:05,943 Mary. 311 00:24:09,156 --> 00:24:10,946 - Yes? - I told you I'd be back 312 00:24:11,032 --> 00:24:12,582 in time for Valentine's Day. 313 00:24:12,951 --> 00:24:16,581 Right. And you always keep your promises, don't you? 314 00:24:17,622 --> 00:24:20,962 Oh, I... I don't know... what to say. 315 00:24:21,585 --> 00:24:23,985 I was gonna surprise you at the cottage, but I couldn't wait. 316 00:24:24,379 --> 00:24:25,549 I'm glad you didn't. 317 00:24:28,717 --> 00:24:30,257 You look so different. 318 00:24:31,511 --> 00:24:33,721 - You don't approve? - No, I... I love it. 319 00:24:33,805 --> 00:24:38,225 I can't believe I'm finally seeing you again after... 320 00:24:39,102 --> 00:24:40,192 how many months? 321 00:24:40,437 --> 00:24:42,687 Well, it's... Seems like an eternity. 322 00:24:43,607 --> 00:24:46,567 Why don't we continue this back at the cottage? 323 00:24:46,651 --> 00:24:51,361 It's... I'm afraid I really got my hands full here. 324 00:24:51,448 --> 00:24:53,238 Of course, you're principal now. 325 00:24:54,326 --> 00:24:56,116 Uh... I'll get out of your hair. 326 00:24:56,203 --> 00:24:58,583 See you... back at the cottage. 327 00:25:00,415 --> 00:25:01,415 I'll see you. 328 00:25:05,545 --> 00:25:06,835 Mrs. Meeks? 329 00:25:08,215 --> 00:25:12,465 I need you to tell me everything you know about that man that was just here. 330 00:25:13,345 --> 00:25:16,465 You mean your fiancé Adam? 331 00:25:18,517 --> 00:25:20,597 Adam? 332 00:25:20,685 --> 00:25:23,645 Hey, Harvey, can I talk to you for a second? 333 00:25:24,814 --> 00:25:25,904 Sabrina. 334 00:25:27,359 --> 00:25:28,689 Are you back? Again? 335 00:25:28,777 --> 00:25:31,947 No. No, I'm not coming back, exactly, but... 336 00:25:32,739 --> 00:25:35,369 I was wondering if it would be... weird, or... 337 00:25:35,951 --> 00:25:38,041 okay if I go to the dance tonight? 338 00:25:38,537 --> 00:25:39,657 With that Nick Scratch guy? 339 00:25:41,122 --> 00:25:42,622 I know you and Roz are going. 340 00:25:45,001 --> 00:25:46,921 Yeah, you can come to the dance, Sabrina. 341 00:25:47,003 --> 00:25:50,263 And bring whoever you want. We're not boyfriend and girlfriend anymore. 342 00:25:54,135 --> 00:25:55,135 Great. 343 00:25:55,595 --> 00:25:56,715 See you there. 344 00:26:02,852 --> 00:26:03,942 Hello. 345 00:26:09,442 --> 00:26:10,282 Adam. 346 00:26:10,360 --> 00:26:13,360 Mary! I've got dinner comin' up. 347 00:26:14,656 --> 00:26:15,486 Mm. 348 00:26:15,574 --> 00:26:17,454 And I fixed a few things. 349 00:26:17,534 --> 00:26:19,664 Your sink was dripping, the cross was upside down. 350 00:26:19,744 --> 00:26:21,714 Oh. Wow. You... 351 00:26:22,372 --> 00:26:24,622 have been a busy boy. 352 00:26:25,834 --> 00:26:28,214 Why don't you sit down, honey, and, uh... 353 00:26:29,170 --> 00:26:30,420 I'll give you a neck rub. 354 00:26:31,214 --> 00:26:33,054 Well, we have a little time to kill. 355 00:26:34,593 --> 00:26:36,393 - Sure. - So... 356 00:26:37,512 --> 00:26:40,972 Adam. You've been working for that charity group. 357 00:26:41,057 --> 00:26:43,267 Mm. Physicians Without Frontiers. 358 00:26:44,894 --> 00:26:48,614 And we've been dating for three years, but... 359 00:26:49,190 --> 00:26:51,400 you're often out of town, traveling. 360 00:26:51,484 --> 00:26:55,574 Not anymore. I promised you, that was my last big trip away. 361 00:26:55,655 --> 00:26:56,655 Oh! 362 00:26:59,200 --> 00:27:00,580 I brought you a gift. 363 00:27:07,083 --> 00:27:08,083 Disturbing. 364 00:27:09,753 --> 00:27:11,383 Also beautiful. 365 00:27:14,758 --> 00:27:17,678 It's a fetish doll from the Shona people. 366 00:27:19,179 --> 00:27:20,559 I must admit, I... 367 00:27:23,767 --> 00:27:24,887 I really love it. 368 00:27:25,810 --> 00:27:27,230 Well, I really love you. 369 00:27:33,234 --> 00:27:34,994 When I was at Baxter High, 370 00:27:35,654 --> 00:27:38,204 I saw posters for the Sweethearts Dance tonight. 371 00:27:38,990 --> 00:27:40,330 Oh, yeah. I... 372 00:27:41,117 --> 00:27:42,907 I'm afraid I'm chaperoning. 373 00:27:42,994 --> 00:27:44,834 Perfect. I'll come with you. 374 00:27:47,123 --> 00:27:48,753 It'll be like old times. 375 00:27:56,591 --> 00:28:00,601 And then, you put the blade through the neck loop, just like, uh... 376 00:28:00,679 --> 00:28:02,719 Like... that? 377 00:28:02,806 --> 00:28:04,806 Yeah. Then you tighten. Exactly. 378 00:28:06,518 --> 00:28:09,398 Honestly, that's better than any tie I've ever tied. 379 00:28:10,105 --> 00:28:11,355 You're a natural, Theo. 380 00:28:12,107 --> 00:28:14,897 My, what handsome-looking young men. 381 00:28:15,860 --> 00:28:16,860 Whoa. 382 00:28:18,321 --> 00:28:19,661 Nice haircut, Theo. 383 00:28:20,782 --> 00:28:21,872 Thanks, Roz. 384 00:28:22,742 --> 00:28:24,202 - You look... - Whoa. 385 00:28:26,955 --> 00:28:28,745 Nice tux, Nick. Wow. 386 00:28:29,124 --> 00:28:31,754 So, you're takin' a break from Lupercalia, too? 387 00:28:31,835 --> 00:28:34,835 I'm, er, saving up my juices for the Hunt. 388 00:28:34,921 --> 00:28:35,961 Hmm. 389 00:28:36,047 --> 00:28:40,297 I asked Ambrose if he wanted to join us, but he already said no. 390 00:28:42,387 --> 00:28:44,717 Sabrina. You look stunning. 391 00:28:45,682 --> 00:28:47,232 I mean, seriously, I'm stunned. 392 00:28:47,308 --> 00:28:49,728 Oh, well... well, thank you. 393 00:28:50,270 --> 00:28:51,350 Thank you very much. 394 00:28:51,896 --> 00:28:52,896 Sabrina. 395 00:28:53,398 --> 00:28:54,478 Nicholas. 396 00:28:55,066 --> 00:28:56,526 Enjoy the dance. 397 00:28:57,068 --> 00:29:01,488 And remember, Hilda, you're a huntress, and he's your prey. 398 00:29:02,699 --> 00:29:04,829 - Dear Satan, yes! Damn! - Huntress! 399 00:29:04,909 --> 00:29:06,909 - Rawr! - Happy hunting. 400 00:29:06,995 --> 00:29:08,405 - Ooh... - Whew. 401 00:29:11,416 --> 00:29:13,126 Uh, sorry, we're closed. 402 00:29:17,380 --> 00:29:18,380 Uh, I said we're clo... 403 00:29:20,884 --> 00:29:23,054 Hilda. What are you... 404 00:29:23,762 --> 00:29:25,142 What are you doing here? You... 405 00:29:25,555 --> 00:29:28,675 You shouldn't be here, not... like that. 406 00:29:28,933 --> 00:29:30,273 - Uh... - Well... 407 00:29:30,852 --> 00:29:32,022 Why not? 408 00:29:32,687 --> 00:29:33,687 Uh... I mean... 409 00:29:34,814 --> 00:29:36,114 I fancy you... 410 00:29:37,108 --> 00:29:38,608 ...and you fancy me. 411 00:29:41,321 --> 00:29:43,201 I know you do. 412 00:29:43,698 --> 00:29:44,698 Um... 413 00:29:45,533 --> 00:29:47,543 So why don't we do 414 00:29:47,619 --> 00:29:50,789 what two m-mature... 415 00:29:51,289 --> 00:29:53,539 and consenting and... 416 00:29:53,833 --> 00:29:57,553 passionate adults are wont to do? 417 00:29:58,755 --> 00:30:00,085 Oh... 418 00:30:01,090 --> 00:30:03,130 - No, I can't. No. - Why? Why? 419 00:30:03,718 --> 00:30:04,798 You have to go. 420 00:30:05,345 --> 00:30:06,345 Why? 421 00:30:06,846 --> 00:30:08,176 Please look at me. Please. 422 00:30:08,807 --> 00:30:10,727 Please... 423 00:30:28,326 --> 00:30:31,656 Mary Wardwell, are you spiking the punch? 424 00:30:32,539 --> 00:30:35,459 I thought chaperones were supposed to do the opposite. 425 00:30:35,542 --> 00:30:37,502 Make sure kids weren't spiking the punch bowl. 426 00:30:37,585 --> 00:30:38,705 Don't judge me. 427 00:30:38,795 --> 00:30:42,755 Judge you? Mary, I want to dance with you. 428 00:30:43,633 --> 00:30:44,633 May I? 429 00:30:53,977 --> 00:30:56,227 Is this weird? Me and you? 430 00:30:57,313 --> 00:31:00,483 Compared to a lot of things that have happened this year? 431 00:31:00,942 --> 00:31:02,942 No, it's not weird. 432 00:31:03,236 --> 00:31:05,026 - Yeah. Okay. - Mm. 433 00:31:05,113 --> 00:31:08,413 In terms of, like, normal people, yeah. It is a little. 434 00:31:10,326 --> 00:31:11,786 But it's also nice. 435 00:31:12,704 --> 00:31:14,414 Yeah, I think so, too. 436 00:31:17,876 --> 00:31:20,086 Welcome to Baxter High. 437 00:31:20,670 --> 00:31:23,420 Not quite as magical as the Academy. 438 00:31:23,506 --> 00:31:24,796 Are you kidding? 439 00:31:25,633 --> 00:31:28,683 Being here with you, getting to see this other side of you, it's... 440 00:31:30,763 --> 00:31:32,723 it's more magical than anything at the Academy. 441 00:31:35,268 --> 00:31:37,268 May I have this dance, milady? 442 00:31:37,770 --> 00:31:39,360 You most certainly may. 443 00:32:28,321 --> 00:32:29,321 Nice haircut. 444 00:32:30,949 --> 00:32:32,829 Ugh. Billy, don't even start. 445 00:32:32,909 --> 00:32:34,289 No, I... I mean it. 446 00:32:34,827 --> 00:32:35,947 I'm serious. 447 00:32:36,621 --> 00:32:39,001 Cool haircut. Looks bad-ass. 448 00:32:41,751 --> 00:32:42,751 Thanks. 449 00:32:42,961 --> 00:32:44,961 Uh... How's your leg? 450 00:32:45,713 --> 00:32:48,473 Ah, well, I won't be playing basketball this year. 451 00:32:48,549 --> 00:32:50,639 Or dancing tonight. 452 00:32:55,264 --> 00:32:56,264 I'm sorry, Billy. 453 00:32:57,600 --> 00:32:58,600 It's not your fault. 454 00:32:59,394 --> 00:33:02,864 And I'm sorry, Theo. For being such a dick to you. 455 00:33:05,358 --> 00:33:07,068 Why are you apologizing to me? 456 00:33:08,987 --> 00:33:12,867 The doctor said I was lucky it wasn't my neck that I broke on those stairs. 457 00:33:14,075 --> 00:33:16,405 And I'm tired of bad things happening to me. 458 00:33:20,665 --> 00:33:21,915 Apology accepted. 459 00:33:34,053 --> 00:33:35,213 What are you thinkin'? 460 00:33:39,058 --> 00:33:40,518 Wanna see the rest of the school? 461 00:33:41,060 --> 00:33:43,620 Are you asking me to sneak off with you and go somewhere private? 462 00:33:47,608 --> 00:33:49,108 Lead the way, Spellman. 463 00:33:54,907 --> 00:33:56,367 - Roz... - Yeah? 464 00:33:56,743 --> 00:33:59,003 Uh, Harvey, wait. Uh... 465 00:34:00,705 --> 00:34:03,115 I've already seen this kiss happen. 466 00:34:04,250 --> 00:34:07,130 - In your mind? Me, too. - No. No, no, no. Um... 467 00:34:08,171 --> 00:34:11,421 I had a vision of us kissing. 468 00:34:12,091 --> 00:34:15,341 And, oh, my God, I have to tell you something. 469 00:34:16,679 --> 00:34:18,059 Least favorite words ever. 470 00:34:19,807 --> 00:34:21,137 I see things. 471 00:34:21,809 --> 00:34:23,689 Like... premonitions. 472 00:34:23,770 --> 00:34:26,560 But not just of things that have already happened. 473 00:34:27,106 --> 00:34:29,226 Sometimes of things that are gonna happen. 474 00:34:30,568 --> 00:34:32,108 Does that make sense? 475 00:34:34,447 --> 00:34:35,817 Uh... 476 00:34:49,712 --> 00:34:52,012 It's a lot cozier than the Academy's library. 477 00:34:52,090 --> 00:34:53,420 Isn't it, though? 478 00:35:03,643 --> 00:35:05,353 Nick, did you hear that? 479 00:35:06,312 --> 00:35:07,362 Sabrina. 480 00:35:25,081 --> 00:35:26,081 Run. 481 00:35:31,337 --> 00:35:32,627 Vobis non transeat. 482 00:35:33,589 --> 00:35:35,049 Nick, what the hell is that? 483 00:35:35,133 --> 00:35:36,853 - Amalia, please listen to me. - Whoa, whoa! 484 00:35:36,926 --> 00:35:38,466 Wait, wait. You know what that is? 485 00:35:38,553 --> 00:35:41,143 I do. Long story. Tell you as soon as I banish her. 486 00:35:41,222 --> 00:35:44,482 Ergo draco maledicte ego invoco, tollere lux in carne haec nocte. 487 00:35:49,021 --> 00:35:50,781 Ms. Spellman. 488 00:35:51,941 --> 00:35:53,531 Mr. Scratch, I presume. 489 00:35:54,735 --> 00:35:56,275 May I see you in my office? 490 00:35:58,364 --> 00:36:01,954 Well, it's... it's complicated. I was hoping it wasn't her, but it is. 491 00:36:02,326 --> 00:36:05,326 - And, um... - Nick, how do you know the werewolf? 492 00:36:05,413 --> 00:36:06,623 Um... 493 00:36:08,457 --> 00:36:09,577 She's, um... 494 00:36:10,459 --> 00:36:11,629 She's my familiar. 495 00:36:16,424 --> 00:36:17,724 Her name is Amalia. 496 00:36:18,676 --> 00:36:20,176 She was given to me at birth. 497 00:36:22,221 --> 00:36:24,891 When my family died, she was the only real family I had left. 498 00:36:25,892 --> 00:36:27,062 What happened to her? 499 00:36:28,102 --> 00:36:30,502 When I started at the Academy and couldn't bring her with me, 500 00:36:30,855 --> 00:36:32,895 she just started showing up everywhere. 501 00:36:33,399 --> 00:36:35,819 At the dorm, in class, at Dorian's. 502 00:36:36,277 --> 00:36:39,657 Everywhere I looked, I saw her yellow eyes in the shadows just... 503 00:36:40,781 --> 00:36:41,781 watching me. 504 00:36:43,075 --> 00:36:45,575 And when I started going on dates, she got jealous. 505 00:36:46,204 --> 00:36:47,374 Like, scary jealous. 506 00:36:47,914 --> 00:36:51,504 Well, wolves are territorial animals. 507 00:36:51,584 --> 00:36:53,754 But this was to the point of obsession. 508 00:36:53,836 --> 00:36:56,126 I mean, Amalia wouldn't let anyone get close to me. 509 00:36:56,214 --> 00:36:57,264 So I... 510 00:36:58,758 --> 00:36:59,758 I banished her. 511 00:37:01,969 --> 00:37:03,009 Years ago. 512 00:37:03,387 --> 00:37:06,387 To the dark forests at the base of the Mountains of Madness. 513 00:37:06,474 --> 00:37:10,274 Well, that's on another continent, Nick. How and why is she back? 514 00:37:10,353 --> 00:37:13,863 I've had girlfriends before, and Amalia's never shown up, but maybe... 515 00:37:14,732 --> 00:37:16,482 Maybe she feels our connection. 516 00:37:17,360 --> 00:37:18,440 Sabrina. 517 00:37:19,070 --> 00:37:22,070 My former High Priest at the Church of Shadows 518 00:37:22,156 --> 00:37:23,566 once had a familiar. 519 00:37:23,658 --> 00:37:24,828 A cougar. 520 00:37:25,868 --> 00:37:30,368 She mauled the High Priest's wife and baby so badly, there was... 521 00:37:31,832 --> 00:37:34,462 Well, there was really nothing much left of them to bury. 522 00:37:35,753 --> 00:37:37,463 The familiar was, uh... 523 00:37:38,047 --> 00:37:39,417 infected, you see. 524 00:37:40,216 --> 00:37:42,216 Rabid with jealousy, it... 525 00:37:42,593 --> 00:37:45,353 Unfortunately, there is only one solution. 526 00:37:45,972 --> 00:37:50,602 Forgive my cavalier language, Mr. Scratch, but... 527 00:37:52,645 --> 00:37:54,975 you have to put that bitch down. 528 00:38:00,778 --> 00:38:02,198 I guess my first question... 529 00:38:03,406 --> 00:38:05,066 my main question is... 530 00:38:07,201 --> 00:38:08,201 are you a witch? 531 00:38:08,452 --> 00:38:09,452 No. 532 00:38:10,579 --> 00:38:12,789 I'm definitely not a witch. 533 00:38:14,500 --> 00:38:17,250 Cursed by witches, yes, but... 534 00:38:18,504 --> 00:38:19,804 100% no. 535 00:38:22,508 --> 00:38:25,388 My grandma called us "cunning women." 536 00:38:30,308 --> 00:38:32,478 I just didn't want us to... 537 00:38:33,936 --> 00:38:34,936 um... 538 00:38:35,271 --> 00:38:36,481 Oh! 539 00:38:37,440 --> 00:38:39,400 ...without you knowing the truth. 540 00:38:40,526 --> 00:38:43,486 And I know weird stuff might be a trigger for you. 541 00:38:45,239 --> 00:38:46,699 Thanks for telling me, Roz. 542 00:38:47,783 --> 00:38:50,243 And yeah, weird stuff is a trigger for me. 543 00:38:51,662 --> 00:38:56,672 But honesty's kind of the thing I value most these days. 544 00:38:57,668 --> 00:38:58,748 So, we're good? 545 00:39:03,382 --> 00:39:04,382 We will be. 546 00:39:05,634 --> 00:39:06,644 As soon as... 547 00:39:07,136 --> 00:39:08,136 What? 548 00:39:09,180 --> 00:39:10,180 I... 549 00:39:27,698 --> 00:39:30,238 Was that... like your vision? 550 00:39:32,578 --> 00:39:35,618 Usually my visions lead to something bad happening. 551 00:39:37,625 --> 00:39:38,625 This time... 552 00:39:39,960 --> 00:39:42,380 Nothing bad happened, Rosalind. 553 00:40:01,607 --> 00:40:06,487 Well, I have to admit, I never imagined the evening playing out like this. 554 00:40:06,570 --> 00:40:07,570 Really? 555 00:40:08,489 --> 00:40:09,869 How did you see it ending? 556 00:40:10,866 --> 00:40:13,286 Would you believe if I said in a mass-murder? 557 00:40:13,911 --> 00:40:15,831 Oh. Careful. 558 00:40:18,249 --> 00:40:19,669 A girl could get used to this. 559 00:40:21,252 --> 00:40:23,132 I want you to get used to this, Mary. 560 00:40:24,004 --> 00:40:25,094 I'm home now. 561 00:40:26,215 --> 00:40:27,215 For good. 562 00:40:29,343 --> 00:40:31,263 And I plan to treat you... 563 00:40:34,014 --> 00:40:35,854 like the goddess you are. 564 00:40:40,312 --> 00:40:42,272 I don't think your bird likes me. 565 00:40:42,690 --> 00:40:46,690 You never mind Stolas. Just keep doing what you're doing. 566 00:41:11,469 --> 00:41:12,469 Nick? 567 00:41:16,640 --> 00:41:18,480 You sure you don't want me to come with you? 568 00:41:21,812 --> 00:41:22,812 No. 569 00:41:24,064 --> 00:41:25,324 I need to do this alone. 570 00:41:41,040 --> 00:41:44,040 Qui affecto protego, mixtisque iubas 571 00:41:44,418 --> 00:41:47,508 serpentibus et posteris meis stirpique. 572 00:42:10,194 --> 00:42:12,284 You summoned me, Your Excellency? 573 00:42:12,947 --> 00:42:14,447 I did. 574 00:42:14,698 --> 00:42:16,948 As you well know, since the death of my wife, 575 00:42:17,493 --> 00:42:22,793 I have been reluctant to make our relationship "official," as you put it. 576 00:42:23,791 --> 00:42:27,291 Partly because my marriage to Constance... 577 00:42:28,128 --> 00:42:29,708 drained me. 578 00:42:29,797 --> 00:42:32,467 I would hardly be a burden to you, Father Blackwood. 579 00:42:32,550 --> 00:42:36,510 If anything, I could help you realize your ambitions as High Priest. 580 00:42:37,012 --> 00:42:40,682 As I did for my brother Edward when he was High Priest. 581 00:42:40,766 --> 00:42:42,846 That's the other source of my reluctance. 582 00:42:43,185 --> 00:42:46,435 When we were at the Academy, Zelda, when I was mentor to Edward, 583 00:42:46,522 --> 00:42:47,902 and he was my protégé, 584 00:42:49,191 --> 00:42:52,491 I confided in him that I planned to ask for your hand in marriage... 585 00:42:54,947 --> 00:42:56,197 and your brother... 586 00:42:58,158 --> 00:42:59,618 well... 587 00:42:59,785 --> 00:43:01,195 he, um... 588 00:43:02,329 --> 00:43:04,369 - rebuked me. - Edward did? 589 00:43:08,085 --> 00:43:09,875 But I confess I have felt his.... 590 00:43:11,338 --> 00:43:12,338 specter... 591 00:43:12,673 --> 00:43:13,883 hovering over us, 592 00:43:14,341 --> 00:43:15,841 even in the woods last night. 593 00:43:16,260 --> 00:43:18,510 But this morning, after my... 594 00:43:19,388 --> 00:43:21,018 prayers and reflection, 595 00:43:21,432 --> 00:43:23,682 I had a revelation from the Dark Lord... 596 00:43:26,353 --> 00:43:27,773 that the time for us... 597 00:43:28,814 --> 00:43:29,814 has come. 598 00:43:41,076 --> 00:43:42,906 Turtle-dove hearts. 599 00:43:44,830 --> 00:43:47,250 Faustus, you're proposing marriage? 600 00:43:48,042 --> 00:43:49,672 It is the Dark Lord's will. 601 00:43:50,461 --> 00:43:53,551 We both know it. Perhaps it has always been so. 602 00:43:54,381 --> 00:43:55,921 The Dark Lord notwithstanding, 603 00:43:56,008 --> 00:43:58,508 I shall consider your proposal... 604 00:44:00,220 --> 00:44:01,260 and get back to you. 605 00:44:09,772 --> 00:44:11,112 Don't come any closer. 606 00:44:13,025 --> 00:44:15,855 I owe you an apology and an explanation. 607 00:44:16,487 --> 00:44:18,107 Mm-hmm. Bloody right you do. 608 00:44:19,073 --> 00:44:22,333 I collect books, rare books. For the store. 609 00:44:22,409 --> 00:44:26,459 And some years ago, I came upon an occult tome. 610 00:44:26,538 --> 00:44:28,458 And in this book, there was a... 611 00:44:30,000 --> 00:44:32,380 spell for conjuring a demon. 612 00:44:32,461 --> 00:44:33,841 I tried it on a lark. 613 00:44:34,797 --> 00:44:37,217 Never expected that it would actually work, but... 614 00:44:37,716 --> 00:44:38,716 It did. 615 00:44:39,468 --> 00:44:40,468 And so the... 616 00:44:41,512 --> 00:44:43,062 the demon is still inside you? 617 00:44:43,305 --> 00:44:45,555 Yes. And as insane as it must sound 618 00:44:45,641 --> 00:44:48,061 to someone who has no knowledge of the satanic... 619 00:44:48,602 --> 00:44:49,602 uh, I'm... 620 00:44:51,230 --> 00:44:52,560 possessed by an incubus... 621 00:44:53,315 --> 00:44:54,315 that I can't get rid of. 622 00:44:54,400 --> 00:44:57,820 What happened earlier, it... it only happens when my passions are... 623 00:44:58,862 --> 00:44:59,862 inflamed. 624 00:45:01,782 --> 00:45:06,582 So, um... so that's why you didn't open my Valentine? 625 00:45:07,121 --> 00:45:10,291 That's why I cannot be near you anymore, Hilda. 626 00:45:10,874 --> 00:45:12,544 You excite me too much. 627 00:45:15,921 --> 00:45:17,341 I'm sick, Hilda... 628 00:45:19,007 --> 00:45:20,127 and I can't be cured. 629 00:45:21,009 --> 00:45:23,009 And I understand if you want to run for the hills. 630 00:45:23,470 --> 00:45:24,560 But the truth is... 631 00:45:27,266 --> 00:45:28,266 I love you. 632 00:45:29,101 --> 00:45:31,601 But I can't expect you to love a monster in return. 633 00:45:31,687 --> 00:45:32,727 You love me? 634 00:45:35,941 --> 00:45:37,611 Well, um... Well, then... 635 00:45:39,111 --> 00:45:41,241 I have to tell you something about myself. 636 00:46:05,804 --> 00:46:06,804 Nicholas. 637 00:46:25,991 --> 00:46:28,201 I'm so sorry, Nick. 638 00:46:31,038 --> 00:46:32,288 Ms. Wardwell was right. 639 00:46:35,375 --> 00:46:37,705 Amalia was insane with rage and jealousy. 640 00:46:39,004 --> 00:46:41,174 She would've done anything to keep us apart, 641 00:46:43,634 --> 00:46:44,934 including hurting you. 642 00:46:47,429 --> 00:46:49,009 And I couldn't let that happen. 643 00:46:51,141 --> 00:46:52,311 You killed her... 644 00:46:53,310 --> 00:46:54,310 for me? 645 00:46:54,561 --> 00:46:55,941 So we could be together. 646 00:46:59,483 --> 00:47:02,533 Tonight, for the last night of Lupercalia, 647 00:47:02,611 --> 00:47:05,361 I want it to be just us, Sabrina, 648 00:47:06,782 --> 00:47:08,122 far away from the others. 649 00:47:10,327 --> 00:47:13,497 After the Hunt begins, meet me at the mossy stump. 650 00:47:16,333 --> 00:47:18,173 There's nothing to be afraid of now. 651 00:47:20,170 --> 00:47:21,590 We can stray from the path. 652 00:47:26,385 --> 00:47:28,295 I'd love that, Nick. 653 00:47:35,227 --> 00:47:37,227 Father Blackwood has proposed. 654 00:47:39,231 --> 00:47:40,441 What? 655 00:47:42,317 --> 00:47:45,737 What? He did not! He did not! 656 00:47:46,488 --> 00:47:47,608 Zelda! 657 00:47:47,698 --> 00:47:50,238 I thought I had news, but this... 658 00:47:50,325 --> 00:47:52,575 You're gonna get married to a High Priest. 659 00:47:52,661 --> 00:47:54,871 Oh, that means a Black Wedding. And I can bake. 660 00:47:54,955 --> 00:47:56,955 - Are you ecstatic? - Ecstatic? 661 00:47:57,624 --> 00:47:58,884 You don't seem ecstatic. 662 00:47:59,585 --> 00:48:01,205 I'm very pleased, yes. 663 00:48:01,920 --> 00:48:03,340 Oh, good. Yeah, I can tell. 664 00:48:04,089 --> 00:48:05,839 So... do you not love him? 665 00:48:06,133 --> 00:48:07,303 No, Hilda. 666 00:48:07,968 --> 00:48:09,848 I don't love Faustus. 667 00:48:10,971 --> 00:48:12,221 A bit lost now. 668 00:48:12,306 --> 00:48:14,466 I... respect him. 669 00:48:15,809 --> 00:48:20,359 I'm going to accept his proposal, but not for love. 670 00:48:20,439 --> 00:48:21,859 - Hmm. - For power. 671 00:48:22,316 --> 00:48:23,146 Oh. 672 00:48:23,233 --> 00:48:25,783 Faustus and I are well-suited. 673 00:48:26,486 --> 00:48:28,696 He'll make a worthy opponent in marriage. 674 00:48:29,239 --> 00:48:32,279 And by his side, I'll bolster him, 675 00:48:32,618 --> 00:48:35,498 as well as restore our family's luster 676 00:48:36,330 --> 00:48:39,710 and seek my own glory in the process. 677 00:48:41,335 --> 00:48:42,495 Oh, Zelda... 678 00:48:46,089 --> 00:48:47,339 What's your news? 679 00:48:47,424 --> 00:48:50,144 Did you entrap the shopkeeper with your glamour? 680 00:48:50,218 --> 00:48:52,388 Um... Not exactly. 681 00:48:53,722 --> 00:48:56,562 He's an incubus. A sex demon. 682 00:48:56,642 --> 00:48:58,062 Oh, Hildie. 683 00:48:58,518 --> 00:49:02,728 Well, I'm reading up on how to, you know... tame him. 684 00:49:02,814 --> 00:49:05,404 You'll need chains forged from Damascus steel, 685 00:49:05,484 --> 00:49:08,034 strong enough to contain the most aggressive incubus. 686 00:49:08,111 --> 00:49:10,381 Fair warning, he'll need to be wearing them whenever you... 687 00:49:10,405 --> 00:49:11,565 Oh, no, no, no, no! 688 00:49:12,074 --> 00:49:15,954 How do you know so much about Damascus steel and chains and incubi? 689 00:49:16,036 --> 00:49:19,916 Oh, sister. As if I haven't tangled with my fair share of sex demons. 690 00:49:19,998 --> 00:49:22,418 - Stop it! - You'll be just fine. 691 00:49:23,752 --> 00:49:24,802 We both will. 692 00:49:32,469 --> 00:49:36,179 After the Hunt, all I can say is, poor Melvin. 693 00:49:36,264 --> 00:49:38,734 He doesn't know what's in store for him tonight. 694 00:49:38,809 --> 00:49:41,269 Can you imagine? A virgin, at his age? 695 00:49:41,895 --> 00:49:44,185 You'll be gentle with him, won't you, sister? 696 00:49:44,272 --> 00:49:46,072 And afterwards, we'll all share. 697 00:49:46,566 --> 00:49:49,646 - It's been ages since we had a virgin. - Unfortunately, you're too late. 698 00:49:49,736 --> 00:49:52,356 I initiated Melvin the night of the Courting. 699 00:49:52,447 --> 00:49:54,117 You didn't abstain? 700 00:49:54,199 --> 00:49:55,199 Of course not. 701 00:49:56,201 --> 00:49:57,201 Did you? 702 00:49:57,619 --> 00:49:59,869 A girl doesn't kiss and tell. 703 00:49:59,955 --> 00:50:02,825 But hurry, sisters, it's time to assemble outside. 704 00:50:02,916 --> 00:50:04,956 A fruitful Hunt to us all. 705 00:50:05,752 --> 00:50:07,002 Are you coming, Sabrina? 706 00:50:07,087 --> 00:50:09,337 I still need to take my berries of phylaxis. 707 00:50:10,048 --> 00:50:11,718 Go ahead. I'll catch up. 708 00:50:29,735 --> 00:50:33,565 - So, you're not really here? - I'm astral projecting. 709 00:50:33,655 --> 00:50:36,945 My body's back at the Academy, surrounded by candles, but... 710 00:50:37,409 --> 00:50:39,619 this is kind of a face-to-face conversation. 711 00:50:40,370 --> 00:50:42,870 Uh-huh. And does it have anything to do with the fact 712 00:50:42,956 --> 00:50:45,036 that you're dressed like Little Red Riding Hood? 713 00:50:46,418 --> 00:50:49,798 It does. It's the final night of this festival. 714 00:50:49,880 --> 00:50:51,130 The Lupercalia. 715 00:50:51,214 --> 00:50:52,554 Long story short... 716 00:50:53,717 --> 00:50:55,717 I might be losing my virginity tonight. 717 00:50:56,053 --> 00:50:59,313 Okay... Okay. Well, with whom? 718 00:50:59,389 --> 00:51:01,029 The guy I was telling you about. 719 00:51:01,099 --> 00:51:05,439 Okay, but hanging out is one thing, having sex, that's next level, 'Brina. 720 00:51:07,022 --> 00:51:08,072 Are you ready? 721 00:51:09,107 --> 00:51:10,647 I'm not sure. 722 00:51:11,109 --> 00:51:12,399 I'm nervous. 723 00:51:12,944 --> 00:51:14,954 How did you know when you were ready? 724 00:51:15,030 --> 00:51:20,870 When I lost my virginity to Jordan Bixby at Bible camp... 725 00:51:22,662 --> 00:51:24,122 I was super scared. 726 00:51:25,248 --> 00:51:29,498 I didn't know what I was doing. Just that I really liked him. 727 00:51:30,712 --> 00:51:36,342 And then, we were alone, and I remember this sensation, 728 00:51:36,426 --> 00:51:38,716 like a tingling up my spine. 729 00:51:39,638 --> 00:51:41,428 And even though I was scared, 730 00:51:41,932 --> 00:51:45,312 my body just sort of took over and knew what to do. 731 00:51:47,229 --> 00:51:49,019 You like this Nick guy, huh? 732 00:51:49,439 --> 00:51:51,979 He's great. He's really great. 733 00:51:52,776 --> 00:51:55,356 Let me ask you. Do you trust him? 734 00:51:56,154 --> 00:51:58,204 - I think so. - And he's not pressuring you? 735 00:51:58,281 --> 00:51:59,531 No, definitely not. 736 00:51:59,616 --> 00:52:00,616 'Brina... 737 00:52:02,494 --> 00:52:03,914 you'll know if you're ready. 738 00:52:05,122 --> 00:52:06,962 You'll look at Nick, and you'll know. 739 00:52:11,294 --> 00:52:13,134 You looked beautiful at the dance last night. 740 00:52:13,713 --> 00:52:15,858 It seemed like you and Harvey were having a great time. 741 00:52:15,882 --> 00:52:17,932 Yeah, we were. 742 00:52:18,593 --> 00:52:21,183 I'm actually gonna go hang out with him in a bit. 743 00:52:23,014 --> 00:52:26,814 Then I should probably head out. Thank you, Roz. 744 00:52:27,185 --> 00:52:28,765 And you'll call me tomorrow, 745 00:52:29,187 --> 00:52:30,667 - no matter what? - I will. I promise. 746 00:52:33,942 --> 00:52:35,242 Cool. 747 00:52:36,862 --> 00:52:40,032 Welcome to the final night of the Lupercalia. 748 00:52:40,991 --> 00:52:44,831 Hoods hunt wolves, witches hunt warlocks. 749 00:52:44,911 --> 00:52:47,911 The outcome of the Hunt shall determine the year ahead. 750 00:52:47,998 --> 00:52:51,378 Will it be bountiful or barren? 751 00:52:51,459 --> 00:52:53,669 Fruitful or fallow? 752 00:52:54,754 --> 00:52:57,344 Tonight, we hunt and are hunted, 753 00:52:57,799 --> 00:53:00,929 releasing our blessed magicks into the night. 754 00:53:01,011 --> 00:53:03,811 Warlocks, are you ready? 755 00:53:09,561 --> 00:53:11,651 And, witches, are you ready? 756 00:53:15,317 --> 00:53:17,527 Come on! 757 00:53:53,647 --> 00:53:54,897 Dorcas. 758 00:53:54,981 --> 00:53:58,861 No fair, sneaking off with the half-breed, not until I've had my turn. 759 00:54:06,368 --> 00:54:07,658 Okay. 760 00:54:08,286 --> 00:54:09,366 I, um... 761 00:54:09,454 --> 00:54:12,834 thought I was coming over so you could show me some of your new drawings. 762 00:54:13,583 --> 00:54:15,503 Yeah, that, too. 763 00:54:16,461 --> 00:54:17,461 Don't go anywhere. 764 00:54:19,506 --> 00:54:21,796 Um... Can I tell you a secret? 765 00:54:24,094 --> 00:54:27,854 So I sent some copies of my sketchbook to this art school in Rhode Island. 766 00:54:28,640 --> 00:54:30,640 Uh, Tommy made me do it. 767 00:54:31,726 --> 00:54:33,726 And they want me to meet some faculty members there 768 00:54:33,812 --> 00:54:37,402 for either a summer program or an apprenticeship or a... 769 00:54:37,482 --> 00:54:38,482 Harvey. 770 00:54:41,528 --> 00:54:42,528 What? What is it? 771 00:54:43,822 --> 00:54:46,322 Something... Something's wrong. Everything's dark. 772 00:54:48,660 --> 00:54:50,160 What? What do you mean? 773 00:54:51,246 --> 00:54:53,786 I can't see. I can't see anything. 774 00:55:04,259 --> 00:55:05,259 Nick? 775 00:55:08,555 --> 00:55:09,555 Nick? 776 00:55:19,065 --> 00:55:20,065 Oh, no. 777 00:55:22,485 --> 00:55:23,485 Amalia. 778 00:55:25,530 --> 00:55:26,570 You're alive. 779 00:55:28,700 --> 00:55:29,870 Uh... 780 00:55:31,202 --> 00:55:32,762 Nicholas told me about you. 781 00:55:33,621 --> 00:55:35,671 How you were his family, and how... 782 00:55:36,082 --> 00:55:37,962 And how lucky he was to have you. 783 00:55:38,043 --> 00:55:40,053 And I'm... I'm not your enemy. 784 00:55:41,254 --> 00:55:42,764 I'm no threat to you, Amalia. 785 00:55:42,839 --> 00:55:44,009 And what you... 786 00:55:44,674 --> 00:55:46,894 And what you feel for Nick, I understand it. 787 00:56:04,319 --> 00:56:05,489 It's natural. 788 00:56:06,654 --> 00:56:08,574 You're not just his familiar. 789 00:56:09,115 --> 00:56:10,905 You're so much more than that. 790 00:56:12,369 --> 00:56:15,079 We can work this out, I know we can. I know we can. 791 00:56:18,208 --> 00:56:20,168 Sabrina. Amalia. 792 00:56:20,251 --> 00:56:22,131 Please, don't hurt her. 793 00:56:24,214 --> 00:56:25,224 I love her. 794 00:56:28,927 --> 00:56:30,097 Why... 795 00:56:31,054 --> 00:56:32,644 Why didn't you stay away? 796 00:56:33,765 --> 00:56:34,675 Sabrina, run. 797 00:56:34,766 --> 00:56:37,436 Nick, I'm not leaving you. But just talk to her. 798 00:56:40,814 --> 00:56:41,984 Ergo draco maledicte. 799 00:56:43,900 --> 00:56:45,190 Amalia, stop! 800 00:56:45,276 --> 00:56:46,276 Stop hurting him! 801 00:57:11,886 --> 00:57:12,886 No. 802 00:57:32,073 --> 00:57:33,323 Why didn't you kill her? 803 00:57:36,453 --> 00:57:37,623 Why'd you lie to me? 804 00:57:46,087 --> 00:57:47,667 Because she was your familiar? 805 00:57:51,301 --> 00:57:52,841 After my parents died, 806 00:57:56,055 --> 00:57:57,345 I didn't have anyone. 807 00:57:59,851 --> 00:58:01,601 Amalia kept me alive, Sabrina. 808 00:58:04,189 --> 00:58:05,819 Treated me like her own cub. 809 00:58:07,567 --> 00:58:08,777 I couldn't put her down. 810 00:58:11,154 --> 00:58:12,784 I chained her up in a cave. 811 00:58:14,824 --> 00:58:16,034 And I, um... 812 00:58:19,204 --> 00:58:21,544 killed another wolf in her place for its heart. 813 00:58:26,252 --> 00:58:28,922 Amalia must've gotten free, though. I don't know how. 814 00:58:31,841 --> 00:58:33,971 Her love for you gave her strength. 815 00:58:37,055 --> 00:58:38,515 I failed you, Sabrina. 816 00:58:40,141 --> 00:58:41,231 I was weak. 817 00:58:45,939 --> 00:58:48,359 You couldn't kill the only family you had. 818 00:58:50,568 --> 00:58:51,648 You loved her. 819 00:58:54,489 --> 00:58:56,199 That's not a weakness. 820 00:58:59,619 --> 00:59:00,829 That's a virtue. 821 00:59:03,790 --> 00:59:05,040 But I lied to you. 822 00:59:29,357 --> 00:59:30,187 Sabrina. 823 00:59:30,275 --> 00:59:31,275 Shh.