1 00:01:47,941 --> 00:01:51,861 You dare summon me, Lilith? 2 00:01:52,320 --> 00:01:54,660 You charged me with caring for Sabrina, but... 3 00:01:55,490 --> 00:01:58,330 most recently, three of your kings came to attack her. 4 00:01:58,409 --> 00:01:59,539 Who did? 5 00:01:59,994 --> 00:02:02,254 Not to worry, they've been sent back to the Pit. 6 00:02:02,330 --> 00:02:06,080 But they rather cryptically asserted that... 7 00:02:06,960 --> 00:02:09,170 "The half-breed must not ascend." 8 00:02:10,463 --> 00:02:12,473 How can I protect Sabrina 9 00:02:12,549 --> 00:02:15,339 if I don't know what your plans for her are? 10 00:02:15,426 --> 00:02:18,886 The Gates of Hell will be thrown open. 11 00:02:19,430 --> 00:02:23,560 Sabrina will be my herald. My prophet on Earth. 12 00:02:24,894 --> 00:02:26,194 She will? 13 00:02:26,271 --> 00:02:28,691 Are you jealous, Lilith? 14 00:02:28,773 --> 00:02:31,033 You'll still be first amongst women. 15 00:02:31,109 --> 00:02:33,819 But, Dark Lord, the girl is... 16 00:02:34,821 --> 00:02:35,861 not worthy. 17 00:02:36,406 --> 00:02:39,026 Were you worthy, when I found you? 18 00:02:39,450 --> 00:02:45,620 W-What I mean is... that there are limits to how far the half-breed will go for you. 19 00:02:46,040 --> 00:02:49,290 - She'll balk, for instance, at doing evil. - Evil? 20 00:02:50,128 --> 00:02:52,458 That word means nothing to our kind. 21 00:02:52,547 --> 00:02:54,257 Ah, but it does to her kind. 22 00:02:55,175 --> 00:02:56,675 Remember, she's half-mortal. 23 00:02:56,759 --> 00:02:59,719 I know what she is, Lilith. More than you. 24 00:02:59,804 --> 00:03:01,314 Her essential nature, it... 25 00:03:01,890 --> 00:03:03,680 tends towards the Light. 26 00:03:16,029 --> 00:03:18,239 We will strike a wager. 27 00:03:18,740 --> 00:03:21,660 To discover the true nature of Sabrina's soul. 28 00:03:22,160 --> 00:03:26,000 Good, as the mortals say, or evil? 29 00:03:26,414 --> 00:03:29,714 And if I'm right, I will be your prophet, 30 00:03:31,169 --> 00:03:32,379 as well as your queen. 31 00:03:32,921 --> 00:03:34,591 And when I am proven right, 32 00:03:35,340 --> 00:03:41,350 you'll resume your service to me and never question my will again. 33 00:04:01,324 --> 00:04:05,204 It is time for you to make your dark devotions to me. 34 00:04:06,454 --> 00:04:07,464 I won't do it. 35 00:04:07,956 --> 00:04:08,996 Won't do what? 36 00:04:10,583 --> 00:04:11,673 Whatever you ask me to do. 37 00:04:12,669 --> 00:04:16,129 I did warn you when you signed my book. 38 00:04:17,215 --> 00:04:18,795 You cannot deny me. 39 00:04:19,717 --> 00:04:20,757 What do you want me to do? 40 00:04:25,181 --> 00:04:27,141 Steal a pack of gum. 41 00:04:27,809 --> 00:04:28,809 Huh? 42 00:04:29,269 --> 00:04:30,479 That is all. 43 00:04:44,867 --> 00:04:47,827 Mm. Oh, love, you've let your breakfast go cold. 44 00:04:47,912 --> 00:04:49,542 - Sorry, Aunt Hilda. - Aww. 45 00:04:50,248 --> 00:04:52,538 But the Dark Lord visited me last night. 46 00:04:55,753 --> 00:04:59,093 Called on me to do His... bidding. 47 00:04:59,340 --> 00:05:01,630 The Dark Lord was in our house? 48 00:05:01,968 --> 00:05:05,428 And I slept through His visit? What He must think of us. 49 00:05:06,139 --> 00:05:08,539 I thought I could smell brimstone from under the floorboards. 50 00:05:08,725 --> 00:05:09,725 What did He want? 51 00:05:10,268 --> 00:05:12,058 It was strange. He asked me to... 52 00:05:12,145 --> 00:05:13,805 No, never mind. 53 00:05:14,397 --> 00:05:16,267 Whatever devotion He asked you to perform, 54 00:05:16,357 --> 00:05:19,397 it is a sacred covenant between you and the Dark Lord. 55 00:05:19,819 --> 00:05:21,699 I shall not be the reason you break it. 56 00:05:22,113 --> 00:05:24,073 Did He come to you guys? 57 00:05:24,490 --> 00:05:26,370 After you signed the Book of the Beast? 58 00:05:26,451 --> 00:05:28,791 And ask you to... do things? 59 00:05:29,787 --> 00:05:31,247 - Not really. - Still waiting. 60 00:05:31,789 --> 00:05:36,339 These tasks that He asks some of His followers to perform from time to time, 61 00:05:36,419 --> 00:05:39,009 they are gestures that demonstrate, 62 00:05:39,088 --> 00:05:41,918 that prove one's dedication to the Path of Night. 63 00:05:42,008 --> 00:05:44,088 What if I don't wanna do what He's asked of me? 64 00:05:46,095 --> 00:05:48,805 You'll be shocked to hear it doesn't work that way, Sabrina. 65 00:05:48,890 --> 00:05:49,930 You've been tasked. 66 00:05:50,183 --> 00:05:52,773 Nothing to do but perform the dark devotion. 67 00:05:52,852 --> 00:05:54,902 Preferably with a... smile. 68 00:05:55,772 --> 00:05:58,272 Unless He's charged you with committing a murder? 69 00:05:58,775 --> 00:06:03,065 Even then, you must do as He asks or suffer the consequences. 70 00:06:03,154 --> 00:06:04,534 What consequences? 71 00:06:05,114 --> 00:06:07,994 Those who resist Him risk bad things happening to them 72 00:06:08,076 --> 00:06:10,156 and those around them. 73 00:06:10,870 --> 00:06:13,080 The evil has a way of spreading very quickly. 74 00:06:13,289 --> 00:06:16,289 Deny the Dark Lord at your peril, Sabrina. 75 00:06:50,410 --> 00:06:51,580 Sabrina? 76 00:06:54,163 --> 00:06:56,673 You weren't thinking of stealing that gum, were you? 77 00:06:57,750 --> 00:06:59,130 It's not like you, Sabrina. 78 00:06:59,919 --> 00:07:01,959 Oh, no, of course not, I... 79 00:07:02,046 --> 00:07:03,666 Do you need some money to pay for it? 80 00:07:09,137 --> 00:07:11,467 Actually, I changed my mind. 81 00:07:12,098 --> 00:07:14,768 I don't really want the gum, at all. 82 00:07:14,851 --> 00:07:16,811 Will you excuse me, Ms. Wardwell? 83 00:07:16,894 --> 00:07:17,944 Certainly. 84 00:07:32,660 --> 00:07:34,830 - Shirley. - And of course it would be you. 85 00:07:34,912 --> 00:07:36,412 His ice-cold pet. 86 00:07:38,958 --> 00:07:40,168 What was that all about? 87 00:07:40,251 --> 00:07:43,341 Well, as you know, Zelda, the Academy's presenting a morality play 88 00:07:43,421 --> 00:07:45,591 for the coven's edification and diversion. 89 00:07:46,048 --> 00:07:49,258 - As always, it's the... - The Passion of Lucifer Morningstar. 90 00:07:50,219 --> 00:07:52,559 Yes, I played Eve, back in my day. 91 00:07:53,389 --> 00:07:55,559 Quite scandalously, if memory serves. 92 00:07:55,933 --> 00:07:57,973 This year, however, we'll be using a new adaptation. 93 00:07:58,019 --> 00:08:03,069 A new adaptation? I've always known you to be a staunch traditionalist, Faustus. 94 00:08:03,274 --> 00:08:06,284 I wrote the adaptation, Zelda. I'm very proud of it. 95 00:08:06,569 --> 00:08:07,949 Sister Jackson, on the other hand, 96 00:08:08,029 --> 00:08:10,779 felt the constant need to share her dramaturgical notes. 97 00:08:10,865 --> 00:08:12,655 So I've asked her to relinquish her duties 98 00:08:12,742 --> 00:08:15,292 as co-director and elocution coach to the production. 99 00:08:15,620 --> 00:08:16,450 I see. 100 00:08:16,537 --> 00:08:18,497 Your nephew is playing the False God. 101 00:08:18,581 --> 00:08:20,961 Your niece is understudying the role of Lilith. 102 00:08:21,042 --> 00:08:22,632 Would you take over for Shirley? 103 00:08:22,710 --> 00:08:26,130 Otherwise, Zelda, these novice students, they'll butcher my language. 104 00:08:26,464 --> 00:08:28,804 And no one has better diction than you. 105 00:08:29,091 --> 00:08:30,261 Well, that's true. 106 00:08:31,469 --> 00:08:32,759 Welcome aboard, Zelda. 107 00:08:39,894 --> 00:08:43,984 The play we'll be working on this week is William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet. 108 00:08:44,273 --> 00:08:47,823 Find a partner and pick a scene. One that speaks to you. 109 00:08:48,277 --> 00:08:50,147 Discuss it, rehearse it, 110 00:08:50,238 --> 00:08:53,198 understand it, then you'll present it to the rest of the class. 111 00:08:53,658 --> 00:08:56,868 Yes, Mr. Marlin, I'm afraid you'll have to memorize the scene. 112 00:09:07,505 --> 00:09:09,165 Wanna be the Juliet to my Romeo? 113 00:09:09,715 --> 00:09:11,755 Thought we could do the scene where they first meet. 114 00:09:11,842 --> 00:09:12,842 Uh... 115 00:09:13,094 --> 00:09:14,094 Sure. 116 00:09:15,555 --> 00:09:17,675 Uh, would that be the... kissing scene? 117 00:09:18,349 --> 00:09:19,349 I think so. 118 00:09:21,561 --> 00:09:22,561 Is that weird? 119 00:09:28,693 --> 00:09:30,653 No, not at all. 120 00:09:31,070 --> 00:09:34,910 Just, you know, wondering if you've talked to Sabrina? 121 00:09:37,410 --> 00:09:39,290 No, not in a while. 122 00:09:40,037 --> 00:09:43,077 We, um... we're still figuring things out. 123 00:09:43,416 --> 00:09:44,416 Hm. 124 00:09:44,959 --> 00:09:46,339 Well, aren't we all? 125 00:09:47,169 --> 00:09:48,169 Huh? 126 00:09:48,629 --> 00:09:50,049 Nothing, Harvey. 127 00:09:51,382 --> 00:09:53,632 Yes, I'll be the... 128 00:09:54,552 --> 00:09:56,432 Juliet to your Romeo. 129 00:09:56,762 --> 00:09:57,972 Awesome. 130 00:09:59,265 --> 00:10:00,265 I'm psyched. 131 00:10:02,351 --> 00:10:03,391 Me, too. 132 00:10:05,938 --> 00:10:07,358 Oh, no... 133 00:10:12,903 --> 00:10:14,823 We'll try to get it now... 134 00:10:15,823 --> 00:10:17,453 You're jealous, aren't you? 135 00:10:18,951 --> 00:10:21,701 That Dorcas is playing the romantic lead opposite Nick. 136 00:10:22,121 --> 00:10:26,331 Last year, I played Kim in Bye Bye Birdie at Baxter High, Prudence. I'm fine. 137 00:10:26,417 --> 00:10:28,917 Didn't you break up with the mortal so you could be with Nick? 138 00:10:29,003 --> 00:10:31,173 No, I broke up with Harvey because... 139 00:10:33,174 --> 00:10:34,764 None of your business. 140 00:10:35,801 --> 00:10:37,801 - As for Nick, he's... he's... - A friend. 141 00:10:37,887 --> 00:10:39,927 Yes, yes, we've all heard that refrain. 142 00:10:40,014 --> 00:10:41,934 But come on, Sabrina. 143 00:10:42,683 --> 00:10:46,523 In the dark, late at night, between the sheets of your virgin's bed, 144 00:10:47,063 --> 00:10:50,573 are you telling me you've never had the odd, stray thought about Nick? 145 00:10:51,525 --> 00:10:53,685 Imagined him slipping through the window? 146 00:10:54,612 --> 00:10:55,492 Between your legs? 147 00:10:55,571 --> 00:10:59,161 Eww! You're like one of my Aunt Hilda's bad Harlequin romance novels. 148 00:10:59,241 --> 00:11:01,661 Lust isn't a sin, Sabrina, it's an emotion. 149 00:11:01,744 --> 00:11:05,004 I can't memorize my lines with you whispering in my ear, like... 150 00:11:06,332 --> 00:11:07,382 Like... 151 00:11:13,297 --> 00:11:15,797 Why, Lord, did you exile me from your Kingdom? 152 00:11:17,802 --> 00:11:21,142 Lilith, you look to the False God for answers and understanding, 153 00:11:21,222 --> 00:11:22,262 but none are coming. 154 00:11:22,807 --> 00:11:24,597 You are forsaken in his eyes. 155 00:11:25,434 --> 00:11:28,024 He cast me out, Lucifer, as he did you, 156 00:11:28,354 --> 00:11:31,274 when I did nothing more than ask for equality. 157 00:11:33,234 --> 00:11:35,364 Dorcas is a terrible actress. 158 00:11:35,986 --> 00:11:38,566 That role should be yours. 159 00:11:39,615 --> 00:11:40,615 Dark Lord. 160 00:11:41,951 --> 00:11:45,121 I'm the understudy, Dorcas is the lead. That's... 161 00:11:45,579 --> 00:11:47,369 Look to your left. 162 00:11:48,874 --> 00:11:50,214 There is a pin there. 163 00:11:50,876 --> 00:11:54,416 Pull it and the role will be yours. 164 00:12:12,273 --> 00:12:13,773 I won't! I won't do it! 165 00:12:14,400 --> 00:12:16,190 - Sabrina? - Seriously? 166 00:12:17,027 --> 00:12:18,567 Who are you talking to? 167 00:12:23,117 --> 00:12:24,827 No one, Aunt Zelda. 168 00:12:27,204 --> 00:12:28,214 Sorry. 169 00:12:29,165 --> 00:12:30,205 Huh. 170 00:12:31,000 --> 00:12:32,420 And that's lunch, everyone. 171 00:13:10,289 --> 00:13:11,919 What is your problem now? 172 00:13:12,249 --> 00:13:14,709 First you wanna be on our basketball team. 173 00:13:15,419 --> 00:13:17,589 Now you wanna start usin' our locker room? 174 00:13:18,088 --> 00:13:20,218 There something you wanna tell us, Susie? 175 00:13:20,508 --> 00:13:22,338 - It's Theo now. - Oh, that's right. 176 00:13:22,718 --> 00:13:26,808 Well, "Theo," don't mind us. We're just waitin' for the show to start. 177 00:13:28,182 --> 00:13:29,272 What show? 178 00:13:30,684 --> 00:13:33,984 Um, I'm pretty sure you know what show, "Theo." 179 00:13:34,605 --> 00:13:36,225 So go on. Go ahead. 180 00:13:36,607 --> 00:13:40,317 Take it off. Take it all off. 181 00:14:07,054 --> 00:14:09,474 Sabrina, can I run lines with you? 182 00:14:10,099 --> 00:14:11,099 Mm! 183 00:14:12,059 --> 00:14:14,559 Sure. But shouldn't you be doing that with Dorcas? 184 00:14:16,313 --> 00:14:17,573 Dorcas, yeah. 185 00:14:18,524 --> 00:14:19,574 Um... 186 00:14:20,150 --> 00:14:22,570 I'm not really feelin' it with her. 187 00:14:23,612 --> 00:14:26,282 I mean, don't get me wrong, she's a nice girl and all, 188 00:14:26,365 --> 00:14:27,445 but, um... 189 00:14:28,158 --> 00:14:31,748 truthfully, I was kind of hoping you'd be cast as Lilith. 190 00:14:32,246 --> 00:14:33,246 Mm. 191 00:14:33,831 --> 00:14:38,291 I'm not sure I could handle playing such a... subservient character. 192 00:14:38,836 --> 00:14:40,086 It's not really my style. 193 00:14:40,170 --> 00:14:41,260 No, it isn't. 194 00:14:42,381 --> 00:14:43,841 You like to be in charge, right? 195 00:14:44,800 --> 00:14:46,970 What scenes did you wanna go over, Nick? 196 00:14:48,012 --> 00:14:51,722 How about Lilith and Lucifer's first night together? 197 00:14:51,807 --> 00:14:52,807 Oh, uh... 198 00:14:53,100 --> 00:14:56,600 Lilith, why do you lie so far away from me? 199 00:14:57,438 --> 00:14:58,438 Come closer. 200 00:15:01,191 --> 00:15:02,741 I will not lie beneath you, 201 00:15:03,569 --> 00:15:05,449 but only by your side. 202 00:15:06,697 --> 00:15:08,867 Is that what you said to your husband, Adam? 203 00:15:09,617 --> 00:15:11,657 - Aren't you cold, woman? - Yes. 204 00:15:12,244 --> 00:15:14,414 I've been cold since the Garden. 205 00:15:16,582 --> 00:15:17,632 Come closer, then. 206 00:15:19,376 --> 00:15:20,626 And I'll keep you warm. 207 00:15:25,299 --> 00:15:28,799 I'm curious about your adaptation, Father Blackwood. 208 00:15:29,720 --> 00:15:32,930 There are some departures from our sacred Satanic texts. 209 00:15:33,265 --> 00:15:36,385 Lilith... for instance. 210 00:15:37,269 --> 00:15:40,689 I don't recall her wandering helplessly in the wilderness. 211 00:15:40,773 --> 00:15:43,153 She provided for herself, like a survivalist. 212 00:15:43,233 --> 00:15:45,743 You're beginning to sound like Sister Jackson, Zelda. 213 00:15:46,320 --> 00:15:50,280 Are you presuming, too, that I need dramaturgical support? 214 00:15:50,699 --> 00:15:51,699 Hm? 215 00:15:52,076 --> 00:15:53,076 Not at all. 216 00:15:53,452 --> 00:15:55,042 But if you will excuse me, 217 00:15:55,579 --> 00:15:58,619 I believe I'll take some air before we resume rehearsals. 218 00:16:25,442 --> 00:16:27,652 There must have been a crack in the marble. 219 00:16:32,533 --> 00:16:33,533 You're shivering. 220 00:16:34,076 --> 00:16:35,906 What are you so frightened of? 221 00:16:40,708 --> 00:16:42,788 You should really be doing this with Dorcas. 222 00:16:44,128 --> 00:16:45,048 Sabrina... 223 00:16:45,129 --> 00:16:47,299 Sorry, Nick, but I should go. 224 00:16:51,969 --> 00:16:53,139 Sabrina, are you okay? 225 00:16:54,388 --> 00:16:55,638 Sabrina? 226 00:17:02,104 --> 00:17:04,314 Sabrina, you're choking. Let me help. 227 00:17:06,066 --> 00:17:07,106 Sabrina. 228 00:17:22,207 --> 00:17:23,207 Darling? 229 00:17:26,211 --> 00:17:27,551 There's my good girl. 230 00:17:28,130 --> 00:17:32,720 I've got a nice, soothing tea here, for your little throat. 231 00:17:34,595 --> 00:17:35,675 There you are. 232 00:17:35,763 --> 00:17:37,103 Aunt Hilda, what happened? 233 00:17:37,681 --> 00:17:40,481 You started choking on an apple is what happened. 234 00:17:41,268 --> 00:17:44,608 And then that warlock Nicholas Scratch teleported you home, Praise Satan, 235 00:17:44,688 --> 00:17:48,028 and I... I performed the Heimlich maneuver on you. 236 00:17:49,151 --> 00:17:50,151 What happened, my love? 237 00:17:50,444 --> 00:17:52,454 Didn't go down the wrong pipe, did it? 238 00:17:52,821 --> 00:17:55,281 - It was the Dark Lord, Auntie. - Hm? 239 00:17:57,159 --> 00:17:58,159 But... 240 00:17:58,243 --> 00:17:59,623 He keeps hounding me. 241 00:18:00,287 --> 00:18:03,537 Because you haven't done what He asked, is that it? 242 00:18:06,210 --> 00:18:07,460 You're in a pickle, then. 243 00:18:08,128 --> 00:18:11,918 I didn't tell you this, but He tasked me, once. 244 00:18:12,382 --> 00:18:14,432 One day, after my baptism, 245 00:18:15,010 --> 00:18:18,640 He gave me a wooden box with a button on top, 246 00:18:19,056 --> 00:18:20,056 a button to push. 247 00:18:20,682 --> 00:18:21,772 And did you? 248 00:18:22,810 --> 00:18:23,810 Mm-hmm. 249 00:18:23,894 --> 00:18:24,894 What happened? 250 00:18:25,813 --> 00:18:26,813 Nothing. 251 00:18:27,147 --> 00:18:29,067 It tormented me for days. 252 00:18:29,149 --> 00:18:31,899 I thought something must have happened, something awful. 253 00:18:32,569 --> 00:18:36,199 And so I smashed the box to see what was inside. 254 00:18:36,532 --> 00:18:37,622 And? 255 00:18:38,033 --> 00:18:39,033 Empty. 256 00:18:39,868 --> 00:18:41,538 Empty wooden box. 257 00:18:41,912 --> 00:18:44,212 No mechanisms inside it at all. 258 00:18:44,623 --> 00:18:46,833 I don't understand. It was all for nothing? 259 00:18:47,042 --> 00:18:50,342 I think the Dark Lord wanted to know that I would do it. 260 00:18:50,420 --> 00:18:52,800 That I would be willing to do what He asked. 261 00:18:53,590 --> 00:18:56,180 Hm. Maybe I shouldn't be resisting Him, then. 262 00:18:56,927 --> 00:18:57,927 Why are you? 263 00:18:59,471 --> 00:19:04,771 If I say yes to this one thing, it'll be harder to say no to the next. 264 00:19:05,102 --> 00:19:07,522 I can't tell you what to do. 265 00:19:08,981 --> 00:19:10,981 But... you know, chances are 266 00:19:11,692 --> 00:19:14,402 the Dark Lord's influence is much stronger 267 00:19:14,486 --> 00:19:16,696 at the Academy and the desecrated church. 268 00:19:17,156 --> 00:19:20,906 Maybe it will be easier to resist Him, if that's what you're choosing to do, 269 00:19:21,243 --> 00:19:22,873 if you went back to Baxter High. 270 00:19:22,953 --> 00:19:25,003 I mean, surround yourself by your mortal friends. 271 00:19:25,080 --> 00:19:27,120 By Harvey and Rosalind and Theo. 272 00:19:27,207 --> 00:19:28,077 Theo? Who's Theo? 273 00:19:28,167 --> 00:19:29,377 Oh, do catch up. 274 00:19:29,960 --> 00:19:31,800 Susie goes by Theo now. 275 00:19:32,045 --> 00:19:35,755 You've missed so much. You've been so strong for your friends. 276 00:19:35,841 --> 00:19:39,511 You've protected them and held them up. Let them do the same for you now. 277 00:19:39,928 --> 00:19:41,758 Maybe you're right, Aunt Hilda. 278 00:19:45,267 --> 00:19:48,687 Maybe I need to get back to my non-Satanic friends. 279 00:19:59,823 --> 00:20:01,953 'Brina? 280 00:20:02,826 --> 00:20:05,076 - Harvey. - Sabrina, you're back? 281 00:20:06,205 --> 00:20:07,205 I am. 282 00:20:08,040 --> 00:20:09,750 I'm back. 283 00:20:16,173 --> 00:20:18,383 So, how are things at your other school? 284 00:20:18,717 --> 00:20:20,757 The... What's it called again? 285 00:20:21,053 --> 00:20:22,853 The Academy of Unseen Arts. 286 00:20:23,138 --> 00:20:24,888 Okay. We're doing a play. 287 00:20:25,140 --> 00:20:26,140 The Crucible? 288 00:20:27,976 --> 00:20:29,016 Harvey, was that a joke? 289 00:20:31,188 --> 00:20:32,768 Kind of. But not really. 290 00:20:33,565 --> 00:20:37,185 Anyway, no, uh, it's more like... Bible stories. 291 00:20:37,569 --> 00:20:42,279 We're doing, no surprise, Romeo and Juliet in drama class. 292 00:20:42,366 --> 00:20:45,486 Again? Is that the only play that Mrs. Curtis teaches? 293 00:20:45,786 --> 00:20:46,786 Right? 294 00:20:47,246 --> 00:20:48,576 Roz and I are scene partners. 295 00:20:49,998 --> 00:20:51,828 We're playing Romeo and Juliet. 296 00:20:54,503 --> 00:20:59,133 But I'm sure we could find a scene with three people if you wanna join. 297 00:20:59,633 --> 00:21:01,013 Maybe with the nurse. 298 00:21:01,510 --> 00:21:05,100 Oh, no. If you guys are already working on a scene together, 299 00:21:05,180 --> 00:21:06,520 don't worry about me. 300 00:21:06,890 --> 00:21:09,520 I'm sure Mrs. Curtis can pair me up with someone. 301 00:21:10,936 --> 00:21:12,436 Billy Marlin needs a partner. 302 00:21:13,188 --> 00:21:14,768 That only leaves... 303 00:21:14,856 --> 00:21:15,976 The rhythms of it? 304 00:21:20,737 --> 00:21:22,157 A crutch, a crutch, 305 00:21:22,239 --> 00:21:24,029 why call you for a sword? 306 00:21:24,616 --> 00:21:26,026 - What? Probably. - No way. 307 00:21:26,910 --> 00:21:27,950 Yeah. Later. 308 00:21:29,579 --> 00:21:31,749 The mortal belongs to you, Sabrina. 309 00:21:44,970 --> 00:21:45,970 Sabrina. 310 00:21:46,847 --> 00:21:48,267 Susie. I... 311 00:21:48,849 --> 00:21:50,099 Theo. Sorry. 312 00:21:50,183 --> 00:21:53,523 It's okay, it takes some getting used to. I've missed you. 313 00:21:53,603 --> 00:21:55,363 I've missed you guys. 314 00:21:55,439 --> 00:21:57,609 Roz and Harvey say you're on the boys' basketball team. 315 00:21:57,691 --> 00:21:59,991 Congratulations, that's amazing. 316 00:22:00,235 --> 00:22:04,355 Yeah, except for the fact that I'm still changing in the girls' locker room. 317 00:22:05,073 --> 00:22:07,703 Right. Is that because of... 318 00:22:08,076 --> 00:22:09,236 Billy and his goons? 319 00:22:09,328 --> 00:22:11,118 Yeah. I gave the boys' locker room a try, 320 00:22:11,204 --> 00:22:13,254 and it's like they were just standing around, 321 00:22:13,332 --> 00:22:15,542 waiting for me to take my shirt off to make fun of me. 322 00:22:18,420 --> 00:22:19,420 'Brina... 323 00:22:19,921 --> 00:22:22,761 isn't there some witchy way 324 00:22:22,841 --> 00:22:24,341 we could take care of Billy? 325 00:22:30,974 --> 00:22:32,734 The next time you guys are practicing, 326 00:22:33,101 --> 00:22:34,521 tie a new knot on this cord. 327 00:22:35,312 --> 00:22:36,902 Billy'll keep tripping over his feet. 328 00:22:37,272 --> 00:22:38,822 That'll bruise his ego. 329 00:22:38,899 --> 00:22:40,189 Thanks, 'Brina, you're the best. 330 00:22:40,275 --> 00:22:43,645 Of course! After missing your try-outs, it's the least I can do. 331 00:22:44,196 --> 00:22:45,856 Oh, my God. Sabrina, your back. 332 00:22:48,909 --> 00:22:49,949 What the hell? 333 00:22:52,496 --> 00:22:53,956 All right, I've seen enough. 334 00:22:56,041 --> 00:22:58,341 It's called the Devil's Claw, Sabrina. 335 00:22:58,418 --> 00:23:02,378 It's a physical manifestation of His grip on your soul. 336 00:23:02,631 --> 00:23:05,011 Great. So, does every witch have one? 337 00:23:05,425 --> 00:23:07,965 Well, not as inflamed as yours, which indicates... 338 00:23:09,137 --> 00:23:11,137 Are you defying Him in some way? 339 00:23:12,724 --> 00:23:14,394 I am, Ms. Wardwell. 340 00:23:14,768 --> 00:23:18,108 He asked me to steal a pack of gum, which is totally not a big deal. 341 00:23:18,188 --> 00:23:19,188 Oh, but it is. 342 00:23:19,731 --> 00:23:20,821 It is a big deal. 343 00:23:21,233 --> 00:23:23,493 Every avalanche begins with a snowflake. 344 00:23:23,568 --> 00:23:28,568 Trust me, the path to consummate evil is cumulative, not singular. 345 00:23:28,657 --> 00:23:33,617 Today, it's gum, tomorrow, He'll be asking you to poison Greendale's reservoir. 346 00:23:33,703 --> 00:23:35,833 So, are you saying I should defy Him? 347 00:23:35,914 --> 00:23:38,584 But you took me into the woods to sign the Book of the Beast. 348 00:23:38,667 --> 00:23:41,167 I did, yes, as a last resort, 349 00:23:41,253 --> 00:23:47,183 but forcing you to steal a pack of gum is just petty and malicious. 350 00:23:47,259 --> 00:23:50,759 And now, as before, I believe we should all have free will. 351 00:23:51,012 --> 00:23:52,852 Well, what are my options? 352 00:23:52,931 --> 00:23:54,931 He's always... 353 00:23:55,016 --> 00:23:56,806 ...lurking nearby, but... 354 00:23:58,437 --> 00:24:00,897 Is there a way to... trick Him? 355 00:24:01,356 --> 00:24:02,896 You mean deceive the Great Deceiver? 356 00:24:03,483 --> 00:24:08,413 No, you're locked in a battle of wills, I'm afraid. And nerves. 357 00:24:09,156 --> 00:24:12,196 That claw will be a barometer of how you're doing. 358 00:24:13,702 --> 00:24:15,952 Can I at least, I don't know, shrink it? 359 00:24:17,038 --> 00:24:18,538 Follow the Path of Light. 360 00:24:19,666 --> 00:24:21,496 Think clean thoughts. 361 00:24:21,835 --> 00:24:24,375 Do, and be, good, Sabrina. 362 00:24:25,547 --> 00:24:28,177 Then perhaps that will shrink the Devil's stain. 363 00:24:38,268 --> 00:24:42,728 Ad fidem tibi domino obscuro. 364 00:24:45,775 --> 00:24:47,605 - Am I saying it right? - Not remotely. 365 00:24:48,278 --> 00:24:50,198 Do you even know what it means? 366 00:24:50,489 --> 00:24:51,489 Um... 367 00:24:52,449 --> 00:24:55,659 It means, "I curse the False God! 368 00:24:56,286 --> 00:24:59,746 And submit my fealty to you, Dark Lord." 369 00:25:00,999 --> 00:25:04,589 Coram me suscipies damnationem aeternam. 370 00:25:09,257 --> 00:25:11,837 Very good, Nicholas. 371 00:25:13,011 --> 00:25:14,971 But I'd put the emphasis on the... 372 00:25:36,201 --> 00:25:38,081 Which one of you did this? 373 00:25:40,038 --> 00:25:41,328 Not us. 374 00:25:41,414 --> 00:25:43,544 That familiar belongs to a colleague of yours. 375 00:25:45,210 --> 00:25:46,460 Shirley. 376 00:25:48,213 --> 00:25:50,673 The tears have got small victory by that 377 00:25:50,757 --> 00:25:52,877 For it was bad enough without their spite. 378 00:25:52,968 --> 00:25:55,928 Thou wrong'st it, more than tears, with that report. 379 00:25:56,221 --> 00:25:58,601 That is no slander, sir, which is truth. 380 00:26:02,978 --> 00:26:04,598 Hey, isn't that your boyfriend? 381 00:26:06,189 --> 00:26:08,149 He's not my boyfriend. 382 00:26:08,817 --> 00:26:10,317 But he used to be, right? 383 00:26:11,444 --> 00:26:13,864 And now he's with that girl you used to be friends with. 384 00:26:13,947 --> 00:26:17,077 Roz and I are still friends, Billy. We're best friends. 385 00:26:17,409 --> 00:26:18,489 Same with Theo and me. 386 00:26:18,577 --> 00:26:20,827 So you better stop picking on him in the locker room. 387 00:26:21,454 --> 00:26:22,624 Must be hard, huh? 388 00:26:23,331 --> 00:26:26,591 Watching your ex-boyfriend and your best friend getting together. 389 00:26:27,377 --> 00:26:28,667 Must really burn you. 390 00:26:34,259 --> 00:26:35,889 Not at all. I'm... 391 00:26:38,430 --> 00:26:39,640 happy for them. 392 00:26:39,931 --> 00:26:41,021 Really? 393 00:26:41,683 --> 00:26:43,393 'Cause I'd be pretty pissed. 394 00:26:58,325 --> 00:26:59,405 You kiss by the book... 395 00:27:00,452 --> 00:27:01,952 ...dear saint, is hateful to myself 396 00:27:02,037 --> 00:27:03,747 Because it is an enemy to... 397 00:27:08,793 --> 00:27:10,003 Do it. 398 00:27:10,587 --> 00:27:12,957 It would be so easy. 399 00:27:14,841 --> 00:27:16,181 I'm not doing it! 400 00:27:17,969 --> 00:27:18,849 Not doing what? 401 00:27:18,928 --> 00:27:20,758 What are you talking about? 402 00:27:21,014 --> 00:27:22,144 I have to go. 403 00:27:32,692 --> 00:27:34,492 You cooking dinner? 404 00:27:34,986 --> 00:27:38,066 I am. How do you feel about frog's legs? 405 00:27:38,615 --> 00:27:39,615 Depends on the frog. 406 00:27:41,534 --> 00:27:44,294 Sister Jackson has decided to pick on me, Hilda. 407 00:27:44,371 --> 00:27:46,501 As if we were common schoolgirls. 408 00:27:46,790 --> 00:27:49,393 I turned the other cheek when she tried to kill me with a gargoyle, 409 00:27:49,417 --> 00:27:52,497 but then she teleported her familiar down my throat 410 00:27:52,587 --> 00:27:54,347 to humiliate me in front of all the students, 411 00:27:54,422 --> 00:27:55,922 and that I cannot abide. 412 00:27:56,174 --> 00:27:58,724 Oh, the poor little familiar's innocent. 413 00:27:59,469 --> 00:28:01,599 Is anyone truly innocent? 414 00:28:01,680 --> 00:28:03,520 Aunties, is Ambrose home? 415 00:28:04,766 --> 00:28:05,766 In his room. 416 00:28:05,975 --> 00:28:09,095 And we missed you at rehearsals today, Sabrina. 417 00:28:09,562 --> 00:28:11,942 I already have all of Lilith's lines memorized, Aunt Zee. 418 00:28:12,023 --> 00:28:14,653 And frankly, hearing Dorcas say them makes my ears bleed. 419 00:28:14,734 --> 00:28:16,364 Ugh. Can't argue with that. 420 00:28:18,154 --> 00:28:20,204 What would you say to frog's legs for dinner? 421 00:28:21,491 --> 00:28:23,201 Can't we just have pizza? 422 00:28:25,745 --> 00:28:28,615 Ohh, yummy! Bit of pizza? 423 00:28:29,958 --> 00:28:31,628 It's better than frog's legs. 424 00:28:31,918 --> 00:28:33,918 I have to send Shirley a message, Hilda, 425 00:28:34,003 --> 00:28:36,463 or else I'll never find my footing at the Academy. 426 00:28:37,048 --> 00:28:39,468 Punish the guilty, sister, not the innocent. 427 00:28:40,135 --> 00:28:41,965 Like our friend Little Pizza. 428 00:28:42,053 --> 00:28:44,183 Yeah. There's a good boy. 429 00:28:44,806 --> 00:28:45,806 I love you. 430 00:28:50,812 --> 00:28:53,482 I need Him to give me some space, Ambrose. 431 00:28:54,232 --> 00:28:58,322 I see. In other words, you're looking for talismans to ward off the Dark Lord. 432 00:28:58,903 --> 00:29:03,163 Yes. Until I find a way out of this... moral quandary. 433 00:29:03,241 --> 00:29:05,991 Eat raw onions. He doesn't like raw onions. 434 00:29:06,286 --> 00:29:08,116 Me, too, but why is that? 435 00:29:08,204 --> 00:29:09,964 They make Him cry. He doesn't like to cry. 436 00:29:10,039 --> 00:29:13,209 The last time the Dark Lord cried, was, according to the passion plays, 437 00:29:13,293 --> 00:29:14,423 when He fell from grace. 438 00:29:14,502 --> 00:29:16,342 Onions. Okay, got it. 439 00:29:17,297 --> 00:29:19,797 And nail horseshoes above your doors and windows. 440 00:29:20,300 --> 00:29:21,510 Horseshoes, done. 441 00:29:22,761 --> 00:29:24,101 What did He ask you to do? 442 00:29:25,305 --> 00:29:26,465 What did He ask you to do? 443 00:29:29,684 --> 00:29:30,894 He did, didn't he? 444 00:29:36,357 --> 00:29:39,437 He asked me to send a letter. 445 00:29:40,403 --> 00:29:44,163 One short, innocent letter, to... 446 00:29:45,742 --> 00:29:47,742 to an old classmate of mine from Oxford. 447 00:29:49,829 --> 00:29:51,369 A boy who had a crush on me, 448 00:29:52,207 --> 00:29:53,957 though he never acted on it. 449 00:29:54,584 --> 00:29:58,554 Anyway, erm... we graduate, and one day, 450 00:29:59,964 --> 00:30:02,724 years after Oxford, years after my baptism, 451 00:30:02,801 --> 00:30:06,851 the Dark Lord asked me to write a letter to the boy... 452 00:30:10,016 --> 00:30:11,096 who was now a man... 453 00:30:12,602 --> 00:30:14,482 with a wife and two children. 454 00:30:15,980 --> 00:30:17,320 What was in the letter? 455 00:30:20,485 --> 00:30:23,235 If it's all the same to you, Cousin, I'd rather not say. 456 00:31:15,456 --> 00:31:17,036 Looks like it's gotten even bigger. 457 00:31:17,417 --> 00:31:21,087 But how can that be, Ms. Wardwell? I haven't done anything wrong. 458 00:31:21,170 --> 00:31:23,800 In fact, I even sequestered myself last night 459 00:31:23,882 --> 00:31:28,012 so that I wouldn't do anything wrong accidentally, to myself or to others. 460 00:31:28,219 --> 00:31:31,719 Well, let me think. Do you have any lingering or... 461 00:31:32,974 --> 00:31:34,184 outstanding spells? 462 00:31:34,893 --> 00:31:36,103 No. 463 00:31:41,024 --> 00:31:42,114 Oh, my gosh. 464 00:31:42,775 --> 00:31:43,775 Wait. 465 00:31:44,235 --> 00:31:45,235 I do. 466 00:31:51,075 --> 00:31:52,115 Where is he? 467 00:31:52,827 --> 00:31:54,157 Where's Billy? 468 00:32:12,764 --> 00:32:14,314 - Billy! - Whoa! 469 00:32:34,077 --> 00:32:35,327 Billy, you okay? 470 00:32:35,578 --> 00:32:37,868 Just stay cool. Give him some room. 471 00:32:38,831 --> 00:32:39,831 Breathe. 472 00:32:40,333 --> 00:32:42,213 Somebody get the nurse or something. 473 00:32:49,467 --> 00:32:52,007 I was just so angry at Billy. 474 00:32:53,721 --> 00:32:55,721 Angrier than I'd ever been before. 475 00:32:56,182 --> 00:32:59,192 And... I was... I was holding the rope... 476 00:32:59,686 --> 00:33:01,516 I shouldn't have given it to you, Theo. 477 00:33:01,896 --> 00:33:04,356 That was... irresponsible. 478 00:33:06,651 --> 00:33:07,651 I... 479 00:33:09,112 --> 00:33:10,912 I'd never felt this way before. 480 00:33:12,740 --> 00:33:16,620 I wanted to hurt him, Sabrina, I wanted him to suffer. 481 00:33:19,038 --> 00:33:22,378 It's like there was this voice in my head telling me to just do it. 482 00:33:22,834 --> 00:33:24,674 - It would be... - So easy. 483 00:33:32,468 --> 00:33:33,468 All right, then. 484 00:33:33,511 --> 00:33:36,311 The bitch's head is unstitched. Now what? 485 00:33:36,389 --> 00:33:39,019 Now you get one of these lovely little earworms 486 00:33:39,100 --> 00:33:41,600 and sew it right into Sister Jackson's poppet head. 487 00:33:47,358 --> 00:33:49,068 Okay. Now the song. 488 00:34:12,759 --> 00:34:15,389 Sabrina. Harvey. Thank you for coming in to meet me. 489 00:34:15,470 --> 00:34:17,810 You'll be partners for the rest of this assignment. 490 00:34:19,891 --> 00:34:21,271 Because of Billy's accident? 491 00:34:21,350 --> 00:34:23,060 What happened to Roz? 492 00:34:23,144 --> 00:34:25,614 Ms. Walker has come down with a case of the chickenpox. 493 00:34:26,022 --> 00:34:27,612 - What? - She was fine yesterday. 494 00:34:27,690 --> 00:34:29,780 Yes, and today, she has the chickenpox. 495 00:34:30,359 --> 00:34:31,359 Now get to work. 496 00:34:31,861 --> 00:34:33,531 Don't keep the Bard waiting. 497 00:34:37,700 --> 00:34:41,000 Look, 'Brina. I totally get it if you don't wanna be in the scene with me. 498 00:34:41,913 --> 00:34:43,543 Huh? Why would you say that? 499 00:34:44,373 --> 00:34:45,373 You... 500 00:34:45,792 --> 00:34:47,132 You seem uncomfortable. 501 00:34:48,711 --> 00:34:51,211 Preoccupied is all. 502 00:34:51,964 --> 00:34:53,264 But you know what? 503 00:34:53,341 --> 00:34:55,891 Maybe a little Romeo and Juliet is exactly what I need. 504 00:34:57,595 --> 00:34:58,715 I'm game if you are. 505 00:35:00,640 --> 00:35:02,810 All right. 506 00:35:07,647 --> 00:35:10,267 If I profane with my unworthiest hand 507 00:35:11,317 --> 00:35:14,857 This holy shrine, the gentle fine is this. 508 00:35:16,322 --> 00:35:20,542 My lips, two blushing pilgrims, ready stand 509 00:35:22,203 --> 00:35:25,583 To smooth the rough touch with a tender kiss. 510 00:35:28,042 --> 00:35:31,802 Good pilgrim, you do wrong your hands too much 511 00:35:32,964 --> 00:35:35,764 Which mannerly devotion shows in this 512 00:35:36,843 --> 00:35:39,973 For saints have hands that pilgrims' hands do touch. 513 00:35:41,055 --> 00:35:44,175 And palm to palm is holy palmers' kiss. 514 00:35:46,018 --> 00:35:49,808 Have not saints lips, and holy palmers too? 515 00:35:52,233 --> 00:35:56,113 Ay, pilgrim, lips that they must use in prayer. 516 00:35:59,532 --> 00:36:02,622 O, then, dear saint, 517 00:36:06,539 --> 00:36:10,079 let lips do what hands do. 518 00:36:12,253 --> 00:36:13,383 Harvey? 519 00:36:13,880 --> 00:36:14,880 Sabrina. 520 00:36:29,145 --> 00:36:32,565 - I have missed you so much, Harvey. - I missed you too, Sabrina. 521 00:36:52,001 --> 00:36:53,251 What? What is it? 522 00:36:54,045 --> 00:36:55,045 Harvey. 523 00:36:55,963 --> 00:36:57,093 What's on your chest? 524 00:36:59,091 --> 00:37:00,091 What? 525 00:37:05,431 --> 00:37:06,641 - Uh... - What's wrong? 526 00:37:07,808 --> 00:37:09,478 Let's slow down. 527 00:37:10,770 --> 00:37:13,020 Slow down? I'm only going as fast as you are. 528 00:37:13,689 --> 00:37:15,019 Oh, this was a mistake. 529 00:37:16,400 --> 00:37:19,950 - What was? Coming here? - Forgetting, for even a second, what I am. 530 00:37:20,029 --> 00:37:23,569 I don't care what you are. And I don't want you to pull away from me again. 531 00:37:23,658 --> 00:37:26,408 If I don't, Harvey, you'll get poisoned. 532 00:37:26,494 --> 00:37:29,214 Poisoned? What? What the hell are you talking about? 533 00:37:29,288 --> 00:37:31,998 - Either I'm doing it or He's doing it. - Doing what? 534 00:37:32,083 --> 00:37:35,543 I gave Theo the rope. He whispered in his ear. 535 00:37:36,462 --> 00:37:38,712 For all I know, I'm the reason Roz has chickenpox. 536 00:37:38,798 --> 00:37:39,798 What? 537 00:37:40,549 --> 00:37:42,109 Why, did... did you put a spell on her? 538 00:37:42,176 --> 00:37:44,006 Oh, no, but it's... contagious. 539 00:37:44,095 --> 00:37:46,255 - What is? - Uh... Evil! 540 00:37:46,347 --> 00:37:47,517 I... 541 00:37:48,015 --> 00:37:49,015 I have to go. 542 00:37:53,229 --> 00:37:55,229 Sabrina, if you go... 543 00:37:57,608 --> 00:37:58,648 You can't. 544 00:38:00,278 --> 00:38:01,648 You can't keep doing this, 545 00:38:02,154 --> 00:38:03,244 messing with my head. 546 00:38:03,572 --> 00:38:04,992 I'm trying to get over you. 547 00:38:05,074 --> 00:38:07,084 I'm doing my best to get over you and then... 548 00:38:07,159 --> 00:38:08,659 - and then this happens. - It won't. 549 00:38:10,246 --> 00:38:12,576 It won't ever happen again, Harvey. 550 00:38:14,041 --> 00:38:15,461 I promise. I'll... 551 00:38:15,710 --> 00:38:17,090 What, you'll protect me? 552 00:38:18,879 --> 00:38:21,259 Man, I am so done with your protection. 553 00:38:24,510 --> 00:38:28,260 You're right, Sabrina... this won't ever happen again. 554 00:38:28,347 --> 00:38:29,347 Harvey. 555 00:38:48,826 --> 00:38:50,036 There she is. 556 00:38:50,703 --> 00:38:52,913 Looking for the High Priest, Sister Zelda? 557 00:38:54,915 --> 00:38:59,415 As it happens, I am, Sister Jackson. Have you seen him? 558 00:39:00,004 --> 00:39:03,014 Don't you usually meet the High Priest in the confessional? 559 00:39:03,591 --> 00:39:04,801 On your knees? 560 00:39:05,009 --> 00:39:08,429 Oh, Shirley, why don't you make your way up to the balcony 561 00:39:08,512 --> 00:39:10,262 and throw yourself off it? 562 00:39:47,510 --> 00:39:50,140 That's quite enough, Shirley. 563 00:39:52,515 --> 00:39:54,305 You can come down now. 564 00:40:00,022 --> 00:40:02,362 Next time she crosses me, I won't stop her. 565 00:40:03,067 --> 00:40:04,937 And that goes for you also-rans, too. 566 00:40:06,112 --> 00:40:07,112 Oh! 567 00:40:07,405 --> 00:40:08,525 See you on opening night. 568 00:40:19,959 --> 00:40:20,959 Salem? 569 00:40:24,213 --> 00:40:25,923 Salem? What's wrong? 570 00:40:26,799 --> 00:40:27,799 Salem! 571 00:40:31,095 --> 00:40:33,465 No. Oh, no, no, no, no, no. 572 00:40:42,773 --> 00:40:47,533 Why? Why are you doing this, punishing Salem? 573 00:40:47,987 --> 00:40:49,737 Are you making Roz sick, too? 574 00:40:51,240 --> 00:40:53,030 And putting that claw on Harvey? 575 00:40:56,078 --> 00:40:57,078 Why? 576 00:40:57,663 --> 00:40:59,713 You denied me. 577 00:41:00,416 --> 00:41:01,416 That gum? 578 00:41:02,460 --> 00:41:05,050 If you want it so badly, fine, I'll do it, I'll steal it. 579 00:41:05,421 --> 00:41:08,261 No, it's too late for that. 580 00:41:08,883 --> 00:41:13,013 I need something more. A greater devotion. 581 00:41:13,554 --> 00:41:15,604 What... What do you want? 582 00:41:16,015 --> 00:41:19,595 I want you to burn a building. 583 00:41:19,685 --> 00:41:21,975 - What? - An empty building. 584 00:41:25,107 --> 00:41:26,687 And Salem won't die? 585 00:41:28,527 --> 00:41:29,987 And Roz will get better? And... 586 00:41:31,572 --> 00:41:34,032 And that claw will stop growing on Harvey? 587 00:41:34,366 --> 00:41:37,406 Yes. All those things. 588 00:41:38,037 --> 00:41:40,997 Your own claw will disappear, as well. 589 00:41:41,290 --> 00:41:43,750 And no one will get hurt or die in the fire? 590 00:41:44,251 --> 00:41:46,001 Not a soul. 591 00:41:48,631 --> 00:41:49,631 What building? 592 00:41:49,673 --> 00:41:53,513 The false temple of goodness you ran to for protection. 593 00:41:54,136 --> 00:41:56,386 So you may never run to it again. 594 00:41:57,306 --> 00:41:59,426 - Wait. - Baxter High. 595 00:41:59,517 --> 00:42:02,597 My school? You want me to burn down my school? 596 00:42:02,937 --> 00:42:04,687 The time for talk is over now. 597 00:42:05,397 --> 00:42:08,897 Burn down Baxter High, Sabrina, 598 00:42:09,443 --> 00:42:12,743 or the next devotion I ask of you will be even greater. 599 00:42:13,614 --> 00:42:19,544 Remember, you swore you would be willing to do what I asked. 600 00:42:43,769 --> 00:42:44,809 She won't do it. 601 00:42:46,146 --> 00:42:47,266 She'll never do it. 602 00:43:12,089 --> 00:43:13,219 I'm sorry. 603 00:43:13,882 --> 00:43:15,182 I'm so sorry. 604 00:43:19,013 --> 00:43:20,053 Stop. 605 00:43:20,973 --> 00:43:23,813 You've proven your heart. 606 00:43:28,647 --> 00:43:29,727 You're done. 607 00:43:30,357 --> 00:43:31,477 For now. 608 00:43:46,081 --> 00:43:47,081 Oh, Salem. 609 00:44:02,222 --> 00:44:03,562 Oh, there she is! 610 00:44:03,641 --> 00:44:06,021 A star, about to be born. 611 00:44:06,101 --> 00:44:08,151 I hope you're not prone to stage-fright, Cousin. 612 00:44:08,228 --> 00:44:10,648 Sabrina, I've just had a call from Father Blackwood. 613 00:44:10,981 --> 00:44:13,361 That role should be yours. 614 00:44:13,442 --> 00:44:16,032 Dorcas, it seems, has come down with a sudden case of... 615 00:44:16,111 --> 00:44:17,861 Let me guess, chickenpox. 616 00:44:18,238 --> 00:44:19,618 Yes, in fact. 617 00:44:19,698 --> 00:44:23,988 Which means you will play Lilith in front of the entire coven this evening. 618 00:44:24,078 --> 00:44:25,498 Isn't that marvelous? 619 00:44:39,593 --> 00:44:43,813 What kind of God denies his followers pleasure? 620 00:44:44,014 --> 00:44:47,314 The one God. The true God. 621 00:44:47,643 --> 00:44:51,113 All knowing, all powerful. 622 00:44:52,022 --> 00:44:54,272 But if God is unable to prevent evil, 623 00:44:54,942 --> 00:44:56,862 then he is not all-powerful. 624 00:44:57,403 --> 00:44:59,323 Heresy! 625 00:45:02,241 --> 00:45:05,661 If God is unwilling to prevent evil, 626 00:45:06,078 --> 00:45:07,748 then he is not all good. 627 00:45:08,080 --> 00:45:09,790 Heresy. 628 00:45:14,753 --> 00:45:17,173 You are a false God. 629 00:45:19,508 --> 00:45:23,258 I cast you out of Heaven for all eternity, Morningstar. 630 00:45:26,056 --> 00:45:27,386 I shall go happily. 631 00:45:30,227 --> 00:45:32,437 The sheep will follow you, 632 00:45:33,105 --> 00:45:36,185 but I will lead the Children of Night to freedom. 633 00:45:55,294 --> 00:45:57,004 Mistress Lilith, wait. 634 00:45:57,546 --> 00:46:00,876 Oh, Stolas, the Garden was my rightful home, 635 00:46:01,133 --> 00:46:04,723 but I've been cast out for refusing to lie beneath Adam 636 00:46:04,803 --> 00:46:06,643 and kneel before the False God. 637 00:46:06,722 --> 00:46:09,272 Two things I will never do. 638 00:46:10,017 --> 00:46:12,097 There is no need to wander the wasteland, 639 00:46:13,103 --> 00:46:14,523 no need to starve and die. 640 00:46:15,522 --> 00:46:16,522 Who are you? 641 00:46:16,982 --> 00:46:18,032 I am Lucifer. 642 00:46:18,942 --> 00:46:20,902 Once, I was called Morningstar. 643 00:46:21,445 --> 00:46:22,735 We have a common enemy. 644 00:46:23,363 --> 00:46:25,283 He's a man, as are you. 645 00:46:25,365 --> 00:46:29,535 No, I am the angel who will help you get your revenge. 646 00:46:30,496 --> 00:46:33,576 Kneel before me, acknowledge that I am your Dark Lord, 647 00:46:33,665 --> 00:46:35,125 and I will give you power, 648 00:46:35,375 --> 00:46:37,875 eternal life, and eventually, 649 00:46:38,629 --> 00:46:39,799 if you serve me well, 650 00:46:40,923 --> 00:46:42,843 a throne by my side in Hell. 651 00:46:43,592 --> 00:46:45,052 What do you think, Stolas? 652 00:46:45,302 --> 00:46:47,722 It seems a small price to pay, to bend the knee. 653 00:46:48,514 --> 00:46:50,064 He offers you so much. 654 00:46:51,433 --> 00:46:52,683 Do not answer me yet. 655 00:46:52,976 --> 00:46:55,266 Follow me to my home in the fires of Gehenna, 656 00:46:55,354 --> 00:46:58,074 and you will taste how sweet your new life could be. 657 00:47:24,925 --> 00:47:28,965 Life is untroubled in this cave with you here, Lucifer Morningstar. 658 00:47:29,805 --> 00:47:31,965 Your wisdom amazes me. 659 00:47:32,266 --> 00:47:35,186 You see mysteries and know secret things. 660 00:47:36,019 --> 00:47:40,189 But my heart and thoughts drift back to the Garden... and Adam. 661 00:47:41,024 --> 00:47:42,534 Why shouldn't we stay here? 662 00:47:43,402 --> 00:47:45,902 Where we're free of the False God's petty tests? 663 00:47:46,280 --> 00:47:49,780 Together, we can bring the Truth of the Morningstar to the masses, 664 00:47:50,951 --> 00:47:52,951 and you'll rule beside me, as my queen. 665 00:47:55,080 --> 00:47:57,330 I wish I were worthy of such a station. 666 00:47:57,875 --> 00:47:58,875 Oh, Lilith. 667 00:47:59,918 --> 00:48:03,338 Give yourself to me, and I will make you worthy. 668 00:48:40,250 --> 00:48:44,800 Maledictus vir Dei et falsa iugo prebeo. 669 00:48:45,255 --> 00:48:49,045 Ad fidem tibi domino obscuro eo. 670 00:49:09,738 --> 00:49:14,448 Coram me suscipies damnationem aeternam. 671 00:49:34,554 --> 00:49:36,014 Oh, bravo! 672 00:49:39,142 --> 00:49:40,942 - Bravo! - Bravo! 673 00:49:43,689 --> 00:49:45,019 - Bravo! - Bravo! 674 00:50:08,171 --> 00:50:11,171 You were very believable as the False God in the play. 675 00:50:11,550 --> 00:50:13,180 Did I make you want to convert? 676 00:50:13,260 --> 00:50:16,180 Do I make you want to convert? 677 00:50:16,722 --> 00:50:17,972 No need. 678 00:50:18,640 --> 00:50:20,310 Always been a polytheist. 679 00:50:20,392 --> 00:50:21,232 Hm. 680 00:50:21,309 --> 00:50:24,729 Well, how, uh... convenient for us. 681 00:50:26,940 --> 00:50:30,030 You were amazing tonight, Sabrina. 682 00:50:30,110 --> 00:50:31,320 Thank you, Nick. 683 00:50:36,158 --> 00:50:39,238 Typically, this is where you say something along the lines of, 684 00:50:39,327 --> 00:50:42,117 - "You were amazing, too." - Sorry, I'm just thinking. 685 00:50:42,998 --> 00:50:45,708 Was that really what it was like between Lilith and the Dark Lord? 686 00:50:45,792 --> 00:50:49,212 Or was it just Father Blackwood's sick wish fulfillment, you mean? 687 00:50:49,421 --> 00:50:50,711 I guess I'm wondering... 688 00:50:52,340 --> 00:50:54,300 what does the Dark Lord ask her to do? 689 00:50:55,969 --> 00:50:57,849 Whatever it is, I hope it's worth it. 690 00:51:00,348 --> 00:51:04,268 Has... the Dark Lord ever asked you to do anything? 691 00:51:05,312 --> 00:51:06,352 I mean, personally. 692 00:51:08,148 --> 00:51:09,188 He has. 693 00:51:09,691 --> 00:51:10,901 And did you do it? 694 00:51:11,359 --> 00:51:12,359 I didn't. 695 00:51:12,986 --> 00:51:14,946 He stopped me right before I pulled the trigger. 696 00:51:15,405 --> 00:51:17,365 But you would've done it, right? 697 00:51:19,659 --> 00:51:22,079 Spellman, are you playing chicken with the Dark Lord? 698 00:51:22,329 --> 00:51:25,669 My Aunt Hilda told me she thought the Dark Lord was more interested 699 00:51:25,749 --> 00:51:29,959 in her willingness to do something than in her actually doing the thing, so... 700 00:51:31,671 --> 00:51:32,591 I took the chance. 701 00:51:32,672 --> 00:51:34,012 But if push came to shove, 702 00:51:34,591 --> 00:51:35,841 you would've done it, right? 703 00:51:36,426 --> 00:51:38,676 I guess we'll never know, will we? 704 00:51:40,222 --> 00:51:43,272 Either way, it got rid of the Devil's Claw on my skin. 705 00:51:44,226 --> 00:51:47,436 But not the one on your soul. 706 00:51:48,563 --> 00:51:50,073 We all have a Devil's Claw. 707 00:51:50,440 --> 00:51:51,980 Every single one of us in this room. 708 00:51:52,901 --> 00:51:55,201 Hell, mine's a painting. 709 00:51:55,278 --> 00:51:57,068 The true reflection of my soul. 710 00:51:57,489 --> 00:51:59,699 Your skin may be alabaster perfection, 711 00:51:59,950 --> 00:52:02,240 but that's only because the claw's inside you now. 712 00:52:02,494 --> 00:52:04,374 We didn't order those drinks, Dorian. 713 00:52:04,704 --> 00:52:07,964 No, these are compliments of the Dark Lord. 714 00:52:08,542 --> 00:52:12,382 He wanted me to tell you that He very much enjoyed the performance tonight. 715 00:52:13,088 --> 00:52:14,508 Especially your chemistry together. 716 00:52:23,890 --> 00:52:26,270 I'm not sure how I'm supposed to be feeling right now. 717 00:52:27,269 --> 00:52:28,809 If you had done what He asked, 718 00:52:29,521 --> 00:52:32,861 all it would've meant is that you were a little further down the Path of Night, 719 00:52:33,775 --> 00:52:35,185 like the rest of us. 720 00:52:35,986 --> 00:52:37,446 Would that be so bad? 721 00:52:47,789 --> 00:52:52,039 Are you humbled now, Lilith? 722 00:52:52,794 --> 00:52:57,424 Lest you forget, I always win. 723 00:52:59,509 --> 00:53:01,799 You are the one and only divine ruler. 724 00:53:03,263 --> 00:53:04,263 You know all. 725 00:53:04,681 --> 00:53:06,101 Poor Lilith. 726 00:53:07,225 --> 00:53:09,135 You're so lonely. 727 00:53:11,521 --> 00:53:16,991 Perhaps a consolation prize for how well you played the game. 728 00:53:21,489 --> 00:53:22,489 Stolas? 729 00:53:32,250 --> 00:53:33,840 Ah, the game continues, then. 730 00:53:35,378 --> 00:53:40,298 And I'll be damned, Stolas, before Sabrina becomes His herald. 731 00:53:46,973 --> 00:53:48,023 Harvey. 732 00:53:49,309 --> 00:53:50,309 Sabrina. 733 00:53:52,354 --> 00:53:54,614 Where are you going with all that food? 734 00:53:55,565 --> 00:53:57,005 I'm taking some lunch over to Roz's. 735 00:53:57,692 --> 00:53:59,322 Oh. Is she still sick? 736 00:53:59,402 --> 00:54:02,702 - Yeah, but she's feeling a lot better. - Oh. 737 00:54:02,781 --> 00:54:04,321 Good. I'm glad. 738 00:54:05,200 --> 00:54:06,620 Will you tell her I say hi? 739 00:54:07,035 --> 00:54:08,035 Sure. 740 00:54:08,620 --> 00:54:10,910 - Harvey... - I'll see you around, Sabrina. 741 00:55:38,960 --> 00:55:40,380 Greg, move your head!