1 00:00:01,392 --> 00:00:02,785 Scraps, come on! We're gonna be late 2 00:00:02,785 --> 00:00:04,482 for the dress-your-pet contest. 3 00:00:04,482 --> 00:00:06,006 [ Groans ] 4 00:00:07,268 --> 00:00:08,965 This sucks. 5 00:00:08,965 --> 00:00:10,662 All my friends are gonna be there. 6 00:00:10,662 --> 00:00:13,404 Tinker Bell and Jaja are gonna think I'm a friggin' jackass. 7 00:00:13,404 --> 00:00:15,450 You look adorable! 8 00:00:15,450 --> 00:00:17,626 Now waggle your widdle stinger for Mommy. 9 00:00:17,626 --> 00:00:20,411 Look, I am sick of embarrassing myself 10 00:00:20,411 --> 00:00:22,239 for your own private amusement. 11 00:00:22,239 --> 00:00:23,675 I'm a man, damn it. 12 00:00:23,675 --> 00:00:25,329 Hey, you're getting a little unruly, boy. 13 00:00:25,329 --> 00:00:26,374 Sit. No. 14 00:00:26,374 --> 00:00:27,592 I'm serious. I don't wanna. 15 00:00:27,592 --> 00:00:30,030 Sit. 16 00:00:30,030 --> 00:00:32,597 Now shake. 17 00:00:32,597 --> 00:00:35,252 Look at me. 18 00:00:35,252 --> 00:00:39,082 There's my good boy! 19 00:00:39,082 --> 00:00:41,258 You know what would be so cute? 20 00:00:41,258 --> 00:00:42,694 A little jar of honey. 21 00:00:42,694 --> 00:00:44,957 I'll be right back, my little bumblebee. 22 00:00:44,957 --> 00:00:47,134 Mom! Come-- 23 00:00:47,134 --> 00:00:48,918 It's not fair. 24 00:00:48,918 --> 00:00:51,834 Is it too much to ask for a little dignity and respect? 25 00:00:51,834 --> 00:00:54,054 [ Yelps ] Let go! 26 00:00:54,054 --> 00:00:55,359 Man: Get him in there! 27 00:00:55,359 --> 00:00:57,274 [ Shouting ] Ow! 28 00:00:57,274 --> 00:00:59,276 Go, go, go! 29 00:00:59,276 --> 00:01:02,236 ♪ 30 00:01:02,236 --> 00:01:04,629 Scraps! 31 00:01:04,629 --> 00:01:06,240 Scraps? 32 00:01:06,240 --> 00:01:16,293 ♪ 33 00:01:16,293 --> 00:01:18,165 Bad news, guys. 34 00:01:18,165 --> 00:01:20,341 Lenny from Accounting died, 35 00:01:20,341 --> 00:01:22,647 Which means we're a man short on our kickball team, 36 00:01:22,647 --> 00:01:25,911 and we're gonna have to forfeit the game this weekend. 37 00:01:25,911 --> 00:01:28,044 I know. It's a tragedy. 38 00:01:28,044 --> 00:01:29,524 The kickball part, I mean. 39 00:01:29,524 --> 00:01:31,178 Morning, everyone. So sorry I'm late. 40 00:01:31,178 --> 00:01:33,049 Uh, Freya needed to use the car this morning, 41 00:01:33,049 --> 00:01:34,964 so I had to take the bus, and the bus was delayed. 42 00:01:34,964 --> 00:01:36,705 And then it finally got there, and, surprise, surprise, 43 00:01:36,705 --> 00:01:38,446 we were ambushed by child soldiers. 44 00:01:38,446 --> 00:01:40,752 Whoa. Sid, you can't just burst in here 45 00:01:40,752 --> 00:01:42,232 sweating like a desert pig. 46 00:01:42,232 --> 00:01:44,974 We have an image to uphold in this office. 47 00:01:44,974 --> 00:01:47,933 For instance, when you look at me, what do you see? 48 00:01:47,933 --> 00:01:50,675 Oh, um, an odd little man in a top hat? 49 00:01:50,675 --> 00:01:51,894 I was gonna say success. 50 00:01:51,894 --> 00:01:53,287 Success? Yes. 51 00:01:53,287 --> 00:01:56,507 Whereas when people look at you, they see bus. 52 00:01:56,507 --> 00:02:00,903 [ Laughs ] Freaking epic slam from the boss man. 53 00:02:00,903 --> 00:02:03,210 Thank you, Devon. I like you today. 54 00:02:03,210 --> 00:02:04,994 Get yourself cleaned up. 55 00:02:04,994 --> 00:02:06,865 And you might want to take those tiny knives out of your back. 56 00:02:06,865 --> 00:02:09,564 What? Oh! Ow! 57 00:02:09,564 --> 00:02:11,479 Stupid child soldiers. 58 00:02:11,479 --> 00:02:13,220 Aah! 59 00:02:13,220 --> 00:02:15,744 Oh, work with me, man. I'm sure we can work out a deal. 60 00:02:15,744 --> 00:02:17,572 Let me go, and in exchange, 61 00:02:17,572 --> 00:02:20,140 I'll report you and send your asses to prison! 62 00:02:20,140 --> 00:02:21,793 [ Panting ] 63 00:02:21,793 --> 00:02:23,055 ♪ 64 00:02:23,055 --> 00:02:24,840 Roland! 65 00:02:24,840 --> 00:02:27,582 You're home. 66 00:02:27,582 --> 00:02:29,366 Mwah! Oh, I'm sorry, lady, 67 00:02:29,366 --> 00:02:31,151 but I think you're giving the wrong guy a boner. 68 00:02:31,151 --> 00:02:33,022 Look, I-I'm not Roland. 69 00:02:33,022 --> 00:02:34,502 My-- my name is Scraps. 70 00:02:34,502 --> 00:02:37,722 Oh, you poor thing. You must have been brainwashed. 71 00:02:37,722 --> 00:02:39,594 You are Roland Proudheart. 72 00:02:39,594 --> 00:02:40,986 You saved our whole village 73 00:02:40,986 --> 00:02:44,120 from the evil warlord Freya Exaltada. 74 00:02:44,120 --> 00:02:47,384 But I never gave up hope that we'd find you again one day. 75 00:02:47,384 --> 00:02:49,604 ♪ 76 00:02:49,604 --> 00:02:53,782 Why is everyone nodding at me with warmth and admiration? 77 00:02:53,782 --> 00:02:55,740 Because they respect you. 78 00:02:55,740 --> 00:02:59,396 You are our brave leader, my beloved husband, 79 00:02:59,396 --> 00:03:01,833 and a wonderful father. 80 00:03:01,833 --> 00:03:03,400 I'm a father? 81 00:03:03,400 --> 00:03:05,707 Kids, come say hi to your dad. 82 00:03:05,707 --> 00:03:08,927 Father! We missed you so. 83 00:03:08,927 --> 00:03:11,060 My children! 84 00:03:11,060 --> 00:03:13,367 Come to papa! 85 00:03:13,367 --> 00:03:15,325 [ Laughs happily ] 86 00:03:15,325 --> 00:03:18,241 [ Children chattering ] 87 00:03:18,241 --> 00:03:19,808 Yeah, what do you think of this one? 88 00:03:19,808 --> 00:03:21,157 Pretty good condition. 89 00:03:21,157 --> 00:03:22,767 A few dings here and there, obviously. 90 00:03:22,767 --> 00:03:24,726 You're joking, right? It doesn't have any wheels. 91 00:03:24,726 --> 00:03:26,380 That's fine. I can just lift it over my waist 92 00:03:26,380 --> 00:03:28,643 and run, like this. 93 00:03:28,643 --> 00:03:31,298 No! We can do better than that. 94 00:03:31,298 --> 00:03:35,215 Okay. How about this one? 95 00:03:35,215 --> 00:03:37,652 This car is actively on fire. 96 00:03:37,652 --> 00:03:39,654 It might knock the price down. 97 00:03:39,654 --> 00:03:42,309 Sid, you can't drive around in a piece of crap. 98 00:03:42,309 --> 00:03:44,746 No, you need something with some swagger, you know? 99 00:03:44,746 --> 00:03:45,921 Like-- 100 00:03:45,921 --> 00:03:49,577 Ah! Like this. 101 00:03:49,577 --> 00:03:51,143 What a beauty. 102 00:03:51,143 --> 00:03:54,451 Now, this is a car! 103 00:03:54,451 --> 00:03:56,453 Is it a car? 104 00:03:56,453 --> 00:03:58,020 It's a Bifi. 105 00:03:58,020 --> 00:04:00,457 It gets great mileage, doesn't require fossil fuels, 106 00:04:00,457 --> 00:04:03,765 and, most importantly, it is baller AF. 107 00:04:04,896 --> 00:04:07,812 I mean, it's definitely cool. 108 00:04:07,812 --> 00:04:09,336 Big thighs. 109 00:04:09,336 --> 00:04:11,120 Solid bulge. 110 00:04:11,120 --> 00:04:12,861 But, yeah, I-I-I don't know, man. 111 00:04:12,861 --> 00:04:14,689 I just-- I don't think I can pull it off. 112 00:04:14,689 --> 00:04:16,038 I'm not that kind of guy. 113 00:04:16,038 --> 00:04:18,301 Sid, you need more confidence than that. 114 00:04:18,301 --> 00:04:21,304 Just jump in, huh? See how it feels. 115 00:04:21,304 --> 00:04:24,046 Um, how do I, uh-- Oh. [ Grunts ] 116 00:04:24,046 --> 00:04:27,658 Oh. Oh. Okay. 117 00:04:27,658 --> 00:04:29,051 Alright. 118 00:04:29,051 --> 00:04:31,096 Ooh! It's, uh-- 119 00:04:31,096 --> 00:04:33,621 Wow! Yeah, that's pretty nice. 120 00:04:33,621 --> 00:04:35,971 You feel powerful. Oh, and the seat's warm. 121 00:04:35,971 --> 00:04:37,364 Feels good, right? 122 00:04:37,364 --> 00:04:39,279 Do you want me to ask about a payment plan? 123 00:04:39,279 --> 00:04:40,845 No. No need. 124 00:04:40,845 --> 00:04:43,195 I will be paying in bird beaks. 125 00:04:43,195 --> 00:04:45,894 ♪ 126 00:04:45,894 --> 00:04:47,461 Oh-ho! [ Grunting ] 127 00:04:47,461 --> 00:04:50,420 Listen to this baby purr. 128 00:04:50,420 --> 00:04:53,380 Puppet Freya: I am the evil witch Freya! 129 00:04:53,380 --> 00:04:58,515 I'm going to burn your village to the ground! 130 00:04:58,515 --> 00:05:00,038 Crowd: Boo! 131 00:05:00,038 --> 00:05:02,519 Not if I have anything to say about it! 132 00:05:02,519 --> 00:05:04,173 [ Crowd cheers ] 133 00:05:04,173 --> 00:05:05,522 Oh, no! 134 00:05:05,522 --> 00:05:09,744 Not Roland! Nyah! 135 00:05:09,744 --> 00:05:11,267 Damn, I'm awesome! 136 00:05:11,267 --> 00:05:13,661 Roland? Why are you sitting on the ground? 137 00:05:13,661 --> 00:05:15,924 You sit at the head of the table. 138 00:05:15,924 --> 00:05:17,578 Oh, right. Yeah. 139 00:05:17,578 --> 00:05:20,494 'Cause in your eyes, I'm a man and not a subhuman animal. 140 00:05:22,234 --> 00:05:23,975 [ Sighs ] 141 00:05:23,975 --> 00:05:25,673 What would you like to eat? 142 00:05:25,673 --> 00:05:28,153 I'm-- I'm sorry. I can have whatever I want? 143 00:05:28,153 --> 00:05:31,548 Mm-hmm. Can I have ice cream? 144 00:05:31,548 --> 00:05:32,854 Your iced cream, Father. 145 00:05:32,854 --> 00:05:36,379 [ Laughs ] Wowie-zowie! 146 00:05:36,379 --> 00:05:40,818 Someone's gonna be barfin' tonight! 147 00:05:40,818 --> 00:05:44,344 Why don't you, uh, save some of that appetite for the bedroom. 148 00:05:44,344 --> 00:05:46,998 Oh. I think I follow. 149 00:05:46,998 --> 00:05:48,870 I get to sleep in the bed. 150 00:05:48,870 --> 00:05:50,437 [ Laughs ] Oh, Roland! 151 00:05:50,437 --> 00:05:54,223 You still have your same dry sense of humor. 152 00:05:54,223 --> 00:05:58,009 I'll boil your bones to make my broth! Nyah! 153 00:05:58,009 --> 00:05:59,446 Is that supposed to be me?[ Crowd gasping ] 154 00:05:59,446 --> 00:06:01,361 That's not what I sound like. 155 00:06:01,361 --> 00:06:02,797 Nyah![ Crowd screaming ] 156 00:06:02,797 --> 00:06:04,276 Freya. 157 00:06:04,276 --> 00:06:05,582 How did you find me? 158 00:06:05,582 --> 00:06:06,801 You're chipped, remember? 159 00:06:06,801 --> 00:06:08,411 Now, come on. Let's go home. 160 00:06:08,411 --> 00:06:10,108 I got to stick your flea medication up your butt. 161 00:06:10,108 --> 00:06:12,110 You dare show your face here after keeping him prisoner 162 00:06:12,110 --> 00:06:13,721 - in your evil witch lair? - Whoa. 163 00:06:13,721 --> 00:06:16,288 Okay, first of all, not loving the witch language. 164 00:06:16,288 --> 00:06:18,378 It's feeling very gendered to me. 165 00:06:18,378 --> 00:06:20,031 And Scraps isn't my prisoner, okay? 166 00:06:20,031 --> 00:06:21,946 He's my pet. And he likes it. 167 00:06:21,946 --> 00:06:23,208 Tell 'em, boy. 168 00:06:23,208 --> 00:06:25,559 What is she talking about, dear? 169 00:06:25,559 --> 00:06:28,997 I-- 170 00:06:28,997 --> 00:06:30,825 I have no idea. 171 00:06:30,825 --> 00:06:33,175 Must be another one of her witch lies! 172 00:06:33,175 --> 00:06:34,611 [ Gasps ] 173 00:06:34,611 --> 00:06:36,700 And my name is not Scraps. 174 00:06:36,700 --> 00:06:37,962 It's Goland. 175 00:06:37,962 --> 00:06:39,790 - Roland. - Roland. 176 00:06:39,790 --> 00:06:41,401 Seize her! 177 00:06:41,401 --> 00:06:42,706 [ Crowd shouting ] 178 00:06:42,706 --> 00:06:45,492 Whoa. Okay. 179 00:06:45,492 --> 00:06:46,971 Ow! 180 00:06:46,971 --> 00:06:49,409 Dick. 181 00:06:50,975 --> 00:06:52,890 Hey, how you doin'? 182 00:06:52,890 --> 00:06:54,457 Hey, you like the new ride? 183 00:06:54,457 --> 00:06:57,025 Yeah, it's the new Bifi. No big deal. 184 00:06:57,025 --> 00:06:58,461 Hello, Boomtown. 185 00:06:58,461 --> 00:07:00,681 My car is a human man now. 186 00:07:00,681 --> 00:07:04,293 Ha ha! 187 00:07:04,293 --> 00:07:07,035 Hey, babes. Enjoying the view? 188 00:07:07,035 --> 00:07:08,645 [ Bifi "revs" ] 189 00:07:08,645 --> 00:07:10,865 [ Women giggle ] 190 00:07:10,865 --> 00:07:12,432 Oh, check out that guy. 191 00:07:12,432 --> 00:07:14,085 I bet he has a lot of sex. 192 00:07:14,085 --> 00:07:15,739 ♪ 193 00:07:15,739 --> 00:07:17,915 Whoa, wait! Sid? 194 00:07:17,915 --> 00:07:19,308 Hey, fellas. 195 00:07:19,308 --> 00:07:21,832 Like the new ride? [ Grunts, laughs ] 196 00:07:21,832 --> 00:07:23,878 Yeah, I sprung for the black on black. 197 00:07:23,878 --> 00:07:26,315 And-- check this out-- voice-activated. 198 00:07:26,315 --> 00:07:28,535 Bifi, self-park. 199 00:07:28,535 --> 00:07:30,798 Self-parking activated. 200 00:07:31,886 --> 00:07:34,976 [ Imitating backup beeping ] 201 00:07:34,976 --> 00:07:38,109 [ Beeping speeds up ] 202 00:07:38,109 --> 00:07:41,112 Wow! Sid, I am impressed. 203 00:07:41,112 --> 00:07:42,549 I didn't know you had it in you. 204 00:07:42,549 --> 00:07:45,290 Never heard of a bus that drove a car. 205 00:07:45,290 --> 00:07:47,945 Remember, boss? He's a bus? 206 00:07:47,945 --> 00:07:49,338 Shut up, Devon. 207 00:07:49,338 --> 00:07:52,776 Clearly, Sid is better than you now. 208 00:07:52,776 --> 00:07:55,344 Come on, Sid. Lunch is on me. 209 00:07:55,344 --> 00:07:56,650 Devon, why don't you go kill yourself 210 00:07:56,650 --> 00:07:58,173 or eat crap or whatever. 211 00:07:59,609 --> 00:08:05,310 ♪ 212 00:08:05,310 --> 00:08:10,794 [ Imitating car alarm ] 213 00:08:10,794 --> 00:08:13,797 Your breakfast, my handsome man. 214 00:08:13,797 --> 00:08:15,320 Ice cream again? 215 00:08:15,320 --> 00:08:17,671 Belinda, you know me so well. 216 00:08:17,671 --> 00:08:19,237 Last night was amazing. 217 00:08:19,237 --> 00:08:21,805 My leg is still sore from all the hours you humped it. 218 00:08:21,805 --> 00:08:23,981 Rawr! [ Laughs ] 219 00:08:23,981 --> 00:08:25,330 What's the matter, Miss Muffet? 220 00:08:25,330 --> 00:08:27,028 You're not eating your kibble. 221 00:08:27,028 --> 00:08:28,595 Ha ha. I get it. 222 00:08:28,595 --> 00:08:30,640 You're treating me like your subservient pet 223 00:08:30,640 --> 00:08:33,817 so I know what it feels like to be in your shoes. 224 00:08:33,817 --> 00:08:36,428 Oh, man, I didn't even think about that. 225 00:08:36,428 --> 00:08:39,519 But yeah, it makes it so much better. 226 00:08:39,519 --> 00:08:41,390 Okay. Well, you had your fun. 227 00:08:41,390 --> 00:08:43,218 Now unlock my chains so I can burn this place to the ground 228 00:08:43,218 --> 00:08:45,481 and we can go home. Mm! 229 00:08:45,481 --> 00:08:47,004 This is my home. 230 00:08:47,004 --> 00:08:48,266 People here treat me with the dignity 231 00:08:48,266 --> 00:08:50,617 and respect that I so fully deserve. 232 00:08:50,617 --> 00:08:52,009 [ Farts ] 233 00:08:52,009 --> 00:08:53,315 Sorry. Ice-cream farts. 234 00:08:53,315 --> 00:08:55,447 Dude! Right in my face. 235 00:08:55,447 --> 00:08:57,362 Well, I'm all done with breakfast. 236 00:08:57,362 --> 00:08:58,842 Time to nap until lunch. 237 00:08:58,842 --> 00:09:01,149 Oh, dear, they're expecting you in the fields. 238 00:09:01,149 --> 00:09:02,933 Oh, man, I have to work now? 239 00:09:02,933 --> 00:09:04,631 But I was just gonna sit on my ass and do nothing all day. 240 00:09:04,631 --> 00:09:06,502 That's kind of my thing. 241 00:09:06,502 --> 00:09:08,025 [ Laughs ] 242 00:09:08,025 --> 00:09:09,679 Oh, there's that dry wit again. 243 00:09:09,679 --> 00:09:11,594 You wouldn't be the most respected man in the village 244 00:09:11,594 --> 00:09:13,378 if you weren't also the hardest-working. 245 00:09:13,378 --> 00:09:15,163 Y--Godfrey: Come, Father. 246 00:09:15,163 --> 00:09:17,295 Let us till the soil till our fingers bleed. 247 00:09:17,295 --> 00:09:19,254 - Huzzah! - Why don't you shut your shitty mouth, 248 00:09:19,254 --> 00:09:21,038 you little brown-noser?! 249 00:09:21,038 --> 00:09:23,954 I mean, um... 250 00:09:23,954 --> 00:09:26,043 I love you, Son. 251 00:09:26,043 --> 00:09:28,306 Let's go and do it-- work. 252 00:09:28,306 --> 00:09:31,396 ♪ 253 00:09:31,396 --> 00:09:33,660 Come on. 254 00:09:33,660 --> 00:09:35,183 Mmm! 255 00:09:35,183 --> 00:09:38,012 Weird texture, but not bad. 256 00:09:38,012 --> 00:09:41,189 I cannot tell you how much this Bifi has changed my life. 257 00:09:41,189 --> 00:09:43,931 Yeah, the old Sid was such an insecure loser, you know? 258 00:09:43,931 --> 00:09:45,236 Probably 'cause he never knew his parents 259 00:09:45,236 --> 00:09:47,978 and grew up alone and afraid. 260 00:09:50,720 --> 00:09:52,504 Ha! [ Laughs ] 261 00:09:52,504 --> 00:09:54,332 Hey, so, Freya told me that 262 00:09:54,332 --> 00:09:57,901 Scraps got kidnapped, and she left to go rescue him. 263 00:09:57,901 --> 00:10:00,208 Oh, hey, did you hear they're bringing out the new Bifi XL? 264 00:10:00,208 --> 00:10:02,863 It's just two Bifis holding hands. 265 00:10:02,863 --> 00:10:04,778 Cool! 266 00:10:04,778 --> 00:10:08,303 Hey, Sid, it seems like you're talking about your Bifi a lot. 267 00:10:08,303 --> 00:10:10,131 I-It's cool that you're so into it, 268 00:10:10,131 --> 00:10:13,308 but you're starting to sound a little bit like a Bifi Bro. 269 00:10:13,308 --> 00:10:15,876 - Oh, thank you so much. - No, that's not a good thing. 270 00:10:15,876 --> 00:10:18,269 A Bifi Bro is someone who makes owning a Bifi 271 00:10:18,269 --> 00:10:20,358 into their entire personality. 272 00:10:20,358 --> 00:10:22,926 It's one of the worst kinds of douchebags there is, 273 00:10:22,926 --> 00:10:26,103 right up there with Crypto Dork and Paleo Schmuck. 274 00:10:26,103 --> 00:10:27,583 Oh, Tai. 275 00:10:27,583 --> 00:10:29,672 You know, I never took you for the jealous type. 276 00:10:29,672 --> 00:10:31,152 Now, if you'll excuse me, 277 00:10:31,152 --> 00:10:33,720 I have to attend a meeting of my fellow Bifi owners. 278 00:10:33,720 --> 00:10:35,330 We're gonna take pictures with our Bifis 279 00:10:35,330 --> 00:10:37,898 and discuss why no one else will talk to us. 280 00:10:37,898 --> 00:10:39,464 Let's go, Bifi. 281 00:10:39,464 --> 00:10:41,118 [ Bifi grunting ] 282 00:10:41,118 --> 00:10:42,337 [ "Tires" squeal ] 283 00:10:42,337 --> 00:10:43,599 [ Bifi grunting ] Huh? 284 00:10:43,599 --> 00:10:44,861 What? Tai? 285 00:10:44,861 --> 00:10:46,341 What-- what are you doing? 286 00:10:46,341 --> 00:10:48,125 I'm sorry. I can't be responsible 287 00:10:48,125 --> 00:10:50,562 for letting another Bifi Bro out into the universe. 288 00:10:50,562 --> 00:10:52,826 The world is bad enough as is. 289 00:10:52,826 --> 00:10:55,393 Are you kidding me?! Get your hands off my Bifi! 290 00:10:55,393 --> 00:10:58,353 Never! I ought to go loco on you, man! 291 00:10:58,353 --> 00:10:59,746 Loco Mode engaged. 292 00:10:59,746 --> 00:11:01,530 What? [ Screams ] 293 00:11:01,530 --> 00:11:03,097 Sid! [ Bifi yelling ] 294 00:11:03,097 --> 00:11:06,100 Sid! 295 00:11:06,100 --> 00:11:10,670 Family, we are back from an excellent day of hard labor. 296 00:11:10,670 --> 00:11:14,021 Isn't that right, Father? 297 00:11:14,021 --> 00:11:21,115 I wanna die, but I'm too tired to kill myself. 298 00:11:21,115 --> 00:11:22,420 Oh! 299 00:11:22,420 --> 00:11:25,728 Oh, at least I can finally relax. [ Sighs ] 300 00:11:25,728 --> 00:11:27,861 Oh, not just yet, you can't. 301 00:11:27,861 --> 00:11:29,689 You still have to help Agatha with her homework. 302 00:11:29,689 --> 00:11:31,429 After that, you can clean the dishes 303 00:11:31,429 --> 00:11:34,563 and put the little ones to bed. 304 00:11:34,563 --> 00:11:36,217 Hey, we're back from my walk. 305 00:11:36,217 --> 00:11:37,740 You didn't tell me how liberating it is 306 00:11:37,740 --> 00:11:39,220 to piss in public. 307 00:11:39,220 --> 00:11:40,525 I just walked straight up to a fire hydrant 308 00:11:40,525 --> 00:11:42,310 and was like, "Blamo!" 309 00:11:42,310 --> 00:11:43,746 Do you realize that being a man 310 00:11:43,746 --> 00:11:45,879 comes with all these responsibilities? 311 00:11:45,879 --> 00:11:48,142 It's like the only reason people respect me is because 312 00:11:48,142 --> 00:11:49,970 I'm a loving husband, an active father, 313 00:11:49,970 --> 00:11:52,494 and contribute to the community at large. 314 00:11:52,494 --> 00:11:53,843 Ugh. 315 00:11:53,843 --> 00:11:59,501 Hey, I know it's a lot, but you can do it. 316 00:11:59,501 --> 00:12:04,811 You know, I hate to admit this, but you make a pretty great man. 317 00:12:04,811 --> 00:12:05,899 - Yeah? - Yeah. 318 00:12:05,899 --> 00:12:07,770 Oh, thanks, Freya. 319 00:12:07,770 --> 00:12:09,119 You know, that's really big of you, 320 00:12:09,119 --> 00:12:10,904 given how I've been treating you lately. 321 00:12:10,904 --> 00:12:12,732 Oh, you know me. 322 00:12:12,732 --> 00:12:14,037 I don't hold grudges. 323 00:12:14,037 --> 00:12:15,952 Just water under the bridge, my friend. 324 00:12:15,952 --> 00:12:18,476 Que sera, sera. 325 00:12:18,476 --> 00:12:21,044 Alright, well, I guess I should start helping 326 00:12:21,044 --> 00:12:22,829 Agatha with her homework. 327 00:12:22,829 --> 00:12:27,137 ♪ 328 00:12:27,137 --> 00:12:31,838 And I can start burning this mother effer to the ground. 329 00:12:31,838 --> 00:12:34,144 [ Chuckles evilly ] 330 00:12:35,885 --> 00:12:38,845 [ All shouting ] 331 00:12:38,845 --> 00:12:42,283 Sid! You need to get the Bifi under control! 332 00:12:42,283 --> 00:12:44,807 Check the owner's manual! 333 00:12:44,807 --> 00:12:46,417 Okay. Loco Mode, Loco Mode. 334 00:12:46,417 --> 00:12:47,854 "How to turn off Loco Mode." 335 00:12:47,854 --> 00:12:50,378 "There is no way to turn off Loco Mode." 336 00:12:50,378 --> 00:12:52,249 Aah! I'm gonna die! 337 00:12:52,249 --> 00:12:53,990 [ Screaming ] 338 00:12:53,990 --> 00:12:56,166 [ Stops screaming ] Looking good, ladies. 339 00:12:56,166 --> 00:12:58,952 [ Continues screaming ] Help me! 340 00:12:58,952 --> 00:13:02,303 Get out of the way! 341 00:13:02,303 --> 00:13:03,783 Morris: Don't worry, he's in the junkyard now. 342 00:13:03,783 --> 00:13:05,741 Not much damage he could do there. 343 00:13:05,741 --> 00:13:08,004 [ Bifi and Sid shouting ] 344 00:13:08,004 --> 00:13:09,876 Oh, no! Not the fine china! 345 00:13:09,876 --> 00:13:11,616 [ Glass shattering ] 346 00:13:11,616 --> 00:13:13,270 [ Groans ] 347 00:13:13,270 --> 00:13:16,839 Okay, so, say a man toils in the field for nine hours, 348 00:13:16,839 --> 00:13:18,798 and then add three hours of chores around the house 349 00:13:18,798 --> 00:13:20,495 and then two hours of family time. 350 00:13:20,495 --> 00:13:24,455 So much time does that leave for the man to have for himself? 351 00:13:24,455 --> 00:13:25,805 No time, Agatha! 352 00:13:25,805 --> 00:13:27,241 It leaves no time! 353 00:13:27,241 --> 00:13:28,329 Dear, have you seen Miss Muffet? 354 00:13:28,329 --> 00:13:29,983 Her chain is unlocked. 355 00:13:29,983 --> 00:13:33,856 Well, that's impossible, because I got the keys right-- 356 00:13:33,856 --> 00:13:35,118 Oh, no. 357 00:13:35,118 --> 00:13:37,294 Freya: Calling all ass wipes! 358 00:13:37,294 --> 00:13:39,427 You stole my war dog. 359 00:13:39,427 --> 00:13:42,299 You forced me into this ridiculous outfit-- 360 00:13:42,299 --> 00:13:45,346 which I'm killing, by the way. 361 00:13:45,346 --> 00:13:49,524 Well, now I'm gonna burn your stinkin' village to the ground! 362 00:13:49,524 --> 00:13:53,702 [ Cackles evilly ] 363 00:13:53,702 --> 00:13:56,270 Hmm. It's not catching. 364 00:13:56,270 --> 00:13:59,273 Uh, does anyone have newspaper? 365 00:13:59,273 --> 00:14:00,709 Or a piece of cardboard? 366 00:14:00,709 --> 00:14:01,710 [ Crowd chattering, chickens clucking ] 367 00:14:01,710 --> 00:14:03,146 Anyone? 368 00:14:03,146 --> 00:14:04,887 Roland, you have to go out there and stop her. 369 00:14:04,887 --> 00:14:07,368 Are you kidding me? She's gonna kick my ass. 370 00:14:07,368 --> 00:14:08,978 Couldn't we just have the girl do it? 371 00:14:08,978 --> 00:14:11,024 It's your responsibility to protect us. 372 00:14:11,024 --> 00:14:12,721 Are you not a man? 373 00:14:12,721 --> 00:14:15,463 Ugh! Yeah, I'm a-- I'm a man. 374 00:14:15,463 --> 00:14:17,682 Stupid town always needs saving. 375 00:14:17,682 --> 00:14:21,425 [ Both shouting ] 376 00:14:21,425 --> 00:14:23,079 ♪ 377 00:14:23,079 --> 00:14:24,864 Boy, for a guy screaming like a maniac, 378 00:14:24,864 --> 00:14:26,430 he still looks pretty cool. 379 00:14:26,430 --> 00:14:30,957 ♪ 380 00:14:30,957 --> 00:14:33,394 Sid, that tower of junk is gonna collapse! 381 00:14:33,394 --> 00:14:34,699 You have to jump! 382 00:14:34,699 --> 00:14:36,876 No! I can't leave the Bifi behind! 383 00:14:36,876 --> 00:14:39,095 Well, if you don't jump, you'll die! 384 00:14:39,095 --> 00:14:42,403 I'd rather die than go back to the old Sid! 385 00:14:42,403 --> 00:14:44,057 He makes a pretty convincing argument. 386 00:14:44,057 --> 00:14:46,189 Maybe he should die. 387 00:14:46,189 --> 00:14:48,539 I'm gonna have to do this on my own. 388 00:14:48,539 --> 00:14:50,193 [ Screaming continues ] 389 00:14:50,193 --> 00:14:52,543 [ Beeping ] 390 00:14:52,543 --> 00:14:56,286 [ Heroic music plays ] 391 00:14:56,286 --> 00:14:57,679 ♪ 392 00:14:57,679 --> 00:14:58,985 [ Sid screaming ] 393 00:14:58,985 --> 00:15:02,771 [ Beeping ] 394 00:15:02,771 --> 00:15:04,642 ♪ 395 00:15:04,642 --> 00:15:06,296 Bingo. 396 00:15:06,296 --> 00:15:09,082 ♪ 397 00:15:09,082 --> 00:15:10,866 Hey! 398 00:15:10,866 --> 00:15:13,216 Eat shirt! 399 00:15:13,216 --> 00:15:15,001 Mommy! Ooh! 400 00:15:15,001 --> 00:15:16,437 Right in the nards. 401 00:15:16,437 --> 00:15:18,091 You hate to see that. 402 00:15:18,091 --> 00:15:19,614 [ Bifi groaning ] 403 00:15:19,614 --> 00:15:22,225 No! No! No, no, no! 404 00:15:22,225 --> 00:15:23,835 Let me go! No! 405 00:15:23,835 --> 00:15:25,707 Don't take me away from the Bifi! 406 00:15:25,707 --> 00:15:26,969 No! No! 407 00:15:26,969 --> 00:15:28,231 No! Bifi! 408 00:15:28,231 --> 00:15:32,018 Uh-oh. Bifi! 409 00:15:32,018 --> 00:15:35,673 [ Clanging, glass shattering ] 410 00:15:35,673 --> 00:15:36,936 [ Indistinct conversations ] 411 00:15:36,936 --> 00:15:38,459 Still burning your village down. 412 00:15:38,459 --> 00:15:41,853 It's just taking a sec. Thanks for your patience. 413 00:15:41,853 --> 00:15:45,161 Not if I have anything to say about it. 414 00:15:45,161 --> 00:15:47,947 Are you serious? What? You're gonna fight me now? 415 00:15:47,947 --> 00:15:49,687 That's right. 416 00:15:49,687 --> 00:15:51,689 I want to sacrifice my life for my wife and children. 417 00:15:51,689 --> 00:15:53,430 It's, like, my favorite thing to do. 418 00:15:53,430 --> 00:15:54,692 I can't believe this. 419 00:15:54,692 --> 00:15:56,303 After everything I've done for you. 420 00:15:56,303 --> 00:15:59,306 I got you toys to chew on, a dirty blanket to sleep on. 421 00:15:59,306 --> 00:16:01,656 I expressed your anal glands when you were constipated. 422 00:16:01,656 --> 00:16:05,312 Yeah, but you never gave me respect! 423 00:16:05,312 --> 00:16:07,923 You know, a man shouldn't have to walk around 424 00:16:07,923 --> 00:16:11,187 in ridiculous outfits or-- or eat leftovers off the floor. 425 00:16:11,187 --> 00:16:15,104 No, a-a man does chores and he works 426 00:16:15,104 --> 00:16:17,933 and he has trouble sleeping at night 427 00:16:17,933 --> 00:16:19,717 because he made a dentist appointment too early 428 00:16:19,717 --> 00:16:23,634 in the morning and is worried about getting enough sleep! 429 00:16:23,634 --> 00:16:25,375 Wow. 430 00:16:25,375 --> 00:16:29,292 Scraps, I didn't realize you were so unhappy being my pet. 431 00:16:29,292 --> 00:16:30,685 If this is really what you want, 432 00:16:30,685 --> 00:16:34,080 then I guess I'll just leave you alone. 433 00:16:34,080 --> 00:16:38,910 ♪ 434 00:16:38,910 --> 00:16:41,957 He did it! He defeated the witch! 435 00:16:41,957 --> 00:16:45,656 [ Cheers and applause ] 436 00:16:45,656 --> 00:16:47,354 ♪ 437 00:16:47,354 --> 00:16:50,661 Freya, wait! 438 00:16:50,661 --> 00:16:53,186 What's he doing? 439 00:16:53,186 --> 00:16:55,144 I take it all back, alright? 440 00:16:55,144 --> 00:16:58,843 I don't want any of this work or responsibility. 441 00:16:58,843 --> 00:17:02,978 And, honestly, the kids-- eh. 442 00:17:02,978 --> 00:17:05,198 I just want to be your war dog again. 443 00:17:05,198 --> 00:17:06,764 But what about all that stuff you were saying 444 00:17:06,764 --> 00:17:08,766 about wanting dignity and respect? 445 00:17:08,766 --> 00:17:10,377 I don't need it. It's overrated. 446 00:17:10,377 --> 00:17:13,162 I just want to nap at your feet and lick my ass all day. 447 00:17:13,162 --> 00:17:15,556 You know what you have to do then. 448 00:17:15,556 --> 00:17:18,907 Oh, geez, Mom. In front of them? 449 00:17:18,907 --> 00:17:22,302 Sit. 450 00:17:22,302 --> 00:17:23,868 Shake. 451 00:17:23,868 --> 00:17:25,914 ♪ 452 00:17:25,914 --> 00:17:27,481 Look at me. 453 00:17:27,481 --> 00:17:29,265 Who's my good boy? 454 00:17:29,265 --> 00:17:31,485 You're my good boy! 455 00:17:31,485 --> 00:17:34,575 - I guess he really is a dog. - Scraps: That tickles. 456 00:17:34,575 --> 00:17:35,837 Papa? 457 00:17:35,837 --> 00:17:39,362 [ Giggling ] 458 00:17:39,362 --> 00:17:40,929 Let's back him up. 459 00:17:40,929 --> 00:17:42,539 Owie. 460 00:17:42,539 --> 00:17:44,454 ♪ 461 00:17:44,454 --> 00:17:46,282 I guess that's it for the new Sid. 462 00:17:46,282 --> 00:17:47,762 Hey, maybe it's for the best. 463 00:17:47,762 --> 00:17:49,546 Sure, the old Sid was a dork, 464 00:17:49,546 --> 00:17:52,245 but at least he wasn't an obnoxious douchebag. 465 00:17:52,245 --> 00:17:56,075 The truth is, you never needed the Bifi to be confident. 466 00:17:56,075 --> 00:17:57,380 Morris: You dirt turkey! 467 00:17:57,380 --> 00:17:59,165 Look what you did to my junkyard, Sid. 468 00:17:59,165 --> 00:18:00,340 This is coming out of your pay, you hear me? 469 00:18:00,340 --> 00:18:01,732 Look, the junkyard is fine! 470 00:18:01,732 --> 00:18:03,343 The only problem here is you not treating 471 00:18:03,343 --> 00:18:05,606 your number-one employee with a bit of goddamn respect! 472 00:18:05,606 --> 00:18:08,087 So will you get off my ass?! 473 00:18:08,087 --> 00:18:10,263 Wow. Fair enough. 474 00:18:10,263 --> 00:18:12,265 Hopping off that ass now. 475 00:18:12,265 --> 00:18:14,658 Go-- go clean up that mess. 476 00:18:14,658 --> 00:18:16,834 My apologies. 477 00:18:16,834 --> 00:18:20,708 [ Chuckles ] Wow. Tai, it worked. 478 00:18:20,708 --> 00:18:25,974 Tai? 479 00:18:25,974 --> 00:18:30,587 Tai: We may have won the battle, but the war rages on. 480 00:18:30,587 --> 00:18:33,286 As long as there are douchebags who are too obsessed 481 00:18:33,286 --> 00:18:37,986 with their expensive cars, I'll be there-- 482 00:18:37,986 --> 00:18:41,424 to shoot them in the nards with a T-shirt cannon. 483 00:18:41,424 --> 00:18:45,167 For I am the Nardinator. 484 00:18:45,167 --> 00:18:50,738 ♪ 485 00:18:52,957 --> 00:18:54,176 Scraps: And then I was like, "Am I drinking my pee?" 486 00:18:54,176 --> 00:18:55,438 [ Laughter ] 487 00:18:55,438 --> 00:18:56,918 Sid: Hey! You found Scraps. 488 00:18:56,918 --> 00:18:59,138 Yeah. We had a fun time together, didn't we, boy? 489 00:18:59,138 --> 00:19:00,487 Oh, yeah, it was great. 490 00:19:00,487 --> 00:19:02,489 Well, my long-lost family kidnapped me, 491 00:19:02,489 --> 00:19:04,055 and then they kidnapped Freya, 492 00:19:04,055 --> 00:19:05,274 and then we burned the village to the ground, 493 00:19:05,274 --> 00:19:07,015 and then we got ice creams. 494 00:19:07,015 --> 00:19:08,451 Wait. What was the last part? 495 00:19:08,451 --> 00:19:10,845 We got ice creams. These are rocky road. 496 00:19:10,845 --> 00:19:12,151 No, no, before that. You-- Wait. 497 00:19:12,151 --> 00:19:14,805 You burned the village to the ground? 498 00:19:14,805 --> 00:19:16,198 Why? 499 00:19:16,198 --> 00:19:17,591 They were just being annoying. 500 00:19:17,591 --> 00:19:19,070 - Why didn't you stop her? - I don't know. 501 00:19:19,070 --> 00:19:20,507 'Cause I'm not the friggin' police. 502 00:19:20,507 --> 00:19:22,248 This guy. "I'm the police." 503 00:19:22,248 --> 00:19:24,380 Alright, but at least y-your family survived, right? 504 00:19:24,380 --> 00:19:26,513 Uh-huh. Yeah. We burned the whole village to the ground, 505 00:19:26,513 --> 00:19:28,732 and my family miraculously survived. 506 00:19:28,732 --> 00:19:30,256 [ Laughter ] You married this chaunce? 507 00:19:30,256 --> 00:19:31,735 Hey, don't look at me. 508 00:19:31,735 --> 00:19:34,347 No, no, no. But, seriously, are they okay? 509 00:19:34,347 --> 00:19:36,305 Because if not, that is the darkest thing 510 00:19:36,305 --> 00:19:38,916 you have ever done. 511 00:19:38,916 --> 00:19:41,702 Awkward! [ Laughs ] 512 00:19:41,702 --> 00:19:43,573 Oyy! Guys. 513 00:19:43,573 --> 00:19:47,664 - It's stuffy in there. - Guys, are they dead? 514 00:19:47,664 --> 00:19:48,709 Guys!