1 00:00:01,401 --> 00:00:03,984 Ugh, this line is taking so long. 2 00:00:04,084 --> 00:00:05,625 People should know what they want before they order. 3 00:00:05,725 --> 00:00:06,826 Woman: Next. 4 00:00:06,926 --> 00:00:11,231 Oh...what do I want? What do I want? 5 00:00:11,331 --> 00:00:14,394 Ugh. What is "co-ffee"? 6 00:00:14,494 --> 00:00:16,076 Ugh, this place is so bougie. 7 00:00:16,176 --> 00:00:19,819 Lavender-infused maggots? Like, really? 8 00:00:20,420 --> 00:00:22,922 [ Gasps ] Damn. 9 00:00:23,022 --> 00:00:24,364 Okay, that's really good. 10 00:00:24,464 --> 00:00:27,327 [ Trombone plays ] 11 00:00:27,427 --> 00:00:32,212 Fellow Boomtownians, not only am I a successful businessman, 12 00:00:32,312 --> 00:00:34,454 I am also a patron of the arts. 13 00:00:34,554 --> 00:00:37,177 Which is why every summer I direct a production 14 00:00:37,277 --> 00:00:39,539 from the Great Bard himself. 15 00:00:39,639 --> 00:00:43,063 I speak of none other than Jim Carrey. 16 00:00:43,163 --> 00:00:44,064 Jim! 17 00:00:44,164 --> 00:00:47,707 Mm, wow. Interesting. 18 00:00:47,807 --> 00:00:50,470 As you all know, last year we had a runaway success 19 00:00:50,570 --> 00:00:52,712 with our production of "The Green One." 20 00:00:52,812 --> 00:00:55,395 "How the Grinch Stole Christmas?" 21 00:00:55,495 --> 00:00:56,836 No. Was it "Batman Forever," 22 00:00:56,936 --> 00:00:58,358 the one where he played the Riddler? 23 00:00:58,458 --> 00:01:00,400 No. "The Mask." 24 00:01:00,500 --> 00:01:04,044 Huh, guess I didn't realise how many movies he was green in. 25 00:01:04,144 --> 00:01:06,046 It's kind of crazy when you think about it. 26 00:01:06,146 --> 00:01:08,648 Anyway, this year, I have selected 27 00:01:08,748 --> 00:01:10,850 Mr. Carrey's magnum opus -- 28 00:01:10,950 --> 00:01:15,535 "Ace Ventura: Pet Detective: Part Un." 29 00:01:15,635 --> 00:01:17,737 Auditions will start tomorrow, 30 00:01:17,837 --> 00:01:21,461 and yes, there will be full-frontal nudity. 31 00:01:21,561 --> 00:01:23,663 Mom, did you hear that? What? 32 00:01:23,763 --> 00:01:25,985 Oh, my God, someone ate all of the samples. 33 00:01:26,085 --> 00:01:28,308 Who did that? I'm sorry, ma'am. 34 00:01:28,408 --> 00:01:29,669 Whoever did that is rude. 35 00:01:29,769 --> 00:01:31,311 We should go. Go, go, go. 36 00:01:31,411 --> 00:01:36,436 ♪♪ 37 00:01:36,536 --> 00:01:41,601 ♪♪ 38 00:01:41,701 --> 00:01:43,483 So excited for friends weekend. 39 00:01:43,583 --> 00:01:45,925 We haven't had quality hang time in forever. 40 00:01:46,025 --> 00:01:49,449 I know. I found the cutest fallout shelter. 41 00:01:49,549 --> 00:01:51,371 They still have the original scratch marks 42 00:01:51,471 --> 00:01:52,812 from when the inhabitants 43 00:01:52,912 --> 00:01:54,774 were escaping a radiation leak. 44 00:01:54,874 --> 00:01:56,136 Oh, my God, cu-u-u-u-te. 45 00:01:56,236 --> 00:01:57,937 Okay, ready. 46 00:01:58,037 --> 00:02:00,300 I didn't know what to pack, so I just brought everything I own. 47 00:02:00,400 --> 00:02:02,302 Oh, I didn't realise Sid was coming. 48 00:02:02,402 --> 00:02:04,144 If this is supposed to be just a friends thing, 49 00:02:04,244 --> 00:02:05,865 I'm totally happy to sit out. 50 00:02:05,965 --> 00:02:08,027 I mean, if that's what you want, 51 00:02:08,127 --> 00:02:10,470 then I am totally fine with that. 52 00:02:10,570 --> 00:02:11,911 You guys are ridiculous! 53 00:02:12,011 --> 00:02:13,913 You're my two favourite people in the world. 54 00:02:14,013 --> 00:02:16,156 We're gonna have a blast together! 55 00:02:16,256 --> 00:02:17,597 Ugh, great. Great. 56 00:02:17,697 --> 00:02:19,639 Let's go. Scraps: Mommy, you can't leave! 57 00:02:19,739 --> 00:02:21,601 Remember, you told me you'd take me to the audition. 58 00:02:21,701 --> 00:02:25,645 I'll be going out for the role of Ace. 59 00:02:25,745 --> 00:02:27,767 Oh, shoot, I forgot about that. 60 00:02:27,867 --> 00:02:29,008 Sorry, but we're leaving right now. 61 00:02:29,108 --> 00:02:30,410 No, no, no, no, no. 62 00:02:30,510 --> 00:02:31,851 No, no, no. 63 00:02:31,951 --> 00:02:33,533 [ Grunts ] 64 00:02:33,633 --> 00:02:36,015 Ple-e-e-e-e-ase! 65 00:02:36,115 --> 00:02:37,617 I promise I'll never ask you 66 00:02:37,717 --> 00:02:39,899 for anything ever again in my entire life. Please. 67 00:02:39,999 --> 00:02:42,021 [ Sighs ] Fine. 68 00:02:42,121 --> 00:02:43,783 [ Giggling ] 69 00:02:43,883 --> 00:02:47,066 So what, I'm just driving alone with Sid? 70 00:02:47,166 --> 00:02:49,869 Awesome start to friends weekend. 71 00:02:49,969 --> 00:02:51,551 Hmm? 72 00:02:51,651 --> 00:02:53,593 Are you sure that I should go? 73 00:02:53,693 --> 00:02:56,836 I really get the impression Tai does not like me. 74 00:02:56,936 --> 00:02:58,278 Are you kidding? Tai loves you! 75 00:02:58,378 --> 00:03:01,561 He just has a super sarcastic sense of humour, 76 00:03:01,661 --> 00:03:02,682 but you'll get used to it. 77 00:03:02,782 --> 00:03:04,204 Come on, you fugly-ass bitch. 78 00:03:04,304 --> 00:03:05,925 [ Laughs ] You are too much. 79 00:03:06,025 --> 00:03:07,647 Ah, you got me. 80 00:03:07,747 --> 00:03:10,650 Fugly as charged. 81 00:03:10,750 --> 00:03:13,393 Alrighty then. 82 00:03:16,476 --> 00:03:18,778 That was great. We'll let you know. 83 00:03:18,878 --> 00:03:19,979 Hard pass. 84 00:03:20,079 --> 00:03:22,622 Hello. Hey, there. How you doing? 85 00:03:22,722 --> 00:03:25,385 You doing good? I am doing great. 86 00:03:25,485 --> 00:03:27,307 Um, I won't be needing this. 87 00:03:27,407 --> 00:03:29,909 You ready to make some magic? 88 00:03:30,009 --> 00:03:31,311 Whenever you're ready. 89 00:03:31,411 --> 00:03:33,413 Bla-bla-bla. Okay. [ Clears throat ] 90 00:03:37,377 --> 00:03:39,379 [ Imitates dog whining ] 91 00:03:40,860 --> 00:03:42,722 What are you doing? Oh, uh, sorry. 92 00:03:42,822 --> 00:03:45,685 I'm auditioning for the pet detective. 93 00:03:45,785 --> 00:03:48,248 This is a show about a-a dog who -- who solves crimes, right? 94 00:03:48,348 --> 00:03:52,131 No, it's about a human who finds missing pets. 95 00:03:52,231 --> 00:03:54,254 No. Uh, okay. 96 00:03:54,354 --> 00:03:56,896 Not what I rehearsed, but -- [ Clears throat ] 97 00:03:56,996 --> 00:04:00,260 Hey, I can be a human man. 98 00:04:00,360 --> 00:04:02,362 [ Clears throat ] 99 00:04:04,724 --> 00:04:06,105 Woof! No. 100 00:04:06,205 --> 00:04:08,388 Uh, human man, human man, human man, human man. 101 00:04:08,488 --> 00:04:09,869 [ Clears throat ] 102 00:04:09,969 --> 00:04:11,871 [ Mumbles in high-pitched voice ] 103 00:04:11,971 --> 00:04:13,193 [ Normal voice ] Sorry, one second. 104 00:04:13,293 --> 00:04:15,154 One second, one second, one second. 105 00:04:15,254 --> 00:04:18,278 Hey! What the hell are you doing on my car?! 106 00:04:18,378 --> 00:04:20,680 Sorry, there wasn't anywhere else to sit. 107 00:04:20,780 --> 00:04:21,761 I'll just be a minute. 108 00:04:21,861 --> 00:04:24,344 Move it, lady! Now! 109 00:04:26,145 --> 00:04:30,089 I said... "I'll just be a minute." 110 00:04:30,189 --> 00:04:32,332 Now, are you gonna be nice? 111 00:04:32,432 --> 00:04:33,973 Or are you gonna make me smack around 112 00:04:34,073 --> 00:04:35,215 those big old titties 113 00:04:35,315 --> 00:04:36,976 and call you my sweet Georgia peach? 114 00:04:37,076 --> 00:04:39,178 What the hell... 115 00:04:39,278 --> 00:04:41,941 I'm a man. I'm a man. 116 00:04:42,041 --> 00:04:43,383 This is a disaster. 117 00:04:43,483 --> 00:04:46,346 No one we've seen has what it takes to play Ace. 118 00:04:46,446 --> 00:04:48,308 We need someone with that raw passion, you know, 119 00:04:48,408 --> 00:04:49,829 and the fire inside of them. 120 00:04:49,929 --> 00:04:53,353 I will dropkick your soul straight to Hell! 121 00:04:53,453 --> 00:04:56,836 Fee-fi-fo-fum! 122 00:04:56,936 --> 00:04:59,799 You're crazy, lady! 123 00:04:59,899 --> 00:05:01,761 Good luck cleaning my barf off your windshield 124 00:05:01,861 --> 00:05:04,123 without wipers, asshole! 125 00:05:04,223 --> 00:05:05,325 [ Laughing maniacally ] 126 00:05:05,425 --> 00:05:06,886 What is wrong with you?! 127 00:05:06,986 --> 00:05:09,008 [ Retching ] 128 00:05:09,108 --> 00:05:10,970 It's coming up! 129 00:05:11,070 --> 00:05:13,613 Who is she? She's demented, 130 00:05:13,713 --> 00:05:15,615 she's absolutely out of control, she's -- 131 00:05:15,715 --> 00:05:17,176 Perfect. 132 00:05:17,276 --> 00:05:18,418 Man: I'm sorry! I'm sorry! 133 00:05:18,518 --> 00:05:21,461 I think we've found our Ace. 134 00:05:21,561 --> 00:05:23,423 Plan "B," berry boy. 135 00:05:23,523 --> 00:05:26,306 You're gonna wish I puked! 136 00:05:26,406 --> 00:05:28,067 Don't you do it! Whoo! 137 00:05:28,167 --> 00:05:29,669 Sid: Well, here it is. 138 00:05:29,769 --> 00:05:30,990 Isn't it adorable? 139 00:05:31,090 --> 00:05:32,111 I'm gonna go say hi to everyone. 140 00:05:32,211 --> 00:05:33,673 You'll get the bags? I mean, I -- 141 00:05:33,773 --> 00:05:37,597 I can, but don't you have, like, super-human... 142 00:05:37,697 --> 00:05:40,820 strength? 143 00:05:43,302 --> 00:05:45,365 Okay, Sid. You can do this. 144 00:05:45,465 --> 00:05:48,207 Just do your best until Freya gets here. 145 00:05:48,307 --> 00:05:51,451 Maybe Tai's friends will be nice. 146 00:05:51,551 --> 00:05:54,694 Hey, everyone. I'm Sid. Nice to meet you... 147 00:05:54,794 --> 00:05:56,536 all. 148 00:05:56,636 --> 00:05:58,938 All: Oh, hey. 149 00:05:59,038 --> 00:06:03,383 Ah, it's five identical Tais. 150 00:06:03,483 --> 00:06:05,485 Perfect. 151 00:06:06,566 --> 00:06:07,827 Okay, people, settle down! 152 00:06:07,927 --> 00:06:09,629 This is "Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. 153 00:06:09,729 --> 00:06:12,752 Show some respect for the old masters. 154 00:06:12,852 --> 00:06:14,554 Alright, let's take it from Ace's entrance. 155 00:06:14,654 --> 00:06:16,275 And action. 156 00:06:16,375 --> 00:06:17,957 Oh, Tom? 157 00:06:18,057 --> 00:06:20,059 I'm sure he's fine. 158 00:06:25,024 --> 00:06:26,486 Do not go in there. 159 00:06:26,586 --> 00:06:28,568 Whoo. 160 00:06:28,668 --> 00:06:32,131 Eh...that's a good start. 161 00:06:32,231 --> 00:06:34,173 Maybe a smidge stiff. 162 00:06:34,273 --> 00:06:35,775 This play doesn't even make any sense. 163 00:06:35,875 --> 00:06:36,896 If he's supposed to be undercover, 164 00:06:36,996 --> 00:06:38,538 then why is he busting in, 165 00:06:38,638 --> 00:06:40,860 telling everyone about his big poop? 166 00:06:40,960 --> 00:06:42,101 You're looking at it all wrong. 167 00:06:42,201 --> 00:06:44,103 Ace Ventura is a dark tragedy 168 00:06:44,203 --> 00:06:46,786 about a deeply disturbed individual. 169 00:06:46,886 --> 00:06:50,029 It's a meditation on man's animalistic nature, 170 00:06:50,129 --> 00:06:53,112 the Jungian concept of shadow self, 171 00:06:53,212 --> 00:06:55,955 not to mention a scathing indictment of brain injuries 172 00:06:56,055 --> 00:06:58,558 in professional football. 173 00:06:58,658 --> 00:07:01,521 Huh, that's actually kind of deep. 174 00:07:01,621 --> 00:07:03,002 Just give it one more try. 175 00:07:03,102 --> 00:07:04,163 Shall we? 176 00:07:04,263 --> 00:07:06,265 Whenever you're ready. 177 00:07:09,068 --> 00:07:10,009 Oh, Tom? 178 00:07:10,109 --> 00:07:13,573 I'm sure he's fine. 179 00:07:13,673 --> 00:07:15,815 Do not go in there! 180 00:07:15,915 --> 00:07:17,497 Whooo! 181 00:07:17,597 --> 00:07:19,899 [ Laughter and applause ] 182 00:07:19,999 --> 00:07:22,462 That's my Ace. 183 00:07:22,562 --> 00:07:29,028 ♪♪ 184 00:07:29,128 --> 00:07:32,432 Ooh, getting a nice head high from this one. 185 00:07:32,532 --> 00:07:33,913 [ Magnet warbling ] 186 00:07:34,013 --> 00:07:35,875 I heard TI-120 187 00:07:35,975 --> 00:07:39,479 slid into TI-2000's DMs during CyberFest. 188 00:07:39,579 --> 00:07:42,402 Wait, I thought TI-120 was with TI-167. 189 00:07:42,502 --> 00:07:44,283 Oh, he is. 190 00:07:44,383 --> 00:07:47,447 -Oooooh! -What a ho! 191 00:07:47,547 --> 00:07:49,128 Morning, gents! Um, so, I've been doing 192 00:07:49,228 --> 00:07:51,290 some research on activities in the area and turns out 193 00:07:51,390 --> 00:07:52,932 there is an old, unexploded atom bomb 194 00:07:53,032 --> 00:07:54,974 not far from here called "The Dud." 195 00:07:55,074 --> 00:07:58,397 Uh, does anyone feel up for a sort of medium-difficulty hike? 196 00:07:59,999 --> 00:08:02,702 [ Laughter ] 197 00:08:02,802 --> 00:08:05,705 Is that a fanny pack? 198 00:08:05,805 --> 00:08:07,667 What a dipshit. 199 00:08:07,767 --> 00:08:10,670 Stop! This is fun. 200 00:08:10,770 --> 00:08:14,413 Getting hard-core roasted by five identical Tais. 201 00:08:15,775 --> 00:08:18,798 Sorry, guys, uh, Freya made me bring him. 202 00:08:18,898 --> 00:08:21,260 Speaking of which, she should be here by now. 203 00:08:24,303 --> 00:08:25,725 Freya: Hey! Hey, bitch! 204 00:08:25,825 --> 00:08:27,727 You close? Oh, my God, Tai. 205 00:08:27,827 --> 00:08:29,889 So I took Scraps to that audition, and guess what? 206 00:08:29,989 --> 00:08:32,211 I got the lead! [ Squeals ] 207 00:08:32,311 --> 00:08:33,453 That is great. 208 00:08:33,553 --> 00:08:35,615 We'll celebrate when you get here. 209 00:08:35,715 --> 00:08:37,537 Yeah, about that. 210 00:08:37,637 --> 00:08:40,379 We open tonight, and I still have to practice my big 211 00:08:40,479 --> 00:08:42,822 Act Three talking-out-of-my-butt soliloquy. 212 00:08:42,922 --> 00:08:46,345 So is it cool if I maybe skip friends weekend? 213 00:08:46,445 --> 00:08:50,710 Oh, so, um, you're not coming at all? 214 00:08:50,810 --> 00:08:51,991 [ Metal creaks, pops, hisses ] 215 00:08:52,091 --> 00:08:54,954 Yeah, no, that's cool. Really? 216 00:08:55,054 --> 00:08:55,995 You promise you're not mad at me? 217 00:08:56,095 --> 00:08:57,757 No, no. 218 00:08:57,857 --> 00:09:00,159 You do you, girl. I'm good. 219 00:09:00,259 --> 00:09:02,081 Oh, thanks, Tai. You're the best. 220 00:09:02,181 --> 00:09:03,803 I hope you guys are having a blast. 221 00:09:03,903 --> 00:09:06,886 Bye-e-e-e-e. Bye-e-e-e. 222 00:09:06,986 --> 00:09:08,167 Hey, man, are you okay? 223 00:09:08,267 --> 00:09:09,448 Do you wanna -- Do you wanna talk? 224 00:09:09,548 --> 00:09:11,130 What's there to talk about? 225 00:09:11,230 --> 00:09:12,572 I don't care if Freya comes or not. 226 00:09:12,672 --> 00:09:15,094 I came here to party. Pass me the magnet. 227 00:09:15,194 --> 00:09:17,777 [ Magnet warbling ] 228 00:09:17,877 --> 00:09:19,819 Oh, take it easy. 229 00:09:19,919 --> 00:09:22,381 [ Warbling continues ] 230 00:09:22,481 --> 00:09:23,422 [ Plunk! ] 231 00:09:23,522 --> 00:09:27,066 [ Static ] 232 00:09:27,166 --> 00:09:29,989 I'm pinwheeling, baby! 233 00:09:30,089 --> 00:09:32,091 Whoo! Yeah, America! 234 00:09:34,894 --> 00:09:36,716 Maybe I'll give you a call sometime, lieutenant. 235 00:09:36,816 --> 00:09:38,477 Your number still 911? 236 00:09:38,577 --> 00:09:40,920 Alrighty then. 237 00:09:41,020 --> 00:09:43,683 How was that? Yeah, it was good. 238 00:09:43,783 --> 00:09:45,925 Just like the last 25 times. 239 00:09:46,025 --> 00:09:48,768 Good's not enough, it needs to be perfect. 240 00:09:48,868 --> 00:09:51,410 Alrighty then. Alrighty then. 241 00:09:51,510 --> 00:09:52,652 Alrighty then! 242 00:09:52,752 --> 00:09:54,734 Gah! Why can't I get this?! 243 00:09:54,834 --> 00:09:56,495 Oh, hey, look, maybe we should just take a break, alright? 244 00:09:56,595 --> 00:09:57,977 You've been going non-stop. 245 00:09:58,077 --> 00:09:59,258 I mean, you haven't eaten, you haven't slept. 246 00:09:59,358 --> 00:10:01,180 I'm really starting to worry about you. 247 00:10:01,280 --> 00:10:02,982 [ Exhales sharply ] 248 00:10:03,082 --> 00:10:04,544 I see what you're doing. 249 00:10:04,644 --> 00:10:07,026 You're trying to sabotage me. What? 250 00:10:07,126 --> 00:10:09,949 You're jealous that I got the role and you didn't. 251 00:10:10,049 --> 00:10:13,432 I'm the big star, and it's killing you inside. 252 00:10:13,532 --> 00:10:14,874 Whoa, okay, look, maybe I was a little bummed at first, 253 00:10:14,974 --> 00:10:17,116 but I'm genuinely trying to help you. 254 00:10:17,216 --> 00:10:18,517 Well, don't! You don't understand us! 255 00:10:18,617 --> 00:10:22,061 Nobody understands us! Ugh! 256 00:10:24,343 --> 00:10:26,345 Us? 257 00:10:29,348 --> 00:10:31,350 Hey, guys. Have you seen Tai? 258 00:10:32,631 --> 00:10:34,633 I mean TI-90? 259 00:10:36,115 --> 00:10:38,117 Never mind, I'll find him myself. 260 00:10:39,478 --> 00:10:41,420 Sid: Tai? Tai? 261 00:10:41,520 --> 00:10:42,942 Wha-- What are you doing? 262 00:10:43,042 --> 00:10:44,664 I'm landlining. 263 00:10:44,764 --> 00:10:46,766 I'm about to put a billion gigs straight to my dome. 264 00:10:48,607 --> 00:10:50,990 [ Groans ] Oh, shit, oh, shit. 265 00:10:51,090 --> 00:10:52,712 Oh, shit. 266 00:10:52,812 --> 00:10:55,595 [ Fax machine noises ] 267 00:10:55,695 --> 00:10:57,717 Oh, no, no, no. I do not like those noises. 268 00:10:57,817 --> 00:10:59,438 Okay, I think you've had enough. 269 00:10:59,538 --> 00:11:01,540 Back off! 270 00:11:04,143 --> 00:11:05,685 What is your problem? 271 00:11:05,785 --> 00:11:08,047 Why are you always such a dick to me? 272 00:11:08,147 --> 00:11:09,408 I'll tell you why. 273 00:11:09,508 --> 00:11:11,450 Because you sabotaged my friendship with Freya 274 00:11:11,550 --> 00:11:14,013 and stole her for yourself! 275 00:11:14,113 --> 00:11:16,696 Everything was better before you came along. 276 00:11:16,796 --> 00:11:20,279 I should have done this a long time ago. 277 00:11:23,402 --> 00:11:27,466 Whoa! Whoa! Aah! Aah! 278 00:11:27,566 --> 00:11:28,828 [ Electricity crackling ] 279 00:11:28,928 --> 00:11:31,490 Tai! 280 00:11:33,733 --> 00:11:35,394 [ Static ] 281 00:11:35,494 --> 00:11:38,397 Goodbye. 282 00:11:38,497 --> 00:11:40,760 TI-95: Oh, God. 283 00:11:40,860 --> 00:11:42,041 He's dead. 284 00:11:42,141 --> 00:11:44,684 He's [bleep] dead! 285 00:11:44,784 --> 00:11:48,707 All: Aaah! 286 00:11:51,831 --> 00:11:53,733 That's not how Dan Marino holds a football! 287 00:11:53,833 --> 00:11:55,134 He holds it like this! 288 00:11:55,234 --> 00:11:57,616 Laces up! 289 00:11:57,716 --> 00:11:59,418 Bill, have you gained weight? 290 00:11:59,518 --> 00:12:00,740 You're supposed to be the Miami Dolphin, 291 00:12:00,840 --> 00:12:03,622 not the Miami Beluga Whale. 292 00:12:03,722 --> 00:12:05,584 And has anybody seen my Ace?! 293 00:12:05,684 --> 00:12:08,387 [ Panting ] Mr. Rubinstein! 294 00:12:08,487 --> 00:12:09,949 What is it, boy? 295 00:12:10,049 --> 00:12:11,630 It's Freya. She's not acting like herself. 296 00:12:11,730 --> 00:12:13,112 She's speaking in weird voices 297 00:12:13,212 --> 00:12:15,074 and just acting like a crazy person. 298 00:12:15,174 --> 00:12:17,636 Oh, no. It's happening. 299 00:12:17,736 --> 00:12:20,119 What's happening? 300 00:12:20,219 --> 00:12:21,600 It's been said that the character of Ace Ventura 301 00:12:21,700 --> 00:12:24,403 is so dark, so deeply twisted, 302 00:12:24,503 --> 00:12:28,007 that it has the potential to infect the mind of anyone 303 00:12:28,107 --> 00:12:31,931 who inhabits his deranged world view for too long. 304 00:12:32,031 --> 00:12:33,292 It happened to my first Ace, 305 00:12:33,392 --> 00:12:35,654 and it made her mentally insane forever. 306 00:12:35,754 --> 00:12:38,097 It also happened to my second Ace. 307 00:12:38,197 --> 00:12:39,979 Actually, it's happened to all of my Aces, 308 00:12:40,079 --> 00:12:41,460 now that I think about it. 309 00:12:41,560 --> 00:12:42,702 I just feel like that's information 310 00:12:42,802 --> 00:12:44,463 you should have told us earlier. 311 00:12:44,563 --> 00:12:46,966 There's not much time! Take me to her! I'm sorry. 312 00:12:50,129 --> 00:12:52,131 Hello? 313 00:12:54,934 --> 00:12:56,936 Freya? 314 00:12:58,177 --> 00:13:00,840 Freya's not here anymore. 315 00:13:00,940 --> 00:13:04,603 There is only...Ace! 316 00:13:04,703 --> 00:13:07,166 Mommy, no! 317 00:13:07,266 --> 00:13:09,769 Um, hey, Ace. 318 00:13:09,869 --> 00:13:11,650 You think we could, uh, 319 00:13:11,750 --> 00:13:14,974 maybe talk with Freya for a second? 320 00:13:15,074 --> 00:13:17,977 Freya's never coming back. 321 00:13:18,077 --> 00:13:22,862 She was a la-hoo-sa-her. 322 00:13:22,962 --> 00:13:24,143 She's too far gone. 323 00:13:24,243 --> 00:13:27,026 We're gonna have to take her down. 324 00:13:27,126 --> 00:13:28,107 Go! -Yah! 325 00:13:28,207 --> 00:13:29,468 Aah! 326 00:13:29,568 --> 00:13:31,510 No! You're la-hoo-sa-hers! 327 00:13:31,610 --> 00:13:34,934 You're all la-hoo-sa-hers! [ Straining ] 328 00:13:38,577 --> 00:13:42,441 [ Groaning ] 329 00:13:42,541 --> 00:13:44,443 What's going on? 330 00:13:44,543 --> 00:13:45,765 Mr. Rubinstein says that I need 331 00:13:45,865 --> 00:13:48,127 to keep you tied up to protect you. 332 00:13:48,227 --> 00:13:49,328 But the play is starting! I know. 333 00:13:49,428 --> 00:13:50,890 Don't worry, they have an understudy. 334 00:13:50,990 --> 00:13:52,571 What? Who? 335 00:13:52,671 --> 00:13:54,453 Snowflake is missing! 336 00:13:54,553 --> 00:13:56,095 Who can find him? 337 00:13:56,195 --> 00:14:01,200 ♪♪ 338 00:14:03,722 --> 00:14:05,724 Morris: Um... 339 00:14:07,927 --> 00:14:11,310 [ Whispers ] Help. I forgot all my lines. 340 00:14:11,410 --> 00:14:12,952 All of them? 341 00:14:13,052 --> 00:14:15,054 Yes! 342 00:14:17,216 --> 00:14:18,437 Scraps, you have to let me go, please. 343 00:14:18,537 --> 00:14:20,559 This play means everything to me! 344 00:14:20,659 --> 00:14:22,441 I'm sorry, Mommy, but Mr. Rubinstein 345 00:14:22,541 --> 00:14:24,163 says if I let you anywhere near that stage, 346 00:14:24,263 --> 00:14:26,085 you risk turning into Ace Ventura forever. 347 00:14:26,185 --> 00:14:27,927 Would you let me go for a snausage? 348 00:14:28,027 --> 00:14:30,369 Oh, my God, 349 00:14:30,469 --> 00:14:33,132 snausages are so mouth-wateringly delicious. 350 00:14:33,232 --> 00:14:34,613 [ Sighs ] 351 00:14:34,713 --> 00:14:36,976 But no. I made a promise to protect you, 352 00:14:37,076 --> 00:14:38,537 and there's nothing you can say 353 00:14:38,637 --> 00:14:39,738 that can make me break my word. 354 00:14:39,838 --> 00:14:42,581 Two snausages? Instant yes. 355 00:14:42,681 --> 00:14:43,863 Come on, Tai! 356 00:14:43,963 --> 00:14:45,024 How are we doing with tech support?! 357 00:14:45,124 --> 00:14:46,465 I'm still on hold! 358 00:14:46,565 --> 00:14:47,947 No, I would not like to speak to an operator. 359 00:14:48,047 --> 00:14:50,149 Get me a robot! A robot! 360 00:14:50,249 --> 00:14:51,510 Did you try blowing into his butt? 361 00:14:51,610 --> 00:14:54,793 What? Like this. [ Blowing ] 362 00:14:54,893 --> 00:14:57,796 No, no. I'm sorry. I'm just -- I'm not gonna do that. 363 00:14:57,896 --> 00:15:00,119 Hang on, this is a fallout shelter. 364 00:15:00,219 --> 00:15:03,963 Which means they might have -- Hang on. 365 00:15:04,063 --> 00:15:05,444 Where are you going? 366 00:15:05,544 --> 00:15:06,745 It's an ancient human trick for bringing electronics 367 00:15:06,825 --> 00:15:07,847 back from the dead. 368 00:15:07,947 --> 00:15:10,409 What is that? 369 00:15:10,509 --> 00:15:11,971 It's rice. 370 00:15:12,071 --> 00:15:17,897 ♪♪ 371 00:15:17,997 --> 00:15:20,699 What do we do now? 372 00:15:20,799 --> 00:15:23,662 We wait. 373 00:15:23,762 --> 00:15:27,066 I'm having a full-blown panic attack 374 00:15:27,166 --> 00:15:29,628 and you're all just staring at me. 375 00:15:29,728 --> 00:15:33,472 You're allowing an innocent man to die! 376 00:15:33,572 --> 00:15:38,317 Of course, that might not do any good. 377 00:15:38,417 --> 00:15:41,280 You see, nobody's missing a porpoise. 378 00:15:41,380 --> 00:15:43,522 It's a dolphin that's been taken. 379 00:15:43,622 --> 00:15:44,884 You don't have to do this. 380 00:15:44,984 --> 00:15:46,886 The common harbour porpoise has an abrupt snout, 381 00:15:46,986 --> 00:15:49,408 cone-shaped teeth... It's not worth risking your life! 382 00:15:49,508 --> 00:15:52,131 ... and a serrated dorsal appendage. 383 00:15:52,231 --> 00:15:56,055 [ Crowd murmuring ] 384 00:15:56,155 --> 00:15:58,217 Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's do this. 385 00:15:58,317 --> 00:16:00,779 Hey, maybe I'll give you a call sometime. 386 00:16:00,879 --> 00:16:02,821 Your number still 911? 387 00:16:02,921 --> 00:16:04,423 Alrighty then! 388 00:16:04,523 --> 00:16:06,505 [ Crowd murmuring ] 389 00:16:06,605 --> 00:16:08,067 [ Applause ] 390 00:16:08,167 --> 00:16:11,830 [ Vocalizes ] 391 00:16:11,930 --> 00:16:13,872 ♪♪ 392 00:16:13,972 --> 00:16:16,555 [ Vocalises in slow motion ] 393 00:16:16,655 --> 00:16:17,796 ♪♪ 394 00:16:17,896 --> 00:16:19,438 [ Vocalises in slow motion ] 395 00:16:19,538 --> 00:16:21,120 Now let's see that in rewind. 396 00:16:21,220 --> 00:16:23,042 [ Imitates rewinding ] 397 00:16:23,142 --> 00:16:26,805 [ Crowd laughs ] 398 00:16:26,905 --> 00:16:29,528 ♪ O sole mia ♪ 399 00:16:29,628 --> 00:16:31,971 [ Singing gibberish ] 400 00:16:32,071 --> 00:16:35,134 ♪ O sole mio ♪ This is art. 401 00:16:35,234 --> 00:16:39,298 [ Singing gibberish ] 402 00:16:39,398 --> 00:16:45,364 Ree-hee-hee-hee-heeally? 403 00:16:48,167 --> 00:16:50,549 [ Cheers and applause ] 404 00:16:50,649 --> 00:16:51,790 Yes! 405 00:16:51,890 --> 00:16:55,514 [ Cheers and applause ] 406 00:16:55,614 --> 00:16:58,117 [ Triumphant music plays ] 407 00:16:58,217 --> 00:16:59,798 [ Clanking ] 408 00:16:59,898 --> 00:17:01,160 [ Applause fades ] 409 00:17:01,260 --> 00:17:02,401 [ Click ] 410 00:17:02,501 --> 00:17:05,084 [ Audience gasps, murmurs ] 411 00:17:05,184 --> 00:17:06,165 Where'd she go? 412 00:17:06,265 --> 00:17:07,366 [ Crickets chirping ] 413 00:17:07,466 --> 00:17:12,051 Dear God, or whatever AI overlord 414 00:17:12,151 --> 00:17:14,133 might be applicable here, 415 00:17:14,233 --> 00:17:18,377 don't take Tai into your big cloud in the sky. 416 00:17:18,477 --> 00:17:23,382 Bring him home to his charging station of origin. 417 00:17:23,482 --> 00:17:24,623 Amen. 418 00:17:24,723 --> 00:17:25,864 All: A-robot. 419 00:17:25,964 --> 00:17:27,506 [ Gasps ] 420 00:17:27,606 --> 00:17:29,548 [ All chuckle ] 421 00:17:29,648 --> 00:17:31,670 Easy, there. You're still booting up. 422 00:17:31,770 --> 00:17:33,792 Did I -- Did I lose my -- 423 00:17:33,892 --> 00:17:36,715 No, don't worry. All your tabs are still open. 424 00:17:36,815 --> 00:17:38,517 Oh, okay. 425 00:17:38,617 --> 00:17:40,599 I-I'm gonna read those someday. 426 00:17:40,699 --> 00:17:42,401 I really am. 427 00:17:42,501 --> 00:17:44,523 Thanks, guys. Thank Sid. 428 00:17:44,623 --> 00:17:46,765 He's the one who saved you. 429 00:17:46,865 --> 00:17:48,287 You did? 430 00:17:48,387 --> 00:17:50,569 I -- I thought you hated me. 431 00:17:50,669 --> 00:17:52,411 I don't know why you thought that. 432 00:17:52,511 --> 00:17:55,254 I've been trying really hard to be your friend. 433 00:17:55,354 --> 00:17:57,216 Y-- You're important to Freya, Tai, 434 00:17:57,316 --> 00:18:00,339 which means you're important to me. 435 00:18:00,439 --> 00:18:05,304 Ah, jeez. I'm sorry. I've been such a jerk to you. 436 00:18:05,404 --> 00:18:06,705 I've been blaming you for the fact 437 00:18:06,805 --> 00:18:08,147 that my friendship with Freya 438 00:18:08,247 --> 00:18:12,071 isn't what it used to be, but it's not your fault. 439 00:18:12,171 --> 00:18:14,033 And I hate to admit it, 440 00:18:14,133 --> 00:18:18,677 but you're actually a pretty great guy. 441 00:18:18,777 --> 00:18:21,920 Thank you. That means a lot. 442 00:18:22,020 --> 00:18:23,922 Well, I still think you're a dipshit. 443 00:18:24,022 --> 00:18:26,565 Oh, yeah. Dorky loser dipshit. 444 00:18:26,665 --> 00:18:28,087 Yeah. Thanks, guys. 445 00:18:28,187 --> 00:18:30,329 ♪♪ 446 00:18:30,429 --> 00:18:33,772 Mommy! Are you out there? 447 00:18:33,872 --> 00:18:36,335 Mommy! 448 00:18:36,435 --> 00:18:40,219 Over there! On the cliff! 449 00:18:40,319 --> 00:18:44,223 Freya, you don't have to listen to Ace! 450 00:18:44,323 --> 00:18:45,464 You can fight it! 451 00:18:45,564 --> 00:18:47,226 It's okay. 452 00:18:47,326 --> 00:18:48,827 I'm just saying goodbye. 453 00:18:48,927 --> 00:18:54,713 ♪♪ 454 00:18:54,813 --> 00:19:00,839 Ace, you came to me when my life felt small and boring, 455 00:19:00,939 --> 00:19:06,245 and you reminded me that there's still magic out there. 456 00:19:06,345 --> 00:19:09,168 But I don't need you anymore. 457 00:19:09,268 --> 00:19:11,210 I'll be... 458 00:19:11,310 --> 00:19:12,771 alrighty then. 459 00:19:12,871 --> 00:19:15,174 [ Solemn music plays ] 460 00:19:15,274 --> 00:19:16,815 Alrighty then. 461 00:19:16,915 --> 00:19:24,022 ♪♪ 462 00:19:24,122 --> 00:19:25,424 We can go home now. 463 00:19:25,524 --> 00:19:27,946 Ahh, I knew you'd be okay. 464 00:19:28,046 --> 00:19:30,149 I wasn't worried about you for a second. 465 00:19:30,249 --> 00:19:31,470 Let's go. Come on. 466 00:19:31,570 --> 00:19:39,478 ♪♪ 467 00:19:39,578 --> 00:19:47,626 ♪♪ 468 00:19:49,067 --> 00:19:52,171 Guys, isn't it crazy that this nail is metal, 469 00:19:52,271 --> 00:19:53,732 and we're metal? 470 00:19:53,832 --> 00:19:56,175 We could've been this nail. 471 00:19:56,275 --> 00:19:58,937 I would've made such a good nail. 472 00:19:59,037 --> 00:20:01,300 You know what's a weird word? 473 00:20:01,400 --> 00:20:03,702 Robot. Robot. 474 00:20:03,802 --> 00:20:05,063 Robot. Robot. 475 00:20:05,163 --> 00:20:07,546 Whoa, that is weird. 476 00:20:07,646 --> 00:20:09,067 Hey, guys? 477 00:20:09,167 --> 00:20:11,950 You know how the only numbers are one and zero? 478 00:20:12,050 --> 00:20:13,192 Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. 479 00:20:13,292 --> 00:20:15,474 Well, what if there were other numbers? 480 00:20:15,574 --> 00:20:20,399 I mean, there are other numbers. 481 00:20:20,499 --> 00:20:22,921 Two, for example. 482 00:20:23,021 --> 00:20:24,723 Whoa. [ Laughs ] Whoa. 483 00:20:24,823 --> 00:20:27,045 Sid, you're, like, a genius. 484 00:20:27,145 --> 00:20:30,209 Thanks, man. 485 00:20:30,309 --> 00:20:32,311 I'm so [bleep] up.