1 00:00:02,043 --> 00:00:04,087          [Keith]   Previously                    on "Black Monday"...        2 00:00:04,129 --> 00:00:07,090       Pfaffashions goes public                   in 12 weeks,             3 00:00:07,132 --> 00:00:09,426     so I'm here to trim the fat.     4 00:00:09,467 --> 00:00:10,844        I'm DJing at House Cat.       5 00:00:10,885 --> 00:00:12,554               Stop by.                        Be good to see you.         6 00:00:12,595 --> 00:00:14,347              I want Dawn                     to manage my career.         7 00:00:14,389 --> 00:00:17,559       [Dawn] It was your woman              that ordered the McDLT.       8 00:00:17,600 --> 00:00:19,436       You wish that we had had       9 00:00:19,477 --> 00:00:21,730     the same kind of relationship            that Nomi and I have.        10 00:00:21,771 --> 00:00:24,858       Is that why Nomi asked me             to hold on to her ring?       11 00:00:24,899 --> 00:00:26,568       [Blair]   You should worry.            Somebody's out to kill you.     12 00:00:26,609 --> 00:00:27,819          Who are you vultures?        13 00:00:27,861 --> 00:00:29,654        -The killers obviously.               -[car unlock chirps]         14 00:00:29,696 --> 00:00:31,781                -Whoa!                                -Aah!                15 00:00:31,823 --> 00:00:34,075            -[Yassir gags]                    -[Dawn moans] Ohh...         16 00:00:35,285 --> 00:00:38,496           [jazz music plays                     over speakers]            17 00:00:38,538 --> 00:00:43,710                                   18 00:00:46,921 --> 00:00:49,841           Man, these three                    are so underrated.          19 00:00:49,883 --> 00:00:51,760              These guys                 didn't just go into the studio,  20 00:00:51,801 --> 00:00:54,012      -play their head, and blow.                   -Exactly.              21 00:00:54,054 --> 00:00:56,139       -This is thoughtful shit.                     -Yeah.                22 00:00:56,181 --> 00:00:58,767           I'd love to make                 a trio record like this.       23 00:00:58,808 --> 00:01:01,061       And you can, if you sign              with Kokomo Co Records.       24 00:01:01,102 --> 00:01:03,813        We're a pure jazz label               for serious musicians        25 00:01:03,855 --> 00:01:06,399        like yourself, Ellis--                  no bullshit here.          26 00:01:06,441 --> 00:01:08,151        [music changes to pop]        27 00:01:08,193 --> 00:01:11,237                -Uh...                            -That. Yeah.             28 00:01:11,279 --> 00:01:13,573             "Girls Just--                Girls Just Want to Have Fun."    29 00:01:13,615 --> 00:01:16,284     It's not jazz, but a powerful        message, nonetheless, right?     30 00:01:16,326 --> 00:01:17,702           [high-pitched voice]                     I come home            31 00:01:17,744 --> 00:01:19,204          In the morning light       32 00:01:19,245 --> 00:01:21,956      Sorry, i-is this the Alvin           and the Chipmunks version?      33 00:01:21,998 --> 00:01:23,792     -I'm not, uh, familiar with--            -[singing continues]         34 00:01:23,833 --> 00:01:26,461          I don't--good ear.              Actually, one second, Ellis.     35 00:01:26,503 --> 00:01:28,922             -Right back.                   - Girls, they wanna have      36 00:01:28,963 --> 00:01:30,173                - Fu-un                              -Hey.                37 00:01:30,215 --> 00:01:31,716               Oh, girls             38 00:01:31,758 --> 00:01:33,384         - They wanna have fun                       -Hey.                39 00:01:33,426 --> 00:01:34,719            -[music stops]                 -What the fuck is going on      40 00:01:34,761 --> 00:01:35,845              -out here?                   -[Dawn] We are celebrating.     41 00:01:35,887 --> 00:01:37,305             The Chipmunks                     just went platinum.         42 00:01:37,347 --> 00:01:38,848         I got one of the most               important jazz drummers       43 00:01:38,890 --> 00:01:39,849             in the--wow.             44 00:01:39,891 --> 00:01:40,975             Ha. Stunning.            45 00:01:41,017 --> 00:01:42,310              -Thank you.                            -Yeah.                46 00:01:42,352 --> 00:01:43,853            Look, this guy                    sitting in my office         47 00:01:43,895 --> 00:01:46,314      has offers from every jazz           label in the fucking city,      48 00:01:46,356 --> 00:01:47,524       and you guys are out here                   wilding out             49 00:01:47,565 --> 00:01:48,942     on some literal cartoon shit.    50 00:01:48,983 --> 00:01:51,903      I'm sorry, but Dawn hooked          us up with some stacks, so...    51 00:01:51,945 --> 00:01:53,404            -Jesus Christ.                      -[Dawn giggling]           52 00:01:53,446 --> 00:01:56,074      And how many goddamn times          you gonna remodel the office?    53 00:01:56,116 --> 00:01:57,325       I needed a new fish tank.      54 00:01:57,367 --> 00:01:59,327           -You needed what?                      -A fish tank!            55 00:02:00,036 --> 00:02:01,621              [Mo] Uh...              56 00:02:01,663 --> 00:02:02,539       how'd I miss the sharks?       57 00:02:02,580 --> 00:02:04,415           It's cool, right?                  That one has stripes.        58 00:02:04,457 --> 00:02:06,668        Hey, uh, could you put                a little more fabric         59 00:02:06,709 --> 00:02:08,002     in the, you know, everywhere?    60 00:02:08,044 --> 00:02:10,046         She's-she's supposed             to look rich, not expensive.     61 00:02:10,088 --> 00:02:11,339          And you know what,                     fuck you, Yass.           62 00:02:11,381 --> 00:02:13,091         You're supposed to be                     on my team              63 00:02:13,133 --> 00:02:14,342     and in that goddamn meeting.     64 00:02:14,384 --> 00:02:15,844            You don't like                      my Grammy outfit?          65 00:02:15,885 --> 00:02:17,637      No, no, no, it's not that,            babe, I love it. Really.       66 00:02:17,679 --> 00:02:18,763       It's-it's-it's gorgeous.       67 00:02:18,805 --> 00:02:21,266     I just wish it left a little         bit more to the imagination.     68 00:02:21,307 --> 00:02:22,684                -Where?                          -[Dawn] Yassir.           69 00:02:22,725 --> 00:02:23,810      [Yassir] One second, queen.                    [ahem]                70 00:02:23,852 --> 00:02:25,520            -There you go.                       -Ah, thank you.           71 00:02:25,562 --> 00:02:27,730        [inhales] You know, Mo,       72 00:02:27,772 --> 00:02:29,732       it's called the Grammys,                 not the Grandmas.          73 00:02:29,774 --> 00:02:30,984               -[Mo] Mm.                        -And the audience          74 00:02:31,025 --> 00:02:33,069       has no imagination, okay?      75 00:02:33,111 --> 00:02:35,738      She's got one shot to make           a first impression on 'em,      76 00:02:35,780 --> 00:02:37,490    and it's gonna be, "God damn!"    77 00:02:37,532 --> 00:02:39,701            [both laughing]           78 00:02:39,742 --> 00:02:40,827        Can you take this up--        79 00:02:40,869 --> 00:02:42,495           Yassir, you think                we need to see more ass?       80 00:02:42,537 --> 00:02:44,873       You definitely wanna peek               a cheek, you know?          81 00:02:44,914 --> 00:02:46,166       Isn't this exciting, Mo?       82 00:02:46,207 --> 00:02:49,127          Dawn got us invited                to Clive Davis' party.        83 00:02:49,169 --> 00:02:51,963        Mm, well, as you know,               I think awards for art        84 00:02:52,005 --> 00:02:53,089          -are wack as shit.                       -[Dawn] Oh.             85 00:02:53,131 --> 00:02:54,757       You should win a Grandma                for that sentence.          86 00:02:54,799 --> 00:02:55,800           [Yassir] Come on.          87 00:02:55,842 --> 00:02:57,594     [Mo] Look at the Emmys alone.    88 00:02:57,635 --> 00:02:59,721          They get Lead Actor             in a Comedy wrong every year.    89 00:02:59,762 --> 00:03:00,889              -[Dawn] Mm.                      -You're telling me          90 00:03:00,930 --> 00:03:01,931       that dude from   Empty Nest      91 00:03:01,973 --> 00:03:03,057              is funnier                      than Kadeem Hardison?        92 00:03:03,099 --> 00:03:04,726         Psshh! Gimme a break.        93 00:03:04,767 --> 00:03:05,935            And what about                        Gimme a Break!?           94 00:03:05,977 --> 00:03:07,187          [Mo] And what about                     Gimme a Break!?           95 00:03:07,228 --> 00:03:09,147        -[Dawn, sighing] Ohh...                  -Don't help me.           96 00:03:09,189 --> 00:03:10,607                Listen.                  Your business is your business,  97 00:03:10,648 --> 00:03:13,818     but right now, your business         is fucking with my business.     98 00:03:13,860 --> 00:03:15,737         Keep that trash down.        99 00:03:15,778 --> 00:03:17,614         Whoa, wait a minute,                      excuse you?             100 00:03:17,655 --> 00:03:21,743        That trash, along with           the other artists that I sign,    101 00:03:21,784 --> 00:03:22,911      is keeping you in business      102 00:03:22,952 --> 00:03:24,370         with guys like little               drummer boy in there...       103 00:03:24,412 --> 00:03:26,122             -[Mo] Okay--                       -Who, in success,          104 00:03:26,164 --> 00:03:27,415     would probably be a net loss.    105 00:03:27,457 --> 00:03:29,125              -[Mo] Shh!                      -And definitely a net        106 00:03:29,167 --> 00:03:30,501    -[yelling] who the fuck cares?          -[Mo] Hey, hey, hey, hey,      107 00:03:30,543 --> 00:03:32,420             calling Alvin                  and the Chipmunks artists      108 00:03:32,462 --> 00:03:34,422        is like me calling you                     to find out             109 00:03:34,464 --> 00:03:37,091          where I could find                      some artists.            110 00:03:37,133 --> 00:03:38,343            [Yassir] What?            111 00:03:38,384 --> 00:03:40,428      I'm saying she doesn't know            where artists would be,       112 00:03:40,470 --> 00:03:42,138        so why would I call her             to ask where artists are?      113 00:03:42,180 --> 00:03:45,391              We got it.                      It's just, why do it?        114 00:03:45,433 --> 00:03:46,893       [Dawn] I don't know shit.                      Hmm.                 115 00:03:46,935 --> 00:03:48,436       Well, that's surprising,               'cause it looks like         116 00:03:48,478 --> 00:03:50,021             I'm the bitch                  who came up with the idea      117 00:03:50,063 --> 00:03:52,065      to sign those fucking rats                  with blowouts            118 00:03:52,106 --> 00:03:53,149        to record a full album        119 00:03:53,191 --> 00:03:56,861            that just sold                     one million copies.         120 00:03:56,903 --> 00:03:58,363           -[Yassir] Ho, ho!                 -[overlapping cackling]       121 00:03:58,404 --> 00:03:59,614         Look, if you want me                  to drop the 'Munks          122 00:03:59,656 --> 00:04:01,866        and all the other acts               that line your pockets,       123 00:04:01,908 --> 00:04:03,576          just say the word.          124 00:04:03,618 --> 00:04:05,662      But you might have to sell                  my dreamhou--            125 00:04:05,703 --> 00:04:07,163              Oh, sorry--             126 00:04:07,205 --> 00:04:08,498          -your dream house.                     -[Yassir] Aah!            127 00:04:08,539 --> 00:04:10,625           -[both laughing]                  -Don't do that to him.        128 00:04:10,667 --> 00:04:12,001           You're the boss.           129 00:04:12,043 --> 00:04:13,127              [Mo sighs]              130 00:04:13,169 --> 00:04:15,004       -[softly] What the fuck?            -[Dawn] But you know what?      131 00:04:15,046 --> 00:04:18,091            Either hit this                  or hit the road, jack.        132 00:04:18,132 --> 00:04:20,510               Oh, shit!                           Light bulb!             133 00:04:20,551 --> 00:04:23,263      Get the California Raisins         to record "Hit the Road, Jack."  134 00:04:23,304 --> 00:04:24,430       Yassir, call and find out      135 00:04:24,472 --> 00:04:26,474              who manages                  those racist little fruits.     136 00:04:26,516 --> 00:04:28,184              Who manages                     the actual raisins...        137 00:04:28,226 --> 00:04:29,852                -Mm...                   -Or the voices of the raisins?    138 00:04:29,894 --> 00:04:31,938      [shrill singing continues]            Girls just wanna have fun     139 00:04:31,980 --> 00:04:34,691           Girls, they wanna         140 00:04:34,732 --> 00:04:36,776             Wanna have fun          141 00:04:38,820 --> 00:04:40,029                 Fun!                      Are the Coreys coming over      142 00:04:40,071 --> 00:04:41,698        or are you just trying             to drop a quick ten again?      143 00:04:41,739 --> 00:04:44,534       Neither. One of the heads         of the NASDAQ, Doug Blackmore,    144 00:04:44,575 --> 00:04:46,953         is coming to "review"                  our "financials"           145 00:04:46,995 --> 00:04:49,497         and give us our final                sign-off on the IPO.         146 00:04:49,539 --> 00:04:51,040             So everything                     has to be perfect,          147 00:04:51,082 --> 00:04:52,542        which means you do not                  have to go home,           148 00:04:52,583 --> 00:04:55,586       -but you can't stay here.         -So, I do have to not go home?    149 00:04:55,628 --> 00:04:57,046         Why don't you go get            a little breath of fresh, okay?  150 00:04:57,088 --> 00:04:59,257      You have been moping around             this house for weeks.        151 00:04:59,299 --> 00:05:00,717    Don't you need Keith for this?    152 00:05:00,758 --> 00:05:02,343    I mean, you don't exactly know            how Pfaffashions runs        153 00:05:02,385 --> 00:05:05,638    from a financial standpoint...             or any standpoint.          154 00:05:05,680 --> 00:05:06,639       That's part of my charm.       155 00:05:06,681 --> 00:05:08,099       But this guy doesn't care              about the 'nancials.         156 00:05:08,141 --> 00:05:10,101          He's a booze hound                   and a whore hound.          157 00:05:10,143 --> 00:05:13,354      All I have to do is provide          a venue safe from his wife      158 00:05:13,396 --> 00:05:15,773       where he can get sky high                 and blown dry,            159 00:05:15,815 --> 00:05:18,192    and then the IPO is good to go.  160 00:05:18,234 --> 00:05:21,404      So wait, you're just gonna              watch him while he...        161 00:05:21,446 --> 00:05:23,197     Blair, no. That's disgusting.    162 00:05:23,239 --> 00:05:26,034    I'm gonna go to Giancarlo's and     watch while he does that to me.  163 00:05:26,075 --> 00:05:28,036                -Lucky.                    -I'm just gonna let Doug in     164 00:05:28,077 --> 00:05:29,287         and then scamper off.        165 00:05:29,329 --> 00:05:32,081     This is one of those classic            rubber stamp situations       166 00:05:32,123 --> 00:05:34,417     where nothing could possibly           go wrong no matter what.       167 00:05:34,459 --> 00:05:36,044              -[beeping]                   -Fuck. Speak of the devil.      168 00:05:36,085 --> 00:05:38,212        Giancarlo's downstairs,             and Doug's not here yet.       169 00:05:38,254 --> 00:05:39,339             What do I do?            170 00:05:39,380 --> 00:05:40,798           I can let him in.                     I   can let him in.          171 00:05:40,840 --> 00:05:41,799             Yes, please!             172 00:05:41,841 --> 00:05:44,052       Tiff, this is the perfect          chance to turn myself around.    173 00:05:44,093 --> 00:05:46,262       Please, it would make me          feel so much better if I could    174 00:05:46,304 --> 00:05:48,514          help a friend bribe            one of the heads of the NASDAQ    175 00:05:48,556 --> 00:05:50,350        with a drug-fueled fuck                  [whining] fest.           176 00:05:50,391 --> 00:05:51,768         I won't let you down.        177 00:05:51,809 --> 00:05:52,894      Fine. You can let Doug in,      178 00:05:52,935 --> 00:05:54,270           but don't forget                      to act straight           179 00:05:54,312 --> 00:05:55,646             and then get                   the fuck out immediately.      180 00:05:55,688 --> 00:05:57,023            Love you. Bye.            181 00:05:58,191 --> 00:06:00,943     God, I gotta bring something                 for the road.            182 00:06:00,985 --> 00:06:02,528               -[groans]                       -Ooh, did you just          183 00:06:02,570 --> 00:06:04,364     -just dry swallow all those?                -[coughs, gags]           184 00:06:04,405 --> 00:06:07,658           [jazz music plays                   over sound system]          185 00:06:07,700 --> 00:06:09,869                                   186 00:06:09,911 --> 00:06:11,245            -Are you okay?                        -Yeah, fine.             187 00:06:11,287 --> 00:06:12,288             Never better.            188 00:06:12,330 --> 00:06:14,123                 -Why?                    -Is that why you're playing,     189 00:06:14,165 --> 00:06:15,833          like...five records                   at the same time?          190 00:06:15,875 --> 00:06:16,876           It's one record.           191 00:06:16,918 --> 00:06:18,044        Avant-garde free jazz,        192 00:06:18,086 --> 00:06:19,754      -which you would know, if--               -Talk to me, Mo.           193 00:06:19,796 --> 00:06:21,547     I feel like shit hasn't been             right with us since--        194 00:06:21,589 --> 00:06:23,216        Since you decided that             you didn't want the public      195 00:06:23,257 --> 00:06:25,176    to know about our relationship?  196 00:06:25,218 --> 00:06:26,844                 Yeah.                197 00:06:26,886 --> 00:06:28,137              -I'm fine.                        -[music resumes]           198 00:06:28,179 --> 00:06:30,848      Hey, you said you were okay             with the McDLT thing         199 00:06:30,890 --> 00:06:32,475    and Dawn taking over my career.  200 00:06:32,517 --> 00:06:35,061            And she's doing                    a great job, right?         201 00:06:36,354 --> 00:06:39,399      That's all because of you,                      baby.                202 00:06:39,440 --> 00:06:41,109              -[Mo] Yeah.                             -Mm.                 203 00:06:41,150 --> 00:06:44,278        It's just...I miss you.       204 00:06:44,320 --> 00:06:46,572                Me too.               205 00:06:46,614 --> 00:06:49,951      Are you sure you don't want        to come to the Grammys with us?  206 00:06:49,992 --> 00:06:51,244              -[Mo moans]                             -Hmm?                207 00:06:51,285 --> 00:06:53,329              -[Mo] Mm...                           -Come on!              208 00:06:53,371 --> 00:06:55,331                [sighs]                      It'll be a fun weekend.       209 00:06:55,373 --> 00:06:58,000             And, I mean,                   you could use a vacation,      210 00:06:58,042 --> 00:06:59,836      since your friend exploded.     211 00:06:59,877 --> 00:07:01,838           -He did explode.                          -Yeah.                212 00:07:01,879 --> 00:07:05,341         And would it kill you             to play the game a little?      213 00:07:05,383 --> 00:07:07,260             Quincy Jones                  didn't become Quincy Jones      214 00:07:07,301 --> 00:07:09,512      by just...sittin' at home.      215 00:07:09,554 --> 00:07:10,805      No, he became Quincy Jones      216 00:07:10,847 --> 00:07:13,391            by doing things               like rejecting Marilyn Monroe    217 00:07:13,433 --> 00:07:16,060        because she had, quote,                "tits like pears."          218 00:07:16,102 --> 00:07:19,439             God damn it,                  that's a cool motherfucker!     219 00:07:20,857 --> 00:07:22,608       But aren't you, you know,      220 00:07:22,650 --> 00:07:25,069            kind of ashamed              to be seen with me or whatever?  221 00:07:25,111 --> 00:07:26,696          Oh, fuck all that.          222 00:07:26,737 --> 00:07:30,116       Look, if I can't share it           with you, I don't want it.      223 00:07:32,994 --> 00:07:33,661                Ta-da?                224 00:07:33,703 --> 00:07:35,455              -Oh ho ho!                       -Mm-hmm. [giggles]          225 00:07:35,496 --> 00:07:37,248                -Magic.                              -Yeah.                226 00:07:37,290 --> 00:07:39,333              -[Mo] Yeah.                            -Mmm...               227 00:07:39,375 --> 00:07:41,502            -[jazz resumes]                       -There ya go.            228 00:07:41,544 --> 00:07:43,087          -[Nomi] Oh my God.                      -Just, uh...             229 00:07:43,129 --> 00:07:45,256     -It's just so much going on.               -[Mo] Just...shh.          230 00:07:45,298 --> 00:07:46,507     [knocking, doorbell ringing]     231 00:07:46,549 --> 00:07:48,551            Yo yo, bro bro.                "Do you take drugs, Danny?"     232 00:07:48,593 --> 00:07:50,428             "Every day."                     Caddyshack,   am I right?       233 00:07:50,470 --> 00:07:52,513        -[Doug, panting] Wait--           -Ha ha--we have got a spread     234 00:07:52,555 --> 00:07:53,764            that would make                     Chevy Chase jizz.          235 00:07:53,806 --> 00:07:55,224             -[Doug] No--                    -Pros are on their way.       236 00:07:55,266 --> 00:07:57,018     SEC papers are on the table.     237 00:07:57,059 --> 00:07:58,394          Do you want to just                    bang those out            238 00:07:58,436 --> 00:07:59,604       before you start banging               out those hos, or...         239 00:07:59,645 --> 00:08:02,482       Get this shit outta here.                 Are you insane?           240 00:08:02,523 --> 00:08:05,151            I quit all this                after I ended up tip-to-tip     241 00:08:05,193 --> 00:08:08,404        with my brother-in-law               at a masked sex fiesta        242 00:08:08,446 --> 00:08:11,157           and he recognized               my signature Dalmatian dick     243 00:08:11,199 --> 00:08:13,409            [lowers voice]                      and told my wife!          244 00:08:13,451 --> 00:08:15,411          -So, it's spotted?                  -Yeah, it's spotted.         245 00:08:15,453 --> 00:08:17,288         Spotted all over town                   getting sucked.           246 00:08:17,330 --> 00:08:19,665                  Ha!                    No, but is it actually spotted?  247 00:08:19,707 --> 00:08:21,125          Or did you just say                    Dalmatian dick            248 00:08:21,167 --> 00:08:23,127               to get to                 "it gets sucked all the time."    249 00:08:23,169 --> 00:08:24,670                -Both.                                -Ha.                 250 00:08:24,712 --> 00:08:26,380           If she sees that,                   she will leave me,          251 00:08:26,422 --> 00:08:28,549              and you can                    kiss your IPO goodbye.        252 00:08:28,591 --> 00:08:31,344      I guess this is when I say            thank God she's not here.      253 00:08:31,385 --> 00:08:33,054          -[Maxine] I'm here.                     -[Blair] Ohh!            254 00:08:33,095 --> 00:08:34,388         How were the stairs?         255 00:08:34,430 --> 00:08:38,309    I am so proud of you for taking      seriously Dr. Cohen's orders     256 00:08:38,351 --> 00:08:40,603          -to exercise more.                         -Ohh...               257 00:08:40,645 --> 00:08:42,188         -Not in these heels.                    -[Blair] Ha ha.           258 00:08:42,230 --> 00:08:44,190            Mrs. Blackmore,                what a delightful surprise.     259 00:08:44,232 --> 00:08:46,275          I've heard so much                 great stuff about you.        260 00:08:46,317 --> 00:08:47,818          Congressman Pfaff.          261 00:08:47,860 --> 00:08:50,196          I wish I could say                   the same about you.         262 00:08:50,238 --> 00:08:51,489               Yuh-huh.               263 00:08:51,531 --> 00:08:53,241            -[Maxine sighs]               -[Blair] Sir, would you mind     264 00:08:53,282 --> 00:08:54,325        taking your wife's coat       265 00:08:54,367 --> 00:08:55,785          and just tucking it                 into the coat closet         266 00:08:55,826 --> 00:08:57,453    -just right there to the left?                   -Okay.                267 00:08:57,495 --> 00:08:59,163             -There ya go.                  -[Blair laughs hoarsely]       268 00:08:59,205 --> 00:09:00,164    [Maxine] And what's for dinner?  269 00:09:00,206 --> 00:09:02,375            -I'm starving.                         -Oh, good!              270 00:09:02,416 --> 00:09:06,045       Because we've got food...                     comin'.               271 00:09:06,462 --> 00:09:07,964        While you're in there,                     you should              272 00:09:08,005 --> 00:09:09,382    check out that track lighting.    273 00:09:09,423 --> 00:09:10,883       And I-I put in a dimmer!       274 00:09:11,384 --> 00:09:13,302         [Keith]   Mike, I can't                    thank you enough          275 00:09:13,344 --> 00:09:15,221         for giving me this...                   second chance.            276 00:09:15,263 --> 00:09:16,597             -As friends.                        -I-as friends.            277 00:09:16,639 --> 00:09:18,432                I know.                   I'm just having so much fun,     278 00:09:18,474 --> 00:09:22,311       and I want you to see me            just be okay with being me.     279 00:09:22,353 --> 00:09:24,188     I don't need to hide anymore                 from anyone.             280 00:09:24,230 --> 00:09:25,648         Well, not that anyone              could ever recognize you       281 00:09:25,690 --> 00:09:28,025          -with that beat on.                       -[laughs]              282 00:09:28,067 --> 00:09:29,360      And I just want you to know     283 00:09:29,402 --> 00:09:33,072    I will never lie to you again.    284 00:09:33,864 --> 00:09:35,866     Thank you. That really means           a lot, coming from you--       285 00:09:35,908 --> 00:09:37,493            -[phone rings]                  -I'm sorry. I'm so sorry.      286 00:09:37,535 --> 00:09:39,287     -It's probably my kids, uh...                   -Yeah.                287 00:09:39,328 --> 00:09:41,497            Hey, guys, uh,                  I'm with Mike, my friend.      288 00:09:41,539 --> 00:09:42,707           Everything okay?           289 00:09:42,748 --> 00:09:44,750         Ditch the dud and get            your ass over here right now.    290 00:09:44,792 --> 00:09:47,378        Ha ha. Okay, well, uh,            I'll-I'll talk to you later.     291 00:09:47,420 --> 00:09:48,754                -Okay--                   -   Blackmore brought his wife,    292 00:09:48,796 --> 00:09:50,006      who actually controls the IPO,  293 00:09:50,047 --> 00:09:52,133           and she wants to see                a full financial report.      294 00:09:52,174 --> 00:09:53,217        And Tiff's not answering.      295 00:09:53,259 --> 00:09:54,677        Not that she could help                 with that either.          296 00:09:54,719 --> 00:09:55,886        And we don't have food.       297 00:09:55,928 --> 00:09:57,388        Not that she could help             with that either, either.      298 00:09:57,430 --> 00:09:59,765            Oh, fu--udge--            299 00:09:59,807 --> 00:10:01,434           fudge everywhere.                    Oh my God, uh...           300 00:10:01,475 --> 00:10:02,602         well, you know what,         301 00:10:02,643 --> 00:10:03,728         Daddy can't help you              with this mess, uh, Becky.      302 00:10:03,769 --> 00:10:05,438         You gotta clean it up                   yourself, okay?           303 00:10:05,479 --> 00:10:06,689            Oh, okay. Okay.           304 00:10:06,731 --> 00:10:08,649      Well, I'll just call Larry             and have him come over.       305 00:10:08,691 --> 00:10:09,900          No. No. No, no, no,                    no, no, no, no.           306 00:10:09,942 --> 00:10:11,736       Yeah, I'll tell him that          you're too busy with your himbo  307 00:10:11,777 --> 00:10:13,863       to, uh, to save his IPO.              I'm sure he won't care.       308 00:10:13,904 --> 00:10:16,616         No. Okay, look, Daddy             will figure something out.      309 00:10:16,657 --> 00:10:17,825     Yeah, that's what I thought.                And bring food,           310 00:10:17,867 --> 00:10:19,577          because all we have                   to eat are drugs.          311 00:10:19,619 --> 00:10:21,078            Thanks, Daddy.            312 00:10:21,746 --> 00:10:23,623           [whispers] Shit.                           Um...                313 00:10:23,664 --> 00:10:26,584             I'm so sorry.                    Uh, my kids need me.         314 00:10:26,626 --> 00:10:28,377         I have to help them.                 They made a big mess.        315 00:10:28,419 --> 00:10:31,380        And, um, you know what,            why don't I run over there,     316 00:10:31,422 --> 00:10:33,049          -check in on them.                 -Sure, I can come with.       317 00:10:33,090 --> 00:10:34,383           -No. I mean yes.                          -Yeah.                318 00:10:34,425 --> 00:10:35,635        Yes, I would love that,              but we're in the middle       319 00:10:35,676 --> 00:10:38,512        of a-of a-of a non-date                night night night.          320 00:10:38,554 --> 00:10:40,931        I don't know. Look, um,            can you pull over, please?      321 00:10:40,973 --> 00:10:42,683    I'll just jump out right here,                   and...                322 00:10:42,725 --> 00:10:44,602     -You kiddi--we're on the FDR!          -You meet me at the club.      323 00:10:44,644 --> 00:10:46,937      You get in that line, okay,          and then when I get there,      324 00:10:46,979 --> 00:10:48,564        it'll be time to go in.                 It'll be perfect.          325 00:10:48,606 --> 00:10:49,732              -Keith, I--                    -I won't be gone long.        326 00:10:49,774 --> 00:10:50,775                -Okay.                   -Thank you. Yes, this is great.  327 00:10:50,816 --> 00:10:51,859             -Okay, uh...                          -All right.             328 00:10:51,901 --> 00:10:53,235              Good luck.                      - All right, thanks.         329 00:10:53,277 --> 00:10:54,820                 -Bye.                           -See you soon.            330 00:10:54,862 --> 00:10:58,282           dynamic funk music        331 00:10:58,324 --> 00:11:02,870                                    332 00:11:02,912 --> 00:11:05,623         dramatic musical sting      333 00:11:05,665 --> 00:11:08,584                                    334 00:11:08,626 --> 00:11:10,378       [Arnie] Well, well, well.                   Dawn Darcy.             335 00:11:10,419 --> 00:11:11,545               It's me.               336 00:11:11,587 --> 00:11:12,838                 Uh...                337 00:11:12,880 --> 00:11:15,800           Arnie Markowitz?                  We spoke on the phone?        338 00:11:16,467 --> 00:11:19,178            Wait a minute,                   you're Arnie Markowitz?       339 00:11:19,220 --> 00:11:20,513       Get the fuck outta here!       340 00:11:20,554 --> 00:11:22,264              [Mo] Yeah,                    get the fuck outta here!       341 00:11:22,306 --> 00:11:23,974         We're trying to work                     the rug, bro.            342 00:11:24,016 --> 00:11:26,394          I would if I could.               Ugh. I hate these things.      343 00:11:26,435 --> 00:11:27,436                 Yeah.                344 00:11:27,478 --> 00:11:29,230         But I have to support                   the 15 artists            345 00:11:29,271 --> 00:11:30,481       I have up for 34 Grammys.      346 00:11:30,523 --> 00:11:31,982         [wheezy laugh/inhale]            I wouldn't have blown you off    347 00:11:32,024 --> 00:11:33,734            if I had known                    that you were so, um,        348 00:11:33,776 --> 00:11:35,736             well, tall...                   [giggles] and handsome,       349 00:11:35,778 --> 00:11:36,987       and, you know, chiseled.       350 00:11:37,029 --> 00:11:38,781            And not as Jewy                   as your name implies.        351 00:11:38,823 --> 00:11:40,825            I guess, well,                   what I'm trying to say        352 00:11:40,866 --> 00:11:43,035      is just you are very, uh...     353 00:11:43,077 --> 00:11:44,203                 fit.                 354 00:11:44,245 --> 00:11:45,579              -Thank you.                         -[Dawn] Yeah.            355 00:11:45,621 --> 00:11:47,665            Well, I'm eager               to continue our conversation     356 00:11:47,707 --> 00:11:51,335      about you starting your own          independent label with me.      357 00:11:51,377 --> 00:11:52,878            Wait a minute.                   What-what, hold on, w--       358 00:11:52,920 --> 00:11:53,963      -A conversation about what?                 -No, no, no.             359 00:11:54,004 --> 00:11:55,339             -No, hold it.                     -Mo, I can explain.         360 00:11:55,381 --> 00:11:56,465       Are you-are you actually       361 00:11:56,507 --> 00:11:59,343          trying to poach her            right from under my very nose?    362 00:11:59,385 --> 00:12:01,303    Right in front of my very eyes?  363 00:12:01,345 --> 00:12:02,722              -I sure am.                        -Motherfucker,            364 00:12:02,763 --> 00:12:05,391            I will climb up                the front of your tall ass      365 00:12:05,433 --> 00:12:06,767           and beat you down                     the other side.           366 00:12:06,809 --> 00:12:08,686        There's no fucking way                  I'm letting Dawn           367 00:12:08,728 --> 00:12:10,563         out of her contract.                 I own her ass, okay?         368 00:12:10,604 --> 00:12:12,022           So get that shit                     outta your head.           369 00:12:12,064 --> 00:12:14,900         You know what, Arnie,                I think I would love         370 00:12:14,942 --> 00:12:18,279     to discuss any opportunities              that could arouse.          371 00:12:18,320 --> 00:12:20,281            -[Arnie laughs]                      -[Yassir] Dawn,           372 00:12:20,322 --> 00:12:21,615          I think in context                      what you were            373 00:12:21,657 --> 00:12:23,284       trying to say is "arise."      374 00:12:23,325 --> 00:12:24,660       Shut the fuck up, Yassir!      375 00:12:24,702 --> 00:12:26,787       -[camera lenses snapping]                 -Hi! [giggles]            376 00:12:26,829 --> 00:12:28,247         Who wants appetizers?        377 00:12:28,289 --> 00:12:29,707       I'm taking a head count,       378 00:12:29,749 --> 00:12:30,916     because they're almost ready.    379 00:12:30,958 --> 00:12:32,585         I, uh, I need to use                    your bathroom.            380 00:12:32,626 --> 00:12:34,336            Okay. It's, uh,                down the hall on the right.     381 00:12:34,378 --> 00:12:36,297            Just hurry up.            382 00:12:40,843 --> 00:12:43,012        Are you sure you're not                scrambling for food         383 00:12:43,053 --> 00:12:46,849     because you had just planned           on drugging up my husband      384 00:12:46,891 --> 00:12:49,435            'cause ya heard                   he's a party animal?         385 00:12:49,477 --> 00:12:51,395        No. That's not a pill.        386 00:12:51,437 --> 00:12:53,105            That is a mint.           387 00:12:53,147 --> 00:12:54,607                 -Oh.                                 -Yep.                388 00:12:54,648 --> 00:12:56,859       Well, don't mind if I do.      389 00:12:56,901 --> 00:13:00,529           'Cause, you know,                   a U.S. Congressman          390 00:13:00,571 --> 00:13:04,450            bribing a head                  of the NASDAQ with drugs       391 00:13:04,492 --> 00:13:07,787          for his wife's IPO                  is quite the scandal.        392 00:13:07,828 --> 00:13:09,747    Yeah, it would--you know what,                give it here.            393 00:13:09,789 --> 00:13:11,081        My breath--I feel bad,        394 00:13:11,123 --> 00:13:13,751          'cause I have just                   full dragon breath.         395 00:13:13,793 --> 00:13:15,002           So that's on me.           396 00:13:15,044 --> 00:13:16,712            I, uh, am gonna                    go check the oven,          397 00:13:16,754 --> 00:13:18,756           'cause whatever's                in there's almost ready.       398 00:13:18,798 --> 00:13:20,341            [Maxine] Okay.            399 00:13:22,259 --> 00:13:25,304          lightly tense music        400 00:13:25,346 --> 00:13:27,056              -Blackmore.                         -[deep sniff]            401 00:13:27,097 --> 00:13:28,974                Wha-oh.               402 00:13:29,016 --> 00:13:31,977       Dougy's been a really...                     bad boy.               403 00:13:32,019 --> 00:13:34,313         You're doing coke off                a cough syrup bottle.        404 00:13:34,939 --> 00:13:36,106        Kind of a hat on a hat.       405 00:13:36,148 --> 00:13:39,443       [Alvin and the Chipmunks              singing in background]        406 00:13:39,485 --> 00:13:41,362          Ooh! All right. Ha.         407 00:13:41,403 --> 00:13:43,447         I don't mind if I do.                       Ha ha.                408 00:13:43,489 --> 00:13:45,032            -[sniffs] Ooh.                           -Do--I-               409 00:13:45,074 --> 00:13:47,243         I think we shouldn't                    have left them.           410 00:13:47,284 --> 00:13:48,702      I should just go find them.     411 00:13:48,744 --> 00:13:50,454             Okay, no. No.            412 00:13:50,496 --> 00:13:51,872         Come on. I told you.         413 00:13:51,914 --> 00:13:54,458        Mo probably just found           some old guy to jazz all over.    414 00:13:54,500 --> 00:13:57,169            -[Arnie laughs]                  -All right? Just, uh...       415 00:13:57,211 --> 00:14:01,006    chill, and, uh, let's get back               to Arnie here.            416 00:14:01,048 --> 00:14:03,133                 -Mm.                     -Um, so what were you saying?    417 00:14:03,175 --> 00:14:05,928     Something about how talented              and gorgeous I am?          418 00:14:05,970 --> 00:14:07,847             -Mm, exactly.                            -Ah!                 419 00:14:07,888 --> 00:14:09,974       You have the tools to be               a superstar out here,        420 00:14:10,015 --> 00:14:12,268         which is why I wanna                give you total control        421 00:14:12,309 --> 00:14:14,228        of your own label, huh?       422 00:14:14,270 --> 00:14:15,813        Sign anybody you want.        423 00:14:15,855 --> 00:14:18,566    Starting with Nomi, of course.    424 00:14:18,607 --> 00:14:20,401           With my backing,                   we can take you from         425 00:14:20,442 --> 00:14:21,610       anonymous to mononymous.       426 00:14:21,652 --> 00:14:24,572           Madonna. Whitney.          427 00:14:24,613 --> 00:14:25,948                 Nomi.                428 00:14:25,990 --> 00:14:27,908                -Dawn.                             -[laughter]             429 00:14:27,950 --> 00:14:29,910                -Dawn.                        -[laughter continues]        430 00:14:29,952 --> 00:14:31,704     What do you think about that?    431 00:14:31,745 --> 00:14:34,081          - I think, well...          432 00:14:34,915 --> 00:14:37,293         I-I gotta go find Mo.        433 00:14:37,334 --> 00:14:38,627          [murmurs] So, I...          434 00:14:38,669 --> 00:14:40,170              Excuse me.              435 00:14:40,754 --> 00:14:42,256               -Tickets.                              -Oh.                 436 00:14:42,298 --> 00:14:44,466          My-my-my ticket is               with my girl, Nomi Maldona.     437 00:14:44,508 --> 00:14:45,885         You may have seen her                   on the carpet.            438 00:14:45,926 --> 00:14:47,011       She's kind of a big deal.      439 00:14:47,052 --> 00:14:48,220         So I'm just gonna go                 in there and grab it.        440 00:14:48,262 --> 00:14:49,972              No chance.                 Last time I fell for that one,    441 00:14:50,014 --> 00:14:51,432     guy drop-kicked Randy Newman.    442 00:14:51,473 --> 00:14:52,975           Who gives a shit?                   I'm gonna get the--         443 00:14:53,017 --> 00:14:56,228              -Hey, man!                           -Whoa! Hey!             444 00:14:56,270 --> 00:14:57,354        [whispers] I got this.        445 00:14:57,396 --> 00:14:59,106             [shouts] Get!                      Get out of here!           446 00:14:59,148 --> 00:15:00,816              Scram, now!                        Hey, what's up?           447 00:15:00,858 --> 00:15:03,193       I'm actor Eriq La Salle,               but I also do music.         448 00:15:03,235 --> 00:15:05,279        I'm gonna head in and--                 [blow lands] ah!           449 00:15:05,321 --> 00:15:06,739              [coughing]              450 00:15:06,780 --> 00:15:08,449            Good job, Eriq.           451 00:15:08,490 --> 00:15:11,118       lightly suspenseful music     452 00:15:11,160 --> 00:15:15,539      So, do you think that Keith           and Tiff are close, or...      453 00:15:15,581 --> 00:15:18,542                                    454 00:15:18,584 --> 00:15:19,752       [muttering under breath]       455 00:15:19,793 --> 00:15:21,545         [elevator bell dings]        456 00:15:21,587 --> 00:15:23,088                                    457 00:15:23,130 --> 00:15:24,256                 What?                458 00:15:25,799 --> 00:15:26,884          [softly] Oh, fuck!          459 00:15:26,926 --> 00:15:29,762          How would you like                to make a thousand bucks?      460 00:15:29,803 --> 00:15:32,556                                    461 00:15:32,598 --> 00:15:34,475        Sweetie, you're looking                 a little clammy.           462 00:15:34,516 --> 00:15:35,726      Are you feeling all right?      463 00:15:35,768 --> 00:15:37,227           Nope. Nope. Nope.          464 00:15:37,269 --> 00:15:39,480          I am not, actually.                 As a matter of fact,         465 00:15:39,521 --> 00:15:41,815         I think I need to go                     call Dr. Cohn            466 00:15:41,857 --> 00:15:44,109     on the phone in the bedroom.     467 00:15:44,151 --> 00:15:47,947                  No!                    I will get the portable phone.    468 00:15:48,530 --> 00:15:50,199      Sorry I'm late, everybody.      469 00:15:50,240 --> 00:15:52,034            Keith Shankar,                    Pfaffashions' banker.        470 00:15:52,076 --> 00:15:53,535            You can call me                    Shankar the Banker.         471 00:15:53,577 --> 00:15:54,662           [Blair] Ha ha ha.          472 00:15:54,703 --> 00:15:57,373      Where the fuck is the food,                   Rolando?               473 00:15:57,414 --> 00:15:58,499           [whispers] Shit.                          [ahem]                474 00:15:58,540 --> 00:15:59,750               I ordered                   from the place downstairs.      475 00:15:59,792 --> 00:16:01,460         -It'll be ready soon.                -Chicken Taco Masala?        476 00:16:01,502 --> 00:16:03,379        Yeah, it's Indian, it's          Mexican, it's two great tastes.  477 00:16:03,420 --> 00:16:04,588    That taste like shit together.    478 00:16:04,630 --> 00:16:06,006    Uh, let's get this presentation                started.               479 00:16:06,048 --> 00:16:08,842     You know, our pretext--should          I wait for your husband?       480 00:16:08,884 --> 00:16:10,761           Where the fuck...          481 00:16:10,803 --> 00:16:12,596                                    482 00:16:12,638 --> 00:16:13,931               -[coughs]                 -[Blair] I'll take care of him.  483 00:16:13,973 --> 00:16:14,974          Just get the food.          484 00:16:15,015 --> 00:16:16,684       Yeah, I just gotta powder                    my nose.               485 00:16:16,725 --> 00:16:17,559                 What?                486 00:16:17,601 --> 00:16:18,727      [Keith]   Hey. Hey, Rolando.      487 00:16:18,769 --> 00:16:20,521            Hold up, buddy.           488 00:16:20,562 --> 00:16:22,690       Hey, take off my clothes.      489 00:16:22,731 --> 00:16:24,566         [elevator bell dings]        490 00:16:24,608 --> 00:16:27,611             [dance music]            491 00:16:27,653 --> 00:16:31,365                                   492 00:16:31,407 --> 00:16:32,908       As I was saying, darling,      493 00:16:32,950 --> 00:16:35,077    all you have to do is come over           to Varnish Records,         494 00:16:35,119 --> 00:16:36,704    discuss a couple of things....    495 00:16:36,745 --> 00:16:38,956          Look, I don't want                     to lead you on.           496 00:16:38,998 --> 00:16:41,291     Unless maybe it's onto a bed.    497 00:16:41,333 --> 00:16:42,668             With a leash.            498 00:16:42,710 --> 00:16:43,711               -[laughs]                           -Oh, Jesus.             499 00:16:43,752 --> 00:16:45,170              -[chuckles]                      -What I'm saying is         500 00:16:45,212 --> 00:16:47,923     maybe we can give each other                 the business?            501 00:16:47,965 --> 00:16:50,509               [giggles]                 But we can't get into business.  502 00:16:50,551 --> 00:16:51,719          Why? You don't want                       to become              503 00:16:51,760 --> 00:16:54,888      the first female president            of a major record label?       504 00:16:54,930 --> 00:16:57,057         Fly around the world                   on private jets?           505 00:16:57,099 --> 00:16:59,101              Party like                     and with record stars?        506 00:16:59,143 --> 00:17:00,561      Even if I could get there,      507 00:17:00,602 --> 00:17:02,187               I-I mean,                     I'd never get Mo there.       508 00:17:02,229 --> 00:17:04,857       Yeah, I'm under contract,               and you heard him.          509 00:17:04,898 --> 00:17:06,150       He will never let me out.      510 00:17:06,191 --> 00:17:08,569      This is the music business.          Contracts are meaningless.      511 00:17:08,610 --> 00:17:10,779               Our word                    is worth literally nothing.     512 00:17:10,821 --> 00:17:11,947            [both laughing]           513 00:17:11,989 --> 00:17:13,866    Look, I have a friend who just          got this new white rapper      514 00:17:13,907 --> 00:17:16,243             out of a deal               by hanging him over a balcony.    515 00:17:16,285 --> 00:17:17,036              Allegedly.              516 00:17:17,077 --> 00:17:18,412       -Well, that's terrifying.                      -No.                 517 00:17:18,454 --> 00:17:20,789        -They didn't kill them.           -No, I meant a white rapper.     518 00:17:20,831 --> 00:17:23,125             [both] Yeah.                          [laughing]              519 00:17:23,167 --> 00:17:25,878          Look, the truth is                 I can't do that to Mo.        520 00:17:25,919 --> 00:17:28,672           You know, I mean,               he can be a huge, selfish,      521 00:17:28,714 --> 00:17:31,467    predictable yet unpredictable,    522 00:17:31,508 --> 00:17:34,011     maniacal suck-a-dick prick...    523 00:17:34,053 --> 00:17:35,137            [Arnie laughs]            524 00:17:35,179 --> 00:17:37,723    But, you know, he's my friend.    525 00:17:37,765 --> 00:17:39,767       -I mean, we used to fuck.                      -Oh.                 526 00:17:39,808 --> 00:17:41,226     I mean, we might fuck again.     527 00:17:41,268 --> 00:17:42,686            And we probably                     will fuck again.           528 00:17:42,728 --> 00:17:45,064           But he's hurt me.                         Deeply.               529 00:17:45,105 --> 00:17:47,107         I can't forgive him,                       but I do.              530 00:17:47,149 --> 00:17:49,276          But he's done some                horrendous things to me,       531 00:17:49,318 --> 00:17:52,654           and I hate him...                  but he is my friend.         532 00:17:52,696 --> 00:17:53,947    You understand what I'm saying.  533 00:17:53,989 --> 00:17:55,282             No, I don't.             534 00:17:55,908 --> 00:17:57,409               [beeping]              535 00:17:57,451 --> 00:18:00,079       Dude, what are you doing?               Come on, let's go.          536 00:18:00,120 --> 00:18:01,872             L.A. has like                     a billion parties.          537 00:18:01,914 --> 00:18:03,916         And besides, you said                you don't care about         538 00:18:03,957 --> 00:18:05,084         all this Grammy shit.        539 00:18:05,125 --> 00:18:06,960          I don't care about               all this Grammy shit, okay?     540 00:18:07,002 --> 00:18:08,629     I care about my relationship              with Nomi and Dawn,         541 00:18:08,670 --> 00:18:10,255         and this guy's gonna                   fuck 'em both up.          542 00:18:10,297 --> 00:18:11,840          He's got the juice                  to take their careers        543 00:18:11,882 --> 00:18:13,884          to the next level.                  How can they resist?         544 00:18:13,926 --> 00:18:15,928             Should they?             545 00:18:15,969 --> 00:18:17,763      -Uh, look, man, you know--                    -Fuck it.              546 00:18:17,805 --> 00:18:19,139            -Just come on.                        -Mo, come on.            547 00:18:19,181 --> 00:18:20,349       You know what I'm saying.      548 00:18:20,390 --> 00:18:22,392     I just don't think Dawn would          fuck you over like that.       549 00:18:22,434 --> 00:18:25,020    [laughing] Are you kidding me?           Our entire relationship       550 00:18:25,062 --> 00:18:27,356    is built on us slowly building           up one another's trust        551 00:18:27,397 --> 00:18:29,775           and then fucking                  the other person over.        552 00:18:29,817 --> 00:18:31,610           Now let's get in                    this fucking party.         553 00:18:31,652 --> 00:18:32,778       I'm gonna hop the fence.       554 00:18:32,820 --> 00:18:34,154               -[Mo] Oh!                           - Allow me.             555 00:18:34,196 --> 00:18:36,448                -[beep]                      -[chuckling] Good man.        556 00:18:36,490 --> 00:18:37,574            Yes, of course.           557 00:18:37,616 --> 00:18:38,325           [singsong] Bingo.          558 00:18:38,367 --> 00:18:40,536        I don't think this is--       559 00:18:40,577 --> 00:18:42,079             Mo! Hey! Mo!             560 00:18:42,121 --> 00:18:44,081                 -Mo!                       -The fuck are you doing?       561 00:18:44,123 --> 00:18:47,126        upbeat percussive music      562 00:18:47,167 --> 00:18:52,506                                    563 00:18:54,883 --> 00:18:57,845          Trust me, darling.                      just say yes,            564 00:18:57,886 --> 00:19:00,013          and I'll take care                    of your contract.          565 00:19:00,055 --> 00:19:02,182         [performers singing]         566 00:19:02,224 --> 00:19:04,518     What is there to think about?                    Hmm?                 567 00:19:04,560 --> 00:19:06,061                  Mo?                 568 00:19:06,103 --> 00:19:07,980               [laughs]                  Like I said, he'll understand.    569 00:19:08,021 --> 00:19:10,816         -It's just business.                       -No. Mo.               570 00:19:10,858 --> 00:19:12,025             -And Yassir!                   -[Yassir] There's nowhere      571 00:19:12,067 --> 00:19:13,277               -to hide.                     -[Mo] We got no choice!       572 00:19:13,318 --> 00:19:15,237            I don't know why         573 00:19:15,279 --> 00:19:17,030            I'm comin' back          574 00:19:17,072 --> 00:19:20,242            When you treat me                      like you do             575 00:19:20,284 --> 00:19:22,828    [security guard] Hey, you two!    576 00:19:22,870 --> 00:19:24,746             Oh! Hey, hey!                      What's up, guys?           577 00:19:24,788 --> 00:19:26,165        Oh! I'm with the band.                     Obviously.              578 00:19:26,206 --> 00:19:28,083      Why else would I be dressed              like these idiots?          579 00:19:28,125 --> 00:19:30,002              No offense.                  Hey, what's up, everybody?      580 00:19:30,043 --> 00:19:31,837         Let's give a big hand                 for security here.          581 00:19:31,879 --> 00:19:33,046              -[all] Boo!                         -[Mo] Yeah--             582 00:19:33,088 --> 00:19:34,339          -Get off the stage!             -[Mo] You get off the stage.     583 00:19:34,381 --> 00:19:36,508         -Assh--Don't boo me.                  -[booing continues]         584 00:19:36,550 --> 00:19:37,593         Boo yourselves, okay?        585 00:19:37,634 --> 00:19:39,928      You should boo yourselves,             because you're out here       586 00:19:39,970 --> 00:19:41,930            bopping around                     to this fake music          587 00:19:41,972 --> 00:19:43,348          with the fake drums                  and fake keyboards.         588 00:19:43,390 --> 00:19:44,975          Y'all are out there               with your-your fake hair       589 00:19:45,017 --> 00:19:46,852            and fake tits,                which I actually don't mind.     590 00:19:46,894 --> 00:19:48,061    Okay, let me ask you something.  591 00:19:48,103 --> 00:19:50,480       When did they take music            out of the music business?      592 00:19:50,522 --> 00:19:53,317            -[all cheering]                -I don't care. I was done!      593 00:19:53,358 --> 00:19:55,652        -[commotion, laughter]                       -Dawn.                594 00:19:55,694 --> 00:19:57,154             It's simple.             595 00:19:57,196 --> 00:20:01,742          Do you want to work               for yourself or...a joke?      596 00:20:01,783 --> 00:20:04,828          [pop music resumes                     in background]            597 00:20:04,870 --> 00:20:06,872                                   598 00:20:06,914 --> 00:20:09,499          Shake it off, Doug.                 Fucking shake it off.        599 00:20:09,541 --> 00:20:10,709                  Hi!                 600 00:20:10,751 --> 00:20:11,877         Who are these women?         601 00:20:11,919 --> 00:20:12,961          -We are prostitute.                        -Hello.               602 00:20:13,003 --> 00:20:15,214           They mean models.                  They're just joking.         603 00:20:15,255 --> 00:20:18,258         I-in a way, we're all              prostitutes, am I right?       604 00:20:18,300 --> 00:20:20,385        -Yes. We're prostitute.                      -Hello.               605 00:20:20,427 --> 00:20:23,138         They're here to model              some Pfaffashions for you      606 00:20:23,180 --> 00:20:24,932    as a part of the presentation.    607 00:20:24,973 --> 00:20:26,391            Oh! Apologies.            608 00:20:26,433 --> 00:20:28,352            It's just that                 you're dressed like whores.     609 00:20:28,393 --> 00:20:31,063      Uh, ha, ladies, your looks               are in the bedroom,         610 00:20:31,104 --> 00:20:33,232     so why don't you get in there              and get changed,           611 00:20:33,273 --> 00:20:34,942          and don't come out                 until I introduce you.        612 00:20:34,983 --> 00:20:36,235         So, skedaddle, okay?         613 00:20:36,276 --> 00:20:37,277               -Thanks.                      -[Keith clears throat]        614 00:20:37,319 --> 00:20:39,613            Dinner's ready.                     I think. I feel.           615 00:20:39,655 --> 00:20:41,240       So I'm gonna go plate it.      616 00:20:41,281 --> 00:20:44,493         While I talk you two              through the broad strokes.      617 00:20:44,534 --> 00:20:47,537      You know, our first quarter          was our biggest challenge.      618 00:20:47,579 --> 00:20:49,998            But it also was                   our biggest triumph.         619 00:20:50,040 --> 00:20:51,792          We got a little bit                   more conservative          620 00:20:51,833 --> 00:20:53,877       -with our SKUs, and, uh--                     -Doug.                621 00:20:53,919 --> 00:20:56,380          You-you look pale.          622 00:20:57,714 --> 00:21:00,592    My arrythmia...is h-happening.    623 00:21:00,634 --> 00:21:01,802               - [gasps]              624 00:21:01,843 --> 00:21:03,887          Is there somewhere                    he can lie down?           625 00:21:03,929 --> 00:21:05,889             That is such                    a wonderful idea, boss.       626 00:21:05,931 --> 00:21:08,225        You know, I--you know,                   I'd really love           627 00:21:08,267 --> 00:21:10,269         to just super quickly                go over the numbers.         628 00:21:10,310 --> 00:21:12,604           Oh, Mr. Shankar,                I have studied the numbers,     629 00:21:12,646 --> 00:21:14,189        and they are terrific.        630 00:21:14,231 --> 00:21:16,358                 - Oh!                    -I just wanted to put a face     631 00:21:16,400 --> 00:21:18,151           -to the profits.                          -Okay.                632 00:21:18,193 --> 00:21:21,029         And though it's been                     an odd night,            633 00:21:21,071 --> 00:21:23,907      you seem fine enough folks                to list with us.           634 00:21:23,949 --> 00:21:24,992                -Oh...                                -So,                 635 00:21:25,033 --> 00:21:26,702           if we could just                    have Doug lie down,         636 00:21:26,743 --> 00:21:28,745    and then we can start signing.    637 00:21:28,787 --> 00:21:30,330           Uh, okay. Great.           638 00:21:30,372 --> 00:21:32,416         I will, um, take him                  to the guest room,          639 00:21:32,457 --> 00:21:34,668    and then I'll be back to sign.    640 00:21:34,710 --> 00:21:36,044               [grunts]               641 00:21:36,086 --> 00:21:37,838          [quietly] Jackpot.                    She's gonna sign.          642 00:21:37,879 --> 00:21:39,756         Oh. Well, let's sign.        643 00:21:39,798 --> 00:21:42,759         Ooh! Let's eat first.        644 00:21:42,801 --> 00:21:44,720         So, what do we have?         645 00:21:44,761 --> 00:21:47,264     Um, you know, a lot of these           recipes were passed down       646 00:21:47,306 --> 00:21:49,474         from the generations                 and don't have names.        647 00:21:49,516 --> 00:21:53,603       Well then, why don't you           just tell me what's in them?     648 00:21:53,645 --> 00:21:54,521              Great idea.             649 00:21:54,563 --> 00:21:58,025             This is, uh,                     a burrito-type thing,        650 00:21:58,066 --> 00:22:01,903          and it's smothered              in a greekfenu-yogurt sauce.     651 00:22:01,945 --> 00:22:04,323     It was my meemaw's specialty.    652 00:22:04,364 --> 00:22:07,492        And this one is a real               goddamn head-scratcher.       653 00:22:07,534 --> 00:22:09,911         It smells like curry,             but it's made of carnitas,      654 00:22:09,953 --> 00:22:11,997     and it's served with a chip.     655 00:22:12,039 --> 00:22:14,166         And what is a meemaw?        656 00:22:14,207 --> 00:22:17,002           [crowd cheering,                       dance music]             657 00:22:17,044 --> 00:22:19,087       Hey, hey! Where were we?       658 00:22:19,129 --> 00:22:22,049           Well, I was here.                   And where were you?         659 00:22:22,090 --> 00:22:23,675         I was in the bathroom               for like five minutes.        660 00:22:23,717 --> 00:22:25,344         What's the big deal?                You haven't even moved.       661 00:22:25,385 --> 00:22:27,346             No, actually,                 I've been to the bar twice.     662 00:22:27,387 --> 00:22:28,889          And then I went out                for a cigarette break.        663 00:22:28,930 --> 00:22:30,390               -Uh-huh.                    -And then I fucked a rando      664 00:22:30,432 --> 00:22:31,516            -in coat check.                          -Okay.                665 00:22:31,558 --> 00:22:33,143        Yeah. And then we came                 back and we danced.         666 00:22:33,185 --> 00:22:34,269                -Okay.                       -And then we went over        667 00:22:34,311 --> 00:22:35,395            -to Devin's...                          -Uh-huh.               668 00:22:35,437 --> 00:22:36,646      -And we smoked some crack.                   -All right.             669 00:22:36,688 --> 00:22:38,106       -And now we're back here.               -All right, great.          670 00:22:38,148 --> 00:22:39,775       Keith, I don't know what           kind of crazy, fucked-up shit    671 00:22:39,816 --> 00:22:42,319      you're up to, but I'm gonna         go to the bathroom for real,     672 00:22:42,361 --> 00:22:43,403     and then I'm gonna come back     673 00:22:43,445 --> 00:22:44,654           and you're gonna                    tell me the truth,          674 00:22:44,696 --> 00:22:46,656         or I will never talk                  to you ever again.          675 00:22:46,698 --> 00:22:49,034                 Deal.                   That sounds like a great plan.    676 00:22:49,076 --> 00:22:51,119             -Great plan.                   -I will stay right here.       677 00:22:51,161 --> 00:22:52,871             [Mike] Good.             678 00:22:55,832 --> 00:22:57,250      Hey, man, you got a light?      679 00:22:57,292 --> 00:22:59,044               Uh, yeah.              680 00:23:07,969 --> 00:23:09,304       You goin' to the Grammys?      681 00:23:09,346 --> 00:23:11,473            [scoffs/laughs]                    No. fuck that shit.         682 00:23:11,515 --> 00:23:13,016                Right?                     That shit's corny as hell.      683 00:23:13,058 --> 00:23:15,310       I mean, giving out awards                 for art? Psshh!           684 00:23:15,352 --> 00:23:16,895              Thank you.              685 00:23:17,896 --> 00:23:19,272             I'm Rasheed.             686 00:23:19,314 --> 00:23:20,816          Oh, Maurice Monroe.         687 00:23:20,857 --> 00:23:22,943           Nice to meet you.          688 00:23:22,984 --> 00:23:24,986      Wait, like, Kokomo Monroe?      689 00:23:25,028 --> 00:23:26,154             Yeah, right.             690 00:23:26,196 --> 00:23:28,448            - [laughs] W--                     You've heard of me?         691 00:23:28,490 --> 00:23:30,617            Yo, yo, yo, yo!                     We rock with you.          692 00:23:30,659 --> 00:23:32,494            Me and my boys                     are huge jazz fans.         693 00:23:32,536 --> 00:23:33,662        That version you did of       694 00:23:33,703 --> 00:23:35,455          "What Are You Doing             For the Rest of Your Life"--     695 00:23:35,497 --> 00:23:36,915            Wait a minute,                  get the fuck outta here.       696 00:23:36,957 --> 00:23:38,125       Y-you listen to my shit?       697 00:23:38,166 --> 00:23:40,001      We don't just listen to it.     698 00:23:40,043 --> 00:23:41,378            -Yo, peep this.                         -[click]               699 00:23:41,420 --> 00:23:42,754            -[jazz playing]                       -[Mo exhales]            700 00:23:42,796 --> 00:23:45,257       -Get the fuck outta here!            -I said we rock with you.      701 00:23:45,298 --> 00:23:47,259          -Hey, who's on top?                -That's me and my boys.       702 00:23:47,300 --> 00:23:48,510         Workin' nine to five...     703 00:23:48,552 --> 00:23:50,011             -That's dope.                  - Like okay, I'm coolin'      704 00:23:50,053 --> 00:23:52,639           - With my posse...           -Okay yeah, that's really dope.  705 00:23:52,681 --> 00:23:53,849               Sign us.               706 00:23:53,890 --> 00:23:54,891               -[laughs]                        -Okay, I'm sorry.          707 00:23:54,933 --> 00:23:57,060    -It's just you here, you know.                -No, no, no.             708 00:23:57,102 --> 00:23:58,437     I appreciate the enthusiasm.     709 00:23:58,478 --> 00:24:00,188          But you don't wanna                     sign with me.            710 00:24:00,230 --> 00:24:01,648    I mean, I got this tiny label.    711 00:24:01,690 --> 00:24:03,650           I'm about to lose                   my biggest earner,          712 00:24:03,692 --> 00:24:05,527      and I don't have the money            to really put you guys on      713 00:24:05,569 --> 00:24:08,405            in a real way,                    you know what I mean?        714 00:24:08,447 --> 00:24:09,865     Tell you what, give it to me.    715 00:24:09,906 --> 00:24:11,741     I'll pass it on to some guys              at some big labels,         716 00:24:11,783 --> 00:24:13,118        and they're gonna know                 what to do with it.         717 00:24:13,160 --> 00:24:14,327         T-they'll really take                    care of you.             718 00:24:14,369 --> 00:24:15,704         Nah, man. Fuck that.         719 00:24:15,745 --> 00:24:19,833       I got in the game to make          dope music with dope people.     720 00:24:19,875 --> 00:24:21,084             Yeah, me too.            721 00:24:21,126 --> 00:24:22,294                 Baby.                722 00:24:22,335 --> 00:24:24,379           I've been lookin'                    for you all day.           723 00:24:24,421 --> 00:24:25,714              -[Mo sighs]                     -Where have you been?        724 00:24:25,755 --> 00:24:28,133         Someone has my ticket                    in her purse.            725 00:24:28,175 --> 00:24:29,259                  Oh!                 726 00:24:29,301 --> 00:24:31,219              -[Dawn] Oh.                          -[Mo] Hey.              727 00:24:31,261 --> 00:24:32,596            So, how'd it go                   with Arnie in there?         728 00:24:32,637 --> 00:24:35,682    Well, he offered me the world.        Nomi too, if she comes with.     729 00:24:35,724 --> 00:24:37,476              -Of course.                      -Even said he could         730 00:24:37,517 --> 00:24:39,394             get us out of                  our Kokomo Co contracts.       731 00:24:39,436 --> 00:24:43,315                Really?                   Well, what did you tell him?     732 00:24:43,356 --> 00:24:46,401                  No.                     Well, I'm gonna tell him no.     733 00:24:46,443 --> 00:24:47,986         [Yassir] Right after                     you tap that,            734 00:24:48,028 --> 00:24:49,446         'cause that muhfucker                        is...                735 00:24:49,488 --> 00:24:51,531            -Fine as fuck.                           -Yeah!                736 00:24:51,573 --> 00:24:53,408        [Mo] But wait a minute,                  wait a minute.            737 00:24:53,450 --> 00:24:55,577      Why you gonna tell him no?      738 00:24:55,619 --> 00:24:59,039           Uh, well, 'cause                     you're my friend.          739 00:24:59,080 --> 00:25:00,832               Remember?              740 00:25:02,000 --> 00:25:03,919           I am your friend.          741 00:25:03,960 --> 00:25:06,963    Which is why you gotta take it.           Take Nomi with you.         742 00:25:07,005 --> 00:25:08,757                -What?                               -What?                743 00:25:08,798 --> 00:25:09,799             Yes. Listen.             744 00:25:09,841 --> 00:25:12,052          I love you two more              than anybody in the world.      745 00:25:12,093 --> 00:25:14,721             Thanks, boss,                    but what about Dawn?         746 00:25:14,763 --> 00:25:17,724          I was talking about                    Dawn and Nomi.            747 00:25:18,558 --> 00:25:19,768        I love you too, Yassir.       748 00:25:19,809 --> 00:25:21,144                Yes-ah!               749 00:25:21,186 --> 00:25:23,647              I just want                  what's best for you, okay?      750 00:25:23,688 --> 00:25:25,815    And I know that I've just been           holding you guys back,        751 00:25:25,857 --> 00:25:28,818            but it's 'cause                 I'm scared of losing you.      752 00:25:28,860 --> 00:25:31,613     That's-that's-that's my shit,            you know what I mean?        753 00:25:31,655 --> 00:25:33,281        But that shit's not me.       754 00:25:33,323 --> 00:25:36,993      And there's some other shit           I was reminded of today,       755 00:25:37,035 --> 00:25:38,328            some deep shit.           756 00:25:38,370 --> 00:25:41,248             Shit's crazy,                    you know what I mean?        757 00:25:41,289 --> 00:25:42,874          Sorta...but there's                   a lotta shits...           758 00:25:42,916 --> 00:25:44,960     -I said shit a buncha times.         -[Dawn] And I got confused...    759 00:25:45,001 --> 00:25:47,420    Smurf, you know, it's like you           use it for everything.        760 00:25:47,462 --> 00:25:48,713         Yeah, maybe I should                   just be specific.          761 00:25:48,755 --> 00:25:51,841      What I'm saying is...I want           what's best for you guys.      762 00:25:51,883 --> 00:25:53,593              That's why,                 when we get back to New York,    763 00:25:53,635 --> 00:25:55,345           I'm gonna tear up                     your contracts.           764 00:25:55,387 --> 00:25:57,472     -I can't let you do that, Mo.            -And give me a raise.        765 00:25:57,514 --> 00:26:00,183          Babe, I'll be fine.                 We'll-we'll be fine.         766 00:26:00,225 --> 00:26:02,769          It's for the best.                        Trust me.              767 00:26:02,811 --> 00:26:04,104                 Okay.                768 00:26:06,147 --> 00:26:07,607         -Let's go celebrate.                     -[Dawn] Yes!             769 00:26:07,649 --> 00:26:09,484     -[Yassir] Yeah, let's do it.           -Sheed, you and the boys       770 00:26:09,526 --> 00:26:11,152          wanna get fucked up                  on some good shit?          771 00:26:11,194 --> 00:26:13,405             -[Nomi] Ooh!                       -Yeah. All right.          772 00:26:13,446 --> 00:26:15,699         The fuck is "Sheed"?         773 00:26:15,740 --> 00:26:17,742      I dunno, but I'll fuck him                 too--he's cute.           774 00:26:17,784 --> 00:26:19,536         Talking about I'm not                     his friend.             775 00:26:19,578 --> 00:26:21,705      [Dawn] You are his friend.                  He loves you.            776 00:26:24,833 --> 00:26:26,876               [gagging]              777 00:26:28,837 --> 00:26:30,463            -I am stuffed.                     -Me too! [exhales]          778 00:26:30,505 --> 00:26:33,633        Why don't we just start            signing and get outta here?     779 00:26:33,675 --> 00:26:35,343         -That's a wonderful--             -Okay, let's start signing.     780 00:26:35,385 --> 00:26:36,928     I just want to say thank you             so much for believing        781 00:26:36,970 --> 00:26:38,930    -in Pfaffashions, and I just--         -[mouthing] What the fuck?      782 00:26:38,972 --> 00:26:39,973                 What?                783 00:26:40,015 --> 00:26:40,974              Shit! Uh...             784 00:26:41,016 --> 00:26:43,143        -[Tiff] Hey, hey, hey!             -I can explain. This is a--     785 00:26:43,184 --> 00:26:44,603          The reinforcements                      have arrived!            786 00:26:44,644 --> 00:26:46,563     Where's old Doug Crackwhore?        Did he get enough suck and fuck  787 00:26:46,605 --> 00:26:48,607        and smoke and coke and            smack and racks to sign the--    788 00:26:48,648 --> 00:26:51,109            And you must be                     Mrs. Drug Crack--          789 00:26:51,151 --> 00:26:52,611            -[Tiff] Mrs...                      -[Keith] Black...          790 00:26:52,652 --> 00:26:55,196            Doug Blackmore.           791 00:26:55,238 --> 00:26:56,323             [Mike] Keith.            792 00:26:56,364 --> 00:26:59,242       Mike. Uh, I can explain.       793 00:26:59,284 --> 00:27:03,455        [people moaning loudly,                rhythmic thumping]          794 00:27:03,496 --> 00:27:05,624        [Keith] Uh...uh, uh...        795 00:27:05,665 --> 00:27:07,334          I'll be right back.                  I'll be right back.         796 00:27:07,375 --> 00:27:09,294       -[loud moaning continues]                   -Oh my God.             797 00:27:09,336 --> 00:27:11,254        [Doug] Ah, ah, ah, ah,                      ah, ah--               798 00:27:11,296 --> 00:27:13,590              Doug. Stop!             799 00:27:13,632 --> 00:27:15,634     Nothing's gonna stop me now.     800 00:27:15,675 --> 00:27:17,344               -Douglas!                            -[gasps]               801 00:27:17,385 --> 00:27:21,056              -Not again!                           -Maxine.               802 00:27:21,097 --> 00:27:22,265           I'm really sorry.          803 00:27:22,307 --> 00:27:23,725          They made me do it.         804 00:27:23,767 --> 00:27:25,810           They're the ones.                 They gave me the drugs,       805 00:27:25,852 --> 00:27:28,605         and they-they called                these talented hookers.       806 00:27:28,647 --> 00:27:30,523      [Tiff] Blair, how dare you?     807 00:27:30,565 --> 00:27:33,193      [Mike] Oh, I shoulda known            you didn't change, Keith.      808 00:27:33,234 --> 00:27:34,402             And to think                      I was gonna ask you         809 00:27:34,444 --> 00:27:35,654           to take things to                 the next level tonight.       810 00:27:35,695 --> 00:27:37,197       [Keith] No, no, no, Mike,               I was gonna ask you         811 00:27:37,238 --> 00:27:38,365            to take things                     to the next level.          812 00:27:38,406 --> 00:27:39,699                You...                813 00:27:39,741 --> 00:27:41,868                -[thud]                       -[Keith] Mike! Mike!         814 00:27:43,036 --> 00:27:46,122               -Oh, God!                             -Fuck!                815 00:27:46,164 --> 00:27:47,707            Mrs. Blackmore?           816 00:27:47,749 --> 00:27:50,710           My carpet. Doug,                will you still be signing?      817 00:27:50,752 --> 00:27:51,920            -Honey butter--                     -[Blair] Oh, God!          818 00:27:51,961 --> 00:27:54,005          -Maxine has passed!                 -[Doug] Honey butter!        819 00:27:54,047 --> 00:27:55,590         God damn it, Maxine.         820 00:27:55,632 --> 00:27:58,343             I can't with                   all of these dead bodies!      821 00:27:58,385 --> 00:28:01,137              -[sobbing]                     -Honey butter, wake up!       822 00:28:01,179 --> 00:28:02,722            It is spotted.            823 00:28:02,764 --> 00:28:05,975              funky music            824 00:28:06,017 --> 00:28:11,064