1 00:00:01,553 --> 00:00:05,762 ♪ Ooh ♪ 2 00:00:05,845 --> 00:00:07,845 ♪ It's Showtime tonight ♪ 3 00:00:08,303 --> 00:00:09,845 Previously on Black Monday... 4 00:00:09,929 --> 00:00:10,929 You want to buy up retail banks 5 00:00:11,011 --> 00:00:12,470 to gamble on the stock market. 6 00:00:12,553 --> 00:00:14,136 Amerisavings & Loan. 7 00:00:14,220 --> 00:00:15,261 The other congressman won't even take a piss 8 00:00:15,345 --> 00:00:16,470 without Harris' approval. 9 00:00:16,553 --> 00:00:18,136 How's your side of the deal going? 10 00:00:18,220 --> 00:00:20,553 I'm a fuckin' whiz at politics too. 11 00:00:20,637 --> 00:00:23,887 Is it me, or is an all-female workplace extremely hostile? 12 00:00:23,970 --> 00:00:25,261 I was thinking the same thing, my man. 13 00:00:25,345 --> 00:00:26,470 I told you, man. I'm done. 14 00:00:26,553 --> 00:00:27,762 I'm going to Kokomo. 15 00:00:27,845 --> 00:00:29,553 Airport. 16 00:00:32,178 --> 00:00:35,136 ♪ upbeat music ♪ 17 00:00:39,595 --> 00:00:40,929 Open it. 18 00:00:41,011 --> 00:00:42,136 Jesus! 19 00:00:42,220 --> 00:00:44,303 - Ugh, gross. - No shit, Wayne. 20 00:00:44,387 --> 00:00:46,095 We got hit with an anonymous sexual harassment complaint. 21 00:00:46,178 --> 00:00:47,929 Apparently, the women in this office 22 00:00:48,011 --> 00:00:49,637 don't want to look at that shit, 23 00:00:49,720 --> 00:00:50,804 and neither do I. 24 00:00:50,887 --> 00:00:51,804 It wasn't me. 25 00:00:51,887 --> 00:00:53,136 Buddy, come on. 26 00:00:53,220 --> 00:00:56,303 Congress is hours from passing deregulation. 27 00:00:56,387 --> 00:00:59,053 We're about to amass generational wealth. 28 00:00:59,136 --> 00:01:01,470 You'll be able to set up your kids' kids' kids. 29 00:01:01,553 --> 00:01:02,637 If I ever get to see them again. 30 00:01:02,720 --> 00:01:04,011 My ex-wife's fucking me in the ass. 31 00:01:04,095 --> 00:01:06,220 And she's not letting him visit his kids. 32 00:01:06,303 --> 00:01:07,679 - Do you think 33 00:01:07,762 --> 00:01:09,679 this is a joke? If the SEC catches wind 34 00:01:09,762 --> 00:01:11,011 of any shenanigans here, 35 00:01:11,095 --> 00:01:12,095 they will void our Amerisavings deal. 36 00:01:12,178 --> 00:01:13,970 All because you two punch lines 37 00:01:14,053 --> 00:01:15,553 couldn't keep your zingers off the Xerox. 38 00:01:15,637 --> 00:01:17,178 - I'm not a punch line. - It wasn't my zinger. 39 00:01:17,261 --> 00:01:19,595 Get this through your un-thick dicks: 40 00:01:19,679 --> 00:01:21,845 the boys' club is officially over. 41 00:01:21,929 --> 00:01:23,095 We run this shit now. 42 00:01:23,178 --> 00:01:25,595 Mo is gone, and he is not coming back. 43 00:01:25,679 --> 00:01:26,720 Until? 44 00:01:26,804 --> 00:01:28,512 Mo's not coming back until... 45 00:01:28,595 --> 00:01:29,929 - Never! - All right. 46 00:01:30,011 --> 00:01:32,512 At least we'll get more lines... 47 00:01:32,595 --> 00:01:34,178 of coke. 48 00:01:34,261 --> 00:01:36,053 That's the spirit. All right, now come on. 49 00:01:36,136 --> 00:01:37,345 And to protect the firm, we've got to send 50 00:01:37,428 --> 00:01:39,011 one of you two pervs to the Rubber Room. 51 00:01:39,095 --> 00:01:40,804 The "rub her" room? Yes, please. 52 00:01:40,887 --> 00:01:44,220 Wait, is that where they test Trojans? Yes! 53 00:01:44,303 --> 00:01:46,887 The Rubber Room is detention for degenerate traders. 54 00:01:46,970 --> 00:01:47,970 They take your dignity 55 00:01:48,053 --> 00:01:49,595 and your trading license for a month. 56 00:01:49,679 --> 00:01:51,387 I-I swear, it wasn't me. 57 00:01:51,470 --> 00:01:53,595 For religious reasons, I braid my pubic hair. 58 00:01:53,679 --> 00:01:56,011 Yeah. My circumcision scar runs up through my butthole. 59 00:01:56,095 --> 00:01:57,804 - Way up there. - Mid-back. 60 00:01:57,887 --> 00:01:58,887 - All right. - No. 61 00:01:58,970 --> 00:02:00,095 You've got until close to fess up, 62 00:02:00,178 --> 00:02:01,470 or you're both going. 63 00:02:01,553 --> 00:02:03,345 In the meantime, you're gonna go out there, 64 00:02:03,428 --> 00:02:04,595 and you're gonna apologize 65 00:02:04,679 --> 00:02:06,720 to every single woman in this office. 66 00:02:06,804 --> 00:02:08,387 - And until you do, 67 00:02:08,470 --> 00:02:12,095 Dawn is not going to let you out of our sight. 68 00:02:12,178 --> 00:02:14,637 Now, if you'll excuse me, 69 00:02:14,720 --> 00:02:16,470 I have actual work to do. 70 00:02:25,428 --> 00:02:28,387 - Janet. Linda. - Blair! 71 00:02:28,470 --> 00:02:29,095 Terri. 72 00:02:29,178 --> 00:02:30,595 - Blair! - What? 73 00:02:30,679 --> 00:02:33,178 How the fuck are you going golfing again? 74 00:02:33,261 --> 00:02:35,095 We're supposed to be running this place together. 75 00:02:35,178 --> 00:02:37,261 Everything I do is for this company. 76 00:02:37,345 --> 00:02:38,720 Do you think I want to go to the Met Gala? 77 00:02:38,804 --> 00:02:40,261 Do you think I wanted to get slimed 78 00:02:40,345 --> 00:02:42,011 on You Can't Do That on Television on television? 79 00:02:42,095 --> 00:02:43,261 Do you think I want my MTV? 80 00:02:43,345 --> 00:02:44,679 I don't, but I said it in that commercial, 81 00:02:44,762 --> 00:02:46,428 because publicity is good for TBD. 82 00:02:46,512 --> 00:02:49,762 - I get the structure. - I wish you were a white man. 83 00:02:49,845 --> 00:02:51,387 Harris asked me to swing the ol' bats 84 00:02:51,470 --> 00:02:53,762 with him and some congressmen before they head back to D.C. 85 00:02:53,845 --> 00:02:54,970 for the vote this afternoon. 86 00:02:55,053 --> 00:02:56,261 What was I supposed to say? No? 87 00:02:56,345 --> 00:02:58,512 Well, did you at least sign the Amerisavings contracts 88 00:02:58,595 --> 00:02:59,428 on your desk? 89 00:02:59,512 --> 00:03:01,136 Mm, I didn't see any contracts. 90 00:03:01,220 --> 00:03:02,720 Maybe they got lost under Tiff's shit, 91 00:03:02,804 --> 00:03:05,720 because you let her convert your office into an atelier 92 00:03:05,804 --> 00:03:08,595 for her shit attempt at a shit Georgina relaunch! 93 00:03:08,679 --> 00:03:10,887 - I'm sorry, baby. I'm sorry. 94 00:03:10,970 --> 00:03:13,804 And as soon as this vote is over, I am back here for good. 95 00:03:13,887 --> 00:03:15,303 But until then, 96 00:03:15,387 --> 00:03:16,345 can you just forge my signature? 97 00:03:16,428 --> 00:03:18,470 I can't be late for "tea time." 98 00:03:18,553 --> 00:03:20,804 Apparently, drinking tea 99 00:03:20,887 --> 00:03:22,178 is a huge part of golf. 100 00:03:22,261 --> 00:03:23,762 How have you not learned more about the game? 101 00:03:23,845 --> 00:03:25,553 Just--just fucking go. 102 00:03:25,637 --> 00:03:26,637 You're the best. 103 00:03:26,720 --> 00:03:28,428 I'll be back tonight for the vote party. 104 00:03:28,512 --> 00:03:29,845 Fore! 105 00:03:31,804 --> 00:03:32,887 Ahh! 106 00:03:32,970 --> 00:03:35,303 Five, six, seven, eight! 107 00:03:37,303 --> 00:03:41,220 Guy, just admit that this is your guy, 108 00:03:41,303 --> 00:03:43,011 and I will convince Dawn to take it easy on you, 109 00:03:43,095 --> 00:03:44,720 but there is no reason 110 00:03:44,804 --> 00:03:47,720 that both of us should get sent to the Rubber Room for this. 111 00:03:47,804 --> 00:03:49,095 Can't you see? 112 00:03:49,178 --> 00:03:50,303 This is a frame job. 113 00:03:50,387 --> 00:03:52,011 We're the last men here, and they want us out. 114 00:03:52,095 --> 00:03:53,220 It's so obvious. 115 00:03:53,303 --> 00:03:57,345 Or women don't like unsolicited penis photographs. 116 00:03:57,428 --> 00:03:59,303 There's got to be a punchier way to say that. 117 00:03:59,387 --> 00:04:00,720 It is a mouthful. 118 00:04:00,804 --> 00:04:03,220 No, and that's my point. 119 00:04:03,303 --> 00:04:04,970 We need to respect that the culture in the office, 120 00:04:05,053 --> 00:04:06,929 it's changed, and in that change-- 121 00:04:07,011 --> 00:04:08,136 Offices don't have culture. 122 00:04:08,220 --> 00:04:10,970 Puerto Ricans, yogurt, Boy George's club. 123 00:04:11,053 --> 00:04:12,178 Those have culture. 124 00:04:12,261 --> 00:04:13,929 Now, here's my plan. 125 00:04:14,011 --> 00:04:15,220 We're gonna ask around 126 00:04:15,303 --> 00:04:17,095 and find out which chick made the complaint, 127 00:04:17,178 --> 00:04:18,512 and then we'll apologize. 128 00:04:18,595 --> 00:04:20,512 Progress. That's what I like. 129 00:04:20,595 --> 00:04:22,887 And then, when she least expects it, 130 00:04:22,970 --> 00:04:24,136 we'll exact our revenge 131 00:04:24,220 --> 00:04:26,387 and send that snitching bitch to the Rubber Room. 132 00:04:35,637 --> 00:04:37,178 I love what you've done with the place. 133 00:04:37,261 --> 00:04:38,845 Yeah, Tiff really ripped her parents' apartment 134 00:04:38,929 --> 00:04:41,095 down to the studs. 135 00:04:41,178 --> 00:04:42,970 And speaking of ripped studs... 136 00:04:43,053 --> 00:04:45,303 - You got that? - Yeah, way ahead of you there. 137 00:04:46,387 --> 00:04:48,762 Blair? 138 00:04:48,845 --> 00:04:50,637 Blair Pfaff. 139 00:04:50,720 --> 00:04:52,720 Blair Pfaff! 140 00:04:55,470 --> 00:04:58,220 Well, well, if it isn't the home-wrecking harlot 141 00:04:58,303 --> 00:05:00,011 out to destroy my-- 142 00:05:00,095 --> 00:05:01,637 Ooh, not what I expected. 143 00:05:01,720 --> 00:05:04,261 White lady, who the fuck are you, 144 00:05:04,345 --> 00:05:05,887 and what the fuck were you expecting? 145 00:05:05,970 --> 00:05:07,261 I'm Corky Harris, 146 00:05:07,345 --> 00:05:09,762 and I came to confront you, Blair, 147 00:05:09,845 --> 00:05:12,970 the hussy who layeth down with my husband, 148 00:05:13,053 --> 00:05:14,470 Congressman Roger Harris? 149 00:05:17,011 --> 00:05:20,095 My goodness, this is a mix-up from the tits up. 150 00:05:20,178 --> 00:05:22,178 First of all, hi. I'm Dawn. 151 00:05:22,261 --> 00:05:24,595 I founded this place with my partner Blair, 152 00:05:24,679 --> 00:05:25,845 who is a man, 153 00:05:25,929 --> 00:05:28,178 and we are just huge donors of your husband. 154 00:05:28,261 --> 00:05:29,720 But Blair has to be a woman. 155 00:05:29,804 --> 00:05:33,178 I picture someone rich, blonde, bunch of pretty roommates. 156 00:05:33,261 --> 00:05:35,387 No, that's Blair from Facts of Life. 157 00:05:35,470 --> 00:05:38,136 My Blair is all man, like Jo from Facts of Life. 158 00:05:38,220 --> 00:05:40,053 Trust me, my Blair and your husband 159 00:05:40,136 --> 00:05:42,387 are on the golf course as we speak. 160 00:05:42,470 --> 00:05:45,261 But they golf all the time. 161 00:05:45,345 --> 00:05:47,261 In a moment of weakness, 162 00:05:47,345 --> 00:05:49,261 I took a peek into my husband's calendar. 163 00:05:49,345 --> 00:05:51,512 The trips--I mean, the last month alone-- 164 00:05:51,595 --> 00:05:55,428 Palm Springs, Provincetown, San Fran, Fire Island. 165 00:05:55,512 --> 00:05:58,637 I mean, they went to the Tonys together. 166 00:05:58,720 --> 00:05:59,762 Mm-hmm. 167 00:05:59,845 --> 00:06:03,970 Well, you know, all the facts line up perfectly. 168 00:06:04,053 --> 00:06:05,178 Standard business trips. 169 00:06:05,261 --> 00:06:06,804 Oh, my gosh. 170 00:06:06,887 --> 00:06:07,970 I just realized what's happening here. 171 00:06:08,053 --> 00:06:09,470 What's happening? 172 00:06:09,553 --> 00:06:12,553 My husband and your Blair are having sex... 173 00:06:12,637 --> 00:06:14,178 Uh... 174 00:06:14,261 --> 00:06:15,679 ...with women outside their marriages, 175 00:06:15,762 --> 00:06:18,720 and using each other as alibis. 176 00:06:18,804 --> 00:06:20,095 No. 177 00:06:20,178 --> 00:06:22,261 No. No. Uh, no. 178 00:06:22,345 --> 00:06:23,845 - No, no, no, no, no. - Mm-hmm. 179 00:06:23,929 --> 00:06:25,220 Mm-hmm. 180 00:06:25,303 --> 00:06:27,095 Mm. 181 00:06:27,178 --> 00:06:28,762 - Hmm? - Huh. 182 00:06:28,845 --> 00:06:30,136 Hmm. 183 00:06:30,220 --> 00:06:32,178 Is it possible that maybe now 184 00:06:32,261 --> 00:06:33,679 you're covering for both of them? 185 00:06:33,762 --> 00:06:36,345 Corky, if your husband is messing around, 186 00:06:36,428 --> 00:06:39,303 then I will personally rip off his dick 187 00:06:39,387 --> 00:06:42,178 and pull it through his asshole myself. 188 00:06:42,261 --> 00:06:44,053 If Blair says he is playing golf, 189 00:06:44,136 --> 00:06:44,970 then he is playing golf. 190 00:06:45,053 --> 00:06:46,929 He is obsessed. 191 00:06:47,011 --> 00:06:48,553 ♪ These dreams ♪ 192 00:06:48,637 --> 00:06:52,804 ♪ Go on when I close my eyes ♪ 193 00:06:52,887 --> 00:06:55,887 ♪ Every second of the night... ♪ 194 00:06:58,303 --> 00:06:59,595 - Damn it! 195 00:07:01,011 --> 00:07:01,929 I'm almost there. 196 00:07:02,011 --> 00:07:02,970 What? 197 00:07:03,053 --> 00:07:04,553 Hey, B. 198 00:07:04,637 --> 00:07:08,053 I have someone who wants to say hi to you. 199 00:07:08,136 --> 00:07:11,220 It's Congressman Harris' wife. 200 00:07:11,303 --> 00:07:13,220 Excited to finally meet you, Blair. 201 00:07:13,303 --> 00:07:15,929 Yeah, we wanted to come and meet you guys 202 00:07:16,011 --> 00:07:16,970 on the golf course. 203 00:07:17,053 --> 00:07:18,929 Uh, what hole are you in? 204 00:07:19,011 --> 00:07:20,387 On. 205 00:07:20,470 --> 00:07:22,679 Um, it's great to meet you, Corky. 206 00:07:22,762 --> 00:07:24,387 Yes, we would love for you and Dawn 207 00:07:24,470 --> 00:07:26,887 to meet us on the, uh, golf...field. 208 00:07:26,970 --> 00:07:30,303 Uh, what hole shall you meet us on, you ask? 209 00:07:30,387 --> 00:07:33,011 Uh, the-the 51st hole. 210 00:07:33,095 --> 00:07:34,387 Uh, the 15th hole. 211 00:07:34,470 --> 00:07:35,929 I wish there were 51 holes, 212 00:07:36,011 --> 00:07:37,387 'cause I love golf. 213 00:07:37,470 --> 00:07:39,011 Um, yep, 214 00:07:39,095 --> 00:07:40,929 well, I look forward to meeting you. 215 00:07:41,011 --> 00:07:42,970 Okay, bye-bye. 216 00:07:43,053 --> 00:07:44,303 Damn it. 217 00:07:44,387 --> 00:07:46,053 We got to go. 218 00:07:46,136 --> 00:07:47,220 Unless you want to finish really quick. 219 00:07:47,303 --> 00:07:48,804 I already did. 220 00:07:48,887 --> 00:07:51,387 Great. 221 00:07:51,470 --> 00:07:52,887 Okay, we're gonna go with the classic. 222 00:07:52,970 --> 00:07:54,261 You be bad cop. I'll be good cop. 223 00:07:54,345 --> 00:07:56,261 Okay, but all cops are bad. 224 00:07:56,345 --> 00:07:57,053 That's true. Follow my lead. 225 00:07:57,136 --> 00:07:58,679 All right. 226 00:08:01,136 --> 00:08:02,512 Thank you for coming, Karen. 227 00:08:02,595 --> 00:08:03,845 Water? Coffee? 228 00:08:03,929 --> 00:08:06,178 - Foot massage? - God damn it, Wayne. 229 00:08:06,261 --> 00:08:07,261 What's this all about, guys? 230 00:08:07,345 --> 00:08:08,345 Well, as you may have heard, 231 00:08:08,428 --> 00:08:09,762 there was a complaint 232 00:08:09,845 --> 00:08:11,720 about someone in this office's distasteful-- 233 00:08:11,804 --> 00:08:14,261 some say "walk off home run" hilarious-- 234 00:08:14,345 --> 00:08:15,595 use of office equipment. 235 00:08:15,679 --> 00:08:18,261 What my disgusting, sack of shit partner here 236 00:08:18,345 --> 00:08:19,970 is trying to say is that we are sorry 237 00:08:20,053 --> 00:08:22,470 if we ever made you feel unsafe in this office. 238 00:08:22,553 --> 00:08:23,553 Hey, hey, hey. What are you doing? 239 00:08:23,637 --> 00:08:25,387 - I'm being bad cop. - Not to me, idiot. 240 00:08:25,470 --> 00:08:26,345 Be bad cop to her. 241 00:08:26,428 --> 00:08:27,679 Oh! 242 00:08:27,762 --> 00:08:29,136 Now watch and fucking learn. 243 00:08:29,220 --> 00:08:30,470 All right, Karen, 244 00:08:30,553 --> 00:08:32,428 AKA Miss Thang-- 245 00:08:32,512 --> 00:08:34,011 - Mm. - Where'd she go? 246 00:08:34,095 --> 00:08:35,470 Please hurry up. 247 00:08:35,553 --> 00:08:36,929 I have to make sure my poor sweet husband 248 00:08:37,011 --> 00:08:38,804 isn't being led astray by some Nancy. 249 00:08:38,887 --> 00:08:41,220 Blair is not a nancy. He's married. 250 00:08:41,303 --> 00:08:43,303 I'm talking about Nancy Reagan. 251 00:08:43,387 --> 00:08:45,303 Ever since she broke up Ronnie's marriage 252 00:08:45,387 --> 00:08:46,679 to his first wife Jane Wyman 253 00:08:46,762 --> 00:08:50,178 and his political career not only survived, it thrived, 254 00:08:50,261 --> 00:08:51,387 every good Christian Republican 255 00:08:51,470 --> 00:08:53,637 thinks they can survive a divorce. 256 00:08:53,720 --> 00:08:57,637 It's left all us wives of a certain age vulnerable. 257 00:08:57,720 --> 00:09:00,720 Leave it to the Gipper to deregulate divorce too. 258 00:09:00,804 --> 00:09:02,053 I just have to remind Roger 259 00:09:02,136 --> 00:09:05,428 that my daddy's money and power put him in that office, 260 00:09:05,512 --> 00:09:08,095 and it can sure as heck take him right out. 261 00:09:08,178 --> 00:09:09,470 Who's your daddy? 262 00:09:09,553 --> 00:09:11,261 Have you heard of Pastor Newell Swofford? 263 00:09:11,345 --> 00:09:13,679 He started the Honor God TV Network? 264 00:09:13,762 --> 00:09:14,929 HGTV? 265 00:09:15,011 --> 00:09:16,845 The guy who coined the phrase "pray away the gay"? 266 00:09:16,929 --> 00:09:18,929 He also came up with "spay away the gay," 267 00:09:19,011 --> 00:09:21,345 because--well, he thinks cats are gay. 268 00:09:21,428 --> 00:09:23,720 That one was less successful. 269 00:09:23,804 --> 00:09:28,053 How was that, growing up with such a-a cool dad? 270 00:09:28,136 --> 00:09:30,387 I mean, do you share his views? 271 00:09:30,470 --> 00:09:33,345 Of course. Well, not his views on Roger. 272 00:09:33,428 --> 00:09:35,303 Ever since we met, he hated him. 273 00:09:35,387 --> 00:09:37,261 He used to say, "There's something wrong with that boy," 274 00:09:37,345 --> 00:09:38,845 but I defended him, 275 00:09:38,929 --> 00:09:41,595 and I supported him, because I loved him. 276 00:09:41,679 --> 00:09:43,679 I love him, 277 00:09:43,762 --> 00:09:46,345 and I don't want to lose him. 278 00:09:47,303 --> 00:09:51,762 Well, it sounds to me like Roger needs to be reminded 279 00:09:51,845 --> 00:09:53,929 that he'd be nothing without you. 280 00:09:54,011 --> 00:09:57,220 Men have a way of forgetting that behind every one of them 281 00:09:57,303 --> 00:10:00,553 is a much smarter one of us. 282 00:10:00,637 --> 00:10:03,470 I mean, I do everything at TBD, but... 283 00:10:03,553 --> 00:10:06,011 Blair either doesn't realize it, 284 00:10:06,095 --> 00:10:09,762 or he's too busy getting the credit to say thanks. 285 00:10:11,095 --> 00:10:12,720 Men. 286 00:10:12,804 --> 00:10:15,136 A bunch of horses' you-know-whats. 287 00:10:26,178 --> 00:10:27,595 Dawn, I like you. 288 00:10:27,679 --> 00:10:29,845 And I like you. 289 00:10:29,929 --> 00:10:31,220 You know, I'd love to introduce you to my dad. 290 00:10:31,303 --> 00:10:33,595 He's always looking for investment opportunities, 291 00:10:33,679 --> 00:10:36,553 and I'd love to support a fellow strong woman. 292 00:10:36,637 --> 00:10:38,845 And I could do a lot of good work 293 00:10:38,929 --> 00:10:40,970 with all that tithing money. 294 00:10:41,053 --> 00:10:42,637 Great. 295 00:10:42,720 --> 00:10:45,595 Assuming Blair's not cheating with my husband. 296 00:10:45,679 --> 00:10:47,261 Those dogs. 297 00:10:47,345 --> 00:10:48,053 This is it. We're here. 298 00:10:48,136 --> 00:10:50,136 Okay. 299 00:10:50,929 --> 00:10:53,512 Now, with the tea, is it a specific kind of tea-- 300 00:10:56,887 --> 00:10:58,595 - Corky! - Oh, God. 301 00:10:58,679 --> 00:11:00,220 - Corky! Corky! - Oh, my God. 302 00:11:00,303 --> 00:11:03,345 I am so sorry to startle you, but I love you. 303 00:11:03,428 --> 00:11:05,595 - You guys, look who it is! - No, I'm sorry. 304 00:11:05,679 --> 00:11:06,887 I don't know who you think I am. 305 00:11:06,970 --> 00:11:10,053 You have never gotten the credit that you deserve. 306 00:11:10,136 --> 00:11:11,053 You are a star. 307 00:11:11,136 --> 00:11:12,845 Will you take a picture with me, please? 308 00:11:12,929 --> 00:11:14,762 - Thank you so much. - Sure. 309 00:11:17,804 --> 00:11:20,011 No one has a camera? God damn it! 310 00:11:20,095 --> 00:11:22,136 - Oh, God-- - Oh, don't go! No, I-- 311 00:11:22,220 --> 00:11:22,804 Corky! 312 00:11:29,428 --> 00:11:30,804 I don't get it. 313 00:11:30,887 --> 00:11:33,470 So being subpar at golf is actually a good thing? 314 00:11:33,553 --> 00:11:34,762 Yep. Oh, there she is. 315 00:11:34,845 --> 00:11:36,428 Just act like you know what you're doing. 316 00:11:36,512 --> 00:11:38,303 Mother! 317 00:11:38,387 --> 00:11:39,845 - Mother? - You made it. 318 00:11:39,929 --> 00:11:41,804 - Father! - My goodness. 319 00:11:41,887 --> 00:11:45,261 What a pleasant-- exactly what I was expecting. 320 00:11:45,345 --> 00:11:46,470 Corky, Blair Pfaff. 321 00:11:46,553 --> 00:11:48,303 Hey. It's a pleasure to meet you. 322 00:11:48,387 --> 00:11:49,553 Charmed, I'm sure. 323 00:11:51,387 --> 00:11:53,595 - Well. - Are you enjoying the course? 324 00:11:53,679 --> 00:11:55,387 Oh, it's the greatest game of my life. 325 00:11:55,470 --> 00:11:57,095 It's very subpar. 326 00:11:57,178 --> 00:11:58,428 - Uh-- - Well, don't let me 327 00:11:58,512 --> 00:11:59,637 interrupt your career best. 328 00:11:59,720 --> 00:12:01,178 - Fire away. - Thank you, yes. 329 00:12:01,261 --> 00:12:03,512 Let me just grab my favorite swingin' pole 330 00:12:03,595 --> 00:12:04,470 from the ol' quiver. 331 00:12:04,553 --> 00:12:06,345 - Yep. - Yep! 332 00:12:06,428 --> 00:12:07,762 Here we go. 333 00:12:07,845 --> 00:12:09,970 Oh, um, the putter for the tee? 334 00:12:10,053 --> 00:12:11,470 - Oh, no. 335 00:12:11,553 --> 00:12:13,679 I just like to touch this for luck 336 00:12:13,762 --> 00:12:15,595 before I grab my real club... 337 00:12:15,679 --> 00:12:17,053 Yep. 338 00:12:17,136 --> 00:12:18,345 Yeah. 339 00:12:19,887 --> 00:12:21,679 You know, it's like the log at the Apollo. 340 00:12:21,762 --> 00:12:24,011 - He's superstitious. - Precisely. 341 00:12:24,095 --> 00:12:25,679 - Warm-up. - Warm-up? 342 00:12:25,762 --> 00:12:27,512 You've been out for 14 holes now. 343 00:12:27,595 --> 00:12:29,178 - Yeah. 344 00:12:30,512 --> 00:12:32,762 Play ball! 345 00:12:34,804 --> 00:12:36,470 Hey! Stop right there. 346 00:12:38,387 --> 00:12:39,679 Governor Putnam? 347 00:12:39,762 --> 00:12:41,970 Oh, it is you! 348 00:12:42,053 --> 00:12:44,220 I thought everyone around the club was lying. 349 00:12:44,303 --> 00:12:46,512 The TV does not add ten pounds or change one thing, 350 00:12:46,595 --> 00:12:49,470 because you look exactly like you. 351 00:12:49,553 --> 00:12:50,595 I do? 352 00:12:50,679 --> 00:12:52,679 Oh! Can I get an autograph? 353 00:12:52,762 --> 00:12:55,679 Uh...yeah, sure. 354 00:13:01,720 --> 00:13:04,887 Uh, nice meeting you. 355 00:13:04,970 --> 00:13:06,887 Stay in school! 356 00:13:18,595 --> 00:13:20,804 - Hit the ball! - Yep. 357 00:13:22,637 --> 00:13:23,470 Hitting... 358 00:13:23,553 --> 00:13:24,679 - Whoa! 359 00:13:24,762 --> 00:13:26,428 Blair! 360 00:13:26,512 --> 00:13:28,220 - Oh, my God. - Oh, no. 361 00:13:28,303 --> 00:13:29,428 Oh, my God. 362 00:13:29,512 --> 00:13:30,220 - Blair! - Blair! 363 00:13:30,303 --> 00:13:33,428 Blair, are you dead? 364 00:13:33,512 --> 00:13:35,178 Thank you. 365 00:13:35,261 --> 00:13:37,178 - To Mrs. Harris, oh... - Yes. 366 00:13:37,261 --> 00:13:39,553 Thank you so much for these pills. 367 00:13:39,637 --> 00:13:40,720 I don't know what they are, 368 00:13:40,804 --> 00:13:42,178 but I'm... fine. 369 00:13:42,261 --> 00:13:44,387 Well, it is the least that I could do. 370 00:13:44,470 --> 00:13:46,679 I just feel awful that you got hurt. 371 00:13:46,762 --> 00:13:48,845 - What? No. - I'm sorry again. 372 00:13:48,929 --> 00:13:50,637 This is so silly, 373 00:13:50,720 --> 00:13:53,261 but I somehow got it in my head 374 00:13:53,345 --> 00:13:56,595 that you two were out there chasing the fillies together. 375 00:13:58,762 --> 00:13:59,970 Oh, you goofball. 376 00:14:00,053 --> 00:14:02,804 Clearly, it was just business. 377 00:14:02,887 --> 00:14:04,428 My fault for getting things in my head again. 378 00:14:04,512 --> 00:14:06,637 Mother, on our wedding day, I made a promise to you... 379 00:14:06,720 --> 00:14:07,762 Did he call her Mother? 380 00:14:07,845 --> 00:14:09,136 Yeah, it's not great. 381 00:14:09,220 --> 00:14:11,428 ...that I would never go anywhere without you 382 00:14:11,512 --> 00:14:13,679 if a woman was present, 383 00:14:13,762 --> 00:14:15,303 and I've stuck to that. 384 00:14:15,387 --> 00:14:17,804 I am so sorry for doubting you, Father. 385 00:14:17,887 --> 00:14:19,345 - Aww. - Nope. 386 00:14:19,428 --> 00:14:21,136 Come here. 387 00:14:26,095 --> 00:14:28,595 Tell me that you are not fucking the guy 388 00:14:28,679 --> 00:14:29,762 who could fuck up our deal? 389 00:14:29,845 --> 00:14:32,261 Of course not. He's fucking me. 390 00:14:32,345 --> 00:14:33,637 Ohh... 391 00:14:33,720 --> 00:14:36,470 And this gimlet is compliments 392 00:14:36,553 --> 00:14:39,178 of the gentleman at the bar. 393 00:14:39,261 --> 00:14:40,637 Can you just put it over there with the other ones, please? 394 00:14:40,720 --> 00:14:42,553 - Thank you. - What's happening? 395 00:14:42,637 --> 00:14:44,679 Whenever black people go to rich white people places, 396 00:14:44,762 --> 00:14:46,220 they always think we're famous. 397 00:14:46,303 --> 00:14:48,011 Otherwise, why would we be there? 398 00:14:48,095 --> 00:14:49,970 - We do do that. 399 00:14:50,053 --> 00:14:51,178 Bitch, who do they think you are? 400 00:14:51,261 --> 00:14:52,720 I don't know. I'm so sick of this shit. 401 00:14:52,804 --> 00:14:54,428 They can't tell niggas apart. What the fuck is that? 402 00:14:54,512 --> 00:14:56,345 - Man, they got you fucked up. - Where you from? 403 00:14:56,428 --> 00:14:57,929 - I'm from Compton. - Oh, my nigga. 404 00:14:58,011 --> 00:14:59,637 - Compton, yeah. - Stay up. 405 00:14:59,720 --> 00:15:01,011 - Oh, yeah, baby, all day. - That's what's up. 406 00:15:01,095 --> 00:15:03,220 Motherfuckers out here getting rich on crack cocaine. 407 00:15:03,303 --> 00:15:04,929 You know how that go. 408 00:15:05,011 --> 00:15:07,220 My man. Peace out. 409 00:15:07,303 --> 00:15:08,261 Yeah. 410 00:15:08,345 --> 00:15:10,804 So, Blair, you and Roger have gotten to travel 411 00:15:10,887 --> 00:15:13,095 to so many wonderful places lately. 412 00:15:13,178 --> 00:15:14,512 - Yeah. - What was your favorite? 413 00:15:14,595 --> 00:15:16,512 Palm Springs? Rehoboth? 414 00:15:16,595 --> 00:15:19,095 Well, you know, they're all just work trips. 415 00:15:19,178 --> 00:15:20,679 It's not like we're spending the whole day in bed. 416 00:15:24,261 --> 00:15:25,845 Well, but what about the Tonys? 417 00:15:25,929 --> 00:15:27,804 I mean, come on, that must have been a hoot. 418 00:15:27,887 --> 00:15:30,345 The Antoinette Perry Awards for Excellence in Broadway Theatre? 419 00:15:30,428 --> 00:15:34,804 When I found out Roger was taking you instead of me? 420 00:15:34,887 --> 00:15:36,053 Jealous. 421 00:15:36,136 --> 00:15:38,220 - Wait, what? - It was a hoot. 422 00:15:38,303 --> 00:15:41,470 Right, Blair? When you and I went to the Tonys together? 423 00:15:45,345 --> 00:15:47,470 And then...booyah! 424 00:15:47,553 --> 00:15:51,053 Hey, man, maybe stop shoving the evidence in their faces? 425 00:15:51,136 --> 00:15:54,053 Hey, man, how about stop undermining my investigation? 426 00:15:54,136 --> 00:15:55,387 How else are they supposed to know what we're talking about? 427 00:15:55,470 --> 00:15:57,679 Because they know what a penis looks like. 428 00:15:57,762 --> 00:15:58,970 Not if they're all lesbos! 429 00:15:59,053 --> 00:16:01,011 Which is one of my working theories. 430 00:16:01,095 --> 00:16:02,553 - God damn it, Pamela. 431 00:16:02,637 --> 00:16:03,845 Do you have to do that here? 432 00:16:03,929 --> 00:16:06,428 Yes. It's the only microwave. 433 00:16:06,512 --> 00:16:08,845 So did you all catch Dallas last night? 434 00:16:08,929 --> 00:16:10,303 Sue Ellen back on the bottle. 435 00:16:10,387 --> 00:16:11,970 Ooh, and J.R. had her committed. 436 00:16:12,053 --> 00:16:13,261 Shit, I would be hitting the bottle too. 437 00:16:13,345 --> 00:16:15,512 Yeah, they don't call her Boozy Suzy for nothing. 438 00:16:15,595 --> 00:16:18,095 Okay, guys, we're doing a work project here. 439 00:16:18,178 --> 00:16:19,553 Now, Joyce, please. 440 00:16:19,637 --> 00:16:21,637 Let's try a little word association. 441 00:16:21,720 --> 00:16:23,428 - I... - Am creepy as hell. 442 00:16:24,845 --> 00:16:26,178 - No. - Won't lie to you. 443 00:16:26,261 --> 00:16:28,929 Come on, we haven't even started yet. 444 00:16:29,011 --> 00:16:30,887 I'm gonna say a word, and then... 445 00:16:30,970 --> 00:16:32,345 I'm gonna leave, 'cause you stink. 446 00:16:32,428 --> 00:16:34,303 Sorry if we ever made you feel unsafe at work! 447 00:16:34,387 --> 00:16:35,595 I'm not! 448 00:16:35,679 --> 00:16:37,011 Ever gonna move out of your mom's house? 449 00:16:37,095 --> 00:16:39,178 - Oh! 450 00:16:41,845 --> 00:16:42,804 Tell you what, Corks, 451 00:16:42,887 --> 00:16:44,428 nobody had a better time that night 452 00:16:44,512 --> 00:16:45,887 than your hubby. 453 00:16:45,970 --> 00:16:48,595 Turns out Roger loves the Tonys. 454 00:16:48,679 --> 00:16:50,512 - Yeah. - And the Oscars. 455 00:16:50,595 --> 00:16:52,220 And the Steves. 456 00:16:52,303 --> 00:16:53,512 Why don't you tell us all 457 00:16:53,595 --> 00:16:56,178 what your favorite parts of the Tonys was? 458 00:16:56,261 --> 00:16:57,804 So many great moments 459 00:16:57,887 --> 00:16:59,303 I could describe in detail 460 00:16:59,387 --> 00:17:02,303 instead of going to Washington this afternoon and voting 461 00:17:02,387 --> 00:17:05,470 on a pretty significant regulatory rollback. 462 00:17:05,553 --> 00:17:07,762 Well, I think we all fuckin' love that. 463 00:17:07,845 --> 00:17:09,136 Would we, though? 464 00:17:09,220 --> 00:17:11,553 - It sounds boring! - No. 465 00:17:11,637 --> 00:17:12,804 - Doesn't sound boring to me. - Yeah, no, I think so. 466 00:17:12,887 --> 00:17:14,428 Seems like a fun old time-- 467 00:17:14,512 --> 00:17:16,512 - Let's go clean it up. - No, it'll dry here. 468 00:17:16,595 --> 00:17:17,804 Blair, let's go clean it up now. 469 00:17:17,887 --> 00:17:19,011 Okay. Ouchie. 470 00:17:19,095 --> 00:17:22,637 Ouchie! Okay, be back in a flash. 471 00:17:22,720 --> 00:17:24,970 - Whoopsy-daisy. - Okaysies. 472 00:17:25,053 --> 00:17:26,845 - Idiot! - I know. 473 00:17:26,929 --> 00:17:27,720 Can you believe he's cheating on me? 474 00:17:27,804 --> 00:17:29,512 No, you're an idiot. 475 00:17:29,595 --> 00:17:31,679 Of all the guys to fuck, you choose the one 476 00:17:31,762 --> 00:17:33,220 who controls our destiny. 477 00:17:33,303 --> 00:17:35,720 And you're about to fuck it all up for some dick. 478 00:17:35,804 --> 00:17:37,679 It's fine. I'll handle it. 479 00:17:37,762 --> 00:17:39,345 Like you've been handling it? 480 00:17:39,428 --> 00:17:42,845 I've never seen someone's feelings get hurt so visibly. 481 00:17:42,929 --> 00:17:45,095 Well, h-how could he do that to me? 482 00:17:45,178 --> 00:17:47,345 'Cause he is a man, dummy. 483 00:17:47,428 --> 00:17:50,011 Don't make me explain your species to you. 484 00:17:50,095 --> 00:17:51,762 And you didn't tell me. 485 00:17:51,845 --> 00:17:53,553 My God, I could have helped you. 486 00:17:53,637 --> 00:17:55,011 Us! 487 00:17:55,095 --> 00:17:57,470 Fuck! This is some real Mo shit. 488 00:17:57,553 --> 00:18:00,303 We're supposed to be actual partners. 489 00:18:00,387 --> 00:18:03,011 - I'm sorry. - Fuck your "I'm sorry." 490 00:18:03,095 --> 00:18:05,178 There you are, Big B. Can we talk? 491 00:18:06,428 --> 00:18:07,679 Fix this. 492 00:18:10,762 --> 00:18:12,553 So you're a piece of shit. 493 00:18:12,637 --> 00:18:13,303 I thought you knew I-- 494 00:18:13,387 --> 00:18:14,512 That you were a piece of shit 495 00:18:14,595 --> 00:18:17,428 who was doinking every guy in town behind my back? 496 00:18:17,512 --> 00:18:18,220 "Doinking"? 497 00:18:18,303 --> 00:18:20,053 It's how people say "sex," okay? 498 00:18:20,136 --> 00:18:21,345 You're old. 499 00:18:21,428 --> 00:18:22,970 Why are you having such a hard time with this? 500 00:18:23,053 --> 00:18:25,220 Because you were my first. 501 00:18:26,929 --> 00:18:30,470 Relationship of this kind... 502 00:18:30,553 --> 00:18:32,762 and I thought it was just you and me, 503 00:18:32,845 --> 00:18:35,136 and now I feel stupid. 504 00:18:36,011 --> 00:18:38,553 Wow, babe, I-- 505 00:18:38,637 --> 00:18:40,095 I'm sorry. 506 00:18:40,178 --> 00:18:42,095 All those other guys meant nothing. 507 00:18:42,178 --> 00:18:43,345 - I didn't know... 508 00:18:43,428 --> 00:18:44,970 ...you wanted a relationship, but... 509 00:18:45,053 --> 00:18:47,053 I really like you, Blair. 510 00:18:47,136 --> 00:18:49,095 Why else do you think I would carry around 511 00:18:49,178 --> 00:18:51,136 the picture you gave me in my wallet? 512 00:18:53,053 --> 00:18:54,887 You kept my penis picture. 513 00:18:54,970 --> 00:18:56,929 There has to be a better way to say that. 514 00:18:57,011 --> 00:18:59,679 - Dick picture? - Penis pic. 515 00:18:59,762 --> 00:19:00,762 Dickture! 516 00:19:00,845 --> 00:19:03,011 From now on, 517 00:19:03,095 --> 00:19:05,762 - I only want to doink you. 518 00:19:05,845 --> 00:19:08,261 And my wife when I have to, for maintenance. 519 00:19:08,345 --> 00:19:10,804 And the occasional secretary, for appearances. 520 00:19:10,887 --> 00:19:13,011 Do you mean that? 521 00:19:13,095 --> 00:19:15,845 Exclusive doinking? 522 00:19:15,929 --> 00:19:17,720 Yeah, what the heck. Why not? 523 00:19:17,804 --> 00:19:20,679 All the secret calls, the planning, 524 00:19:20,762 --> 00:19:22,595 the rendezvouses-- 525 00:19:22,679 --> 00:19:25,261 it'd be so much easier if it was only you. 526 00:19:31,845 --> 00:19:34,679 ♪ dramatic music ♪ 527 00:19:36,512 --> 00:19:37,720 - We got to go. - I know. 528 00:19:37,804 --> 00:19:39,178 Come on. 529 00:19:48,679 --> 00:19:51,011 Corky. 530 00:19:51,095 --> 00:19:52,553 Uh... 531 00:19:52,637 --> 00:19:54,428 Blair's Italian, 532 00:19:54,512 --> 00:19:56,845 and you know how they are over there, I mean... 533 00:19:56,929 --> 00:19:57,929 Giuseppe, 534 00:19:58,011 --> 00:19:59,428 uh, let-a me hold-a your hand. 535 00:19:59,512 --> 00:20:01,261 Giuseppe, let-a me kiss-a your face. 536 00:20:01,345 --> 00:20:03,303 Dawn, stop. 537 00:20:03,387 --> 00:20:05,637 Please don't ever do that voice again. 538 00:20:07,637 --> 00:20:10,679 Listen, Corky... 539 00:20:10,762 --> 00:20:12,804 Well, boys will be boys. 540 00:20:12,887 --> 00:20:14,011 What? 541 00:20:14,095 --> 00:20:16,762 Oh, I was being so silly. 542 00:20:16,845 --> 00:20:19,845 Roger will never leave me for a man. 543 00:20:19,929 --> 00:20:22,011 It would end his career. 544 00:20:23,887 --> 00:20:25,387 I got scared for a second. 545 00:20:26,470 --> 00:20:29,011 All right, let's get back out there. 546 00:20:29,095 --> 00:20:31,095 Who did this? Is this you? 547 00:20:31,178 --> 00:20:33,095 Did you do this? It was you, wasn't it? 548 00:20:33,178 --> 00:20:34,887 - Who did this? - Wayne, chill! 549 00:20:34,970 --> 00:20:37,887 Not until one of these feminazis admits to framing us. 550 00:20:37,970 --> 00:20:39,136 None of you are even my type! 551 00:20:39,220 --> 00:20:41,887 It was me, all right? Fuck, man. 552 00:20:41,970 --> 00:20:44,637 I filed the complaint. 553 00:20:44,720 --> 00:20:47,220 You're just so gross to all the women in the office 554 00:20:47,303 --> 00:20:49,887 all the time, and I saw that Xerox, 555 00:20:49,970 --> 00:20:51,845 and it was the last straw. 556 00:20:51,929 --> 00:20:55,011 I don't know if you've noticed, but times are changing. 557 00:20:55,095 --> 00:20:56,720 - Yes. - You're with it. 558 00:20:56,804 --> 00:20:59,595 We just had a girl vice presidential candidate, 559 00:20:59,679 --> 00:21:02,970 and granted, she got her ass fuckin' smoked, because duh, 560 00:21:03,053 --> 00:21:04,387 but we're gonna have a chick president soon. 561 00:21:04,470 --> 00:21:05,887 - Yes. 562 00:21:05,970 --> 00:21:09,220 These girls? They're mothers and they're daughters 563 00:21:09,303 --> 00:21:11,011 and they're wives and they're sisters. 564 00:21:11,095 --> 00:21:13,345 - We're also people. - Exactly. 565 00:21:13,428 --> 00:21:16,387 These people are men's mothers and daughters 566 00:21:16,470 --> 00:21:18,553 and sisters and wives. 567 00:21:18,637 --> 00:21:20,095 He had it. 568 00:21:20,178 --> 00:21:21,220 - And then he lost it. - Mm-hmm. 569 00:21:21,303 --> 00:21:23,845 It wasn't me, okay? 570 00:21:23,929 --> 00:21:25,762 And I can prove it. 571 00:21:25,845 --> 00:21:26,762 Ladies! 572 00:21:26,845 --> 00:21:29,887 Well, the congressman has a train to catch 573 00:21:29,970 --> 00:21:31,887 and a vote to vote. 574 00:21:31,970 --> 00:21:33,762 That sounds great. 575 00:21:33,845 --> 00:21:35,261 Knock 'em dead. 576 00:21:35,345 --> 00:21:36,970 Dawn, thank you so much 577 00:21:37,053 --> 00:21:38,637 for helping me get to the bottom of all this. 578 00:21:38,720 --> 00:21:42,804 And I want you to reach out to Daddy. 579 00:21:42,887 --> 00:21:45,053 Oh, the pastor. 580 00:21:45,136 --> 00:21:46,512 - Thank you. - Thank you. 581 00:21:46,595 --> 00:21:49,428 ♪ upbeat music ♪ 582 00:21:54,011 --> 00:21:55,679 There you are! 583 00:21:55,762 --> 00:21:58,929 Can't believe you're actually at our club. 584 00:21:59,011 --> 00:22:00,679 Who? 585 00:22:00,762 --> 00:22:03,095 Who is actually at your club? 586 00:22:03,178 --> 00:22:06,095 You're Regina, Regina King. 587 00:22:06,178 --> 00:22:08,512 You play Brenda on 227. 588 00:22:10,136 --> 00:22:12,345 Bitch, you racist. 589 00:22:14,011 --> 00:22:16,762 Really? You're not gonna say anything? 590 00:22:16,845 --> 00:22:17,845 I'm sorry, all right? 591 00:22:17,929 --> 00:22:19,470 I'm sorry I jeopardized the deal. 592 00:22:19,553 --> 00:22:21,220 I'm sorry I didn't tell you about me and Harris, 593 00:22:21,303 --> 00:22:22,220 and I know that's the type of shit 594 00:22:22,303 --> 00:22:23,637 Mo used to do all the time, 595 00:22:23,720 --> 00:22:25,887 and-and I promise to be a better partner than that, 596 00:22:25,970 --> 00:22:29,178 and I will be, I swear. 597 00:22:29,261 --> 00:22:31,929 Look, Blair, I'm happy for you. 598 00:22:32,011 --> 00:22:34,887 I just don't want this place to ever go back to how it was. 599 00:22:34,970 --> 00:22:36,679 - I know. - Put that thing away! 600 00:22:36,762 --> 00:22:38,303 - Oh, Wayne! - My dick. 601 00:22:38,387 --> 00:22:40,011 - Not my dick. - I'm so sorry. 602 00:22:40,095 --> 00:22:41,220 - My dick. Not my dick. 603 00:22:41,303 --> 00:22:42,220 Please don't blame me. 604 00:22:42,303 --> 00:22:43,512 Wayne! Wayne. Wayne! 605 00:22:43,595 --> 00:22:45,679 This is my dick. This is not my dick. 606 00:22:45,762 --> 00:22:48,011 - Wayne! - I apologize. 607 00:22:48,095 --> 00:22:50,053 Rubber Room, now! 608 00:22:50,136 --> 00:22:51,804 Can someone give me a ride? 609 00:22:51,887 --> 00:22:53,220 Wayne! 610 00:22:55,095 --> 00:22:56,720 Pull up your pants! 611 00:22:56,804 --> 00:22:59,011 Oh, shit, the vote for Amerisavings is on. 612 00:22:59,095 --> 00:23:00,679 Oh! 613 00:23:04,136 --> 00:23:06,345 In regards to bill H827, 614 00:23:06,428 --> 00:23:08,804 the abolishment of regulatory ordinances 615 00:23:08,887 --> 00:23:11,387 in relation to banking institutions, 616 00:23:11,470 --> 00:23:12,637 those in favor? 617 00:23:12,720 --> 00:23:13,679 Aye. 618 00:23:13,762 --> 00:23:15,011 Those opposed? 619 00:23:16,011 --> 00:23:18,178 Bill H827 is ratified. 620 00:23:20,136 --> 00:23:22,387 - Oh! - We did it, we're rich! 621 00:23:22,470 --> 00:23:24,929 - We did it! - Yes, we did it! 622 00:23:25,011 --> 00:23:28,011 - Yes! - Oh, my God. 623 00:23:30,470 --> 00:23:31,845 We interrupt our regular coverage 624 00:23:31,929 --> 00:23:34,845 to bring you tragic news out of South Florida, 625 00:23:34,929 --> 00:23:37,553 where the cocaine wars have escalated again. 626 00:23:37,637 --> 00:23:38,387 Oh. 627 00:23:38,470 --> 00:23:39,428 A deadly shootout 628 00:23:39,512 --> 00:23:41,220 tore through a busy branch 629 00:23:41,303 --> 00:23:43,762 of Amerisavings & Loan. 630 00:23:43,845 --> 00:23:45,679 Four dead and several injured 631 00:23:45,762 --> 00:23:48,512 after gunfire erupted over what's thought to be 632 00:23:48,595 --> 00:23:50,637 a money-laundering deal gone bad. 633 00:23:50,720 --> 00:23:53,470 Again, this was the South Beach branch 634 00:23:53,553 --> 00:23:55,261 of Amerisavings & Loan. 635 00:23:55,345 --> 00:23:56,512 Stop saying the name. 636 00:23:56,595 --> 00:23:57,845 A massive investigation 637 00:23:57,929 --> 00:24:00,261 is being launched into what feds suspect 638 00:24:00,345 --> 00:24:02,512 is widespread criminal activity 639 00:24:02,595 --> 00:24:03,595 throughout Amerisavings & Loan. 640 00:24:03,679 --> 00:24:05,011 Does this affect our thing at all? 641 00:24:05,095 --> 00:24:07,095 The SEC has frozen the stock 642 00:24:07,178 --> 00:24:08,887 after a steep decline. 643 00:24:08,970 --> 00:24:09,887 Don't you want revenge 644 00:24:09,970 --> 00:24:11,178 on all those people who fucked you over? 645 00:24:11,261 --> 00:24:13,136 I mean, Dawn and Blair... 646 00:24:13,220 --> 00:24:14,512 me. 647 00:24:14,595 --> 00:24:16,637 This kind of gets me all the revenge I need, Keith. 648 00:24:18,553 --> 00:24:22,095 Fuck you! Shit! Fuck! Hey! 649 00:24:22,178 --> 00:24:24,512 - Ah! Shit! 650 00:24:24,595 --> 00:24:27,595 Why is everything fucking steel in here? 651 00:24:27,679 --> 00:24:29,387 Blood money indeed. 652 00:24:29,470 --> 00:24:30,929 Meanwhile, our thoughts and prayers 653 00:24:31,011 --> 00:24:34,261 go out to the victims of this horrific tragedy, 654 00:24:34,345 --> 00:24:36,428 again, at Amerisavings & Loan. 655 00:24:36,512 --> 00:24:38,804 - Shut up! - Stop saying the goddamn name! 656 00:24:38,887 --> 00:24:42,387 If any good can come from this senseless tragedy, 657 00:24:42,470 --> 00:24:44,595 it's that Congress will immediately act 658 00:24:44,679 --> 00:24:45,512 on gun control... 659 00:24:48,929 --> 00:24:51,762 Mm-mm-mm! 660 00:24:54,011 --> 00:24:55,095 What a da-- 661 00:25:00,595 --> 00:25:03,595 ♪ lively electronic music ♪