1 00:00:53,595 --> 00:00:54,846 Blacktip on the line. 2 00:00:56,515 --> 00:00:58,058 She's a fighter, I say! 3 00:00:58,267 --> 00:00:59,893 That's what I like to hear, brah! 4 00:00:59,977 --> 00:01:01,812 Come, ru. Come up, ru, help. 5 00:01:02,479 --> 00:01:03,772 Help me, ru. 6 00:01:15,242 --> 00:01:16,243 Come on. 7 00:01:20,914 --> 00:01:21,915 Get the hook. 8 00:01:23,584 --> 00:01:25,294 Get the hook. I'm holding there. 9 00:01:26,712 --> 00:01:27,921 The hook. 10 00:01:31,508 --> 00:01:32,759 Okay, I'm holding. 11 00:01:32,884 --> 00:01:35,929 Come on, get that fin, mad ru. Get it! 12 00:01:41,101 --> 00:01:42,102 Yes, yes. 13 00:01:50,027 --> 00:01:51,320 Right. 14 00:01:53,322 --> 00:01:55,073 Whoo! 15 00:01:56,742 --> 00:01:57,868 Yeah. 16 00:01:58,827 --> 00:02:00,287 You're a killer, mad ru. 17 00:02:04,875 --> 00:02:06,126 Come take a selfie. 18 00:02:06,627 --> 00:02:07,919 - Take a selfie. - Whoo! 19 00:02:33,236 --> 00:02:34,780 Happy, happiness-- 20 00:02:34,863 --> 00:02:36,406 attention all mariners. 21 00:02:36,531 --> 00:02:39,910 Any vessel in or around zone 1-7-9, 22 00:02:39,993 --> 00:02:44,414 I say again, zone 1-7-9, you are advised to leave the area. 23 00:02:45,832 --> 00:02:47,125 What's this bullshit, huh? 24 00:02:54,007 --> 00:02:57,094 If you can see orange smoke on your horizon, you are in danger. 25 00:02:57,177 --> 00:03:01,515 I say again, if you can see orange smoke, you are in immediate danger. 26 00:03:01,598 --> 00:03:03,266 Depart for coastal waters at once. 27 00:03:05,018 --> 00:03:06,228 Um... 28 00:03:08,271 --> 00:03:09,272 Uh, ru? 29 00:03:12,901 --> 00:03:14,778 Think we should pull the lines, my bruh? 30 00:03:14,903 --> 00:03:18,740 Are you crazy? Kwame, they're really biting today, brah. 31 00:03:20,992 --> 00:03:22,869 I don't want to go to jail, man. 32 00:03:22,953 --> 00:03:28,125 Besides, pretty kussed from that last fight, man. 33 00:03:28,792 --> 00:03:30,043 Don't be a pussy. 34 00:03:31,503 --> 00:03:33,463 Radio didn't say nothing about the coast guard. 35 00:03:34,047 --> 00:03:37,676 All we know, it's some longliner out here greedy. 36 00:03:38,301 --> 00:03:41,096 We, me and you, we're going nowhere. 37 00:03:41,638 --> 00:03:43,390 We're gonna fish now, my friend. 38 00:03:44,015 --> 00:03:45,392 Let's fish. 39 00:03:48,395 --> 00:03:49,688 What was that? 40 00:04:02,784 --> 00:04:04,369 Come, come, come, you all right? 41 00:04:04,578 --> 00:04:05,579 Fuck. 42 00:04:07,080 --> 00:04:08,498 Kwamei yeah! 43 00:04:08,832 --> 00:04:10,709 That's a moonsome big one, I say! 44 00:04:10,792 --> 00:04:14,254 And that's why we're out here, baby! That's solid gold! 45 00:04:21,887 --> 00:04:25,515 Ru, are you seeing this? 46 00:04:34,399 --> 00:04:36,234 Have you seen sharks swim like that? 47 00:04:36,985 --> 00:04:38,069 What are they doing? 48 00:04:38,236 --> 00:04:41,281 They're serving themselves up on a platter, that's what. 49 00:05:03,845 --> 00:05:04,971 Help me! 50 00:05:07,307 --> 00:05:08,308 Kwame! 51 00:05:12,687 --> 00:05:13,688 - Fuck. - Ru! 52 00:05:15,315 --> 00:05:16,316 Kwame! 53 00:06:02,904 --> 00:06:03,905 Hello? 54 00:07:27,364 --> 00:07:32,243 Listing left to nowhere 55 00:07:32,369 --> 00:07:35,747 wading in the dark 56 00:07:35,872 --> 00:07:39,501 in the blue 57 00:07:46,549 --> 00:07:51,054 trading dreams for nightmares 58 00:07:51,179 --> 00:07:55,058 the undertow of gloom 59 00:07:55,141 --> 00:08:00,772 in the blue 60 00:08:03,358 --> 00:08:09,280 drowning in the deep blue sea 61 00:08:25,046 --> 00:08:29,843 tread into the riptide 62 00:08:29,968 --> 00:08:33,138 falling from the light 63 00:08:33,221 --> 00:08:37,934 from coming through 64 00:08:44,107 --> 00:08:48,778 trading dreams for nightmares 65 00:08:48,862 --> 00:08:52,532 the undertow of gloom 66 00:08:52,657 --> 00:08:59,622 in the blue 67 00:09:01,041 --> 00:09:06,755 drowning in the deep blue sea 68 00:09:27,525 --> 00:09:29,027 I can't believe he didn't eat you. 69 00:09:29,319 --> 00:09:32,155 Well, luckily, i wouldn't taste very good to him. 70 00:09:32,989 --> 00:09:35,116 You know, the idea that great whites are these 71 00:09:35,200 --> 00:09:37,535 malicious killing machines, roving the shorelines 72 00:09:37,619 --> 00:09:39,204 looking for some swimmer to chomp on, 73 00:09:39,287 --> 00:09:41,956 is just pure fiction perpetuated by Hollywood. 74 00:09:42,999 --> 00:09:47,796 I mean, these magnificent and unfairly represented creatures 75 00:09:47,879 --> 00:09:51,925 are simply looking for fish, or a nice fat seal to eat. 76 00:09:52,717 --> 00:09:54,135 You know, anytime there is a human attack, 77 00:09:54,219 --> 00:09:56,554 it's just a case of mistaken identity. 78 00:09:56,763 --> 00:10:01,392 Sharks are an extremely important part of our ocean's eco-system. 79 00:10:02,060 --> 00:10:05,271 And, sadly, they are being killed 80 00:10:05,355 --> 00:10:09,901 at an average rate of 100 million per year, 81 00:10:10,485 --> 00:10:13,196 for purposes as frivolous as a bowl of fin soup. 82 00:10:15,865 --> 00:10:19,828 That is why the institute my mother founded, 83 00:10:19,911 --> 00:10:21,621 five oceans institute, 84 00:10:21,704 --> 00:10:24,499 is fully dedicated to shark research, 85 00:10:24,582 --> 00:10:26,042 and to educating the public on 86 00:10:26,126 --> 00:10:28,753 how important it is to protect the species. 87 00:10:30,421 --> 00:10:31,422 Yeah? 88 00:10:32,173 --> 00:10:35,426 Your video shows you swimming with a wide variety of sharks. 89 00:10:35,510 --> 00:10:38,012 Is there any type of shark you wouldn't swim with? 90 00:10:39,931 --> 00:10:41,182 Bull sharks. 91 00:10:41,850 --> 00:10:45,145 They're the most lethal of all the shark species. 92 00:10:45,228 --> 00:10:48,565 They tend to blast their prey with the thick part of their skull 93 00:10:48,648 --> 00:10:52,902 to disable them and then clamp down like a pit bull. 94 00:10:52,986 --> 00:10:56,614 And their bite is ten times that of a great white's, so... 95 00:10:56,698 --> 00:10:58,241 Yeah, they're quite intimidating to swim with. 96 00:11:10,211 --> 00:11:11,588 Aaron, you on comms? 97 00:11:11,671 --> 00:11:14,257 Roger, Trent. I've got eyes on you. 98 00:11:14,340 --> 00:11:16,134 Open fence section 5f. 99 00:11:39,866 --> 00:11:41,492 You come back with an expression like that 100 00:11:41,576 --> 00:11:43,411 on your face, i know there's a story behind it. 101 00:11:43,494 --> 00:11:44,871 Yeah, not one I want to spread. 102 00:11:46,998 --> 00:11:48,249 We had a jail break today. 103 00:11:48,917 --> 00:11:51,044 - How many? - All five. 104 00:11:51,252 --> 00:11:52,837 That's five too many, man. 105 00:11:53,463 --> 00:11:54,881 Yeah, no shit. 106 00:11:55,548 --> 00:11:57,050 I gotta check the perimeter fence. 107 00:11:58,593 --> 00:12:00,261 These fish can't get out again. 108 00:12:09,854 --> 00:12:12,565 Lastly, I'd like to thank you for having me. 109 00:12:13,983 --> 00:12:15,276 Thank you. 110 00:12:27,038 --> 00:12:28,039 Dr. Calhoun. 111 00:12:28,831 --> 00:12:31,251 - Yes? - Misty, my name is Craig burns. 112 00:12:31,876 --> 00:12:33,169 Hi, what can I do for you? 113 00:12:36,256 --> 00:12:37,674 Durant pharmaceuticals. 114 00:12:39,008 --> 00:12:40,802 I'm not a pharma doc. What am I missing? 115 00:12:41,427 --> 00:12:43,763 My client, Mr. durant, is a fan of your work. 116 00:12:43,846 --> 00:12:46,766 He considers you the most astute expert in shark behavior in the world. 117 00:12:47,392 --> 00:12:49,227 He'd like you to consult on a new project of his. 118 00:12:50,103 --> 00:12:51,479 A conservation project? 119 00:12:51,854 --> 00:12:53,815 He prefers to call it the preservation of man. 120 00:12:55,441 --> 00:12:57,193 So, you continued your mother's work. 121 00:12:57,277 --> 00:12:58,903 She was the one that taught you to love the ocean. 122 00:12:59,612 --> 00:13:00,905 She taught me to respect it. 123 00:13:02,240 --> 00:13:04,742 You're not filling in all the blanks, Mr. burns. 124 00:13:04,826 --> 00:13:07,620 Why is a pharma company interested in working with me? 125 00:13:08,371 --> 00:13:10,707 Mr. durant would love the chance to answer your questions. 126 00:13:10,957 --> 00:13:13,209 - When? - Tomorrow. 127 00:13:16,462 --> 00:13:21,092 - Fifty thousand dollars. For what? - To share your expertise. 128 00:13:22,427 --> 00:13:24,887 That's yours, Dr. Calhoun. Whether you decide to work with us or not. 129 00:13:24,971 --> 00:13:25,972 Call it a down payment. 130 00:13:26,514 --> 00:13:27,932 But should you choose to come on board, 131 00:13:28,016 --> 00:13:29,726 Mr. durant is prepared to fully fund your work 132 00:13:29,809 --> 00:13:32,186 at the five oceans for the next five years. 133 00:13:32,812 --> 00:13:35,023 And from what I've read recently, your institute could use the money. 134 00:13:35,690 --> 00:13:38,151 Something about a Grant withdrawal, if I recall? 135 00:13:42,363 --> 00:13:44,324 Aren't you even a little curious about what we're doing? 136 00:14:16,022 --> 00:14:17,190 Aaron? 137 00:14:20,818 --> 00:14:22,403 What's the most important rule here? 138 00:14:23,112 --> 00:14:27,450 Don't piss into the wind and don't pull on superman's cape. 139 00:14:30,411 --> 00:14:33,623 Yeah, no. That's the second most important rule of course. 140 00:14:33,706 --> 00:14:38,169 The first most important rule is always keep the fences green. 141 00:14:41,047 --> 00:14:42,298 Which they are, dude. 142 00:14:42,673 --> 00:14:44,717 They were green this morning. They'll be green tonight. 143 00:14:44,801 --> 00:14:46,177 I don't sleep on my job. 144 00:14:47,220 --> 00:14:51,974 Then how do you explain five sharks going for a goddamn joy swim? 145 00:14:54,060 --> 00:14:56,771 Hey, man, look, that... That's not possible. 146 00:14:57,855 --> 00:14:59,232 I swear. Look. 147 00:15:00,775 --> 00:15:04,028 See? The system's working perfectly. Just like I programmed it. 148 00:15:04,195 --> 00:15:07,031 Yeah, and I'm telling you those sharks were out in the open ocean. 149 00:15:07,615 --> 00:15:09,200 I don't get it. Jesus! 150 00:15:10,284 --> 00:15:15,331 You see? They avoid that electrical field like the plague. 151 00:15:18,709 --> 00:15:19,919 Wait a minute. 152 00:15:23,256 --> 00:15:24,257 What the hell? 153 00:15:27,051 --> 00:15:28,344 What is that? 154 00:15:29,095 --> 00:15:30,096 A tunnel? 155 00:15:32,056 --> 00:15:33,808 That's a tunnel under the cable. 156 00:15:34,350 --> 00:15:35,935 Sharks can't do that. 157 00:15:38,229 --> 00:15:39,397 Can they? 158 00:15:41,441 --> 00:15:43,276 We've gotta extend the fence's range. 159 00:15:45,069 --> 00:15:47,196 It'll take us a week to get more cable down from cape town. 160 00:15:47,280 --> 00:15:48,573 We don't have that much time. 161 00:15:50,116 --> 00:15:53,369 - Should I notify the boss? - No. No, not yet. 162 00:15:54,912 --> 00:15:56,205 I got an idea. 163 00:16:25,735 --> 00:16:27,570 You've gotta be kidding me. 164 00:16:28,488 --> 00:16:31,574 Misty, this is Daniel and Leslie Kim. 165 00:16:31,657 --> 00:16:35,203 Daniel is a neurophysiologist, Leslie is a neurobiologist. 166 00:16:35,286 --> 00:16:37,955 Leslie, Daniel, meet Dr. misty Calhoun. 167 00:16:38,664 --> 00:16:40,124 Misty is a marine conservationist 168 00:16:40,208 --> 00:16:42,210 who has single-handedly removed three shark species 169 00:16:42,293 --> 00:16:43,294 from the endangered list. 170 00:16:43,503 --> 00:16:44,754 Wow. 171 00:16:44,837 --> 00:16:47,215 So, a neurophysiologist, a neurobiologist, 172 00:16:47,298 --> 00:16:50,510 and a shark conservationist enter a bar. 173 00:16:51,385 --> 00:16:52,637 What's the punch line? 174 00:16:52,970 --> 00:16:56,224 No punch line. Just an international murderer's row of brilliant minds. 175 00:16:57,642 --> 00:16:59,143 If you'll excuse me, i need to talk to the captain. 176 00:16:59,227 --> 00:17:01,687 We should arrive at the complex by 1500 hours. 177 00:17:04,649 --> 00:17:05,983 Did you guys sign this nda? 178 00:17:06,609 --> 00:17:08,402 I got a headache just trying to get through it. 179 00:17:08,903 --> 00:17:10,154 Oh, good, so it's not just me. 180 00:17:10,238 --> 00:17:12,406 Yeah, no, it's just some lawyer trying to justify his job. 181 00:17:12,990 --> 00:17:14,909 - But you did sign it? - Oh, yeah. 182 00:17:14,992 --> 00:17:16,619 No, we've been waiting for this opportunity. 183 00:17:17,161 --> 00:17:20,122 You act like we already know it's great. It's a big if, Daniel. 184 00:17:20,706 --> 00:17:22,083 It's Carl durant. 185 00:17:22,166 --> 00:17:24,877 I mean, the guy's made of money and he gets things done. 186 00:17:25,419 --> 00:17:27,255 And after this weekend, 187 00:17:27,338 --> 00:17:29,757 funding won't be something we need to worry about anymore, eh? 188 00:17:29,882 --> 00:17:31,842 Yeah, he is throwing his money around. 189 00:17:32,969 --> 00:17:35,221 We're newlyweds, so don't mind the PDA. 190 00:17:35,596 --> 00:17:36,931 Sorry. 191 00:17:37,723 --> 00:17:39,350 It is crazy to pack an overnight bag 192 00:17:39,433 --> 00:17:41,269 and head out to sea not knowing what we're in for. 193 00:17:41,352 --> 00:17:44,522 Yeah, I did a little research myself, but nothing's really adding up. 194 00:17:45,398 --> 00:17:47,358 I am baffled as to why I'm here. 195 00:17:48,150 --> 00:17:49,986 Well, I guess we'll all find out together, then. 196 00:19:08,272 --> 00:19:10,524 This is it. Here you go. 197 00:19:10,608 --> 00:19:12,068 - Thank you. - Your purse. 198 00:19:14,820 --> 00:19:16,155 Watch your step. 199 00:19:24,038 --> 00:19:25,331 Mike. 200 00:19:26,457 --> 00:19:27,708 Welcome to akheilos. 201 00:19:29,168 --> 00:19:30,336 You mean akheilos? 202 00:19:30,419 --> 00:19:32,463 As in the child Zeus turned into a shark? 203 00:19:33,464 --> 00:19:36,342 That's the one. Please, follow me. 204 00:20:04,328 --> 00:20:05,746 Okay, power it up. 205 00:20:32,314 --> 00:20:35,735 Hey, Mike, recharge the battery. I gotta lay down another set of rings. 206 00:20:40,906 --> 00:20:42,575 I think you need a new dpv. 207 00:20:43,409 --> 00:20:44,952 Gets the job done. 208 00:20:45,578 --> 00:20:48,038 I see you've met our head of operations, Trent slater. 209 00:20:48,456 --> 00:20:51,667 Trent, this is Dr. misty Calhoun. 210 00:20:53,461 --> 00:20:54,879 You mind if I ask what those are for? 211 00:20:56,130 --> 00:20:58,007 We're reinforcing the fence perimeter. 212 00:20:58,883 --> 00:21:01,093 This entire complex is surrounded by those rings? 213 00:21:01,635 --> 00:21:05,139 No, we're surrounded by an electrical cable that runs along the sea floor. 214 00:21:05,222 --> 00:21:06,640 These rings are coated in graphite, 215 00:21:06,724 --> 00:21:09,810 which is an excellent conductor of electricity as I'm sure you're aware. 216 00:21:10,102 --> 00:21:12,605 I'm using these rings to extend the range of the electric field. 217 00:21:13,647 --> 00:21:14,982 Just an extra bit of... 218 00:21:15,858 --> 00:21:17,276 Insurance. 219 00:21:17,526 --> 00:21:19,695 What exactly are you guys trying to keep out? 220 00:21:21,197 --> 00:21:22,656 It's what we're trying keep in. 221 00:21:28,329 --> 00:21:29,830 Those are bull sharks. 222 00:21:31,123 --> 00:21:33,250 What are you guys doing with bull sharks in containment? 223 00:21:33,375 --> 00:21:37,004 Welcome, welcome. I see you've met our test subjects. 224 00:21:37,546 --> 00:21:38,672 How many do you have? 225 00:21:39,298 --> 00:21:40,841 Five, including Bella. 226 00:21:40,925 --> 00:21:45,054 - L'm Carl durant, you must be-- - uninterested in small talk. 227 00:21:45,846 --> 00:21:48,682 You mind explaining to me what it is you're doing with... 228 00:21:48,766 --> 00:21:51,602 What is it you referred to them as? Your test subjects? 229 00:21:51,727 --> 00:21:54,939 - Very important test subjects. - You know, sharks aren't lab mice. 230 00:21:57,274 --> 00:21:59,485 I love your passion, yeah, 231 00:21:59,568 --> 00:22:02,029 but do you mind? I'd like to finish the introductions. 232 00:22:02,738 --> 00:22:05,491 - Yeah, I'm misty. - Well, hello. 233 00:22:06,784 --> 00:22:09,745 That's Dr. Daniel Kim and Dr. Leslie Kim. 234 00:22:09,829 --> 00:22:11,956 Daniel, Leslie. Carl durant. 235 00:22:12,081 --> 00:22:13,749 Now everyone knows everyone. 236 00:22:14,708 --> 00:22:18,879 What you may not know is that those are a disaster waiting to happen. 237 00:22:19,129 --> 00:22:20,756 I'm sorry, when I asked you here, 238 00:22:20,840 --> 00:22:23,384 you must've assumed i was working with sharks. 239 00:22:23,467 --> 00:22:24,593 Well, I never make assumptions, 240 00:22:24,677 --> 00:22:28,013 but working with bull sharks is a bad idea. 241 00:22:28,556 --> 00:22:33,602 Yes, they are a bit more dangerous than traditional lab rats, 242 00:22:33,686 --> 00:22:35,813 but no one is gonna get hurt out here. 243 00:22:36,272 --> 00:22:37,773 You can't guarantee that. 244 00:22:38,440 --> 00:22:40,317 Actually, I can. 245 00:22:41,944 --> 00:22:46,115 Would you all please follow me topside, i have something I'd like to show you. 246 00:22:50,411 --> 00:22:51,954 You really busted his chops. 247 00:22:52,246 --> 00:22:54,874 - I was just telling the truth. - Yeah, well, don't stop. 248 00:22:55,583 --> 00:22:57,459 We could use some more of that around here. 249 00:23:13,267 --> 00:23:14,810 Well, the floor is yours, young man. 250 00:23:14,935 --> 00:23:18,939 Well, as Mr. durant said, we have an extensive safety protocol which-- 251 00:23:22,151 --> 00:23:23,444 seriously? 252 00:23:26,113 --> 00:23:28,324 - Swim, dude! - Somebody do something! 253 00:23:30,701 --> 00:23:32,036 Hang on, dude! 254 00:23:36,415 --> 00:23:39,543 Oh, my god. Oh, my god, I don't see him. I don't see him! 255 00:23:39,627 --> 00:23:40,628 Where'd he go? 256 00:23:43,464 --> 00:23:44,590 Help! 257 00:23:44,673 --> 00:23:45,799 Are you guys not gonna do anything? 258 00:23:45,883 --> 00:23:47,009 Do you guys see this? 259 00:23:47,092 --> 00:23:48,844 - Help! - Hey, stay calm. Stay calm! 260 00:23:56,101 --> 00:23:57,353 On, my god. 261 00:23:57,978 --> 00:23:58,979 Oh, my gosh. 262 00:24:00,439 --> 00:24:02,316 - Help's on the way! - Quick! 263 00:24:02,816 --> 00:24:04,151 - Oh, my god. - You're okay. 264 00:24:04,902 --> 00:24:07,947 - This is not what I call okay! - You're okay. 265 00:24:08,405 --> 00:24:10,658 You can make it! Oh, my god. 266 00:24:10,741 --> 00:24:12,743 - Swim faster! - Oh, my god. 267 00:24:12,826 --> 00:24:14,036 Five more seconds. 268 00:24:14,161 --> 00:24:15,412 - Don't look back! - Come on! 269 00:24:17,081 --> 00:24:18,082 Come on, you guys. 270 00:24:19,375 --> 00:24:21,627 - Come on! - Oh, my god. 271 00:24:23,671 --> 00:24:25,422 Come on, you're almost there. 272 00:24:27,216 --> 00:24:28,968 - Come on, guys. - You can make it! 273 00:24:35,182 --> 00:24:38,227 On, my god. 274 00:24:40,437 --> 00:24:42,106 - Thanks. - Thank you. 275 00:24:42,189 --> 00:24:43,232 I'd better get a raise for that. 276 00:24:43,315 --> 00:24:45,859 Sorry, Aaron, I have a flair for the dramatic, 277 00:24:45,943 --> 00:24:47,361 but you were perfectly safe. 278 00:24:47,444 --> 00:24:48,821 Did you think that was funny? 279 00:24:49,029 --> 00:24:51,448 I think it was an effective demonstration. 280 00:24:52,199 --> 00:24:54,326 You're condition training bull sharks. That's impossible. 281 00:24:54,410 --> 00:24:58,205 Impossible? Really? After what you just saw? 282 00:25:00,749 --> 00:25:02,793 How did you teach them to swim in a formation? 283 00:25:02,918 --> 00:25:04,336 I'll explain everything later, 284 00:25:04,420 --> 00:25:07,756 but first, please put on some dry clothes, settle in, 285 00:25:07,840 --> 00:25:10,384 and we'll reconvene in the wet lab in an hour. 286 00:25:16,515 --> 00:25:17,808 Look, I didn't sign up for this. 287 00:25:17,891 --> 00:25:20,352 - Relax, I'll talk to him. Come on. -"Relax"? 288 00:25:22,896 --> 00:25:24,606 One of your sharks bit my foot. 289 00:25:25,858 --> 00:25:27,109 You're imagining things. 290 00:25:27,234 --> 00:25:29,194 Look at my fricking shoe, dude. 291 00:25:29,278 --> 00:25:31,697 She was playing with me, 292 00:25:31,780 --> 00:25:33,449 like she was toying with me or something. 293 00:25:33,532 --> 00:25:35,743 Sharks don't play jokes, Aaron. 294 00:25:35,826 --> 00:25:37,953 You and I both know these aren't normal sharks. 295 00:25:39,580 --> 00:25:41,874 Well, it's a good thing they don't like the taste of nerd. 296 00:25:44,668 --> 00:25:47,379 Fyi, this nerd keeps this whole place running. 297 00:28:25,704 --> 00:28:26,705 Come in. 298 00:28:38,175 --> 00:28:39,218 We have a problem. 299 00:28:43,597 --> 00:28:45,974 - What's the problem? - The sharks got out this morning. 300 00:28:46,934 --> 00:28:47,935 What? 301 00:28:48,018 --> 00:28:50,562 Apparently, they dug a tunnel under the electric fence. 302 00:28:51,480 --> 00:28:53,982 There was an accident. Trent thinks they may have killed some fishermen. 303 00:28:56,652 --> 00:28:57,778 He thinks? 304 00:28:58,695 --> 00:29:01,740 He thinks. Meaning he didn't see it. 305 00:29:02,199 --> 00:29:03,825 He was concerned enough to mention it to me. 306 00:29:07,579 --> 00:29:08,789 Okay. 307 00:29:10,874 --> 00:29:14,962 So the sharks burrowed a tunnel under the electric fence 308 00:29:15,045 --> 00:29:17,214 and then they followed Trent back here. 309 00:29:17,381 --> 00:29:19,299 - Yeah. - Exactly. 310 00:29:21,426 --> 00:29:22,594 And do you know why? 311 00:29:23,929 --> 00:29:25,472 Because they're problem solving. 312 00:29:25,555 --> 00:29:28,934 They're learning how to learn and they like it. 313 00:29:29,810 --> 00:29:32,271 Which means the drugs are working. 314 00:29:33,438 --> 00:29:38,735 Each day, their genetic structure evolves. My sharks are getting smarter. 315 00:29:39,861 --> 00:29:41,655 If it gets out those sharks hurt someone, 316 00:29:41,780 --> 00:29:43,282 the liability will be enormous. 317 00:29:43,365 --> 00:29:44,950 There's no coming back from that kind of PR. 318 00:29:45,033 --> 00:29:48,078 The sharks are alive because i allow them to be. Plain and simple. 319 00:29:48,161 --> 00:29:52,416 I created them and once my research is completed, I will end them. 320 00:29:52,499 --> 00:29:54,584 What the... what does that mean? 321 00:29:55,127 --> 00:29:57,671 They have trackers imbedded in their fins. 322 00:29:57,754 --> 00:29:59,298 We can always find them, whether they're here, 323 00:29:59,381 --> 00:30:00,590 or out in the deep blue sea. 324 00:30:00,674 --> 00:30:03,135 And once my experiment is over, 325 00:30:04,594 --> 00:30:05,971 I will simply kill them. 326 00:30:06,722 --> 00:30:09,725 All of them. So don't worry about the liability. 327 00:30:13,562 --> 00:30:14,980 There will be no evidence. 328 00:31:07,866 --> 00:31:09,785 How can you be hungry right now? 329 00:31:11,078 --> 00:31:12,621 You know I eat when I'm excited. 330 00:31:13,205 --> 00:31:16,458 So, you aren't having second thoughts? After durant's stunt out there? 331 00:31:16,708 --> 00:31:21,463 Yeah, he's eccentric. But his money's still good. 332 00:31:22,798 --> 00:31:24,049 If you say so. 333 00:31:25,634 --> 00:31:28,178 Babe, look at me. 334 00:31:30,013 --> 00:31:31,264 Babe, look at me. 335 00:31:34,726 --> 00:31:37,938 Look, we won't regret this. I promise. 336 00:31:38,897 --> 00:31:39,940 Okay? 337 00:31:42,776 --> 00:31:46,530 Look, um, there is something i need to tell you. 338 00:31:47,155 --> 00:31:48,907 You're gonna find out soon anyway. 339 00:31:50,450 --> 00:31:51,660 What is it? 340 00:31:51,743 --> 00:31:52,953 Uh... 341 00:31:53,662 --> 00:31:57,249 I've been working with durant on the design of his delivery molecules, 342 00:31:57,332 --> 00:32:00,752 making them smaller, so they effect DNA structure more quickly. 343 00:32:01,837 --> 00:32:05,090 And I also gave him access to some of your work. 344 00:32:06,466 --> 00:32:09,261 I can't believe this. How long? 345 00:32:10,137 --> 00:32:11,221 Seven months. 346 00:32:11,304 --> 00:32:13,390 You've been lying to me for seven months? 347 00:32:13,473 --> 00:32:15,767 No, not lying. Just leaving something out. 348 00:32:15,892 --> 00:32:18,353 Why would you do that? I thought we were partners. 349 00:32:18,437 --> 00:32:20,021 No, we are partners. 350 00:32:20,105 --> 00:32:23,525 But I just knew you'd be hesitant, because of durant's shady reputation. 351 00:32:23,608 --> 00:32:25,026 So, you decided to go around me? 352 00:32:25,318 --> 00:32:26,486 Just to check it out. 353 00:32:26,570 --> 00:32:29,573 I mean, if this goes the way i think it will, we'll be rich. 354 00:32:29,781 --> 00:32:31,783 I did not get into science to get rich. 355 00:32:32,409 --> 00:32:36,121 Yeah, but with money we can achieve so much more. 356 00:32:36,246 --> 00:32:38,957 I mean, no more groveling and having to beg for grants. 357 00:32:43,420 --> 00:32:48,467 Look, you... you say the word, and we can leave right now. 358 00:32:49,301 --> 00:32:50,844 I mean it. 359 00:32:52,888 --> 00:32:55,640 We're already here. I guess. 360 00:32:57,350 --> 00:32:58,393 I'm sorry. 361 00:32:58,727 --> 00:33:01,563 Don't ever do that again to me, Daniel. I mean it. 362 00:33:01,646 --> 00:33:03,064 I need to trust you. 363 00:33:03,648 --> 00:33:04,858 I promise, all right? 364 00:33:04,983 --> 00:33:07,652 We're a team. No more secrets. 365 00:33:34,304 --> 00:33:36,473 - Please just stop complaining about it. - It wasn't cool, man. 366 00:33:36,556 --> 00:33:38,266 - You're fine. - It wasn't cool. 367 00:33:40,352 --> 00:33:43,313 Welcome. Welcome, please come in. 368 00:33:45,065 --> 00:33:48,109 Now, I'm sure you're all curious as to why I asked you here. 369 00:33:48,777 --> 00:33:50,028 Not everybody. 370 00:33:52,572 --> 00:33:54,032 So, you finally told her. 371 00:33:54,783 --> 00:33:56,785 - Yes. - Good for you. 372 00:33:58,411 --> 00:34:01,331 Well, I've asked you here because I need your help. 373 00:34:01,414 --> 00:34:04,084 I've reached a critical phase in my research. 374 00:34:05,502 --> 00:34:07,420 Leslie, if I may call you Leslie? 375 00:34:08,171 --> 00:34:11,174 Now, you and your husband study traumatic brain injury. 376 00:34:11,758 --> 00:34:13,009 Among other things. 377 00:34:13,093 --> 00:34:15,762 - And that includes smart drugs. - Nootropics. 378 00:34:16,763 --> 00:34:20,767 My company is one of the leading producers of biopharma drugs, 379 00:34:20,850 --> 00:34:23,144 -including-- - performance enhancers. 380 00:34:24,563 --> 00:34:27,857 You've been sanctioned by the world anti-doping agency. 381 00:34:28,316 --> 00:34:32,529 In this case, intelligence enhancers, nootropics. 382 00:34:33,113 --> 00:34:34,656 You're talking about drugs like Adderall. 383 00:34:35,574 --> 00:34:39,536 Well, nootropics can improve memory access, increase concentration, 384 00:34:39,619 --> 00:34:41,496 even speed up your decision-making. 385 00:34:42,289 --> 00:34:43,498 So, basically just stimulants? 386 00:34:43,832 --> 00:34:47,168 That's right. Nothing can increase native intelligence. 387 00:34:48,211 --> 00:34:49,504 Until now. 388 00:34:50,380 --> 00:34:53,675 You see, I've developed compounds 389 00:34:53,758 --> 00:34:57,887 that can actually alter the genetic structure of the brain. 390 00:34:58,054 --> 00:35:02,058 Speeding up evolution in the direction of greater intelligence. 391 00:35:02,142 --> 00:35:03,476 Much greater. 392 00:35:04,060 --> 00:35:10,442 And we deliver these compounds using targeted antibodies. 393 00:35:10,525 --> 00:35:11,860 From sharks. 394 00:35:13,528 --> 00:35:15,280 You're testing these drugs on sharks? 395 00:35:17,324 --> 00:35:19,242 That's absolutely inhumane. 396 00:35:20,827 --> 00:35:22,370 It's not inhumane at all. 397 00:35:22,996 --> 00:35:25,040 Let me show you. Aaron. 398 00:35:25,874 --> 00:35:27,751 Trent, we're ready for Bella. 399 00:35:58,281 --> 00:35:59,532 Trent'. All right, she's out. 400 00:36:00,283 --> 00:36:01,493 They got her. 401 00:36:31,690 --> 00:36:34,943 Easy. All right. 402 00:36:35,944 --> 00:36:36,986 Mike, you got her? 403 00:36:38,071 --> 00:36:39,823 Aren't you scared, being that close? 404 00:36:39,989 --> 00:36:41,741 Nah, sharks don't worry me. 405 00:36:48,748 --> 00:36:50,417 Vitals are online. 406 00:36:50,542 --> 00:36:53,169 BP 34 over 68. 407 00:36:53,795 --> 00:36:56,005 Heart rate 42 bpm. 408 00:36:57,090 --> 00:37:00,343 Respiration rate and oxygen levels steady. 409 00:37:00,468 --> 00:37:01,803 She's looking good. 410 00:37:02,554 --> 00:37:08,393 As you can see, our treatment of our sharks is totally painless. 411 00:37:08,768 --> 00:37:13,273 If we bind a drug on a molecular level to the shark's antibodies, 412 00:37:13,356 --> 00:37:18,445 we can then mainline that drug to whatever area of the brain we want. 413 00:37:18,528 --> 00:37:23,491 We've already increased Bella's base intelligence by a thousand-fold. 414 00:37:23,658 --> 00:37:26,453 And you actually think you can get the same results in human beings? 415 00:37:26,578 --> 00:37:30,206 I think it's an absolute necessity 416 00:37:30,290 --> 00:37:34,335 if we want to maintain the supremacy of mankind. 417 00:37:37,005 --> 00:37:41,843 Artificial intelligence is becoming stronger every year. 418 00:37:41,926 --> 00:37:46,473 Soon, quantum computing will begin an exponential acceleration 419 00:37:46,556 --> 00:37:50,810 of the ability of our computers to teach themselves 420 00:37:50,894 --> 00:37:54,647 and when that happens, we'll lose control of them, 421 00:37:54,731 --> 00:37:57,817 and our world, in an instant. 422 00:38:00,528 --> 00:38:02,447 Man himself... 423 00:38:04,282 --> 00:38:05,867 Will become obsolete. 424 00:38:07,869 --> 00:38:12,040 And they will destroy us. 425 00:38:14,709 --> 00:38:16,586 But there is another way. 426 00:38:17,587 --> 00:38:22,509 The human brain has a hundred billion neurons. 427 00:38:23,092 --> 00:38:26,221 Our potential is greater than any machine. 428 00:38:26,346 --> 00:38:30,975 Itjust needs to be unleashed. 429 00:38:31,559 --> 00:38:34,020 So, you're the savior of the entire human race? 430 00:38:35,438 --> 00:38:37,065 I think you've got a god complex. 431 00:38:39,400 --> 00:38:41,903 When I'm successful, 432 00:38:43,822 --> 00:38:45,240 we can all be gods. 433 00:38:46,866 --> 00:38:48,076 Or monsters. 434 00:38:59,003 --> 00:39:01,130 You realize that it was much of your research 435 00:39:01,214 --> 00:39:04,509 that helped lead me in the proper direction in the first place. 436 00:39:15,812 --> 00:39:17,564 Is your boss always such a piece of work? 437 00:39:18,690 --> 00:39:21,234 Well, he just started taking the new drugs himself. 438 00:39:21,734 --> 00:39:24,821 They seem to kind of hop him up. It's not exactly a secret. 439 00:39:25,363 --> 00:39:28,491 He's administering the drugs to himself? That's insane. 440 00:39:29,075 --> 00:39:31,953 Dude built a multi-billion dollar empire out of nothing. 441 00:39:32,036 --> 00:39:33,997 And he's a scientific genius. 442 00:39:34,539 --> 00:39:36,457 Who am I to tell him what to do? 443 00:39:41,254 --> 00:39:42,964 Have you noticed any negative side effects 444 00:39:43,047 --> 00:39:45,550 on the sharks from these so-called wonder-drugs? 445 00:39:45,633 --> 00:39:47,427 I wouldn't call them negative. 446 00:39:47,510 --> 00:39:48,720 Her eyesight has improved 447 00:39:48,803 --> 00:39:51,514 and she seems to be able to communicate with the other bulls. 448 00:39:52,348 --> 00:39:55,226 - You're kidding. - Nope, I'm not. 449 00:40:01,024 --> 00:40:03,318 So, what's going on here? 450 00:40:24,631 --> 00:40:26,716 You know, I'm not really sure why you brought me here. 451 00:40:26,799 --> 00:40:28,468 What exactly are you expecting of me? 452 00:40:29,886 --> 00:40:33,056 Well, Bella's been displaying some unusual behaviors 453 00:40:33,139 --> 00:40:36,851 that don't seem to be directly related to her increased intelligence. 454 00:40:37,977 --> 00:40:40,188 I was hoping that you could tell us why. 455 00:40:42,398 --> 00:40:43,775 She's pregnant. 456 00:40:46,235 --> 00:40:47,362 What? 457 00:40:48,321 --> 00:40:49,822 That's impossible. 458 00:40:49,948 --> 00:40:51,449 I do blood draws on her every week. 459 00:40:51,616 --> 00:40:53,201 We'd know if she was knocked-up. 460 00:40:53,284 --> 00:40:54,661 Did you do an ultrasound? 461 00:40:57,497 --> 00:40:59,582 I've been swimming with sharks since I was seven years old. 462 00:40:59,666 --> 00:41:01,459 I know a "knocked-up" shark when I see one. 463 00:41:01,751 --> 00:41:04,545 Why wouldn't that show up on her hormone panels? 464 00:41:05,546 --> 00:41:09,008 You said your drugs alter her DNA. 465 00:41:09,092 --> 00:41:10,677 Maybe they do more to her than you thought. 466 00:41:12,303 --> 00:41:14,138 - Lt's possible. - Hey, Trent? 467 00:41:23,272 --> 00:41:24,524 What the hell? 468 00:41:32,991 --> 00:41:34,450 You might be right. 469 00:41:36,035 --> 00:41:37,912 I should've seen this myself. 470 00:41:39,372 --> 00:41:42,125 Maybe you were too busy patting yourself on the back. 471 00:41:44,544 --> 00:41:45,795 Possible. 472 00:42:56,824 --> 00:42:59,243 The gennie's been damaged. The boat slammed up against it. 473 00:42:59,494 --> 00:43:01,204 And on top of that, there's a couple hundred gallons of fuel 474 00:43:01,287 --> 00:43:02,497 dumped into the lagoon. 475 00:43:02,580 --> 00:43:03,581 What the hell, man? 476 00:43:12,215 --> 00:43:14,592 What happens if the fuel hits the electric fence? 477 00:43:15,301 --> 00:43:17,720 We've got oxygen tanks stored in the underwater bin. 478 00:43:18,387 --> 00:43:19,972 Yeah, I know. 479 00:43:40,910 --> 00:43:42,370 Gotta get a throat culture. 480 00:44:06,394 --> 00:44:07,478 Oh, shit! 481 00:44:20,658 --> 00:44:21,784 Josh". Jesus Christ! 482 00:44:21,868 --> 00:44:23,703 She was supposed to be out for another hour! 483 00:44:23,786 --> 00:44:25,288 Are you all right? - Ls Bella all right? 484 00:44:25,413 --> 00:44:27,039 - Yeah, she's fine. - Are you sure? 485 00:44:27,123 --> 00:44:30,835 Yes! And I'm fine, too. Thanks for asking. 486 00:44:35,882 --> 00:44:37,091 What was that? 487 00:44:41,971 --> 00:44:45,516 Mr. durant has been displaying increasingly erratic behavior, 488 00:44:45,600 --> 00:44:47,351 and questionable judgement, 489 00:44:47,435 --> 00:44:49,854 ever since he began his nootropic regimen. 490 00:44:50,229 --> 00:44:52,190 I have repeatedly advised him against-- 491 00:45:15,046 --> 00:45:16,672 oh, my god! What's going on? 492 00:45:18,174 --> 00:45:19,592 - What was that? - I don't know. 493 00:45:20,718 --> 00:45:22,553 On, my god. 494 00:45:22,803 --> 00:45:23,930 What the hell is happening? 495 00:45:30,102 --> 00:45:32,271 - Does that mean the fence is down? - Yeah, only partly. 496 00:45:32,647 --> 00:45:34,523 - What do you mean, "only partly?" - I mean I can fix it. 497 00:45:34,607 --> 00:45:37,235 - Was that an explosion? - This whole place is on fire. 498 00:45:38,694 --> 00:45:40,321 - Is that Bella? - Yeah, she's the red. 499 00:45:40,988 --> 00:45:42,073 Does... 500 00:45:42,156 --> 00:45:43,491 Does she normally separate herself from the other-- 501 00:45:43,574 --> 00:45:45,660 no, Dr. Calhoun, she does not. 502 00:45:59,632 --> 00:46:00,758 What the... 503 00:46:02,969 --> 00:46:03,970 Hello? 504 00:46:16,899 --> 00:46:19,568 No. No, no! Come on, you gotta be kidding me! 505 00:46:19,652 --> 00:46:21,070 She's taking out the cameras. 506 00:46:21,153 --> 00:46:22,321 She can do that? 507 00:46:36,085 --> 00:46:37,420 What the heck? 508 00:46:58,232 --> 00:47:00,651 Damn it! Hull integrity's been breached! 509 00:47:00,943 --> 00:47:02,695 Release the pressure so we don't lose the wet pool. 510 00:47:02,778 --> 00:47:03,988 You got it. 511 00:47:10,995 --> 00:47:12,413 This corridor is flooding! 512 00:47:13,914 --> 00:47:14,915 This is trouble. 513 00:47:25,176 --> 00:47:26,218 What is it? 514 00:47:31,223 --> 00:47:32,224 Ugh. 515 00:47:35,227 --> 00:47:37,563 Did you see that? Those sharks tore Craig to pieces. 516 00:47:37,855 --> 00:47:40,107 I've never seen a shark-bite pattern like that before. 517 00:47:40,358 --> 00:47:42,026 We're all gonna die, aren't we? 518 00:47:42,109 --> 00:47:43,694 No, we're not. No, we're not. Everyone calm down. 519 00:47:43,778 --> 00:47:45,363 Aaron. Aaron, what's our status? 520 00:47:45,571 --> 00:47:47,156 This is bad. This is really bad. 521 00:47:47,239 --> 00:47:49,992 Aaron! Hull status. Are there multiple breaches? 522 00:47:50,117 --> 00:47:51,744 Only the eastern corridor. 523 00:47:51,827 --> 00:47:52,828 So far. 524 00:47:53,037 --> 00:47:55,247 Don't say "so far." Why would you say that? 525 00:47:55,956 --> 00:47:57,500 I've never seen them act this way. 526 00:47:58,751 --> 00:47:59,835 They're in a frenzy. 527 00:48:00,795 --> 00:48:03,255 Okay, please tell me a frenzy isn't as bad as it sounds. 528 00:48:03,339 --> 00:48:05,007 It means they're in serious hunting mode. 529 00:48:05,549 --> 00:48:07,009 This is so messed up. 530 00:48:07,134 --> 00:48:08,427 That's why they aren't leaving? 531 00:48:08,594 --> 00:48:11,222 Even though the fence is down? They're staying to get us? 532 00:48:11,389 --> 00:48:15,142 Wait a minute. Wait a minute. This doesn't make sense. 533 00:48:15,226 --> 00:48:17,686 If all the sharks are out in the lagoon, 534 00:48:18,646 --> 00:48:20,022 who did that to Craig? 535 00:48:25,736 --> 00:48:29,907 Listen, I know I told you not to back up any of my research in the cloud, 536 00:48:29,990 --> 00:48:31,075 but now you have to. 537 00:48:31,283 --> 00:48:32,284 I can't. 538 00:48:32,910 --> 00:48:35,830 Look, even if I wanted to, the whole system's gone down. 539 00:48:37,623 --> 00:48:38,958 Oh, my god. 540 00:48:47,299 --> 00:48:49,885 - I figured it out. - Figured what out? 541 00:48:54,432 --> 00:48:55,474 What's happening? 542 00:48:57,810 --> 00:48:58,978 What is it? Spit it out. 543 00:49:00,396 --> 00:49:02,815 - Bella isn't pregnant anymore. - What? 544 00:49:03,441 --> 00:49:04,525 She had her babies. 545 00:49:06,318 --> 00:49:08,904 The drop into the wet pool must have triggered labor. 546 00:49:11,449 --> 00:49:14,285 Whatever you've created here, durant, is vicious. 547 00:49:15,286 --> 00:49:16,745 These aren't your typical sharks. 548 00:49:18,247 --> 00:49:21,542 They're just teeth and muscle and killer instinct. 549 00:49:22,251 --> 00:49:24,879 It's the only thing that can explain what happened to Craig. 550 00:49:25,963 --> 00:49:28,174 You're talking like they're a bunch of super-piranhas. 551 00:49:29,341 --> 00:49:30,509 They're worse. 552 00:49:32,094 --> 00:49:33,262 Much worse. 553 00:49:45,649 --> 00:49:47,943 Scuba cylinders... 554 00:49:48,360 --> 00:49:49,904 - Look at me. - We can use this one. 555 00:49:49,987 --> 00:49:51,655 - Daniel. Look at me! - Yeah. 556 00:49:54,158 --> 00:49:56,076 Okay, breathe, baby. Breathe. 557 00:50:02,458 --> 00:50:04,668 - I love you. - I love you, too. 558 00:50:07,254 --> 00:50:08,631 We're gonna get through this. 559 00:50:09,298 --> 00:50:11,008 - We are. - Yeah, okay. 560 00:50:13,469 --> 00:50:15,012 Come on. Come on. 561 00:50:21,852 --> 00:50:24,730 Will you two please settle down? 562 00:50:24,813 --> 00:50:27,066 There's no benefit to losing our heads. 563 00:50:27,191 --> 00:50:30,194 Aren't you the one who said your security system is infallible? 564 00:50:30,277 --> 00:50:31,862 Yeah, it should have been. 565 00:50:31,946 --> 00:50:35,533 Obviously, my work has been even more successful than I thought. 566 00:50:37,535 --> 00:50:39,703 If this is success, I'd love to see failure. 567 00:50:41,372 --> 00:50:43,999 - We need to get topside. - I agree. 568 00:50:44,959 --> 00:50:46,544 There's just one problem. 569 00:50:47,294 --> 00:50:49,046 All the exits are underwater. 570 00:50:52,383 --> 00:50:54,093 Maybe they don't realize there's a hole in the fence. 571 00:50:54,176 --> 00:50:56,303 They know it's there, they created it. 572 00:50:56,387 --> 00:50:58,305 Then why aren't they leaving? Misty? 573 00:50:59,181 --> 00:51:02,476 - There's something here they still want. - Yeah, us! 574 00:51:03,352 --> 00:51:05,312 You wanna know why chimps are so dangerous? 575 00:51:05,396 --> 00:51:09,024 It's because they're smart enough to hold a grudge. Just like humans. 576 00:51:09,984 --> 00:51:12,736 I mean, that's it, right? Well, it's gotta be. 577 00:51:12,861 --> 00:51:15,948 Bella's not only smart, she's mean and she wants us dead. 578 00:51:16,490 --> 00:51:19,118 The rest are her soldiers and they'll do whatever she wants. 579 00:51:19,201 --> 00:51:21,245 We are screwed! We are so screwed! 580 00:51:21,328 --> 00:51:23,581 Okay, okay. We don't have time for theories, or for meltdowns. 581 00:51:23,664 --> 00:51:24,790 We gotta figure out a way to get outta here. 582 00:51:25,583 --> 00:51:27,293 Is there any way we could make a phone call on the-- 583 00:51:27,376 --> 00:51:28,460 like, a satellite phone? 584 00:51:28,544 --> 00:51:30,170 It only works topside. 585 00:51:30,254 --> 00:51:33,132 More of our fearless leader's fanatical trade secret bullshit 586 00:51:33,215 --> 00:51:35,676 that puts everyone else in danger because he's nuts! 587 00:51:36,343 --> 00:51:38,137 - What did you say? - I said fuck you! 588 00:51:38,721 --> 00:51:41,390 - What are you gonna do? Fire me? I quit! - Hey, hey, hey. 589 00:51:42,308 --> 00:51:44,518 So how do we get out of here if there's no exit? 590 00:51:45,477 --> 00:51:46,770 Well, there is one other way. 591 00:51:46,895 --> 00:51:48,355 You thinking what I'm thinking? 592 00:51:48,897 --> 00:51:51,108 - The wet pool. - Wait, wait. 593 00:51:51,900 --> 00:51:53,402 You want us to swim out of here? 594 00:51:53,485 --> 00:51:54,778 No way in hell, dude. 595 00:51:54,862 --> 00:51:56,488 I am not getting in the water with those sharks again. 596 00:51:56,572 --> 00:51:58,198 No, uh-uh, end of. 597 00:51:58,282 --> 00:52:01,035 Yeah, no. Daniel and I are not comfortable with that either. 598 00:52:03,078 --> 00:52:04,455 You don't have to swim. 599 00:52:04,538 --> 00:52:06,749 So, what, we teleport? 600 00:52:07,791 --> 00:52:11,086 Mike can ride the dpv to the main hub, 601 00:52:11,545 --> 00:52:14,757 call the coast guard on the topside sat. 602 00:52:15,215 --> 00:52:18,385 - We get help. - Yes, please, I'm a big fan of help. 603 00:52:19,011 --> 00:52:21,680 Yeah, maybe you forgot about the baby sharks. 604 00:52:21,764 --> 00:52:23,265 A little important detail there. 605 00:52:23,349 --> 00:52:24,725 They must have come in with the hull breach. 606 00:52:24,808 --> 00:52:26,935 They've found food in here, so they're probably gonna stick around in here, 607 00:52:27,019 --> 00:52:28,228 for a while at least. 608 00:52:30,105 --> 00:52:33,233 All right, it's a solid plan, only I'll go. 609 00:52:33,317 --> 00:52:35,110 No, you won't. You're needed here. 610 00:52:35,444 --> 00:52:36,612 No, I'll go. 611 00:52:39,907 --> 00:52:41,325 - No way. -L'm going. 612 00:52:41,408 --> 00:52:42,826 No, it's too dangerous and this is my job. 613 00:52:42,910 --> 00:52:44,244 I'm going whether you like it or not. 614 00:52:44,328 --> 00:52:45,496 There's no need to risk your life. 615 00:52:45,579 --> 00:52:46,622 It's my life to risk. 616 00:52:46,705 --> 00:52:48,248 We can't afford to lose us all. 617 00:52:49,458 --> 00:52:51,794 Besides, I'm south African, i live for this crazy shit. 618 00:52:52,378 --> 00:52:54,463 Those sharks can suck my ass. 619 00:52:55,214 --> 00:52:56,924 Wait, wait. Mike, wait. Mike! 620 00:52:59,009 --> 00:53:00,969 - Mike! - Here we go. 621 00:53:06,016 --> 00:53:07,267 Anyone see him? 622 00:53:08,352 --> 00:53:10,187 - Where'd he go? - Does anybody see him? 623 00:53:10,729 --> 00:53:11,730 No. 624 00:53:11,855 --> 00:53:13,649 - There he is. - I see him. 625 00:53:13,774 --> 00:53:15,567 - Do you think he's gonna make it? - Yes. 626 00:53:16,735 --> 00:53:18,570 - Oh, shit, there's a shark. - Mike! 627 00:53:18,696 --> 00:53:19,780 Mike, behind you! 628 00:53:24,535 --> 00:53:25,953 Oh, my god! 629 00:53:27,496 --> 00:53:29,164 - Oh, no! Mike! -Ls he dead? 630 00:53:29,248 --> 00:53:31,333 - He's not moving. - He's out. 631 00:53:31,417 --> 00:53:33,460 This is not happening. This isn't happening! 632 00:53:33,544 --> 00:53:35,045 This is... this is... 633 00:53:38,632 --> 00:53:39,633 Oh, my god. 634 00:53:40,634 --> 00:53:41,885 Oh, my god! 635 00:53:49,768 --> 00:53:51,019 Come on, Trent. 636 00:53:54,314 --> 00:53:56,900 - He's got him. He's got him. - He's gonna be okay. 637 00:53:57,985 --> 00:53:59,737 He's coming to the wet pool. He's coming to the wet pool. 638 00:54:03,991 --> 00:54:05,367 Come on, come on, come on! 639 00:54:05,826 --> 00:54:07,953 - Can't see them. - Where are they? 640 00:54:10,247 --> 00:54:11,540 Pull them up! 641 00:54:16,295 --> 00:54:17,296 Come on. 642 00:54:20,716 --> 00:54:22,551 Give her room. Give her room. 643 00:54:35,522 --> 00:54:37,274 Come on, Mike. Come on, man. 644 00:54:37,441 --> 00:54:39,193 Come on, Mike! 645 00:54:44,448 --> 00:54:46,283 God damn it, come on. 646 00:54:50,746 --> 00:54:51,872 Come on! 647 00:54:53,207 --> 00:54:56,585 Got him! I got him! I got him! Got him! 648 00:55:00,798 --> 00:55:02,090 What happened? 649 00:55:02,674 --> 00:55:04,301 You got blindsided by a shark. 650 00:55:04,718 --> 00:55:05,886 You were dead, bro. 651 00:55:05,969 --> 00:55:07,888 I knew I should have gone and watched your six. 652 00:55:10,516 --> 00:55:13,602 I told you. Those sharks can kiss my ass. 653 00:55:28,200 --> 00:55:29,660 Do we have any more weapons? 654 00:55:30,869 --> 00:55:34,081 Bang-sticks, spear-guns, strychnine nitrate? 655 00:55:34,206 --> 00:55:36,291 Okay, calm down. Everybody calm down. 656 00:55:36,375 --> 00:55:38,043 I've got flares on the boat. That's about it. 657 00:55:38,126 --> 00:55:39,503 You don't mean this, all right? 658 00:55:39,586 --> 00:55:43,257 Now, you've spent your entire life protecting sharks. 659 00:55:46,051 --> 00:55:49,972 I help people see that sharks aren't monsters. 660 00:55:50,055 --> 00:55:51,306 But your sharks? 661 00:55:52,140 --> 00:55:54,643 You've turned them into monsters. 662 00:55:55,394 --> 00:55:59,857 We cannot let these sharks leave this complex. 663 00:55:59,940 --> 00:56:01,942 We cannot let them keep breeding. 664 00:56:02,025 --> 00:56:04,736 We cannot let them hurt any more people. 665 00:56:06,029 --> 00:56:07,781 We have to kill these fucking sharks! 666 00:56:07,865 --> 00:56:09,449 All right, but you are ignoring 667 00:56:09,533 --> 00:56:12,619 the very valuable research that they are enabling. 668 00:56:12,703 --> 00:56:17,541 Listen, listen. I am so close to a breakthrough 669 00:56:17,624 --> 00:56:20,127 that will change the course of history. 670 00:56:20,210 --> 00:56:22,796 Excuse me, but you might wanna tell that to Mike. 671 00:56:22,880 --> 00:56:24,631 Oh, no, wait, you can't. 672 00:56:24,715 --> 00:56:27,384 You wanna know why? Because a shark ate his head! 673 00:56:33,807 --> 00:56:35,183 We're losing pressure control. 674 00:56:35,475 --> 00:56:36,685 What does that mean? 675 00:56:37,269 --> 00:56:38,687 It means it's gonna blow! 676 00:57:06,423 --> 00:57:07,674 Leslie! 677 00:57:12,804 --> 00:57:14,431 Leslie! 678 00:57:18,101 --> 00:57:19,978 Push. Come on. 679 00:57:21,438 --> 00:57:22,439 Come on! 680 00:57:22,648 --> 00:57:25,400 - There's too much water! - Help me, don't give up on me! 681 00:57:25,484 --> 00:57:26,902 Push! 682 00:57:29,571 --> 00:57:32,449 Ha! I got it! I got it! 683 00:57:32,532 --> 00:57:34,242 - You okay? - Yeah. Are you? 684 00:57:34,326 --> 00:57:36,870 Yeah. Jesus. 685 00:57:42,125 --> 00:57:45,879 Are the different sections of this complex sealed away from each other? 686 00:57:46,338 --> 00:57:48,924 You want to know if the baby sharks are locked in the eastern corridor. 687 00:57:49,007 --> 00:57:50,676 Yeah, it'd be nice if they were. 688 00:57:51,551 --> 00:57:55,305 - No luck. They could be anywhere. - Oh, Jesus. 689 00:57:59,559 --> 00:58:01,645 How the hell did you end up working for this guy? 690 00:58:02,896 --> 00:58:04,189 He's out of his mind. 691 00:58:04,982 --> 00:58:07,401 Yeah, only since he started taking those drugs himself. 692 00:58:08,652 --> 00:58:10,612 He was an asshole before, but not like this. 693 00:58:11,780 --> 00:58:13,699 I should have quit this job months ago. 694 00:58:16,243 --> 00:58:17,661 So, why are you still here? 695 00:58:19,830 --> 00:58:21,206 Why are you here? 696 00:58:37,014 --> 00:58:38,348 Do you know where we're going? 697 00:58:45,230 --> 00:58:46,857 Is there a way out? 698 00:58:48,984 --> 00:58:50,527 Let's hope it's not flooded. 699 00:58:52,154 --> 00:58:53,530 Yeah, let's hope. 700 00:59:18,722 --> 00:59:20,057 Leslie! 701 00:59:23,393 --> 00:59:26,104 "Come to cape town," they said. "Lt'll be fun," they said! 702 00:59:26,188 --> 00:59:29,066 Keep it down. Remind me why we're going to the crew's quarters again. 703 00:59:29,149 --> 00:59:31,026 Because it's the farthest thing away from the eastern corridor. 704 00:59:31,109 --> 00:59:33,361 Yeah, I get that, but shouldn't we be looking for the others? 705 00:59:33,445 --> 00:59:35,739 Dude, Bella's babies are on the prowl. 706 00:59:35,822 --> 00:59:37,240 We need to get out of this water. 707 00:59:37,324 --> 00:59:39,868 I get that as well, but my gut's saying there's safety in numbers. 708 00:59:39,951 --> 00:59:42,370 Yeah? Well, my gut's telling me we need to find a way out. 709 00:59:43,747 --> 00:59:45,999 Look, Aaron. Do not make me do this alone. 710 00:59:46,083 --> 00:59:47,626 Please, man. Come on. 711 00:59:49,711 --> 00:59:51,755 All right, but you better be right about this. 712 00:59:51,838 --> 00:59:52,964 This way. 713 01:00:07,646 --> 01:00:09,231 Leslie! 714 01:00:18,490 --> 01:00:19,616 We're gonna be fine. 715 01:00:21,284 --> 01:00:23,328 How can you be so optimistic right now? 716 01:00:23,411 --> 01:00:25,205 I'm clinging to hope, dude. 717 01:00:25,288 --> 01:00:27,415 It's a desperate cling, yeah, but it's still a cling. 718 01:00:28,625 --> 01:00:31,336 There's the crew's quarters. I think we'll be safe in there. 719 01:00:32,420 --> 01:00:34,506 I don't know, man, I still think we gotta be finding a way out of here. 720 01:00:34,589 --> 01:00:36,174 Dude, we're walking fish food. 721 01:00:36,258 --> 01:00:39,261 We need to get away from the sharks and just wait for help to come. 722 01:00:39,344 --> 01:00:41,138 Yeah, and what if it doesn't come, Josh? 723 01:00:41,471 --> 01:00:43,056 So much for clinging to hope. 724 01:00:44,057 --> 01:00:48,687 By the way, if I ever ask you for a job again, just ignore me. 725 01:00:48,812 --> 01:00:51,439 Dude, you were living in your mom's basement. 726 01:00:53,525 --> 01:00:54,901 Come on. 727 01:02:06,514 --> 01:02:08,892 Hey. Where is everybody? 728 01:02:11,519 --> 01:02:15,523 Haven't seen a soul. Everyone must have scattered through different exits. 729 01:02:15,607 --> 01:02:18,944 - You scared, durant? - Be a fool not to be. 730 01:02:20,070 --> 01:02:23,490 Well, it ain't no fun when the rabbit's got the gun. Ls it? 731 01:02:23,657 --> 01:02:25,367 How about we focus on getting out of here? 732 01:02:25,825 --> 01:02:27,661 How? We're sealed in. 733 01:02:27,994 --> 01:02:30,372 If we can make it to the filtration room, 734 01:02:30,497 --> 01:02:32,666 we should be able to climb out through the air shaft. 735 01:02:32,749 --> 01:02:33,875 How? 736 01:02:34,292 --> 01:02:37,212 They put in access rungs to facilitate maintenance. 737 01:02:37,671 --> 01:02:39,297 Oh, good, didn't know about that. 738 01:02:40,507 --> 01:02:43,301 - It's a good thing I'm here, isn't it? - We need to find the others. 739 01:02:43,635 --> 01:02:45,387 I know, and we will 740 01:02:45,470 --> 01:02:47,305 but we gotta get topside and call for help first. 741 01:02:47,389 --> 01:02:50,016 If there's another hull breach, this whole thing is gonna be underwater. 742 01:02:51,101 --> 01:02:52,435 Trent's right. 743 01:02:54,062 --> 01:02:56,523 Durant agreed with me? Makes me nervous. 744 01:02:57,649 --> 01:03:00,193 - Is he right? - I don't know. 745 01:03:00,819 --> 01:03:03,196 It's the best option we got. Let's move. 746 01:03:10,787 --> 01:03:14,749 Leslie! Can you hear me? 747 01:03:20,380 --> 01:03:22,215 Leslie, where are you? 748 01:03:30,724 --> 01:03:31,850 Shit! 749 01:04:01,671 --> 01:04:03,590 The filtration room's this way. 750 01:05:05,276 --> 01:05:07,070 Let's get this door closed. 751 01:05:10,115 --> 01:05:15,328 Come on. God damn it, Aaron, I told you to get this goddamned door fixed. 752 01:05:15,412 --> 01:05:18,415 Yeah, Josh, it's not like I haven't been busy the last 24 hours. 753 01:05:22,419 --> 01:05:23,711 Did you hear that? 754 01:05:29,801 --> 01:05:30,885 Oh, god. 755 01:05:30,969 --> 01:05:32,011 "Oh, god." Why did you say, "oh, god?" 756 01:05:32,095 --> 01:05:34,305 - Get away from the door, Josh! - Shit! 757 01:05:41,396 --> 01:05:43,148 Dude, get out of there, man. 758 01:05:47,777 --> 01:05:49,779 Oh, you gotta be freaking kidding me! 759 01:05:49,904 --> 01:05:52,323 Josh!Josh! 760 01:05:54,993 --> 01:05:56,786 This is so not how I wanna die. 761 01:06:19,684 --> 01:06:21,019 Oh, god! 762 01:06:25,231 --> 01:06:28,485 No! Aaron! Aaron! No! 763 01:06:30,653 --> 01:06:31,905 Josh? 764 01:06:32,322 --> 01:06:33,323 Aaron! 765 01:06:34,199 --> 01:06:35,366 Josh! 766 01:06:43,875 --> 01:06:45,126 Josh! 767 01:06:48,588 --> 01:06:49,589 Josh! 768 01:06:52,383 --> 01:06:53,384 Josh! 769 01:06:59,682 --> 01:07:00,892 Josh! 770 01:07:09,734 --> 01:07:10,902 Durant, when we get out of here, 771 01:07:10,985 --> 01:07:13,154 I'm gonna make sure you're held responsible for what you've done. 772 01:07:13,238 --> 01:07:15,740 Well, that's what I want, too, but they'll hear about it from me. 773 01:07:15,823 --> 01:07:17,742 Don't forget, you signed an nda. 774 01:07:17,825 --> 01:07:19,744 Oh, yeah, good luck finding it. Or enforcing it. 775 01:07:19,827 --> 01:07:21,162 Your legal counsel's dead. 776 01:07:21,287 --> 01:07:23,957 So, you wanna see us all destroyed, all of mankind, 777 01:07:24,082 --> 01:07:26,251 so that you can save what you value. 778 01:07:26,334 --> 01:07:29,212 See, we're not that different, we just value different species. 779 01:07:29,337 --> 01:07:31,297 We're about as different as two people can be. 780 01:07:31,381 --> 01:07:33,216 Okay, okay. If you guys don't stop arguing, 781 01:07:33,299 --> 01:07:35,093 I'm gonna feed myself to these sharks. Okay? 782 01:07:43,601 --> 01:07:44,936 Leslie? 783 01:07:47,522 --> 01:07:48,731 Daniel? 784 01:07:49,357 --> 01:07:50,358 Leslie? 785 01:07:56,906 --> 01:07:58,032 Daniel? 786 01:08:01,703 --> 01:08:02,704 Daniel! 787 01:08:03,204 --> 01:08:04,581 Inside this pump? 788 01:08:05,790 --> 01:08:07,000 Yes. 789 01:08:19,846 --> 01:08:21,514 Daniel! 790 01:08:41,284 --> 01:08:42,660 What are you doing? 791 01:08:46,247 --> 01:08:48,291 What the hell are you doing? What, are you crazy? 792 01:08:49,626 --> 01:08:51,002 Have you lost your mind? 793 01:08:52,587 --> 01:08:53,880 Let's get out of here. 794 01:08:55,590 --> 01:08:56,883 You might have just killed her. 795 01:08:58,009 --> 01:09:00,136 Those baby sharks won't get to us now. 796 01:09:01,346 --> 01:09:02,764 I should kill you right here. 797 01:09:04,140 --> 01:09:07,560 Yeah, but you won't. Because you're not a murderer. 798 01:09:07,894 --> 01:09:11,939 Besides, if we make it topside, maybe you can get help in time to save her. 799 01:09:12,065 --> 01:09:13,608 Think of it as incentive. 800 01:09:26,329 --> 01:09:29,916 It's... it's jammed! Durant busted the door. 801 01:09:32,001 --> 01:09:33,878 Get topside! Call for help! 802 01:09:34,170 --> 01:09:35,672 L'm going up. 803 01:09:35,797 --> 01:09:37,715 Try to look for another way out, but I'm coming back. 804 01:09:39,509 --> 01:09:40,802 I'm coming back down. 805 01:10:19,757 --> 01:10:20,967 Where are you going? 806 01:10:26,723 --> 01:10:28,349 You forgot where your loyalties lie. 807 01:10:28,433 --> 01:10:29,726 Man, go to hell. 808 01:10:31,060 --> 01:10:34,313 You know, I get her. That woman's a fanatic. 809 01:10:35,148 --> 01:10:36,899 But you've been here, 810 01:10:37,024 --> 01:10:39,652 you've watched what we've achieved in such a short time. 811 01:10:39,777 --> 01:10:41,404 You've contributed to it. 812 01:10:42,572 --> 01:10:44,532 I've got the answer right here. 813 01:10:45,116 --> 01:10:50,371 We can access so much more of our brains' capabilities. 814 01:10:50,455 --> 01:10:52,331 I've done it, I've felt it! 815 01:10:53,082 --> 01:10:55,877 L just need a little more time to figure out how to make it last-- 816 01:10:55,960 --> 01:10:57,754 anything for the project, huh? 817 01:10:58,379 --> 01:11:00,757 You know, I had commanders like you in the military. 818 01:11:00,965 --> 01:11:03,676 Soldiers were just pieces of chess on a chessboard. 819 01:11:03,760 --> 01:11:05,386 It's one of the reasons i got the hell out. 820 01:11:05,470 --> 01:11:07,638 Well, you need to get back in, because the war is coming. 821 01:11:07,764 --> 01:11:10,391 - There is no war. - Man against machine! 822 01:11:10,516 --> 01:11:15,480 You are so paranoid that machines, robots, computers are gonna wipe us out. 823 01:11:15,563 --> 01:11:16,856 Let me tell you something, from what I've seen, 824 01:11:16,939 --> 01:11:19,525 man is the real threat, man is the real problem. 825 01:11:19,609 --> 01:11:22,653 You know, you have really lost your way, Trent. 826 01:11:22,779 --> 01:11:24,197 I'm disappointed in you. 827 01:11:24,280 --> 01:11:26,824 Well, then, it's a good thing i don't give a damn what you think. 828 01:11:45,510 --> 01:11:46,719 Daniel? 829 01:11:50,306 --> 01:11:51,516 Where are you? 830 01:12:14,330 --> 01:12:15,331 Daniel! 831 01:12:33,683 --> 01:12:34,684 Leslie. 832 01:12:35,309 --> 01:12:37,144 Leslie! Leslie. 833 01:12:37,395 --> 01:12:38,855 No, no, no, no. No! 834 01:12:39,856 --> 01:12:41,357 Leslie. Leslie! 835 01:12:41,440 --> 01:12:43,568 No, no! Don't go that way! No! 836 01:12:43,651 --> 01:12:46,571 Come back! Come back! Come back! 837 01:12:53,244 --> 01:12:55,413 Leslie! It's me! Come here! 838 01:12:57,290 --> 01:12:58,291 Leslie! 839 01:13:00,877 --> 01:13:02,211 Daniel! 840 01:13:03,963 --> 01:13:06,966 Get out of the water! Get out of the water! 841 01:13:10,678 --> 01:13:13,556 - Daniel! Daniel! Oh, my god! - Run! 842 01:13:14,307 --> 01:13:17,184 Help me, Daniel! Daniel! 843 01:13:17,810 --> 01:13:18,853 Get off of her! 844 01:13:18,936 --> 01:13:20,855 Daniel! Oh, my god! 845 01:13:22,398 --> 01:13:23,858 Daniel! Daniel! 846 01:13:24,442 --> 01:13:25,443 Daniel! 847 01:13:33,075 --> 01:13:34,410 Leslie! 848 01:13:47,214 --> 01:13:49,550 No! 849 01:14:41,268 --> 01:14:42,269 Shit. 850 01:15:10,297 --> 01:15:11,424 Shit. 851 01:15:22,893 --> 01:15:26,856 Mayday. Mayday. Coast guard, this is research facility akheilos, 852 01:15:26,939 --> 01:15:28,774 requesting immediate evacuation. 853 01:15:28,899 --> 01:15:32,403 We are taking on water, we are without power and we are on fire. 854 01:15:32,486 --> 01:15:34,113 We've suffered major structural damage. 855 01:15:34,196 --> 01:15:35,614 Requesting immediate evacuation. 856 01:15:36,115 --> 01:15:37,950 I say again, requesting immediate evac. 857 01:16:02,058 --> 01:16:03,976 Rocking this whole staying alive thing. 858 01:16:04,518 --> 01:16:06,687 Now I just gotta get to that pipe. 859 01:16:09,482 --> 01:16:14,945 No, no, no! Come on! No! Son of a bitch! 860 01:16:17,865 --> 01:16:21,535 God damn it! God damn! 861 01:16:35,549 --> 01:16:36,717 Daniel! 862 01:16:38,803 --> 01:16:41,472 Leslie... it was... she... 863 01:16:44,058 --> 01:16:45,684 I'm sorry, man. 864 01:16:45,893 --> 01:16:47,686 Sincerely, I am. But right now. 865 01:16:47,770 --> 01:16:49,313 Right now, we gotta keep moving, all right? 866 01:16:49,647 --> 01:16:50,856 Why? 867 01:16:52,775 --> 01:16:54,151 Just let me go. 868 01:16:54,693 --> 01:16:56,070 I'm not leaving you here. 869 01:16:56,403 --> 01:16:57,738 Just let me die. 870 01:16:57,947 --> 01:17:01,158 Snap out of it, Daniel. I can't do this on my own. 871 01:17:01,283 --> 01:17:03,119 Leslie wouldn't want you to give up, huh? 872 01:17:03,536 --> 01:17:04,703 No. 873 01:17:04,787 --> 01:17:06,205 She'd want you to keep fighting. 874 01:17:07,164 --> 01:17:11,127 I know I barely knew her, man, but what I do know is that she loved you. 875 01:17:12,169 --> 01:17:13,504 She'd want you to live. 876 01:17:15,965 --> 01:17:19,343 So, right now, what you gotta do is you gotta live for her. 877 01:17:19,927 --> 01:17:21,053 You gotta live for her. 878 01:17:21,720 --> 01:17:22,847 I have to live for her. 879 01:17:22,972 --> 01:17:24,932 You have to live for her. You can do this. 880 01:17:26,892 --> 01:17:28,018 I can do this. 881 01:17:28,686 --> 01:17:32,439 Yes, you can. Come on. 882 01:17:45,578 --> 01:17:46,704 Misty? 883 01:17:47,204 --> 01:17:49,248 - Misty! - Oh, my god! You're alive! 884 01:17:50,124 --> 01:17:51,125 You're alive! 885 01:17:52,668 --> 01:17:53,711 Where are the others? 886 01:17:55,963 --> 01:17:57,173 They didn't make it. 887 01:18:01,468 --> 01:18:02,511 I'm so sorry. 888 01:18:04,805 --> 01:18:06,056 I have to live for her. 889 01:18:06,640 --> 01:18:07,975 Tell me you got a way outta here. 890 01:18:09,059 --> 01:18:10,978 Yeah, there's an air shaft on the other side of this door. 891 01:18:11,312 --> 01:18:13,314 Trent should be topside right now, radioing for help. 892 01:18:13,522 --> 01:18:14,773 Thank god. 893 01:18:15,149 --> 01:18:16,859 Well, what are we waiting for? Come on, let's go! 894 01:18:16,984 --> 01:18:18,194 - Come on, help me with this door. - Right. 895 01:18:18,319 --> 01:18:19,737 Pull! Pull! 896 01:18:22,281 --> 01:18:23,282 Got it. 897 01:18:23,365 --> 01:18:24,867 Right, stop! Stop, stop, stop. 898 01:18:24,950 --> 01:18:25,993 What is it? 899 01:18:27,244 --> 01:18:30,206 We're not alone. Go! Go! Go! Go! 900 01:18:30,289 --> 01:18:32,374 - Wait, what about you? -L'll be right behind you. Go! 901 01:18:38,339 --> 01:18:39,715 Great advice. 902 01:18:42,384 --> 01:18:43,510 Come on. 903 01:18:53,854 --> 01:18:55,147 Shit! Shit! 904 01:18:56,023 --> 01:18:57,024 Shit! 905 01:18:57,942 --> 01:19:01,111 Come on! Fuck! 906 01:19:01,195 --> 01:19:05,157 Fuck! Guys, get out of there! Go! 907 01:19:12,748 --> 01:19:15,251 Come on, man. Almost there. 908 01:19:15,459 --> 01:19:16,669 One rung at a time. 909 01:19:23,050 --> 01:19:24,468 Oh, shit. 910 01:19:28,472 --> 01:19:30,057 One rung at a time. 911 01:19:32,476 --> 01:19:33,769 God damn it. 912 01:19:34,812 --> 01:19:36,981 - Aaron, the water's rising! - Yeah. 913 01:19:39,650 --> 01:19:41,652 All right. Give me the key. 914 01:19:44,071 --> 01:19:45,364 Give me the key. 915 01:19:46,115 --> 01:19:47,658 What? No. 916 01:19:48,701 --> 01:19:51,203 Give me the key. 917 01:19:51,495 --> 01:19:52,538 No. 918 01:19:52,705 --> 01:19:55,624 My work's too important to trust with a hothead like you. 919 01:19:55,708 --> 01:19:56,709 Give me the goddamn key, 920 01:19:56,792 --> 01:19:59,044 or I swear to god, i will pry it from your fingertips 921 01:19:59,128 --> 01:20:00,671 and then throw you to the sharks. 922 01:20:04,508 --> 01:20:05,884 Oh, you feelin' froggy? 923 01:20:06,969 --> 01:20:08,220 Then jump- 924 01:20:22,526 --> 01:20:23,569 here. 925 01:20:25,362 --> 01:20:26,488 Come on! 926 01:20:27,823 --> 01:20:29,033 I'm going back for the others. 927 01:20:29,742 --> 01:20:32,453 Don't be a fool, they're all dead. 928 01:20:32,536 --> 01:20:33,704 Aaron". We're almost there. 929 01:20:33,787 --> 01:20:34,997 Aaron! 930 01:20:35,164 --> 01:20:37,249 - Keep going. - Aaron! I got you. I got you. 931 01:20:37,333 --> 01:20:38,500 Come on! 932 01:20:41,211 --> 01:20:44,840 - Come on. Come on. I got you. - Trent. 933 01:20:45,299 --> 01:20:46,300 You have the others? 934 01:20:46,383 --> 01:20:47,676 - Daniel. - Come on. 935 01:20:47,760 --> 01:20:49,803 - Daniel's down there. - Come on. Come on. 936 01:20:56,060 --> 01:20:57,186 Fuck. 937 01:21:07,988 --> 01:21:09,239 Shit, he's gone. 938 01:21:13,494 --> 01:21:14,703 Jesus Christ! 939 01:22:00,165 --> 01:22:01,542 Look at this. 940 01:22:07,047 --> 01:22:08,340 Shit, it's misty. 941 01:22:11,677 --> 01:22:12,970 Misty! 942 01:22:14,972 --> 01:22:16,265 Misty, come on! 943 01:22:18,058 --> 01:22:19,893 Don't look back, come on! Keep swimming! 944 01:22:19,977 --> 01:22:21,145 Misty! Come on! Swim! 945 01:22:23,063 --> 01:22:24,273 Come on! Faster! 946 01:22:26,733 --> 01:22:27,985 Misty, come on! 947 01:22:28,694 --> 01:22:30,821 Come on. Come on. 948 01:22:31,363 --> 01:22:32,739 All right, come on, come on. 949 01:22:37,119 --> 01:22:38,245 How did you... 950 01:22:38,328 --> 01:22:39,580 I went through the wet pool. 951 01:22:43,917 --> 01:22:45,836 You left me down there to die! 952 01:22:45,961 --> 01:22:47,880 I should throw you in there, you asshole! 953 01:22:48,255 --> 01:22:49,465 - Hey, hey, hey! - Get off me. 954 01:22:49,548 --> 01:22:51,258 It's okay. There'll be time for that later. 955 01:23:00,309 --> 01:23:01,560 Aaron, where's Daniel? 956 01:23:05,063 --> 01:23:06,190 He didn't make it. 957 01:23:11,403 --> 01:23:12,529 You're the devil. 958 01:23:13,197 --> 01:23:15,032 - L'm the devil? - Yeah. 959 01:23:15,365 --> 01:23:18,118 Copernicus, Galileo, Darwin, 960 01:23:18,202 --> 01:23:22,748 at some point, all scientific revolutionaries were considered devils. 961 01:23:22,915 --> 01:23:24,958 - You psychotic-- - psychotic? 962 01:23:25,042 --> 01:23:27,711 - Yeah, you're psychotic. - Hey, you just stay away from me. 963 01:23:27,794 --> 01:23:28,962 Oh! Oh! 964 01:23:29,046 --> 01:23:32,174 - You're psychotic. - Do you understand? Stay away! 965 01:23:32,257 --> 01:23:33,383 Hey, hey, hey! Coast guard! 966 01:23:34,384 --> 01:23:36,470 Must have sent a drone to see if my call was real. 967 01:23:37,346 --> 01:23:39,181 - We're here! Here! - Hey. 968 01:23:39,264 --> 01:23:42,142 - Hey, we're down here! - Right here! Right here! 969 01:23:42,643 --> 01:23:45,729 - We're here! Here! - We're down here! Hey! 970 01:23:51,652 --> 01:23:53,111 Why can't we catch a break? 971 01:23:53,403 --> 01:23:56,198 Just one break! Hell, I'd take half a break! 972 01:23:56,365 --> 01:23:58,367 Oh, my god. My sharks are incredible. 973 01:23:59,034 --> 01:24:01,161 Yeah, maybe they'll put that on your tombstone. 974 01:24:05,123 --> 01:24:06,166 The hell was that? 975 01:24:06,333 --> 01:24:08,085 The dock structure's starting to give. 976 01:24:08,168 --> 01:24:09,419 And that means... 977 01:24:09,711 --> 01:24:13,423 It means that this dock is gonna be in the water in a couple of minutes. 978 01:24:14,341 --> 01:24:16,635 We're dead. We're dead. 979 01:24:19,096 --> 01:24:23,308 No, we're not. Look. We gotta swim for that boat. 980 01:24:24,643 --> 01:24:26,687 There are still sharks in the water. Those odds aren't good. 981 01:24:26,770 --> 01:24:27,980 Yeah, well, maybe they finally left. 982 01:24:28,522 --> 01:24:30,399 Maybe they're still munching on the damn drone. 983 01:24:30,482 --> 01:24:32,401 Absolutely not. We're waiting for the coast guard to get here. 984 01:24:32,484 --> 01:24:34,611 By the time the coast guard gets here, we'll all be dead. 985 01:24:38,615 --> 01:24:40,367 - We don't have much time. - Yeah, he's right. 986 01:24:40,492 --> 01:24:42,911 I am not getting in the water with those sharks. Forget it. 987 01:24:42,995 --> 01:24:44,121 You can do this. 988 01:24:44,204 --> 01:24:45,831 Oh, come on. There's gotta be another way. 989 01:24:45,914 --> 01:24:47,624 Hey, if you've got a better idea, I'd love to hear it. 990 01:24:47,708 --> 01:24:49,167 Okay, it's for your own good. 991 01:24:52,629 --> 01:24:54,798 - Satisfying, right? - Shut up. 992 01:24:55,007 --> 01:24:56,508 Okay, let's go. 993 01:25:27,539 --> 01:25:29,958 - Aaron! - Aaron! 994 01:25:33,378 --> 01:25:34,504 Oh, no. 995 01:25:47,225 --> 01:25:48,268 Bella. 996 01:26:00,113 --> 01:26:02,949 I told you I was Bella's master! 997 01:26:37,275 --> 01:26:38,402 Where's Bella? 998 01:26:38,652 --> 01:26:42,656 I don't see her. I don't see her. Or Aaron. 999 01:26:43,365 --> 01:26:46,368 - Fuck! I shouldn't have pitched him in! - Don't do that. 1000 01:26:46,993 --> 01:26:48,245 You were trying to save him. 1001 01:26:50,622 --> 01:26:53,166 Hey, hey. She's back. She's back! 1002 01:26:54,084 --> 01:26:56,545 Go! Come on! 1003 01:26:57,379 --> 01:26:59,548 Trent, she's gonna tear this boat apart! 1004 01:27:02,467 --> 01:27:03,677 Come on! 1005 01:27:32,998 --> 01:27:34,249 Damn straight. 1006 01:28:00,108 --> 01:28:01,318 I thought you were dead! 1007 01:28:03,111 --> 01:28:04,446 Yeah, so did I. 1008 01:28:06,072 --> 01:28:08,909 He dragged me down again, but this time he just let me go. 1009 01:28:09,451 --> 01:28:11,286 Then I used this thing to hang near the bottom. 1010 01:28:11,828 --> 01:28:13,663 I told you they don't like the taste of nerd. 1011 01:28:13,789 --> 01:28:15,749 Yeah, this one's got a fetish for my shoes. 1012 01:28:16,708 --> 01:28:18,627 Come on. Let's get out of here. 1013 01:28:29,846 --> 01:28:31,723 Wait. Wait a second. 1014 01:28:31,848 --> 01:28:33,308 No. Can't we just go home? 1015 01:28:33,767 --> 01:28:35,310 We can't let those sharks survive. 1016 01:28:37,479 --> 01:28:38,688 Trent. 1017 01:28:41,691 --> 01:28:42,859 Hold on. 1018 01:28:48,573 --> 01:28:49,616 What's that? 1019 01:28:50,784 --> 01:28:52,327 Remember what Aaron said? 1020 01:28:52,786 --> 01:28:56,289 About durant being ultra-paranoid about protecting his trade secrets? 1021 01:28:58,583 --> 01:28:59,793 It was true. 1022 01:29:09,219 --> 01:29:10,637 No freaking way. 1023 01:29:11,012 --> 01:29:12,514 You've gotta be kidding me. 1024 01:29:13,014 --> 01:29:14,307 Lam not kidding. 1025 01:29:37,163 --> 01:29:38,874 That's like in the movies. 1026 01:29:39,749 --> 01:29:42,836 Yeah, just like in the movies. 1027 01:29:43,503 --> 01:29:45,630 My last job sucked, 1028 01:29:47,632 --> 01:29:48,967 they didn't try and eat me. 1029 01:29:50,427 --> 01:29:52,304 I'm moving back to silicon valley. 1030 01:29:55,432 --> 01:29:58,226 All right. Let's get the hell outta here. 1031 01:30:22,292 --> 01:30:23,585 Come on, let's go. 1032 01:30:23,710 --> 01:30:25,253 I don't want to go out too deep. 1033 01:30:26,963 --> 01:30:28,924 What if there are sharks out here? 1034 01:30:29,299 --> 01:30:31,593 There are no sharks at this beach, i promise you. 1035 01:33:51,751 --> 01:33:52,794 English - sdh