1 00:00:05,350 --> 00:00:06,540 [VICTORIA] Travis, if you ask me 2 00:00:06,564 --> 00:00:08,018 one more time if I'm okay, I won't be. 3 00:00:08,042 --> 00:00:10,055 You took over a press conference in front of the mayor. 4 00:00:10,079 --> 00:00:11,780 - I just... - I don't wanna talk about it, Travis. 5 00:00:11,804 --> 00:00:13,203 Why is that so hard for you to understand? 6 00:00:13,228 --> 00:00:14,222 No word. [SIGHS] 7 00:00:14,876 --> 00:00:16,414 Chief and I are doing everything we 8 00:00:16,439 --> 00:00:17,632 can to make sure you keep your job, 9 00:00:17,657 --> 00:00:19,531 but... it's up to the mayor. 10 00:00:23,695 --> 00:00:26,698 Victoria Hughes is an essential member of FD. 11 00:00:26,723 --> 00:00:29,176 Crisis One is... personal to her. 12 00:00:29,201 --> 00:00:32,109 So personal that she felt the need to publicly humiliate me. 13 00:00:32,134 --> 00:00:33,882 So personal she's willing to fight for it. 14 00:00:34,906 --> 00:00:37,633 The individuals holding the purse strings of the city we're watching. 15 00:00:37,658 --> 00:00:40,154 Don't you think I could have parlayed 19's win into an argument 16 00:00:40,178 --> 00:00:42,421 - for supporting their programs? - Would you have? 17 00:00:42,446 --> 00:00:44,984 Really? Parlayed it into an argument for support? 18 00:00:45,768 --> 00:00:48,012 This is about disciplinary action for Hughes. 19 00:00:48,037 --> 00:00:50,922 - Not Crisis One or any other... - On the contrary, Mayor Osman. 20 00:00:50,947 --> 00:00:53,018 This is about our community. 21 00:00:53,128 --> 00:00:56,441 The individual people in this community that we help every day. 22 00:00:56,466 --> 00:00:58,882 That is what I'm trying to make you understand. 23 00:01:02,124 --> 00:01:07,124 - Synced and corrected by ChrisKe - -- for www.addic7ed.com -- 24 00:01:07,149 --> 00:01:10,414 - _ - [PERSON] Can somebody help us? 25 00:01:10,439 --> 00:01:12,234 He tripped and landed on some glass. 26 00:01:12,259 --> 00:01:13,664 It's not a fire. 27 00:01:14,074 --> 00:01:16,041 The kid says you do things like this nowadays. 28 00:01:16,066 --> 00:01:17,953 Yeah, the fire department's always done things like this. 29 00:01:17,978 --> 00:01:20,779 - [GROANS] Not in my day. - [PERSON] Still is your day. 30 00:01:20,976 --> 00:01:22,713 I know you're old, but you're sitting right here. 31 00:01:22,815 --> 00:01:25,794 I'm 74. I don't feel a day under 200. 32 00:01:25,819 --> 00:01:27,096 Well, you look great. 33 00:01:27,121 --> 00:01:29,192 That's what a diet like mine will get you. 34 00:01:29,295 --> 00:01:30,375 - [ROBERT] Oh, yeah? - Yeah. 35 00:01:30,400 --> 00:01:33,093 - And what's that? - Not enough of anything. 36 00:01:33,196 --> 00:01:34,544 You wouldn't think that a model and 37 00:01:34,568 --> 00:01:36,196 a homeless guy would have the same diet. 38 00:01:36,221 --> 00:01:37,451 - [ROBERT LAUGHS] - Surprise. 39 00:01:37,476 --> 00:01:39,914 See, that's why I said we should come here. 40 00:01:39,939 --> 00:01:41,354 I heard about your clinic. 41 00:01:41,618 --> 00:01:44,483 Your hands are softer than any VA doc's. 42 00:01:44,508 --> 00:01:45,819 I'm wearing gloves. 43 00:01:45,844 --> 00:01:47,921 He's messing with you. He thinks he's funny. 44 00:01:47,946 --> 00:01:49,224 I am funny. 45 00:01:49,249 --> 00:01:50,492 - VA, huh? - Yeah. 46 00:01:50,612 --> 00:01:53,132 I did, uh, two tours in Afghanistan myself. 47 00:01:53,157 --> 00:01:54,745 - Oh. So did the kid. - Yeah. 48 00:01:54,770 --> 00:01:56,048 Vietnam for me. 49 00:01:56,171 --> 00:01:57,172 [GRUNTS] 50 00:01:57,197 --> 00:01:58,370 But this one... 51 00:01:58,968 --> 00:02:00,984 No desire to serve your country? 52 00:02:01,009 --> 00:02:02,687 I'm a firefighter. 53 00:02:04,099 --> 00:02:06,894 All right, you're all set. Just keep it dry. 54 00:02:06,919 --> 00:02:09,218 Make sure the dressing doesn't fall off, so you don't get an infection. 55 00:02:09,258 --> 00:02:11,375 And, a-actually, I have something for you. 56 00:02:12,784 --> 00:02:14,407 - [VETERAN 1] Oh. - [JACK] Huh? Yeah. 57 00:02:14,729 --> 00:02:16,559 [CHUCKLING] I-I see what you're doing here. 58 00:02:16,663 --> 00:02:18,182 I slept rough for a while too. 59 00:02:18,207 --> 00:02:21,348 So... it was just easier to have some of those in your pocket. 60 00:02:21,373 --> 00:02:23,093 - They're not that good. - [GRUNTS] Mm-mmm. 61 00:02:23,118 --> 00:02:24,740 But, you know, in a pinch. 62 00:02:25,065 --> 00:02:26,204 You were homeless? 63 00:02:27,067 --> 00:02:28,102 I was. 64 00:02:29,448 --> 00:02:31,328 [ROBERT] We're here if you need anything, sir. 65 00:02:31,353 --> 00:02:33,562 - All right, let me help you up. - [VETERAN 1 GRUNTS] 66 00:02:33,741 --> 00:02:35,398 - All right. - There you go. 67 00:02:35,423 --> 00:02:36,953 We'll definitely be back 68 00:02:36,978 --> 00:02:39,774 when we need more not-good granola. 69 00:02:40,021 --> 00:02:41,421 - [CHUCKLES] - [ROBERT] Here you go. 70 00:02:47,766 --> 00:02:50,587 Hang on. You're a types-with-two-fingers guy? 71 00:02:50,612 --> 00:02:52,285 I'm not typing with two fingers. 72 00:02:52,310 --> 00:02:53,897 - I'm just... - Mmm. Really? 73 00:02:54,080 --> 00:02:57,152 [SIGHS] Two vets came in the other day, both un-housed. 74 00:02:57,177 --> 00:02:59,712 An old guy and a kid. 75 00:03:00,324 --> 00:03:02,809 Two different wars, both homeless. 76 00:03:03,259 --> 00:03:05,923 How are we not taking care of our people? Huh? 77 00:03:06,726 --> 00:03:08,463 So I'm trying to get some housing help, 78 00:03:08,487 --> 00:03:10,454 but the VA... These government sites. God! 79 00:03:12,685 --> 00:03:15,515 Do you know where they're living now? Because once you lose 'em... 80 00:03:15,540 --> 00:03:18,715 Uh, at the turn off of 11th. Right by the park there. 81 00:03:18,740 --> 00:03:22,640 Good. [SIGHS] I mean, not good, but it's one of the safer encampments. 82 00:03:22,737 --> 00:03:23,979 How do you know that? 83 00:03:25,064 --> 00:03:27,205 Uh, my brother has struggled. 84 00:03:27,339 --> 00:03:30,055 And, uh, yeah. 85 00:03:33,912 --> 00:03:36,501 [ALL LAUGHING] 86 00:03:36,526 --> 00:03:38,085 Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Break it up. 87 00:03:38,109 --> 00:03:39,667 What you got going on over here, huh? 88 00:03:39,692 --> 00:03:41,472 Oh. N-not for ladies' ears. 89 00:03:41,497 --> 00:03:44,845 Oh, okay. So is backhanded misogyny for ladies' ears? 90 00:03:44,870 --> 00:03:47,149 - He's teaching us dirty limericks. - Okay. 91 00:03:47,174 --> 00:03:48,532 - [TRAVIS] You wanna hear one? - Of course. 92 00:03:48,557 --> 00:03:50,602 - Make sure I get it right. Um. - [VETERAN 1] Yeah. 93 00:03:51,335 --> 00:03:55,891 A dirty old man in Leeds, notorious for unholy deeds, 94 00:03:55,916 --> 00:03:58,696 tried to reform and really conform, 95 00:03:58,721 --> 00:04:00,631 but gave up and succumbed to his needs. 96 00:04:00,656 --> 00:04:01,664 [BEN] All right. 97 00:04:01,689 --> 00:04:04,219 [VICTORIA] Eh. Well, okay, who's got something better? 98 00:04:04,244 --> 00:04:06,096 I know someone has something... Okay. 99 00:04:06,127 --> 00:04:07,589 Uh, a bartender taught me this. 100 00:04:07,614 --> 00:04:09,589 There once was a boy named Max, who went... 101 00:04:09,614 --> 00:04:10,721 Nope! 102 00:04:10,746 --> 00:04:12,296 - [JACK] You love this one. - No, no, no. 103 00:04:12,321 --> 00:04:14,323 No. You told me that one, and... Ve... Hard veto. 104 00:04:14,426 --> 00:04:16,266 - Dad, Dad, please. - It's a community gathering. 105 00:04:16,290 --> 00:04:18,415 It's too much. Do-Do not do it, Gibson. 106 00:04:19,485 --> 00:04:20,832 All right, sir. Let's hear yours. 107 00:04:21,107 --> 00:04:22,833 There once was a knight, taut and bold, 108 00:04:22,858 --> 00:04:24,515 who shrank when out in the cold. 109 00:04:24,798 --> 00:04:27,343 But a fair maiden's whoosh and the bounce of her tush 110 00:04:27,368 --> 00:04:29,382 restored him to a sight to behold. 111 00:04:29,407 --> 00:04:32,513 [LAUGHING] Oh, my God. So like a medieval ass man. [SMACKS LIPS] 112 00:04:32,538 --> 00:04:34,904 I like it. Respect. Okay. Here's mine. 113 00:04:35,007 --> 00:04:38,345 Her lover was too much the sap, so she drew him a treasure map. 114 00:04:38,571 --> 00:04:41,367 And the direction he took left her happily shook, 115 00:04:41,837 --> 00:04:44,145 'cause X marks the spot in her lap. 116 00:04:44,170 --> 00:04:46,276 - Oh! - Oh! 117 00:04:48,840 --> 00:04:50,980 - [BEN] That was good. - I like that one the best. 118 00:04:51,005 --> 00:04:52,232 [VICTORIA] Thank you. 119 00:04:52,257 --> 00:04:53,983 Hey, me too. So stand down, Private. 120 00:04:58,273 --> 00:04:59,964 ["BEHAVE" PLAYING] 121 00:04:59,989 --> 00:05:02,163 ♪ I don't know how to behave ♪ 122 00:05:03,601 --> 00:05:05,845 Do you know that crows have crazy memories? 123 00:05:06,104 --> 00:05:09,970 Like, if you mess with one, it will remember your face for years. 124 00:05:10,345 --> 00:05:12,321 I do not plan to mess with a crow... 125 00:05:12,346 --> 00:05:13,759 I mean... And the epigenetics. 126 00:05:14,267 --> 00:05:17,153 Like, if their great-great-great grandfather crow, 127 00:05:17,178 --> 00:05:20,285 who they've never met, never been on the planet at the same time as, 128 00:05:20,310 --> 00:05:23,278 is a certain way, they're probably gonna be that way too. 129 00:05:23,540 --> 00:05:25,369 - Okay. - [BARTENDER] Here you go. 130 00:05:25,394 --> 00:05:27,361 - Thank you. - Isn't that interesting? 131 00:05:27,386 --> 00:05:28,855 And, like, scary? 132 00:05:28,880 --> 00:05:31,607 - And wild? - Okay. Bella, what is going on? 133 00:05:31,789 --> 00:05:35,517 Why are you drinking too much whiskey and talking about crows? 134 00:05:35,542 --> 00:05:37,469 [SIGHS] Just thinking about my brother. 135 00:05:37,942 --> 00:05:42,015 I mean, my family in general. Nature, nurture, all of it. 136 00:05:42,205 --> 00:05:43,413 Okay. 137 00:05:43,462 --> 00:05:44,704 I'm just worried about him. 138 00:05:45,666 --> 00:05:46,909 Did something happen? 139 00:05:47,919 --> 00:05:50,710 No. I mean, nothing new. 140 00:05:50,735 --> 00:05:52,604 But he's living on the streets, and I'm letting him. 141 00:05:52,628 --> 00:05:54,250 You're not letting him. 142 00:05:54,432 --> 00:05:55,778 [STAMMERS] And also, 143 00:05:55,803 --> 00:05:58,392 you can't force him to do anything he's not willing to. 144 00:05:58,417 --> 00:06:00,818 - [SIGHS] - The same way I couldn't force Andrea. 145 00:06:00,843 --> 00:06:02,368 Isn't that terrifying? 146 00:06:02,914 --> 00:06:05,537 I mean, we grew up in the same families as our brothers. 147 00:06:05,562 --> 00:06:07,445 - Yeah, but we're different. - Now we are. 148 00:06:07,470 --> 00:06:11,493 But what if... we have time bombs in us 149 00:06:12,475 --> 00:06:15,340 just like them, but... but they haven't exploded yet? 150 00:06:15,444 --> 00:06:19,087 Worse. What if we bury a time bomb in our kid? 151 00:06:19,112 --> 00:06:20,424 Okay, okay, okay. 152 00:06:20,449 --> 00:06:23,815 First of all, m-m-mental health is not a time bomb, 153 00:06:23,840 --> 00:06:27,085 and it's also something you and I know to pay attention to 154 00:06:27,110 --> 00:06:29,329 because of our families. 155 00:06:29,980 --> 00:06:32,224 And we're gonna do the same for our kid. 156 00:06:34,533 --> 00:06:35,638 You're good at this. 157 00:06:35,843 --> 00:06:36,843 I know. 158 00:06:37,638 --> 00:06:38,915 You're good at it too. 159 00:06:39,019 --> 00:06:42,159 - What? Stressing at a bar? - No. No. 160 00:06:42,342 --> 00:06:46,450 Look at you, already prioritizing the well-being of our future kid. 161 00:06:46,475 --> 00:06:48,856 My mom didn't do it. Your mom didn't do it. 162 00:06:49,760 --> 00:06:51,278 You're gonna be a great mom. 163 00:06:51,303 --> 00:06:52,339 [CHUCKLES] 164 00:06:52,584 --> 00:06:54,414 ♪ I don't know how to behave ♪ 165 00:06:54,572 --> 00:06:55,572 What? 166 00:06:56,989 --> 00:06:59,161 I didn't know I needed to hear that. 167 00:07:00,835 --> 00:07:01,836 It's true. 168 00:07:03,098 --> 00:07:04,099 Crows be damned. 169 00:07:05,845 --> 00:07:06,846 No crows! 170 00:07:09,400 --> 00:07:11,889 [VETERAN 1] Warren, I need you! Help! Help! 171 00:07:12,259 --> 00:07:14,720 I-I don't know if he took something. He's been acting erratic. 172 00:07:14,745 --> 00:07:17,032 - I didn't take anything. - [BEN] Arlo, can you hear me? 173 00:07:17,057 --> 00:07:19,311 Can you hear me? If you took something, you need to let me know. 174 00:07:19,335 --> 00:07:21,046 [VETERAN 1] No, he's sober. He's been struggling 175 00:07:21,070 --> 00:07:22,487 lately, but I really don't think he... 176 00:07:22,511 --> 00:07:25,143 - Uh, fruity breath. - Morris, do you know if Arlo is diabetic? 177 00:07:25,168 --> 00:07:27,377 Yeah, he is. He's been rationing his insulin. 178 00:07:27,481 --> 00:07:29,045 Morris, I'm gonna need you to stand back. 179 00:07:29,069 --> 00:07:31,347 No. Morris. Morris, over here. Over here with me, okay? 180 00:07:31,372 --> 00:07:33,428 [BEN] Hey, Arlo, stay with me, buddy. Stay with me. 181 00:07:33,453 --> 00:07:36,421 Hey, Morris, Morris. Hey, hey. Are you okay? Are you okay? 182 00:07:36,446 --> 00:07:37,446 [SOFTLY] Okay. 183 00:07:44,361 --> 00:07:47,071 - [MACHINE BEEPS] - Blood sugar is over 700. 184 00:07:47,432 --> 00:07:49,478 [SIGHS] He's dehydrated. He could be hyperkalemic. 185 00:07:49,503 --> 00:07:51,239 - I'm gonna need the aid car. - [MEDIC] Got it. 186 00:07:51,264 --> 00:07:52,333 LIFEPAK on. 187 00:07:52,358 --> 00:07:54,163 - All right. Let's move! - [CARINA] Cables are in. 188 00:07:54,266 --> 00:07:55,727 - What's happening? - Morris, this is something 189 00:07:55,751 --> 00:07:57,556 that needs to be treated at the hospital, okay? 190 00:07:57,580 --> 00:08:00,065 Morris, how long has he been rationing his insulin? 191 00:08:00,090 --> 00:08:02,629 Uh, a few weeks, maybe more. He knew he was running low. 192 00:08:02,654 --> 00:08:05,357 He was trying to make it last. He didn't think he could get any more. 193 00:08:05,381 --> 00:08:07,773 - Morris, you can't come. - He-He-He doesn't like being alone. 194 00:08:07,797 --> 00:08:09,906 - He'll panic. - I will be with him. He knows me. 195 00:08:09,931 --> 00:08:11,457 It's okay, Morris. We'll meet 'em there. 196 00:08:11,482 --> 00:08:13,606 We'll meet 'em there. We'll meet 'em there, okay? 197 00:08:13,631 --> 00:08:16,703 Let's go sit down, okay? Let's go sit down, Morris, all right? 198 00:08:16,806 --> 00:08:18,567 Come on. Come on. 199 00:08:18,592 --> 00:08:20,042 [SIREN WAILING] 200 00:08:21,847 --> 00:08:23,780 [MONITOR BEEPING STEADILY] 201 00:08:26,126 --> 00:08:27,437 [BEEPING INCREASES] 202 00:08:28,190 --> 00:08:29,950 [MONITOR FLATLINING] 203 00:08:29,975 --> 00:08:31,424 [MAYA EXHALES] 204 00:08:31,449 --> 00:08:33,417 No pulse. Starting compressions. 205 00:08:33,616 --> 00:08:36,135 [SIGHS] Come on, Arlo. We're almost there. 206 00:08:36,239 --> 00:08:37,688 [BEN BREATHING HEAVILY] 207 00:08:38,966 --> 00:08:40,658 Come on. Come on. 208 00:08:43,694 --> 00:08:45,361 [VICTORIA] Come on. The hospital's not far. 209 00:08:45,386 --> 00:08:47,457 - [PHONE RINGING] - It's all right. 210 00:08:48,770 --> 00:08:49,771 Warren. 211 00:08:55,651 --> 00:08:56,652 Yeah. 212 00:09:01,102 --> 00:09:02,103 Okay. 213 00:09:13,756 --> 00:09:15,206 [MORRIS EXHALES] He's gone. 214 00:09:16,048 --> 00:09:17,877 [SHAKILY] He's gone. 215 00:09:17,902 --> 00:09:20,318 - Morris, I'm so sorry. - [SOBS] 216 00:09:20,343 --> 00:09:21,931 - I'm so, so sorry. - [SOBBING] 217 00:09:25,367 --> 00:09:26,575 I'm sorry. 218 00:09:30,431 --> 00:09:32,433 It's not just that she connects with people 219 00:09:32,458 --> 00:09:34,157 in a way I've never seen before, 220 00:09:34,182 --> 00:09:37,068 but she is teaching other firefighters to do the same. 221 00:09:37,093 --> 00:09:39,899 Great, then there'll be plenty of people there to fill the void 222 00:09:39,924 --> 00:09:41,650 when she and her programs are gone. 223 00:09:41,675 --> 00:09:43,626 Crisis One is not a Vic Hughes's program. 224 00:09:44,009 --> 00:09:47,552 It is a citywide FD initiative, and it's a big part of why 225 00:09:47,577 --> 00:09:50,441 FD was able to save all those lives at the Space Needle. 226 00:09:50,553 --> 00:09:54,212 My expectation is the fire department will continue to do that work, 227 00:09:54,315 --> 00:09:56,861 just like they used to before it had a special name. 228 00:09:56,886 --> 00:09:59,595 [SCOFFS] Oh! With all the resources you're cutting? 229 00:10:02,387 --> 00:10:03,423 [PHONE CLATTERS, BEEPS] 230 00:10:05,303 --> 00:10:07,892 Yeah, I'm gonna need you to push my 11:30. 231 00:10:07,916 --> 00:10:11,056 _ 232 00:10:19,283 --> 00:10:20,560 [ROBERT] On hold. [SIGHS] 233 00:10:20,585 --> 00:10:22,380 Veterans Benefits' Adminstr... 234 00:10:22,405 --> 00:10:23,406 Hello? 235 00:10:23,541 --> 00:10:24,818 Y-Yes, the... [STAMMERS] 236 00:10:24,970 --> 00:10:26,704 I-I just got off the phone with him. 237 00:10:26,729 --> 00:10:28,800 Could you... No, no, don't put me on hold, please! 238 00:10:28,825 --> 00:10:30,665 Don't put me on hold! 239 00:10:31,242 --> 00:10:32,312 Ugh! 240 00:10:34,564 --> 00:10:37,809 I've been trying to get Morris VA housing since the spring, okay? 241 00:10:37,834 --> 00:10:39,836 - [SIGHS] - Everything is a roadblock. 242 00:10:39,970 --> 00:10:42,041 I can't even get accurate information, 243 00:10:42,193 --> 00:10:43,913 never mind starting the application process. 244 00:10:43,953 --> 00:10:45,931 Anything "government," it's not just red tape. 245 00:10:45,956 --> 00:10:46,897 [SIGHS] 246 00:10:46,922 --> 00:10:48,199 Babe, it's flypaper. 247 00:10:50,025 --> 00:10:52,972 Can you imagine if we didn't join FD after we served? 248 00:10:52,997 --> 00:10:55,344 - Oh. [SCOFFS] - This could have been me 249 00:10:55,369 --> 00:10:58,361 or you or so many people we know. 250 00:10:58,868 --> 00:11:00,385 I couldn't have kept a job in 251 00:11:00,409 --> 00:11:02,558 business or, God forbid, customer service 252 00:11:02,583 --> 00:11:05,267 with my brain still calibrated to military life. 253 00:11:05,743 --> 00:11:10,955 That crazy rigidity that maybe you will shake off one of these days. 254 00:11:11,251 --> 00:11:13,268 - [CHUCKLES] Pot, kettle. - I'm just saying 255 00:11:13,293 --> 00:11:15,478 it is very nice to be the chill one in a relationship for once. 256 00:11:15,502 --> 00:11:17,834 The chill... You are not the chill one in the rela... 257 00:11:17,859 --> 00:11:19,930 - I am very much the chill one. - No, you're not... 258 00:11:19,955 --> 00:11:21,128 I really am. 259 00:11:21,153 --> 00:11:22,978 - I really am. - Okay. 260 00:11:23,003 --> 00:11:25,558 You're the chill one, but I'm the funny one. 261 00:11:25,835 --> 00:11:29,425 Yes, yes. You are that. Yes, you are that. 262 00:11:29,481 --> 00:11:30,814 And you know what else? You are the 263 00:11:30,839 --> 00:11:33,763 considerate one, and you're the patient one. 264 00:11:33,788 --> 00:11:37,481 And you are the steadfast one and the kind one... 265 00:11:37,506 --> 00:11:40,295 - [ROBERT MOANS] - [MOANS] 266 00:11:40,320 --> 00:11:42,563 ... and the one most seduced by flattery. 267 00:11:42,588 --> 00:11:44,493 [CHUCKLES] Definitely. 268 00:11:46,396 --> 00:11:48,225 - [PHONE OPERATOR] Hello? - Oh, yep, yep. 269 00:11:50,399 --> 00:11:52,077 - Hello? [GROANS] - Please hold. 270 00:11:53,825 --> 00:11:55,344 [NATASHA CHUCKLES] 271 00:11:55,889 --> 00:11:57,476 [PEOPLE CHATTERING] 272 00:12:03,308 --> 00:12:05,348 I can't believe that there is a 273 00:12:05,380 --> 00:12:08,149 possibility that there is a baby in there. 274 00:12:08,174 --> 00:12:10,757 - Our baby. - Okay. No, no, no. 275 00:12:10,782 --> 00:12:12,707 [CHUCKLES] I'm sorry. I'm excited. 276 00:12:12,905 --> 00:12:14,778 I just wanted this for so long 277 00:12:14,803 --> 00:12:17,115 that if I let myself get too excited about it now 278 00:12:17,140 --> 00:12:18,985 before we know for sure, I'm afraid 279 00:12:19,009 --> 00:12:20,853 that I won't be able to take it if... 280 00:12:20,956 --> 00:12:22,095 No ifs. 281 00:12:22,354 --> 00:12:24,701 Let's not talk about it for now. 282 00:12:26,935 --> 00:12:30,397 I'm serious. Let's talk about something else. Anything else. 283 00:12:31,066 --> 00:12:32,585 I don't know what to talk about. 284 00:12:32,610 --> 00:12:34,211 Okay. Well, what about how... 285 00:12:34,236 --> 00:12:37,480 Let's talk about how crappy of a captain Beckett is or... 286 00:12:37,505 --> 00:12:39,181 - Uh. - Or Jack being AWOL. 287 00:12:39,206 --> 00:12:42,692 Oh. Morris came in today while you guys were on that call. 288 00:12:42,717 --> 00:12:44,704 - Is everything okay? - Yeah. 289 00:12:44,729 --> 00:12:48,856 Sullivan was giving him his old sleeping bag from his camping days. 290 00:12:48,881 --> 00:12:52,091 Sullivan does not give off an "I camp" vibe. 291 00:12:52,116 --> 00:12:53,876 [CHUCKLES] I don't think it was that old. 292 00:12:54,425 --> 00:12:55,960 - Aw. - Mmm. 293 00:12:56,568 --> 00:12:57,638 I know. 294 00:12:58,491 --> 00:12:59,754 Uh-uh... [SHUSHES] 295 00:12:59,779 --> 00:13:02,022 - I didn't say anything. - You thought about it. 296 00:13:02,047 --> 00:13:03,619 You thought... Professional. 297 00:13:03,644 --> 00:13:05,646 You don't know what I'm thinking. 298 00:13:06,638 --> 00:13:09,226 Chop-chop, 19. Come on. 299 00:13:10,213 --> 00:13:12,801 I know you're young and think you have all the time in the world. 300 00:13:12,826 --> 00:13:14,718 I do not share that affliction. 301 00:13:15,421 --> 00:13:18,565 I see we need to work on posture in addition to speed. 302 00:13:18,590 --> 00:13:19,590 There we go. 303 00:13:20,420 --> 00:13:22,594 There we go. Thank you, Herrera. 304 00:13:22,698 --> 00:13:26,081 This afternoon, we'll be training with the SFD dive unit... 305 00:13:26,106 --> 00:13:28,644 [DISPATCH] Crisis One requested to 11th and Central Parkway. 306 00:13:28,669 --> 00:13:30,389 He might've gotten through more if he wasn't 307 00:13:30,413 --> 00:13:32,132 so in love with the sound of his own voice... 308 00:13:32,156 --> 00:13:33,646 That's just me and Herrera. So enjoy 309 00:13:33,670 --> 00:13:35,159 the rest of Beckett's one-man show. 310 00:13:37,161 --> 00:13:38,438 [ENGINE STARTS] 311 00:13:40,095 --> 00:13:42,245 - [SIREN WAILING] - [MORRIS] I can take all of you. Get back! 312 00:13:42,348 --> 00:13:44,626 I can take you! I can take all of you! 313 00:13:44,651 --> 00:13:45,721 - No! No! - Morris. 314 00:13:45,825 --> 00:13:47,423 - Morris. Morris, hey. Hey, hey. - No! No! No! 315 00:13:47,447 --> 00:13:48,976 Look. Look at me. Look at me. This is Vic... 316 00:13:49,000 --> 00:13:51,347 It's Vic and Andy from Station 19. We are your friends. 317 00:13:51,372 --> 00:13:53,152 - What? No. - Let's get him out of the street. 318 00:13:53,177 --> 00:13:54,706 - It's Vic and Andy from Station 19. - No! No! 319 00:13:54,730 --> 00:13:56,090 - Morris, you're okay. - No! What? 320 00:13:56,115 --> 00:13:59,014 Breathe. Breathe in for four. 321 00:13:59,039 --> 00:14:01,317 - [MORRIS] Four? - Box breathing. Can you show him? Okay. 322 00:14:01,446 --> 00:14:03,486 - In for four. Hold for four. - [BOTH BREATH DEEPLY] 323 00:14:03,619 --> 00:14:04,931 - [JACKHAMMER BANGING] - Breathe. 324 00:14:04,965 --> 00:14:08,249 Wait. No, no, no. Wait. Hey! Stop, stop, stop! Stop! 325 00:14:08,274 --> 00:14:10,828 - Let her go. This is Andy. You know her. - Get away from me! 326 00:14:10,900 --> 00:14:13,620 - Morris. Morris. Morris, stop. - I'm not gonna lose you! 327 00:14:13,645 --> 00:14:15,647 - You have to let her go. This is Andy. - Di di mau! 328 00:14:15,672 --> 00:14:16,969 I'm not gonna lose you! 329 00:14:16,994 --> 00:14:18,557 - Morris, wait. No. - I'm not gonna lose you. 330 00:14:18,581 --> 00:14:21,421 Stop, stop, stop. We are not in Vietnam. You are not in Vietnam. 331 00:14:21,609 --> 00:14:23,311 - [DOG BARKS] - You are safe. You are in Seattle. 332 00:14:23,414 --> 00:14:25,150 - This is Andy. You gotta let her go. - [PANTING] 333 00:14:25,175 --> 00:14:26,418 Tell him who you are. 334 00:14:26,443 --> 00:14:28,325 It's Andy. You're in Seattle, and you're safe. 335 00:14:28,350 --> 00:14:29,748 [VICTORIA] Just keep breathing. Breathe. 336 00:14:29,772 --> 00:14:30,880 [ANDY] That's it. That's it. 337 00:14:30,904 --> 00:14:32,364 - [VICTORIA] Let's go sit down. - [DOG BARKS] 338 00:14:32,388 --> 00:14:33,745 - In for four. - [ANDY] Okay, come on. 339 00:14:33,769 --> 00:14:36,945 - [VICTORIA] Two, three, four. Hold. - Come on. That's it. 340 00:14:36,970 --> 00:14:38,956 Two, three, four. 341 00:14:38,981 --> 00:14:41,028 - Sit, sit, sit. We got you. - [ANDY] We're right here. 342 00:14:41,052 --> 00:14:42,812 - I got you. I got you. - We're right here. 343 00:14:43,619 --> 00:14:44,620 [ANDY] It's okay. 344 00:14:45,779 --> 00:14:47,022 Can you give me a minute? 345 00:14:47,655 --> 00:14:49,288 Uh, of course. 346 00:14:49,509 --> 00:14:51,270 - Of course. - Yeah. 347 00:14:51,591 --> 00:14:54,215 Yeah. We're gonna be right over there at the aid car, okay? 348 00:14:54,240 --> 00:14:55,828 We're just gonna get you some water. 349 00:14:56,654 --> 00:14:57,655 [MORRIS MOUTHING] Okay. 350 00:14:58,935 --> 00:15:00,655 [VICTORIA] Just keep breathing for me, okay? 351 00:15:06,975 --> 00:15:09,115 - How did you know what he was saying? - Di di mau? 352 00:15:09,140 --> 00:15:10,489 Saigon Grill. 353 00:15:10,806 --> 00:15:12,888 Travis and I do takeout from there a few times a week. 354 00:15:12,912 --> 00:15:14,098 It means "hurry up." 355 00:15:14,627 --> 00:15:15,697 [BREATHES DEEPLY] 356 00:15:19,583 --> 00:15:21,585 He's only gonna get worse, you know? 357 00:15:21,782 --> 00:15:23,184 I mean, he was fine when Arlo was alive. 358 00:15:23,209 --> 00:15:25,717 - Not fine circumstantially obviously... - Right. 359 00:15:25,821 --> 00:15:26,856 ... but he was steady. 360 00:15:26,881 --> 00:15:28,779 It's just the isolation that's wrecking him. 361 00:15:28,804 --> 00:15:31,182 You know, these vets... They need more than basic services. 362 00:15:31,206 --> 00:15:33,794 - They just... They need a friend. - Well, we could be friends. 363 00:15:34,285 --> 00:15:35,544 You know? 364 00:15:36,339 --> 00:15:39,583 I'm just worried it's... it's not gonna be enough. 365 00:15:39,649 --> 00:15:40,788 Here, Morris. 366 00:15:40,813 --> 00:15:42,317 - That's right. - [VICTORIA] Hey. 367 00:15:46,839 --> 00:15:47,954 [MAYOR] I'll make you a deal. 368 00:15:47,979 --> 00:15:49,278 After Hughes is terminated, 369 00:15:49,303 --> 00:15:51,649 you can allocate her salary any way you see fit. 370 00:15:51,674 --> 00:15:54,160 - No. - You don't know how to make a deal. 371 00:15:54,185 --> 00:15:56,597 Not with someone who doesn't know how to keep them, no. 372 00:15:56,622 --> 00:15:59,717 And besides, the deal that you're proposing is a bad one. 373 00:16:00,469 --> 00:16:01,509 I tried. 374 00:16:02,397 --> 00:16:05,020 Good thing she taught so many people how to do what she does. 375 00:16:05,233 --> 00:16:06,993 We won't miss her when she's gone. 376 00:16:13,213 --> 00:16:14,663 - [CHUCKLES] - Hey, Morris. 377 00:16:14,766 --> 00:16:16,734 My man, I pulled the perfect coat for you. 378 00:16:16,837 --> 00:16:19,397 You know, that's funny because I pulled the perfect coat for him. 379 00:16:19,426 --> 00:16:22,153 - Come on. - [MORRIS] You guys are too much. 380 00:16:22,178 --> 00:16:24,027 - [BEN] Huh? - [THEO] Well, you can have them both. 381 00:16:24,052 --> 00:16:26,606 Oh, yeah, with all that closet space I have. 382 00:16:26,788 --> 00:16:29,170 - Hey. Get out of here. - [MORRIS] Okay. I am sorry, 383 00:16:29,195 --> 00:16:31,414 but I'm gonna have to break someone's heart tonight, boys. 384 00:16:31,438 --> 00:16:34,071 With my coat, it might be some lady's heart. 385 00:16:35,109 --> 00:16:36,214 [BEN] Here you go. 386 00:16:37,368 --> 00:16:39,888 This... this really means the world, guys. 387 00:16:40,171 --> 00:16:45,313 They're both wonderful, but I gotta go with Ruiz's. 388 00:16:46,749 --> 00:16:49,142 - [BEN] You're killing me. Ugh. - [THEO] Wise choice, Morris. 389 00:16:49,167 --> 00:16:50,674 - There you go. There you go. - Oh. Yes. 390 00:16:50,699 --> 00:16:52,770 - Let's get you in there. - Yes. Yes, yes. 391 00:16:52,795 --> 00:16:53,865 There you go. 392 00:16:55,083 --> 00:16:56,370 - Oh, yeah. Like a glove. - [GROANS] 393 00:16:56,394 --> 00:16:58,554 I know it's stupid, but, uh, I needed a win, man. 394 00:16:58,579 --> 00:17:00,477 And I needed a coat. 395 00:17:00,502 --> 00:17:02,400 It looks sharp on you. 396 00:17:02,425 --> 00:17:04,205 - Looking good. No hard feelings. - [MORRIS] Sharp. 397 00:17:04,230 --> 00:17:07,253 All right. It's a good look. That's the important thing. 398 00:17:07,278 --> 00:17:09,358 - Okay. Look at me. Look at me. - [THEO] Look at you. 399 00:17:12,106 --> 00:17:13,749 I used to think that Arlo's generation 400 00:17:13,773 --> 00:17:15,282 had it easier when they got back, 401 00:17:15,557 --> 00:17:17,317 but... maybe I was wrong. 402 00:17:18,218 --> 00:17:19,564 He told me when they got back, 403 00:17:19,589 --> 00:17:21,222 the tarmac was covered with people 404 00:17:21,247 --> 00:17:23,663 with signs and balloons welcoming everybody. 405 00:17:23,688 --> 00:17:27,879 But w-where were those people with balloons when the kid was hurting? 406 00:17:28,530 --> 00:17:30,094 When we got back from Vietnam, oh, there... 407 00:17:30,118 --> 00:17:32,085 [CHUCKLING] ... there was a crowd all right, 408 00:17:32,235 --> 00:17:34,064 but they spit on us as we walked by. 409 00:17:34,089 --> 00:17:35,590 - God, Mo. - Yeah. 410 00:17:36,692 --> 00:17:39,316 "To Vivianne who loved this park. 411 00:17:40,491 --> 00:17:42,864 Love, Hal and your girls." 412 00:17:42,967 --> 00:17:45,136 Who... Who do you think "your... your girls" are? 413 00:17:45,161 --> 00:17:48,421 Is it, like, uh, her daughters from a first marriage or something? 414 00:17:48,446 --> 00:17:49,618 It's such funny wording. Like, he 415 00:17:49,642 --> 00:17:51,184 gets the plaque, and only he gets a name? 416 00:17:51,208 --> 00:17:53,771 - He paid for the plaque. - [SCOFFS, CHUCKLING] Okay. 417 00:17:53,796 --> 00:17:56,498 It's nice that he put them in at all. 418 00:17:56,602 --> 00:17:59,018 Maybe they're her dogs that he couldn't stand 419 00:17:59,043 --> 00:18:00,572 or her... her friends he couldn't stand. 420 00:18:00,596 --> 00:18:02,322 Okay. I'm sensing a pattern here. 421 00:18:02,504 --> 00:18:05,507 Like just something that's coming back around. 422 00:18:05,532 --> 00:18:07,046 You know... You know, if this plaque 423 00:18:07,070 --> 00:18:09,723 - said, "To Morris who loved this park"... - Mm-hmm? 424 00:18:09,747 --> 00:18:12,091 ... they'd never guess that he loved it 425 00:18:12,116 --> 00:18:15,257 because it was the one place that the cops wouldn't harass him. 426 00:18:16,637 --> 00:18:19,793 Well, I would do a better job with the wording. Unlike Hal. 427 00:18:20,940 --> 00:18:24,152 Anybody who sat on this bench would know that Morris Hapgood 428 00:18:24,557 --> 00:18:29,722 was the smartest and most loyal sage and friend. 429 00:18:30,821 --> 00:18:32,305 You're an inspiration, buddy. 430 00:18:33,539 --> 00:18:34,781 Really. 431 00:18:35,850 --> 00:18:38,885 "Sage" just makes people think old. 432 00:18:38,910 --> 00:18:39,910 [SCOFFS] Okay. 433 00:18:39,935 --> 00:18:41,612 - I'll keep working on it. - [CHUCKLING] 434 00:18:41,637 --> 00:18:43,122 You win. Okay. 435 00:18:43,225 --> 00:18:45,054 [PHONE RINGS] 436 00:18:45,158 --> 00:18:46,711 Oh, God. I gotta go to class. 437 00:18:47,367 --> 00:18:48,817 All right. Um... 438 00:18:48,920 --> 00:18:51,371 You know what? Keep this. Keep all of this. Keep this. 439 00:18:51,475 --> 00:18:53,211 - [SOFTLY] Okay. - See you next time, all right? 440 00:18:53,235 --> 00:18:54,374 - Next time. - Bye! 441 00:18:54,478 --> 00:18:55,479 Bye-bye. 442 00:18:56,600 --> 00:18:57,808 [GROANS] 443 00:19:08,925 --> 00:19:09,926 Are you okay? 444 00:19:10,218 --> 00:19:11,290 Yeah. 445 00:19:11,523 --> 00:19:13,509 Yeah, it's just it didn't take. 446 00:19:13,797 --> 00:19:15,220 Carina's IUI. 447 00:19:15,830 --> 00:19:17,073 We are not pregnant. 448 00:19:17,098 --> 00:19:18,340 Again. 449 00:19:19,357 --> 00:19:20,931 Girl, I'm so sorry. 450 00:19:21,418 --> 00:19:22,419 [ROBERT] Hey! 451 00:19:23,576 --> 00:19:25,164 [TRAVIS] Um... What is... 452 00:19:25,189 --> 00:19:26,949 - Wow. What? - Come here. Come here. 453 00:19:26,974 --> 00:19:28,418 - What are you doing? - [TRAVIS] Yeah. 454 00:19:28,443 --> 00:19:29,789 Happy-giddy you, 455 00:19:29,814 --> 00:19:32,265 way more disconcerting than authoritative-serious you. 456 00:19:32,447 --> 00:19:36,011 Ooh. He's gonna feel bad when he finds out what I just did. 457 00:19:36,036 --> 00:19:37,596 - [ANDY] What did you do? - I got Morris 458 00:19:37,621 --> 00:19:41,003 an interview for some VA transitional housing. 459 00:19:41,028 --> 00:19:43,709 - Hey. All right. All right, all right. - [CHEERING] Yes! 460 00:19:43,734 --> 00:19:46,288 Fine. I feel a little bit bad about calling you scary 461 00:19:46,313 --> 00:19:48,415 when really you are the man. 462 00:19:49,120 --> 00:19:50,854 [THEO] Nice. That's amazing, man. 463 00:19:50,879 --> 00:19:52,225 That explains that weird dance. 464 00:19:52,329 --> 00:19:54,030 I love it though. Thank you. That's amazing. 465 00:19:54,054 --> 00:19:55,791 He's all set up? We don't have to do anything else? 466 00:19:55,815 --> 00:19:57,196 - [ROBERT] He's good. - Well done. 467 00:19:57,299 --> 00:19:59,070 - [HORN HONKING] - [COMMUTER 1] Get out of the road! 468 00:19:59,094 --> 00:20:00,889 - [SIREN WHOOPS] - [COMMUTER 2] Move! 469 00:20:00,992 --> 00:20:02,097 [COMMUTER 1] Move! 470 00:20:02,201 --> 00:20:04,651 - [CAR HONKING] - [COMMUTER 3] Come on, pops. 471 00:20:04,684 --> 00:20:06,254 [COMMUTER 4] Come on! Gotta get to work! 472 00:20:06,278 --> 00:20:07,634 Hold on please. Morris. 473 00:20:07,658 --> 00:20:09,069 [COMMUTER 5] Hey, Gramps. Move it! 474 00:20:09,094 --> 00:20:11,702 Hey, just hold on a second, okay? Hold on. Hold on. 475 00:20:11,727 --> 00:20:13,108 Morris. Morris. 476 00:20:14,169 --> 00:20:15,377 Morris, what are you doing? 477 00:20:15,559 --> 00:20:17,243 What are you doing? You... 478 00:20:17,664 --> 00:20:20,080 - You look really tired, Mo. - I am. 479 00:20:20,184 --> 00:20:22,144 Okay. These honking cars probably aren't helping. 480 00:20:22,169 --> 00:20:24,067 Let's get you out of the street. 481 00:20:24,207 --> 00:20:25,854 Let's get you off the street, okay? 482 00:20:25,879 --> 00:20:28,019 We don't want you to get hit, right? 483 00:20:28,044 --> 00:20:30,031 - It wouldn't matter. - Yes, it would. 484 00:20:30,056 --> 00:20:32,852 I would be devastated, Morris. Okay? I'd be devastated. 485 00:20:32,877 --> 00:20:36,226 - Let's get you sat down, okay? - [MORRIS] They're going too slow. 486 00:20:36,251 --> 00:20:38,891 - I wouldn't die. [GROANS] - Take a seat, take a seat, take a seat. 487 00:20:42,620 --> 00:20:44,425 Morris, can you tell me what happened? 488 00:20:44,449 --> 00:20:46,106 They cleared out your encampment? 489 00:20:46,131 --> 00:20:50,135 It's all gone. Everything. What am I supposed to do now? 490 00:20:51,272 --> 00:20:53,434 My documents for... for the housing interview. 491 00:20:53,459 --> 00:20:54,674 They were in the tent. 492 00:20:55,880 --> 00:20:57,917 The garbage truck came and took everything. 493 00:20:58,851 --> 00:21:00,335 Everything I have in the world. 494 00:21:13,693 --> 00:21:15,453 [MAYOR] I'm so tired of this. 495 00:21:15,478 --> 00:21:18,101 - This is you once again... - [NATASHA] No, no, it's your ego. 496 00:21:18,206 --> 00:21:19,931 That's why you wanna fire Hughes. 497 00:21:20,027 --> 00:21:21,477 What she did to you 498 00:21:21,502 --> 00:21:25,122 is exactly what you desperately wanna do to the money guys 499 00:21:25,147 --> 00:21:27,088 and to the special interest clowns 500 00:21:27,113 --> 00:21:29,736 and cronies and bureaucrats who run cities, 501 00:21:29,840 --> 00:21:35,052 the ones that you campaigned so hard against but who now own you. 502 00:21:35,077 --> 00:21:38,444 And you wanna push back, but you're afraid. 503 00:21:38,469 --> 00:21:41,541 And you hate her because she wasn't. Listen. 504 00:21:43,198 --> 00:21:45,338 Don't fire the people who are really on your side 505 00:21:45,363 --> 00:21:47,123 to appeal to the people who aren't. 506 00:21:47,148 --> 00:21:49,747 That is the quickest way to lose everything. 507 00:21:51,015 --> 00:21:53,638 Insubordination. Nice. 508 00:21:54,194 --> 00:21:55,638 Is this where Hughes learned it? 509 00:21:55,663 --> 00:21:57,383 - Listen, I'm trying to help... - Sit down. 510 00:21:58,315 --> 00:21:59,833 We're figuring this out today. 511 00:22:02,021 --> 00:22:04,677 - _ - [ROBERT GRUNTS] 512 00:22:05,954 --> 00:22:07,438 [SIGHS] 513 00:22:08,257 --> 00:22:10,607 [GRUNTS] Morris lost everything. 514 00:22:12,208 --> 00:22:15,798 I can't believe we have to start all over again from scratch. 515 00:22:15,948 --> 00:22:19,968 Yeah. But now, without his social security card 516 00:22:19,993 --> 00:22:22,306 and his birth certificate, it'll be... [INHALES] 517 00:22:22,410 --> 00:22:24,239 Even further back than scratch. 518 00:22:26,193 --> 00:22:28,460 - Do you want him to move in with us? - What? 519 00:22:28,485 --> 00:22:31,384 I know that's not how you fix something like this. 520 00:22:31,409 --> 00:22:33,873 I'm just saying I would. 521 00:22:35,642 --> 00:22:36,643 What? 522 00:22:37,425 --> 00:22:38,935 What? What? 523 00:22:39,634 --> 00:22:41,739 "Move in with us"? Do you wanna move in together? 524 00:22:41,922 --> 00:22:43,240 Okay. 525 00:22:43,707 --> 00:22:46,162 Okay, look, I know we haven't had this conversation, 526 00:22:46,187 --> 00:22:49,609 but, like, aren't we moving in that direction? 527 00:22:49,634 --> 00:22:52,035 Not tomorrow, but... Help me. 528 00:22:52,060 --> 00:22:53,889 Why do I suddenly feel so self-conscious? 529 00:22:53,993 --> 00:22:57,617 And why do I feel like I'm 22 years old when we talk about next steps? 530 00:22:57,642 --> 00:22:59,185 'Cause the last time we had that kind 531 00:22:59,210 --> 00:23:01,343 of conversation, we were probably that age. 532 00:23:01,475 --> 00:23:03,891 - No, we were older. - Maybe a little bit. 533 00:23:04,111 --> 00:23:05,147 But it was easier. 534 00:23:05,971 --> 00:23:07,559 This is hard? 535 00:23:07,803 --> 00:23:08,942 No, not this. 536 00:23:08,967 --> 00:23:10,140 Not this. 537 00:23:10,228 --> 00:23:11,763 Everything around it. 538 00:23:12,389 --> 00:23:13,390 Around us. 539 00:23:18,889 --> 00:23:20,235 What... What are you doing? 540 00:23:20,619 --> 00:23:24,092 I wanna be so ridiculous that when I say "I love you. 541 00:23:24,116 --> 00:23:26,084 I wanna move in with you," 542 00:23:26,140 --> 00:23:29,150 you'll never feel self-conscious about any of this ever again. 543 00:23:29,175 --> 00:23:30,358 You're gonna break the bed. 544 00:23:30,383 --> 00:23:32,001 I'm gonna break a lot of beds with you, babe. 545 00:23:32,026 --> 00:23:34,995 - Oh, stop, stop, stop, stop. - No. 546 00:23:36,742 --> 00:23:37,743 So? 547 00:23:38,431 --> 00:23:40,709 Yeah. Yeah. 548 00:23:40,734 --> 00:23:42,499 - But first... - Oh, here we go. 549 00:23:42,524 --> 00:23:44,744 First, we gotta figure out how to get Morris new paperwork 550 00:23:44,768 --> 00:23:46,666 so we can start the housing process again. 551 00:23:53,667 --> 00:23:55,447 [VICTORIA] Look, I know you don't wanna be here, 552 00:23:55,472 --> 00:23:57,445 but everyone gets a Crisis One shift. 553 00:23:57,470 --> 00:23:59,414 I need you to hold it together for this guy, okay? 554 00:23:59,438 --> 00:24:00,646 [SEAN] Okay. 555 00:24:00,671 --> 00:24:02,381 - [VICTORIA] Hey. - [MORRIS] Ah. If... 556 00:24:02,406 --> 00:24:04,822 If I knew you were coming, I would have picked up the place. 557 00:24:04,926 --> 00:24:07,894 - [LAUGHS] - You know what? I'm gonna do it now. 558 00:24:07,919 --> 00:24:10,078 Okay. Very nice. All right. 559 00:24:10,103 --> 00:24:12,059 You know, I know your stuff got cleared, 560 00:24:12,083 --> 00:24:14,038 Morris, so I got you some replacements. 561 00:24:14,063 --> 00:24:16,018 - You didn't have to do that. - [VICTORIA] Look at it. 562 00:24:16,422 --> 00:24:18,639 [GASPS] Solaire Rambler 300? 563 00:24:18,664 --> 00:24:21,183 - "The Rolls Royce of tents!" - "The Rolls Royce of tents!" 564 00:24:21,208 --> 00:24:23,816 - It's the one you wanted, right? - [LAUGHS] Oh, thank you. 565 00:24:23,841 --> 00:24:26,129 But, you know, there's a shelter on Monroe, Morris, 566 00:24:26,154 --> 00:24:27,614 that I can get you a bed in if you want. 567 00:24:27,638 --> 00:24:29,985 - I told you I can't do a shelter again. - Okay. 568 00:24:30,010 --> 00:24:32,633 - [CAMERA SHUTTER CLICKING] - All right. 569 00:24:32,816 --> 00:24:34,620 Hello? Excuse me, please. Can you please not? 570 00:24:34,645 --> 00:24:36,697 I'm just trying to have a private moment with a friend. 571 00:24:36,722 --> 00:24:39,045 Can I ask you a few questions about the charity work you're doing? 572 00:24:39,070 --> 00:24:40,875 - No, you can't. - Just one comment for the article. 573 00:24:40,900 --> 00:24:42,799 - She told you we're not here for you. - Sorry. 574 00:24:43,394 --> 00:24:44,533 Okay. 575 00:24:45,674 --> 00:24:47,771 Um, Morris. Morris, I'm so sorry. 576 00:24:47,796 --> 00:24:49,936 This... You know this wasn't some publicity stunt. 577 00:24:49,961 --> 00:24:52,362 - [SOFTLY] No. - I didn't know she was gonna be here. 578 00:24:52,387 --> 00:24:54,665 It's fine. Sh-She's always here. 579 00:24:54,690 --> 00:24:57,091 Plus, she got my good side. 580 00:24:57,116 --> 00:24:58,945 - [LAUGHS] - [VICTORIA LAUGHING] Okay. 581 00:24:58,970 --> 00:25:01,475 - Let's get you set up, huh? - [MORRIS] Okay. 582 00:25:01,500 --> 00:25:03,847 - [VICTORIA] Okay. Here. - [MORRIS] Oh, goodness. Yes. 583 00:25:03,871 --> 00:25:06,299 _ 584 00:25:10,060 --> 00:25:11,613 - What's going on with you? - What? 585 00:25:11,638 --> 00:25:13,314 You're just acting strange. 586 00:25:13,339 --> 00:25:15,237 Now you're hiding things in your locker? 587 00:25:15,262 --> 00:25:16,262 It's, uh... 588 00:25:17,757 --> 00:25:19,690 - It's T. - Hmm? 589 00:25:19,715 --> 00:25:21,026 Testosterone. 590 00:25:21,209 --> 00:25:22,530 I started on it last week. 591 00:25:22,555 --> 00:25:23,901 Now that my levels are right, 592 00:25:24,005 --> 00:25:26,214 - I'm starting to feel like myself again. - Good. 593 00:25:26,317 --> 00:25:29,113 Starting to feel like my 20-year-old version of myself, actually. 594 00:25:29,248 --> 00:25:31,733 - In all the ways, if you know what I mean. - Okay. 595 00:25:32,683 --> 00:25:34,271 So, why are you hiding it? 596 00:25:34,681 --> 00:25:36,475 Well, I haven't told Miranda yet. 597 00:25:36,500 --> 00:25:37,950 - Haven't told her what? - Um... 598 00:25:38,053 --> 00:25:39,227 That he's on testosterone. 599 00:25:39,330 --> 00:25:42,057 - Dude. - [ROBERT] It's not a big deal. 600 00:25:42,082 --> 00:25:43,482 And now he feels amazing. 601 00:25:43,506 --> 00:25:44,619 - Huh. - [BEN SIGHS] 602 00:25:44,644 --> 00:25:48,063 "Faster than a speeding bullet, more powerful than a locomotive, 603 00:25:48,259 --> 00:25:51,822 able to leap tall buildings in a single bound." 604 00:25:52,150 --> 00:25:53,289 She, um... She doesn't 605 00:25:53,313 --> 00:25:55,046 - get that reference. - [GROANS] 606 00:25:55,070 --> 00:25:56,969 Oh, okay. Okay. We're just... [STAMMERS] 607 00:25:58,453 --> 00:25:59,903 - [MAYA GRUNTS] - [LOCKER OPENS] 608 00:25:59,928 --> 00:26:00,928 There we go. 609 00:26:04,735 --> 00:26:05,909 Oh, I get it. 610 00:26:06,050 --> 00:26:09,658 Your shots give you super strength, whereas mine... 611 00:26:09,683 --> 00:26:15,814 my shots, and shots, and shots, make me feel terrible. 612 00:26:16,123 --> 00:26:17,193 [EXHALES] 613 00:26:18,698 --> 00:26:20,285 We're doing IVF. 614 00:26:20,514 --> 00:26:22,309 My eggs, her oven. 615 00:26:22,838 --> 00:26:26,205 It's awful. It's awful. 616 00:26:26,230 --> 00:26:33,083 It's like I can feel my follicles growing my eggs. 617 00:26:33,108 --> 00:26:36,525 - [ROBERT] Hmm. - It's like... It's like grape jelly. 618 00:26:36,629 --> 00:26:41,185 It's like grape jelly just sloshing around inside of me. 619 00:26:41,210 --> 00:26:43,275 - [SIGHS] - Why grape? 620 00:26:44,902 --> 00:26:45,903 I got it. 621 00:26:47,389 --> 00:26:53,587 I love that your boy shots make you feel incredible, 622 00:26:53,612 --> 00:26:57,063 [CRYING] while mine make me feel like a bloated chicken coop. 623 00:26:57,088 --> 00:26:58,705 - [BREATHES HEAVILY] - Chicken coop? 624 00:26:58,730 --> 00:27:01,492 Because I'm a freaking egg factory, Beckett. 625 00:27:01,729 --> 00:27:03,666 IVF. Keep up. 626 00:27:04,275 --> 00:27:06,933 [SEAN] When my ex-wife was doing IVF, peppermint helped. 627 00:27:06,958 --> 00:27:08,765 [DISPATCH] Engine 19 and Ladder 19 628 00:27:08,789 --> 00:27:10,927 requested to 11th and Central Parkway. 629 00:27:14,263 --> 00:27:17,749 Hey, hey. It's the encampment. It's Morris's encampment. 630 00:27:17,774 --> 00:27:19,533 Should I switch with someone? I know it really well. 631 00:27:19,558 --> 00:27:21,053 Can't do it today, Hughes. 632 00:27:21,078 --> 00:27:24,081 You're on probation until we hear otherwise from the chief. 633 00:27:24,263 --> 00:27:25,263 I'll see you in a bit. 634 00:27:25,288 --> 00:27:26,979 Let's move, people. Let's move. 635 00:27:30,128 --> 00:27:32,729 Beckett, Wiggins, status on the south side? 636 00:27:32,753 --> 00:27:33,799 In progress. 637 00:27:33,824 --> 00:27:36,171 [ANDY] Bishop, Green, is the north side contained? 638 00:27:36,196 --> 00:27:39,456 - Roger, Captain. Line is working. - Warren, Cutler, more patients 639 00:27:39,481 --> 00:27:41,597 - on their way to triage. - Copy. 640 00:27:41,622 --> 00:27:43,498 [ANDY] Sullivan, Montgomery, evac status? 641 00:27:43,523 --> 00:27:44,870 Talk to me, people. 642 00:27:50,134 --> 00:27:53,166 [SEAN] Hey, somebody needs to get Morris out of his tent now. 643 00:28:24,979 --> 00:28:26,320 I should just tell her. Just the facts. 644 00:28:26,344 --> 00:28:27,578 It'll be easier for her to hear... 645 00:28:27,602 --> 00:28:29,684 You want me to do it? We've been doing Crisis One together. 646 00:28:29,708 --> 00:28:31,388 - [TRAVIS] Let me do this. - [ANDY] Hughes. 647 00:28:32,393 --> 00:28:33,497 Uh. 648 00:28:34,629 --> 00:28:35,629 Morris... 649 00:28:39,657 --> 00:28:41,590 I'm... I'm so sorry. 650 00:28:44,343 --> 00:28:46,161 Uh, we're gonna do a hotwash and 651 00:28:46,185 --> 00:28:48,347 a critical incident stress debriefing. 652 00:28:48,629 --> 00:28:50,644 - I'm gonna call Diane. - I should do it. 653 00:28:54,171 --> 00:28:55,345 The CISD. 654 00:28:55,409 --> 00:28:57,342 Well, yeah, of course, you'll do it with us. 655 00:28:57,437 --> 00:28:59,230 I mean, you... you weren't on the call, 656 00:28:59,255 --> 00:29:01,439 but obviously, he was... he was really important to you. 657 00:29:01,463 --> 00:29:03,638 No, I mean, I'd like to run the debriefing. 658 00:29:05,329 --> 00:29:07,849 I am trained for this, and I know how much he meant to all of us. 659 00:29:07,874 --> 00:29:10,118 - Okay, hold up. Captain... - No, I can do it. 660 00:29:13,727 --> 00:29:15,107 I need to do it. 661 00:29:15,889 --> 00:29:17,649 Warren, call Dispatch. 662 00:29:18,167 --> 00:29:21,135 Make our status conditionally avail for the CISD. 663 00:29:22,019 --> 00:29:23,020 Copy that. 664 00:29:32,215 --> 00:29:34,734 What we do... is hard. 665 00:29:38,273 --> 00:29:41,690 What we see and experience every day in this job is hard. 666 00:29:42,742 --> 00:29:44,227 This is an acknowledgment of that 667 00:29:44,252 --> 00:29:46,133 as well as a safe place to discuss it, 668 00:29:46,935 --> 00:29:48,419 so we don't bottle things up, 669 00:29:49,835 --> 00:29:52,838 so we don't self-medicate in harmful and dangerous ways. 670 00:29:55,444 --> 00:29:57,515 So we can keep doing this job for years to come. 671 00:29:57,852 --> 00:29:59,061 Any questions on that? 672 00:30:01,278 --> 00:30:04,567 This discussion is going to revolve around four questions. 673 00:30:04,656 --> 00:30:06,175 What did we do right? 674 00:30:06,381 --> 00:30:07,728 What was supposed to happen? 675 00:30:09,837 --> 00:30:11,770 What actually happened? 676 00:30:12,023 --> 00:30:14,911 And what do we wish we had done differently? 677 00:30:16,129 --> 00:30:18,950 Now, these questions are gonna bring up feelings, 678 00:30:20,298 --> 00:30:21,955 and we're gonna discuss those too. 679 00:30:21,980 --> 00:30:24,880 So, what do we think was done right? 680 00:30:31,809 --> 00:30:37,125 We quickly established a water supply immediately upon arrival. 681 00:30:41,681 --> 00:30:43,787 We got two hose lines working around 682 00:30:43,811 --> 00:30:46,341 the perimeter to keep the fire contained. 683 00:30:47,726 --> 00:30:49,339 [BEN] We set up an efficient 684 00:30:49,364 --> 00:30:50,849 and effective triage area. 685 00:30:53,218 --> 00:30:54,867 We protected exposures. 686 00:30:59,620 --> 00:31:02,105 You two haven't said very much. Anything you wanna add? 687 00:31:03,601 --> 00:31:05,120 Okay. Travis? 688 00:31:05,145 --> 00:31:07,125 I don't think we did anything right. 689 00:31:10,589 --> 00:31:12,660 Okay. Can you say a little more about that? 690 00:31:14,665 --> 00:31:16,747 - [ROBERT] Hey! Morris. - Come on. Let's get you out of here. 691 00:31:16,771 --> 00:31:17,921 - [ROBERT] Come with us. - I have to... 692 00:31:17,945 --> 00:31:19,853 This is my stuff. This is my tent. 693 00:31:19,878 --> 00:31:21,752 [ROBERT] I understand, but you have to come with us. 694 00:31:21,776 --> 00:31:22,722 No, leave me alone. 695 00:31:22,746 --> 00:31:25,607 Whatever's inside that tent, it's not worth your life. 696 00:31:25,632 --> 00:31:27,170 We understand. 697 00:31:27,195 --> 00:31:29,070 - Hey, you okay? - I'm not leaving without my stuff. 698 00:31:29,094 --> 00:31:30,336 - Morris! - [ROBERT] No! 699 00:31:31,165 --> 00:31:32,925 [BYSTANDERS SCREAMING] 700 00:31:43,582 --> 00:31:45,188 Okay. Um... 701 00:31:47,107 --> 00:31:49,869 [VICTORIA] Okay. What do we wish had happened? 702 00:31:50,073 --> 00:31:51,316 I wish you were there. 703 00:31:54,429 --> 00:31:56,155 That's what I wish had gone differently. 704 00:31:56,407 --> 00:31:58,049 And I'm not blaming you for what 705 00:31:58,074 --> 00:32:00,031 went down or you for not letting her go. 706 00:32:00,056 --> 00:32:02,172 - Herrera isn't the reason I wasn't there. - [TRAVIS] I know that. 707 00:32:02,196 --> 00:32:03,611 I know this isn't even rational. 708 00:32:03,636 --> 00:32:06,374 But the question was, what do I wish went differently? 709 00:32:06,399 --> 00:32:08,074 - So I am telling you that. - [VICTORIA] Yeah, I know, 710 00:32:08,098 --> 00:32:11,619 and you were answering honestly and that's exactly right, so... 711 00:32:11,644 --> 00:32:13,750 [BREATHES DEEPLY] 712 00:32:13,776 --> 00:32:15,398 You wish I'd been there because... 713 00:32:15,477 --> 00:32:18,759 Because I think you could have convinced Morris to leave his tent. 714 00:32:19,107 --> 00:32:20,625 ♪ All things end ♪ 715 00:32:22,216 --> 00:32:26,945 ♪ Sing the words till I believe again ♪ 716 00:32:26,970 --> 00:32:30,130 - What else? - Because maybe I wouldn't be 717 00:32:30,155 --> 00:32:34,124 carrying all this guilt and failure for not saving him. 718 00:32:36,223 --> 00:32:38,397 At minimum, I wouldn't be carrying it alone. 719 00:32:38,439 --> 00:32:39,439 Because... 720 00:32:40,274 --> 00:32:41,517 Because? 721 00:32:41,604 --> 00:32:43,764 Because when you're carrying something with me, 722 00:32:43,789 --> 00:32:48,118 even the garbage stuff, it doesn't feel so impossible. 723 00:32:56,719 --> 00:32:57,859 Travis, I wasn't there. 724 00:33:00,389 --> 00:33:01,672 But I'm here now. 725 00:33:02,508 --> 00:33:06,202 I am carrying this with you now. Everyone in this circle is. 726 00:33:07,798 --> 00:33:09,800 No one here is alone in it. 727 00:33:09,873 --> 00:33:12,013 You're surrounded by people who get it. 728 00:33:12,195 --> 00:33:18,028 They get your pain and your loss and your guilt and your anger. 729 00:33:18,702 --> 00:33:21,539 You are surrounded by the very best people to help you through it. 730 00:33:22,851 --> 00:33:24,369 You are too. 731 00:33:29,342 --> 00:33:33,148 Morris didn't have that for a lot of years. 732 00:33:35,425 --> 00:33:37,312 But I know for a fact... 733 00:33:38,861 --> 00:33:41,289 that we made sure he had it in his last one. 734 00:33:51,753 --> 00:33:53,414 So I'm gonna email everyone some 735 00:33:53,438 --> 00:33:55,412 aftercare resources, but I'm here too. 736 00:33:55,516 --> 00:33:57,183 So, even though this formal session is done, 737 00:33:57,207 --> 00:33:59,737 you can grab me anytime if you want to talk more about any of this. 738 00:33:59,761 --> 00:34:00,762 Okay? 739 00:34:02,218 --> 00:34:04,737 - And she did it again, folks. - [ANDY CHUCKLES] 740 00:34:07,900 --> 00:34:10,179 Yeah, and it saved his life. Wait, no, he died. 741 00:34:12,468 --> 00:34:14,298 Hey, hey, hey. 742 00:34:14,323 --> 00:34:16,464 No, Travis. He's gone. He's gone. 743 00:34:16,489 --> 00:34:18,402 We did everything we could and he's gone. 744 00:34:20,495 --> 00:34:21,898 He served a country that didn't take 745 00:34:21,922 --> 00:34:23,568 care of him back. Not even a little bit. 746 00:34:24,004 --> 00:34:26,871 He tried to protect a world that did not protect him. 747 00:34:27,419 --> 00:34:31,147 Because you give and you give and you give and you give, 748 00:34:31,172 --> 00:34:34,934 and the second you need... the second he wasn't strong... 749 00:34:35,084 --> 00:34:39,879 The second he wasn't happy and easy and funny and strong... 750 00:34:41,226 --> 00:34:44,056 'Cause, I mean, how could he be, right? 751 00:34:44,081 --> 00:34:45,988 Because he knew how awful the world could be. 752 00:34:46,940 --> 00:34:50,737 Vic, are we still talking about Morris here? 753 00:34:51,027 --> 00:34:52,285 What does that mean? 754 00:34:52,623 --> 00:34:54,418 Hang on, hang on. I think what Travis was... 755 00:34:54,443 --> 00:34:57,215 No, no, no. Of course I'm talking about me! 756 00:34:58,061 --> 00:34:59,639 I'm talking about me who takes care 757 00:34:59,663 --> 00:35:01,616 of everyone all the time. My entire life. 758 00:35:01,672 --> 00:35:07,363 Me who tables my feelings and my sadness and my confusion and my fear 759 00:35:08,632 --> 00:35:10,807 and cracks a joke to make you all feel better 760 00:35:10,832 --> 00:35:12,903 and more capable and fine even when I am not fine. 761 00:35:13,086 --> 00:35:15,916 When I can't breathe because it's all so scary. 762 00:35:15,941 --> 00:35:17,701 When I... [PANTING] 763 00:35:17,726 --> 00:35:19,926 When I'm... When my chest feels... 764 00:35:20,635 --> 00:35:22,050 When I can't even see. 765 00:35:22,075 --> 00:35:25,216 I can't even see through a... a fog of... when... 766 00:35:25,241 --> 00:35:27,445 - [MUMBLES] Do not touch me! - [STAMMERS] 767 00:35:27,470 --> 00:35:29,301 Just give her some room. Just let her breathe. 768 00:35:29,325 --> 00:35:30,542 I'm talking about Morris. 769 00:35:30,645 --> 00:35:32,019 Of course it's about Morris, and it's 770 00:35:32,043 --> 00:35:33,417 about me, and about all of us, right? 771 00:35:33,441 --> 00:35:36,479 It's about all of us, 'cause it's not just... [CRYING] it's not just me. 772 00:35:36,504 --> 00:35:37,627 It can't just be me. 773 00:35:37,652 --> 00:35:39,113 Of course it's not. It's... It's not. 774 00:35:39,138 --> 00:35:41,907 When he needed someone, there was no one. There was no one. 775 00:35:41,932 --> 00:35:43,979 No, that... that's not true, Vic. All right? He had us. 776 00:35:44,003 --> 00:35:47,154 - You know he had us. He knew he had us. - And it wasn't enough, Ben. 777 00:35:47,179 --> 00:35:49,008 It wasn't enough. It wasn't enough. 778 00:35:49,033 --> 00:35:50,195 And pretty soon they're gonna take 779 00:35:50,219 --> 00:35:51,701 away the thing we tried to do to save him 780 00:35:51,726 --> 00:35:53,107 because they take everything away. 781 00:35:53,132 --> 00:35:55,335 - They are taking it all away. - We're not going to let them. 782 00:35:55,360 --> 00:35:57,476 - None of us are gonna let that happen. - [VICTORIA SCOFFS] 783 00:35:57,500 --> 00:35:59,605 [ROBERT] We will not let them take away Crisis One. 784 00:36:04,474 --> 00:36:05,475 [VICTORIA] Oh, my God. 785 00:36:07,510 --> 00:36:09,177 - I'm s... I'm sorry. - It's okay. You're okay. 786 00:36:09,201 --> 00:36:11,410 - I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Oh, my God. - [ANDY] It's okay. 787 00:36:11,514 --> 00:36:13,629 - Don't... - Oh, my God. I'm sorry. Excuse me. 788 00:36:13,654 --> 00:36:14,654 I'm sorry. 789 00:36:16,490 --> 00:36:17,664 [DOOR SLAMS] 790 00:36:26,063 --> 00:36:27,202 [DOOR OPENS] 791 00:36:43,441 --> 00:36:45,178 Oh, come on. You gotta be a little impressed. 792 00:36:45,203 --> 00:36:46,894 I gave you, like, a whole three minutes. 793 00:36:48,465 --> 00:36:49,466 You know... 794 00:36:52,256 --> 00:36:56,778 you saved everyone from having full-on nervous breakdowns today. 795 00:36:59,509 --> 00:37:01,834 [SCOFFS] You mean before I had one? 796 00:37:02,885 --> 00:37:03,886 Come on. 797 00:37:07,524 --> 00:37:09,043 Travis, for months, I didn't... 798 00:37:12,546 --> 00:37:15,791 I couldn't... feel anything. 799 00:37:16,136 --> 00:37:17,137 And then... 800 00:37:20,779 --> 00:37:22,367 God, I don't know what's worse. 801 00:37:22,571 --> 00:37:23,572 [SNIFFS] 802 00:37:25,277 --> 00:37:29,670 The session was incredible, blah, blah, blah. 803 00:37:29,695 --> 00:37:31,455 - All the compliments that you hate. - [SIGHS] 804 00:37:31,480 --> 00:37:37,316 But, honestly, the best part... was... was when you, you know... 805 00:37:41,025 --> 00:37:42,510 [SIGHS] 806 00:37:42,708 --> 00:37:45,677 Even the best ones like when the strong women cry. 807 00:37:45,780 --> 00:37:48,335 - I'm serious. - I see how it is. 808 00:37:48,360 --> 00:37:52,778 It's... It was, you know, like, in the movies when the baby is born 809 00:37:52,960 --> 00:37:54,858 and it's not crying and everyone's panicking 810 00:37:54,883 --> 00:37:57,111 because this means something is very wrong. 811 00:37:57,136 --> 00:37:58,804 But they're also trying not to seem panicked 812 00:37:58,828 --> 00:38:01,366 because they don't want to worry the mother, and it's like, 813 00:38:01,391 --> 00:38:04,360 nervous, silent eye contact, nervous, silent eye contact. 814 00:38:04,385 --> 00:38:06,432 But then the baby starts wailing, and everyone's, like, 815 00:38:06,456 --> 00:38:09,873 relieved, silent eye contact, relieved, silent eye contact. 816 00:38:09,898 --> 00:38:11,382 Thank the Lord. 817 00:38:14,153 --> 00:38:17,881 Yeah, I do. I do know that moment in real life 818 00:38:17,906 --> 00:38:20,805 because we are actual first responders, you know. 819 00:38:21,120 --> 00:38:22,986 - Okay, I don't appreciate that tone. - Yeah? 820 00:38:24,099 --> 00:38:25,342 But it was like that. 821 00:38:29,714 --> 00:38:31,958 It was like that when you started crying. 822 00:38:34,884 --> 00:38:38,859 It was like, "Phew. The baby's fine. 823 00:38:40,615 --> 00:38:41,616 The baby made it." 824 00:38:47,560 --> 00:38:49,195 - I'm the baby? - Yeah. 825 00:38:50,687 --> 00:38:53,448 - [CHUCKLES, SNIFFS] - Sometimes you get to be the baby... 826 00:38:55,578 --> 00:38:57,684 and other people take care of you. 827 00:39:03,203 --> 00:39:05,171 Oh, I love you... 828 00:39:09,581 --> 00:39:11,583 and I will always take care of you. 829 00:39:14,213 --> 00:39:16,121 And your eyes are gonna be so puffy now. 830 00:39:16,145 --> 00:39:17,216 [CRYING] Shut up. 831 00:39:17,241 --> 00:39:18,863 - [SNIFFS] - It's gonna be so bad. 832 00:39:22,024 --> 00:39:23,546 This is what you like. 833 00:39:23,869 --> 00:39:25,285 [BOTH LAUGH] 834 00:39:28,607 --> 00:39:30,033 - [ANDY SIGHS] - Here you go, Captain. 835 00:39:30,057 --> 00:39:31,137 I think you're gonna love it. 836 00:39:31,161 --> 00:39:32,691 - [ANDY] Thank you. - Oh, hey, Chief. Chief. 837 00:39:32,715 --> 00:39:34,406 No, no, no, no. Relax. 838 00:39:34,431 --> 00:39:38,187 After the day you all had, please, really, you can relax. 839 00:39:40,564 --> 00:39:42,394 Lieutenant Sullivan called me. 840 00:39:44,648 --> 00:39:46,249 I'm so sorry about Morris. 841 00:39:47,287 --> 00:39:49,289 I know how much he meant to all of you. 842 00:39:50,158 --> 00:39:51,366 What you meant to him. 843 00:39:53,503 --> 00:39:56,230 All right, well, this isn't going to rewrite your difficult day, 844 00:39:56,255 --> 00:39:58,948 but, uh, I do have some good news. 845 00:39:59,890 --> 00:40:01,547 ["WHERE THE WIND BLOWS" PLAYING] 846 00:40:01,572 --> 00:40:02,952 Crisis One is safe. 847 00:40:03,260 --> 00:40:04,261 For now. 848 00:40:05,895 --> 00:40:08,691 What about Vic? Does Hughes still have a job? 849 00:40:08,976 --> 00:40:11,823 Well, who'd you think was gonna run the now-safe Crisis One? 850 00:40:11,848 --> 00:40:13,402 - [VICTORIA SIGHS] - [BEN CHUCKLES] 851 00:40:18,029 --> 00:40:19,513 You saved her job. 852 00:40:21,318 --> 00:40:22,768 Her work saved her job. 853 00:40:23,576 --> 00:40:25,854 The good work you all do saved her job. 854 00:40:25,949 --> 00:40:26,949 [CHUCKLES] 855 00:40:27,012 --> 00:40:28,703 Crisis One saved her job. 856 00:40:31,843 --> 00:40:34,200 - Well... [CHUCKLES] - Chief, let me get you a bowl of gumbo. 857 00:40:34,224 --> 00:40:36,537 - Hold on. Grab a seat. - He'll fix you a plate. 858 00:40:36,641 --> 00:40:39,057 This is the Warren Family world-famous gumbo. 859 00:40:39,160 --> 00:40:41,473 - [NATASHA] Wow. - [BEN] It was gonna cheer everybody up. 860 00:40:41,577 --> 00:40:45,546 ♪ Oh, pictures in tatters the star-spangled banners ain't home ♪ 861 00:40:47,514 --> 00:40:49,550 ♪ Since you're gone ♪ 862 00:40:51,170 --> 00:40:53,172 ♪ It just ain't home ♪ 863 00:40:55,522 --> 00:40:57,978 ♪ You know nothing else matters but ♪ 864 00:40:58,002 --> 00:41:00,458 ♪ where the love gathers that's home ♪ 865 00:41:02,494 --> 00:41:04,254 ♪ But since you been gone ♪ 866 00:41:06,049 --> 00:41:07,982 ♪ It just ain't home ♪ 867 00:41:11,953 --> 00:41:14,749 [VICTORIA] I once knew a soldier named Morris, 868 00:41:14,955 --> 00:41:17,143 who did the unthinkable for us. 869 00:41:17,898 --> 00:41:21,471 Legacy fit for a plaque from a life that gave back. 870 00:41:22,100 --> 00:41:25,147 And a heart that beat love, so enormous. 871 00:41:25,172 --> 00:41:26,484 ♪ Home ♪ 872 00:41:28,002 --> 00:41:30,384 ♪ Go where the wind blows ♪ 873 00:41:31,454 --> 00:41:34,008 ♪ So go where your heart goes ♪ 874 00:41:35,113 --> 00:41:37,253 ♪ I'll carry you home ♪ 875 00:41:40,014 --> 00:41:41,188 ♪ Fly ♪ 876 00:41:42,776 --> 00:41:45,054 ♪ Fly like a sparrow ♪ 877 00:41:46,538 --> 00:41:48,954 ♪ And if the road narrows ♪ 878 00:41:50,128 --> 00:41:52,717 ♪ I'll go where you go ♪ 879 00:41:55,202 --> 00:41:56,375 ♪ Go♪ 880 00:41:57,883 --> 00:42:00,334 ♪ Go where the wind blows ♪ 881 00:42:01,655 --> 00:42:04,209 ♪ So go where your heart goes ♪ 882 00:42:05,290 --> 00:42:07,638 ♪ I'll carry you home ♪ 883 00:42:08,545 --> 00:42:12,498 - Synced and corrected by ChrisKe - -- for www.addic7ed.com --