1 00:00:14,931 --> 00:00:17,142 So there's, uh, nothing you can do? 2 00:00:17,142 --> 00:00:19,310 Dr. Shepherd made it very clear. 3 00:00:19,310 --> 00:00:22,564 It-- It would be too dangerous to put you back to work as an active firefighter. 4 00:00:22,564 --> 00:00:25,025 Then get a second opinion. 5 00:00:25,025 --> 00:00:29,946 The workers' comp doctor is the second opinion, and he agrees. 6 00:00:29,946 --> 00:00:32,657 But my scans, they could change, right? They could get better. 7 00:00:33,450 --> 00:00:36,119 It's a lifelong injury. And you know that. 8 00:00:39,164 --> 00:00:41,666 So I'm not a-a firefighter anymore? 9 00:00:42,250 --> 00:00:43,251 I just-- 10 00:00:44,252 --> 00:00:46,588 Then what? I mean, I-- What-- What-- 11 00:00:46,588 --> 00:00:49,049 Nineteen will still be here for you... 12 00:00:49,049 --> 00:00:50,133 ...just in a different way. 13 00:00:52,427 --> 00:00:53,720 - I'm sorry, Jack. - Mmm. 14 00:01:05,982 --> 00:01:09,194 I can't tell you how much stress I've caused Miranda over the years. 15 00:01:09,194 --> 00:01:11,404 But I can tell you that every time I've switched careers, 16 00:01:11,404 --> 00:01:12,989 I've gotten sharper, happier even. 17 00:01:12,989 --> 00:01:15,408 I know this guy who busted his knee and ended up teaching cadets. 18 00:01:15,408 --> 00:01:17,285 Says it's the best thing that ever happened to him. 19 00:01:17,285 --> 00:01:19,829 What about third opinions? I mean, doctors do say that-- 20 00:01:19,829 --> 00:01:23,625 Guys, I'm good, really. I'm-- I feel good. 21 00:01:25,502 --> 00:01:27,128 Well, if you ever need anything... 22 00:01:28,088 --> 00:01:29,506 Nineteen, line up! 23 00:02:05,959 --> 00:02:10,839 {\an8}I know we're all devastated, but, uh, we have a job to do today. 24 00:02:12,215 --> 00:02:14,217 {\an8}There'll be a dinner for Gibson tonight. 25 00:02:16,094 --> 00:02:17,554 {\an8}Montgomery and Hughes are also off, 26 00:02:17,554 --> 00:02:20,640 {\an8}so we'll have Powell, Green and Cutler filling in. 27 00:02:21,474 --> 00:02:24,018 {\an8}Sullivan, Bishop with Dr. DeLuca on clinic. 28 00:02:24,978 --> 00:02:27,063 {\an8}Warren and Ruiz on Crisis One. 29 00:02:27,689 --> 00:02:28,940 {\an8}Powell, restock the clinic. 30 00:02:28,940 --> 00:02:30,900 {\an8}I'd prefer to be out in the field. 31 00:02:30,900 --> 00:02:34,988 {\an8}Well, it's vaccine day, so it's restocking or desk duty. 32 00:02:35,655 --> 00:02:36,489 {\an8}Restocking. 33 00:02:39,284 --> 00:02:40,827 {\an8}That's all. Dismissed. 34 00:02:42,996 --> 00:02:45,999 {\an8}Herrera, from experience, when you're captain, you don't negotiate. 35 00:02:45,999 --> 00:02:48,793 {\an8}You don't give people options. You just tell her what to do. 36 00:02:49,377 --> 00:02:50,837 {\an8}Military 101. 37 00:02:51,588 --> 00:02:52,589 {\an8}At ease, soldier. 38 00:02:52,589 --> 00:02:53,673 {\an8}Captain. 39 00:02:56,843 --> 00:02:59,596 Hey. Hey. 40 00:02:59,596 --> 00:03:01,014 {\an8}- Kate. - Yeah. 41 00:03:02,098 --> 00:03:08,021 {\an8}I, uh-- I've been meaning to reach out. You know, Vic and I just ended so-- 42 00:03:09,105 --> 00:03:11,024 {\an8}So you and I can finally be together. 43 00:03:13,568 --> 00:03:15,737 Wow. 44 00:03:15,737 --> 00:03:18,406 {\an8}Chill. I was just messing with you. 45 00:03:18,406 --> 00:03:19,949 {\an8}Um, but you know, 46 00:03:19,949 --> 00:03:21,784 {\an8}I am still down for a good time. 47 00:03:21,784 --> 00:03:23,244 Crisis One 48 00:03:23,244 --> 00:03:25,496 {\an8}to 10627 Briarwood Drive. That's me. 49 00:03:37,884 --> 00:03:40,094 Thank you for coming. 50 00:03:41,387 --> 00:03:42,889 {\an8}Yeah, I told you I would. 51 00:03:43,389 --> 00:03:46,392 {\an8}Plus, I'm not gonna let you walk into a bar alone on your first day out of rehab. 52 00:03:46,392 --> 00:03:47,769 {\an8}You're not gonna need those. 53 00:03:47,769 --> 00:03:49,270 {\an8}It's polite to bring flowers to a funeral. 54 00:03:49,270 --> 00:03:52,148 {\an8}- You can't drink flowers, Hughes. - What does that even mean? 55 00:03:52,148 --> 00:03:54,275 {\an8}This is your first Irish wake, isn't it? 56 00:03:54,275 --> 00:03:55,777 {\an8}Yeah. 57 00:03:55,777 --> 00:03:56,861 {\an8}What? 58 00:03:57,737 --> 00:03:58,738 {\an8}Gird your loins. 59 00:04:00,114 --> 00:04:01,616 {\an8}God, don't say loins. 60 00:04:18,925 --> 00:04:20,677 {\an8}This is a wake? 61 00:04:20,677 --> 00:04:22,637 {\an8}Grief in its most drunken form. 62 00:04:23,513 --> 00:04:25,473 {\an8}- Didn't your uncle die of alcoholism? - He did. 63 00:04:25,473 --> 00:04:29,394 {\an8}Hey! Seany, you look like crap. 64 00:04:29,394 --> 00:04:31,729 {\an8}James. How are you? 65 00:04:31,729 --> 00:04:33,022 {\an8}- Uncle S. - Junior. 66 00:04:33,022 --> 00:04:35,483 {\an8}Hey, hey, hey. Is this, uh-- Is this the new wife? 67 00:04:35,483 --> 00:04:36,776 Oh. - Ooh! 68 00:04:36,776 --> 00:04:37,860 {\an8}- Smoke show! - Oh. 69 00:04:37,860 --> 00:04:40,613 {\an8}No, no. Friend. Vic. Hello. Not wife. Not wife. 70 00:04:40,613 --> 00:04:42,365 You're really out of his league, sweetheart. 71 00:04:42,365 --> 00:04:43,366 Wow, all right. 72 00:04:43,366 --> 00:04:44,659 - We have fun. Hello. - Hello. 73 00:04:44,659 --> 00:04:46,452 - What the hell are those? - They're flowers for-- 74 00:04:46,452 --> 00:04:48,454 You can't drink flowers, sweetheart. Right. 75 00:04:48,454 --> 00:04:50,623 She's cute, but she ain't too bright. Welcome. 76 00:04:50,623 --> 00:04:52,583 Uncle Jimbo! Hey! 77 00:04:53,167 --> 00:04:54,961 {\an8}Is this where you get your charm from? 78 00:04:55,962 --> 00:04:58,881 {\an8}- So, you really needed to come to this? - Yeah, I'm the mayor's chief of staff. 79 00:04:58,881 --> 00:05:00,800 {\an8}I gotta stay on the right side of the police department. 80 00:05:00,800 --> 00:05:02,802 {\an8}Oof. Networking at a funeral. 81 00:05:02,802 --> 00:05:05,388 {\an8}You really weren't cut out for politics, were you? 82 00:05:09,100 --> 00:05:10,518 {\an8}- Oh. Hi. - Hi. 83 00:05:10,518 --> 00:05:12,061 {\an8}- Hi-- Uh-- - This is my, uh-- 84 00:05:12,061 --> 00:05:14,314 {\an8}- Well, you're-- - Eli. I'm his Eli. 85 00:05:14,314 --> 00:05:15,898 {\an8}Hi. I'm-- I'm so sorry for your loss. 86 00:05:15,898 --> 00:05:18,192 {\an8}Your father was a, um-- a-a great man. 87 00:05:18,192 --> 00:05:20,320 {\an8}He was great. 88 00:05:20,320 --> 00:05:22,864 {\an8}We all know my dad was kind of a dick. 89 00:05:22,864 --> 00:05:25,742 {\an8}Oh, I like him. 90 00:05:25,742 --> 00:05:29,996 {\an8}Anyway, it's good to put a face to the name, Eli. Travis tells me great things. 91 00:05:29,996 --> 00:05:32,248 {\an8}Well, he said the same about you. Clearly got good taste. 92 00:05:35,084 --> 00:05:36,919 {\an8}Oh, uh-- Come in, please. Come on in. 93 00:06:02,362 --> 00:06:04,739 Can I help you? 94 00:06:04,739 --> 00:06:06,491 Uh, hi. We're from the fire department. 95 00:06:06,491 --> 00:06:09,410 We-We got a call about a disturbance at this address. 96 00:06:09,410 --> 00:06:10,912 No disturbance here. 97 00:06:10,912 --> 00:06:13,164 Watching TV. I like it loud. 98 00:06:14,457 --> 00:06:16,793 You know, uh, I see you're on dialysis. 99 00:06:16,793 --> 00:06:19,629 It-- It's red and-- and maybe a little infected. 100 00:06:20,213 --> 00:06:23,174 I could take a look at it if you want. I'm-- I'm a doctor. 101 00:06:25,718 --> 00:06:27,553 Saves me a trip to the clinic, I guess. 102 00:06:27,553 --> 00:06:28,638 Yeah. 103 00:06:32,058 --> 00:06:33,893 Will Jack be okay though? 104 00:06:33,893 --> 00:06:35,895 The department will make sure he lands on his feet. 105 00:06:35,895 --> 00:06:37,271 Better than landing on his head. 106 00:06:39,232 --> 00:06:41,484 No one has a sense of humor here. 107 00:06:41,484 --> 00:06:43,903 It's gonna be a busy one, huh? Yeah. 108 00:06:43,903 --> 00:06:45,655 Only half the trouble twins today. 109 00:06:45,655 --> 00:06:47,573 I'm sorry. I don't see you in the system. 110 00:06:47,573 --> 00:06:50,451 My wife is the one who usually does this, but she's working today, so... 111 00:06:50,952 --> 00:06:52,620 Uh-- Oh, can I have your address? 112 00:06:52,620 --> 00:06:56,124 No, I don't sign in. They know me. I usually just talk to Jack. 113 00:06:56,124 --> 00:06:58,209 Yeah. Hey, hey. Hi, Gloria. Hi. 114 00:06:58,709 --> 00:07:00,878 - Um, I got this. You're good. - Okay. Okay. 115 00:07:01,587 --> 00:07:02,588 Hey, um-- 116 00:07:02,588 --> 00:07:04,715 Uh, don't you remember my system? I'm sorry. 117 00:07:04,715 --> 00:07:06,509 Peggy's the one-- There are certain people who-- 118 00:07:06,509 --> 00:07:07,677 Look, this patient, you know, 119 00:07:07,677 --> 00:07:09,512 she doesn't check in like everyone else, right? 120 00:07:09,512 --> 00:07:13,015 Her file is that-- that black folder there under the blue box. 121 00:07:13,933 --> 00:07:14,767 Everything okay? 122 00:07:15,435 --> 00:07:20,064 Yeah. Yeah. No, uh, Gloria can't check in like everyone else, right? 123 00:07:20,064 --> 00:07:22,733 - Uh-huh. - She moved away from her abuser, 124 00:07:22,733 --> 00:07:24,819 and she doesn't want her files public. 125 00:07:24,819 --> 00:07:27,613 Mm-hmm. - You can't just suddenly change how we-- 126 00:07:27,613 --> 00:07:30,116 Ja-- Hey, hey, your vision will stay alive. 127 00:07:30,116 --> 00:07:31,576 I'll make sure of it, okay? 128 00:07:31,576 --> 00:07:34,036 My nanny! She's bleeding. She's hurt! Hurry! 129 00:07:34,036 --> 00:07:36,706 Your nanny's hurt? Where is she? Show me. 130 00:07:36,706 --> 00:07:37,623 Yeah. 131 00:07:37,623 --> 00:07:39,208 - No-- - But I could-- 132 00:07:39,208 --> 00:07:41,210 We got this. We got this. 133 00:07:41,210 --> 00:07:42,628 Yeah. Mm-hmm. - Yeah? 134 00:08:06,527 --> 00:08:09,197 I was getting Winston off the monkey bars, and he kicked-- 135 00:08:09,197 --> 00:08:10,907 Sorry, they're so dramatic. 136 00:08:10,907 --> 00:08:13,701 I was getting Winston off the monkey bars, and he kicked me in the mouth. 137 00:08:13,701 --> 00:08:16,913 It looks like you got a good knock, but nothing to worry about. 138 00:08:16,913 --> 00:08:18,915 Are you feeling dizzy or lightheaded? 139 00:08:18,915 --> 00:08:20,625 A little, I guess. Hmm. 140 00:08:20,625 --> 00:08:22,418 Looks like you got a little sunburn there, huh? 141 00:08:22,418 --> 00:08:25,087 Oh. Yeah, I was on a trip, and-- 142 00:08:25,087 --> 00:08:26,839 Bark! Bark! Bark! Bark! Bark! 143 00:08:27,423 --> 00:08:29,967 - Sorry. [chuckles] Sorry, they're loud. - It's okay. They're kids. 144 00:08:29,967 --> 00:08:33,471 Being a nanny is like the strongest form of birth control. I'm never having one. 145 00:08:33,471 --> 00:08:35,056 That's what I said. 146 00:08:36,766 --> 00:08:40,436 Uh, okay. Keep the gauze in your mouth, and I'll be right back for an assessment. 147 00:08:42,813 --> 00:08:45,149 Oh, hey. I, uh, submitted the letter of recommendation 148 00:08:45,149 --> 00:08:46,651 for your foster application. 149 00:08:46,651 --> 00:08:48,236 Thank you for doing that. Yeah. 150 00:08:48,236 --> 00:08:49,529 I hope they approve us. 151 00:08:49,529 --> 00:08:52,823 Oh, come on. How could they not? You-- You'd be great foster parents. 152 00:08:52,823 --> 00:08:53,908 Hmm. 153 00:08:55,076 --> 00:08:55,910 Hey, you okay? 154 00:08:57,203 --> 00:08:58,037 Yeah. 155 00:09:00,039 --> 00:09:03,960 I just, um, always imagined Jack here. 156 00:09:04,627 --> 00:09:08,506 Whenever I'd see myself as captain, he was here, part of the family. 157 00:09:09,006 --> 00:09:11,300 But, uh, now he won't be. 158 00:09:11,300 --> 00:09:12,635 Nineteen is still a family. 159 00:09:16,681 --> 00:09:20,059 Bark! Bark! Bark! Bark! Bark! 160 00:09:20,059 --> 00:09:22,353 Whoa, whoa, whoa! All the puppies at attention. 161 00:09:22,353 --> 00:09:24,188 You know, I could turn you guys into mice. 162 00:09:24,188 --> 00:09:27,650 And mice are small, teeny, teeny, teeny small, and they're quiet. 163 00:09:28,234 --> 00:09:31,070 Why don't you come with me? Here, take these balloons. 164 00:09:31,988 --> 00:09:34,240 And, uh, have fun. 165 00:09:34,907 --> 00:09:38,202 All right. So, um, what happened here? 166 00:09:38,202 --> 00:09:40,538 Oh, it's from my dialysis. 167 00:09:41,998 --> 00:09:44,250 Fix one problem and create another, right? 168 00:09:45,459 --> 00:09:46,711 Right. 169 00:09:46,711 --> 00:09:48,379 Mom, make me some eggs! 170 00:09:48,379 --> 00:09:50,464 That's my son, Sam. 171 00:09:50,464 --> 00:09:51,591 Make 'em yourself! 172 00:09:56,095 --> 00:09:56,929 Who's this? 173 00:09:57,513 --> 00:10:00,349 - He's fixing my dialysis thing. - I'm from-- I'm from the fire department. 174 00:10:01,350 --> 00:10:03,185 You're just letting strangers in? 175 00:10:08,232 --> 00:10:10,776 - You didn't get more eggs. - I'll get more tomorrow. 176 00:10:11,861 --> 00:10:14,530 This generation doesn't know the value of a dollar. 177 00:10:16,407 --> 00:10:17,742 And who are you again? 178 00:10:18,492 --> 00:10:20,703 Oh, um-- I'm helping your mom out with her arm. 179 00:10:20,703 --> 00:10:25,082 That's not what I asked. Who are you? And what are you doing in my house? 180 00:10:28,753 --> 00:10:30,421 Hey. Hi. 181 00:10:31,088 --> 00:10:31,922 Hi. 182 00:10:33,924 --> 00:10:36,177 We, uh-- We got a call about a fight next door. 183 00:10:36,177 --> 00:10:37,094 Yeah. 184 00:10:37,094 --> 00:10:38,679 You hear anything out of the ordinary? 185 00:10:38,679 --> 00:10:39,764 Yeah. 186 00:10:40,931 --> 00:10:42,266 I called. 187 00:10:42,266 --> 00:10:45,102 - I just don't know what to do anymore. - What's been happening? 188 00:10:45,102 --> 00:10:47,688 That kid, he's always flying off the handle at something. 189 00:10:47,688 --> 00:10:48,606 What kid? 190 00:10:48,606 --> 00:10:50,358 Her son. He lives with her. 191 00:10:50,858 --> 00:10:53,277 Look, some days he's fine. 192 00:10:53,277 --> 00:10:55,529 You know, he even helped me unload my truck once. 193 00:10:55,529 --> 00:10:58,449 But other days, he can go from zero to 60 in seconds. 194 00:10:58,449 --> 00:11:01,535 Last week, he pointed his gun at my dog. 195 00:11:01,535 --> 00:11:05,206 I really think he would have shot him or me if I hadn't put my boy inside. 196 00:11:06,332 --> 00:11:07,667 He's dangerous. 197 00:11:13,964 --> 00:11:16,258 Seany, what are you drinking? 198 00:11:16,258 --> 00:11:18,094 Uh, I'm good. Thank you. 199 00:11:18,094 --> 00:11:20,012 Junior! Couple of whiskeys. 200 00:11:20,012 --> 00:11:21,263 Neat? 201 00:11:21,263 --> 00:11:25,142 Yeah, neat. Who fricking raised you, huh? 202 00:11:25,142 --> 00:11:26,811 I see you brought your rosary. 203 00:11:27,395 --> 00:11:30,439 Oh, no. These are, uh-- These are prayer beads, you know? 204 00:11:30,439 --> 00:11:31,524 Mala beads. 205 00:11:31,524 --> 00:11:33,109 Oh, no, no, no. 206 00:11:33,109 --> 00:11:35,986 Please don't tell me you're into that woo-woo crap, huh? 207 00:11:37,571 --> 00:11:42,451 What, did you, uh-- Did you join a cult or you just showing off for your girlfriend? 208 00:11:42,451 --> 00:11:44,078 - She's not my girl-- - Not his girlfriend. 209 00:11:44,078 --> 00:11:47,206 Ah, too bad. She'd make some pretty babies. 210 00:11:47,790 --> 00:11:49,875 All right. Whiskeys all around. Attaboy. 211 00:11:51,669 --> 00:11:53,337 Ah. Thank you. 212 00:11:53,337 --> 00:11:55,923 - Uncle Sean. - I'm good, Junior. 213 00:11:57,591 --> 00:11:58,968 I actually, uh... 214 00:12:00,594 --> 00:12:04,390 I actually just got out of rehab, guys. 215 00:12:04,390 --> 00:12:06,976 - Right. - Right, right, right, right. 216 00:12:09,687 --> 00:12:11,021 - Oh. - Yeah. 217 00:12:11,021 --> 00:12:15,901 We really did lose you to a cult, didn't we? 218 00:12:15,901 --> 00:12:16,819 Well, cheers. 219 00:12:16,819 --> 00:12:21,490 Here's to another death in the family, the death of fun Sean. 220 00:12:21,490 --> 00:12:24,952 Slainte. 221 00:12:28,456 --> 00:12:32,585 And he just proposed to me, right there kneeling in a puddle. 222 00:12:33,210 --> 00:12:36,589 And then suddenly, the rain stopped, and the sun came out... 223 00:12:36,589 --> 00:12:37,506 I'm sorry. 224 00:12:37,506 --> 00:12:40,384 Yeah, it would have been nice to get a heads-up your boyfriend was coming. 225 00:12:40,384 --> 00:12:43,554 I know. I didn't realize that he needed to be here for work. 226 00:12:43,554 --> 00:12:45,264 - To Dick, everyone. - To Dick. 227 00:12:45,264 --> 00:12:46,599 - To Dick. - To Dick. 228 00:12:47,850 --> 00:12:48,851 He seems really great. 229 00:12:48,851 --> 00:12:51,145 No, no. He, uh-- He is. He is. 230 00:12:51,145 --> 00:12:52,229 Uh... 231 00:12:53,314 --> 00:12:56,150 About the other day. I mean-- We shouldn't have-- 232 00:12:56,150 --> 00:12:57,067 You're right. 233 00:12:57,067 --> 00:13:01,155 You know, you-- you seem really happy. I don't want to mess that up. 234 00:13:03,532 --> 00:13:04,533 - Yeah. - Yeah. 235 00:13:05,284 --> 00:13:07,536 I gotta go say hi to my Aunt Celine, so-- 236 00:13:07,536 --> 00:13:09,246 Okay, yeah. Sorry again. 237 00:13:16,170 --> 00:13:17,505 - Hey. - Hey. 238 00:13:17,505 --> 00:13:20,466 So, I gotta get back to the office. You wanna sneak out? 239 00:13:20,466 --> 00:13:25,471 Uh, you know, I-- I'm gonna stay for just a little longer, but I'll see you tonight. 240 00:13:25,471 --> 00:13:26,680 - Yeah. - Okay. 241 00:13:26,680 --> 00:13:29,099 - You look good in a suit. - Thank you. 242 00:13:31,435 --> 00:13:35,147 Is it warm in here? I kinda feel fluish. One of the kids maybe gave me something? 243 00:13:35,147 --> 00:13:40,319 Uh, I can give you some acetaminophen for the flu symptoms, but let me just-- 244 00:13:40,319 --> 00:13:44,031 Uh, did you get bumped on this side too? 245 00:13:44,031 --> 00:13:47,117 There is some bleeding on the left side of your mouth. 246 00:13:47,117 --> 00:13:48,494 I don't think so. 247 00:13:49,078 --> 00:13:50,746 Hey, Bishop's wife. 248 00:13:50,746 --> 00:13:54,083 There's a lady here who says that she'll only be treated by you. 249 00:13:54,083 --> 00:13:55,960 I'll take over here. - Okay, thank you. 250 00:13:55,960 --> 00:13:58,045 Okay, let's take a look at you, okay? 251 00:13:58,045 --> 00:13:59,713 You know you wanna talk about it. 252 00:13:59,713 --> 00:14:01,131 I can see. 253 00:14:01,715 --> 00:14:05,261 Uh, hi. Hi. How can I help you? 254 00:14:06,804 --> 00:14:10,641 Um, it seems like I have a-a migraine. 255 00:14:10,641 --> 00:14:12,059 Okay. When did it begin? 256 00:14:12,059 --> 00:14:14,770 Just comes and goes. Stress, really. 257 00:14:14,770 --> 00:14:17,857 And what kind of a headache? Is it stabbing, throbbing? 258 00:14:17,857 --> 00:14:19,066 Both, I guess. 259 00:14:19,066 --> 00:14:20,651 Okay, let's do a neural exam. 260 00:14:21,610 --> 00:14:23,279 And what's your name? 261 00:14:23,279 --> 00:14:25,281 Nina. Nina. 262 00:14:25,281 --> 00:14:27,449 Nina, I have something for you. 263 00:14:27,449 --> 00:14:28,826 Go, go, go. Yeah. 264 00:14:28,826 --> 00:14:30,494 Oh! 265 00:14:30,494 --> 00:14:34,790 She loves stuffed animals, but she loves to watch kids even more, so... 266 00:14:34,790 --> 00:14:37,293 Is there somebody who would like to play with us? 267 00:14:37,293 --> 00:14:40,421 Maybe? Maybe? Yeah, yeah. 268 00:14:40,421 --> 00:14:42,047 I think so. 269 00:14:42,047 --> 00:14:43,674 Can I hold your bear? 270 00:14:44,758 --> 00:14:46,343 Aw. - You gonna come with us? 271 00:14:46,343 --> 00:14:47,469 All right, let's go. 272 00:14:48,429 --> 00:14:50,264 Aw. 273 00:14:51,765 --> 00:14:55,019 I rarely get to see her play like that. 274 00:14:55,019 --> 00:14:57,187 Can I check your pupils? 275 00:14:58,647 --> 00:14:59,982 You don't remember me, do you? 276 00:14:59,982 --> 00:15:01,150 Hey, Carina. 277 00:15:01,150 --> 00:15:03,903 Uh, Carina, can I see you over here, please? 278 00:15:03,903 --> 00:15:06,572 - Now. - Uh, yes. Uh, yes. 279 00:15:06,572 --> 00:15:08,449 One second. Excuse me. 280 00:15:10,451 --> 00:15:11,452 Yeah? 281 00:15:13,454 --> 00:15:16,415 She spiked a temp of 102 and seems disorientated. 282 00:15:16,415 --> 00:15:20,210 Alice, do you have any headache, cough, difficulty breathing? 283 00:15:20,210 --> 00:15:22,838 - When did you start feeling this way? - No. Uh, I don't know. 284 00:15:22,838 --> 00:15:24,590 Maybe yesterday or the day before. 285 00:15:24,590 --> 00:15:26,675 I'm so jet-lagged. I forget which day is which. 286 00:15:26,675 --> 00:15:28,969 - You're jet-lagged? - She did say she was traveling. 287 00:15:28,969 --> 00:15:32,556 My boyfriend and I were backpacking around Southeast Asia and-- 288 00:15:33,182 --> 00:15:36,477 I think we need to get gowned. 289 00:15:36,477 --> 00:15:38,812 We might have a situation. 290 00:15:39,313 --> 00:15:41,815 - We're gonna need masks for everyone here. - Are you thinking it's-- 291 00:15:41,815 --> 00:15:44,902 With these symptoms and the fact that she was traveling outside the country, 292 00:15:44,902 --> 00:15:48,656 it might be something deadly and very, very contagious. 293 00:15:48,656 --> 00:15:51,033 - And everyone here could be exposed. - Exactly. 294 00:15:51,033 --> 00:15:54,119 So keep calm and get Captain Herrera. 295 00:15:56,330 --> 00:15:59,083 Mmm. 296 00:15:59,083 --> 00:16:00,834 Captain, we may have a patient zero. 297 00:16:00,834 --> 00:16:02,962 How long has she been-- We're not sure. 298 00:16:02,962 --> 00:16:05,172 - Hold on one second. Be right back. - Okay. 299 00:16:05,172 --> 00:16:07,007 - We should-- - We should lock it down. 300 00:16:09,927 --> 00:16:13,138 - And make sure everyone has these on. - I'll get on the phone with the CDC. 301 00:16:13,138 --> 00:16:15,683 Everybody, please stay calm. 302 00:16:15,683 --> 00:16:18,185 No need to panic, but we need to lock this place down. 303 00:16:18,185 --> 00:16:19,520 All right? 304 00:16:26,568 --> 00:16:28,445 You know, tha-- that's all I know at the moment. 305 00:16:28,445 --> 00:16:31,365 Uh, please, sir. Could you put your mask back on your face? 306 00:16:31,365 --> 00:16:33,951 You can't keep us here against our will. I have a job to get back to. 307 00:16:33,951 --> 00:16:35,953 We are in the best hands. 308 00:16:35,953 --> 00:16:39,248 This team will know what to do even if it is Ebola. 309 00:16:39,248 --> 00:16:41,208 No. Whoa, whoa. No, no, no. What? Oh! 310 00:16:41,208 --> 00:16:43,585 I came in for a headache, and I might leave with Ebola? 311 00:16:43,585 --> 00:16:46,338 No, my kid is immune deficient. You're telling me that you exposed her to-- 312 00:16:46,338 --> 00:16:47,506 No one said Ebola. 313 00:16:47,506 --> 00:16:50,175 She just said Ebola. Listen. We hope it's nothing. 314 00:16:50,175 --> 00:16:51,260 You hope? 315 00:16:51,260 --> 00:16:53,721 All right? We hope it's nothing, but we're taking every precaution. 316 00:16:53,721 --> 00:16:56,974 Please help me keep everyone safe. Thank you. 317 00:16:57,474 --> 00:16:59,893 Fever's 102. We gave her acetaminophen. 318 00:16:59,893 --> 00:17:02,730 Blood pressure's trending low. Blood pressure's trending low. 319 00:17:02,730 --> 00:17:04,064 Right. 320 00:17:04,064 --> 00:17:07,818 The CDC is asking if she has any red spots on her palate. 321 00:17:07,818 --> 00:17:08,819 What? 322 00:17:12,614 --> 00:17:13,657 Carina. 323 00:17:13,657 --> 00:17:16,452 Uh, okay, let me check. Let me check. 324 00:17:16,452 --> 00:17:18,704 No, no, no. Okay. 325 00:17:18,704 --> 00:17:21,081 Ask them if they have a differential. Is there anything else 326 00:17:21,081 --> 00:17:23,292 we should be looking for? All right. No spots. Okay. 327 00:17:23,292 --> 00:17:25,294 What about a differential? Is there anything... 328 00:17:25,294 --> 00:17:27,671 What about the baby? We might have to quarantine for 20 days. 329 00:17:27,671 --> 00:17:29,506 They're gonna place him with another foster family-- 330 00:17:29,506 --> 00:17:31,008 Let's cross that bridge when we get to it. 331 00:17:31,008 --> 00:17:32,384 I think I'm gonna puke again. 332 00:17:32,384 --> 00:17:33,886 Okay. Here, here. Here. 333 00:17:36,388 --> 00:17:39,058 Oh, right, so you weasel your way in here so you can charge her? 334 00:17:39,058 --> 00:17:40,309 You want more debt, Ma? 335 00:17:40,309 --> 00:17:42,227 These doctors just want our money. 336 00:17:42,227 --> 00:17:43,395 He's right. 337 00:17:43,395 --> 00:17:44,813 You're all crooks. 338 00:17:44,813 --> 00:17:45,981 It's my money though. 339 00:17:46,857 --> 00:17:49,193 This one lost three jobs this year. 340 00:17:49,193 --> 00:17:50,903 That wasn't my fault. 341 00:17:50,903 --> 00:17:53,572 - They had cutbacks at one place... - You okay, Theo? 342 00:17:53,572 --> 00:17:54,656 That's not fair. 343 00:17:54,656 --> 00:17:56,909 You don't know what you're talking about, Mom. 344 00:17:56,909 --> 00:17:58,660 Always cutbacks, isn't there? Always. 345 00:18:01,872 --> 00:18:02,831 There's more of you? 346 00:18:02,831 --> 00:18:04,750 No, this is, uh-- this is just my partner. 347 00:18:04,750 --> 00:18:08,170 He's checking in because we got a call about a disturbance this morning, 348 00:18:08,170 --> 00:18:10,089 and when we got here, everything seemed all right. 349 00:18:10,089 --> 00:18:13,842 So I offered your mom some help, free of charge, of course. 350 00:18:14,510 --> 00:18:17,596 - There's nothing to get upset about. - Don't talk to me like I'm stupid. 351 00:18:17,596 --> 00:18:19,223 I'm not stupid. 352 00:18:19,223 --> 00:18:21,433 Nobody gives me the respect I deserve. 353 00:18:21,433 --> 00:18:23,769 I'm the man of the house, damn it. 354 00:18:23,769 --> 00:18:25,979 - Please. Man of the house. - Shut up, Mom! 355 00:18:25,979 --> 00:18:27,231 No, I'm just here to help. 356 00:18:27,231 --> 00:18:28,982 Do you think I don't know what you're doing? 357 00:18:28,982 --> 00:18:30,651 - I'm not doing any-- - Stop it. 358 00:18:30,651 --> 00:18:33,320 - Stop talking to me like I'm an idiot! - Hey! Calm down. 359 00:18:33,320 --> 00:18:35,489 You want people to stop treating you like an idiot, 360 00:18:35,489 --> 00:18:36,824 - stop acting like one. - Connie... 361 00:18:36,824 --> 00:18:39,910 - I told you to shut your mouth! - Okay, everybody calm down. 362 00:18:40,577 --> 00:18:42,329 Let's just calm down. 363 00:18:55,592 --> 00:18:56,802 Sodas. 364 00:18:56,802 --> 00:18:59,096 Tiny umbrella makes it feel like a cocktail. 365 00:18:59,096 --> 00:19:01,348 I'd sell my firstborn for a shot right now. 366 00:19:01,348 --> 00:19:03,892 Seany. 367 00:19:03,892 --> 00:19:06,436 Grace. Hey. 368 00:19:06,436 --> 00:19:10,065 Hi! What's with the umbrella? Should I ask your pronouns? 369 00:19:10,065 --> 00:19:12,693 Vic, this is my cousin Gracie. Hi. 370 00:19:12,693 --> 00:19:13,777 Hi, hi, hi. 371 00:19:13,777 --> 00:19:15,529 Seriously though? What's... 372 00:19:15,529 --> 00:19:18,323 Uh, seriously, this is a, uh-- a soda and, you know, 373 00:19:18,824 --> 00:19:20,200 believe it or not, I'm-- I'm sober. 374 00:19:22,619 --> 00:19:24,663 Get out! Yeah. 375 00:19:24,663 --> 00:19:26,331 Little Seany Blackout? 376 00:19:26,331 --> 00:19:28,167 The prince of public urination? 377 00:19:28,167 --> 00:19:31,461 - All right. Okay. - Huh, baby boot and rally, huh? 378 00:19:31,461 --> 00:19:34,548 Oh, my gosh. Remember when you jumped off the roof, huh? 379 00:19:34,548 --> 00:19:36,884 - Where was that? That was-- - I don't think I jumped. I think I fell. 380 00:19:36,884 --> 00:19:39,720 You know, I think he's probably trying to put that behind him too. 381 00:19:39,720 --> 00:19:42,139 Oh, please. Okay, if he can't laugh about it, 382 00:19:42,139 --> 00:19:43,223 how's he gonna stay sober? 383 00:19:43,223 --> 00:19:44,808 I've been sober for a year. 384 00:19:44,808 --> 00:19:46,518 You think I wanna end up like these dummies? 385 00:19:46,518 --> 00:19:48,687 Wait a minute. Good-time Gracie's in AA? God, no. 386 00:19:48,687 --> 00:19:50,814 All those feelings and sharing and-- 387 00:19:51,315 --> 00:19:52,399 No, I just-- I did it myself. 388 00:19:52,399 --> 00:19:58,155 You know, you get into one too many situations and, uh, bells start to go off. 389 00:19:58,155 --> 00:20:00,407 I am no longer welcome at school pickup. 390 00:20:01,783 --> 00:20:03,035 Because I was topless. 391 00:20:03,744 --> 00:20:05,495 - Once. - Oh. 392 00:20:05,495 --> 00:20:06,830 Okay. 393 00:20:07,497 --> 00:20:08,749 Thank you so much for coming. 394 00:20:08,749 --> 00:20:11,835 It means so much to me, and just-- Dick loved you, 395 00:20:11,835 --> 00:20:14,171 and I was always a little jealous, but that's okay. 396 00:20:14,171 --> 00:20:16,423 Doesn't matter now. Anyway, thank you. 397 00:20:17,132 --> 00:20:19,593 Oh, Trevor, be a dear and bring these plates to the kitchen. 398 00:20:19,593 --> 00:20:21,511 I have to make room for the coffee and desserts. 399 00:20:21,511 --> 00:20:23,180 - Sure. Happy to help. - Okay. Thanks, honey. 400 00:20:34,566 --> 00:20:37,319 Oh, great. Is my mother treating you like the help again? 401 00:20:37,319 --> 00:20:39,154 It's fine. 402 00:20:45,160 --> 00:20:46,787 ♪ I'm just calling to say ♪ 403 00:20:48,664 --> 00:20:50,791 ♪ Oh ♪ 404 00:20:50,791 --> 00:20:52,417 ♪ I like it like ♪ 405 00:20:54,127 --> 00:20:55,545 ♪ I'm just calling to say ♪ 406 00:20:57,089 --> 00:20:58,757 ♪ I like it like this ♪ 407 00:20:58,757 --> 00:21:01,260 - ♪ Oh ♪ - ♪ I like it like ♪ 408 00:21:06,390 --> 00:21:07,641 ♪ I'm just calling to say ♪ 409 00:21:10,727 --> 00:21:15,524 Nice. 410 00:21:16,108 --> 00:21:17,901 Hi, you gave the other kids their own room. 411 00:21:17,901 --> 00:21:20,904 My kid needs that too. Because if she gets sick-- 412 00:21:21,863 --> 00:21:23,240 This is a nightmare. 413 00:21:23,240 --> 00:21:26,410 Okay, listen, the other kids were exposed to their nanny all day. 414 00:21:26,410 --> 00:21:28,161 We don't want them to spread anything. 415 00:21:28,161 --> 00:21:30,080 Your risk of exposure is low. 416 00:21:30,080 --> 00:21:31,999 I know this is very stressful for everyone, but-- 417 00:21:31,999 --> 00:21:33,583 Oh, no, no. You don't know stress. 418 00:21:33,583 --> 00:21:37,045 I am a caretaker of a child with cerebral palsy. 419 00:21:37,754 --> 00:21:41,341 Twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week, okay? 420 00:21:41,341 --> 00:21:44,678 I'm at doctor's appointments and physical therapy and OT. 421 00:21:44,678 --> 00:21:47,347 And I wake up every morning at 5:00 a.m., but I don't sleep 422 00:21:47,347 --> 00:21:49,474 because I'm just thinking about her future. 423 00:21:49,474 --> 00:21:51,435 Like, who's gonna take care of her when I'm gone? 424 00:21:51,435 --> 00:21:53,395 - Please, I just love her so much. - Of course. 425 00:21:53,395 --> 00:21:54,646 And I need her to be safe. 426 00:21:54,646 --> 00:21:56,565 - Please just tell me she's gonna be safe. - Yes. 427 00:21:56,565 --> 00:22:00,485 Listen, I'm gonna get you a-- a space just for you and Nina, okay? 428 00:22:00,485 --> 00:22:02,237 And then maybe you can tell me more. 429 00:22:02,863 --> 00:22:04,448 Until we can all go home, okay? 430 00:22:04,448 --> 00:22:06,033 Yeah. Yeah, thank you. 431 00:22:10,078 --> 00:22:11,079 Oh, man... 432 00:22:13,999 --> 00:22:15,542 Whew! 433 00:22:16,543 --> 00:22:18,962 Oh, I feel like there's a bad joke here, you know? 434 00:22:19,463 --> 00:22:23,592 Like how you forced me out of the closet just to push me back in. 435 00:22:24,092 --> 00:22:25,093 Well, it's a pantry. 436 00:22:25,927 --> 00:22:27,179 Right. Right. 437 00:22:27,179 --> 00:22:29,097 And this time, I'm corrupting you. 438 00:22:29,598 --> 00:22:30,599 Corrupting me? 439 00:22:30,599 --> 00:22:31,767 Yeah, well, just-- 440 00:22:32,601 --> 00:22:34,102 You know, 'cause when we met, 441 00:22:34,603 --> 00:22:37,439 I was cheating on Alicia, and you were really upset and-- 442 00:22:37,439 --> 00:22:40,359 Yeah, but I mean, this is different. 443 00:22:41,276 --> 00:22:42,277 Is it though? 444 00:22:46,490 --> 00:22:48,950 Trav, I shouldn't have said that. I'm-- I'm sorry. 445 00:22:48,950 --> 00:22:50,285 It's fine. 446 00:22:51,870 --> 00:22:52,871 Seriously, Emmett. 447 00:22:53,872 --> 00:22:54,873 It's fine. 448 00:22:59,378 --> 00:23:00,379 Oh, good, Trevor. 449 00:23:00,379 --> 00:23:03,298 Can you help, uh, put the living room back together with me? 450 00:23:03,298 --> 00:23:04,383 It's a mess in there. 451 00:23:04,383 --> 00:23:05,467 Sure. 452 00:23:11,681 --> 00:23:14,101 - It's just getting worse and worse. - Her fever is continuing to rise. 453 00:23:14,101 --> 00:23:15,811 And her breathing is still labored. 454 00:23:16,645 --> 00:23:18,647 That's not a sunburn. That's not a sunburn. 455 00:23:19,147 --> 00:23:20,357 Okay. - It's not a sunburn. 456 00:23:20,357 --> 00:23:22,275 Alice, can we open your shirt? Yeah? 457 00:23:23,777 --> 00:23:26,196 Oh, my God. What is that? 458 00:23:26,196 --> 00:23:27,906 What is happening? Alice, Alice. 459 00:23:27,906 --> 00:23:31,451 She has a-a spiderweb rash, bright red, on her torso. 460 00:23:45,298 --> 00:23:47,300 I told you to shut that dog up! 461 00:24:10,574 --> 00:24:11,575 Can I help you? 462 00:24:12,200 --> 00:24:14,202 No, man. Just seeing if you're okay. 463 00:24:14,828 --> 00:24:17,289 You saw. Now leave me the hell alone. 464 00:24:30,218 --> 00:24:33,638 Crisis One requesting backup to 10627 Briarwood. 465 00:24:36,725 --> 00:24:40,145 And my pops was tough as nails, right? You know? 466 00:24:40,145 --> 00:24:41,563 In fact... [chuckles] ...you know. 467 00:24:41,563 --> 00:24:44,858 When he-- When he broke his foot, he never even went to the doctor. 468 00:24:44,858 --> 00:24:47,319 Th-That-- That's the kind of man he was, you know. 469 00:24:47,319 --> 00:24:51,823 He was strong, right? And always down for a good time. 470 00:24:51,823 --> 00:24:54,951 And that good time killed him. 471 00:24:56,036 --> 00:24:57,329 Sorry. What was that, Gracie? 472 00:24:57,329 --> 00:24:59,789 Just, uh, finish your speech, James. 473 00:24:59,789 --> 00:25:01,541 No, no, no, no, no. Please. 474 00:25:01,541 --> 00:25:04,461 Please, share your sentiments. Enlighten us. 475 00:25:04,461 --> 00:25:08,882 Well, we're all acting like, uh, Vinny didn't abandon us 476 00:25:08,882 --> 00:25:10,217 and drink himself to death? 477 00:25:10,717 --> 00:25:12,719 He was a bum. Everyone knew it. 478 00:25:12,719 --> 00:25:15,722 Don't get all high-and-mighty with your sober bullcrap, sweetheart. 479 00:25:15,722 --> 00:25:18,099 Okay? My father could hold his liquor. 480 00:25:18,099 --> 00:25:20,602 Don't get all pissy just 'cause you can't have a couple of beers 481 00:25:20,602 --> 00:25:23,063 without turning into a truck stop tramp. 482 00:25:24,314 --> 00:25:26,900 Whoa, whoa! Stop! 483 00:25:28,527 --> 00:25:29,694 Stop it! Stop! 484 00:25:29,694 --> 00:25:32,030 Hey, hey! Back up! Back up. 485 00:25:32,030 --> 00:25:33,657 James, are you okay? 486 00:25:34,699 --> 00:25:36,535 - Yeah, yeah. I'm good. - He's fine. 487 00:25:36,535 --> 00:25:39,037 You think my boy can't take a punch? Let me see it. 488 00:25:39,037 --> 00:25:42,582 Connie, your son is exhibiting some serious anger issues, 489 00:25:42,582 --> 00:25:45,377 - and a gun will just-- - It's hard for men like him. 490 00:25:45,377 --> 00:25:47,295 There's no jobs. Of course he's angry. 491 00:25:47,295 --> 00:25:50,048 It's okay to be angry. It's not okay to be violent. 492 00:25:50,966 --> 00:25:52,133 Yeah. The bruises? 493 00:25:52,133 --> 00:25:55,262 - I know that they're from-- - I told you they are from dialysis. 494 00:25:55,262 --> 00:25:57,597 Dialysis does not leave fingerprints. 495 00:25:59,057 --> 00:26:01,726 We have spats. So what? I push him. 496 00:26:01,726 --> 00:26:03,520 It's how you make a man step up. 497 00:26:03,520 --> 00:26:05,814 My father did the same thing to my brothers. 498 00:26:05,814 --> 00:26:07,774 - Don't judge us. - I am not judging you. 499 00:26:07,774 --> 00:26:10,193 I've just seen the aftermath too many times. 500 00:26:10,860 --> 00:26:13,238 Listen, you know, there is a petition. 501 00:26:13,238 --> 00:26:15,365 It's called an "Extreme Risk Protection Order." 502 00:26:15,365 --> 00:26:16,866 You might know it as a Red Flag Law. 503 00:26:16,866 --> 00:26:20,036 It's a suspension of a person's firearms temporarily 504 00:26:20,036 --> 00:26:22,330 until the person's in a better headspace. 505 00:26:22,330 --> 00:26:24,916 You wanna take away my son's rights and his freedom. 506 00:26:24,916 --> 00:26:27,168 No, that's not it at all. Connie, listen to me. 507 00:26:27,168 --> 00:26:29,671 If he loses his temper and goes off on the wrong person, 508 00:26:29,671 --> 00:26:31,256 he will end up in prison. 509 00:26:31,256 --> 00:26:32,882 How much freedom will he have then? 510 00:26:32,882 --> 00:26:35,719 You called these idiots on me? Because you're a psycho! 511 00:26:37,053 --> 00:26:40,765 Shots fired. I repeat, shots fired at 10627 Briarwood. 512 00:26:40,765 --> 00:26:42,017 I'll show you psycho. 513 00:26:42,017 --> 00:26:44,311 - Whoa. Hey, hey, hey! Put the gun down! - Sam! 514 00:26:44,311 --> 00:26:45,729 Control your son, huh? 515 00:26:45,729 --> 00:26:47,230 Yeah, hey. You can't fire a gun here. 516 00:26:47,230 --> 00:26:49,190 It wasn't even pointed at him. Sam, stop. 517 00:26:49,190 --> 00:26:52,569 No! He lets that dog bark all night. Someone needs to teach him a lesson. 518 00:26:52,569 --> 00:26:55,614 You think I'm not gonna stand up for myself? My mother's sick. 519 00:26:55,614 --> 00:26:58,158 - She needs her sleep, man. - Put the gun down! 520 00:27:00,869 --> 00:27:02,078 Please. 521 00:27:11,004 --> 00:27:12,172 All right. All right. 522 00:27:13,757 --> 00:27:14,841 Jesus. 523 00:27:14,841 --> 00:27:18,720 Everyone just chill out. 524 00:27:28,938 --> 00:27:31,566 Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey. Easy. - Bitch. 525 00:27:38,615 --> 00:27:40,533 Are you on any medication, Junior? 526 00:27:40,533 --> 00:27:42,077 No, I don't really do that stuff. 527 00:27:42,077 --> 00:27:43,662 Okay. These'll have to do. 528 00:27:43,662 --> 00:27:44,913 Hold that. - I'm cool with that. 529 00:27:44,913 --> 00:27:46,164 Here. - Here, for the pain. 530 00:27:46,164 --> 00:27:47,332 All right. - Cool. 531 00:27:48,375 --> 00:27:50,043 We're g-- What are you doing? Attaboy. 532 00:27:50,043 --> 00:27:53,922 Come on. We're gonna give you some nasal packing. Hold still. 533 00:27:53,922 --> 00:27:55,840 - A tampon? Ew, are you serious? - Come here, come here. 534 00:27:55,840 --> 00:27:57,008 - That's so gross. - Hold still. 535 00:27:57,008 --> 00:27:58,343 They're not used, James. 536 00:27:58,343 --> 00:27:59,844 Hey, Junior. Give us a smile. 537 00:28:00,345 --> 00:28:01,596 Hey, Dad, knock it off. 538 00:28:01,596 --> 00:28:04,391 - Aw, look who became a woman today. - Shut up. 539 00:28:05,266 --> 00:28:07,686 Beckett, that's a lot of blood. I think we should call an ambulance. 540 00:28:07,686 --> 00:28:09,771 No, no, no. I'll give him another shot. He'll be fine. 541 00:28:09,771 --> 00:28:12,065 Stop giving him shots and call 911. 542 00:28:12,065 --> 00:28:14,401 Okay. All right. Don't get your knickers in a twist. 543 00:28:14,401 --> 00:28:15,735 I'll call, I'll call. 544 00:28:15,735 --> 00:28:18,613 I'm good. I'm good. 545 00:28:19,823 --> 00:28:22,951 Y-Yes, yes, we gave her antibiotics, but the rash is spreading. 546 00:28:25,829 --> 00:28:28,206 Hey, ask her if she's been bitten by anything. 547 00:28:28,206 --> 00:28:29,833 Insects, mosquitoes. 548 00:28:30,458 --> 00:28:33,294 Ask him about dengue fever. I knew someone in Iraq who had it. 549 00:28:33,294 --> 00:28:35,714 - It's awful, but it's not contagious. - Yes, yes. You heard that? 550 00:28:36,381 --> 00:28:37,382 Anything? 551 00:28:38,591 --> 00:28:41,136 Yes, yes. There are a few bites on her ankle. 552 00:28:41,136 --> 00:28:42,762 Confirming mosquito bites. 553 00:28:42,762 --> 00:28:45,223 All right. Now, press your hand on her back. 554 00:28:45,223 --> 00:28:46,307 What? 555 00:28:46,307 --> 00:28:48,309 Onto the rash, press your hand. 556 00:28:48,309 --> 00:28:51,312 If your hand leaves a white imprint that doesn't fade, 557 00:28:51,312 --> 00:28:53,106 it's consistent with dengue fever. 558 00:28:53,106 --> 00:28:56,735 The CDC confirms it with all her symptoms and the rash imprint. 559 00:28:56,735 --> 00:28:57,819 Go ahead. Do it now. 560 00:29:04,325 --> 00:29:05,577 Yeah! Okay. That's it. 561 00:29:05,577 --> 00:29:07,704 We'll get a rush test from Grey Sloan to confirm. 562 00:29:07,704 --> 00:29:09,706 But if it's dengue fever, then we're in the clear. 563 00:29:09,706 --> 00:29:13,126 It's okay. 564 00:29:18,423 --> 00:29:20,175 Whoa, uh, hang on. 565 00:29:22,177 --> 00:29:25,430 - What's going on? You-- You just leaving? - Uh, we got everyone's reports. 566 00:29:25,430 --> 00:29:27,932 The weapon was discharged, but it looks like a case of self-defense. 567 00:29:27,932 --> 00:29:28,850 A what? 568 00:29:28,850 --> 00:29:30,435 Yeah, he said the dog tried to attack him, 569 00:29:30,435 --> 00:29:32,771 so he fired the gun into the ground to scare it off. 570 00:29:32,771 --> 00:29:34,272 While the dog was on its leash? 571 00:29:34,272 --> 00:29:36,608 Look, with no witnesses, it's "he said," "he said." 572 00:29:36,608 --> 00:29:38,318 And you're believing Sam? 573 00:29:39,778 --> 00:29:41,154 That dog looks pretty scary. 574 00:29:48,328 --> 00:29:51,080 We gave him a citation for discharging a firearm in a residential area. 575 00:29:51,080 --> 00:29:52,165 That's all we can do. 576 00:29:52,165 --> 00:29:53,833 If there are any more witnesses next time-- 577 00:29:53,833 --> 00:29:56,586 So you're gonna wait until somebody's actually injured or dead 578 00:29:56,586 --> 00:29:58,213 before you actually do something. 579 00:29:58,797 --> 00:29:59,798 Got it. 580 00:30:03,218 --> 00:30:05,720 - Connie, can I speak to you for a sec-- - Please, leave. 581 00:30:05,720 --> 00:30:07,305 - Connie, please-- - She said leave. 582 00:30:08,473 --> 00:30:09,474 Now. 583 00:30:11,893 --> 00:30:13,311 Get off my property. 584 00:30:25,532 --> 00:30:26,783 Let's go. 585 00:30:27,617 --> 00:30:30,328 Okay, move back a little bit. No, no, that way. Back that way. Yep. 586 00:30:30,328 --> 00:30:31,579 A little more. No, no, no. 587 00:30:31,579 --> 00:30:34,165 Back, back, back and then, click, just... [clicks tongue] ...like that. 588 00:30:34,165 --> 00:30:38,169 Yep. Okay, perfect. Yes. Thank you so much, boys. You're a real help. 589 00:30:38,169 --> 00:30:40,505 And thank you so much for coming today. 590 00:30:40,505 --> 00:30:42,006 Oh, it was lovely. 591 00:30:42,841 --> 00:30:45,844 I should, uh, get going. 592 00:30:45,844 --> 00:30:47,262 It was good seeing you. 593 00:30:48,638 --> 00:30:49,722 You too. 594 00:30:52,183 --> 00:30:54,227 Wait. Wait, wait, wait. 595 00:30:57,313 --> 00:30:58,565 There. 596 00:30:58,565 --> 00:31:01,651 I used to fix Dick's tie like that. 597 00:31:04,445 --> 00:31:07,365 - I want you to know that I-- - I know. I know you did all you could. 598 00:31:10,785 --> 00:31:12,537 And he really did like you. 599 00:31:14,956 --> 00:31:17,542 You're a good man, Travis. 600 00:31:17,542 --> 00:31:19,377 ♪ You already know ♪ 601 00:31:22,505 --> 00:31:25,216 ♪ So why are you asking? ♪ 602 00:31:26,217 --> 00:31:27,260 Hmm. 603 00:31:27,760 --> 00:31:30,221 ♪ The curtain's been drawn ♪ 604 00:31:32,891 --> 00:31:34,893 We apologize for your troubles. 605 00:31:34,893 --> 00:31:40,148 And, uh, yes, we thank you for helping us take every precaution. 606 00:31:40,148 --> 00:31:41,566 Please be safe. All right. 607 00:31:41,566 --> 00:31:43,818 Alice, your dengue rapid test came back positive. 608 00:31:43,818 --> 00:31:45,570 You're being sent over to Grey Sloan Memorial. 609 00:31:45,570 --> 00:31:47,322 You'll be fine. You just need fluids and rest. 610 00:31:47,322 --> 00:31:49,365 What about the kids? I need to call their parents. 611 00:31:49,365 --> 00:31:51,910 We already contacted their parents. They're on their way. 612 00:31:51,910 --> 00:31:54,662 Sully, did the woman with her daughter leave? 613 00:31:55,496 --> 00:31:57,165 - Yeah. - Ah. 614 00:32:01,336 --> 00:32:02,754 Hey, buddy. Come here. Hey. 615 00:32:03,254 --> 00:32:04,339 You wanna do me a favor? 616 00:32:04,339 --> 00:32:07,133 Can you give this to the chief for me? She's in there. 617 00:32:07,717 --> 00:32:08,760 Thank you. 618 00:32:13,222 --> 00:32:15,224 - Hi. Is this for me? - Yes. 619 00:32:15,224 --> 00:32:16,976 Well, thank you very much. 620 00:32:17,518 --> 00:32:19,729 ♪ There's nothing to say ♪ 621 00:32:22,690 --> 00:32:24,734 ♪ That hasn't been said ♪ 622 00:32:27,320 --> 00:32:28,321 All right. 623 00:32:29,822 --> 00:32:33,576 If you would please do me a favor, 624 00:32:34,369 --> 00:32:36,496 take this back for me. 625 00:32:39,040 --> 00:32:42,877 ♪ Show me around ♪ 626 00:32:42,877 --> 00:32:44,212 Let's see what we got. 627 00:32:45,129 --> 00:32:46,547 See what we got. 628 00:32:50,259 --> 00:32:52,345 Oh. 629 00:32:52,345 --> 00:32:55,014 Oh, wow. 630 00:33:08,987 --> 00:33:11,698 Hey. Uh, Gibson didn't take his helmet? 631 00:33:12,407 --> 00:33:14,826 I mean, if anyone needs a helmet, it's him, right? 632 00:33:17,328 --> 00:33:18,830 I hate it here. 633 00:33:29,632 --> 00:33:32,802 Hey, Ruiz, I need you and Warren to make a stop. 634 00:33:34,095 --> 00:33:36,431 When the ambulance gets here, they're gonna take you to the hospital. 635 00:33:36,431 --> 00:33:39,100 - They're gonna cauterize your nose. - Wait, wait. You can't do it here? 636 00:33:39,100 --> 00:33:40,601 What good are you? You can't do it here? 637 00:33:40,601 --> 00:33:44,105 - He needs a sterile environment, James. - What the hell does cauterize mean? 638 00:33:44,105 --> 00:33:45,189 It means burn, dummy. 639 00:33:45,189 --> 00:33:47,608 It means they'll burn the wound so it stops bleeding. 640 00:33:47,608 --> 00:33:50,278 - I'm fine. I don't need a hospital. - You do need a hospital. 641 00:33:50,278 --> 00:33:51,612 You do need a hospital. 642 00:33:52,363 --> 00:33:54,615 You know what? Get off your high horse, Sean. 643 00:33:54,615 --> 00:33:57,618 We used to give each other tattoos with a needle and a hot pen. 644 00:33:57,618 --> 00:33:59,162 - I see what you're doing. - Same thing. 645 00:33:59,162 --> 00:34:00,955 James, put that down. James! 646 00:34:00,955 --> 00:34:03,708 Nah, it'll be fine. Give it here. Just let him. Just let him. 647 00:34:03,708 --> 00:34:05,376 James! - Come on. Attaboy. 648 00:34:05,376 --> 00:34:06,836 Here we go. That's it. 649 00:34:06,836 --> 00:34:08,546 Get it right up in there. Stop, stop! No, no, no! 650 00:34:11,883 --> 00:34:13,134 Stop, stop, stop! 651 00:34:13,134 --> 00:34:16,262 Don't look, don't look, don't look, don't look, don't look, don't look. 652 00:34:16,262 --> 00:34:17,346 Don't look. 653 00:34:21,809 --> 00:34:24,145 If you're not gonna go to your dinner at the station, 654 00:34:24,145 --> 00:34:26,314 we can at least have dinner together. 655 00:34:26,314 --> 00:34:28,316 It's not that I didn't wanna go. It's just-- 656 00:34:28,316 --> 00:34:30,651 It's an obligation that nobody had time for, and I-- 657 00:34:30,651 --> 00:34:32,028 I'd rather not, you know, put-- 658 00:34:32,028 --> 00:34:34,447 Excuse us. Pardon me, pardon me. Pardon. Excuse us. 659 00:34:34,447 --> 00:34:37,617 Paramedic firefighters coming through! Here we go. 660 00:34:37,617 --> 00:34:40,536 Yeah, we got a call reporting a bummed-out firefighter. 661 00:34:40,536 --> 00:34:42,789 I'm sorry. Andy called me. 662 00:34:42,789 --> 00:34:44,665 Sir, I'm gonna need you to get on the gurney. 663 00:34:44,665 --> 00:34:45,875 I'm not getting on the gurney. 664 00:34:45,875 --> 00:34:49,420 - Look, don't make us sedate you, okay? - Or restrain you, because we will. 665 00:34:50,505 --> 00:34:53,883 Oh, okay. Yeah. All right. But I want sirens. 666 00:34:54,467 --> 00:34:56,427 I wanna-- And I wanna push the button. 667 00:34:56,427 --> 00:34:58,846 - Done deal. - Also, fake-- fake siren. 668 00:34:58,846 --> 00:34:59,931 Ooh. 669 00:34:59,931 --> 00:35:01,099 - Okay, watch yourself. - Yeah. 670 00:35:01,099 --> 00:35:02,683 He said he wanted sirens? I got you. 671 00:35:02,683 --> 00:35:04,727 Yeah. But, uh, I want the real ones. 672 00:35:04,727 --> 00:35:05,895 Are you okay? 673 00:35:07,563 --> 00:35:11,901 I thought I could still be part of my family, but I don't know. 674 00:35:12,527 --> 00:35:15,863 You know, sometimes giving up addictions means you gotta give up people too. 675 00:35:16,364 --> 00:35:18,116 Psychologists call it "ambiguous loss." 676 00:35:18,116 --> 00:35:21,744 It's that feeling of grief from relationships changing, you know. 677 00:35:21,744 --> 00:35:23,204 Thank you, Dr. Phil. 678 00:35:28,292 --> 00:35:29,794 Why don't you join Crisis One? 679 00:35:30,878 --> 00:35:32,130 I need a right hand. 680 00:35:33,464 --> 00:35:34,465 Okay. 681 00:35:34,465 --> 00:35:35,550 What? 682 00:35:36,551 --> 00:35:37,802 I see what you're doing. 683 00:35:38,803 --> 00:35:41,848 You're trying to make poor old Beckett feel like part of the team. 684 00:35:45,226 --> 00:35:46,227 Do it or don't. 685 00:35:56,863 --> 00:35:58,948 What a day! 686 00:35:58,948 --> 00:36:00,283 I know. I know. 687 00:36:01,284 --> 00:36:03,536 - She's sweet. Maybe a future nanny? - Very sweet, yeah. 688 00:36:03,536 --> 00:36:05,037 Yeah, exactly. 689 00:36:05,037 --> 00:36:07,165 - Dr. Carina DeLuca? - Yeah, that's me. 690 00:36:07,165 --> 00:36:08,749 You've been served. 691 00:36:09,458 --> 00:36:10,626 Damn. 692 00:36:14,922 --> 00:36:16,299 What is this? 693 00:36:18,759 --> 00:36:20,011 I think I'm being sued. 694 00:36:22,680 --> 00:36:25,683 I thi-- B-By-- By that woman that was here today with her kid. 695 00:36:25,683 --> 00:36:26,767 Can she do that? 696 00:36:27,435 --> 00:36:29,145 I was her OB five years ago, and-- 697 00:36:30,813 --> 00:36:32,982 I hate this. I ha-- I hate this. 698 00:36:32,982 --> 00:36:35,693 - How can-- She has no-- I have-- - Carina. Hey, Carina. 699 00:36:35,693 --> 00:36:37,361 - I've-- I've-- - Carina. It's okay. 700 00:36:37,361 --> 00:36:39,280 - It's gonna be okay. - What good is this gonna do? 701 00:36:39,280 --> 00:36:41,824 It's going to be okay. We're going to figure something out, okay? 702 00:36:41,824 --> 00:36:44,327 It's gonna be fine. Breathe, breathe. 703 00:36:44,327 --> 00:36:45,411 - Hey. - What if-- 704 00:36:45,411 --> 00:36:46,829 I don't-- It's okay. 705 00:36:51,125 --> 00:36:54,712 - Wha-- Okay, but now? - Now. 706 00:36:54,712 --> 00:36:56,422 - Now? Okay, now? - Now. 707 00:36:56,422 --> 00:36:58,507 Yes. No, I got it. I got it. 708 00:36:59,133 --> 00:37:00,259 I'm gonna get my coat. 709 00:37:00,259 --> 00:37:03,012 Nope, it's in the car. Let's go. Come on. Come on. 710 00:37:13,814 --> 00:37:14,815 Hi there. 711 00:37:15,816 --> 00:37:16,901 Can I help you? 712 00:37:16,901 --> 00:37:18,778 I'm looking for Ben Warren. 713 00:37:18,778 --> 00:37:21,906 Ben is not here right now, but, uh, is there anything I can help you with? 714 00:37:22,490 --> 00:37:25,243 Oh, no. Uh, never mind. I'll-- 715 00:37:25,243 --> 00:37:27,745 I think you're lucky we didn't strap you down to the gurney. 716 00:37:28,246 --> 00:37:30,790 Uh, Connie. Hey. 717 00:37:31,540 --> 00:37:32,541 No, it's, um-- 718 00:37:32,541 --> 00:37:34,502 - Hi. I-I got this. - Yeah? 719 00:37:36,045 --> 00:37:37,338 What can I do for you? 720 00:37:37,338 --> 00:37:41,008 Uh, after you left, he went crazy, 721 00:37:41,676 --> 00:37:45,304 started ranting about how he wanted our neighbor dead. 722 00:37:45,805 --> 00:37:46,806 Okay. 723 00:37:46,806 --> 00:37:48,599 I don't want him to go to prison. 724 00:37:49,892 --> 00:37:51,894 He's a good kid. 725 00:37:54,188 --> 00:37:55,439 I need you to take 'em. 726 00:37:57,525 --> 00:38:02,029 The guns. Just for a little while. Just get them out of the house. 727 00:38:02,029 --> 00:38:04,448 You're doing the right thing. Now, come here, let me, uh-- 728 00:38:04,448 --> 00:38:06,284 I'll show you how to get on the petition online. 729 00:38:07,451 --> 00:38:09,453 It's-- It's incredibly easy. 730 00:38:10,037 --> 00:38:11,289 What is this missing? 731 00:38:12,707 --> 00:38:14,000 Mmm. Salt. 732 00:38:14,000 --> 00:38:15,084 Salt. 733 00:38:15,084 --> 00:38:18,587 Um, you know, Beckett's grandmother told me you can cook a pot roast with beer. 734 00:38:18,587 --> 00:38:22,133 But I'm also pretty sure she cooks everything with beer. 735 00:38:22,133 --> 00:38:24,093 That checks out. Yes. 736 00:38:24,093 --> 00:38:25,928 Uh, how was the Dixon funeral? 737 00:38:26,637 --> 00:38:29,056 It was fine. You know, it was a funeral. 738 00:38:29,056 --> 00:38:33,227 Oh. It was really nice of you to go. You're a better man than all of us. 739 00:38:34,020 --> 00:38:35,187 And how was the wake? 740 00:38:35,187 --> 00:38:38,649 Mmm. Well, his cousin cauterized his own nose with a spoon. 741 00:38:39,150 --> 00:38:42,486 So it turns out Beckett is the sane one in his family. 742 00:38:42,987 --> 00:38:44,238 I don't know about that. 743 00:38:46,824 --> 00:38:47,908 You were great today. 744 00:38:49,452 --> 00:38:51,037 With the lockdown and the kids. 745 00:38:51,037 --> 00:38:52,371 Oh. Thanks. 746 00:38:52,371 --> 00:38:54,957 So that's why you're running the clinic now. 747 00:38:54,957 --> 00:38:58,252 Well, respectfully, the clinic will keep me from firefighting-- 748 00:38:58,252 --> 00:39:02,173 I'm not asking. I'm telling. Military 101, right? 749 00:39:02,840 --> 00:39:03,841 Yes, Captain. 750 00:39:06,761 --> 00:39:07,803 That smells good. 751 00:39:07,803 --> 00:39:08,888 Hey! Gibson! 752 00:39:08,888 --> 00:39:10,681 You made it. 753 00:39:10,681 --> 00:39:11,766 Hey, buddy. - Hi. 754 00:39:11,766 --> 00:39:12,933 - Hey. - Let me take that. 755 00:39:12,933 --> 00:39:14,018 Look who's here! 756 00:39:14,018 --> 00:39:15,061 What's up? 757 00:39:15,061 --> 00:39:18,773 Yeah, I'm sorry. My memory's a little, uh-- Who are you people? 758 00:39:19,857 --> 00:39:23,319 See? Funny. You know, we can joke about his-- I can't. 759 00:39:24,111 --> 00:39:25,112 Oh, my God. 760 00:39:25,112 --> 00:39:26,614 Let's get dinner on the table. 761 00:39:27,198 --> 00:39:28,199 Okay. 762 00:39:30,326 --> 00:39:32,411 How did you know I was gonna skip dinner? 763 00:39:32,411 --> 00:39:34,080 Mmm. 'Cause I know you, Gibson. 764 00:39:37,124 --> 00:39:39,543 Come on. Let's sit down. I'm hungry. 765 00:39:39,543 --> 00:39:42,004 Here. 766 00:39:43,047 --> 00:39:44,965 Sit here. The head of the table. 767 00:39:46,759 --> 00:39:50,096 ♪ Silent warnings ♪ 768 00:39:50,096 --> 00:39:53,682 ♪ You make me cold ♪ 769 00:39:55,393 --> 00:39:59,563 ♪ Walking home, no light on ♪ 770 00:40:00,189 --> 00:40:03,692 ♪ I watched you falling ♪ 771 00:40:03,692 --> 00:40:07,405 ♪ I let you go ♪ 772 00:40:09,365 --> 00:40:14,120 ♪ Step by step you went alone ♪ 773 00:40:15,871 --> 00:40:20,918 ♪ So call me when you find your way home ♪ 774 00:40:20,918 --> 00:40:23,254 ♪ I need to know ♪ 775 00:40:30,886 --> 00:40:35,599 ♪ So call me when you find your way home ♪ 776 00:40:35,599 --> 00:40:38,519 ♪ I need to know ♪ 777 00:40:46,527 --> 00:40:50,573 ♪ I watched you talking ♪ 778 00:40:50,573 --> 00:40:53,826 ♪ I saw the sun ♪ 779 00:40:55,411 --> 00:41:00,082 ♪ There were words over my head ♪ 780 00:41:02,209 --> 00:41:06,130 ♪ 'Cause you were preaching To the innocent ♪ 781 00:41:06,130 --> 00:41:10,342 ♪ But I'm older now ♪ 782 00:41:10,342 --> 00:41:16,432 ♪ And I don't wanna see Your color fade out ♪ 783 00:41:18,851 --> 00:41:23,105 ♪ So call me when you find your way home ♪ 784 00:41:23,105 --> 00:41:25,858 ♪ I need to know ♪ 785 00:41:33,532 --> 00:41:37,578 ♪ 'Cause I've been waiting for you ♪ 786 00:41:41,457 --> 00:41:46,879 ♪ 'Cause I've been waiting for you ♪ 787 00:41:49,048 --> 00:41:54,053 ♪ 'Cause I've been waiting for you ♪ 788 00:41:57,306 --> 00:42:02,353 ♪ 'Cause I've been waiting for you ♪ 789 00:42:05,773 --> 00:42:10,069 ♪ So call me when you find your way home ♪ 790 00:42:11,153 --> 00:42:12,696 ♪ I need to know ♪