1 00:00:10,261 --> 00:00:12,263 [birds singing] 2 00:00:43,878 --> 00:00:45,588 [chuckles softly] 3 00:00:47,214 --> 00:00:49,216 ♪ ♪ 4 00:01:11,071 --> 00:01:13,032 ♪ ♪ 5 00:01:20,623 --> 00:01:22,958 - [indistinct chatter] - [laughter] 6 00:01:23,042 --> 00:01:25,377 [Molly] "When, in the course of human events, 7 00:01:25,461 --> 00:01:28,964 it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve 8 00:01:29,048 --> 00:01:32,760 the political bonds which have connected them with another 9 00:01:32,843 --> 00:01:35,137 and to assume among the powers of the earth 10 00:01:35,221 --> 00:01:38,849 the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature 11 00:01:38,933 --> 00:01:41,644 and of Nature's God entitle them. 12 00:01:41,727 --> 00:01:44,355 We hold these truths to be self-evident, 13 00:01:44,438 --> 00:01:46,607 that all men are created equal, 14 00:01:46,690 --> 00:01:48,984 that they are endowed by their Creator 15 00:01:49,068 --> 00:01:53,239 with certain unalienable rights, that among these are Life, 16 00:01:53,322 --> 00:01:56,575 Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness. 17 00:01:56,659 --> 00:01:58,369 That to secure these rights, 18 00:01:58,452 --> 00:02:00,579 Governments are instituted among men, 19 00:02:00,663 --> 00:02:03,999 deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. 20 00:02:04,083 --> 00:02:06,335 - [laughter] - That whenever any Form of Government 21 00:02:06,418 --> 00:02:08,170 becomes destructive of these ends, 22 00:02:08,254 --> 00:02:11,799 it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it 23 00:02:11,882 --> 00:02:13,509 and to institute new Government, 24 00:02:13,592 --> 00:02:16,178 laying its foundation on such principles 25 00:02:16,262 --> 00:02:18,931 and organizing its power in such form 26 00:02:19,014 --> 00:02:21,016 as to them shall seem most likely 27 00:02:21,100 --> 00:02:24,186 to effect their Safety and Happiness. 28 00:02:24,270 --> 00:02:27,857 But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, 29 00:02:27,898 --> 00:02:31,777 pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design 30 00:02:31,861 --> 00:02:34,280 to reduce them under absolute Despotism, 31 00:02:34,363 --> 00:02:35,948 it is their right, 32 00:02:36,031 --> 00:02:38,826 it is their duty, to throw off such Government, 33 00:02:38,909 --> 00:02:42,162 and to provide new Guards for their future security." 34 00:02:43,247 --> 00:02:44,206 Thank you. 35 00:02:51,255 --> 00:02:54,091 I am overwhelmed. 36 00:02:55,509 --> 00:02:57,011 Uh... 37 00:02:57,094 --> 00:03:02,016 I'd like to thank Molly for that heartfelt recital. 38 00:03:02,099 --> 00:03:03,517 [man] Thank you, Molly. 39 00:03:03,601 --> 00:03:05,477 [John] Out of the mouths of babes. 40 00:03:07,271 --> 00:03:08,731 Brothers and sisters, I... 41 00:03:08,814 --> 00:03:11,942 I do believe we are looking at the future. 42 00:03:17,573 --> 00:03:19,408 Thank you, young lady. 43 00:03:23,078 --> 00:03:25,080 ♪ ♪ 44 00:03:27,499 --> 00:03:28,751 [door opens] 45 00:03:37,468 --> 00:03:40,137 - Miss Cora. - Georgina. 46 00:03:41,180 --> 00:03:43,098 You sure taught these pickaninnies 47 00:03:43,182 --> 00:03:44,850 how to give a proper talk. 48 00:03:46,185 --> 00:03:49,772 There are no pickaninnies here, Cora, just children. 49 00:03:51,106 --> 00:03:53,442 Oh, I'm sorry, I-I didn't... 50 00:03:53,525 --> 00:03:56,862 It-it's all right, Cora. 51 00:03:56,946 --> 00:04:00,449 See, oftentimes when folks' minds finally get freed, 52 00:04:00,532 --> 00:04:03,994 they have to unlearn as much as they learn, you understand? 53 00:04:04,078 --> 00:04:05,454 I do, yeah. 54 00:04:07,706 --> 00:04:09,208 Mmm! 55 00:04:09,291 --> 00:04:13,045 My, my, my, that barbecue is making my whole mouth water. 56 00:04:13,128 --> 00:04:14,505 Ooh. 57 00:04:14,588 --> 00:04:17,508 But can I ask you something about the children? 58 00:04:17,591 --> 00:04:18,759 Of course, Cora. 59 00:04:20,135 --> 00:04:22,554 They speak so well, but... 60 00:04:23,722 --> 00:04:26,558 ...do they know what's in those big words? 61 00:04:31,271 --> 00:04:32,272 No. 62 00:04:33,983 --> 00:04:37,653 What they don't understand today, they may tomorrow. 63 00:04:38,821 --> 00:04:40,280 Take the Declaration of Independence 64 00:04:40,364 --> 00:04:43,075 that little Molly was reciting. 65 00:04:43,158 --> 00:04:45,202 It's like a map. 66 00:04:45,285 --> 00:04:47,162 You trust that it's right, but you only know 67 00:04:47,287 --> 00:04:49,415 when you go and test for yourself. 68 00:04:53,210 --> 00:04:54,461 You really believe that? 69 00:04:58,048 --> 00:04:59,717 Of course not, Cora. 70 00:04:59,800 --> 00:05:02,011 I'm a colored woman living in America. 71 00:05:02,094 --> 00:05:03,846 But... 72 00:05:03,929 --> 00:05:07,850 everybody's got to go out and test it for they selves. 73 00:05:07,933 --> 00:05:09,476 Understand? 74 00:05:09,560 --> 00:05:11,770 [dog barks in distance] 75 00:05:11,854 --> 00:05:14,398 - [indistinct chatter] - [horse neighs] 76 00:05:15,441 --> 00:05:17,985 Now, let's go see about that barbecue. 77 00:05:19,028 --> 00:05:21,030 ♪ ♪ 78 00:05:22,031 --> 00:05:23,532 Mmm! 79 00:05:27,036 --> 00:05:28,620 [lively chatter] 80 00:05:28,704 --> 00:05:30,039 [laughter] 81 00:05:32,416 --> 00:05:34,418 [glass clinking] 82 00:05:37,171 --> 00:05:38,714 [Gloria] How's everybody doing? 83 00:05:38,797 --> 00:05:41,341 - [others] Good. - [Gloria] Good, good, good. 84 00:05:41,425 --> 00:05:44,053 Certainly hope y'all had a pleasant day. 85 00:05:44,136 --> 00:05:47,139 Normally, my husband would speechify here, 86 00:05:47,222 --> 00:05:49,850 but he is feeling too grand for words this afternoon. 87 00:05:49,933 --> 00:05:51,060 [scattered laughter] 88 00:05:51,143 --> 00:05:52,853 Y'all just have to make due with me. 89 00:05:52,936 --> 00:05:55,147 And I'll certainly do the best that I can. 90 00:05:56,440 --> 00:05:57,483 So... 91 00:05:58,984 --> 00:06:01,653 I was down at the cellar all day, 92 00:06:01,737 --> 00:06:06,658 and then I come up to see what a gift God gave us. 93 00:06:08,035 --> 00:06:09,912 This beautiful sky. [chuckles] 94 00:06:11,121 --> 00:06:12,664 Them hogs. 95 00:06:13,957 --> 00:06:16,085 And this glorious plot of land. 96 00:06:17,628 --> 00:06:20,881 I would like to take a moment to thank and praise my husband 97 00:06:20,964 --> 00:06:23,675 for negotiating the deed on this here land. 98 00:06:23,759 --> 00:06:27,513 Lord knows when we first showed up they had no idea 99 00:06:27,596 --> 00:06:30,808 of the colored love and joy coursing through his veins. 100 00:06:30,891 --> 00:06:32,559 [chuckles] 101 00:06:32,643 --> 00:06:35,687 And so when I'm out in these fields, 102 00:06:35,771 --> 00:06:37,898 when I hear the little ones over by the pond 103 00:06:37,981 --> 00:06:41,485 just flapping and a-flailing without a care in the world, 104 00:06:41,568 --> 00:06:42,736 when I... 105 00:06:44,822 --> 00:06:47,950 ...when I find new voices here among us, 106 00:06:48,033 --> 00:06:51,370 traveled from faraway places but holding the same power, 107 00:06:51,453 --> 00:06:54,790 same strength of our people within their bones, 108 00:06:54,873 --> 00:06:56,375 well... 109 00:06:56,458 --> 00:06:59,545 it reminds me to have a little peace of mind. 110 00:07:00,587 --> 00:07:04,758 That no matter what we decide going forward, this farm... 111 00:07:06,176 --> 00:07:09,221 ...this community is in good standing. 112 00:07:11,181 --> 00:07:13,100 [scattered cheers] 113 00:07:14,601 --> 00:07:16,937 Now, I-I promise 114 00:07:17,020 --> 00:07:18,856 we'll stop all this yapping 115 00:07:18,939 --> 00:07:21,859 and get to these fine eatings in short order. 116 00:07:21,942 --> 00:07:23,694 Sure smells good, don't it? 117 00:07:23,777 --> 00:07:25,445 - [laughs] - [woman] Yes! 118 00:07:25,529 --> 00:07:28,490 But, first, please, let us... 119 00:07:28,574 --> 00:07:32,703 raise and join hands. 120 00:07:32,786 --> 00:07:34,830 [quiet chatter] 121 00:07:39,877 --> 00:07:41,670 Be present at our table, Lord. 122 00:07:41,753 --> 00:07:44,339 [all] Be present at our table, Lord. 123 00:07:44,423 --> 00:07:46,967 Be here and everywhere adored. 124 00:07:47,050 --> 00:07:50,095 [all] Be here and everywhere adored. 125 00:07:50,179 --> 00:07:54,933 These mercies bless and grant that we... 126 00:07:55,017 --> 00:07:59,021 [all] These mercies bless and grant that we... 127 00:07:59,104 --> 00:08:03,358 May feast in fellowship with Thee. 128 00:08:03,442 --> 00:08:06,069 [all] May feast in fellowship with Thee. 129 00:08:06,153 --> 00:08:10,240 - Amen. - [all] Amen. 130 00:08:11,742 --> 00:08:13,994 - [quiet chatter] - [laughter] 131 00:08:20,542 --> 00:08:22,586 [indistinct chatter] 132 00:08:34,598 --> 00:08:37,351 [Mingo] No doubt, you have a heart of gold, brother. 133 00:08:37,434 --> 00:08:39,728 But I fear you've brought too much trouble 134 00:08:39,811 --> 00:08:41,605 down on our home this time. 135 00:08:43,607 --> 00:08:44,900 Is that right? 136 00:08:46,443 --> 00:08:49,529 My dear wife heard your latest stray is a wanted woman. 137 00:08:49,613 --> 00:08:51,031 Ah. [laughs] 138 00:08:51,114 --> 00:08:53,825 Well, most folks round here wanted for one thing or another. 139 00:08:53,909 --> 00:08:54,993 Not me, brother. 140 00:08:56,328 --> 00:08:57,412 Not me. 141 00:09:00,582 --> 00:09:02,292 Be that as it may... 142 00:09:03,669 --> 00:09:05,796 ...Cora belongs here. 143 00:09:05,879 --> 00:09:07,256 Same as any of us. 144 00:09:07,339 --> 00:09:09,424 And it's for her to tell her story 145 00:09:09,508 --> 00:09:12,469 of whatever she's running from, or whatever she's running to, 146 00:09:12,552 --> 00:09:13,762 whenever she chooses. 147 00:09:13,845 --> 00:09:15,764 Please don't use her to push your grievances 148 00:09:15,847 --> 00:09:18,350 - against the Railroad. - I'm not against the Railroad. 149 00:09:20,185 --> 00:09:22,938 I am not against the Railroad. 150 00:09:24,773 --> 00:09:27,526 Now, I bear no ill will toward that poor girl, 151 00:09:27,609 --> 00:09:30,237 but you are naive to think white folk are gonna let us 152 00:09:30,320 --> 00:09:32,447 keep a place like this if we continue to taunt them 153 00:09:32,531 --> 00:09:33,949 - with our arrogance. - Arrogance? 154 00:09:37,327 --> 00:09:39,746 Since when is living and breathing 155 00:09:39,830 --> 00:09:43,583 and tilling the land, what is rightfully yours, arrogance? 156 00:09:49,881 --> 00:09:51,091 I do... 157 00:09:53,176 --> 00:09:56,471 ...appreciate your thoughts, Brother Mingo. 158 00:09:58,473 --> 00:10:01,435 And I will be sure to bear them in mind as I... 159 00:10:01,518 --> 00:10:03,186 tend to my affairs. 160 00:10:09,443 --> 00:10:11,737 [glass clinking] 161 00:10:11,820 --> 00:10:15,866 [John] While you all digest this fine meal, 162 00:10:15,949 --> 00:10:20,203 we have a honored guest on the farm among us today. 163 00:10:20,287 --> 00:10:22,581 Now, some of you who've been with us a while 164 00:10:22,664 --> 00:10:26,251 will certainly recognize his handsome face. 165 00:10:26,335 --> 00:10:30,088 I know of a few who find it pleasing to the eye, mm-hmm. 166 00:10:31,173 --> 00:10:34,259 A most distinguished young man of the arts, 167 00:10:34,343 --> 00:10:38,180 here to read from his upcoming collection of poems, 168 00:10:38,263 --> 00:10:40,349 our brother, 169 00:10:40,432 --> 00:10:41,725 Rumsey Brooks. 170 00:10:41,808 --> 00:10:44,811 [scattered cheers] 171 00:10:51,777 --> 00:10:55,322 May I ask, is the spirit of our people 172 00:10:55,405 --> 00:10:58,325 here with us on Valentine Farm today? 173 00:10:58,408 --> 00:11:00,410 [murmuring] 174 00:11:09,628 --> 00:11:14,383 'Ere I saw a dappled wonder 175 00:11:14,466 --> 00:11:17,552 Settling 'cross the fields 176 00:11:17,636 --> 00:11:20,597 Hovering on angel wings 177 00:11:20,680 --> 00:11:24,559 Brandishing a blazing shield 178 00:11:24,643 --> 00:11:28,939 Of tears and blood and flesh and bone and skin 179 00:11:30,023 --> 00:11:31,608 Of all the voices... 180 00:11:33,235 --> 00:11:35,278 ...come and gone 181 00:11:35,362 --> 00:11:37,739 The beauteous souls of kin 182 00:11:39,241 --> 00:11:43,829 From the heavens returned an angel fallen 183 00:11:43,912 --> 00:11:46,540 A soldier of legacy's deeding 184 00:11:47,749 --> 00:11:51,711 To stoke that Apollonian ember... 185 00:11:52,754 --> 00:11:55,966 ...in all mortal beings 186 00:11:57,175 --> 00:11:59,177 [applause] 187 00:12:01,847 --> 00:12:04,141 [John] Brother Rumsey. 188 00:12:04,224 --> 00:12:05,934 [others] Brother Rumsey. 189 00:12:17,612 --> 00:12:19,739 Moment that poem started... 190 00:12:21,992 --> 00:12:23,827 ...I knew you'd be running off. 191 00:12:25,537 --> 00:12:27,456 [Cora] Hasn't been but a month, 192 00:12:27,539 --> 00:12:30,500 and you already know my ways and means, Mr. Royal? 193 00:12:30,584 --> 00:12:32,419 No, ma'am. 194 00:12:33,962 --> 00:12:35,005 Just... 195 00:12:36,590 --> 00:12:38,049 ...observing. 196 00:12:43,555 --> 00:12:45,849 - [laughter in distance] - [indistinct chatter] 197 00:12:46,933 --> 00:12:48,477 [dog barking] 198 00:12:52,481 --> 00:12:54,232 Oh, you better pray Red don't catch you. 199 00:12:56,193 --> 00:12:58,570 - [dog barks] - There you go. 200 00:13:00,572 --> 00:13:02,491 You real pretty like that. 201 00:13:03,825 --> 00:13:05,368 When you smile, you know? 202 00:13:07,037 --> 00:13:08,413 I mean, you pretty anyway, 203 00:13:08,497 --> 00:13:10,665 but boy, when you smile like that... 204 00:13:13,001 --> 00:13:15,295 What'd old Rumsey say? 205 00:13:15,378 --> 00:13:18,673 "To stoke the Apollonian ember 206 00:13:18,757 --> 00:13:20,759 that burns in all mortal beings." 207 00:13:21,760 --> 00:13:24,763 - You hush, now. - I'll do no such a thing. 208 00:13:26,806 --> 00:13:28,850 ♪ ♪ 209 00:13:33,146 --> 00:13:35,148 [rhythmic clapping] 210 00:13:37,484 --> 00:13:38,902 [laughter] 211 00:13:40,487 --> 00:13:41,905 [woman] Watch my feet. 212 00:13:44,241 --> 00:13:46,201 [lively chatter] 213 00:13:53,583 --> 00:13:55,585 [woman] What you gonna tell me? 214 00:13:56,753 --> 00:13:58,755 [lively chatter continues] 215 00:14:13,687 --> 00:14:15,605 ♪ ♪ 216 00:14:34,749 --> 00:14:37,919 You speak some mighty fine words, Mr. Brooks. 217 00:14:39,504 --> 00:14:41,506 If I gave you my sorrows, 218 00:14:41,590 --> 00:14:44,092 would you make them sound pretty? 219 00:14:44,175 --> 00:14:45,677 [chuckles] 220 00:14:48,597 --> 00:14:51,600 I certainly would try, yes. 221 00:14:53,602 --> 00:14:54,603 Yeah. 222 00:14:59,357 --> 00:15:00,984 I bet you would. 223 00:15:05,655 --> 00:15:06,656 Okay. 224 00:15:08,033 --> 00:15:09,034 Okay, then. 225 00:15:10,368 --> 00:15:12,495 - Okay, what? - [chuckles] 226 00:15:14,914 --> 00:15:15,915 Please... 227 00:15:18,752 --> 00:15:20,462 ...give me your sorrows. 228 00:15:25,216 --> 00:15:27,218 ♪ ♪ 229 00:15:39,022 --> 00:15:41,024 ♪ ♪ 230 00:15:45,820 --> 00:15:48,865 Royal, feel like there's something burning underfoot. 231 00:15:51,368 --> 00:15:53,203 Valentine's toying with... 232 00:15:53,286 --> 00:15:55,997 pulling up stakes and moving everyone out West. 233 00:15:57,749 --> 00:16:00,001 There's been talk that we should... 234 00:16:00,085 --> 00:16:01,961 - [clapping in distance] - get farther away from white folks, 235 00:16:02,045 --> 00:16:04,756 put some distance between us and the slave states. 236 00:16:05,965 --> 00:16:08,301 Makes sense to me. 237 00:16:08,385 --> 00:16:11,179 Mingo disagrees. Mingo... 238 00:16:11,262 --> 00:16:13,640 has different plans for Valentine. 239 00:16:14,933 --> 00:16:17,977 He wants to cut a group of white businessmen 240 00:16:18,061 --> 00:16:20,522 from the town in on our wine, but... 241 00:16:21,856 --> 00:16:25,902 ...we'd have to offer them some concessions. 242 00:16:27,570 --> 00:16:29,197 What's that? 243 00:16:31,866 --> 00:16:34,035 There's been a couple dustups 244 00:16:34,119 --> 00:16:36,663 about runaways showing up in they town. 245 00:16:36,746 --> 00:16:40,875 Mingo claims they need reassurances 246 00:16:40,959 --> 00:16:43,044 there won't be no more trouble of the like. 247 00:16:44,754 --> 00:16:47,632 That's why he look at me like a maggot on meat. 248 00:16:49,259 --> 00:16:51,886 And he don't even know the whole truth. 249 00:16:51,970 --> 00:16:54,597 Mingo don't speak for everybody. 250 00:16:56,224 --> 00:16:58,101 So, when they gonna decide? 251 00:16:59,561 --> 00:17:01,396 Not sure, but... 252 00:17:01,479 --> 00:17:03,273 soon. 253 00:17:04,941 --> 00:17:06,443 Does everybody get a vote? 254 00:17:07,694 --> 00:17:08,987 Yes, ma'am. 255 00:17:10,864 --> 00:17:12,073 Even you. 256 00:17:23,293 --> 00:17:24,961 Why you looking at me like that? 257 00:17:26,171 --> 00:17:29,007 - Like what? - You gaze upon me most strangely, Miss Cora. 258 00:17:32,844 --> 00:17:35,764 You real pretty like that, you know, when you smile. 259 00:17:35,847 --> 00:17:38,016 [laughing] Oh... 260 00:17:38,099 --> 00:17:39,559 I mean, you pretty anyway, 261 00:17:39,642 --> 00:17:42,395 but boy, when you smile like that... 262 00:17:43,772 --> 00:17:45,857 [laughing] Oh... 263 00:17:45,940 --> 00:17:48,526 - Miss Cora. - Hmm? 264 00:17:50,236 --> 00:17:53,698 - You liable to make a man think you liking him. - [chuckles] 265 00:17:56,701 --> 00:17:58,661 ♪ ♪ 266 00:17:59,913 --> 00:18:01,664 [horse snorts] 267 00:18:03,541 --> 00:18:06,544 [Samson speaking indistinctly] 268 00:18:09,506 --> 00:18:10,840 [Samson] Know what that means? 269 00:18:10,924 --> 00:18:12,967 [Sybil] No, but I'm sure you gonna tell me. 270 00:18:13,051 --> 00:18:14,135 [Samson] Mm-hmm. 271 00:18:16,262 --> 00:18:17,889 Howdy, Miss Sybil. 272 00:18:19,599 --> 00:18:21,559 Mm. Samson. 273 00:18:21,643 --> 00:18:22,977 Royal. 274 00:18:24,562 --> 00:18:27,232 - Hey, now. [chuckles] - [Samson laughs] 275 00:18:29,651 --> 00:18:32,320 Well, I best be getting on. 276 00:18:32,403 --> 00:18:34,364 I don't want to keep you ladies. 277 00:18:40,829 --> 00:18:43,039 It was a pleasure talking with you, Miss Cora. 278 00:18:44,249 --> 00:18:47,252 All mine, Royal. All mine. 279 00:19:11,484 --> 00:19:13,403 [laughing] 280 00:19:18,783 --> 00:19:20,618 [rooster crowing] 281 00:19:40,930 --> 00:19:42,932 ♪ ♪ 282 00:19:45,727 --> 00:19:47,729 [bottles rattling] 283 00:19:54,861 --> 00:19:56,905 ♪ ♪ 284 00:20:15,256 --> 00:20:18,134 - [door opens] - [door closes] 285 00:20:20,929 --> 00:20:24,057 Well, hello there, Mr. Valentine. 286 00:20:25,099 --> 00:20:26,434 Judge. 287 00:20:34,817 --> 00:20:36,778 [quiet chatter] 288 00:20:48,331 --> 00:20:50,708 Didn't think they'd get you from under them cows. 289 00:20:50,792 --> 00:20:52,502 You hush, now. 290 00:21:00,927 --> 00:21:03,012 [dog barking] 291 00:21:06,099 --> 00:21:08,101 ♪ ♪ 292 00:21:08,184 --> 00:21:09,852 [gasps] 293 00:21:13,648 --> 00:21:15,650 [panting] 294 00:21:15,733 --> 00:21:17,110 [dogs barking] 295 00:21:18,861 --> 00:21:20,154 - [Cora yells] - [whip cracks] 296 00:21:21,781 --> 00:21:22,907 Cora. 297 00:21:26,285 --> 00:21:27,286 Cora. 298 00:21:29,122 --> 00:21:31,124 - [panting] - Cora, they not looking for you. 299 00:21:32,125 --> 00:21:33,793 Cora, please, I swear they're not looking for you. 300 00:21:33,876 --> 00:21:37,130 - She pointed at me. - She pointed at us. 301 00:21:37,213 --> 00:21:39,257 She pointed at the vines. 302 00:21:39,340 --> 00:21:41,467 Only folks what stoke suspicion here 303 00:21:41,551 --> 00:21:43,594 is the folks what's hiding. 304 00:21:43,678 --> 00:21:47,306 Now, in Indiana, we got rules, we got law and order, 305 00:21:47,390 --> 00:21:50,560 and can't no slave catcher set foot on a person's property 306 00:21:50,643 --> 00:21:52,937 without the local judge giving a warrant. 307 00:21:54,230 --> 00:21:55,857 And that judge... 308 00:21:58,276 --> 00:21:59,777 ...he like his drink. 309 00:22:01,362 --> 00:22:04,657 So we make sure that that man don't have to look for, 310 00:22:04,741 --> 00:22:06,868 nor worry about nary one drop 311 00:22:06,951 --> 00:22:09,662 of that pretty red Valentine wine for more time than it takes 312 00:22:09,746 --> 00:22:12,248 to reach for the bottle, and in return-- 313 00:22:12,331 --> 00:22:15,251 before any slave catcher sets foot on this here property-- 314 00:22:15,334 --> 00:22:18,921 we make sure whoever they is looking for is long gone. 315 00:22:19,005 --> 00:22:20,548 [grunting quietly] 316 00:22:20,631 --> 00:22:22,216 You're safe here, Cora. 317 00:22:26,596 --> 00:22:28,723 Cora, you're safe. 318 00:22:33,519 --> 00:22:35,521 [indistinct chatter] 319 00:22:46,741 --> 00:22:48,117 [horses neighing in distance] 320 00:22:49,368 --> 00:22:50,787 - [knocking] - [door opens] 321 00:22:52,705 --> 00:22:54,624 [Royal] Mind if I join you? 322 00:22:54,707 --> 00:22:55,917 [door closes] 323 00:23:06,552 --> 00:23:08,096 [chair creaks] 324 00:23:16,646 --> 00:23:18,064 May I? 325 00:23:42,797 --> 00:23:44,173 You done all this? 326 00:23:46,592 --> 00:23:49,220 You came all this way on the Railroad? 327 00:23:53,599 --> 00:23:54,600 Yeah. 328 00:23:56,144 --> 00:23:58,312 And left behind all those peoples. 329 00:24:11,492 --> 00:24:12,577 Cora. 330 00:24:17,748 --> 00:24:18,833 Cora. 331 00:24:25,047 --> 00:24:28,092 I-I know tomorrow is a day for working, but, um... 332 00:24:29,760 --> 00:24:32,180 ...considering the day you had... 333 00:24:34,640 --> 00:24:38,186 I was thinking maybe we could do something different. 334 00:24:40,188 --> 00:24:41,689 Just you and me. 335 00:24:44,901 --> 00:24:47,320 Now, there's a lot around here what I know you ain't seen. 336 00:24:47,403 --> 00:24:48,821 Would love to... 337 00:24:51,157 --> 00:24:53,159 ...take you around for a bit. 338 00:24:54,911 --> 00:24:56,287 Clear your head. 339 00:25:00,249 --> 00:25:01,250 Yeah. 340 00:25:04,754 --> 00:25:05,922 All right, then. 341 00:25:17,141 --> 00:25:19,143 ♪ ♪ 342 00:25:23,606 --> 00:25:24,982 [door opens] 343 00:25:27,109 --> 00:25:28,611 [door closes] 344 00:25:30,988 --> 00:25:33,324 - [leaves rustling] - [horse snorts] 345 00:25:34,784 --> 00:25:36,786 ♪ ♪ 346 00:25:50,633 --> 00:25:52,635 [insects trilling] 347 00:25:58,349 --> 00:25:59,684 [horse nickers] 348 00:26:01,477 --> 00:26:03,145 [Royal] Don't worry. 349 00:26:05,022 --> 00:26:07,817 Ain't planning on shooting nobody no time soon. 350 00:26:09,860 --> 00:26:10,987 [Cora] Just... 351 00:26:12,154 --> 00:26:14,073 ...don't think I ever seen so many Black folk 352 00:26:14,156 --> 00:26:15,825 with guns before. 353 00:26:17,535 --> 00:26:18,953 Not until I got here. 354 00:26:19,954 --> 00:26:23,291 [Royal] Well, it's in the Constitution. 355 00:26:24,959 --> 00:26:27,169 Got it right up there in the library. 356 00:26:29,463 --> 00:26:30,798 Here. 357 00:26:32,174 --> 00:26:33,801 [horse snorts] 358 00:26:41,267 --> 00:26:43,144 Take a hold of it. 359 00:26:53,279 --> 00:26:55,281 ♪ ♪ 360 00:27:07,793 --> 00:27:09,587 [horses neigh] 361 00:27:10,588 --> 00:27:11,714 Now... 362 00:27:13,049 --> 00:27:15,468 See here, you the master over it. 363 00:27:16,510 --> 00:27:17,887 Not the other way around. 364 00:27:19,722 --> 00:27:22,767 You make it do as you do. 365 00:27:43,454 --> 00:27:44,497 It's hard. 366 00:27:44,580 --> 00:27:46,707 Eh, just takes some getting used to. 367 00:27:48,542 --> 00:27:50,419 Now, see, the trick is... 368 00:27:52,254 --> 00:27:54,590 ...to think of something what you trying to hit. 369 00:27:57,134 --> 00:28:00,554 Or someone, if need be. 370 00:28:05,309 --> 00:28:07,186 [birds singing] 371 00:28:12,775 --> 00:28:14,026 Mm-hmm. 372 00:28:16,320 --> 00:28:17,488 What's their name? 373 00:28:26,080 --> 00:28:28,124 [shaky breaths] 374 00:28:38,300 --> 00:28:39,760 [birds cawing] 375 00:28:47,726 --> 00:28:50,020 [Royal] There's a sadness in you. 376 00:28:50,104 --> 00:28:51,605 [horse snorts] 377 00:28:54,442 --> 00:28:56,652 I wish I knew the root of it. 378 00:28:58,237 --> 00:29:00,156 Wish I could help you with it. 379 00:29:06,996 --> 00:29:09,707 You born free, ain't you? 380 00:29:30,811 --> 00:29:32,688 When you a runaway... 381 00:29:35,065 --> 00:29:36,859 ...lot of things get left behind. 382 00:29:40,237 --> 00:29:42,156 Hard not to think about 'em. 383 00:29:43,532 --> 00:29:45,743 It's like a piece of you what's missing. 384 00:29:55,044 --> 00:29:56,170 It's heavy. 385 00:29:58,547 --> 00:30:00,007 Like dead weight. 386 00:30:05,679 --> 00:30:07,389 That may be true... 387 00:30:12,061 --> 00:30:14,271 But, Cora, you carry more of the past with you 388 00:30:14,355 --> 00:30:16,148 than anybody I ever seen. 389 00:30:17,733 --> 00:30:19,777 The weight you talk of... 390 00:30:23,197 --> 00:30:25,658 I don't know how anybody could ever just... 391 00:30:27,368 --> 00:30:29,828 ...be carrying that kind of weight on they spirit. 392 00:30:37,253 --> 00:30:39,004 I want to show you something. 393 00:30:41,507 --> 00:30:43,384 - [leaves rustling] - [birds singing] 394 00:30:53,811 --> 00:30:55,646 [echoing birdcalls] 395 00:31:01,235 --> 00:31:03,237 [wind whistling] 396 00:31:11,620 --> 00:31:13,622 [birdcalls continue] 397 00:31:19,420 --> 00:31:21,422 ♪ ♪ 398 00:31:33,892 --> 00:31:35,644 [soft thud] 399 00:31:37,396 --> 00:31:39,898 Make manure smell sweet. 400 00:31:39,982 --> 00:31:43,736 You work on a farm long enough, manure do smell sweet. 401 00:31:57,833 --> 00:31:59,418 [hollow thuds] 402 00:32:14,600 --> 00:32:16,060 What you digging at? 403 00:32:16,143 --> 00:32:17,519 Just you wait. 404 00:32:23,275 --> 00:32:25,069 - [shoveling stops] - [loud clatter] 405 00:32:27,404 --> 00:32:29,073 [loud crash] 406 00:32:29,156 --> 00:32:30,699 [door creaks] 407 00:32:32,493 --> 00:32:33,535 [loud thud] 408 00:32:37,915 --> 00:32:39,166 [Royal dusts off hands] 409 00:32:43,962 --> 00:32:46,173 [wind whistling] 410 00:32:48,175 --> 00:32:49,718 [metal clinking] 411 00:32:57,184 --> 00:32:58,686 [metal lid clinks] 412 00:33:01,188 --> 00:33:03,190 ♪ ♪ 413 00:33:22,418 --> 00:33:23,335 [echoes] Yeah. 414 00:33:24,753 --> 00:33:27,172 Ain't nothing in this world Black folk can't do. 415 00:33:33,095 --> 00:33:35,055 [flame whooshes] 416 00:33:36,432 --> 00:33:38,600 [torch thuds] 417 00:33:38,684 --> 00:33:40,561 Would you like to see, Miss Cora? 418 00:33:50,195 --> 00:33:52,197 ♪ ♪ 419 00:34:13,385 --> 00:34:15,387 ♪ ♪ 420 00:34:23,145 --> 00:34:24,897 You all right, Miss Cora? 421 00:34:24,980 --> 00:34:26,315 Yeah. 422 00:34:28,066 --> 00:34:30,736 Don't look down too much, you'll catch yourself a fright. 423 00:34:34,072 --> 00:34:36,074 ♪ ♪ 424 00:34:49,797 --> 00:34:51,840 ♪ ♪ 425 00:34:54,635 --> 00:34:56,553 [Royal] Ain't made for a locomotive. 426 00:34:58,972 --> 00:35:00,390 [Royal sighs] 427 00:35:01,725 --> 00:35:03,477 [grunts] 428 00:35:03,560 --> 00:35:06,313 A little ways in, the tunnel gets too small, see? 429 00:35:09,191 --> 00:35:11,652 It don't connect with the rest of the line. 430 00:35:19,409 --> 00:35:22,663 - So, where does it go, then? - [metallic click] 431 00:35:22,746 --> 00:35:24,414 It's from before my time. 432 00:35:27,042 --> 00:35:31,129 The conductor I replaced showed it to me. 433 00:35:39,888 --> 00:35:40,973 Here. 434 00:35:47,479 --> 00:35:49,940 I took the handcar a few miles in. 435 00:35:51,024 --> 00:35:52,651 It was too much. 436 00:35:52,734 --> 00:35:55,404 How the walls hugged me like a drunk grandma. 437 00:35:56,572 --> 00:35:58,740 Call this here the "ghost tunnel." 438 00:35:58,824 --> 00:36:01,034 As far as I can tell, it ain't never been used. 439 00:36:02,244 --> 00:36:04,663 That house up there used to belong to a general 440 00:36:04,746 --> 00:36:06,456 in the Revolutionary War. 441 00:36:07,916 --> 00:36:09,835 I still don't believe anybody could ever 442 00:36:09,918 --> 00:36:11,461 have been living up there. 443 00:36:12,838 --> 00:36:15,883 It's all old nails and weeds, 444 00:36:15,966 --> 00:36:20,095 like the earth is reaching up, trying to swallow it. 445 00:36:22,139 --> 00:36:24,892 Maybe it don't start beneath the house. 446 00:36:28,228 --> 00:36:29,813 But somewhere... 447 00:36:31,315 --> 00:36:33,108 ...in this black hole. 448 00:36:36,570 --> 00:36:39,406 Maybe this ain't the start of things... 449 00:36:40,657 --> 00:36:42,534 ...but the end. 450 00:36:47,331 --> 00:36:50,459 Make you wonder if there ain't no real places to escape to. 451 00:36:54,588 --> 00:36:56,924 Only places to run from. 452 00:37:07,851 --> 00:37:09,519 Why did you bring me here? 453 00:37:12,105 --> 00:37:14,107 I wanted to show you this because... 454 00:37:15,943 --> 00:37:19,029 ...you've seen more of the Railroad than most. 455 00:37:21,615 --> 00:37:24,826 I wanted you to see how it fits together. 456 00:37:26,578 --> 00:37:27,829 Or it doesn't. 457 00:37:30,457 --> 00:37:32,084 I'm just a passenger like anybody else. 458 00:37:32,167 --> 00:37:34,169 Yes, ma'am, but don't you understand 459 00:37:34,252 --> 00:37:37,089 the Underground Railroad is bigger than its conductors? 460 00:37:38,340 --> 00:37:40,842 It's all y'all, too. 461 00:37:40,926 --> 00:37:42,761 Small spurs, the big trunk lines. 462 00:37:42,844 --> 00:37:45,347 The newest locomotives, the obsolete engines, 463 00:37:45,430 --> 00:37:49,226 and even the... loneliest little handcars. 464 00:37:51,228 --> 00:37:52,270 But... 465 00:37:53,438 --> 00:37:56,525 ...can't none of us figure it out. 466 00:37:56,608 --> 00:37:58,318 Maybe you can. 467 00:37:58,402 --> 00:38:00,195 Me? 468 00:38:00,278 --> 00:38:04,408 I don't know why it's here or-or what it means, Royal. 469 00:38:10,288 --> 00:38:12,708 All I know is I'm tired of running. 470 00:38:28,724 --> 00:38:29,891 Then don't. 471 00:38:45,240 --> 00:38:46,241 Cora? 472 00:38:49,036 --> 00:38:50,412 Cora. 473 00:38:53,040 --> 00:38:55,459 - Cora. - Don't you touch me! 474 00:39:01,381 --> 00:39:03,133 [gasping softly] 475 00:39:05,052 --> 00:39:07,095 ♪ ♪ 476 00:39:10,223 --> 00:39:12,267 [birds singing] 477 00:39:24,196 --> 00:39:26,198 [howling in distance] 478 00:39:30,786 --> 00:39:32,412 [plants rustling] 479 00:39:36,958 --> 00:39:38,543 [Royal] There's a sadness in you. 480 00:39:42,506 --> 00:39:44,549 And I wish I knew the root of it. 481 00:39:46,885 --> 00:39:48,804 Wish I could help you with it. 482 00:39:55,143 --> 00:39:57,145 ♪ ♪ 483 00:40:23,338 --> 00:40:25,507 - [gunshot] - [thunderous bang] 484 00:40:27,509 --> 00:40:29,052 [sheep bleats] 485 00:40:30,512 --> 00:40:32,514 - [indistinct chatter] - [laughter in distance] 486 00:40:38,145 --> 00:40:40,272 - [indistinct shouting] - [dog barking] 487 00:40:41,982 --> 00:40:43,984 [Cora grunts] 488 00:40:50,323 --> 00:40:51,616 Hey, Cora. 489 00:40:51,700 --> 00:40:53,160 Hey. 490 00:40:55,453 --> 00:40:57,539 - [children laughing] - [indistinct chatter] 491 00:41:02,210 --> 00:41:03,545 How you been keeping? 492 00:41:04,838 --> 00:41:06,339 Keeping. 493 00:41:16,224 --> 00:41:18,059 Cora, are you all right? 494 00:41:19,603 --> 00:41:22,397 You asked me that 20 times since last Sunday. 495 00:41:24,566 --> 00:41:26,693 Told you already. 496 00:41:26,776 --> 00:41:28,361 I-I did. 497 00:41:30,572 --> 00:41:32,490 You did. [chuckles] 498 00:41:36,036 --> 00:41:38,121 What you want, Royal? 499 00:41:38,205 --> 00:41:40,665 I wants to apologize, I... 500 00:41:41,708 --> 00:41:43,376 I-I wants to apologize for what... 501 00:41:43,460 --> 00:41:45,587 Already did that. 502 00:41:46,630 --> 00:41:48,173 Already did that, Royal. 503 00:41:50,550 --> 00:41:52,219 You leave me be, now. 504 00:42:12,239 --> 00:42:14,407 There's a mission down south. 505 00:42:16,743 --> 00:42:20,664 Red and Samson, leaving in a few days, 506 00:42:20,747 --> 00:42:22,457 say they need a third. 507 00:42:23,708 --> 00:42:26,378 It'd be dangerous. I'd be gone a good while. 508 00:42:29,965 --> 00:42:32,133 I can tell them to find somebody else. 509 00:42:36,054 --> 00:42:38,598 - Cora, I'm asking you... - You asking me what? 510 00:42:41,643 --> 00:42:42,978 Royal, what happen between the two of us 511 00:42:43,061 --> 00:42:44,896 ain't got nothing to do with you. 512 00:42:46,398 --> 00:42:48,817 You do what you want. 513 00:42:48,900 --> 00:42:51,069 No need to worry about me. 514 00:43:09,671 --> 00:43:11,673 ♪ ♪ 515 00:43:16,928 --> 00:43:18,930 - [crickets chirping] - [logs crackling in fire] 516 00:43:20,515 --> 00:43:22,976 - [footsteps approaching] - [door opens] 517 00:43:34,529 --> 00:43:36,406 What a long day it's been. 518 00:44:02,349 --> 00:44:03,683 Pardon me. 519 00:44:04,851 --> 00:44:07,103 My head's filling up with thunder. 520 00:44:16,363 --> 00:44:17,572 [door closes] 521 00:44:45,058 --> 00:44:47,060 ♪ ♪ 522 00:44:56,277 --> 00:44:58,363 ♪ ♪ 523 00:45:18,967 --> 00:45:20,969 ♪ ♪ 524 00:45:41,406 --> 00:45:43,408 ♪ ♪ 525 00:46:08,016 --> 00:46:10,018 ♪ ♪ 526 00:46:12,353 --> 00:46:14,814 - [wheels screeching] - [train clanging] 527 00:46:19,319 --> 00:46:21,112 [man] This way. 528 00:46:21,196 --> 00:46:23,364 [train whistling] 529 00:46:26,326 --> 00:46:28,119 [indistinct chatter] 530 00:46:29,162 --> 00:46:31,039 - [clinking] - [wheels screeching] 531 00:46:32,123 --> 00:46:34,209 [train whistles] 532 00:46:41,716 --> 00:46:43,718 ♪ ♪ 533 00:46:46,221 --> 00:46:48,223 - [bell chiming] - [train car rumbling] 534 00:46:51,809 --> 00:46:53,811 [train chugging] 535 00:46:59,067 --> 00:47:01,861 [train whistles] 536 00:47:01,945 --> 00:47:03,947 [indistinct chatter] 537 00:47:05,990 --> 00:47:08,743 [distorted, indistinct chatter] 538 00:47:10,578 --> 00:47:12,705 You want to go down to platform four. 539 00:47:12,789 --> 00:47:14,541 I'll take you there. 540 00:47:17,001 --> 00:47:19,045 [chalk squeaking] 541 00:47:21,756 --> 00:47:23,800 [steam hisses] 542 00:47:23,883 --> 00:47:25,969 - [bell chimes] - [indistinct shouting] 543 00:47:36,229 --> 00:47:38,231 [distorted chatter continues] 544 00:48:00,169 --> 00:48:02,171 [elevator whirring] 545 00:48:06,926 --> 00:48:08,970 [quiet chatter] 546 00:48:17,478 --> 00:48:19,480 [distorted chatter] 547 00:48:35,496 --> 00:48:37,498 ♪ ♪ 548 00:48:39,000 --> 00:48:40,627 [man] Right here in this box. 549 00:48:40,710 --> 00:48:42,962 [woman] Hey, I haven't done it, and I'm a little nervous. 550 00:48:47,717 --> 00:48:50,720 - [distorted shouts] - [whip cracking] 551 00:48:52,597 --> 00:48:54,599 [distorted yelling] 552 00:48:56,851 --> 00:48:59,687 - [indistinct chatter] - [distorted crying] 553 00:49:05,360 --> 00:49:08,279 - [dog barking] - [distorted chatter] 554 00:49:18,164 --> 00:49:20,500 [distorted chatter continues] 555 00:49:20,583 --> 00:49:22,752 [echoing baby crying] 556 00:49:33,805 --> 00:49:36,099 - [station clerk] Next. - [bell dings] 557 00:49:38,851 --> 00:49:39,977 [baby crying] 558 00:49:40,061 --> 00:49:41,437 - Next. - [bell dings] 559 00:49:45,024 --> 00:49:47,068 [baby crying] 560 00:49:49,362 --> 00:49:50,571 Next. 561 00:49:52,073 --> 00:49:53,574 Where you coming from? 562 00:49:54,992 --> 00:49:57,245 - Indiana. - Name? 563 00:49:59,997 --> 00:50:01,416 Randall. 564 00:50:01,499 --> 00:50:03,292 Cora Randall. 565 00:50:03,376 --> 00:50:04,877 Free or runaway? 566 00:50:07,171 --> 00:50:08,464 I'm not sure. 567 00:50:10,216 --> 00:50:11,718 Where have you given testimony? 568 00:50:14,762 --> 00:50:17,932 I've told my story in... in Georgia, 569 00:50:18,015 --> 00:50:21,269 South Carolina, North Carolina 570 00:50:21,352 --> 00:50:23,521 and Tennessee. 571 00:50:23,604 --> 00:50:25,231 That's a long ride. 572 00:50:27,024 --> 00:50:28,526 So they say. 573 00:50:30,027 --> 00:50:31,404 What about Indiana? 574 00:50:33,406 --> 00:50:35,491 Excuse me? 575 00:50:35,575 --> 00:50:37,994 You told your story everywhere else. 576 00:50:38,077 --> 00:50:39,787 What about Indiana? 577 00:50:41,080 --> 00:50:42,582 Oh, I told it. Yeah. 578 00:50:45,001 --> 00:50:47,044 But did you tell it? 579 00:50:48,546 --> 00:50:50,423 Did you really tell your truth? 580 00:50:54,886 --> 00:50:56,387 [sighs] 581 00:51:02,518 --> 00:51:05,271 [echoing laughter] 582 00:51:05,354 --> 00:51:07,440 [distorted screaming] 583 00:51:12,820 --> 00:51:13,988 [screaming stops] 584 00:51:16,115 --> 00:51:17,241 Mm. 585 00:51:26,793 --> 00:51:29,045 - [distorted chatter] - [laughter] 586 00:51:33,007 --> 00:51:34,383 Hmm. 587 00:51:36,469 --> 00:51:39,305 I'm not finding a Cora Randall in here. 588 00:51:40,348 --> 00:51:42,975 - Well, that can't be. - But it is. 589 00:51:43,059 --> 00:51:45,895 Now, in order for us to move you forward... 590 00:51:47,063 --> 00:51:49,440 ...we are required to confirm your testimony. 591 00:51:53,402 --> 00:51:56,072 But I can't just stay here. 592 00:51:56,155 --> 00:51:57,573 I don't know anybody. 593 00:51:57,657 --> 00:51:59,742 Neither did our mammies or pappies 594 00:51:59,826 --> 00:52:02,328 when they brought us here, but look around. 595 00:52:03,454 --> 00:52:05,039 Look at all we've done. 596 00:52:08,334 --> 00:52:11,212 Won't take long to go through the Indiana manifests. 597 00:52:11,295 --> 00:52:13,422 And if what you state is in there, 598 00:52:13,506 --> 00:52:15,341 we'll move you forward. 599 00:52:15,424 --> 00:52:16,884 All right. 600 00:52:16,968 --> 00:52:19,136 What I'm supposed to do in the meantime? 601 00:52:20,221 --> 00:52:22,056 Make some new friends. 602 00:52:23,516 --> 00:52:24,809 Next. 603 00:52:24,892 --> 00:52:26,894 [bell ringing] 604 00:52:40,199 --> 00:52:41,367 Thank you. 605 00:52:49,041 --> 00:52:50,626 This is heaven. 606 00:52:53,045 --> 00:52:55,965 Leave it to a bunch of Africans to build a place underground 607 00:52:56,048 --> 00:52:58,384 where you can drink the world's best coffee. 608 00:52:58,467 --> 00:52:59,594 [chuckles softly] 609 00:53:05,308 --> 00:53:06,392 You all right? 610 00:53:07,768 --> 00:53:09,395 It's a lot, I know. 611 00:53:15,443 --> 00:53:17,653 Are we above the ground or below? 612 00:53:17,737 --> 00:53:20,072 Depends on where you're coming from. 613 00:53:23,618 --> 00:53:25,995 [door swings open] 614 00:53:26,078 --> 00:53:27,413 [door closes] 615 00:53:28,539 --> 00:53:30,416 [distorted chatter] 616 00:53:35,713 --> 00:53:37,298 [door swings open] 617 00:53:37,381 --> 00:53:39,550 Is the rest of the world still out there? 618 00:53:40,718 --> 00:53:42,178 Of course. 619 00:53:42,261 --> 00:53:44,138 Where you think we are, the moon? 620 00:53:45,932 --> 00:53:50,311 Well, then, can I go outside while I wait? 621 00:53:54,482 --> 00:53:55,566 No. 622 00:53:57,944 --> 00:54:00,154 I don't think you're quite ready for that. 623 00:54:10,998 --> 00:54:13,668 [door swings open] 624 00:54:13,751 --> 00:54:15,628 [door closes] 625 00:54:17,296 --> 00:54:19,632 [dishes clinking] 626 00:54:35,064 --> 00:54:36,357 [exhales] 627 00:54:39,735 --> 00:54:41,654 [baby fussing] 628 00:54:44,907 --> 00:54:47,159 [baby crying] 629 00:54:51,122 --> 00:54:53,124 [crying continues] 630 00:54:57,461 --> 00:54:59,505 - [crying stops] - [door creaks] 631 00:55:11,726 --> 00:55:13,602 [crickets chirping] 632 00:55:21,235 --> 00:55:23,279 [bird caws] 633 00:55:33,080 --> 00:55:34,790 [woman, echoing] Cora! 634 00:55:34,874 --> 00:55:36,500 [distorted chatter] 635 00:55:42,840 --> 00:55:44,842 [soft creaking] 636 00:56:05,154 --> 00:56:07,156 [door knob rattling] 637 00:56:23,339 --> 00:56:25,591 [woman] I'm right here, Cora. 638 00:56:27,301 --> 00:56:28,594 It's Lovey. 639 00:56:33,015 --> 00:56:34,809 ♪ ♪ 640 00:56:39,188 --> 00:56:41,273 [distorted busy chatter] 641 00:56:43,025 --> 00:56:45,027 [bell chiming] 642 00:56:47,780 --> 00:56:49,365 [train whistles] 643 00:56:51,492 --> 00:56:53,452 [train chugging] 644 00:56:57,706 --> 00:56:59,458 [distorted chatter continues] 645 00:57:06,549 --> 00:57:09,718 [man] You are standing on a train platform. 646 00:57:09,802 --> 00:57:12,555 A fear of missing the train, a slavery to time. 647 00:57:14,014 --> 00:57:15,975 There is so much you have never said 648 00:57:16,058 --> 00:57:19,186 to your companion and so little time to articulate. 649 00:57:20,229 --> 00:57:22,982 The years have accreted around the simple words, 650 00:57:23,065 --> 00:57:26,318 and there would have been ample time to speak them 651 00:57:26,402 --> 00:57:28,946 had not the years intervened and secreted them. 652 00:57:30,114 --> 00:57:32,533 The conductor paces up and down the platform 653 00:57:32,616 --> 00:57:34,702 and wonders why you do not speak. 654 00:57:35,786 --> 00:57:39,290 You are a blight on his platform and timetable. 655 00:57:39,373 --> 00:57:41,625 Speak, find the words. 656 00:57:41,709 --> 00:57:44,253 The train is warming towards departure. 657 00:57:44,336 --> 00:57:47,590 You cannot find the words, the words will not allow you 658 00:57:47,673 --> 00:57:50,259 to find them in time for the departure. 659 00:57:50,342 --> 00:57:53,762 Nothing is allowed to pass between you and your companion. 660 00:57:53,846 --> 00:57:55,139 It is late. 661 00:57:55,222 --> 00:57:57,474 A seat awaits. 662 00:57:57,558 --> 00:57:59,226 That the words are simple and true 663 00:57:59,310 --> 00:58:00,811 is only half the battle. 664 00:58:02,229 --> 00:58:03,564 The train is leaving. 665 00:58:04,982 --> 00:58:06,650 The train is always leaving, 666 00:58:06,734 --> 00:58:09,904 and you have not found your words. 667 00:58:11,906 --> 00:58:13,824 [gasping] 668 00:58:13,908 --> 00:58:15,784 ♪ ♪ 669 00:58:23,667 --> 00:58:25,711 [breathing heavily] 670 00:58:43,395 --> 00:58:45,731 May I have this dance? 671 00:58:49,860 --> 00:58:51,362 You may. 672 00:58:54,740 --> 00:58:56,742 ♪ ♪ 673 00:59:00,829 --> 00:59:03,123 - You looking... - [gasping] 674 00:59:03,207 --> 00:59:05,876 mighty fine tonight, 675 00:59:05,960 --> 00:59:08,212 Miss Cora Randall. 676 00:59:12,925 --> 00:59:15,344 As do you... 677 00:59:15,427 --> 00:59:17,638 Caesar Gardner. 678 00:59:19,473 --> 00:59:21,183 Is that so? 679 00:59:23,727 --> 00:59:25,688 [chuckles] Yes. 680 00:59:29,066 --> 00:59:30,985 Fine things suit you. 681 00:59:35,739 --> 00:59:37,700 And you, Mr. Gardner. 682 00:59:37,783 --> 00:59:39,535 And you. 683 00:59:54,341 --> 00:59:56,218 How long this gonna last? 684 01:00:03,225 --> 01:00:05,102 Long as you need. 685 01:00:06,228 --> 01:00:08,022 [sobbing softly] 686 01:00:21,493 --> 01:00:23,454 ♪ ♪ 687 01:00:31,211 --> 01:00:32,588 [gasps softly] 688 01:00:40,429 --> 01:00:42,431 ♪ ♪ 689 01:01:03,202 --> 01:01:05,204 ♪ ♪ 690 01:01:08,248 --> 01:01:10,250 [metal clinking] 691 01:01:23,055 --> 01:01:25,057 ♪ ♪ 692 01:01:36,819 --> 01:01:38,237 [blacksmith] Royal gone. 693 01:01:40,155 --> 01:01:43,492 - Excuse me? - He done up and gone. 694 01:01:45,327 --> 01:01:47,371 Left late last night with two mens. 695 01:01:49,206 --> 01:01:50,833 Packed up really good, too. 696 01:01:52,167 --> 01:01:54,086 Look like official business. 697 01:01:55,712 --> 01:01:57,381 When he coming back? 698 01:01:57,464 --> 01:01:58,632 How should I know? 699 01:01:59,800 --> 01:02:01,385 I look like his mammy? 700 01:02:09,893 --> 01:02:11,895 ♪ ♪ 701 01:02:31,957 --> 01:02:33,959 ♪ ♪ 702 01:02:57,983 --> 01:02:59,985 ♪ ♪ 703 01:03:32,309 --> 01:03:34,144 [metal clinking] 704 01:03:37,022 --> 01:03:38,982 [rain falling] 705 01:03:41,527 --> 01:03:43,529 [metal scraping] 706 01:03:58,043 --> 01:04:00,045 [phone line ringing] 707 01:04:09,972 --> 01:04:12,474 [♪ Groove Theory: "Hey U"] 708 01:04:16,270 --> 01:04:19,815 ♪ Hey, you ♪ 709 01:04:19,898 --> 01:04:26,280 ♪ I hope you know what I've been going through, baby ♪ 710 01:04:26,363 --> 01:04:33,287 ♪ I wonder if you're going through it, too ♪ 711 01:04:33,370 --> 01:04:38,834 ♪ But I'm afraid to face what might be true ♪ 712 01:04:38,917 --> 01:04:41,962 ♪ Hey, you ♪ 713 01:04:42,045 --> 01:04:44,715 ♪ I remember ♪ 714 01:04:44,798 --> 01:04:47,593 ♪ The day it hit me ♪ 715 01:04:47,676 --> 01:04:52,889 ♪ That I really loved your way ♪ 716 01:04:52,973 --> 01:04:59,771 ♪ I thought for sure I'd be here to stay, baby ♪ 717 01:04:59,855 --> 01:05:05,611 ♪ To my surprise, I'd soon be running away ♪ 718 01:05:05,694 --> 01:05:09,865 ♪ Running away ♪ 719 01:05:09,948 --> 01:05:13,243 ♪ If I ever see you walking ♪ 720 01:05:13,327 --> 01:05:18,373 ♪ I won't know what to say ♪ 721 01:05:18,457 --> 01:05:20,667 ♪ Or do ♪ 722 01:05:20,751 --> 01:05:23,128 - ♪ Ooh, ooh ♪ - ♪ Ooh, ooh ♪ 723 01:05:23,211 --> 01:05:26,757 ♪ So what's the use in talking? ♪♪ 724 01:05:26,840 --> 01:05:29,426 ♪ ♪ 725 01:06:00,832 --> 01:06:02,918 ♪ ♪ 726 01:06:30,737 --> 01:06:32,698 [music ends]