1 00:00:05,922 --> 00:00:07,924 {\an8}‎NETFLIX 原创剧集 2 00:00:15,181 --> 00:00:16,808 BASED ON THE KINGDOM OF THE GODS 3 00:00:15,181 --> 00:00:16,808 {\an8}‎(原作:《神的国度》) 4 00:02:54,591 --> 00:02:56,301 You must never... 5 00:02:54,591 --> 00:02:56,301 {\an8}‎你千万不能 6 00:02:57,135 --> 00:02:58,887 look inside His Majesty's bedchamber. 7 00:02:57,135 --> 00:02:58,887 {\an8}‎偷看殿下的寝所 8 00:02:59,512 --> 00:03:00,597 Do you understand? 9 00:02:59,512 --> 00:03:00,597 {\an8}‎明白了吗? 10 00:03:02,182 --> 00:03:03,683 Yes, my lord. 11 00:03:02,182 --> 00:03:03,683 {\an8}‎我会铭记的 12 00:05:53,102 --> 00:05:56,981 THE KING IS DEAD. A NEW WIND WILL BLOW. 13 00:05:53,102 --> 00:05:56,981 {\an8}‎(最终大王驾崩 ‎一股新风必将刮起) 14 00:06:05,114 --> 00:06:06,949 - We deserve to die! - We deserve to die! 15 00:06:05,114 --> 00:06:06,949 {\an8}‎-我们罪该万死 ‎-我们罪该万死 16 00:06:07,450 --> 00:06:09,994 Over 100 of the same notice were posted 17 00:06:07,450 --> 00:06:09,994 {\an8}‎昨晚汉阳城内各处被张贴了 18 00:06:10,078 --> 00:06:11,829 all over Hanyang last night. 19 00:06:10,078 --> 00:06:11,829 {\an8}‎100余张与此相同的挂书 20 00:06:12,580 --> 00:06:14,665 His Majesty, who is very much alive, 21 00:06:12,580 --> 00:06:14,665 {\an8}‎活得好端端的殿下 22 00:06:15,041 --> 00:06:16,417 has perished? 23 00:06:15,041 --> 00:06:16,417 {\an8}‎驾崩了吗? 24 00:06:24,509 --> 00:06:26,052 Capture everyone who posted these, 25 00:06:24,509 --> 00:06:26,052 {\an8}‎张贴这张挂书的人 26 00:06:26,135 --> 00:06:27,428 wrote these, 27 00:06:26,135 --> 00:06:27,428 {\an8}‎写下这些文字的人 28 00:06:27,512 --> 00:06:28,971 or gave instructions to write these. 29 00:06:27,512 --> 00:06:28,971 {\an8}‎以及下令写它的人 30 00:06:29,055 --> 00:06:31,182 Bring in every single one of them. 31 00:06:29,055 --> 00:06:31,182 {\an8}‎一个都不准遗漏 全给我抓来 32 00:06:31,682 --> 00:06:33,393 I shall annihilate their entire families. 33 00:06:31,682 --> 00:06:33,393 {\an8}‎我要将他们抄家灭族 34 00:06:38,731 --> 00:06:40,024 The same goes for... 35 00:06:38,731 --> 00:06:40,024 {\an8}‎放任那些人 36 00:06:41,275 --> 00:06:44,404 those who did nothing while these notices went up 37 00:06:41,275 --> 00:06:44,404 {\an8}‎将这篇挂书张贴在城内各处的人 38 00:06:45,988 --> 00:06:46,906 throughout the capital. 39 00:06:45,988 --> 00:06:46,906 {\an8}‎也会有相同的下场 40 00:06:46,989 --> 00:06:49,242 My lord, please spare my life. 41 00:06:46,989 --> 00:06:49,242 {\an8}‎大人 请饶命 42 00:06:49,325 --> 00:06:51,160 My lord, please! 43 00:06:49,325 --> 00:06:51,160 {\an8}‎大人 请饶命 44 00:06:51,244 --> 00:06:52,995 Forgive me, my lord. 45 00:06:51,244 --> 00:06:52,995 {\an8}‎请饶命 大人! 46 00:06:53,704 --> 00:06:54,765 - Please, my lord! - My lord! 47 00:06:53,704 --> 00:06:54,765 {\an8}‎-请饶命 大人! ‎-大人! 48 00:06:54,789 --> 00:06:56,249 Please spare my life! 49 00:06:54,789 --> 00:06:56,249 {\an8}‎请饶命! 50 00:07:04,132 --> 00:07:07,260 The Haewon Cho Clan is rounding up young scholars. 51 00:07:04,132 --> 00:07:07,260 {\an8}‎海源赵氏家族正在追捕年轻儒生们 52 00:07:11,013 --> 00:07:12,932 Goodness. Oh, my! What are you doing? 53 00:07:11,013 --> 00:07:12,932 {\an8}‎天啊 你这是做什么? 54 00:07:13,015 --> 00:07:15,268 No! Gyeong-seok! 55 00:07:13,015 --> 00:07:15,268 {\an8}‎唉唷 庆锡! 56 00:07:15,351 --> 00:07:17,186 Gyeong-seok! Goodness! 57 00:07:15,351 --> 00:07:17,186 {\an8}‎庆锡! 58 00:07:17,270 --> 00:07:19,272 Gyeong-seok! 59 00:07:17,270 --> 00:07:19,272 {\an8}‎庆锡! 60 00:07:25,945 --> 00:07:27,155 Arrest them! 61 00:07:25,945 --> 00:07:27,155 {\an8}‎逮捕他们! 62 00:07:34,328 --> 00:07:37,457 Ten days have passed since His Majesty fell ill with smallpox. 63 00:07:34,328 --> 00:07:37,457 {\an8}‎殿下因患了头疮而倒下 ‎至今已是第十日 64 00:07:37,832 --> 00:07:41,502 The only two people who had seen His Majesty during the past ten days 65 00:07:37,832 --> 00:07:41,502 {\an8}‎这期间前来拜见殿下的人 ‎只有领议政赵学州大人 66 00:07:41,586 --> 00:07:44,505 are Chief State Councilor Cho Hak-ju and his daughter, the second Queen. 67 00:07:41,586 --> 00:07:44,505 {\an8}‎与其女儿继妃娘娘 仅这两个人而已 68 00:07:45,006 --> 00:07:47,383 No wonder those terrible rumors 69 00:07:45,006 --> 00:07:47,383 {\an8}‎正因如此 才会流传着 70 00:07:47,467 --> 00:07:49,844 of His Majesty passing away have spread. 71 00:07:47,467 --> 00:07:49,844 {\an8}‎殿下驾崩的可怕传闻 72 00:08:07,445 --> 00:08:08,529 Halt! 73 00:08:07,445 --> 00:08:08,529 {\an8}‎住手! 74 00:08:10,948 --> 00:08:15,953 We received a report that 89 scholars from institutions near Hanyang 75 00:08:10,948 --> 00:08:15,953 {\an8}‎有人举报汉阳城附近书院的89名儒生 76 00:08:16,037 --> 00:08:18,581 worked together to post these heinous notices. 77 00:08:16,037 --> 00:08:18,581 {\an8}‎共同策划造反并张贴了这张挂书 78 00:08:18,664 --> 00:08:20,249 Confess! 79 00:08:18,664 --> 00:08:20,249 {\an8}‎认罪吧! 80 00:08:20,333 --> 00:08:24,670 The first to confess will have his life spared! 81 00:08:20,333 --> 00:08:24,670 {\an8}‎先认罪的人将能免于一死 82 00:08:24,837 --> 00:08:28,257 Who are the real traitors of this nation? 83 00:08:24,837 --> 00:08:28,257 {\an8}‎这个国家真正的逆贼究竟是谁? 84 00:08:28,341 --> 00:08:31,219 Through the spoils system and extortion, 85 00:08:28,341 --> 00:08:31,219 {\an8}‎那些卖官鬻爵、横征暴敛 86 00:08:32,470 --> 00:08:37,266 the evil family of the Queen is busy feeding themselves. 87 00:08:32,470 --> 00:08:37,266 {\an8}‎汲汲营营于中饱私囊的歹毒外戚 88 00:08:38,309 --> 00:08:39,435 The traitors? 89 00:08:38,309 --> 00:08:39,435 {\an8}‎逆贼正是… 90 00:08:41,687 --> 00:08:43,731 Look to the Haewon Cho Clan! 91 00:08:41,687 --> 00:08:43,731 {\an8}‎海源赵氏家族的人! 92 00:08:43,814 --> 00:08:46,150 How dare you! Shut your mouth! 93 00:08:43,814 --> 00:08:46,150 {\an8}‎你这家伙 还不赶紧闭嘴? 94 00:08:46,234 --> 00:08:48,444 Those of the Haewon Cho Clan are but insects 95 00:08:46,234 --> 00:08:48,444 {\an8}‎那些榨取百姓们的血汗 96 00:08:49,695 --> 00:08:51,822 that are sucking the blood of the people. 97 00:08:49,695 --> 00:08:51,822 {\an8}‎有如害虫般的海源赵氏家族 98 00:08:52,532 --> 00:08:55,535 How do they differ from swine that eat feces? 99 00:08:52,532 --> 00:08:55,535 {\an8}‎与吃粪便的猪群有何两样? 100 00:08:55,618 --> 00:08:58,579 Perhaps it is better for His Majesty to be dead. 101 00:08:55,618 --> 00:08:58,579 {\an8}‎倒不如让现在的王死去 或许还更好 102 00:08:58,996 --> 00:09:01,916 He is a feeble king who handed the nation 103 00:08:58,996 --> 00:09:01,916 {\an8}‎他只不过是个将国家交给猪群的首领 104 00:09:02,375 --> 00:09:05,878 over to Lord Cho Hak-ju, the head of those swine! 105 00:09:02,375 --> 00:09:05,878 {\an8}‎也就是赵学州大人的懦弱的王罢了 106 00:09:05,962 --> 00:09:07,129 How dare you! 107 00:09:05,962 --> 00:09:07,129 {\an8}‎你这家伙! 108 00:09:07,755 --> 00:09:11,050 Did you say it is better for His Majesty to be dead? 109 00:09:07,755 --> 00:09:11,050 {\an8}‎你说王死了会更好? 110 00:09:11,425 --> 00:09:13,427 Do you admit to treason? 111 00:09:11,425 --> 00:09:13,427 {\an8}‎你这是承认谋反了吗? 112 00:09:27,233 --> 00:09:29,402 Then to whom are you referring by "new wind"? 113 00:09:27,233 --> 00:09:29,402 {\an8}‎那你们所说的新风 114 00:09:29,944 --> 00:09:33,030 Who is the new king you wish to serve? 115 00:09:29,944 --> 00:09:33,030 {\an8}‎你们想拥护的新王是谁? 116 00:09:34,240 --> 00:09:37,285 Is it the Crown Prince? 117 00:09:34,240 --> 00:09:37,285 {\an8}‎是这个国家的国本 世子吗? 118 00:09:38,369 --> 00:09:40,413 TONGMYEONGJEON 119 00:09:38,369 --> 00:09:40,413 {\an8}‎(道明殿) 120 00:10:11,861 --> 00:10:12,862 Your Royal Highness. 121 00:10:11,861 --> 00:10:12,862 {\an8}‎世子 122 00:10:13,696 --> 00:10:15,865 You have been at my chambers for days 123 00:10:13,696 --> 00:10:15,865 {\an8}‎你跪在我的处所前 让我难以行走 124 00:10:15,948 --> 00:10:18,492 even though I am not fit to move. 125 00:10:15,948 --> 00:10:18,492 {\an8}‎已经好几日了 你究竟想怎么样? 126 00:10:19,076 --> 00:10:21,787 Father has been ill for ten days, 127 00:10:19,076 --> 00:10:21,787 {\an8}‎父王已患病十日 128 00:10:22,705 --> 00:10:24,915 but there is nothing I can do for him. 129 00:10:22,705 --> 00:10:24,915 {\an8}‎我身为儿子却无能为力 130 00:10:25,958 --> 00:10:28,461 It devastates me that I cannot fulfill my duties as his son. 131 00:10:25,958 --> 00:10:28,461 {\an8}‎再也没有比这更不孝的事了 132 00:10:30,755 --> 00:10:33,257 Please permit me to enter the King's palace 133 00:10:30,755 --> 00:10:33,257 {\an8}‎请允许我进入康宁殿 134 00:10:33,758 --> 00:10:35,760 and to stay by Father's side. 135 00:10:33,758 --> 00:10:35,760 {\an8}‎让我守在父王身边 136 00:10:35,843 --> 00:10:38,471 Your father is lying ill from smallpox. 137 00:10:35,843 --> 00:10:38,471 {\an8}‎你父王因头疮而卧病在床 138 00:10:38,554 --> 00:10:42,391 If you catch it from him and fall ill while looking after His Majesty, 139 00:10:38,554 --> 00:10:42,391 {\an8}‎若在照顾他时 ‎连你也患了同样的病而倒下 140 00:10:42,475 --> 00:10:44,769 who will lead this nation? 141 00:10:42,475 --> 00:10:44,769 {\an8}‎那谁要来领导国家的朝政? 142 00:10:44,852 --> 00:10:47,605 As a senior member of the royal family, I can never permit it, 143 00:10:44,852 --> 00:10:47,605 {\an8}‎我身为皇室的长辈 ‎绝对无法允许这件事 144 00:10:48,189 --> 00:10:49,565 so please leave. 145 00:10:48,189 --> 00:10:49,565 {\an8}‎你快回去吧 146 00:10:52,109 --> 00:10:53,903 Then just tell me this. 147 00:10:52,109 --> 00:10:53,903 {\an8}‎请回答我一件事就好 148 00:10:56,614 --> 00:10:58,157 Is Father... 149 00:10:56,614 --> 00:10:58,157 {\an8}‎父王是否真的 150 00:10:58,991 --> 00:11:00,409 truly alive? 151 00:10:58,991 --> 00:11:00,409 {\an8}‎平安无事? 152 00:11:09,168 --> 00:11:13,673 You may have learned how to be filial toward your father, 153 00:11:09,168 --> 00:11:13,673 {\an8}‎你只学到要对父王尽孝 154 00:11:14,298 --> 00:11:16,842 but not toward your mother. 155 00:11:14,298 --> 00:11:16,842 {\an8}‎却没学到向我这个母后尽孝 156 00:11:17,176 --> 00:11:20,554 How could you be so disobedient to me in front of the servants? 157 00:11:17,176 --> 00:11:20,554 {\an8}‎你竟敢在下人面前这样违抗我 158 00:11:20,638 --> 00:11:22,723 Do you hate me that much? 159 00:11:20,638 --> 00:11:22,723 {\an8}‎难道你就如此痛恨我这个娘? 160 00:11:24,266 --> 00:11:28,104 Or is that hatred more toward... 161 00:11:24,266 --> 00:11:28,104 {\an8}‎还是你在痛恨这个尚未出世的… 162 00:11:30,064 --> 00:11:31,899 your unborn sibling? 163 00:11:30,064 --> 00:11:31,899 {\an8}‎手足? 164 00:11:33,317 --> 00:11:35,277 Your Majesty, how dare I... 165 00:11:33,317 --> 00:11:35,277 {\an8}‎母后 我怎么敢… 166 00:11:35,361 --> 00:11:36,487 If that is not the case, 167 00:11:35,361 --> 00:11:36,487 {\an8}‎若非如此 168 00:11:38,155 --> 00:11:39,490 please head back. 169 00:11:38,155 --> 00:11:39,490 {\an8}‎你就快点回去吧 170 00:11:41,784 --> 00:11:44,203 What are you waiting for? Escort the Crown Prince. 171 00:11:41,784 --> 00:11:44,203 {\an8}‎还愣着做什么?赶紧送世子回去 172 00:12:10,855 --> 00:12:12,898 I must see my father. 173 00:12:10,855 --> 00:12:12,898 {\an8}‎我必须亲自见父王一面 174 00:12:13,858 --> 00:12:15,401 I will go to the King's palace. 175 00:12:13,858 --> 00:12:15,401 {\an8}‎我要去康宁殿 176 00:12:19,071 --> 00:12:20,990 Your Royal Highness, have you forgotten? 177 00:12:19,071 --> 00:12:20,990 {\an8}‎邸下 您忘了吗? 178 00:12:21,073 --> 00:12:25,077 The Queen ordered that Your Royal Highness be kept out of the King's palace. 179 00:12:21,073 --> 00:12:25,077 {\an8}‎中殿娘娘严格下令禁止您进入康宁殿 180 00:12:25,161 --> 00:12:26,161 Step aside. 181 00:12:25,161 --> 00:12:26,161 {\an8}‎让开 182 00:12:27,288 --> 00:12:28,706 I said to step aside! 183 00:12:27,288 --> 00:12:28,706 {\an8}‎我叫你们让开! 184 00:12:31,208 --> 00:12:32,418 Please be understanding. 185 00:12:31,208 --> 00:12:32,418 {\an8}‎望您三思! 186 00:12:33,002 --> 00:12:34,503 Whom do you serve? 187 00:12:33,002 --> 00:12:34,503 {\an8}‎你们到底是谁的宫人? 188 00:12:36,338 --> 00:12:38,098 Whom do you consider the King of this nation? 189 00:12:36,338 --> 00:12:38,098 {\an8}‎你们所服侍的王是谁? 190 00:12:38,758 --> 00:12:40,801 Is it my father or the Haewon Cho Clan? 191 00:12:38,758 --> 00:12:40,801 {\an8}‎是我父王还是海源赵氏? 192 00:12:41,719 --> 00:12:44,013 Is there anyone in the entire palace 193 00:12:41,719 --> 00:12:44,013 {\an8}‎无论是大殿、中宫殿或东宫殿 194 00:12:44,680 --> 00:12:47,892 who does not follow the orders of the Haewon Cho Clan? 195 00:12:44,680 --> 00:12:47,892 {\an8}‎宫里还有人 ‎不听从海源赵氏的命令吗? 196 00:12:48,350 --> 00:12:49,643 Your Royal Highness. 197 00:12:48,350 --> 00:12:49,643 {\an8}‎邸下 198 00:12:50,269 --> 00:12:52,480 - Please be understanding! - Please be understanding! 199 00:12:50,269 --> 00:12:52,480 {\an8}‎-望您三思! ‎-望您三思! 200 00:12:57,777 --> 00:12:59,153 Call Mu-yeong. 201 00:12:57,777 --> 00:12:59,153 {\an8}‎叫左翊卫过来 202 00:13:24,637 --> 00:13:25,930 Your Royal Highness. 203 00:13:24,637 --> 00:13:25,930 {\an8}‎您找我吗? 204 00:13:42,488 --> 00:13:45,866 Why would you throw something worth more than my year's salary? 205 00:13:42,488 --> 00:13:45,866 {\an8}‎您怎能将比我一年俸禄 ‎更为值钱的东西拿起来丢呢? 206 00:13:48,577 --> 00:13:50,704 If a tantrum is what you wanted to throw, 207 00:13:48,577 --> 00:13:50,704 {\an8}‎既然您想要发泄怒气 208 00:13:51,664 --> 00:13:53,916 you should have aimed it at the Queen. 209 00:13:51,664 --> 00:13:53,916 {\an8}‎那倒不如丢向中殿娘娘的脸 210 00:13:53,999 --> 00:13:56,479 The greatest virtue a crown prince must pursue is filial piety. 211 00:13:53,999 --> 00:13:56,479 {\an8}‎对世子而言 最重要的品德便是孝道 212 00:13:56,961 --> 00:13:59,630 I cannot ignore the virtue and risk being deposed. 213 00:13:56,961 --> 00:13:59,630 {\an8}‎若我违背孝道成了废世子 ‎那可就糟糕了 214 00:14:00,005 --> 00:14:02,424 The wench may be barely of age, 215 00:14:00,005 --> 00:14:02,424 {\an8}‎虽然她只是个乳臭未干的年轻丫头 216 00:14:03,092 --> 00:14:04,802 but she is my mother nonetheless. 217 00:14:03,092 --> 00:14:04,802 {\an8}‎但她却是我名义上的娘 218 00:14:04,885 --> 00:14:05,928 I see. 219 00:14:04,885 --> 00:14:05,928 {\an8}‎真是的 220 00:14:06,679 --> 00:14:08,681 Your Royal Highness is a truly devoted son. 221 00:14:06,679 --> 00:14:08,681 {\an8}‎您真是孝顺至极 222 00:14:08,764 --> 00:14:10,432 I have a job for you. 223 00:14:08,764 --> 00:14:10,432 {\an8}‎你得为我做一件事 224 00:14:16,063 --> 00:14:17,063 Is it... 225 00:14:16,063 --> 00:14:17,063 {\an8}‎该不会… 226 00:14:18,607 --> 00:14:22,194 Is it to go to the King's palace and see His Majesty? 227 00:14:18,607 --> 00:14:22,194 {\an8}‎您是要我去康宁殿拜见殿下? 228 00:14:23,237 --> 00:14:25,157 Bring me the journal kept at the Royal Infirmary. 229 00:14:23,237 --> 00:14:25,157 {\an8}‎去把药房日记拿来给我 230 00:14:25,197 --> 00:14:28,742 The palace guards keep an eye on the journal day and night. 231 00:14:25,197 --> 00:14:28,742 {\an8}‎邸下 宿卫兵们不分昼夜地 ‎看守着药房日记 232 00:14:28,951 --> 00:14:30,703 How can I possibly obtain it? 233 00:14:28,951 --> 00:14:30,703 {\an8}‎我要怎么拿来呢? 234 00:14:30,786 --> 00:14:34,123 The pears from Naju, the pomegranates from Gochang, 235 00:14:30,786 --> 00:14:34,123 {\an8}‎罗州进贡的梨子、高敞送来的石榴 236 00:14:34,206 --> 00:14:37,084 and the ginger sweets prepared with care by the Royal Kitchen... 237 00:14:34,206 --> 00:14:37,084 {\an8}‎还有御膳房尚宫们用心准备的梅雀果 238 00:14:39,128 --> 00:14:41,589 Did you forget all that you stole from me? 239 00:14:39,128 --> 00:14:41,589 {\an8}‎你应该没忘记 ‎从我这里偷走的东西吧? 240 00:14:41,672 --> 00:14:42,923 Your Royal Highness. 241 00:14:41,672 --> 00:14:42,923 {\an8}‎邸下 242 00:14:43,007 --> 00:14:44,592 Think of your wife, who supported you 243 00:14:43,007 --> 00:14:44,592 {\an8}‎你直到不惑之年才武科及第 244 00:14:44,675 --> 00:14:46,475 until you finally passed the state examination 245 00:14:44,675 --> 00:14:46,475 {\an8}‎想想那段时间精心照料你的 246 00:14:46,510 --> 00:14:47,803 at the age of 40. 247 00:14:46,510 --> 00:14:47,803 {\an8}‎贤淑妻子吧 248 00:14:49,430 --> 00:14:53,017 You stole from my dessert table in order to bring them to your kind wife 249 00:14:49,430 --> 00:14:53,017 {\an8}‎你和善良的妻子成亲十年 ‎她好不容易才怀孕 250 00:14:53,601 --> 00:14:55,019 who finally got pregnant 251 00:14:53,601 --> 00:14:55,019 {\an8}‎你为了让她吃珍稀的食物 252 00:14:55,102 --> 00:14:56,979 after ten years of marriage, did you not? 253 00:14:55,102 --> 00:14:56,979 {\an8}‎甚至还从我的茶果桌上偷东西 254 00:14:57,062 --> 00:14:59,189 Your Royal Highness, you know of my situation. 255 00:14:57,062 --> 00:14:59,189 {\an8}‎您明明很清楚我的情况 256 00:15:00,149 --> 00:15:02,484 How long are you planning to use that against me? 257 00:15:00,149 --> 00:15:02,484 {\an8}‎您要利用这件事使唤我到何时? 258 00:15:04,361 --> 00:15:06,614 If they find out that you stole from my dessert table, 259 00:15:04,361 --> 00:15:06,614 {\an8}‎若被人知道你从我的茶果桌上偷食物 260 00:15:08,032 --> 00:15:09,116 you will be fired. 261 00:15:08,032 --> 00:15:09,116 {\an8}‎你肯定会立刻被开除 262 00:15:09,199 --> 00:15:12,119 I will be so if I get caught stealing the journal. 263 00:15:09,199 --> 00:15:12,119 {\an8}‎若被人知道我偷走药房日记 ‎那我也会被开除 264 00:15:12,202 --> 00:15:13,579 I see. 265 00:15:12,202 --> 00:15:13,579 {\an8}‎真是的 266 00:15:15,080 --> 00:15:17,833 I hear tonight's dessert table will have beef pancakes. 267 00:15:15,080 --> 00:15:17,833 {\an8}‎我听说今晚的茶果桌会有珍贵的肉饼 268 00:15:20,252 --> 00:15:23,172 I guess I cannot force you. 269 00:15:20,252 --> 00:15:23,172 {\an8}‎若你真的不愿意 那我也无可奈何 270 00:15:30,471 --> 00:15:33,849 If I try to sneak in before sunrise when the guards change shifts, 271 00:15:30,471 --> 00:15:33,849 {\an8}‎如果我趁着破晓前 ‎在最后一次交班时溜进去 272 00:15:35,267 --> 00:15:37,019 I may be able to get the journal. 273 00:15:35,267 --> 00:15:37,019 {\an8}‎应该就可以拿到 274 00:15:42,650 --> 00:15:46,070 The guards will not be as frosty before sunrise. 275 00:15:42,650 --> 00:15:46,070 {\an8}‎破晓前 宿卫兵们因为整夜没睡 ‎所以判断力会变很差 276 00:15:46,403 --> 00:15:49,490 I may be able to get it if I sneak in during the shift change. 277 00:15:46,403 --> 00:15:49,490 {\an8}‎若我趁着交班时间溜进去 ‎或许可以拿到 278 00:17:24,084 --> 00:17:25,586 His Majesty went missing? 279 00:17:24,084 --> 00:17:25,586 {\an8}‎殿下消失了? 280 00:17:25,836 --> 00:17:27,171 Forgive me. 281 00:17:25,836 --> 00:17:27,171 {\an8}‎小的惶恐 282 00:17:27,254 --> 00:17:29,006 I only stepped away for a moment... 283 00:17:27,254 --> 00:17:29,006 {\an8}‎我只是暂时离开一下… 284 00:17:29,131 --> 00:17:31,008 If you wish to live, you must find him. 285 00:17:29,131 --> 00:17:31,008 {\an8}‎若你不想死 就立刻将他找出来 286 00:17:31,508 --> 00:17:32,508 Now! 287 00:17:31,508 --> 00:17:32,508 {\an8}‎快点! 288 00:17:37,389 --> 00:17:39,058 Father is... 289 00:17:37,389 --> 00:17:39,058 {\an8}‎父王 290 00:17:39,850 --> 00:17:40,934 missing? 291 00:17:39,850 --> 00:17:40,934 {\an8}‎消失了? 292 00:20:03,744 --> 00:20:05,662 What are you doing here, Your Royal Highness? 293 00:20:03,744 --> 00:20:05,662 {\an8}‎您在这里做什么? 294 00:20:08,415 --> 00:20:09,415 There was... 295 00:20:08,415 --> 00:20:09,415 {\an8}‎走廊上 296 00:20:10,375 --> 00:20:11,775 something monstrous in the hallway. 297 00:20:10,375 --> 00:20:11,775 {\an8}‎有个怪异的东西 298 00:20:12,336 --> 00:20:13,420 Something monstrous? 299 00:20:12,336 --> 00:20:13,420 {\an8}‎怪异的东西? 300 00:20:14,004 --> 00:20:15,339 It sounded like a beast. 301 00:20:14,004 --> 00:20:15,339 {\an8}‎听起来像野兽的声音 302 00:20:16,673 --> 00:20:19,009 It smelled of blood and had a foul stench. 303 00:20:16,673 --> 00:20:19,009 {\an8}‎还伴随浓厚的血腥味及恶臭 304 00:20:19,885 --> 00:20:22,846 It was not human. It had the shape of a monster. 305 00:20:19,885 --> 00:20:22,846 {\an8}‎那不是人类 是怪物的形体 306 00:20:23,555 --> 00:20:24,932 That cannot be true. 307 00:20:23,555 --> 00:20:24,932 {\an8}‎那是不可能的 308 00:20:25,641 --> 00:20:27,309 A monster in the King's palace? 309 00:20:25,641 --> 00:20:27,309 {\an8}‎康宁殿里怎么可能有怪物? 310 00:20:28,101 --> 00:20:29,519 Your Royal Highness must be wrong. 311 00:20:28,101 --> 00:20:29,519 {\an8}‎您是不是看错了? 312 00:20:29,603 --> 00:20:31,271 You do not believe me? 313 00:20:29,603 --> 00:20:31,271 {\an8}‎你不相信我的话吗? 314 00:20:31,355 --> 00:20:35,108 Your Royal Highness must be weak from having knelt in contrition for days. 315 00:20:31,355 --> 00:20:35,108 {\an8}‎您下跪请罪了好几日 ‎想必身体会非常虚弱 316 00:20:35,692 --> 00:20:37,486 Please return to your chambers 317 00:20:35,692 --> 00:20:37,486 {\an8}‎请您回到东宫殿 318 00:20:37,569 --> 00:20:41,198 and have a physician check up on you. 319 00:20:37,569 --> 00:20:41,198 {\an8}‎叫内医院大夫替您把个脉比较好 320 00:20:42,407 --> 00:20:44,618 Have His Royal Highness's attendants escort him. 321 00:20:42,407 --> 00:20:44,618 {\an8}‎叫东宫殿的宫人们送邸下回去 322 00:20:59,174 --> 00:21:00,509 Did you find my father? 323 00:20:59,174 --> 00:21:00,509 {\an8}‎你找到父王了吗? 324 00:21:01,093 --> 00:21:02,970 What do you mean? 325 00:21:01,093 --> 00:21:02,970 {\an8}‎您在说什么呢? 326 00:21:06,473 --> 00:21:07,516 His Majesty... 327 00:21:06,473 --> 00:21:07,516 {\an8}‎殿下 328 00:21:08,850 --> 00:21:10,894 is lying in his bed at this very moment. 329 00:21:08,850 --> 00:21:10,894 {\an8}‎现在正躺在寝殿里 330 00:21:11,478 --> 00:21:13,021 He is lying in his bed? 331 00:21:11,478 --> 00:21:13,021 {\an8}‎他在寝殿里? 332 00:21:15,482 --> 00:21:18,360 I shall simply check for myself then. 333 00:21:15,482 --> 00:21:18,360 {\an8}‎那么我就亲眼去确认一下吧 334 00:21:22,572 --> 00:21:25,158 Your Royal Highness, please stop. 335 00:21:22,572 --> 00:21:25,158 {\an8}‎邸下 请您止步 336 00:21:25,242 --> 00:21:27,077 Father, it is Chang. 337 00:21:25,242 --> 00:21:27,077 {\an8}‎父王 孩儿来了 338 00:21:27,369 --> 00:21:28,745 Please stop, Your Royal Highness. 339 00:21:27,369 --> 00:21:28,745 {\an8}‎请您止步 邸下 340 00:21:28,829 --> 00:21:30,122 - Open the door. - No! 341 00:21:28,829 --> 00:21:30,122 {\an8}‎-开门 ‎-千万不可! 342 00:21:30,205 --> 00:21:31,581 Open it at once! 343 00:21:30,205 --> 00:21:31,581 {\an8}‎赶紧开门! 344 00:21:37,379 --> 00:21:39,339 You dare draw 345 00:21:37,379 --> 00:21:39,339 {\an8}‎你胆敢在我面前 346 00:21:40,424 --> 00:21:42,009 your sword at me? 347 00:21:40,424 --> 00:21:42,009 {\an8}‎拔刀相向? 348 00:21:42,592 --> 00:21:44,594 It is the Queen's orders. 349 00:21:42,592 --> 00:21:44,594 {\an8}‎这是中殿娘娘的命令 350 00:21:45,053 --> 00:21:46,972 I am only maintaining the laws of the palace. 351 00:21:45,053 --> 00:21:46,972 {\an8}‎我只是在遵守皇室的规矩 352 00:21:47,055 --> 00:21:49,099 Can a mere commander of the Royal Army 353 00:21:47,055 --> 00:21:49,099 {\an8}‎你一介禁军别将 354 00:21:50,100 --> 00:21:52,144 shed the blood of the royal family? 355 00:21:50,100 --> 00:21:52,144 {\an8}‎承受得起王族的血吗? 356 00:21:55,522 --> 00:21:56,857 If you can, 357 00:21:55,522 --> 00:21:56,857 {\an8}‎若你承受得起 358 00:21:59,359 --> 00:22:00,444 strike me. 359 00:21:59,359 --> 00:22:00,444 {\an8}‎那就砍吧 360 00:22:13,874 --> 00:22:15,709 Where is my father? 361 00:22:13,874 --> 00:22:15,709 {\an8}‎父王在哪里? 362 00:22:17,377 --> 00:22:18,377 Why? 363 00:22:17,377 --> 00:22:18,377 {\an8}‎怎么? 364 00:22:18,837 --> 00:22:21,673 Are you concerned about your father's safety? 365 00:22:18,837 --> 00:22:21,673 {\an8}‎您很担心父王的安危吗? 366 00:22:22,090 --> 00:22:23,300 I saw... 367 00:22:22,090 --> 00:22:23,300 {\an8}‎我在康宁殿 368 00:22:24,926 --> 00:22:27,429 a hideous monster inside the King's palace. 369 00:22:24,926 --> 00:22:27,429 {\an8}‎看见了相貌可怕的怪物 370 00:22:28,680 --> 00:22:30,223 I saw one as well. 371 00:22:28,680 --> 00:22:30,223 {\an8}‎我也看见了 372 00:22:38,315 --> 00:22:41,610 A son pretending to be concerned about his father 373 00:22:38,315 --> 00:22:41,610 {\an8}‎我看见一个表面上假装相当担忧父亲 374 00:22:42,069 --> 00:22:45,906 when he secretly wishes for his father to die 375 00:22:42,069 --> 00:22:45,906 {\an8}‎内心却为了自己的安危与权势 376 00:22:46,782 --> 00:22:49,284 so that he can secure safety and power for himself. 377 00:22:46,782 --> 00:22:49,284 {\an8}‎而殷切期盼父亲死去 378 00:22:49,951 --> 00:22:52,371 That is the monster I saw. 379 00:22:49,951 --> 00:22:52,371 {\an8}‎有如怪物般的儿子 380 00:22:53,372 --> 00:22:54,623 Not only that, 381 00:22:53,372 --> 00:22:54,623 {\an8}‎不仅如此 382 00:22:54,706 --> 00:22:56,583 but I saw monsters 383 00:22:54,706 --> 00:22:56,583 {\an8}‎我还看见了 384 00:22:57,209 --> 00:22:58,710 full of evil thoughts 385 00:22:57,209 --> 00:22:58,710 {\an8}‎欲利用那个儿子杀害殿下 386 00:22:59,544 --> 00:23:02,881 who intend to use that son to slay His Majesty 387 00:22:59,544 --> 00:23:02,881 {\an8}‎并意图将国家据为己有 ‎内心充满邪恶企图的 388 00:23:02,964 --> 00:23:04,633 and take over this nation. 389 00:23:02,964 --> 00:23:04,633 {\an8}‎一群怪物 390 00:23:04,758 --> 00:23:06,635 Those monsters' blood is filling the courtyard 391 00:23:04,758 --> 00:23:06,635 {\an8}‎义禁府政厅的庭院前 392 00:23:06,718 --> 00:23:08,929 of the Royal Investigation Bureau. 393 00:23:06,718 --> 00:23:08,929 {\an8}‎满是那些怪物流出的鲜血 394 00:23:09,221 --> 00:23:12,808 Once that blood overflows, the leader of the conspiracy, 395 00:23:09,221 --> 00:23:12,808 {\an8}‎一旦血流成河 图谋造反的元凶 396 00:23:14,851 --> 00:23:19,064 the new king they wish to place on the throne, will be identified. 397 00:23:14,851 --> 00:23:19,064 {\an8}‎也就是那些人想拥护的新王身份 ‎将会显现出来 398 00:23:20,315 --> 00:23:21,441 When the time comes, 399 00:23:20,315 --> 00:23:21,441 {\an8}‎届时 400 00:23:22,734 --> 00:23:25,112 even a mere commander of the Royal Army 401 00:23:22,734 --> 00:23:25,112 {\an8}‎即使是一介禁军别将 402 00:23:25,821 --> 00:23:28,407 may shed the blood of the royal family. 403 00:23:25,821 --> 00:23:28,407 {\an8}‎也将承受得起王族的血 404 00:23:30,992 --> 00:23:35,038 Your Royal Highness may continue to wait, but His Majesty will not return. 405 00:23:30,992 --> 00:23:35,038 {\an8}‎无论您等多久 殿下都不会回来的 406 00:23:35,122 --> 00:23:39,084 His illness subsided, so he went to the Queen's palace. 407 00:23:35,122 --> 00:23:39,084 {\an8}‎他的病情有所好转 已前往中宫殿了 408 00:23:41,670 --> 00:23:42,712 Beom-il, 409 00:23:41,670 --> 00:23:42,712 {\an8}‎范日 410 00:23:44,214 --> 00:23:45,924 escort His Royal Highness out. 411 00:23:44,214 --> 00:23:45,924 {\an8}‎护送邸下回宫 412 00:23:46,716 --> 00:23:47,968 Yes, Father. 413 00:23:46,716 --> 00:23:47,968 {\an8}‎是的 爹 414 00:24:18,415 --> 00:24:21,418 His Royal Highness must have been startled. 415 00:24:18,415 --> 00:24:21,418 {\an8}‎邸下今日应该受了不少惊吓 416 00:24:21,501 --> 00:24:23,628 Bring him some medicine to calm his nerves. 417 00:24:21,501 --> 00:24:23,628 {\an8}‎呈上奇应丸让他服用吧 418 00:24:39,811 --> 00:24:40,812 Your Royal Highness. 419 00:24:39,811 --> 00:24:40,812 {\an8}‎邸下 420 00:24:43,106 --> 00:24:44,316 Did you retrieve it? 421 00:24:43,106 --> 00:24:44,316 {\an8}‎你拿到了吗? 422 00:24:45,025 --> 00:24:45,859 Yes. 423 00:24:45,025 --> 00:24:45,859 {\an8}‎是的 424 00:24:45,942 --> 00:24:49,321 I almost got caught, but I managed to sneak it out. 425 00:24:45,942 --> 00:24:49,321 {\an8}‎虽然差一点就被逮到 但我拿过来了 426 00:24:55,327 --> 00:24:57,704 Father collapsed ten days ago, 427 00:24:55,327 --> 00:24:57,704 {\an8}‎父王是在十天前倒下的 428 00:24:58,288 --> 00:24:59,498 at the end of the month. 429 00:24:58,288 --> 00:24:59,498 {\an8}‎是上个月末的事 430 00:25:04,294 --> 00:25:07,172 "Chills, fever, 431 00:25:04,294 --> 00:25:07,172 {\an8}‎“恶寒、发烧 432 00:25:07,839 --> 00:25:08,882 and a headache. 433 00:25:07,839 --> 00:25:08,882 {\an8}‎头痛 434 00:25:10,800 --> 00:25:14,179 Administered the decoction for rashes numerous times, but it was ineffective. 435 00:25:10,800 --> 00:25:14,179 {\an8}‎即便上呈了几次颗状化毒汤 ‎却不见成效 436 00:25:16,556 --> 00:25:19,309 The fever is too high to be varicella. 437 00:25:16,556 --> 00:25:19,309 {\an8}‎严重发烧与水痘之情况不同 438 00:25:21,228 --> 00:25:23,104 The symptoms are severe. 439 00:25:21,228 --> 00:25:23,104 {\an8}‎症状不甚寻常 440 00:25:25,732 --> 00:25:27,108 There might not be a cure." 441 00:25:25,732 --> 00:25:27,108 {\an8}‎百药皆无效”? 442 00:25:29,402 --> 00:25:30,529 Your Royal Highness, 443 00:25:29,402 --> 00:25:30,529 {\an8}‎等等 邸下 444 00:25:30,612 --> 00:25:32,364 why are there no more entries? 445 00:25:30,612 --> 00:25:32,364 {\an8}‎为何这里什么都没写? 446 00:25:32,447 --> 00:25:33,615 This cannot be. 447 00:25:32,447 --> 00:25:33,615 {\an8}‎这是不可能的 448 00:25:34,241 --> 00:25:37,536 Those in the Royal Infirmary must write an entry every day without fail. 449 00:25:34,241 --> 00:25:37,536 {\an8}‎药房日记必须每日都不遗漏地记载 450 00:25:38,995 --> 00:25:41,706 Furthermore, Father was in critical condition. 451 00:25:38,995 --> 00:25:41,706 {\an8}‎再加上父王病势危急 452 00:25:47,879 --> 00:25:49,631 Unless they had to hide something 453 00:25:47,879 --> 00:25:49,631 {\an8}‎他们肯定在隐瞒什么 454 00:25:51,383 --> 00:25:53,593 and intentionally omitted entries... 455 00:25:51,383 --> 00:25:53,593 {\an8}‎否则不会故意不写 456 00:25:56,846 --> 00:25:59,599 What is happening to my father right now 457 00:25:56,846 --> 00:25:59,599 {\an8}‎父王在康宁殿里 458 00:26:00,642 --> 00:26:02,602 in his own palace? 459 00:26:00,642 --> 00:26:02,602 {\an8}‎究竟发生了什么事? 460 00:26:04,521 --> 00:26:05,522 Your Royal Highness. 461 00:26:04,521 --> 00:26:05,522 {\an8}‎邸下 462 00:26:08,733 --> 00:26:10,527 Who is Physician Lee Seung-hui? 463 00:26:08,733 --> 00:26:10,527 {\an8}‎李承熙医员是谁? 464 00:26:12,904 --> 00:26:16,032 He was a royal physician, but he resigned three years ago. 465 00:26:12,904 --> 00:26:16,032 {\an8}‎李承熙医员是三年前卸任的前任御医 466 00:26:16,908 --> 00:26:18,201 How do you know of him? 467 00:26:16,908 --> 00:26:18,201 {\an8}‎你怎么会知道他? 468 00:26:19,160 --> 00:26:22,664 His name is written on the last entry regarding His Majesty. 469 00:26:19,160 --> 00:26:22,664 {\an8}‎这里关于殿下的记录当中 ‎最后有他的名字 470 00:26:25,000 --> 00:26:28,169 PHYSICIAN LEE SEUNG-HUI OF JIYULHEON IN DONGNAE WAS CALLED INTO THE PALACE 471 00:26:25,000 --> 00:26:28,169 {\an8}‎(东莱持律轩的 ‎李承熙医员受命入宫) 472 00:26:32,507 --> 00:26:33,883 I must go out in disguise. 473 00:26:32,507 --> 00:26:33,883 {\an8}‎我得微服出巡一趟才行 474 00:26:34,426 --> 00:26:36,720 Pardon? In disguise? 475 00:26:34,426 --> 00:26:36,720 {\an8}‎什么?微服出巡? 476 00:26:37,137 --> 00:26:40,348 You cannot. Who knows what the Queen will do to you... 477 00:26:37,137 --> 00:26:40,348 {\an8}‎千万不可 这样中殿娘娘 ‎又会怎么责备您… 478 00:26:40,432 --> 00:26:42,350 She said not to enter the King's palace. 479 00:26:40,432 --> 00:26:42,350 {\an8}‎她只叫我别去康宁殿 480 00:26:42,767 --> 00:26:44,769 She did not forbid me from leaving the palace. 481 00:26:42,767 --> 00:26:44,769 {\an8}‎并没有禁止我出宫 482 00:26:45,020 --> 00:26:46,271 Your Royal Highness! 483 00:26:45,020 --> 00:26:46,271 {\an8}‎邸下! 484 00:26:46,688 --> 00:26:47,856 Prepare to leave. 485 00:26:46,688 --> 00:26:47,856 {\an8}‎准备微服出巡 486 00:26:48,607 --> 00:26:51,026 It will be just you and me. 487 00:26:48,607 --> 00:26:51,026 {\an8}‎只有我俩一起去 488 00:26:52,485 --> 00:26:53,737 Then what about... 489 00:26:52,485 --> 00:26:53,737 {\an8}‎那么… 490 00:26:54,946 --> 00:26:56,323 the beef pancakes? 491 00:26:54,946 --> 00:26:56,323 {\an8}‎肉饼该怎么办? 492 00:27:04,289 --> 00:27:07,959 DONGNAE 493 00:27:04,289 --> 00:27:07,959 {\an8}‎(东莱) 494 00:27:09,502 --> 00:27:14,549 JIYULHEON 495 00:27:09,502 --> 00:27:14,549 {\an8}‎(持律轩) 496 00:27:28,021 --> 00:27:31,733 Eat a little more. You will recover faster that way. 497 00:27:28,021 --> 00:27:31,733 {\an8}‎再多吃一点吧 ‎这样才能尽快恢复健康 498 00:27:31,816 --> 00:27:33,485 I will have it later. 499 00:27:31,816 --> 00:27:33,485 {\an8}‎我之后再吃 500 00:27:35,403 --> 00:27:36,863 You call that food? 501 00:27:35,403 --> 00:27:36,863 {\an8}‎那种东西能吃吗? 502 00:27:37,781 --> 00:27:41,201 They will croak from starvation before the disease kills them. 503 00:27:37,781 --> 00:27:41,201 {\an8}‎他们不是因为患病而死 ‎应该是被饿死的吧 504 00:27:44,329 --> 00:27:48,041 The government promised to send us some rice soon, 505 00:27:44,329 --> 00:27:48,041 {\an8}‎官衙就快派发黄谷米给我们了 506 00:27:48,124 --> 00:27:49,751 so wait until then. 507 00:27:48,124 --> 00:27:49,751 {\an8}‎在那之前就先忍耐一下吧 508 00:27:49,834 --> 00:27:51,378 Like they would. 509 00:27:49,834 --> 00:27:51,378 {\an8}‎他们会给才怪 510 00:27:52,003 --> 00:27:53,755 Dozens of people die every day 511 00:27:52,003 --> 00:27:53,755 {\an8}‎为了等那该死的黄谷米 512 00:27:53,838 --> 00:27:56,132 waiting for that rice. 513 00:27:53,838 --> 00:27:56,132 {\an8}‎每天都有数十人等到饿死了 514 00:28:00,595 --> 00:28:01,930 You should rest. 515 00:28:00,595 --> 00:28:01,930 {\an8}‎你在这休息 516 00:28:21,282 --> 00:28:22,826 What are you doing? 517 00:28:21,282 --> 00:28:22,826 {\an8}‎你在做什么? 518 00:28:23,410 --> 00:28:27,163 Those people will become sicker if they do not eat that, 519 00:28:23,410 --> 00:28:27,163 {\an8}‎若他们连那个都不吃的话 ‎他们的病情会更严重 520 00:28:27,622 --> 00:28:28,998 so watch what you say. 521 00:28:27,622 --> 00:28:28,998 {\an8}‎你说话小心点 522 00:28:39,217 --> 00:28:40,719 By the way, 523 00:28:39,217 --> 00:28:40,719 {\an8}‎不过 524 00:28:40,802 --> 00:28:42,721 when is that Physician Lee coming? 525 00:28:40,802 --> 00:28:42,721 {\an8}‎那个名叫李承熙的医员 ‎何时才会回来? 526 00:28:42,804 --> 00:28:45,056 I told you he went to Hanyang. 527 00:28:42,804 --> 00:28:45,056 {\an8}‎我已经跟你说过他去汉阳了 528 00:28:45,181 --> 00:28:47,183 So, when is he coming back? 529 00:28:45,181 --> 00:28:47,183 {\an8}‎所以他何时才会回来? 530 00:28:47,267 --> 00:28:49,686 I came all the way here because I heard he was the best. 531 00:28:47,267 --> 00:28:49,686 {\an8}‎我是听说他医术高超 ‎所以才来大老远来这里的 532 00:28:51,229 --> 00:28:52,480 Your wound will heal quickly 533 00:28:51,229 --> 00:28:52,480 {\an8}‎你的伤口 534 00:28:53,690 --> 00:28:56,317 if you shut your trap, 535 00:28:53,690 --> 00:28:56,317 {\an8}‎只要闭上嘴巴就能很快痊愈 536 00:28:57,068 --> 00:28:58,486 so be on your way. 537 00:28:57,068 --> 00:28:58,486 {\an8}‎请你回去吧 538 00:29:00,572 --> 00:29:01,614 What did you just... 539 00:29:00,572 --> 00:29:01,614 {\an8}‎我… 540 00:29:03,408 --> 00:29:04,701 What the... 541 00:29:03,408 --> 00:29:04,701 {\an8}‎真是的 542 00:29:08,705 --> 00:29:09,914 What are you looking at? 543 00:29:08,705 --> 00:29:09,914 {\an8}‎看什么?小子 544 00:29:21,050 --> 00:29:23,762 The medicine is ineffective since they cannot eat much. 545 00:29:21,050 --> 00:29:23,762 {\an8}‎没什么吃的 药也无法发挥效用 546 00:29:24,345 --> 00:29:25,472 This is bad. 547 00:29:24,345 --> 00:29:25,472 {\an8}‎真是糟糕 548 00:29:27,015 --> 00:29:29,058 - Physician Lee has returned! - Hurry! 549 00:29:27,015 --> 00:29:29,058 {\an8}‎-李承熙医员回来了! ‎-快点! 550 00:29:29,225 --> 00:29:30,477 Physician Lee is back! 551 00:29:29,225 --> 00:29:30,477 {\an8}‎医员回来了! 552 00:29:34,981 --> 00:29:36,316 There he is! 553 00:29:34,981 --> 00:29:36,316 {\an8}‎他来了! 554 00:30:01,090 --> 00:30:02,383 Welcome back, Master. 555 00:30:01,090 --> 00:30:02,383 {\an8}‎您回来了 556 00:30:06,513 --> 00:30:09,390 What is that, Master? 557 00:30:06,513 --> 00:30:09,390 {\an8}‎请问那是什么? 558 00:30:16,439 --> 00:30:17,732 Prepare for a funeral. 559 00:30:16,439 --> 00:30:17,732 {\an8}‎准备治丧吧 560 00:30:18,858 --> 00:30:19,858 Pardon? 561 00:30:18,858 --> 00:30:19,858 {\an8}‎什么? 562 00:30:20,276 --> 00:30:22,821 Whose funeral do you mean? 563 00:30:20,276 --> 00:30:22,821 {\an8}‎您是指谁的丧礼? 564 00:30:30,787 --> 00:30:31,830 Over here. 565 00:30:30,787 --> 00:30:31,830 {\an8}‎大哥 566 00:30:34,624 --> 00:30:36,584 Help me with this. 567 00:30:34,624 --> 00:30:36,584 {\an8}‎大哥 帮我抬一下棺木 568 00:30:39,379 --> 00:30:40,547 Let's open it. 569 00:30:39,379 --> 00:30:40,547 {\an8}‎打开来看看吧 570 00:30:48,805 --> 00:30:49,990 - My gosh, Dan-i. - It is Dan-i! 571 00:30:48,805 --> 00:30:49,990 {\an8}‎-天啊 丹儿 ‎-是丹儿 572 00:30:50,014 --> 00:30:51,850 - Oh, my. Dan-i! - My goodness. 573 00:30:50,014 --> 00:30:51,850 {\an8}‎-丹儿 ‎-丹儿 怎么会这样? 574 00:30:51,933 --> 00:30:53,493 - What happened? - What happened to him? 575 00:30:51,933 --> 00:30:53,493 {\an8}‎-这是怎么回事? ‎-他怎么会变这样? 576 00:30:55,645 --> 00:30:57,647 - Oh, my. - Dan-i... 577 00:30:55,645 --> 00:30:57,647 {\an8}‎-怎么办? ‎-丹儿… 578 00:30:58,189 --> 00:30:59,566 What happened to Dan-i? 579 00:30:58,189 --> 00:30:59,566 {\an8}‎丹儿是怎么了? 580 00:31:00,191 --> 00:31:01,442 How could this happen to him? 581 00:31:00,191 --> 00:31:01,442 {\an8}‎这是怎么回事? 582 00:31:04,904 --> 00:31:06,239 Master! 583 00:31:04,904 --> 00:31:06,239 {\an8}‎师父! 584 00:31:06,489 --> 00:31:10,159 Master, what happened? Please tell me! 585 00:31:06,489 --> 00:31:10,159 {\an8}‎师父 发生什么事了? 586 00:31:10,702 --> 00:31:13,454 What happened in Hanyang 587 00:31:10,702 --> 00:31:13,454 {\an8}‎汉阳那里究竟发生了什么事 588 00:31:14,205 --> 00:31:17,208 that Dan-i returned in such a gruesome state? 589 00:31:14,205 --> 00:31:17,208 {\an8}‎丹儿为何会以那么凄惨的模样回来? 590 00:31:19,168 --> 00:31:20,837 Please tell me, Master. 591 00:31:19,168 --> 00:31:20,837 {\an8}‎请您告诉我 592 00:31:27,760 --> 00:31:29,095 Nothing happened. 593 00:31:27,760 --> 00:31:29,095 {\an8}‎什么事都没发生 594 00:31:30,889 --> 00:31:32,015 Nothing. 595 00:31:30,889 --> 00:31:32,015 {\an8}‎什么事都没有 596 00:31:33,933 --> 00:31:35,268 Nothing happened. 597 00:31:33,933 --> 00:31:35,268 {\an8}‎什么事都没发生 598 00:31:45,862 --> 00:31:47,864 HANYANG 599 00:31:45,862 --> 00:31:47,864 {\an8}‎(汉阳) 600 00:31:47,989 --> 00:31:49,782 It says they will depose His Majesty, 601 00:31:47,989 --> 00:31:49,782 {\an8}‎他们想废黜殿下 602 00:31:49,866 --> 00:31:52,660 have the Crown Prince take the throne, 603 00:31:49,866 --> 00:31:52,660 {\an8}‎推举世子邸下登基为新王 604 00:31:53,369 --> 00:31:56,372 and create a new world. 605 00:31:53,369 --> 00:31:56,372 {\an8}‎并创造新的世界 上面是这样写的 606 00:31:57,373 --> 00:32:00,960 This is conclusive evidence of treason. 607 00:31:57,373 --> 00:32:00,960 {\an8}‎这就是谋反的关键证据 608 00:32:02,128 --> 00:32:05,256 We must bring the Crown Prince to the Royal Investigation Bureau 609 00:32:02,128 --> 00:32:05,256 {\an8}‎我们得立即将世子邸下押送至义禁府 610 00:32:05,340 --> 00:32:07,300 and interrogate him right away. 611 00:32:05,340 --> 00:32:07,300 {\an8}‎并对他进行调查才行 612 00:32:07,383 --> 00:32:12,013 Where and how did you find the letter? 613 00:32:07,383 --> 00:32:12,013 {\an8}‎你是在哪里 ‎又是如何发现这封书信的? 614 00:32:12,597 --> 00:32:15,099 Someone reported that one of the scholars 615 00:32:12,597 --> 00:32:15,099 {\an8}‎有人举报说遭押送的其中一名儒生 616 00:32:15,183 --> 00:32:17,977 who was arrested had this letter at home. 617 00:32:15,183 --> 00:32:17,977 {\an8}‎家中放着这封书信 618 00:32:18,061 --> 00:32:20,271 What a useful informant. 619 00:32:18,061 --> 00:32:20,271 {\an8}‎真是位了不起的举报人 620 00:32:20,355 --> 00:32:24,400 He knew every single one of the 89 scholars who committed treason 621 00:32:20,355 --> 00:32:24,400 {\an8}‎他认识参与谋反的89名儒生 622 00:32:24,484 --> 00:32:27,695 and where the secret letter that no one knew about was kept. 623 00:32:24,484 --> 00:32:27,695 {\an8}‎甚至连他们 ‎秘密往来的书信放置处都知道? 624 00:32:28,613 --> 00:32:30,365 Who is this informant? 625 00:32:28,613 --> 00:32:30,365 {\an8}‎那个人究竟是谁? 626 00:32:30,865 --> 00:32:33,284 Why is that important? 627 00:32:30,865 --> 00:32:33,284 {\an8}‎那很重要吗? 628 00:32:36,287 --> 00:32:40,541 None of the 89 scholars admitted to the allegation of treason. 629 00:32:36,287 --> 00:32:40,541 {\an8}‎遭押送的89名儒生 ‎没有任何一人承认谋反 630 00:32:40,625 --> 00:32:41,625 Yet, 631 00:32:40,625 --> 00:32:41,625 {\an8}‎不过 632 00:32:42,377 --> 00:32:45,630 you are accusing them of treason based on the statement of that single informant. 633 00:32:42,377 --> 00:32:45,630 {\an8}‎你听信举报人的片面之词 ‎就认定这是谋反 634 00:32:46,506 --> 00:32:48,883 This is an insult to the Confucian scholars, 635 00:32:46,506 --> 00:32:48,883 {\an8}‎我只能认为你瞧不起身为国家根基的 636 00:32:48,967 --> 00:32:50,176 the foundation of this nation. 637 00:32:48,967 --> 00:32:50,176 {\an8}‎儒林子弟 638 00:32:53,096 --> 00:32:57,058 Are the Confucian scholars really the foundation of this nation? 639 00:32:53,096 --> 00:32:57,058 {\an8}‎国家的根基是儒林子弟? 640 00:32:58,768 --> 00:33:00,088 What did those Confucian scholars 641 00:32:58,768 --> 00:33:00,088 {\an8}‎那些儒林子弟 642 00:33:01,270 --> 00:33:03,606 ever do for this nation? 643 00:33:01,270 --> 00:33:03,606 {\an8}‎为国家做了什么事? 644 00:33:03,690 --> 00:33:04,816 What are you saying? 645 00:33:03,690 --> 00:33:04,816 {\an8}‎你这是什么意思? 646 00:33:07,402 --> 00:33:09,445 Two disastrous wars 647 00:33:07,402 --> 00:33:09,445 {\an8}‎悲惨的战乱 648 00:33:10,655 --> 00:33:12,824 swept through this land. 649 00:33:10,655 --> 00:33:12,824 {\an8}‎横扫了这片土地两次 650 00:33:14,659 --> 00:33:15,952 Do you know... 651 00:33:14,659 --> 00:33:15,952 {\an8}‎你知道 652 00:33:16,661 --> 00:33:19,539 why we were defeated so helplessly? 653 00:33:16,661 --> 00:33:19,539 {\an8}‎为何我们当时如此软弱地被击败吗? 654 00:33:21,416 --> 00:33:23,251 It is because weak Confucian scholars, 655 00:33:21,416 --> 00:33:23,251 {\an8}‎那是因为这个国家 656 00:33:23,918 --> 00:33:26,337 who only blabbed of the Analects and Mencius 657 00:33:23,918 --> 00:33:26,337 {\an8}‎被只会满口谈着论语、孟子 ‎却什么事都不做的 658 00:33:26,671 --> 00:33:29,298 without taking any action, led this nation. 659 00:33:26,671 --> 00:33:29,298 {\an8}‎软弱儒林子弟所领导着 660 00:33:30,508 --> 00:33:32,135 The same holds true today. 661 00:33:30,508 --> 00:33:32,135 {\an8}‎现在也是一样 662 00:33:32,218 --> 00:33:34,887 You are completely out of line, Chief State Councilor. 663 00:33:32,218 --> 00:33:34,887 {\an8}‎领相大人 你这话有些过分了 664 00:33:37,306 --> 00:33:39,100 What do you think you are doing? 665 00:33:37,306 --> 00:33:39,100 {\an8}‎你在做什么?领相 666 00:33:39,183 --> 00:33:40,601 Can you not see? 667 00:33:39,183 --> 00:33:40,601 {\an8}‎你看不清楚吗? 668 00:33:41,936 --> 00:33:43,563 Should I help you see it better? 669 00:33:41,936 --> 00:33:43,563 {\an8}‎要不要让你看得更清楚一点? 670 00:33:45,648 --> 00:33:48,901 Now do you see what it says? 671 00:33:45,648 --> 00:33:48,901 {\an8}‎你现在看清楚上面写了什么吗? 672 00:33:48,985 --> 00:33:51,487 It says they will tear down the King, 673 00:33:48,985 --> 00:33:51,487 {\an8}‎上面写着要让国家的天空崩塌 674 00:33:51,946 --> 00:33:53,740 disturb the order, 675 00:33:51,946 --> 00:33:53,740 {\an8}‎打乱秩序 676 00:33:53,823 --> 00:33:57,118 and create chaos, thus leading this nation to ruin. 677 00:33:53,823 --> 00:33:57,118 {\an8}‎制造混乱 致使国家走向灭亡 678 00:33:57,201 --> 00:33:58,911 After reading such a horrendous letter, 679 00:33:57,201 --> 00:33:58,911 {\an8}‎读了如此可怕的文章后 680 00:33:58,995 --> 00:34:02,915 should the members of the Court sit around and argue about 681 00:33:58,995 --> 00:34:02,915 {\an8}‎你身为侍奉国家的朝廷大臣 ‎总该有点作为 682 00:34:02,999 --> 00:34:07,378 what should be done while doing nothing as they did during those wars? 683 00:34:02,999 --> 00:34:07,378 {\an8}‎难道又要像战乱时那样 ‎只会坐在桌前争论着该做什么事吗? 684 00:34:07,920 --> 00:34:09,005 Lord Cho, 685 00:34:07,920 --> 00:34:09,005 {\an8}‎大人 686 00:34:09,922 --> 00:34:11,215 that is enough. 687 00:34:09,922 --> 00:34:11,215 {\an8}‎请你住手吧 688 00:34:22,727 --> 00:34:26,522 Arrest the Crown Prince and bring him to the Royal Investigation Bureau. 689 00:34:22,727 --> 00:34:26,522 {\an8}‎立刻将世子押送至义禁府 690 00:34:37,033 --> 00:34:38,367 Where is the Crown Prince? 691 00:34:37,033 --> 00:34:38,367 {\an8}‎世子在哪里? 692 00:34:38,910 --> 00:34:40,203 We do not know. 693 00:34:38,910 --> 00:34:40,203 {\an8}‎我们不知道 694 00:34:45,666 --> 00:34:49,587 Give me the same answer again, and you will lose your neck. 695 00:34:45,666 --> 00:34:49,587 {\an8}‎若你再回答相同的答案 ‎我就会让你人头落地 696 00:34:51,672 --> 00:34:53,257 Where is the Crown Prince? 697 00:34:51,672 --> 00:34:53,257 {\an8}‎世子在哪里? 698 00:34:54,383 --> 00:34:57,512 - I truly do not... - If I may answer, 699 00:34:54,383 --> 00:34:57,512 {\an8}‎-小的真的不知道… ‎-容我斗胆禀报 700 00:34:57,804 --> 00:35:00,139 we have been searching for him all day, 701 00:34:57,804 --> 00:35:00,139 {\an8}‎我们从刚才就一直在寻找他 702 00:35:00,223 --> 00:35:02,725 but he is nowhere within the Crown Prince's palace. 703 00:35:00,223 --> 00:35:02,725 {\an8}‎但他并不在东宫殿的任何一处 704 00:35:03,267 --> 00:35:05,103 You saw for yourself, did you not? 705 00:35:03,267 --> 00:35:05,103 {\an8}‎你也亲眼看见了 706 00:35:08,314 --> 00:35:09,190 Find the Crown Prince! 707 00:35:08,314 --> 00:35:09,190 {\an8}‎找出世子! 708 00:35:09,273 --> 00:35:11,275 Search all over the palace and Hanyang 709 00:35:09,273 --> 00:35:11,275 {\an8}‎无论是宫里还是汉阳城 710 00:35:11,359 --> 00:35:13,199 and drag him to the Royal Investigation Bureau. 711 00:35:11,359 --> 00:35:13,199 {\an8}‎给我仔细找 再将他带到义禁府 712 00:35:14,362 --> 00:35:15,947 The Crown Prince is no longer... 713 00:35:14,362 --> 00:35:15,947 {\an8}‎世子现在… 714 00:35:17,073 --> 00:35:18,950 the heir to the throne. 715 00:35:17,073 --> 00:35:18,950 {\an8}‎已不再是国家的国本 716 00:35:19,367 --> 00:35:21,661 He is a criminal who conspired treason. 717 00:35:19,367 --> 00:35:21,661 {\an8}‎而是策划谋反的大逆罪人 718 00:35:48,938 --> 00:35:51,023 Gosh. 719 00:35:48,938 --> 00:35:51,023 {\an8}‎天啊 真是的 720 00:35:56,279 --> 00:35:57,279 Is anyone there? 721 00:35:56,279 --> 00:35:57,279 {\an8}‎有人在吗? 722 00:36:02,994 --> 00:36:03,994 It is taking a bath. 723 00:36:02,994 --> 00:36:03,994 {\an8}‎帮它洗澡 724 00:36:07,957 --> 00:36:09,208 Is anyone there? 725 00:36:07,957 --> 00:36:09,208 {\an8}‎有人在吗? 726 00:36:09,292 --> 00:36:10,334 Sure, sure. 727 00:36:09,292 --> 00:36:10,334 {\an8}‎是 728 00:36:11,043 --> 00:36:12,587 Are you Park Jong-yeong, 729 00:36:11,043 --> 00:36:12,587 {\an8}‎你真的是 730 00:36:12,670 --> 00:36:15,548 - an orderly at the Royal Infirmary? - Yes, I am. 731 00:36:12,670 --> 00:36:15,548 {\an8}‎-内医院使令朴宗领吗? ‎-是的 732 00:36:18,259 --> 00:36:22,597 What brings the Crown Prince's personal guard by? 733 00:36:18,259 --> 00:36:22,597 {\an8}‎世子翊卫司找我有什么事? 734 00:36:22,680 --> 00:36:25,141 I am looking for Physician Lee Seung-hui from Dongnae. 735 00:36:22,680 --> 00:36:25,141 {\an8}‎我在寻找来自东莱的李承熙医员 736 00:36:25,474 --> 00:36:26,809 He entered the palace 737 00:36:25,474 --> 00:36:26,809 {\an8}‎本月初三 738 00:36:26,893 --> 00:36:29,020 on the third of the month when you were on duty. 739 00:36:26,893 --> 00:36:29,020 {\an8}‎他是在你值班时入宫的 740 00:36:29,645 --> 00:36:32,190 I do not know his name, 741 00:36:29,645 --> 00:36:32,190 {\an8}‎我不知道他的大名 742 00:36:32,273 --> 00:36:35,526 but the physician from Dongnae has left already. 743 00:36:32,273 --> 00:36:35,526 {\an8}‎但来自东莱的医员已经离开了 744 00:36:35,902 --> 00:36:37,778 The lad who came with him got severely ill, 745 00:36:35,902 --> 00:36:37,778 {\an8}‎由于和他同行的跟班病危 746 00:36:37,862 --> 00:36:39,405 so they had to return. 747 00:36:37,862 --> 00:36:39,405 {\an8}‎他便带着他离开了 748 00:36:41,365 --> 00:36:42,645 Ask what his symptoms were like. 749 00:36:41,365 --> 00:36:42,645 {\an8}‎问他的病况如何 750 00:36:45,203 --> 00:36:47,330 Why was the lad in critical condition? 751 00:36:45,203 --> 00:36:47,330 {\an8}‎和他同行的跟班为何会病危? 752 00:36:48,122 --> 00:36:49,207 Did he catch smallpox? 753 00:36:48,122 --> 00:36:49,207 {\an8}‎他得了头疮吗? 754 00:36:49,957 --> 00:36:52,835 A dullard like me does not know for sure, 755 00:36:49,957 --> 00:36:52,835 {\an8}‎我是个愚人 所以不太了解 756 00:36:53,252 --> 00:36:54,921 but it was not a disease. 757 00:36:53,252 --> 00:36:54,921 {\an8}‎但他并没有得病 758 00:36:55,004 --> 00:36:57,089 He had deep wounds all over his body. 759 00:36:55,004 --> 00:36:57,089 {\an8}‎他身上各处都是伤口 760 00:36:57,924 --> 00:37:02,220 It looked as if he was bitten by a huge beast. 761 00:36:57,924 --> 00:37:02,220 {\an8}‎看起来就如同被大型野兽咬过一样 762 00:37:11,479 --> 00:37:14,273 Your Royal Highness, we must hurry. 763 00:37:11,479 --> 00:37:14,273 {\an8}‎邸下 我们得加快脚步了 764 00:37:14,774 --> 00:37:16,984 We will get caught at this rate. We must hurry back. 765 00:37:14,774 --> 00:37:16,984 {\an8}‎这样下去会被发现的 ‎我们得赶紧回去 766 00:37:17,985 --> 00:37:21,656 That way is south, so Dongnae must be in that direction. 767 00:37:17,985 --> 00:37:21,656 {\an8}‎那里是南边 ‎东莱肯定就在那条路的尽头 768 00:37:23,032 --> 00:37:24,659 I need to know 769 00:37:23,032 --> 00:37:24,659 {\an8}‎我得查明才行 770 00:37:25,243 --> 00:37:28,037 what happened to my father and to the royal family 771 00:37:25,243 --> 00:37:28,037 {\an8}‎必须查明父王与国家皇室 772 00:37:29,121 --> 00:37:30,665 of this nation. 773 00:37:29,121 --> 00:37:30,665 {\an8}‎究竟发生了什么事 774 00:37:30,748 --> 00:37:32,166 What do you mean? 775 00:37:30,748 --> 00:37:32,166 {\an8}‎您这是什么意思? 776 00:37:33,292 --> 00:37:34,418 I must go to Dongnae. 777 00:37:33,292 --> 00:37:34,418 {\an8}‎我要去东莱 778 00:37:35,002 --> 00:37:36,087 To Dongnae? 779 00:37:35,002 --> 00:37:36,087 {\an8}‎您要去东莱? 780 00:37:37,630 --> 00:37:38,630 Now? 781 00:37:37,630 --> 00:37:38,630 {\an8}‎现在吗? 782 00:37:41,884 --> 00:37:45,054 Without eunuchs or court ladies to serve you? 783 00:37:41,884 --> 00:37:45,054 {\an8}‎等等 没有随行内侍和宫女 784 00:37:45,137 --> 00:37:46,806 You and I alone? 785 00:37:45,137 --> 00:37:46,806 {\an8}‎只有您和我两个人去吗? 786 00:37:47,223 --> 00:37:48,223 We cannot. 787 00:37:47,223 --> 00:37:48,223 {\an8}‎万万不可 788 00:37:48,266 --> 00:37:49,600 I shall go. 789 00:37:48,266 --> 00:37:49,600 {\an8}‎我要去 790 00:37:49,684 --> 00:37:52,603 Do you know how far it is from Hanyang to Dongnae? 791 00:37:49,684 --> 00:37:52,603 {\an8}‎您知道从汉阳到东莱的路程 ‎有多远吗? 792 00:37:53,646 --> 00:37:55,022 You almost vomited several times 793 00:37:53,646 --> 00:37:55,022 {\an8}‎你从宫里来这里时 794 00:37:55,106 --> 00:37:57,066 on the way here from the palace 795 00:37:55,106 --> 00:37:57,066 {\an8}‎也因为臭水沟和茅厕的臭味 796 00:37:57,149 --> 00:37:58,693 because of the stench. 797 00:37:57,149 --> 00:37:58,693 {\an8}‎而呕吐了好几次啊 798 00:37:58,776 --> 00:38:00,861 How can you make it all the way to Dongnae 799 00:37:58,776 --> 00:38:00,861 {\an8}‎但前往东莱的路途那么漫长 800 00:38:01,487 --> 00:38:04,699 on such rough and difficult roads? It is nearly 350km away. 801 00:38:01,487 --> 00:38:04,699 {\an8}‎您要怎么走完那段 ‎艰辛的900里路程? 802 00:38:04,782 --> 00:38:08,494 My life until now has been more difficult than that. 803 00:38:04,782 --> 00:38:08,494 {\an8}‎我至今的人生 ‎比那段路途还要艰辛许多 804 00:38:08,577 --> 00:38:10,079 What about your meals? 805 00:38:08,577 --> 00:38:10,079 {\an8}‎那您要如何用膳? 806 00:38:10,871 --> 00:38:13,916 You will not even get to see the delicacies you enjoy in the palace. 807 00:38:10,871 --> 00:38:13,916 {\an8}‎您在宫里品尝过的山珍海味 ‎可是会连看都看不到 808 00:38:14,000 --> 00:38:15,084 I do not care. 809 00:38:14,000 --> 00:38:15,084 {\an8}‎无所谓 810 00:38:15,167 --> 00:38:17,420 We could encounter bandits or rioters. 811 00:38:15,167 --> 00:38:17,420 {\an8}‎您可能会遇见山贼或暴徒 812 00:38:18,045 --> 00:38:19,297 They might kill us. 813 00:38:18,045 --> 00:38:19,297 {\an8}‎也许会死在他们手里 814 00:38:20,006 --> 00:38:21,590 I will die anyway... 815 00:38:20,006 --> 00:38:21,590 {\an8}‎即使留在这里 816 00:38:22,758 --> 00:38:24,010 if I remain here. 817 00:38:22,758 --> 00:38:24,010 {\an8}‎我也会死 818 00:38:24,093 --> 00:38:26,137 Because of the allegation of treason? 819 00:38:24,093 --> 00:38:26,137 {\an8}‎您是因为谋反的事才如此吗? 820 00:38:26,846 --> 00:38:29,724 Your Royal Highness, even the Haewon Cho Clan 821 00:38:26,846 --> 00:38:29,724 {\an8}‎邸下 您根本没做那种事 822 00:38:29,807 --> 00:38:32,893 cannot harm you for something you did not do. 823 00:38:29,807 --> 00:38:32,893 {\an8}‎就算是海源赵氏的人 ‎他们也拿您没办法 824 00:38:35,521 --> 00:38:36,605 I did it. 825 00:38:35,521 --> 00:38:36,605 {\an8}‎我做了 826 00:38:37,648 --> 00:38:38,649 Pardon? 827 00:38:37,648 --> 00:38:38,649 {\an8}‎什么? 828 00:38:40,526 --> 00:38:41,610 May I beg your pardon? 829 00:38:40,526 --> 00:38:41,610 {\an8}‎您刚才说什么? 830 00:38:41,694 --> 00:38:42,694 I... 831 00:38:41,694 --> 00:38:42,694 {\an8}‎我… 832 00:38:44,030 --> 00:38:45,531 conspired treason against Father. 833 00:38:44,030 --> 00:38:45,531 {\an8}‎策划了谋反 834 00:38:47,908 --> 00:38:49,035 Why? 835 00:38:47,908 --> 00:38:49,035 {\an8}‎为什么? 836 00:38:51,162 --> 00:38:52,162 How... 837 00:38:51,162 --> 00:38:52,162 {\an8}‎您怎么… 838 00:38:53,497 --> 00:38:57,376 You are the Crown Prince. The throne would have been yours anyway. 839 00:38:53,497 --> 00:38:57,376 {\an8}‎您可是什么都不做 ‎也会成为一国之君的世子邸下 840 00:38:57,460 --> 00:38:58,669 So why? 841 00:38:57,460 --> 00:38:58,669 {\an8}‎但您为何要这样? 842 00:38:59,170 --> 00:39:03,049 IT HAS ITS MEANING IN CREATING A NEW WORLD 843 00:38:59,170 --> 00:39:03,049 {\an8}‎(为开启全新世界 赋予意义) 844 00:39:07,345 --> 00:39:10,848 LEE CHANG 845 00:39:07,345 --> 00:39:10,848 {\an8}‎(李苍) 846 00:39:24,653 --> 00:39:26,030 Crown Prince... 847 00:39:24,653 --> 00:39:26,030 {\an8}‎世子 848 00:39:27,448 --> 00:39:28,491 That is correct. 849 00:39:27,448 --> 00:39:28,491 {\an8}‎没错 850 00:39:29,784 --> 00:39:31,660 I am the Crown Prince of this nation. 851 00:39:29,784 --> 00:39:31,660 {\an8}‎我是这个国家的世子 852 00:39:33,371 --> 00:39:35,164 I am my father's only son, 853 00:39:33,371 --> 00:39:35,164 {\an8}‎虽然我是父王唯一的儿子 854 00:39:35,664 --> 00:39:38,459 but I shall die if the Queen gives birth to a legitimate son. 855 00:39:35,664 --> 00:39:38,459 {\an8}‎但只要嫡系继妃生了儿子 我就得死 856 00:39:39,043 --> 00:39:41,712 I am but an illegitimate Crown Prince born of a concubine. 857 00:39:39,043 --> 00:39:41,712 {\an8}‎我是个后宫生下的非正统世子 858 00:39:43,714 --> 00:39:45,174 That was why. 859 00:39:43,714 --> 00:39:45,174 {\an8}‎所以我才会那么做 860 00:39:45,883 --> 00:39:47,301 Because I wanted to live. 861 00:39:45,883 --> 00:39:47,301 {\an8}‎因为我想活下来 862 00:39:52,640 --> 00:39:55,059 - Still... - I still feel the same way. 863 00:39:52,640 --> 00:39:55,059 {\an8}‎-再怎么说… ‎-现在也是如此 864 00:39:56,477 --> 00:40:00,106 Many scholars are dying at the Royal Investigation Bureau to protect me. 865 00:39:56,477 --> 00:40:00,106 {\an8}‎为了保护我 ‎有无数名的儒生丧命于义禁府 866 00:40:00,189 --> 00:40:02,274 The only way to save them and myself... 867 00:40:00,189 --> 00:40:02,274 {\an8}‎能拯救他们并让我活下来的出路 868 00:40:03,567 --> 00:40:05,444 is in the south, in Dongnae. 869 00:40:03,567 --> 00:40:05,444 {\an8}‎就在那南边尽头的东莱 870 00:40:06,737 --> 00:40:09,031 I must go to Dongnae, meet Physician Lee Seung-hui, 871 00:40:06,737 --> 00:40:09,031 {\an8}‎我得去东莱持律轩与李承熙医员见面 872 00:40:10,116 --> 00:40:12,076 and find out 873 00:40:10,116 --> 00:40:12,076 {\an8}‎必须得查出 874 00:40:12,743 --> 00:40:14,203 what happened to my father. 875 00:40:12,743 --> 00:40:14,203 {\an8}‎父王究竟发生了什么事 876 00:40:36,225 --> 00:40:37,977 All I said was that he took the lad home 877 00:40:36,225 --> 00:40:37,977 {\an8}‎我就跟他说了他的跟班病危 878 00:40:38,727 --> 00:40:41,647 because he was in critical condition. 879 00:40:38,727 --> 00:40:41,647 {\an8}‎因此他便带着他的跟班离开了 880 00:40:41,730 --> 00:40:45,401 Forgive me, my lord! 881 00:40:41,730 --> 00:40:45,401 {\an8}‎请饶了我吧 882 00:40:45,609 --> 00:40:46,610 I am sure 883 00:40:45,609 --> 00:40:46,610 {\an8}‎我很肯定 884 00:40:47,361 --> 00:40:50,030 the Crown Prince went to Dongnae in search of Physician Lee. 885 00:40:47,361 --> 00:40:50,030 {\an8}‎世子去东莱寻找李承熙医员了 886 00:40:50,114 --> 00:40:52,408 I told you before, did I not? 887 00:40:50,114 --> 00:40:52,408 {\an8}‎我当时就告诉过您了 888 00:40:53,117 --> 00:40:55,453 We should have silenced Lee Seung-hui by killing him. 889 00:40:53,117 --> 00:40:55,453 {\an8}‎必须杀了李承熙医员 才能将他封口 890 00:40:57,746 --> 00:40:58,956 Physician Lee... 891 00:40:57,746 --> 00:40:58,956 {\an8}‎李承熙医员 892 00:41:00,166 --> 00:41:02,293 is still valuable to us. 893 00:41:00,166 --> 00:41:02,293 {\an8}‎对我们来说还有用处 894 00:41:02,376 --> 00:41:03,376 However, 895 00:41:02,376 --> 00:41:03,376 {\an8}‎不过 896 00:41:05,129 --> 00:41:06,672 the Crown Prince is not. 897 00:41:05,129 --> 00:41:06,672 {\an8}‎世子并不是 898 00:41:14,138 --> 00:41:15,181 {\an8}‎(肃义门) 899 00:41:17,057 --> 00:41:20,352 Our messengers will not arrive ahead of the Crown Prince. 900 00:41:17,057 --> 00:41:20,352 {\an8}‎即使派出驿差 也会比世子晚一步 901 00:41:21,353 --> 00:41:24,398 You must go and stop him yourselves. 902 00:41:21,353 --> 00:41:24,398 {\an8}‎你们必须亲自出马阻拦世子 903 00:41:25,107 --> 00:41:28,194 A cavalry of ten on speedy horses will head out first, 904 00:41:25,107 --> 00:41:28,194 {\an8}‎选出10名速度敏捷的骑兵立刻出发 905 00:41:28,652 --> 00:41:32,239 and 50 competent soldiers of the Royal Army shall follow. 906 00:41:28,652 --> 00:41:32,239 {\an8}‎并派出50名禁军精英部队随行在后 907 00:41:33,032 --> 00:41:34,366 You must stop him 908 00:41:33,032 --> 00:41:34,366 {\an8}‎在他抵达东莱 909 00:41:34,783 --> 00:41:36,410 before he reaches Dongnae 910 00:41:34,783 --> 00:41:36,410 {\an8}‎抵达持律轩之前 911 00:41:36,994 --> 00:41:38,579 and Jiyulheon. 912 00:41:36,994 --> 00:41:38,579 {\an8}‎必须阻拦他 913 00:41:39,246 --> 00:41:41,457 Even if it means you have to kill him. 914 00:41:39,246 --> 00:41:41,457 {\an8}‎即便得杀死世子也是 915 00:41:42,124 --> 00:41:45,294 HANYANG, DONGNAE 916 00:41:42,124 --> 00:41:45,294 {\an8}‎(汉阳) 917 00:41:46,003 --> 00:41:50,633 DONGNAE 918 00:41:46,003 --> 00:41:50,633 {\an8}‎(东莱) 919 00:42:06,065 --> 00:42:07,316 I cannot stop thinking about... 920 00:42:06,065 --> 00:42:07,316 {\an8}‎我总会不停想起 921 00:42:10,027 --> 00:42:11,070 the strange wounds 922 00:42:10,027 --> 00:42:11,070 {\an8}‎丹儿 923 00:42:12,154 --> 00:42:13,572 on Dan-i's body. 924 00:42:12,154 --> 00:42:13,572 {\an8}‎身上那些奇怪的伤口 925 00:42:19,328 --> 00:42:20,328 We shall go. 926 00:42:19,328 --> 00:42:20,328 {\an8}‎我们走吧 927 00:42:32,091 --> 00:42:33,842 I see smoke from the chimney. 928 00:42:32,091 --> 00:42:33,842 {\an8}‎烟囱怎么会冒烟? 929 00:42:36,845 --> 00:42:37,846 What is going on? 930 00:42:36,845 --> 00:42:37,846 {\an8}‎怎么回事? 931 00:42:43,727 --> 00:42:45,407 It has been so long since I last had meat. 932 00:42:43,727 --> 00:42:45,407 {\an8}‎真是好久没吃了 933 00:42:55,239 --> 00:42:56,490 I feel much better now. 934 00:42:55,239 --> 00:42:56,490 {\an8}‎总算活过来了 935 00:42:57,116 --> 00:42:59,785 - This is so good! - Can I have another bowl? 936 00:42:57,116 --> 00:42:59,785 {\an8}‎-天啊 医女 真是太棒了 ‎-请再给我一碗 937 00:43:02,955 --> 00:43:04,415 This is so delicious. 938 00:43:02,955 --> 00:43:04,415 {\an8}‎这汤真美味 939 00:43:04,498 --> 00:43:06,418 - What is that? - This is unbelievably delicious! 940 00:43:04,498 --> 00:43:06,418 {\an8}‎-那是什么? ‎-简直美味无比 941 00:43:28,606 --> 00:43:29,607 What is all this? 942 00:43:28,606 --> 00:43:29,607 {\an8}‎这是什么? 943 00:43:30,441 --> 00:43:32,026 Is it not obvious? 944 00:43:30,441 --> 00:43:32,026 {\an8}‎你没眼睛吗?看了还不知道? 945 00:43:33,402 --> 00:43:35,404 The patients are starving to death, 946 00:43:33,402 --> 00:43:35,404 {\an8}‎病患们都快饿死了 947 00:43:36,447 --> 00:43:38,907 but the physician is holed up in his room. 948 00:43:36,447 --> 00:43:38,907 {\an8}‎身为医员的家伙却只关在房里 949 00:43:40,492 --> 00:43:43,787 I needed food to live, so I hunted a deer. 950 00:43:40,492 --> 00:43:43,787 {\an8}‎我自己想活命 ‎所以猎了一头鹿回来 怎么? 951 00:43:43,871 --> 00:43:45,080 A deer? 952 00:43:43,871 --> 00:43:45,080 {\an8}‎鹿? 953 00:43:46,248 --> 00:43:48,459 You found a deer in the mountains? 954 00:43:46,248 --> 00:43:48,459 {\an8}‎现在山里还有鹿吗? 955 00:43:50,169 --> 00:43:51,962 Did you get the government's permission? 956 00:43:50,169 --> 00:43:51,962 {\an8}‎你取得官衙许可了吗? 957 00:43:52,379 --> 00:43:54,798 Should we get permission to die too? 958 00:43:52,379 --> 00:43:54,798 {\an8}‎那我们死掉也要取得官衙许可吗? 959 00:43:56,008 --> 00:43:58,385 People here complain even if I bring food. 960 00:43:56,008 --> 00:43:58,385 {\an8}‎这种情况下食物都拿来了 ‎怎么还在闹腾? 961 00:44:21,575 --> 00:44:22,701 My lady. 962 00:44:21,575 --> 00:44:22,701 {\an8}‎医女 963 00:44:22,785 --> 00:44:26,664 I am sorry to ask, but could I have some more? 964 00:44:22,785 --> 00:44:26,664 {\an8}‎抱歉 请问能再给我一点吗? 965 00:44:27,039 --> 00:44:29,958 My wife is trying to breastfeed the baby, but is having trouble... 966 00:44:27,039 --> 00:44:29,958 {\an8}‎孩子的娘得喂奶 但无法分泌奶水 967 00:44:30,042 --> 00:44:31,794 - Sure. - Thank you. 968 00:44:30,042 --> 00:44:31,794 {\an8}‎-好 ‎-谢谢 969 00:44:54,692 --> 00:44:56,860 It is all right. Do not cry. 970 00:44:54,692 --> 00:44:56,860 {\an8}‎没事的 971 00:45:51,832 --> 00:45:52,958 What? 972 00:45:51,832 --> 00:45:52,958 {\an8}‎怎么了? 973 00:45:54,710 --> 00:45:57,171 How could you do this? 974 00:45:54,710 --> 00:45:57,171 {\an8}‎你怎么能做这种事? 975 00:45:57,963 --> 00:46:00,174 - How could you? - What are you talking about? 976 00:45:57,963 --> 00:46:00,174 {\an8}‎-你怎能这么做? ‎-你到底在说什么? 977 00:46:00,716 --> 00:46:01,925 I saw it. 978 00:46:00,716 --> 00:46:01,925 {\an8}‎我看到了 979 00:46:03,469 --> 00:46:04,553 I saw it. 980 00:46:03,469 --> 00:46:04,553 {\an8}‎我看到了 981 00:46:06,722 --> 00:46:08,557 How could you do that to a person? 982 00:46:06,722 --> 00:46:08,557 {\an8}‎你怎能这样对一个人? 983 00:46:09,016 --> 00:46:10,309 How could you... 984 00:46:09,016 --> 00:46:10,309 {\an8}‎怎么能… 985 00:46:10,976 --> 00:46:13,520 He was like family to us. 986 00:46:10,976 --> 00:46:13,520 {\an8}‎那孩子是我们持律轩的家人 987 00:46:13,604 --> 00:46:15,147 Who cares what he was to you? 988 00:46:13,604 --> 00:46:15,147 {\an8}‎无论他是家人还是孩子 989 00:46:17,649 --> 00:46:19,943 Once you die, you are nothing but a slab of meat. 990 00:46:17,649 --> 00:46:19,943 {\an8}‎死后都只是肉而已 991 00:46:21,695 --> 00:46:23,197 Are you out of your mind? 992 00:46:21,695 --> 00:46:23,197 {\an8}‎你疯了吗? 993 00:46:24,907 --> 00:46:27,701 He was a person, just like us. 994 00:46:24,907 --> 00:46:27,701 {\an8}‎那孩子和我们一样都是人 995 00:46:28,660 --> 00:46:30,204 How can a person 996 00:46:28,660 --> 00:46:30,204 {\an8}‎人怎么可以 997 00:46:30,871 --> 00:46:33,749 - eat another person? - So what? 998 00:46:30,871 --> 00:46:33,749 {\an8}‎-吃人的肉? ‎-所以… 999 00:46:36,794 --> 00:46:38,545 Should we all just starve to death 1000 00:46:36,794 --> 00:46:38,545 {\an8}‎我们要一起饿死吗? 1001 00:46:40,005 --> 00:46:42,257 arguing about what we ought to do as human beings? 1002 00:46:40,005 --> 00:46:42,257 {\an8}‎还要争执那些礼仪和法理? 1003 00:46:44,009 --> 00:46:45,089 If everyone lived that way, 1004 00:46:44,009 --> 00:46:45,089 {\an8}‎若要用那种想法生存 1005 00:46:45,135 --> 00:46:47,775 half the population of Dongnae would have starved to death already. 1006 00:46:45,135 --> 00:46:47,775 {\an8}‎那东莱城一半的人早就饿死了 1007 00:46:47,846 --> 00:46:49,014 What do you mean? 1008 00:46:47,846 --> 00:46:49,014 {\an8}‎你这是什么意思? 1009 00:46:49,515 --> 00:46:52,184 How do you think the people in the south survived? 1010 00:46:49,515 --> 00:46:52,184 {\an8}‎你认为南边的人是怎么存活下来的? 1011 00:46:53,852 --> 00:46:55,938 Do you think His Majesty saved them? 1012 00:46:53,852 --> 00:46:55,938 {\an8}‎你觉得国君会救他们吗? 1013 00:46:56,021 --> 00:46:59,233 No. What saved them... 1014 00:46:56,021 --> 00:46:59,233 {\an8}‎不 拯救他们的… 1015 00:47:00,526 --> 00:47:03,445 were the flesh and bones of neighbors who starved to death. 1016 00:47:00,526 --> 00:47:03,445 {\an8}‎是饿死的邻居们的肉与骨 1017 00:47:07,908 --> 00:47:09,117 That cannot be true. 1018 00:47:07,908 --> 00:47:09,117 {\an8}‎太不像话了 1019 00:47:10,202 --> 00:47:12,037 You live as you wish to live. 1020 00:47:10,202 --> 00:47:12,037 {\an8}‎你就随你的意思生活吧 1021 00:47:13,539 --> 00:47:15,874 I will do whatever I need to do to stay alive. 1022 00:47:13,539 --> 00:47:15,874 {\an8}‎我无论如何都会选择存活下来 1023 00:47:19,086 --> 00:47:20,086 It is delicious. 1024 00:47:19,086 --> 00:47:20,086 {\an8}‎真好吃 1025 00:47:24,383 --> 00:47:25,509 Jong-gu! 1026 00:47:24,383 --> 00:47:25,509 {\an8}‎忠九 1027 00:47:25,884 --> 00:47:26,885 Are you all right? 1028 00:47:25,884 --> 00:47:26,885 {\an8}‎你还好吗? 1029 00:47:26,969 --> 00:47:28,428 What is it? What is wrong? 1030 00:47:26,969 --> 00:47:28,428 {\an8}‎你怎么这样?怎么了? 1031 00:47:30,931 --> 00:47:32,182 Jong-gu! 1032 00:47:30,931 --> 00:47:32,182 {\an8}‎忠九 1033 00:47:33,559 --> 00:47:34,643 Jong-gu! 1034 00:47:33,559 --> 00:47:34,643 {\an8}‎忠九! 1035 00:47:35,519 --> 00:47:36,519 Jong-gu! 1036 00:47:35,519 --> 00:47:36,519 {\an8}‎忠九! 1037 00:47:37,855 --> 00:47:40,399 Jong-gu! 1038 00:47:37,855 --> 00:47:40,399 {\an8}‎忠九 1039 00:47:50,367 --> 00:47:52,327 Jong-gu! 1040 00:47:50,367 --> 00:47:52,327 {\an8}‎忠九 1041 00:47:58,500 --> 00:47:59,500 Jong-gu. 1042 00:47:58,500 --> 00:47:59,500 {\an8}‎忠九 1043 00:48:00,210 --> 00:48:01,295 Jong-gu! 1044 00:48:00,210 --> 00:48:01,295 {\an8}‎忠九! 1045 00:48:38,165 --> 00:48:39,166 Master! 1046 00:48:38,165 --> 00:48:39,166 {\an8}‎医员! 1047 00:49:30,717 --> 00:49:31,843 Mister. 1048 00:49:30,717 --> 00:49:31,843 {\an8}‎大叔 1049 00:49:32,636 --> 00:49:33,637 Mister! 1050 00:49:32,636 --> 00:49:33,637 {\an8}‎大叔! 1051 00:49:34,888 --> 00:49:36,223 Mister, hold on. 1052 00:49:34,888 --> 00:49:36,223 {\an8}‎大叔 等一下! 1053 00:49:41,311 --> 00:49:42,311 Mister! 1054 00:49:41,311 --> 00:49:42,311 {\an8}‎大叔! 1055 00:50:39,327 --> 00:50:40,647 Do you have anything more to say? 1056 00:50:39,327 --> 00:50:40,647 {\an8}‎你还有话要说吗? 1057 00:52:19,302 --> 00:52:26,309 {\an8}‎(此剧演员及工作人员 ‎谨此纪念已故高根熙) 1058 00:56:12,494 --> 00:56:14,496 Subtitle translation by Hye-lim Park 1059 00:56:12,494 --> 00:56:14,496 {\an8}‎字幕翻译:刘明珠