1 00:00:09,125 --> 00:00:13,025 If you ever watched an artist at work, they start with an idea or a 2 00:00:13,025 --> 00:00:16,780 design and then slowly and methodically crafted in to a work of art, 3 00:00:16,880 --> 00:00:21,425 you know, God wants to do the same thing with you and I but before he 4 00:00:21,425 --> 00:00:24,825 can do it, he wants us to get with him so he can help us answer some 5 00:00:24,825 --> 00:00:27,425 basic questions of life, you know, questions. 6 00:00:27,425 --> 00:00:28,325 Like who am I? 7 00:00:28,625 --> 00:00:30,525 What's my specific purpose in life? 8 00:00:30,925 --> 00:00:31,225 What's the 9 00:00:31,325 --> 00:00:32,325 Truth about me. 10 00:00:32,925 --> 00:00:35,625 If you're anything like me, you've pondered those questions several 11 00:00:35,625 --> 00:00:39,625 times, but have you ever paused your life long enough for God to 12 00:00:39,625 --> 00:00:44,025 answer, you see God designed us with a desire, a deep longing, for 13 00:00:44,025 --> 00:00:47,925 truth, the truth about him, the truth about creation. 14 00:00:48,125 --> 00:00:52,825 The truth about ourselves and Jesus himself says the truth will set us 15 00:00:52,825 --> 00:00:53,225 free. 16 00:00:53,625 --> 00:00:57,925 Not May set us free or might set us free, but the truth will set us 17 00:00:57,925 --> 00:00:58,425 free. 18 00:00:58,825 --> 00:01:01,125 And the truth is God Made You 19 00:01:01,225 --> 00:01:07,325 You unique for a purpose and Only You Can Be You, it's like this 20 00:01:07,325 --> 00:01:08,625 painting from a distance. 21 00:01:08,625 --> 00:01:12,625 It's a nice picture of a tree but the closer you get the more detail. 22 00:01:12,625 --> 00:01:16,825 You see you see the brush Strokes the colors and the shapes all 23 00:01:16,825 --> 00:01:20,025 uniting to make a work of art, a masterpiece. 24 00:01:21,325 --> 00:01:23,725 Today we're starting a great journey with God. 25 00:01:24,025 --> 00:01:27,325 It's an adventure that others have already been on its one to help us 26 00:01:27,325 --> 00:01:30,425 understand our unique design our shape. 27 00:01:30,625 --> 00:01:34,325 It's also one that helped us find and fulfill our unique purpose in 28 00:01:34,325 --> 00:01:37,125 life, but it all starts with an honest question. 29 00:01:37,625 --> 00:01:38,425 Who am I? 30 00:01:54,525 --> 00:02:00,025 The Bible tells us in Ephesians 2:10 that you and I have a specific 31 00:02:00,025 --> 00:02:05,425 purpose in life, a special assignment that God planned long ago for 32 00:02:05,425 --> 00:02:09,725 you to fulfill for him on Earth, the Apostle Paul wrote. 33 00:02:09,825 --> 00:02:12,325 It we are God's Masterpiece. 34 00:02:12,725 --> 00:02:17,425 He has created us Anew in Christ Jesus so that we can do the good 35 00:02:17,425 --> 00:02:17,825 things. 36 00:02:17,825 --> 00:02:20,125 He planned for us long ago. 37 00:02:20,625 --> 00:02:23,125 This life work is what Pastor Rick, Warren calls. 38 00:02:23,125 --> 00:02:26,925 Your life contribution, in his book, The Purpose Driven Life, Rick 39 00:02:26,925 --> 00:02:27,725 emphasizes. 40 00:02:27,725 --> 00:02:32,725 The five purposes, shared by every Christian worship Fellowship, 41 00:02:32,725 --> 00:02:35,825 discipleship Ministry and evangelism. 42 00:02:36,325 --> 00:02:39,625 Then in chapter 40, he challenges us to consider life. 43 00:02:39,825 --> 00:02:41,225 Us five greatest questions. 44 00:02:41,525 --> 00:02:44,725 On this journey, we're going to focus on answering the question. 45 00:02:45,025 --> 00:02:47,325 What will be the contribution of my life? 46 00:02:48,925 --> 00:02:52,225 As Christ followers, we're commanded to serve and make a kingdom 47 00:02:52,225 --> 00:02:53,425 difference with our lives. 48 00:02:54,025 --> 00:02:55,225 It's really not optional. 49 00:02:55,725 --> 00:03:00,325 Jesus is our role model and he came to serve and not be served and God 50 00:03:00,325 --> 00:03:02,525 desires to say to all of us when we die. 51 00:03:02,825 --> 00:03:03,625 Well done. 52 00:03:03,625 --> 00:03:03,925 Good. 53 00:03:03,925 --> 00:03:08,825 And faithful servant as you can see serving others is a big deal to 54 00:03:08,825 --> 00:03:09,325 God. 55 00:03:09,925 --> 00:03:12,125 I like to call this unique contribution. 56 00:03:12,325 --> 00:03:13,425 Your Kingdom Purpose. 57 00:03:13,725 --> 00:03:15,025 And here's how I Define it. 58 00:03:15,825 --> 00:03:19,825 Your specific contribution to the body of Christ, within your 59 00:03:19,825 --> 00:03:25,025 generation that causes you to totally depend on God and authentically 60 00:03:25,225 --> 00:03:29,125 display, his love towards others, all through the expression of your 61 00:03:29,125 --> 00:03:29,825 uniqueness. 62 00:03:30,525 --> 00:03:33,125 A Kingdom Purpose is much more than a career. 63 00:03:33,525 --> 00:03:37,225 It's the banner of life that you carry and wave for God's glory. 64 00:03:37,725 --> 00:03:41,325 Of course, your Courier, can provide the platform to direct your 65 00:03:41,325 --> 00:03:44,425 kingdom purpose, but it doesn't have to define it. 66 00:03:45,325 --> 00:03:49,025 Most people myself included tended, to find their purpose in life by 67 00:03:49,025 --> 00:03:54,425 one of three things by Trends by what others tell them or by the 68 00:03:54,425 --> 00:03:59,325 truth, when Trends guide us were living to fit into the current styles 69 00:03:59,325 --> 00:04:00,125 of the world. 70 00:04:00,825 --> 00:04:02,725 When others tell us what we should be doing. 71 00:04:02,825 --> 00:04:05,625 We are living to please them or to win their approval. 72 00:04:06,325 --> 00:04:11,025 But when we allow God's truth to Define Our Kingdom Purpose, when we 73 00:04:11,025 --> 00:04:14,425 submit to his authority and desire to please only him. 74 00:04:15,125 --> 00:04:19,725 Life will be one of lasting significance, fulfillment and Kingdom 75 00:04:19,725 --> 00:04:20,425 impact. 76 00:04:21,525 --> 00:04:24,525 One of my responsibilities as a pastor is to perform a memorial 77 00:04:24,525 --> 00:04:25,025 services. 78 00:04:26,325 --> 00:04:30,425 I recently did one for a four month old girl afterwards. 79 00:04:30,525 --> 00:04:34,225 A man came up with, to me with tears, running down his face. 80 00:04:34,825 --> 00:04:38,225 He pointed to the little girls picture on the cover of the program 81 00:04:38,925 --> 00:04:41,525 that little girl made a lasting difference in my life. 82 00:04:41,525 --> 00:04:47,025 He told me, you see what truly counts is, not our duration but our 83 00:04:47,025 --> 00:04:49,125 donation and that's good news. 84 00:04:49,725 --> 00:04:53,725 It means until a pastor performs, your memorial service there, still 85 00:04:53,725 --> 00:04:55,925 time to maximize your days. 86 00:04:56,125 --> 00:04:57,625 Fulfill your Kingdom Purpose. 87 00:04:58,725 --> 00:05:01,425 We really tend to get the whole process of purpose Discovery 88 00:05:01,425 --> 00:05:02,125 backwards. 89 00:05:02,825 --> 00:05:08,025 We ask, what am I supposed to do with my life before asking, who am I 90 00:05:08,525 --> 00:05:09,225 discovering? 91 00:05:09,225 --> 00:05:10,025 Who we are? 92 00:05:10,025 --> 00:05:12,925 Will always help us identify what we are to do. 93 00:05:12,925 --> 00:05:17,925 In life, who God made you to be determines what he intends for you to 94 00:05:17,925 --> 00:05:18,425 do. 95 00:05:19,025 --> 00:05:22,325 You will understand the purpose for which you were created. 96 00:05:22,325 --> 00:05:26,825 When you understand the type of person you are our design always 97 00:05:26,825 --> 00:05:28,425 indicates the difference. 98 00:05:28,625 --> 00:05:29,825 We were created to make. 99 00:05:30,425 --> 00:05:33,125 This is a secret of knowing God's will for your life. 100 00:05:33,925 --> 00:05:37,125 God is always consistent in his plan for each of Our Lives. 101 00:05:38,325 --> 00:05:41,925 He wouldn't give us talents and temperaments and spiritual gifts and 102 00:05:42,325 --> 00:05:44,025 all sorts of Life Experiences. 103 00:05:44,225 --> 00:05:49,325 If he didn't plan to use them, a great way to discover who you are, is 104 00:05:49,325 --> 00:05:52,025 to embrace Rick Warren's shape concept. 105 00:05:52,725 --> 00:05:56,225 Rick says it this way, whenever God gives us an assignment. 106 00:05:56,225 --> 00:05:59,725 He always equips us with what we need to do to accomplish it. 107 00:06:00,125 --> 00:06:04,125 This custom combination of capabilities is called your shape. 108 00:06:04,825 --> 00:06:07,925 King, David knew what it was like to be shaped by God. 109 00:06:09,225 --> 00:06:12,225 Oh, yes, you shape me first inside. 110 00:06:12,225 --> 00:06:13,125 Then out. 111 00:06:13,425 --> 00:06:15,325 You formed me in my mother's womb. 112 00:06:15,825 --> 00:06:16,725 I thank you. 113 00:06:17,425 --> 00:06:18,125 Hi God. 114 00:06:18,125 --> 00:06:20,525 You're breathtaking Body and Soul. 115 00:06:20,525 --> 00:06:26,025 I'm marvelously made I worship and adoration what a creation, you 116 00:06:26,025 --> 00:06:30,825 know, me inside and out, you know, every bone in my body, you know 117 00:06:30,825 --> 00:06:37,125 exactly how I Was Made bit by bit how I was sculpted from nothing into 118 00:06:37,125 --> 00:06:38,925 something like an 119 00:06:39,025 --> 00:06:42,425 Book you watched me grow from conception to birth. 120 00:06:42,725 --> 00:06:47,825 All the stages of my life were spread out before you the days of my 121 00:06:47,825 --> 00:06:49,625 life, all prepared. 122 00:06:50,625 --> 00:06:54,225 Each of the five letters in the word shape represents a specific 123 00:06:54,225 --> 00:06:55,625 characteristic of your life. 124 00:06:56,225 --> 00:06:58,325 The S stands for your spiritual gifts. 125 00:06:58,625 --> 00:06:59,425 In other words. 126 00:06:59,625 --> 00:07:01,125 What are you gifted to do? 127 00:07:01,825 --> 00:07:03,925 H represents your heart? 128 00:07:04,125 --> 00:07:05,925 What makes your heart beat faster? 129 00:07:06,325 --> 00:07:10,525 What passions do you have a is for your abilities? 130 00:07:10,925 --> 00:07:13,925 There are some things you naturally do better than others. 131 00:07:14,325 --> 00:07:15,125 What are those? 132 00:07:15,925 --> 00:07:17,525 P is for your personality. 133 00:07:17,925 --> 00:07:22,225 How has God wired you to interact with others to navigate life. 134 00:07:23,425 --> 00:07:25,825 Finally, the E is for your experiences. 135 00:07:26,225 --> 00:07:27,625 Here, you ask yourself. 136 00:07:27,825 --> 00:07:30,725 Where have I been, and what have I learned? 137 00:07:31,925 --> 00:07:35,725 Knowing understanding and acting on these characteristics, knowing 138 00:07:35,725 --> 00:07:40,025 your personal shape is vital to your success in serving God with your 139 00:07:40,025 --> 00:07:44,025 life before we examine the specifics of your shape. 140 00:07:44,225 --> 00:07:49,125 Let's study the one God gave to the Apostle Paul, scripture tells us 141 00:07:49,125 --> 00:07:53,125 how God used Paul's unique design to make a significant Kingdom 142 00:07:53,125 --> 00:07:53,625 difference. 143 00:07:54,225 --> 00:07:55,425 What did that look like? 144 00:07:56,325 --> 00:08:00,125 In a second letter to Timothy, Paul writes that God appointed him to 145 00:08:00,125 --> 00:08:05,425 be a preacher and Apostle and a teacher, each of these are spiritual 146 00:08:05,425 --> 00:08:05,825 gifts. 147 00:08:06,925 --> 00:08:08,325 Scripture also indicates. 148 00:08:08,325 --> 00:08:12,025 Paul's heart beat Paul writes in Romans chapter 15. 149 00:08:12,725 --> 00:08:17,325 It has always been my ambition to preach the gospel where Christ was 150 00:08:17,325 --> 00:08:21,825 not known so that I would not be building on someone else's foundation 151 00:08:22,725 --> 00:08:23,525 in the book of Acts. 152 00:08:23,525 --> 00:08:25,325 We discover some of Paul's abilities. 153 00:08:25,825 --> 00:08:28,525 It says Paul earned his living by making tents. 154 00:08:28,925 --> 00:08:32,625 He debated in the synagogue's every Sabbath trying to convince both 155 00:08:32,625 --> 00:08:34,525 Jews and Gentiles. 156 00:08:35,225 --> 00:08:36,525 Paul had a very 157 00:08:36,725 --> 00:08:39,425 Jedec personality, he wrote for you. 158 00:08:39,425 --> 00:08:40,725 Have heard of my past. 159 00:08:41,025 --> 00:08:45,425 I persecuted the church with fnatic Zeal and did my best to destroy 160 00:08:45,425 --> 00:08:45,725 it. 161 00:08:46,125 --> 00:08:50,825 I was ahead of most of my contemporaries in the Jewish religion and 162 00:08:50,825 --> 00:08:52,725 had a boundless enthusiasm. 163 00:08:53,625 --> 00:08:58,125 He was a self expressive extrovert, and probably very competitive. 164 00:08:58,825 --> 00:09:01,325 Finally, Paul's experiences were vast. 165 00:09:02,625 --> 00:09:07,325 He was imprisoned many times whipped five times with 39, lashes by the 166 00:09:07,325 --> 00:09:09,825 Jews and three times by the Romans. 167 00:09:10,225 --> 00:09:14,025 He was in shipwrecks once spent 24 hours in the water. 168 00:09:14,325 --> 00:09:15,825 And during his travels. 169 00:09:15,925 --> 00:09:20,725 He was an often in danger from floods, robbers, wild animals and even 170 00:09:20,725 --> 00:09:21,825 had some false friends. 171 00:09:22,625 --> 00:09:23,625 As you can see. 172 00:09:23,925 --> 00:09:28,025 God, used all of Paul's unique shape to make a significant Kingdom 173 00:09:28,025 --> 00:09:31,725 difference and just like Paul God wants to use you. 174 00:09:31,925 --> 00:09:35,025 To, he wants you to be who he's made you to be. 175 00:09:35,825 --> 00:09:40,125 The truth is Only You Can Be you let me say it again. 176 00:09:40,625 --> 00:09:42,325 Only you can be you. 177 00:09:42,825 --> 00:09:47,225 And when you're not the body of Christ, suffers, it's that simple. 178 00:09:47,725 --> 00:09:52,225 As you prepare to discover how God has designed you, would you say you 179 00:09:52,225 --> 00:09:55,225 are currently in shape, or out of shape? 180 00:09:56,025 --> 00:09:57,725 I'm not talking about physical fitness. 181 00:09:58,425 --> 00:10:01,725 I'm asking if you are working and serving in ways. 182 00:10:01,825 --> 00:10:06,025 Ways that are in or out of alignment with your god-given shape? 183 00:10:06,725 --> 00:10:07,625 How can you tell? 184 00:10:08,825 --> 00:10:11,425 Let me share three signs of being in shape. 185 00:10:12,225 --> 00:10:18,125 The first sign is focus in your mind, people who know, their God given 186 00:10:18,125 --> 00:10:23,125 shape and have a plan to express it live with tremendous Focus because 187 00:10:23,125 --> 00:10:27,125 they know the difference, they were designed to make on Earth for God. 188 00:10:28,225 --> 00:10:30,725 The second is fulfillment in your heart. 189 00:10:31,925 --> 00:10:36,125 When we express our shape, it creates a Synergy of energy in our 190 00:10:36,125 --> 00:10:40,325 hearts bringing joy and fulfillment and peace to our lives. 191 00:10:40,325 --> 00:10:41,225 Like nothing else. 192 00:10:42,025 --> 00:10:43,325 When you know who you are. 193 00:10:43,625 --> 00:10:46,125 You don't have to compare or compete with anyone else. 194 00:10:46,725 --> 00:10:49,525 You just need to do what your designed to do. 195 00:10:50,425 --> 00:10:52,725 The third is fruitfulness in your life. 196 00:10:53,225 --> 00:10:55,325 When we do what God wired us to do. 197 00:10:55,425 --> 00:10:55,925 We bear? 198 00:10:55,925 --> 00:10:56,825 Good fruit. 199 00:10:57,225 --> 00:11:01,125 Our efforts provide Eternal results for God, passion. 200 00:11:01,125 --> 00:11:01,625 Always. 201 00:11:01,825 --> 00:11:05,925 As Perfection if we don't care about a task, it's unlikely that we'll 202 00:11:05,925 --> 00:11:07,225 do a very good job at it. 203 00:11:07,725 --> 00:11:12,025 The high Achievers in any field are those who love what they do and 204 00:11:12,025 --> 00:11:14,925 know they are doing it because they were designed by God to do it. 205 00:11:15,925 --> 00:11:17,825 Considering these three indicators. 206 00:11:18,225 --> 00:11:20,325 Are you currently in or out of shape? 207 00:11:21,225 --> 00:11:25,125 Most out of shape, people have never taken the time to discover and 208 00:11:25,125 --> 00:11:28,025 embrace who God has uniquely made them to be. 209 00:11:28,625 --> 00:11:33,725 They are serving in areas that don't match their gifts or passions or 210 00:11:33,725 --> 00:11:37,325 possibly, they're working in jobs that don't maximize their abilities 211 00:11:37,425 --> 00:11:38,925 passions or personality. 212 00:11:39,625 --> 00:11:44,125 This misalignment of shape and serving causes some unhealthy symptoms. 213 00:11:45,025 --> 00:11:49,625 Here are three common symptoms of people serving or working outside of 214 00:11:49,625 --> 00:11:50,425 their shape. 215 00:11:50,825 --> 00:11:55,325 The first symptom is frustration in your mind frustration sets in when 216 00:11:55,325 --> 00:11:58,825 we're doing things outside of our shape, for long periods of time. 217 00:11:59,525 --> 00:12:03,725 If we're living outside, our shape serving work in life end up 218 00:12:03,825 --> 00:12:08,025 feeling, very unfulfilling, people who serve and work outside their 219 00:12:08,025 --> 00:12:10,025 uniqueness for long periods of time. 220 00:12:10,425 --> 00:12:14,325 While always end up at the second symptom, which is fatigue in your 221 00:12:14,325 --> 00:12:14,625 heart. 222 00:12:15,425 --> 00:12:20,825 This frustration easily leads to emotional spiritual and physical 223 00:12:20,825 --> 00:12:21,525 fatigue. 224 00:12:22,125 --> 00:12:25,725 We get tired of life, our job and our ministry. 225 00:12:26,325 --> 00:12:30,325 If this situation doesn't change this fatigue, always leads to the 226 00:12:30,325 --> 00:12:33,725 final symptom, which is fear in your life. 227 00:12:34,625 --> 00:12:35,325 At this stage. 228 00:12:35,325 --> 00:12:39,425 We start to wonder if we really have a purpose and if life is really 229 00:12:39,425 --> 00:12:44,025 meant to be fulfilling, we even start to question God, does he really 230 00:12:44,025 --> 00:12:44,825 care about us? 231 00:12:45,625 --> 00:12:50,625 If you are currently experiencing frustration, fatigue or fear, I'm so 232 00:12:50,625 --> 00:12:53,125 glad that you've chosen to be involved in this study. 233 00:12:53,625 --> 00:12:56,125 You are not made by God to live with these symptoms. 234 00:12:56,525 --> 00:13:01,225 Remember, there are no wrong, people only the right people doing the 235 00:13:01,225 --> 00:13:02,125 wrong things. 236 00:13:02,825 --> 00:13:06,225 Whenever I work with people that discover they are out of shape. 237 00:13:06,925 --> 00:13:10,825 I always Point them to one of my favorite scriptures in Philippians, 238 00:13:10,825 --> 00:13:15,325 4:13, the Apostle Paul writes, whatever I have. 239 00:13:15,825 --> 00:13:17,125 Wherever I am. 240 00:13:17,525 --> 00:13:21,825 I can make it through anything in the one who makes me, who I am. 241 00:13:22,425 --> 00:13:23,525 That's quite a promise. 242 00:13:24,225 --> 00:13:24,625 Paul. 243 00:13:24,625 --> 00:13:26,325 Clearly says, we can live the life. 244 00:13:26,325 --> 00:13:29,225 We were shaped to live as long as we do it with God. 245 00:13:29,825 --> 00:13:31,725 He wants you to live the Abundant Life. 246 00:13:31,725 --> 00:13:34,925 He planned for you, but you must do it through him. 247 00:13:35,725 --> 00:13:39,325 It's the key to discovering your shape and Kingdom Purpose. 248 00:13:39,925 --> 00:13:43,425 He created you and knows the unique Masterpiece you are. 249 00:13:44,625 --> 00:13:47,225 The truth is this process takes time. 250 00:13:47,725 --> 00:13:49,025 It's taken me years. 251 00:13:49,425 --> 00:13:50,625 But now I'm grateful. 252 00:13:50,625 --> 00:13:53,625 I made the commitment to identify my shape. 253 00:13:54,325 --> 00:13:58,425 I was tired of not knowing who I was and what I was truly designed to 254 00:13:58,425 --> 00:13:58,925 do. 255 00:13:59,725 --> 00:14:03,425 You can do the same thing discuss with your group. 256 00:14:03,525 --> 00:14:08,225 If you are currently in or out of shape, then use the study guide to 257 00:14:08,225 --> 00:14:08,625 identify. 258 00:14:08,625 --> 00:14:13,025 The one thing you want God to do in your life over the course of this 259 00:14:13,025 --> 00:14:13,425 study. 260 00:14:14,225 --> 00:14:18,125 Start living with the clarity and confidence of knowing who you are 261 00:14:18,325 --> 00:14:22,825 and what God specifically has shaped you to do within your Generation. 262 00:14:23,125 --> 00:14:24,325 All for his glory. 263 00:14:25,025 --> 00:14:26,425 Have a great discussion. 264 00:14:47,525 --> 00:14:48,725 What's in your mailbox? 265 00:14:49,125 --> 00:14:52,525 It's anything like mine is probably full of some ads and catalogs and 266 00:14:52,625 --> 00:14:54,225 do Bill thrown in for good measure. 267 00:14:58,525 --> 00:14:59,325 Catalogs. 268 00:14:59,725 --> 00:15:00,625 Don't you love them. 269 00:15:01,125 --> 00:15:02,625 They're such great tools. 270 00:15:02,625 --> 00:15:04,925 When you're trying to find that perfect gift. 271 00:15:05,025 --> 00:15:06,925 Have you ever given the perfect gift? 272 00:15:07,525 --> 00:15:08,725 Have you ever received one? 273 00:15:09,525 --> 00:15:09,925 What made us? 274 00:15:09,925 --> 00:15:16,325 So perfect these days? 275 00:15:16,425 --> 00:15:21,425 The perfect gift is often defined by how much it costs or if it fits 276 00:15:21,425 --> 00:15:25,925 in with the current Styles and trends of the world with so many Gift 277 00:15:25,925 --> 00:15:26,525 options. 278 00:15:26,525 --> 00:15:27,725 We're bombarded with I 279 00:15:27,925 --> 00:15:32,025 Years with one gift screaming louder than the other to capture. 280 00:15:32,025 --> 00:15:32,725 Our attention. 281 00:15:33,325 --> 00:15:35,025 God doesn't need one of these. 282 00:15:35,625 --> 00:15:39,325 He often speaks as he spoke to Elijah in a whisper. 283 00:15:40,025 --> 00:15:45,725 God desires, our undivided attention, but it's up to us to move past 284 00:15:45,725 --> 00:15:48,225 the noise of the world and listen to him. 285 00:15:48,625 --> 00:15:53,325 He doesn't make it difficult, but it's up to us Guided by the Holy 286 00:15:53,325 --> 00:15:54,125 Spirit. 287 00:15:54,325 --> 00:15:57,325 We can Embrace and express the 288 00:15:57,825 --> 00:15:58,325 No gifts. 289 00:15:58,325 --> 00:16:03,325 God has given us and use them the way he intended for them to be used 290 00:16:03,725 --> 00:16:07,625 because, you know, some of the best gifts, still come marked some 291 00:16:07,625 --> 00:16:09,025 assembly required. 292 00:16:24,725 --> 00:16:28,925 The concept of spiritual gifts, may seem mysterious and complicated. 293 00:16:29,225 --> 00:16:30,825 But it's really the other way around. 294 00:16:31,125 --> 00:16:35,225 Scripture is very clear on the subject in his first letter to the 295 00:16:35,225 --> 00:16:36,025 Corinthians. 296 00:16:36,225 --> 00:16:39,725 Paul says this, now about spiritual gifts Brothers. 297 00:16:39,925 --> 00:16:41,625 I don't want you to be ignorant. 298 00:16:42,225 --> 00:16:45,925 Paul is not talking about being unintelligent or naive. 299 00:16:46,325 --> 00:16:50,225 He's merely telling us that if we're not informed, will miss out on 300 00:16:50,225 --> 00:16:50,725 the gifts. 301 00:16:50,725 --> 00:16:51,725 God has given us. 302 00:16:52,325 --> 00:16:55,325 And those gifts are the key to the Kingdom Purpose. 303 00:16:55,425 --> 00:16:57,425 He set aside just for you. 304 00:16:57,425 --> 00:17:03,125 And I, as a pastor, I often talk to people who aren't content because 305 00:17:03,125 --> 00:17:05,625 they're serving in areas that don't fit their gifts. 306 00:17:06,425 --> 00:17:09,425 The truth is the most fulfilled and effective people. 307 00:17:09,425 --> 00:17:12,925 I know servant areas that precisely match. 308 00:17:13,225 --> 00:17:13,825 The gifts. 309 00:17:13,825 --> 00:17:14,925 God has given them. 310 00:17:15,625 --> 00:17:18,925 It makes sense, then that in order to serve effectively. 311 00:17:19,125 --> 00:17:21,825 We need to understand the nature of spiritual gifts. 312 00:17:22,325 --> 00:17:23,725 That's the goal of this session. 313 00:17:24,825 --> 00:17:27,925 But let me Begin by clarifying, what they're not. 314 00:17:28,625 --> 00:17:32,925 First spiritual gifts are not the same as personality traits. 315 00:17:33,425 --> 00:17:36,025 Of course, your personality can provide an 316 00:17:36,225 --> 00:17:39,925 Patrol vehicle for expressing your gifts, for example, if your 317 00:17:39,925 --> 00:17:44,725 outgoing your gifts will work best as you engage with others, but 318 00:17:44,725 --> 00:17:46,925 those traits aren't spiritual gifts. 319 00:17:47,725 --> 00:17:48,425 Second. 320 00:17:48,825 --> 00:17:50,525 They're not natural talents. 321 00:17:51,125 --> 00:17:56,625 You can be a very capable architect salesperson or manager, but those 322 00:17:56,625 --> 00:17:58,225 aren't spiritual gifts either. 323 00:17:59,125 --> 00:18:03,725 Third spiritual gifts aren't the same as the fruit of the spirit Paul 324 00:18:03,725 --> 00:18:10,425 describes in Galatians, chapter 5, you know, love peace, Joy patience. 325 00:18:10,525 --> 00:18:15,825 Kindness goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control these 326 00:18:15,825 --> 00:18:18,625 reveal Christ's contribution to our character. 327 00:18:19,025 --> 00:18:21,925 Our spiritual gifts revealed the contribution. 328 00:18:21,925 --> 00:18:23,825 We make to God's kingdom. 329 00:18:24,425 --> 00:18:28,425 Now, we know what spiritual gifts are not but what exactly are they? 330 00:18:29,025 --> 00:18:30,325 Here's a good definition. 331 00:18:30,925 --> 00:18:35,725 A spiritual gift is a God given special ability given to every 332 00:18:35,725 --> 00:18:41,125 believer at conversion by the Holy Spirit to share his love and 333 00:18:41,125 --> 00:18:43,025 strengthen the body of Christ. 334 00:18:43,625 --> 00:18:47,325 There's a vital truth in the first part of that, definition, spiritual 335 00:18:47,325 --> 00:18:51,325 gifts, come from God himself, pretty tough to top that Source. 336 00:18:51,825 --> 00:18:56,425 The Apostle, Peter wrote this, God has given gifts to each of you from 337 00:18:56,425 --> 00:18:58,625 his great variety of spiritual gifts. 338 00:18:59,125 --> 00:18:59,925 Manage them. 339 00:18:59,925 --> 00:19:03,125 Well, so that God's generosity can flow through you. 340 00:19:04,725 --> 00:19:09,325 God gives us spiritual gifts for specific reasons, and they only work 341 00:19:09,325 --> 00:19:10,525 in spiritual ways. 342 00:19:11,225 --> 00:19:12,025 In other words. 343 00:19:12,525 --> 00:19:16,625 They can only be used to their full potential when empowered by the 344 00:19:16,625 --> 00:19:19,925 holy spirit that lives in every Christian. 345 00:19:21,025 --> 00:19:24,725 So, why does God give spiritual gifts Paul writes? 346 00:19:24,925 --> 00:19:29,625 A spiritual gift is given to each of us as a means of helping the 347 00:19:29,625 --> 00:19:30,725 entire church. 348 00:19:31,525 --> 00:19:35,725 The spiritual gifts God gives you aren't for you or about you. 349 00:19:36,325 --> 00:19:39,525 They weren't given to boost your self-image or given to you as a 350 00:19:39,525 --> 00:19:40,725 special reward. 351 00:19:41,125 --> 00:19:44,825 They are there for the specific purpose of blessing, the body of 352 00:19:44,825 --> 00:19:46,625 Christ, the church. 353 00:19:47,925 --> 00:19:49,625 So who gets spiritual gifts? 354 00:19:50,425 --> 00:19:51,725 The Bible is Shores us. 355 00:19:51,725 --> 00:19:54,025 That every believer receives them. 356 00:19:54,525 --> 00:19:56,625 Listen to these words from Paul. 357 00:19:57,425 --> 00:19:57,725 Each. 358 00:19:57,725 --> 00:20:02,025 One of you has your own gift from God, one has this gift. 359 00:20:02,125 --> 00:20:07,425 Another has that you may not feel tremendously gifted, but it's a fact 360 00:20:07,425 --> 00:20:10,325 that God has given you a gift. 361 00:20:10,325 --> 00:20:12,325 Not just extraordinary people, get them. 362 00:20:12,725 --> 00:20:15,225 There are no special qualifications needed. 363 00:20:15,525 --> 00:20:17,025 No exceptional levels of maturity. 364 00:20:17,125 --> 00:20:18,225 Purity required. 365 00:20:18,625 --> 00:20:22,325 Not even a particular time span needed in your journey with Jesus. 366 00:20:22,925 --> 00:20:27,425 If you're a Believer, the Bible says, you have the spirit living in 367 00:20:27,425 --> 00:20:27,625 you. 368 00:20:28,125 --> 00:20:31,725 And if you have the spirit living in you, then you have spiritual 369 00:20:31,725 --> 00:20:35,425 gifts to use for God's glory and the benefit of others. 370 00:20:37,025 --> 00:20:40,325 Even if you haven't discovered your gifts or begin to use them yet. 371 00:20:40,525 --> 00:20:41,925 You definitely have them. 372 00:20:42,425 --> 00:20:43,825 You have God's word on it. 373 00:20:44,625 --> 00:20:47,325 Now, the key to discovering your gifts is twofold. 374 00:20:48,025 --> 00:20:48,425 First. 375 00:20:48,425 --> 00:20:52,825 We need to determine what gifts we think we have, and then we need to 376 00:20:52,825 --> 00:20:56,525 start serving in various roles to see which ones bring the greatest 377 00:20:56,525 --> 00:21:02,025 fulfillment to us and the greatest results to God allow scripture to 378 00:21:02,025 --> 00:21:05,525 guide you to these gifts that are Uniquely Yours. 379 00:21:06,225 --> 00:21:10,725 Ask God to reveal how he wants you to use your gifts to accomplish his 380 00:21:10,725 --> 00:21:12,025 work in the world. 381 00:21:12,525 --> 00:21:15,725 You may discover that what you thought was a self-guided. 382 00:21:15,725 --> 00:21:19,625 Desire is actually a reflection of the spiritual gifts. 383 00:21:19,625 --> 00:21:21,725 God has uniquely given you. 384 00:21:22,825 --> 00:21:26,725 That's why we should aspire to serve in, whatever way God has designed 385 00:21:26,725 --> 00:21:31,125 us to serve, rather than being driven by ambition, to achieve what we 386 00:21:31,125 --> 00:21:32,425 think are great goals. 387 00:21:33,025 --> 00:21:35,825 I've seen many people discover their gifts as they, 388 00:21:36,025 --> 00:21:37,025 Minister to others. 389 00:21:37,625 --> 00:21:41,925 And the more you serve, the more clearly you will see your gifts. 390 00:21:42,825 --> 00:21:47,425 Remember that discovering your gifts is important, but it's just the 391 00:21:47,425 --> 00:21:48,925 first step in the process. 392 00:21:49,525 --> 00:21:50,925 Once we've identified them. 393 00:21:51,425 --> 00:21:55,525 Our ultimate goal is to use them to love others and bless others. 394 00:21:56,525 --> 00:21:58,625 Whenever Paul wrote about spiritual gifts. 395 00:21:59,025 --> 00:22:00,725 He always talked about love. 396 00:22:01,125 --> 00:22:05,725 In fact what has become regarded as the definitive message on. 397 00:22:05,925 --> 00:22:09,425 Love appears between two chapters of spiritual gifts. 398 00:22:10,425 --> 00:22:10,925 You know what? 399 00:22:10,925 --> 00:22:11,825 I'm talking about? 400 00:22:11,925 --> 00:22:16,225 First Corinthians 13, the love chapter, Paul wrote. 401 00:22:16,525 --> 00:22:21,125 If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love. 402 00:22:21,525 --> 00:22:24,925 I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal. 403 00:22:25,425 --> 00:22:30,025 If I have the gift of Prophecy and can fathom all Mysteries, and all 404 00:22:30,025 --> 00:22:30,825 knowledge. 405 00:22:31,025 --> 00:22:34,825 And if I have the faith that can move mountains but have not love. 406 00:22:34,925 --> 00:22:35,925 I am nothing. 407 00:22:36,425 --> 00:22:39,925 If I give all, I possess to the poor and surrender my body to the 408 00:22:39,925 --> 00:22:40,125 flames. 409 00:22:40,325 --> 00:22:43,725 Hymns, but have not love, I gain nothing. 410 00:22:44,625 --> 00:22:45,625 So what's the test? 411 00:22:46,525 --> 00:22:50,925 If your actions benefit others, you are serving with love. 412 00:22:51,625 --> 00:22:56,025 If you realize that your primary beneficiary of your actions is 413 00:22:56,025 --> 00:22:56,725 yourself. 414 00:22:57,425 --> 00:22:59,325 You need to realign yourself with God. 415 00:22:59,925 --> 00:23:03,025 You really need a love tune-up because a love Driven. 416 00:23:03,025 --> 00:23:05,325 Life is a life that God uses. 417 00:23:06,525 --> 00:23:10,625 Before you begin your group discussion, let me share three, common 418 00:23:10,625 --> 00:23:13,225 traps that keep us from living. 419 00:23:13,225 --> 00:23:14,325 A life of Love. 420 00:23:14,625 --> 00:23:15,525 Don't miss these. 421 00:23:16,225 --> 00:23:21,025 The first is comparison, this trap slam shut on us when we place 422 00:23:21,025 --> 00:23:23,525 greater value on the more visible gifts. 423 00:23:24,125 --> 00:23:27,725 Those more likely to shine in the spotlight such as leadership or 424 00:23:27,725 --> 00:23:28,325 teaching. 425 00:23:29,025 --> 00:23:31,725 If we have those gifts and compare ourselves with others. 426 00:23:32,025 --> 00:23:34,125 The result can be a prideful spirit. 427 00:23:34,825 --> 00:23:39,225 If we don't, but compare ourselves to those that do we may feel that 428 00:23:39,225 --> 00:23:40,425 we lack significance. 429 00:23:41,025 --> 00:23:45,925 Both are signs that our heart needs a serious love, tune-up more 430 00:23:45,925 --> 00:23:48,525 visible does not mean more valuable. 431 00:23:49,425 --> 00:23:53,625 Evangelism is another area that often invites comparison. 432 00:23:54,725 --> 00:23:55,425 My best friend. 433 00:23:55,425 --> 00:24:00,725 Jeff clearly has this gift and regularly shares stories on how he's 434 00:24:00,725 --> 00:24:03,725 using it to bring others into the family of God. 435 00:24:04,325 --> 00:24:05,125 Initially. 436 00:24:05,325 --> 00:24:08,725 I didn't have many of those stories and I believed, I was letting God 437 00:24:08,725 --> 00:24:09,225 down. 438 00:24:09,925 --> 00:24:13,125 I finally realized that my gift of encouragement. 439 00:24:13,325 --> 00:24:15,925 Helps people find God in a different way. 440 00:24:16,425 --> 00:24:20,625 If I'd continued to see my gift as unimportant compared to my friends. 441 00:24:21,225 --> 00:24:24,225 I would have made myself unavailable to God and missed. 442 00:24:24,825 --> 00:24:27,625 On the Kingdom Purpose, he prepared for me. 443 00:24:29,225 --> 00:24:32,025 Some roles may be less glamorous than others. 444 00:24:32,325 --> 00:24:36,625 But God's word says that all of the parts of the body are needed. 445 00:24:37,325 --> 00:24:39,525 The I can never say to the hand. 446 00:24:39,625 --> 00:24:40,625 I don't need you. 447 00:24:41,125 --> 00:24:43,025 The head, can't say, to the feet. 448 00:24:43,025 --> 00:24:44,125 I don't need you. 449 00:24:44,525 --> 00:24:49,225 In fact, some of the parts that seem weakest or least important, or 450 00:24:49,225 --> 00:24:50,825 really the most necessary. 451 00:24:52,025 --> 00:24:58,125 The second trap is projection, when we expect others to be good at the 452 00:24:58,125 --> 00:24:59,925 same things that we are good at. 453 00:25:00,025 --> 00:25:02,325 We're projecting our gifts on to them. 454 00:25:03,025 --> 00:25:06,025 For example, I have the gift of administration. 455 00:25:06,425 --> 00:25:10,525 If I automatically expect others to be organized and punctual all the 456 00:25:10,525 --> 00:25:15,825 time feelings of frustration and resentment can set in on both sides 457 00:25:16,225 --> 00:25:18,825 and cause the relationship to become strained. 458 00:25:19,625 --> 00:25:21,525 We need to celebrate the unique gifts. 459 00:25:21,525 --> 00:25:26,325 God gives to others and encourage everyone to be who God created them 460 00:25:26,325 --> 00:25:26,825 to be. 461 00:25:27,525 --> 00:25:28,825 That's what God wants. 462 00:25:29,925 --> 00:25:32,125 The final trap is rejection. 463 00:25:32,725 --> 00:25:36,225 This tends to happen with people who have the gift of pastoring or 464 00:25:36,225 --> 00:25:39,825 shepherding but won't acknowledge it most often. 465 00:25:39,825 --> 00:25:43,125 It's because they don't have the right title or official position. 466 00:25:43,825 --> 00:25:47,125 My chiropractor once said to me, I'm not a pastor like you. 467 00:25:47,425 --> 00:25:49,325 So I can't have the gift of pastoring. 468 00:25:49,825 --> 00:25:52,625 He felt that because he lacked a position. 469 00:25:52,925 --> 00:25:54,525 He also lacked the gift. 470 00:25:54,825 --> 00:25:58,825 He needed to embrace the truth that he did have the gift and God had 471 00:25:58,825 --> 00:25:59,625 given it to him. 472 00:26:00,225 --> 00:26:01,125 A few months later. 473 00:26:01,125 --> 00:26:04,725 I saw him after a weekend service, and his face was glowing. 474 00:26:05,325 --> 00:26:09,525 He'd finally taken a step of faith and in with his wife began leading 475 00:26:09,525 --> 00:26:10,725 a small group. 476 00:26:10,725 --> 00:26:11,525 In his home. 477 00:26:12,825 --> 00:26:18,425 He loved the opportunity to encourage Council and pray with his group. 478 00:26:18,825 --> 00:26:22,825 He'd finally accepted that, he had this gift and that he could start 479 00:26:22,825 --> 00:26:26,025 pastoring, just as the way God had designed him, too. 480 00:26:26,825 --> 00:26:28,325 One final word of caution. 481 00:26:29,025 --> 00:26:29,325 Please. 482 00:26:29,325 --> 00:26:32,925 Don't wait to begin using your spiritual gifts and tell you understand 483 00:26:32,925 --> 00:26:38,125 all of the details about how they can be expressed in your life as 484 00:26:38,125 --> 00:26:39,425 Irwin McManus rights. 485 00:26:39,825 --> 00:26:43,825 Don't look for God to fulfill all of the blanks, don't wait for him to 486 00:26:43,825 --> 00:26:49,225 remove all of the uncertainty as soon as you can start serving others 487 00:26:49,225 --> 00:26:50,025 around you. 488 00:26:50,425 --> 00:26:53,725 In fact your group is a great place to start. 489 00:26:53,925 --> 00:26:56,525 It's really a small church, so find a way. 490 00:26:56,725 --> 00:26:58,225 To play a more active role. 491 00:26:58,725 --> 00:27:01,125 Don't let your leader or host do it all. 492 00:27:02,625 --> 00:27:06,325 Some may be gifted to lead While others with the gift of 493 00:27:06,325 --> 00:27:10,425 administration can keep the group organized, those with the gift of 494 00:27:10,425 --> 00:27:14,625 hospitality can take the time to make sure that everybody's well-fed 495 00:27:15,225 --> 00:27:18,725 members with the gift of mercy and shepherding can coordinate prayer, 496 00:27:18,725 --> 00:27:22,825 requests and handle other responsibilities that align with their 497 00:27:22,825 --> 00:27:26,225 gifts, to help you in the discovery process. 498 00:27:26,625 --> 00:27:30,125 We've included a list in your study guide of the various gifts, 499 00:27:30,225 --> 00:27:32,225 outlined in the New Testament. 500 00:27:33,125 --> 00:27:37,625 During your discussion time review, this list and talk about the ones, 501 00:27:37,625 --> 00:27:42,525 you think you may have remember, the key is to serve in areas that 502 00:27:42,525 --> 00:27:47,225 best match your giftedness and to start as soon as possible. 503 00:27:48,225 --> 00:27:52,525 When you do this, you'll experience greater fulfillment and see 504 00:27:52,525 --> 00:27:54,225 greater fruitfulness for God. 505 00:27:55,025 --> 00:27:57,525 You were made by God to serve others. 506 00:27:58,025 --> 00:28:01,525 And the truth is, we are better together. 507 00:28:02,025 --> 00:28:02,425 Have a 508 00:28:02,925 --> 00:28:04,425 Discussion time in your group. 509 00:28:24,225 --> 00:28:25,825 I love playing with my son. 510 00:28:26,025 --> 00:28:27,225 No matter how busy I am. 511 00:28:27,225 --> 00:28:29,125 It's just one of those things I enjoy doing. 512 00:28:29,325 --> 00:28:30,825 It's just good for my heart. 513 00:28:31,025 --> 00:28:33,825 One of his favorite things is actually put his hand on his heart 514 00:28:33,825 --> 00:28:35,825 because he loves to feel it race inside. 515 00:28:36,325 --> 00:28:39,025 You know, there's something else that races inside of you and I it's 516 00:28:39,025 --> 00:28:40,425 our emotional heartbeat. 517 00:28:40,525 --> 00:28:44,525 It's what race is when we encounter certain activities, Kay Warren. 518 00:28:44,725 --> 00:28:45,625 Wife of Pastor, Rick. 519 00:28:45,625 --> 00:28:50,025 Warren recently realized that God has given her an emotional heartbeat 520 00:28:50,025 --> 00:28:51,025 for those suffering. 521 00:28:51,025 --> 00:28:52,225 With HIV/AIDS. 522 00:28:52,625 --> 00:28:54,425 Since God is burdened her heart. 523 00:28:54,425 --> 00:28:57,725 She has made it her personal life mission to reach out to this group 524 00:28:57,725 --> 00:28:58,325 of people. 525 00:28:58,725 --> 00:29:01,525 I've asked Kate to share a part of her story with us today. 526 00:29:01,625 --> 00:29:06,025 So you can see how God can take someone's heart and do incredible 527 00:29:06,025 --> 00:29:06,525 things. 528 00:29:12,625 --> 00:29:13,425 Four years ago. 529 00:29:13,425 --> 00:29:18,225 I didn't care at all about HIV/AIDS but one day I picked up a News 530 00:29:18,225 --> 00:29:22,925 Magazine and there was an article on AIDS in Africa and it riveted me, 531 00:29:23,425 --> 00:29:24,325 it was shocking. 532 00:29:24,325 --> 00:29:28,125 It was horrifying, I had no idea that there was a pandemic that there 533 00:29:28,125 --> 00:29:30,025 was a problem that there were millions of Orphans. 534 00:29:30,025 --> 00:29:30,825 I didn't know. 535 00:29:31,125 --> 00:29:34,925 And in that moment God began to do something in my heart that was very 536 00:29:34,925 --> 00:29:36,225 deep and very personal. 537 00:29:36,425 --> 00:29:37,225 And for about a month. 538 00:29:37,225 --> 00:29:38,325 I just mulled over. 539 00:29:38,425 --> 00:29:42,225 Those thoughts of Orphans and millions of men and women suffering. 540 00:29:43,125 --> 00:29:45,725 In a reality that I had not even known existed. 541 00:29:45,925 --> 00:29:47,425 And for a while. 542 00:29:47,425 --> 00:29:50,325 I just put it off because it seemed too overwhelming to Big. 543 00:29:50,325 --> 00:29:52,125 Something that there was nothing I could do. 544 00:29:52,125 --> 00:29:57,025 It was beyond me in my power, but my heart was completely engaged. 545 00:29:57,225 --> 00:30:00,225 And I'll never forget the day that I just had to. 546 00:30:00,225 --> 00:30:02,625 I came to a Crossroads where I had to say to God either. 547 00:30:02,625 --> 00:30:07,225 Yes, or no, and I said yes to him and when I said yes to him, he broke 548 00:30:07,225 --> 00:30:08,025 my heart. 549 00:30:08,025 --> 00:30:08,225 I had 550 00:30:08,425 --> 00:30:10,025 Been interested because of this article. 551 00:30:10,025 --> 00:30:13,825 Now, all of a sudden, my heart was broken and from that broken heart. 552 00:30:13,825 --> 00:30:16,425 I knew that I had to begin to start doing something. 553 00:30:16,725 --> 00:30:21,825 I went to Africa, and it was a, it was an unbelievable experience as I 554 00:30:21,825 --> 00:30:26,125 talk to men and women now who were dying of AIDS as I held children, 555 00:30:26,125 --> 00:30:28,125 whose parents had passed away. 556 00:30:28,425 --> 00:30:30,125 And suddenly it became very personal. 557 00:30:30,125 --> 00:30:31,425 It wasn't just about numbers. 558 00:30:31,425 --> 00:30:32,725 It wasn't about a pandemic. 559 00:30:32,725 --> 00:30:33,825 It was about faces. 560 00:30:33,825 --> 00:30:36,125 It was, it was about Joanna, it was about to mow. 561 00:30:36,125 --> 00:30:38,025 So it was about Ben. 562 00:30:38,025 --> 00:30:38,225 It's 563 00:30:38,425 --> 00:30:42,825 It was about people and God confirmed what had begun by reading this 564 00:30:42,825 --> 00:30:43,625 magazine article. 565 00:30:43,625 --> 00:30:44,525 Now it was yes. 566 00:30:44,525 --> 00:30:46,025 This is what I want you to do. 567 00:30:46,025 --> 00:30:49,125 This is what I these are the people I want you to care about and so 568 00:30:49,125 --> 00:30:52,125 came back to Saddleback and that passion in my heart. 569 00:30:52,125 --> 00:30:52,925 It would wake me up. 570 00:30:52,925 --> 00:30:54,825 It still does every morning I wake up. 571 00:30:55,025 --> 00:30:58,425 And the first thing I think about is, what does God want me to do 572 00:30:58,425 --> 00:31:01,525 today about people who are hiv-positive. 573 00:31:01,525 --> 00:31:02,925 What does, what does he want me? 574 00:31:02,925 --> 00:31:06,225 How can I reflect his heart through my heart to them? 575 00:31:06,625 --> 00:31:07,925 And so, I went from, 576 00:31:08,425 --> 00:31:14,025 Denial to being very disturbed to now determined to do something about 577 00:31:14,025 --> 00:31:15,625 the HIV/AIDS pandemic. 578 00:31:17,525 --> 00:31:18,825 I didn't expect this. 579 00:31:19,125 --> 00:31:23,325 And so to see that God took that desire years ago from another season 580 00:31:23,325 --> 00:31:24,025 of my life. 581 00:31:24,125 --> 00:31:28,025 And now, it has placed it into this season of my life and has given me 582 00:31:28,025 --> 00:31:31,425 a passion that fuels every day is most incredible. 583 00:31:31,625 --> 00:31:33,625 Joyful experience of my life. 584 00:31:33,625 --> 00:31:35,325 I cry more than I've ever cried. 585 00:31:35,325 --> 00:31:38,125 I cry constantly because God broke my heart. 586 00:31:38,525 --> 00:31:42,325 Also, in that broken heart is joy that I never knew was possible as 587 00:31:42,325 --> 00:31:42,625 well. 588 00:31:42,625 --> 00:31:43,325 I love it. 589 00:31:43,325 --> 00:31:44,425 I love what God is doing. 590 00:32:01,725 --> 00:32:03,725 What are the desires of your heart? 591 00:32:03,925 --> 00:32:06,325 I'm not talking about your financial relational. 592 00:32:06,325 --> 00:32:07,625 Vocational desires. 593 00:32:07,925 --> 00:32:10,325 I want to talk about your desires for Ministry. 594 00:32:10,625 --> 00:32:14,625 You're longing to impact the lives of others in this world for God's 595 00:32:14,625 --> 00:32:15,125 glory. 596 00:32:15,525 --> 00:32:19,225 The Bible says, delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the 597 00:32:19,225 --> 00:32:20,725 desires of your heart. 598 00:32:21,225 --> 00:32:22,725 Every believer has them. 599 00:32:23,125 --> 00:32:25,325 It's how we serve God by serving others. 600 00:32:25,725 --> 00:32:30,125 The Bible also tells us that God wants our heart to beat only for him. 601 00:32:30,525 --> 00:32:34,625 The Apostle Paul said, whatever you do work at it, with all of your 602 00:32:34,625 --> 00:32:37,325 heart as working for the Lord, not for men. 603 00:32:37,425 --> 00:32:40,525 Since you know, that you will receive an inheritance from the Lord. 604 00:32:40,525 --> 00:32:41,425 As a reward. 605 00:32:41,625 --> 00:32:43,625 It is the Lord Christ you are serving. 606 00:32:44,725 --> 00:32:48,425 The Bible also tells us that Jesus came to serve and not be served. 607 00:32:48,625 --> 00:32:52,425 So if the Son of God came to be a servant, that means those who love 608 00:32:52,425 --> 00:32:57,625 Jesus are also to serve, but serveware and serve how the ultimate 609 00:32:57,625 --> 00:33:01,425 contribution God has for you to make will align with the passions. 610 00:33:01,425 --> 00:33:06,225 He has given you for his kingdom, identifying your passions reveals. 611 00:33:06,225 --> 00:33:09,525 Another aspect of your god-given shape, our hearts. 612 00:33:09,525 --> 00:33:13,725 Reflect our dreams and desires the key is to let God help you unlock 613 00:33:13,725 --> 00:33:14,325 your heart. 614 00:33:14,525 --> 00:33:18,325 So it can start beating for him a great way to begin turning. 615 00:33:18,325 --> 00:33:20,925 The key is to ask yourself three questions. 616 00:33:21,525 --> 00:33:22,925 Who do I love serving? 617 00:33:24,225 --> 00:33:25,025 What needs do? 618 00:33:25,025 --> 00:33:29,525 I love meeting and what challenges are causes? 619 00:33:29,725 --> 00:33:31,325 Do I love conquering? 620 00:33:32,825 --> 00:33:34,025 Let's talk about the first one. 621 00:33:34,325 --> 00:33:35,725 Who do you love this serve? 622 00:33:36,125 --> 00:33:39,525 When the Great 19th century preacher do I do Moody was in London 623 00:33:39,525 --> 00:33:43,725 during one of his famous Evangelistic tours, several British clergyman 624 00:33:43,725 --> 00:33:48,125 visited him to learn his secret how and more specifically why was this 625 00:33:48,125 --> 00:33:52,125 poorly educated Americans so effective in winning people to Christ? 626 00:33:53,225 --> 00:33:57,125 Moody took the men in his hotel room to a window and asked each of 627 00:33:57,125 --> 00:34:01,525 them to tell him what they saw one by one, the men described the 628 00:34:01,525 --> 00:34:02,525 people in the park below. 629 00:34:03,525 --> 00:34:07,825 Then Moody looking out the same window started to have tears flow down 630 00:34:07,825 --> 00:34:08,525 his cheeks. 631 00:34:09,025 --> 00:34:09,625 What do you see? 632 00:34:09,625 --> 00:34:09,925 Mr. 633 00:34:09,925 --> 00:34:10,325 Moody? 634 00:34:10,625 --> 00:34:12,825 One of the men asked Moody replied. 635 00:34:13,125 --> 00:34:15,225 I see countless thousands of souls. 636 00:34:15,425 --> 00:34:19,225 That will one day spend eternity in hell, if they do not find their 637 00:34:19,225 --> 00:34:24,125 savior because he saw Eternal Souls were other saw only people 638 00:34:24,125 --> 00:34:25,225 strolling in a park. 639 00:34:25,525 --> 00:34:27,925 Moody approach life with a different agenda. 640 00:34:28,325 --> 00:34:32,025 Clearly Moody's target audience was the spiritually lost. 641 00:34:33,025 --> 00:34:36,525 God wants to use you to reach people in your life just like he used 642 00:34:36,525 --> 00:34:40,425 Moody, but who well, he's left that up to you to discover. 643 00:34:41,125 --> 00:34:45,025 You may feel drawn to people who are spiritually apathetic those 644 00:34:45,025 --> 00:34:48,725 facing marital conflict, or those who simply just need Jesus in their 645 00:34:48,725 --> 00:34:49,225 lives. 646 00:34:49,825 --> 00:34:53,325 He may be called to help teenagers make sound choices with their 647 00:34:53,325 --> 00:34:53,825 lives. 648 00:34:54,325 --> 00:34:58,625 Perhaps, you are driven to make an impact on a specific demographic or 649 00:34:58,625 --> 00:35:02,725 age group such as those in the business, World married couples Young. 650 00:35:02,825 --> 00:35:07,425 Children or even the elderly, we've included some reflection questions 651 00:35:07,425 --> 00:35:10,625 in your study guide to help you start identifying your target 652 00:35:10,625 --> 00:35:11,125 audience. 653 00:35:12,425 --> 00:35:16,725 Once you define the target, start to Define and determine what are the 654 00:35:16,725 --> 00:35:20,825 needs in your audience that you want to meet, no matter how gifted or 655 00:35:20,825 --> 00:35:21,625 driven you are. 656 00:35:21,825 --> 00:35:24,425 You can't meet every need in your target group. 657 00:35:24,925 --> 00:35:29,625 You need focus and I'd encourage you to start by considering the needs 658 00:35:29,625 --> 00:35:32,925 that God and others have met in your own life. 659 00:35:33,425 --> 00:35:36,525 Paul mentioned this concept in his message to the Corinthians. 660 00:35:36,525 --> 00:35:41,225 When he said he Comforts Us in all our troubles so that we can Comfort 661 00:35:41,225 --> 00:35:41,625 others. 662 00:35:42,225 --> 00:35:43,425 Others are troubled. 663 00:35:43,525 --> 00:35:46,525 We will be able to give them the same Comfort. 664 00:35:46,525 --> 00:35:47,825 God has given us. 665 00:35:48,925 --> 00:35:51,025 Maybe there's a painful experience in your past. 666 00:35:51,225 --> 00:35:51,525 Something. 667 00:35:51,525 --> 00:35:53,025 God has helped you overcome. 668 00:35:53,725 --> 00:35:57,425 He can use our weaknesses and failures, as well as our strengths and 669 00:35:57,425 --> 00:35:59,825 passions as part of the Masterpiece. 670 00:35:59,825 --> 00:36:01,725 He is creating your suffering. 671 00:36:01,725 --> 00:36:05,425 Can give you empathy to connect with others suffering with similar 672 00:36:05,425 --> 00:36:09,825 types of experiences because others helped me discover my own worth 673 00:36:10,025 --> 00:36:11,325 and potential in Christ. 674 00:36:11,625 --> 00:36:11,925 I 675 00:36:12,125 --> 00:36:14,625 Now love to help others realize their own potential. 676 00:36:14,625 --> 00:36:19,125 That excitement about my own Discovery makes me want to see others 677 00:36:19,125 --> 00:36:20,625 experience the same transformation. 678 00:36:20,625 --> 00:36:25,025 I also love to encourage and help other people who were either 679 00:36:25,025 --> 00:36:29,125 physically, or emotionally abused as a child because I grew up facing 680 00:36:29,125 --> 00:36:33,625 similar abuse, who better to help people overcome difficulties and 681 00:36:33,625 --> 00:36:37,225 grow with Christ and someone who's been through the same trouble yet, 682 00:36:37,225 --> 00:36:41,225 has accepted it as part of God's master plan and moved on because 683 00:36:41,225 --> 00:36:42,025 there are so many 684 00:36:42,225 --> 00:36:43,325 Needs to be met. 685 00:36:43,325 --> 00:36:44,425 Focus is the key. 686 00:36:44,925 --> 00:36:48,925 Here are several categories to consider spiritual needs? 687 00:36:49,225 --> 00:36:52,625 These typically focus on the spiritual condition of a person's life. 688 00:36:53,025 --> 00:36:57,025 Those led to meet these types of needs long to see people discover 689 00:36:57,025 --> 00:37:00,125 Christ and reach their full potential in him. 690 00:37:00,925 --> 00:37:04,625 Then there's physical, needs people with physical, needs long, to 691 00:37:04,625 --> 00:37:09,025 receive practical expressions of love those who focus on meeting these 692 00:37:09,025 --> 00:37:12,025 needs use their resources to provide clothing. 693 00:37:12,125 --> 00:37:16,925 A shelter food and other simple Necessities, relational needs. 694 00:37:17,125 --> 00:37:18,925 The focus here is on helping people. 695 00:37:18,925 --> 00:37:22,725 Develop authentic, christ-centered relationships with others, those 696 00:37:22,725 --> 00:37:23,125 meeting. 697 00:37:23,125 --> 00:37:26,925 These needs find fulfillment in connecting people with other people 698 00:37:27,125 --> 00:37:30,525 and having them build satisfying deep relationships. 699 00:37:31,025 --> 00:37:34,825 Then there's emotional needs individuals who are hurting emotionally. 700 00:37:34,825 --> 00:37:37,925 Need reassurance to know who they are in Christ. 701 00:37:38,325 --> 00:37:42,025 People find gratification and meeting emotional needs because they can 702 00:37:42,225 --> 00:37:46,225 Use their abilities of counseling, encouraging and listening to help 703 00:37:46,225 --> 00:37:46,625 others. 704 00:37:47,125 --> 00:37:51,525 They desire to be used by God, to help them go through their painful 705 00:37:51,525 --> 00:37:54,425 experiences in their life, through Christ. 706 00:37:54,825 --> 00:37:57,325 Then there's educational needs people. 707 00:37:57,325 --> 00:37:59,325 Drawn to minister in this area. 708 00:37:59,325 --> 00:38:03,425 Enjoy everything from helping people learn to showing them how to live 709 00:38:03,425 --> 00:38:07,925 life to its fullest people who have a heart for meaning, educational 710 00:38:07,925 --> 00:38:12,025 needs tend to enjoy teaching, they use a variety of settings. 711 00:38:12,125 --> 00:38:15,925 And teaching tools in addition to styles of teaching to stimulate 712 00:38:15,925 --> 00:38:17,725 growth all for God's glory. 713 00:38:18,325 --> 00:38:22,325 Then there's vocational needs some individuals need help to maximize 714 00:38:22,325 --> 00:38:25,125 their personal and professional potential. 715 00:38:25,425 --> 00:38:29,625 Whether they aspire to be a stay-at-home mom or a Fortune 500 716 00:38:29,625 --> 00:38:34,325 executive people who meet these needs typically use their expertise to 717 00:38:34,325 --> 00:38:39,025 train coach and consult with others to overcome barriers and reach 718 00:38:39,025 --> 00:38:39,825 their goals. 719 00:38:40,325 --> 00:38:42,025 I hope by now you've identified at least 720 00:38:42,225 --> 00:38:45,425 One kind of need that increases your emotional heart beat. 721 00:38:45,925 --> 00:38:48,425 Now that we've talked about who you love to serve in the need. 722 00:38:48,425 --> 00:38:49,325 You love to meet? 723 00:38:49,425 --> 00:38:53,225 We can move to the final question, which is what causes do you love? 724 00:38:53,225 --> 00:38:56,125 Conquering with God, at the beginning of the session? 725 00:38:56,125 --> 00:38:57,125 You heard Kay Warren. 726 00:38:57,125 --> 00:39:01,525 Share her passion to help defeat the HIV/AIDS pandemic. 727 00:39:01,825 --> 00:39:06,025 She is following her unique heartbeat and is making an eternal 728 00:39:06,025 --> 00:39:10,025 difference for God, your personal longing to serve, people may be 729 00:39:10,025 --> 00:39:10,925 different than case. 730 00:39:10,925 --> 00:39:11,825 And that's okay. 731 00:39:12,125 --> 00:39:15,425 But if you take time to listen, long enough God will stir in your 732 00:39:15,425 --> 00:39:19,225 heart and direct you to a, cause he is personally chosen for you. 733 00:39:19,725 --> 00:39:22,725 Your study guide, has a list of several causes to help you. 734 00:39:22,725 --> 00:39:25,825 Start identifying the ones that make your heart race and more 735 00:39:25,825 --> 00:39:27,625 importantly race for God's glory. 736 00:39:28,025 --> 00:39:31,025 Now it's time for you and your group to share your hearts with each 737 00:39:31,025 --> 00:39:35,325 other have fun discovering together, how special God has made each of 738 00:39:35,325 --> 00:39:39,725 you use this time to affirm and help clarify things for each other. 739 00:39:40,025 --> 00:39:41,825 Have a great time of discussion. 740 00:39:57,225 --> 00:39:59,125 I love to visit college campuses. 741 00:39:59,225 --> 00:40:01,825 It gives me such a great opportunity to work with students. 742 00:40:02,225 --> 00:40:04,825 You know, they're so excited about life in their future. 743 00:40:05,225 --> 00:40:05,925 When I meet one. 744 00:40:05,925 --> 00:40:08,125 One of the favorite things I love to do is just ask them. 745 00:40:08,325 --> 00:40:09,325 What is your major? 746 00:40:13,425 --> 00:40:15,425 What we major in is a big decision. 747 00:40:15,525 --> 00:40:18,825 Probably one of the biggest decisions, a young person will ever make 748 00:40:18,925 --> 00:40:20,925 and college gives us such a great place. 749 00:40:21,025 --> 00:40:24,425 Check out all the options fact, is some of us actually chose our 750 00:40:24,425 --> 00:40:28,025 careers based off of the abilities and the aptitudes that we 751 00:40:28,025 --> 00:40:29,725 discovered why we were in school. 752 00:40:32,525 --> 00:40:35,825 But sometimes the opposite thing happens, we all know someone that has 753 00:40:35,825 --> 00:40:39,225 chosen a career because it was trendy or paid a lot of money, but at 754 00:40:39,225 --> 00:40:42,125 the end of the day they were miserable because it didn't align with 755 00:40:42,125 --> 00:40:43,425 their natural abilities. 756 00:40:47,425 --> 00:40:49,725 The same thing can happen when we're serving God. 757 00:40:49,925 --> 00:40:52,825 That's why we need to take the time to discover the things that he's 758 00:40:52,825 --> 00:40:53,825 allowed us to excel. 759 00:40:53,825 --> 00:40:55,625 At the things that we love to do. 760 00:40:55,825 --> 00:40:59,625 Those are our natural abilities because when we do, we can find great 761 00:40:59,625 --> 00:41:01,025 places to start using them. 762 00:41:16,925 --> 00:41:19,425 Each of us was born with some natural abilities. 763 00:41:19,925 --> 00:41:22,425 Those abilities are the collection of strings. 764 00:41:22,625 --> 00:41:27,125 God wants us to use to fulfill our unique Kingdom purpose in life 765 00:41:27,625 --> 00:41:28,225 through the years. 766 00:41:28,225 --> 00:41:31,525 However, I've met many people who have never taken the 767 00:41:31,725 --> 00:41:36,525 Time to embrace the things God has made them naturally good at doing. 768 00:41:37,125 --> 00:41:39,325 I know this firsthand a few years ago. 769 00:41:39,325 --> 00:41:42,325 My wife, Stacy stared at me from across our kitchen island. 770 00:41:42,725 --> 00:41:46,125 It was the end of a busy day and she was near the end of her rope. 771 00:41:46,325 --> 00:41:47,025 I'm just a mom. 772 00:41:47,025 --> 00:41:47,925 She's shared. 773 00:41:48,325 --> 00:41:51,525 I really don't have much time to offer at this season of my life. 774 00:41:51,925 --> 00:41:55,825 All I do is clean cook and shuttle kids from one activity to another. 775 00:41:56,225 --> 00:41:58,125 It's a 24/7 assignment. 776 00:41:58,425 --> 00:41:59,725 There's little time to rest. 777 00:41:59,725 --> 00:42:01,525 Let alone think about my kingdom. 778 00:42:01,625 --> 00:42:02,725 Purpose from God. 779 00:42:03,425 --> 00:42:07,325 So as we talked, we took a piece of paper and wrote down 10 things. 780 00:42:07,525 --> 00:42:13,925 She loved to do coach Inspire run Council and courage, listen, help 781 00:42:13,925 --> 00:42:15,925 read provide an organized. 782 00:42:16,225 --> 00:42:18,125 Those are her natural abilities. 783 00:42:18,725 --> 00:42:18,925 Then. 784 00:42:18,925 --> 00:42:22,025 We looked at her current commitments to see where her natural 785 00:42:22,025 --> 00:42:25,725 abilities could be put to use every morning at 5:30. 786 00:42:25,825 --> 00:42:30,525 She exercises with a group of women, a perfect opportunity to coach 787 00:42:30,525 --> 00:42:31,525 Inspire and 788 00:42:31,725 --> 00:42:35,725 Courage, others, the women in our small group at church, need her 789 00:42:35,725 --> 00:42:40,225 gifts to her ability to organize could also help orchestrate, the 790 00:42:40,225 --> 00:42:44,825 annual pastors wives, Gatherings and quarterly Retreats by the end of 791 00:42:44,825 --> 00:42:45,425 the evening. 792 00:42:45,525 --> 00:42:49,825 She'd begun to see that God could use her natural abilities during 793 00:42:49,825 --> 00:42:51,325 every season of her life. 794 00:42:51,925 --> 00:42:54,525 All she needed was to be available and aware. 795 00:42:54,925 --> 00:42:57,725 It didn't matter whether others notice what she did. 796 00:42:58,025 --> 00:43:00,025 That is, never the point of serving God. 797 00:43:00,225 --> 00:43:01,525 He Delights in willing. 798 00:43:01,625 --> 00:43:02,225 Hearts. 799 00:43:02,725 --> 00:43:06,225 The point isn't whether or not what she's doing right now, is her 800 00:43:06,225 --> 00:43:09,925 ultimate Kingdom Purpose, even though it very well, could be. 801 00:43:10,825 --> 00:43:13,925 And the truth is Mother, heard is a big deal. 802 00:43:14,625 --> 00:43:19,125 But like, many women today, Stacy simply wanted to do more for God, 803 00:43:20,425 --> 00:43:24,625 what she'd hadn't realized was by making little deposits of love into 804 00:43:24,625 --> 00:43:25,725 the lives of others. 805 00:43:26,125 --> 00:43:28,325 She is paying into that account. 806 00:43:28,725 --> 00:43:31,525 As someone once wrote the difference between 807 00:43:31,725 --> 00:43:36,825 Ordinary day and an extraordinary day is not so much what you do, but 808 00:43:36,825 --> 00:43:39,625 whom you do it for the Apostle. 809 00:43:39,625 --> 00:43:40,625 Paul had this. 810 00:43:40,625 --> 00:43:45,225 Same idea when he wrote his letter to the Colossians and whatever you 811 00:43:45,225 --> 00:43:50,025 do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord. 812 00:43:50,025 --> 00:43:51,125 Jesus giving. 813 00:43:51,125 --> 00:43:53,825 Thanks to God the Father through him. 814 00:43:54,425 --> 00:43:58,825 Rick Warren says, the abilities you do have are a strong indication of 815 00:43:58,825 --> 00:44:00,625 what God wants to do with your life. 816 00:44:01,025 --> 00:44:01,525 They are the 817 00:44:01,625 --> 00:44:03,725 Clues of knowing God's will for you. 818 00:44:04,025 --> 00:44:05,425 God doesn't waste abilities. 819 00:44:05,625 --> 00:44:09,925 He matches our calling and our capabilities throughout your life. 820 00:44:10,225 --> 00:44:11,325 You'll discover things. 821 00:44:11,325 --> 00:44:15,125 You naturally love to do an Excel at the opposite is also true. 822 00:44:15,525 --> 00:44:16,525 There are certain things. 823 00:44:16,525 --> 00:44:20,325 You naturally, dislike those things you enjoy doing. 824 00:44:20,325 --> 00:44:22,825 Make work fun, seems more like play. 825 00:44:22,825 --> 00:44:23,525 Actually. 826 00:44:24,125 --> 00:44:25,725 You can't wait to get started. 827 00:44:25,825 --> 00:44:30,725 The task doesn't seem tiring or time-consuming people tell you it 828 00:44:30,725 --> 00:44:31,525 seems as if it's 829 00:44:31,625 --> 00:44:35,825 Effortless for you, not because it's easy but because of the ease and 830 00:44:35,825 --> 00:44:38,925 the sense of Joy they see in you when you're doing those things. 831 00:44:39,325 --> 00:44:40,525 So, here's my question. 832 00:44:41,025 --> 00:44:42,825 What do you naturally excel at? 833 00:44:43,725 --> 00:44:45,625 Are you someone who loves to inspire? 834 00:44:45,625 --> 00:44:49,525 Others is creative thinking, just part of how you do things. 835 00:44:50,225 --> 00:44:51,925 Do you love to work with your hands? 836 00:44:52,325 --> 00:44:53,125 Are you musically? 837 00:44:53,125 --> 00:44:54,025 Talented? 838 00:44:54,225 --> 00:44:57,325 Are you known as a team Builder is goal setting. 839 00:44:57,325 --> 00:45:01,425 Just a natural part of your life, whatever you are naturally good at 840 00:45:01,625 --> 00:45:04,725 and love to do find a way to use it for God. 841 00:45:05,625 --> 00:45:08,625 Maybe you're already using your natural abilities for God. 842 00:45:08,725 --> 00:45:13,525 If so, God bless you, but have you considered that he may have more in 843 00:45:13,525 --> 00:45:14,325 store for you. 844 00:45:15,425 --> 00:45:18,225 As you consider your strengths and areas of Interest. 845 00:45:18,525 --> 00:45:21,025 Remember that the idea is not to boost. 846 00:45:21,025 --> 00:45:26,925 Your self-esteem is to remind us how exceedingly qualified God is at 847 00:45:26,925 --> 00:45:27,925 putting into action. 848 00:45:27,925 --> 00:45:28,425 Everything. 849 00:45:28,425 --> 00:45:29,525 He has created. 850 00:45:29,925 --> 00:45:34,225 Remember our strengths and abilities are there to show off his 851 00:45:34,225 --> 00:45:35,725 greatness in magnitude. 852 00:45:36,125 --> 00:45:37,725 God always gives you the skills. 853 00:45:37,725 --> 00:45:38,825 You need to serve him. 854 00:45:39,325 --> 00:45:43,025 A great example of this is when Moses gave instructions to various 855 00:45:43,025 --> 00:45:44,525 people to prepare gifts. 856 00:45:44,625 --> 00:45:49,225 Or the Tabernacle, the Bible says, the Lord has given them special 857 00:45:49,225 --> 00:45:53,225 skills as Jewelers designers and Weaver's. 858 00:45:53,925 --> 00:45:58,325 They excel in all the crafts needed for the work, just like these 859 00:45:58,325 --> 00:45:59,625 designers and Weaver's. 860 00:45:59,625 --> 00:46:05,225 God has also given you special abilities to excel in certain areas for 861 00:46:05,225 --> 00:46:05,625 him. 862 00:46:06,125 --> 00:46:09,525 All you need to do is put them to work as a pastor. 863 00:46:09,925 --> 00:46:12,525 I've seen many people struggle with identifying. 864 00:46:12,525 --> 00:46:14,525 Those abilities often. 865 00:46:14,825 --> 00:46:16,425 They've simply lost Focus. 866 00:46:17,025 --> 00:46:20,725 It's easy to become distracted by doing what we think we should do or 867 00:46:20,825 --> 00:46:24,625 feel pressure to do in order to pay for or obtain a certain lifestyle. 868 00:46:25,125 --> 00:46:28,725 But when we pursue the activities for which God has uniquely designed 869 00:46:28,725 --> 00:46:30,425 us using the abilities. 870 00:46:30,425 --> 00:46:31,325 He has given us. 871 00:46:31,525 --> 00:46:33,725 We discover freedom from these pressures. 872 00:46:34,225 --> 00:46:35,525 Which life do you want? 873 00:46:36,025 --> 00:46:37,325 Have you lost your focus? 874 00:46:37,925 --> 00:46:40,125 Are you distracted by self-serving values? 875 00:46:40,625 --> 00:46:42,325 I encourage you to re-evaluate. 876 00:46:42,325 --> 00:46:43,025 The abilities. 877 00:46:43,025 --> 00:46:44,525 God has given you and Light. 878 00:46:44,725 --> 00:46:48,425 His eternal purposes and the life situation in which you are placed. 879 00:46:49,425 --> 00:46:53,325 What you discover could set you free, who knows. 880 00:46:53,725 --> 00:46:57,725 It could open the door to a Ministry more fulfilling than ever 881 00:46:57,725 --> 00:46:58,325 imagined. 882 00:46:59,225 --> 00:47:02,625 You'll find a list of fifty specialized abilities in your study. 883 00:47:02,625 --> 00:47:07,725 Guide as you review, each one, you will be asked to indicate whether 884 00:47:07,725 --> 00:47:11,325 you loved it like it or could live without it. 885 00:47:11,725 --> 00:47:14,625 The goal is for you to embrace the things you love to do. 886 00:47:14,925 --> 00:47:17,725 Not the things you can do your job. 887 00:47:17,725 --> 00:47:19,125 For example, may require you. 888 00:47:19,225 --> 00:47:22,725 The lead, but maybe you don't enjoy leading. 889 00:47:23,225 --> 00:47:24,325 If that's the case. 890 00:47:24,325 --> 00:47:25,925 Why include leadership? 891 00:47:26,025 --> 00:47:27,925 As part of your unique shape. 892 00:47:28,525 --> 00:47:33,625 These principles can be very easy to forget, but one day each of us 893 00:47:33,625 --> 00:47:37,725 will have to give an account of Our Lives to God for what we did with 894 00:47:37,725 --> 00:47:38,925 the talents, he gave us. 895 00:47:39,625 --> 00:47:42,625 So make the choice now to use what he's given you. 896 00:47:43,425 --> 00:47:48,525 Paul wrote of this reality check in Romans chapter 14, so then each of 897 00:47:48,525 --> 00:47:49,025 us will give 898 00:47:49,125 --> 00:47:51,225 An account of himself to God. 899 00:47:51,625 --> 00:47:55,325 Jesus told a story about a man who gave money to three of his servants 900 00:47:55,325 --> 00:47:56,725 before leaving on a journey. 901 00:47:57,325 --> 00:48:00,425 The first to put his money to work and gained a profit. 902 00:48:00,725 --> 00:48:04,725 But a third fearing, his master buried the money when the master 903 00:48:04,725 --> 00:48:05,525 returned. 904 00:48:05,725 --> 00:48:09,825 He rewarded, the two who had increased his estate, praising them for 905 00:48:09,825 --> 00:48:13,425 being good and faithful, but the third wasn't as fortunate. 906 00:48:13,925 --> 00:48:18,125 His master shouted, take the talent from him and give it to the one 907 00:48:18,125 --> 00:48:19,025 who has the tent out. 908 00:48:19,225 --> 00:48:24,725 And for everyone who has will be given more and he will have an 909 00:48:24,725 --> 00:48:25,425 abundance. 910 00:48:26,025 --> 00:48:31,525 Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him, life 911 00:48:31,525 --> 00:48:34,325 is too short to settle for doing less than our best for God. 912 00:48:34,825 --> 00:48:37,925 Annie a young lady who serves at our church, as a great example of 913 00:48:37,925 --> 00:48:41,625 someone who really understands and lives out this truth while working 914 00:48:41,625 --> 00:48:45,025 with high school students and he learned that many of them long to 915 00:48:45,025 --> 00:48:48,525 worship God through ART, but didn't really have an opportunity to do 916 00:48:48,525 --> 00:48:48,825 it. 917 00:48:49,425 --> 00:48:53,225 Realizing she had a responsibility to use the talent God had created 918 00:48:53,225 --> 00:48:53,825 within her. 919 00:48:54,125 --> 00:48:59,225 She began searching for a way to use her own artistic ability to help 920 00:48:59,225 --> 00:48:59,825 these kids. 921 00:48:59,825 --> 00:49:04,125 She began an art Ministry and discovered a life, truly blessed by 922 00:49:04,125 --> 00:49:05,725 simply blessing others. 923 00:49:06,325 --> 00:49:10,625 She helped young adults display their love and offer God in new and 924 00:49:10,725 --> 00:49:12,125 even unconventional ways. 925 00:49:13,125 --> 00:49:16,825 And his experience shows us how important it is to identify and 926 00:49:16,825 --> 00:49:18,425 embrace our God given abilities. 927 00:49:19,125 --> 00:49:20,425 I love how she says it. 928 00:49:20,625 --> 00:49:25,125 I could be doing art anywhere, but I have found much more fulfillment 929 00:49:25,125 --> 00:49:29,725 in meaning and doing it for God and he surrendered both her abilities 930 00:49:29,725 --> 00:49:33,625 and passions to God and she found a purpose that changed other's 931 00:49:33,625 --> 00:49:34,025 lives. 932 00:49:34,725 --> 00:49:36,625 If We Hold Back the natural abilities. 933 00:49:36,625 --> 00:49:40,425 God gave us at Birth or if we use those abilities for purposes that 934 00:49:40,425 --> 00:49:44,225 don't include God, they will not be used for their full capacity. 935 00:49:44,925 --> 00:49:47,125 Do you know the abilities you were born with? 936 00:49:47,525 --> 00:49:49,025 Do you know the things you love doing? 937 00:49:49,125 --> 00:49:52,225 Doing if you're not sure, I want to help you answer. 938 00:49:52,225 --> 00:49:52,725 Yes. 939 00:49:52,925 --> 00:49:54,225 To both of those questions. 940 00:49:54,925 --> 00:49:59,325 You can start figuring these things out and using your abilities. 941 00:49:59,925 --> 00:50:01,125 Every day of your life. 942 00:50:01,525 --> 00:50:04,325 Michelangelo said, the greater danger. 943 00:50:04,325 --> 00:50:08,925 For most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but 944 00:50:09,025 --> 00:50:11,025 that it is too low and we reach it. 945 00:50:11,725 --> 00:50:16,725 So grab hold of your natural abilities and aim high for God's glory. 946 00:50:17,125 --> 00:50:18,525 Have a great discussion. 947 00:50:29,325 --> 00:50:44,725 PE cfd Bridge a very reliable that e DF c z p, you know chances are 948 00:50:44,725 --> 00:50:48,525 most of us have probably had her eyes tested before and no matter if 949 00:50:48,525 --> 00:50:50,525 the experience was enjoyable or not. 950 00:50:50,625 --> 00:50:51,725 One thing's for sure. 951 00:50:52,025 --> 00:50:56,625 Corrected Vision helps us see the world more clearly this equipment 952 00:50:56,625 --> 00:50:57,525 test our vision. 953 00:50:59,225 --> 00:51:02,625 Choice number of each of these lenses has a slightly different focus, 954 00:51:02,825 --> 00:51:04,625 and only a doctor knows how it all works. 955 00:51:05,025 --> 00:51:08,125 But our participation is necessary for this test to truly be 956 00:51:08,125 --> 00:51:08,925 effective. 957 00:51:09,025 --> 00:51:10,325 We can't be passive. 958 00:51:10,425 --> 00:51:13,925 We need to make choices selecting between various options to bring 959 00:51:13,925 --> 00:51:15,025 things into Focus. 960 00:51:16,125 --> 00:51:19,025 And finally, when we get our prescription, we get to pick out our 961 00:51:19,025 --> 00:51:19,625 frames. 962 00:51:19,825 --> 00:51:23,225 We want our frames to match our lifestyle and our personality. 963 00:51:23,725 --> 00:51:25,925 Have you ever tried on someone else's frames? 964 00:51:27,625 --> 00:51:30,225 I'm sure if you have, they felt awkward and uncomfortable. 965 00:51:32,025 --> 00:51:35,525 We get the same feelings when we serve God in ways that don't match 966 00:51:35,525 --> 00:51:36,425 our personality. 967 00:51:36,825 --> 00:51:40,825 That's why we need to take the time to discover how God has wired us. 968 00:51:41,025 --> 00:51:44,525 It's the key to finding in fulfilling our unique purpose in life. 969 00:51:44,825 --> 00:51:48,825 The bottom line is this we need to serve God in ways that match the 970 00:51:48,825 --> 00:51:49,125 way. 971 00:51:49,125 --> 00:51:50,925 He's uniquely wired us.