1 00:00:02,436 --> 00:00:03,337 Previously on Young Sheldon... 2 00:00:03,437 --> 00:00:04,338 So the house is fine? 3 00:00:04,438 --> 00:00:06,340 Well, ours is. 4 00:00:06,440 --> 00:00:07,675 What does that mean? 5 00:00:07,775 --> 00:00:11,812 Your mother's house is sorta... gone. 6 00:00:11,912 --> 00:00:13,881 Gone where? 7 00:00:13,981 --> 00:00:15,349 Everywhere. 8 00:00:15,449 --> 00:00:18,519 I don't have coverage for tornadoes. 9 00:00:18,619 --> 00:00:19,687 You're watching CeeCee today. 10 00:00:19,787 --> 00:00:21,789 Well, who put you in charge? 11 00:00:22,590 --> 00:00:24,625 Okay. Just asking. 12 00:00:24,725 --> 00:00:26,360 Ich bin ein Heidelberger! 13 00:00:33,134 --> 00:00:35,203 one of the most beautiful cities in Germany. 14 00:00:35,303 --> 00:00:38,372 Heidelberg Palace, the Karl Theodor Bridge, 15 00:00:38,472 --> 00:00:40,007 the Schloss Schwetzingen. 16 00:00:40,108 --> 00:00:41,809 But I couldn't care less. 17 00:00:41,909 --> 00:00:44,645 The only sights I wanted to see were the looks of awe 18 00:00:44,745 --> 00:00:46,514 on the faces of my fellow students 19 00:00:46,614 --> 00:00:49,850 as I demonstrated my intellectual superiority. 20 00:00:49,950 --> 00:00:51,485 Cylinders that are smaller 21 00:00:51,585 --> 00:00:53,387 than ten to the minus-35 meters. 22 00:00:56,824 --> 00:00:58,292 What's happening? 23 00:00:58,392 --> 00:01:01,395 You don't laugh at people saying stupid things in Texas? 24 00:01:01,495 --> 00:01:03,797 You're darn tootin' we do. 25 00:01:03,897 --> 00:01:06,534 So who goofed? 26 00:01:06,634 --> 00:01:08,068 You did, dummkopf. 27 00:01:08,169 --> 00:01:10,338 Dummkopf? You're calling me a dummy? 28 00:01:10,438 --> 00:01:13,307 Class, who knows where the dummkopf went wrong? 29 00:01:14,108 --> 00:01:15,276 Mr. Ziegler. 30 00:01:15,376 --> 00:01:18,346 He forgot to consider the Calabi-Yau manifold. 31 00:01:18,446 --> 00:01:20,448 Thank you, Mr. Ziegler. 32 00:01:20,548 --> 00:01:22,750 Wait, what's the Calabi-Yau manifold? 33 00:01:22,850 --> 00:01:25,286 Dummkopf. 34 00:01:25,386 --> 00:01:27,121 I was quickly learning 35 00:01:27,221 --> 00:01:29,757 not all Germans were the warm, fun-loving people 36 00:01:29,857 --> 00:01:31,692 I was led to believe. 37 00:01:32,460 --> 00:01:35,396 ♪ Nobody else is stronger than I am ♪ 38 00:01:35,496 --> 00:01:37,631 ♪ Yesterday I moved a mountain ♪ 39 00:01:37,731 --> 00:01:40,501 ♪ I bet I could be your hero ♪ 40 00:01:40,601 --> 00:01:43,904 ♪ I am a mighty little man ♪ 41 00:01:44,004 --> 00:01:48,108 ♪ I am a mighty little man. ♪ 42 00:01:51,345 --> 00:01:52,980 And then they laughed at me for not knowing 43 00:01:53,080 --> 00:01:55,048 something that they knew. Who does that? 44 00:01:55,149 --> 00:01:56,450 You do. 45 00:01:56,550 --> 00:01:58,619 Well, this is no time for a teachable moment. 46 00:01:58,719 --> 00:02:00,321 Your child is hurting. 47 00:02:00,421 --> 00:02:02,790 Sorry. 48 00:02:03,691 --> 00:02:04,658 There, there. 49 00:02:04,758 --> 00:02:06,660 I guess that'll do. 50 00:02:06,760 --> 00:02:08,429 Now, how about a hot beverage? 51 00:02:13,967 --> 00:02:15,135 Good crowd today. 52 00:02:15,236 --> 00:02:17,805 It's not enough. We need more. 53 00:02:17,905 --> 00:02:20,007 What are you talking about? We're raking it in. 54 00:02:20,107 --> 00:02:22,042 We got wall-to-wall chumps. 55 00:02:22,142 --> 00:02:23,744 Hey! 56 00:02:23,844 --> 00:02:26,814 Not you. The other chumps. 57 00:02:28,148 --> 00:02:29,750 We're raking in quarters. 58 00:02:29,850 --> 00:02:31,619 I got a house to rebuild. 59 00:02:31,719 --> 00:02:33,521 You want to raise the price? Nope. 60 00:02:33,621 --> 00:02:35,756 I'm thinking bigger. 61 00:02:37,191 --> 00:02:38,025 Table games. 62 00:02:38,125 --> 00:02:39,693 Maybe a roulette wheel. 63 00:02:39,793 --> 00:02:42,963 Whoa. These machines are already a gray area. 64 00:02:43,063 --> 00:02:45,165 Table games are big-time illegal. 65 00:02:45,266 --> 00:02:46,234 You know why? 66 00:02:46,334 --> 00:02:48,436 Because they make big-time money. 67 00:02:48,536 --> 00:02:50,170 What are the cops gonna say? 68 00:02:50,271 --> 00:02:52,640 "Thank you for my new fishing boat"? 69 00:02:52,740 --> 00:02:54,007 Meemaw, I can't go to jail. 70 00:02:54,107 --> 00:02:55,376 I've got a family to take care of. 71 00:02:55,476 --> 00:02:57,311 Nobody's going to jail. 72 00:02:57,411 --> 00:03:00,714 Please, just take a moment to think about it. 73 00:03:01,482 --> 00:03:03,183 Fine. 74 00:03:03,284 --> 00:03:04,318 We're doing it. 75 00:03:09,290 --> 00:03:10,391 Jim. 76 00:03:10,491 --> 00:03:12,059 Hey, sorry to just drop by, but I found 77 00:03:12,159 --> 00:03:13,694 some of Mandy's old baby stuff. 78 00:03:13,794 --> 00:03:14,928 Figured I'd bring it over. 79 00:03:15,028 --> 00:03:16,930 Yeah, well, Mandy's not here. 80 00:03:17,030 --> 00:03:18,566 She took the baby for a check-up, 81 00:03:18,666 --> 00:03:19,933 but you're welcome to wait. 82 00:03:20,033 --> 00:03:21,669 Have a beer, watch the Astros. 83 00:03:21,769 --> 00:03:23,737 A beer in the middle of the afternoon? 84 00:03:23,837 --> 00:03:25,706 Your wife okay with that? 85 00:03:25,806 --> 00:03:27,608 My wife's in Germany. 86 00:03:27,708 --> 00:03:29,277 Oh, my. 87 00:03:29,377 --> 00:03:30,678 For the whole summer. 88 00:03:30,778 --> 00:03:32,546 You're living the dream. Mmm. 89 00:03:32,646 --> 00:03:34,214 Come on. 90 00:03:37,618 --> 00:03:39,152 Hey, Missy. Hey. 91 00:03:39,253 --> 00:03:41,221 Oh, two-for-one green beans. 92 00:03:41,322 --> 00:03:42,923 Oh, look at that, you got everybody pitching in. 93 00:03:43,023 --> 00:03:45,426 Good for you. Well, I am a head coach. 94 00:03:45,526 --> 00:03:46,994 It's what I do. 95 00:03:47,094 --> 00:03:49,763 Hey, that's not where the caps go; we talked about this. 96 00:03:49,863 --> 00:03:53,133 Mm. Sorry. Sorry. 97 00:03:53,967 --> 00:03:55,503 She the assistant coach? 98 00:03:55,603 --> 00:03:57,705 She might own the team. 99 00:03:57,805 --> 00:03:59,907 Use the coasters. 100 00:04:00,007 --> 00:04:01,975 Professor Salzman, 101 00:04:02,075 --> 00:04:03,977 I just wanted to let you know that I studied up 102 00:04:04,077 --> 00:04:06,480 and am now well-versed in the Calabi-Yau manifold. 103 00:04:06,580 --> 00:04:08,248 Okay. 104 00:04:08,349 --> 00:04:09,850 It was never part of the curriculum 105 00:04:09,950 --> 00:04:10,851 at East Texas Tech. 106 00:04:10,951 --> 00:04:12,920 East Texas Tech? 107 00:04:13,020 --> 00:04:14,388 Sounds charming. 108 00:04:14,488 --> 00:04:16,123 It's actually quite humid. Regardless, 109 00:04:16,223 --> 00:04:18,892 I'm ready to reassert myself as class leader. 110 00:04:18,992 --> 00:04:21,495 Your classmates are from some of the most elite 111 00:04:21,595 --> 00:04:23,464 universities in the world. 112 00:04:23,564 --> 00:04:25,766 There is no East MIT. 113 00:04:25,866 --> 00:04:28,201 Well, I would have gone to a better school, 114 00:04:28,302 --> 00:04:30,771 but I was 11, which you have to admit is pretty impressive. 115 00:04:30,871 --> 00:04:34,408 Sheldon, at some point we ask 116 00:04:34,508 --> 00:04:36,610 of the piano-playing dog 117 00:04:36,710 --> 00:04:38,045 not, "Are you a dog?" 118 00:04:38,145 --> 00:04:40,814 but, "Are you any good at playing the piano?" 119 00:04:41,715 --> 00:04:42,750 Excuse me? 120 00:04:42,850 --> 00:04:44,051 You are far behind 121 00:04:44,151 --> 00:04:45,386 many of your peers. 122 00:04:45,486 --> 00:04:47,888 I have no peers. I think they would agree. 123 00:04:47,988 --> 00:04:50,491 Which is why I'm going to recommend tutoring. 124 00:04:50,591 --> 00:04:52,493 Me tutor them? No. 125 00:04:52,593 --> 00:04:54,528 You tutor me? No. 126 00:04:54,628 --> 00:04:56,464 Me tutor you? 127 00:04:57,698 --> 00:04:58,932 Miss Chen. 128 00:04:59,032 --> 00:05:00,401 Yes, Professor? 129 00:05:00,501 --> 00:05:03,771 You have an undergraduate degree in education, ja? 130 00:05:03,871 --> 00:05:04,805 Yes, sir. 131 00:05:04,905 --> 00:05:06,974 Teach him. 132 00:05:11,745 --> 00:05:13,046 No more bets. 133 00:05:13,146 --> 00:05:14,982 What the hell? 134 00:05:15,082 --> 00:05:16,917 Where'd you get the table? 135 00:05:17,017 --> 00:05:18,386 I know a guy. 136 00:05:18,486 --> 00:05:19,787 Where'd you get him? 137 00:05:19,887 --> 00:05:21,522 He's the guy. 138 00:05:21,622 --> 00:05:24,725 Red 12. 139 00:05:24,825 --> 00:05:26,827 No winners. 140 00:05:26,927 --> 00:05:28,529 Oh-ho, there's a winner. 141 00:05:28,629 --> 00:05:29,697 Can we even trust him? 142 00:05:29,797 --> 00:05:33,801 Herman? Look at that baby face. 143 00:05:33,901 --> 00:05:34,868 He says, on a good night, 144 00:05:34,968 --> 00:05:36,169 one table can throw off 145 00:05:36,269 --> 00:05:37,805 a thousand dollars. 146 00:05:37,905 --> 00:05:40,574 That's a lot of diapers, Georgie. 147 00:05:40,674 --> 00:05:41,742 Huh. 148 00:05:41,842 --> 00:05:43,577 Maybe even a nanny. 149 00:05:43,677 --> 00:05:45,345 Huh! 150 00:05:45,446 --> 00:05:48,549 How is it, the three of y'all living in Sheldon's room? 151 00:05:48,649 --> 00:05:49,683 Red 16. 152 00:05:49,783 --> 00:05:52,019 No winners. 153 00:05:54,555 --> 00:05:55,956 Hey, could you watch her for a little while? 154 00:05:56,056 --> 00:05:57,991 I would, but I gotta get to the grocery store 155 00:05:58,091 --> 00:05:59,226 if dinner's gonna be ready. 156 00:05:59,326 --> 00:06:00,694 Three-fifty. 157 00:06:00,794 --> 00:06:03,464 Three hundred and fifty dollars for a dining room set? 158 00:06:03,564 --> 00:06:05,232 You must be crazy. 159 00:06:05,332 --> 00:06:06,834 That's what you said about the jet ski, 160 00:06:06,934 --> 00:06:08,168 but I nailed it. Well... 161 00:06:08,268 --> 00:06:09,470 You guys having a good time? 162 00:06:09,570 --> 00:06:11,304 Oh, yeah, great time. 163 00:06:12,806 --> 00:06:14,274 It's over. Wha... 164 00:06:15,476 --> 00:06:17,110 Well, what about Showcase Showdown? 165 00:06:17,210 --> 00:06:19,847 Here we go. Green beans. 166 00:06:19,947 --> 00:06:21,849 No. No, no, no, no, no. 167 00:06:21,949 --> 00:06:22,850 That's not the one on the coupon. 168 00:06:22,950 --> 00:06:24,317 You want... Bottom row. 169 00:06:24,418 --> 00:06:25,786 Ooh, good catch. 170 00:06:25,886 --> 00:06:27,120 Missy'd have had my ass. 171 00:06:27,220 --> 00:06:29,322 Well, I'm here for you. 172 00:06:29,423 --> 00:06:30,858 All righty, now. 173 00:06:32,460 --> 00:06:34,127 Hello? 174 00:06:34,227 --> 00:06:37,030 Good afternoon, I'm here for tutoring with Sheldon. 175 00:06:37,130 --> 00:06:40,468 Oh, he's helping you? Isn't that nice. 176 00:06:40,568 --> 00:06:42,936 No, I'm helping him. 177 00:06:44,104 --> 00:06:45,005 Sorry? 178 00:06:45,105 --> 00:06:47,207 I'm tutoring him. 179 00:06:48,809 --> 00:06:50,310 Excuse me just a minute. 180 00:06:52,412 --> 00:06:54,014 Shelly? 181 00:06:54,114 --> 00:06:55,683 Your tutor's here. 182 00:06:55,783 --> 00:06:58,519 I've been thinking about it. We should go home. 183 00:06:58,619 --> 00:06:59,520 Why? 184 00:06:59,620 --> 00:07:02,556 I miss Dad and football. 185 00:07:02,656 --> 00:07:03,857 The whole shebang. 186 00:07:04,658 --> 00:07:07,427 Honey, are you sure this isn't because 187 00:07:07,528 --> 00:07:08,562 you need a tutor, 188 00:07:08,662 --> 00:07:10,664 and she's a little girl? 189 00:07:10,764 --> 00:07:12,299 Leave me alone. 190 00:07:12,399 --> 00:07:14,067 Didn't you say that you wanted to come here 191 00:07:14,167 --> 00:07:16,804 to learn new things and expand your horizons? 192 00:07:16,904 --> 00:07:19,172 What do I know? I'm a dummkopf. 193 00:07:19,272 --> 00:07:21,041 Oh, nobody thinks that. 194 00:07:21,141 --> 00:07:23,343 I do. I thought we'd get started 195 00:07:23,443 --> 00:07:25,445 with anti-de Sitter space. 196 00:07:25,546 --> 00:07:27,648 That sounds fun. What's that? 197 00:07:27,748 --> 00:07:29,517 I wish I could tell you. 198 00:07:35,956 --> 00:07:37,424 Oh, um... 199 00:07:37,525 --> 00:07:39,827 Come on, I just gave you a hint. 200 00:07:39,927 --> 00:07:42,262 We solve for the geodesics. 201 00:07:42,362 --> 00:07:43,130 Wrong. 202 00:07:43,230 --> 00:07:44,798 Ow! Why'd you hit me? 203 00:07:44,898 --> 00:07:46,333 Pain is the best teacher. 204 00:07:46,433 --> 00:07:48,836 You're a very impressive little girl, 205 00:07:48,936 --> 00:07:50,504 but there's a saying. 206 00:07:50,604 --> 00:07:52,706 At some point, it's not enough to be a dog who plays the piano. 207 00:07:52,806 --> 00:07:54,007 You have to play the piano well. 208 00:07:54,107 --> 00:07:56,544 I play extremely well. I'm a concert pianist. 209 00:07:56,644 --> 00:07:58,211 Of course you are. 210 00:07:59,680 --> 00:08:01,248 What? 211 00:08:01,348 --> 00:08:04,084 Sorry, just a funny part of the Bible. 212 00:08:06,219 --> 00:08:07,755 ...for the food we're about to receive, 213 00:08:07,855 --> 00:08:09,389 and bless the hands that prepared it. 214 00:08:09,489 --> 00:08:11,892 And for the hands what went to the store and bought it. 215 00:08:14,327 --> 00:08:16,463 Sorry, had a tough time getting her down. 216 00:08:16,564 --> 00:08:18,098 She had horrible gas. 217 00:08:18,198 --> 00:08:20,901 Well, that's weird. She was an angel with us. 218 00:08:21,001 --> 00:08:22,570 Maybe she's hungry. 219 00:08:22,670 --> 00:08:23,971 Maybe she's teething. 220 00:08:24,071 --> 00:08:26,339 You know what, let her suck on a Slim Jim. 221 00:08:26,439 --> 00:08:29,209 Ooh! Two birds. 222 00:08:32,746 --> 00:08:34,715 You're awful quiet tonight. 223 00:08:34,815 --> 00:08:37,551 Oh, just work stuff. 224 00:08:37,651 --> 00:08:39,720 Huh, I wouldn't have thought running a laundromat 225 00:08:39,820 --> 00:08:41,221 would be all that stressful. 226 00:08:44,992 --> 00:08:47,194 Well, Dad, you run your own business. 227 00:08:47,294 --> 00:08:49,329 You know what it's like dealing with the public. 228 00:08:49,429 --> 00:08:50,864 That I do. Actually, 229 00:08:50,964 --> 00:08:52,399 I had a guy the other day came in 230 00:08:52,499 --> 00:08:54,602 returning a set of tires I sold him a year ago, 231 00:08:54,702 --> 00:08:56,136 way past warranty. 232 00:08:56,236 --> 00:08:57,905 Put up quite a stink, too. 233 00:08:58,005 --> 00:08:59,640 How'd you handle it? 234 00:08:59,740 --> 00:09:01,141 Gave him a new set of tires. 235 00:09:01,241 --> 00:09:02,509 I mean, I lost a couple bucks, 236 00:09:02,610 --> 00:09:04,011 but got a customer for life. 237 00:09:04,111 --> 00:09:06,947 Smart. I could learn a lot from you. 238 00:09:07,047 --> 00:09:10,150 Well, you can learn a lot from your father, too. 239 00:09:10,250 --> 00:09:12,485 Hmm. All right, what you got, big man? 240 00:09:15,355 --> 00:09:16,256 Uh, well... 241 00:09:17,457 --> 00:09:19,226 Saved by the bell. 242 00:09:21,795 --> 00:09:23,430 Would it kill anyone to say "thank you" 243 00:09:23,530 --> 00:09:25,165 - for this delicious meal? - Hello. 244 00:09:25,265 --> 00:09:26,800 Thanks. Thank you. 245 00:09:26,900 --> 00:09:27,801 Hang on. 246 00:09:27,901 --> 00:09:29,136 Jim, it's your wife. 247 00:09:34,007 --> 00:09:35,275 Hi, honey. 248 00:09:35,375 --> 00:09:37,544 I am sorry, I lost track of time. 249 00:09:37,645 --> 00:09:38,646 I was playing with the baby, 250 00:09:38,746 --> 00:09:40,047 who, I got to tell you, 251 00:09:40,147 --> 00:09:41,381 looks more and more like you every day... 252 00:09:41,481 --> 00:09:43,350 Okey-dokey, I will be right home. 253 00:09:43,450 --> 00:09:45,318 Five minutes. 254 00:09:46,319 --> 00:09:47,621 Gotta go. 255 00:09:54,427 --> 00:09:55,328 What? 256 00:09:55,428 --> 00:09:56,563 Nothing. 257 00:09:57,397 --> 00:10:00,167 Georgie, I can tell when something's wrong. 258 00:10:00,968 --> 00:10:03,270 Nothing's wrong. 259 00:10:05,906 --> 00:10:06,974 Just tell me. 260 00:10:07,074 --> 00:10:08,742 Is it that obvious? 261 00:10:08,842 --> 00:10:10,077 Yes. 262 00:10:11,645 --> 00:10:13,146 All right. 263 00:10:13,246 --> 00:10:14,948 Meemaw put a roulette wheel in the slot room, 264 00:10:15,048 --> 00:10:17,317 and I'm real worried about it. 265 00:10:17,417 --> 00:10:19,019 Why? 266 00:10:19,119 --> 00:10:22,222 The slots are already in a gray area. 267 00:10:22,322 --> 00:10:24,491 A roulette wheel could land us in jail. 268 00:10:24,591 --> 00:10:27,094 Okay, then tell her you want no part of it. 269 00:10:27,194 --> 00:10:28,829 I did, but she said it could throw off 270 00:10:28,929 --> 00:10:30,430 a thousand dollars a day. 271 00:10:30,530 --> 00:10:31,965 Oh. 272 00:10:32,065 --> 00:10:33,133 Then do it. 273 00:10:33,233 --> 00:10:35,102 But I could go to jail. 274 00:10:35,202 --> 00:10:37,304 I'll wait for you. 275 00:10:37,404 --> 00:10:39,873 I thought you'd be on my side. 276 00:10:39,973 --> 00:10:41,574 Georgie, I am on your side. 277 00:10:41,675 --> 00:10:44,044 In fact, we should get married sooner 278 00:10:44,144 --> 00:10:46,714 so that I can't testify against you. 279 00:10:46,814 --> 00:10:49,149 And also because you love me. 280 00:10:49,249 --> 00:10:51,018 Thousand bucks a day? 281 00:10:51,118 --> 00:10:53,553 You bet I love you. 282 00:10:54,855 --> 00:10:57,190 So listen, I thought it over 283 00:10:57,290 --> 00:11:00,260 and decided the risk is worth it. 284 00:11:00,360 --> 00:11:02,395 Good. Mandy on board? 285 00:11:02,495 --> 00:11:03,997 I didn't ask. 286 00:11:04,097 --> 00:11:05,866 Glad she brought you around. 287 00:11:05,966 --> 00:11:08,435 Listen, why don't you shadow Herman, 288 00:11:08,535 --> 00:11:09,669 see how it's done. 289 00:11:09,770 --> 00:11:12,239 You want me to run the wheel? 290 00:11:12,339 --> 00:11:13,741 We should be ready. 291 00:11:15,242 --> 00:11:17,177 It's the bottom of the ninth for this guy. 292 00:11:17,277 --> 00:11:18,511 Red 12. 293 00:11:18,611 --> 00:11:19,880 No winners. 294 00:11:21,581 --> 00:11:22,482 You okay? 295 00:11:22,582 --> 00:11:23,483 Yeah. 296 00:11:23,583 --> 00:11:25,485 I got just the one lung. 297 00:11:26,319 --> 00:11:28,321 Connie said you'd show me the ropes. 298 00:11:28,421 --> 00:11:29,823 Oh, sure. There's nothing to it. 299 00:11:29,923 --> 00:11:32,192 You'll catch on in no time. 300 00:11:33,093 --> 00:11:34,895 No more bets. 301 00:11:34,995 --> 00:11:36,696 So, we bought this table from you? 302 00:11:36,797 --> 00:11:38,131 Oh, yeah. 303 00:11:38,231 --> 00:11:40,667 I used to have a little gambling room of my own. 304 00:11:40,768 --> 00:11:42,502 Until it got shut down. 305 00:11:42,602 --> 00:11:43,937 Cops? 306 00:11:44,037 --> 00:11:45,472 Oh, no, nothing like that. 307 00:11:45,572 --> 00:11:47,074 Dixie mafia. 308 00:11:47,174 --> 00:11:48,842 They threatened to cut off my... 309 00:11:48,942 --> 00:11:50,577 Red 16. 310 00:11:50,677 --> 00:11:52,712 Red 16. 311 00:11:52,813 --> 00:11:55,248 Cut off your what? 312 00:11:56,716 --> 00:11:58,786 Wrong. What is wrong about this? 313 00:11:58,886 --> 00:12:00,754 You didn't account for all the dimensions. 314 00:12:00,854 --> 00:12:03,323 The Calabi-Yau manifold has six dimensions. 315 00:12:03,423 --> 00:12:04,724 Only if there's fermions. 316 00:12:04,825 --> 00:12:05,993 Without fermions, there could be 317 00:12:06,093 --> 00:12:07,460 up to 26 dimensions. 318 00:12:07,560 --> 00:12:10,130 What? Dr. Linkletter and Dr. Sturgis 319 00:12:10,230 --> 00:12:12,599 never mentioned 26 dimensions. Who are they? 320 00:12:12,699 --> 00:12:14,567 They're my teachers, and they're really smart. 321 00:12:14,667 --> 00:12:15,969 I've never heard of them. 322 00:12:16,069 --> 00:12:17,370 Well, I've probably never heard of your teachers. 323 00:12:17,470 --> 00:12:19,907 I recently studied with Henry W. Kendall. 324 00:12:20,007 --> 00:12:22,876 The Nobel Prize winner for his pioneering research 325 00:12:22,976 --> 00:12:24,344 on the deep inelastic scattering 326 00:12:24,444 --> 00:12:26,679 of electrons on protons and bound neutrons? 327 00:12:26,780 --> 00:12:29,549 Yes. Never heard of him. 328 00:12:30,683 --> 00:12:32,786 Try again. 329 00:12:37,791 --> 00:12:38,959 Oh, I see the problem. 330 00:12:39,059 --> 00:12:40,193 This is stupid. 331 00:12:40,293 --> 00:12:41,761 You can't just invent dimensions. 332 00:12:41,862 --> 00:12:43,096 There's this one, 333 00:12:43,196 --> 00:12:45,532 this one and this one. 334 00:12:46,366 --> 00:12:49,169 You forgot the dimension of time. 335 00:12:51,972 --> 00:12:53,273 Ow. Thank you. 336 00:13:04,985 --> 00:13:06,519 You want to sit down or something? 337 00:13:06,619 --> 00:13:10,223 I sit down, I might not ever get up. 338 00:13:12,492 --> 00:13:14,561 Uh-oh. 339 00:13:14,661 --> 00:13:16,529 Dixie mafia. 340 00:13:16,629 --> 00:13:17,998 What do we do? 341 00:13:18,098 --> 00:13:20,600 Just stay calm. Let me do the talking. 342 00:13:20,700 --> 00:13:22,602 Who's in charge here? 343 00:13:22,702 --> 00:13:24,104 He is. 344 00:13:25,405 --> 00:13:26,673 Give us the money. 345 00:13:26,773 --> 00:13:28,075 I-I can't. 346 00:13:28,175 --> 00:13:29,910 I have a daughter to support. 347 00:13:30,710 --> 00:13:33,646 Hope she likes being an only child. 348 00:13:43,924 --> 00:13:45,625 What're you doing up? 349 00:13:45,725 --> 00:13:47,394 Can't sleep. 350 00:13:47,494 --> 00:13:48,695 Same. 351 00:13:48,795 --> 00:13:50,163 You want some tea? 352 00:13:50,263 --> 00:13:51,664 Hot tea? 353 00:13:51,764 --> 00:13:53,733 What am I, the Queen of England? 354 00:13:54,534 --> 00:13:55,768 You okay? 355 00:13:55,869 --> 00:13:58,338 Don't become an adult. It sucks. 356 00:13:58,438 --> 00:14:00,007 Too late. 357 00:14:00,107 --> 00:14:01,942 Do you know how much it costs to feed a family these days? 358 00:14:02,042 --> 00:14:03,676 If it wasn't for double coupons, 359 00:14:03,776 --> 00:14:05,812 I don't know how we'd manage. 360 00:14:06,679 --> 00:14:09,049 Well, making the money's no picnic either. 361 00:14:09,149 --> 00:14:11,718 I mean, I want to provide for Mandy and CeeCee, 362 00:14:11,818 --> 00:14:13,987 but... 363 00:14:14,087 --> 00:14:15,488 ...it's really working my last nerve. 364 00:14:15,588 --> 00:14:17,724 I spend my whole day holding this house together 365 00:14:17,824 --> 00:14:19,226 and no one even says, "Thank you." 366 00:14:19,326 --> 00:14:20,327 I get it. 367 00:14:20,427 --> 00:14:21,628 I get home from work, 368 00:14:21,728 --> 00:14:23,130 but does anyone ask how my day was? 369 00:14:23,230 --> 00:14:24,464 How was your day? 370 00:14:24,564 --> 00:14:26,133 Don't ask. 371 00:14:27,000 --> 00:14:29,169 Why do we even do it? 372 00:14:29,269 --> 00:14:32,072 Well, I got a fiancée and a baby, 373 00:14:32,172 --> 00:14:34,007 and we're all sleeping in Sheldon's room. 374 00:14:34,107 --> 00:14:35,475 Oh, yeah, you're screwed. 375 00:14:35,575 --> 00:14:37,677 I mean why do I do it? 376 00:14:45,852 --> 00:14:47,187 Hello. 377 00:14:47,287 --> 00:14:49,522 Why did you never tell me there's 26 dimensions? 378 00:14:49,622 --> 00:14:51,058 What? 379 00:14:51,158 --> 00:14:52,926 I'm in Heidelberg and I'm studying string theory, 380 00:14:53,026 --> 00:14:55,062 and I'm now drastically behind, thanks to you. 381 00:14:55,162 --> 00:14:59,199 Sheldon, it's 3:00 in the morning. 382 00:14:59,299 --> 00:15:01,935 Oh, that explains why Dr. Sturgis didn't pick up. 383 00:15:02,735 --> 00:15:04,537 That explains why I'm hanging up. 384 00:15:04,637 --> 00:15:06,139 I had to be tutored by a child 385 00:15:06,239 --> 00:15:07,774 and the professor called me a dummkopf. 386 00:15:07,874 --> 00:15:09,842 Now I'm glad you called. 387 00:15:09,943 --> 00:15:11,311 I don't like it here. 388 00:15:11,411 --> 00:15:13,246 I miss being the smartest one in class. 389 00:15:13,346 --> 00:15:15,148 Son, if you're always the smartest, 390 00:15:15,248 --> 00:15:16,916 you're never learning anything. 391 00:15:17,017 --> 00:15:19,519 Interesting. So what do I do? 392 00:15:19,619 --> 00:15:20,587 Listen. 393 00:15:20,687 --> 00:15:22,455 I'm listening. 394 00:15:22,555 --> 00:15:23,890 No, that's the answer. 395 00:15:23,991 --> 00:15:25,758 Try doing something you're truly awful at: 396 00:15:25,858 --> 00:15:27,394 just shut up and listen. 397 00:15:27,494 --> 00:15:28,528 But what if I... 398 00:15:28,628 --> 00:15:29,762 When you're in class, listen. 399 00:15:29,862 --> 00:15:31,364 But I could... 400 00:15:37,004 --> 00:15:39,239 Guess I should pee. 401 00:15:45,145 --> 00:15:46,946 What, you didn't make a big ol' breakfast? 402 00:15:47,047 --> 00:15:48,881 I did, and I'm eating it. 403 00:15:48,982 --> 00:15:50,950 And when I'm done, I'm gonna go watch TV 404 00:15:51,051 --> 00:15:54,154 while you make your own breakfast and do the dishes. 405 00:15:54,921 --> 00:15:56,123 But... 406 00:15:56,223 --> 00:15:58,591 you were doing great, so grown-up, 407 00:15:58,691 --> 00:15:59,692 cooking and cleaning. 408 00:15:59,792 --> 00:16:01,861 Mm-hmm. Pass the syrup. 409 00:16:03,530 --> 00:16:05,498 I thought we had a whole thing going here. 410 00:16:05,598 --> 00:16:06,833 Now we have a new thing. 411 00:16:06,933 --> 00:16:08,301 Look at the fridge. 412 00:16:11,671 --> 00:16:12,839 Chore chart? 413 00:16:12,939 --> 00:16:14,341 That's right. 414 00:16:14,441 --> 00:16:17,377 You realize it's my job that pays for all this. 415 00:16:17,477 --> 00:16:19,612 That is true. Thank you. 416 00:16:19,712 --> 00:16:21,181 You're welcome. 417 00:16:21,281 --> 00:16:22,749 And thank you in advance for doing the laundry 418 00:16:22,849 --> 00:16:23,916 and taking out the garbage. 419 00:16:24,017 --> 00:16:25,752 What about Georgie? 420 00:16:25,852 --> 00:16:26,853 Look at the chart. 421 00:16:26,953 --> 00:16:28,055 Georgie mows the lawn 422 00:16:28,155 --> 00:16:29,489 and cleans the toilet. 423 00:16:33,160 --> 00:16:34,927 One should not even 424 00:16:35,028 --> 00:16:38,831 attempt to unify type-one und type-two... 425 00:16:38,931 --> 00:16:40,467 I wanted to give up and run away, 426 00:16:40,567 --> 00:16:42,202 but I had read enough comic books 427 00:16:42,302 --> 00:16:43,936 to know that heroes don't quit. 428 00:16:44,037 --> 00:16:47,540 Instead of running, I decided to stay 429 00:16:47,640 --> 00:16:50,610 and face the biggest challenge I've ever had: 430 00:16:50,710 --> 00:16:52,145 keeping my mouth shut. 431 00:16:52,245 --> 00:16:55,215 Any thoughts on the compactification of 432 00:16:55,315 --> 00:16:57,217 the extra dimensions here? 433 00:16:59,252 --> 00:17:01,088 Mmm. 434 00:17:01,188 --> 00:17:03,223 Ja. One must conserve 435 00:17:03,323 --> 00:17:05,192 the unbroken supercharges. 436 00:17:05,292 --> 00:17:07,627 Und the spherical Hankel transform 437 00:17:07,727 --> 00:17:09,929 of this equation is... 438 00:17:12,065 --> 00:17:15,168 This turned out to be a pivotal moment in my life. 439 00:17:15,268 --> 00:17:18,438 By being open to people smarter than me, 440 00:17:18,538 --> 00:17:21,908 I grew as both a man and a scientist. 441 00:17:22,008 --> 00:17:25,212 Humble, brilliant... 442 00:17:25,312 --> 00:17:27,280 I really am the whole package. 443 00:17:35,388 --> 00:17:36,123 Hey. 444 00:17:36,223 --> 00:17:37,457 What brings you by? 445 00:17:37,557 --> 00:17:38,991 Well, I finished my honey-do list, 446 00:17:39,092 --> 00:17:41,228 so Audrey gave me the afternoon off. 447 00:17:42,095 --> 00:17:43,396 Come on in. 448 00:17:43,496 --> 00:17:45,732 All right, I thought we'd do something fun. 449 00:17:45,832 --> 00:17:47,267 Well, this isn't fun. 450 00:17:47,367 --> 00:17:48,868 I didn't make the chore chart. 451 00:17:48,968 --> 00:17:50,337 Just grab a corner. 452 00:17:50,437 --> 00:17:51,838 There is no corner. 453 00:17:53,106 --> 00:17:54,374 Georgie, give us a hand. 454 00:17:54,474 --> 00:17:56,409 Oh, you don't want me touching anything. 455 00:17:56,509 --> 00:17:57,610 Captioning sponsored by CBS, WARNER BROS. TELEVISION 456 00:17:57,710 --> 00:17:58,745 and TOYOTA. 457 00:18:03,483 --> 00:18:06,919 Captioned by Media Access Group at WGBH access.wgbh.org