1 00:00:06,005 --> 00:00:08,213 - Four-one-one, 2 00:00:06,005 --> 00:00:08,213 baby's gonna come. 3 00:00:09,213 --> 00:00:10,505 Ready? 4 00:00:10,547 --> 00:00:13,547 [All] (In unison) Four-one-one, 5 00:00:10,547 --> 00:00:13,547 baby's gonna come. 6 00:00:13,588 --> 00:00:14,880 - It's simple. 7 00:00:14,922 --> 00:00:16,964 If your contractions 8 00:00:14,922 --> 00:00:16,964 are four minutes apart, 9 00:00:17,005 --> 00:00:18,505 and the pain lasts 10 00:00:17,005 --> 00:00:18,505 for one full minute, 11 00:00:18,547 --> 00:00:20,088 for the duration of one 12 00:00:18,547 --> 00:00:20,088 full hour, 13 00:00:20,130 --> 00:00:23,005 then, congratulations! 14 00:00:20,130 --> 00:00:23,005 You are ready to deliver. 15 00:00:23,046 --> 00:00:24,547 - Yeah, four-one-one, 16 00:00:23,046 --> 00:00:24,547 if you want to spend 17 00:00:24,588 --> 00:00:27,005 eternity in the delivery room. 18 00:00:27,046 --> 00:00:29,505 Take it from me, wait 'til 19 00:00:27,046 --> 00:00:29,505 you're like in a lot of pain, 20 00:00:29,547 --> 00:00:31,213 I'm talking a lot of pain, mhmm. 21 00:00:31,255 --> 00:00:32,714 then like, give it another 22 00:00:31,255 --> 00:00:32,714 three hours. 23 00:00:32,755 --> 00:00:34,088 Anne: Yeah, like, 24 00:00:32,755 --> 00:00:34,088 three-three-three. 25 00:00:34,130 --> 00:00:36,046 - Or like, a two-five-five. 26 00:00:34,130 --> 00:00:36,046 - One-one-one, 27 00:00:36,088 --> 00:00:38,839 have your baby and you're done. 28 00:00:36,088 --> 00:00:38,839 - Yeah, there you go. 29 00:00:38,880 --> 00:00:40,547 - What my uh, demonstrators, 30 00:00:40,588 --> 00:00:43,380 slash closest, closest 31 00:00:40,588 --> 00:00:43,380 girlfriends are saying-- 32 00:00:43,422 --> 00:00:45,380 - Is it true your nose swells? 33 00:00:45,422 --> 00:00:46,880 - One out of three women, yeah. 34 00:00:46,922 --> 00:00:48,380 - Okay, you don't have 35 00:00:46,922 --> 00:00:48,380 a license. 36 00:00:48,422 --> 00:00:49,880 - Will my nipples go back 37 00:00:48,422 --> 00:00:49,880 to normal? 38 00:00:49,922 --> 00:00:51,505 - That's a hard no. 39 00:00:49,922 --> 00:00:51,505 They're gonna get longer, 40 00:00:51,547 --> 00:00:52,964 and coarser, yet more sensitive. 41 00:00:53,005 --> 00:00:54,213 - Please don't write that down. 42 00:00:54,255 --> 00:00:56,213 Okay, uh, here's a fun fact. 43 00:00:56,255 --> 00:00:59,171 Two out of three women pass 44 00:00:56,255 --> 00:00:59,171 bowels during active labour. 45 00:00:59,213 --> 00:01:00,964 - (Scoffs) Yeah. That's not 46 00:00:59,213 --> 00:01:00,964 the poop you gotta worry about. 47 00:01:01,005 --> 00:01:02,380 - Oh boy. 48 00:01:01,005 --> 00:01:02,380 - It's not? 49 00:01:02,422 --> 00:01:04,422 - No! You're gonna take a poop 50 00:01:02,422 --> 00:01:04,422 a couple days after 51 00:01:04,463 --> 00:01:06,547 you give birth that 52 00:01:04,463 --> 00:01:06,547 is gonna break you. 53 00:01:06,588 --> 00:01:08,171 - Mhmm. 54 00:01:06,588 --> 00:01:08,171 - (Gasps) 55 00:01:08,213 --> 00:01:10,380 - Just huge, 56 00:01:08,213 --> 00:01:10,380 like passing a cinderblock. 57 00:01:10,422 --> 00:01:12,797 - If I hadn't hooked mine out, 58 00:01:10,422 --> 00:01:12,797 it'd still be up there. 59 00:01:12,839 --> 00:01:14,338 - I'm sorry, "hooked"? 60 00:01:14,380 --> 00:01:16,547 - Oh yeah, I had to claw it out 61 00:01:14,380 --> 00:01:16,547 like a canary 62 00:01:16,588 --> 00:01:18,630 trying to get to the heart 63 00:01:16,588 --> 00:01:18,630 of a papaya. 64 00:01:18,672 --> 00:01:20,046 - Oh no... 65 00:01:20,088 --> 00:01:22,422 - Oh don't worry, you'll get 66 00:01:20,088 --> 00:01:22,422 through it in one piece. 67 00:01:22,463 --> 00:01:24,505 Your marriage on the other 68 00:01:22,463 --> 00:01:24,505 hand, not so much. 69 00:01:24,547 --> 00:01:26,255 One of these guys is gonna 70 00:01:24,547 --> 00:01:26,255 cheat. 71 00:01:26,296 --> 00:01:28,505 (Clucks tongue) 72 00:01:26,296 --> 00:01:28,505 It's just math. 73 00:01:28,547 --> 00:01:30,964 My money's on this guy. 74 00:01:31,005 --> 00:01:33,588 ♪♪♪ 75 00:01:33,630 --> 00:01:35,380 I see you. 76 00:01:35,422 --> 00:01:40,088 ♪♪♪ 77 00:01:40,130 --> 00:01:42,130 (Door creaks) 78 00:01:42,171 --> 00:01:43,880 - Wow, you really scared 79 00:01:42,171 --> 00:01:43,880 'em in there. 80 00:01:43,922 --> 00:01:45,755 - Well, it had to be said! 81 00:01:43,922 --> 00:01:45,755 Those women need to know 82 00:01:45,797 --> 00:01:47,588 that it's entirely possible 83 00:01:45,797 --> 00:01:47,588 that their husband 84 00:01:47,630 --> 00:01:50,088 could've been fucking the nanny 85 00:01:47,630 --> 00:01:50,088 for a fucking year! 86 00:01:50,130 --> 00:01:51,588 Taking her wine tasting. 87 00:01:51,630 --> 00:01:53,964 Calling each other their 88 00:01:51,630 --> 00:01:53,964 "north star"! Fuck! 89 00:01:54,005 --> 00:01:55,630 - Okay. All right, man, 90 00:01:54,005 --> 00:01:55,630 take it easy! 91 00:01:55,672 --> 00:01:58,130 - Fuck! Sorry, I'm sorry. 92 00:01:55,672 --> 00:01:58,130 - Jeez. 93 00:01:58,171 --> 00:01:59,964 Just take my advice. 94 00:02:00,005 --> 00:02:02,255 - I'm not going to murder him, 95 00:02:00,005 --> 00:02:02,255 Anne. 96 00:02:02,296 --> 00:02:04,797 - Fine. Play it safe. 97 00:02:04,839 --> 00:02:06,505 But know this, all it'd take 98 00:02:04,839 --> 00:02:06,505 is a low-key stop 99 00:02:06,547 --> 00:02:07,714 at the hardware store. 100 00:02:06,547 --> 00:02:07,714 - Here we go. 101 00:02:07,755 --> 00:02:09,547 - Purchase an industrial 102 00:02:07,755 --> 00:02:09,547 size vat. 103 00:02:09,588 --> 00:02:11,213 - What?! 104 00:02:09,588 --> 00:02:11,213 - Fill it with quicklime. 105 00:02:11,255 --> 00:02:13,005 - What? Anne, stop Googling 106 00:02:11,255 --> 00:02:13,005 how to murder someone. 107 00:02:13,046 --> 00:02:14,880 - All right. 108 00:02:14,922 --> 00:02:16,547 - I love you. 109 00:02:16,588 --> 00:02:22,130 ♪♪♪ 110 00:02:22,171 --> 00:02:24,255 (Key rattles) 111 00:02:22,171 --> 00:02:24,255 - There we go. 112 00:02:24,296 --> 00:02:26,130 (Sighs) Welcome. 113 00:02:28,088 --> 00:02:29,630 (Laughs) 114 00:02:29,672 --> 00:02:31,588 - You know you don't have 115 00:02:29,672 --> 00:02:31,588 to move out of my home, right? 116 00:02:31,630 --> 00:02:32,964 - It's time. 117 00:02:33,005 --> 00:02:34,672 As much as I love sharing 118 00:02:33,005 --> 00:02:34,672 a bathroom with Alice, 119 00:02:34,714 --> 00:02:36,505 I gotta be able to host 120 00:02:34,714 --> 00:02:36,505 my kids and take a dump 121 00:02:36,547 --> 00:02:37,880 without her screaming, 122 00:02:36,547 --> 00:02:37,880 "courtesy flush" 123 00:02:37,922 --> 00:02:40,005 at me through the door. 124 00:02:37,922 --> 00:02:40,005 - That's fair enough. 125 00:02:40,046 --> 00:02:43,922 Well, we're gonna miss you. 126 00:02:40,046 --> 00:02:43,922 - I'll miss you, too. 127 00:02:43,964 --> 00:02:46,964 Anne: Hey, this is pretty nice! 128 00:02:47,005 --> 00:02:49,630 - Right? I think I'm gonna do 129 00:02:47,005 --> 00:02:49,630 this dorm room style, 130 00:02:49,672 --> 00:02:52,171 You know, like, a couple 131 00:02:49,672 --> 00:02:52,171 candles, a couple pics, 132 00:02:52,213 --> 00:02:54,672 maybe a sock on the door 133 00:02:52,213 --> 00:02:54,672 to let the people know 134 00:02:54,714 --> 00:02:56,296 I still got it, you know? 135 00:02:56,338 --> 00:02:57,922 - Oh, you still gettin' 136 00:02:56,338 --> 00:02:57,922 after it in your condition? 137 00:02:57,964 --> 00:02:59,839 - Well, not so much, 138 00:02:57,964 --> 00:02:59,839 but my hormones have me 139 00:02:59,880 --> 00:03:02,296 flickin' my bean like 140 00:02:59,880 --> 00:03:02,296 a goddamn demon! 141 00:03:03,922 --> 00:03:05,672 - Sorry to intrude. 142 00:03:05,714 --> 00:03:08,547 I have a delivery here. 143 00:03:05,714 --> 00:03:08,547 - Aw, Charlie! 144 00:03:08,588 --> 00:03:10,839 I missed your little face! 145 00:03:08,588 --> 00:03:10,839 - Oh here, let me help you. 146 00:03:10,880 --> 00:03:12,296 - Oh my God it's okay. 147 00:03:10,880 --> 00:03:12,296 - She's good. 148 00:03:12,338 --> 00:03:14,213 - It's just a cramp, okay? 149 00:03:14,255 --> 00:03:17,380 - I brought ice packs 150 00:03:14,255 --> 00:03:17,380 for your back, and... 151 00:03:17,422 --> 00:03:19,839 I'm not sure if you're craving 152 00:03:17,422 --> 00:03:19,839 raspberry tarts again, 153 00:03:19,880 --> 00:03:21,797 but they're... 154 00:03:19,880 --> 00:03:21,797 - Great, thank you. Bye bye. 155 00:03:21,839 --> 00:03:23,672 - Okay, hey! Just one minute, 156 00:03:21,839 --> 00:03:23,672 please! (Door slams) 157 00:03:23,714 --> 00:03:25,547 Kate: Charlie! Buddy! 158 00:03:25,588 --> 00:03:28,088 - (Sighs) 159 00:03:25,588 --> 00:03:28,088 - Let's go see your room! 160 00:03:31,046 --> 00:03:32,755 - (Exhales heavily) 161 00:03:34,046 --> 00:03:36,130 ♪ Sticks and stones 162 00:03:34,046 --> 00:03:36,130 break my bones ♪ 163 00:03:36,171 --> 00:03:38,255 ♪ But words could kill me ♪ 164 00:03:38,296 --> 00:03:40,422 ♪ I'm trying, 165 00:03:38,296 --> 00:03:40,422 Trying not to lose my head ♪ 166 00:03:40,463 --> 00:03:42,588 - Goodnight. 167 00:03:43,588 --> 00:03:45,880 ♪ It feels like a punch 168 00:03:43,588 --> 00:03:45,880 in the face ♪ 169 00:03:45,922 --> 00:03:47,171 ♪ The things you're saying ♪ 170 00:03:47,213 --> 00:03:48,839 Woman yells: What the fuck 171 00:03:47,213 --> 00:03:48,839 is wrong with you? 172 00:03:48,880 --> 00:03:51,422 (Slams door) 173 00:03:51,463 --> 00:03:52,588 (Charlie cries) 174 00:03:55,672 --> 00:03:57,755 (Charlie cries) 175 00:03:57,797 --> 00:04:00,213 - (Sighs) 176 00:04:00,255 --> 00:04:01,839 (Charlie wails) 177 00:04:05,422 --> 00:04:10,755 ♪♪♪ 178 00:04:10,797 --> 00:04:12,797 - (Sighs) 179 00:04:20,005 --> 00:04:22,130 This place is really starting 180 00:04:20,005 --> 00:04:22,130 to look like a business! 181 00:04:22,171 --> 00:04:24,255 - Can you run a business 182 00:04:22,171 --> 00:04:24,255 with no clients? 183 00:04:24,296 --> 00:04:25,755 - We've got one client. 184 00:04:25,797 --> 00:04:27,463 Now tell me that you've 185 00:04:25,797 --> 00:04:27,463 got a good candidate 186 00:04:27,505 --> 00:04:28,964 for the assistant position. 187 00:04:29,005 --> 00:04:31,380 - Well, he's very young, 188 00:04:29,005 --> 00:04:31,380 and has zero experience. 189 00:04:31,422 --> 00:04:32,964 But he's got a hell 190 00:04:31,422 --> 00:04:32,964 of a reference. 191 00:04:33,005 --> 00:04:34,088 - From who? 192 00:04:33,005 --> 00:04:34,088 - Richard. 193 00:04:34,130 --> 00:04:35,296 - Okay! 194 00:04:35,338 --> 00:04:36,588 - Who also happens to be 195 00:04:35,338 --> 00:04:36,588 his father. 196 00:04:36,630 --> 00:04:38,255 - Okay, got it. Anything else? 197 00:04:38,296 --> 00:04:40,171 - Yeah, there's a bunch 198 00:04:38,296 --> 00:04:40,171 of bills that are piling up. 199 00:04:40,213 --> 00:04:42,296 - Yeah, yeah, yeah, first 200 00:04:40,213 --> 00:04:42,296 we get an assistant, okay? 201 00:04:42,338 --> 00:04:44,046 then we'll get some 202 00:04:42,338 --> 00:04:44,046 more clients, 203 00:04:44,088 --> 00:04:45,922 and then those bills get paid. 204 00:04:45,964 --> 00:04:47,463 Now let's just hope this guy's 205 00:04:45,964 --> 00:04:47,463 got something 206 00:04:47,505 --> 00:04:49,588 goin' on upstairs. 207 00:04:49,630 --> 00:04:52,255 - But out of all 208 00:04:49,630 --> 00:04:52,255 the "Fast and Furious" movies, 209 00:04:52,296 --> 00:04:54,380 I just feel like 210 00:04:52,296 --> 00:04:54,380 "Fate of the Furious" 211 00:04:54,422 --> 00:04:57,171 best captures, like, the family. 212 00:04:57,213 --> 00:04:59,839 And that's what I wanna be 213 00:04:57,213 --> 00:04:59,839 a part of. 214 00:04:59,880 --> 00:05:02,046 A family, like your company. 215 00:05:03,547 --> 00:05:06,130 - Right... 216 00:05:06,171 --> 00:05:08,046 - So? 217 00:05:08,088 --> 00:05:09,880 How's it going in here? 218 00:05:09,922 --> 00:05:12,755 - You've got a real son here, 219 00:05:09,922 --> 00:05:12,755 Richard. 220 00:05:12,797 --> 00:05:15,296 - Right. Okay, look. 221 00:05:17,005 --> 00:05:19,588 He's young, eager to please, 222 00:05:17,005 --> 00:05:19,588 give him a shot. 223 00:05:19,630 --> 00:05:21,630 Hmm? You won't regret it. 224 00:05:21,672 --> 00:05:23,088 And if you do, fire his ass. 225 00:05:23,130 --> 00:05:26,255 - Dad! He's just kidding. Hah. 226 00:05:26,296 --> 00:05:27,839 - No, I am not. 227 00:05:27,880 --> 00:05:29,672 (Tapping) 228 00:05:30,880 --> 00:05:32,380 - What? 229 00:05:34,547 --> 00:05:36,588 I don't know what that means! 230 00:05:36,630 --> 00:05:38,255 (Opens door) 231 00:05:38,296 --> 00:05:41,422 - (Sighs) I cannot babysit 232 00:05:38,296 --> 00:05:41,422 your calendar like this. 233 00:05:41,463 --> 00:05:43,088 You're late for your next 234 00:05:41,463 --> 00:05:43,088 appointment. 235 00:05:43,130 --> 00:05:46,380 Which is code for picking 236 00:05:43,130 --> 00:05:46,380 up your son at daycare! 237 00:05:46,422 --> 00:05:47,714 Hey, Richard. 238 00:05:48,880 --> 00:05:50,213 - Rosie. 239 00:05:50,255 --> 00:05:52,005 - (Sighs) 240 00:05:53,880 --> 00:05:55,296 Forrest, let's do this. 241 00:05:53,880 --> 00:05:55,296 - What, really? 242 00:05:55,338 --> 00:05:56,797 - Yeah, we'll just see 243 00:05:55,338 --> 00:05:56,797 how it goes. 244 00:05:56,839 --> 00:05:59,130 Trial run. 245 00:05:59,171 --> 00:06:00,338 - Don't fuck up, huh? 246 00:06:00,380 --> 00:06:03,422 ♪♪♪ 247 00:06:03,463 --> 00:06:04,964 - Yes! 248 00:06:05,005 --> 00:06:07,088 - Oh boy. 249 00:06:07,130 --> 00:06:09,046 [Eleanor] Oh dear God, is that 250 00:06:07,130 --> 00:06:09,046 how we're walking now? 251 00:06:09,088 --> 00:06:10,547 - (Sighs heavily) 252 00:06:10,588 --> 00:06:13,255 - Pregnancy is really not meant 253 00:06:10,588 --> 00:06:13,255 for the public, is it? 254 00:06:13,296 --> 00:06:15,380 - (Groans) I'm sorry. 255 00:06:15,422 --> 00:06:18,880 My water broke, and I'm wearing 256 00:06:15,422 --> 00:06:18,880 an overnight pad. 257 00:06:18,922 --> 00:06:20,714 - Your water broke, 258 00:06:18,922 --> 00:06:20,714 and you called me? 259 00:06:20,755 --> 00:06:22,630 - Yeah, I don't really want 260 00:06:20,755 --> 00:06:22,630 to be alone. 261 00:06:22,672 --> 00:06:23,922 Plus, I haven't eaten 262 00:06:22,672 --> 00:06:23,922 in a while. 263 00:06:23,964 --> 00:06:25,672 - Maybe that's not such 264 00:06:23,964 --> 00:06:25,672 a bad thing. 265 00:06:25,714 --> 00:06:28,130 - Mom, the doctor said 266 00:06:25,714 --> 00:06:28,130 I've put on an optimal 267 00:06:28,171 --> 00:06:29,880 amount of weight. 268 00:06:29,922 --> 00:06:31,964 [Barry] Eleanor? 269 00:06:32,005 --> 00:06:34,422 - OMG, Barry, hello! 270 00:06:34,463 --> 00:06:36,588 - We were just talking 271 00:06:34,463 --> 00:06:36,588 about you, Eleanor. 272 00:06:36,630 --> 00:06:39,714 This is my son, Adam. 273 00:06:36,630 --> 00:06:39,714 - Pleasure. 274 00:06:39,755 --> 00:06:42,255 Kate, you remember Barry, 275 00:06:39,755 --> 00:06:42,255 our financial advisor, 276 00:06:42,296 --> 00:06:44,714 and his single son? 277 00:06:44,755 --> 00:06:46,547 - Well, that's true 278 00:06:44,755 --> 00:06:46,547 of both of us now. 279 00:06:46,588 --> 00:06:49,755 - Oh my. Two young single women, 280 00:06:49,797 --> 00:06:52,880 two young single men, 281 00:06:49,797 --> 00:06:52,880 what are the chances? 282 00:06:52,922 --> 00:06:54,505 - What's happening right now? 283 00:06:52,922 --> 00:06:54,505 - May we join you? 284 00:06:54,547 --> 00:06:56,922 - Actually, we're just-- 285 00:06:54,547 --> 00:06:56,922 - Absolutely, please sit. 286 00:06:56,964 --> 00:06:59,130 - (Sighs) 287 00:06:56,964 --> 00:06:59,130 - You're pregnant. 288 00:06:59,171 --> 00:07:00,463 - Yeah. 289 00:07:00,505 --> 00:07:01,964 - A woman with child 290 00:07:00,505 --> 00:07:01,964 is so beautiful. 291 00:07:02,005 --> 00:07:05,422 - Is she? 292 00:07:02,005 --> 00:07:05,422 - The glow, the shape. 293 00:07:05,463 --> 00:07:07,338 The smell. 294 00:07:05,463 --> 00:07:07,338 - Oh! 295 00:07:07,380 --> 00:07:09,088 - Beggars can't be choosers, 296 00:07:07,380 --> 00:07:09,088 Kate. 297 00:07:09,130 --> 00:07:10,255 - Ah! Ooh. Aah! 298 00:07:10,296 --> 00:07:12,422 - Oh, gentlemen, 299 00:07:10,296 --> 00:07:12,422 I must apologize. 300 00:07:12,463 --> 00:07:14,088 My daughter's in labour. 301 00:07:14,130 --> 00:07:16,588 - That's amazing. 302 00:07:14,130 --> 00:07:16,588 - Aaaah! 303 00:07:16,630 --> 00:07:17,880 Aaaaah! 304 00:07:16,630 --> 00:07:17,880 - Squeeze my hand. 305 00:07:17,922 --> 00:07:20,130 - No I'm good man, I'm good. 306 00:07:17,922 --> 00:07:20,130 I've just gotta... 307 00:07:20,171 --> 00:07:22,255 keep my eye on the... 308 00:07:20,171 --> 00:07:22,255 on the time here. 309 00:07:22,296 --> 00:07:24,255 God, what the hell was it? 310 00:07:22,296 --> 00:07:24,255 Four-four-four? 311 00:07:24,296 --> 00:07:25,755 Baby's on the floor? 312 00:07:24,296 --> 00:07:25,755 - I don't know. 313 00:07:25,797 --> 00:07:27,255 Do we need to go 314 00:07:25,797 --> 00:07:27,255 to the hospital? 315 00:07:27,296 --> 00:07:28,630 - Oh shit! Aah! 316 00:07:28,672 --> 00:07:31,547 - Oh, I will drive you there. 317 00:07:28,672 --> 00:07:31,547 - You--no! 318 00:07:31,588 --> 00:07:34,130 Mom, let's go. Let's go. 319 00:07:34,171 --> 00:07:35,630 Oh... oh. 320 00:07:35,672 --> 00:07:37,380 - Are you sure I can't help you 321 00:07:35,672 --> 00:07:37,380 to the car? 322 00:07:37,422 --> 00:07:38,797 - Get away from me, bro! 323 00:07:37,422 --> 00:07:38,797 - Okay. 324 00:07:38,839 --> 00:07:41,505 - Super weird. Super weird! 325 00:07:38,839 --> 00:07:41,505 - Come on. 326 00:07:41,547 --> 00:07:44,296 (Kate grunts rhythmically) 327 00:07:44,338 --> 00:07:45,964 (Groans) Oh God. 328 00:07:46,005 --> 00:07:47,797 Mom? Mom? 329 00:07:47,839 --> 00:07:50,046 I'm feeling a little... 330 00:07:47,839 --> 00:07:50,046 a little scared. 331 00:07:50,088 --> 00:07:51,588 - Oh, sweetheart, 332 00:07:50,088 --> 00:07:51,588 don't be silly. 333 00:07:51,630 --> 00:07:53,964 - Yeah, okay. 334 00:07:51,630 --> 00:07:53,964 - In time, 335 00:07:54,005 --> 00:07:55,922 you'll lose the weight. 336 00:07:57,630 --> 00:07:58,463 - Get out! 337 00:08:00,505 --> 00:08:01,797 - Hmph! 338 00:08:01,839 --> 00:08:03,463 - It's okay, thanks so much. 339 00:08:01,839 --> 00:08:03,463 Is this Kate's room? 340 00:08:03,505 --> 00:08:05,338 Great! 341 00:08:03,505 --> 00:08:05,338 - Oh God! 342 00:08:05,380 --> 00:08:07,005 - Kate. 343 00:08:05,380 --> 00:08:07,005 - Oh God! 344 00:08:07,046 --> 00:08:08,422 Anne, dude, I don't' know 345 00:08:07,046 --> 00:08:08,422 what I was thinking. 346 00:08:08,463 --> 00:08:09,964 I can't do this alone! 347 00:08:10,005 --> 00:08:11,630 - What am I, the ghost 348 00:08:10,005 --> 00:08:11,630 that haunts the hospital? 349 00:08:11,672 --> 00:08:14,005 I'm here, I'm here, and I am 350 00:08:11,672 --> 00:08:14,005 not leaving your side, okay? 351 00:08:14,046 --> 00:08:16,338 - 'Cause it's-it's happening a 352 00:08:14,046 --> 00:08:16,338 little more quickly this time. 353 00:08:16,380 --> 00:08:17,839 - Yeah, I know. You know, 354 00:08:16,380 --> 00:08:17,839 that's the beauty 355 00:08:17,880 --> 00:08:19,672 of having a second one. 356 00:08:17,880 --> 00:08:19,672 - Yeah? 357 00:08:19,714 --> 00:08:20,839 Doctor: Oh yeah, yep. 358 00:08:20,880 --> 00:08:22,005 - Feel like you're ready 359 00:08:20,880 --> 00:08:22,005 to push? 360 00:08:22,046 --> 00:08:23,296 - I mean, no! 361 00:08:23,338 --> 00:08:24,839 Maybe we'll just leave him 362 00:08:23,338 --> 00:08:24,839 in there, you know? 363 00:08:24,880 --> 00:08:26,088 - No, no, you don't 364 00:08:24,880 --> 00:08:26,088 wanna do that. 365 00:08:26,130 --> 00:08:27,797 - Okay. Okay. 366 00:08:26,130 --> 00:08:27,797 - You got this. 367 00:08:27,839 --> 00:08:29,130 - Okay. 368 00:08:29,171 --> 00:08:30,672 - All right, get ready to push. 369 00:08:29,171 --> 00:08:30,672 - Yeah. (Grunting) 370 00:08:30,714 --> 00:08:32,463 - You get to meet 371 00:08:30,714 --> 00:08:32,463 your baby soon! Yes! 372 00:08:32,505 --> 00:08:35,046 - Okay, push, push, push! 373 00:08:32,505 --> 00:08:35,046 - (Grunting with effort) 374 00:08:35,088 --> 00:08:37,171 Anne: Yes, you got it, 375 00:08:35,088 --> 00:08:37,171 you got it, you got it! 376 00:08:37,213 --> 00:08:38,839 Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! 377 00:08:37,213 --> 00:08:38,839 - (Grunting with effort) 378 00:08:38,880 --> 00:08:40,839 Anne: You got it, you got it, 379 00:08:38,880 --> 00:08:40,839 yeah, yeah, go, go, go! 380 00:08:40,880 --> 00:08:45,505 ♪♪♪ 381 00:08:45,547 --> 00:08:47,505 (Wine splashes) 382 00:08:47,547 --> 00:08:49,505 Nathan: Okay, I gotta go. 383 00:08:47,547 --> 00:08:49,505 - Where? 384 00:08:49,547 --> 00:08:52,046 - Guys night. 385 00:08:49,547 --> 00:08:52,046 Don't wait up for me, okay? 386 00:08:53,588 --> 00:08:55,922 - Where'd you go? 387 00:08:53,588 --> 00:08:55,922 - I went out for a drive. 388 00:08:57,130 --> 00:08:58,755 - What the hell are you 389 00:08:57,130 --> 00:08:58,755 doing here? 390 00:08:58,797 --> 00:09:00,714 - Nathan had a work thing. 391 00:09:00,755 --> 00:09:01,630 - (Shocked inhale) 392 00:09:06,130 --> 00:09:07,547 (Sighs) 393 00:09:07,588 --> 00:09:09,922 (Stairs creak) 394 00:09:09,964 --> 00:09:11,588 (Door creaks open) 395 00:09:14,880 --> 00:09:17,296 (Toilet seat clatters) 396 00:09:17,338 --> 00:09:19,046 (Nathan sighs, pee sloshes) 397 00:09:28,296 --> 00:09:29,964 (Lid clatters, toilet flushes) 398 00:09:30,005 --> 00:09:31,839 - Oh jeez! Shit! Kate. 399 00:09:33,296 --> 00:09:34,797 What the hell? 400 00:09:36,213 --> 00:09:38,171 - What's her actual name? 401 00:09:39,755 --> 00:09:41,588 - Who? 402 00:09:41,630 --> 00:09:44,922 - I'm sure her passport 403 00:09:41,630 --> 00:09:44,922 doesn't say "Mean Nanny". 404 00:09:46,672 --> 00:09:48,797 - (Sighs) What are you even 405 00:09:46,672 --> 00:09:48,797 talking about? 406 00:09:48,839 --> 00:09:50,922 - I saw you, Nathan. 407 00:09:50,964 --> 00:09:53,422 I saw you with her. 408 00:09:55,088 --> 00:09:57,130 What is her name? 409 00:09:59,130 --> 00:10:01,255 - (Sighs) 410 00:10:01,296 --> 00:10:04,338 (Nervous exhales) 411 00:10:09,755 --> 00:10:11,588 Renya. 412 00:10:15,171 --> 00:10:16,588 - Renya?! 413 00:10:17,630 --> 00:10:20,255 Spell it. 414 00:10:20,296 --> 00:10:22,213 - Um, R-e-n-y-a. 415 00:10:26,672 --> 00:10:30,296 - So like it sounds? Ren-ya. 416 00:10:32,088 --> 00:10:33,672 Stupid. Stupid. 417 00:10:34,797 --> 00:10:38,296 ♪♪♪ 418 00:10:38,338 --> 00:10:40,714 - You weren't around. 419 00:10:40,755 --> 00:10:42,547 And you lied to me, Kate! 420 00:10:42,588 --> 00:10:44,964 - I thought you might want 421 00:10:42,588 --> 00:10:44,964 to put a baby in me. 422 00:10:45,005 --> 00:10:46,797 - I think we're ready for more. 423 00:10:45,005 --> 00:10:46,797 - Oh! 424 00:10:46,839 --> 00:10:48,255 - I had no one to talk to! 425 00:10:48,296 --> 00:10:49,714 Don't go changing 426 00:10:48,296 --> 00:10:49,714 who you are on me. 427 00:10:49,755 --> 00:10:52,088 'Cause come on! You weren't 428 00:10:49,755 --> 00:10:52,088 exactly committed to this! 429 00:10:52,130 --> 00:10:53,964 - I'm willing to promise. 430 00:10:52,130 --> 00:10:53,964 - Where were you, Kate? 431 00:10:54,005 --> 00:10:55,797 Since when do you care 432 00:10:54,005 --> 00:10:55,797 about what I want? 433 00:10:55,839 --> 00:10:57,505 Where were you?! 434 00:10:59,130 --> 00:11:01,630 Kate, please, I'm sorry! 435 00:10:59,130 --> 00:11:01,630 Please! 436 00:11:02,922 --> 00:11:05,255 - You are my porn. 437 00:11:05,296 --> 00:11:07,213 - Just tonight. 438 00:11:07,255 --> 00:11:09,088 Nathan: Get over here! 439 00:11:07,255 --> 00:11:09,088 - (Excited squeal) 440 00:11:09,130 --> 00:11:12,255 ♪♪♪ 441 00:11:12,296 --> 00:11:13,630 (Water splashes) 442 00:11:14,714 --> 00:11:17,046 - (Screaming) 443 00:11:17,088 --> 00:11:20,922 Aaaaaah! Oof! 444 00:11:17,088 --> 00:11:20,922 - Yes! That was so good! 445 00:11:20,964 --> 00:11:23,380 - Okay, I think I need Nathan. 446 00:11:20,964 --> 00:11:23,380 - What? 447 00:11:23,422 --> 00:11:25,588 - Please don't make me beg. 448 00:11:23,422 --> 00:11:25,588 - No, hey, it's okay. 449 00:11:25,630 --> 00:11:27,338 Let's just get you through 450 00:11:25,630 --> 00:11:27,338 this, okay? 451 00:11:27,380 --> 00:11:29,630 - Okay. 452 00:11:29,672 --> 00:11:31,505 - Nathan? 453 00:11:31,547 --> 00:11:32,839 - Hi, Grandma. 454 00:11:32,880 --> 00:11:35,046 - It doesn't want to! 455 00:11:32,880 --> 00:11:35,046 - Hey! Hey, hey! 456 00:11:35,088 --> 00:11:37,213 - Oh Nathan, oh God, Nathan! 457 00:11:40,338 --> 00:11:42,171 - You got this okay? 458 00:11:40,338 --> 00:11:42,171 - Yeah, okay. Okay. 459 00:11:42,213 --> 00:11:44,213 - Okay, you're gonna be great. 460 00:11:42,213 --> 00:11:44,213 Just focus. 461 00:11:44,255 --> 00:11:47,422 Okay? One, two, three... 462 00:11:47,463 --> 00:11:49,880 push! Push! Come on, you got 463 00:11:47,463 --> 00:11:49,880 this! Push! 464 00:11:49,922 --> 00:11:52,171 - (Screaming) 465 00:11:49,922 --> 00:11:52,171 - Push! Push! 466 00:11:52,213 --> 00:11:54,672 That's it, that's it, 467 00:11:52,213 --> 00:11:54,672 that's it, that's it! 468 00:11:54,714 --> 00:11:57,255 That's it, that's it! 469 00:11:54,714 --> 00:11:57,255 (Kate gasps) 470 00:11:58,463 --> 00:11:59,714 [Doctor] Okay. 471 00:11:58,463 --> 00:11:59,714 - Oh my God. 472 00:11:59,755 --> 00:12:02,380 Oh yeah, where you go- 473 00:11:59,755 --> 00:12:02,380 where you going? 474 00:12:02,422 --> 00:12:06,380 (Gasping) 475 00:12:06,422 --> 00:12:08,088 (Baby cries) 476 00:12:08,130 --> 00:12:10,880 Oh! Oh my God! 477 00:12:10,922 --> 00:12:13,296 (Baby cries loudly) 478 00:12:13,338 --> 00:12:15,046 - Oh God. Hi! 479 00:12:16,714 --> 00:12:18,005 - This is our daughter. 480 00:12:19,005 --> 00:12:21,296 - Hi. Hi. 481 00:12:21,338 --> 00:12:22,839 Oh, hi. 482 00:12:25,005 --> 00:12:27,088 (Laughs) Oh, yeah. 483 00:12:28,797 --> 00:12:30,296 Hi. 484 00:12:32,797 --> 00:12:34,880 Get out. 485 00:12:37,338 --> 00:12:38,839 - Kate. 486 00:12:37,338 --> 00:12:38,839 - Get out. 487 00:12:42,338 --> 00:12:44,046 (Baby gurgles) 488 00:12:44,088 --> 00:12:45,714 Hey, it's okay. 489 00:12:45,755 --> 00:12:47,588 It's okay. 490 00:12:47,630 --> 00:12:50,630 It's okay. We're gonna be okay, 491 00:12:47,630 --> 00:12:50,630 yeah. 492 00:12:52,255 --> 00:12:54,213 ♪♪♪ 493 00:12:54,255 --> 00:12:57,672 ♪ But keep on doin', 494 00:12:54,255 --> 00:12:57,672 doin' your thing ♪ 495 00:12:57,714 --> 00:12:59,630 - Happy birthday! 496 00:12:59,672 --> 00:13:01,296 Oh my God, it's the baby! 497 00:13:01,338 --> 00:13:02,505 - Okay. Okay. Guys. 498 00:13:02,547 --> 00:13:05,505 Yes, yes, yes. Okay. 499 00:13:05,547 --> 00:13:06,547 ♪ Keep on doin' it ♪ 500 00:13:06,588 --> 00:13:09,005 ♪ Doin' 501 00:13:06,588 --> 00:13:09,005 Doin' ♪ 502 00:13:09,046 --> 00:13:10,964 ♪ Hey babe, 503 00:13:09,046 --> 00:13:10,964 doin' your thing ♪ 504 00:13:11,005 --> 00:13:12,797 - Happy birthday, Katie. 505 00:13:12,839 --> 00:13:14,797 You've had a challenging year, 506 00:13:14,839 --> 00:13:16,547 you should to celebrate. 507 00:13:16,588 --> 00:13:18,797 Open this in a more 508 00:13:16,588 --> 00:13:18,797 intimate setting. 509 00:13:18,839 --> 00:13:21,130 - Okay, that's weird. 510 00:13:18,839 --> 00:13:21,130 Thank you, mom. 511 00:13:21,171 --> 00:13:22,714 - They're ready for you 512 00:13:21,171 --> 00:13:22,714 in the conference room. 513 00:13:22,755 --> 00:13:24,213 - Yes, okay. 514 00:13:24,255 --> 00:13:25,922 As much as I appreciate 515 00:13:24,255 --> 00:13:25,922 the concern, I have a meeting. 516 00:13:25,964 --> 00:13:28,213 Will you watch Ella? 517 00:13:25,964 --> 00:13:28,213 - But I'm wearing silk. 518 00:13:28,255 --> 00:13:29,880 - You're gonna be okay. 519 00:13:28,255 --> 00:13:29,880 Bye, bubba! 520 00:13:29,922 --> 00:13:31,296 - Oh! (Laughs nervously) 521 00:13:31,338 --> 00:13:32,839 Here you are, sweetie. 522 00:13:31,338 --> 00:13:32,839 - Let's go. 523 00:13:32,880 --> 00:13:35,255 Okay, just don't spit. 524 00:13:36,255 --> 00:13:37,755 - There she is! 525 00:13:37,797 --> 00:13:39,130 - I hope I haven't been 526 00:13:37,797 --> 00:13:39,130 keeping you long. 527 00:13:39,171 --> 00:13:40,422 - Are you kidding? 528 00:13:40,463 --> 00:13:42,755 The fellas are going to town 529 00:13:40,463 --> 00:13:42,755 on the spread. 530 00:13:42,797 --> 00:13:44,296 It's not often you see 531 00:13:42,797 --> 00:13:44,296 a six-foot sub. 532 00:13:44,338 --> 00:13:48,422 And what I assume is some kind 533 00:13:44,338 --> 00:13:48,422 of energy drink? 534 00:13:48,463 --> 00:13:49,797 Kate, I have a surprise 535 00:13:48,463 --> 00:13:49,797 for you. 536 00:13:49,839 --> 00:13:51,296 - Oh! 537 00:13:51,338 --> 00:13:53,213 - I didn't think he'd make it, 538 00:13:51,338 --> 00:13:53,213 seeing as he just returned 539 00:13:53,255 --> 00:13:55,755 to work this week, but our 540 00:13:53,255 --> 00:13:55,755 Steve Malk is a fighter. 541 00:13:55,797 --> 00:13:59,130 - Mr. Malk is here? 542 00:13:55,797 --> 00:13:59,130 - You mean, not dead? 543 00:13:59,171 --> 00:14:01,463 - (Laughs) No, I... 544 00:14:01,505 --> 00:14:03,588 - Listen, when you spend 545 00:14:01,505 --> 00:14:03,588 the better half of a year 546 00:14:03,630 --> 00:14:06,296 staring at breast cancer, 547 00:14:03,630 --> 00:14:06,296 you learn that life 548 00:14:06,338 --> 00:14:08,505 is just too precious 549 00:14:06,338 --> 00:14:08,505 not to cut to the point. 550 00:14:08,547 --> 00:14:11,130 - I couldn't agree more. 551 00:14:08,547 --> 00:14:11,130 Thrilled you're here, Mr. Malk. 552 00:14:11,171 --> 00:14:13,171 Let's get started. 553 00:14:13,213 --> 00:14:15,422 - Gentlemen, enough 554 00:14:13,213 --> 00:14:15,422 with the sandwiches! 555 00:14:17,088 --> 00:14:19,005 - Though Stenton Capitol 556 00:14:17,088 --> 00:14:19,005 is a well-respected 557 00:14:19,046 --> 00:14:20,505 insurance company, 558 00:14:20,547 --> 00:14:22,714 optically, your life insurance 559 00:14:20,547 --> 00:14:22,714 products are only 560 00:14:22,755 --> 00:14:24,839 being marketed towards 561 00:14:22,755 --> 00:14:24,839 the elite. 562 00:14:24,880 --> 00:14:27,005 - And that's a bad thing? 563 00:14:27,046 --> 00:14:29,547 - Well, we believe that 564 00:14:27,046 --> 00:14:29,547 by opening your image 565 00:14:29,588 --> 00:14:32,630 to those don't appear to bring 566 00:14:29,588 --> 00:14:32,630 in the highest income, 567 00:14:32,672 --> 00:14:35,213 say... single mothers, teachers, 568 00:14:37,964 --> 00:14:41,839 nurses, will collectively 569 00:14:37,964 --> 00:14:41,839 make you a killing. 570 00:14:45,213 --> 00:14:46,588 - There's nothing wrong 571 00:14:45,213 --> 00:14:46,588 with all the people 572 00:14:46,630 --> 00:14:49,547 that you've got there, Kate, 573 00:14:46,630 --> 00:14:49,547 it's just that uh, 574 00:14:49,588 --> 00:14:52,088 I don't see me. 575 00:14:49,588 --> 00:14:52,088 - Hmm? 576 00:14:52,130 --> 00:14:54,213 - I started this business 577 00:14:52,130 --> 00:14:54,213 from nothing. 578 00:14:54,255 --> 00:14:55,797 I worked my ass off, and... 579 00:14:55,839 --> 00:14:57,547 I just would like to believe 580 00:14:55,839 --> 00:14:57,547 that during those, 581 00:14:57,588 --> 00:14:59,880 those hungrier days, 582 00:14:59,922 --> 00:15:02,839 if I saw an image 583 00:14:59,922 --> 00:15:02,839 of a successful man, 584 00:15:02,880 --> 00:15:05,296 well, that would be pretty 585 00:15:02,880 --> 00:15:05,296 damn inspiring. 586 00:15:06,505 --> 00:15:09,547 Shouldn't that be included? 587 00:15:06,505 --> 00:15:09,547 (Ella cries) 588 00:15:09,588 --> 00:15:11,672 - I am so sorry. 589 00:15:11,714 --> 00:15:14,296 That is my ba-I had a baby. 590 00:15:11,714 --> 00:15:14,296 Two months ago. 591 00:15:14,338 --> 00:15:16,338 And I'm separated, so... 592 00:15:16,380 --> 00:15:18,547 - Oh, let me guess. 593 00:15:16,380 --> 00:15:18,547 You take the house? 594 00:15:18,588 --> 00:15:21,005 (Men chuckle) 595 00:15:21,046 --> 00:15:24,422 - No, he stayed in our home, 596 00:15:21,046 --> 00:15:24,422 and I'm in an apartment. 597 00:15:24,463 --> 00:15:25,797 - Oh, how 'bout that. 598 00:15:25,839 --> 00:15:28,171 That's not a story 599 00:15:25,839 --> 00:15:28,171 that you hear every day. 600 00:15:28,213 --> 00:15:30,255 I think that shows great 601 00:15:28,213 --> 00:15:30,255 integrity, Kate. 602 00:15:30,296 --> 00:15:32,088 Burt: I told you. 603 00:15:32,130 --> 00:15:34,088 - Well, my team and I will take 604 00:15:32,130 --> 00:15:34,088 a pass on the imagery, 605 00:15:34,130 --> 00:15:36,422 and we'll get back to you 606 00:15:34,130 --> 00:15:36,422 by the end of the week. 607 00:15:36,463 --> 00:15:38,296 - And right back to business. 608 00:15:38,338 --> 00:15:41,171 Why, you're more man 609 00:15:38,338 --> 00:15:41,171 than a woman, aren't you? 610 00:15:41,213 --> 00:15:43,255 - Not sure what to do 611 00:15:41,213 --> 00:15:43,255 with that one, Steve! 612 00:15:43,296 --> 00:15:45,296 - Just leave it where it 613 00:15:43,296 --> 00:15:45,296 landed there, Kate! 614 00:15:45,338 --> 00:15:46,797 (Chuckles) 615 00:15:45,338 --> 00:15:46,797 Come on, gents! 616 00:15:46,839 --> 00:15:49,338 Burt, I like this one. 617 00:15:49,380 --> 00:15:51,130 (Chuckles to himself) 618 00:15:52,130 --> 00:15:54,714 Oh God. 619 00:15:56,046 --> 00:15:58,255 Rosie: So, did I follow 620 00:15:56,046 --> 00:15:58,255 that correctly? 621 00:15:58,296 --> 00:16:00,880 - We will tweak the imagery 622 00:15:58,296 --> 00:16:00,880 to incorporate-- 623 00:16:00,922 --> 00:16:03,088 - Rich white dudes? 624 00:16:00,922 --> 00:16:03,088 - Yup. 625 00:16:03,755 --> 00:16:05,672 - How refreshing. 626 00:16:03,755 --> 00:16:05,672 - Yeah... 627 00:16:06,714 --> 00:16:09,255 ♪♪♪ 628 00:16:09,296 --> 00:16:12,046 - Happy birthday, bitch! 629 00:16:09,296 --> 00:16:12,046 - Oh, brother. 630 00:16:12,088 --> 00:16:13,672 We should go out tonight. 631 00:16:15,005 --> 00:16:17,505 - I told you, 632 00:16:15,005 --> 00:16:17,505 I don't want to celebrate. 633 00:16:17,547 --> 00:16:19,463 - Ugh! 634 00:16:19,505 --> 00:16:21,630 - Does this lack of celebratory 635 00:16:19,505 --> 00:16:21,630 spirit have anything to do 636 00:16:21,672 --> 00:16:23,630 with it being your first 637 00:16:21,672 --> 00:16:23,630 birthday away from Nathan? 638 00:16:23,672 --> 00:16:24,922 - No! Stop it! 639 00:16:24,964 --> 00:16:26,797 Those are your therapizing 640 00:16:24,964 --> 00:16:26,797 glasses. 641 00:16:26,839 --> 00:16:28,505 - Therapizing? Not a word. 642 00:16:28,547 --> 00:16:32,964 Not that you asked, 643 00:16:28,547 --> 00:16:32,964 but my professional diagnosis? 644 00:16:33,005 --> 00:16:34,630 You've had a one hell 645 00:16:33,005 --> 00:16:34,630 of a year. 646 00:16:34,672 --> 00:16:37,005 You are long overdue 647 00:16:34,672 --> 00:16:37,005 for some D! 648 00:16:37,046 --> 00:16:40,213 - I'm like, 6,000 kegels away 649 00:16:37,046 --> 00:16:40,213 from any kind of D. 650 00:16:40,255 --> 00:16:41,839 - Then get squeezin'! 651 00:16:41,880 --> 00:16:43,171 Plus it'll help with the anger. 652 00:16:43,213 --> 00:16:45,797 It is a crucial part 653 00:16:43,213 --> 00:16:45,797 of moving on, trust me. 654 00:16:45,839 --> 00:16:47,005 - Oh, I'm so sorry! 655 00:16:47,046 --> 00:16:48,922 I can come back 656 00:16:47,046 --> 00:16:48,922 when you're not plugged in. 657 00:16:48,964 --> 00:16:50,672 - It's okay, I can do 658 00:16:48,964 --> 00:16:50,672 both at the same time. 659 00:16:50,714 --> 00:16:52,505 - Well, it's just I have 660 00:16:50,714 --> 00:16:52,505 some approvals for you. 661 00:16:52,547 --> 00:16:54,046 - Yeah, that's cool. 662 00:16:54,088 --> 00:16:56,046 Thanks. 663 00:16:56,088 --> 00:16:57,922 (Pen rasps) 664 00:16:57,964 --> 00:16:59,588 I did totally hear you. 665 00:16:59,630 --> 00:17:02,171 - Fine, thank you. 666 00:17:02,714 --> 00:17:06,338 - (Laughs) 667 00:17:06,380 --> 00:17:08,255 (Pen rasps) 668 00:17:08,296 --> 00:17:10,171 Thanks. 669 00:17:10,213 --> 00:17:11,672 (Floorboards creak) 670 00:17:12,839 --> 00:17:15,171 - That dude has a crush on you. 671 00:17:12,839 --> 00:17:15,171 - What? No! 672 00:17:15,213 --> 00:17:17,213 - You still got it. 673 00:17:17,255 --> 00:17:19,088 (Laughs, stops abruptly) 674 00:17:19,130 --> 00:17:22,338 Oh? Did you just-- 675 00:17:19,130 --> 00:17:22,338 - Kegel. 676 00:17:22,380 --> 00:17:23,672 ♪♪♪ 677 00:17:23,714 --> 00:17:25,296 ♪ Freedom ♪ 678 00:17:23,714 --> 00:17:25,296 (Freedom) 679 00:17:25,338 --> 00:17:26,755 ♪ That's all we want ♪ 680 00:17:25,338 --> 00:17:26,755 (All we want) 681 00:17:26,797 --> 00:17:28,380 ♪♪♪ 682 00:17:28,422 --> 00:17:29,839 ♪ Freedom ♪ 683 00:17:28,422 --> 00:17:29,839 (Freedom) 684 00:17:29,880 --> 00:17:31,255 ♪ That's all we want ♪ 685 00:17:31,296 --> 00:17:32,964 ♪ The more we don't follow 686 00:17:31,296 --> 00:17:32,964 the rules and bravado ♪ 687 00:17:33,005 --> 00:17:35,296 ♪ The better we get ♪ 688 00:17:33,005 --> 00:17:35,296 (the better we get) 689 00:17:35,338 --> 00:17:37,046 ♪ We live for today we don't ♪ 690 00:17:35,338 --> 00:17:37,046 wait for tomorrow 691 00:17:37,088 --> 00:17:39,338 ♪ We got no regrets ♪ 692 00:17:37,088 --> 00:17:39,338 (we got no regrets) 693 00:17:39,380 --> 00:17:41,296 ♪ We're startin' a movement 694 00:17:39,380 --> 00:17:41,296 a real revolution ♪ 695 00:17:41,338 --> 00:17:43,213 ♪ And that's how it is ♪ 696 00:17:43,255 --> 00:17:45,255 ♪ Yeah, that's how it is ♪ 697 00:17:43,255 --> 00:17:45,255 (yeah, that's how it is) 698 00:17:45,296 --> 00:17:47,422 ♪ Yeah, that's how it is ♪ 699 00:17:47,463 --> 00:17:48,588 ♪ And it sounds like ♪ 700 00:17:48,630 --> 00:17:50,839 ♪ Ooh-lay ooh-lay 701 00:17:48,630 --> 00:17:50,839 ooh-lay ooh-lay, hey! ♪ 702 00:17:50,880 --> 00:17:52,672 ♪ Ooh-lay ooh-lay 703 00:17:50,880 --> 00:17:52,672 ooh-lay ooh-lay ♪ 704 00:17:52,714 --> 00:17:55,088 (Knocking) 705 00:17:52,714 --> 00:17:55,088 - Oh God. 706 00:17:55,130 --> 00:17:56,130 - Happy birthday. 707 00:17:56,171 --> 00:17:59,255 It's a photo album. 708 00:17:56,171 --> 00:17:59,255 From Charlie. 709 00:17:59,296 --> 00:18:01,672 Uh, I'm not in it, 710 00:17:59,296 --> 00:18:01,672 just the two of you. 711 00:18:01,714 --> 00:18:04,005 We made it together. 712 00:18:01,714 --> 00:18:04,005 Is that her? 713 00:18:04,046 --> 00:18:07,046 Could I um... 714 00:18:04,046 --> 00:18:07,046 - She's sleeping. 715 00:18:08,547 --> 00:18:10,547 - Maybe I could take them 716 00:18:08,547 --> 00:18:10,547 off your hands for the night, 717 00:18:10,588 --> 00:18:12,171 so you could celebrate 718 00:18:10,588 --> 00:18:12,171 your birthday? 719 00:18:12,213 --> 00:18:13,755 - God, when did it become 720 00:18:12,213 --> 00:18:13,755 such a mandatory thing, 721 00:18:13,797 --> 00:18:15,964 to like, go have fun 722 00:18:13,797 --> 00:18:15,964 on your birthday? 723 00:18:16,005 --> 00:18:18,338 - I'm just trying to help. 724 00:18:16,005 --> 00:18:18,338 - Cut the shit. 725 00:18:18,380 --> 00:18:20,505 You're here to ambush me, 726 00:18:18,380 --> 00:18:20,505 so you can see the baby. 727 00:18:20,547 --> 00:18:22,338 - It's been two months. 728 00:18:22,380 --> 00:18:24,964 I'm her Dad, you have to let me 729 00:18:22,380 --> 00:18:24,964 be that, for better or worse. 730 00:18:27,422 --> 00:18:29,213 - Her name is Ella. 731 00:18:30,797 --> 00:18:33,088 - As in, Eleanor? 732 00:18:33,130 --> 00:18:34,088 You named her after your mother? 733 00:18:34,130 --> 00:18:36,547 - Oh my God. 734 00:18:34,130 --> 00:18:36,547 I did not mean to... 735 00:18:37,547 --> 00:18:40,630 Frankie: I heard it's someone's 736 00:18:37,547 --> 00:18:40,630 birthday! 737 00:18:40,672 --> 00:18:42,588 (Horn honks) 738 00:18:44,880 --> 00:18:48,922 ♪♪♪ 739 00:18:53,255 --> 00:18:55,714 - (Sighs) Oh... 740 00:18:58,338 --> 00:19:00,463 (Door slams) 741 00:19:00,505 --> 00:19:01,839 Goodnight... 742 00:19:01,880 --> 00:19:03,714 (Door creaks shut) 743 00:19:03,755 --> 00:19:05,422 (Chuckles) 744 00:19:07,380 --> 00:19:09,296 (Sighs heavily) 745 00:19:11,213 --> 00:19:13,839 Okay, Mom, 746 00:19:11,213 --> 00:19:13,839 what did you get me? 747 00:19:18,547 --> 00:19:20,296 (Tissue rustles) 748 00:19:20,338 --> 00:19:22,505 What the... 749 00:19:26,880 --> 00:19:29,380 (Siren wails distantly) 750 00:19:30,588 --> 00:19:33,088 Oh, good grief. 751 00:19:33,130 --> 00:19:35,505 (Laughs) 752 00:19:35,547 --> 00:19:38,130 Well, she doesn't know me 753 00:19:35,547 --> 00:19:38,130 at all. 754 00:19:38,171 --> 00:19:40,463 ♪ I wanna go out ♪ 755 00:19:42,380 --> 00:19:43,922 ♪ Dress up real nice ♪ 756 00:19:43,964 --> 00:19:45,755 ♪ And find someone ♪ 757 00:19:45,797 --> 00:19:47,422 ♪ Who's ready to run ♪ 758 00:19:49,630 --> 00:19:51,839 ♪ But most of all ♪ 759 00:19:51,880 --> 00:19:53,839 ♪ I wanna have some fun ♪ 760 00:19:53,880 --> 00:19:56,088 ♪♪♪ 761 00:19:56,130 --> 00:20:00,005 ♪ I wanna have some fun ♪ 762 00:20:00,046 --> 00:20:02,005 ♪ I wanna have some fun ♪ 763 00:20:03,005 --> 00:20:05,005 (Computer chimes) 764 00:20:05,046 --> 00:20:07,672 ♪ I wanna have some fun 765 00:20:05,046 --> 00:20:07,672 fun fun ♪ 766 00:20:07,714 --> 00:20:09,255 ♪ I wanna have some ♪ 767 00:20:09,296 --> 00:20:20,296 ♪♪♪ 768 00:20:24,714 --> 00:20:27,046 (Keys tap) 769 00:20:32,380 --> 00:20:34,547 - Hi. Uh, yeah, it's me. 770 00:20:34,588 --> 00:20:37,255 Um... 771 00:20:37,296 --> 00:20:39,505 What're you-what are you 772 00:20:37,296 --> 00:20:39,505 doing right now? 773 00:20:39,547 --> 00:20:41,588 (Knocking) 774 00:20:42,797 --> 00:20:44,588 (Door creaks) 775 00:20:45,839 --> 00:20:47,922 Hi. 776 00:20:47,964 --> 00:20:49,797 - Hey. 777 00:20:49,839 --> 00:20:52,422 ♪ I wanna have some fun 778 00:20:49,839 --> 00:20:52,422 fun fun fun fun ♪ 779 00:20:52,463 --> 00:20:53,964 ♪ Fun fun fun 780 00:20:52,463 --> 00:20:53,964 Fun-fun-fun-fun ♪ 781 00:20:56,213 --> 00:20:57,880 ♪ F-f-f-f-f... ♪ 782 00:20:57,922 --> 00:20:59,964 (Door slams) 783 00:21:00,005 --> 00:21:02,171 ♪ I wanna have some fun ♪ 784 00:21:03,505 --> 00:21:07,922 ♪♪♪ 785 00:21:07,964 --> 00:21:09,338 ♪ I wanna have some fun ♪