1 00:00:39,699 --> 00:00:41,743 - Hey. - All right, you made it! 2 00:00:42,952 --> 00:00:44,454 - Good. - Want a beer? 3 00:00:45,372 --> 00:00:47,707 Rise, my creation! 4 00:00:49,918 --> 00:00:51,419 - All right. - Have a good flight. 5 00:00:52,212 --> 00:00:53,397 - See you. - Bye. 6 00:00:53,421 --> 00:00:54,422 Bye. 7 00:01:22,701 --> 00:01:25,179 And finally, Your Honor, last week I caught him 8 00:01:25,203 --> 00:01:28,391 just sitting in his car across the street, watching us. 9 00:01:28,415 --> 00:01:31,560 I chased him off, but he came back that night and jumped in our pool. 10 00:01:31,584 --> 00:01:33,938 He was wasted and screaming his head off. 11 00:01:33,962 --> 00:01:35,314 Our son can't sleep. 12 00:01:35,338 --> 00:01:38,067 He's worried about this guy breaking into our house. 13 00:01:38,091 --> 00:01:40,778 Your Honor, I know he used to live there, 14 00:01:40,802 --> 00:01:42,679 and I am sorry for whatever happened... 15 00:01:43,221 --> 00:01:44,305 but this has to stop. 16 00:01:45,557 --> 00:01:47,576 Mr. Dudley, you can respond. 17 00:01:47,600 --> 00:01:48,953 Well, first of all, 18 00:01:48,977 --> 00:01:53,064 let me just say how embarrassed I am that it's come to this. 19 00:01:54,149 --> 00:01:57,068 There's really no excuse for my behavior. 20 00:02:00,155 --> 00:02:01,281 I don't know. 21 00:02:02,240 --> 00:02:04,659 Something happens to you when you lose your job. 22 00:02:05,618 --> 00:02:06,703 It's just... 23 00:02:08,204 --> 00:02:09,765 Afternoons are hard, 24 00:02:09,789 --> 00:02:12,560 not doing what you usually do. 25 00:02:12,584 --> 00:02:14,753 So you start to feel a little... 26 00:02:15,462 --> 00:02:17,297 a little weird, a little guilty. 27 00:02:17,756 --> 00:02:18,757 You know? 28 00:02:19,382 --> 00:02:21,861 Two o'clock. Two o'clock. Two o'clock is the worst. 29 00:02:21,885 --> 00:02:24,971 It's just the way the light hits you. It gets under your skin. 30 00:02:26,723 --> 00:02:29,493 And, you know, it can make you go a little crazy. 31 00:02:29,517 --> 00:02:30,518 You know? 32 00:02:32,729 --> 00:02:34,930 Now, does that make any sense, or...? 33 00:02:35,565 --> 00:02:36,483 No. 34 00:02:37,150 --> 00:02:39,611 Look, the point... the point is... 35 00:02:40,320 --> 00:02:41,738 is that I was drinking... 36 00:02:42,572 --> 00:02:43,573 a lot. 37 00:02:44,991 --> 00:02:47,494 You know, it wasn't the fun kind of drinking, either. 38 00:02:48,244 --> 00:02:51,098 But I'm on a better path now, Your Honor. 39 00:02:51,122 --> 00:02:53,225 I recently entered the Order of the Lynx. 40 00:02:53,249 --> 00:02:55,853 - Is that a rehab facility? - No. 41 00:02:55,877 --> 00:02:57,337 No, it's a secret society. 42 00:02:57,879 --> 00:03:01,192 It's not secret-secret. You know, you can google them or whatever. 43 00:03:01,216 --> 00:03:03,652 But it was founded in 1866 by Harwood Fritz Merrill. 44 00:03:03,676 --> 00:03:06,405 Mr. Dudley, this is the last hearing before lunch. 45 00:03:06,429 --> 00:03:08,505 Yeah, yeah. Of course. I'm sorry. 46 00:03:09,557 --> 00:03:13,144 I have an appointment with a temporary employment agency. 47 00:03:13,728 --> 00:03:14,729 So... 48 00:03:15,772 --> 00:03:17,857 I am trying, Your Honor. 49 00:03:20,819 --> 00:03:22,195 But most of all... 50 00:03:23,238 --> 00:03:26,157 what I really want to say to you guys is... 51 00:03:28,660 --> 00:03:29,786 I'm sorry. 52 00:03:31,037 --> 00:03:32,580 I'm truly sorry. 53 00:03:34,415 --> 00:03:38,312 The idea of your kid being scared like that, 54 00:03:38,336 --> 00:03:40,922 it's the worst thing I can ever possibly imagine. 55 00:03:41,798 --> 00:03:42,799 So... 56 00:03:43,550 --> 00:03:45,677 I was lucky to grow up in that house. 57 00:03:46,135 --> 00:03:47,136 And... 58 00:03:47,762 --> 00:03:51,757 I kind of dreamed of raising a family of my own one day in there. 59 00:03:53,226 --> 00:03:54,227 But I guess... 60 00:03:55,812 --> 00:03:59,723 all I care about now is that your son is as happy in there as I was. 61 00:04:01,150 --> 00:04:02,277 So I won't come back. 62 00:04:02,694 --> 00:04:03,695 I promise. 63 00:04:10,159 --> 00:04:11,470 Your Honor, 64 00:04:11,494 --> 00:04:13,037 I think he means what he says. 65 00:04:13,872 --> 00:04:16,833 Maybe at this point, the best thing to do is drop the... 66 00:04:17,709 --> 00:04:18,835 the complaint. 67 00:04:20,003 --> 00:04:21,004 Beautiful. 68 00:04:21,504 --> 00:04:22,505 Lunch. 69 00:04:25,925 --> 00:04:27,027 Hey. 70 00:04:27,051 --> 00:04:28,678 Thank you for understanding. 71 00:04:29,137 --> 00:04:31,115 And now that, you know, we're all cool, 72 00:04:31,139 --> 00:04:32,908 I'd love to make it up to you guys. 73 00:04:32,932 --> 00:04:34,827 Maybe I could bring over some burgers, 74 00:04:34,851 --> 00:04:36,287 crank up the BBQ. 75 00:04:36,311 --> 00:04:37,746 - Are you serious? - Yeah. 76 00:04:37,770 --> 00:04:39,123 - Sure. Why not? - Why not? 77 00:04:39,147 --> 00:04:41,834 - Because... no. - OK. 78 00:04:41,858 --> 00:04:43,127 - It is our house now. - OK. 79 00:04:43,151 --> 00:04:46,297 - OK? Private property. - It's private property? Know what? 80 00:04:46,321 --> 00:04:48,757 - Paint the house puke yellow. - Damn right I will. 81 00:04:48,781 --> 00:04:52,011 My dad, he busted his ass for 30 years paying for those rose bushes. 82 00:04:52,035 --> 00:04:54,054 I don't give a shit about your dad! 83 00:04:54,078 --> 00:04:55,914 - You know what, man? - Yeah, what? What? 84 00:04:56,497 --> 00:04:58,475 - Oh, my God! - Out of the way! 85 00:04:58,499 --> 00:04:59,667 Put down the pepper spray. 86 00:05:00,710 --> 00:05:03,838 - Tell me about your strengths. - My strengths? 87 00:05:07,300 --> 00:05:09,570 Well, as you can see, my test scores indicate 88 00:05:09,594 --> 00:05:12,472 that my strengths are certainly not PowerPoint or Excel. 89 00:05:15,600 --> 00:05:16,601 OK. 90 00:05:18,436 --> 00:05:22,523 If you don't hear from me in the next... six or seven weeks, 91 00:05:22,941 --> 00:05:24,859 feel free to give me a call. 92 00:05:28,029 --> 00:05:29,822 - Your résumé for me? - Yeah, here you go. 93 00:05:30,531 --> 00:05:32,927 Stone walked halfway across the bridge. 94 00:05:32,951 --> 00:05:34,595 Down below, moonlight shimmered 95 00:05:34,619 --> 00:05:37,097 on the dark waters of the Vltava River. 96 00:05:37,121 --> 00:05:40,059 The cocaine was wearing off and the night felt empty. 97 00:05:40,083 --> 00:05:42,001 Now more than ever... 98 00:05:46,422 --> 00:05:47,840 Two grand. It's all there. 99 00:05:48,967 --> 00:05:51,654 Hey, didn't you play fullback at Poly? 100 00:05:51,678 --> 00:05:53,280 I played baseball at Poly. 101 00:05:53,304 --> 00:05:56,432 My senior year, I was All-CIF. Well, you know, honorable mention. 102 00:05:58,142 --> 00:05:59,185 You need a helmet! 103 00:06:39,434 --> 00:06:41,161 Hey. How's Larry? 104 00:06:41,185 --> 00:06:42,913 Heard he's back in the hospital. 105 00:06:42,937 --> 00:06:45,581 He's fine. Getting all fixed up. 106 00:06:45,606 --> 00:06:47,682 It's weird seeing you out here alone. 107 00:06:49,736 --> 00:06:52,297 You know, if anything happens, 108 00:06:52,321 --> 00:06:54,032 come see me about a memorial bench. 109 00:06:55,366 --> 00:06:58,536 Listen, man, he's not dead, OK? 110 00:06:59,412 --> 00:07:00,723 You're next, Ernie. 111 00:07:00,747 --> 00:07:03,240 - What? - Tee's open. You're up. 112 00:07:08,588 --> 00:07:12,249 I got three calls this morning before 10 a.m. I'm sick of it. 113 00:07:12,925 --> 00:07:14,194 You're past due. 114 00:07:14,218 --> 00:07:17,555 You're already garnishing my wages. What more do you want from me? 115 00:07:20,767 --> 00:07:23,704 Your monthly payments went up. Didn't you get our letters? 116 00:07:23,728 --> 00:07:25,220 No, I burned them. 117 00:07:25,938 --> 00:07:28,625 I don't know what else to say. You signed the agreement. 118 00:07:28,649 --> 00:07:32,254 No, I co-signed to help my dad. 119 00:07:32,278 --> 00:07:35,105 He didn't say things were bad, then he checked out. 120 00:07:36,949 --> 00:07:38,868 He died and left me with this mess. 121 00:07:39,368 --> 00:07:40,536 I'm so sorry. 122 00:07:42,121 --> 00:07:43,947 It's 80 grand. It could be worse. 123 00:07:48,586 --> 00:07:49,828 Do you have debt? 124 00:07:51,255 --> 00:07:52,357 Student loans. 125 00:07:52,381 --> 00:07:55,166 Luckily, I was able to defer those for a long time. 126 00:07:55,885 --> 00:07:58,113 You took out loans to become a loan officer? 127 00:07:58,137 --> 00:07:59,138 Yeah. 128 00:07:59,514 --> 00:08:01,390 Well done. You're living the dream. 129 00:08:02,016 --> 00:08:04,078 Well, if you think things are bad now, 130 00:08:04,102 --> 00:08:06,771 wait until we sell your debt to a third-party collector. 131 00:08:07,480 --> 00:08:08,457 What? 132 00:08:08,481 --> 00:08:09,666 Unless you catch up, 133 00:08:09,690 --> 00:08:11,794 it will happen in the next month or so. 134 00:08:11,818 --> 00:08:14,895 I promise you, those guys will make your life a living hell. 135 00:08:15,655 --> 00:08:16,656 I promise you. 136 00:08:18,616 --> 00:08:21,818 Thank you for coming in. Take a mug if you'd like. 137 00:08:22,870 --> 00:08:23,955 They're free. 138 00:08:45,476 --> 00:08:46,411 Hello. 139 00:08:46,435 --> 00:08:48,622 You've reached the Lynx Lodge 49. 140 00:08:48,646 --> 00:08:49,981 Please leave a message. 141 00:08:50,481 --> 00:08:51,583 Hey. 142 00:08:51,607 --> 00:08:53,085 Is anyone in there? 143 00:08:53,109 --> 00:08:56,519 It's Dud again. You know, from the other night. 144 00:08:57,196 --> 00:09:00,449 I kind of wish you guys would post your hours. 145 00:09:01,367 --> 00:09:04,638 Anyway, listen, Ernie, if you get this, 146 00:09:04,662 --> 00:09:08,350 I'm ready to get started on my journey toward knighthood 147 00:09:08,374 --> 00:09:10,352 or squiredom, 148 00:09:10,376 --> 00:09:11,618 or whatever. 149 00:09:12,128 --> 00:09:13,480 Anyway, 150 00:09:13,504 --> 00:09:17,359 I'm sure you guys have got more important things going on, 151 00:09:17,383 --> 00:09:18,485 so... 152 00:09:18,509 --> 00:09:20,654 I hope Larry's doing better. OK. 153 00:09:20,678 --> 00:09:22,346 Call me back. It's Dud. 154 00:09:33,941 --> 00:09:36,795 Here you go, guys. Whenever you're ready. Thank you so much. 155 00:09:36,819 --> 00:09:37,820 Thanks. 156 00:09:38,738 --> 00:09:40,615 - Jeremy wants you in his office. - Why? 157 00:09:46,287 --> 00:09:48,196 - Hey. You wanted to see me? - Hey. 158 00:09:48,789 --> 00:09:51,894 Sarah says that this looks... ridiculous. 159 00:09:51,918 --> 00:09:53,044 What do you think? 160 00:09:53,544 --> 00:09:55,254 I mean, she told our therapist. 161 00:09:55,838 --> 00:09:57,965 Our therapist! She couldn't tell me directly! 162 00:09:58,424 --> 00:10:00,458 That's part of the problem, right? 163 00:10:00,635 --> 00:10:03,238 It's really busy. I should probably be out there. 164 00:10:03,262 --> 00:10:05,365 No, no, no. Just, if you could, you know... 165 00:10:05,389 --> 00:10:06,390 Sit. Come. 166 00:10:09,185 --> 00:10:10,186 So... 167 00:10:11,312 --> 00:10:12,813 You can guess what this is about. 168 00:10:14,732 --> 00:10:16,210 They were gonna get rotten. 169 00:10:16,234 --> 00:10:18,351 I figured I might as well just take them. 170 00:10:19,153 --> 00:10:21,381 - Take what? - The avocados. 171 00:10:21,405 --> 00:10:22,856 You steal avocados? 172 00:10:23,866 --> 00:10:25,451 - Yes. - I don't care. 173 00:10:25,826 --> 00:10:27,777 Take them. They're good fat. 174 00:10:28,412 --> 00:10:30,280 So why am I here? 175 00:10:31,165 --> 00:10:33,033 Look, this is hard. OK. 176 00:10:34,085 --> 00:10:36,396 I've decided to promote Karen 177 00:10:36,420 --> 00:10:38,496 to assistant manager. 178 00:10:39,268 --> 00:10:40,359 That's fine. 179 00:10:40,383 --> 00:10:42,277 I know you've been here for a year 180 00:10:42,301 --> 00:10:45,304 and she's only been here for three months, but it is all political. 181 00:10:45,763 --> 00:10:47,783 Omni HQ likes Karen 182 00:10:47,807 --> 00:10:50,393 because... she did the calendar. 183 00:10:50,810 --> 00:10:54,039 But I told them that you were the best we had in terms of brute labor. 184 00:10:54,063 --> 00:10:57,042 Jeremy, seriously, it's fine. I don't want a promotion. 185 00:10:57,066 --> 00:10:59,461 - Why not? - Because the bank will take it. 186 00:10:59,485 --> 00:11:01,546 I need to be on tables. I need the cash. 187 00:11:01,570 --> 00:11:04,216 That's a relief. I thought you were gonna be mad at me. 188 00:11:04,240 --> 00:11:06,051 No. Never. 189 00:11:06,075 --> 00:11:07,400 Bring it in for a hug. 190 00:11:08,077 --> 00:11:09,012 No. 191 00:11:09,036 --> 00:11:10,347 OK. Fair enough. 192 00:11:10,371 --> 00:11:13,031 But, listen, we also hired a new girl. 193 00:11:13,416 --> 00:11:14,643 Or... young woman. 194 00:11:14,667 --> 00:11:17,312 She's gonna be shadowing you this week. 195 00:11:17,336 --> 00:11:18,272 OK. 196 00:11:18,296 --> 00:11:21,039 And I told her that she's gonna be working with Liz Dudley. 197 00:11:22,049 --> 00:11:23,342 Queen of Shamroxx. 198 00:11:27,013 --> 00:11:29,464 Long story short, it's a bit of a mess. 199 00:11:30,433 --> 00:11:32,869 Obviously, Mooch buys a lot of china, 200 00:11:32,893 --> 00:11:34,538 so we need to fix this ASAP. 201 00:11:34,562 --> 00:11:37,124 You mean, I need to fix this. Mooch is my customer. 202 00:11:37,148 --> 00:11:39,084 Exactly. That's why I'm counting on you. 203 00:11:39,108 --> 00:11:41,336 Why the hell would you quote him that price? 204 00:11:41,360 --> 00:11:42,462 Are you insane? 205 00:11:42,486 --> 00:11:45,132 I don't know. It was me and Mooch like the old days. 206 00:11:45,156 --> 00:11:49,177 Paradise Lounge has that happy hour with the oysters. 207 00:11:49,201 --> 00:11:50,536 We were having a blast. 208 00:11:51,037 --> 00:11:54,322 - I didn't want to ruin the mood. - So now I get to jump on the grenade. 209 00:11:54,540 --> 00:11:56,500 Thank you for your service to our country. 210 00:11:56,917 --> 00:11:59,313 OK, next item on the agenda. 211 00:11:59,337 --> 00:12:02,649 Gleeson Pipe is sponsoring a sport fishing day, 212 00:12:02,673 --> 00:12:05,694 some charter boat out to San Clemente Island. 213 00:12:05,718 --> 00:12:07,821 It's a big jerk-off for their plumbers. 214 00:12:07,845 --> 00:12:10,848 They've reserved a spot for me and one more. 215 00:12:11,474 --> 00:12:14,634 - What do you say, Beautiful Jeff? - I'm in. 216 00:12:15,561 --> 00:12:18,915 I make the ultimate sacrifice and Beautiful Jeff goes on a cruise? 217 00:12:18,939 --> 00:12:20,223 Yes, old piece of shit. 218 00:12:20,566 --> 00:12:22,961 Beautiful Jeff is having a better year than you. 219 00:12:22,985 --> 00:12:26,822 Only because he's slinging Pex to all the Korean export guys in Cerritos. 220 00:12:27,114 --> 00:12:29,283 Pex Pipe is the future. 221 00:12:30,117 --> 00:12:32,429 I'm the future. You'll be dead soon. 222 00:12:32,453 --> 00:12:34,389 Pex Pipe is lightweight garbage. 223 00:12:34,413 --> 00:12:36,016 That's why you can sell it. 224 00:12:36,040 --> 00:12:37,041 "Lightweight." 225 00:12:38,125 --> 00:12:39,126 Look at this. 226 00:12:40,086 --> 00:12:41,521 That's all cosmetic. 227 00:12:41,545 --> 00:12:42,856 You're a mannequin. 228 00:12:42,880 --> 00:12:45,007 This is the real thing. 229 00:12:46,133 --> 00:12:49,887 Right here. Real human man flesh! 230 00:12:50,262 --> 00:12:51,698 Fine. Let's do this. 231 00:12:51,722 --> 00:12:53,599 Do more than me, you can take the cruise. 232 00:12:56,435 --> 00:12:57,371 Yeah. 233 00:12:57,395 --> 00:12:59,980 Easy-peasy... bitch. 234 00:13:00,898 --> 00:13:02,566 - All right. - Here we go. 235 00:13:03,067 --> 00:13:04,819 Come on, man. I could do this all day! 236 00:13:08,155 --> 00:13:09,448 Can't do it. 237 00:13:11,909 --> 00:13:14,721 Impressive, Ernie. I thought you would have a heart attack. 238 00:13:14,745 --> 00:13:16,705 - Not bad for an old man. - Thanks. 239 00:13:17,206 --> 00:13:18,874 Have fun on the high seas. 240 00:13:20,668 --> 00:13:21,669 Hey. 241 00:13:22,044 --> 00:13:23,772 Where's my commission check? 242 00:13:23,796 --> 00:13:25,038 Any day now. 243 00:13:25,798 --> 00:13:27,582 You're still my butter and egg man. 244 00:13:37,351 --> 00:13:40,271 - Here we go, pistols at dawn. - Come on now, Mooch. 245 00:13:40,688 --> 00:13:42,898 You know we can't give you that price. 246 00:13:43,232 --> 00:13:44,334 It's too late. 247 00:13:44,358 --> 00:13:47,003 I already quoted Bob's price to Glen at TC Mechanical, 248 00:13:47,027 --> 00:13:50,257 and he wants to put in a big order, so the market is set. 249 00:13:50,281 --> 00:13:51,657 God damn it. 250 00:13:53,826 --> 00:13:55,679 I'll take the hit with the factory, 251 00:13:55,703 --> 00:13:56,704 OK? 252 00:14:00,124 --> 00:14:04,020 So, I hear you know something about the Orbis redevelopment. 253 00:14:04,044 --> 00:14:05,045 No. 254 00:14:05,296 --> 00:14:07,715 I'm just riding rumors like everyone else. 255 00:14:08,716 --> 00:14:09,901 What are you hearing? 256 00:14:09,925 --> 00:14:12,404 Everybody's waiting for Captain's smoke signals. 257 00:14:12,428 --> 00:14:16,724 If I could just chase Captain down, I could get our lines spec'd early. 258 00:14:17,391 --> 00:14:18,618 Good luck! 259 00:14:18,642 --> 00:14:22,813 Every plumber and wholesaler in SoCal is gonna be chasing this project. 260 00:14:23,355 --> 00:14:24,482 It's the Holy Grail. 261 00:14:27,401 --> 00:14:29,820 Got this in '81 at the Cuckoo's Nest. 262 00:14:30,279 --> 00:14:31,631 I was 13. 263 00:14:31,655 --> 00:14:34,941 My older brother snuck me in. We went mad dog in the pit. 264 00:14:35,284 --> 00:14:38,037 Then, after the show, a couple of skinheads jumped us. 265 00:14:38,329 --> 00:14:39,580 One of them had a knife. 266 00:14:40,456 --> 00:14:41,457 He got me. 267 00:14:42,082 --> 00:14:44,877 And my brother lit his ass up with a piece of rebar. 268 00:14:46,462 --> 00:14:47,588 It all evens out. 269 00:14:48,839 --> 00:14:50,090 So that's Champ. 270 00:14:51,717 --> 00:14:54,529 And this is Gerson. He's bussing our section today. 271 00:14:54,553 --> 00:14:57,240 If he slacks, feel free to screw him on tips. 272 00:14:57,264 --> 00:14:58,492 And I don't slack... 273 00:14:58,516 --> 00:15:00,976 unless I'm high or having weird emotions. 274 00:15:01,477 --> 00:15:03,663 OK, let's go. Kill floor awaits. 275 00:15:03,687 --> 00:15:05,898 You're in great hands, Heather. Liz is the best. 276 00:15:07,024 --> 00:15:09,127 So, did you read the training manual? 277 00:15:09,151 --> 00:15:11,254 Grooming standards and all that? 278 00:15:11,278 --> 00:15:12,464 I did, yes. 279 00:15:12,488 --> 00:15:15,675 This is a place of glamor and fun. 280 00:15:15,699 --> 00:15:17,010 Never forget that. 281 00:15:17,034 --> 00:15:20,222 I don't understand the motto: "Moments of truth in service." 282 00:15:20,246 --> 00:15:23,016 Oh, I know. It's just high-level corporate poetry. 283 00:15:23,040 --> 00:15:26,394 It just means anticipating the needs of customers. 284 00:15:26,418 --> 00:15:30,440 So, in about five minutes, those guys are going to want another pitcher, 285 00:15:30,464 --> 00:15:33,592 and knowing that is my Shamroxx moment of truth. 286 00:15:34,218 --> 00:15:36,071 Someday you might have one of your own. 287 00:15:36,095 --> 00:15:37,096 Oh, yeah! 288 00:15:38,847 --> 00:15:41,409 - So, are you in school? - I am. 289 00:15:41,433 --> 00:15:44,204 I'm actually taking business classes at Golden West. 290 00:15:44,228 --> 00:15:46,730 My cousin and I are going to open a hair salon. 291 00:15:47,815 --> 00:15:48,857 Entrepreneurs. 292 00:15:49,358 --> 00:15:50,484 Oh, we're trying. 293 00:15:51,527 --> 00:15:52,528 So, what about you? 294 00:15:53,112 --> 00:15:55,322 - What are you doing? - I'm working here. 295 00:16:01,787 --> 00:16:04,516 The nurses we talked to seemed... worried. 296 00:16:04,540 --> 00:16:07,617 Larry's not responding well. He's still really out of it. 297 00:16:08,335 --> 00:16:10,272 Those doctors are useless. 298 00:16:10,296 --> 00:16:13,525 They refused to administer the supplements I provided, 299 00:16:13,549 --> 00:16:15,235 so I had to do it sub rosa. 300 00:16:15,259 --> 00:16:16,778 How is he with you, Ernie? 301 00:16:16,802 --> 00:16:17,821 Me? 302 00:16:17,845 --> 00:16:18,846 Fine. 303 00:16:19,388 --> 00:16:22,933 I mean, I haven't had a chance to go over since the surgery. 304 00:16:26,353 --> 00:16:27,512 I've been busy. 305 00:16:28,063 --> 00:16:29,958 Besides, it's just bypass surgery. 306 00:16:29,982 --> 00:16:31,793 - Quadruple bypass. - Yeah. 307 00:16:31,817 --> 00:16:33,461 They knock those out every day. 308 00:16:33,485 --> 00:16:34,987 Larry's gonna be fine. 309 00:16:38,073 --> 00:16:39,450 I'm going tomorrow afternoon. 310 00:16:39,825 --> 00:16:43,263 I'm sorry, Ernie, but I think we've got to prepare for the worst. 311 00:16:43,287 --> 00:16:47,058 Yeah, I went to Harbor Municipal. I put a deposit on a memorial bench. 312 00:16:47,082 --> 00:16:48,184 What? 313 00:16:48,208 --> 00:16:50,645 No, stop it. 314 00:16:50,669 --> 00:16:52,814 You guys are trying to bury him alive. 315 00:16:52,838 --> 00:16:54,316 You haven't seen him, Ernie. 316 00:16:54,340 --> 00:16:56,258 Then there's everything happening here. 317 00:16:56,759 --> 00:16:58,612 We've got to get in touch with London, 318 00:16:58,636 --> 00:17:00,155 let them know what's going on. 319 00:17:00,179 --> 00:17:03,408 Ernie, there are strict protocols for appointing a new SP. 320 00:17:03,432 --> 00:17:04,659 Just listen. 321 00:17:04,683 --> 00:17:07,370 I wasn't supposed to say anything, but last week 322 00:17:07,394 --> 00:17:09,396 Larry told me he's stepping down. 323 00:17:09,772 --> 00:17:12,584 He's finally making me Sovereign Protector. 324 00:17:12,608 --> 00:17:14,377 No way! 325 00:17:14,401 --> 00:17:15,670 Congratulations! 326 00:17:15,694 --> 00:17:16,945 Love you, too. 327 00:17:18,364 --> 00:17:20,342 OK, yeah. Way to go, man. 328 00:17:20,366 --> 00:17:23,511 Yeah, but, I mean, London should still be involved, right? 329 00:17:23,535 --> 00:17:25,319 I mean, they might... Hey. 330 00:17:26,121 --> 00:17:28,308 Look, there are other worthy candidates. 331 00:17:28,332 --> 00:17:31,436 I'm saying we shouldn't get too far ahead of ourselves. 332 00:17:31,460 --> 00:17:34,689 If it will make you feel better, Scott, I'll call London 333 00:17:34,713 --> 00:17:37,039 and we'll sort it all out, OK? 334 00:17:37,341 --> 00:17:38,467 Anything else? 335 00:17:40,511 --> 00:17:43,114 Sean Dudley called. Left another message. 336 00:17:43,138 --> 00:17:45,367 - Are you gonna be working with him? - I guess so. 337 00:17:45,391 --> 00:17:47,827 - We mentioned it the other night. - I'd reach out. 338 00:17:47,851 --> 00:17:49,454 He might lose interest. 339 00:17:49,478 --> 00:17:51,480 These are fish bones. Look at this. 340 00:17:55,150 --> 00:17:56,711 Oh, my gosh! 341 00:17:56,735 --> 00:17:58,529 As far down as you can see. 342 00:18:03,075 --> 00:18:04,275 Lizard. 343 00:18:05,536 --> 00:18:07,514 They gave me a restraining order. 344 00:18:07,538 --> 00:18:09,099 Jesus. For how long? 345 00:18:09,123 --> 00:18:10,239 Three years. 346 00:18:10,624 --> 00:18:13,103 The judge said their attacks on me were justified. 347 00:18:13,127 --> 00:18:14,837 I told you to let me come with you. 348 00:18:15,796 --> 00:18:17,982 Because you were a paralegal for ten minutes? 349 00:18:18,006 --> 00:18:20,568 Because I could have helped. You need help, Dud. 350 00:18:20,592 --> 00:18:21,593 Look... 351 00:18:22,678 --> 00:18:24,197 It's been a year, OK? 352 00:18:24,221 --> 00:18:25,949 - It's time... - Well, you know what? 353 00:18:25,973 --> 00:18:28,702 You can't have a funeral without a body, so shut it. 354 00:18:28,726 --> 00:18:30,370 There will never be a body, OK? 355 00:18:30,394 --> 00:18:31,937 It's not an excuse any more. 356 00:18:32,688 --> 00:18:33,814 What are you doing? 357 00:18:35,607 --> 00:18:36,557 Dud. 358 00:18:37,609 --> 00:18:39,003 Get out of my room. 359 00:18:39,027 --> 00:18:42,406 I am so tired of your depressing shit. 360 00:18:42,823 --> 00:18:45,635 - I don't need help. You need help. - I don't need help! 361 00:18:45,659 --> 00:18:48,746 I took responsibility like an adult! 362 00:18:49,288 --> 00:18:50,807 And guess what, Dud? 363 00:18:50,831 --> 00:18:53,017 It was depressing, 364 00:18:53,041 --> 00:18:55,270 but you... don't... get... 365 00:18:55,294 --> 00:18:56,295 a... 366 00:18:56,962 --> 00:18:57,963 pass! 367 00:19:28,494 --> 00:19:29,620 Lodge 1, London. 368 00:19:30,120 --> 00:19:31,055 Hi. 369 00:19:31,079 --> 00:19:34,309 I'm Ernie Fontaine, the Luminous Knight at Lodge 49 370 00:19:34,333 --> 00:19:35,727 in Long Beach, California. 371 00:19:35,751 --> 00:19:37,270 Oh... yeah. 372 00:19:37,294 --> 00:19:39,898 Lodge 49, one of our success stories. 373 00:19:39,922 --> 00:19:40,857 What? 374 00:19:40,881 --> 00:19:43,675 You have one of the most robust memberships in North America. 375 00:19:46,553 --> 00:19:47,554 OK. 376 00:19:48,013 --> 00:19:50,992 I'm calling because we're about to go through a succession. 377 00:19:51,016 --> 00:19:54,078 I think our Sovereign Protector, Larry Loomis, has been in touch. 378 00:19:54,102 --> 00:19:56,456 He's stepping down and giving me the throne. 379 00:19:56,480 --> 00:19:57,582 I see. 380 00:19:57,606 --> 00:20:00,609 We haven't heard from Mr. Loomis, but thank you for telling us. 381 00:20:01,151 --> 00:20:02,152 Really? 382 00:20:02,736 --> 00:20:05,072 Well, what happens now? 383 00:20:05,447 --> 00:20:07,741 You guys send out an emissary, right? 384 00:20:09,034 --> 00:20:11,763 Wherever possible we like to oversee transitions. 385 00:20:11,787 --> 00:20:14,790 You can expect a visitor in the next few weeks. 386 00:20:15,290 --> 00:20:18,877 Until then, take care, Mr. Fontaine. 387 00:20:19,211 --> 00:20:20,563 And congratulations. 388 00:20:20,587 --> 00:20:21,588 Thank you. 389 00:20:55,831 --> 00:20:57,475 One, two, 390 00:20:57,499 --> 00:20:59,060 three, four, 391 00:20:59,084 --> 00:21:01,563 five, six, seven, 392 00:21:01,587 --> 00:21:03,106 eight, nine, 393 00:21:03,130 --> 00:21:05,048 40, 41, 42. 394 00:21:10,512 --> 00:21:11,513 It's open. 395 00:21:16,059 --> 00:21:19,372 I just had a call from Lodge 49 in California. 396 00:21:19,396 --> 00:21:20,647 They're doing succession. 397 00:21:22,065 --> 00:21:23,066 OK. 398 00:21:23,567 --> 00:21:25,128 I just sent Anil to Marseille, 399 00:21:25,152 --> 00:21:27,696 and Clara has her surgery, so I guess I'm sending you. 400 00:21:31,450 --> 00:21:32,451 OK. 401 00:21:32,826 --> 00:21:33,994 Is there a problem? 402 00:21:35,329 --> 00:21:36,330 No, it's... 403 00:21:37,164 --> 00:21:39,249 just a very long flight, and... 404 00:21:40,709 --> 00:21:42,419 I have tickets to the Ashes. 405 00:21:42,794 --> 00:21:45,732 Jocelyn, when we made you an emissary, it was understood... 406 00:21:45,756 --> 00:21:47,233 I know. I know. I'm sorry. 407 00:21:47,257 --> 00:21:49,760 I'll start the paperwork immediately. 408 00:21:53,931 --> 00:21:57,059 One, two, three, four, five... 409 00:21:58,226 --> 00:22:00,145 We're a manufacturer's rep. 410 00:22:00,938 --> 00:22:04,858 Basically, the middle man between the factory and the wholesaler. 411 00:22:05,442 --> 00:22:06,544 But... 412 00:22:06,568 --> 00:22:08,880 I spend a lot of time chasing down plumbers, 413 00:22:08,904 --> 00:22:11,907 trying to get them to buy our lines from the wholesaler. 414 00:22:12,699 --> 00:22:15,035 Anyway, we rep 20 lines. 415 00:22:16,453 --> 00:22:17,555 Toilets, faucets, 416 00:22:17,579 --> 00:22:19,581 brass, PVC pumps. 417 00:22:19,915 --> 00:22:20,850 Nice. 418 00:22:20,874 --> 00:22:23,919 It's not as exciting as it sounds, but it used to be. 419 00:22:24,544 --> 00:22:26,880 Before the crash, I could write business all day. 420 00:22:27,339 --> 00:22:29,758 Now everything is just a hustle. 421 00:22:30,884 --> 00:22:33,154 - What kind of pumps do you sell? - Morley. 422 00:22:33,178 --> 00:22:35,323 Morley? Yeah. It's a good line. 423 00:22:35,347 --> 00:22:36,640 It's easy to install. 424 00:22:37,891 --> 00:22:40,411 So you don't work on pools at all any more? 425 00:22:40,435 --> 00:22:41,436 No. 426 00:22:41,895 --> 00:22:43,164 No, I... 427 00:22:43,188 --> 00:22:44,648 All my gear got liquidated. 428 00:22:45,148 --> 00:22:47,693 So... And I can't do heavy maintenance with my foot. 429 00:22:48,819 --> 00:22:49,963 - Right. - Yeah. 430 00:22:49,987 --> 00:22:51,321 But it's cool, you know. 431 00:22:51,989 --> 00:22:54,157 I just need to find something to keep me busy... 432 00:22:55,742 --> 00:22:57,035 until I figure out how to... 433 00:22:57,828 --> 00:22:59,287 how to get my dad's shop back. 434 00:23:02,416 --> 00:23:03,417 So... 435 00:23:04,042 --> 00:23:05,436 your postulancy. 436 00:23:05,460 --> 00:23:07,897 Yes, my postulancy. So, what's next? 437 00:23:07,921 --> 00:23:11,234 Well, we'll keep meeting up, and you'll need to track down Blaise. 438 00:23:11,258 --> 00:23:14,654 He'll get you started on the alchemy and philosophical stuff. 439 00:23:14,678 --> 00:23:16,823 There are a few things you need to memorize. 440 00:23:16,847 --> 00:23:19,200 But, honestly, you could take it or leave it. 441 00:23:19,224 --> 00:23:20,350 Most people leave it. 442 00:23:21,018 --> 00:23:23,121 How long does it take to become a squire? 443 00:23:23,145 --> 00:23:25,999 - Like, a few months or weeks or...? - Well, it depends. 444 00:23:26,023 --> 00:23:28,751 Once we can see that you are dedicated, 445 00:23:28,775 --> 00:23:31,820 there's a whole secret ceremony. 446 00:23:32,320 --> 00:23:33,715 Cool, a secret... 447 00:23:33,739 --> 00:23:35,564 What happens at the ceremony? 448 00:23:35,782 --> 00:23:37,284 Well, I can't tell you that. 449 00:23:37,951 --> 00:23:40,370 But, basically, there's a solemn oath... 450 00:23:41,038 --> 00:23:45,268 and then we will begin to entrust you with the mysteries. 451 00:23:45,292 --> 00:23:47,335 Entrusted with the mysteries. 452 00:23:48,003 --> 00:23:49,004 That's... 453 00:23:49,337 --> 00:23:51,441 That's so cool. That's all I ever wanted. 454 00:23:51,465 --> 00:23:54,485 We usually order a pizza or something afterwards. 455 00:23:54,509 --> 00:23:55,653 Cool. 456 00:23:55,677 --> 00:23:57,294 Thank you for everything. 457 00:23:57,846 --> 00:23:59,347 - Thank you, Dud. - And... 458 00:23:59,848 --> 00:24:01,516 tell Larry hello for me. 459 00:24:03,852 --> 00:24:05,979 Actually, I've got a work emergency. 460 00:24:06,438 --> 00:24:07,856 Is there a chance... 461 00:24:08,565 --> 00:24:10,126 If you're not doing anything, 462 00:24:10,150 --> 00:24:11,943 could you go by and see Larry? 463 00:24:13,028 --> 00:24:14,422 Yeah. Yeah, of course. 464 00:24:14,446 --> 00:24:15,840 Maybe read a book to him? 465 00:24:15,864 --> 00:24:18,092 Yeah. Yeah, that would be no problem. 466 00:24:18,116 --> 00:24:20,192 If Larry hits me, I'll just hit him back. 467 00:24:23,789 --> 00:24:24,974 There you go. 468 00:24:24,998 --> 00:24:26,249 - Thank you. - Thanks. 469 00:24:28,794 --> 00:24:29,920 - Hi. - Hi. 470 00:24:32,839 --> 00:24:36,259 You are the first guy under 50 I've seen check out one of these. 471 00:24:36,927 --> 00:24:39,238 Oh, it's not for me. 472 00:24:39,262 --> 00:24:41,223 It's for a friend. He's an old Vietnam vet. 473 00:24:41,515 --> 00:24:43,993 - See? The old guys love Tom Stone. - Yeah. 474 00:24:44,017 --> 00:24:46,812 He's a boxer, an art dealer and a secret agent. 475 00:24:51,817 --> 00:24:52,818 OK. 476 00:24:53,193 --> 00:24:54,277 Enjoy. 477 00:24:54,694 --> 00:24:55,695 Yeah. 478 00:24:57,781 --> 00:24:58,782 Hi. 479 00:25:02,369 --> 00:25:04,913 "At midnight, Pavel entered the lobby. 480 00:25:05,413 --> 00:25:07,016 It was now or never. 481 00:25:07,040 --> 00:25:08,726 Stone reached into his overcoat, 482 00:25:08,750 --> 00:25:11,586 took the safety off his .228 just in case." 483 00:25:12,379 --> 00:25:15,039 The True Lodge sent you. 484 00:25:18,218 --> 00:25:19,418 Ernie did. 485 00:25:21,388 --> 00:25:23,339 I'm... I'm Sean. 486 00:25:25,058 --> 00:25:26,935 You met me at the Lodge the other night. 487 00:25:28,061 --> 00:25:29,062 Do you remember? 488 00:25:29,563 --> 00:25:32,139 Remember, you... you really... 489 00:25:33,024 --> 00:25:34,919 And I thought she was crazy. 490 00:25:34,943 --> 00:25:36,236 I didn't believe her. 491 00:25:37,154 --> 00:25:38,238 Who? 492 00:25:39,281 --> 00:25:40,490 - Hey. - Hey. 493 00:25:41,074 --> 00:25:44,387 - What are you doing here? - Oh, Ernie told me to come by, so... 494 00:25:44,411 --> 00:25:45,596 Really? 495 00:25:45,620 --> 00:25:47,914 Well, that's incredibly nice of you. 496 00:25:48,415 --> 00:25:50,083 Is... Is Ernie coming? 497 00:25:50,542 --> 00:25:53,646 - No. No, he's got a work thing. - Work. 498 00:25:53,670 --> 00:25:54,772 - Yeah. - Right. 499 00:25:54,796 --> 00:25:56,372 - Yeah. - Ernie. 500 00:25:56,840 --> 00:25:59,235 I need to talk to Ernie. 501 00:25:59,259 --> 00:26:00,501 He's not here, Lar. 502 00:26:00,886 --> 00:26:02,697 But, hey, he told us the news. 503 00:26:02,721 --> 00:26:04,824 - He did? - Oh, don't worry. No, no, no. 504 00:26:04,848 --> 00:26:07,591 He's gonna call London and take care of everything. 505 00:26:08,643 --> 00:26:10,010 You just need to rest. 506 00:26:12,689 --> 00:26:15,358 You don't need to stay. I'm just gonna sit here and work. 507 00:26:15,942 --> 00:26:17,152 I'll keep him company. 508 00:26:18,236 --> 00:26:19,446 OK, yeah. Good idea. 509 00:26:22,741 --> 00:26:25,911 Hey, does Larry have any family that ever stops by? 510 00:26:26,286 --> 00:26:28,455 No. He's an old bachelor. 511 00:26:29,247 --> 00:26:31,708 He doesn't have any family, just the Lodge. 512 00:26:34,085 --> 00:26:35,271 All right, well... 513 00:26:35,295 --> 00:26:36,370 See you, Lar. 514 00:27:53,039 --> 00:27:54,040 Hey, Liz! 515 00:27:55,250 --> 00:27:56,251 I... 516 00:27:56,793 --> 00:27:59,504 I got some toilet paper. I used the coupon you gave me. 517 00:28:02,299 --> 00:28:03,707 Hey... Hey, Liz? 518 00:28:08,138 --> 00:28:10,223 Hey, Liz, I got the toilet paper. 519 00:28:12,058 --> 00:28:13,059 Liz? 520 00:28:21,860 --> 00:28:23,403 What do you want to do for dinner? 521 00:28:34,831 --> 00:28:37,685 He's a... He's a really, really nice guy, too. 522 00:28:37,709 --> 00:28:40,730 It's funny, we both have a background in residential hydronics. 523 00:28:40,754 --> 00:28:42,672 Yes! More parasailing! 524 00:28:44,132 --> 00:28:47,594 That is the only way you can truly get to know someone. 525 00:28:48,011 --> 00:28:50,722 But it sounds like Ernie deals more with fixtures like... 526 00:28:51,556 --> 00:28:53,641 faucets, sinks, toilets, that kind of thing. 527 00:28:55,101 --> 00:28:56,495 Get ready, Caitlin, 528 00:28:56,519 --> 00:28:59,189 for the greatest adventure of your life. 529 00:29:06,696 --> 00:29:08,656 Liz, I think I've got a crush on somebody. 530 00:29:09,407 --> 00:29:11,567 You are not Caitlin's type. 531 00:29:12,952 --> 00:29:15,121 No. No, not Caitlin. It's... 532 00:29:15,747 --> 00:29:16,998 It's for real. It's... 533 00:29:17,624 --> 00:29:19,000 She works at the library. 534 00:29:21,586 --> 00:29:23,171 A librarian. 535 00:29:24,672 --> 00:29:26,091 Yeah, I know. It's awful. 536 00:29:26,549 --> 00:29:27,634 Is she mousy? 537 00:29:28,134 --> 00:29:29,260 How mousy is she? 538 00:29:30,261 --> 00:29:31,655 Is she an actual mouse? 539 00:29:31,679 --> 00:29:33,348 Yes, she's an actual mouse. 540 00:29:33,765 --> 00:29:36,077 This is progress. You're rejoining the world. 541 00:29:36,101 --> 00:29:37,134 Yeah. 542 00:29:37,435 --> 00:29:38,770 Have you talked to her yet? 543 00:29:40,855 --> 00:29:42,375 Just today. 544 00:29:42,399 --> 00:29:43,400 OK. 545 00:29:44,109 --> 00:29:45,586 I'm afraid if I keep going back, 546 00:29:45,610 --> 00:29:48,822 she's gonna think I'm some sort of creepy stalker person. 547 00:29:49,572 --> 00:29:53,469 Well, you do have a restraining order against you, so... 548 00:29:53,493 --> 00:29:56,305 It's for civil harassment, so that's different. 549 00:29:56,329 --> 00:29:57,696 The best kind. 550 00:29:59,707 --> 00:30:00,708 Yeah. 551 00:30:03,044 --> 00:30:04,546 It's just been so long. 552 00:30:05,713 --> 00:30:07,048 I guess I just stopped... 553 00:30:07,966 --> 00:30:10,051 thinking about that sort of thing this year. 554 00:30:10,760 --> 00:30:11,761 Yeah. 555 00:30:13,263 --> 00:30:14,615 I know what you mean. 556 00:30:14,639 --> 00:30:16,450 And, to be honest, 557 00:30:16,474 --> 00:30:18,383 it's been a while since I... 558 00:30:22,230 --> 00:30:23,231 You know. 559 00:30:24,941 --> 00:30:25,942 You know. 560 00:30:28,153 --> 00:30:30,520 Listen to me, you just need to get it over with. 561 00:30:30,738 --> 00:30:32,981 Go up to the desk and ask her out. 562 00:30:33,908 --> 00:30:35,285 - Be direct. - Yeah. 563 00:30:36,119 --> 00:30:37,745 OK. Yeah, direct. 564 00:30:39,747 --> 00:30:41,142 I'm telling you, 565 00:30:41,166 --> 00:30:43,668 something's going on at Orbis. 566 00:30:44,794 --> 00:30:46,296 I want to go after Captain. 567 00:30:47,046 --> 00:30:49,483 If we can get with him on this Orbis deal... 568 00:30:49,507 --> 00:30:52,903 Come on, Ernie. You're never gonna get to Captain. 569 00:30:52,927 --> 00:30:54,530 He lives in a different world. 570 00:30:54,554 --> 00:30:56,449 Developers, architects. 571 00:30:56,473 --> 00:30:58,242 With these big-money guys at the top, 572 00:30:58,266 --> 00:31:00,935 it's all shadows and secret handshakes. 573 00:31:01,436 --> 00:31:02,562 That's not us. 574 00:31:03,146 --> 00:31:04,596 We're simple men. 575 00:31:05,148 --> 00:31:07,942 We just need to keep our wholesalers happy. 576 00:31:08,902 --> 00:31:11,321 - What are you trying to prove? - Nothing. 577 00:31:12,322 --> 00:31:15,023 Is this because you got torched by Beautiful Jeff? 578 00:31:15,200 --> 00:31:16,242 I don't know. 579 00:31:19,913 --> 00:31:21,539 I just need this. 580 00:31:23,208 --> 00:31:25,001 I'm tired of the nickel and dime. 581 00:31:25,376 --> 00:31:27,744 These big projects just never pan out. 582 00:31:29,547 --> 00:31:31,508 I'm just saving you a ton of hassle. 583 00:31:32,091 --> 00:31:33,092 OK. 584 00:31:37,180 --> 00:31:38,181 Thank you. 585 00:31:40,892 --> 00:31:42,453 - Hi. - Hi. 586 00:31:42,477 --> 00:31:43,478 I'm Sean. 587 00:31:44,938 --> 00:31:46,564 I came in here yesterday. 588 00:31:48,733 --> 00:31:50,026 What can I help you with? 589 00:32:02,497 --> 00:32:03,873 - Hi. - Hi. 590 00:32:06,042 --> 00:32:07,770 Hey, did you hear? 591 00:32:07,794 --> 00:32:10,523 Somebody found a seal wandering down Willow Street. 592 00:32:10,547 --> 00:32:11,747 Really? 593 00:32:12,048 --> 00:32:14,342 I guess he got lost and swam up the channel. 594 00:32:15,218 --> 00:32:17,571 Animal Rescue said it happened a few times now. 595 00:32:17,595 --> 00:32:19,681 Something about rising water temperatures. 596 00:32:23,726 --> 00:32:24,727 I'll be right back. 597 00:32:25,520 --> 00:32:27,105 This is 900 square feet. 598 00:32:27,647 --> 00:32:29,806 - Really? - Yeah, give or take. 599 00:32:32,235 --> 00:32:33,861 Hello, gentlemen. 600 00:32:36,114 --> 00:32:37,356 Hi, Sean. 601 00:32:38,074 --> 00:32:42,054 Colby, this is Sean Dudley. His dad was the previous tenant. 602 00:32:42,078 --> 00:32:43,079 Cool. 603 00:32:43,997 --> 00:32:45,248 Yeah. So... 604 00:32:46,082 --> 00:32:47,309 what kind of... 605 00:32:47,333 --> 00:32:49,270 what kind of shop are you opening here? 606 00:32:49,294 --> 00:32:50,688 Vape lounge. 607 00:32:50,712 --> 00:32:53,298 Nice! Vape lounge. Vape city. 608 00:32:54,173 --> 00:32:55,758 Love it. 609 00:32:56,593 --> 00:32:58,237 Just what we need... 610 00:32:58,261 --> 00:32:59,679 in this town... 611 00:33:01,139 --> 00:33:04,601 is one more vape lounge. 612 00:33:08,354 --> 00:33:09,498 Hey. How's it going? 613 00:33:09,522 --> 00:33:10,624 OK, thanks. 614 00:33:10,648 --> 00:33:13,026 Heather's a natural. She doesn't need me any more. 615 00:33:15,153 --> 00:33:16,297 Oh, my God! 616 00:33:16,321 --> 00:33:19,425 Jeremy, who is this? 617 00:33:19,449 --> 00:33:20,551 This is Floyd. 618 00:33:20,575 --> 00:33:22,994 Hi! He's beautiful. Can I hold him? 619 00:33:23,411 --> 00:33:24,513 Sure. 620 00:33:24,537 --> 00:33:26,164 Get under his arms, right there. 621 00:33:28,625 --> 00:33:30,603 - Hello! - Got him? OK. 622 00:33:30,627 --> 00:33:33,588 - Heather, your order's up. - Hey, can you hold him for a sec? 623 00:33:34,005 --> 00:33:35,006 No. 624 00:33:37,508 --> 00:33:40,112 - I don't like holding babies. - Oh, come on. 625 00:33:40,136 --> 00:33:42,003 Look how cute he is! 626 00:33:44,307 --> 00:33:46,267 You know you want to hold him. 627 00:34:03,868 --> 00:34:04,869 Wonderful. 628 00:34:21,177 --> 00:34:22,377 Where's she going? 629 00:34:25,306 --> 00:34:26,766 What the hell did you say to her? 630 00:34:30,561 --> 00:34:34,249 So, this is Lodge 1 in London, where Harwood Fritz Merrill's buried? 631 00:34:34,273 --> 00:34:37,068 That's the allegorical picture. 632 00:34:37,735 --> 00:34:40,089 - Merrill actually painted that one. - Right. 633 00:34:40,113 --> 00:34:41,882 And he's buried with the Golden Book. 634 00:34:41,906 --> 00:34:44,858 The allegorical Golden Book. 635 00:34:45,618 --> 00:34:48,514 Yeah, the one he found in the desert 636 00:34:48,538 --> 00:34:50,933 with all the secret formulas for alchemy 637 00:34:50,957 --> 00:34:53,450 and the universal elixir that can turn... 638 00:34:54,335 --> 00:34:56,244 that can turn lead into gold. 639 00:34:57,213 --> 00:34:59,924 That's the allegorical history. 640 00:35:00,925 --> 00:35:03,010 There's a lot of legend surrounding Merrill. 641 00:35:03,928 --> 00:35:05,030 They're fun, 642 00:35:05,054 --> 00:35:07,950 but we actually know a lot about the actual man. 643 00:35:07,974 --> 00:35:10,619 He was badly wounded in the Crimean War, 644 00:35:10,643 --> 00:35:12,996 spent the next ten years wandering around Europe 645 00:35:13,020 --> 00:35:14,915 and the Mediterranean, 646 00:35:14,939 --> 00:35:17,724 until he went to London and founded the Order. 647 00:35:18,317 --> 00:35:19,420 For him, 648 00:35:19,444 --> 00:35:21,130 alchemy was a metaphor 649 00:35:21,154 --> 00:35:24,407 for the transformation of the soul. 650 00:35:25,700 --> 00:35:27,928 In alchemy, we ask the question, 651 00:35:27,952 --> 00:35:30,737 how can you get something from nothing? 652 00:35:31,706 --> 00:35:34,157 So he didn't turn lead into gold? 653 00:35:38,713 --> 00:35:39,922 That's a metaphor. 654 00:35:43,885 --> 00:35:45,070 Listen, 655 00:35:45,094 --> 00:35:48,407 Merrill believed there were two kinds of alchemists. 656 00:35:48,431 --> 00:35:50,674 First is the charlatan, 657 00:35:50,933 --> 00:35:54,913 who was just looking for a shortcut to fortune, 658 00:35:54,937 --> 00:35:59,182 and the next was the true philoso... 659 00:36:03,488 --> 00:36:05,448 Are you... Are you OK? That's... 660 00:36:08,242 --> 00:36:11,555 The true philosopher, 661 00:36:11,579 --> 00:36:13,766 who used that world out there 662 00:36:13,790 --> 00:36:16,894 as a beautiful text 663 00:36:16,918 --> 00:36:19,504 just waiting to be deciphered. 664 00:36:19,962 --> 00:36:23,508 We just need to learn how to look at it... 665 00:36:24,258 --> 00:36:25,802 with the right eyes. 666 00:36:27,053 --> 00:36:28,169 OK? 667 00:36:28,888 --> 00:36:32,951 It's bingo night. I have to set up the Throne Room for the blue-hairs. 668 00:36:32,975 --> 00:36:34,217 Well, I can help. 669 00:36:34,602 --> 00:36:35,603 OK. 670 00:36:40,107 --> 00:36:42,836 - In here. - You... need some more...? 671 00:36:42,860 --> 00:36:44,797 No, I'm good, thanks. 672 00:36:44,821 --> 00:36:46,113 Let's see here. 673 00:36:59,544 --> 00:37:00,687 So... 674 00:37:00,711 --> 00:37:03,482 - So this is the Throne Room? - No, this is the Throne Room. 675 00:37:03,506 --> 00:37:04,590 Oh, yeah. 676 00:37:06,384 --> 00:37:09,095 We'll start with chairs and then we'll go get the tables. 677 00:37:13,432 --> 00:37:14,433 OK. 678 00:37:15,434 --> 00:37:16,811 I'm glad you're here. 679 00:37:17,311 --> 00:37:21,264 You know, people have a hard time committing to joining. 680 00:37:21,858 --> 00:37:23,252 Yeah, well, I hate to say it, 681 00:37:23,276 --> 00:37:25,671 but it might help if you lower your membership fee. 682 00:37:25,695 --> 00:37:26,797 I know. 683 00:37:26,821 --> 00:37:28,489 Two hundred bucks is a little steep. 684 00:37:29,907 --> 00:37:31,158 You mean $2,000. 685 00:37:32,326 --> 00:37:34,221 If it was $2,000, 686 00:37:34,245 --> 00:37:35,496 no one would be here. 687 00:38:08,654 --> 00:38:09,655 What? 688 00:38:10,364 --> 00:38:11,949 There's no place for us to go. 689 00:38:18,289 --> 00:38:22,126 Are you blind? There's no place for any of us to go! 690 00:38:22,793 --> 00:38:24,337 Honk your little horn again! 691 00:38:25,004 --> 00:38:27,131 There's no place to go! 692 00:39:06,504 --> 00:39:07,505 OK. 693 00:40:48,272 --> 00:40:50,775 Right back the way you came, darling. Can't miss it. 694 00:40:55,529 --> 00:40:57,031 Hey, there you are. 695 00:40:57,448 --> 00:41:00,650 Bingo night, still a source of revenue, if you can believe it. 696 00:41:01,535 --> 00:41:04,279 Blaise told me you took off earlier. Is everything OK? 697 00:41:05,081 --> 00:41:06,749 You owe me two grand. 698 00:41:13,714 --> 00:41:15,901 I never thought you'd show up with that money. 699 00:41:15,925 --> 00:41:17,009 But you took it. 700 00:41:18,677 --> 00:41:20,596 I've got a commission check coming. 701 00:41:21,388 --> 00:41:22,765 I'm going to pay you back. 702 00:41:23,516 --> 00:41:25,410 I was always going to pay you back. 703 00:41:25,434 --> 00:41:27,037 I don't want your money, Ernie. 704 00:41:27,061 --> 00:41:28,205 Yes, you do. 705 00:41:28,229 --> 00:41:29,230 No. 706 00:41:30,314 --> 00:41:33,150 Put the money in the Lodge to my dues for the next ten years. 707 00:41:33,484 --> 00:41:34,485 Are you serious? 708 00:41:34,902 --> 00:41:36,838 I want to take the squire oath now. 709 00:41:36,862 --> 00:41:39,355 Absolutely, yeah. Why not? We can do that next week. 710 00:41:39,573 --> 00:41:42,594 And I want a key so I can come inside whenever I need to. 711 00:41:42,618 --> 00:41:45,121 - I can't give you a key. - I want a key, Ernie. 712 00:42:06,642 --> 00:42:08,144 You know, when I'm out there... 713 00:42:10,855 --> 00:42:12,472 I feel like I'm all alone. 714 00:42:16,402 --> 00:42:18,362 And all these things chasing me, it's... 715 00:42:19,697 --> 00:42:21,615 It's dragons and dickheads. 716 00:42:24,702 --> 00:42:26,078 But it's different in here. 717 00:42:31,458 --> 00:42:33,335 I can see what this place is. 718 00:42:35,129 --> 00:42:36,213 I can feel it. 719 00:42:39,717 --> 00:42:40,718 Can't you? 720 00:42:58,944 --> 00:43:01,256 ...please call extension 2-2-1-9. 721 00:43:01,280 --> 00:43:03,991 Dr. Tolliver, extension 2-2-1-9. 722 00:43:13,209 --> 00:43:14,659 They must have moved him. 723 00:43:19,548 --> 00:43:22,625 Excuse me. Can you tell me where you guys moved Larry Loomis? 724 00:43:22,760 --> 00:43:25,638 He checked himself out an hour ago. Said he was going to Egypt. 725 00:43:25,971 --> 00:43:28,464 You let him walk out of here in that condition? 726 00:43:28,724 --> 00:43:30,809 - Patient's rights. - Told you. 727 00:43:31,310 --> 00:43:33,344 The dude's immortal. 728 00:43:36,649 --> 00:43:37,751 Hey, it's Dad. 729 00:43:37,775 --> 00:43:40,003 Just calling to say hi, you know. 730 00:43:40,027 --> 00:43:41,612 No biggie. Call me back. 731 00:43:43,030 --> 00:43:44,365 Lizard, hey! 732 00:43:44,865 --> 00:43:46,509 Dud leaves for his trip tomorrow. 733 00:43:46,533 --> 00:43:49,095 Thought we'd start up the grill, do a little send-off. 734 00:43:49,119 --> 00:43:51,904 I know it's a hassle driving up here, but I would love... 735 00:43:53,540 --> 00:43:54,541 Hey. 736 00:43:55,376 --> 00:43:56,377 Hey.